#but it's been neigh on three years of me and my internet friend being this other friend's primary line of support
saviourkingslut · 2 years
something very rotten abt how a friend can become a chore and an obligation who you extend care for and go through the motions of friendship for bc of what they used to mean to you through no fault of their own. and they still feel very warmly for you but unbeknownst to them you can't return the feeling anymore. truly one of the worst things in life
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stellahaze135 · 8 months
i’m sure the grown ass adults that have been groomed as adults by people who were, say, their bosses, older family members, or older partners feel SO overjoyed at you making a post telling them that they’re using the wrong word for their trauma. you care SO much about real life victims that’s why your post was raising awareness about real life grooming and not about a more than decade old video game
1.) Again, that’s not grooming, that’s manipulation. There’s a difference. Grooming happens when a power dynamic between an adult and a MINOR is clearly inappropriate. It doesn’t even have to be sexual in nature however and unfortunately most of the time it is. When an ADULT coerces another ADULT it’s just that. Coercion and manipulation. Because an adult has, generally, a grip on what is morally and socially right and wrong they can’t be ‘groomed’ or as the old awful saying goes ‘teach em while their young.’ Grooming is shaping a CHILD to the gratification of whatever adult is preying on them. Manipulation and Grooming are two different things.
2.) Ya know how I know? I was groomed at the age 5 by my uncle, who no one in the family but my mom believed could do such a thing, but then went on to do the literal same thing to his own minor daughters years later. And because of that and coming to terms what was done to me I was able to get out of a relationship with a partner that was just as manipulative. See how I said manipulated because as an adult (neurodivergent and mentally ill as well) was still able to be aware of the clear power imbalance between the two of us (me being neurodivergent and sexually inexperienced at 24 and him being a self admitted ‘troll’ with much more sexual experience than I a virgin, spoiler alert real life trolls are just as awful irl as they are on the internet in my experience.) and before it got to bad I was able to get the fuck out. Only took him back once for like a month and then it was splitsville for real.
I understand my situation to some people could be relatively tame. But trauma is trauma baby, and that shit leaves deep deep scars that even today in my 32 years of existence still struggle DEEPLY with. A huge fuckin chunk thanks to my uncle who now rots in jail, and truly hope he dies there. The man in many ways has ruined my life as a happy healthy human who can trust and love freely, but here we are. 32 aroace who can’t form meaningful relationship (especially with irl men) because that fucker shattered my trust. (Not to mention the slew of shitty friends.)
So I’m sorry ANON, but who the hell are you to tell me what I know from first hand experience.
This is what happens when you start spouting terms that aren’t meant for the statement. It gives when people say ‘my ocd is soooo bad I’m just such a neat freak.’ But the person with ocd is like ‘excuse me what do you know?’ Even about fictional characters and video games. Because art reflects real life.
Do you REALLY think that after everything that has happened in the last three years that RE5’s plot and setting will really go over that well when it is eventually remade? Even if it’s Chris fucking Redfield, a white man shooting down a bunch blacker than black AFRICANS infected with a ‘zombie virus’ when the word zombie originated in black culture of Haiti will go down well? Like I’ve come to adore Resident Evil but there is some more problematic shit than a grown ass morally wrong woman getting manipulated and played by an equally neigh even more terribly morally defunct man.
Thank you.
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Survey #271
“some of those who work forces are the same that burn crosses.”
Do you cook on the stove at all, or just microwave? I just use the microwave. I'm scared of the stove lmao. Do you ever debate religion with your friends? Bruuuh no. I am so disinterested in debating about something that to me ultimately doesn't matter yet humanity has made so serious. Whatever happens after we die, happens, there's that. Just be a decent human being and go out knowing you did your best to make the world better than when you entered it. Do you keep your shampoo in the shower or someplace else? In the shower. Something your mother said or did that shocked you: Like... recently? Or in my entire life? I dunno about recently, but I guess the most shocking to me was when she vehemently called my sister something I won't repeat. Did your mom go to college? She was before the cancer. Ready to graduate, too, but that didn't go as planned thanks to, y'know, cancer. Which food do you think you have the most cans of in your cupboard? Good question, no clue. I don't really pay attention to the canned foods. Maybe fruits? Do you save fortunes from fortune cookies? No. Are you offended when Christmas is spelled Xmas? Nah. Where do you put your keys when you come home? In my purse. Describe your favorite mug or glass to drink from? I don't have one. That I use, anyway. Sara gave me a Markiplier quote one that's a Holy Item on my shelf and instead of holding a beverage holds All My Love. Your bad habit that you love the most: UGH I hate how much I love soda. Invent a pop tart flavor: STORY TIME!!!! As a kid, there was this contest to design a type and you won like... a fucking huge supply of the newest flavor, which was at the time that wild berry whatever thing. My sister and I made one that I think I recall being pink with heart sprinkles and strawberry flavored, and we won. Guess who fucking hates the wild berry flavor now lmao. Okay but anyway if I was to invent one now... is there a BLUE raspberry flavor? Cuz a bitch loves blue raspberry flavored everything. Do you name your pets after tv/movie/book characters: Sometimes. I don't currently have a pet that is, though. Are you proud of yourself for what you've accomplished? The few things I actually have, sure? I'm more ashamed of what I haven't. Do you own any sexy lingerie? Nooooo no one would want to see me in that, least of all myself lmao. Have you ever caught a bouquet of flowers at a wedding before? No. Has a horse ever neighed at you before? Uhhh I don't think so? Do you prefer ice cream or sorbet? Ice cream. Have you gotten your pets spayed? My cat is. That's like... the only pet we ever have fixed, sadly. My parents/Mom (depending on time period) could just never afford it. The only real reason we managed to get Roman neutered was because our sister directed us to a cheap on-the-go business where it was like... only $45, and Roman was marking the house badly so it was pretty urgent. Would you ever take in a stray animal? HA, that is the STORY of my family with cats. At this current time, most likely not. We don't need another pet right now, nevermind one of a mysterious background with my mom being sick. When is payday? N/A Have you ever walked on a runway before? No. How long is your workday? N/A Is there a walkway or a pathway to your front door? No. What is your favorite color? What is your least favorite color? Pink is superior to all colors. I'm really not a puke-green fan, but I mean... is anyone? What color dominates your wardrobe? Everything is B L A C K. What color are your eyes? Grayish blue. Are you colorblind, or do you know anyone who is? I'm not, but Jason's brother is colorblind to I think red and blue? Do you prefer color photos or black-and white? It greatly depends on the composition and subject matter of the photograph. I find great beauty in both. If I had to pick though, color usually appeals to me more. Are you one of those people who can taste, feel, or smell colors? No. Have you ever seen a double rainbow before? Yes. Do you enjoy coloring? It tends to be my least-favorite part of the art process because that's where I always fuck shit up. Do you know anyone who is racist? Oh my, PLENTY. Welcome to the South. Are your nails painted any color(s) right now? They never are. Can you lift more than 100lbs? I probably CAN, but it would be very hard. What's your opinion on incest? It's fucking repulsive. Morally and negative from a scientific standpoint, anyway. Do you have a favorite color for cats? Orange. What video games did you play when you were younger? I was a massive gamer as a kid, teenager too, so I could put a hell of a lot here. But, I'll just imagine you're referring to when I was quite young. The Spyro games (save for Skylanders) were my LIFE, I loved Nintendogs, the Crash Bandicoot trilogy, lots of games that were based on movies (like Madagascar and Finding Nemo are two I really enjoyed), uhhh... OH! And absolutely weird, but I loved hunting games. Like, I had a whooole lot, despite hating real life hunting even as a child. I think it was because I got to see wild animals, plus it could be calming to wander and scary, too, when things like wolves found you. Oh, and then there were fishing games, too. LOOK I just love(d) games. Would you ever get a tramp stamp? I hate that nickname. Having a tattoo literally anywhere does not equate you to a stereotype. Yes, because I want to be heavily tattooed anyway. Did you cry when Michael Jackson died? No. Not that I didn't care at all, I just wasn't a giant fan. What's the ugliest species of animal? Lmao how mean. The blobfish immediately comes to mind, though. Looks like a ball of mucus shaped into an old man's face. Are you embarrassed about any songs on your iPod? I used to be, now it's just like whatever. I like what I like. What do you use to listen to music on the computer? YouTube. Do people know a lot about you? Places on the Internet sure do lmao. I try to be much more private now online to a degree, depending on where. Irl, no. I'm too easily embarrassed/afraid of being judged for what makes me, me. Who was the last person you slept beside? Sara. Do you like Metallica? They're one of my all-time favorites and I trust NOBODY who claims to hate them. What's your favorite kind of soup? I'm not a fan of soup. What’s your best friend's favorite band? Her all-time favorite is Pink Floyd. Who was the last person you took a picture with? Ummm idr. Do you play Guitar Hero? Not really anymore, but I fuckin slayed that shit back in the day. Whose house did you last visit? My older sister's. Who was the last person to come to your house? My younger sister. What time do you usually eat dinner? Anywhere between 5:30 to like... 7:00 or so. Have you ever searched your own house on Google Earth? Not this current one, no. Does it bother you when people have a loose grip on hugs? No? Some people don't like hugs. Are you looking forward to next year? I don't know. Is covid gonna be history by then? It depends on a lot of things. What have you done so far this summer? *blink blink blink* What's your favorite punk band? Honestly, I don't even really separate bands by genres now because I don't know. There's so so many, plenty overlap, etc. etc, and people - especially those who enjoy rock/metal stuff, I've found - get all snobbish and "WELL ACTUALLY" when you "misgenre" or whatever. Which is better: cold or hot weather? COLD. FUCK hot weather. Anything above ~75*F is disgusting. Is photography something you enjoy? I'm an aspiring photographer so like- What’s the best flavor snow cone? I haven't had a legit snow cone in years... but we have a place called Pelican's Snowballs, which is really just like... snow cones in a cup? They are A M A Z I N G and strawberry is to die for. When driving, are you a speed demon or do you drive like your grandmother? I don't drive because I'm terrified to. Have you ever met someone who just had you at hello? No. Bet you were expecting "Jason," but no, I was weirded out that a stranger just comes up to me in the hall on the way to class and starts talking to me. Have you ever written poetry? Yeah. Do you have any addictions? Technology, ugh. And soda, rip. When was the last time you just laid and looked at the stars? Laid, many years ago one summer when Jason and I were just lying on the trampoline while my dad was grilling. What song reminds you of an ex? A lot. What color eyeliner do you prefer? Black. What was the last thing that you made with your own two hands? Like, made from scratch? Hell if I know. What’s the deepest water you will wade into? Like, shoulder-deep in the ocean. How many blades does your razor have? Three, I think? Highest grade of education you’ve completed? Just one semester of college. Lowest grade you’ve received on a test? Yikes, Fs in college math. He taught in such an abstract way that I failed like... every test, or nearly did. I was too afraid to ask questions continuously. Do you enjoy sitting in the sun or the shade more? There is NO situation where I would rather be in the sun. Do you enjoy going to arcades? Hell yeah. What parades do you like to go to? None. When’s the last time you went on a tirade? I ranted to Mom about the fucking ridiculous anti-maskers that are a big reason this motherfucking pandemic is worsening in America. With my mom being immunocompromised, it is something I take VERY goddamn seriously. It's not a difference in opinion - it's a difference in morality. Do you like to play charades? I loved to as a kid. Now it'd feel weird. Would you ever lead a crusade? I wouldn't want to lead anything. Have your parents ever forbade you from doing something? Aha, so as a kid, I had a game demo disc that showed the preview to Parasite Eve, and my sisters and I would secretly watch it despite it scaring us to where Mom did forbid us to click on it. And all these years later, I've played it and love it... ha ha. Otherwise, my parents have always been pretty open to letting us do stuff, save for things the usual parent doesn't like, like swearing. When’s the last time someone said something degrading to you? A few days back when I got into an argument on Facebook about some asshole teasing their newly-hatched cobra to where it kept striking at the tongs, hood flared and all. Apparently I had no idea what I was talking about, pointing out the snake was clearly stressed out. What’s the last homemade dish you’ve made? I legit haven't cooked a thing since Sara was here and I made her eggs for breakfast. Which was like, a year ago. Do you like lemonade? What flavor(s)? Broooo YES. Pink lemonade is better, but I enjoy just the classic kind, too. Has anyone ever serenaded you before? Fuck this question. Would you like to visit the Everglades? Lemme see them motherfuckin GATORS. Have you ever attended a masquerade ball before? No. Would be dope, though. Have you lost anyone to AIDS? No, thank god. Have you ever been paid for sex? Hell no. Have you ever had a maid in your home before? HUNNY we are too poor for that shit. Do you know how to do different types of braids in hair? No. When’s the last time you wore a Band-aid? Where and why? I have no clue. When was the last time you were afraid? Of what? A family friend was over here a couple days ago and she had this weirdest muscle cramp in her leg that brought her to the floor gasping for like over a minute. I was super scared, and Mom was too, as we had no idea what to do. I almost had to call 911. Crazy woman hasn't gone to the doctor about it, to my knowledge. Would you ever consider growing your hair out to your waist, or longer? NOOOO NO NO. I am probably having short hair for the rest of my life. Is there anywhere in your house that you're scared to be alone in? No. What is your favorite shoe brand? I don't have one. What weird things did you do as a small child? I was just a weird kid in general. I did a lotta stuff that would make people raise a brow. Who puts the most pressure on you in your life? My goddamn self. Do you laugh off embarrassing moments? Hell no, I turn red as a cherry and probably cry once I'm in private. Do you have a favourite actor/actress? If so, who? No. Do you like little kids, or do they annoy you? I feel uncomfortable around them. They're too brutally honest, I feel like every move I make is wrong, and I just generally feel incapable of handling them properly. Do you want a small or a large family when you get older? Well, I don't want any kids, so... Are you a good dancer? If not, do you enjoy dancing anyways? No and no. I'd be embarrassed. Have you ever lied to avoid getting into trouble? Yeah. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital for a long period of time? I'd say two weeks is pretty long, and I was supposed to stay an entire month. I only got out of that by going to court. Do you take a lot of pictures of yourself, or are you camera shy? I HATE being in front of the camera. What are your choice of toppings on a hamburger? And do you prefer gas or charcoal grilling? I just like ketchup, mustard, and pickles, really. A bit of diced onion is fine, too. I prefer gas; I hate the charcoal-y taste. You are chosen to have lunch with the president. the condition is you only get to ask one question. What do you ask? Fuck that, I'd decline going to begin with. What is your concession stand must-have at the movies? Popcorn, of course. Which do you dislike most: pop-up ads or spam email? Pop-up ads. How long was it from ‘the first date’ until the proposal of marriage? How long until the wedding? N/A What topic can put you to sleep quicker than any other? Probably like, wrestling. Golf. Sports in general. How many times did it take you to pass your drivers test? I haven't tried it yet. If you had to have the same topping on your vanilla ice cream for the rest of your life, what topping would you choose? I always just use chocolate syrup. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator, or stuck in traffic? CHRIST, TRAFFIC. Elevators kinda scare me and I'm very scared of being stuck in one. What are you sitting on right now? My bed. Are you listening to anything? Halocene's cover of "Killing In The Name." Have you parents ever hated one of your boyfriends/girlfriends? No. Who was the last person to give you money? I have no idea. Have you ever dreamed of someone you barely know? Actually yeah. Weird as hell. When was the most recent time, if ever, that you felt “impostor syndrome,” or that you felt unqualified to be somewhere? Hm. I suppose when I went to the doctor by myself for my foot. I'd never done an appointment without Mom at all, and I was veeery clueless to a lot of steps, questions, etc. What are some ways that pop culture has helped you learn historic or scientific facts? Some TV shows, I guess. Or games, even. Have you ever had a job in which you felt that you had nothing to do? What was the protocol in that situation (e.g., surfing the web, taking on the job of co-workers, or pretending to work)? If you have not, do you think it would be lucky or unlucky to have such a job? No. I was expected to always be doing something. I'd consider that to be pretty unlucky, as it sounds boring and pointless. Have you ever intimidated or made another person feel legitimately threatened? If not, do you think that you could ever be seen as scary? I don't know. Mom has admitted me yelling has scared her before, though. I can yell pretty fucking loudly. But she herself never felt threatened. And do I think I could be seen as scary? Yes. Especially given my chronic fucking nightmares that almost always involve confrontation. In what ways do you or would you need to be validated by a partner? (For example, liking your posts/talking about you on social media, or perhaps by doting on you with gifts.) I am VERY much a "words of affirmation" person. I NEED reassurance that I'm adequate and sincerely loved. When you are having a hard time emotionally, what are some of the telltale ways that you act out or that your personality reflects your struggles? I become very snappy and more reclusive than usual. I cry really easily. Do you tend to succeed by weaning yourself off of something or by quitting cold turkey? It depends on what it is, but I've generally needed to wean myself off of things when necessary. Is there a specific type of pet breed/size/etc. that you don’t want? Why not? I am very turned off by animal breeds/types that are subject to serious health issues, such as pugs, dachsunds, Persians, spider ball pythons... Just don't fucking breed them. Ironically, some of these are the cutest, but I care far more about the health of the animal. Have you ever lived in a notoriously dangerous area? If not, would it bother you to do so? Yes and yes. Has a friend’s significant other ever interfered with or damaged your friendship? What about a significant other of yours damaging a friendship? I don't believe so, no. What, if anything, is something that you put pressure on yourself about? What do you imagine would happen if you did not live up to this expectation? Getting a job, for Heaven's sake, and actually managing to keep it. I've proven inept in this area so far, so, I've already failed that. :^) If you have been in a serious relationship, have you and your partner ever discussed lifetime plans that clashed? Did you reconcile them or did you break up? If you have not been in a relationship, what are some issues that would be deal-breakers? Jason and I kinda casually talked about kids early in our relationship, at which time I didn't see myself wanting them at all and he did at some point. It didn't really bother either of us, though; it was something we'd figure out if we actually got anywhere. Then he became the only person I could ever imagine myself having kids with. Life's funny.
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demonphannie · 7 years
dan and phil - march 2017
first week (1-7): phil tweets a cool sketch (and also a vague hat fic ref..) and it turns out they went to a really cool restaurant (expensive dates anyone?). new gaming video: FIFTY SHADES OF NEIGH - Dan and Phil play: My Horse Prince #2. phil liveshow! (highlights: oscars party, dan and phil are having a creepshot war, forgetful little guy forgot to tweet, for pancake day they got pancakes delivered, giving away a lot of clothes to charity, extraterrestrial dan makes an appearance, wholesome howell, he almost bought a goldfish). phil tweets about the nintendo switch cartridges.. an apocalypse on the horizon tbh. a calm before the storm.. what in slow motion :( dan tosses a hat on phil’s head. new gaming video: LICKING NINTENDO SWITCH GAME CARTRIDGES. (reaction: many very upset!) dan laughs in the face of tomska. dan’s mii likes winking. new gaming video: 1-2-Switch - DAN vs. PHIL! (so much better than the last). the dan and phil residence has a lovely banana scent. dan stole a dog.. thank you god. dan liveshow! (highlights: dan is not a blanket person, so he petted his neighbors’ dog earlier for an hour and he loves it so much and 10/10 would recommend watching him ramble about the dog what the heck, nintendo rejected them, he won’t apologize for the licking cartridges video, dan would join the golf lifestyle aka he wants to be a rich white suburban mum, not straightening hair is enjoyable, they take turns cooking or just don’t cook for each other, decisions with rock paper scissors because they are adults, creepshot war, dan loves moonlight). 
second week (8-14): international women’s day tweets (dan + phil). new gaming video: HAVING A BLAST - Dan and Phil play: Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes. phil liveshow! (highlights: productive day, gifts for his friend haul, he got big hands, the blue switch controller is his because it’s his color… red and blue theory is real, he is definitely getting a dog at some point, more of a dog person, had lunch with hazel hayes then met up with dan to sign posters, he likes ducks, he’s having yogurt instead of cereal in the morning who is phil lester anymore?, he is not good at angles). dan’s grandma saw a gross comment on one of dan’s videos. phil teases a new video from him with a dove emoji and people freaked out. new gaming video (in lieu of a phil video): We hAVE to SHOUT to juMP??! - Dan vs. Phil: YASUHATI Don’t Stop Eighth Note. dan has a harrowing experience with a dead bumblebee. new amazingphil video: Why I can’t go back to the gym.. . dan let’s us know he was the first to hear this horrific story of phil’s. PHIL GETS FOUR MILLION SUBS ON YOUTUBE. dan liveshow! (wowza phil hit four million subscribers what a cultural landmark, went to a sushi dinner with pals earlier, he loved his zen garden dessert, dan was so ANGERY about phil’s gym incident, his rant is reminiscent of rich white suburban mum.. i’m sensing a trend, his next video was something he made for himself, kickthepj is a dick with no talent, ANNOUNCEMENT DAN AND PHIL ARE ATTENDING PLAYLIST LIVE THIS YEAR, dan believes love is real, dan loves chanel by frank ocean :), phil is a weirdo magnet, dan accidentally calls phil’s trainer by his real name, nature is cool, hydrate, meditate, contemplate, try to get a mate). 
week three (15-21): pj calls dan out for being a dick with no socks, dan and phil as one drink.. thanks phil. new gaming video: Making Eliza PREGNANT - Dan and Phil Play: Sims 4 #37 (one of the better sims imo). phil liveshow! (smells like a marshmallow, edited his last video to perfection, phil printed out a six pack instead of using the apron, he got a lot of sweat bands, tentacle friend in the sea of his imagination is a yes, he likes corgis and sausage dogs, they stayed up to watch firefly, he wiped the camera with a glasses wipe, he likes tattoos but the permanence is too much of a commitment, he likes how he looks in yellow, thinking of getting laser eye surgery and does not care about if people like him in glasses). new danisnotonfire video: Internet Support Group 9 (lots of #drama over it including dan replies on twitter and eventually stops the conversation with a sad tweet about the bee movie.. i wasn’t there for the drama so i don’t really know much about it but the was probably the best isg so i truly don’t understand the drama.. w/e). dan’s sad firefly was cancelled. dan continues to get bee movie emails now. new gaming video: CHOKE ME HORSEY - Dan and Phil play: My Horse Prince #3. phil can’t sleep because he thinks justin bieber is a lizard. phil is in love with the horse prince.. confirmed. dan replies to hank green about the restricted mode on youtube i am alive and living! dan and phil release more plushies and a nice picture of them. dan liveshow! (highlights: sad goth, he is responsible for many lesbian hookups, a scandal in five years, he’s gonna get ‘me and phil’ tattooed on his forehead, he likes get out, my horse prince will end in one long video, daniel lester good suggestion *snort*, sucking balls might not be a bad thing, he feels cool wearing black, just because you’re a fan doesn’t mean you can’t have opinions, audience does not make him cringe, dan is 7/10 weird, schools separated by gender are dumb because sexual attraction and all that shiz and toxic masculinity, you don’t have to use labels for your sexuality, he blushed hard when someone said they were dansexual). wow goth thumbnails for the liveshow. phil had a bare pear scare (which dan retweeted because support ya know). 
week four and extra days (22-31): phil watched a weird video but then made a salty remark about the restricted mode on youtube i am alive and living! dan got a fake burrito salad. new gaming video: DUMB WAYS TO DIE - Dan vs. Phil! (interlude: cornelia and martyn pose for great shirt promo pics). little red riding phil (also a deer and a banana). someone nice lookin met phil at the train station. phil was a bit shocked by the british summer time. dan confirms he walks around in his underwear when it is warm enough that is so good to know thank you for this information. new gaming video: 14 YEAR OLD PHIL’S GAME - Dan and Phil Play: The Mark Of Oxin! dan wishes to give all the awards to 14 year old phil’s rpg. dan is also shocked by british summer time. happy mothers day from phil (i love you cath). new gaming video: THE BEST GAME EVER MADE - Dan and Phil Play: The Mark of Oxin #2 (END) (wow i wonder who came up with the title.. but honestly these are some of the best gaming videos ever.. 80 minutes well spent). two pretty people meet dan and phil (one, two, three). dan and phil ask for 7 second challenges and post one of dan exercising. phil sort of complains about the doggo that lives under them but also wants more doggos.. dogbaiting is real. new amazingphil video: My DNA Test Results. joint liveshow! (highlights: dan lives in space but jumpscared phil, both got haircuts from fabrice and there are rules that phil gets to do his first because he wants the small talk and they have the same lives so their small talk is the same, dan thinks gifs are ugly in tweets, curling phil’s hair for #content, dan is forced to clean us, they have been busy, phil ordered flowers for his mum but put his address instead so they now have flowers, dan is pollinating all over the shop, wholesome lester, dan looks like a meatball, they played club penguin, dan would be sad if phil died.. duh, they got these little books and dan got one about a shibe and phil got one about his cactus, they are either not wearing proper bottom attire or they don’t want to show their butts because when either of them gets up they have to turn the camera away.. it seemed like phil was wearing jeans and dan was covered in a blanket whom really knows, phil says blue exorcist 2 three times because dan was being loud and it’s the best moment in the world it’s at 42:15 if ya wanna give it a watch, they are gonna be busy doing stuff the next few weeks). cute thumbnail tweeted by dan. so dan and phil visited the youtube illuminati and there were just so many pictures heck! (one two three four five six seven eight nine ten)
march was nice👌🏼💯why⁉️do💩dan and phil👬😈do so much🔥😩
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