#but it's still fun to do these for chars besides my faves :3
bronanlynch · 9 months
this week's media roundup has even more incoherent rambling about gundam than last week. that's where my brain's at I guess
listening (podcast): once again still listening to the Wing episodes of Great Gundam Project but I listened to their ep on the finale today so I just need to listen to their Endless Waltz ep and then I will be finished with that and move on to uhhh probably their 0079 episodes sorry I am So gundampilled right now. anyway. this makes me feel so much better for being confused & frustrated by the politics at the end of Wing but also kind of excited to rewatch it with my roommate (who's never seen it) at some point in our Gundam marathon because I really do think that watching 0079 first at least helps you understand what they're calling back to. like the answer to 'why is Zechs like that' is 'because he's based on Char' and I, watching Wing for the first time before any other Gundam, did not know who Char was yet
listening (music): I am perpetually just a little bit late to listen to new music but at least I did listen to new music this week. my fave thing about Mitski's I'm Your Man is how jarringly nice & pleasant the guitar accompaniment is for the first half, contrasted with the kinda eerie echo-y quality of the vocals and also like, what the lyrics are saying
reading: same things still. Rule of Wolves remains kind of mid and does not do anything particularly anything with any of the ideas it raises. Water Outlaws continues to be extremely cool and Imo does an extremely good job of expressing what would be very cool action sequences in a wuxia drama in a different medium. but also sometimes I wish I could see the cool fights because I like good fight choreography
watching: my parents visited this past weekend and one of the things we watch together is Ted Lasso, so I've seen a few more episodes of season 3 and honestly I'm kind of underwhelmed I guess? I have extremely mixed feelings about the handling of both of the queer plotlines (Keely getting a girlfriend & Colin's whole arc) that I'm not sure I care enough to type out. I like that Trent is around more though, I do like to see him
we've been watching the current season of Bakeoff (me & my roommate, not me & my parents), but it's not far enough for me to have strong favorites so I don't have much to say here other than that I do like the new host, she's fun
and now the most important part of this post, we've been watching Zeta Gundam. man. we're 17 episodes in and I'm having so much fun. I love Kamille, I love it when the main characters are doing armed resistance against the military hegemony even though I wish I had a better understanding of the scale of any of these factions, I love Quattro's stupid obnoxiously shiny gold mobile suit, I love the concept of Cyber Newtypes because it emphasizes the stuff about exploitation and dehumanization that I wanted more of in the discussion of Newtypes. I have many complex thoughts about gender (wish it wasn't always the women who are the most outspoken about peace and/or want to settle down to raise their children, or that women got a few more options besides that and dying in battle immediately after kissing the nearest man, but also I think there's something interesting in how many of the Cyber Newtypes and honestly also Newtypes are women like so far it's mostly women and protagonists and also Char). I miss Sayla. I hate that 26 year old Mirai dresses & styles her hair like a generic 45 year old housewife, please let her keep her style & personality even though she's a mother now I am begging you. I love Quattro's extremely 80s outfit. my head is very full of thoughts about how the child soldiers from 0079 are now a little older but still stuck in the same patterns because they're stuck as the people they were forced to become during the war and now they're perpetuating that on the next generation of kids forced into the conflict. thinking about Quattro trying to mentor Kamille and turning him into a soldier, and how Char & Amuro are both so shaped by the violence they've done that neither of them can conceive of themselves as anything else, with Amuro resenting/fearing his role as a soldier but not seeing any options for what he can be instead and Char leaning into it, again because he doesn't think he has any other options. tasty narrative foil situation. they should kiss about it. also I'm obsessed with how much the Beltorchika-Amuro-Char situation feels like a love triangle. Tomino didn't have to make Amuro's love interest a blonde in a pink normal suit with a comet-related callsign but as someone who is constantly thinking about Eve Kosofsky Sedgewick's writings on triangulated desire I'm very glad he did. this section is a mess, I'm so sorry, shout out to Zeta Gundam, I love watching teenagers bully Char and I hope Kamille gets to punch more cops
playing: still working on Ace Attorney 5, still on 5-4. just met Aura Blackquill and I love her already <3 unethical science lesbian <3
making: continuing the autumn theme that I've had pretty much every week, we made an apple pie, except we ran out of flour while making it so we couldn't sprinkle the crust with enough flour to make the filling thicken so it had the soggiest bottom imaginable. still tasted good though
more importantly, we are in our gunpla era and made the Michaelis from Witch from Mercury, a suit that everyone else on the internet seems to hate but I adore. I like it when robots are purple and look like they're wearing high heels, and also Shaddiq was one of my favorite GWitch characters which I realize is also a uhhhhh fairly unpopular opinion but anyway here it is
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also because I think it's funny, here's what it currently looks like on display, leaning against the wall because it doesn't stand super well on its own but we don't have a base for it yet, and it looks So short next to the Pharact & Darilbalde
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drinking: Thirsty Robot Brewing's key lime cheesecake sour, a beer that tasted so good I had to restrain myself from saying "wow this fucks" in front of my parents. it had lactose in it so it was a really nice amount of smooth & creamy, and the key lime flavor was really strong
also had a cocktail that had the most tailored to me list of ingredients imaginable: lemon vodka, creme de violette, elderflower liqueur, butterfly pea flower simple syrup, lemon juice, & lavender bitters. it truly is a shame that I cannot be bothered to acquire most of those ingredients on my own because wow that was tasty. I love it when drinks are citrus-y & floral, is the thing
writing: once again thwarted by not being able to write while watching Gundam (not a complaint). I swear I'm going to finish a fic again at some point
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tomiyeee · 5 years
I'm honestly curious now but Nisha for the ask thing? Also possibly Angel and Gaige :>
ooh alrighty! i’ll try :3
Fav thing about them: cool design?Least fav thing about them: she’s hard and boring to play. also she makes me uncomfortable and isn’t even funny enough to make up for it :(Fav line: her “for fun~” in the last hope trailer :3brOTP: herrr aaaand….timmy?OTP: i don’t really ship her w/anyone much…maybe maya? idk maya’s got a skin where she’s wearing nisha’s clothes so it has crossed my mind but idk how they’d work outnOTP: her and jack or aurelia :( im honestly not much of a multishipper i guessRandom headcanon: she would fit very well with a houndoom in a pkmn auUnpopular opinion: she should’ve gotten a proper intro in bl2!! she and wilhelm were a big part in bltps and also two of jack’s most trusted allies and yet they got no intro and were reduced to just another enemy to kill :( i mean nish had some dialogue before, but even the random nobody bandit bosses got intro cards but nish and wil get nothing? unfair.Song I associate with them: :?Favorite picture of them: this one’s pretty good :3 it’s simple but very pretty
Fav thing about them: cool design, cool story, and i like that there were so many little hints about who she is scattered throughout the game (“phaseshift”, her holding back from swearing, etc)Least fav thing about them: she’s also really boring?? she doesn’t feel like much of a character on her own and more of a plot device than a person. not that it’s her fault of course, jack was the one who kept her locked up and had her guide the vh’s, it just means it’s harder for me to really like her.Fav line: “I’unno”brOTP: ??she calls claptrap a funny little robot?? idkOTP: her and fiona (really hope she’s an adult but i’m p sure she’s at least 20, it’s hard to tell cuz her actor looks like an adult but her model looks like a 16 yr old)nOTP: gai/ngel; i don’t like either of them and don’t really see them working. they’re both young girls, that’s about it :/Random headcanon: idk if this is really a hc, but i think it’d be a cool idea if each sirens’ tattoos were unique to them and changed as they used their powers. like using them more would make them darken over time and become more prominent, but not using them would make them fade a little and blend into the skin. also stronger sirens would have more complicated tattoos and the tattoo pattern would be determined by what their powers are. so like angels would be a bit more robotic looking since her powers seem to relate to technology. or!! if siren’s powers could be artificially altered so that angel had just environmental manipulation but jack somehow altered or enhanced her powers through technology and her tattoos which were more natural shaped, like the others, started to change and become a mix between natural and robotic.Unpopular opinion: her story, aesthetic, and design is great for cool art, but it also makes a lot of the art of her seem the same since they all follow the same general theme. there’s just not much to her character to build off of :/Song I associate with them: i’unnoFavorite picture of them: that one cosplay of her and jack with the big wings…idk where it is
Fav thing about them: her echoes??? they’re so sad but the voice acting is so good???? her story is so sad and unfair and i feel bad for her :(Least fav thing about them: hmm, not really my type…ability’s also not my favFav line: her entire 4th echo, specifically “aand i must have miscalibrated them” bc the voice shake is so good, and “and i’m traumatized because…[little squeaky noise]” bc omg…brOTP: her and axton? maybe her and shayne from battleborn?OTP: ??nOTP: gai/ngelRandom headcanon: uhh…?Unpopular opinion: shayne is better lolSong I associate with them: [shrug emoji]Favorite picture of them: this one is really pretty! i love the lighting and lines
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6ad6ro · 3 years
i gotta be honest, the new saints row game really doesn't look awful to me. i hadn't even heard there was gonna be one until the game awards, so i was genuinely kinda excited? esp since i thought the company was bankrupt and series was DEAD, u kno?
i had to spend time lookin up why ppl were hating on it. it really didn't look bad? it looked great imo. yeah the char design wasn't anything special, but imo it never was to begin with (i do love how 3 looked tho, besides maybe the dubstep aesthetics). and i was actually glad they toned it back from 4.
4 was... a mess. besides the fun writing, it was actually a bit terrible. def something that shoulda been dlc for 3 rather than it's own game. and they wrote themselves into a corner. heck, they put themselves into a corner with the MECHANICS too. so i'm actually totally okay with them just dropping everything and starting over. i feel like i woulda done the same. i really don't want time travelling superheros ever again.
i want "silly gta" which is exactly what this new one once again looks like. it reminds me more of like sr3 (by far my favorite of the series). i hear the devs are saying they're going for a vibe in between sr3 and 2 (2 is my second fave so that's cool).
but it seems like people are mostly complaining because they say it seems "censored"? like they all want sr2 back (idk why, the edginess was the worst part of sr2 and i'm glad they fixed it in sr3). but sr hasn't been like that in a million years. did they just forget everything after sr2 ever happened?? what's with this "they look like fortnite artschool tweens"??? like hate to break it to you, but that's how sr has looked for the past 10 years or so.
if people are complaining about cartooniness, why are they ALSO wanting the old characters back? it doesn't make a whole lotta sense! sr was more or less an adult swim cartoon by the time sr4 hit. the series was already drastically less edgy (for better or worse) than it was in 2. idk! idk.
maybe i'm missing something? but the game looks fine to me. i understand the whole "2020 era fiction is getting oversanitized by corporations pretending to be pc" complaint. i understand why people would be bothered by another game with the shitty disney pixar fortnite aesthetic. but i'm... just not sure it really applies here. this just looks like more saints row to me. and it looks closer to my fav games in the series, rather than the insanity that sr4 brought.
while i'm usually happy that fans nowadays are so critical of big companies churning out unfinished, overpriced trash? or being scammy etc? there's def a bit of a weird side effect where sometimes fans are just nerdraging for really stupid reasons. and like we saw with, say, the more recent star wars movies. even if fanhate obv stupid and sexist and based on HORRIBLE taste? can still cause a good thing to get RUINED.
yes i'm talking about how episode 8 was actually a pretty good movie and WAY better than 7, but then shit fans scared disney higherups to fuck up things SO bad that 9 was just laughably awful (tho still better than 7 bc at least i was laughing).
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peachywander · 3 years
All asks
Holy shit, this will be so much fun B-) *cracks knuckles*
A - Your current OTP
Uhhh pff,,, skeleton dance I think?? I mean sure, skelley dance is always my current OTP, ngl. They're basically made for eachother, hell, even craig himself wore tshirts and stuff with wander hugging hater ifthisisn'tcannonthenidkwhatitis
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
To be honest,, wander x beza. I used to dislike every wander x girl ship bcs I see him as gae and nothing else. But I have a friend who does lots of art with them so I think it grew on me more and more with time?? Now I think they would look cute together, even if i'm still not super big on it.
C - A pairing you have never liked and probably never will
Wnder x domi. No comment, I despise it with all my heart 😂😂 Like I said earlier, I don't like most of wander x girl ships, and domi really hates wander. Sooo this ship simply doesn't make sense to me,, lmfao.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t
I think Twi x Flash from mlp. Yeah, I thought twi was cute when crushing on him in the 1st EG movie but they don't seem to have that chemistry I was hoping for. Plus I haven't seen any recent episodes of mlp in a long time, though I heard ppl say that he was mean to her once, if I remember well? Anyways, doesn't work so much for me.
E - Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what
Besides memes/ shitposts, not really. Check @gunxball if you want to see posts of mine back when I was into gumball 2 yrs ago (golly i miss those times)
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom
Probably su (2016-2019) or kid vs kat (2011-2014)
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
Why yes, of course I do. cosmo x wanda from fop. They were so adorbs together esp in the first 2 seasons. Don't like how they got so flanderized with time, their dynamic was absolutely destroyed, and my day was ruined when I found out.
H - Do you prefer characters from real action series or anime series
I don't watch either lolol
But I think anime.
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
Dislike the fandom, not the show itself? Probably hzbin hotel. The show has a pretty neat concept and animation and it had such a big impact on my artstyle when I first watched it. But the fandom? Absolute hell. (pun intended)
From shipping wars, to pestering vivz, anything is possible. Glad I haven't actually interacted with that part of the fandom.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr
Not a show but among us. Back in september/october last year, my tl was FILLED with among us, up and down. Made me a lil tired of it but once I tried playing that game, I couldn't stop. Also the owlhouse, fell in love with the artstyle and story.
K - How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom
I don't have a current fandom. Not feeling in the mood + school + inactivity bcs of school. So I'll say abt my latest fandom, which was animaney. Well, people were really nice, and they seemed to enjoy the reboot. Nothing more to say tbh,,
L - Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for
Ummm I don't really like giving rqs to my fave artists, i don't wanna bother them haha
M - Your favorite fanart or fanartist
I don't know aaaa, prolly toonipi but she also draws ocs, not just fanart.
N - Your favorite fanfiction or fanauthor
Anything cute or sappy with skelleydance (NO nsfw)
O - Choose a song at random, which OTP does it remind you of
Lasers and feelings. Skellydance again. It matches sO well-
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
I used to have a skatepark AU ft. su chars but never put anything over here. I still have the sketches from 9th grade lmao.
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why
To be completely honest, Amydot. Up until s3 they really gave me possible ship vibes. They interacted a lot, and peri discovered her metal powers thanks to amy. But after s3 they hardly ever interacted anymore (besides that one ep from s5 with the kindergarden). I was so dissapointed, but hey lapdot isn't so bad anyway, right?
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
Back in 2014 I would have said chred from angry birds, definitely. Not many really shipped them, and when I saw some fanart of them on dA everyone would say "ew, gae". Well, 2014 everyone. I was always like "so?? i like that ship, what's the problem??"
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon
Uhmm, i headcanon darwin from tawog that he likes to yodel lol
T - If you mostly have homoships, do you have any heteroships
I think my ships are 50-50, but here are some examples:
U - If you mostly have heteroships, do you have any homoships
Same as T. Another examples:
V - Are you one of those fans who can’t watch anything without shipping
Lol no. Tbh, i'm not super big on shipping either. I only slighty like/dislike any ship i listed earlier (with the exception of skelleydance, i'm too in love with that ship)
W - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
wakko warner (animaney)
wander (woy)
fluttershy (mlp)
amethyst (su)
bubbles (ppg)
X - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
skelleydance (woy)
lumty (toh)
stevnnie (su)
Y - A fandom you’re in but have no ships from
kid cosmic (or maybe I do ship papa g w/ chuck), animaney, okko, gravity flls
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go
That one fan made episode from su called the smothering, it was so freaking amazing. It helped a lot in relieveing the pain of that big hiatus from 2017 (which was the biggest one, i literally turned into a skeleton waiting for new eps). Loved peri's needy personality, as well as lappy's playful one. It was so well written, like it could be perfectly fit as a role reversal episode in the main show.
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little-murmaider · 5 years
Yeah, gimmie a A, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, N, O, P - with a side order of R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y & Z
Oh my GOD dude.
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
Skwistok, Nategaar, Nathan/Skwisgaar/Toki, Pickleface, Polyklok, Abigail/Literally any woman
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice)
Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Murdertooth. Sorry. 
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t (again: be nice)
I kind of wish I liked Nickles? There’s a lot of great content for it! But I genuinely prefer them as friends. When people say they can’t ship Skwistok because they seem too much like brothers? That’s how I feel about Nickles.  
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what
Answered!F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
It was either Arnold and Helga from Hey Arnold!, or Link and Zelda (in all LoZ media, but this was specifically Ocarina of Time). They’re both still up there! 
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., tv shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)
Every fandom I’ve been active in was for a TV show. Pokémon (I played the games but I wrote “stories” about the anime), Jimmy Neutron, Hey Arnold!, Teen Titans, Metalocalypse, How I Met Your Mother, South Park (BOTH OF WHICH I REGRET. FUCK THOSE SHOWS.) I dip a toe into other things cause I’m curious, but I’m unlikely to write fanfic for anything else. I did come VERY close to writing Adventure Zone fic recently but the impulse faded.
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
I’m pretty good at Curating my Tumblr experience and blocking tags for things I dislike or just am uninterested in. Also MTL is the only fandom I’m active in and that one rules. If I see something annoying in another fandom tag I just bounce!
J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr
Tumblr is the reason I got into TAZ! And I’m so glad I did, it’s my favorite podcast, I’ve gotten my fiance and some of my very close friends into it as well. Also the actual real name of my wedding dress design is The Aubrey, which is just FATE.
K -Say something nice about someone in any of your fandoms
Answered but also @fasthandfingerwizard​ is such a sweetheart and so kind, and @cthene​ has a fic that’s so good it makes me want to tear my skin off. 
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves (chars you’re neutral on are fair game, as are chars you dislike)
Answered, but Knubbler makes me laugh.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
Answered, but more Skwisgaar Content in general!!!!! Just!!!!! Let me see my boy!!!!!!!!
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
Answered! I did it again and got Eet by Regina Spektor which reminds me of Toki. I have a lot of Regina songs on my Toki playlist.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
I’ve created so many AUs including one very elaborate one please I’m so tired.
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
nAtEgAaR. jk jk jk. I tend to latch to pretty popular pairings, and the MTL fandom is pretty diverse in terms of shipping. I guess………..Abigail/Rachel? Only because it’s a pairing I literally made up. 
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Skwisgaar was raised by wolves.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
Skwisgaar is bi because I’m bi. 
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
Skwisgaar Skwigelf - MTL
Eleanor Shellstrop - The Good Place
Aubrey Little - The Adventure Zone
Violet - Monster Pulse
Joyce Brown - Dumbing of Age
V - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
Skwistok - MTL
I’m Eleanor/Tahani - The Good Place
Link/Zelda -LoZ series
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said shipsNot comfortable answering this one publically
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
Good Omens, Stardew Valley. 
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
I don’t know man I just love Skwisgaar a lot! And I think he got shafted in the 3rd and 4th seasons and there was a lot of wasted potential for his character, and also Mean is not his only personality trait. He’s goofy! He’s awkward! He’s funny! He likes being included in things! There are a lot of fun directions the show could have gone in for him besides “horny” and “a dick” and “also there” and it was a WASTE.
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simptasia · 5 years
let's have you talk about dr daniel faraday for the ask game!! 4, 7, 13, 15, 21, 26 and 27!!!
thank you, lisa!! thats exactly the person i wanted to receive!!
Favorite movie
dan’s connection to the world of fiction has been tenuous. but char is gonna introduce him to some good stuff, including the back to the future trilogy. not picking just cuz time travel, i mean, they’re really good movies
fun characters, great music and the romantic beats between lorraine and george and later doc and clara are d’aww worthy so there's that. yeah he’d like them. there’s more Proper Hard Science Sci-fi out there but who doesn’t love back to the future? anyways char and miles grew up way more into pop culture then dan did so they’re gonna drip feed their faves into him
Favorite pizza toppings
give him a regular vegetarian pizza or a pineapple pizza and he’s good. or mix ‘em. like, pineapple, mushrooms, capsicum, that sorta thing
i hc that he’s a vegetarian and he likes pineapple on pizza (miles thinks this is fucking gross and compares it to like, putting grapes on pizza)
Puppies or kittens
kittens, tho both concepts are INCREDIBLY adorable. daniel faraday, with his delicate gentle hands, holding a widdle puppy or kitten. awww. another concept? you seen dan holding a rat? dan holding itsy bitsy BABY RATS
but yeah i chose kittens because in my headcanons, dan gets more experience with cats due to char having a cat (jean-luc). besides that, despite dan not growing up with animals, he likes them and they like him. mayhaps because he’s very nonthreatening and he likes to pet things. Funny How That Works
First impression of this chara
oh man, before i saw him in the show, i kept seeing him get mentioned and also fan-art so i gathered he was popular. so when i met him in the show, my first thought i was “ohh i heard of you” all happy like. and yeah. i wuv him
odd nerdy neurodivergent type who’s gentle and sad? perfect
Dream vacation
i’ve never thought about this because like i tend to keep characters in certain locations, like dan’s place (later dan, char and miles’ place), or the museum, concert hall, etc. this is reflective of how i have no desire to travel
maybe dan has no desire to travel too buuuut he’s dating char so that’s absolutely happening. yeah i feel like he’d go to places that make char happy
so cheesy yeah, but dream vacation is “spending time with those he loves in places that make them happy”. plus dan is hella rich so he can provide monz
If they had one month to live
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so i’ve talked about how reckless dan is and how he has little regard for his safety. and he’s fucking irradiated his fucking brain. but survival instinct is still a thing so its another story if he KNEW he had a month to live. he must be used to hospitals and having ppl care for him after his accident (i hc that he was in that pre-island severely brain damaged state for 3 years) so he’s no stranger to that
he’d be strangely accepting that he’s gonna die. no freak outs, barely any tears. he’d enter into some sort of weird calm. a numbness. depression, basically
and reflect on how his life had never really been his own
How they’re mischaracterized
LOST fanfic is barely there and fic with dan way less so. so people really don’t have a chance to mischaracterize him. so what i’m saying is based on the tiny portions of meta i’ve seen AND some stuff from The Old LOST Fandom. and basically the subtextual attitude i’ve gleaned from how ppl talk about daniel
from what i’ve seen, i think some people think of him as 100% naive and humourless. like yeah he’s a little sheltered and he’s inexperienced. he doesn’t have street smarts, he’s book smart. but he def has a subtle sense of humour and i don’t think he’s all the way naive. i also personally don’t think he’s a virgin but that's not so much mischaracterization as it is a diff in headcanons
he’s also not a total walkover/doormat or a picture of innocence. what i’m saying is based on canon: dan can lie, dan can be bitter, dan can be passive aggressive, dan can NOT do what people tell him to do (even his mother, like he got a gf in college, for dan that’s an act of rebellion), dan can go to extreme measures to achieve what he wants (do i need to mention the hydrogen bomb again?), and a couple of times dan expresses a sense of humour (either making some little jokes or sarcastic remarks himself or being amused by other people)
YES he’s a good boy, YES he’s sweet, YES he’s polite. daniel is lovely, daniel is babby. but it’s not just that, ya know. he’s more complex than ppl think
p.s one fic i read had dan find char’s accent to be novel (and he was thinking “some sort of accent, english?”), which is... what. his mum his english. he went to oxford university. dan ADORES char’s voice but he’s not finding her accent to be this brand new, novel, foreign thing. yeah, he’s american, but he’s grown up with a decent amount of english culture. so a funsies reminder for anybody who wants to write lost fic, if char used english slang, dan wouldn’t be phased at all and miles (california boi) would be the one like ??????what
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A - Z (Fandom ‘Come At Me, Friend’ Meme)
WELL THEN *cracks knuckles* HERE WE GO 
(all 26 letters behind a cut bc this is very long)
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
As of this hour, my top OTPs are Penelope/Schneider from ODAAT and Joyce/Hopper from Stranger Things. But I have endless numbers of them, even within each fandom.
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
Jean/Alice from TDBM. 
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice)
Um…hmm. I’m such a multishipper, I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about my NOTPs. I’ve never been onboard the Keens from The Blacklist, though. Not even a little. I only enjoyed Tom in his original villainous state.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t (again: be nice)
A couple of my spouse’s faves, I really wish I liked too, especially Sam/Josh and Mal/Simon. I don’t like one of the characters in each very much, so I’ve never been able to get into them–even though I understand them, and have had fun writing them…I just don’t love them too.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what
Yeah, mostly graphics, though. I don’t think I’ve ever written crackfic. I did New York Times Minus Content edits for TDBM, a ton of those. Also Sext Message Error sets for Lizzington and for Josh/Donna. And Welcome To Nightvale sets for iZombie and Lizzington. And OTP Bot sets for Lizzington.
And this isn’t EXACTLY crack, but my original tumblr claim to fame was this Hamilton/TWW crossover that got reblogged by Lin himself.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom
Mm, the first time I actively joined a fandom was Buffy, and I was about 14 when that started for me…so as of this year I’ll have been in that fandom for 20 years! But I’ve been a fangirl literally my whole life, I just didn’t really join fandoms before the internet, and I started using the internet more in junior high and HS.
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
Lou/Joey from Brotherly Love, or Claire/Trevor from Cupid (original run), or Dharma and Greg, or Allison/Wade from CryBaby, or Idgie/Ruth from Fried Green Tomatoes. I was a shipping prodigy, and the couples I was obsessed with as a literal child blur together a bit in the timeline, so I’m not completely sure which came first.
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., tv shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.) 
TV shows.
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
The Aaron Tveit fandom made me uncomfortable watching BrainDead before I even had the chance to decide if I liked it or not. Most fandoms I love, though. I prefer to ignore the drama and focus on the people I actually like. 
J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr
SO MANY. Parks and Rec, TDBM, Stranger Things…a significant portion of my watchlist comes from this hellsite by now–I have friends with good taste.
K -Say something nice about someone in any of your fandoms
@mossdonnatella is in a lot of my fandoms. She is a much better fic writer than she thinks she is!!
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves (chars you’re neutral on are fair game, as are chars you dislike)
I really ended up disliking Jacob a lot, on Grace and Frankie. But I will say that in the beginning he is very respectful of Frankie’s boundaries and tries to be patient with her, and I did like that.
M - Say something genuinely nice about a ship that you don’t ship (or its shippers, or anything related to you)
I don’t actively ship Jancy on Stranger Things after seeing S1 (I don’t really ship Steve/Nancy either, though…I think I mostly just ship Nancy x happiness) but the moment when her mom knocks on her bedroom door and they reach for each others’ hands instinctively? That is a damn fine understated sweet connection moment and I really enjoyed and believed it.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
Okay since a lot of my top fandoms are for shows that ended a long time ago, I’m going with One Day At A Time. In fic or in canon, I want to see a lot more of Schneider being Penelope’s BFF and her confidant. I want more serious!Schneider moments bc it turns out the actor rocks at them, and I want to see Pen really get to move on from Victor as her kids get older, I want real confirmation that she’s finally past any possibility of reconciliation with him bc she deserves SO MUCH BETTER.
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
Randomizing my music gave me “Quiet” by MiLCK feat. GW Sirens and Capital Blend. 
Sample lyrics:
Cuz no one knows me, no one ever willIf I don’t say something, take that dry blue pillThey may see a monster, they may run awayBut I have to do thisI can’t keep quiet, no A one woman riot
Despite the mature meaning behind the lyrics, and probably because I’m watching Stranger Things right now, it reminds me of Eleven, the tiny badass fighting her way to freedom.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
Alright, I’m gonna invent one right off the top of my head right here and now since you asked. Um… a One Day At A Time AU in which Penelope meets Schneider not as her landlord but as a patient, once she becomes an NP. Doctor/patient “okay if you won’t stop asking me out then get a new doctor so I can say yes” fluff ensues.
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why
Lizzington. I’m technically still writing fic for it bc I have a chapter fic to finish, but I haven’t watched the show in years, I avoid content for it, and have no interest in it anymore besides the phantom limb feeling of having been so invested in a ship for that long and making friends around it.
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
Well, since I mentioned it earlier, I think I’m the only person ever to watch the scenes Bud and Brianna have together in Grace and Frankie and think “that should really be a thing.” 
Also…Kate/Donna from The West Wing. Based entirely on one scene.
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
I genuinely don’t understand this question, sorry. What’s an ‘example’ of my headcanon, and how does that relate to prompts? If somebody wants to explain this to me, I’ll answer it. 
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
Yep yep yep. Andy was the leak, not Toby, and that is the hill I will die on always. I’m sure I have others, but that’s the big one.
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
Toby Ziegler (TWW), Alice Harvey (TDBM), Lorelai Gilmore (Gilmore Girls), Jim Hopper (Stranger Things), and Spencer Hastings (from what I just saw of PLL with @actuallylukedanes). 
V - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
Luke/Lorelai, Gilmore Girls. Parker/Hardison/Eliot, Leverage. Joyce/Hopper, Stranger Things.
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said ships
Josh/Donna (TWW), Donna in control. Matthew/Alice (TDBM), hurt/comfort sex. Alvareider (ODAAT), “whoops are we kissing wait do we like each other?”Jared/Miss Parker (The Pretender), conflicted kisses up against wallsI’m having trouble thinking of a 5th one but I used to really like Lizzington angry!sex bc damn that ship was angsty
Eleven, Toby Ziegler, Schneider, Lena Luthor, Logan Echolls, literally every main character on The Good Place.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
Game of Thrones, Agents of Shield, Doctor Who (though I finally have started this one!), Jane the Virgin, The Worst Witch, and lots more…I like learning about fandoms secondhand. 
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
Every single one of these tiny Stranger Things children in S1 is the epitome of epic friendship and I love it. Mike jumps off a cliff to protect Dustin and Dustin’s willing to get his teeth cut out to protect Mike and Lucas offers a sincere apology when he’s wrong, something most adults still suck at, and Will tells Mike the truth even when he would benefit from lying and Eleven chooses death to save them all and they are beautiful and perfect and I love them.
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