#but its just so easy 🥴
snekdood · 1 year
its so wild how we regressed and started thinking trans men just like dont experience any significant oppression. literally what world do you guys live in
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doubledyke · 2 months
it doesn't really make sense in the logic (lol) of the show but part of me loves the idea that edd is being raised by his grandparents.... kids who are raised by grandparents tend to be overly mature and a little uhhhhh off-beat. i feel like it could explain a lot.
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toastsnaffler · 8 months
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homemade apple crumble (<- with fresh apples from my mums garden that she gave me to take back w me) + a smidge of pistachio ice cream (not homemade. sorry) yall wish u were me rn
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mothusband · 1 year
would be nice to have the confidence to start one crochet project without undoing the rounds a dozen times because i feel like i messed up in my stitch counting (even when i haven't) or i think it doesn't look good enough (it looks fine) or i feel like my stitches are too big (they're fine it actually makes the square look better in the end what are you on about)
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Prior to sending the ask I was just guessing what matrophobia meant based on the root words but I looked it up after and went ohhhh and then you confirmed that extra dimension to it and I went OHHHHH
I think that gets to the heart of what I've been thinking about, that bittersweetness, because despite his best efforts... of course he could never end up anything like Yoko, but he still ended up with an abusive "household." Because in addition to Masato ending up how he did, he has to see those same situations play out, feel that same tension in the air between Jo and Ichi, over and over for almost a decade straight.
Like, in a way, he's forced to put himself in Toshio's shoes when that happens. He can't really get through to Jo, in the same way Toshio can't get through to Yoko, but he can try to step in before lasting damage is done, and he can try to make it bearable for his son. You know. Have a nice talk. Treat him to Peking duck. I'm SO normal about the (drawn-out) parallels of those scenes
So then with Jo... he kind of does become his father, even if he never wanted to (no one wants to), both through his ruinous neglect of Masato at birth and through how he comes to look at discipline and corporal punishment. I'm sure it's not lost on him in Masato's case (owww), but with Ichi, it's not like he has any reason to see him as his son... But How Far Can That Take You.
Because it's like, at the start, he was openly beating Ichi in front of Arakawa and not letting up much when Arakawa intervened. But then you have The Yubitsume Scene and Arakawa walking in on All That and... he looks sorry. Sorry for being caught, probably, but sorry nonetheless. Like... what changed between then and now... have you two had a Heartfelt Conversation... do you know where Arakawa got that scar... are you unable to change your "nature" even then...
Side note bro your SHOE is the size of his TORSO I promise you do not need to kick him with all the strength you've got like what the hell is this 😭😭😭
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BUT ALL THAT ASIDE thank you so much for delving into the symbolism! Wonderful read. I don't really have an eye for symbolism, so that makes it all the more enjoyable to revisit the comic and everything with what you've gone into. I think a lot of your experiences resonate with mine, so conversely I'm not sure what others would take away from it, BUT I think there's enough there that's so insightful and evocative that it's effective without personal experience. I don't think there's anything I could add, so. Yeah. For once I am happy to sit back and take it all in... On that note, definitely looking forward to your next comic!
that's literally it though. like no extra notes. except The Obligatory Few i dont think it was an accident that arakawa is set up as the beginning of the game's 'protagonist' and planting that 'troubled family' taste first thing in our mind. i remember how i felt when i first saw arakawa walk in on jo and ichi and then arakawa taking ichi out for dinner i was just like🧍‍♂️Girl No The Cycle.... It's Continuing...... //screams// LIKE UGH IT WAS SO GOOD BUT ALSO OWWW STOPPP and then on the REPLAY it just hurts more cause with the added context to jo's character its like Oh No...... You're Your Father's Son....
and youre right: jo doesn't have an implicit reason to see how he treats ichi is wrong, hence he similarly doesnt have any reason to stop- not unless arakawa intervenes of course (and i will stand outside my window thinking of the possibility arakawa ever did try to have A Conversation with jo... arms folded behind my back and all like Man™️....)
oh but yeah, absolutely no problem ! im lowkey of an egotist so i do like to talk bout the stuff i make. More In Depth (though thats obvious considering the fuckin essays in the tags i always leave ☠️☠️) gerjlgaELKjg. so i was happy to explain ♪(´▽`) !! what i like about symbolism is that it can be intentional or not, and the fun is always finding it just by chance. i cant explain it properly, but i just think its a neat 'seasoning' of sorts to drawings (❁´◡`❁)
#long post#snap chats#everyone in rgg got flipper shoes i stg tho like evey time i look at everyones renders i gotta point it out to myself 😭#speaking of. The Cycle. and Personal Experiences. arakawa walkin in on jo and ichi esp hits cause thats def a thing thats happened to mysel#its insane how one woman terrorizes my whole family but no cause i remember my mom would tear me a new one. Metaphorically#or she'd be pissed at my sis and i and my sis would just take us out for lunch and we'd talk bout it#Unsurprisingly my dad would do that for me growin up and he was there#i used to visit him on weekends when he lived nearby and those were my Peking Duck dinners in a sense#he'd just do his best to make sure i felt at home and making sure. i was cared for for once LMAO#so yeah to see that repeat in my family with my sister taking the role of my dad its like ow...#OH YEAH NO ITS BEEN A HOT YEAR SINCE I SAID HOW HARD IT WAS FOR ME TO GET THROUGH THE BEGINNING OF Y7 HUH#it hurts a lot to watch masumi's backstory since it's EXTREMELY personal and hits too close to home but i watch it anyway 🥴#probably the first and only time a piece of media can actually 'trigger' me that badly i guess. how lame#i think ive updated my villain origin story enough tho. im sorry you also had a shit mom If Im Assuming Right#i wish it was easy to deal with bad parents but. well. if it was we wouldnt have them amiright#the best i can do is vent how i feel and at least try to have people in similar situations as me feel. understood. as corny as that sounds#its a little heinous to say Im Glad Our Experiences Are Similar cause id never wish my experiences on anyone else#but i guess i mean to say im glad we can understand each other in that regard#on a semi-better note. please dont hope for the comic anytime soon i only just finished sketching set pieces ( ´◡` ;;;)#I GOT DISTRACTED AGAAAINNNNN also its very cold and i dont work well in the cold. s'cause my fingers get all stiff EW#but i WILL have this one done i have too many abandoned projects i aint abandoning another one#with that in mind its funny you mention arakawas scar cause i did have a tiny baby thing in mind with it#nothing sad or serious this time just somethin cute even. if THAT ever happens we'll see it but yeah. just another funny case of Timing#alright bye bye for now i should work on this. after i answer your second ask HANG ON ILL SEE YOU THERE--
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puppydogsys · 1 year
ough being poly is hard
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sorikkung · 2 years
if i had a nickel for every time i wrote yeonjun a crazed stalker obsessed with the story's mc, i'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it says something about me that it's happened twice
#both of these stories are in my wips#but its not my fault he fits the role so easily 😩😩😩#the first one is the txt death note au and aint no one else in txt managing to pull off being THE misa amane it had to be him#and then i just. cranked it up a whole notch 🥴🥴🥴🥴#in this new wip it was either him or jisung minho or hongjoong#then i realised giving hongjoong this role would mean i cant enact my plans to have halateez be a thing in this universe so hes out#and then jisung and minho in this role would be too much like moc!jisung and cots!minho bc id prolly write them similarly subconsciously#and even if i focus on making sure they dont end up mirroring other peoples' characterisations of them. yeonjun just fit the idea the best#also hes my bias the others are not so naturally im gonna be biased. its in the name like come on#its just that none of my other biases could pull his role off except MAYBE wooyoung but i cant pick him for the same reason i cant pick hj#sunwoo wouldve been another good choice but i dont think i wanna put tbz in this fic thats just too many characters i think#and im kinda drifting from tbz lately :/#still love them but#just no motivation to write for them lololol#ill have to make sure i write both stalker!yeonjuns v differently#so it doesnt feel like a rewrite#but that should be easy#one's obsessed w mc bc hes in love w them (or the idea of them...) and wants to be with them and have no harm come their way#the other wants to rip mc to shreds 😊😊😊 so thats fun#choose ur stalker jjunie: one Protecc the other Attacc#but most importantly i want him to break my BACC#ahem#anyway
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courtfoxhole · 1 year
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oflgtfol · 2 years
like how did the human teeth era turn into the sharp teeth turn into the neon green drool turn into the long prehensile tongue. where did that all come from
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heavenbarnes · 2 months
dunno if you’ve written this yet but could you write older bf! simon being edged or idk dominated the thought of it makes my brain go brrr🥴
ps. if you’re not comfortable w that ignore this:)
(i love your work btw 🫶🏼🫶🏼)
i haven’t written this yet because it’d dangerous for my overall health I NEED HIM SO BAD 🫶🏼
something had to be said about your older bf!simon and the natural dominance that seemed to follow him. you reckoned it was his line of work, having to be L.T- always having to be in the right place at the right time.
something he made look easy.
it wasn’t always easy, not really and not that he’d admit (to anyone other than you)
when it was just you and he, when there was no threat around the corner, when he could allow his mind to be quiet. that’s when things became really easy.
“being so good for me, si”
your voice was silken, spun sugar, supernovas- your voice was all consuming and taking over every inch of him until he thought he might become the exploding star of it all.
firm back against your chest, pressing you further into the arm of the couch. one of your arms slung over his chest, gently stroking the firm tone of his stomach.
other arm snaking around his waist, spit slick fist tight around his cock as you slowly tugged him off. simon’s face buried in the crook of your neck to muffle whimpers.
seven- he could count seven times he was on the precipice of cumming for you. seven times he nearly spewed hot streams of cum across your fist, coating your fingers.
he hadn’t cum once.
“sweet’art, i need it”
you cooed for him, lips pressing against the crown of his head as you felt his stomach twitching and tensing under your palm.
simon only burrowed back further into your touch, coiling himself up in the shape of your body. the hand that wasn’t tugging his cock was petting the soft hairs trailing towards it.
“i know, but you don’t really want this to end- do you?”
his chest cracked open with a groan, deep and guttural as he bucked his hips up into your hand. his cock, wet and messy, slipping straight through your hold as he practically fucked himself on you.
this was the simon riley you knew and needed.
only you saw this side of him, wrapped up in you and entirely pathetic. whimpers and pouted lips as your finger tips played with the head of his cock.
this was how you knew he was made for you, rough around the edges and unmovable by nature- but for you? leaking viscose pre-cum down your wrist like a natural spring.
“nah, sweet’art- keep touchin’ please”
dead before he’d let anyone else know you could render him fucked out like this, little secret just for you both. you’d probably kill anyone that saw him look this good, anyway.
veins in his neck bulging against the skin, cheeks red hot as his lips pursed with another wanton moan. body stretching out rigid like a snake sizing up its meal.
“that’s it, si- nice and easy”
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snekdood · 6 months
someone: *says something bigoted towards transmascs*
me: hey you shouldnt do that its shitty in these ways-
someone: IT IS NO CONCERN OF MINE IF TRANSMASCS HAVE- what was it again?
me: uhm. basic human decency?
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javierpena-inatacvest · 8 months
Movie Night
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Summary: You and Javi are trying to pick a movie to watch together. When Javi decides to change into gray sweatpants to get more comfortable... something else besides movie watching ensues.
Word Count: 2.3K
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader (no use of y/n)
Warnings: SMUT (18+), established relationship, face fucking, oral (m receiving), mastrubation (f), praise kink, Javi in gray sweatpants (it deserves its own warning), reader has hair that can be held, Javi being a menace but still soft and sweet (because that's just how I roll)
A/N: This was inspired by an ask from an anon (thank you, non, Javi in gray sweatpants is everything), and I'm absolutely feral completely normal about it!!! Also, I had this gif in mind the whole time I was writing this because GOD DAMN 🥴🥵
This can be read as a stand alone, or as a part of the It's Never Too Late Series!!
“Forrest Gump?” 
“No, not that either…” 
“Pulp Fiction?” 
“Not that one…” 
“Well ya gotta pick something Osita.” Javi sighed, laughing to himself at your indecisiveness as he put back the VHS tape choices he had pulled out for your weekly Friday night movie. Ever since the two of you had started dating, Friday nights had been exclusively reserved for you and Javi cuddling up on your couch, eating the pizza he picked up on the way home from work, and catching him up on the many movie classics he had missed since his time away in Colombia- a well deserved way to end both of your weeks. The first few weeks of movie night picks had been easy- mandating that Javi had to watch all of the Star Wars and Indiana Jones series (your two personal favorites) before moving on to anything else. You had let Javi pick what movies he had wanted to watch from there, mostly to curb any time wasted from your indecisiveness on choosing something. 
“Are you sure you don’t wanna pick?” You groaned, squatting down next to Javi as the two of you sorted through the movie collection under the TV stand. 
“Osita, I’ve picked like, the last 3 weeks in a row. I promise, I don’t care what we watch. I’ll make it easy on you. Here…” Reaching back into the TV stand, Javi pulled out a few random movies, scattering them on the ground before looking back at you. “I’m gonna go change out of my work clothes, pick something from these by the time I get back. Only 4 choices. Can’t be that hard, ya dork.” Javi chuckled, pressing a quick kiss onto your forehead before standing back up and making his way towards the bedroom. 
‘Fine…” You grumbled, shuffling through the choices that Javi had left. Reaching down next to you, you picked up “The Princess Bride”, deeming it the best of the 4 random tapes Javi had pulled from the TV stand, popping it in to the VHS player before settling back onto the couch, curling up in one of the blankets you had draped over the sides. “I picked something!” You shouted towards the bedroom, hearing Javi’s footsteps beginning to make their way down the hall. 
“See? Knew you could do it, Hermosa.” Javi’s voice trailed behind him as he stepped into the living room, playfully rolling his eyes at you. “So, what are we watching?” 
Truth be told, you hadn’t heard a single word Javi had said since you had watched him enter the living room- Not after seeing what he was wearing. 
He had changed out of his work attire and exchanged it for a fitted black t-shirt and gray sweatpants that left very little to the imagination. Javi had insisted to you that they really were the only pair of sweatpants that he had, but there was a part of you that was convinced he knew just how irresistible he looked in them, and that the sight of him in those pants made you absolutely feral. 
“Hmmmm?” You replied, visibly shaking your head to try and reel yourself in from the thoughts you were already having after seeing your boyfriend walk into the room in his new outfit. “Sorry, what did you say?” 
“I asked, what movie are we watching?” He nodded towards the TV as he sat next to you on the couch, legs splayed open in a way that had the outline of his bulge perfectly pressed against the gray fabric of his pants. You could practically feel your mouth watering as you looked down at his lap- you were trying your best not to stare, but you couldn’t help but swipe your tongue along your bottom lip breathing heavily as you looked up at Javi. 
“Or…” You smirked, working your way across the couch to crawl into Javi’s lap, straddling him with your legs on either side of his, running your fingers through the dark curls of his hair. “We could not watch the movie and do something else.” Your hands began to travel down Javi’s body, resting on his chest and grabbing at fist fulls of his shirt as your hips pressed down into his, feeling him starting to become hard underneath you, your kisses becoming desperate and frantic. 
“Something else, huh?” You could feel Javi’s boyish grin between the presses of your lips, his hands working their way up and down your body before digging into your hips as you rolled them against his lap. 
“Mhmmmmmm.” You nodded, reaching down to palm at Javi’s dick, straining against the fabric of his pants. “God, you look so good in these. You know what these sweatpants do to me, Jav?” Your kisses left Javi’s lips, slowly trailing down his body in hot, wet presses against the exposed skin of his neck and soft fabric of his shirt. You slid off Javi’s lap, kneeling on the ground in front of him, tugging at the waistband of his sweatpants, springing free his cock, already painfully hard and leaking with precum. Javi lifted his legs, shuffling his pants down to pool around his ankles, letting your hands and kisses wander up his thighs. 
“Fuck me, Hermosa…” Javi groaned, leaning his head back against the edge of the couch as you planted hot kisses along his length, one hand slowly stroking the base of his shaft, the other running up and down the skin of his legs. “You wanna suck my dick, baby?” 
You smirked, gently shaking your head from side to side, looking up at Javi. “I- I want you to fuck my mouth, Javi.” 
Javi’s eyes went wide, jaw immediately going slack as your words left your mouth, visabally taking a moment to process your request. He reached down to cradle your face, forcing your gaze up towards his. “Baby… I don’t- Hermosa…are you sure? I don’t wanna hurt you or anything.” 
Regardless of what either of you wanted in the bedroom, rough, soft, or anything in between, Javi’s first priority had always been making sure that first and foremost, you were comfortable. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about your request before- as much as he loved going down on you, Javi absolutely lost his mind every time you went down on him, and the thought of you on your knees, taking his cock deep down your throat as he fucked your mouth had him rock hard. 
“Javi,” You giggled, biting down on your lip, raising an eyebrow at him, “I’m positive. I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t want to. I wanna make you feel good, baby.” Grabbing the hand gently cupping your cheek, you tugged at it, forcing him to stand up, running your hands up and down his thighs before removing one to lick a broad strip down your palm and wrap it around his shaft, slowly stroking it, making him groan. 
“Fuck me.” He muttered to himself, watching you wrap your hand around his length and taking him into your mouth, swirling the tangy mix of his arousal and your spit around your tongue. He ran his hand through the dark curls of his hair, trying his best to keep his composure, already so worked up from just the thought of what you were about to let him do alone. “If it’s too much, you let me know, okay? Tap my leg or my arm or whatever, and I’ll stop, no questions asked, I-” 
“Javi. I love you, baby. I wanna choke on your dick. I promise I’ll be okay.” You smirked, nodding in reassurance, hand still twisting around the base of his shaft, making its way up to thumb at his tip, red and leaking, sliding the mix of your saliva and his precum up and down his length. 
“Jesus. Okay, Hermosa. Open that pretty mouth for me, baby girl.” He reached down, thumb tugging at your bottom lip before sliding his hand along the back of your head, carefully cradling it as your jaw hinged open, sticking out your tongue for him to place his cock on. Your eyes batted up at him through heavy lashes, gripping around the back of his bare thighs as you let your mouth relax, his length hard and heavy against your tongue as you took him between your lips. He eased into your throat, setting a slow pace as his hips gently rocked as you took him deeper into your mouth, hearing him audibly moan as your fingertips dug into the skin of his legs, urging him to go deeper, pulling him closer to you. “You sure?” Javi looked at you, eyes wide as you nodded, humming against his cock in approval, as if he knew exactly what your little gesture had meant. 
Javi pulled back, pausing for a moment, a devilish smirk spreading across his face before pushing all the way back in, making you hollow your cheeks and breath through your nose, brushing up against the curls at his base, the sweet and musky scent of him filling your nostrils as you inhaled. “Oh fuck, Osita. Holy shit.” His voice rasped, hitching in the back of his throat watching your mouth fill with his cock. His fingers ran through your hair, tugging a little tighter as his thrusts began to quicken, his grunts and moans becoming louder with each push and pull. “Fuck, such a good girl taking me so well. So fucking pretty when you suck my cock baby, holy fuck.” 
His other hand met his first, cupping the back of your head as he fucked into you, hitting the back of your throat as tears welled in your eyes and drool pooled from your lips as his cock consumed your mouth. You loved sucking Javi’s dick because you knew just how good it made him feel- watching his face all blissed out, leaving him a moaning and muttering mess. But this? Looking up at him through your heavy lids seeing the pure euphoria radiating off of him? It was unmatched.
 You couldn’t help but rub your thighs together, trying to ease the ache that had rapidly been building between your legs, feeling the wetness pooling in the fabric of your underwear. Desperate to ease your own needs, you shifted one of the hands that was holding the back of Javi’s thigh, bringing it down to snake down your sweatpants and the waistband of your panties, humming in relief around Javi’s length as you rubbed your clit, already throbbing and pulsing before your fingers had even touched it. Feeling the absent grip of your fingertips in his leg, Javi looked down to see you touching yourself as his cock thrusted in and out of your mouth, making his jaw even more slack, while his pace became more frantic and sloppy. 
 “You touching yourself, baby? Fuck- sucking my cock like this got you all worked up?” Javi groaned through gritted teeth as you nodded up at him with watery eyes, hollowing your cheeks to try and keep from gagging as he brushed against the back of your throat. “Fuck meeee.” He whimpered, not sure how much longer he was going to last watching you, feeling the tingle at the base of his spine already beginning to grow. “Dirty fucking girl. I’m not gonna last much longer, baby- shit- be a good girl and make yourself cum on those pretty little fingers for me, yeah? Wanna see you- oh fuck- wanna see you cum for me before I fuck myself down your throat.” 
Sliding deeper into your panties, you felt the slick covering your folds as you dipped your 2 fingers inside your heat, the palm of your hand bumping against your clit while you touched yourself, feeling equally as worked up and close to finishing as Javi was. Saliva spilled from the sides of your mouth as tears slid down your cheeks as Javi’s cock filled every inch of your mouth, the veins of his dick throbbing along your tongue. You could feel your pussy begin to flutter as your hands slid in and out of your dripping entrance, arousal pooling in your belly with each brush of your palm along your sensitive bundle of nerves. Your whimpers and moans humming around Javi’s cock had him reeling, his fingers gripping tighter around the ends of your hair as he cradled the back of your head, as he pushed deeper down your throat.
 Suddenly, you could feel the coil inside you snap, your cunt clenching hard around your fingers as your orgasm ripped through you, your eyes squeezing shut and the breathing through your nose becoming heavier as you came. Knowing that you had hit your high, Javi sought relentlessly to reach his own, desperately thrusting into you. “Fuck me, Osita. Fuck. I’m so close baby, shit, gonna fill up that pretty mouth of yours. Meirda, Hermosa, ay dios mío, voy a-aahhhhhhhhh  (Shit, Beautiful, oh my god, I’m gonna-ahhhhhh).” With one more push of his hips, Javi’s spilled himself inside you, hot ropes of his spend coating the back of your throat as his cock throbbed, milking himself of every last drop before pulling back out of your mouth. Both of your breaths were slow and heavy, Javi’s hand resting under your chin, tilting your messy, wet face up towards his as you swallowed, taking his cum down your throat.
“Jesus Christ…” He whispered to himself, his jaw still slack and eyes wide as he looked down at you, a devilish grin now growing across his face. “Fuck me. Fuck, that was so hot. You okay, baby?” He asked, pulling you up to stand as you used the back of your hand to wipe the spit still dripping from the edges of your lips. 
“More than okay.” You smirked, pressing up on your tiptoes to plant a hot kiss on his lips, grabbing a fistful of his shirt. “We’re gonna have to get you new sweatpants, Jav.” You giggled, still laughing at the fabric pooled around his ankles. Javi tilted his head in confusion, reaching down to shuffle his pants and boxers over his legs. 
“Why’s that, Hermosa?” 
“Because if you keep putting on those sweatpants every time we’re supposed to watch a movie, I don’t think we’re ever gonna watch a movie again.”
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@cool-iguana @rhoorl @whyjuliaaa @bbiophiliaa @pertinentpostmortem @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @pedrobaby @fatima-marisa @beboldbebravethings @poodlebae @kittenlittle24 @3sriracha @jungchloee @perennialdoll247 @prettyinpunk85 @partyofone3413 @harriedandharassed @pedrohoe04 @theorganasolo @endlessthxxghts @beware-my-thorns @missladym1981 @messinadress @dappydelta @blackfemalenerd
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cussima · 2 months
"what the heck is affirming from lack?"
its when you don't believe you can get your desire so you affirm harder in order to get it.
you're not accepting it as creation completed, you're treating your desires as a process (ie. "its not here right now but it will be")
this what reacting to your 3d can look like.
in contrast to these negative believes remember that:
• creation is completed once you decide it is
• manifesting isn't a process, you're not learning anything, its an immediate thing
• if you just assume it to be true, saying more or less affirmations won't change it, so don't burn yourself out or make this less fun for you ! you honestly deserve better than that imo
what can you do when you get these thoughts?
• if this happens to me i simply close my eyes, and take a deep breathe (or a few). this will helps you re oxygenate your brain which takes you back to home base (manifesting is easy and its already done) this helps me accept my desires for what they are: facts.
from then on i move onto something i enjoy clear out my mind ! either subliminals or music that makes me confident ! (rihanna, lady gaga etc)
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refiwrites · 1 year
HOLD UP— I NEVER THOUGHT i'd see the day i'd be writing about this- i blame rookie!leon (wrote this with him in mind) 🥴 also this is my first time so go easy on me 😭 damn you leon!
warning/s: my first nsfw ahead!!! oral (m receiving), cum swallowing, swearing, MDNI!! leon being a whiny boi, please tell me if i have made any mistakes!! feedback is appreciated!
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there were many achievements in your life that you had made.
however none of them compared to this moment where you had leon completely wrapped around your finger.
his innocent eyes squinting and blinking, trying to get a look at you amidst your hands on his cock, the pad of your thumb spreading the pre-cum on his slit around the head of it.
"that feels so... good- fuck." he almost whines, bucking his hips upwards.
what a sight, with leon's looks you were sure that he'd be experienced regarding with sex, but the young adult was innocent as he is.
sure he knows how it works, but he never really acted upon it, or even received this kind of treatment before.
and you, you just wanted to let him have a good time. you've noticed the past few days on how his shoulders slumped, his heavy footsteps around the house, and even how he tried to force a smile at times when all he wanted to do was drop on the bed and sleep for the day.
"i just want to make you feel better, would you let me?" you innocently say to him, wanting to see how far could your teasing go.
the way he looked, his indigo shirt unbuttoned down, toned body glistening with the light sheet of sweat as his chest heaved up and down, pants of his discarded thanks to you.
the moment he walked into the house you had made up your mind, which was this. relieving his stress.
"mhm, yes.. keep going... please."
please. such a simple word yet it had you clenching around nothing as you solely focused on him.
you moved your hand in slow motions, up and down, leaning in to kitten lick at his tip, tasting the sweet liquid of his arousal.
the action takes leon by surprise, his hand going to the back of your head, lightly tugging on your hair.
"ah, shit, fuck..." he sighed.
you were staring up at him as he throws his head back. you knew you'd do anything for him.
then he looks at you. that made him almost want to explode.
the sight of you on your knees, about to take his cock in your mouth made his mouth lightly gape open.
then you take him in, the moan that he let out sounded heavenly in your ears. you worked and worked while leon's phrases turned more into moaning and hushed whimpering.
its when moments passed that leon's hand on the back of your head pushed you further down his shaft as he grunted.
you looked up at him, freezing. the action turned you on, but leon perceived otherwise as he exhaled deeply, looking at you with wide eyes.
"fuck, i'm sorry- i didn't mean to-" he explained, his emotions getting the best of him he felt like he was about to lose control. before he could remove his hand, your free hand held his down, keeping it on the back of your head as you pulled away to speak.
"it's okay, leon," you comfort him, placing your hands on his thighs, massaging them. "you deserve this, for that- you could use me however you want. i want to make you feel good."
at your words, his cock visibly twitches. "are you sure?"
fuck, he looked so pretty like this.
"i'm sure, baby." you confirm, squeezing his thighs. leon exhales, his hand guiding your mouth back on his cock as you began taking him in your mouth again, the warmth around his cock sends him shivering.
"oh- jesus fuck..." he throws his head back, his hand grabbing a shy fistful of your hair as he navigates your head up and down on him.
you close your eyes so you could concentrate on getting him off.
"no- don't close your eyes, look at me, please." leon begs.
you open your eyes and moaned, looking up at leon as he guides you
"haah fuck.." he said as your mouth vibrated with your sound. "i'm...about to..." he followed breathlessly.
you continued your way to meet his high as your other hand played with his balls, earning a loud, whiny moan from him.
"that's it, keep going please... god baby your mouth feels so fucking good." leon babbles, you felt the twitch of his cock in your mouth.
leon had completely let go of the back of your head now, eyes darting everywhere as there was that certain feeling bubbling inside him but eventually his eyes always found their way back into yours.
pulling away, your hands gripped his lenght, pumping him. "that's it leon, you're close, hm?" you spoke, looking at him as he feverishly nods, mouth slightly open as his face flushed.
"where'd you want to cum? hm? answer me baby." you spoke softly as leon's brows furrowed, uttering the answer that first came to mind as his brain buzzed with lust as he watched you in a trance as you jerked him off rather slowly, longing for his release.
"hnngh, in- in your mouth.."
"good boy, make sure you cum for me." you smirk up at him before taking him in again, bobbing your head.
"yes- yes- that's it.." he grunts. a few moments more when leon breathed out.
"i'm gonna cum.. g'nna cum in your mouth- god- fuck...cumming!" he lets out another string of curses and struggled grunts as his release had shot your throat with every twitch as his face scrunched in pleasure.
you moaned at the feeling, squeezing your thighs together as he breathed out his high, trying to focus as his mind continued to blur from the sudden feeling of ecstacy. you swallowed, loving the taste of him.
you massage his thighs to help him calm down. once he calmed, the first thing he did was to grab your wrists to pull you up from the ground and sitting you on his lap and immediately kissing you.
you ran your hands through his hair, tugging, him moaning into the kiss. pulling away, leon looks at you like you were the best thing he's ever seen as he cups your face.
"thank you..." he uttured, the stress of the week fleeing off his shoulders as he got flustered.
"feeling better?" you ask, smiling.
he returns your smile with a wide playful grin, nodding. "ten times better, i think."
laughing, you give him a peck on the lips, and to his cheeks.
"that's good, hold on i'll run ourselves a bath-" you were about to get up when leon tugs you back down to him again.
looking at him with a confused look, he suddenly picks you up, bridal style as you clung onto him with a yelp.
"i'll do that for us, but i think its your turn to feel better, don't you think?"
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hyunsvngs · 3 months
Back at it again with my period hormones brain rot of the day (at 6:30 am ofc). Did it take me 40 minutes to write this? Yeah. Did I close at work last night and I'm supposed to wake up in an hour and a half to open today? Also yeah. Do I care? Fuuuuuuuck no. I wouldn't have been able to sleep without writing this out.
Once again, I am not sorry about the length 😌 enjoy ❤️❤️
Hear me out... daddy Channie *and* daddy Lee know 🫠 
They're just always fighting over who gets what hole but still love taking you however you'll let them. Till they decide to come up with a plan
They've already made you cum 3 times so far but ofc they're still not done with you yet. And in all honesty? You literally never wanna stop anyways. They just always take such good care of you and prioritize you over themselves to the point that sometimes you have to literally beg them to cum otherwise you know that they'll just ignore their own needs because you're already more than satisfied and they just wanna cuddle up to their sweet sleepy baby.
"kitten. I need you to listen to me, okay? Daddy and I are gonna make you feel real good but it's gonna be a bit of a stretch. I know you can do it, so just sit there and let us take care of you, okay? You trust us right?" Lee know says, gently rubbing your sides to try to ground you and get you to focus a bit better.
And of course you trust them. How could you not? They've never failed to make you feel good. They've never hurt you. They've never ignored your safeword or failed to stop if you ever said the color red. So of course you answer with a small nod and wait for instructions.
"Angel, I want you to lay on me and get comfy, okay? You don't gotta do anything, just get comfy on me" Channie says, petting your hair, waiting for you to roll over on top of him. 
You do as he says and he plants a few kisses right on your temple while holding you with one arm. He takes his other hand and guides himself into you with so much ease due to you cumming 3 times already and still getting wet over how soft they are with you despite knowing how possessive they both were. (After all who doesn't love being taken care of so sweetly? That shit turns me on so much 🥴)
After cockwarming Channie for a couple minutes, you hear the familiar pop of the lube bottle you guys just keep on the night stand and you turn your head to lay on channies chest and look back and see Lee know coating himself in a healthy layer of it. More than you've ever seen him use, and you regularly have anal sex with him and it's even more that what he uses for that. But Lee know just wants to make sure its as easy and comfortable as possible, especially without telling you their idea first.
"Again, Kitten, This is gonna be a big stretch, okay? Think you can do it for me, baby?" He asks. Again, you nod and give him a little smile then get comfy on Channie once again. 
All of a sudden, you feel Lee Know's lubed fingers come up to rub the underside of channies cock that's comfortably sitting inside you. And only then do you realize what he meant by "big stretch."
He slowly lets 2 fingers slip inside you along with channies cock, and the pressure already feels so good that it has you whimpering into channies neck while he's sitting there holding you closer to his chest while telling you how good you're already taking it. 
Lee know slowly works on opening you up more than you ever have been while Channie has been ever so slowly pumping in and out of you to make things a little easier.
"Kitten, I need you to tell me one more time that you're okay with this. It's something we've never done before and we don't have to do it if you dont want to." He says one final time, always wanting to make sure you're okay.
"Wan it daddy.. want both of you inside me. Fingers feel so good.. wan more..please?" You beg him. And the way their cocks simultaneously twitch at your sweet voice. 
"Shhh, angel love, you don't gotta beg. We'll always give our princess what they want" Channie says, nuzzling into your neck to plant a sweet kiss. 
Lee know wasn't kidding when he said it would be a big stretch. His fingers felt amazing but you felt like you were tearing in half when he put just the tip in. You loved it though. Neither one of them was small by any means but they were both big enough that it was already a stretch no matter where you took them.
Channie starts moving again, slowly, trying to distract from the slight sting he knows you're feeling as Lee know slowly inches his way fully inside. All you hear from him is little "fuck"'s whispered here and there. 
You look back to see Lee know with his eyes shut, head thrown back, and lip caught between his perfect bunny teeth. In all honesty, it's so tight that he could have came on the spot the second he put the tip in. But he really wanted to do this so he had to focus really hard so that he could follow through with his plan. 
Finally he's all the way in and the pressure is immaculate. Both of their cocks are pressing on all the right places and that has you clenching around them both. 
Experimentally, Lee know pulls almost all the way out and then shoves himself back in and that has you moaning and whimpering into channies chest. He takes that as his all clear to pick up his pace while Channie keeps a slow and steady rhythm against him. 
Soon enough, you're more than used to the stretch and the boys are just so lost in grinding themself against each other while also inside you, so warm, tight, and wet. 
With the alternating thrusts hitting your cervix so perfectly and the cute little grunts coming from the men you're sandwiched in between, you cum for a 4th and final time, gushing around both men with the cutest little moans and whimpers.
Channie is the next to follow, surprised he even held out that long with all the cockwarming and gentle thrusts he had going on while Lee know was prepping you. And Lee know came as well pretty quickly after that, completely lost in how wet it all was with the combination of all of you guys' cum and feeling chan twitching inside you still.
Chan was the first to pull out due to the oversensitivity and Lee know pulled out after, immediately running to get a couple warm rags to clean everyone up while also starting a bath for you all, while you and Channie just laid there cuddling.
AHHHHHHHHHH fuck I need both of them in me so bad rn 🥴 I'm so horny it's not even funny. My dildo isn't enough 🫠 I feel like a fucking cat in heat rn
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minisugakoobies · 1 year
Let's continue practicing this angst muscle of yours:
Stealing your wicked stepmother's booty call
As for member? I have my obvious preference but I'll let you choose
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Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: smut, maybe a smidge of angst?, Pool Boy!AU
Rating: M (18+)
Warnings: swearing, reader is plotting against her stepmom, infidelity (not involving reader), mistaken identities, cherry-haired Jimin, implied smut, Jimin's nickname is pretty self-explanatory 💦🍆🥴
Word Count: 1.5K
Disclaimers: NSFW, obviously I don’t own BTS - they just inspire me
Summary: You're tired of watching your evil stepmom waste your father's money. So you steal one of her toys.
A/N: Luce, I'm sorry this took so long! 💜 I hope you like what I dreamt up here. I still have a few more requests waiting for inspiration - y'all are so patient, I can't thank you enough 💕
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"YN, darling, pass me the suntan lotion, will you?"
Your lips instinctively curl themselves into a sneer as the sound of your stepmom's voice cuts into your poolside slumber. Opening your eyes beneath your oversized sunglasses, you tilt your head to find her lying in the chair next to you, hand extended expectantly.
You watch as she slowly applies the thick cream to her smooth skin, noting that you're not her only audience. Her movements have drawn the attention of the young man skimming the corner of the pool. His fingers tighten around the thin pole in his hands, eyes focused firmly on your stepmom's statuesque legs.
Interesting. Although Jimin was one of your classmates at university, you only knew him from his weekly visits to your father's house to clean the Olympic-sized pool where you were currently spending your summer break melding with the lounge chair. He never said more than the occasional hello and goodbye, was always polite and quiet. You thought he was incredibly cute, with his cherry red hair and gorgeous smile, but he kept to himself so you kept your distance.
So you're more than a little surprised to see such a hungry expression in his eyes as you observe him staring at your stepmom. Then he catches you looking, and quickly turns away.
You suppose you can't entirely blame him. Your stepmom is only a few years older than you and absolutely stunning. She's also a horrible, manipulative bitch who managed to sink her 30 mm stiletto fingernails directly into your father's heart and bank account.
For three years now, you've watched this woman slowly drain your inheritance away. Your father turns a blind eye to her exorbitant spending, probably because she's using her cunning wiles to keep a tight chokehold grip on his wallet. Among other things.
Your nap effectively ruined, you head into the house to grab a drink. There's a designer purse sitting on the kitchen island, your stepmom's latest purchase, and a brief rush of spite washes over you. Impetuously, you knock it over, spilling its contents all over the countertop. It's a very childish thing to do, but any chance you get to annoy the obnoxious gold digger, you take eagerly.
You wish there were something else you could do to show her just how much you hate her. Something more effective than simply knocking her things about. Like taking away one of her expensive toys. But it'd have to be something that wouldn't get you in trouble with your father. As much as you question his choices, you still love him dearly, and don't want to risk your relationship in the name of petty satisfaction.
There are some fresh cherries in the fridge, so you plop down on one of the couches in the open-concept living room to have a snack. It's not long before Jimin passes right by your perch as he heads home for the day. He doesn't seem to notice you, but it's easy to miss someone in this gigantic house if they're quiet. You just blend into the background.
He has his phone in hand and as he approaches the front door, his steps slow while his fingers fly over the screen. Then he finishes whatever he was doing and slips the phone back into his pocket before letting himself out.
From the messy pile on the kitchen island, your stepmom's phone buzzes.
You only pause for the smallest fraction of a second before leaping up to look at the phone. The screen is already dark, but you know your stepmom's code - her precious toy poodle's birthday - so you tap it in, and read the text messages waiting there:
You gotta stop teasing me when I'm working. I wanna rub you down like that
Can I come over later?
I need you tonight
There's just a nickname attached to the phone number, with a string of emojis - Super Soaker 💦🍆🥴 - but you're sure you know who is on the other end. And it's definitely not your father.
Your stepmom floats into the house. She spots your half-eaten bowl of cherries on the living room table. "YN, darling, please don't leave food just lying around like this! That's how you gets ants." She sighs heavily, as if her cushy life of doing nothing all day is exhausting. "I'm not your maid, you know? Or your mother."
"Believe me, I know," you mutter under your breath before nodding. "Okay."
"Thank you, darling. Oh, and before I forget, your father and I have plans with the Mins tonight, so we will be out very late! You'll be on your own for dinner."
"Okay," you repeat. "I'll just order something."
The look she gives you makes you grit your teeth. "Your father isn't made of money, YN." Unbelievable. How can she utter such phrases without a trace of irony? "I'm sure you can find something here to make for yourself for dinner. But please, try to keep the place clean! I don't want to come home to a messy house." And with a dismissive wave of her hand, she disappears towards the master bedroom.
That cheating brat. You want to take away her toys.
Your fingertips dance over her phone.
Be here at 8. I'll leave the door unlocked.
The response is immediate:
Can't wait, baby
You hear your stepmom's footsteps returning and quickly delete the messages before locking the phone and vanishing towards your room.
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At eight, you resume your spot on the couch. Only you've traded your swimsuit for a satin robe, wrapped tightly around your body as you wait.
You don't have to wait long. The front door opens and a moment later, Jimin appears. When he sees you, he freezes, eyes widening under raised brows. No poker face.
"Hey… YN," he speaks slowly. You can practically see the gears turning in his head as he tries to figure out what to say.
"Hi Jimin," you reply lightly. "I didn't hear you knock."
"Oh, uh, the door was open so I just… walked in…" he pauses, "I think I left my earbuds here so I came to… check."
"Jimin." You smile sweetly. Luring him in with honey. "It's ok. I know."
He feigns confusion. "You know what?"
You motion for him to join you on the couch. Jimin crosses the room carefully, like a wild animal waiting for a trap to spring. He sits next to you, running his palms over his tight jeans, wiping away the sweat. His tanned skin seems to glow against the white of his tank top, and as he fidgets, his biceps flex gently.
"Be here at 8. I'll leave the door unlocked," you say as an answer to his question.
His eyebrows rise again. "That was you?" He huffs out a breath. "Fuck."
"That was me. Listen - "
"Please don't tell your father!" Jimin interjects, panic twisting his features. "I - I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have… but she said… I mean… I really need this job! And if he - "
"Honestly, if my dad finds out…" you wind the silky belt of your robe around your fingers, shrugging. "I think the job will be the least of your worries."
Jimin looks like he might get sick all over your stepmom's pricey couch. "Oh god. What do I do?" He pauses as the reality of the situation sinks in. Then his eyes narrow as he tips his head towards you, considering. "You… if you wanted me to know that you know, you could've just told me. Why did you send me that message, pretending to be her?"
You smirk, shifting to curl your legs beneath you. Jimin's eyes travel over your frame as you move, drinking in the flimsy material that hugs your curves while leaving large swaths of your skin bare. He swallows audibly, and your smirk deepens.
"Why do you think, Jimin? I want something."
He frowns. "Look, I don't have a lot of money, but I can pay - "
"Keep your money." You gesture around you. "I don't need it."
He meets your gaze again, with darkened eyes. "Then what do you want, YN?"
A wave of heat rolls through you. The hunger you'd seen earlier is back in his expression. Again you shift, shuffling closer to him until your knees brush his thigh, the thick muscle twitching at the contact.
"I want you to stop seeing her. Stop answering her texts, stop meeting up with her. End it completely, or I tell my father." You smile, running your fingers over his forearm. "He'll believe me. I never lie to him."
Jimin stares at your hand for a moment before placing his own on top. His touch is so warm. "And is that… everything you want?" His eyes flicker to yours.
You bite your lip. "Do you know what she calls you? In her phone?"
Jimin laughs, glancing away. "Yeah. Super soaker." He rubs the back of his neck.
"Mmmhmm." You pull your hand away. Rising up on your knees, you let your robe fall open, revealing the lacy black bra and panties you're wearing beneath.
Jimin lets out a tiny exhale. "Shit."
"I want to know where that name comes from," you declare, robe slipping off your shoulders. "Will you show me?"
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© 2023 by minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost.
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