#but its nice to finally put my persephone design into use
Asphodels Part 1
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sealbatross · 4 years
Wall Song Animatic - Making / Reflections
edit: forgot to link the animatic lol.
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This is how it all started... about a year ago. Wow actually exactly a year ago (Jan 19, 2020). This idea didn't make it, but I still love it a lot.
The motivation for finally starting this animatic is the image of Hadestown in a sinkhole. The towering wall is a lie sold by Hades to the people. The walls are that of a sinkhole, they do not keep any enemies out (there aren't any) but serves to only keep people in. They build the wall by "digging their own grave" as I put it in the google docs (don't remember writing it, but its there...). The revelation is right at the end, and there isn't much time for it to sink in or be physically explored. However, I sincerely hope the zoom out was enough that this came through in the final animatic.
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The poverty started out as dark blob monsters. And I did their designs near the end because they needed to be more defined. They go from kneeling > elongated skeleton with a single glowing eye eye (echoing the workers headlamp). And grow through Hades' tall tales into birdesque monsters. "Little songbirds".
At first the poverty and the wall were going to be actual people, poor souls outside the wall who look into the shining city as their savior. And they would be checkpointed by guards at the gates and turned into workers. The poverty wasn't being kept out at all, but indoctrinated. The belief of that separation was used as motivation and an enemy to unite against. This was changed because I wanted the revelation of the lie to be at the very end.
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The thumbnail pass to sus out the different shots. It has the structure of the final.
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This was the only color planning I did before starting to paint. You can see the final shot here, and my brilliant plan of how-to-shade-faces.
I had a whole different version of this song partially rendered. Each iteration of the call response was to use the exact same structure. But with sketch, line art, then painting was going to be layered on top. The wall would be “built” art process wise. I did a mock up of this version (see video above), and Did Not Like it - however clearly that would have conveyed this concept. So I went back to the original boards.
Another Attempt™
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I wanted to try a different opening shot - try to build an ominous and oppressive atmosphere. Dogs greet us just like they do Orpheus. And they have one eye. Then the second shot of the inner factories (I hesitate to say cities), with the worker's headlamps mimicking that single eye. I remember boarding out this version on a particular tiring day, and afterwards had to admit the original was better. So it goes...
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I did like this Persephone though.
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also here's me trying to consolidate workers shots
Should'ves Etc.
In hindsight, completely designing the city would have helped some. I had a vague idea of the trench that circles the city where the workers are digging. And the abandoned western-esque towns near the edge where workers are supposed to live. Then an endless factory floor that makes up most of the inner area (no weather, roofs or walls). I should have designed the wall-less factory floor. I went with buildings instead because that felt less intrusive as it is familiar so requires less definition. But I think I could have worked the factory out if I had spent the time.
A weird thing about Hadestown is it had to be abandoned, yet full of working souls. Crude, yet filled with complex machinery. That's the kind of contradiction and challenge I love so maybe in the future...
I should have planned out the colors too. I concluded the eventual rendering would make that null and void, which was a mistake. I was originally going to have the full back end of the animatic in painted form (including Hades, the workers, everything). It would have been nice, but it wasn't necessary to me in regard to getting the point across.
Things to take away
I often find myself circling back to original ideas. Which begs the question why not take the first idea. Well, you never know.
writing on the drawings themselves is a nice way to note keep
plan out color thumbnails. its important, especially if you're using raster drawings. (can't change colors of many frames on a whim) - and especially if you're using colors as symbolism
CSP does not handle detailed graphics quickly. better to split up the project into separate files then have saving be a constant heart attack
thick lines good
A YouTube comment brought to light the contrast between the glorious shots of town and the reality of the barren landscape the workers find themselves in. I hadn’t thought of that. But it really couldn’t have been any other way. I wouldn’t be able to put the workers in a wonderfully rendered scene because that would not have been right. This is one of those subconscious symbolism things that make creation so wonderful.
As always the goal was to take what was in my head and make it real - to share and to record keep. This was one of the innumerable cases where the image was vaguely grand in my head, and there was no way I'd be able to best that on paper. But mind thoughts and concrete visuals are as different as dance and sculpture. What I mean to say is, it would be unfair to expect an exact replica. And alchemy happens during this translation, it will surprise you. So whatever it is, start! Because, well, you never know.
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whorphydice · 4 years
Hey everyone! This fic is just some domestic orphydice! In this house we love Orpheus talking to all the townspeople in the morning. I wrote this for @waitformereprise because if there is anything we enjoy its domestorphydice.
“Orpheus…” Eurydice crooned, taking her place on the edge of their small bed, hand coming to cradle her husband’s face. “Orpheus..” She coaxed, crossing her legs on the thin mattress, hands coming to rest on either side of his face. “Wake up, my love..” Her voice is airy as her lips find his jaw, trailing down to kiss along the exposed skin of his neck and chest, smiling against his skin as she feels him begin to stir. She’s resting her chin on his sternum, humming looking up at him with wide eyes and a contented smile as she yawns into consciousness, lifting his head to look down at her. 
“‘Morning, Rydice.” He calls back, sweet voice lulled by the haze associated with coming out of sleep. He raises an eyebrow, lips turning up in a smile. “You aren’t usually up before me..” Orpheus notes, raising his hand to brush some of her dark hair behind her ear. “Do you wanna-”
“Mmm, not this morning...we have to get to the market before they’re out of everything again. Can’t repeat last week’s nightly potato dinners, can we?” Eurydice muses as she crawls back up his chest, resting her elbows again beside his head as she dips her head down to catch his lips with her own, smiling as they effortlessly melded together. She pulls back again, smiling down at him as she brings a finger to bop his nose. “Besides. Baby’s awake.”
“Where is she?” Orpheus questioned, raising his head to glance around the bedroom. Now that his judgement was not hazed by sleep nor other activities, he noticed that his daughter was neither in the bed nor in her permanent spot on Eurydice’s hip. 
As if she knew she was being talked about, tiny footsteps echoed through the tiny two room cottage they called their home, and excited baby babbles grew louder as tiny legs carried the toddler to her parents. Little hands gripped the door frame, before bright hazel eyes peaked around too. 
Eurydice put her fingers on her lips, looking at Orpheus. A coy smile graced her face as she looked away from the door. “Do you hear something, Orpheus?” She teased loudly, looking around the room playfully. 
“Me? No. Must be the wind.” He replies, a giggle on the edge of his airy voice. “Do you hear something, Rydice?” 
“Nope, nothin, must be some birds.” She plays, before she feels tiny hands  hit her thigh. 
“me, mama!” The toddler exclaims, bouncing excitedly at the bedside. “Up?” She requests, holding her arms up to both her parents. 
Eurydice doesn’t hesitate before scooping Ophelia into her lap, kissing over her face and making her erupt into giggles. 
“ ‘mornin dada.” She coos to Orpheus, lunging at him with open arms, wrapping them around his face in her own version of a hug. 
“It IS you, sunshine girl.” Eurydice teases, tickling her foot as she buries her face into Orpheus’s shoulder. 
“Good morning, Ophelia!” Orpheus greets brightly, joy leaking into his voice. He was always so happy to see his daughter in the morning, even if it was usually a result of her kicking him awake much like her mother. “What have you been doing with your mama?”
“Someone was supposed to be eating her breakfast.” Eurydice raised her eyebrows at Ophelia, who just giggled and hid her face. “Did you finish your eggs, baby?” It had been her fear most of Ophelia’s life. The baby she loved so dearly going hungry in the way she had, or not having enough to make it through a particularly rough winter. 
“Noooo mama.” Ophelia admitted, resting her little body on her father’s , kicking her feet innocently. “Want boo-berries.”  
Eurydice sighed, shaking her head as she reached her arm out to smooth Ophelia’s wavy hair. “Well honey, i’m sorry, we don’t have any blueberries right now. But if you can get your daddy out of bed..” She poked Orpheus’s exposed side, making him jump slightly. “We can go get some before they’re out again this week.” 
Ophelia lifted her head excitedly, bringing her pudgy hands to Orphues’s cheeks. She squeezed her hands on his face, smiling down at him. “Dada, its booberry time!” She kicked her feet in time with her little hands patting on his face. “Booberry time..booberry time..” 
“Hmm, singing to get what she wants, wonder where she learned that.” Eurydice mused, reaching down to grab Ophelia and pull her onto her own lap. “Come on, baby, lets go finish your breakfast,  while your father gets dressed, then I will go get you as many blueberries as your hands can hold.” 
Eurydice winked at Orpheus as she stood, kissing Opheila’s temple. “And maybe Persephone will let you play with Winter tonight, huh? So that your mama and dada can finish what they started earlier.” 
Not long after, Orpheus joined them in the kitchen meets living room, that really comprised the rest of their little home. Eurydice is sitting on the floor with Ophelia, clapping excitedly every time Ophelia took another spoonful of breakfast, the high giggles of his daughter reach his ears as she excitedly bounces around her mother, dancing in little circles around Eurydice. 
Eurydice may notice him staring, but decides not to comment as she pulls Ophelia into her arms and stands in one fluid motion. “Looks like it’s time to go, O.” She comments, adjusting Ophelia’s tiny pigtails atop her head. “Do you want the baby or the bag, Orpheus?” She asks softly, gesturing to the cotton grocery bag hanging on the doorknob. 
“She seems plenty happy right where she is.” Orpheus leans down to kiss Eurydice’s forehead before kissing Ophelia’s nose as well.  He slings the bag over his shoulder, before extending a hand to his wife. “Ready?” 
Eurydice wordlessly takes his hand, leaning her head against his arm. On her opposite hip was Ophelia, babbling happily as they began the short walk home. 
Eurydice could remember her very first walk with Ophelia through this town, a little infant who slept at her chest, bundled under all of her clothes and blankets to keep her warm. She could still feel her, that tiny human, the soft shallow baby breaths against her skin, tiny baby fingers drumming along her chest. It was so different from now, yet so similar. Ophelia, at nearly two, is perfectly capable of walking, holding conversations with her parents, and requesting whatever she wanted. Yet she still found her comfort in her mother’s arms, still slept the best with her head over Eurydice’s heart, and preferred to be carried on one of her parent’s hips. 
Orpheus didn’t need to say much, just bringing their hands to his lips, drawing her out of her thoughts. They reach the market quickly, their home not terribly far from town, just enough that they could raise their daughter in the peace of the country. 
It was a busy day, considering the ideal summer weather warming the street of the market place. He lead her towards the first booth, where summer berries were advertised. They had a short shopping list, and their daughter’s favorite fruit was a luxury they were glad to splurge on. 
“Well good morning Miss Eurydice, Orpheus. And to you too, pretty girl.” The old woman at the booth greeted, adjusting her light cotton wrap around her as she leaned back into her chair. The booth was well designed, with a shady over hand protecting her from the summer sun. “Lovely day to see you three out.” She remarks, her gaze bouncing between the three of them. “That girl of yours is getting so big. And she’s lookin’ more like her mama every day.” It’s a normal comment. Part of their weekly trips together. 
“Oh she’s your twin, Eurydice. ‘Cept for her daddy’s eyes.”
“She’s getting so big, you’ve done such a good job with her.”
Orpheus smiles as their daughter waves shyly, fishing his shopping list from the bag. “Eurydice’s to thank for all of that, trust me. Do you remember when I used to bring Ophelia by before… before Eurydice came home? All she needed was her mother, and look at her now.” He’s always so proud, when he muses on and on about his daughter and wife, offering the woman at the stand some coins. 
“She was asking for your blueberries this morning. They’re her favorite thing. She’d eat nothing but them all day, for every meal.” Eurydice explains, kissing Ophelia’s fists gently, the toddler not fighting to run today, instead she is happy to be close to her parents. 
“Boo-berries?” Ophelia asks, tilting her head to look at Eurydice. 
“Yes baby, we’re getting you berries.”  Eurydice promises, offering a kind smile. “Orpheus can you finish up here, I’m going to get some eggs before they run out again.” She waves to the elderly woman running the fruit stand, Ophelia doing the same. “We’ll see you next week.”
“You take care of yourself, girl.” 
Eurydice arrives at the stand a few down, thankful to see they are not out of stock again. “Mornin!” She greets, shifting Ophelia from her left to her right hip. 
“Good morning, Eurydice. And to you, Ophelia.” The woman running this stand was not terribly older than Eurydice, though she had four boys running about behind her. “You two have the most well behaved baby in this town, I swear. And look at her. How old is she now, two? Thinkin’ about giving her a sister?”
Eurydice smiles at the compliment, before shaking her head. “Thank you..yeah she’ll be two this fall. Hard to believe..” It was hard to believe that two years prior she was in an apartment in Hadestown, begging any god who would listen to let her baby be able to go to Orpheus. Even more hard to believe was that she had been home for just over a year now. Life was funny that way, how it escaped you when you tried to cherish every moment. “Any more? Gods, no, she is more than I ever thought i’d have. And We’ve finally got her to sleep a whole night. And it’s nice, to not be her personal dairy, you know?” She waves off, letting Ophelia down to go chase the chicken that the merchant brought with her. “She’s a dream, we aren’t gonna get greedy… Ophelia be gentle.”
The merchant just smiled at her, shaking her head. “I understand. She’s a good girl, you did a good job. And look at her. She’s gotten so big. I remember Orpheus coming through here, this tiny peanut of a girl in his arms, trying his damndest to find something she could eat. Noone knew how to explain that an infant couldn’t eat fried eggs. He has loved her so fiercely ever since.. I could see it in his eyes those first days. LIke he’d jump in front of that train for this baby of yours.” 
“We love your daddy very much, don’t we Ophelia?” Eurydice knelt to Ophelia’s height, gently helping the child pet the feathers of the bird. 
“Should we get you a bird to play with, honey?” Comes Orpheus’s voice, as he kneels down beside his wife. 
“We are NOT getting her a chicken, Orpheus. Chickens are for food, not pets.” She teased, glancing at his bag. “orpheus..How many berries did you buy?”
“Ophelia likes them, I want her to have enough!” He defends, standing and offering Eurydice a hand to pull her to her feet. “We may..just be having a lot this week.”
“You can’t say no.” Eurydice teases, kissing his cheek.  Though she understands. If they can manage it, they will. There is no length they will not go for each other and their little family, if they can manage. She remains holding Ophelia’s hand, as she talks to the chicken as if it were her peer. 
Orpheus completes the transactions as he watches his wife with their daughter, Ophelia’s dissenting whines hurting him as they pull her away from the birds. He scoops up their daughter, his other arm wrapping around Eurydice’s shoulders. 
They make their way through, exchanging for what they need for the week. They by no means live lavishly, but they have what they could want. By mid day, the sun is beating onto their skin, as they start the short walk home. 
Orpheus’ nose is burned, and Eurydice’s hair is curling tighter  in the humid heat. They are not paying attention to that though, only to the soft singing of their daughter, as she swings her arms between them.
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seokoloqy · 6 years
helLO pARADISE, mY NAMe IS | myg (m)
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➳ PAIRING: hades!yoongi x persephone!y/n
➳ GENRE: smut, just a tiny bit of angst, greek myth!au
➳ WARNINGS: attempted kidnapping, mentions of death, fingering (he has rings on yeehaw), unprotected sex, creampie
➳ SUMMARY: Buried in the Earth where seasons did not exist, where all prosperous life perished, and Helios’s blinding light could not touch; you slept soundly in the arms of darkness.
➳ A/N: oomf first fic of 2019! i love greek myths so i hope i did it justice... and feedback is always welcome! anyways, happy new year everyone and i hope you enjoy!! 
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As the clouds wept for their fallen god, he was consumed by the Earth, sinking into the deepest parts of despair where humanity no longer existed and death lurked in the inky shallows of Styx. He found himself trapped inside the loneliest void the world had to offer. His brothers did not grieve for his loss for they found comfort in their own luxury above where the Earth flourished in his absence. As flowers began to blossom in Spring, he created a kingdom where isolation and despair found solace in the arms of the dead.
Eons of solitude wore away at his weary soul, and he longed for Helios’s blinding rays to grace his pale skin, to see blooming gardens rise from dirt, and for the smell of earthy petrichor once again. He wanted—needed—his own slice of Elysian in the Hell he, unfortunately, called home.
“Hello, uh…” Is the first missing piece of euphoria he has found in your hesitant voice, as you struggle to address him. You had accidentally bumped into him, colliding against one another as you tried running the opposite direction, away from the vigilant eyes of your keeper.
In the lively chatter of drunken gods, he can only focus on you, the budding goddess of Spring, and forgets entirely why he has come to visit his brother's palace. It’s rare to find him wandering the great and golden halls of Olympus; he doesn’t belong in the palace of glowing gods.
It’s amusing you don’t recognize him. Can’t you tell? He diminishes light, darkness follows his wake, flowers wilt and die, life ceases to exist wherever he goes. It must be your mother, leaving you clueless and naive to the realm of Hades.
“Yoongi.” He answers, reprieving you from embarrassment. No recognition, not even a glint behind your youthful and sparkling eyes. You really have never heard of the danger you’ve just met.
“Hello Yoongi, my name is Y/N,” you chirp.  
Light does not touch him, yet, the outstretched offering of peace glows softly. Your hand reaches towards him, a golden light that breaks the cover of darkness surrounding his being.
Hesitantly, he takes your hand gently, afraid he might put out your ethereal light. To his astonishment, as his hand envelops yours it glows brighter, like a connection woven by the fates has been made. He’s struck by the warmth that encompasses him, thawing his frozen heart and sending him spiraling down into sweet oblivion.
The seconds of your warm, endless light holding onto him is enough to decide. He needs you to save him from the eternal darkness that clouds his realm—bring him salvation from solitude.
“There you are, Y/N! What are you doing wandering off, love?”
Your hand slips from his and the connection is lost, leaving him bitterly cold once again, longing for a hint of warmth.
Love. He hasn’t heard that useless phrase in centuries, but as it falls from the messenger god’s lips, it ignites a long forgotten flame inside him. What was it like to have a lover? Admittedly he has had his share of meaningless late-night affairs, but what does it feel like to hold someone he cherishes in his arms at the end of his eternal nights?
“Your mother put me in charge of you, and she’ll castrate me if she finds out you’ve been talking to strangers.” The exasperated messenger pulls you away from the brooding god, keeping you a safe distance from the dark.
Yoongi is hardly a stranger. Olympus knows his name, eldest son of Kronos and king of the underworld, he deserves more respect from a simple winged boy. However, he doesn’t express his contempt for the messenger’s choice of words, leaving his anger to simmer.
“You can’t keep me by your side forever, Taehyung. I want to be free to meet new people.” You dare to look towards Yoongi, the enigmatic stranger whose cold hands somehow felt warm clasped around yours.
You examine the crown resting carefully atop his silver hair. The metal, well-worn through years of abuse, has turned a discolored amber color. The design of his crown twists into what resembles antlers overlapping one another with a single garnet gem held in the center. It looks sharp enough to pierce the skin.
“Am I not sufficient company, darling?” Taehyung pouts then brings his attention towards Yoongi giving him a look that says something along the lines of ‘back off’. A look that doesn’t intimidate Yoongi the slightest, he has seen worse in Tartarus, where only the wicked spend their eternity. “Would you prefer to be acquainted with the king of Hades instead?”
Dissatisfaction is prevalent in Taehyung’s voice. Of all the gods on Olympus, you had to meet him, the most unpleasant, insolent, and ill-tempered god of them all. He is meant to look after you during your visit to Olympus and now you're smitten by the king of Hades.
You stare wide-eyed at Yoongi. You’ve heard of his realm before briefly when your mother explained what happened to mortals when they died. You faintly recall her saying his kingdom was desolate and devoid of life, including the gardens you cherish so much.
You purse your rosy lips, disapproving of Taehyung’s attitude towards not only you but Yoongi as well. “I can befriend whoever I please, you aren’t my mother and you don’t control me, Taehyung.”
“She’s right. I believe she should be free to choose for herself,” Yoongi agrees, keeping his eyes keenly trained on you while Taehyung’s narrow at the king’s words.
“What has brought you to Olympus, Yoongi? Neither of your brothers or sisters has requested you, I would have known.” Taehyung knows everything that goes on in the palace, who comes and goes, who belongs and who doesn’t.
“I am here on my own accord, boy. Do I need permission to visit my brother's palace?” Venom drips from Yoongi’s lips as he glowers at the pretentious young god.
The air slowly begins to thin and becomes harder and harder to breathe. With the tension between the two, you start to feel uncomfortable watching their silent confrontation. You grab Taehyung’s hand and try pulling him away first, knowing the hot-headed messenger doesn’t like to back down from a challenge.
“Let's go back to the garden. I want to see the flowers again,” you mutter. Taehyung reluctantly follows tearing his gaze away to trail after you. “Goodbye, Yoongi, it was nice meeting you.”
You turn away from the god without looking back, silently hoping you can continue this meeting another time soon when there is no guardian hovering over you under the instruction of your mother.
Yoongi watches as you disappear, taking the light with you and leaving him alone in the dark once again.
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The mortal world is where the foolish, the greedy, and the sinful lie. The likes of which, you blindly do not know of. You are caught in an idyllic dream where there is no wrong in the world, carefully crafted by your mother.
She believes mortals are expendable beings that have no business being associated with the gods. They’re dirty creatures with wicked whims that will do anything for what they desperately desire. They hunt their prey like wild beasts, unrelenting and merciless.
“Come out, there is no use in hiding. You’re mine.”
Taehyung left you by the lapping pools of a crystal lake. You convinced him it was a safe location since it is so close to home, where your mother is. He trusted you would be safe under the watch of several nymphs who inhabited the quiet lake.
“Did you hear me? You belong to me. Now come out before I get angry.”
However, it wasn’t safe there, someone was watching in the dark foliage, stalking you with their vigilant eyes. You were unaware of the danger that lurked in the dark as you plucked wildflowers from the Earth.
“When I find you, I will make you my bride.”
You had no choice but to run, trying to find sanctuary in an unfamiliar part of the forest. No protection against this danger, just your instinct, and prayers that one of the benevolent gods will come to your rescue.
As your bare feet desperately push you forward, the ground begins to tremble. You’re knocked off balance and sent tumbling into the ground. As you lie in the dirt, whimpering as rocks dig into your soft flesh, the sound of footsteps creeps closer. You’re certain he has found you and will drag you back to his kingdom where he will make sure of his promise.
Fear grips you in its steady grasp. Your legs are frozen, unable to stand again, despite your begging. You plead for the strength to move, but nothing finds you. Just as helplessness washes over you, the Earth finally caves, sinking you into the deepest parts of despair.
Your descent begins with a scream for help as you fall into unending darkness. You meet water at the end of your fall—bottomless, black waters. It consumes you and envelops your entire being in its murky depths. The sting of its surface hitting your skin is excruciating. You try to cry out from pain, but water rushes into your lungs as you thrash.
Swimming towards the surface, you’re met with dim moonlight and an endless fog. You violently cough up the remnants of water still lingering in your throat. There is no shore in sight, you're left no resting place, forced to paddle your arms and kick your legs to stay afloat.
“Hello?” You call out hoarsely, hoping for an answer in this lifeless world. “Please help me!”
“Help will never come, you foolish child,” a disembodied voice hisses.
You twist your head, looking for the source of the voice to find nothing but the same endless waters. There is nowhere to hide if it chooses to find you. You reply to it, “What do you mean? Where am I?”
The voice mockingly laughs, echoing all around yet no one is there, “You’re in Hades.”
Yoongi. The king of Hades crosses your mind. This is his realm. Which means he must be here too, watching over his kingdom. Was it him who sent you here?
“Do you… have any idea how to get out?”
It laughs again, “Once you’re here you can never leave.”
The laughter subsides and you’re left alone again to muddle in your thoughts. That stranger in the forest, this is all his fault. He called himself a king, he said he was lost, and he asked for your name which you carelessly gave away. He hunted you and chased you through the thickets, all while spewing nonsensical vows to marry you.
While you pity yourself for being so foolish, you feel a tug at your dress. As you try peering down into the inky waters, it tugs again harder, nearly submerging your head under. Panic sets in and you begin to swim towards nothing in particular, just desperate to get away from whatever is grabbing at you.
A hand wraps around your ankle pulling you underneath the surface. You clamp your mouth shut to stop the scream desperate to escape and try to swim up, moving your legs to shake off the hand. In the murky waters, you can make out a figure of a person, holding tightly onto your ankle. Its grey fingers dig into your skin, piercing the flesh and hooking into you. The hollow eyes and decaying face watch as you twist and pull yourself closer to the surface.
There’s another corpse, and another, appearing out of the dark depths all swimming towards you, trying to get a piece. One of the corpses pushed into the one holding onto you and you manage to pry your leg free. Without hesitation you begin to swim away, rising to the surface for air.
You can feel their hands brushing along your legs, stomach, and waist. Swimming further into the fog, you make out a rocky shore. You kick your legs and dive your arms into the water, trying to escape.
As you come upon the shores filled with piercing rocks, you can no longer stand to move your limbs. You lay in the rising waters, half submerged and your arms splayed forwards gripping onto the jagged rocks for a semblance of comfort.
There are no more hands clawing at your feet, for now, you believe you are safe and that lulls you into a deep sleep.
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“How could you let this happen? I told you to bring her to me safely and she is worse than when she arrived! You’re absolutely useless, get out.”
Your eyes flutter open at the familiar sound of Yoongi’s voice, hushed and irritated. Footsteps recede and a door is slammed, followed by Yoongi’s deep sigh.
You are no longer on the rocky shores of Hades, instead, you’re pressed against a mattress tucked beneath a wool blanket. The room is unfamiliar, coated in blacks and greys. The black canopy bed you are laid in is draped in dark mesh, leaving the hushed whisper behind a semi-transparent curtain. You can faintly make out the silhouette of Yoongi and his pointed crown.
“Yoongi,” you whisper, reaching your now bandaged arm out to push aside the mesh drape.
He must have heard you, his outline turns towards the bed and opens the curtain, revealing him in the same dark attire you last saw him in. His face is relieved, lips twisting into a faint smile as he gazes at you fondly. “You’re okay now. Just rest and I will run you a bath soon.”
“No, wait!” You call just as he begins to turn away, a hand darting out to latch onto his retreating figure, only grazing the skin of his wrist lightly. He flinches from your touch, and you withdraw your hand to your chest. Your cheeks turn a rosy color, feeling as if you’ve interfered with his personal space. He doesn’t seem like the type of man who enjoys physical contact.
When you first met, he was so hesitant to even touch you. Maybe he only shook your hand so you would leave him alone, after all, he has a reputation on Olympus for being a callous god.
“I mean… thank you for answering me.”
“Answering you?” He echoes, parting the drapes further.
You pluck the stray threads of wool from the blanket thrown over you. “I prayed.” You answer, pushing yourself up the bed. Your bare arms are met with cold air, sending your arms to unconsciously wrap around yourself. Your dress is still damp from the fall. “I prayed and you saved me, didn’t you?”
Yoongi takes the wool blanket and pushes it over your shoulders, careful not to touch your glowing skin. He licks his parched lips and offers you a solemn reply, “I hardly saved your life. You landed in Styx, nearly drowned in the waters and cut yourself on the shores. I could have killed you.”
“But you saved me from that wicked king, Pirithous. I’d rather be dead than trapped as a bride to that awful man?”
Yoongi makes note of that name, mentally reserving a special spot in Tartarus for him soon.
“What now?” Yoongi snaps, turning to the door where his withered ferryman stands haunched. Yoongi hasn’t gotten over the carelessness and disregards the ferryman seemed to have for his order to bring you back unscathed.
“The messenger is here for you.”
“Taehyung?” You perk up, pushing aside the blanket, eager to see your friend again. You want to be held in comforting arms, a familiar and safe embrace. “I have to see him.”
Yoongi is quick to move in front of you as you swing your legs over the bed. He has his palm towards you as a gesture to stop you, close, but not touching your bare shoulder. “You can’t see him, not like this.”
You glance down at your attire, lilac dress clinging to your damp skin. Despite this, you don’t find anything the matter. The wool blanket is tossed aside and you stand, nearly pressing against him, toe to toe. He doesn’t seem to notice the proximity, a glaze in his atramentous eyes.
“I mean… You could become ill. This dress…” he drifts off, eyes trailing to the side where they linger over the sheets you slept peacefully in. “I’ll run you a bath instead.”
Yoongi steps away, finally regaining his sanity, and makes his way towards the connecting bathroom. The ornamental cape draped over his shoulders flows behind his figure and disappears into the bath.
You turn your head to the shadowy man still lingering in the doorway who curiously stares at the soft golden halo of light enveloping your body. It’s unnerving the way his skeletal fingers clutch his staff tightly to his chest and his crooked gaze drifts over you.
The faucet is turned on, the sound of water filling the tub fills the room and the arcane ferryman turns to leave the threshold, returning to the river where he is most needed.
“Come in.” Yoongi emerges from the bathroom, sleeves rolled up and showing off the pale skin underneath.
“W-With you?”
You regret the words as soon as they come out of your mouth, not realizing how it sounds aloud. What is it that you’re implying?
Yoongi drags his eyes down your figure, tonguing his cheek. ”No, I have to meet with the messenger.” He shakes his head, trying to erase the lustful images that have plagued his thoughts. He takes his leave, heading towards the door afraid if he looks at you again, it will drive him insane. “Please, take as long as you need.”
He leaves before you can thank him for saving you—for caring for you.
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You emerge from the bathroom, wrapped tightly in a white towel. Your original clothes are damp with water from the river and you’re left with no other option. You flush at the thought of wandering around Yoongi’s palace with nothing but a flimsy piece of cloth wrapped around your body.
The room is well furnished with a full vanity table as well as a closet. There must be something in there for you to wear, undoubtedly only men’s clothing, specifically only Yoongi’s clothing. You walk across the room to the closet, opening up the creaking doors.
There only seems to be one color pallet in his wardrobe—black. The shirts hung up are neatly spaced on the rack with pants folded and resting at the bottom. His shirts are all the same, black button-up shirts. You pull one off the hanger and slip your arms through the sleeves. They fall past your hands and stop mid-thigh.
You admire the silk and the cooling effect it has on your skin. Releasing your towel to the ground, you begin to button up the shirt. As you pick up the pants laid out and unravel them, they seem too big to fit around your waist so you put them back, deciding the shirt is enough for now.
The halls are empty, holding only foreboding darkness at the end where you have no idea what awaits. This is nothing like Olympus, where the golden halls are lined with windows opening to the blue skies and wispy clouds. Here, heavy curtains cover the pane and block the view.
Yoongi never said you had to stay in the room, and you’re hoping to find Taehyung and explain everything to him. Your mother must be worried sick, you have to reassure her you’re okay.
“Yoongi?” You try calling. You doubt you’ll find the throne room easily and there isn’t anyone around to guide you.
Leaving the hall you come upon a room where you’re struck with a sense of familiarity. Underneath the dome-shaped ceiling is a tree. In the heart of the room is a full pomegranate tree, bearing deliciously ripe fruit.
You unconsciously step forward, entranced by the glowing halo of light cascading down from the windows above. The only bit of light in this realm belongs to the tree. You ache for its warmth to blossom across your skin once again.
Your hand reaches for one of the sanguine fruit, plucking it off. As the branch snaps back and the leaves rustle, you run your thumb over the smooth skin, admiring the ripeness and shine. The shell cracks under the pressure of your fingers digging into the core where the wine colored juices leak out and bleed onto your fingers. You pluck a few maroon seeds from the center and fondle them in the palm of your hand.
“Stop! What are you doing?” The yell comes from the opposite end of the room, there you see Yoongi rapidly approaching, cape billowing behind him. He rips the fruit from your unsteady hands and tosses it to the ground, giving you a warning look. “You must not eat or drink anything from my kingdom if you want to return home to your mother. Do you understand me?” He warns, stern eyes focusing on your gaping features.
All you can do is nod weakly as your eyes drift to the discarded fruit and scattered seeds, not daring to look up, “I’m sorry. I-I didn’t know.”
You really are a foolish girl. No wonder your mother never let you roam the land without a guardian. It took months of begging for her to agree to let you visit Olympus for the first time, but only with Taehyung as an escort. You can’t go anywhere alone without her overbearing fear for your safety.
Yoongi regrets his uncontrolled outburst, feeling guilty as your face falls, but he can’t risk unintentionally trapping you here. You probably will never forgive him. “Don’t apologize to me.” He sighs, shifting his crown forward as it had moved back in his haste to reach you on time.
You nod silently, toying with the edge of his shirt draped over your figure. Yoongi’s attention drifts over to your hands and down to the bare skin of your legs. Under his gaze, you unconsciously pull the shirt lower, embarrassed by the exposure.
“You must be cold.” He blurts, hands moving to his neck where the string of his cape lies. “Here, take this.”
He unties his cape, pulling the string around his neck loose with agile fingers and wraps it over your shoulders, the warmth left from his body lingers and envelops you. He fixes it around your shoulders, tying a neat bow in the front.
You don’t have the heart to tell him you aren’t cold as your giddy heart races when he smoothes the dark cloth over your shoulders. A touch that sends shivers down your body, although not the same as when you first met. When your hands touched for the first time it felt like millions of volts through your body, sensations you only crave more of.  
“There you go,” he murmurs, lips pulling into a tight awkward smile as his hands fall from your shoulders.
“Thank you.” You fight off the rising blush, wrapping the entire cape around your body to hug yourself.  
“Of course. Now, come, I have a room for you.” He gestures with two fingers beckoning you to follow him through the door you came through and back into the dark halls.
“What about Taehyung? Hasn’t he come to take me home?” You ask, catching up to Yoongi as he moves to the door.
He must have spoken to Taehyung while you were bathing. Did Yoongi tell him what happened to you?
“I’ve explained everything and we both agreed it would be safer if… you stayed here with me for a while.” There is a hint of unease behind his voice and he reaches to unbutton his collar, exposing his sunken collarbones.
“And my mother? She must be worried!” You exclaim, taking the cape and wrapping it tighter around yourself as it gives you a bit of security from the dark.
Yoongi grimaces at the mention of your overbearing mother, “Taehyung will notify her. You have nothing to worry about.”
You nod, accepting his answers. Staying here doesn’t seem so bad. You’ve never really gotten the chance to explore anywhere else but Earth, where it’s green grass and blue skies never failed to make you feel comforted. Here it’s different. Every inch of this kingdom is covered in mist and decay, the inhabitants are no longer living.
But looking at Yoongi as he strides confidently down the hall makes you a bit braver, he is undisturbed by the darkness of his kingdom and you want to exude that same confidence. Adapting to and learning about a whole new world intrigues you, especially when its king is so infamous on Olympus—a mystery in your eyes.
“This is your room for now.” He stops in front of the door adjacent to the one you woke up in. Both doors are exactly alike and you can only guess behind the door is an immaculate copy of the same room. “And I’ll be in the one across from you.”
“Thank you,” you grin, pulling him into a hug. He has his arms hovering over your shoulders, startled by your sudden embrace. Before he can lay his hand around you, you pull away. “And goodnight, Yoongi.”
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The room, despite its fresh linen and immaculate furnishings, fails to bring you a sense of comfort in this unfamiliar environment. You’re alone underneath the suffocating blankets and left pondering what your fate would have been if you hadn’t been rescued by Yoongi.
If he hadn’t saved you… just the thought of that vile and repulsive king trying to steal you away to make you his prize of a wife makes you want to scream. You’re beyond grateful for Yoongi’s generosity and hospitality—welcoming you into his kingdom, an infamous land where its doors open only for the dead.
You stare at the ceiling, thinking of the man resting in the room across the hall. You’ve only just met, yet, there is an undeniable pull—like Eros has struck you with his golden arrow and brought you together. You find yourself longing again for his touch.
You brush off your lingering thoughts and toss aside the sheets, letting it fall across the empty half of the bed. From your bedroom to his, you carefully tip-toe across the empty hall, hoping not to disturb whatever resides in the dark. As you push down the golden handle and creak open a sliver of his door, you’re met with the silver moonlight and the shadow of Yoongi’s figure as he faces the window. He turns his head at the sound of his door opening, startled by the sudden intruder.
Peaking your head through the crack, you ask him a question, “May I come in?”
He nods and turns to face you, hands clasped behind his back as he watches you enter the room silently. You shut the door behind you, hearing the lock click into place and lean against the door frame.
“Are you feeling alright?” He asks, hoping the chilling temperature hasn’t begun to affect you.
“I’m feeling fine, but I just…” you trail off, unable to find the right words. Asking the king of Hades if you can spend the night in his bed together seems so uncouth to you.  “Can I stay with you? Just for tonight.”
You prepare for the worst reaction, for him to refuse and turn you away, laughing at your foolish bravery. Although, you’re silently praying he’ll agree to let you fall soundly asleep in his arms.
“Yes.” He speaks without hesitation despite his better judgment objecting every step he takes towards the bed, suddenly looking smaller than before. How can he lay beside a goddess, one who shines despite the looming darkness that shrouds him, without diminishing part of that light?
You nearly skip to the bed, wanting nothing more than to crawl into it and drift off into oblivion securely pressed against his chest. You peel the sheets back, sliding into the familiar warmth with a satisfied sigh.
He doesn’t know if you’d prefer for him to join you now or wait until you’re asleep.
“Will you join me?” You ask through tired eyelids. Today has been an experience you never thought possible, meeting the king of Hades, being chased by another mad king and brought to the underworld. You just want to sleep for centuries.
He wordlessly nods and pulls back the blanket and joins you, laying on his side facing you.
You turn on your side to look at his glowing features, boldly letting your tired thoughts slip out, “You’re cute.” Your finger traces the curve of his nose and pauses at the tip just as he begins to blush. A giggle escapes you and you pull your finger away, enjoying the way his nose scrunches and he shakes his head.
“Just cute?” He muses. “I should be the one saying that to you.”
“Ah,” you swoon, pressing a hand to your cheek jokingly. “The almighty king of the underworld believes I’m cute.”
“Is that so surprising?”
“No, many gods tell me frequently… however, I think I like when you say it the most,” you admit, slipping an arm underneath his to bring yourself closer to his chest and resting to the sound of his beating heart.
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Adjusting to the eternal night sky and echoing screams of the damned takes time. You’re sure that enough time has passed above that the trees are beginning to shed its leaves and the vibrant flowers are beginning to wilt in preparation for Fall. There’s no way of knowing for sure, there are no flowers in Hades, besides the pomegranate tree that never seems to wither. While the season change, you take comfort resting endless nights away beneath the everlasting tree, needing no other entertainment besides the artificial light and rustling branches as they sway peacefully.
But it’s no secret you long to see grassy hills and blooming flowers again while stuck in this kingdom—it’s not like home. The closest you will ever get to those blossoming hills is the distant glow of the Elysian, a sanctuary out of reach to you. It’s reserved only for righteous mortal souls, off-limits to everyone else.
Yoongi has assured you many times that this is for the best. He only wants to keep you safe while Pirithous is still roaming the Earth looking for a bride. He tries making up for your frustrations by allowing you to join him as he rules over his kingdom with a stern fist. You sit by his side, listening to woeful tales of dead men and women as they beg for another chance at life. The answer is always a resounding no. You’ve learned that Yoongi doesn’t allow for second chances—one miserable life is enough for mortals.
Today seems no different as the weeping man falls to his knees before you, desperately holding onto a lyre and pleading for the return of his wife. “Please, I’ve come so far… Euridice was so young and we just married. We had our whole lives ahead of us. She was taken too quickly from me.”
You hear Yoongi huff, bored and already waiting to move on.
“And what makes this any different than all the others? I’ve heard it before. Don’t waste my time with your tears, Orpheus.”
“B-But I’ll do anything to save my love,” the man stutters, clambering to his feet, daring to take a step forward. “Wouldn’t you do the same for yours?”
Yoongi’s eyes naturally glance to you and you can’t help but notice. You haven’t been here long, no one in the underworld really knows the real magnitude of your relationship with its king, not even you. Does sharing a bed and falling asleep in his arms every night count as something more to him? You hope it does because you find yourself loving the nights you spend together in his room talking about the world above, how he still loves his chaotic brothers despite their differences and your love for blooming flowers in the Springtime.
“Anything?” Yoongi muses, leaning into the ebony throne with his arms resting on either side, a hint of mischief in his voice. “Then prove it to me.”
“W-What?” The mortal clutches his lyre to his chest, confused by the king’s request.
“Prove to me how much you care for your love and I might be inclined to release her.”
You look between the two men staring at one another as seconds pass. Yoongi isn’t one to let spirits leave his kingdom easily. It will take an extraordinary gesture that will move him enough to set Euridice free. You already pity the mortal, he’s lost his wife and now has come a long way to bravely face the king of Hades.
“I accept,” Orpheus speaks after mulling over his options. He sits on the ground, positioning his lyre before strumming the strings of his worn instrument. The melody he creates is a melancholy song of longing and loss. As it slowly echoes through the room, you’re entranced by the gentle sound of his haunting song. It’s like you can feel his pain, his grief, his loneliness. Even without words, it’s clear how much he loves his wife.
It reminds you of your situation and how you desperately want to be reunited with your mother, how lonesome it is here without the nymphs or Taehyung, but also the way you feel for Yoongi.
He stops strumming, waiting for a response from the king. Yoongi seems unmoved, remaining in his laid-back position and twisting the metal ring on his forefinger with his thumb lazily.
“All I can say is, I’m impressed by your incredible talent, unfortunately...”
You know what’s coming, the cruel refusal and unsympathetic shrug as he dismisses him for another desperate soul. The ‘no’ is just on the tip of his tongue and you can’t help but beat him to the conclusion. You can’t watch another one go, not after such a moving performance. He deserves to be reunited with his love, he’s proven himself enough with his haunting melody
“Give him a chance, Yoongi.” You lean across your chair, reaching for his hand.
Orpheus begins with a chant of thank you’s and relieved tears as he looks to your sympathetic face.
“And why should I?” Yoongi interrupts. He doesn’t show any indignation for your demand, nor does he seem pleased.
“You can’t turn him away, not after he traveled all the way to bravely face you. I think he has proven his love enough. Please, give him a chance.”
“If you truly believe he deserves this, I promise to let her go on one condition,” he turns toward Orpheus. “You can have her back as long as you don’t look at her until you leave this realm. You may have the urge to turn back but, if you don’t, you’ll have a lifetime with her if you keep your patience for a little while longer.”
Another odd request from the king, but nevertheless, the mortal man is overjoyed by your persuasion. He swears to obey Yoongi’s wishes, believing he won’t lose her again. He makes his way to the doors, eagerly awaiting to be reunited with his wife once again on Earth. As he turns, a shadowy figure materializes behind him in the form of his wife, no longer the decrepit and pale apparition she once was while stuck in oblivion. Her young, familiar self has been restored by Yoongi’s promise.
You watch as they leave, Eurydice trailing behind her ecstatic husband as he leads them off. However, it doesn’t take long until the news of their ill-fated journey meets your ears.
“He couldn’t do it?” You push yourself off the ground and wipe away the dirt stuck to the chiffon fabric of your dress. You took a break to relax away from the tears of the dead.
“The very last step, he turned around and now Eurydice has returned to Asphodel.” He explains.
His unapologetic tone irritates you. He doesn’t seem to have any remorse for the star-crossed lovers. Why would he create another challenge after Orpheus had already proven himself? Did Yoongi want to watch as he failed to save his wife again?
“You’re cruel.” You spin to face the tree trunk and pick at its bark, hiding your watering eyes from him. Your fingers pluck at the bark until a splinter pierces your skin and a quiet whimper passes your lips. You pull your hand back to inspect it, but Yoongi grabs it first, watching as the golden ichor bleeds from your finger.
“Am I?” He feigns disbelief, gazing between your tearful expression and the cut on your index finger. “I gave him a chance to cheat death, and he failed. How am I so cruel?”
He presses a delicate kiss to your finger, watching your reaction as roses blossom on your cheeks. He uses the hand in his grasp to pull you into his arms, where you find home in the crook of his neck.
“You knew he would turn around. You pretended to give him a chance when you knew he would fail. Why couldn’t you just let her go instead of giving him false hope?” You press your face into his shoulder, wiping away tears that have formed but refuse to fall.
They had a chance at a happy ending and he has ruined it with an impossible challenge.
“Life isn’t fair and neither is death. I only taught him that again.”
Nothing is ever fair, especially death. Loved ones are taken too quickly and bargains and bribes will never bring them back. You frown, knowing his words are right.
You pull away from his embrace, needing a moment for yourself and leave him behind, as he wonders what he did wrong, and make your way through the darkened halls to your original room.
You’d rather sleep alone tonight. As you trudge towards your room, you wonder if you’ll ever be freed. It has been over a month since you’ve been here and despite the constant reassurance, you still don’t know when it’ll ever be safe to return to the surface.
Will he keep you here forever too? Like another one of his shades he refuses to let go of. But given the chance, do you want to leave him?
Yes, you miss your mother, but the difference between her and being here with Yoongi is the way they treat you. Your mother, despite her heart being in all the right places, treated you like a child. There was never a moment where she’d let you go off alone, not even on Olympus where there’s enough power in one god to smite any trespasser. Instead, she says it’s the gods you needed to fear. All that power in childish and irresponsible deities is a dangerous mix that she didn’t want you to be associated with.
Here, you’ve learned more than you ever have on Earth about life and death. There’s so much about Hades you want to learn including all the secrets of its ruler.
The guest room is cold and unwelcoming, and you’re tempted to walk across the hall to join Yoongi and forget about the whole situation. Instead, you collapse onto the bed and sigh as the events of today wash over you.
“There you are.”
You know that voice, the voice of the man who tried taking you away. He finally found you. The door shuts behind him as he creeps into the room with a wicked grin on his face.
“How did you find me?” You’re back against the headboard as you try and press yourself away from him.
“It doesn’t take a lot to bribe the ferryman into giving you away,” he laughs, standing at the edge of your bed, reaching out to you with withered fingers.
You jump off the bed to avoid his grasp, crying out, “Get away from me. I will never marry you!”
The lamp on the bed stand is wrenched from the table and you throw it in his direction, hitting him square in the face. As it collides with his nose, you take the chance to run while he stumbles back in pain. He cries out profanities and curses your name. You have no time to pay attention to the words that escape his mouth as you dash into the hall and come upon the pomegranate tree.
“Yoongi!” You call, running through the door on the other side where the throne room is. You burst through the doors and find Yoongi already standing at his throne.
“What’s the matter?” He demands as you throw yourself into his arms. He was planning out an apology before going to see you in your room, having no idea of the intruder trying to steal you from him.
The door swings open and Pirithous barges in with fury etched on his face, blood leaking from his nose.
Yoongi pushes you behind him and addresses the pathetic man. You watch as Pirithous begins to cower, not realizing you had come into the throne room where Yoongi had been and not expecting the king of Hades to look so intimidating.
“And who are you?” Yoongi questions, looking over the unfamiliar face.
“P-Pirithous, your majesty.”
Recognition and anger are what you see cross Yoongi’s face. “You really are a fool, Pirithous, daring to come into my kingdom to steal yourself a bride,” Yoongi sneers, advancing towards the trembling mortal. “And what makes you think I’ll let you walk back out?” He grabs Pirithous by the collar and brings his face closer to watch as the man pales. “If I were you, I’d start praying to the gods and maybe they will have enough pity to save you because I certainly will not.”
Yoongi turns and pulls him by the collar towards his throne where he throws Pirithous. As he falls into the chair thick vines begin to overlap his body and trap him.
“You’ll stay there until the Erinyes come to collect you.”
“N-No… you can’t do this to me! I am a king!” Pirithous screams desperately, thrashing against his bindings.
You stand by Yoongi, watching him struggle and you can only feel relief. How can you feel sympathy for the man who tried abducting you? Whatever his fate will be you’re glad he’s no longer a threat to you.
 “Come with me. You have nothing to worry about anymore.” Yoongi takes your hand, guiding you away from the anguished cries and pleading screams. It’s the last you see of Pirithous.
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It seems like eons since you’ve last seen a flower, much less a whole field of them, swaying gently in the chilling breeze of the underworld. The vermillion poppies Yoongi presents you are like a gift that swells your heart with adoration. Despite the looming cavernous cave you stand near, the sight is pleasant and welcoming. You’re tempted to dash into the fields and throw yourself into the flowers, but you haven’t been outside his castle since you arrived here, so you’re unsure of what could be lurking in the fields or the cave.
“I don’t come here often because the brothers that dwell in these caves are quite reclusive. However, I’m sure they won’t mind you being here awhile.” Yoongi explains, striding into the red meadow. You trail after him, letting your hand glide across the tips of the flowers that meet your waist. “I know it doesn’t compare to the flowers on Earth, but-”
“No, they’re perfect.” Your hand reaches for his without thinking to intertwine your fingers together. His fingers tighten around yours and he smiles as you begin to lead the way.
You spend a majority of time walking through the meadow and weaving flowers into your hair as he watches on. You’re sat in the middle of the field beneath the looming flowers, head leaning on Yoongi’s shoulder as you twirl a poppy absentmindedly between your fingers. It’s peaceful here and you can pretend you’re no longer in Hades, instead, above on Earth where Spring continues to flourish and nothing is dead.
“I’m sorry I upset you earlier,” he mumbles, watching the flowers sway. “Perhaps I am cruel to tear two lovers apart and perhaps I’m jealous that they have a love that will last forever even when one of them is gone.”
Listening to Orpheus weep about losing his love too soon made Yoongi realize how little time he has left with you, and it only dwindles with each moment that passes in this meadow. With Pirithous no longer any threat, you’ll be back in your mother’s arms in no time and he’ll be here, tending to the dead as he has for eons, alone. Will you forget about him as each month slowly passes and you’re reunited with the other gods?
“What do you have to be jealous of?”
“Because you’ll be gone soon,” he admits. “And I...”
He can barely finish his sentence. The time you’ve spent with him is what he will continue to cherish forever, how can he easily give that away? He doesn’t want to think of eternity without you. He’ll miss your light.
The wistful expression on his face as he looks down at your glowing figure tugs at your heart. In this moment, you know exactly what you want. You want him—all of him, even the darkest parts he keeps hidden. For the first time, you realize you’re in love with him. It’s not even the type of love Eros himself could conjure up with a strike through the chest with his precise golden arrows. The king of Hades has absolutely stolen your heart all on his own.
“Do you think I’ll stop loving you even when we’re apart?” You scan his awestruck expression, tucking the red flower behind his ear and cradling his cheek. Against the ashen color of his hair, the bit of color from the flower brightens his tender smile.  “I love you, Yoongi, you are my paradise. Even if we’re apart.”
Your echoing words resonate deeply within him.
Love and paradise.
There is that word again, but this time it doesn’t seem so meaningless. Is this the answer? Could love be the piece of Elysian he has desperately searched for? You’re all he can ever want, all he’s ever needed. The moment he met you, he knew there could never be anyone more perfect for him like you were created for one another. He will do anything for you. He knows the answer now to the aching feeling in his chest, it must be love.
“I think,” he breathes in, bracing himself for the forgotten words he never thought would escape his lips. “I think I love you too.”
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The excitement of his confession replays in your thoughts throughout the night. You slip further beneath the waters of your bath, letting your nose rest above the water.
You want nothing more than to scream from the top of Olympus and announce to gods and mortals alike that the king of Hades is in love with you. But what will you do now?
Stories and gossip from Olympus of lovers spending passionate nights together cross your mind. The gods have all spoken of it, laughed about their fair share around the rim of their wine glasses. You’d never admit it to your mother, but their stories always piqued your interest and you had been tempted to learn more only with the right person.
Besides stories of lovers, you’d also heard the horrendous failures of illicit affairs between the king of Olympus, his many lovers, and vengeful wife. You’re careful not to be that foolish, and now you have finally had someone whom you’d like to share that passion with.
Hardly able to contain yourself, you rise from the tub and step out, reaching for a towel to dry yourself off. You exit the bathroom to find Yoongi removing his crown and cape. The towel wrapped around your chest makes it hard to breathe as you slowly inhale.
“Yes, love?”
You grin at the endearing name he’s given to you. As he turns you release the towel and embrace the chilling air. His expression is less than excited, devoid of any hint of pleasure. His mouth set in a thin line as his eyes travel down your exposed body. He catches his bottom lip between his teeth, trying to ignore the way his body begins to react at the sight of you.
“And what is this for?” He grunts, walking towards the bed.
“For you.” You answer, confused by his reaction. The gods speak of uncontrollable desire and yet, Yoongi is the picture of composure. “Am I not what you want?” You bring your arms over your chest, following him to the bed.
“Of course I want you.” His response is automatic, not a hint of hesitation behind his voice. Gods, he wants it badly, but won’t bring himself to taint you and diminish your blinding glow.
You feel a wave of lust go over you by the way he stares, hooded eyes and lip caught between his teeth. Maybe he needs more convincing this is exactly what you want.
You saunter up to him, hips swaying and eyes inviting him to indulge for once. You press down on his chest until he is sitting on the bed, staring up at you with darkened eyes.
“Please, Yoongi, touch me,” you plead, grasping his hand in yours and bringing it to your beating chest. His frigid fingers do nothing to cool the scorching heat of your body. “Don’t be afraid. Make me yours.”
His stony expression remains unchanged despite your desperate whimpers, driving you into madness. Why won’t he move? You’re willing to give yourself to him, every inch, and he refuses still.
Daring to push him further into temptation, you guide his slender fingers down to your breast, moaning as his hand presses against the hardened nipple. The way he sucks in a breath, hiding his lust for you, only arouses you further. His fingers gently tease the bud as he watches your eyes flutter shut and you moan into his hand.
He doesn’t take his eyes off your body, roaming every supple curve from your breasts to your waist and down to where he desires you most. Your light is magnetic, and he’s drawn so senselessly towards you. Preparing to worship every part of you like any devout mortal, kisses will be his prayers and your screams of pleasure will be his sacrifice. He wants to ravish you until your screams become deafening and your mother knows exactly where you have been hiding and who is defiling her dear daughter.
“Pl-Please,” You move yourself to straddle his lap and his hand doesn’t move from your breast, fondling the soft flesh in his palm. You carefully pressing your dripping core to the rough fabric of his dark pants, where you can see his evident arousal begin to grow. Your trembling hands glide down Yoongi’s unbuttoned shirt, revealing more of his pale chest for your eyes to devour. “I want you. Can you tell?”
You tenderly press a finger to your aching core, shuddering and collapsing into him. Your hips buck into your finger, unable to control yourself from wanting to sink your fingers into yourself.
Your head is buried against his neck, panting for breath against his collar. It’s almost painful how you clench around nothing and your body yearns for him to fill that void. Your finger drags along your slit, collecting the leaking arousal and massaging your folds.
“This is for you, Yoongi,” you murmur breathlessly, bringing your finger back up into view, watching as the dim light reflects the wetness of your finger. “Make love to me, tell me you love me and press tender kisses onto my skin or fuck me until you’re satisfied, ruin me. Have your way with me, Yoongi.”
For the first time he speaks, shallow breaths and gravelly tone, “Are you sure this is what you want?”
“Yes,” you practically moan, breathing in his minty scent. Your hands tangle into his hair, pulling his lips closer to yours, feeling the heat radiating from your skin from the proximity. You want him to kiss you, touch you, and make you his. Your hips move against his hardened cock, feeling the rough fabric of his pants press against your core and sending delicious waves of pleasure through you.
He finally gives in, connecting your lips in a heated fervor. Your hands fall to his shirt, making quick work on unbuttoning it and pushing the shirt off. As your hands roam his chest, his hand glides down your stomach, cold metal rings pressing into your skin, cooling your scorching skin.
You feel a tingle of excitement as his hand continues to travel lower until his thumb meets your clit. “O-Oh,” you gasp, clutching his shoulders as he begins drawing slow circles.
“Feel good?” Yoongi smirks, listening to your heavenly whimpers and moans. You choke out a yes as the tip of his finger prods at your entrance. He lazily drags his finger up and down your drenched folds until you’re begging for him.
“Yoongi,” you whine, drawing out the syllables of his name. “Please just do something.”
Your arousal makes it easy for him to slip one finger into you, giving you barely any time to adjust before moving it back out and ramming into you again until you can feel his ring at your core. The touch of metal against your entrance has you clenching around his finger. Your screams echo throughout the room and only encourage him to go faster.
He moves at a quick pace, letting your hips move against him to match the fervor of his thrusts. “Do you want another one?”
“Yes, yes! Yoongi, please,” you cry out. You can feel a tightness beginning to build in your abdomen, threatening to explode. You just want more of what he’s giving you, greedily rocking your hips into his fingers as he gives you exactly what you want. Two fingers stretch you and curl against your walls while he kisses down your chest.
You’re reaching your breaking point as your legs begin to tremble and your moans become uneven pants. Just a little further… and suddenly his fingers leave you empty as he pulls back. You whine from the loss and beg for him to continue, “N-No… why did you stop?”
“Not yet, love,” he orders, quieting your whimpers with deft kisses and laying you down on the mattress. “I want to be inside you.”
His words send another wave of arousal through you and make you whimper, pulling him into another heated kiss. Your head sinks on to the pillows as he kneels between your legs, lips and tongue moving against yours while undoing his pants and pulling them off to discard on the floor. His cock stands proudly and ready to sink into your soaking heat. He pulls back from the kiss to gaze at your red, puckered lips and frenzied hair splayed out on his pillows.
Your hands intertwine with his as he gives you a reassuring look, asking, “Are you ready?”
You nod and he wastes no time aligning his hardened tip with your folds. As he pushes into your throbbing core, a moan spills from your lips and you dig your fingers into his knuckles, leaving crescent marks on his skin. He barely notices the sting in his hands while he buries himself deeper into you.
“Gods you’re so perfect,” he groans, dropping his head on to your neck to mark the untouched flesh with shades of lavender and rose.
He begins thrusting into you, pulling out all the way and then one swift snap of the hips back into you. As your body writhes with pleasure underneath Yoongi and his unrelenting pace, you arch into him and let your breasts press against his chest.
“More,” you plead, spreading your legs closer to your chest, allowing him to hit your sweet spot. Your toes begin to curl and the familiar coil in your stomach returns. His finger finds your sensitive clit again, roughly rubbing the bundle of nerves until you come. “A-Ah, Yoongi!” You cry.
“Good girl,” he praises, loving the way you clench around him as you orgasm.
You lie limp on the bed as he continues thrusting into you, getting overly sensitive, groaning as his fingers absentmindedly draw circles on your clit. “Y-Yoongi,” you moan.
“Just a little more, love.” Yoongi removes his hand from your abused clit and pushes himself into you faster. One more quick thrust and he comes undone inside you with a breathy groan, drenching your walls.
Yoongi slowly pulls out of you, letting the gush of both your highs leak out onto the bed and falls to your side, breathing deeply as he grabs your waist and engulfs you into a hug.
You both lie on the bed, listening to one another catch their breath and relive the feeling over and over.
“Stay with me.” Comes the longing whisper.
The arm around your waist tightens as Yoongi pulls you closer to his chest. He fears the uncertain future without you and can see only one solution. Stay with him—here in the Underworld—where life might not flourish, but you’ll be together and he promises to ensure your happiness forever, no matter the sacrifice.
To stay with him means you will never see your mother again, no longer free to roam Olympus with Taehyung glued to your side, but it also means forever with the man you love. The decision pulls you between Heaven and Hell—stay or go. The way he lovingly strokes your hair and watches as you make your decision, willing to accepting whatever answer, moves you to speak.
“I’ll stay.”
The two of you get dressed without another word uttered and find yourselves in front of the sacred tree where Yoongi plucks one of the ripe fruit off its branches. Six red seeds fall into your hand and you can already taste the bitterness of them as you slowly raise your hand to your mouth.
The bittersweet flavor of each seed erupts on your tongue and your fate is sealed. You’re forever bound to this land and him—to be his bride and queen of the Underworld. From this moment forewarn, he is no longer alone in the suffocating darkness, no longer searching for solace in isolation. It wasn’t him who rescued you from the shallows of Styx, instead, it was you, who entered his land and brought light along the way forever changing his bleak world.
“Gods, I love you with my entire being,” he declares, sweeping you into a tender kiss. “Thank you for saving me.”
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The coldest winter on Earth brought famine as another month passed without you and your mother continued to grieve, crops died out and more humans began to starve. The dead began to trickle down into the darkness at an alarming rate and it didn’t go unnoticed by Yoongi or the other gods on Olympus.
While Yoongi pretended to ignore the trouble he had caused, he kept his promise of making you happy. He brought you to the poppy fields whenever you asked, allowed you to rule at his side which meant he was more lenient about letting souls go, and kissed you every night while senselessly thanking you over and over.
On Olympus, Helios had finally revealed he’d known where you’ve been the entire time and it didn't surprise Taehyung that Yoongi had lied to him months ago when he first visited frantically asking for your whereabouts. Your mother was furious at this revelation, demanding someone retrieve you from the depths of hell.
After a long bargain between Yoongi and his brother, king of the gods, they came upon a decision which lead to Taehyung inevitably bringing you back to Earth despite your heart-wrenching tears and cries, begging not to be separated from Yoongi.
For six long and arduous months, you would reside on Earth with your mother and she promised not to bring another deadly winter for the mortals. In that time, you’d play with the nymphs again and wander the great halls of Olympus with Taehyung by your side, all the while wishing you were somewhere else—with someone else.  
As the days of Summer came to an end and lonesome nights became longer, Yoongi eagerly awaits for you to return home once again.
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miss-m-winks · 5 years
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Instead of a summary of my art from each month of 2019 I’ve compiled a summary of my art from every year of this decade! Finding some of that old art was incredibly difficult.
And making an exact image description of all this would be too long to write or read so I’m going to do my best to describe all this in a concise and interesting way.
2010: I was a sophomore in high school, so about 15 years old. These two drawings are in pencil and colored pencil, one of some random girl character wearing brightly colored clothes and a rainbow shawl thing (??) walking on clouds it seems. No idea what that was meant to be about. The other is a reference for my old oc, the very first one I ever had, based on myself. She looks human but with unicorn ears and a horn, plus wings and a tail. I hadn’t figured out animal legs yet either so she has perfectly normal human legs that just end in hooves.
2011: still mostly pencil, colored pencil, I don’t remember if I had a laptop yet. I would have been 16 years old at this time. I picked a self portrait here, a coloreddrawing of myself in black concert dress playing the trumpet because I got to do a solo in jazz band and I was very happy about it. The other art I picked for this year is digital but in the old ms paint program (you know before it tried to be fancy with a few more realistic tools and was only pixel art tools) I do believe I was still using the family computer for this, with a mouse. I was really creative with the tools. It’s my unicorn girl oc again, flying through the sky. I included a progress image, showing how I made it. I’m so glad I saved the steps and posted them it’s really cool to see my old art process for that.
2012: 17 years old, and I think I finally had a laptop with a good art program on it by this time but I still did mostly traditional art, lots of colored pencil work. I found this old experimental art I did that year, a colored pencil drawing of a girl sitting on a tree branch, but the background is all digital, a painting of a fantasy night sky with three moons. It actually looks kinda good, the edges of the colored pencil drawing are crisp and smooth and the digital background doesn’t look out of place. I mean the shading is a bit of a mess and I used white clouds on a black night sky which is a bit funny looking but it isn’t that bad. The other image is a colored pencil drawing that was really ambitious for me at the time. I had this cool idea to draw Death with sunset colored wings, all poetic and stuff. Why did I also draw death with blue skin and horns? I don’t know. Why is death sitting on an ambiguous brown cliff overlooking a cemetery? Well I guess I just was having trouble finding any other way to make a nice background and have death above a cemetery. I should redo this one, it’s a really good concept.
2013: my last year of high school, 18 years old. I was doing digital art a lot more often this year and expanding the diversity of my ocs. One of these images is a digital drawing of two of my first characters of color, two male black elves (black as in African-based) smoochin. My first black oc was also my first queer oc, jayvyn. A gay elf. There are a lot of issues with the way I originally conceptualized his story but even when I was thinking he was the only queer person in his town and there was homophobia towards him (I was only just dipping my toes outside the mindset I grew up in) I gave him a whole massive group of friends (a boys' lacrosse team he was on don’t ask me why lacrosse I have no idea I don’t even know much about lacrosse it was a weird choice) and those friends were extremely loyal and supportive of him, even to the point of going on dates with him just to make him happy. and again, he was the only gay character I had so I was writing a bunch of straight dudes taking their one gay friend on dates in a town full of people who were at least vaguely homophobic, I definitely had a lot of growing to do in my writing and my own mindset but I’m kinda proud of myself for doing that? I could have done so much worse with my first queer oc and my first real step into characters of color, but I made the whole story about this tight knit group of boys who were all such close loving friends. (Gee I wonder if this had anything to do with my being ace and not knowing it yet). Oh yeah, the other image is also there, that one is from a photoshop class I took. We had a three-way folding mirrors the bathroom at the time so I put on a hoodie, turned out the bathroom lights, folded the mirrors in and shoved my face into the gap and then took a photo with the flash while holding my mouth open in a silent scream. The result is this really cool series of screaming faces at different angles, which I then ran through a few filters and major contrast adjustment. Could be an edgy generic horror movie cover lol
2014: 19 years old, and I just finished a year of community college and then left on a church mission for 18 months. I probably should have used some of my first college art class drawings for this year's summary but I was using my old deviantart gallery to collect these old images so I forgot I had all that college art too. These two digital images are pretty dynamic in different ways. Dynamic lighting and dark skin, an experiment I was doing to figure out lighting better for my characters of color. That’s Jayvyn again I think, with lightning shooting out of his hand because I sure love making characters with lightning powers. The other is dynamic in the posing and I’m still incredibly happy with it, it’s a drawing of a grey centaur from behind, bucking in panic because a kitten pounced on its foot. Definitely still one of the best centaur drawings I have ever made.
2015: 20 years old, I was actually on my church mission for this entire year so finding art from that year was very very tricky. One is just a small pencil drawing on another oc, Ronan with his cool mechanical leg playing fiddle I guess? I was doing a lot of synesthesia doodles that year so there are lots of swirly lines coming off the fiddle. I was also surprised to find this really neat digital art I made of Ravio from link between worlds, I almost forgot I did find a way to make digital art on my mission (no access to my laptop, limited apps we were allowed to use, super limited access to normal computers except for emails and such, always busy doing important stuff) I discovered the drawing function in the iPad notes app and every time I had time I would use it until I figured out how to make it work for me, using only my fingers, the limited color palette options, and this marker tool that had one size and only multiplied (except when using white) this is definitely one of the best ones, but I don’t know where the rest went. I had a lot. I was stunned to find this because it really looks like I could have done it on a laptop, can’t believe I forgot I did that.
2016: 21 years old. Had to get used to a laptop again. Also I created my current main oc Morianten during my church mission so here I have the very first full body digital art of him! I’ve definitely changed his anatomy a lot since then, made him much more bird like. Kinda funny to look at this old one and see just how differently I draw him now, only three years later. I also have here a digital painting of some other members of morianten's adoptive family, his dad and little brother having a father son race in nice racing wheelchairs. I still struggle with proportions when I draw characters in wheelchairs.
2017: 22 years old, and back in college. I really had a focus on figure drawing that year, I was back in college art classes and I found posespace.com which is just full of professionally shot art model photos. I’ve got one digital figure drawing of my oc Talib, another practice in lighting on dark skin. The other image is a charcoal drawing of my oc Parva, I think I did that one in a 30 minute time frame where I was taking pictures at different points to show my process but I’ve lost the process images.
2018: 23 years old, and really getting into color depth with my digital art. I found a really old pencil drawing of a dynamic dancing scene and redid it as a digital painting with extreme colored lighting dynamics and new characters. I also got super into mermay so I’ve included one of my favorites, a rainbow trout gal and her elf girlfriend having a chat after a nice swim. I’m super proud of the colors and proportions here, and the shading is pretty great too.
And then it’s 2019! This year! I’m 24! For this one I used three images instead of two, all digital. My ocs Talib and Kouto as persephone and hades in a really quick painting I did but the colors and lighting are intense and fun. No outlines painting of Morianten with some pretty intense lightning lighting. That one took ages and I’m still not entirely pleased with the way I drew his face there but I’m proud of it. And I never actually posted this last one, it’s a new oc created exclusively for the DC superheroes au I dabbled in with @askmissbernadette, a young hero called Lion riding a skateboard in a dark city with a long coat on because that’s a fun way to replace the common superhero cape design.
Overall, it was really fun to go through my art for the entire decade and see how much it’s changed over time. And to see how much my characters have changed. Hope 2020 is a good year, hope the 20s in general are good. Here’s to another 10 years of change and progress!
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twatd · 6 years
(And I Feel Fine)
Once more, we return, with the second of our essays on The Wicked + The Divine #41. Alex has already talked costume changes, now it’s time for Tim to dive into the bigger picture. Spoilers, speculation and scrying follow after the cut.
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Tim: What is this unusual feeling? I’ve reached the end of an issue of The Wicked + The Divine and my heart is full of… not the usual dread, or curiosity, or frustrated anticipation? I’m not heavy with the crushing inevitability of death, or the fact that all our heroes will inevitably let us down. I think this is… hope?
Issue #41 stands apart from the rest of WicDiv in that it provides us with a series of unqualified victories for our protagonists. We confirm that Laura managed to save everyone from dying within the O2. She frees Urðr and the other Norns. Together, they liberate Mimir, Luci, Tara and Inanna, then successfully escape. Baphomet provides Mimir, Luci and Inanna with excellent new goth bodies, and in the process starts to move on from his abusive relationship with the Morrigan. And Cassandra, fresh from kicking some Valkyrie arse, seems to have a plan for what to do next.
For a comic that usually parcels out every step forward with a bittersweet cost, or two steps backward elsewhere, that’s a lot of positive momentum in a single issue.
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In a conventional narrative, this kind of turn in the protagonists’ favour at this point in the story is common. After the clashing agendas and confusion of the second act, we need to boil the conflict down to a simpler one that can be wrapped up in a satisfying fashion. That means certain plot threads need to be tidied up before the conclusion. Giving our heroes some hard-fought wins after all the pain they’ve been put through sustains the audience, and sets us up for a final big cost that must be paid before good conquers evil.
But since when is WicDiv a conventional narrative? And is it even headed towards a traditional ending? Two issues into the final arc, the question of what kind of ending we’re headed towards looms large. After the most recent issue, the template laid out above seems like the natural one. There’s the definite feeling of a shoe left to drop somewhere, given that Minanke, Baal and Woden are all still out there, plotting and pursuing. And hasn’t Laura earned some kind of happy ending? She’s certainly been put through the emotional wringer over the past 40 issues and – if there’s any Persephone juice still left inside her – 6,000 years.
There’s reasons to be distrustful though. To start with, ending in such a conventional manner feels very un-WicDiv. Gillen has some history with tragic endings [eyeballs Journey into Mystery] and WicDiv has, from the very first page, been preparing us for a story where everyone ends up dead. One of the strongest thematic throughlines has been the inevitability of death, and for the story to swerve away from that at the last minute in the name of a happy ending would feel disingenuous and dissatisfying on a few levels.
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And fairly unlikely, within the narrative itself. Woden, Baal and Minanke are three of the most competent and powerful gods, and Laura’s plan seems to rely on convincing the stubborn and uncompromising Baal over to their side – hardly a straightforward prospect. Plus, there’s the lingering threat of whatever the Great Darkness actually is, and Minanke’s planned doomsday virus. Laura et al may have rallied their forces together finally, but in terms of foiling any schemes, they’ve got a long way to go.
On top of that, there’s the question of if we’re even going to get an ending. Sure, the series is going to finish, but WicDiv is a story built on cycles. It’s called the Recurrence for a reason, and for all the progress Laura and others have made in undoing Ananke’s millennia-long schemes, there’s nothing to suggest that previous Pantheons haven’t got just as close. When Minanke takes a moment to celebrate her apparent victory in #39, her tone is still playful, implying that she’s still treating everything as a game and that Persephone getting this far along was irksome, rather than filling her with bone-chilling fear. We know Laura has a plan to bring Ananke’s scheme to an end right now, but even if she succeeds in the now, it might not topple the Recurrence as a whole.
That kind of pyrrhic victory would certainly fall in line with the tone of the book. Mortality. Inevitability. Once again, we return.
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If we’re trying to fathom what kind of conclusion the series is heading towards, perhaps our strongest guidance is the name of this final arc: “Okay”.
Even ignoring the barbs of those quotation marks, “Okay” suggests both resignation and acceptance. It suggests that nobody gets everything they want, but, in the end, there will be some kind of peace. No apocalypse, but perhaps not the end to the cycle of death and rebirth that we’re all hoping for.
Or maybe something new will be forged in its place – a new structure designed to inspire humanity, one with a whole new set of rules, flaws and loopholes. Maybe the only way to win the game is to make a new one.
Trying to nail down any concrete plot points for the final few issues feels like an exercise in futility – Gillen + McKelvie are far smarter than I am, and have (almost certainly) dedicated more time to thinking through these last few beats. But in terms of tone, we’re likely looking at both highs and lows, and I doubt the final page of the series will have the same kind of punch-the-air, simple satisfaction that #41 brought. Doesn’t mean it wasn’t nice while it lasted, though.
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luciferpens · 4 years
Growing......vines? || Harleen
What: Harley and Eveleen running into one another for the first time in years. One was in love and ran avoiding; and the other has no clue and feels betrayed. What could go wrong? Or maybe right? Where: Botanical Gardens When: August 2, 2020 @icarialex​
Riding her skateboard through the botanical gardens had been Harley’s favorite pastime since she moved to the isle. No matter how many times she rode through, she still found something new to admire. It helped too that she used her ability to manipulate the earth to make sure the paths stayed smooth and well kept. It would be a shame for all of the work Persephone put into the sanctuary to be dimmed by crappy groundwork. That day she figured would be no different, but she nearly fell off her skateboard due to the sight of someone she didn’t expect to run into. It was dumb to not think that Eve wouldn’t eventually make her way to an island made just for demigods, but Harley liked to dream apparently. Even though it was bound to be uncomfortable, the idea of trying to run away without being caught didn’t even cross her mind. They had been best friends once after all, and the writer definitely deserved more than that. So, with a deep breath, she slowly skated towards where the woman was and stopped a few feet away. “Hey, Eevee,” she said awkwardly as she kicked up her board. Holding it would at least give her something to do with her hands.(edited)
It was weird being on the island; she had gone from living in a bustling city to moving to an island that was just a bit smaller than the city she had lived in -- but carried the population of the city block she had lived on. It was so quiet, so peaceful.... and so weird. She was used to parties till the sun came up, noise everywhere and people. Here while everyone was so different they all had one thing in common. They weren't human and that was probably the weirdest part of it all; the fact that they would all be here... together. It was ripe for story ideas. Eveleen had made a habit of going to one of the many parks or gardens whenever she needed to do some writing, and well, Icaria would be no different. So she made her way to the botanical gardens and found a bench near the middle, surrounded by trees and flowers, buzzing bees and butterflies all around and wrote. She was curled up a notebook in hand when she heard that familiar voice. Her whole body, including her breathing, froze. She swallowed hard as anger, confusion, hurt and longing slammed through her body. After what felt like an eternity but was really just a moment, she looked up and had a smile on her face. "Hey Harles--Harley" she said quickly correcting herself. Harley probably didn't want that level of a friendliness not after ghosting on her.
The change from the nickname to her name showed Eve’s displeasure, and it made Harley internally wince. She shouldn’t have expected any different though. It wasn’t like they’d left things on the best of terms. Harley wished more than anything that she could have stopped herself from catching feelings for her best friend. It was such a lesbian cliche. ”You look amazing,” she said easily. It helped to fill in the conversation, but it helped that it was such an easy thing to point out. Eve always looked so put together. ”How long do I have before you let me have it,” she asked in a shy voice. A fight was bound to happen, and what was worse was that none of the answers she was willing to give the woman would be enough. ”I have my will intact. Also, who in all the Gods told you to come to this isle now?” With demigods being kidnapped left and right from Icaria, she didn’t get people flocking to the area. They probably had more luck staying as spread out as possible.
Eveleen ran a hand through her hair as she closed her notebook and looked up to her old friend. Ex-friend? She wasn't sure what they were anymore. "Ah -- Thank you." she said her cheeks warming at the compliment. "You don't look so bad yourself." she added a second later. She glanced down to the grass and let her hand brush over its surface causing a small grape tree to form, already producing grapes. She plucked one off and then offered some others to Harley. "Diyonisus of course, told me to come here last year -- decided I didn't particularly want to for a while, then some demi was kidnapped where I lived and I figured I might as well. Though, I hear its actually worse here so thats.... fun." she mused avoiding the topic of letting Harley have it. She was having such a nice day and sure, she was mad and she wanted answers she wasn't about ready to just let Harley off the hook that easy.
”Blushing, huh” she teased lightly. That wasn’t something she’d ever been able to resist doing. Seeing a woman who could get so many panties to drop blush was just so satisfying. “Well, you know. I just age like fine wine. You’re a pro with the beverage, so it only makes sense you’d recognize.” Harley flexed a tiny bit and posed playfully just to further emphasize her point. ”It is worse now here,” she agreed. Having Eve on the isle would give her another person to keep an eye on and worry about. ”I came here about a year ago. Poseidon rarely pops in, but he pretty much ordered me to move here. It was really annoying,” she said with a roll of her eyes. The guy seriously liked to pick and choose when he wanted to parent. ”But as long as I can surf, board, and work with children I’m happy. Have you kept up with your surfing? I totally have a board that will fit you well.” If the fashion designer was okay avoiding the complications of their past, then Harley wasn’t going to argue. She didn’t like to go against the current anyway. There was no point in trying to push things that weren’t ready to come out yet.
She narrowed her eyes at the blonde and let out a huff. It was hard to get her to blush most of the time; she only really seemed to do such a thing when she actually liked the person she was talking to. Eve didn't want to like Harley right now, she wanted to be mad at her, to hate her; to not want to spend time with Harley. Harley had pushed her to the side and avoided talking to her for most of a year. She should be able to do the same. Should be able to not care but --- she couldn't. She couldn't stop caring about the blonde and it infuriated her. "How many people have gone missing in the past couple of months?" she asked as she popped another grape in her mouth. She needed to keep her hands busy. "I haven't really... Living in NYC made that a bit hard. I did little things here and there when I could but...." she let her voice trail off, the unspoken thoughts begging to slip out but it reminded me of you. "You have a board you're be willing to let me borrow?" she asked eyebrows shooting upwards.
The blushing has now been upstaged by adorable huffing ladies and gentlemen. “And the crowd roars,” Harley says playfully before making the sound of a crowd cheering lightly for extra effect. She sometimes wondered how she got away with acting such a way in public, but she figured the people that stuck around thought it was part of her charm. Keeping track of the people that had gone missing was quite the task since it seemed like someone was vanishing every week. After doing a quick count in her head, she replied, ”nine in the last month and half or so. If someone went missing where you were though, I’m glad you’re here. At least we are potentially more useful to keeping you safe than humans.” Not much given their latest track record, but the odds still had to be tipped in their favor. Not being able to resist Eve’s grapes for long, Harley finally took a few. She tossed one in the air, and then promptly caught it in her mouth with a smile. ”New York City, huh? I’ve always wanted to visit, but you know the sea keeps me away.” Which was the truth. While things had been awkward between them, she’d never avoid a city to not see Eve. ”Mhm! I actually added it to my collection because I thought it would be perfect for you,” she elaborated. Harley then pulled out her phone and scrolled through a few pictures before stopping at the one she wanted. ”Here, see? Tell me that isn’t your board.”
She plucked the whole bundle of grapes off the tree"I'm going to kick your ass" she muttered her hand tapping the small grape tree she had made and it instantly disappeared, a little bit of her anger showing through in doing so. she sucked in a long breath as Harley told her the number and she shook her head, brow furrowed. "Nine on an island of less than 300? I was living in New York City!" she explained, "18 million people, probably more demigods living within the city than here and as far as I knew only one had vanished, my odds were better there than here." she said with a shake of her head, math wasn't her strong suit but even she knew those odds. It was ridiculous to think they were safer here. But yet all their parents still insisted. "You could have visited for a day or so." she muttered bitterness lacing her words. She knew that she had told Harley multiple times over the past year and a half she had been living in NYC.  Harley acting like she didn't remember, or maybe really had forgotten, just reminded her of how far they had drifted from being friends. "Why would you hold onto a board not knowing when or if you'd ever see me again?" she asked but then looked to the phone and at the photo of the board. It really was a board made just for her. A pastel-y pink with a seafoam blue  center very much just screamed Eveleen.
The blonde arched her eyebrow at the woman and playfully jumped slightly up and down from side to side like boxers did to warm up. ”You wouldn’t, but I’ll play fight you anytime,” she answered instantly. Although, getting into a playful wrestling scenario with the woman probably wouldn’t be the greatest decision. ”You might have been safer there, but you’ll love it here eventually. The people are great, and you honestly can’t beat the waves.” Since Harley and other demigods could use their powers without fear, it allowed her and others to manipulate the water as they wanted. That pretty much guaranteed amazing surf conditions. ”I never doubted that I would see you again, Eevee,” Harley answered honestly. While she’d been vague and somewhat absent for some time, the blonde never intended for them their friendship to end. ”So yeah, I held onto the board. The real question is, are you just going to make passive aggressive remarks or actually get things off your chest? I mean, we’re in a botanical paradise. You couldn’t ask for a better backdrop.”
Eve narrowed her eyes at Harley and shook her head, "You don't know that, I might." she said and without a second thought created a vine behind the woman that acted on her whims, and smacked Harley's ass. It disappeared as fast as it appeared and Eve just smirked. "You'll lose" she said with a shrug, maybe it was a challenge, maybe it wasn't, it'd be up to Harley to figure that out. "It's so quiet here." she said simply, she was always itching for energy to be around those who tossed out more and more; Harley was the closest she had ever come to not needing to go to parties to fill fulfilled in her chaotic energetic party ways. She chewed over the idea of starting to surf again, it'd be nice to get out on the waves, to spend time in the ocean, to maybe -- No she couldn't let herself think of hanging with Harley until she got answers. Eve just gave Harley a look, narrowed eyes and a doubtful frown. "It's been years Harley." she said, "Do you really want me to get things off my chest? Because it may just be a lot of me yelling." she muttered, "Wouldn't you rather just avoid your problems?"  Oh the sarcasm and venom it almost felt real.
A small shriek left Harley at the smack against her ass. The blonde arched an eyebrow at her counterpart because she honestly couldn’t believe she’d done that. ”Use your hands,” she challenged back. While Harley could use her powers too, the Earth could be a little too harsh. Last thing she wanted to do was hurt Eve. ”There is no way I’m bending rocks against you. I mean, I could use them to cuff you down, if you insist.” There was something so different about them in that moment. The tension that was bubbling between them made for an interesting dynamic. It was like they were subtly trying to see who would dominate which the blonde didn’t want to think too much about. ”It is, but there are spots to have fun too. Plus, you’ll make friends in no time. Who can say no to you?” Seriously, it was impossible. Eve was one of LA’s biggest panty droppers back in the day, and Harley doubted that had changed. ”See, that right there I don’t deal with. Yell, curse, I don’t care, but be direct with your insults. Don’t skirt around things because it literally solves nothing. So let’s go,” she said confidently.
It was hard not to smirk at the shriek and the comment, there were these small glimpses into their past, into the ways they used to be and it both infuriated her and made her smile. She wanted that back, she wanted Harley and her back to normal but -- she just lifted her shoulders in a nonchalant shrug a small smirk tugging at her lips as they spoke of cuffs and using their hands. "Make me" she retorted not backing down from Harley's stare. "Lots of people" she shrugged, she had never been able to get Harley despite trying over the years, that always seemed to be her luck too; girls she actually wanted didn't always fall into her wiles, but she didn't need to delve into that right then. "You left me." she said simply. "And I support you chasing your dreams and doing your thing but you abandoned me You claimed we were gonna be best friends forever, but I can count on one hand the number of times we've talked in the past year. Four. Four times Harely. Each were only a few texts back and forth before you just stopped replying." she squeezed her notebook tight between her hands causing her knuckles to go white. "So sure, sit here spout your bullshit about how you never doubted we'd see each other again. You stopped making an effort."
There was one person who could get under her skin in a second without even really trying, and she just so happened to be right in front of Harley. ”You don’t want to go there, Eevee,” she warned carefully. The memory of Eve kissing her when she was drunk instantly flashed behind her eyes along with how surprisingly dominant the woman had been in the exchange. That particular memory was not one she needed to have in that moment though, so she shoved it back down into the Pandora’s box it belonged in. ”I’ve rarely seen anyone be able to turn you down.” Throughout their whole friendship the woman had been able to get Harley to do anything she wanted. The word no had never been in the woman’s vocabulary when she had those deep brown eyes looking at her. ”I left,” she agreed. ”I never intended to leave you though. As for the past year, I have a reason, but it’s not one that I’m ready to share yet. Can you trust me enough to believe me when I say it’s a valid one?” There was no way Harley was ready to tell Eve that she’d left because she had been hopelessly in love with her, and the kiss they had shared that the woman didn’t even remember broke the last bit of her that had been able to remain untouched by the onslaught. That was just too much. ”My work got crazy because I decided to become a registered nurse anesthetist in pediatrics, and my mom was on a new kick of trying to mend our relationship. Still, those aren’t the real reasons just contributing factors.” Eve was angry which made sense since she’d always been too dense to realize the signs. She never noticed the little things Harley did to show she loved her, and therefore, had no idea just how much pain the blonde had put herself through.(edited)
The use of her nickname was the only thing that stopped her from snapping back, which stopped her from using her vines to poke at Harley a bit more. No one called her Eevee. Evie. Eve, Eveleen. Lee, Ev. Sure. But eevee the pokemon? That was only Harley. And hearing it after so long felt like a punch. So, she narrowed her eyes at Harley "Try me" she said. "You don't know where I want to go." Eve pressed, she was angry and wanted answers but also curious as to why Harley was acting as she was. "Rarely, but it still happens. I know how to get what I want, but there are people even I couldn't get to give me a kiss or crawl into bed with me." she mused with the quickest glance to Harley's eyes then lips before she looked back down at the grapes she had in her lap.  She snorted and tossed a grape into the bush. there had been nothing wrong with it, but she was still angry. "Not ready to share why you abandoned your so-called-best friend?" she muttered just above a whisper as she shook her head. "Honestly? No, not really." she said as she pushed herself up from her seated position. "But that's fine. You've got yourself a life here, someone you do tell everything too, I'm sure, hell maybe even a girlfriend. Go vent to them after this about how much I've changed and how much of a bitch I am. It's fine. We'll just be cordial, and when you're ready to stop keeping secrets from me, you can tell me why you couldn't find five minutes once in a while to text me." she said slowly soothing her own anger from venom to a sad cool stream "I'm glad you're doing something you love and you're fixing things with your mom though.” 
The two of them never fought when they were friends, so this was completely new territory. Both of them were challenging each other which was dangerous due to their stubborn nature. ”Why don’t you enlighten me then,” she asked back just as tensely. ”Where do you want this to go?” That was much easier than telling her she was getting oddly turned on by seeing the woman so angry and spunky. It was such an unusual version of Eve, and it wasn’t horrible even though she wasn’t a fan of being on the receiving end of it all. ”Name one,” she said in response to not being able to get someone to look at her or kiss her. Harley wanted to know just so she could find them and kick their ass for squandering that away. Although, perhaps they were like her and knew that all they could get from the woman was an amazing night, and that just wouldn’t be enough. ”Not ready to share with anyone,” she replied back quickly. Eve wasn’t a topic she touched with people. It was too painful to. ”If you’re thinking someone has replaced you here, you’re wrong. No one can even hold a candle to you in my life, so get off it. No girlfriend either. Also, when have I ever been able to call you a bitch? You’re the one ready to hurl insults and toss jabs here. I just told you to come out with it all in one go instead of every other sentence.” The venom she felt radiating off of the woman before her was painful, but she kept a brave face. Harley understood where it was coming from, but she also knew she wouldn’t be able to take it for too long. Either they found a way to table it until she was ready to talk, or the blonde would be doing a lot of avoiding. ”My mom is still batshit crazy, Eevee, that won’t change. She’s still with Jay though, and he’s kept her on her meds better than I ever could, so it’s better.”
She let out a little breath and shook her head, “Depends, where were you thinking it was going to go?” she asked letting another vine come up and smack Harley’s ass once more before turning into a pile of grapes on the floor. She hoped that her vine was enough of an answer to the question without her having to actually say anything. She snorted a laugh at the request to name one,”Oh I don’t know.. Let’s see, she’s blonde, spunky, really loves the ocean, was my roommate for years and who I flirted with non-stop and yet… I could never get anything from it.” she said crossing her arms over her chest. Eve pursed her lips biting the corner of it slightly as Harley spoke on her not being replaced. She found that so hard to believe, that no one had caught her eye either as a girlfriend, or that Harley hadn’t collected another best friend. She was friendly enough to. “No one can hold a candle but you can’t send me more than a couple texts a year. I pity to think of how you treat your other friends if I’m your best one. And I worry for any girlfriend you get, but then again, maybe you’d spend all your time doting on her it wouldn’t matter and we wouldn’t even know.” she grumbled, she knew Harley was a sweetheart, she knew the girl loved her friends, but she couldn’t let this go and she couldn’t get past the pit in her stomach. But there it was, that infernal nickname, the one that would always catch her off guard and make her pay attention. “Still with Jay, damn, that’s good. I’m glad he’s keeping her a bit more stable. She deserves that in life.”
Another shriek as a fine connected with her ass which led to her glaring at the woman ahead of her. Blue eyes closed as Harley tried to count to ten. She’d been on the receiving end of Eve’s flirtations before, but never had they held the anger behind them as well. ”I asked you first, and use your words. They communicate better than your vines.” Spanking was something the blonde would be fine with, but not from plants. That was just rude and really freaking painful. The description Eve provided of the girl she could never get made the nurse’s heart momentarily stop. Fate was honestly so cruel. Years later, and then she got the writer to admit something. ”That blonde didn’t want just one night,” she answered back but not quite as confidently. That all still hurt her to talk about which was why Eveleen was a rather taboo topic in her life. ”You’re such a pain in the ass. I’m saying that no one will ever be you. And drop the girlfriend lines. You’re just working yourself up more, and you’re pissed off enough as it is. Plus, it seems I have a knack for growing feelings for women with commitment issues anyway.” Honestly, it was probably something she should work on. That attraction obviously didn’t mesh well with her. Although, she’s gaining more traction with Aida than she had with Eve considering the woman didn’t even notice Harley’s advances in California. ”He’s thinking of proposing, so I may have a wedding to attend sooner rather than later.”
Eve couldn’t help but smirk, “Ah but my vines can spell things too” she said letting one crawl up her arm and it spelt out the word flirting before seemingly dissolving into her skin. She sucked in a long breath and frowned, her brow furrowing as she did so. The idea that Harley had wanted more than just one night hadn’t been something that had really crossed her mind -- because Harley had never really shown much interest in the first place. At least not -- obviously to her. “More than just that night?” she asked, cocking her head to one side, she sucked in a long breath, eyes darting back and forth as she looked at the floor. “Am I?” she asked somewhat deadpan, both in answer to being a pain in the ass and working herself up. “I mean obviously there’s someone there for you to make a comment like that.”  she smiled, it was a slightly broken sad smile. She wanted her friend to be happy, but the idea of Harley dating someone else -- irked her. She bit her lip but nodded her head. “Well, that will be fun. I’m sure you’ll be adorable in a bridesmaids dress. Hopefully not a hideous one.” she paused, “Though, knowing you, you’d still make it cute.”
When a vine appeared yet again, Harley honestly almost flinched because she did not want to get hit again, but quickly shifted her attention to try to make out what was being spelled. When she realized what it was, an eyebrow arched before a small laugh escaped her lips. ”You’re mad at me but want to flirt with me? That sends a bit of a mixed message, don’t you think?” The mood swings could give Harley whip lash. Still, if she wasn’t careful, Harley knew it would be easy for her to fall back into old patterns. Patterns that had left her heart aching for any attention from the actress by the end. ”Mhm. Could I have responded to your flirting and taken things further one night? Yes. Did I want to sometimes? Yes, but I didn’t just want one night with you or a friends with benefit situation. That’s why nothing happened.” Apparently Eve was still clueless to her feelings which drove her slightly mad. She didn’t understand how the woman could be that oblivious. Was she just so used to women fawning over her that she thought some things were normal? If so, what a life. ”You are,” she said with a nod. ”That would be what you took from that sentence,” she said with a slight shake of her head. The compliment was unexpected, but still made Harley smile. ”That’s because I can make almost anything work, but I think pink ruffles would be my demise.”
Eveleen lifted one shoulder in a shrug, “Angry flirting can be fun.” she said as she popped one of the grapes she had made earlier into her mouth. She wasn’t even sure why she was doing it and hearing that the resident therapist had been taken by the minotaur? Well she guessed she wouldn’t be figuring that out any time soon. Too bad. She let out a long breath and ran a hand through her hair tossing the wavy hair all to one side. “You know you could have talked to me” she said before popping another grape into her mouth as her stomach dropped out of her at the idea that they could have had more over the years. It had never been a thought that Harley could like her as more than just friends; she had never … really had a true friend that hadn’t just been after her family’s money, or hell, her own money. “If it wasn’t something on your mind you wouldn’t have even mentioned it, means someone is lingering in that pretty blonde head of yours. Someone caught your eye.” she said, eating another grape. “I’d pay decent money to see you in a pink ruffle dress. Maybe I’ll just text your mom that it would be the best to put you in one.” she smirked, “If only just to try it on for the wedding, maybe not as her final choice. But yanno, get her to take a picture and send it to me.”
”I prefer teasing flirting, but that’s just me,” she said with a shrug. Although, that was dangerous to voice out loud because the woman was the biggest tease Harley had ever known. The blonde put her skateboard flat on the floor before moving to take a seat on it and shrugged her shoulders. That was easy in theory, but actually talking to Eve about it was terrifying. ”What was the point, Eevee?” She’d seen first hand how many girls the woman loved partying with and taking home. That had never been Harley’s scene. ”I made it so clear, Eevee. Didn’t you notice I didn’t treat any other person the way I did you? Do you think it’s a coincidence that I didn’t have a girlfriend even though you know I’m the type who loves commitment?” Harley didn’t understand what the point of voicing her desire was when it was obvious nothing that she did was being seriously reciprocated. Having concrete rejection instead of just reading signals wasn’t something she needed. ”Eevee, I’m single. I’ve been single for awhile. Tried dating someone once, but it didn’t last very long.” She didn’t get why the woman was so focused on it, but she’d clarify if it would make the fashion designer less cranky. She was always up for making someone happier. ”Don’t you dare,” she threatened. ”My mom loves you and probably would. Plus, you know I don’t listen to my mother. That won’t get me in the dress it would just make me have to deal with a lot of pestering from my mom.”
Their shift in heights and positions, the flip of who was sitting vs who was standing, paired with the nickname once more made her pause for a moment. She chewed on her bottom lip as she watched Harley. Eveleen let out a long huff and shrugged her shoulders, she didn’t quite get what Harley was getting at as she started talking. She furrowed her brow and sucked in her bottom lip as she thought about the past, about what their past was like. “I didn’t… try and pay close attention to how you treated others, beyond that you were nice and friendly to them all....” she said with a little frown “Besides, you were literally the first person I lived with outside of my parents and the first real friend I ever made. I don’t really know how friends are supposed to act if I’m being totally honest. I mean --” she let out a little sigh trailing off, that was a whole can of worms she had never spoke about to anyone. “ Finding someone you jive with, though, can take time and even if you’re a commitment type person that doesn’t mean you just stumble upon someone you actually want to date for any length of time.” she said and rubbed the back of her neck. She rolled her eyes at Harley’s comment and crossed her arms over her chest. “I guess, I just have such a hard time imaging you’ve stayed single when you’ve live on this island paradise with how gorgeous some of the girls are here.” but at the mention of Harley’s mother she laughed, “You may not listen to your mother but a bride you can’t deny the bride…. If she wanted you in a cute frilly dress you can’t lie to me and say that you wouldn’t try it on for her.”
”It wasn’t my intention to have feelings for you,” Harley said carefully after hearing Eve speak. ”Not because I wouldn’t want to, but I really did just plan on being your best friend. Still, even when I did want more with you, I never cared about any of the other stuff that came with you. The money, power associated with your mother, power that will soon be your own, or any of that stuff. None of that has ever mattered to me,” she explained honestly. Even though Eve never spoke about it, Harley had noticed how people clamored to her because of her mother’s status. She’d gotten a small taste of it, so she could only imagine how it had been before. ”For reference though, I have more boundaries with my friends. I don’t go out of my way to see them whenever I can, bring them coffee, take them out to dinner at fancy restaurants I could never afford without saving for weeks, or pretend to accidentally get to close to the corner of their lips when I kiss their cheeks. That was all just for you.” Explaining it all was making Harley’s stomach bottom out to her shoes, and she just wished she could have run away from it all just a little longer. She knew she’d eventually she’d have to face the music, but the blonde had hoped she’d have a little more time. At least enough for her heart to stop doing the thing where it wanted to literally beat out of her chest whenever Eve was around. ”I lived on California constantly next to the most beautiful and talented British woman for years and stayed single. That experience comes in handy.” A sigh escaped her lips at Eve’s logic, and she hated that the woman was right. It was just downright annoying. ”Eevee, don’t do that to me. It’s just mean,” she said with a pout.
Eve froze mid-movement at the word feelings, her eyes darting to the blonde as a vine snaked up her leg. Nervousness sparked it to life and it touching her leg -- literally grounded her. Reminded her that things were real. She sucked in a long breath as Harley spoke of literally every fear Eve had had about people liking her, about friendships she had made over the decades of her life. She had almost no real friends, no real people that didn’t want her for just her mother’s influence or sway. Hell, she could count them on one hand if she really wanted to and as of right now she knew two of them were on the isle. Her brain felt like it was short-circuiting, feelings? Friendships? not being used? It was a lot for her to take in and actually process. Her mouth opened slightly and she let out a little breath. She was unsure of what even to say to Harley at that moment. “I’m just gonna be honest here… I -- literally don’t know what to say to all that other than -- uh.. I need time to process.” she sucked in her bottom lip and forced herself to keep her feet planted instead of moving back, moving away from the idea that Harley cared for her that much. “But um” she swallowed and blinked a couple of times trying to recenter herself. “Maybe… I’ll be nice and not make your mom do that..” she glanced down at the vine wrapped around her leg and willed it away.
The blonde watched as the wheels started going into overdrive in the writer’s mind, and barely withheld the sigh when she knew what was coming. Although, she was surprised to notice that Eve didn’t run away from the situation all together. The fact that she hadn’t made it better than the worst case scenario she had imagined in her head whenever she thought about discussing her feelings. When Eve did finally speak, Harley managed a small smile and nodded her head. “Take all the time you need,” she answered honestly. “I’m not going anywhere, and I’m never hard to find. I can give you my address, or if you just go to the beach for long enough, I’m sure you’ll find me. Well, unless I’m working.” Her schedule changed from week to week, so she couldn’t really outline that for the woman, but she still wasn’t that hard to locate. Plus, her number hadn’t changed either. “That would be nice. If you’re nice, I’ll dress up in something ridiculous for you one day. Although, I’m sure you’ll want to redo my wardrobe first. We can talk about that later though if you want me to roll out. I don’t want to overwhelm you or anything.” While Harley was feeling slightly deflated about putting her feelings out there and getting such a grey response, she didn’t like making anyone feel uncomfortable. All she ever wanted was for the people she cared about be happy.
Eve nodded her head at Harley's assurance it was okay if she took some time to process. Either way she would take the time, but knowing Harley understood that she was overwhelmed by this all? It lifted a small bit of weight from her shoulders. She swallowed hard and nodded once more "I uh -- whatever you like more. If you want me to come by when I'm more -- mentally prepared for this I can just text me your address." she said and licked her lips trying to calm herself down. She needed a drink, or to get high, she wasn't sure which would be of more use right now. Maybe talking to one of her siblings would do the trick... But at the mention of dressing up for her she chuckled, she'd love to get Harley into some ridiculous clothes just for fun. "Depends on how your wardrobe looks." she shrugged, "I'd have to see your closet." she swallowed, fashion. Fashion was easy to talk about, fashion distracted her from her sweaty palms, her pounding heart and her racing mind. It calmed her breathing, kept her from hyperventilating. Was this another panic attack threatening to rear its ugly head? Maybe. Space. She needed to go. "I -- no, it's fine, stay, enjoy the park. I have to go meet up with Vera anyways." she waved her hand and a small grape vine grew from the ground, "Enjoy some grapes." she said before taking a step back, "I'll... I'll talk to you soon" Eveleen said with a smile before she strolled off -- taking deep breaths to calm the panic that was still rising in her gut.
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