#but its not the usual external hedonistic self of hers so this is just? very interesting
zorkaya-moved · 6 months
"My fellow ball and chain, has Diamond decided to grant me the privilege of protection? What an hon-or~ I'll be sure to cherish it well."
Aventurine chuckles, twirling a coin between his fingers deftly. The irony isn't lost on him. To be sent to protect someone who's life was never fated to linger long. Perhaps it was a reminder of his place, that he wasn't even allowed the right to choose to die. Not without the IPC's watchful gaze burned onto his skin.
Such things had long become the norm. There was not much that could surprise the Stoneheart anymore.
At the very least, he could have his thrill. Turning nickel into gold.
The sound a coin being flipped in the air rings throughout the spacious room, the gambler catching it with a lack-a-daisical grin.
"So, what will it be? Heads, or tails?"
Diamond wishes to find one who can use the weapon correctly, the loyalty tested and the Emanator of Origin satisfied. The curse of the Apostle hangs over the head of Diamond, allowing the beast to lurk within the Stonehearts' ranks, protecting them from... From what? Ah, but is it ruly protection when there will be an order coming from the higher gemstone, telling the Stoneheart to end the life of their own bodyguard. It does not seem like Aventurine has received that order yet, it sounds more sadistic now. When will the order be issued? There are countless possibilities, Diamond wishes to use the blood of the silverette as a way to prove sincerity behind Stonehearts' loyalty. Or is it a simple torture? Attempt to find how each person will attempt to kill her, to end her, to bring her close but not enough to [salvation].
It should be considered a joke, the way her face is too pretty to be one of a bodyguard. The golden eyes, the fluffy white eyelashes, the lips colored in the prettiest shade of red, her silver hair - long and wavy - is in a high ponytail as the black suit covers her whole body but does not hide the curves and the beauty that may be hiding beneath. It's a lie, but it's such a beautiful lie. Some of the Stonehearts called her a joke, feeling insulted at the prospect of being protected by someone who seemed more like a beauty than the beast. But it does not matter, she only studies her current [liege] (toy) that Diamond allowed her to play with.
But this one... Oh, he is different. He and Topaz were unique on their own. She wants to play with this one for a bit longer. And yet, the play includes her keeping the controlled and calm appearance. She is an actor, she must put on the perfect mask to hide away the millennia of indulgence, gamble, and survival. She was once an empress, a saint, a sinner, a witch, a [Herrscher] (Sovereign). She is not a human, the Apostle of Origin hides within the lower ranks to learn how each person may use power presented to them. So how will this man spill the blood of a sacrificial beast? Or will he not be asked to end her life? Diamond might have grown tired of those attempts.
Aventurine is a man of class, she can see it, but she also knows the eyes of a survivor when she meets them. She taught countless young men and women who survived tragedies, broken by the cruelty of the world and repressed by authorities. Then again, he is still his own person, but she knows all too well how his type acts and how this indulgence in adrenaline rushes will act up in their exchange. This job will finally be interesting, she thinks to herself, as her eyes watch the coin in his hands. What deft fingers, she hopes he won't use them to wrap around her neck. She won't let any fingers reach for her neck. A knife will do, but nothing wrapped.
Her expression is one of impassiveness, but it only makes her look more beautiful. An ice-cold maiden clad in black and white, monochrome tones bring attention to the ichor in her eyes and to the red of her lips. It's all perfectly captured, but she remains immoving with her hands hidden behind her back.
Do you truly want an answer, child of man? Don't you seek salvation? Wil diamond shackles ask you to baptize yourself in the blood of a saintly sinner like myself? I wonder.
She will play the antithesis to his character. Time will tell when she will need to show more of her fangs for the sake of fun. Amusement is flourishing in her chest but she remains emotionless, calm and collected. The picture of professionalism. If only he knew what was going inside her head.
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"As my liege, you should not concern yourself with my opinion," she tells him calmly, looking up from his hands to his face. He is handsome, she will give him that. Any and all expressions he can show her will be worth it, worth this engagement. She wants to have fun before the clocks tick and before the script of Destiny's Slave will ask for her to step forward on the path of Akivili. But right now, Aventurine is the one who has this fake leash that Diamond has given him without any explanations. How cruel of Diamond, but how expected of IPC. She finds Aventurine's situation a disgusting showcase of human nature, the one she witnessed before. He is a person, so she wants to know what a [person] behind this title will do with the power once he is aware of what he holds. "But if you wish for my answer, it would be heads. At the end, you were able to turn the coin in your hand."
It was easy for her eyes and mind to calculate the correctness of the fall. Physics and analysis, this is a child's play for someone who is not a human and who has such striking golden eyes. Will he be satisfied with it? Or will he want to play more? It makes her wonder. How far can her indifference drive him to indulge her? Oh, it will be a glorious time. For others, it may be a headache, but the Apostle is a cruel and vicious woman inside.
"Mr. Aventurine, your schedule requires us to leave in an hour," her voice is melodic, far too melodic fo a bodyguard. A siren, certainly, she is one to fool the sailors. "Moving forward, you may consider me your shadow, but if there is anything you desire: do not hesitate to order me. I am no longer under Diamond's order, but yours. Use me as you wish."
What wishes and orders will he give? A man with a history like his. She is curious.
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Hi how do I become a male witch for real to support to women I love who is a witch and because I'm honestly curious and interested in being a male witch
✧・゚:* Sᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴘʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴄᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʀᴀғᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ʟᴇᴀʀɴ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴍᴀɢɪᴄᴋ ᴀs ᴀ ᴍᴀʟᴇ ᴡɪᴛᴄʜ! *:・゚✧ Merry Meet!  ☆ Thank you for being my first ask! First I would like to begin with the fact that being a witch means something different to everyone.
” Witch for me is my most powerful self. Deeply grounded. Always healing and protecting myself and those I love. Bending attraction into my direction. Spreading peace and love wherever I go. Respecting nature. Following my intuition. Calling on my guides. Working with my inner wolf. Connecting with myself on all levels. Increasing my vibration. Meditation. Gratitude. Love. Light. This is what witch means to me. ” -Lunas Grimoire " I think that magic plays a part in my day-to-day effort to visualize goals, deal with problems, and connect myself to nature. Spells and visualization are all about intentionality and channeling your life force!"  -HS “To put it simply, witchcraft is the practice of magick. This isn't to be confused with magic, which is what magicians do. Magick is a series of techniques a witch uses to harness energy (both external and internal) in order to change one's surroundings as well as one's self. It's also important to note that being a witch is not the same thing as being Wiccan. Unlike witchcraft, Wicca is a religion. However, it is common to meet witches who are Wiccan and vice versa. And most importantly, anyone can become a witch. Witchcraft is truly for everyone.” -The Witch Mommy ☆ So what is a witch?! ”First, many people do still use “witch” to mean “someone who worships the Devil and/or evil and who engages in gratuitous malevolence.” Present-day Witches generally feel that such a definition of “witch” results merely from Christian politics and propaganda. True, there are now “Satanic” churches, the most prominent having been Anton LeVay’s Church of Satan and the Temple of Set, and its members do call themselves “witches,” which certainly confuses outsiders. However, as J. Gordon Melton has pointed out, the members of these churches are actually atheistic, hedonistic, and egoistic in their ethics. Pagan Witches regard Satanist witches as Christian heretics and not Pagan at all. Setting all that aside, we can look at the more positive usages of the term.First, “witch” is often used to mean “someone who practices some form of magic.” But “folk magic” is ubiquitous, and those who practice it usually consider themselves to be devout members of the faith community around them, just with a special gift. They very rarely seem to think that their magical practice constitutes a unique religion. Nevertheless, there are quite a few such “magical witches,” and they logically must be considered part of the Craft movement.Second, “witch” is often used to mean “someone who has and uses unusual psychic talents.” It can thus be applied to Spiritualist mediums, to clairvoyant readers, to diviners, and so on. Again, such people almost always consider them to be members of the surrounding faith community, just with a special talent, and likewise do not regard that talent as constituting a different religion.Third, “witch” is now (and only recently) used to mean “someone who honors or worships the Old Gods” of whatever pantheon, though “Pagan” is also used with this meaning. Here the self-concept is that one is pursuing a religious path different from that of the surrounding community, but such pursuit does not necessarily involve any use of magic or psychic talents.It is only within the Pagan movement as inspired by Gardnerian Witchcraft that these three different meanings have been bundled together into the current concept of the Pagan Witch as practicing a unique and magical religion.At first, before the rise of the festival movement in America about 1980, a fourth meaning of “Witch” was included in this bundle: “someone who has been initiated as a member of an organized group (yes, a coven) that practices Witchcraft as a Pagan religion or as an apprentice of a master teacher of witchcraft.” Once the festivals had evolved to provide people with a way to celebrate the Wheel of the Year, and once enough “how to” books had been published to give people all the information they needed to practice the Craft as a solitary or only within their own families, joining a coven was no longer the only way to follow Wicca or a more generic form of Witchcraft as a spiritual path.There had been some solitaries even in the 1960s and 1970s, but as a result of the festivals, around 1980 the movement divided into two categories, one being a laity, who now constitute at least 90 percent of all Witches in America, the other being those who have been initiated into and practice the Craft within a coven or equivalent group. However, a First-Degree initiate of a coven is not regarded as having any special authority or expertise, given that anyone can learn from the published books about 99 percent of what that initiate would know. Instead, there is another level of meaning.” -Aidan Kelly Before you get started you must understand, there are many different paths or well types of witchcraft. ☆ The most common types usually include: 1: GARDNERIAN WITCH: A Gardnerian Witch is someone who follows the belief system of Gardnerian Wicca, which was created by Gerald Garner in the 1950s.  Gardnerian Wicca is hierarchical system that consists of a high priest and priestess as well as various initiations. So, one is not a Gardnerian Witch until they have learned their specific traditions and have gone through proper initiation. 2: ALEXANDRIAN WITCH: Alexandrian Witchcraft is like Guardian Wicca in that it is a formalized belief system which contains it’s own traditions and initiations.  Alexandrian witches follow some of the similar traditions in Guardian Wicca, but also incorporate ceremonial magic as well as the Qabalah. 3. SOLITARY WITCH: A solitary witch is someone who performs spellwork and rituals alone and without a coven.  This may be by choice, or perhaps they just haven’t yet found a group of fellow witches they would like to work with.  A solitary witch can incorporate various different paths based on their interest and may or may not use witchcraft as part of a wider spiritual path or religion. 4. ECLECTIC WITCH: An Eclectic witch is someone who pulls from various witchcraft traditions for their spellwork and rituals.  They rely on a variety of different cultures, beliefs, and systems to formulate their own personal witchcraft practice which may change and evolve over time. 5. TRADITIONAL WITCH: A traditional witch is someone who takes a historical approach to witchcraft.  They look at old grimoires, witch trials, various witch lore, and historical accounts to lay the foundation for their own spells and rituals.  Often traditional witches focus on working with the nature and history of the place they live and may work with the genius loci, or the local spirits. 6. HEREDITARY WITCH: A Hereditary witch is someone who was born into a family that practices witchcraft.  Usually their knowledge is passed down through generations and each family may have their own traditions and belief system.  Though, just because someone is born in a witch family it does not necessarily mean that they will be more knowledgeable or powerful than a non-hereditary witch. 7. HEDGE WITCH: A Hedge witch works with the liminal spaces and the spirit realm.  In the past a ‘hedge’ would mark a boundary of a village or settlement and thus represents the boundary between our physical reality and the spirit world.  A hedge witch may be skilled at crossing that boundary through practices like astral travel. 8. KITCHEN WITCH: A kitchen witch enjoys making their home and surroundings a sacred space.  They often like to incorporate witchcraft with their cooking and put their energy and focus into to the food and the meals they create.  They care deeply about the ingredients, and may have their own herb and vegetable garden. 9. GREEN WITCH: Green witches are extremely nature based.  They are likely to be in-tune with the seasons and often use natural materials to create their own magical tools.  They most likely try to perform all their spellwork and rituals outside in nature when possible. 10. COSMIC WITCH: A cosmic witch incorporates astrology and astronomy into their witchcraft.  They most likely closely follow the alignment of the planets and they will often will coordinate their spells and rituals based on the location of the planets and the moon. ☆ Labels.. Labels.. and more labels! Also, here are a few labels that are commonly passed around as well! It’s very important to remember that labels should never limit your practice. These are just classifications that I find useful in describing myself, and others have used to describe themselves. This list was made purely for fun. This is, by no means, a complete list. You do not have to ‘fit’ into any of these. A person’s craft is unique to them, that’s what makes it so awesome. (Warning: you may see some repeats from the previous list!) Omni Witch: A bookworm and a know it all, this type of witch studies and practices all the fields of magick. They are innately curious about everything, and love to learn. They are talkative and eager to share the massive amount of knowledge they have absorbed. Eclectic Witch: The Boho witch. She uses a combination or mix of whatever paths suit her best. Typically specializes in 2-4 different sects of the craft. She often will wear a mix-match of clothing, but enjoys long flowing things. She tends to be very random and eccentric, but is friendly nonetheless. Kitchen Witch: This type of witch uses easily obtained items and weaves magick into every aspect of their life. They are particularly fond of cooking, arts and crafts, sewing, cleaning, gardening and baking. They are skilled in potions, herbology, and subtle magick. Cottage Witch: A Witch who focuses on hearth magick. Much like the Kitchen witch, but with less emphasis on the cooking. They are the homemakers, the ones who decorate the house for the holidays. Usually empaths who are very sensitive to the people around them. Practical Witch: A branch of kitchen witch, they are adept at spellwork, and use their magick for everyday, mundane things. They adore the use of sigils and put them everywhere. Very down to earth individuals, who enjoy experimenting with ways to use magick to may their daily life easier and more enjoyable. Stitch Witch: A brand of Kitchen and Cottage witchery that holds magickal fabric work in high regard. They focus primarily on knot and stitch magick. Very scatter-brained individuals. Their room are always in disarray, fabric and thread everywhere. Usually fond of cosplay. LOVE making Halloween costumes for their family and friends. Green Witch: The woodland witches, these earthy individuals protect plants and love to garden. They usually are adept at spirit communication, hearing and responding to the needs of their many leaf-bearing friends. They thrive in natural environments such as forests, lakes, rivers and gardens. Green witches enjoy sunlight, growing plants and collecting rocks. They focus on holistic medicine and are learned healers. They are very familiar with their local region, having memorized all the species of plants, trees, insects, wildlife and flowers. They truly love the earth. Crystal Witch: A branch of Green witchery, these witches primarily work with stones, gems, crystals, and rocks. They LOVE geology, spend a lot of time hiking and collecting crystals. Usually very organized individuals that are in tune with the earth. They always know when the next local rock and mineral show is. Usually broke because they are always buying new rocks. So many rocks. Fucking rocks everywhere omg. Creature Witch: Another branch of Green witchery, mixed with spirit working and hedgecraft, these witches primarily work with Magickal and Astral creatures and spirits. They are very friendly people, and get along with all kinds of physical, and not so physical creatures. They collect fossils and bones and skulls and know the names and personalities of each spirit attached to them.Hedge Witch: A witch that lives between two worlds. They easily cross over into Elsewhere, the astral realm, and do so with ease. Often skilled at working with magickal creatures and familiars, they are very creative and artistic individuals. They are also very adept at psychometry, spirit communication, energy work, and time travel. Also called Astral Witches. Energy Witch: Witches that perform all of their magic internally. Their magic is one of pure energy, using circles cast in their heads and their imaginations to bring their will to life. Are usually shy and keep to themselves. They enjoy divination and astral projection. Also called Intrinsic Witches. Shadow Worker: A combination of energy and hedge magick, the shadow worker tames and summons Shadows of their own past and personality. They regret nothing, are very in tune with their emotions, and spend a lot of time meditating. They are not afraid to confront their mistakes, because accepting the flawed pieces of their personality gives them power. Spirit Worker: A Witch who communes with the dead spirits of humans, animals, and others entities. Some can even communicate with the spirits of trees, rocks, and man-made items. They are usually very outspoken, opinionated people. They use spirit boards and pendulums, among many other tools. They enjoy taking strolls in graveyards and having casual chats with the dead. Also called Mediums. Exorcist: A branch of Spirit Worker. They are usually hereditary, clairvoyant and raised into their practice. They learn their craft as it is passed down from their family members. They practice the archaic tradition of exorcism, aka banishment of dark or foul entities. Very somber individuals, who try their best to be optimistic. Oracle/Diviner: Branch of Spirit worker. Witches who primarily focus their practice on divination. Tarot, runes, pendulums, spirit boards, scrying, crystal gazing, aeromancy, stichomancy, sea gazing, animal gazing, bird watching, lynchomancy, ceromancy, astrology, numerology, amathomancy, dream interpretation, shufflemancy, tea leaf reading, people watching, palm reading, face reading. You name it, they probably know how to do it. Usually clairvoyant and have a number of other psychic abilities. Chaos Witch: A witch who uses baneful magick in their craft. They enjoy working with bones and are skilled at channeling and communicating with spirits. They will sometimes use demons, storm magick, blood magick, and cursing in their practice. They fear nothing. Commonly mislabeled ‘black’ or ‘dark’ witch. Which is not correct. Tsk tsk. Necromancer: A branch of Chaos magick, these witches take spirit working a step further, and are adept at communicating and controlling the dead. Necromancers usually have a familiar ‘wraith’ that acts much like an astral or spirit guide. Some can even raise the dead for a period of time to converse with them. Blood Witch: Another branch of Chaos magick, these witches primarily use blood in their rituals. They have a high pain tolerance, care little about what others think or say, and are very set in their ways. Some do it to prove how strong they are or devotion to their deities. Nonetheless, nice people once you get to know them. Perhaps a bit misunderstood. Sun Witch: A witch who draws their power more from the sun, than the moon as most witches tend to do. Adept at fire magic and are usually very spirited individuals. They use candles often in their practice, and love to throw barbecues and bonfires with their many friends. They enjoy sunbathing. Their magick comes in giant bursts and they will often use a lot of energy at once. Lunar Witch: A witch who primarily draws their power from the moon. They adore her and are usually adept at making moon water and knowing exactly what phase of the moon it is at any given time. They do not fear the dark, do much of their magick after the sun goes down, and have the ability to speak with the Lady Luna herself. These witches also may choose (or be chosen by) one of the moons of another planet, such as Miranda or Europa., and will work with that particular celestial body. Star Witch: Not to be confused with a Space witch, who works with all of the cosmos, primarily aliens and astrology. Star witches draw their power from constellations, stars, and the sun. They love star gazing, have star charts hanging on the walls of their room, and never miss a meteor shower. Very chipper individuals who always want to go to the planetarium rather than out to see a movie or to the park. They may also work with planets as well as stars. Storm Witch: This breed of witch is both terrifying and thrilling. They have a great sense of humor, and are usually very cryptic. They give zero fucks what people think of them and march to the beat of their own drum. They whistle up the winds and summon lightning. These witches are usually very adept at cursing and fear nothing. They like horror movies, cloudy weather, and casting emotionally charged spells. They are empathic individuals and always feel things to the extreme, there is no middle ground with them. Its black or white. Winter Witch: Witches who reside in the colder climates of the world. They cast snowstorms, collect hail and make poppets from snow. Blizzards are their best friends. They love cold weather, and usually draw their power from the snow and clouds, rather than the sun or the moon, as neither are usually very visible during storms. Despite their chilly disposition, they are warm and friendly once you get to know them. Sea Witch: These witches hone their craft near a body of water, and center their practice around it. Some sea witches will work with fresh water, such as rivers or lakes (in which case they will usually call themselves ‘river’ or ‘lake’ witches), some with the ocean. Sea witches without immediate access to a body of water are called ‘land-locked’. They often form connections with fish of all kinds, know their local areas very well, are good at predicting the weather, and are friendly with the nymphs, fae and dragons of their region. They enjoy collecting sand and seashells and are adept at storm and sun magic. Swamp Witch: A witch who works in the rivers and bayous of the world. They are adept at spirit communication and are versed in the traditions of their area. They enjoy wandering around their swamps, meeting familiars and befriending creepy crawlies. Their craft is usually a mix of traditional southern witchcraft and Hoodoo. They are very warm, hospitable individuals, but you should NEVER cross a Swamp witch. They are not afraid to curse your ass. These witches favor the healing powers of mud, enjoy mixing potions, reading next to a roaring fire and being with their family. Witch of the Waste: Desert witches who work with sand and limited supplies. Hardy herbs are their best friends and they often use a lot of bone magic. They have an extensive fossil and skull collection and are constantly pouring over old field guilds for their local area. They can whip up sandstorms in the blink of an eye, and befriend scorpions, snakes, and coyotes alike. They are an enduring species of witch, weathering everything the world has to throw at them. Few things dampen their spirits. Urban Witch: City witches who graffiti sigils on abandoned buildings, grow herbs in pots in their apartments and are very technologically savvy. Technomagic is their jam, usually rocking enchanted headphones, weaving spells from their favorite songs and using their cell phones as scrying mirrors.Tech Witch: A branch of Urban witchcraft, they work with html and other computer codes, have virtual altars to their deities, use old circuit boards as wards, old keypads from cell phones and laptops as spirit boards, and old broken electronic screens for scrying. They typically keep their grimoires as blogs. Very intelligent witches who are always on tumblr. Pop Culture Witch: A branch of Urban witchcraft. Witches that craft their spells based on popular music, movies, books and poetry. They are artistic and very educated and love to laugh. They can also curse the hell out of you. It’s not all Disney movies, folks. Artistic Witch: A witch usually covered in paint from head to toe. They draw, paint, dance, sing, and sew their way through their practice. They enchant their tablet pens and paintbrushes, use storm water for their watercolors, and strike real emotion into their audience. Dance Witch: Branch of Artistic Witch. They use dance in their practice, and are very physically sound. They may practice one on many kinds of dance, or even martial art. And they do so skillfully. They are usually very quiet people, but not at all shy or unsure of themselves. They would rather express their thoughts through movement and body language than actually speaking. Theatrical Witch: Branch of Artistic witch. A player. They act and perform in plays to honor their deities, spend countless hours perfecting their lines and adore being dramatic. Very charismatic people who take pride in their work. Persistent. Never take no for an answer. Melodic Witch: A branch of Artistic that primarily uses song and musical instruments in their practice. They are very busy people, constantly practicing whatever instrument has currently caught their fancy. They easily make friends with Sirens and Lorelai in their common love of song, and attract Fae and Nymphs alike with the sounds of their voices. Fae Witch: These witches are educated on all types of faeries, but usually prefer to work with a certain species or one they are familiar with. They are usually very playful and mischievous individuals, mimicking the creatures they work with. They are very attracted to shiny things and are easily offended. Nymphatic Witch: These cutie pies are usually Hellenistic in their choice of deities, and are well versed in all the species of Nymphs, what they like, and where they live. They usually work with the ones that live in their local area and mirror them in their personalities. They hate wearing clothes, but when they do they prefer pastel colors. They are very whimsical, pleasant people to be around. Draconic Witch: These witches are fearsome. They are knowledgable in all the species of dragons, their personalities and their migration patterns. They usually will have one or more dragon companion from their local area. They are skilled in astral projecting, storm magick and cursing. They love to collect things such as books and crystals. Vampiric Witch: A witch that either works with or is a vampire. They feed off the energy or emotions of others and use it to power their magick. They tend to be kind of clingy, but they are loyal as fuck and treasure their few friends. They have many secrets, and usually a dark past. They enjoy using blood in magick and are adept at healing and cursing. They are kind of vain, love gothic clothing, jewelry and expensive things. Astro/Space Witch: A witch who works with aliens. Usually very paranoid individuals, they adore star gazing, always know when the next astronomical event is, and love the documentary TV Show ‘ancient aliens’. They are usually adept at astral travel, astrology and sun magick. Demonic Witch: These witches work with Demons. They differ from Exorcists in that they actually summon them and get them to go their bidding, rather than casting them out. Can usually hold a grudge a hella long time. Not people to mess with. Stubborn and bull headed. Otherkin Witch: A witch who is Otherkin. They relate to an inhuman or an animal in either personality or spirit, or believe they are a reincarnation of such. They behaviors and choice in deities and certain practices in their craft will usually reflect their kind of Kin. An example would be that a Felinekin might like using catnip in their rituals, and might call on Bastet, Sekhmet or Freya in their magick. Ceremonial Witch: A combination of ceremonial magic and witchcraft. They focus on rituals and formal casting of magic. With robes and altars and everything. Also called Ritualistic Witchcraft or Traditional Witchcraft. Solitary Witch: A witch who works in isolation. Usually very independent and stubborn, they take orders from no one. Subtle Witch: A witch who cannot be openly witchy due to their family, friends or environment. Hereditary Witch: Someone who is born into a witch family and brought up learning about witchcraft, or folk magic. They take great pride in certain traditional magic passed down through the generations. Secular Witch: A witch who does not involve religion in their craft. Now that you’re a bit more familiar with the paths and labels- ☆ Let’s hit the books! Many people assume that becoming a witch simply means giving yourself the title of witch and then casting the occasional spell. This would be like buying yoga pants and mala beads, and calling yourself a yogi. But the truth is, becoming a witch takes a lot of hard work, discipline, and time. Therefore, after you decide which kind of witchcraft you are interested in, it's time to start studying. In order to learn about your craft, get your hands on as many books and articles as possible. Thanks to the internet, you can now watch videos online about becoming a witch, and you can even take witchcraft courses. Being a novice witch can be very overwhelming, so it's also a good idea to find a guide. An experienced witch can recommend reading, teach you some techniques for spells, and encourage you along your journey. ☆ Next gather your supplies!! You can never have to much in my opinion! Of course, you may also wish to buy some supplies in order to practice magick and cast spells. While you don't need to buy everything at once, here are some of the most common witchcraft supplies and tools: Mortar and pestle: These are used to mix herbs and other ingredients in order to create your blends and remedies.
Crystals: Crystals can help purify a sacred space before a ritual, as well as provide healing and protection.
Wand: This is a short stick (often selected from specific trees) used to cast a circle
Salt: Typically used to cast a protective circle
Book of Shadows: This is where you will organize and record things you are learning within the craft, as well as spells and rituals.
Herbs: These are used in spell workings, rituals, and magickal preparations.
God and Goddess statues: Used to decorate the altar and as a focal point during rituals, to draw attention to a particular god or goddess.
Altar: This is where you will hold sacred space, practice your craft, as well as keep your crystals, statues, and other witchcraft supplies. While there is more we could include on this list, these are the basic supplies witches use. As you refine your area of focus, you will have a better idea of the supplies that your brand of witchery calls for. ☆ What about spells?! Now, you're probably wondering, "Ok, but how do I cast a spell?".. The truth is, as frustrating as it sounds, there is no exact answer on how to cast a spell. This is because every witch is different and every witch has their own path. This means that a spell that works for one witch may not work for another. Learning to cast spells that work for you takes research, practice, and introspection. That being said, it can help to have some basic guidelines to get started. Then, you can tweak spells based on your own individual needs. This Simple Pleasures in Life spell is a great place to start. As you can see, becoming a witch and practicing witchcraft involves a lot more than just waving a wand around. ☆ Witch Youtube Channels: https://www.youtube.com/user/VideoJamGarden https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZfyjjVFNqNBLRg6p964AWQ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO6HYyldrzr3fTUWXLyJ3yg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChHS4NI6U4XgCuYgsrygVCA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoJQafFd9es78EhaqXl4WNA ♡  All credit goes to their due sources.  ♡
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ilya-elijah · 7 years
In The Name of The Best Within You
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How would the world look if every human being realized and never forgot that the only moral goal in life is happiness? But what is happiness you may ask? The pride of self, the ability to do what you want, the satisfaction of your own desires, and the knowledge of knowing you made life better.
The current scientific progress moves much quicker than the human mind’s cultural development. One day, when the gap between the two becomes large enough, humans will lose control of the situation. By recalling the “Atlases” we can figure out that first, prior to success in their daily lives, people realized philosophically what their place in this world is, what they really want, and what their lives really meant. Their “businesses” are the reflection of their moral values and principles. They realized that their life’s work was life itself.
However, reality is different, as it should be. It’s unfair, cruel and random, but the universe is not our enemy. A human is either a “hammer” or an “anvil,” meaning he either has control or is being controlled. At the same moment, we are only guests in this world, not the owners of it. This means that we are free to choose the best fit, without any need to become submissive. We are simply the hosts of our own lives.
The atlases in Atlas Shrugged did the best job they could. Their work personified their interests. Interest being those activities that bring pleasure to an individual. The activities that bring pleasure not only a result of a completed job, but also those that bring it during the whole process: legal drugs. The peak of human’s mental capacity can be found only in the “thing” that turned from hobby into work. By sacrificing themselves for their sense of life, humans hold the weight of the world on their shoulders. By the way, who prevents us to become such Atlases?
In the name of the best among us – have you ever asked yourself what is it for you? It is what will be left after you leave the world. It is not money that improves our world, but people. Money just lets people satisfy those desires that cannot be satisfied without it. Money even does not show the value of things, it is just gratitude for work. It is not the natural resources, geo-location or factories that makes one country “richer” than others. It is people who make a country truly “rich.” “Ideas” are humanity’s greatest resource. Whether “man” even understands the philosophy of life or not, it is useless unless he can find a way to implement his ideas.
I think the idea that led Ayn Rand to create this “masterpiece of thought” was willingness to create new Atlases throughout the world by showing the consequences of their absence. A philosopher puts her ideas into a novel with a purpose of sharing them so that they could impact readers in the way she would have liked. Same as it goes with an analogy from a John Galt speech.
Ayn Rand chose the genre of “Dystopia Literature” as it shows the potential negative consequences. This “trick” influences the emotion of fear, which in turn, forces the reader to deeply analyze the possible future. Therefore, the reader now has an individualistic (Atlantis) and a collectivistic (most countries) social model. And then there is the USA, which is on a “degradation” from capitalism to socialism. It is impossible to stay indifferent to the word “future”, especially when it is that dangerous.
Rand’s writing style is hard and unbeautiful. But “Atlas” is optimized for those who can sacrifice beautiful sentences for a clear and concise ideas. As the saying goes, the truth hurts, and the more it hurts, the more powerful it is. “There is no religion higher than truth”.
You have to look past the pieces the novel is missing in order to see and appreciate the worthwhile and very specific ideas it presents.
Being a citizen of a former USSR country Ukraine, in which the relics of collectivistic society still exist to this day, I can confirm that this heritage is really harmful not only for the economy, but also for a healthy mind. “Atlas” became really popular among those intellectual groups which cannot carry on with corruption around. It is great that we can touch advanced economies with the heart of message – objectivism. It is very interesting to observe how the future of our country can change be the influence of one book.  “Atlas” is what is exactly needed at this hard time for Ukraine. It is on a road heading away from its collectivistic past to its new capitalistic future. We must realize that the transformation of country begins first and foremost with transformation of each citizen’s minds.
Cultural decay is not the only abyss that socialism creates, it simultaneously destroys the economy.
They, the government, invade businesses by unfair taxation and/or violating private/intellectual property for control of society, so that the decisions the government makes does not come across bad for the people. But people have and can live without government, however they cannot do without those who produce happiness for them. The balance looks so: happiness surplus (material goods that cannot satisfy people’s needs) that Atlases create fulfills the lack of happiness that is not produced by consumers. Consumer society has always existed, but the reference of Atlases per population was higher due to much lower population increase.
Luxury usually seems like a hedonistic lifestyle. But money cannot come from nowhere.  Money only represent the importance of a product/service/information. Justice is when a person’s luxury attributes represent its own value for society.
Consumers nowadays are not only those who buy just for fun, but also those whose time spent changes nothing. They constantly watch series, meet friends etc. They are the people who take a break without earning it through hard work. They do not merit such rest, and even do not realize how pleasant it is to relax after a job well done. They just kill time and unfortunately, technological progress (which is also achievement of Atlases). This happens so quickly and subtly, that it becomes very hard for humanity to realize the days passing by. It quickly becomes necessary to repeatedly ask yourself, “what am I doing and why am I doing it?”
For progress of such a society, only an Atlas is needed, other people simply exist to fill the system. Meritocracy is a government based on moral values and their implementation through meritocrats. This would the most suitable political philosophy for an Atlantian World.
Every human being can distinguish what is evil and what is good. Being moral means keeping up principles by doing only good actions with an ascetic attitude toward worldly blessings. If a man provokes no conflicts with his own morality, then there is no reason to feel guilty. But are humans rational? To continue doing something he needs to do, he also needs to have a substantiated answer to the question “why?” Atlases have replaced actions done in the name of redemption with actions done in the name of existence. René Descartes’, “I think, therefore I am,” evolved into, I am able to think therefore it makes sense that I exist.
We live in post-Darwin society. Only the strongest stay alive. Being alive today means constantly remembering the sense of our daily actions, plans, and life. The world is made for progress. While there is night on one half of Earth, another one keeps on moving forward. Mankind is obliged to go straight ahead at all times. But to go forward our rational brains, again, need to answer the question “why?” Those who do not know the reasons and do not seek t find them can be considered, “mentally dead.”  We have billions of people, but only millions of those whose deaths will be a loss for the future of the world and all of humanity. My goal is to increase the ratio of those who are “mentally alive” compared to those who are “mentally dead,” and this essay is the first step in reaching that goal.
"I will never live for the sake of another man nor ask another man to live for mine.” I understand this quote to mean that one should not do a favor that is not asked for, rather one should implement their own will over someone else’s and one should not rely on external help nor should they ask for it. However, I cannot fully agree with Galt's quote. People are not insensitive machines and one day you’ll meet someone’s whose dreams and desire match those of your own. This is the person you will come to love. The person that represents your moral values and worldview. This person, like you, always knows the answer to the question “Why?”. Wisdom is not meant to raise him higher than you, because the most important man in everyone's life is man himself. Humans are neither 100% egoistic nor 100% altruistic. To be human is to be part of society that leaves lasting impressions on us. Our inner world creates our relation to the outer world, that being society. This relation also works vice versa as, we base our own attitude towards society by our impression on it. However, our impressions are the reflections of our beliefs. That means that we can change society by changing ourselves. If society consists humans, then 100% moral evolution is only possible if each member could change itself.
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