#but j queen passes the vibe check
wild-moss-art · 2 years
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alittleemo · 3 years
I wanted to leave valentine asks in all of your inboxes but it’s late and im tired so im making an appreciation type post instead!!!! long post under the cut bc i dont want to subject yall to that lol
@shades-of-blue- faith you add so much positivity to my day and you show so much love for me and all of your other mutuals and i hope you know how lovely you are <3 i love your art series and how positively u interact w your mutuals and followers, and seeing u in my notifications reminds me that other people are interested in what im saying and it really means a lot to me so thank u, sending u all of my love <3
@lunawedlers- audrey you bring so many new movies and shows to my dash and i adore it. you are so kind and supportive of others and your talent is out of this world and it brightens my day to interact w you or even see u on my dash and u deserve the world and all of its beauty. I may have no idea still what the plot of succession is but i thought i saw Tom when i was watching Star Wars the other day and thought of u and i think thats what love is yk? (it wasnt actually him but its the thought that counts <3). i love u sm bestie, im rlly glad we’re friends <3
@12monthoctober- grace you have always been one of my fav mutuals, you show so much consideration for others and your enthusiasm for the AO3 remakes brings me so much joy and u are such a friendly, supportive, and caring force on my dash and i love u and miss u. you were one of my first mutuals and quite honestly in the early months i was on tumblr and we were mutuals were able to ground me and bring me so much joy and ive stolen so much of my music taste from skam nt and the fact we already had similar tastes rlly enhances the vibe. I love seeing u on my dash and on my Spotify bar and i hope u are doing well, i love u sm <3 
@lesbeanfatou- clara you provide such a chaotic and kind whirlwind force on my dash everyday, and your boundless love for all of your friends and followers is so wonderful to behold. literally the joy i had in u immediately following me back and interacting w me in the beginning meant the world to me and i hope u know im here for u always. your love for 1d passed on to me and now i actually follow the convo when ppl talk abt them and my sister and bestie love me for it and ive saved too many of ur reaction images to use myself so ty for that too <3 love u queen u deserve the sun and all of her stars
@coffee-and-moo- grace i literally cannot describe how much joy i get from seeing your Star Wars and marvel posts on my dash, u share and encapsulate so many of my fav interests that i feel like we were destined to be mutuals. your enthusiasm inspires me and i love seeing u on my dash and in my notes—i feel like at this point we are equally spam liking each other’s posts and i love u sm for it bc i see posts to rn specifically for u now lol. you are so lovely and sweet and i hope the world is treating u well and i love u <3
@pianoandcookiedoughlover- you’re such a lovely presence on my dash, and it means so much to me that u took time to check on me after some of my rant posts, j the feeling of knowing other people care enough to check in and your calm, rational way of looking at situations was so important to me. im so excited for skam colorado s2 and i hope you’re doing well and ily <3 (also ive taken to calling u honey in my head bc of ur profile pic color/bc u have no name displayed lol but if u would prefer smth else lmk!!)
@maade-of-stardust- val you were my first mutual and literally the rush i got from a person following me for the first time fueled me for weeks. we don’t talk a lot but i love seeing u on my dash and your fics are incredible and deserve so much love and attention considering all of the love you’re put into them. I hope you are doing well, there are so many people who love and care for u and i love u <3
@paint-dreamscapes-on-the-wall- iris you are such a sweet person, and i still havent forgotten how u took time to give me phoebe bridgers recommendations when i didnt expect to get any—your thoughtfulness and excellent music choices really brightened my life a lot. i happened to find skam boston in the middle of quarantine (may or June i think??), and waiting for your updates everyday grounded me and added a sense of stability to my life as i watched graciela navigate her season. u are such a lovely being and i love u a lot <3
@fakieu- aj u are so creative and your sense of humor is immaculate and you have been such a positive influence on me (that sounds weird lmao but fr your calmness and creativity have inspired me and helped me so much). skam dc was the first remake i actually listened to with music, and i j have to say literally my music taste this summer was almost entirely stolen from u, so i appreciate that a lot. I hope you’re doing well and that school isnt beating u down to much, love u <3
@womenstan and @nori-in-pink- we haven’t interacted a lot but both of u are so sweet and the support u have for your friends and the enthusiasm u have for others is so affirming and rlly helped me feel like people cared about what i had to say here. em- it meant the world to me that u actually made something out of my gif suggestions, i have lots of ideas bouncing around but actually seeing them was mind blowing and i loved them. courtney- i love the cheerfulness u bring to my dash and u are such a lovely soul and i hope u are both doing well
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hermesserpent-stuff · 4 years
The Dilemma of 049 being a ~*Medieval*~ doctor: a ramble from a history nerd
TLDR: I am a tired history nerd who got invested in some plague doctors and did some research. As they say “ I kriffed around, I found out.” bird boi doctors are not medieval not even close. I have a fiction writing dilemma and I'm thinking maybe of grinding axes. 
More below the cut cause, hahahha, oops. I wrote this as thought to text so its just a bit weird and whole lot of rambley. It was going to be an authors note, but no, I need other opinions on this mess. 
OKAY SOOOOOO doctors wearing beaks was like a 17th 18th-century thing so I guess this is when the bois (049 and 049-J) be from (violent shrugging.) I mean I was putting them, in my head in that first big plague that is super famous in the 1300s…. Cause medieval aesthetic is king. But I guess technically, small towns were still functioning similarly, with feast days and the like, with just a lot of trade and the whole Americas thing going on. and technically there was more than one plague.
But wait!!!! The SCP site says “a medieval plague doctor”, but technically the medieval period ranges from about 500 BCE to around 1500 BCE. Far before burb mask bois were wacking people. I might just combust. SO the question is as follows, what in the haran do I do. Fall to the aesthetic of the medieval age and suffer the misery that is being a history fanatic writing history incorrectly on purpose, OOOOORRRR go with the correct way with 17th and 18th-century bois in bird masks with no medieval flavor text mixed into the backstories. 
(And then there’s the whole mess of other things I’ll have to consider, like martin Luthor drop kicking Germany in 1500’s and making those fractures different branches (how would that affect the troupe of doctors from Jay’s past in a 17th-century backdrop? Religious debates? Edmund- maybe fleeing England cause king henry the 8th who wanted to rid himself of a wife that didn’t pass the vibe check and then that sending the country into Protestantism after a brief and bloody stab stab from queen mary? Or in the medieval route the fact that it’s been like 700 years these birds have been roaming free and no one thought to burn them. Also alchemy and astrology are going strong in the 1300’s. anD THere was crusades and the church. The church is still around in the 17th century but crusades lasted till about 1400s (i think)
Honestly, a very small part of me wants to both toss myself into a furnace and/or find out who put ~medieval~ as a descriptor for a bird boi when that outfit was not around till Charles de L'Orme decided to invent the *look* 1630, a time distinctly after the generally accepted medieval times, which end in 1500, cause guess who walked through the door with lattes and confidence, that’s right, the Renaissance and it’s printers, artists, and thinkers (around 1400s it started up cause history is messy and there’s no such thing a clear lines) and the whole globalization thing that spun in on the heels of 1492 ( but was already vibing with trade to the east through Mediterranean routes and the Medici, who had mula. Any way. I am undecided as of yet what exactly I’m going to do, cause I like to try for accuracy but I also am addicted to bardcore.
gimme any opinions if you got them
(please dont ask about plague naming conventions cause that also changes with the time period that 049 could originate from making the whole: “When you say "The Great Dying", are you talking about the bubonic plague?” from doctor hamm a slightly absurd question as Im not sure when that title came into use and if bird boi over here had ever heard of it. If hes a medieval doc boi then they prolly had some latin name. frickle, now i gotta do research of names for plague in two different times. but also the pestilence is prolly something else. slag it all now i gotta look into that too and check community thoughts on that. I mean I have my own but mmmmmsmmsmsm) 
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yourdeepestfathoms · 4 years
Love For Love By Love Of Love
Kinda short- only 2106 words but!! Enjoy some soft Nana Boleyn!
(As in- Read Anne as Courtney!Anne, not Millie!Anne because Millie!Anne would never do any of this)
Anne could hear the roars of laughter in the dressing room all the way from the bathroom she was walking out of, which made her pick up her pace so she wouldn’t miss what was going on. She couldn’t even imagine what the others were giggling about- right before she left they were trying to recover from Cathy’s beautiful comment, “Don’t fist my hoop” after Anne herself tried to fit her entire fist in the blue queen’s hoop earring, but they could have moved onto something entirely different by then. Anything could happen on a Live, especially when it was Anne, Kitty, and Cleves there. Cathy was supposed to be leveling them out, but she got roped into their antics almost instantly.
On her way back to the Live, however, something caught Anne’s attention. She stopped and peeked her head into one of the dressing rooms to see a blonde girl sitting at a desk against the far wall. Her head kept sagging downwards in the motion people did when they were nodding off but kept jerking awake, but it was clear she wasn’t all too there in reality at the moment. She was shaking, too, which made a deep maternal instinct spark inside of Anne.
Some people were surprised to find that she had such a thing, what with her gremlin-like stage persona and wild attitude that came with it, but they forgot that she had been a mother herself. Even if it was for a short time, a motherly instinct formed and the urge to care for the younger and inferior still lingered after reincarnation. Usually it only came out for Kitty, but this time felt different. When she cared for Kitty, she viewed her as a sister, but when she was looking at this girl...
It felt like she was looking at a lost child without their mother.
A child that she wanted to help.
Anne quietly stepped into the room and approached the girl- Joan, the show’s music director. Upon getting a closer look, she saw that she was, in fact, not really conscious, despite her eyelids still fluttering slightly. She was leaning over some paperwork, head bobbing in an effort to stay away that wasn’t really working for her. She didn’t come to when Anne gently nudges her side.
Anne pursed her lips, thinking. Then, without a second thought, she takes off her soft pink robe and wrapped it around Joan’s trembling shoulders.
With a small smile, Anne quietly walks out and returns to the dressing room where the Live is happening.
“What happened to your robe?” Kitty asked curiously as her cousin sat back down beside her.
“I got hot so I took it off,” Anne replied, despite it being rather chilly inside the theater. The others didn’t pay it much attention, though, and went back to their shenanigans, which apparently was now a question and answer session.
“Okay, Annie, what’s a weird fear you have?” Kitty suddenly asked, probing her cousin in the side with a bright pink nail.
“What brought this on?” Anne laughed.
“We’re doing a Q&A!” Cathy said, readjusting the phone.
“And when did that start?”
“Just now! Now answer the question!” Kitty prodded the green queen again, making her squirm away with a small laugh.
“Okay, okay! Hmm...” She thought for a moment. “I don’t think I have a fear that’s considered weird. Does not liking the texture of soggy bread count?”
“How often do you run into a situation where soggy bread is your main problem?” Cathy laughed.
“You’d be surprised!”
“Bessie is afraid of mannequins.”
All heads turned to Cleves. Question marks and laughing emojis flashed through the chat, among the huge barrage of comments from the many viewers. Kitty tilted her head while Cathy and Anne both snorted.
“Really?” Kitty giggled.
“Yeah!” Cleves nodded. “She said they made her uncomfortable. Gave her weird vibes. She doesn’t like when they’re behind her.” She tittered.
Laughter rebounded through the room at that.
“Yeah, you’re really exposing your girlfriend here, Anna,” Anne said, referencing a comment that pointed that out.
Cleves merely shrugged. “It’s my job! I’ll pay her back for it later.” She smirked and Kitty squealed, swatting at her knee, while Cathy and Anne groaned.
“Keep it PG, Anna!” Cathy barked playfully. “We have children watching!”
“Oh, shut up! We don’t do anything!”
“Oh my god,” Anne said to the side, amazed that they were actually yelling over the possibility of a couple doing a very normal thing like sex on a live with hundreds of people watching. She laughed.
And that’s when she noticed something.
Someone standing in the doorway.
It was Joan!
The girl had one hand on the doorframe, presumably to keep her balance because she was swaying slightly. Her hair was a completely mess, frizzled up like she had rubbed a balloon on her head just before walking into the room, and her eyes were half open and looked very tired. In her free hand she was holding Anne’s robe.
“Hey, Joan,” Anne greeted with a smile.
The other three turned to face the music director. The phone wasn’t angled to where the door could be seen, so confused comments were made in the chat, some even asking who “Joan” was.
“I— Hi.” Joan said after a moment. She blinked several times, probably trying to clear up her hazy vision of wake herself up a little more. “I just— I wanted to return this.” She held out the robe.
Kitty looked at her cousin confusedly. “I thought you put it away?”
Anne ignored her comment and got up to take the robe from Joan.
“I don’t know how I got it...” The girl said as she did so.
“You looked cold, so I put it around you.” Anne clarified.
Upon hearing that, Joan’s cheeks flashed pink and she looked away shyly.
“Oh. Th-thank you.” She mumbled.
“It’s no problem,” Anne glanced back at the other three. “Hey, why don’t you come sit with us?”
Joan looked surprised at the offer. Her head snapped up and her mouth opened and closed stupidly for a moment before she just nodded sheepishly. Anne grinned at her agreement and took her smaller, colder hand in her own, leading her over to where she had been sitting on the floor.
“Everyone! We have a new friend!” She announced, sitting back down at her spot. Joan kneels next to her, then fully sat down after she wasn’t told by anyone to leave.
A few comments were made about the new girl’s arrival- “Who is that?” “That’s Joan, right?” “she’s kinda cute no cap,,” “Whoaaaa she looks like Jane!!” “Why her hair so yellow tho” “is she even awake??”- but none were barking at her to leave and stop ruining the queen’s Live, which was good. Anne didn’t expect anyone to say such a thing, but you never know with the queendom.
The game of questions and answers quickly resumed. One viewer asked what everyone’s favorite animals were and after all the queens answered (“Snake!” “Owl!” “Dog!” “Also dog!”) Anne gently patted Joan’s knee, rousing her from her half asleep state.
“Huh?” Joan blinked, looking around.
“What’s your favorite animal?” Anne asked. She picked up on the girl’s obvious exhaustion and made a mental note to keep checking on her in case she got worse.
“My favorite-? Oh!” Joan finally understood. Her ears, which are adorably poking out from her unruly hair, flame red from how long it took her to process something so simple. “Umm... I like sheep.” She admitted shyly. Her hands fidget anxiously in her lap. “Hedgehogs, too.”
Anne nodded with a smile. Her heart was fluttering in a way that hadn’t happened since Elizabeth...
She thought back to when she first met Joan. The girl was so young, so thin, and so very tiny. It was a wonder she even got the job as a maid in waiting, and everyone assumed she would either end up quitting or getting removed for bad work, but she stuck around for the full three years of Anne’s reign. She was a clumsy little thing, yes. Not really good at most things- her sewing was a mess, she always managed to overcomplicate the laces on Anne’s dress when she helped her get changed, she dropped things and stumbled over her own two feet, stuttered, couldn’t really dance, and she had a hard time staying awake during court, but she was absolutely brilliant with music. Anne still remembered the first time she heard her play the harpsichord.
Ten minutes of giggles and silly questions pass. Joan is no longer answering, although her answers were sparse and whispered, so they usually went unheard. Anne turned to the girl after seeing a brief comment that said “is she asleep??” and saw that Joan had, in fact, nodded off.
In her current position, Joan was either going to slump forward and smack into the ground (which is something the poor thing would NEVER be able to live down, especially when the caught on a Live), lean back and fall over (which is something else her self esteem would drill itself into the ground for), or have really had neck and back pain when she woke up, so, without really thinking it through, Anne coiled her arms around the girl’s waist and slowly and subtly began pulling her into her grasp.
“Yikes, you’re light,” She muttered, finding it much easier to secure the music director in her lap than she was expecting. She made a second mental note to invite Joan over for dinner later so she can get something in her stomach.
Her action of moving Joan didn’t go unnoticed- the comments were blowing up with curious observations: “What is she doing??” “Anne, why are you doing that?” “whats going on?” “i just got here. what’s the tea?” “Awww!” “Mama Anne Boleyn????”
They were stupid and silly little things that people couldn’t keep to themselves. Anne just ignored them and hauled Joan completely into her lap, then began adjusting her position.
Joan was at an angle where her legs slung over one of Anne’s thighs, since she was sitting crisscross. Anne cups the back of her skull and brings her head down to rest on her chest, which is immediately nuzzled into like a kitten seeking warmth. After a momentary glance at the phone, Anne grabs her robe and wraps it around Joan, making sure her face was covered so she couldn’t be gawked at while dozing.
“So,” Anne said after her work was done. “What’s the next question?”
The other three had definitely been staring at her through the whole process, but she didn’t really care. They didn’t say anything about it, so it was fine.
“Uhh— Oh! Here’s one!” Cathy said, getting back into the swing of things. “Funniest things to happen while onstage?”
“Oh!” Cleves perked up. “That one time Bessie couldn’t stop sneezing during Heart of Stone and Jane actually stopped singing to wait for her to finish!”
“Is every answer you say going to be about her?” Kitty teased.
“Hsst!” Cleves hissed with a playful glare. “I love my girlfriend, alright! And it was funny!”
“It was,” Anne agreed. She felt something and looked down as Cathy went on to tell the story of when Maria accidentally launched one of her drumsticks across the stage. Joan was nuzzling closer to her, making adorable sleepy noises that melted her heart.
She’s just a little cuddlebug, She thought. Cuddle...sheep? Cuddlesheep? Cuddlelamb!
She slowly reached a hand under the robe to brush Joan’s cheek and the girl presses into it.
She’s so touch starved...
Anne wrapped her arms around Joan, slowly and comfortingly rubbing her back with one hand, and continued the Q&A like that.
“Secretariat was a good movie!” Cleves was arguing.
“How am I supposed to enjoy a movie that I can’t even spell the name of?!” Kitty snapped back.
“You’re just dumb!”
Kitty gasped.
“You take that back!!”
The muffled noise comes from below Anne and she looks down, peeking slightly beneath the robe to see Joan’s eyes were shut tighter and she was trying to completely burrow her face into her chest. She appeared to be disturbed by all the noise.
“Hey, guys,” She said. “Can you lower your voices, please?”
The other three once again blink at her, but nod and continued the playful argument quietly. She smiled in thanks and went back to observing the sleeping girl in her arms, now rocking slowly, noting the way she was gripping the robe with one of her small, bony hands.
Anne had a feeling she wasn’t going to get the robe back, but, honestly, she didn’t really care.
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nightsonights · 5 years
sfw alphabet- z.k.
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author’s note: HUGE shoutout to the absolute queen @reveriekuwonu for this idea. her work is so so amazing and she’s so credibly talented. she did this for both nick and edwin so please please go check those out!!
also, this is not 100% reflective of the boys, zion in particular. i (obviously) don’t know them personally so these are all based on the assumptions/vibes that i get off them.
A= Affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
zion is moderately affectionate. he isn’t serenading you constantly or bringing you gift baskets and chocolates but from time to time, he’ll get you your favourite meal or perfume. you guys are practically best friends who are in love and in a relationship. he shows his affection through constantly spending time with you or just by simply telling you that he appreciates and loves you.
B= Best friend (what would they be like as a best friend? how would the friendship start?)
HE IS YOUR NUMBER ONE SUPPORTER. zion is down for anything and everything. smoke a joint? down. turn up? down. late night run to mcdonald’s? down. you’d start being friends with him through meeting at parties hosted at the pm house or through mutual friends. you both share the spotlight when it comes to getting lit so overtime, you learned to share it.
C= Cuddles (do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?)
zion is a meaningful cuddler. he likes to cuddle in silence and enjoy your presence. he would enjoy cuddling after a long day with something playing on the TV. the vibe is overall reflective. he is reflecting over his life or his goals or even being with you. his favourite cuddling spot would be resting his head on your stomach or your thighs.
D= Domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
one day. zion can imagine himself one day with a wife and kids and like five simba’s running around but that’s very far down the line for him. he can cook and be clean when he wants to but often times finds himself slacking. however, when he puts his mind to a recipe or making a place look decent, he does an amazing job.
E= Ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
zion isn’t totally immature about it. he’s not gonna go around spreading details or be butthurt about it. maybe make some unpointed ig story remarks but he’ll get over it. good with hanging around ex(s) after splitting just cause he doesn’t fuck with the negativity. but i do see him hooking up with one for old times sake.
F= Fiance(e) (how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
marriage is something that zion can see in his life, just not anytime soon. isn’t very scared of setting down per say but he’s not at the stage of his life where he wants to fully be (and legally) accountable for someone else.
G= Gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally)
LITERALLY THE SOFTEST PERSON YOU’LL EVER MEET. under that hard exterior, he’s a soft, giant teddy bear. he is emotionally gentle when he knows that he can trust you and vice versa. physically he’s the same. IN BED THO... girl. we won’t talk about that ;).
H= Hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
zion’s hugs are overwhelming to anyone. he literally engulfs you into his chest and towers over you with his height. being in his embrace feels like another world; your own personal shelter. he doesn’t mind being hugged but he finds it quite awkward if the person isn’t the same height as him. these types of hugs come forth when you’re feeling down or if he feels like he hasn’t held you in a while.
I= I love you (how fast do they say the l-word?)
zion isn’t one to just say ”i love you” to anything or anyone. he will definitely feel like he’s in love for a long time before he actually says it out loud.
J= Jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they’re jealous?)
zion is definitely a petty jealous. he will just hit you with those passive aggressive remarks like “go hit up your mans” or “tell your man he’s staring too hard.” he doesn’t take it too seriously though cause he knows you’re his girl and he trusts you.
K= Kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MANS LIPS? LORD. zion’s kisses are always passionate and sexy. tongue, biting of the lips, etc. make out sessions are very common between the two of you. he loves to kiss your lips and loves to receive neck/jaw kisses.
L= Little ones (how are they around children?)
zion’s really shy around kids. the soft side of his personality comes out when he encounters a child. definitely nervous about making them upset or doing the wrong thing so he tries to avoid doing too much. he’d be an excellent dad once he stops tip toeing around his kid.
M= Mornings (how are mornings spent with them?)
mornings with zion are usually spent with puffs of smoke and tangled limbs under sheets. this is zion’s time of reflection and appreciation. whether that be because of his joint or not.
N= Night (how are nights spent with them?)
if the night isn’t spent partying or mixing beats in the studio, they are spent cuddling while watching reruns of old shows or cartoons. lots of inappropriate gripping and touching but overall pretty chill.
O= Open (when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
zion is definitely one to have you piece together his biography slowly but surely. he’s not afraid to be vulnerable but it will take him a while to open up to someone. he needs to feel like he’s not being judged or ridiculed of the things that mean a lot to him in order to talk truthfully about them.
P= Patience (how easily angered are they?)
believe it or not, zion is very patient. he often holds his tongue to avoid unnecessary conflict. however, he will let things accumulate untill he’s reached his breaking point and feels like he needs to get shit off his chest. and when zion talks his shit- it’s over for y’all hoes.
Q= Quizzes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
zion’s a good in between. he won’t remember the name of your first goldfish but he will remember your common phrases or actions. zion remembers things that are relevant to you and your relationship, not random fun facts.
R= Remember (what is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
your first time meeting his family or the moment where you both admitted you had feelings for each other.
S= Security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
zion is super protective. he will throw hands for you, no questions asked. when it comes to protecting his family and friends, he doesnt care who was in the wrong or who it is. zion doesn’t so much need to be protected physically (although he wouldn’t mind you throwing hands for him ) but he likes to feel emotionally protected and valued. he appreciates someone he can express his hardships to and not worry that they will repeat it to someone else.
T = Try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
because he’s very spontaneous and down for anything, every activity feels like a date. zion will remember something that you mentioned in passing and say let’s go do it. Because all your dates are very informal and chill, he would take anniversaries and special occasions really seriously. even going as far to make them extra cheesy and heartfelt :).
U= Ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
zion is a silent angry. he doesn’t feel the need to mention every little thing that makes him angry so he expresses his anger in silent and passive aggressive ways. when you try to help him or fix it the problem, he brushes it off just cause he would rather avoid the unnecessary argument. when zion gets in these types of moods, he can be very grumpy and agitated which doesn’t help either of you.
V= Vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
coming from a chubby childhood, zion often is self conscious about his weight. people might take it as him being cocky or fuckboy-ish when he shows off his abs but really he’s just proud of his progress/workout regiment.
W= Whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
definitely. you and zion do some much together that if you were ever to leave for some reason he would definitely feel like he’s missing his better half.
X= Xtra (a random headcanon for them)
will never ask for it but loves when you take control in the bedroom. loves the feeling of your hands in his hair. is a whore for neck/jaw kisses. especially when hickies are involved.
Y= Yuck (what are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
someone who is boring or doesn’t want to take risks. as mentioned before, he’s a very energetic and spontaneous so if his partner isn’t as equally as adventurous it’s a major turn off. zion also isn’t keen of someone who is always calling him out for smoking weed or being high. his fans already do that so much already, he doesn’t need his significant other doing the same.
Z= Zzz (what is a sleep habit(s) of theirs?)
zion definitely likes being the small spoon. his ideal sleeping position is his head resting on your stomach, thighs or chest.
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swearronchanel · 4 years
wow i cant even think too busy crying
Reggie and Fred 🥰
Ok but is setting all this shit on fire in the middle of the street not some barbaric ass move or is it just me LMAO?
Trixie looks great as always, I still want the white hoops
that’s a pretty veil
Shot gun wedding time
This guy is hella familiar ?? Was he on Downton or something?
Poor Elsie
Val giving me sailor vibes lol
Phyllis gives me the vibe of older lady’s who chug beer and yell from the nosebleed seats at baseball games aka me in 40 years
How dare you say Nonnatus’ is unimportant mr tight vest LMAO
I love that Phyllis is making him a sweater LMAO why is it so funny to me
DISCOTECH, Sister Hilda is deff the “cool” nun
You’re telling me that poplar will throw a fundraiser/charity sale thing  for anything BUT to save their building??
Sister J’s voice breaking 😢
Oh noo they’re gonna kill Elsie off today huh
I forgot Phyllis is a vegetarian, good on her I could never lmao
“Don’t go crying, not in all that eye black” 😭
Throwing up blood oh shit not good
Omg cancer of the esophagus? Jesus
“No one wears plimsoles to the discotech” 😂 plimsoles are like white sneakers right?
you really have to be an addict to wanna play with needles and inject yourself all the time 🥴 Issa no from me
The midwife with the curly perm 🤣
Ok I agree sister Hilda deff has a soothing voice. Her accent is very velvet-y
Poor Val this is so heartbreaking 💔Let me call my grandmas after this
Wow there goes my stream 🤬🙄
ok I’m back
“Every land mark I ever knew seems to be falling down” 💔
Sister J and Lucille comforting Val ugh this is too many feels
I can’t wait till this cheating ass mf gets caught LMAO
OFC Phyllis would be the one to notice the missing drogas
Fred checking his watch is a mood like he does not have the time for this shit LMAO
Councilor Buckle you better step it up LMAO
Sister Hilda’s voice is actually calming me rn LMAO ((my laptop has been stressing me out all day))
Phyllis is like what the fuck is going on here today??🤦🏼‍♀️😂
Elsie coming home 😢my freaking heart
Now they’re both gonna be in the maternity home OFC
Ugh I cant deal this hits too close
“Oh no” LMAO ofc they’re put next to each other
“You’re loving her. That’s the only medicine she wants” stop omg my heart 💔😭
CTM don’t you dare make me feel bad for this guy lmaoo
Sister MJ 🥺 angel on earth
“The good stuff” is that not suspicious to anyone who doesn’t already know?
“She was here the night you were born. I recollect her” Ok I’m hysterical bye
Sister Hilda is underrated and I’ll keep saying it lol
Eddie with the 2 bouquets 😂
“I grew up arching women brawling in the street...but I’m not gonna fight you for him.” Remember the brawl from the pilot ep
“They gritted their teeth and that’s just what I’m doing now” ugh this is too much
I won’t ever have a baby bc Phyllis Crane can’t be my midwife so why bother LMAOO jkkk
poor Petra tho :((
“A memory like a firework exploded in my mind”
“I was never more proud of you when I saw you wearing that [nonnatus uniform]” 😭😭😭
I am in actual tears and I can not deal
And McNulty is down
The community rallying for Nonnatus we STAN 
“I prefer to be referred to as NURSE Franklin in a professional setting” YES MY QUEEN !!! TELL HIM
for 12 months is that catch but you know SCREW YOUR CATCH, Nonnatus will go on somehow as long as NURSE Franklin has a say!!!
I mean at least for series 11 they have to make do somehow? We’ll see
I’m literally drowning in my own tears Oh my god
now they’re singing Amazing Grace might as well just rip my heart out with your bare hands 💔😭😭😭😭
Val with the ice cream cone ugh 😢it’s so sad
Reminds me of how I missed my abuelo passing by literally 7 mins. After a 5 hour drive, legit 7 mins late...
They tried to make McNulty go to rehab but he said no, no, noooooo
I wonder why they never bring up Patrick’s mental health anymore?  like he wan’t magically cured for life 
the “for now” sign on Nonnatus omg
Petra lost the baby aww poor gal
wow i’m emo but they all look happy during the bonfire 🥺
Poor Val is breaking but at least she’s got her gals
“Welcome the darkness, embrace it as a canopy from which the stars can hang, for there are always stars when we are where we ought to be...The darkness is beautiful for how else can we shine?”✨✨😭😭😭
She said more that I loved but couldn’t hear it all over the sound of my UGLY CryING
This reminds me of what Sister Hilda said a few eps back ugh I’m having too many feelings let me log off until Christmas 
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leal-5 · 5 years
Tomb of Time and Destiny: Chapter 6
Juvia POV
Before Mira left she unlocked my room with a smile. “Everyone will be gathering shortly in the dining hall. Would you like me to escort you and your sister?”
“Not yet,” I said. “Juvia…um…needs a moment.”
“Of course.” She nodded a little and exited.
I paced the floor, suddenly feeling on the border of insanity. What are we going to do? How long could we keep this up? And more importantly, where in the world are Lucy and Levy?! Are they in danger? Did they get captured by the enemy? Phantom Lord, I think. I halted my pacing as fear seized me.
No, I thought as I turned an yanked my door open. Juvia must believe that they are okay and that they're looking for us too.
Two strides later I'm reaching up to knock on Erza's door just as she opens it in a hurry.
“Juvia.” She says in relief. "I was just going to go looking for you."
“What are we going to do Erza? I said in English, stepping into her room. “What happened to our clothes? And what's up with this weird language and why can we suddenly speak it?! How are we going to get back? How are we going to find Levy and Lucy? Can we even get back without them?”
I hadn't even thought of that last part till now.
“Well, the time travel thing only worked when all of our hands were on the hand prints, so I would assume that to get back, all four of our presence is crucial. As for the rest of our fears…. I'm not so sure.”
I swallow and look down.
“T-they use magic Erza.” I whisper.
“…. I know.”
“That shouldn't be possible!” I said, mostly to myself. Erza nodded, deep in thought.
A silence hung in the air as we sat on the bed.
“Well,” She said after a moment. “Right now our main focus is finding Levy and Lucy and ensuring their safety.”
I nod. “In that case, we need to work on our story.”
Erza blinked at me.
“We can't just tell people we come from, say, 600 years into the future and we're looking for our sisters whom we lost in a magical tomb! We need a backstory! Geography and family is everything to these people!”
Erza ran a hand down her face in frustration. “We need more ti-”
A gentle knock at the door made us jump. “Erza?”
Erza looked like a deer caught in headlights as Jellal deep voice rumbled from behind the door. I didn't miss the light blush in her cheeks or the miniscule shake in her voice when she answered “Yes?”
I gave her a ‘You're so totally crushing in him’ smirk and she glared at me.
“It’s time to eat. Won’t you and your sister join us? Gray and I will escort you.”
~Doki doki.~
A blush rose to my cheeks. ‘What the hell was that?! Calm down Juvia! He’s taken bacon! You aren't the type of girl to steal another girl's man!'
I lightly slap my face and shake my head wildly.
“Of course, please give us a moment.” Erza answered, shooting me the same look with a smug grin.
“I guess there was no way out of it.” I muttered with a glare. Mira and now Gray and Jellal all seemed bent on our heading to dinner.
Erza nodded and moved to the door, flipped the latch, and opened it. They stood here, a slight smile on their lips. We smiled hesitantly at them as they escorted us.
“Can’t quite tame your hair, can can you?” Gray said while looking to my hair, a gentle, teasing smile on his lips, trying to make conversation.
We passed a mirror he I could see that my hair was indeed a wind-blown mess. Curse these blue curls! If only I had Lucy’s silky, blonde, straight hair. “Oh,” I said in dismay.
“No,” he said, looking suddenly remorseful. “I only meant to say…” He clamped his lips shut a moment, then, “It reminds me of how you looked when we found you. Two nymphs of the woods trapped in a tomb, just waiting to be set free.”
I tried to swallow but found it difficult under his searching gaze. These guys were clearly intrigued. With us? Or just our weird story?
We moved down the corridor through to the courtyard. With this weird dress, my hair a mess, towers all around, and a couple of guards checking us out, I almost freaked out again, very aware of how far away home really was. But I managed to keep it together. Mostly.
“You two are the tallest women I’ve met.”
Well, that was no surprise. That was something that was mentioned everywhere we went. Frankly, I'm surprised they just now said something.
“J-juvia thinks we are going to get that a lot.”
“Yes, well, I rather like it. It’s far easier to hold your arm than Ava’s.”
“Or Carmen's”
They said their names in a mumble, as if realizing too late, that their compliments to us was a dig at their girl.
We entered the Great Hall. There was a long table on a slightly elevated dais at the front of the room where Makarov, Gray's friends, Ava, Carmen, and their peeps, that tall, thin man, and a few others were already seated. All the men rose to their feet, looking in our direction. Some sort of old-fashioned chivalry? I could feel the heat of a blush climb my neck and cheeks, as well as the piercing cold of Ava’s stare- along with the stares of girls who surrounded her, despite their gentle smiles. Below them, two tables stretched outward, each easily seating twenty. All the men at these tables also rose and looked our way.
Ava looked up at me sweetly as I took a seat across from her. “Miss Lockser, Miss Scarlet,  I trust you are refreshed?” She glanced left and right, all wide-eyed and innocent. Innocent Juvia's ass. “We feared you had taken sick when you did not appear to dinner.” Her glance moved to Gray, who was watching the exchange with interest, and held there. Yeah, right. You mean you hoped we’d gotten sick enough to die. You’re not fooling me or Erza. Gray and Jellal left our side and walked around the table, then stood behind his chair.
“We are quite refreshed,” Erza said. “Sorry for being late.”
Makarov rose and gave us a smile. “Don't worry about it. You are here now.”
I looked at my goblet an glanced at Erza. Nothing but wine to drink. No water. No juice. We had tried it before, but never had a whole glass. Erza tilted her head slightly an I nodded. We’d have to be careful. The last thing we needed was to get wasted and start yammering about modern medicine and space travel.
I took a tentative sip, analyzing the girl across from me.  She wasn’t the overly mean girl, she was the smarter, more dastardly popular girl who was always nice to your face and ripped you apart in the shadows. The one who managed to steal your boyfriend before you even realized she was a threat.
It was good that Lucy wasn’t here. This kind of girl routinely destroyed my naive, artsy, trusting ‘sis’. But me? Well, I’d never dealt with it personally, but I'd seen it before. Of course, I didn’t want to take her on. There was no need. I’d be out of here soon enough. But if she thought she had me figured out, she had another thought coming. “So…Ava. Please, tell Juvia about yourself. Where did you obtain such a fine, amazing dress?”
I'll admit, her dress wasn't really my style, but her friend, Carmen I think, smiled, obviously pleased by my compliments, and I sensed a bit of a thaw, but I didn’t get the same vibe from Miss FancyPants. She answered my question as Gray carved a slice of chicken for each of us. But while words were emanating from her rosebud lips, her eyes were fastened on me, considering me, considering her next move. Like chess players. I suddenly had the desire to take her on at a chess table. Knights and queens and horses on a table before me while I was literally surrounded by real knights and horses. How many people could say that? Ha!
But as much as we had to keep an eye on the cat with her claws barely concealed across from me, we were drawn into the banter of Natsu and Gajeel to our left, and across from them, Makarov and a sickly looking young man to his left. The young man, whom I guessed to be about twenty, looked at me and gave me a small smile and a nod. Had we been introduced? He seemed so familiar, and yet not. I could have sworn he hadn’t been there when I arrived.
Jellal saw the direction I was looking and stood. “Juvia, Erza, may I present my cousin Simon.”
“Miss Lockser, Miss Scarlet, welcome,” he said tiredly, but there was kindness and warmth in his eyes.
I felt Ava and her girl's bristle across from me. Oh, I get it. They didn’t want us to hook up with any of the boys here. Gray made other introductions, to Ava and Carmen’s ladies-in-waiting, the other knights, to Bora, the tall, thin man I’d seen earlier. Gradually, I learned that he was Ava's father’s trusted man, here to escort his charge and watch over her. Was it my imagination, or did the man look at me like us like we were the worst sort of nuisance?
“Miss Lockser, tell us of your sisters,” Makarov said, interrupting my thoughts. “Perhaps one of our people has come across her today.”
“Your knights were rather occupied, Father,” Gray said. Was there an edge to his voice? I glanced between him, his brothers, and his father, trying to figure out the dynamics there.
“Yes, and you all saw it through in fine fashion,” he said, like he really couldn’t care less. He turned back to me. “Miss Juvia and Scarlet, your sister? Describe them for us.”
I thought back. She’d been wearing jeans and a t-shirt, but lord knows if the tomb changed their clothes too.... Best to steer clear of the clothing. “They’re quite a bit shorter than both Juvia and Erza-“
“Thank the heavens,” Ava said, giggling. “How might we deal with four women so tall?”
I sent a fake smile in her direction and went on. “Especially Levy, she only comes up to Juvia's shoulder.”  I chuckle lightly as I say it.
Erza continued “Levy has short blue hair, a few shades lighter than Juvia's and Lucy has long, blonde hair-“
“Blonde?” Natsu repeated, clearly surprised.
“Gold. The color of straw, long and straight. They have brown eyes. They're both quite cute.”
Natsu rose, dragging Gajeel up with him. “Permission to go in immediate search of these young maidens, sir,” he said.
The other knights erupted in laughter. In front of us, two girls of Ava's posse bristled.
Jellal smiled but then waved them down. “They were not there when we found them. You know that as well as I.”
“Unless Phantom Lord somehow spirited them off,” said Gajeel lowly.
We looked down the table at him, alarm gathering in my chest. He was not joking.
Gray met my eyes and shook his head slightly. “She was not there. I swear it upon my grave.”
I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She wasn’t back at the tomb, I told myself. I didn’t leave her behind. There was no doubt in Gray’s mind.
Still, doubt lingered. “Could we… could we go in the morning? To be certain? I mean, we became separated. Maybe they took another path, and even now, are there, trying to find shelter for the night.” Erza asked.
“With castles within view? Why not beg shelter from us or even Phantom Lord?” Carmen said, her voice ringing with the echo of judgment. “Assuming she knows nothing of them, of course,” she quickly amended.
“This is a new land for us, far from home,” I said. “We were so lost, we became fearful of trusting anyone.”
“Logical,” Gray said, stabbing his chicken with his knife and placing it in his mouth.
I stared at him for a moment and then looked down to my own utensils. Only a knife. Well, this’ll be tricky…. The Pre-Fork Era.
“Tell us,” Makarov said. “Where are you from?”
Several people nearby leaned in, studying us.
I glanced at Erza an swallowed. We hadn't figured that much out of our story.
“Enough,” Gray said. “Father, she is our guest.”
“A guest we know precious little about. They could easily be a spy for Phantom Lord or even witches. Their hair color is not normal and their clothes are unusual."
I’m sure our faces showed our surprise and confusion. They thought we were spies or... witches?
I mean, the spy thing I guess could understand, but witches?!
“Juvia fears Juvia’s sisters are in grave danger,” I said. “If Phantom Lord is as dangerous as it seems, Juvia and Erza need to redouble their efforts to make certain they haven’t fallen captive to them.”
Ava coughed. Did I imagine that she muttered something about wishing we had both gone to Phantom Lord?
Beside me, Erza twitched slightly. She did not take well to people speaking ill of her friends. I tapped her knee twice in a discrete warning. 'Calm down Erza, not worth it.'
Jellal shook his head. "I don't believe they're witches. You should have seen their faces of shock when they witnessed our usage of magic! It is obviously unknown to them."
"And I don't detect any magic energy emanating from them." Natsu said while sniffing in our direction.
"Do you really think that we'd bring them if here was the slightest doubt in our mind?" Gray asked him. Makarov silently stared at us before nodding, trusting his sons judgement.
"Sir, we ask for your aid,” Erza says, setting down her knife. “Might your men help us search for our sisters, come morning? We won’t be able to sleep, we're very worried.”
The tall, thin Bora leaned forward, weaving his fingers together and studying us with clever eyes, but Erza's eyes never left Makarov's. "You have our word that once we find them we will return home! It will be as if we never crossed paths"
Makarov regards silently for a few moments as if sizing us up. "Where did you say you were from?"
I could read straight through Erza's stoic face and could see that she was panicking internally.
"Juvia and her sisters are from Bellum." I blurted out. Bellum. That knight from Phantom Lord asked us if we were from Bellum or if we were witches. Clearly, a witch was not a good thing to be, and our limited knowledge of the land leaves us with no choice. I can only hope this doesn't end up condemning us.
"Bellum?!" Jellal said shocked. "That's quite a ways from here!"
Makarov harshly stared both me and Erza down, analyzing us for lies or deception, before nodding slowly as if being from Bellum suddenly explained a lot about us.
“We shall aid you in your quest." Makarov said after a moment. “Take your rest. In the morning, our men will set out and report to you come evening. They are most thorough.”
“Juvia begs you to allow us to join them in searching for our sisters.”
Makarov’s face twisted in astonishment at my request. Then, after a breath, Simon leaned over and whispered in his ear. Makarov straightened and looked hard at us. “I had heard Bellum women were quite audacious, but I did not think so much so.... I grant you permission, even though I believe it foolhardy. Be advised that while my sons and his men won the day, it was but one battle in a long war with our neighbors. I can promise no rescue if you are captured. Or, indeed, if your sisters are already in their foul hands.”
“We understand.” Erza said with a nod. “Thank you.”
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megatentious · 6 years
My lengthy defense of the most hated Persona game
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Here’s my grand defense for the most hated game in the series: Persona 1, AKA Revelations: Persona. I know it’s too late to try and rehabilitate the game’s reputation on the internet, but I’m hoping that by rambling in modestly structured form for a bit, at least some folks might be able to look at Persona with a fresh perspective. It would be cool if everyone could try to understand what the game did so well and why it resonated so strongly with me and 2 or so other people. If you are the kind of person that thinks games age and become archaic, then I probably don’t have any hope of reaching you, but still, try to put yourself in the right mindset and approach the game on its own terms, and maybe you’ll discover something quite special.
So, Persona. Persona does very interesting things with choice. As the first Megaten rpg released in America, the negotiation system was a revelation (har har), providing the choice to talk your way out of battles and into rewards is a natural D&D element that never got a foothold in countless videogame conversions of the game, and in the first Persona these elements are at their peak. With every demon having four moods, four series of animation and four sets of voiced sound effects, the expanded options really let you get into the headspace of the demons you’re conversing with, unlike traditional SMT’s more spare binary system. Getting into the thick of things with complex sets of reactions (Joy + Interest, that’s what’s up) makes for a fun simulation.
The theme of choice is also really built into the game’s fabric, it’s the reason why in old usenet postings, Persona was recommended to folks who were fans of Gold Box games, during a time when RPG labels were more porous and that sneaky “J” hadn’t yet latched itself omnipresently to the term. Choice here also extends to the fifth character in your party, a friendly way to promote replay value without new game plus, and certain choices locking you out of giant chunks of the game, an unfriendly way of getting you through the game again. In a world though where developers are desperate to ensure that gamers experience all content (so many buzzwords!), the chutzpah of Persona being willing to lock you out of huge swathes of the game is something I actually admire.
It’s easy to underestimate the impact of the modern day setting in a post Persona 3/TWEWY/Alpha Protocol world, but dungeons that were hospitals and police stations and high school students snarling “EAT THIS” with MIGs in pitched street battles felt revelatory. Exploring the comically low-rent polygonal city (is this another reference to the abstracted icons of SMT1 and 2 world maps?) was actually fun, as ridiculous as waiting for traffic to pass might seem. There are also many complaints about the first person perspective dungeons, even though the rest of the game is third person, but the setting variety is nice and many of the wall patterns are quite evocative (Deva Yuga looks like Persepolis!)
The game also does PSX-era philosophizing in a tasteful and generally thoughtful way, while contemporaries were drawing from Evangelion, Persona looked to Zhuangzi and Jung. Not very high-falutin, true, but at least middle brow enough such that my 14 year old Sophie’s World reading self was entranced. The game has something neat to say about loneliness and identity and the way we construct the world around ourselves (all hinted at in the moody intro. The story is very nice and very Kaneko, even if he’s overestimating the literary quality in this interview, I’m very fond of it and it is my franchise favorite.
Here’s where I alienate the remaining people who might have been on board with me so far: if you ignore the loss of the Snow Queen Quest, a 20 hour alternate version of the story that takes place in a series of SMT:If... like towers, Revelations: Persona is actually the superior game. “Lunarvale,” a hodgepodge of America and Japan cobbled together by localizers attempting to mask the game’s origins, is actually more weird and interesting than the Mikage-cho that appears in Persona PSP. This bizarre mashup, combined with a nonsense translation attempt, somehow manages to better fit the lurid dreamscape vibe the original developers were going for. I can’t undersell how one-of-a-kind and wonderfully unsettling the game’s atmosphere is in the PSX version, and this is helped along of course by the sound.
Here are excerpts from some things I wrote on the music in this game:
Revelations: Persona has the best soundtrack in the franchise, possibly the best soundtrack ever made. In raw quantitative terms it's ridiculous, 113 songs and 3 hours of music without being looped, and all without doing Persona 2's trick of repeated (but still awesome!) remixes. Two majorly sweet leitmotifs for the two major quests, employed creatively and thoughtfully, four fantastic composers on four discs, cohesive and thematically coherent when by all rights it should feel disjointed as fuck, this is a generous OST!
Hidehito Aoki (R.I.P.) composed the dungeon music, which is exquisite. Lengthy songs that are moody, elegant, just plain beautiful and get you PUMPED! The iconic Deva Yuga Monochrome: School Revisited Dream-like, synthy, catchy, beautiful, quintessential Persona sound. Pandora's Den (Deepmost Area): The climax at 1:12! Ice Castle/Black Snow The twists and turns in this one, so effing good. Sebek Music, Karma Palace 90's music is the best!!! Misaki Okibe's range is ridiculous, she composed some of the most memorable, interesting tracks in the whole game. Reverse Dream World: You think you have this song figured out in the first few seconds, but stick around to see where it suddenly veers off to around :30, hilarious and awesome. Theme of Nemurin's Love: The intro! The power of a simple lovely melody, a little Uematsu-esque. Augustia's Wood: The save music, so memorable, I love the grumbling. City 2 Accident: Do you remember wandering the streets in the town, disoriented, listening to this gorgeousness, thinking about how Lunarvale suddenly seemed so scary, like an unsettling dream? Bar Attacked by Harem Queen: A bit of jazzy beauty. And most important of all of course, Misaki Okibe is the composer of the Pharmacy Music, featuring vocals by one Hidehito Aoki of all people. Satomi Tadashi Drugstore Song In our heads forever, teaching us about item use since 1996. 
More alienating for readers who have gotten this far: the “whitewashing” character designs were all improvements, Kazuma Kaneko redrew everything himself and it’s easy to tell that a lot of thought was put into the redesigns. Finally, Mark is also >>>> Masao, everyone’s always yelling about the jive-talking but to me he came across as quite smart and savvy. I dunno, maybe this is just a Flavor of Love/Outsourced minorities just wanna see themselves effect operating here, leave me alone you guys! So yes, the franchise’s current fanbase might not be fond of them, but the cast is comprised of characters that are meant to be iconic and not friends you wish you had in real life, a cast that, FFVI-like, is meant to evoke broader themes and not follow the typical arcs of many RPGs these days. Check out the classiness of Yuki’s design, and allow me to quote some more stuff on how Tsuchiya, master of the character theme, nails it for each party member.
The sign of a good character theme is when you can extrapolate from instrument choice and melody to personality. Here Tsuchiya is the man, no one does it better this side of Uematsu. I hear these songs and I've got a perfect picture in my mind of each cast member. It's what I think of when I think of "videogame music" ha, here are my personal favorites, I could listen to these endlessly. Mary/Maki: Cheerful, just a hint of melancholy in the notes, love that slap bass. Yuki: Starts a bit slow, but soon we learn that Yuki's cool but determined. Alana: The song tells me she's brassy, energetic, fun. Chris/Reiji: Dangerous, exciting, a bad-ass delinquent. Ellen/Elly: Classy, elegant, confident.
Some also rag on the dungeon design, but it seems unfair to expect centerpiece labyrinths along the lines of Strange Journey or Etrian Odyssey in a game going for something completely different. Nevertheless, you’ve got tricky mazes with dead ends that test resource allocation skills and provide a sense of accomplishment. Encounters are tough and require thought, careful consideration of when to flee and negotiate is imperative for dungeon survival. This is something that gets lost a bit in the PSP remake as the encounter rate is increased but battles are a bit easier. Exploiting elemental weaknesses isn’t as elegant as in later games, but with a ludicrously high 14 damage types breadth supersedes depth. And there’s even a positioning system to consider that the developers decided to drop from later games rather than refine. In the end, surviving the dungeon and beating the boss is an RPG staple that just plain works, although yes you will probably grit your teeth at some of the loading times.
And finally, you don’t have to take my random word for it. Parish really liked it too! How’s that for an appeal to authority?
For series buffs, it’s fun to trace this game’s historical lineage, as one of the earlier spinoffs of Shin Megami Tensei, it's easy to spot the mainline series influence: the occultism of the opening ritual, the hospital as first dungeon, the first person perspective for dungeon travel, BLUE POINTER MAN, and the omnipresent danger of demons in town and dungeon alike. Revelations: Persona is drawing from a rich and storied history, but manages to recast SMT traditions in interesting new directions. Again, the atmosphere is really unbelievable and something I haven’t come across in other games. It’s more than a simple curiosity and it doesn’t deserve dumb dismissal or sneering derision for its flaws. Revelations: Persona is a real marvel, modern games ought to draw more inspiration from its lessons, and the game belongs in the RPG canon, there I said it!
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cinaminho · 6 years
Love for sell: J-hope ,
PT (2)
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"What if I wasn't faking it at all?"
J-(hoe)pe x Reader, highschool au
Genre: SO FLUFFY MAAAN *yoongi voice* 💞
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~7 AM at Your house~
Authors POV:
You trudged down the cold wooden steps of your home with messy hair and a mind still filled with sleep barely being able to maintain your balance but you managed to make it past the final step of your staircase that led to your front door. You slowly opened it to reveal a very awoke and happy Hoseok and seeing him made your eyes widen a bit , just seeing his smile awoke you a little more and gave you this unknown burst of energy "Hoseok" you chirped not caring about your current messy bed head state and it looked as if Hoseok was gonna say something but changed his mouth form to say something else as he slightly frowned "Y/n you aren't ready?" You snorted "we have an hour and I only need 7 minutes- 10 tops plus I drive now , come up with me and don't worry my parents leave for work at 6 AM so they're not here." You said as Hoseok followed you up stairs to your room. You opened your door with a gust of cool wind hitting you both instantly "I have no idea where that came from" you mumbled letting Hobi walk in first and you following before closing your door behind you, Hobi jumped and turned towards you with a panicked expression as you soon held your hands out in front of you slightly "Relax I just closed my door I'm not gonna hurt you" you said carefully "n-no I just... Never been a girls room especially with the door closed is all" you smiled gently and motioned for him to sit on your Queen sized bed. He analyzed your room he thought it'd be all pink and girly for some reason but instead it was a comfy yet slightly glamorous vibe to it.
"So I was thinking that we wouldn't change your appearance too much but just a few things that's it" you explained while clapping your hands as you finished your sentence "change a few things like?.. " he trailed off "We trade in the suspender pants for some jeans... Your shirt is fine just add a jacket.. Maybe?" You paced back and forth examining Him as his eyes followed your movements. "Ahh Nice, except I don't own such items" "I was afraid you might say that soooo I took the liberty of going to buy some things DO NOT think about paying me back. I bought belts too just in case so here" You tossed the bag to Hobi and he caught it with one hand and no struggling "you got a good arm you'd be good at football you know" and now it was His turn to snort "no thank you risking getting hurt and never recovering is a sacrafice I'm not willing to make" you laughed "touche however, you should go change that door between my closet and TV is my bathroom I'll wait here of course" you smiled "be back in a sec" and you hummed in response. About 3 minutes passed and you sat on your bean bag chair waiting for Hobi to reappear, In that time you thought how sweet he was, how his hair shined ,and his perfect rosey cheek ,with the gentlest voice and aura about him...you smiled to yourself and soon you looked up to see him directly in front of you causing you to jump a bit "oh sorry I didn't mean to startle you" he chuckled but all you could do was stair at his new outfit. His floral bomber Jacket went well with his White T-shirt and ,slightly rolled up light blue jeans that fitted him not too much but also too little and to top it off his already white shoes tide it all together even more and you were almost drooling.
~Hobi's Outfit~
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"So?" Hoseok finally said as he thought you had enough time to analyze his appearance "damn Playboy" you mumbled "pardon?" "Huh- what? Oh I said you look good" you quickly stood up looking at Hobi in his eyes and they were so beautiful in the slightly dim room due to it being cloudy outside . You were now so close his nose could touch your forehead if you weren't looking up at him you didn't know he was this close to you until now.. Not that you minded "you clean up good Hobi" you mumbled as you smiled and messing with his bangs a little "thank you Y/n... Should we head out?" "Uh of course right after I get dressed , fix my hair and brush my teeth" you giggled as Hobi checked his watch "we still have 35 minutes go on" he said shoooing you away.
It took about 15 minutes this time around because your hair was such a mess but you were finally ready .
~Your Outfit~
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(If you don't like.. Whoops, add ya own shoes)
"Ready" you said putting on your sunglasses and heading towards your bedside table drawer to grab your keys. You didn't notice but Hobi was staring at you the same way you did him as he followed you out your bedroom "close my door behind you please" you said and he quickly did so and soon Came downstairs, you locked the front door as you both came out and headed to your car.
Once inside you both buckled up and the first 2 minutes were silence until Hobi broke it "Anything I need to know before we really do this?" You raised your eyebrows still looking at the road ahead as you drove "like things to do and say and not..." He looked at you "ohhh that? Pshh no the main thing is not to let anyone intimidate you, don't back down because most of the time the 'tough' are softer than sheep Wool ,kill them with kindness if you want and as for girls they loooove a charmer" you explained as Hobi nodded understanding "Hobi I don't want you to fake too much I want you to be yourself as much as possible" you quickly glanced at him "myself isn't popular though... This isn't me already" he mumbled while gesturing to hie clothes "do you want to change back?" You asked him "no" you nodded "do you like the clothes?" "Yes" you smiled "then this is you. A new one" he chuckled "do you like the new me then?" You quickly looked at him shocked and he added "as a friend I mean" you looked a little at ease "well.. I like you either way" you said softly looking at him as you came to a stop sign. His eyes widened "really?" You giggled "yes so, if you wanna go back to how you used to be that'd be just fine with me" he grinned "thank you Y/n" as you looked back at the road "mhmm and think I've never noticed you I always seen you around since 8th grade but believe it or not I didn't approach you because you didn't seem like you wanted to be bothered" you explained. Hoseok looked at you in disbelief " me? What about you? Your body guards made me the same way towards you" he laughed "who Jalen and the other boys?... They think they are protecting me but I can hold my own you know? Besides I like everyone I treat everyone how I wanna be treated" Hoseok just nodded in understanding. "By the way don't be afraid to ruffle his feathers.. Jalen's that is, show him 2 can play this game mmk?" You said "got it" you smiled as you pulled into your schools parking lot. "Well this is it you ready?" You asked looking at Hobi while taking your keys out of the ignition and grabbing your bag and he smiled at you "since 8th grade".
~inside school~
You guys walked in and of course you turned heads but he did even more and he was surprisingly okay, you looked at everyone with a genuine smile as usual "wink" you mumbled so Hobi could hear "gotcha" he whispered under his breath as you smiled up at him as he winked at you first making you feel shakey with happiness 'easy girl' you thought. He winked and some girls gasped as he grinned looking ahead 'this is working!' He thought to himself.
The moment came were you stopped at your locker which was on the same side as Hobi's but devided by the hallway and of course your friends were there and of course some were facing your direction as other's backs were facing you both. "Hey heyy" you said happily "wassup.. Yo who told you to bring-" Jalen was soon cut off by you "me" you said nonchalantly ,Hobi nodded at Jalen making him growl lowly "good job" you whispered as Jalen turned away. "So tell me... What's your name?" Your friend Aubrielle said as she came towards You and hoseok, you rolled your eyes 'this hoe' you thought "I'm Hoseok Jung, you can call me Hobi though" you looked at him surprised he was handling all so well no stuttering, no blushing, no shyness either! It was like he was born for this but then again, he did say he'd been ready for this since 8th grade. "Well Hobi I'm Aubrielle and your date to the party this Saturday" she winked "girl- I know you-" you started to say but Hobi soon finished "sorry but I'm going with Y/n" he smiled "you are?" She asked "mhmm" you smiled proudly "are you guys like.... " she raised her eyebrows looking between you two "yes- wait what do you mean?" You asked "a couple" she finished....
"Well yeah" you said surprisingly confident and Hobi looked at you smiling "when the hell did this happen!!?" Jalen yelled hitting the locker a little hard causing everyone to back up a bit "lower the voice" you warned as he came towards you both, you grabbed Hoseok's hand and squeezed it slightly he instantly knew it was 'stand your ground time'. "You think you somebody now cause you're dating her?" he said getting in Hoseok's face "been somebody just better known now" Hoseok said happily and you could tell he was killing him with kindness.. A great method if you have the patience to play nice "and to answer your previous question it happened last week, we've been meeting up for study dates and we made it official yesterday by the school gates" you smiled widley and Hobi did as well but Jalen did not seem to care "anyways. . . You're still broken languaged trash so head back home to China yeah?" Jalen said making Hoseok frown "easy Jalen" you warned "his English is spectacular unlike yours hence why you can't pass a single language or pronunciation test go fucking study.. you need it you bastard" you seethed pushing past him and pulling Hobi along. "By the way it's Korea not China" Hoseok turned his head to say with a Wink.
Hoseok was shocked like everyone who had witnessed what just happened you really weren't one to play with.
Soon your first class bell rang and when you both walked in the teacher wasn't there and only a few other students were. Sprawled on desk, chairs ,the window base, you and Hobi went to your seats, you sat in the very back on the right near the window as he sat in the middle of the first row on the opposite side, you looked at him and decided to move beside him . Hobi looked at you surprised "I wanna sit next to more 'boyfriend' " you said winking at him making him blush for the first time since you'd seen each other today "hold on let me get my bag" you quickly scurried to the other side of the room. Just then Jalen came in with the other guys and Hoseok looked at him before rolling his eyes and looking in his bag but soon he seen hands on his desk and a shadow over him. He looked up glaring at the person who he already knew was Jalen "what're you tryna prove boy?" Jalen whispered dangerously low to Hoseok "nothing.. what're you trying to prove?" He smirked and Jalen sighed "you'll never be one of us" he motioned to himself and the boys behind him making hoseok laugh lighlty "trust me I'm not trying to be" "then why are you all of a sudden hanging around Y/n?" Hoseok leaned towards looking Jalen directly in the eyes "because I can" he smirked "you can't and you won't Continue to" Jalen growled
"says whom? " every comment Hoseok said made Jalen's blood boil "because I said so" he said lowly while slightly hitting the desk but not phasing Hoseok one bit. That's when you came back "what's going on? Jalen mo-" "nono Y/n let us talk" Hobi said as you watched them closely while sitting down "you were saying?" Hoseok chirped "you won't continue hanging around Y/n that's it" Hobi just sighed leaning back in his chair "but I will" he countered.
Jalen smirked and walked to the side of Hobi and crouching down to his his ear level "no you won't because I know your secret. I know you paid Y/n for this 'act' I'm not sure how much but it had to be a hell of a lot... So unless you want everyone to know how desperate you are for popularity... You'll go back to being the nobody you always were, and still are despite this facade" Jalen said before standing up completely "show your face at that party Saturday and it all comes out" he simply said ...Hoseok wasn't going out like this "As I said before... I've been somebody and as for your little proposition.. I'll sleep on it" He said glaring up at Jalen but Jalen simply shrugged with his hands in his pockets and walked away.
Although he was still confident Hoseok did slightly start to doubt his plan... Did he want to embarrass himself? Embarrass you?
"What happened?" He heard a whispered voice and a soft tap on his shoulder and he took a moment before he answered "maybe we should cancel all this" Hoseok mumbled looking at his fingers that sat in the desk top "what? No! absolutely not, what did Jalen say to you?" You asked "he says he knows something about our deal and says if I show my face at the party Saturday... He'll expose it all". You Shook your head "nah.. Not happenin ,I won't let it and we're still going through with this... He wants to send threats then let's show him who's the puppet masters" you said smirking. "You still wanna do this?" He asked surprised "hell yeah I do don't you?" He was a little weary "yes but-" "no buts babyboy we got this , I got you, and you don't worry about anything but showing up and looking handsome" you said while leaning over touching his chin and boy did his heart skip a beat "I can do that" he said.
"You're going down Hoseok" Jalen growled lowly from the back of the class at what he just witnessed.
"You're going down Jalen" you said to yourself so only you could hear.
Hobi knew in this act someone's cover would be blown and he hoped that it wasn't his nor yours because he didn't wanna let his and your work go to waste, especially his because he'd waited for this for 5 years and being near you was so much fun even though it was fake... That is if it was even just fake anymore because to him it was becoming slightly more and he wondered if maybe just maybe if you felt the same.
Whew chile the Cliff hangers. I like what I'm doing here and THANK YOU GUYS FOR LIKING MY STORIES 💞 OOF we're off to a good start I thought no one would know my stories existed. PT 3. Will be up some time.
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girlfriendkisses · 3 years
a-z / the ones you want to answer !! also if this isnt on anon pls lmk my phone is being weird gkdjzj
A = Anal: Is Anal more fun than frontal penetration?
I rlly like anal in porn and I’m theory but Yeah we are both too lazy and it’s unnecessary but I do want to be able to wear my tail buttplugs more often!
B = Brat: How obedient do you like people to be in the bedroom? Is disobeying fun?
It really depends on the mood! I don’t really handle bratiness well and my bf isn’t that bratty but I think I could handle a little bratty? And I don’t get the opportunity to be bratty often but I do like to!!! I like to be both very good and very bratty (that daddy can handle) I mean yeah disobeying gets me pinned down and spanked sooo.... I mean I can get spanked anytime
C = Cum: Turn on, turn off, or favorite?
Turn on for sure 🙈 big fan of being cummed in and on ✌🏻and in and on my bf of course 🥺 I’ve always been into breeding talk and I’m glad my bf wants to cum in me
D = Denial: How long can you edge before it can’t be taken it anymore?
Oh all day any day, I love to tease myself all day and hold off and then wham bam thank you ma’am
E = Exhibitionism: Do you like being seen getting off? Ever done anything explicitly hoping to get caught?
I like the idea of being seen but would never actually want to get caught. Like having people consensually watch is hot!
F = Fucking Machines: Have you ever had a chance to ride a fucking machine? Would you?
Haven’t and I’m not sure if I would? With a tiny dildo sure! I know my bf is into them and that’s cute 🥰
G = Glory Hole: Would you ever go to a glory hole? Have you been to one?
I think the idea of going to one together is interesting, although I think we’d both be chicken. As long as we did it together in the same cubicle holding hands and keeping each other safe! We might both get jealous so we would have to see but theoretically/fantasy it would be cute of us. Alone absolutely not for me personally.
H = Humiliation: Do you like to humiliate/be humiliated? Any stories?
I like to be teased but not humiliated. I think there’s a fine line there, but humiliation feels mean and teasing feels loving ?? I would need to see what I vibed with but yeah I don’t think so?
I = Ice: Are you in to temperature play?
Yeah! I love wax play! and I do have a v warm pussy and my bf has now offered to help me cool it off which I think is very nice of them 🥰
J = Jack Off: How often do you masturbate and what’s your favorite way to do so?
It depends but most nights I don’t pass out I think! And I like to play w myself over my underwear until I get really worked up and then play w my clit, sometimes I sneak a finger in there like a little ninja!
K = Kitten: In to pet play? Do you prefer kittens or pups?
Yes 🥰 I am into it and love my puppy !!! And I like to be a kitten/bunny/pup ! And I like that me and my bf are in the same page w that stuff and both like the lighter side and aesthetic. We Kinda pick and chose what we like. I definitely do like the idea of having a lil cage 🥰 I love leashes and collars on us! And I like a little bit of training 🙈💕
L = Latex: Latex, leather, or neither?
Leather! Soft soft leather though, no scratchy bits
M = Medical: Have you ever done any kind of medical play? Share stories!
I haven’t but I really want to 🙈 ive been rlly obsessed with the idea of inspections recently. Just like daddy casually putting on a glove or no glove and just checking me through the day ✌🏻 and I am learning more of what my bf likes to and I’m excited to play with them!
N = Nope: What’s your biggest turn off?
I don’t know??? Unexpected/not talked about pain I guess? Just like having something supposed to feel good hurt or like when I get triggered I guess but that doesn’t happen often w my partner.
O = Orgasm Control: Would you give up your orgasms for somebody? Would you take them from somebody?
I’m not major into really controlling orgasms, although its fun when my puppy asks for permission to cum in me or cum in general 🥰 but it’s not like an actual control thing and not seriously. I like asking for permission or being pushed to hold back a bit longer. Sometimes I’m in the mood to be punished for it but not really and not often.
P = Pubes: Full bush, trimmed, shaved, waxed, what do you do? What do you prefer?
I trim! And I don’t care as long as I can get to what I need to get to ✌🏻
Q = Queening: Self explanatory. In to it?
Oh yes! It’s a little anxious sometimes Bc I don’t want to suffocate my bf but as long as they can breathe I’m good to try!
R = Rope: What’s your favorite means of tying somebody up?
I like tying my daddy’s wrists up! Think it would b fun to ride him like that or grind myself on his thigh while he’s begging to touch me 🥺💦 and just playing w him in general! And I love anyway I get tied up 🥰
S = Switch: How often do you switch or are you exclusively one role in the bedroom?
When we’re actually fucking I’m pretty switchy! I lean more sub/bottom right now but I like to top/dom my bf 🥰 and bottom/dom and sub/top 😳 we are versatile kings in this household and I’m excited for all of it 🥰💦
T = Teasing: How much is just the right amount of teasing before somebody gets dicked down? And what are you favorite means of teasing?
Oh I love teasing 🥰 and I can handle being teased a lot but I’m very lucky to have a bf who gives into me very easy and has a hard time saying no so I can’t complain 💕 I like to tease too! But I have to be careful Bc my daddy is sensitive and I love them v much 💕
U = Uncut: Do you have a preference or are all cocks built equally?
Tentacle dick supremacy ✌🏻 oh and I want a werewolf one too, I think my babe would look real hot with one of those on 😳💕
V = Vanilla: What are you favorite ‘vanilla’ things for when you’re not in a particularly kinky mood?
Slow grinding and sloppy makeouts, hickeys and dragging my lips on my bfs skin because he makes such nice noises and his neck is so sensitive 🥰 and casual ass grabbing and groping always feels nice and especially when I’m grinding on their thigh
W = Wildcard: Answer any question submitted to you but you can only give Yes/No answers
Gonna do this one later!
X = xvideos: Have/Would you ever upload videos of yourself online?
I also rlly like attention, I think we could make cute porn together 🥰 just never separate Bc they need to know we’re both taken ✌🏻
Y = Yuri & Yaoi: Are you in to it? Does 2d get you going?
Yep! I mean Hentai and Dojinshis, comics and stuff are most of the porn I get off too! I am the big titty hentai gf 🙈💕
Z = Zzz: Have any fantasies involving sleep?
Look I’m a sleepy baby and my bf gets horny after I’ve fallen asleep, and I’m nice and warm and fun to rub one out on 🥺👉👈 so he has my permission to do that. I’ll probably make cute noises and get rlly wet
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shorthaircutsmodels · 4 years
Chrissy Teigen's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles - 15+ - https://shorthaircutsmodels.com/chrissy-teigens-short-haircuts-and-hairstyles/ - Chrissy Teigen's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, In this case he seems to be waiting for his hair to be cut for a long time. she was excited for her hair to be done I do this all the time which is completely relatable and she showed herself to us in the middle process of the chair. Chrissy Teigen is known for priceless comments and relatable failure in her candid tweets. What you may not realize is that your hair has undergone too many changes over the years. There's always a new short hairstyle to obsess about. Chrissy Teigen's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles Chrissy Teigen's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, The latest one is courtesy of our head's best friend. It's no secret that the model host and writer we're actually dealing with is a celebrity. Is she sharing photos of her daughter Luna or videos of her cellulite cooks with her missing gerbil peanut butter? or at least he wants to be my best friend. He's so earthy and funny that it's easy to forget he's a legitimate style icon. Chrissy Teigen's Haircuts and Hairstyles Chrissy Teigen's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, This is until we find a killer hairstyle that we want to copy as soon as possible. Teigen did post a photo of herself in her instagram post as she shared quick snaps in her stories but hairdresser Laura Polko got a closer look at us. Polko gave Teigen a smooth bob that stood just above her shoulders. He added bursts of piecey eye framing to complement the 80s style, and also shared his inspiration behind the vibe. Chrissy Teigen's Short Haircuts Chrissy Teigen's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, Chrissy Teigen 34 has been rocking the same long brown hair with light blonde highlights for the past few years but she only S that December. 6 came to look when she debuted her brand new lovemaking cut. Stars on this are the answers to literally everything being famous. But pass this very entertaining thread and you'll also see Chrissy Teigen's haircut on her favourite social media account and the content you really want to see. Chrissy Teigen's Short Hairstyles Christine Diane Teigen's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, In the background viewers can hear the 34-year-old gushing. Luna's first haircut."Ouai founder atkin made sure his new client could pay. Do you have money? Or Apple Pay? she asks the toddler in the video about getting Apple Pay.” This simplicity turns into her beauty look. Teigen revealed her favourite date night for dinner with husband John Legend was a hair bun. Chrissy Teigen's Haircuts Christine Diane Teigen's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, I really love the top knot. Like some wire in the middle he said. Every girl has tried to explode at some point in her life, and Teigen is no different. The Model attended the 2012 Billboard Music Awards and rocked a blunt fringe set that hindered her eyesight. There's nothing we love more than a cheeky celebrity hairstyle. The absolute journey, which is Chrissy Teigen, has given a fresh start to a new hairstyle and we love it. Hairdresser Laura Polko shared the look on Instagram with a great caption. It's not a theme party. Chrissy Teigen's Hairstyles Christine Diane Teigen's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, The look is a blunt bob with wispy fringes and we can't get through it. Laura's look, which she calls Scarface hair, is a tribute to her iconic 80s look. He originally returned in 2020 - 2021 looking to make a comeback at Harpers Bazaar. But amid controversy about his cystic acne and Rice Krispies mid-scroll ice cream treatment he also dropped a video of his new petting cut. Chrissy Teigen's Short Hair Christine Diane Teigen's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, Teigen also documented her Instagram story Lounge session posting a photo of Cunningham on her chaise longue as she colored her hair in bleach. Teigen was 2021. she took to the stage when she attended the annual Academy Awards as the date for her now husband John Legend. Chrissy Teigen's Hair Chrissy Teigen's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, The Model sported long dark brown hair which complemented her light orange tan. Teigen worked with a list labelled long-term colorist Tracey Cunningham as Jennifer Lopez did January Jones and Emma Stone and took her honeydew to a brighter butter shade. she posted a video of her daughter Luna getting her first haircut to her Instagram Stories. Now every toddler's first haircut is monumental Teigen and John Legend's famous daughter Luna has enjoyed having her hair cut by none other than a-list hair pro Jen Atkin. Chrissy Teigen's Hair Evolution Chrissy Teigen's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, Unless you're familiar with Atkin. Kendall Jenner even did the mane master behind her glossy locks Dua Lipa's cool girl look and Hailey Beiber's wedding day hair. The best celebrity hair transformations of 2020. Miley Cyrus Barbie Ferreira Jada Pinkett Smith and more. Is happening. Anyone who knows even just the basics about Chrissy Teigen knows she's taken to Twitter for almost everything the proud mother wrote in the clip. Chrissy Teigen's Major New Haircut and Color Looks Which tags the stylist. It is actually a snack obsession that can find everything from celebrity question time to half of the regular courses that are very productive on the platform. It's comforting that even Teigen sometimes opts for an easy beauty look and wardrobe comfort. The medium length cut reaches a few inches below the shoulder. These layers have an irreverent look that has taken over hair salons and the red carpet. Chrissy Teigen's Best Hair & Beauty Looks Expect lots of retro flipped curls already this awards season. She's been thinking about hair changes for a while. I want to be one of the cool girls like Gigis and girls like Kendalls who says model. Seeing Teigen Hadid and Jenner as a stylist Monica will share rose perhaps Teigen will soon see her imitating her own style. One of the world's favourite celebrities to follow Chrissy Teigen on Twitter used the platform to reveal her new hair transformation this week. The new hair alert is crucial as she captioned a video showcasing a. Best Chrissy Teigen Hair Moments New colour and cut opting for a blonde long bob with a shaggy finish that could almost be described as fringe minus the 70s petting. Teigen, 30, went on to explain that comfort is key when it comes to her wardrobe. Some people want extra body con to be and just because. I personally want to feel comfortable and cool, he says. Chrissy Teigen Debuts Blonde Shag Haircut Chrissy Teigen has just got onto social media to share with her fans that she's got a new cut and colour and looks amazing. Luckily for us she documented the entire experience including coming to Tracey Cunningham's house in hairdressing and chopping down what it looked like to inch her off. The Scarface movie. In the 2021 Thriller Michelle Pfeiffer had the same hairstyle as Elvira Hancock playing an obnoxious role that made her a household name and style icon. Who do we look at when we want honeycomb hair inspo. Chrissy Teigen Debuts Shag Haircut Chrissy Teigen, of course. The mother of two and utterly hilarious legend has the sumptuous golden hue we've been missing since roughly 2011. Given the hair of your dreams is a Celeb and Chrissy Hollywood. Chrissy Teigen haircut short Is a list colour Tracey Cunningham is basically easier to achieve when you're the brains behind the most beautiful blondes on a frequent magician's visit. J Lo Khloe Kardashian and Nicole Richie to name a few. Chrissy Teigen haircut Just yesterday Chrissy tweeted a short video of herself playing with her hair and looking pretty freshhhh. The color Queen in the video was Cunningham playing along with a heart and exclamation marks labeled suggesting some bleach. First impressions. Chrissy's def light brought her honey to a creamy brighter blonde. Chrissy Teigen hair 2020 - 2021 There aren't many Instagram accounts we'd be willing to open Post notifications on, but Chrissy Teigen is the exception. While we eagerly await her trawling clapbacks in her adorable family messages and spot opinions about almost everything. Chrissy Teigen headband of the day Looks to get into our own hairstyle catalogues. We did some Insta stalking and decided to take a journey through hair history to find their best hits. One of the world's favourite celebrities to follow Chrissy Teigen on. Chrissy Teigen bob haircut Twitter used the platform to reveal her new hair transformation this week. The new hair alert is crucial as she captioned a video showcasing a new colour and cut opting for a blonde long bob with a shaggy finish that could almost be described as fringe minus the 70s petting. Chrissy Teigen new hair Teigen can't keep her hands off new hair, so it's safe to assume she's a fan, too. In fact all Teigen says in the video is love. Teigen labelled colourist Tracey Cunningham which means her hair update includes some colour and a cut. Chrissy Teigen new hairstyle Cunningham appears to have renewed Teigen's sunny blonde highlights for an overall golden hue. Shag haircuts are touring in Hollywood Courteney Cox Sarah Hyland and even Martha Stewart decided to try it this year. The layered nostalgic style will only become more popular. Chrissy Teigen new haircut If you're interested in reviving the 70s with your own look, check out the idea of 14 cute petting haircuts for screenshot-worthy inspiration. Chrissy Teigen is sorry for the slow social media scrolling hack but she has no major news. Chrissy Teigen hairstyle He got a new haircut. She chopped a few inches off the star tips and added a ton of shaggy layers. Its new length was designed with opposite ends for the 70s air. Chrissy Teigen hair color Along with The Cut, Teigen's go to colorist Tracey Cunningham updated her signature hot caramel blonde hair color with fresh highlights that made her look blonde. The new hair alert she tweeted along with a video. Christine Diane Teigen Showing her newly mid-length petting is crucial. Before the Uber fun Tweeter answered questions about being famous to fans on Dec. 8 are there secret social media accounts? do they send each other birthday cards. Chrissy Teigen headband The new hair alert is crucial teigen tweeted for her 12.1 million followers along with catch which showed the model and TV personality running her hands with her new chops and how happy she is with the look. It's good and I love that video says fluff new style strands. Chrissy Teigen hair extensions I always go for it because it feels like it's bringing me together, he says. Chrissy Teigen's Instagram is full of delicious food and recipes. The Model made fans super jealous of her delicious food posts on her social media arm from the outdoor food master. Besides food, he is also a fashion designer. Check out some of the best Chrissy Teigen inspired hairstyles. Chrissy Teigen natural hair color Keep reading all the details about Chrissy Teigen's hair evolution, from wavy layers to daring bursts. Chrissy isn't the only one changing her hairdo this season in fact tons of celebrities have been debuting hair makeovers recently. Chrissy Teigen hair removal Ka December Instagram with Kaia Gerber showed off her super short new bob haircut on 18. 9 with the title I can't keep my hair on my head, while the new haircut is an extra-short bob that draws the jawline. Chrissy Teigen hair color formula On Instagram Instagram Instagram Chrissy and kaia pink, 40, just shaved her entire head as she posted a look at her new buzz on Instagram. 5. Meanwhile Nicole Scherzinger, 41, appeared in a brand new short bob haircut that grazed her jaw at the British Fashion Awards at the Royal Albert Hall in London in December. 2. Kim Kardashian, 39, also just debuted short black bob in la in. Chrissy Teigen hair products After rocking chest length hair at the people's Choice Awards on November 10. December Instagram Time Ashley Benson 29 also debuted her gorgeous new bob when she shared photos of her haircut. Chrissy Teigen hair blonde Chrissy Teigen's daughter Luna Simone has reached a major milestone. Sunday Instagram story Teigen revealed to her 34 followers that the 3½-year-old shared an adorable video of Luna getting her first haircut, her locks cut by her. Chrissy Teigen hair tutorial Friend and celebrity hairstylist Jen Atkin. The title 39 atkin co-wrote with the sweet clip of the tagging model going on.Beautiful celebrities almost included the IRL hack to say how much they miss having done a new haircut which video Twitter can hear. Chrissy Teigen hair colour Chrissy Teigen talking to Luna, the mother of two Atkin young girls, brushing with the camera off, combing her hair and dropped it this weekend. Her colour is now shoulder length and the very hot buttered blonde is the perfect antidote to the bleak winter weather. Chrissy Teigen natural hair I have to see him and can't wait to get a picture of the full view. Teigen, who likes to experiment with different hairstyles, is no stranger to extreme fashion changes at a moment's notice. Chrissy took to Twitter to share a video of her make-up which was done by hairdresser Tracey Cunningham with the headline the new hair alert is so important. Chrissy Teigen grey hair The mother-of-two looks gorgeous with her new hair cut frayed at the ends when a Retro lovemaking comes in multi-layered and in length, Chrissy's hair only ends the shortest layer on her shoulders more like a bang. We love Chrissy's new haircut and her locks look super fresh and healthy. Chrissy Teigen revealed her style icons and favourite beauty look in an interview with people. On social media yesterday Chrissy Teigen went with another hair change but this appears to be permanent. Chrissy Teigen blonde hair Chrissy Teigen is sorry for the slow social media scrolling hack but she has no major news. he got a new haircut. She chopped a few inches off the star tips and added a ton of shaggy layers. Its new length was designed with opposite ends for the 70s air. Chrissy Teigen hair stylist Along with The Cut, Teigen's go to colorist Tracey Cunningham updated her signature hot caramel blonde hair color with fresh highlights that made her look blonde. Chrissy Teigen is the ultimate beauty chameleon who doesn't know what others are thinking, so we put her on our SS20 biannual print cover. Chrissy Teigen hair short Singer John Legend has been the host of the hilarious TV show Lip Sync Battle along with married model ll Cool J. she has also become a star in her own right via her instagram page, where she shows off her love for delicious food and recipes and her hilarious tweets. Chrissy Teigen curly hair She documented a huge cut and colour with stylist Tracey Cunningham and the results were spectacular. Teigen has just tried to fake bangs and said she loves them but needs someone to talk her out of it.
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onestowatch · 5 years
Jez Dior Wants to Be for Others What Eminem Was for Him [Q&A]
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Growing up, you’re constantly finding those idols to look up to. Someone you want to be like, someone you resonate with. Whether it’s a parent, athlete, actor, musician, you have that person you aspire to be. For Jez Dior, it was artists like Eminem and 50 Cent who let him know he wasn’t alone. Now, Jez is on a life mission to pay it forward to fans who are going through similar struggles he was living through not too long ago and evidently still dealing with today.
With over 50 million streams to date, Jez Dior is using his platform to spread a hopeful message. Jez touches the hearts of millions of fans daily delivering the simple yet necessary moral that you’re not alone. His music as a therapeutic outlet to channel through, a shoulder to lean on during your time of need and despondency.
Jez recently released his debut full-length album Handle With Care earlier this fall. The album touches on losing loved ones, life struggles, and heartbreak. We were able to sit down with Jez and get to know why he creates music that resonates with so many.
Ones to Watch: Who is Jez Dior? Take us back to the beginning.
Jez Dior: I started making music around 11 or 12. I basically would go in my mom’s car and record on this little, tiny voice recorder, saying raps that I had written when I was super young. I was just, like, obsessed with Eminem and 50 Cent at the time and wanted to do everything they were doing. I started writing music around that time, and ever since then, it just became an obsession of mine. That really grew me into the artist I am today.
Do you remember the first song you ever wrote?
No, but my mom has a bunch of lyrics of mine that I used to write. I used to write them on white computer paper, and I just never threw them away. I used to literally write as if I was in G-Unit and like some gangster from New York shit, like from Jamaica, Queens. I used to just emulate what 50 Cent and Lloyd Banks were talking about. it’s very embarrassing to read that, but it’s hilarious.
That is gold. Tell us a bit about your musical journey thus far.
J: I’ve always been innovative when it comes to music. I use music as a form of therapy; it really helps me get my feelings out. I’ve always been super personal when it comes to writing, and I haven’t been scared to show that side of me to the world. Early on, I would write a lot about when my dad left. My dad left when I started writing around 11 or 12. So, the content on my earlier projects sort of kept going in that direction and are a lot darker I’d say. It was a much darker time in my life when I first started actually putting out music. 
With that being said, I think people were really able to relate to the content of the songs. That’s what really kick-started my career. I was just putting out music and talking about things I was going through, and in turn, I think people were going through or had been going through, similar things throughout their life. I think I was able to build a core fanbase off of those earlier projects. A lot of those kids still ride with me ‘til this day. Fast forward to today, things are a lot different, being with a label and having multiple people on your team. It’s just been an ever-changing story, and one that’s still developing, you know?
Definitely. What would you say is the biggest self-realization you’ve had during your career? 
I’m sort of an anxious person. Growing up, I was always pretty timid. When it comes to music, I’ve found this fearless side of myself. I’ve always been very honest in my music. So, throughout my career, when it comes to my art and making music, I’ve always just been careless. There’s really nothing about myself that I’m scared to showcase or provide to my fans.
How does it feel to know your music has impacted so many people?
It’s honestly still crazy to me to this day. Since my music has such a personal tone to it, I’ve been getting so many messages from kids all over the world throughout my whole career, but it still blows my mind to this day. I was at dinner with my homie, and this person named their cat after me. I get messages of people who got “Funeral Crew” tattooed, which is what my fans call themselves. Or just that my music has saved their life. Everytime I get a little message like that from anyone about anything, it still is mind-blowing. Just to see the words that I write and record reach the distances that they do is just mind-blowing, and quite frankly the reason I keep making music.
That’s amazing man! I can only imagine how it must feel to have someone look up to you as a hero. It must be such a rewarding feeling.
Yeah, I mean, that’s what I define success as. If it is just one person reaching out to me saying I saved their life, that alone is success to me. But the fact that I literally get messages every single day while I check my DM requests on Instagram, it’s just like paragraphs on paragraphs about how and why my music means so much to them. It’s really really cool and humbling.
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Take me through your writing and recording process. 
It all starts with production. So, that just depends on who I’m working with that given day. For a long time, and my first couple of EPs, I worked with one dude. His name is Danny Score; he did all my earlier stuff. So our process was kind of just like, you know, we’d have a conversation about what’s going on in my head and where I’m at. Like I said, it’s always been a form of therapy for me, and my music has always been real to what I’m going through at any given time. From there, we’d always pick up a guitar and I’d tell him what I like and don’t like. That’s really where I learned how to form a song, just working with him.
I carry that same vibe with me today when I’m in the studio. I don’t play any instruments, but I’m always very hands-on. It’s always different depending on who I’m working with, but I do work with mostly people who know me well on a personal level still. My dude Chris Wallace, Rome from Sublime, and Matt Radosevich are all close friends of mine and did my whole first album. 
Walk me through the process of your debut album, Handle With Care, and where did the name come from?
J: Yeah so, I came up with the name because the album to me is basically myself wrapped up in to a very fragile package, you know? I start the album off talking about suicide that has happened within my family, my mom’s depression, my dad’s drug abuse, and how it affected my little sister. There’s been overdoses in my family; My uncle passed away in my bedroom, in my bed when I was younger. Just all of the shit that I’ve been through in my life, I really take head-on in the album, so I just came up with the name because I really feel like I want people to handle it with care. 
As for the process, it was really just a lot of conversations discussing what I want to talk about, how far I want to go with the stories that I feel like need to be heard. It was a lot of that before the recording process started, and that continued on throughout. But yeah, it was just a super personal album. I think we have some hits on there. We got some sad songs. I think there’s something for everybody. I couldn’t be more happy with the way it came out.
I’m a huge fan of the album, specifically your song “Please Don’t Go.” I really resonate with it on a personal level. Can you tell me a bit about that song and why it was the first single released off the album?
Thanks man, that means a lot. You know it’s funny, I think I’m guilty of the thing that a lot of artists are guilty of, and it’s your new song is always your favorite. That was the last song I recorded for the album, and also the song that was resonating with me at the time of my ex and I breaking up prior to writing and recording that song. I felt like I needed to get that song out for my own healing. I also just really love the song. Chris Wallace and I spent a couple of days working on it and it was the last song we submitted for the album. I don’t know; I really love that song. Not only you, but a lot of people can connect with that song.
No doubt. What’s the overall message you want to get across to your fanbase?
J: Just that you’re not alone. There are so many times that I’ve felt that I’m alone in my feelings and that I don’t have anywhere to turn or go to. I just want my fans to know that they’re definitely not alone and things do get better. That’s why I try to go so deep, honest, and really dive deep down to get to what I’m feeling when I’m making music. That’s basically what Eminem did for me. I could relate to him so much when I was younger, he made me feel like I wasn’t alone with what I was going through. I want to be able to give back and give these kids the same sort of feeling. There are people out there going through the same thing they’re going through. Things do get better. There’s always a light at the end of the tunnel.
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kartiavelino · 6 years
Cardi B, the Carters and Calvin Harris battle for song of the summer
It’s summertime, and the grooving is straightforward. However which songs are going to rule from the barbecue to the seashore? We assembled a panel of music consultants: Lori Majewski, co-host of SiriusXM Quantity’s “Suggestions;” Nessa, MTV persona and nationally syndicated Scorching 97 DJ; and Travis Mills, on-air host on Beats 1 on Apple Music — to assist us decide summer’s hottest tunes. And whereas there could also be a smash coming that we haven’t heard but, listed below are our high 10 contenders thus far. 1. Cardi B, feat. Unhealthy Bunny & J Balvin, “I Like It” [embedded content] Final summer, Cardi B was being profitable strikes along with her breakout No. 1 hit “Bodak Yellow.” This season, the Bronx rapper is poised to maintain her summer streak going with “I Like It,” the newest single off her debut album “Invasion of Privateness,” which samples Pete Rodriguez’s 1967 boogaloo basic “I Like It Like That.” “That song has it locked up proper now,” says Majewski, who likens the observe, which options some rapping in Spanish, to “Despacito” in 2017. “I believe we’re going to have two summers in a row the place the song of the summer is a Latin-flavored dance hit.” Mills additionally expects Cardi B — who’s of Dominican and Trinidadian descent — to unite occasion individuals on the block and at the membership. “The best way that she’s merging all of her influences,” he says, “she’s simply tying the world collectively.” 2. The Carters, “Apes - - t” [embedded content] When Beyoncé and Jay-Z dropped their shock joint album “All the pieces Is Love” two weeks in the past, “Apes – – t” was the banger that had everybody going loopy. And with the Carters bringing their On the Run II tour to stadiums throughout the nation (they play MetLife on Aug. 2 and 3), they’re positive to see “the crowd goin’ apes - - t” when these eerie beats kick in. “It’s the good song for the summertime. It will get you overestimated,” says Nessa. “You are feeling highly effective. You are feeling like you would be Beyoncé, however then you definitely notice you’re not Beyoncé.” 3. Calvin Harris & Dua Lipa, “One Kiss” [embedded content] With songs resembling 2016’s “This Is What You Got here For” (that includes Rihanna) and 2014’s aptly titled “Summer,” Scottish DJ/producer Harris is used to being in the combine for the season, and this summer isn’t any exception with the dance-floor bliss of “One Kiss.” “Calvin Harris has this confirmed observe file in the 2010s of making incredible summer songs,” says Majewski. “And Dua Lipa is internationally the It woman of the second.” In the meantime, Nessa calls this collaboration “the good boozy brunch song.” 4. Juice WRLD, “Lucid Desires” [embedded content] Not all summer songs should be occasion songs, as this observe from the rapper-singer born Jared Higgins demonstrates with its melancholy dreaminess (together with guitar sampled from Sting’s “Form of My Coronary heart”). In actual fact, the observe is already No. 4 and climbing on the Billboard Scorching 100. “It’s been superb to observe his takeover, the notoriety that this child has gained,” says Mills. “His debut album [‘Goodbye & Good Riddance’] is unimaginable.” 5. XXXTentacion, “Unhappy!” [embedded content] The controversial rapper’s alleged homicide has given some unlucky irony to the title of this song, which leaped to No. 1 after his taking pictures dying on June 18 at age 20. Now the observe, with its brokenhearted lyrics, might hang-out us all through the summer. “There’s all the time a lone wolf that will get in there and is a bit darkish,” says Majewski of the tune’s counterprogramming prospects. For Nessa, it doesn’t matter that “Unhappy!” could also be a buzzkill: “Whereas it’s unhappy, particularly along with his passing, I really feel prefer it’s essential that we do play it in order that we are able to preserve him in our reminiscences.” 6. Ella Mai, “Boo’d Up” [embedded content] This British singer has give you an ode to being “head over heels in love” for all these having enjoyable in the solar with their boos. Already a High 10 hit, it’s the good cuddle jam. “I’m obsessive about it,” says Nessa. “I really feel like this song goes to remain by means of summer as a result of everybody desires to be boo’d up, everybody desires to be in love. In actual fact, I really feel like extra guys like this song than women.” 7. Dan + Shay, “Tequila” [embedded content] On this wistful single from their new self-titled album, the country-pop duo have give you the good tonic for these lacking the summer love who acquired away. “Proper now, crossover nation is having such a giant second,” says Majewski, additionally noting the hit “Meant To Be,” by Bebe Rexha and Florida Georgia Line. “And name-checking all these liquors in the first verse and then the refrain just about ensures an enormous mainstream summer hit.” 8. Maroon 5, feat. Cardi B, “Women Like You” [embedded content] Maroon 5 attached with the hottest feminine rapper in the sport for their newest single, and the result’s a summer slam-dunk. The simple-breezy groove and mild reggae vibes — together with Cardi B’s sassy supply — make this an irresistible charmer. And the girl-powered video, that includes everybody from Camila Cabello and Gal Gadot to Tiffany Haddish and Jennifer Lopez, doesn’t damage. Says Nessa: “It’s undoubtedly a song you’ll be able to play along with your women and you are feeling like a gazillion bucks.” 9. Nicki Minaj, feat. Ariana Grande, “Mattress” [embedded content] These labelmates have mixed their femme forces earlier than on tracks resembling “Bang Bang” and “Facet to Facet,” and right here they make a divalicious duo on this single from Minaj’s upcoming album “Queen,” due Aug. 10. The sultry island taste makes this go down as easily as a frozen daiquiri. “That song’s superior,” says Mills. “Look, Nicki’s unimaginable, and Ariana’s superb. I believe they’re each on this roll proper now.” 10. Troye Sivan, feat. Ariana Grande, “Dance to This” [embedded content] Grande has her personal new album, “Sweetener,” popping out Aug. 17, however she additionally lends her voice to a different summer contender with the rising younger South African-born singer. The insinuating “Dance to This” will make you just do what its title instructions. Majewski says that this pulsating observe “is sort of in the lane of the Calvin Harris and Dua Lipa song [‘One Kiss’]. I completely suppose that it may very well be an even bigger hit than something on [Grande’s] personal.” Share this: https://nypost.com/2018/06/28/cardi-b-the-carters-and-calvin-harris-battle-for-song-of-the-summer/ The post Cardi B, the Carters and Calvin Harris battle for song of the summer appeared first on My style by Kartia. https://www.kartiavelino.com/2018/06/cardi-b-the-carters-and-calvin-harris-battle-for-song-of-the-summer.html
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airadam · 6 years
Episode 106 : Flavaful
"...I can't listen to it, 'cos all I hear is mistakes."
- Phonte
Ok, it's not the actual globe from the cover of "Flava In Ya Ear", but it's the closest thing I've ever shot - it reminded me of the man Craig Mack himself, who sadly passed away this month. That means that this month we pay homage to the twin pillars of Bad Boy Records (Craig and Biggie), as well as Phife and Eazy-E, while also showcasing some outstanding new releases and finishing with some soul classics.
Get yourself down to the Lords of the Underground show in April!
Twitter : @airadam13
Pudgee ft. The Notorious B.I.G and Lord Tariq : Think B.I.G.
Only the first - and best - verse for you right here, but despite this track not getting an official release due to sample clearance problems, it shouldn't be too hard to find if you do a little digging. Biggie just blasts out pure disrespect in his inimitable style over a beat by Minnesota. I had to rewind this when I remembered playing this on a mixtape with DJ Mathmatics - the first line hadn't even finished before he was calling for the pull-up!
The Lox : New York City
I don't know if the bassline here is a sample or a replay, but either way it did get an official release! This 2014 single from the stalwart Yonkers crew also samples the hook from "Think B.I.G" directly, so it was a great opportunity to bring it in here.
[K-Def] Theodore Unit : Wicked With Lead (Instrumental)
I'm not sure what's up with some of the kick drums here sounding like there was an issue splicing the track together, but I promise you this is how the uncredited K-Def instrumental came off the vinyl!
Craig Mack : Get Down
RIP Craig! This was the second single from his debut "Project: Funk Da World" LP (following "Flava In Ya Ear"), and once again it was Easy Mo Bee doing the business on the beat - you can hear his style for sure. Craig commands the track ably, and you can tell why he was such a solid foundation stone for Bad Boy.
A Tribe Called Quest : The Pressure
Great tune from "Beats, Rhymes, and Life". I don't remember Tribe ever doing a DJ track but the section of this before Q-Tip comes in might be the closest - lots of cuts and scratches, much of which came from their own records! Phife goes off on the second verse, continuing the rampage that kicked off back on "The Low End Theory".
The Mouse Outfit ft. Sparkz : No Wonder (Tall Black Guy Remix)
I don't know how I've managed not to play you this one already! From the very nicely-priced "Mouse Outfit Remixed" collection, this is a shoulder-mover where Sparkz kicks Manchester rhymes over TBG's trademark boom-blap. 
Phonte : Such Is Life
One of the best MCs in the artform, and one who has let us into his life from the beginning of his career. The "No News Is Good News" album comes seven years after Phonte's last solo release, and it's a powerful, concentrated album which is packed with real life experiences that we will all face. This particular track, produced by DJ Cozmos, is a standout on my strong purchase recommendation for the month!
Focus... : Beautiful & Beastly
I must have convinced you to pick up "Analog In A Digital World" by now? So many great beats on that project...
Simtraks ft. Camp Lo : Eternity Window
In a more reflective mode than many will know them for, Camp Lo take the mics for a deep cut in all senses of the phrase. This was a standout on the "Sputnik Sweetheart" album by Houston's Simtraks, and the samples of the astronomer Carl Sagan add to the cosmic vibe of the track. Not a well-known track, but an excellent one - if I could change just one thing though, it'd be that snare...
Guilty Simpson ft. Meyhem Lauren and Starving B : CO-OP
I'm not familiar with Cuns and Sine One, but they did a top job on the production here. Great new single from Detroit's Guilty Simpson alongside two Queens MCs, conjouring up images of the New Day Co-Op in "The Wire".
Tanya Morgan : Just Not True
AKA the Trump theme tune...a pick from the 2009 "Brooklynati" album that I hadn't heard in a while. Brick Beats on production, allowing the group to use all their energy on the mic.
PRhyme : Rock It
The second PRhyme album came out this month and I think it may well have surpassed the original! This single gave us the first peep at what to expect, and it's just a great beat, classic Premo cuts, and killer rhymes - not all of which you'll catch at first. Definitely some rewind lines on this one, and take some time to appreciate how DJ Premier breaks down the main hook/bridge phrase on the turntables - masterful.
J-Zone : The Art of Shit Talkin' (Instrumental)
I somehow don't have the vocal version of this (yet) but it's the expected excellent level of production from J-Zone - you can get this beat as part of his instrumentals collection on Bandcamp. Peep the technique.
G-Dep ft. Ghostface Killah, Keith Murray, and Craig Mack : Special Delivery (Remix)
A sparse, uptempo number from the Bad Boy camp, and a solid single for the currently-incarcerated G-Dep back in 2001. Every MC drops quotables, from the always-fire Ghostface through to the surprise appearance of Craig Mack, who'd last released a record four years previously and stepped back from the industry. In a kind of tribute to the incredible "Flava In Ya Ear (Remix)" video, this one was also shot in B&W but with a pace to match the EZ Elpee-produced beat. This MC lineup was just the thing needed to elevate the original track from "Child Of The Ghetto".
Camp Lo : Retro
Back to that slang-dense Lo flavour! One of the best tracks from their latest album ("The Get Down Brothers"), they channel some old-school flavour but keep a modern feel at the same time. I bought the digital release of this LP, so I'm still trying to find out who produced this cut!
Eazy-E : Eazy-er Said Than Dunn
It's been twenty-three years since the NWA founder's death, and he's too often forgotten. For this selection, we go back to his 1988 "Eazy-Duz-It" solo album for the only track clean enough for radio play - and intentionally written as such. Dr.Dre and Yella produced it, and Dre is also credited as the writer - which is interesting, as in later years he would be known as someone who would employ writers for his own lyrics! This song was tributed eleven years after its release by fellow Compton native DJ Quik on his "Quikker Said Than Dunn".
Black Moon : Who Got The Props?
The first time I heard this on the pirate station Supreme back in Leeds in the early 90s, they didn't announce the artist or the track title, which was frustrating - because I thought that this was one of the best records I had ever heard! Eventually I found out what it was and emptied my pockets to buy the import 12" single. A straight classic of Brooklyn rhymes over a jazz sample and some kicking drums, which gave us a preview of the quality to expect from the "Enta Da Stage" album.
[Hangmen 3] Benzino : Bang Ta Dis
Back in the days of the SOHH message boards, this beat was a popular one when it came out! Benzino's not the most heavyweight lyricist in the world, so searching out the vocal of this isn't a must necessarily, but he along with Johnny Bananas and Jeff Two Times kill it on the production here.
The Doobie Brothers :  You Belong To Me
My assumption is that this is supposed to be a love song. However, it can't be just me that think it sounds a little...pimpish? This song was written in the late 70s by the Doobies' Michael McDonald and Carly Simon, who herself recorded a more popular version than this, one which got a Grammy nomination. Anita Baker, J-Lo, and others have recorded it as well, but this, the first recorded version (from "Livin' On The Fault Line") is my personal favourite. McDonald is one of the most unmistakable voices in music, and he does a top-notch job with this song.
Marvin Gaye : After The Dance (Instrumental)
An early track from Marvin Gaye's 1976 "I Want You" album, some of you will know this as the ending credit music on "American Pimp". While the vocal version is clearly a love ballad, the Gaye and Leon Ware-produced instrumental seems to take on a sadder character without Marvin's voice over the top. I love it.
Please remember to support the artists you like! The purpose of putting the podcast out and providing the full tracklist is to try and give some light, so do use the songs on each episode as a starting point to search out more material. If you have Spotify in your country it's a great way to explore, but otherwise there's always Youtube and the like. Seeing your favourite artists live is the best way to put money in their pockets, and buy the vinyl/CDs/downloads of the stuff you like the most!
Check out this episode!
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airadam · 7 years
Episode 93 : (for small values of infinity)
"All that happy, 'let's be friends' shit? Yo, this is the opposite."
- Konny Kon
As usual, we pay tribute to J Dilla, Big L, and Big Pun this month, but also two giants from a previous generation who both made a massive impact on Hip-Hop; Clyde Stubblefield and David Axelrod, who both passed in the last few weeks. Besides that, we have some great recent tracks from Manchester, some US classics and a few tracks that may have passed you by! Let's get it going...
Twitter : @airadam13
D.I.T.C. : Best Behavior (Showbiz Remix #2)
From "The Remix Project", we go heavy in multiple ways right from the jump. Big Pun may not have been a charter member of D.I.T.C, but Fat Joe certainly is, and it's via Joe that we end up with this connection to one of the fiercest MCs of all time. One verse each over this Showbiz beat which somehow manages to be even darker than the excellent Amed-produced original. 
David McCallum : The Edge
I'd imagine a good number of you thought this was about to be an entirely different record :) This track from the "Music: A Bit More Of Me" album is definitely the most famous track by the actor/musician David McCallum, and one of the most well-recognised by the producer, the brilliant David Axelrod, who passed away this month. That intro is just a monster.
Big L & Jay-Z : Freestyle
Given the origin and the content, I hope you can excuse the sound quality! This is one of the great freestyle sessions of all time, with the then-rising Big L and Jay-Z trading serious bars over the beat for Miilkbone's "Keep It Real"; as it turns out, they'd already battled off-mic earlier the same night! While that clash is lost to folklore, it's good to have this back-and-forth preserved for posterity, thanks to Stretch & Bobbito.
Ras Kass : Soul On Ice (Remix)
Diamond D remixes the title track from Ras' debut, blessing Ras with a David Axelrod-sampling instrumental that is probably better known than the original. Ras is in the political lyrical mode many people would associate him with here, but as always managed to blend that with just vicious battle lines. "The waterproof MC, you ain't wettin' me/You need to stop rapping and start robbing banks like Steady B"? *Ouch*...
SoundSci : The Remedy (Jonny Cuba Remix)
This one has just missed the cut a few times but it fit nicely here! Super relaxed vibe all the way through on this closing track from the "Dig For Victory" EP.
James Brown : Funky Drummer (Parts 1 & 2)
We join this track about a minute and a half in - the full track is seven minutes long. At 19:25 though, one of the most famous, sampled, re-used, re-formulated pieces of audio of all time appears to grace our eardrums. Clyde Stubblefield claimed to not particularly like this song as a whole all that much, but these few seconds of solo drumming when he was given his shine have immortalised it - and him. 
[Jay Dee] Slum Village : Climax (Instrumental)
Easily one of my favourite Dilla beats, from the "Fantastic, Vol.2" album - a fantastic blend of samples and that clap on the two and four are perfectly crisp and clean.
Busta Rhymes : Genesis
Busta was one of those MCs who caught on to J Dilla relatively early and the two artists combined for some excellent tracks over the years. On "Genesis", Busta's fifth album, Dilla contributed this title track and "Make It Hurt", which sounds like it was done by a completely different producer, which just goes to show his versatility. 
Gang Starr : Mass Appeal
It just seemed to go well with the Busta record, and it's a great single, taken from the "Hard To Earn" LP. What you might not know about it is that DJ Premier essentially put the beat together as a bit of a mickey take! The track is supposed to sound like catchy elevator music, in keeping with the lyrical theme of rappers simplifying their material for a popular audience - but it just sounds so good! 
Souls of Mischief : 93 Til Infinity (Remix)
Do I prefer this to the original? Absolutely not - however, that doesn't mean it's not a quality track in its own right. If you listen carefully, you'll hear that it's an actual re-record, with the lyrics being very slighly different and the delivery also tweaked to better fit this alternative beat by A-Plus. The easiest place to find this is on the original 12" single, though it has been released by itself as well.
Masta Ace Incorporated : Saturday Night Live (L.A. Jay Remix)
Staying in '93 for a remix of a track from the "SlaughtaHouse" album - an LP notable for largely being a parody which a lot of people either took literally or assumed wasn't about them! This particular track has its own dark humour, showing about how live a Saturday night can actually get, and feaures Uneek, Eyce, and Lord Digga on the mic. L.A. Jay from the Pharcyde crew rocks the same sample heard on Gang Starr's "Jazz Music" for a beat that manages to surpass the album version!
Pete Rock : Dilla Bounce (R.I.P)
A fitting instrumental to include this month. Dilla came up idolising the work of Pete Rock, so it's poetic that after his passing (as in life), Pete pays respect to him in return. I feel that "Petestrumentals 2" may follow the same path as its predecessor - underrated on release, and retrospectively hailed as a classic.
Run The Jewels ft. Joi : Down
The "RTJ3" album came out on Christmas Day and ensured that we all got at least one present :) This was the opener and a worthy one - a look back at Killer Mike and El-P's pasts, and a look forward to where they plan to go. There's a kind of warmness to the beat which isn't a word I'd usually use to describe an El-P track, but it envelops your ears and draws you in to focus on the lyrics.
Ellis Meade : Kings & Queens
Ellis was kind enough to send me a copy of this a few months back and I finally found a good place to showcase it in a mix. The flow is crazy over a double-timed, almost southern-style Pro P beat. Another win for the Room 2 Records crew!
Chamillionaire : You Gotta Love Me
"Mayn, let the truth free". That shout-out to the then-incarcerated Pimp C firmly dates this one, a longtime headphone favourite for me finally making it onto the show! From the DJ Whoo Kid (hence the annoying adlibs) collaboration mixtape "The Truth", Cham focuses his anger on Mike Jones ("who?", you may now ask?) - that beef lasted for several years. I haven't been able to find out who produced this but that sped-up vocal sample is a serious earworm!
Don Jagwarr : The Cure
I've had this one hanging around for a long while, not sure it's everyone's speed but it fit tempo-wise into this selection and I think was a reasonable follow-up to the soul sample in the previous track. Don Jagwarr is almost certainly best known to most as the guest on Ice Cube's "Wicked", but he did have his old LP, "Faded", from which this track is drawn. The beat and hook are based around a replay of Diana Ross' "Love Hangover", which is a chilled backing for Jagwarr to spin his tale over.
Jake One : Oh Lord
We go back to the gospel-themed "#PrayerHandsEmoji" beat tape for this instrumental, a perfect warm-up for this month's closer...
Children of Zeus : Crown
An anthem already (wow, alliteration)! Tyler Daly goes straight rhymes alongside the always-ready Konny Kon over a no-drums track based around a stirring gospel sample; both MCs turn it out in fine style! Absolutely huge track from the "Two Syllables, Volume Thirteen" compilation and one that deserves as much shine as possible - on top of everything else, it also has one of the best videos I've seen in ages, so no excuse not to share and share again!
Please remember to support the artists you like! The purpose of putting the podcast out and providing the full tracklist is to try and give some light, so do use the songs on each episode as a starting point to search out more material. If you have Spotify in your country it's a great way to explore, but otherwise there's always Youtube and the like. Seeing your favourite artists live is the best way to put money in their pockets, and buy the vinyl/CDs/downloads of the stuff you like the most!
Check out this episode!
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