#but just stop accusing and attacking the writers and showrunners
captainshazamerica · 1 year
Guys, every single close male friendship in shows is not queerbaiting!!! Like please, let men be close and open with each other plantonically😭
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littlemisssquiggles · 4 years
(1) i understand how the other feel about ozpins lies but I don't thi k how they act with Oscar is awful ,I hope he snaps at them ,and stands up for ozpin an himself
(2) I was hoping that oscar would some how thanks to ozpins memories ,would bring the people in the city of mantel together to fight the grim some how get them all to atlus,
(3) I was hoping that oscar would get a episode to him self were maybe a few days go by and he on his own but v8 going to b 2 episodes even if he did get time to him self for an episode or 2 I feel like I would get to see him do as much as I'm hoping 4
(4) like ur self I'd like to see ruby reaction to him maybe being maybe gone,I'd like to see Oscar feeling on losing the lamp an letting ruby down
(5) I think oscar should get gravity dust or wind to help him keep up with the others
(6) I now we're going to see Oscar with y,j, and r but i want him to be with Weiss and Blake
Uhm…since I already gave my answers to Points 2, 3, 5 and 6 in other RWBY response posts, I’m just gonna only answer Points 1 and 4 for this one to avoid having to repeat myself XD
 “…I understand how the others feel about Ozpin’s lies but I don’t think how they act with Oscar is awful. I hope he snaps at them and stands up for Ozpin and himself…”
Assuming that you meant that you think the way how the group treated Oscar back in Argus was bad and you’re hoping for him to go off on them, I don’t blame you for feeling that way anon-chan. Not to sound overdramatic or anything like that but V6CH9 is still considered my most despised episode of that season and RWBY in general and I’ll even toss in V6CH8 as well since I didn’t and still don’t like how the show basically had everyone stand idly by and allowed Jaune to walk across the room and slam Oscar into the wall.
And what was even worse is that no one dared to pull Jaune off of Oscar as he practically shook the kid while screaming accusations in his face for actions that weren’t even his. And the real kicker to me is that even when I rewatch that scene it just feels so out of character for the others to just let that happen. They all literally just stood there as Jaune wrongfully manhandled Oscar.
Sure we had Weiss attempt to stop Jaune but outside of that and Ruby barking at Jaune to back off of Oscar, nothing else was done. No one thought to step in front of Oscar and come between him and Jaune before the Arc boy could lay a finger on Oscar.
And what sucks even more is that even after watching what Jaune did to Oscar, NO ONE thought to check in on him and see if he was alright after such an ordeal. Instead Ren and Nora leave to comfort Jaune---Oscar’s accoster mind you----while the others divided to do other things. And yet one of them wasn’t making sure that Oscar was fine emotionally. Yet they all act surprise when they find him gone from the house?
Which makes the fact that all he did was leave to go shopping so utterly bad that it’s not even funny. I know it’s a meme in the Pinehead community (along with Oscar’s missing character development and the fact that he’s practically the pet gold fish of the hero team that they keep neglecting and losing each season yet he always comes back and still loves those silly bastards anyways) but I honestly hate that that’s canon. Anyways, I’m not here to rant about V6CH9. In respect to Oscar telling off the others for the way they treated him and Oz back in V6, I think it could be mighty swell for that to happen.
As a Pinehead, I am genuinely tired of this weird approach that the show has of having Oscar be perfectly complacent with everything that’s happened to him---even when he’s downright being practically abused to some degree. It’s not fun to watch as a fan of his character. Oscar has been through a lot since his introduction and outside of the dojo moment from V5 where he confessed his fears to Ruby, we haven’t really gotten any more moments of Oscar coming clean about his true feelings over his current experiences.
And NO I am not counting his speech in V6CH9 where the showrunners deadass had the audacity to have Oscar say to the hero group that he’s been contemplating about all that happened between him, Oz and the whole reveal of Ozma and the events of the Lost Fable despite never showing the audience scenes where we can see Oscar doing just that.
It is insulting at this point how poorly the CRWBY Writers have handled Oscar’s treatment in the show. While V7 was definitely an improvement (albeit except for that one episode where Double D Rivas downright forgot Oscar in the episode while all his so-called teammates and friends were up in Amity celebrating), it still doesn’t quite make up for the mistakes of V6 nor does it erase my disappointment for that volume in terms of how they handled Oscar’s side of the story.
All the more reason to hope for better things to be done for Oscar in V8. Like you, I would like to see Oscar speak up against the team and their past actions (especially with the mistakes they made with Ironwood and still have yet to take responsibility for), not necessarily in defence of himself since Oscar has been shown to be a selfless individual---always placing others before himself---but more so for Oz.
I want Oscar to be the one to mend the tethered bond within his team between the others and the other half of himself. After all, while two differing souls, Oz is still a part of Oscar especially once the Merge occurs. They may not be the same person but they are a part of each other and will come together to complete one another. Or at least complete Oscar since according to V5, Oz is the one meant to change with the Merge. Not Oscar. I mean Oscar will technically change but I’d still like to strongly believe that his soul will become the dominating personality and persona as Oz’s fades more into the background as it combines with his.
And while the other heroes may like and trust Oscar, they can’t favour only half of him. This is especially the case since Oscar and Oz are expected to become one entity at some point. So I’m hoping that before that happens, Oscar uses this time to get everyone back on the same page---burying the hatchet after all that transpired between the last two volumes and thus starting things anew with everyone having a clean slate.
This needs to be done in order for the heroes to move forward and work together since uniting against the common foe will be what helps not just them but all of humanity and Remnant. At least that’s what I assume. While I don’t necessarily need Oscar to go off on the other heroes, I would like it if it he did call them out for their past mistakes with Ironwood---mistakes that he unfortunately partook in encouraging---as well as their treatment of Oz, finally helping them to see the bigger picture and what’s more at stake. I’m honestly tired of the story having our heroes pin all the blame on Ozpin while making it appear as if RWBY were in the right despite doing the exact same thing that got Oz in trouble with them.
So for what it’s worth, I hope that’s addressed in the series and I hope it lends to Oscar aiding to patch things between the team and Oz especially now that he’s returned. The group and Oz need to reconcile and I’d like to believe that Oscar is the key to helping with that.
“…Like yourself, I’d like to see Ruby’s reaction to him maybe being gone. I’d like to see Oscar’s feelings on losing the lamp and letting Ruby down…”
Ooooh I’d love it if V8 kicks off with Ruby learning that Ironwood had ‘killed’ Oscar. That’s a scene I am literally praying would happen when the group split up and RWBN_P head up to Atlas or Amity Arena to confront Ironwood. I want Ironwood to just blurt it out like it meant nothing to him that he shot and killed a child---I want to see Ironwood basically treat Oscar as nothing more than another face for Oz---not even his own person despite promising him in the second episode of V7 that so long as Oscar was in Atlas, he would be safe.
And most of all, I want to see the reactions of everyone---Ruby and Nora especially---when Ironwood says with the straightest and most cold-hearted of expressions that he killed Oscar. If we don’t get a scene like that then not gonna lie anon-chan, I will be beyond disappointed. Because what’s the point of having Ironwood shoot Oscar to his death if it wasn’t going to be brought up at some point, ey?
Give me that angsty scene where either Ruby or Nora---most likely Nora--- get super pissed at the reveal of Oscar’s alleged death, thus sparking her to attack Ironwood and thus, a fight breaks out between RWBN_P and the Ace Ops, talks of negotiation completely out the window since Ironwood killing one of their own (Oscar) practically meant war.
I also wonder if Qrow being framed for killing Clover might also come up as well. Like imagine a scene where one of the Ace Ops accuses our heroes of treason after letting them know that Qrow was charged for Clover’s murder, much to RWBN_P’s surprise only for Ironwood to indifferently say something to the extent of the group being even in some way---Qrow allegedly killed one of his own (meaning Clover) while Ironwood killed one of theirs (meaning Oscar) and that’s how it’s revealed. Or something to that level. Who knows? All in all, I want that scene to happen and I really, really, REALLY want it to see Ruby’s response to Oscar’s alleged murder since she’s someone whose always protected him since the start. It’ll be even worse if she learns that her actions resulted in Ironwood killing Oscar for that added double whammy. That could be great storytelling and character-building-wise! Buuuuut we’ll see for next season.
As for Oscar being saddened over losing the lamp and letting Ruby down---well technically we kind of got a scene like that already last volume anon-chan. It was during the moment in the finale episode after JNPR 2.0 had managed to evade capture and were hiding away in the training room. While taking a breather, Oscar apologized for losing the lamp leading to Jaune trying to reassure him only for Ren to ruin the moment by bringing up the fact that the villains now have possession of the Lamp of Knowledge while the Staff of Creation was still in Ironwood’s grasps.
In that scene, the camera made sure to focus on Oscar’s troubled expression as Ren went on his tangent. As a matter of fact, it was Ren going off that made Oscar run off to go confront Ironwood in the first place as his way of trying to fix everything on his own.
I’m not sure if we’ll get to see Oscar apologizing to Ruby personally for losing the lamp after she entrusted him. However I think it could be a potentially cute Rosegarden moment if the first thing Oscar does when reuniting with the others is apologize to Ruby specifically for losing the lamp only for Ruby to disregard his apology completely and straight up just embrace Oscar on the spot; more relieved to discover that he was alive to even care about the relic. That’s something I’d like to see done for V8 but who knows?
~LittleMissSquiggles (2020)
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allwillbeone · 5 years
Me, a comic reader vs ABC’s “Marvel’s Inhumans” show ep 1 & 2, a live blogging at Discord(revised version)
Me, watching the cursed Inhumans show in few minutes and Triton got shot while Black Bolt and Medusa are having sexy time: I can't, I can't keep up with the show anymore
This is bad, I can tell the show is bad in these few minutes No I'll finish it in spite
[Under the cut because it’s a long post with a bunch of nonsense, tldr: The X-Men didn’t suffer for this]
And Medusa ignored the important call because they are having sex I can understand why the audience rooted for Maximus at first
Now for 4 minutes? The sexy time is ended but I got really cheap CGI cityscape The show is worse than I expected
The city of Attilan is uglier than any brutalist apartment And the lunascape scene looks like a Play Station 2 game, not even 3, PS2 Maximus' first appearance looks so... basic, if I didn't know he's Max I thought him one of the citizens
I really feel sorry for those actors, they are doing their job amazingly but the writing and costumes and setting and CGI and props are bad, so bad, stupidly bad
The X-Men and the Royal family didn't suffer for this
8 minutes and here we go, eugenics shit against one of their family members? And were you expecting I'm going to root for the royal family, writers?? It's really bad... I'm watching the show only 10 minutes and it already makes me hate the show
I mean, it was 2017? and this shit is worse than in 60s comics
Yeah they can't keep romani people and asian people's ethnicity but keep slavery and eugenics shits I even don't understand why MCU so much loves those facial hairs on non facial hair characters
Gorgon: let's destroy the moon rover Karnak: Wow, how mature Humans: Oh no it looks like a hoof that crushed our rover Medusa and Max: shit... BB: Okay do nothing
Umm... is this why Max thought he has to be in charge...?
Medusa, you ignored a really important call and stopped your husband to answer the call because you gave your priority to sexy time, and now you act like you are a dignified queen with authority This show makes my eyes roll hard
Suddenly Karnak starts bubbling on some nihilistic nonsense in the middle of the terrigenesis ceremony and Gorgon being a eugenicist shit against a family member again. And they'll wonder why one of them revolt against them? I also wonder why...
The scene of Lockjaw's first appearance is something off...  he moves like a bad animatronics Ummm, why Crystal has to cover her hand with a cloth if they just grab terrigen crystal with the bare hand from a box?
I'm not sure I can finish the show... this is worse than what I heard...
Well, no one sans Max willing to engage the boy that seems gets nothing from terrigenesis, even the boy suddenly collapsing and having a seizure on the floor... wow, so cold. While Crystal is fawning over that cheep CGI butterfly wing girl, you are so basic, Crys
They've lost my respect one by one Only Triton and Max keep me have some respect as characters but I'm sure the writing will also screw them Poor Triton
And Triton's makeup is also... bad
The actor of Maximus really had the charisma and the charm in his acting, alas the plot and the writing are so bad
Oh Max starts his "revolution" as a pep talk to lower caste people, and he's smol, smoler than the boy, so smol, they got  the actor that could represent him perfectly but Marvel was stupid so they gave him that boring superhero movie black leather and ugly facial hairs instead of iconic Jack Kirby armors or evil mad scientist lab coat
In dinner or lunch or idk, Karnak is being rude and gross out of nowhere to a female servant, and I can't understand what did the showrunner want to describe by the scene
He and Gorgon are dicks to people without any reason
Yeah, and only asian man being a dick to a white lady out of nowhere.... it seems really... a red flag And only black man being an extremely eugenics scum to his family member is... also... a big red flag
Now Max reveals Triton's death and apparently the mission was secret to even Karnak so BB is getting accused at the dinner table. And BB's excuse is "Oh no you never know he really dead" lmao And he thought it's good to invite nuhumans to the moon because "They are family" while treating your moon people with useless/no power as slaves because of the limitation of the resource? Oh yeah, you go Max, you notice the obvious problem
And BB's answer is "Not now, trust me" Oh yeah, maybe going to Earth is "not now", but "getting nuhumans from earth because they are our family uwu" is also not now imo
It's still over 20 minutes and I can't believe I can find those stupidness from the show easily
I need to eat mushrooms to survive this
Maximus: -Calling out his big bro's BS and storming out of the dining- Karnak: Maximus is dangerous, but I'm loyal to you, trust me
Karnak, it's not a good way to gain people's trust
BB takes a big gun out of Gorgon's hand. Gorgon... a gun... Crystal's dress looks like nipples are showing throw the fabric It's just a fold on the fabric apparently but uh...
Medusa: You can't trust Maximus, we can discuss that BB: -signing, apparently he doesn't want to discuss this-
Oh at least he loves his lil bro to some degree
Everything in the show looks fake af, but yes Medusa's hair is the worst
Oh no I didn't notice the scene is switching to the flashback scene because the switching sequence is bad, and it means oh no that scene
[Flashback scene: BB and Medusa first meeting] aaaaaaaaaa Um, not yet... just a short "first contact" scene...
I'm afraid Max starts wooing Medusa out of nowhere, um...
To be honest it doesn't make any sense in the narrative of the show so far but anything didn't make sense in the show so I can let it go
It's kinda ironic that Max was the one who got precognition power in comics, while he saw the chance in the boy with precog power in the show
Umm, this Iso look-like character is... Auran...?
And Auran got killed by Max(with BB's power) in comics, wow ironic
Attilan in comics: Sci-fi city with a bunch of weird spires and alien buildings Attilan in the show: Are these... maximum-security prisons???
The scene is supposed to be in the rooftop garden on the palace, but it looks like a patio in a prison.
An old guy from the genetic council: It's treason, Auran arrest him, I'm really sorry things become like this Auran: -beat the old man til death-
idk why but it feels kinda comedic...
Then the scene is Oahu island because maybe Triton is there? Wow, nice vacation Triton
While Karnak is playing with a moon rover and guarding people are like "Hey, king Maximus' order, bitch!" and Karnak is like "king Maximus? ... oh shit" lmao
Wow, Max, you are the one who made those humans shoot Triton? And now you are trying to kill Gorgon? ... well, this Gorgon has been an extremely eugenicist scum to you and never stop being a dick, I can't blame you about Gorgon in the narrative, go ahead
And those henchmen are really incompetent, where are the suspense and drama
Karnak: Maximus betrayed us and the royal guards with him Gorgon: wtf I'm the head of the royal guards Wow Gorgon, apparently you have no popularity with them...
Now the royal guards are trying to get Medusa and a fight scene begin... the CGI on her hair is soooo hideous, it's almost comedic And playing "Paint It Black"? Seriously???
Finally someone in the royal guard uses their power to take down the target instead of attacking people like humans that they are disregarding
Max, holding a hair clipper: I have no choice Medusa: If you do this I never forgive you Max: (Surprised Pikachu face meme)
TBH Medusa's line here sounds really... stupid... he's committing a coup against your husband, do you think he would mind of your feelings about your hair??? But apparently, he would mind because idk whatever reason And why they just leave her, at least confine her or do something, you are committing a coup!
Oh no THAT SCENE!!! [Flashback scene: BB killed their parents with "WHY"]
wait, is the man in the left is... younger Max? He looks like an adult man here and much older than younger BB
(No apparently it's the present BB watching his younger self, it's really confusing and I have mild prosopagnosia)
So now, royals get Hawaii vacation, congrats
And BB makes a scene in the middle of Honolulu, and Lockjaw just disappeared before things got into a big mess, bad dog
Medusa: I have to find Black Bolt -riding a bus with tourists- Karnak: I have to find my king -trying to go down a cliff and fall-
Wow, Max is talking Crys about her privilege and propagandas Crys: You make me sick, you are just a human Wow, this Crys is worse than comic Crys
not because of his personality or something, but because he has no power??? Oh yes, she needs a mediocre human's dick even she can be a eugenicist scum to her own family member The show is really bad
They only keep the bad parts of comic canon in the show
It's already over 50 minutes so far, and I can't find any good part in the show... other than those unfortunate actors' acting skills
Gorgon is walking into the sea and battling with crashing waves in vain because he feels emo for Triton
And nice surfers rescue him because... apparently... he can't swim...? And those surfers are too nice and chill, they knew Inhumans already because of plot or something like that and just listening Gorgon's story while sharing beers. They are too nice
Crys can contact Medusa because Auran just dropped her comlink and leave it? Those people are supposed to be elite guards but they are so incompetent, even can't hold their childish princess Oh apparently it was Auran's plot to catch Medusa, much better
Gorgon: You should leave Surfers: Why we have to leave our beach Gorgon: because I challenged my cousin and here will be the battleground
Umm... in that case who has to leave the beach is you, Gorgon...
Oh Eldrac was in the show, I wonder how's he now Max wants to kill BB and Gorgon especially, and not mention to Karnak, he's fine with Karnak being alive... while he's not with Gorgon, lol
[Eldrac, looks like Doh the boss character of a retro video game Arkanoid] ...is this... Eldrac...? What they have done to you, you are boring here
BB feels awkward with his outfit and tries to change to norm clothes is definitely funny, finally I can find a good intentional comedy in the show... And he steals those outfit and hurts security guy, wow
[BB is getting arrested by Honolulu cops] Definitely they should make the show as a superhuman sitcom Like make Max a fabulous mad scientist and let him commit a coup in every week, and BB and co overthrow him and take back the throne at the end of the show. In Every Week.
[BB is running away from the cops and police cruisers] This is definitely a comedy material Marvel, are you telling me this is not a comedy show?
Police officer: Taser! Taser! -shoot taser- BB: Oof -destroying a police car accident because he can't hold his voice-
This BB is a weakass, comic BB has endured far worse, how could you have sexy time with your wife if mere human taser let you lost your control!?
[Police officers are beating the shit out of BB] Wow, be nice to an alien robber, honolulu police officers
Max grabbing his hand makes the boy see those visions, but putting an assuring hand on the boy's shoulder causes nothing and they are just okay...? Hmmm...
[Auran snaps a bus driver's neck] Auran you shouldn't kill a human just because they are trying to stop you entering a bus, people will be suspicious
Auran: -finding Medusa's broken comlink in the empty bus- Me: Oh yeah, Medusa ditched the comlink to hide her whereabouts and went to search BB Medusa: -appears behind the bus and attacking Auran and starts catfighting- Me: wtf
Medusa stubbed Auran with a pocket knife... isn't she supposed to be an elite royal guard!? Why everyone is stupid and weakass Medusa takes a comlink from Auran and tells BB she'll find him and kill Max, with tearful eyes, but I even don't feel any sympathy toward those slave owners... especially to that king who tried to invite more people while many people under his rule are already suffering the overpopulation...
And the mine scene... they are supposed to be a civilization with highly advanced tech, but they have to use their own bare hands and simple tool for mining? What about letting them use more safe and effective machines? Is it too much to ask?
Oh yes, they have no tech guy other than Maximus, apparently. This was why they depend on his technology for their city defense even he'd use it for his future coup(and show!Max is not a tech guy here, so they don't have any tech guy apparently)
Okay, I can see what they wanted to do. Jenkins and Lee's Inhumans second series and Hines' Silent War. I can see many references from those comics. But they couldn't make any coherent plot and story from them.
The showrunner thought their version was "more complicated, more real, and more compelling version" than comic Max and miserably failed because they wanted to do Inhumans vol.2 and Silent War and the very core part of the story is "Max has a point but his twisted mind and impulsiveness made his execution totally bad" It's sad that Once and Future Kings haven't written before their production This is why you are the worst showrunner in the MCU, mister Buck
So... this Auran has healing factor... she doesn't have anything that makes her Auran but okay...
I finished Episode 1 & 2, it feels like eternity
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Steven Moffat on Blink
“Right, then - Blink. What can I say, I haven’t already said. Stream of consciousness ahoy! Last time I said anything about Blink, I answered a question about whether I knew it would be such a hit. Naturally, I said I didn’t, because only a fool or maniac thinks anything will be a hit. What a storm of abuse I got. Whole articles about my stupidity and arrogance. Possibly marked the only time anyone has been accused of arrogance because they’ve just been modest. So forgive me, all, if I tread carefully.
Nah, to hell with it. If you can’t get away with modesty these days, what’s the point in treading.
Okay, so I watched it again. Ten years?? Where did TEN YEARS go?? Has somebody been stealing years?
Oh, it’s rather lovely, isn’t it? Carey Mulligan - haunted and stubborn and beautiful. Hettie McDonald directing the first consciously (and I don’t mean self-consciously) arty Doctor Who. And Neill Gorton giving us the Weeping Angels. Everything a Doctor Who monster needs to be: gorgeous, scary and completely silly. And what about that mournful, dread-laden score - one of Murray’s finest, and that’s saying something. You know, I’m not being modest (so put down that chair) when I say I’d give the lion’s share of the credit to those guys. So many of the very best in the industry, at the top of their game: it’s not modesty to feel outshone by talent like that.
But I’m the writer, so I might as well talk about the writing. And I can feel the engines of Online Hate revving already, because I think it’s pretty good. Interesting though - I won two writing BAFTAS, a Hugo Award and the DWM season poll (I voted for Human Nature) for that, and yet most of my most egregious failings are well and truly there. There are lapses into sitcom dialogue, a disturbing fetish for bootstrap paradoxes, and of course showboating “cleverness”, which isn’t that clever when you think about it. Which just goes to show, anything can work on a good day.
The sitcom chatter makes Sally, Kathy and Larry seem so much more vulnerable, because they don’t know they’re in a horror movie. The wilful complexity of Sally’s DVD conversation with the Doctor, is clearly set out, and decently funny. I was very proud of the double use of the “But I can hear you” at the time, but now I wonder if it’s so have-to-think-about-it ingenious that it might kick you out of the emotion of the moment. Generally, though, it all clicks. It fits. Maybe it’s always true, that your best work is just when your failings work for you.
One other thing. Despite the deafening applause right now for Bill Potts and Missy, I do seem to be under a fair amount of attack for my female characters - come back and save me, Lynda Day - and while there’s no probably no smoke without fire, can I put my head on the block and say I think I wrote Sally rather well? The line “sad is happy for deep people” may be a bit (as in very) smartarse, but it sums her up perfectly. The slightly detached, melancholy girl, in love with the past - forgive me, but I do think I nailed that.
Makes me wonder why an Angel never set her back in time. All these years later, I wonder why I didn’t end it like that? Just after she meets the Doctor, she pops back into the shop - and big fright, there’s an Angel there! A moment later Larry follows her in, and she’s gone. And for the first time he notices something about a painting on the wall - it’s Sally, in the distant past. And she’s smiling and waving.
But no, maybe not. Maybe it was better she learned to live in the moment - to take Larry’s hand and move on. Maybe, in fact, it’s time I stopped rewriting this script (you never, do you know) and let it be.
Goodness, I’ve gone on a bit. But I’ve got little doubt that it was Blink that got me the showrunner job - so I owe a lifetime of thanks to Phil Collinson and Julie Gardner for making me look better than I deserve, and to Russell T Davies, for making me seem, for a moment, good enough to replace him.
I’m feeling very nostalgic today. Can you tell? There’s a reason. When I finish this, I’m getting into a car and going to the very last Doctor Who readthrough I will ever attend. The end of days starts here. This has been the best job I’ll ever have and it was Blink that got me here. That episode was a thunderclap moment in my life, and only today, ten years later, is the echo starting to fade.”
- Steven Moffat, June 2017
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Rant of a Recent Former Destiel Shipper
I am destiel shipper...a moderate one. I always enjoyed my ship through fanarts and fanfics on my own, without disturbing anyone with it. I always enjoyed SPN for what the show is: a story about two brothers, one angel and now a (former, maybe) nephilim fighting supernatural evil to save the world with the help of their family, blood-related or not. I always stayed out of fandom drama in general, especially the ones related to ships, because I refused to let that ruin the fun for me regarding my ship and SPN in general. But – even so – it was hard not to see a lot of them, since they always kept popping up on my TL because some of my followers – also destiel shippers – RT them, answered them or caused them. But I always did my best to just ignore them. I ship destiel, but I never wanted it to become canon because romance – heterosexual or LGBTQ + - isn’t what the show is about. I know destiel will never be canon and I’m cool with that.
With the recent events, I realized keeping silence about it was being conivent  with the harassment, blame shifting, hate (tagged and untagged) against the SPN cast and crew and fans of the show who ship a different ship or that don’t ship anyone, pushing that ship on the cast and crew on conventions and on SM. I realized it would be very hypocritical of me disagreeing with that kind of behavior coming from shippers of other ships, but not having the same reaction when said behavior comes from the same segment of the fandom I’m part of.
I’m not comparing the level of abhorrent behavior of some destiel shippers (the hardcore ones) with the abhorrent behavior of bronlies/tinhats or even defending them, because the attitudes of the latter are borderline psychotic/psychopathic that truly makes me worry about the safety of the cast, their families, friends and coworkers and some professional help would be really beneficial for them if they didn’t think they weren’t doing anything wrong…but I digress.
I saw some accounts – some of them really popular among the fandom and with a considerable amount of followers – calling out on the awful behavior of bronlies/tinhats and asking for those who are fans of J2, to regulate them and expose them, report them when they see bronlies/tinhats sending hate against the cast, crew, their families and friends instead of turning the blind eye. But this request of them will fall on deaf years, since they don’t do the same thing.
Lead by example. Practice what you preach. There’s no use you asking other people that if you don’t do the same thing yourself. You obviously know that some destiel shippers do harass and send hate against the cast and crew, tagged or not.  And yet, you’re not vocal about it. The same way bronlies/tinhats attack even the actors’ charities (RA and YANA), I’ve seen plenty of destiel shippers attacking Jared’s AKF campaign over the years.
Tweeting a very superficial message when that happens or ignoring it completely doesn’t help anyone, just validate their awful behavior and they will never realize what they’re doing is wrong. Do with them the same thing you do with the bronlies/tinhats: expose them, ask them to stop because what they’re doing isn’t cool, and report them if necessary. Make them accountable just like you make bronlies/tinhats accountable.
It would be like if I called out the Star Wars fandom for being toxic against the SW cast and directors and ignoring the exact same behavior in SPN Family, by sweeping all the dirt under the rug, just because I’m part of the fandom.
Many of destiel shippers still falsely accuse Jensen of being homophobic/biphobic based on a bad edited video that was posted 5 years ago, that was taken out of context and many still believe Jensen meant to offend the fan even when said fan broke her silence once she found out her name was being used to foment those accusations against Jensen, by telling the fandom what truly happened at that panel. I could see those false accusations and attacks against Jensen again after that click bait article that was full of inaccuracies and lies against some SPN actors came to the surface.
And don’t even get me started on the hate and false accusations of being homophobic/biphobic Jensen got from a lot of destiel shippers just because he said destiel doesn’t exist on the show…which is true, since the ship isn’t canon.
I saw hate – tagged and untagged – being sent against Jared from some destiel shippers (some of them weren’t even at the con, I might add) because he “crashed” the JenMish panel at JIBCon. After all, how dare Jared participate in a panel that he was probably invited to by Jensen and Misha themselves, right? (insert sarcasm here, please).They sent hate against Daniela too, for that same reason among others aka prohibiting shipping questions and ship fanarts, specially the NSFW ones in order to avoid fandom drama in an event that’s supposed to be fun for everyone and to avoid the cast being uncomfortable by such things. You don’t have to agree with Daniela’s rules about the con she organizes, but the moment you buy the ticket, you have to follow them instead of acting like a petulant child to the point of attacking her and one of the three leads of SPN.
Over the years, I saw watching the con panels at YouTube, destiel shippers asking shipping questions to Jensen, Jared, Misha, Samantha Smith, etc., which is considered pushing your ship on the cast. I saw destiel shippers accusing the showrunners, producers, writers, actors, even Kripke of homophobia and queerbaiting just because destiel wasn’t canon.  This has been going on for almost a decade.
The recent episode about the destiel stickers proves exactly that. They aren’t just stickers, they represent a ship and distributing that around is exactly pushing destiel on the fans and even on the cast, since the person in question isn’t going to even bother asking if the people she’s going to give those stickers to at Denver are shippers, let alone destiel shippers too. That attitude is similar - in a way - to fanatic religious people that shove their religion on other people by giving them pamphlets without having the decency to ask those people if they are interested in the first place. By doing so, that person is creating more drama and divide in a fandom that is already divided. Not to mention she’s violating a Creation rule about not bringing shipping related stuff to their cons. It’s the same thing that I said about Daniela and JIBCon: if you buy a ticket to a Creation con, you have to follow their rules, even when not agreeing with them. Just because you paid hundreds of dollars for their ticket, it doesn’t give you the right to do whatever you want at the event at the expense of others. Respect is mutual and it isn’t unconditional.
About the queerbaiting, destiel shippers are queerbaiting themselves by demanding a fanon ship to become canon and then being disappointed when that doesn’t happen one season after the other.
I’m LGBTQ+ myself and shipping destiel helped me a lot at being comfortable with my sexual orientation. I consider LGBTQ+ representation to be very important, but I also believe that representation can’t be pushed or used as prop to force a LGBTQ+ ship on a show, especially when the characters of that ship aren’t LGBTQ+, canonically speaking.
LGBTQ+ representation has to happen naturally in order to be convincing, in order to have good and convincing LGBTQ+ characters. And SPN had plenty of good and convincing LGBTQ+ characters over 13 seasons and I don’t mean by that only Charlie and Chuck. SPN had almost 30 LGBTQ+ characters in 13 seasons and destiel shippers ignore those characters or dismiss them just because the canonically heterosexual two characters they ship aren’t amongst them. Maybe those destiel shippers should revaluate if their worry about LGBTQ+ representation on SPN is legit or it’s just something they use as an excuse/blackmail to demand destiel becomes canon.
Other thing that bothers about some destiel shippers. One thing is – outside the show – having the interpretation that two heterosexual characters are LGBTQ+ in order to enjoy fanfics and fanarts, it’s okay. What’s not okay is distorting lines, scenes and even answers of actors whose characters they play for a decade or more (therefore knowing said character better than you ever will) just to fit your destiel agenda. Or worse, ignoring the answers of the actors and even Kripke himself when their answers refute your arguments about destiel. Kripke created those characters. Jensen and Misha play Dean and Cas for years…the three of them know those characters well and way better than you. None of your mental gymnastics, twisting and the incorrect use of the meanings of subtext and archetypes and appeal to fanmade theories will change that. You are basically letting your destiel shipper brains cloud your judgment.
Keep it in your minds that subtext is in the eye of the beholder and your personal interpretation of the characters and how you perceive them will not always coincide with the official view and plans the showrunners, writers and creator of the show have for the characters and their stories. That’s why fanfics exist: so you can read and/or write your own personal interpretation of those characters and how you want their story to be. If you’re going to use subtext as evidence for “my ship is canon” argument, the same thing goes for all the other ships this fandom has, including that one that makes you cringe (believe me, that ship makes me cringe too).
That being said, something that used to bring me joy and helped me in so many ways lost all the fun for me. You won. You managed to turn something beautiful into something ugly and that makes some people hate the character or even the actors who play them due to your very insisting, annoying and hypocritical behavior.
I’ll still continue to enjoy SPN for what the show really is: a story about two brothers, one angel and now a (former, maybe) nephilim fighting supernatural evil to save the world with the help of their family, blood-related or not. I will still continue to love and support the cast and the crew. I will always be thankful for them to making such an amazing and magical show. I will always be thankful for the actors for bringing to life the characters I love and cherish since I watched the show for the first time years ago. I will always be thankful to all of them for sharing the BTS and even a small part of their personal lives with us. I’m thankful for the amazing and positive fans – shippers and non-shippers - I met both online and on IRL and for them being part of my life. But I’ll no longer be a destiel shipper. Thanks for reading and please, be kind…always.
A Former Destiel Shipper.
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