werepires · 1 month
Maybe destiel will go canon again in the Supernatural™️ official spooky picture book
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scoobydoodean · 2 months
People do need to understand that Tumblr is a blogging site and consider the actual implications of that. Like. I do get the confusion at first when you come from somewhere like Reddit or Twitter or whatever because it took me a long time to get this too, but Tumblr is a blogging site—which means people come here to fill a personalized page with their own personal little thoughts. People who like to read their silly little thoughts or see art they create or whatever can follow them if they want.
The reason argumentative, rude, and/or aggressive reblogs/comments are generally frowned upon here is that Tumblr is a blog site. You aren't commenting to the general public in some community subreddit—you are commenting on someone's personal blog page. They are the moderator of that page and have full control of the content on that page and its notes. In other words, each person here is the captain of their own little ship. They will often let you come hang out on their little ship and chat, but there is no expectation that they tolerate your rudeness, your snippy little whiney bratty tags, or your obnoxious unasked for and often ill-formed opinion that they are wrong about everything ever in the history of time... especially over silly fandom disk horse.
Reblogging someone's post to be a shitbag in their notes is like walking into someone's house, being offered a meal, and spitting in their food. It doesn't matter that you think the food is nasty. You keep that shit to yourself. You can whine and moan on your own blog (I do it all of the time!) If you want to go somewhere and literally just fight back and forth with people for eternity, reddit is right there and will make it incredibly easy for you.
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sunglassesmish · 2 years
probably a worthy addition to your post with natalie fisher's tweets 👀: twitter. com/ nataliefisher/ status/ 1566675317690798081?s=21
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‘certain creative forces’ hmmm
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cassierobinsons · 10 months
i know we joke about the absurdity of the "cas watched dean rake leaves nonconsensually" tweet but damn it's wild how many of the bronlies unironically see cas as a covetous predatory homosexual terrorising poor heterosexual dean
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ladyluscinia · 6 months
Anyway between getting more and more, like, genuinely pissed off at all the lecture-the-idiots posts by the contingent who can now directly claim "the only bad actions that have any narrative or emotional weight on this show are the ones that make our main couple feel bad, duh, the show is about them not the plot devices minor side characters" and view this as wonderful and enjoyable writing (that frankly more shows should aspire to match the "nuance" of 🙄) instead of any sort of problem, while also finally just giving up in frustration on puzzling out what the hell would need to be spliced into canon to pull off a satisfying ending within the framework of S2 (this is a big deal for me since I'm the person who is making God!Jack work in a spn fix-it - I like the puzzle and restrictions of canon compliance)...
I think I'm officially about burned out on engaging with OFMD S2 🤷‍♀️
Frustration fires never last as long as enjoyment ones, and I'm not keen to keep engaging with things once the scale tips toward upsetting. It's been cathartic doing a post-mortem with you all 🫡 I still enjoy reblogging cute Frenchie/Izzy fanart and such, I've still got daemon AU thoughts tabs that I briefly set aside for recipes this past week, but canon kinda sucks tbh.
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winchesterride · 4 months
Okay, I just found out on Instagram that there's a thing called "Bronly" (Brothers Only) that happens to be a fan that values Sam and Dean above all other characters (like all should).
It also added that most are wincest shipper and tends to be particularly negative towards c*stiel and to have conflicts with h*llers. Some also being tinhats.
It also pointed that is different from being a bibro that just likes the brothers the same with no preferences.
I don’t know if this was supposed to be a negative thing or a "pejorative term" like it was discribed in the post but I don't see it I actually really liked it. I'm claiming myself as a bronly now.
Impressive how much supernatural vocabulary there is out there.
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clairenatural · 1 year
Listen I am also a Sam enjoyer but a also Jared hater and someone pointed out baby took priority over Sam as a character and like. Good for her and good for Jensen considering the jivorce of it all
the implication that dean has a spacetime-traveling car and went searching for a universe where his "family could have a happy ending" instead of just going and chilling on earth with sam, who is still alive
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hellerism · 6 months
s7 is so bad without cas fuuuuck 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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anakinism · 1 year
i mean making dean perma alive would’ve been great but also making dean a major part of a whole ass story that required it’s own show instead of making him drive around and wait for sam was such a power move on their part
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angelinthefire · 1 year
I actually have a basic philosophical aversion to any discourse around whether character A just sees character B as "useful", and have for a long time. (I'm speaking vaguely because this could apply to Cas, or Jack, and also Kevin, and probably some other characters who aren't explicitly enemies too).
Back around s5/6 (back when different sides of Fandom would interact more) Cas haters would come up arguing that Dean doesn’t even like Cas, that he sees him as another monster, etc. And when casgirls would come back with examples of Dean obviously being friendly, their response would be "he's just doing that because Cas is useful." This would happen repeatedly. Like if you weren’t around at the time, you need to understand that casgirls were constantly on the defensive. And how frustrating it was to be called "delusional" as a matter of course. When the Cas haters couldn't even recognize the most surface-level read of a scene, that Dean is being friendly towards Cas because he feels friendly towards him. And that they had constructed this - frankly, insane - narrative where the main character manipulates a major recurring character into thinking they’re friends because he had useful powers. Like, who would want to write a show like that? Who would want to watch it?
So that's my baseline that I come to this issue with. And the thing that I carry with me in all my interpretations is that the main characters care about each other on at least some basic level. Because otherwise, what is the point? Literally what is the point of these relationships, why would we care about them, why are there stakes in the characters fighting and making up again, why are we supposed to enjoy watching it?
And I'm not down with how I've seen it presented in fics and in posts that either A cares about B as a person, or A wants B to be useful in a fight and these are two mutually exclusive things. This is a show about killing monsters and saving the world. The main thing that characters do together, the way they build and show camaraderie, the way they self-actualize even, is by killing monsters and saving the world. It is therefore inherently a good thing when characters can participate in that, and an obstacle to the plot when they cannot. I think that's just something you've got to take for granted when approaching the show. Furthermore, being "useful" is not just for the sake of the character asking for help, it's also for the sake of the character doing the helping - they're contributing to saving the world, they're being heroic, it's generally framed as a positive step in their character development, etc. Like I don't understand it being framed as a one-sided exchange.
It's also important that this is a show that's obsessed with its own masculinity. Even if it developed a small amount in later years, that kind of masculinity where using an umbrella is seen as too gay, that's what the show is fundamentally rooted in. So it's to be expected that characters don't show affection in a normal way, that they can only do so when the world is ending, or they're dying, or they're breaking down, etc. That it happens in these big emotional bursts -- that also happen to coincide with peaks in the plot, when it's necessary for characters to band together and fight.
There's a sidebar about the loss of angel powers. It's been over a year since I've actually watched the show, so I'm not sure if the show itself contributes to this. And I'm pretty sure that Misha has made emo comments about Cas feeling useless without his powers. But I absolutely hate the "Oh no poor Cas (or Jack) feels so useless without their powers they have such low self esteem" thing. (Like Cas does have self worth issues but that's another point). Angels losing their powers is akin to a person suddenly losing their arms and their sight. It's entirely normal to feel shitty about that, and yeah, to probably deal with feelings of uselessness.
It being a normal response also means it's not the fault of the Winchesters or whoever else that whatever angel character feels useless. This is something that I see in fic way too often. Like Cas thinks he’s so useless and such a burden that it's not even clear that he knows Dean likes him, and it's all Dean's fault that he feels that way. Which, at bottom, does not make sense. Like, these characters need to realize that they're all friends, otherwise, on a very basic level, none of this works. Again, there’s nothing to be invested in, nothing to care about. (And obviously depression does things to your brain, makes you feel like a burden, makes you worry that no one actually likes you. But that's not how the fics I'm complaining about are written).
Aside from the fact that there are actual examples of the characters helping/caring/confiding/spending time with each other, and acting like they know they're friends. Despite the masculinity diseases.
If there is a problem of a character not feeling useful I tend to take it as a problem of the show elevating the position of hunter above all else rather than as an absence of basic friendship.
The one exception that I'm willing to grant, where feelings of uselessness come from a broken relationship, is Dean and Jack at the end of s15. Specifically. That's it.
But yeah, I generally cannot stand "usefulness" discourse.
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scoobydoodean · 2 months
PSA: If you are among the individuals spreading hate toward Pollsnatural over Supernatural (2005) polls, you are 1) a little bitch and 2) not welcome on my blog. Grow the fuck up you insufferable little tantrum-throwing brats.
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mpregspn · 1 year
Oh yeah I got around 40% because I was being nice to questions that were really vague (like yeah I don’t think Dean is only focused on controlling Sam but he sure does it a lot!), but some of the comments were literally "bronlys don’t understand the show" which like, ok? It’s just too biased to be fun for anyone but their extreme "Dean did nothing wrong" bubble.
NEVER be nice to dean stans. i see a dean stan i floor it etc
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cassierobinsons · 4 days
pollsnatural has more self-control than me because if someone spoke to me like this there's a good chance i'd tell them to die slow
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stanfordsweater · 1 year
it’s always fun reblogging one of those ‘character in your pfp is your lawyer/blind date/locked in a room with you’ posts because everyone reblogging it from me has the same two characters
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blanketforcas · 7 months
Anon i agree 100%.. im a fan of his but im not gonna deffend what he has said because He did hurt queer people in the past by his comments. he is not perfect,but he is also not homopobic. he has shown imo That he has grown up and has become someone i no longer Hesitate to say as a queer person is a fan of.
yeah i think that's fair!
reminds me of this answer he gave at nashcon last year where it feels like he realizes he didn't always say the right thing in the past
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