#but keep dragging him for the littlest stupidest things
andrwgarfields · 2 years
missing a joseph william locke :’)
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prettyboyjackhughes · 4 years
-Maybe it wasn't meant to be-
|J. Hughes|
[Part 1]
Jack knew things were over when Charlie wasn’t waiting for him in the lobby of their apartment building as soon as he got there. After the disaster of a phone call midway through the road trip, he hadn’t expected her to be there when he got home. But when he unlocked the door to their apartment and was met with their dog, Luca whining and jumping up on him, he knew. Everything of her’s was gone. It was almost like she hadn’t even been there. Jack swallowed hard, set down his bags, and walked towards the bedroom they had shared. A piece of paper lay on his pillow; the only pillow now on the bed. Jack picks it up, sitting down on her side of the bed. He started to read, his eyes welling up as he glanced at the bottom and saw her name.
To the next girl Jack loves,
He’ll get cuddly when he’s tired. He always has to be touching you. He makes sure you know you never have to worry about knowing how much he loves you. He hates getting out of bed in the morning so you’re going to have to drag him out of bed, every morning, without fail. He never isn’t eating something. No matter how many times you warn him about getting his teeth knocked out, he never keeps his mouth guard in his mouth on the ice. He’ll fight with Quinn and Luke over the stupidest things but you’ll never doubt that they love each other more than anything. He’ll let Quinn and Luke pick on you but never lets it go too far. You’ll become one of the hockey girlfriends. Jack will show you off to everybody, beyond proud that you’re his girlfriend. His teammates are his best friends and his brothers. But you’ll never be second to them. They’ll become your friends too. Get used to them being around. You’ll grow to love them and they’ll love you. They’ll tease you and Jack but Jack will just smile and brush it off, kissing your forehead as he smirks. It’s just one of his many ways of showing that you’re his girl. He’ll love you no matter what and never take that for granted. But then things get bad. He shuts you out. He doesn’t talk about what’s wrong or why he’s upset. He doesn’t want to burden other people with his problems but will drop everything to take care of everyone else’s. He’ll start to cancel plans, even if he doesn’t really have other plans. Nobody can tell you what to do to fix things because nobody else can understand what’s wrong. He’ll tell you not to worry, tell you everything is fine. You’ll beg and plead for Jack to come back, the Jack that you fell in love with. But he can’t. Things won’t go back to normal. Then you’ll start to fight. Every little thing will be a fight. You’ll want to let go. And maybe you do. But I promise, you’ll regret it. Jack is worth it. What you have is worth it. Don’t make the same mistake I did and give up on him. It’ll kill you to let go. I mean, you’re not just losing Jack. You’re losing Quinn, Luke, his parents, the hockey boys. Nothing seems like it’ll be okay. Everything falls apart and your world spins out of control. But, if you decide Jack is worth it and things can work between you two, then get him back. Do everything in your power to get him back. Because once you lose him, you’ll regret everything. I already do. I hate that it ended the way it did. But it’s for the best. Jack and I weren’t meant to be and I get that now. It’s your turn. You get to love him. Just don’t make the same mistake I did.
The tears that slipped out of Jack’s eyes fell on the white blanket covering their bed, making little dots. He flipped the paper over, seeing more writing. This time, it was a letter addressed to him.
Jack, Don’t come after me. Let me go. You and I weren’t everything we thought we were. You need to go out and find someone new. Someone who doesn’t hold you back. I’m not the one and I’m okay with that. I’ll always love you because you were my first love. My first kiss, my first everything. Every memory I have is with you. I want you to be happy and I can’t give you that. So please, I’m begging you, let me disappear. You are strong, caring, loving and everything a girl could want. But how can I just forget everything? How can I just forget that me and you ever happened? All the things you ever said, all the music we ever shared? All the phone calls? The messages? They had to mean something at one point and it hurts too much to let it all go. I can’t pretend it all never happened. All those years full of memories. It’s not right. This all isn’t right. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. People tell me to just let it all go, that I don’t need you. But I do need you. I don’t want anyone else. I want you. I don’t want to make memories with someone else. I want to keep making memories with you and now I can’t. I wanted you to be a good man. I wanted it to be you. Why isn’t it you? Why did you do this to me? Why? Here’s the truth. I’ve been broken for so long. And I get attached way too fast. I’m lost and I’m scared. I’m scared of everything. The littlest things scare the hell out of me. I’m scared of being happy. Or smiling. Or putting myself out there again. Because every time I do, I end up getting hurt. I have no one. I feel so alone. I push people away because that’s what I think I need. I try so hard to be enough and somehow I never am. I was never enough for you. I always let people in and open my heart just for them to break it. Just like you did. You said you would never leave and you would never hurt me. But here we are. I’m sitting here, writing you a letter, absolutely terrified. I’m sorry Jack. I never wanted things to end like this. Goodbye. Charlie Jack’s body shook with sobs. All he wanted to do was go after her. But she had told him, if he really loved her, not to come after him. He knew he loved her more than anyone else in the entire world. So he didn’t. He let her go, just like she had asked. And to this day, he regretted it more than anything. Here he was, 3 years later, the playboy of the NHL. All over the news and magazines, hooking up with this girl, drinking and partying with this person; the exact opposite of who he had been with her. And the Devils put up with it. Because what team would trade their leading scorer and the man who had led them to back to back Stanley Cups, also making them a contender again this year. But it was all because of her. All because he had made a stupid decision to let her go when he should have fought for her. Every move he made on the ice was because of her and what he hadn’t done. And now he had to live with himself and the mistake he had made. Charlie was happy, or at least she pretended to be. Every so often, her thoughts would wander to a brown haired, blue eyed boy who had captured her heart when she was 14. Back before she knew what love was. But she had pushed him away, just like she always did. Before he could hurt her, she took him out of her life and told him to forget her. To not come after her. She had always secretly hoped he would come looking for her but that day never came. So instead, she had tried to move on, ending up in Denver, Colorado and working for the Colorado Avalanche. She had managed to avoid Jack every time the Avs had played the Devils. But ever since she had left him, she had stayed alone. Never had another boyfriend because she couldn’t.
She still loved him. But of course, as fate would have it, one of the hockey boys came back into her life. Alex Turcotte, one of Jack’s oldest friends and teammates, got traded to the Avs. Charlie, who was the director of communications and team services, was one of the first people Alex had to meet with when he got to Denver. He had walked down the hall, stopped at the door of her office, read her name on the plate by the door and leaned against the doorframe, a smirk on his face.
“Charlotte Henry, director of communications and team services.” Charlie had looked up, surprise and excitement covering her face.
“Alex! I couldn’t believe it when I was given the notice you were traded! I missed you so much!” Charlie said, getting up and rushing to hug him. In order to keep from all the memories of Jack flooding back in and making her sad all the time, she had completely cut off everyone that reminded her of Jack. Of course, she would check his social media every once in a while, maybe even googling his name and reading what all the news websites and hockey commentators had to say about him. The last she had seen, he was “rumored” to be linked to some model hotshot.
“I missed you too, Char! So, what have you been up to? Besides getting this big fancy job and getting to boss people around, something you do very well, if I remember right.” Charlie laughs as he sits down in the chair across from her desk.
“Oh you know, same old, same old. Lots of hockey.” Alex smiles and nods. Charlie gets up and walks over, closing the door to her office so she and Alex could talk in private.
“Char, what happened? We used to be so close. Then you just dropped off the face of the earth. Jack fell off the deep end and you’re 1,800 miles away from him.” Charlie pushes her hair back out of her face and watches Alex, who is sitting forward in his chair, eyes on her.
“Jack and I broke up. I guess you knew that. But things didn’t end the way I wanted them to. So I decided to leave and came here. I shut out everyone who reminded me of Jack, which included you guys.” Alex watches her, the look on his face hard to read.
“Oh. So that’s why you’ve been hiding out here and haven’t come back to Plymouth at all for Christmas or anything?” Charlie nods, messing with paperwork on her desk.
“Huh. Well I guess that’s all there is to it, huh?” Charlie glances at Alex as he just completely drops the topic. She had expected him to keep questioning, digging into why they had split and whether or not she was still in love with Jack. She knew Alex could read her well but she didn’t think he would have picked up on her not wanting to talk about Jack.
“You’re not going to question me about it? About why we broke up? Why I decided to leave?” Alex shakes his head and reaches for the pile of paperwork with a sticky note with his name on it, sitting on her desk. She snatches it away from him and forces him to look at her.
“Alex, this is the first time I’ve even tried to talk to anyone about this. You’re just gonna brush it off?” Alex watches her, seeing the impending breakdown and stands up, walking around the desk and kneeling down in front of her.
“Charlie, I could tell that you didn’t want to talk about it but you needed to. So I decided it would be best not to push it. But if you want to talk about it, how about I come over to your apartment for dinner and you can talk and cry through everything.” Charlie nods, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath to reel her emotions back in.
“Okay. I’ll text you my address. Let’s get started on this paperwork.” Alex nods, still watching Charlie and already planning out a text to Jack.
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huntertales · 4 years
Part Two: Watch Your Tone With Me, Boy. (Bad Boys S09E07)
Episode Summary: When an old friend of Dean’s asks for help to solve a murder, Sam and the reader discover that the older Winchester as a secret past—one that will help solve the hunt. Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 4,533.
Previous Part | Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist
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You slipped the knife back into the waistband of your jeans and adjusted your jacket when you saw Ruth visibly relax a little bit to see that it was just you. And not some ghost that was supposedly haunting this place. You were an avid believer in the fact that every home had its own set of spirits and secrets. Eventually they struck without warning, but never without reason. It was your job to find out and put a stop to it before someone else could get hurt. Lucky for you, Ruth was more than a local. She knew the ins and outs of this farm since she was little. And even better, the tragic history from the previous owners and how Jack was tangled up in all of this mess. 
"I grew up in this town. I used to come up here as a little girl. The Wasserlaufs—Howard and Doreen—they used to own this farm back then. My co-worker, Jack, may he rest in peace," Ruth began to give you a bit of backstory to help explain things a little better. Ever the religious woman, she made a swift quick sign of the cross in hope he might be at peace after suffering his time on earth. "He worked here as a farmhand. Howard was a nice man, but…” 
Ruth never liked to talk ill of the dead. You could tell from the hesitation in her voice and how she trailed off for a second before going back to the story. “Well, he’d get into that corn liquor. And one night he got it into this thick skull that Jack and his wife, Doreen, were rolling around in the hay. It wasn’t true—but Howard’s paranoia got the best of him. He tried to kill the both of them. Jack got away, but Doreen…” 
“He killed her?” You asked, taking a guess of how this story ended.   
“With a meat cleaver.” Ruth whispered, nodding her head. You psychically winced at the gruesome details of a life cut short. “Which for Howard ended a year ago. He always swore he’d get his revenge on poor, old Jack, and...it looks like he finally got it.” 
A year was plenty of time for a spirit to grow powerful enough to seek his revenge that he wasn't able to get while still alive. The pieces were starting to come together. You thought there was no one else to blame, there was no need to. Ruth had been nothing but helpful to you. Still, there was one more question you wanted to ask her. An odd one that made her look at you with a confused expression. "Is Howard buried in town?"
+ + +
You and the boys headed to the cemetery during the usual time when the sky was pitch black and everyone was asleep in this little town. Easy access with no chance of anyone disrupting you form the several laws you were about to break. While you stood over the grave with sore arms from doing your share of digging, the brothers continued with the rest of the work under the light from the small lamp you brought out here. Most of the digging had been in complete silence with the occasional sigh and grunt from shoveling down six feet beneath the earth. You found yourself leaning against your own shovel and drifting to your own thoughts.
Ever since you left Sonny's home, you kept wondering why Dean kept this place a secret for so many years. He wasn't much of a talkative person about his past unless it was for a funny story or if he was feeling particularly vulnerable, which happened rarely for you. Sam was finding himself caught up with his own personal questions. He had been lied to for years about a story that didn't seem like such a big deal just to tell the truth. He wanted to know why his brother kept up this lie for so long. You had a sneaking suspicion there was more to this story than Dean was admitting to, or wanted.
"So...Dad didn't want you to tell me." Sam decided to strike up a conversation when he threw another pile of dirt into the growing one just a few feet from where you stood. His growing curiosity was hard to ignore anymore. Sam decided it was the best time to strike now before all of you headed back home. He needed to know the truth. "How come? was this place really so bad?"
"I don't really remember." Dean said. At first it sounded like another little lie to get himself out from talking about this any further. He felt the need to give you and his brother a peace of mind to keep from dragging this out more than it needed to. "I mean, look, nobody bad touched me. Nobody burned me with their smokes, or beat me with a metal hanger. I call that a win." 
You furrowed your brows slightly from his examples. You peered down into the grave where Dean caught your concerned expression when the both of you made eye contact for a second when he threw another shovel of dirt into the pile. "I'm afraid to ask if anyone actually ever did that to you."
"No." Dean mumbled without much of a thought, hoping you'd drop it. Only the same expression remained on your face as you wondered if he was telling the truth. "No! No, Y/N. No one beat me. I was kidding. Besides, if anyone tried to lay a hand on me back in the day, it'd be the last thing they ever did." 
Sam chuckled when he caught your eye roll at his brother's attitude that hadn't changed much since his teenage years. Dean felt his shovel hit something hard from the thunking sound he heard when trying to dig up another pile of dirt. You leaned over the grave a little more to see the boys had finally found the coffin. Sam did the honors of lifting open the lid to reveal a corpse that was well past the decomposition stage. You grabbed the supplies you needed while the boys made their way out of the grave for you to complete the final step. 
Your favorite part of burning a body was pouring the lighter fluid and salt over the body, a strange cocktail mix you had grown accustomed to doing as your part of the hunt when spirits were involved. The easiest part of a salt and burn while the boys were stuck with the manual labor. You mumbled a thanks to Dean when he handed you a book of matches and his lighter, the last thing you needed to wrap up this hunt. 
"All right." Dean said. "Let's barbecue old McDonland here, get the hell out of Dodge."
You flicked the lighter and watched as a small flame ignited from doing such, allowing you to catch fire to the book of matches. You threw them into the grave when you saw the orange hues grow enough for you to be confident the body would catch fire as well. Like the dozens of times you had done this before, you watched from a safe distance as the corpse quickly burst into flames from the fluid. If you ignored the several laws you were breaking and the smell of human flesh, the fire during a cold night like this was refreshing. You placed your hands over the fire and rubbed your hands together, smiling in amusement when Dean rolled his eyes at your behavior.
+ + +
The next morning you hoped to be back on the road and halfway to the bunker already, instead Dean wanted to stick around for breakfast at some local diner. You were a little bit annoyed at the change of plans he made without telling you or Sam. His brother didn't oppose the idea of having a warm meal for a change. You were tired from being up all night burning the damn corpse, Dean seemed a bit too cheerful. It wasn’t like him. Normally the trick took a few cups of coffee and an hour of being up for him to stop using grunts as forms of words. 
You scanned the menu to see if there was anything decent here you might want. To you, it seemed like every family run diner you’ve been to, and you’ve been to a lot from the years you spent on the road. Dean had a deeper connection to this place, it was the spot where Sonny took him after a month of staying at the farm. A tradition for every boy. For some reason it felt more special to the older Winchester than he realized until coming back here. 
He remembered the conversation shared with the older man over the best pancakes he ever tasted. Both of them discussed things that felt like something Dean should've been able to do with his own father. The littlest of things that were normal for most people, but to Dean, the topic of conversations like how he was doing in school and how he was overall, were strange and new territory. They were the stupidest things that made Dean feel like a teenager for the first time in his life—and not some kid who was forced to watch his brother for weeks at a time. Who spent days worrying if his parental figure was going to make it back alive. Sonny even opened up a bit about himself and the life he had back in the day. 
"Dean, you know I'm fine just grabbing a burger to go somewhere, right?" You turned the menu around to see if there was anything that you wanted, but for some reason you just weren't in the mood for anything offered. "Besides, I wanted to get home sooner than later. I'm tired. I miss my own bed.” 
"What, and miss out on the best banana pancakes you ever had? Come on, sweetheart. Live a little." Dean's infectious behavior didn't seem to rub off on you like he'd hoped. You glanced up from the menu to see his eyes weren't focused on you like you thought, instead they were wandering over to the busy counter. A frown stretched across your lips when you saw him eyeing one of the waitresses. "You can take a nap in the car." 
"Mmhm. I'm sure that's the reason." You muttered to yourself. 
The waitress seemed to be more than just a pretty face that caught Dean’s eye, on the rare occasion that it happened. She appeared to be about your age and overly friendly among her customers, as if she’d been doing this her whole life. After passing by a few tables and checking up on things to make sure everything was all right, she headed her way over to your direction, greeting the three of you with a welcoming smile, pen and pad ready to take your breakfast order. It took you a second to realize Dean must’ve known her from back in the day before he could say something. 
"Hi. Welcome to Cus's.” She greeted all of you. “What can I get you three?"
"Bet you've never thought you'd see me here, huh?" Dean offered the woman a little too friendly of a smile he’d flashed her plenty of times during their teenage years. You remained quiet as you watched the interaction unfold, curious as to how this was going to play out. 
Robin, from what gold name tag pinned to her shirt read, didn't return the overly friendly smile. She merely stared at him, wondering if she was supposed to remember him. "Uh, look, I'm a little bit slammed right now." She said. "Do you guys want to hear the specials?"
"Robin...Dean Winchester." He introduced himself to the woman, hoping it might spark a memory in her. You and Sam looked over at one another for a brief moment from the awkward interaction before focusing your attention back to the unraveling conversation that wasn’t heading in the direction Dean hoped for. "I used to live up at Sonny's farm." 
"Oh, oh. Uh, look, sorry. There's just so many boys that pass through there, it's hard to remember every name and face." Robin apologized for failing to remember someone from well over a decade ago. You bit the inside of your cheek from the way Dean's face immediately dropped in embarrassment from the way he was acting.
"Yeah. Uh, no. Sorry, I just—I remember you coming up there with your mom. She'd give us guitar lessons. It's uh," Dean shifted around in his seat as he told of a memory that you'd never heard of before. You perked up at hearing how Dean learned guitar. He never told you that. You were suddenly intrigued to hear more, curious even more now of how Robin played into all of this. And how well he knew her from the way he was suddenly acting. "It was a long time ago." 
"Yeah. Mom—she loved helping out the boys." Robin said, a small smile crossing her lips at the mention of the woman. You offered one yourself when she looked around at the table, retelling of a fond memory at least shared between the both of them. "I guess that's why I kept giving lessons after she passed." 
The conversation slowly veered into another pause of awkward silence as Robin and Dean's eyes darted back and forth between one another, not sure if full eye contact was appropriate. You bit the inside of your cheek from how the atmosphere was changing. Dean felt as if he'd made a fool of himself, Robin was embarrassed at the fact she didn't remember him. Luckily before things could get worse, Robin heard her name being called by another person on staff, needing help somewhere else. The woman excused herself with a polite smile before dashing off elsewhere. 
“Let’s go.” 
Dean didn’t want to waste another second here after a simple conversation nosedived into something mortifying. He didn’t know why he felt like such an idiot. You and Sam followed after the man when he snatched his jacket from the back of his chair and beelined for the door without saying anything else. So much for having those pancakes. 
You slipped on your jacket as you picked up the pace to try and catch up with Dean, wanting to know why he was suddenly acting so upset. You could put the pieces together on your own, but you wanted to be sure what you were about to say was the right thing. And you always liked to dig a little deeper into things that never quite concerned you. It was in your nature. 
"What was that all about?" You asked. Dean rolled his eyes from your pestering, shooting it down with a one worded answer that he hoped would make you drop the conversation once and for all. Of course it didn’t, for it only fueled your curiosity even more. “And don’t tell me it's ‘nothing.’ Because it was obviously something.” 
“Who was that waitress?” Sam questioned his brother, deciding to join in for himself. 
“Is she an ex-girlfriend of yours or something?” You pressed for more when a teasing smile crept on the ends lips at the way Dean stiffened at the mention. “Come on. I’m not jealous.”
"I said it was nothing, Y/N, all right? Drop it."You could tell by the tone of Dean's voice he wasn't in the mood to play this childish game anymore with you. It was your turn to roll your eyes from the way he was acting. You reached out to open up the backseat door as Dean's phone continued ringing. Finally answering it, you heard the familiar name of Sonny come out of the older Winchester's mouth, followed by a reaction from a call that wasn’t to congratulate you on a job well done. "What?!"
+ + +
You and the boys headed back to the farm after hearing the disheartening news of Ruth's strange passing. You thought the case was wrapped up for good, but it seemed the person whom you thought was to blame for all of this was the wrong target. Someone else was to blame. You watched as the coroner's van pulled away with Ruth's body after they took a look around the scene for themselves to figure out what happened. You overheard the hushed conversation among the officers who suspected it was most likely an accidental drowning. She probably fell asleep in the bathtub. While the cause of death might have been correct, their hypothesis of how it happened was wrong. There was nothing accidental about this. 
You crossed your arms tightly over your chest in frustration. Whenever someone else fell victim to the creature you were trying to hunt, it was the worst feeling of all. You let another innocent person die. You had been so sure. Ruth told you herself. She was set on the fact that Howard would get his revenge. And if he was to blame for this, it didn’t make sense of how she died this morning when you burned the man’s bones last night. Someone else was to blame for this. And you needed to find out quickly before another person suffered a terrible fate. 
“I tried to get in to save her, but the damn door wouldn’t open.” Sonny told you the story himself about what happened this morning, finding it all a bit strange from an invisible force that wouldn’t let him in. Sam wondered if it was because the door happened to be locked. A woman must’ve wanted privacy while she took a bath, but locks weren't a privacy the boys on his farm were allowed to have. Which made things even stranger. “There’s no locks on the farm.” 
Dean let out a sigh from the situation that was only growing crappier. “That means our little field trip to the cemetery was a bust.” He muttered. Sonny gave a slightly confused look as to what the hell you were doing there in the first place. He decided it was best not to ask. “Sonny, is there anything else weird you can remember?” 
“What, ‘cause we’re not already chest-deep in weird already, kids?” Sonny asked. 
“I know, I know.” Dean said. “I mean anything—really.” 
“There was one thing.” Sonny suddenly remembered now, feeling it might be important for you to know, and hoping it might help. “Ruth always had her rosary beads with her, but now I can’t find them anywhere.” 
"All right. Let's start with the vics, okay? I mean, both lived in the house. They both worked closely with the boys." Sam listed off a few similarities between Ruth and Jack that might tie in the reason why they were targeted in the first place. It wasn’t much of a solid thread, but you had to admit a small lead was better than nothing. 
“Why don’t Y/N and I go have a chat with the rugrats, see what’s up?” Dean suggested. You nodded your head in agreement. “Play bad cop, worse cop.” 
The both of you headed off to go search around the grounds to see if you might be able to find any of the boys to ask them a few questions. You figured most of them weren't doing their daily responsibilities Sonny gave them from all the commotion that went down earlier. It wasn't hard to find a few boys when you heard a set of voices echoing not too far from where you and Dean were standing, and from how the conversation was unfolding, it was anything but playful banter between friends. 
“Come on, whatcha gonna do about it? You gonna cry?”
“Timmy, you’re such a little weirdo.” 
Dean picked up the pace when he heard a familiar name dropped, making him realize who the two older kids were tormenting. You followed right behind to see the older man come to the rescue of a young boy who was cornered by two older and larger ones, making for an unfair fight to protect himself. Dean shoved the two boys away from who you guessed was Timmy before they could try and inflict anymore harm. 
“Timmy, what’s going on?” Dean asked the young boy, hoping for some kind of answer. The kid remained where he stood, cowering in his spot against the house, as if he was too afraid to speak in front of the bullies. The older man decided he’d get back to the kid in a minute, for now he focused his attention on the others. “All right, you two. Where were you this morning when Ruth had her accident?”
“Unless you’re a cop, we don’t need to tell you anything.” The taller one of the two bullies thought he was funny when he replied with a sarcastic comeback. You chuckled in amusement from how tough the kid thought he was. He was about to be in for a rude awakening. 
“Rude and smart. Well, guess what.” You took it upon yourself to pull out your fake badge from your pocket and flashed it to them, Dean doing the same in a more aggressive fashion when he got dangerously close. As if he was proving a point that he wasn’t fooling around. He was the worst cop in this situation. “Now, since you two obviously love running your mouths, why don't you answer our questions?"
“We weren’t even here this morning. Sonny sent us into town to get some chicken feed—we swear.” The kid said, making sure to add the last part when you gave them both a glaring expression their parents lacked to give from their foul behavior. 
“What about Ruth?” You asked them. “What can you tell us about her?”
“We used to call her the warden.” The shorter, skinner bully answered. “She was a real bible thumping hard-ass.”
“Obviously. What else?” Dean pressed for more information that might be useful. “Anything different or weird you can think of?”
“You mean besides Timmy?” You rolled your eyes when one of the bullies thought it was funny to try and go for a jab when you and Dean were standing right here, you had enough of their juvenile behavior. So did Dean from the reaction they were able to get out of him. 
“Hey. Either one of you touch him again, I’m gonna go all Guantanamo on you. Understand me? Now get the hell out of here.” Dean’s threat made the smile on the bullie’s face quickly drop from how serious he sounded. “Go on! Get!” It didn't take much else for the two boys to go running off somewhere else where they'd be useful. You let out a sigh before turning your attention over to Timmy. The poor kid was able to finally step out from the corner he was backed into and pick up his action figure. Dean made his way over to the kid, wanting to make sure he was all right. "Hey. You and Bruce okay?"
 “Yeah.” Timmy was soft spoken, obviously still shaken up about what just unfolded. 
"I want you and Bruce to meet someone." Dean said. You realized this Burce was the action figure Timmy was holding. You felt a smile grow on your lips at how natural Dean was around Timmy, they must've shared a moment together when you were here last. "This is Y/N. She's helping me find out what's going on around here."
“Very nice to meet you both.” You greeted the kid with a warm smile. You stretched out your hand for Timmy to take it, not expecting much. Most his age either would ignore you or give a limp shake. But the kid did it properly, even better than most. Firm and exactly like how Dean taught him. The older man smiled to himself at how the lesson paid off. 
“Listen to me. I wanna tell you something important.” Dean crouched down so he was at eye level with the kid, wanting to make sure he felt like he was being treated like an equal. Not looked down upon. “Guys like that—they’re cowards, okay? All you got to do is stand up to them one time and they’ll stop, I promise.” 
"You can trust this guy." You reassured Timmy, softly nudging Dean to help further prove his point. "You don't have to be big and strong to defend yourself, kid. All it takes is guts. And I bet you have lots of them." 
Timmy seemed to have started feeling better from the smallest of smiles that crept across his lips at your kind words. You were happy to see the kid was able to brush off the situation and go back to his daily chores. While Dean went to find the rest of the kids, what few of them were left, you decided to head back to the house to help Sam with the files to cut down on time. You needed to find out who was behind this before someone else got hurt. 
As you made your way back to the house, the layout of the farm started to grow a little bit familiar to you, you looked around to see the chaos of this morning was starting to slowly drift away. The boys were getting back to their chores and life picked back up again. You found yourself slowing down to take in more of the sights around this place, how many things that needed to be done in order to keep this place properly running. Not to mention little things around the house that made it personal. For some reason you must've overlooked the wall of awards and trophies hanging by the stairs. 
“Looks like you found our hall of fame.” You turned your head away from examining all the different sorts of awards that ranged from academic achievements to sports trophies from countless boys over the years to see Sonny had spotted you. He came up and stood next to you, looking over the achievements the kids he looked after got. “We had some pretty great athletes come through here, including Dean.” 
“Wait, really?” You followed the direction Sonny’s finger was pointing to find out what Dean had won an award for. You broke out into a smile at learning something else about the man you never would’ve guessed might have been an interest of his. 
“He was Sullivan County hundred and thirty-five pound wresting champion.” Sonny said. 
Hearing the accomplishment Dean was able to make on his own during his stay here made you happy, but at the same time, overwhelmed with sadness. Sonny sounded so proud of the kid for what he was able to do. But all you could think about was how John handled the news. Did Dean ever tell all of his adventures to his father, only to be brushed off as things that were nice—but not logical. It didn't fit the narrative of what John wanted for his boys. The reality of how he thought things needed to be. You were starting to slowly understand why Dean wanted to keep this place a secret, and not his father.
[Next Part]
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dar-manda-rjct · 5 years
30 OC Questions~♧
Thanks to @fangirl-ramblings for tagging me!
Idk who to tag but if you wanna do it, go for it and tag me, I'd love to read about your OCs! :]
1. When they tap their fingers do they use the pads of their fingers or their nails? Nails, Elizabeth likes the pushing feeling against her nails, plus her fingernails are rather long.
2. What textures can they absolutely not stand? Scales and coarse hair, like on a boar and she hates to handle fishies, mostly because they jerk around and it intimidates her.
3. How long can they go without bathing before they feel gross? A few days at least, the longest she's gone without bathing was a month when she ran away from home.
4. Do they leave clothes everywhere? It's all shoved into a bag by her bedroll in case the camp is invaded and they had to run
5. Do they sleep with the bedroom door open or closed? Elizabeth prefers it closed but when she feels sad or lonely she'll keep it open to look at the night sky.
6. Which do they prefer: 3 am or 3 pm? As mentioned before, she likes the night sky. Her mother used to tell her that when she died she would join the sky as a star, Elizabeth would stay up till the wee hours of the night to just stare at the moon and stars.
7. If they suddenly woke up with animal ears and tails what animal would they be? I think Elizabeth would be a fox, she's sly and sneaky and her laugh is funny.
8. If they could only eat one thing for 20 days straight what would it be? Whitetail deer, preferably doe because the meat on a buck is tougher.
9. Are they the type to re-read a book? When she's not out on a job, running around camp doing chores or telling stories of her own she'll pick up her worn, leatherbound book on ancient Egypt, a gift from Arthur.
10. Would they want to know the exact date and time of their death? Nope, she doesn't want to be fearful of the day when it does come
11. What’s their favorite mythological creature? She used to read books on Greek mythology as a little girl (ramblings if you're reading this, I think Lilly and Elizabeth would be best fricken friends). She is fascinated by the chimera but she likes the heiracosphinx the best.
12. If they had to listen to one song on repeat for 100+ times what would it be? Elizabeth could watch at Javier play guitar forever, she sometimes loses track of time. Her favorite songs either than the ones Javier sings are "O Mollie" "Ring-dang-doo" "Let us Merry Be" "Dan Taylor" "Dirty Little Whore" and "Thieving Line".
13. Do they believe in an afterlife? She's hopeful for one and hopeful that she gets there.
14. When they get tired do their eyelids twitch? No, she will nod off while sitting or standing up, her eyelids fluttering quite noticeably until someone drags her into her tent.
15. What are their favorite textures? Silk and the light blue linen cloth her mother would have on her dress. Elizabeth's been looking for the kind of cloth for as long as she could remember.
16. Do they crack their own joints? Oh yeah, she cracks everything. Neck, back, elbows and knuckles. When she cracks her neck she'll feel people looking at her weird, waiting for her to break her own neck and slump into the ground. She'll make fun out of it, saying stuff like, "Ooh, crackly." While the person staring at her is like "What the fuck???"
17. Would they eat/drink something too hot or wait for it to cool? Elizabeth's a tiny woman but she's always ravenous, usually "fafshafafshafsh-ing" through her hot stew because she's hungry. With hot coffee she's more likely to wait.
18. Are they the type to adopt strays? Elizabeth's always wanted a black female cat and she's always wanted to name it Bastet.
19. Do they get work done straight away or wait until the last moment? Elizabeth has always been an obedient worker, she helped tend to a farm with her brothers and the working habits stayed as she went into the Van der Linde gang, proving herself a worthy working both inside and outside of camp.
20. How do they bathe? If there's a public body of water, there's a public bath. Elizabeth is more tedious with her bathing when she buys a bath, she spent money on that shit, damn right she's gonna melt into it.
21. Are they the type to daydream? She finds herself zoning out a lot, making otherworldly scenarios that will never happen. She's a daydreamer.
22. Do they work best in a messy space or a neat space? She likes everything clean, a habit she picked up from her mother
23. Do they keep any personal photos? She has none before 1899, she was stolen from her home and couldn't take any ornaments with her. Around/after 1899 however, she has one of Javier and her sitting on the log and laughing in the Clemen's Point camp. Arthur took the picture.
24. Do they indulge in anything? She REALLY likes flowers, tiny ones, big ones, baby breaths, sunflowers, daisies, etc. She also likes to decorate her guns.
25. Would they do the exact opposite of what someone says just to spite them? Yes, she loves to push everyone's buttons and she did it with her older brothers. It comes with being the littlest who could get away with just about everything.
26. If they’re alone and hear a noise would they go investigate? Of course-- with her gun out.
27. If they’re lost what is the first thing they would do? Have a mental breakdown and then wander. If she didn't have any luck, she'd ask someone for directions.
28. What is one dream that makes no sense but is absolutely terrifying? (I ignored the "make sense" part but I answered the terrifying part) Ever since she was kidnapped and tortured by O'Driscolls she's had terrible night terrors, screaming, swearing, rolling and crying in her sleep until someone runs in to wake her up. She's nearly scratched people's eyes out when they rush to wake her up.
29. What is the stupidest thing they’ve ever done just because someone said they couldn’t? Javier made a bet that Elizabeth couldn't climb a tree as fast as him. She fell, rolled her ankle and popped her knee, laughing and crying at the same time.
30. Are they stoic or melodramatic about being injured? She reacts when she needs to, Elizabeth doesn't cry often. When she's mentally injured however, she sobs quietly, careful to not have anyone hear in fear that she has to explain why.
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