#but laudna saying choice is the most important power you possess? that no gods or fate or destiny can take from you?
revvethasmythh · 5 months
You know, it is clever, what the Ruby Vanguard tells the Ruidusborn to get them on board with this plan. Blame fate and destiny for your pain. The divine have preordained your suffering because they pull the threads of fate that have made you this way. How do we fix it? We unravel the divine. A new start. A clean slate. The destiny we told you you had, that we made you hate, is what will buy everyone's freedom from the shackles of fate at the hands of the gods. After it's done, everything will be our choice and in our control (it always was, but we won't tell you this).
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pocketgalaxies · 2 years
wrote a transcript for the imodna conversation below for your/my/everyone's convenience:
I: Hey.
L: Hi.
I: I don't–are you sleeping?
L: No. I was just staring at the wall with my eyes open.
I: Um...big night.
L: How are you feeling?
I: Um......good?
L: You don't have to lie to me.
I: No, I know, yeah, no, it's terrible. I mean, this is scary as hell.
L: Yeah. I'm worried about you.
I: Yeah.
L: This is a lot.
I: Yeah. I feel like, um...I dunno, like I haven't talked to you in a while.
L: Well, we've been busy.
I: No, I know, I know. I just, um...I dunno, since you–since you came back, I've been almost scared to say anything.
L: Say what?
I: ...
I: We want this. Right? We want to do this.
L: Preventing a god-eating god...
I: It's not good.
L: I understand the appeals of how it all sounds. I don't think there's anything wrong in considering what could be with that type of change. I really don't. What makes me nervous about all of it is the unknown unknowns. It's the...the things that we could lose as the cost of some sort of perceived freedom.
I: Yeah. If it takes away all of our, uh...our magic. Anything gifted to us from something greater. Yeah.
L: We still have the chance to live a normal life. If you wish to have a quiet life in a cozy cottage in a field, raise horses, and just be. No gods or fates or destiny can keep you from that. Can keep us from that. The gods have never kept us from our ability to have choice.
I: Yeah.
L: You have a choice. A very difficult one. But that is just as much of a real power as your abilities to fly or speak in people's minds. If anything, it is the most important power that you possess. Don't let them get in your head or try and claim otherwise.
I: Yeah. All right.
L: I know we haven't talked much here recently, but I think in a way, it's just...I feel so comfortable and so bonded with you, and...we transcend words, our relationship. You'll always have me. I'll always be there to support you.
I: Okay.
L: No matter what you choose. And you don't have to make these choices alone.
I: [I give her a hug.] I love you so much.
L: I love you more than anything.
L: You know, I had an amusing conversation with Ashton the other night. And they asked, or commented, about how odd it is that I'm the more grounded and secure one.
I: Between the two of y'all?
L: Mhm.
I: *laughs* Yeah.
L: I think it's because...I feel like I have a strong foundation. And that's you.
I: Yeah.
L: It's you and the rest of these...crazy borderline murderhobos.
I: *laughs* Yeah. You're my tether, Laudna. Sometimes I feel like I'm about to float away, but as long as you're there...
L: You quite literally pulled me from darkness and death. That tether goes beyond this realm and this life.
L: You've got this.
I: We've got this.
L: You're very capable.
I: *laughs, nods* Yeah. My mom was trying to show me a world that would, um, would be freeing, if I just went back to being normal. But...I feel like......I feel like our weirdness is what makes us right. Is that dumb?
L: Not at all.
I: This locket, it says "the better halves make a better whole." You have to love it all.
L: I don't mind being your better half!
I: *laughs*
L: And I think you're absolutely right. Look at us, do you really think we're destined for "normalcy"?
I: No. No.
L: That's boring anyway.
I: These weirdos are gonna get shit done.
L: Hell yeah we do.
I: All right.
L: Wanna cuddle up?
I: Yeah. Yeah.
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annemarieyeretzian · 2 years
laudna saying “the things that we could lose at the cost of some sort of perceived freedom. ...the gods have never kept us from our ability to have choice. ...you have a choice. a very difficult one. but that is just as much of a real power as your abilities to fly or speak in people’s minds. if anything, it is the most important power that you possess. don’t let them get in your head or try and claim otherwise.” 🙌
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