#but liek Especially autism
tonypostt · 5 months
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i dont want to lose this image i drew again so im posting it on tumblr
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jestinjoculators · 11 months
Here's a doodle of all the horror movies I watched for the first time during October !
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Couldn't do every single day of October and missed out on a lot of films i planned to watch due to work and such, most were watched with friends, some (like the obvious scream-binge I had) were by myself! I plan to continue this chart for every Horror movie I watch after this post!
I got an A in film studies so my opinion is obviously fact
Obviously Jennifer's Body got the worst points, but I didn't even choose that one so Jennifer gets a mere participation award, I'm not even going to talk about that one.
Besides her, the winner is the Exorcist! Congratulations????
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I'm sorry, I do not care for exorcism horror, I think religious horror is badass, and posession/exorcism should be too, but it's lame. This just felt like my priest was wiggling his fingers at me with a flashlight under his chin. HOWEVER - I CAN appreciate the impact it had on horror and pop culture, and its theme is awesome.
oh oops it's a top 3 lol...well anyway,
*opens the palm of my hand*
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I liek these ones..... :) they scare me
okay well Sadako not as much, she's too cute to spook me, as well as the film being mostly buildup and story than spooks. The well scene though? EOUGH. It's like touching wet food while washing dishes but x10 worse. I love Ringu and dear little Sadako very much!
Texas Chainsaw Massacre was slightly horrifying, everytime Bubba showed up I went AAH even if it wasn't a jumpscare, maybe I'm just afraid of hillbillies? Lmao. Everything about Bubba's house just creeps me out, especially that red room with all the animal heads, why did any of the victims willingly go in there???
The spook factor went down pretty hard when I saw Bubba interacting with his family though, but that's not a bad thing for the film itself. I just couldn't be scared with how much I sympathised with Bubba, the 6"5 stroganoff of a man turned into a confused child in front of my very eyes. I love TCM a whole lot, my only complaint is that it was too short, I wanted it to be LONGER.
So My Bloody Valentine gets the TRUE Spook Award, and I thought Harry Warden was pretty adorable to look at, but no, he's beastly. I was creeped out almost the entire film. The gore was scarily creative and brutal, even if I didn't go AAH as much as something like TCM, I was cold when things got tense.
But eh...thanks for reading....here's a bonus award *opens my other palm*
The Autism Award
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It is literally his fault I'm talking to you right now. All of this. Everything that's ever happened. It's his fault.
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little-babybell · 1 year
Heyo again!!! :3
So sorry for requesting so much I just really enjoy your posts and literally was so happy when I saw the CG!Ghost headcanons, it rlly means a lot since I’ve been STRUGGLING to find any COD Agere related stuff and my autism has made me hyper fixate sm on it so I literally nearly cried from happiness when you responded 😭💗💗
Obvs take your time but if it’s possible (pls don’t stress urself out w it u don’t have to do it 😭) would u be able to make CG!Soap or CG!König headcanons
Tysm for responding last time - hope you have a wonderful day!!! 💗💗💗 ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
Okay okay haiii!! Also I hope YOU have a wonderful day as well!! So like I was reading this and I just thought "WHY NOT BOTH???" so yeah (^• ω •^)
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Cg!König headcanons!!!
He's liek tall like I think giraffe kinda tall
He really loves carrying his Littles or just holding them up oh and PIGGY BACKRIDES!!! Best thing ever
I believe he'd be like kind of chill but also very energetic yknow?? Just fits up with your energy
Especially good with younger regressors
Calls you mein sohn(my son), meine tochter(my daughter), or just maus which is mouse in German (I need to stop doing my German lessons so late at night)
I don't know If he'd be a good cook but he could make those microwave smores
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Okay now Cg!Soap AAAAAAA
Okay so I think he'd be more ljke just an older sibling more than like seeming like a parent yknow what i mean?
I personally headcanon he has a big big collect of rubber ducks so that's just perfect for bath time!!
I just remembered that video where it's like "Does soap enjoy a bubble bath teehee ^w^ Does soap enjoy a bubble bath??? Ô_õ"(I tried to make it seem like eyebrows) but he DEFINITELY ENJOYS A BUBBLE BATH especially like washing your hair and giving you a bunch of bath toys to play with
He's like a playful caregiver ^w^ like a nice older brother you can be silly with
He usually calls you little sister/brother/sibling or just sib/bro/sis for short
He's REALLY FUN like I also feel like he's kind of a prankster so I feel like you two would just start pulling pranks on people
Okay that's all hope u enjoy!! ^w^
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do you have... any more thoughts.
on the. afton rabbit therian thing.
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Yes absolutely
sorry if this is becomes like a late reply it might take me a while to type all this out
also I realize that I projected a lot onto him
Things I’ve already mentioned:
He has a foot stomping stim, especially when he’s irritated or annoyed (just like me fr fr)
Above average hearing, able to hear pitches others can’t (autism)
Skittish and jumpy in situations he’s nervous/scared 
Chewing habit. Will chew on just about anything he’s holding + reason for lip biting habit, his lips aren’t dry, just scabbed (JUST like me fr fr)
Quick and lean, with his legs being his strongest
Hyperactive and energetic when not sleep deprived
Starting with liek idk jsut alterhuman things
I wanna talk abt Springbonnie bcuz that’s William’s biggest outlet for whatever alterhuman shit he’s got going one
He’s probably the most comfortable in that suit than he ever is… like, ever. Springbonnie is I dunno how to explain this. Like a part of him. fursona.? yeah
Basically being in a giant rabbit suit makes many good feelings in his brain -> Easter’s his favorite holiday cuz he gets to be in the suit all day 
He was the type of kid that be running around on all fours at recess (I’m projecting I was that kid 😔✊). Totally would’ve been one of the kids that think they’re like a werewolf or something (I was also that kid)
sometimes he genuinely jsut forgets he’s human, also kind of an autistic thing. He’ll be like sitting on a chair reading a book and suddenly remember he’s a human like everyone else he sees in life and not some ambiguous rabbit-like entity
also if he’s ever walking with anyone he actually likes (henry, his kids) and they come across a wild rabbit he will point it out and will not drop it until the other person acknowledges the bunny
Other things he does that r rabbity to me
Likes dry salad, not drenched in ranch or anything, or any other dressing, just leaves and like… whatever else is in salad idk I haven’t had one in years
loves small spaces. If he’s ever overwhelmed at work he just sits under his desk for a few minutes; Henry has “lost” him at least three times to this. He always makes sure when he buys a new bed frame that he can fit under it (I can’t fit under my new one and I am still so upset abt it ☹️)
he’s a very jumpy man if that makes sense. He’s happy or excited he does that lil bouncy thing on his toes. You scared him and he goes ten feet in the air, or he just freezes. (me fr fr)
If his nose is itchy he does that nose scrunching thing
He loves fluffy clothing. Not only is it comfortable but also kinda like fur. Unfortunately there’s really not a lot of fluffy clothing fit for summer, but at least he has his robe
I think he’s also got that leporidae swag. One second he’s like a cute bunny next second he’s got the 1000 yard stare of a hare
He’s probably let random weird shit slip in conversations, like “Life would be easier if I was a bunny”, “Being human is boring”, etc. and Henry just had to get used to it
If he was alive internet-aged (this also applies to glitchtrap-William) he’d totally secretly look at bunny stuff. Like, furries, alter humans, pet regression etc.
Also he collects bunny things, like plushies, figurines, pictures. He has an entire bookcase in his room that just has a bunch of rabbit objects that he’s found while out shopping.  i might end up adding more later idk idk
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algebralienirl · 2 months
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︶⊹︶︶୨୧︶︶⊹︶ ABOUT ME // https://piirrational.straw.page
☆ call me Seven or X ! He/She/Any ☆ Autism, Depression, GAD. // Sapphic, Nonbinary + others. ☆ i use brainrot humor + typos on purpose somtimes
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☆ my hyperfixation is XFOHV/the algebraliens !! ☆ i liek Object shows , kirby, splatoon, madoka magica + WAY more ☆ Multi-Shipper ! My favorite ships are 14xpi, 9x2, 7x5 + more ☆ i LIVE for my favorite algebralien ships *pls do not harass me for ships i like, i dont care for ship wars and could care less about whatever you ship unless its a proship, so please leave me alone!
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☆ my requests are OPEN ! i will draw ships ! ☆ it takes me awhile to draw requests due to lack of motivation !! ☆ i may not draw your request if its too detailed or i just dont want to ☆ i will NEVER EVER draw NSFW, PROSHIPS, SUGGESTIVE, ETC. DO NOT ask me to draw stuff like that..?? ☆ please do not request me to draw: lairy, subkit, banker, 4x2, i WONT draw them as i am uncomfortable with them.
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☆ my discord is piirrational, DO NOT dm me just to send hate?? ☆ My dms are open where-ever, when-ever ! feel free to say hi! (especially if your my moot on here!) smiley emoji ☆ I free block but DNI if (basic dni), proshipper, nsfw
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hearts401 · 1 year
wait I forgor that the reason I was in your ask box was bc I wanted to say that your art is rlly cool and reminded me why I liked fnaf in the first place!! :]
(Also if you don't mind id love to hear some headcanons you have for the aftons ehe)
DSJDSFKJD TYYY OUHFUH Thats so sweet omg :(((
OOH BOY HEADCANONS FOR THE AFTONS (Not gonna include mrs.afton aside from vague mentions simply bc i dont care about the implied existence of a wife for william lmaoo)
-8 years old
-I am an intense ginger hair lizzie truther. SHE IS NOT BLONDE!!!! I REFUSE!!!
-She looooves circuses and would dress herself and her friends up as clowns a lot. her love for makeup sparked it and then it went on from there
-music stims galore!! humming, patting her legs, bouncing to the sound of music
-likes first person shooters!! not an a "cute girl likes edgy games" way but in the way that she genuinely enjoys them! shed rlly love shooting games. shed also likes games liek stardew and animal crossing bc shed like getting to know the villagers. (ik these games dont fit the timeline of the 80's but whatever idc) she'd like those gun games at amusement parks too
-lots of energy!!! you cannot stop her!!!!!
-her fav ice cream is mint chocolate chip
-shes not close with her brothers, much closer with her father. because of her fathers distance, however, this results in her feeling lonely a lot, but shes not willing to get involved in whatever her brothers are doing
-really likes animals and especially colorful birds. she has a collection of many things, one of them being colorful and pretty feathers (she has a peacock feather and its her pride)
-really likes bunnies just like her dad!
-likes to braid hair and do makeup. she used to do it with michael whenever he let her. him cutting that off kinda fucked their relationshipt. (and ofc then came the bite)
-She has a very orange room. orange red and pink r her favorite colors.
-thinks her eyes are super pretty
-if she's curious about an item, she'll sniff it and inspect it and feel it but not put it in her mouth bc thats gross ><
-sleeps on her side like a normal person
-likes dolls n stuff :333
-10 years old
-anxiety and autism
-very good at sewing (bc michael would break his plushies a lot)
-never let lizzie do his makeup bc it overstimulated him
-anxious stims. hand shakes, biting his nails, wringing his hands, shifting side to side, ect.
-enjoys crocheting but almost never has yarn. lizzie gave him an unused yarn ball once and he used it to make a bunch of stuff
-very picky eater, but he wont say it out loud.
-likes webkinz
-HATES HORROR MOVIES!! like this is a given but he will stay up all night thinking about it. its the one thing he stands up for himself on is not being forced to wathc horror movies (mostly because its the only thing both william and lizzie will back him up on)
-he likes yellow a lot. his room isnt hyellow but he wishes it was.
-doesn't have friends and is regarded as weird, but kids avoid him for the most part. most of his bullying comes from ppl who know michael.
-hed like racing games a lot
-scared of his dad and by association he was scared of henry too
-not super close with charlie but he knows her to be a good person. wishes he was closer with her
-ofc easily startled, freaked out, and made uncomfortable
-does NOT like being talked over
-gets frustrated rlly easily and often rants to his fredbear plush
-liked to draw!! he picked it up from mike when he was younger and continues to do it as an outlet
-wishes he had a bigger family
-definitely not flexible at all, but doesnt hurt himself much (hes not dumb, he learns what makes his bones break)
-will feel things over if hes curious about them. maybe sniff them too but he gets scared they'll kill him 😭
-dislikes amusement parks bc overstim but does enjoy the games and prizes
-he likes rice. idk. he just likes rice a lot.
-if he grew up, hed be taller than mike AND lizzie idc idc
-he tries his best to smile in family photos but he just looks so goddamn uncomfortable that eventually william just let him sit them out.
-definitely a peacemaker between lizzie amd mike
-if hes thinking hard he looks PISSED. RESTING BITCH FACE. He is GLARING AT HIS PLATE. "Evan? What's wrong?" and he just immediately is like 😠😯🙁
-he cares about michael a lot more than he should. he tells him to stop when hes fighting someone, he tries to calm him down when hes angry, he tries to talk to him. it makes him so frustrated, it makes him so mad when michael refuses him rudely, but he keeps doing it. its who he is.
-he got a golden freddy mask that creeped michael out and he jumpscared him with it once.
-cuts his own hair
-not a hugger but if EITHER of his siblings offer a hug he will NOT deny them (does not apply to william tho)
-i dont think he cared about william tbh lol
-sleeps on his back like a corpse.
-nonbinary he/they but doesnt realize it til hes 18
-gets mad when overstimulated
-Likes pirates a lot, watches lots of pirate shows.
-INTERNALIZED HOMOPHOBIA it kicked in in like 2nd grade when someone made fun of him for letting lizzie do his makeup. (jeremy helps him get over it)
-forgets to eat a lot. not intentionally. hes just dumb.
-argues with his dad the most, and drives william nuts
-if hes curious about something, hes gonna bite it. what is it? idk. CHOMP
-loves skirts bc sensory issues are worse in his ankles. he compromises by wearing basketball shorts.
-canNOT wear things near his neck. hates things near his neck.
-close-ish with charlie. likes talking to her.
-favorite color is red. he puts it everywhere.
-likes pokemon.
-watches anime
-halloween is his fav holiday. ud think its bc he liked scaring evan (and it kinda is) but mostly he jsut likes dressing up and going trick or treating. he'll use his costume to scare evan later tho. william takes them away because of that, just bc he doesnt want michael ruining the costume (they reuse them sometimes)
-likes growing his hair out
-looks very soft when thinking. evan only talks to him when he looks calm and collected.
-stims by humming, tapping, slamming his fists, and making loud sounds (shouting, whining, UGH AAAGH ect.) which tend to overstimulate evan
-him and evan are adhd vs autism but if the adhd also had autism
-scared of the ocean but he'll never admit it (got bit by some small fish once and it freaked him out)
-mouth moves faster than his brain
-messy room with very little in it.
-punches holes in his walls as a stim :(
-likes sweaters in fall
-for someone who jumpscares his little brother, he gets jumpscared easily
-giggles a lot during hide and seek but thru hiding from evan he learned how to stop it. if he does giggle it means hes genuinely happy
-faints when SUPER freaked out. but it takes a lot
-probably gets queasy around blood
-lactose intolerant but he'll be damned if he doesnt eat that mac n cheese
-has SO MUCH FOXY MERCH. he convinces his dad to give him EVERYTHING HE LOVES FOXY SO MUCH
-would do awesome in school if he could get himself to try
-probably felt rlly hurt when he heard foxy was confined to a small area and not onstage. not because it mattered to him, but because the way william looks at foxy makes him think of the way he looks at him.
-gators r his second fav animal
-draws as a way of venting, but it rarely works. he likes it tho
-moves in his sleep
-NEUTRAL "I'm uncomfortable and idk what to do rn" SHOULDER PUNCH GO!!!
-giggles evilly
-like evan hes not very flexible but hes much more likely to hurt himsel fand sprains his ankles a lot
-Do not misspell his last name he will get unbelievably pissed
-probably nd too bc all his kids are but he doesnt gaf abt that 😭
-has kissed a man before as an experiment. did not get anything from it unfortunately
-met henry in college for robotics and became friends
-when his wife left/died he was just like "oh. i have three kids now. fuck." and then avoided them
-doesnt care about his kids but them dying causes problems for him so he tries his best to keep them alive (unsuccessfully. this is the afton family after all)
-just like mike, he sings and taps a lot, but its more humming and tapping.
-also lactose intolerant but he actually cares about it
-likes bunnies a lot.
-allergic to pollen. severely. he walks outside in spring and is already sneezing and rubbing his eyes
-Frustrated easily
-Looks pissed when hes not, looks pissed when he is. looks pissed when hes sad. looks pissed when hes thinking. the only time he doesnt looks pissed is when he looks happy and that is very rare (and never happens around his kids, only henry)
-Buys his kids gifts but its always stuff they either dont like anymore or didnt like int he first place. he doesnt care
-secretly likes thanksgiving a lot. hes a foodie what can i say
-lizzie is his favorite but that only means he is occasionally gentle with her in a way he'll never be with his sons
-likes dressing up fancy but als freaky he just likes dressing up
-poses in the mirror to check his outfit. michael walked in on him once and william has never yelled at him so muhc in his life. michael acted upset but he was giggling to himself
-does not and will never care about whatever michael and evan have goin on. he does NOT have time for them.
-drops and breaks his phone ALL THE TIME.
-likes stress balls a lot.
-springbonnie is his BABY. he LOVES HER.
-grabs his kids by their heads a lot. like if michael is in his way he'll just put a hand on his head and move him off to the side. the only one he cant do it to is evan because he just moves out of the way
-has a bunch of tiny robots of his own. he likes to make silly bunny robots taht r tiny
-thinks hes smooth wiht flirting and could grab a girl (he cant henry knows he cant)
-sticks his tongue out like a cartoon character when hes thinking SUPER hard
-pats michael on the back a lot to lighten a tense situation but it just makes michael tense up and makes it worse
-giggles evilly
-used to be queasy with blood and spent an hour in front of a mirror post-killing charlie telling himself to man up and somehow that worked
-not a hugger. only hugs his kids in public to lighten the mood. except mike. mike u get awkward back pats
-doesnt like being touched (he WILL smack your hand)
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frostbite-the-bat · 8 months
honestly seeing how among us public servers are so majorly dead nowadays im just sad thinking at the future of LC dying like this because its genuinely a really fun game especially when it tickles in my spec biology autism and i wish nothing but joyous days to the creator . sad just already knowing one day ppl will forget and make videos dissing the game memeing on it like with mongus now but in MY DEFENSE i always memed on Mongus but lieke please dont let lc legit be the next among us in the same way
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boneyard-lovers · 10 months
i have to buy so many presents help - 231204
sorry i havent written in like week or something um
yesterday my family came over ! we just kidna hung out, put out some christmas things, and then we went to my dads place and put up his christmas tree. after that we ordered some dim sum and watched the fellowship of the ring !!! every year we watch lotr at chistmas. one of my sisters friends is gonna be there for the other movies though so,,, thatll be fun ig.
i have to get presents for six people this year. uh oh ! but i have more money than usual this year cause im gonna be doing some catsitting for linda again. little wins ig, idk how much shes gonna pay me though. im gonna be catsitting from liek the 22-24, which kinda sucks but it might be nice to be alone for a bit before i have to spend all day with the whole family. were doing chistmas dinner at my aunt and uncles, which should be nice. i like it there.
autism time ! habu graduated which was devistating, but then like tree days later another girl i like announced her grad ?! im losing so bad rn. her name is kobayashi yui, shes also one of the 1st gens. the 3rd gens have been doing concerts without the rest of the group. i watched one and they did so good !! theyre really incredible performers especially considering theyve been in the group for less than a year. at the very end they performed a keyaki song! im so proud of them theyve come so far :( my girls :(
the song for today is mine / yours by wilbur soot ! he put out new solo music yayyy
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i will  write  it agian  #adamspong note  to  self, lolin  case i forget , 
i would say  90% of all the issues are learned avoidance,
to all answers, especially the  coffee
i have a  7  yer phase inside a  3  year phase,
so  form 1975 to 1978 lets say,  i was a  coffee drinker, up 20 hours,
but in,
 1980 to 1983, i was culturally told i  should eat  a balanced  diet, and well,   the   3   year   socail experiment  failed, and i went bakc ot  20 hours awake coffee diet,
1986 1990, walkign  everywhere,  phase,
lol  before  forest  gump, i  never thought  anyone would  forgo a  car and  walk anywhere walkign  for  the  shere joy and the  actual, fatigue of  walkign, the  point of  reaching the  last  stop, stop, and,  sleep time after a long  walk tee hee
similarlly , or finally  i  found that, if i walked  10 miles 20 ,miles  
, or
well,  15 kilometers, 40  kilometers,
its  a  bit like we  experiment on  ourselves,
having  never had a  job, online  all the  35  years
its quite the  exciting  ecxxitments,
,    and  LGBT - yes 90 %, after, having been online,  online 20 hours  a day  for  35  year, there  is  a certain, similarity ot  followers on  OAL chat, yahoo, 1990, geocites, the  change we all adapted to  change,  and rebloggers
oh speaking  of adapting to  change, and like twitter, and  myspace,
so jus tliek changed, in food, we also  notice  ewhrn  food  companies  change  receipies  because we  ate the food for  15  years, and then we  think oh no  this is  not the  tast ei  rememebr,
and  because the  food companies know that  caffiene is an autism thing, its marketed as a friendly drink  between 2 people,
and mostly,  the  identity of  being up 20  hours a day and night, is one thing,  that is  obvious,
but  just liek how  we  make  a diary of our lives w e see the  things we  do in  our own way, we dont  need a doctor to tell us, we are th e self  experimentors of food and  social interactions,
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renemesis · 2 years
The autism/asexual association discourse is 1000000 years old at this point but I still think about it. I still think about and witness the infantilization of autistic people and no matter how long and often it happens it still always gives me whiplash. It's 2022 for the love of god autistic doesn't equal asexual or "too mental incompetent to have sex" I'm going to murder somebody
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ko-eko-ev-go-ms · 3 years
Me: coherent (enough)
Me: *starts getting incoherent*
Me: why am I suddenly weird and words are hard
Meanwhile my meds have worn off & I didn’t realize
#thoughts#oni talks#suddenly getting flashbacks to when my one friend could easily tell when I hadn’t taken my meds#I started getting anxious and wordsy#& their first response was yo dude have you taken your meds your words are getting weird#whats being self aware I don’t know her apparently#liek I keep thinking I’m very self aware only to find out and realize I am very much not self aware at all#oni vents#also I’ve realized and remembered I’m supposed to eat food b4 meds & maybe Thts why they have been less effective & I am fool#also I forgot to move my meds & I guess after I got out of res I just forget everything I ever learned#I register the mess is bc adhd and also autism esp bc w/o structure I die#but also frustrating to have to relearn everything manually again and simultaneously know that I’m not doing it fast enough#as well as knowing what to do and not being able to#or missing the really obvious what to dos bc I just erased all of it I guess#I feel like I’ve also entered this weird state where I’m maybe depressed too#which is also additionally unhelpful especially bc like it’ll be night time & I’ll be like ok I’m gonna do stuff tomorrow#& then cut to me not getting out of bed for hours and hours even when I could#also I keep having the issue of needing to stay in bed a ton of time to sleep except by the time I get comfy enough to sleep I gotta get up#also I have a lower frustration tolerance and capacity tolerance than before since I built it up#so I can recognize I’m less capable of doing things than I was before except that only makes things more frustrating for me#I realize adhd is also known for that same frustration at inconsistency bc you know you can theoretically do more but also I feel like just#man idek I feel like a toddler trying to pilot for itself & it’s a mess so far man
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personarevelation · 3 years
tell us more things you love about your partner
Okay, but let me put in the small list of songs that make me think of them that are all in spanish
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
I love when my partner talks about languages especially how much effort they put into naming things and giving them little name puns, I love how innovative their ideas are and just how much they have a fun time when sharing it with me because?? I love thier ideas for their stories even if things are changing and I mean we won't be having something that will stick with things like this! Things evolve! And it's jsut so charming when they bite me or speak in this funny little language they made up like I call it Me-me-meese because they said something like "Mi-mi-mo" and it's apparently POPCORN. It's literally the cutest thing ever and I love when they talk about fursuits since they are/used to be so fixated into it because of the mechanic and break down of making one, it's just the sweetest thing to hear I love when they get all like a little muppet or get little made at me because I smacked their butt a bit too hard than I was suppose to and get all HMPH with me and I just oohh my heart melts so much I love how dramatic they can get and it's so cute, and god despite my autism making me take it serious from time to time I am still like OOH you are just such a funny little drama queen, I love you so DEARLY
I think it's also sweet of them that they really like playing Otome games and I do too, but they really like to find characters that reminds them of me and it's just so sweet and no one done that for me and they always think of me often and always have
I love when meeting their other alters and some of them just like to bite more than the other, or some of them call us a little dummy in the most affectionate ways because we are very himbo and silly
It's so fun and exciting playing videogames with them because we could talk for hours in there while we do whatever objective, sometimes we would do that often in Genshin or Deep Rock Galatic, or even toon town working our way around the censors that are in Genshin and Toontown! They introduced me to toontown too since when I was a kid I never really got into it because I was too?? Young to comprehend what any of the words meant for registering and I didn't wanna tell my parents. I love when they grab my arm to tell me to stay when I wanna get up to go pee or to turn off the lights and computer, it's just always squeezes my heart happily.
OH yeah, before we were dating I would get into things that they were into like a big instance of Jojo's bizarre adventure because at the time I never got into it, I heard about it but it was just like one of those series that was JUST there and I had no idea what it was or what I will be getting into until I met them and they reblogged it a lot, and because I had unknowing feelings for them I spent my time watching it and reading it just to have something to talk to them about, and I was just so excited to talk to them about it-- I was very much stupid and gay and STILL very much am!
They also got me into a lot of other things like Trauma Center, Awakening, and etc and they are all very much near and dear to my heart while I showed them things that they liked
I really love talking care of them on top of it, it's just never is something a chore to me or that they are super needy either because I just love taking care of them and making them food, and holding them close so they don't fall over
They are also seem so happy that I take care of them and never feel liek a chore even somedays they do think they are, but they aren't at all
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gaybullies · 5 years
little kid henry/autistic henry hcs bc im self indulgent
 hes always been antisocial, we been knew, him socializing at all is because hes trying to be normal
his parents put him in day care and preschool to try to socialize him bc.... they realized he had issues interacting with other kids
 he put stuff in his mouth way more than other little kids. particularly plastic toy cars
 empathy??? haha whats that. and on times when his empathy is too high, he pretends it doesnt exist. it didnt help that he’s been told it was cool not to give a shit about others since he was born
 literally canon but: trying way way way too hard to impress people. like. like someone says “hey thats good/cool” and he goes too far with the “good/cool” thing.
 speaking of im pretty sur ehe just wanted to seem cool to patrick (or something, despite him being dead) in the 2017 and thats why he tried to shoot the cat bc the way he did it was way less “haha come on itd be fun” and more “im scared but i have to do this to prove smthn” imo
 he’s ALWAYS had a hard time making eye contact with people. his dad yelling at him to do so only made it more difficult. but it did give him the knowledge that he was supposed to for whatever reason, and he’s been able to do it with most of his peers.
 he was nonverbal until he was about four or five for the most part, just screaming in response to everything except his mom (and sometimes his dad, when his dad wasnt hurting him). he only started talking to others when he no longer had the safe space of a bowl of vanilla icecream with his mother in the diner on fridays before going home or her arms
 reacted badly to being touched or talked to, was always on his own. autism + trauma didnt make him the most pleasant little kid
 teachers always whispered about there being somehting wrong with him; about him being some kind of psychopath or sociopath or something.... and it bothered him a first but then he was liek fuck it yeah i am
 he was quiet and soft when talking to his mom, kicked his legs in the seat when they were in the diner, she never made him look her in the eye. she was probably the only person he trusted that didnt force him to trust them, even if she was kind of distant.
 except if he got excited hed talk loud, but it rarely happened bc he was mostly just mad and hurt. sometimes he had a good day though
 he asked her sometimes if he was bad. and he was undeniably a bad kid. misbehaved. mistreated others, bit them. but she always just told him he was a little different
 especially after his dad had told him he was bad. she told him butch was scared of different and was trying to make him be normal becuase he thought tht was what was best for him
 henry doesnt remember that though. he doesnt remember much of what she said or did. only how he felt about her
 and the little toy car she gave him the night she before she left
 he blocked out the memory when she did, had a hard time registering it and processing it. he kept asking butch where she was, when she was coming back, saying he missed her.
 butch always got mad, thought he was doing this so much to rile him up and stuff
 by the time he met victor and belch, he’d figured out a lot of what was SUPPOSED to be normal. what he did that was weird, so stopped doing the weird things
 but even when he accidentally did, belch and vic just stayed by his side. they didnt leave him cause he was a little weird, cause after all, isnt everyone?
thinks being scary is cool because he thinks his dad is cool. and his dad is scary. he thinks if hes scary enough, he’ll be loved, because he loves his dad
his outward personality shifts a lot depending on who hes most been around. everyone does it but henry does it WAY more. way more often and way more intensely.
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fates-theysband · 2 years
Roll 5d20, rerolling (or answering for a different F/O) on a repeat roll, for whoever you'd like
autism liek that this is phrased like a rolling instruction in a game book :)
no repeats but i cannot for the life of me decide which one i am most Ape Shitt over rn so just. the neoscum lads as a collective.
18 ~ is there a height difference between you and your f/o? 
yes, for all three of them. i feel like the overall order of tallest to shortest is similar in the official art but the differences are a little more pronounced. i'm 5'7" which makes me significantly shorter than dak (6'6"), not as short compared to tech (6' even), and only about an inch taller than z (5'6")
3 ~ are there any special holidays or anniversaries you and your f/o celebrate together?
i don't know much about holidays in shadowrun lore so like. beyond the individual relationship anniversaries (well i feel like at this point it would just be all at once because i'm increasingly getting to the point where "okay there's just going to be some sort of really emotional point where tensions are running high and my s/i just screams 'I'VE BEEN IN LOVE WITH ALL THREE OF YOU THIS WHOLE FUCKING TIME!' and that's the big reveal") i'm not certain.
15 ~ what’s your favourite memory you’ve made with your f/o so far?
oh god where do i fucking begin. like this is still a relatively new relationship in terms of where i am in the source but i feel like the one that's always on my mind is the first time i was kind of. Inducted Into The Neoscum Cuddle Pile. like, oh to be curled up on dak's chest and sandwiched between tech and z (and with pox, who is a familial f/o but is still part of the cuddle pile bc she is part of the team, snuggled up against tech or z from the other side but with her arms stretched enough that her hand is touching my arm)
6 ~ is there a song or piece of music that reminds you of your f/o?
i actually have playlists for each of them that are like. one part songs that remind me of them, one part songs i feel suit their taste in music. here they are
12 ~ what’s the biggest thing you and your f/o have in common?
so the biggest things are that dak and i are both goofballs with very little respect for authority (especially institutional authority) and a bad habit of avoiding uncomfortable emotions, tech and i are both socially awkward and anxious but at the same time trying our best and still fuckin moving forward despite a hefty dose of trauma, and z and i both are gamers with a kind of dry sense of humor who are still trying to sort out a bunch of shit from our respective pasts that was previously forgotten but is still steadily bubbling up.
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labellerose-acheron · 7 years
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Maurice Beauton -- Character Sheet
Archetype — The Explorer Birthday — January 24, 1958 Zodiac Sign — Aquarius MBTI — ENTP Enneagram — 4; the Individualist Temperament — Melancholic Hogwarts House — Slythdor but a Hufflepuff model Moral Alignment — Chaotic Neutral Primary Vice — Gluttony Primary Virtue — Diligence Element — Water
Mother — Carine Beauton (nee Gouin) (deceased, 1971, pneumonia) Father — Julien Beauton (deceased, old age, died 2011 age: 87) Mother’s Occupation — teacher Father’s Occupation — teacher Family Finances — middle class Birth Order — younger Brothers — Matthew (deceased, 1993, car accident) (five years older) Sisters — none Other Close Family — Matthew has a wife let’s name her Romaine. And they have a son who is like 27, his name is Antoine. He’s married to a girl named Lydia. They have a 5 year old daughter named Estelle. They live in Paris. Belle knows vaguely about this but definitely not that Antoine is married and has a daughter bc after Matthew died, Romaine didn’t keep in touch with Maurice. So after Julien died, Maurice stopped getting updates and Maurice never talked to her about his family once she got older. She knows she has an uncle and a cousin. Best Friend — he has a few friends up in London Other Friends — eh Enemies — none? Probably Hades lmfaooo kidding i kid maurice is too sweet truly Pets — he’s got a cat, her name is Ettie, tho her full name is Pirouette Home Life During Childhood — Had an okay childhood, his mom died when he was about thirteen from a flu that turned into pneumonia. They moved to France after their mother died bc his dad got a job at some university. His brother was older than him and more sporty/popular so he didn’t want to hang around his weird kooky younger brother. He stood up for him when other people teased him but he didn’t go out of his way to hang out with Maurice. Their father was loving but he was sad when his wife died, though he always supported both of them and he didn’t mind Maurice living with him well into his thirties bc he was lonely. Town or City Name(s) — Grew up in Swynlake and then Paris. Moved to back to Swynlake after marrying Charisse. What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — Normal? Probably had a workbench in it and was always messy bc he was working on some invention or another. Always had like grease on things. Any Sports or Clubs — lol no. I mean he probably was in uhh like chess club. Maybe the debate team? Or like a science/engineering club? But he got kicked out of most clubs bc he didn’t understand how to play by the rules and would just kind of do his own thing. Favorite Toy or Game — fiddling with things! prolly really into his rubix cube Schooling — decent schooling, he was really smart but he didn’t apply himself well because he just wasn’t interested in things like literature and history more than like face-value. Like he likes reading but he doesn’t want to lEARN about BOOKs. Was much more hands on--liked science and like idk woodshop lol Favorite Subject — Science definitely Popular or Loner — Loner, even though he tried really hard to popular. Like too hard. He would just go and sit with people and start talking to them like he’d known them forever and people found him like too aggressive and weird so they’d just get up and like move tables. Important Experiences or Events — When his mom died! Moving to France! Getting his apprenticeship with the clockmaker! Meeting Charisse! Marrying Charisse! When Belle was born! When Charisse died! Leaving Belle! Going to a mental hospital! Getting out of the mental hospital after three years (he woulda been good after like a year but he just kept hanging around.) Nationality — English Culture — English/French Religion and beliefs — ehhhh no he is a man of science, but his family is Catholic. His brother and father were very devout.
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim —  Jeff Perry Complexion — wrinkly lol kind of red in the face Hair Colour — greyish/whiteish now but it used to be dark brown Eye Colour — Blue Height — 5’9 Build — he’s short and stout, kind of overweight, does not exercise or properly take care of himself Tattoos — lmfao no Piercings — also lmao no Common Hairstyle — he just lets it do what it wants, it kind of sticks up all over the place Clothing Style — uh? He just wears shirts and pants like nothing special, stays with neutral colors browns/greens Mannerisms — doesn’t really make eye contact well, wrings his hands (like Belle), stutters when he talks, trails off mid-conversation, misses the Point a lot, puts his hand to his forehead when he’s overwhelmed.
Overall (do they get sick easily)? — yeah he does not have good health lol probably gets winded like walking up the stairs Physical Ailments — uhhh none? Probably has a lot of scars from things EXPLODIGN wears glasses Neurological Conditions — depression, anxiety, tbh probably on the Autism spectrum? Allergies — none really Grooming Habits — ehhhhh not great especially if he gets hyperfocused on a project Sleeping Habits — terrible he kind of naps throughout the day, doesn’t have liek a set sleeping pattern. Eating Habits — also bad, can’t cook so he just makes himself like shit u heat up Exercise Habits —  the only time he exercises is climbing up into clocks to fix them Emotional Stability — uhhhhhhhh like a 3 lol it is Not Good Body Temperature — eh probably overheats easily lol Sociability — i mean he is super social, but like?? social cues are not his thing so i’ll give him a 6 Addictions — none except maybe caffeine Drug Use — none except his prescribed meds when he takes them, which is only, when he’s in the hospital, Alcohol Use — not really
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — being inconsiderate, hyperfocusing, withdrawing when upset, flighty, cowardly Good Habits — loving, kind, he tries!!, really smart, enthusiastic, passionate Best Characteristic — kind and intelligent Worst Characteristic — just has no clue Worst Memory — losing Charisse Best Memory — meeting Charisse!! (Belle’s birth? I mean, yes, but it isn’t what would come to mind for him exactly.) Proud of — not a lot really? Embarrassed by — also not much tbh bc he just has no awareness, he v much just views the world the way he wants to view it, though he knows when people laugh at him and think he’s weird and that makes him sad. Driving Style — doesn’t drive Strong Points — intelligence, really a great clockmaster Temperament — chill af Attitude — optimistic, kind of stupidly so Weakness — over-enthusiasm Fears — doesn’t really dwell on fears Phobias — none Secrets — none Regrets — also none? Feels Vulnerable When — people laugh at him or make fun of him Pet Peeves — people laughing at him Conflicts — attempting to navigate his mental illness and living a good life. Motivation — uh he doesn’t really have motivations? Short Term Goals and Hopes — make up with belle Long Term Goals and Hopes — just keep on keeping on Sexuality — heterosexual tho rly p asexual Exercise Routine  — none existent Day or Night Person — night owl for sure Introvert or Extrovert — extrovert surprisingly he craves community and closeness Optimist or Pessimist — optimist!
Likes and Styles:
Music — not really super into music, but likes instrumental stuff if he does listen, or operas, though they just make him sad Books — he likes most books but he likes reading things like the Origin of Species the best Magazines — none Foods — all food is good food, except spicy stuff Drinks — really likes milk, Animals — cats and horses are his favorites. He likes most animals though, even spiders and snakes and stuff like that Sports — lol Social Issues — none?? Really?? He’s p magic-friendly but in his own problematic way, Favorite Saying — “If it’s not baroque, don’t fix it!” - nerd humor (yes i stole this from the movie but maurice would find it hilarious.) Color — blue probably Jewelry — does he still wear his wedding ring? probably Games — none Websites — none is hopeless at computers even tho he can take one apart and put it back together TV Shows — none Movies — eh none really Greatest Want — to fix things with belle, for charisse to be alive again D: Greatest Need — to stop living in the past and embrace what still is.
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — he has a little flat that he probably shares with a friend let’s name him Daniel Household furnishings — plain just the bare minimum, very bachelor pad Favorite Possession — his wedding ring Most Cherished Possession — his wedding ring Neighborhood — somewhere in London idk Town or City Name — London Details of Town or City — it’s fuckin london Married Before — yes to the love of his life Significant Other Before — only ever loved/dated one woman Children — Belle! Relationship with Family — estranged Car — none Career — clockmaker/fixer Dream Career — famous inventor! Dream Life — a rich, successful famous inventor with his loving wife and daughter by his side though he’ll take a life where charisse is alive over anything else Love Life — none Talents or Skills — super smart, can p much build anything from scratch, really intuitive when it comes to problem solving Intelligence Level — so smart, just truly brilliant, but not super great with people so he doesn’t come off as intelligent Finances — low, low, lower middle classs
Your Character’s Life Before Your Story:
Past Careers — has always done the same job but for diff places/freelancing Past Lovers — none, just charisse Biggest Mistakes — fuckin leaving belle on her own smh Biggest Achievements — none? really?
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