#but like i don't pay that much attention to ppl here anymore outside of friends so like maybe i missed something .
ichikos · 5 months
Cool. Here's the two from that post. And a few others I just came across to block too. (There's a lot more that I blocked when I 1st made my Ososan blog, but they're buried in my giant blocklist. Srry about that 😓)
augghhhhh thank you
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prideofcelestia · 1 year
Hello! I saw the 1k follower event thingy, and I was hoping it wasn't too late to participate? (Item i.)
My name is Alchemi, I'm an esfp, and also a scorpio!
I'm a very cheerful person, I can pretty much lift the moods of anyone! I also talk a lot whenever I get the chance,, sometimes I talk too much to the point of overwhelming someone.. I always feel guilty whenever that happens. Oh! And even though I talk a lot, I'm always attentive whenever someone talks about something, and I'm pretty active in the conversation! I can get pretty annoying- I always back off whenever I see that I'm annoying someone or anything! I'm very honest, I barely keep anything from anyone, I'm an open book! Though I have a bad habit of hiding my feelings, talking to someone about it feels uncomfortable..
I jokingly insult ppl and play fight with someone at times, I love forming those frenemy type of bonds! I can be sort of a people pleaser, sometimes I get too into the people pleasing role.. I'm kind of too much of a people pleaser that I'd (literally) let people step on me for their entertainment.
I can be pretty charming, though it's usually just whenever I want something. I have a childlike personality, and still keep some plushies from my childhood (i own a plushie collection tbh- I always shop for more cute plushies!) I love, love, looove cute stuff! Cute clothes, accessories, etc.. I can't get enough!
I can act pretty immature and a little too childish, but I can act more mature when someone wants me to!
Here are some hobbies I have:
Gaming (though I don't exactly play games all that much anymore)
learning more about different stuff,
listening to music,
hanging out with friends,
More about me! :
I'm interested in astronomy, astrology, witchcraft, tarot, that stuff!
Even if I do like to play video games, I prefer to go outside!
I have multiple styles! such as; agejo gyaru, hime gyaru, rokku gyaru, sweet lolita, vintage lolita, gothic lolita, etc!
i send my lover/friends songs that remind me of them, our relationship, or just songs that I think they'd like!
I usually listen to; kpop, jpop, jrock, metal, that sort of stuff! Also I love wonder girls and yousei teikoku sm they're all my fave (and gidle)
I'm also a female pansexual who uses any pronouns, though I am much more comfortable with he/him or they/them pronouns!
I don't wanna bore you any longer sooo.. Thank you lots for reading this! *blows platonic kiss* mwah mwah (^_^♪)
you sound lovely. love your energy <3 hope this is fine~
*drumroll* i match you with
keep talking. mammon thinks he is in love and can't get enough of your voice. you are so gorgeous, so amazing. what did be ever do to be in your presence? you don't overwhelm him at all! in fact, you may be one of the few people who likes to stay in his company and just chatter without being mean to him all the time. he enjoys the part where you can open your heart up to him.
this demon seriously needs someone who can cheer him up. you paying attention to him means the world. he can speak a lot about himself, just as an outlet to seek validation and knowing that someone doesn't shut him up completely makes his heart flutter like gold never can.
your honesty feels like fresh wind albeit making him a little uncomfortable. he is so accustomed to unsolicited insults and his brothers hiding their real feelings that getting genuine remarks from you throws him off. once he gets used to it, he enjoys it, looking forward to your time together. if you can't always be honest about your feelings, he understands and does not probe you further.
tell him that you don't want to annoy others and he gets protective of you, asking who would ever think that. the anger in his eyes is so genuine that it takes your breath away. once you clarify that it's just your feelings, he assures you and wraps his arm around your shoulder, telling you that he won't let you leave. no excuses!
you two have gaming sessions together and he vows to defeat you every time. he likes to hear you ramble about all the stuff you read about and tries to remember them. lucifer believes that his memory has improved by being with you. if only he put so much effort in his exams...
no no no no no you are not getting stepped on in his presence. let anybody talk you down and he will show them that his title is not for show.
mammon loves to buy you cute clothes and items. seeing you get excited over them, seeing the smile and wonder in your eyes makes the fear of moneylenders worth it.
if you send him songs that remind you of him, he will be on cloud nine. you thought about him while listening to music? why, he has an entire playlist dedicated to you.
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yaz-the-spaz · 6 years
i saw your tags on the song related to Zayn's interview and his recent British Vogue Interview. I am not Muslim to preface this so with that in mind, I don't think his personal religious choices are really anyone's business. Nor do I think he was disrespectful. I have been saddened by a lot of comments under his posts, his family members SM and elsewhere discussing him though and I wish I could have a conversation with someone without it turning into "What do you know, you aren't Muslim".
yeah that’s honestly why i’ve felt like whenever i talked about it before i had to preface it with letting ppl know i was raised muslim (since a lot of ppl don’t know that about me since i don’t talk about it much on here and i’m not wearing a hijab or dressed conservatively in the few selfies i’ve shared) so i don’t have ppl jumping down my throat with that exact same argument but like regardless of what ppl’s faith is i don’t understand how they can read what he said and come away from it thinking he’s shitting on islam/muslims or being pretentious…
like i can understand to some degree muslims being a little hurt by it just b/c he no longer believes the same way they do but outside of that i don’t see what there is to get to offended or upset by b/c because if you pay attention to zayn’s actual words everything started with “I feel” and “I believe” and “for me.” it’s very clear to me that he’s talking specifically about himself and where he (and he alone) stands with islam and with religion as a person at this precise moment in time, he’s not launching some personal attack on all muslims or saying they’re stupid or that what they believe or how they choose to practice is stupid. he’s just saying he doesn’t necessarily believe or ascribe to all those things at this current point in his life (and there’s nothing wrong with that) and that’s not to say that he’s lost any respect for people (like his family and his fans) who do still believe it or ascribe to it or that he looks down on them in any kind of way because if you look at his actual words he never said anything to that degree and tbh i think a lot of people are projecting and inferring negative things where there weren’t any (possibly cause they’re so used to being vilified and immediately went on the defense which again as a muslim and a minority i understand to some degree but i think it’s important to remember that just b/c someone says they no longer believe in something doesn’t mean they hate it or have lost all respect for it or think they’re above it or won’t ever go back to it). 
as zayn said each person’s relationship (or lackthereof) with god is their own and it shouldn’t really be anyone else’s business what you do and don’t do, or what you or do and don’t believe. furthermore, you can choose to no longer believe in something or to no longer subscribe to certain edicts within it and still have profound respect for it and for the people that do. in fact that’s exactly where i stand currently with my own faith, as i consider myself non-practicing atm and don’t really subscribe anymore to some of the things taught within islam but i still have profound respect and love for those that do (including my friends and family) and always will, and having been raised in it, still feel a deep sense of connection to the religion and to all those still practicing (as i’m sure zayn does as well). i still fast and celebrate ramadan and eid and go to the mosque occasionally and give the greetings and will always stand in solidarity with my muslim brothers and sisters but just b/c i am no longer ensconced in the faith or believe everything that’s taught within doesn’t mean i look down on the religion itself or on those who practice it and i think the same is true of zayn (and as i believe has been evidenced by him sharing that song).
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loi-et-love · 7 years
NF: You charmer.
I: heh today, i spent so much time with SZ. My boss left at 5:15 n then i was at SZ's desk chitchatting with him. we left together n then we were in the basement till 7:15 talking. standing outside our cars n then he said lets go! you need to go home so we left n he gets more traffic than i do, so he texts me when he';s stuck, so this time i texted him when i was waiting for the signal to turn green n then he called me. we spoke for 6 mins. he reached 15 mins before i reached home n he wrote this: Is it you or if should be me scared ..... today I was down for one hours ..... I was emailing you 70 odd mails .... this is because you are in office ..... what would happen when you are not in this company you would forget me and find someone else ...... so who is the one to be heart broken ????? You keep saying I would go abroad ..... but look at yourself it's you who is going to leave me and go ...... any clue how I would feel when you are gone and stop talking to me as much ? And WTF ...... I am already missing you ..... you are right I should have hugged you before leaving and then got in to back seat. And the reason I didn't kiss was ..... I don't know what you think about me or what you would think about me after that.
in the basement, he came up with a stupid plan. he said "im not entertainment" i said ure not. nor are you a distraction!!" so he said, "okay so let's do this. starting from tomorrow, we won't talk/chat/ communicate till thursday" he's gg to out of town again for work on tuesday morning n coming back on wednesday night so ill see him on monday n then on thursday
NF: It would give your fingers a chance to rest.
I: so in the chat he said "we will talk on thursday" n i said "i cant do that. n i know u cant either" n then i said this "damn yaar.. this is fucked up! idk where the flirting ends and reality begins anymore!!" n he said "Agreed it's getting fucked up ..... so either enjoy this or stop this ..... this between thing is insane" ok! again! i dont believe he's really interested. like really interested. if he wudnt be married, he wud actually date me. BTW he knows about BB. the whole story
NF: You don't believe he's really interested??? You mean like he'd marry you?
I: i never think its possible. not that he wud marry me. no no no
NF: That's pretty hard to tell. You guys are in the super excited phase.
I: hehehehe its crazy yeah
NF: He'd be VERY happy to jump your bones though.
I: i dont think he wud actually do it. theres no air conditioning or fan in the basement so we were sweating. he used his hanky, which i didnt even knew he carried
NF: I estimate a 99% chance that he would.
I: so he joked that lets sit in the back seat of his car n i said lets go!! i said it a couple of times. n he said nahhhh no no. he just didn’t
NF: You've said no more a couple of times and you kid all the time, so he knows you are kidding. If you actually kissed him, like he's thinking about, excellent chance he wouldn't stop.
I: idk how this is possible
NF: When you are used to having sex, once you get riled up you want to keep going. It feels natural. And you have him riled up. Way riled up.
I: hehehehehh so when u said "you charmer" i grinned... hehehe idk. i really like him. n im not that person where i enjoyed n i left without giving a damn. i really care about him
NF: You really like him
I: yeah. i wudnt mind kisisng him but he's married. and then i'll officially be the "other woman"
NF: You already are. You're way past that.
I: i think ive always been just that. now im ready to see him outside office. he was shocked,. i told him when he had called me. i texted him the reason why i changed my mind
NF: You feeling the flames yet?? Heh. Playing with fire! Unless you really do want to have an affair with this married guy.
I: I don't want to do something immoral. Don't want to sabotage his marriage
NF: You already are doing that.
I: I asked him today how is his wife okay with you traveling so much?! Cause I wouldn't be okay! N he didn't answer. He said he did flirt with women after he was married. Nothing scandalous. I told him, “damn yaar.. this is fucked up! idk where the flirting ends and reality begins anymore!!” And he said, “Agreed it's getting fucked up ..... so either enjoy this or stop this ..... this between thing is insane” What does he mean by 'between things'??
NF: You are all hot for each other but not having an affair. You have gone to way more than friends. So not friends, not lovers, something in between.
I: idk. Me? Relationship? Me lovers? What???????
NF: That's what I think he means by "between thing"
I: And what? What aboutBB? My feelings for him?! They haven't gone anywhere
NF: You and SZ are about 95% of the way to having an affair.
I: My mom called why I was late. N I said I was in the basement talking n she asked who was I talking to? So I said "hmmmmm SZ..." n she mimicked me. And that's my mom !!!! On top of everything. As if he's my 24 yo unmarried going to marry me boyfriend
NF: heh
I: He took a risk to talk to me for so long in the basement. Everybody knows him in the office. He's a family friend of the owner. He calls him uncle. Was telling me about the paintings the owner has in his bathroom!!
NF: I wish you well in this. I hope you figure out what you really want.
I: i want to have an affair but im scared to begin n of how it will end
NF: Some people regret what that will do to the wife. Some don't.
I: he responded n said "nothing. see you on thursday"
NF: He could have seriously mixed feelings too
I: He was telling me that he wrote this huge email to me n in reply I sent him a longer email than his so he came to that n he's like "and yes! That was a long email! That was the longest email ive ever seen!!" I said but you wrote a long one too. So he said "yeah but I'm in a hotel room. I'm in shorts, doing nothing but just writing to you n answering to GC's phone calls. But you're in office!!!!" He was surprised. He was like "I started reading n I'm like why isn't this ending?!! Where the hell does this end?" Heheheheh n he was laughing. when he had called today, he tells me that when he responds to my emails, there's my pic in the right. so his colleagues, with whom I also talk, have seen him emailing me. They probably have read a little bit here n there too. n thats when i knew how he wud feel if i told him that H sir n Kaalu knows we email n that Kaalu has read a few too. im not including you in this
NF: So now people in the office are thinking you two are having an affair? That might discourage your boss.
I: heheheeh. SZ said ppl have noticed that we two talk a lot. that GC's secretary gave him the eyes n also taunted him saying "pay attention to work n stop getting involved with women!" it makes sense bcz SZ n i have nothing in common. why wud we even start a conversation????
NF: Oh, no work reason to talk
I: thats what he loves about me. he had very few conversations with ppl around him n nobody could hold a conversation. even relating to work. n then there's me!! who spoke about all nonsense crap n still it was interesting
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