#but like. WHY
ohwormwood · 3 months
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paleio · 1 year
percico is the only tag i have blocked on tumblr. i don't even know why i hate it so much but it makes me physically ill to think about. someone please explain the appeal of this ship i do not understand at all
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transhitman · 3 months
Axl is mechanically so funny as well like why does a squishy zoner need a command grab that crosses the entire fucking screen.
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purecommemasolitude · 11 months
Really want to have been privy to the conversation where they decided Kris’s outfit would just be dunked in bleach instead of giving him a new one
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boyentity · 3 months
why does my mom refuse to listen to me. the oil in my car is FINE. my dad, who has DECADES of experience with cars, checked it, said i could go for another 2,000 miles before it actually needs to be changed, but she refuses to believe that and is insisting on having her boyfriend check it to the point where she didn't even TELL HIM that my dad already checked it for me like 2 or 3 months ago. i haven't even put on the 2,000 miles yet bc i haven't been driving as much recently. stop trying to replace my dad oh my god
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capricioussun · 1 year
Genuine question. Why do so many ut artists draw the skeletons with light reflection in their eyes? Are we functioning under the assumption there are actually giant black eyeballs in their sockets? What’s going on thwre
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hearty-an0n · 6 months
rielly-brodie more like. aughrerheheheh……
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pinktinselmonstrosity · 11 months
*girl who just missed the last train home voice* why doesn't public transport run 24/7
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trekkele · 8 months
So Alfred was made responsible for Bruce after his parents' death but what about Leslie Thompkins? I think it says somewhere that she was Bruce's guardian too, but then she just never gets mentioned in correlation to Bruce's parental figures. Maybe Jim Gordon too, though I don't know if that's fanon or not.
Ok so Jim Gordon is pretty much a fanon thing - he’s either new to Gotham when Batman starts out (like in Batman Year One) or he’s new to Gotham when the Wayne’s die and thats one of his first big cases (Gotham TV). I personally like it when he’s the on the Wayne Murder case, because it creates a sort of circle - the cop who failed Bruce working with Batman.
He also has very little connection to Bruce outside of that, more of a family friend, someone Alfred considered a good influence more then anything.
Legally and morally Jims responsibility to Bruce starts and ends with solving the Wayne murder (and being a mandated reporter). He never quite manages that one either does he.
In Leslie Thompkins’s original appearance she played Jim Gordons role of being the only person at the scene to try and comfort Bruce, and was later made into a family friend (colleague of Thomas) who decided to take a parental role in Bruces life after his parents death. That was a personal choice though, and legally she had no responsibility to him, outside of being a doctor and also a mandated reporter.
(I keep specifying ‘legally’ not because i think that is what makes someone significant to a kid, but because that would dictate how much access/power/consideration these people would have in a kids life. Legally neither Leslie or Jim were/are Bruces guardians, that doesnt mean they wouldn’t stick around when they could)
I also keep specifying that they’re mandated reporters because in quiet a few canons, Alfred is not Bruce’s first legal guardian (regardless of what his parents may have/may not have wished/willed). The legal maneuvering around becoming a vulnerable baby billionaires guardian would have been a nightmare, and both Gordon and Thompkins would/could have stuck around for that. Them being a cop and a doctor would have been very useful for Bruce’s safety.
Alfred was also “made responsible”, but the glossing over of what that means and how that would have happened is such a wasted opportunity. I promise the absolute shit show around that custody battle could fuel a million angst fics.
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arctic-hands · 1 year
Someone(s) are burning down playgrounds in Baltimore and I just have to ask, whyyy? Things are already so bleak for children in Baltimore and the United States as a whole, why destroy what few safe spaces they have outside? What is to gain from this?
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transgenderdragons · 2 years
my goodwill shtuff ^_^ (sorry images are really big </3)(ignore how extremely crusty and dusty my mirror is please n thank uuuu)
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my AWESOME trench coat thing!! i rolled up one of the sleeves ^_^ the red lining on the inside is detachable!
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my suit jacket with my skull tank under,,, i put them together and immediately went my god. blonde beetlejuice. ive never watched beetlejuice.
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my skull tank with the belt i got! ive wanted one of these belts for a hot second... goodwill always has my back with belts
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Love it when Rolling Stone puts out an article about the 25 most influential internet creators and I've only heard of 7 of them
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valtsv · 4 months
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stuck between "psychological horror statement" and "objectively the funniest thing you could say to your real flesh and blood dad" in the father's day card aisle
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girldraki · 4 months
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theboxfort · 8 months
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Peace and love
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clickityweasel · 2 months
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had a real life "and everybody clapped" moment and im still reeling. spent the rest of the ride comparing butterfly pics with the old lady next to me trying to identify it
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