#but like... cmon. also makes me VERY curious if the next boss will give a sword
anyway i think it's interesting that the weapon you receive from jevil is paired with susie while spamton's is paired with ralsei, given that both of the secret bosses seem like sort of their "bad end" versions, personalitywise. jevil's apathetic to everything, has been abandoned by everyone he once knew, and his only delight is playing violent "games" with anyone he happens upon. spamton's a broken puppet, used up and discarded by a higher power, searching for the purpose he lost while questioning if anything he did in service to it was actually worth it. and then they make themselves weapons for susie and ralsei respectively? yknow?
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ouronlyangelhes · 5 years
The Girl on the Side: Harry Styles One Shot
-The one where you know what it feels like to be the girl and you’re not sure if you can handle it anymore. Let me if you want a second part!!
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Love, it’s a powerful force that is capable of bringing people together and also tearing them apart in powerful ways. You hadn’t expected to get involved with your co-worker, let alone your married co-worker. It was one of those things that just happened and completely took over.
Harry was very charming, something that attracted you to him in the first place. Him and his wife had been married for almost five years, that’s all you really knew about their relationship. When you and Harry first started spending time together, it was on work projects. Then overtime, it turned into something more. You knew that he was married, you knew that it was so beyond wrong to place yourself in the middle of someone else’s marriage, but you fell for him and couldn’t help for wanting to be a little selfish with him.
It had started one night after the two of you had stayed late working on a project late in the office. Then the next thing you knew, he was taking off your clothes and had his hands running up and down your body. That was almost a year ago now.
“Good morning angel.” Harry said as he pressed a kiss on your cheek in your kitchen.
Harry had a habit of staying over at your house when his wife was out of town. You had never been to Harry’s before. Part of you was curious what his house would be like, the other knew that was a place you were never meant to go.
“Morning. You look handsome, where are you off to?” You asked.
“I have to head out early, I’m sorry. She got an earlier flight than I thought and I have to leave to go pick her up. I’ll see you tomorrow morning. I’ll make it up to you, promise.” He said as have you one last kiss and was out the door.
This wasn’t the first time he dipped out on a day with you, or had to cancel plans. You knew that he had other commitments that weren’t you. But at the end of the day the love he made you feel was beyond worth it to you.
Harry loved his wife. He really did. He knew that your feelings for him far exceeded the ones he was capable of having for you. He had never stepped out on his wife before. It was something he didn’t think he was even capable of doing. Then he met you. It was like everything stopped, the world stopped turning, and you were all he could think about it. He might not be able to love you in the way you had wanted, but really did care about you.
It wasn’t one of those situations where Harry had promised that he was going to leave his wife and be with you. Harry had never made such promises. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to keep a promise like that. He didn’t want to not be married, he didn’t want to not be with his wife anymore, he really did love her.
“Would you mind running these files over to Harry’s? He called in sick this morning but he said he wanted to get back to reviewing the files as soon as he felt better. The address is on the post it note on top of the file folders.” Your boss said as she handed you the files.
“Uh, yeah I’ll head over now and take it to him.” You said as you walked out with the files.
Here you were, sitting in Harry’s driveway. A place that you never expected to find yourself. A place that Harry lived with his wife, a house that they shared together, a home that wasn’t inviting itself for the other woman to set foot in.
You finally worked up the courage to knock on the door.
“Hi.” The woman on the other side of the door said to you.
“Hi, I work with Harry and heard he was sick. Our boss said he wanted to get revising the files when he felt better so she asked me to bring them by.” You asked nervously.
“Oh hi, come on in. Harry’s asleep but I’ll show you where to set them. He mentioned that someone might come by. What’s your name again?” She asked you.
“I’m Y/N, sorry I probably should’ve lead with that one.” You said.
“No worries, I’m Sarah. Here this is Harry’s office, you can set the files here if you’d like. He has them all arranged in some specific order so they don’t get clustered. He has all sorts of labels on them. I’m sure you could tell better than I could where they are suppose to go.” She said with a smile.
“Well, he’s very organized wow.” You said as you slid the files into the labeled section.
“He very much is, love that about him though. He always knows where his stuff is and mine honestly. Is there anything else you need to drop by or is that all?” She said.
“That’s all, tell Harry I hope he feels better!” You said as you walked out the door.
“Of course, I’ll pass the message along. Thanks again for dropping them by, I know he’ll appreciate it.” She said to you.
As soon as you got back in your car, you lost it. Tears began running down your face. Harry’s wife was just a person that didn’t exist to you. You had never met her, heard him talk much about her, or had any sort of idea what she was like.
Now that you had, you wished you could crawl into a hole and hide. You couldn’t wrap your mind around why Harry would cheat on her. She was perfectly lovely, really nice to a stranger and even invited you in. You didn’t know what you were expecting her to be like, but that wasn’t it. You expected her to be cold, someone who wasn’t capable of giving Harry the kind of love that he needed, but she was the opposite.
You weren’t ready to face Harry today day at work. His wife had to mention that the files were dropped off and probably said your name somewhere in there.
You were sitting at your desk typing away when you heard a knock on your door.
“Can I come in?” Harry said as you waved him in.
“Are you feeling better?” You asked him.
“Uh yes, thank you.” Harry said as a uncomfortable silence filled the office.
“So I heard you came by the house yesterday to drop the files off. I appreciate that.” He said as he sat down in the chair across from you.
“Harry I met your wife yesterday. I met her and she was lovely and I don’t know what I was hoping for her to be like but she exceeded every idea I had. I met your wife Harry.” You said as you became noticeably upset.
“You know that I was married, that wasn’t a secret.” He said to you.
“Well no kidding! I know that. What I’m saying is she feels real to me now. I never knew her before or anything about her really. Now that I do, I feel like an even worse person. I am some big secret to you and I don’t get to introduce you to my family or friends because you’re already married and have done all that. I am just here moping around like some idiot because I am in love with you.” You said letting all of your frustrations come out.
“Love, I’m sorry. It is the way that it is. You know I care for you, I’m not trying to make you feel like you’re something to be ashamed of. You know we just have to be careful.” He said doing his best to comfort you.
Right now, his attempt to comfort you was useless. You knew that you would be upset about this for a few more hours or maybe a couple of days, and then you and Harry would fall back into your old routine as if nothing had changed at all.
You had been keeping your distance from Harry since this mornings conversation in your office. You just needed a bit of a break and a little time to collect your thoughts. You decided to just go home and try to have a relaxing night.
You were in your kitchen, getting ready to pour yourself a glass of sin when you heard a knock at the door. You knew it was Harry, it had to be. Part of you wanted to not open the door and stay mad at him and Harry on with your life. But you know that you have a weakness for all things Harry, so you found yourself opening up the door.
“I was worried yeh weren’t gonna answer, love.” He said as you opened the door.
“I thought about it, I really did. Cmon in.” You said.
“Look, I think we need to talk about what happened today. I can tell that you’re really bothered and I know that there probably isn’t anything I can say to make you feel better, but I want to try.” He said as he say himself down on the couch next to you.
“It’s plain and simple Harry. I’m in love with you. Hopelessly in love with you and you can’t reciprocate those feelings because you have a wife. I knew what I was getting into so I can’t blame anyone else but myself for that, but it doesn’t make it hurt any less.” You said trying to get him to understand.
“Just because I can’t love you in the way you want, doesn’t mean I don’t care about you and have great love for yeh. I know it’s selfish but I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want to lose what we have.” He said as ran his fingers through your hair.
You didn’t say anything. You just laid there as he ran his fingers through your hair. The words he spoke replayed through your mind. You wanted his feelings to match your own, but you knew that was never going to happen. You weren’t sure if whatever it was he had for you was going to be enough anymore.
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