#but literally how can you ignore what saki went through
echidnana · 1 year
really annoys us when people emphasize tsukasas trauma so heavily while completely ignoring saki. What are you talking about
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justauthoring · 3 years
Then, The Moment Came
Prompt: It just never was the right time. Not then, not later, until it suddenly is and everything’s... different. Requested by: no one.
A/N: The Atsumu debut on my account has finally happened. And yes, this is very loosely, loosely based off of A Silent Voice because I literally cannot get it out of my head. Oh, and I love soulmates au’s. Pairing: Atsumu Miya x F!Reader
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A hard shove to your shoulders sends you to the ground with a huff, pain radiating through your being as you huff.
There’s jeering laughs that echo, hurtful enough that you don’t say anything, don’t try to stand up for yourself -- instead, you keep your head down, hair falling into your eyes as you bite your lips to fight back the tears that threaten to fall. 
It’s not even the shove, or the pain that follows, that has tears welling. 
They hurt so much less then...
“You’re just a freak,” Atsumu spits at you, “no wonder no one likes you.”
Atsumu Miya, ten years old, and he absolutely hates you. Why, you have absolutely no idea. It’s been like this ever since you moved into the house across the street from him, walked into his class that one fateful day, and introduced yourself. 
You’d felt his glare on your back as you took the seat in front of him, and when you’d turned to face him, a harsh kick at the leg of your chair had you freezing in surprise.
You’d never spoken to him. Never directly. But after school that first day, he’d found you on your way home, tripped you so hard you skinned your knee, and laughed as he walked off. 
Then, just as he went to turn, his twin beside him, looking like he’d rather be anywhere else; Atsumu had turned to you, a glint in his eyes. “You’re just a freak. No wonder no one likes you.”
It just never really ended after that.
But when you got home that day, brushing your mothers concerned hands away as she reached for your knee, you’d sat on your bed and looked at your arm only to see those exact same words.
Those cruel, cruel words, and wondered, how unlucky you must be to have a soulmate that hates you.
“Do you want to go to the game tonight?”
You blink, pulled from your thoughts at the sound of Misaki’s words. With a drawl, lips pulled downwards, you turn to her with a quirked brow. “No.” You say simply, shaking your head.
“Come on,” she huffs, head falling into the palms of her hands with a huff, “you never want to go to anything.”
You sigh. “That’s not true. I let you drag me lots of places.”
“You do not.”
“I do too.”
She pouts at you, lips pursed, eyes set into a teasing glare as she takes another bite out of her lunch. “Our volleyball team is supposed to be so good, though,” she whines, trying to appear nonchalant (though very much failing), as she lets her eyes wander on anything but you. “One of the best, actually. They make it to nationals every year and--”
“And they have their own cheer squad,” you cut in, “good for them.”
She just glares at you.
“If you want to go so bad, take one of your other friends,” you shrug, brushing her off. “I’m not your only friend.”
“Yes, but you’re my best friend,” she smiles, sickly sweet, all bright eyed and twinkling and you sigh, once again, at the look she sends you. “And I only want to go with you.”
Staring at her for a moment, you laugh; “you’re good.”
And her eyes brighten, hope flooding them; “you’ll go, then?”
“I never said that.” She deflates, “but... sure.”
“Eeee~!” She jumps to a stand, reaching across the table to grab your hands, shaking them with a bright laugh. “Yes, yes, yes! You won’t regret this, Y/N/N, we’re going to have so much fun!”
I’m sure, you can’t help but think. It’ll be so fun to watch him show off.
And even though you don’t say it aloud, Misaki seems to just know.
“Atsumu-san will be there too.”
“He is apart of the team.”
“Maybe you could even try to--”
“He doesn’t want to talk to me,” you cut in, voice sharp, maybe a little more sharp then you mean to be. At the look Misaki sends you, you frown at the guilt that floods you, the hurt look in her eyes, before softening your voice. “Atsumu hates me, Saki. I’ve told you this.”
“But-But that was when you were kids--!”
“And he hasn’t talked to me since.”
Her shoulders fall, and she doesn’t argue after that.
Inhaling deeply, you reach across the table, taking her hand in your own like she had moments ago, though gently and squeeze it softly. It pulls her eyes on you, and smiling gently, you add; “I appreciate you, Saki, and what you’re trying to do. And I love that you want me to be happy, but I don’t need my soulmate to be.”
“You say that,” she frowns, “but you hardly ever smile...”
And she says the words softly, carefully, not wanting to hurt you, but you can’t ignore the pang in your heart at her words. Your hand slips from hers as the words repeat in your mind, and you think of all those years ago, the constant, relentless, cruel teasing that you’d endured from the person that was meant to be your one and only.
You realize, Misaki’s completely right -- you weren’t happy. And it was silly to pretend that you were.
“Yeah, well,” you whisper, and it’s like ironic and cruel perfect timing that has Atsumu walking into the lunchroom at that exact moment, surrounded by his friends, laughing. He hasn’t a care in the world, head thrown back with a laugh as passing girls flock towards him.
“That doesn’t matter to him.”
“Damn you, Misaki.”
Huffing out the words, followed by a curse, as yet another call to your best friend is all but ignored, you grit your teeth.
Where the hell could she have gone?
One second she was right beside you, laughing and cheering as Inarizaki took an already expected win. And then you’d run to go to the bathroom for a minute, only to find the girl had absolutely disappeared on you. Seriously, she was no where. And it didn’t help that the gym was absolutely flooded with other people that you couldn’t properly see anyone.
“I swear to Kami, Misaki, when I find--”
“--Are you okay?”
You freeze. 
No. Please, anyone but him.
A hand falls on your shoulder, spinning you round and of course, it is him; Atsumu Miya in all his glory, smiling down at you. And then, as you meet his gaze, his own falters, and his brows furrow and the next words that leave his lips sting more then they probably should.
“Y/N? Y/L/N Y/N?” He laughs, shaking his head, “I didn’t know you went to Inarizaki.”
Yeah, ouch.
You’ve only been in the same school as him since literally elementary.
But apparently, after he got bored of bullying you, he also got bored of acknowledging your presence at all.
You don’t say anything, you can’t. Words feel like they’re lodged at the back of your throat, and it suddenly feels like you can’t breathe. All the people feel like too much all of a sudden, and you’re desperate to get away. You’ll apologize to Misaki later, but you need to leave. You turn, moving to run off, because you just want to get out of there, but then, he reaches for you and--
“Don’t touch me!”
People stop, pausing for a moment at your booming voice, all eyes on you as Atsumu pulls back like you’ve physically slapped him, shock clear on his face.
And then you turn, once more, and walk off before he can say anything else.
You don’t see the frown on his face, don’t see the way he glances down at his arm, nor the realization that dawns on him then and there.
“You just left me.”
“Technically you left me first.”
“Suna-kun wanted to talk to me.”
“Then, it’s your fault.”
“How is it my fault?”
Pausing, you turn to Misaki; “I sent you a text.”
She blinks at you. “I thought you’d been kidnapped! Or worse, killed!”
“Now, you’re being dramatic.”
Pausing by your locker, you turn to her; “I’m sorry, I just... I had to get--”
What in the world--
“Is that--”
“I know who it is, Saki.”
“Okay,” she breathes, “why is he walking our way? Why is he calling for you?”
“I don’t know!” You stress, turning to her with wide, panicked eyes. “Hide me!”
“How in the world am I--”
“Y/N,” Atsumu smiles, finally reaching you.
You freeze.
Misaki stares at you, then Atsumu, then, with a light nudge, turns; “w-well,” she laughs, “I should really get going. Have fun, you two!” And she promptly ignores the absolutely terrified look you send her.
You’re so going to kill her.
Later. Definitely later, when you manage to escape Atsumu, somehow, yet again--
“I’m so glad I found you.”
Turning to him, you swallow thickly.
“I tried to find you yesterday, but I couldn’t and I got scared that--”
“What do you want.”
You’re blunt, more blunt then you mean to be. But you don’t want this mindless chatter, whatever it means, and you’re absolutely desperate to get away that you don’t even care if talking like that makes him mad. You used to deal with it as a kid all the time anyways, so...
“Well, I just wanted to catch up,” he laughs, lightly, a little too airy. Is he... nervous? “We haven’t talked since we were kids, so--”
“You mean when you used to bully me?”
You have no idea where this confidence is coming from.
“I’d hardly call it bullying--”
“I used to come home in bruises because of you,” you whisper, avoiding his gaze as you hug yourself. You’re uncomfortable. You want to leave, you need to leave. “Anyways, it doesn’t matter. I have to--”
He grabs you, your entire body going cold at the feeling of his fingers wrapping around your arm. On one hand, it’s like you can feel... this electric shiver run through your entire being and you figure it’s because of this supposed connection the two of you are supposed to have. But on the other hand, it fills you with such terror, that you almost want to cry.
“I didn’t know.”
But his words makes all that go away, and instead you’re just confused.
“I didn’t know that we were... you know.”
Blinking, you finally meet his gaze head on. “How could you have not known?”
“You... You never said anything.”
Shaking your head, you rip your arm from his grasp. “That day, when I introduced myself--”
“You weren’t talking to me,” he argues, “not directly, at least. And you were always so quiet when I’d...-- But then, yesterday, when I grabbed you, well--” He holds his hand out towards you, and sure enough the words written on his arm are:
don’t touch me!
So, apparently he never did know.
It doesn’t change anything. How could it?
Him not knowing doesn’t excuse bullying you. Doesn’t erase everything he did.
It could never.
“What to know what my words are?” Practically yanking the sleeve of your sweater up your arm, you thrust it towards Atsumu, gaze harsh. And his eyes slowly flicker downwards, frowning as he reads the words.
You’re just a freak. No wonder no one likes you.
And the stupid guilty look on his face pisses you off even more.
“I want nothing to do with you,” you spit, “so just leave me alone.”
What the hell is Atsumu Miya doing at your front door.
“I was hoping you still lived here.”
Pausing, you sigh. “You don’t give up do you?”
Grinning, Atsumu rubs the back of his neck, “unfortunately not.”
Sighing, you let your hand fall on your hip, tilting your head to the side curiously. “So what, you know I’m your soulmate now and you want to walk me to school?”
There’s a nervous smile on his face, one that seems odd on him, as he laughs lightly. “Yeah?”
Rolling your eyes, you brush past him, “whatever.”
But he follows, and you don’t argue.
“Let me grab those for you!”
With a blink, the stack of textbooks in your hands is suddenly gone and in another’s. You sigh when you meet Atsumu’s familiar gaze.
“You don’t have to do that, Miya-san.”
“I want to,” he shrugs simply, and you pointedly ignore Misaki’s laugh from beside you. “And, it’s Atsumu.”
He meets your eyes, smiling; “call me Atsumu.”
Misaki nudges you with her elbow, pulling your gaze on her momentarily as she grins brightly. Sighing, you turn back to Atsumu, watching as he gently places the textbooks down in the locker you’d just opened. Turning to walk off with a grin, clearly proud of himself.
“Thank you, Miya-san.”
“Atsumu!” He calls over his shoulder.
“Well,” Misaki adds after a moment, “that was sweet~!”
Rolling your eyes, you shake your head. “Yeah, yeah.”
“I would like you to come to my game.”
Staring up at Atsumu, you blink.
Licking your lips, clasp your hands together behind your back; “won’t I be an embarrassment?”
“No.” And he says it quickly, barely letting you finish your sentence, adamantly shaking his head. “No, you could never.”
I used to be.
But you don’t say that.
“Okay,” you heed, hating the butterflies that flood your stomach at the bright grin that curls onto his lips. “I’ll think about it.”
“Congratulations on the win, Atsumu-san.”
“Y/N/N, you came!”
It’s hard to fight back the blush that threatens to grow on your cheeks at the smile he sends you. Hard to ignore the way your heart flutters as he calls you by that stupid nickname that he’d picked up from Misaki. And hard to forget the way everything screams in you for him at the way his eyes sparkle as he looks down at you.
“Misaki dragged me,” you gesture behind yourself where you know your friend is, shaking your head at the bright grin she sends the two of you.
“Still,” he nods, eyes softening as he looks down at you; “you came.”
“Yes, well,” tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, suddenly feeling nervous, you shuffle on your feet. “I should be going now. Congratulations again on the--”
You don’t make it two steps before he’s wrapped a hand around your wrist, tugged you into him and slipped the other around your waist. You’re flush against him, a huff of surprise leaves your lips as you blink up at the boy, trying to ignore the way it feels like your body has ignited with electricity at just the simple touch of him.
And then his fingers are ghosting across your cheek, brushing back loose hair, and pulling your gaze solely on him, where you can’t seem to look away as everything just... fades away. The crowded gym suddenly feels empty, and everything is quiet as you stare up at him.
You also note that you feel at ease at his touch.
“I never said sorry.”
Lips parting, you swallow thickly; “it’s okay--”
“No, it isn’t,” he whispers, resting his forehead against your own, and it feels like you might melt right there at the feeling of his warm breath on you. “None of what I did was okay.”
“I’m so sorry...”
You relax in his touch, hands moving to fall on his shoulders, where you squeeze, eyes falling to his lips before flickering back up to his own.
“It’s okay...”
“...I want to kiss you,” he whispers, voice gentle, nervous. “Is that okay?”
You nod, feeling the words slip out all on their own; “please.”
And he obliges and suddenly everything just makes sense, just works, and all that gushing Misaki used to go on about about how wonderful soulmates are you completely agree with. Having Atsumu so close, having his warm touch on you, having his lips molding against your own, barely a breaths away, feels so incredibly amazing and right that you wonder how you’d ever existed without him.
He makes up for it all then. None of it matters any more, not the teasing, not the pushing and shoving, nor the tears that would follow.
It’s all worth it for this one moment now.
a little ooc? maybe?
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