#but mmmmm idk not confident enough yet to try
cheswirls · 2 years
hhhhh i am thinking abt Tether sequel once again
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caffernnn · 3 years
for the ask game 5, 8, 9 and 10! 🙌
5. Which two characters who have never interacted in canon do you wish would interact?
There have probably been brief interactions between these characters after everyone just kept bumping into each other in DttF, but I’d love to see Kisumi and Nagisa together, or Rei and Nao! Kisumi and Nagisa could have loads of fun together (especially with Rin, if I could add a third), and I love the idea of either Asahi or Makoto catching up with Rei (need more Asahi + Rei time also, but I digress) and introducing him to Nao. The canon timeline feels like it still has Nagisa and Rei in this post-graduation/pre-university limbo where it’s not totally clear what their new dreams or next moves are, and it’d be so cool to, idk, see Nagisa and Kisumi try to embrace the “fun” sides of newfound independence in Tokyo, or see Nao answer questions for Rei about getting to do something that involves both an objective analytical view of training/swimming as well as an underlying love for the sport. Fun possibilities!! Also let Makoto visit Steve THANKS
8. What’s your favorite AU that you have come up with?
Ahh it’s hard to choose! I have so many based off of movies/musicals/etc that are fun to talk/think about. This one isn’t necessarily my favorite, but one of the newest ones I’ve been thinking about a lot is one where Makoto and Haru fall out of touch after high school (fireworks angst gone horribly wrong, big sads) and get a chance to reunite when Ran is shopping around for a wedding cake and guess who works at a bakery right outside of Iwatobi? Usually I’m not a fan of makoharu stories where they end up estranged, but there’s something grossly appealing to Haru and Makoto having to sit down and actually talk about everything that went wrong (wrong enough for Haru to stay in Iwatobi, wrong enough for them to lose touch, wrong enough for their friends to not have tried to push them back together). A chance for full apologies after having ample time to reflect, plus a slow burn of learning how to trust and be one with each other again? Giving the Tachibana family some time to express their own confusion and heartache over Haru pulling away from not just Makoto but all of them over the years?? Delicious
9. What’s your favorite AU that someone else has come up with?
A big piece of my heart is always going to belong to the Eyes Wide Open All the Time universe, both because it was the first Free! AU fic I ever really gave a chance, and because the story is just so expansive and immersive for every character. I’ve talked about Beth’s stories a lot on here (her writing astounds me) and even though there have been so many other AUs that have blown me away since first reading this story, it’s one I keep finding myself coming back to. The premise can seem like a great departure from canon (gang conflicts and ex-military trauma and murder mystery, oh my!), but there’s a certain level of artistry in how every character feels fleshed out and familiar. They’re stuck in extreme situations and have so much to work through, but they still find each other and struggle together through the hard choice to change and dream and hope. I adore the self-indulgent chapters and scenes where they all get to just be their goofy, messy selves and have fun, but there’s something about those light moments mixed in with intense healing and revelations that just mmMMM speaks to me
Honorable AU mention:
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10. Whose character arc are you most excited for in The Final Stroke?
I need Makoto screentime before his demise pleaseee 😩 jokes aside like I’m sure the main focus is going to be on Haru and Rin, plus whatever’s about to happen with Albert, but I hope their support systems (Makoto, Sousuke, Asahi if he isn’t swimming) get more than just a few minutes of visibility before the focus shifts to training in Sydney or whatever. I think I’m most excited to see where they leave things off with both Haru and Makoto in particular (wow surprise) just because we’ve all theorized so much that I want them to have some sort of satisfying conclusion, whether it’s hopeful or bittersweet. Also!! I want to see what Rei’s new dream is, but I’m not totally confident yet that they’ll fully revisit him and Nagisa, at least until the second movie. We’ll just have to see I guess!
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junkrats · 7 years
im getting back into fish keeping/hobby n im just........... i might end up posting more about it or just make a blog for it hmmmmm im currently cleaning my old 30 gallon tank out to put 3 juvenile parrot cichlids in that im gonna eventually move into one of our 60 gallon tanks that i want to turn into a cichlid tank in general but ive never taken care of anything other than parrots and jewels [not together in the same tank] ? and other community fish... my dads always been the one who keeps more aggressive fish etc n im just like MMMMM I WANT TO TRY 
my last experiences the past 15 years has been.. i had my 30 gallon that i had a small community tank for, and then eventually moved those fish into a bigger tank that my dad had
i def had a betta [it was red and named shaggy] for a few years but i was a kid n just got bored of one fish also had no clue how to take care of a betta fish [my dad never helped me with any of my tanks mind you at the time] luckily i atleast gave the betta the right food and filter and enough room but i was dumb and had stuff like.. fake plants instead of real ones and i remember my filter/water flow was pr rough [again, lack of experience for a kid... atleast i didnt keep the poor thing in a bowl without a filter] but i also didnt understand water changes until i was like 15! [and even then i didnt start giving my fish water changes until i was like 20 cus i was lazy and doing it every week sounds dumb so id do it once a month.... im def gonna make sure i give my new fish a change every week, prob on T day]
then i eventually had angel fish, which honestly? i didnt really enjoy them as much as i thought i would. they were beautiful, 2 small black angels but i really didnt know what to put in with them at the time and just didnt really enjoy the tank.... 
eventually i had a cool orange salamander which was cute but in the end i realized it wasnt for me? and i could never get the temperature + scenery how i wanted it...? i didnt know SHIT and wish i never bought it [mind you i have always paid for my own fish cus my dad refused to buy me anything that he knew id have to be responsible for] also being like a preteen i didnt really know how much water to put in the tank, what kind of salamander it was and what it needed to eat etc.. ive def learned to RESEARCH a fish now that im older.. thank god
so i went back to having a betta [this time blue that my step ma bought me for my birthday, loved this guy cus hed nibble on my fingers super cute!] and that lasted a for a while but having a betta in a 30 gallon by himself was super boring to me and at the time i wasnt confident enough or knew how i would make it a community tank + beta so i just ended up waiting for the betta to eventually just run his course........ 2 yrs later lmao [i think my first betta lived 2 yrs while this guy only lived 4, but probably cus i def did not do water changes as often as i should have at this point still plus other things]
finally got an electric blue lobster crayfish dude and he was so cool [i only got one cus i saw my dads friends tanks and this one guy had a tank of like 4 of them and even with some other big fish and i wanted to do the same!] i only got one tho cus i couldnt afford more and i just.... i trusted this fish pet store dude to know what to put in with this crayfish. turns out um anything i tried to put in with this fucking crayfish would end so BADLY to the point that i was SO UPSET over this dude that i traded him in for store credit 
i was honestly so upset over all my failed attempts at keeping this crayfish that i decided i just didnt want to deal with flashy aggressive solo tank fish....anymore... adn that i just wasnt ready for it yet [this is like.. before i knew there was a awesome community of fish hobbyists mind you]
i ended up getting gold fish and tbh? it was perfect. the tank was fine with just a few gold fish that eventually got SO BIG... that i couldnt keep them in my 30 gallon anymore so... i asked my dad to put them into the 60 gallon and he refused because he HATES gold fish [he loves koi tho? i kno he wants a pond some day, and the super duper fancy tailed goldfish, but always says theyre too dirty n hard to maintain in the tanks he has which made me sad cus i thought they were very fun active colorful cute fish!]
i trade in the large goldfish and the guy at this local fish store goes “it sounds like you like active colorful fish, have you ever taken care of parrot fish before?” [this was after i told him i didnt want smaller community fish anymore] and i ofc i was like no ? n also ive only ever seen blood parrots in the stores n thought they were kiiinda bland.. at the time. 
but he showed me some cute jelly bean parrots and they were so colorful i loved them. i got two, a blue and pink one. i kept them for years and moved them into the 60 gallon and they did awesome. [i was in highschool at this time] until.... 
we lost our house and had to move, luckily into a much bigger nice home, and so our poor fish had to come with. my poor parrots were so stressed out. the move was just very sudden and it was really hard on the fish.. and trying to set up the tanks during it was really hard. my dad did the best he could trying to cycle while we were busy moving into the new house.. 
it was really sad. every fish did fine n managed except my 2 big parrot fish.... they did fine for like a week id say? maybe 2 weeks they were ok but then one day they were both just dead and it was heart breaking... the rest of the tank was fine even afterwards and the other tanks were ok too.. 
so i just kinda lost interest n gave up after that for a bit. eventually the bottom tank had only a few guppies in it that my dad ended up using to just feed his fish with cus they kept breeding. 
then one day i went to some crappy meijers, mind you i NEVEr have bought fish anywhere besides local pet stores, and my friends were pr high and we were all goofn.. it was like 3 am. i had 50 cents in my pocket. we went past the fish and i saw these like gold fish, real small ones, being sold for like 10 cents each. i bought five of them n then went home n put them in the 60 gallon....
my dad, ofc, was pissed and told me not to ever do that again. and it was pr dumb cus these like 10 cent fish are always prone to disease n stuff real easily but.. they ended up doing awesome in this nice big tank.. and it was funny, eventually 1 of them got so big and was so aggressive he picked on the others and even ended up EATING one????? i was shocked but like.. ya kno, never had these kinda weird feeder goldfish before. so this gold fish, with no fancy fins or nothing, just.. got bigger than my god damn hand. i named him goldzilla......
he ended up eating the guppies in the tank, and the fish food, and just.. everything! eventually he got SO big i decided it was time to trade him in. the guy at the fish store ended up giving me 20 bucks for this 10 cent gold fish...... 
so after that i turned the tank into a glowfish tetra tank and even got a special light for it that let them glow and what not. super cool.. but you have to have a lot of them n theyre so expensive n just....... thats where that tank is now ? it has like 5 glowfish in it and now 3 jb parrots in with em and theyre not like messn the tetras up but if they do i.... wouldnt care... cus i really love the parrots and stuff n ive been tryn to read more n watch more about fish keeping stuff..... and i just, i def shouldnt have gotten the glow tetras cus theyre cool n all but so small and also having only like 5 in a 60 gallon is so barren.. 
so yeah thats where i am atm. im gonna try really hard to take care of these parrots and in a few years maybe get a cool cichlid tank up n running to move them into? prob with convicts and what ever else.. idk i wanna get better at taking care of my fish and keep up with water changes and be smarter bout it all.... im trying 
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notchunochu · 8 years
Within Reach
So I’m gonna try out writing and see where it goes. I daydream a lot so I wanted to see what would happen if I wrote them down, whether it be good or bad reactions. Thanks ✌🏻👊🏼
Genre: idk yet lol Pairing: JiminXmc —–
Heavy breathing. A familiar sound that will later become a nostalgic memory fills your ear drums as you near the open door to the dance room situated at the far east side of your high school. Your feet come to a halt as the welcoming entrance at your left pulls you in leaving your legs gravitating closer to the doorway. As you slowly peak through, your eyes are met with a jet black haired figure moving gracefully to a song found in your iCloud playlist “Two Melodies” by Zion T. Ft. Crush. You so much wanted to join in on the fun evident in the boy’s bright smile as he finally perfected the move he had been practicing the past week. Only you’d know that considering you were both one of the few students who would show up at the school at 6am to brush up on extracurricular activities, and because of the fact that you’d secretly peak in everyday anticipating his next move.
“So are you ever gonna introduce yourself or are we just gonna continue on with this little game of me pretending not to be aware of your presence?” He questioned shocking you and pulling you out of your thoughts when he paused the melody, being out of breath from all the movements.
“Uhm….. I guess I wasn’t as discreet as I thought??” You chuckled nervously as you finally took a small step into the room not having received any formal invitation. “I mean I’ve noticed you like a month ago, but I never said anything just cause you seemed to be enjoying yourself.” He inquired teasingly. “Oh?! What!? I’m sorry, I didn- I… Uhm….” you sighed deeply. “ok. Honestly tho I’ve noticed you 5 months ago around halfway into the last month of summer vacation.” You said fidgeting with your fingers in front of you. “I just never said anything because I thought it would just be a one time thing, I never realized how long it’s been already and…” your voice becoming quieter and quieter into a hush as you finally looked up not realizing he had walked closer within reach.
“Heh- I guess you got sloppy towards the end.” A smirk was playing on his full lips. “Well then now that everything’s out in the open… Hi. Nice to meet you. I’m Jimin.” He said, sticking out his right hand expecting yours in return. “Uhm. Hi, my name is Y/N” you finally informed with your right hand in his.
“Mmmmm… So what do ya do? You already know what I do obviously.” Jimin questioned as he slowly released your soft hand not forgetting to take that note. “Well actually I’m just next door in the paint room. Sorry, I just can’t help but watch you dance. I actually have an interest in it, but I chose painting over it because of reasons.” You chirped as the confidence you usually had finally started appearing within you, which in turn had him slightly surprised.
“Oh? What reasons?” He questioned.
“Just reasons.” You answered with a slight shrug on your shoulders ready to end the conversation and head to the room you meant to be in until he stopped your movements with a tug on your hand. “CAN you dance?” He asked, curiosity getting the best of him.
“Maybe.” You gave him a slight smile as you pulled your hand away and walked out and into the room next door. He couldn’t help but let out a laugh that you heard in the next room leaving a smirk on your face as you reached for your apron hung by the door.
~~~~~ “y/n~~~~” your best friend, Alissa, sang. “y/n.” She stabbed. “Y/N!” Alissa yelled finally pulling your head out of the clouds. “WHa-?? Huh?? Oh. Hi. What’s up?” You replied finally presenting her with some attention. “Oh nothing. Just the fact that I’ve been sitting here for the past 15 minutes talking about how much of a fake ass that Emma is while you ignore me yenno. Sorry I had to ruin your fun, you were about to swallow that tissue so I thought as your BEST friend… I’d stop that from happening.” She smiled sweetly with a splash of sarcasm. “Oh. I’m sorry. It’s just I’ve just been thinking about something.” You explained vaguely and pulled out your phone to check how much time you had left of lunch break. “Oh no really? Totally not evident in that blank face of yours.” She slapped you with sarcasm again.
“Alright alright alright. Last time I checked you were not this sarcastic. I’m the sarcastic one here. Get your ass back in place.” Your said with the feistiness you usually had. “Sorry. You rubbed off on me yenno.” She said in defense. “What were you thinking about anyway?” Alissa questioned. “Not what, but who.” You corrected her. Aware of the people with open ears walking by, you scooted over and lowered your voice. “So… this morni-”
“OMG HE FINALLY SAW YOU AND YOU GUYS EXCHANGED NUMBERS!!” Alissa interuppted with a very much obnoxious voice. “Did you not just see the way I came closer to you and actually kept a hushed tone? Really Alissa?” You stared at her with the coldest glare that you are known for. “Ahah. Sorry, I got excited. The dude’s just hot alright. I mean who wouldn’t like a guy who can dance? Ok ok I’ll let you continue before I freeze” she shut her mouth finally noticing the way your eyes were glaring deeper and deeper into hers. “Heh. Nice you noticed.” You replied finally giving her a smile even though it was one coated with naught, but it was enough to ease her in her seat. “So I was saying~… yes he finally saw me. Well… no actually, he’s actually noticed me since last month but never said anything. It was pretty awkward and I was caught off guard so I looked pretty lame…” you explained as your expression started to darken. Alissa sat there quietly in expectance of a continuation to your story, but you just looked at her shyly, a complete opposite look to the one you gave her just a minute ago.
“Well imma go get an apple, I’ll be right back.” You said as you basically jumped out of your seat. “Wait! That’s it?? Nothing else happened?? That’s impossible. Cmon. You? You always make a move or a flirty remark when you’re attracted to the person.” She said stopping you in your tracks.
“You make me sound like I’m some player.” You turned around and rolled your eyes. “Besides, it was early in the morning alright. I like morning sex in bed not in the school hallway.” you inquired with a half sarcastic voice.
“Woah~” a passerby with a volleyball in one hand a duffle-bag in the other catcalled. “I have a bed, call me as early as you want.” He flirted with a wink. “Sorry Mr. Kim Taehyung, but not only does the location matter, but with whom I do it with also has huge importance.” You said turning around not realizing that he basically had the whole volleyball team with him and they were all snickering behind him but one. One’s face was completely hidden by his hood, the only thing you noticed was there was a white wire hanging out, a sign that he was probably too immersed in his music to know what was going on. “We’ll see.” Taehyung sent you a wink while you replied with a scoff and walked away as a way to say that the conversation was over.
As you got closer to the fruit bin you realized that it consisted of a majority oranges and bananas. “Excuse me, Ma'am? Do you have any more apples?” You asked the lunch lady. “Oh goodness, I’m sorry sweetie but he took the last one.” She answered with a sorry expression pointing to a guy that you didn’t notice was still standing near you guys listening as the conversation played out. You turned and saw the last remaining apple in his hand as an eye smile slowly crept onto his face.
“You want this? Haha. Well…. I suppose I can give it to you.. buuuut, you have something that I want also.” He said with the brightest and slightly flirty expression. “And what would that be.” You questioned, keeping your face as straight as possible. “You kinda left this morning when I wasn’t finished. You can have this apple, if I get your number in return.” He said with a wink as he held out the apple to you. Usually you would have a snarky way to reject or a clever way to give in, however this time you couldn’t think of any way to make your reply interesting, so you just stood there looking at him, showing no sign of rejection or acceptance.
He shifted on his feet, “Alright then.” Taking your silence as a no, he took a teasing bite into the apple. “Well then, I guess you can’t have this anymore.” He smirked and was ready to walk away just as you grabbed his hand and took the apple from his hand. You brought it closer to your lips and took a bite without making any eye contact with Jimin. When you opened a possible way to end this encounter with your win once again, you took the chance before he even had time to inhale and exhale. You looked at the apple and slowly turned your gaze to his. “Who said I couldn’t?” You smirked and walked past him headed back to Alissa.
Jimin stood there in that same spot speechless with a smile full of wonder. He wondered how you always manage to have the last word. He isn’t used to people like you, in fact he’s never met a single person like you. He’s used to being the one to walk away, the one to have the last word. Despite the feeling of lost in the past two encounters, Jimin is excited and more determined to win in the next meeting.
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