#but my brother transfered money without saying anything besides 'go buy your pig'
leconcombrerit · 11 months
Oh my god when that pig plushie gets in the mail I'm gonna carry him with me everywhere in the house and demand that everyone pays tribute to his glory, this thing is the cutest ever, a perfect little pig, I-
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houseofglass · 8 years
ABO Virus: Pack Life Chapter 6 - Lease
Also on AO3
The brothers cleaned up while Cas changed out of his work clothes and into lounging attire. When they were all presentable, they found themselves in the kitchen and ready to eat. Dean dished out his stew, making sure Sam's bowl had far more veggies than meat even though it took a bit longer to ladle. Both his mates thanked him and dug in, Cas watching to be sure Sam ate and Dean had more than just buns soaked in stew juice. After the ache of hunger passed, Sam brought up Charlie's lease.
“Like I said before, Charlie and Gilda signed the lease without an Alpha. Which means the landlord can evict them within two years of signing. That's right away. The solution is you, Cas,” Sam explained, stirring the remnants of his stew around.
“How do you mean,” he asked as he fed Dean a bit of soaked bun from his second bowl of stew. He wanted to feed Sam a bit too, but remembered Dean's reaction to it last time and discarded the idea.
“Well, the fine print indicates if an Alpha becomes a business partner then the landlord can't revoke the lease or raise the rent until the lease expires,” Sam explained, pushing his bowl away gently. He saw Cas' eyebrow twitch at the remainder in the bowl but ignored it.
“Business partner? What's involved in that?” Cas moved his dishes over to Dean as a hint to clean up. Dean noticed Sam had eaten most of his stew and took it as a good sign that he liked it.
“You would need to buy in I think,” Sam explained. “We could see a lawyer about the specifics, but I'm pretty sure that would do it. Between you, Charlie, and Gilda you could figure out exactly what your role would be. Active or passive partner. We would need to talk to Charlie about all this. She may not want another partner and I don't know how much she would need as a buy in.”
“First, we need to know how much money we have available,” Cas began. Dean interrupted with a number that sent shockwaves through the room.
“How do we have that much?” Cas asked with no small amount of amazement.
“When I was working I earned quite a bit. So does Sam. You earn the least, Cas, but we could have lived off just your salary here. The bunker doesn't take much to run. And I'm really good at saving,” Dean explained, chest puffing with pride that he did so well for his Alpha. “Had to be good at it,” he added softly, thinking of his dad.
“Thank you Dean, that's excellent,” Cas praised, still trying to absorb the amount. “Why didn't you tell us how much we had?”
Dean shrugged. “Dunno. You didn't ask I guess. I was saving in case you guys wanted a vacation or something.” He loaded the dishwasher quickly and set it to run.
“Oh, before I forget again, I got a raise,” Sam informed them. “It should show up on my next pay. The dean said he wanted to recognize all the hard work I've put in, as well as having full classes. Something about me bringing students to the university or something, but I suspect it's because I'm in your pack.”
“Awesome,” Dean beamed. He didn't care about the money, but he was happier than a pig in shit that his little brother was getting some recognition.
“Yes that is awesome, congratulations,” Cas added thoughtfully. “I need to call Charlie,” he decided abruptly, pulling out his phone. He put it on speaker and told her who was in the room.
“Hey guys! Gilda's here too,” Charlie chirped. In the background was a 'hey' from Gilda. “Did you read the lease?” She asked hopefully.
“Yes,” Sam provided. “I think we have a solution. If Cas buys in to your business, you will have an Alpha. Then the landlord can't kick you out.”
“Oh my god!!” Gilda shrieked in the background. “That would be very good,” she said more calmly as Charlie laughed.
“That would be super!” Charlie agreed. “Your timing is fantastic. We have an appointment at the lawyer's tomorrow. I can text you the location and time. We can have the paperwork ready. Um.....you'd need to actually buy in though.”
“Yes,” Cas agreed, “do you have a number?”
She gave them one, the three of them could practically hear her hold her breath. The amount was only half of Dean's savings. “That would be acceptable,” Cas agreed to the sound of gushing air on the other side of the phone. “How is best to get the money to you?”
“E-transfer at the lawyer's office,” Gilda piped up.
“Dean will need to be present, then. I have no idea how the banking website works,” Cas admitted.
“Sure,” Charlie agreed. “Are you willing to help with the store? Actively? We are finding it's a bit more than we can handle. We could really use help with ordering, dealing with suppliers, that kind of thing. They may respond better to an Alpha.”
“I think I would enjoy that,” Cas said with a touch of wonder. He'd been fascinated at how the greenhouse was stocked and had been asking endless questions of his boss about it.
There was a muffled sound on the other end of the phone. “Um...guys...gotta go and....celebrate...” Charlie sounded like she was talking in between kissing. “Is there....anything....else?”
“Nope, you two have fun,” Sam laughed. Cas hung up with a smile.
“Well that was easy,” Dean commented.
The next afternoon, Cas chose a clean set of clothes for Dean and set about getting him into them. While he smoothed the fabric down he babbled about the store and what he hoped to learn by working there. After Dean was dressed, he watched Cas change into his suit, marvelling at how his muscles moved under his soft skin. He tried to pay attention to what Cas was saying but lost track easily. Instead he smiled at the happy timbre of his Alpha's voice.
“Ready,” Cas informed him as he held a hand out for Dean.
He took the hand and let himself be pulled in for a kiss. An exceptionally energetic kiss. One that would get Dean going except he knew for a fact they were leaving the bunker in five minutes. He was not wrong. Disappointed, but not wrong.
The drive to the lawyer's was easy, Cas crackling with excitement the whole ride. Dean found a decent parking spot and turned the car off. He knew there was nothing to worry about. Nothing at all. Cas was here. They were in public. There would be no problems. But he discovered he was nervous the instant his door opened.
Somehow, without Dean being aware, Cas had exited his side and come around to open Dean's door. “Dean, please come with me,” he asked, holding a hand out again.
Dean took it again, still nervous. He didn't want to ruin Cas' day with worry, so he tried to shove his feelings away while he looked for Charlie and Gilda.
“You're upset,” Cas confirmed without asking. “I will be with you the entire time.”
“Thanks,” he breathed with relief. “I don't wanna be a bother-”
“Protecting you is never a bother,” Cas assured him, pulling him in for a tight hug right there beside the car with other vehicles passing by. “I will keep you safe.”
Something inside Dean melted while he snuggled into Cas' strong arms. He could live in this space, if allowed. For now, he let go so they could get the appointment over with.
Charlie and Gilda arrived as Cas and Dean made their way down the sidewalk. Dean's tension drained away, bit by tiny bit, as each moment passed with no altercation. They got through the appointment, setting Cas up to be a full partner. Dean would have paid attention to what was being said, but he was too busy watching how Cas seemed to open up as the meeting went on. By the time they were done, Cas was standing a little straighter and smiling a touch more. There were a lot of details for them to work out and sooner was better than later, according to Cas. Dean drove him to the store, followed by Charlie and Gilda in their little car, so he could pick up as much paperwork as he could. Dean thought Cas would want to stay, and he was prepared to just drop him off and pick him up later, but Cas wanted him by his side, so he stayed.
The first thing Dean noticed was Thor sitting by the door. He looked friendly and kind, a nice deception for a bouncer. Dean heard Charlie tell Cas they'd hired Thor on full time since he did such a good job that one day. Cas made a point of greeting Thor and letting him know he was a partner now. Thor bowed his head respectfully, seeming to understand the hierarchy. They were both Alphas, but Cas was his boss.
After they had all the available information to pour over, box after box after box of it, Dean prepared to drive them home. Finally. He was happy for Cas, but not really interested in the inner workings of the place. Regardless, he listened as Cas babbled on just so he could hear the happiness in his voice some more.
“We need to stop at the greenhouse,” Cas decided, pulling Dean back into actually listening to words. He asked why as he altered course. “I will need to terminate my employment. I cannot work at both places and have time for you two.”
“Fair enough,” Dean agreed as they pulled into the parking lot. “Do you want me to wait here?”
Cas fiddled with the door handle. He knew proper protocol was to quit without Dean there, but he didn't want to leave him alone. “No. Please come inside.”
Dean was fine with that. They went inside, Cas holding Dean's hand, and found Cas' boss in his office. Dean didn't bother listening too hard, instead he inhaled deeply. He'd come to associate the scent of dirt and flowers with Cas. Something he didn't know he was going to miss now that Cas will be working at Heat's On. So he scented as much as he could while Cas closed the conversation with his boss. “I'm going to miss this,” Dean admitted.
“What's that?” Cas navigated to the car, saying goodbye to his favourite coworkers on the way.
“The smell of the place on you. It became really familiar. Now you're going to smell like flavoured lube or something,” he attempted to joke, finding himself vaguely uncomfortable.
“Only if I'm using the products, which will happen only with the two of you.” They got to the car and got in, Cas placing a hand on Dean's so he wouldn't start it up yet. “Does it matter where I work?”
“No of course not,” Dean brushed off.
“Should I have discussed this with you further?” Cas probed. He could tell Dean was holding back a bit but couldn't quite get a read on why.
“No, no. It really doesn't matter, Cas. Wherever you're happy, I'm happy.” Dean smiled and leaned in for a kiss. He was happy for Cas. Ecstatic, really.
Enlightenment dawned on Cas. When Dean pulled away, Cas asked him if it was the contents of the store that bothered him. “You always were a bit closed off in that regard,” he pointed out.
Dean laughed a bit. “Yeah. Ok, fine. I'm not as open as you are about toys and stuff. So yeah, it's a bit weird,” he admitted as he blushed a bit. What also bothered him was how much he liked certain toys, and how much he preferred them when Cas was using them on him, but that was a conversation for another day.
“I'll do my best to make you comfortable,” Cas informed him with a glint to his eye. “Maybe there will be some need to experiment with some new products. In the privacy of our bedroom, of course. And only if you are willing.”
Dean squirmed a little. He liked that idea more than he was prepared to admit at the moment. “We should get home,” he decided, starting the car. “Actually, let's pick up Sam, he's off right away.”
Cas grinned at Dean's blustering. He texted Sam to let him know he was getting a ride home before moving closer to Dean so he could rest his hand on his thigh.
Dean pulled into the parking lot to wait for Sam. The car was distinctive enough for Sam to be able to pick it out of the crowd easily, so Dean just relaxed and waited. While he did, he let his eyes bound over all the students and teachers leaving for the day. A split second before Cas noticed, Dean saw Sam leaning up against a wall while talking to someone. Someone who was leaning in much too close to his brother. Someone who made him blush a bit. Someone who was flirting.....and not backing off.
Cas leaned forward, seat creaking slightly in the otherwise deadly quiet car. Jealously rolled off Cas at such an alarming rate Dean was certain it was a physical object in the car with them. Cas put his hand on the door handle, fury bubbling just below the surface of his skin. He couldn't think at all, and was floored to feel a hand on his shoulder stopping him from leaving the car. He flicked his eyes to Dean, saw him flinch, and reined himself in a bit.
Before Cas could leave the car, Dean grabbed him to stop him. He flinched hard when Cas faced him, deciding that he never ever wanted to be the target of Cas' anger again. “Let him explain,” he whispered, proud of himself for not losing control of his bladder at the terrifying sight of Cas while jealous.
Cas didn't answer, but he also made no further move to exit the car. Both men focused their attention on their packmate as he dipped his head and moved to leave....only to be stopped by a hand on his chest.
“Cancel that,” Dean said as he opened his car door. Nobody pinned his brother to a wall. Not when Sam was trying to leave. Cas followed so fast Dean wondered if he had his wings back as he closed the distance between him and his little brother. “Problem here?” he asked, eyes levelled on this man who was pinning Sam.
The man turned to Dean, eyes crawling up and down his frame before settling on Dean's crotch with a slow drag of his tongue over his lip. “How sweet. This little Omega thinks he gets to speak up. Don't worry honey, you'll get a turn,” he punctuated his last word by pushing his pelvis into Sam's.
Sam was at a complete loss. He had no idea his pack was picking him up today. His phone had died and the charger he kept in his office went missing. It was when he was distracted that Brandon blocked his path and essentially pushed him up against the wall. This wasn't the first time but he'd been hoping it would be the last. He'd planned on just letting Brandon say whatever he needed to say to get him to go away. The last thing Sam wanted was to cause a scene with a fellow professor. Not in the middle of campus like this. Not when they'd slept together a couple of times. Not with the dean approaching the group.
Cas didn't speak. He simply splayed a hand and rested his fingertips on this person's chest...and pushed firmly until this man had his back against the wall. Cas made short work of crowding up against him at the same time as not touching him other than the five points of his hand. He didn't bother to be discrete about scenting this man....and he understood when Dean said the Alphas on Rut smelled sweet and foul.
“What are you going to do to me Alpha? We're in public and you have no right to be here. We could go somewhere private with Sam here and party,” Brandon suggested lewdly as Sam pulled himself away from the wall.
Cas wasn't aware that his hand had moved from pressing on this Alpha's chest to pinning him to the wall by his neck.
Dean watched while moving closer to Sam, who looked wildly freaked out. There was probably some kind of protocol for crap like this, but Dean had no idea what it was. He couldn't take Sam's hand because Sam had his arms crossed over his chest. He couldn't push into Sam's personal space for a cuddle for the same reason. So he settled on shoving his hands in his pockets and pressing the front of his arm against the back of Sam's where he could. The way Sam leaned into him made him feel a bit better. What confused him enormously was how his dick seemed to be enjoying this scene rather inappropriately. Cas demonstrating his power was more of a turn on than he gave credit for.
Sam wanted to disappear. Or make this whole situation just go away. Brandon smelled funny, not like himself at all. And he wasn't like this when they'd hooked up, he was kind and attentive. Now he was being a bit of an asshole. Now there was a crowd watching Cas back Brandon up to the wall. Dean sidling up to him and pressing against him gave him inexplicable relief, so much so he almost burst into tears right in the middle of campus with the dean approaching.
“What is going on here,” the dean demanded of Sam.
“This Alpha is under the influence of a rutting drug,” Cas intoned before Sam could even open his mouth. “He was assaulting my Beta. I expect this matter to be resolved immediately.” He loosened his grip on the man's throat to allow blood flow back to his brain.
“Sam? Is this true?” the dean asked.
“You have been informed of the truth. Deal with this Alpha before he assaults one of the students,” Cas ordered.
Campus police arrived by that point and took Brandon from Cas, who gave him up reluctantly. In another situation, Cas would have dealt with Brandon on his own....effectively. While security took statements from Cas and Sam – Dean wasn't involved so security informed him there was no need for a statement – the dean rounded up the students who'd filmed the altercation. The city police arrived and spoke to security while the dean approached Sam and his pack. He informed Sam that Brandon would be tested for the drug, and fired if the test was positive. The dean also gave him a card for victim's services in case he needed some help, apologizing profusely the whole time.
“I need to get my pack home,” Cas told the dean, who agreed. Cas decided if the police needed to speak to Sam they could make an appointment. With a firm hand on each brother's back, Cas led them to the car. Sam sat in the back as usual. Cas was going to join him but caught wind of Sam wanting a tiny bit of space for the moment.
“Go on. Do it,” Sam challenged tearfully. It was harder to hold back now that the car was moving.
“Do what?” Cas was confused. Sam's channel was a mess of emotions, absolutely none of them clear enough to read.
Dean knew. Or he thought he did. Sam's next statement confirmed it.
“Tell me how I have shitty taste in men! Tease me for picking s-someone like that! Make fun o-of me f-for fucking a guy I w-work with!” Sam's chest heaved with his outburst. “We only hooked up a f-few times! Before w-we...I....Cas cl-claim-” he choked back a sob and shut himself up and tried to pull himself together.
The car was silent for the short drive to the bunker. Dean put Baby in her place, turned her off, and sat staring at the steering wheel. “Sam,” he started.
Sam let out a single huge sob before grabbing control again. He challenged them, he could take whatever they dished out.
“Sam,” Dean tried again, eyes remaining on the wheel so he wouldn't have to look at his packmates as he revealed the things he wanted to keep hidden. “Before dad went missing he let me go on hunts alone. I was in this dinky town at a party. I got drunk. I hooked up with some girl with a great rack. She pushed me against a door and started blowing me.....and I puked all over her head and down her back. She ran back into the party. Everyone laughed at me. Pointed and laughed. I left the party and drove away that night. Never been back.”
“Really?” Sam asked in the tiniest voice, sniffling a little.
“Really.” Dean pushed his thumbnail into the steering wheel. “When dad was missing, just before I went to get you, I was in a bar. I decided that...I decided...I was going to....” he had to stop and breathe for a minute, well aware his mates were staring. “There was a cute guy. I flirted. He took me into the bathroom.” Dean felt Cas' hand on his arm but he still wouldn't look up. “I couldn't get it up. The bathroom was dirty and I...I...I wa-wanted to be....I wanted....it to be n-nice....and s-s-special....he m-made fun of my junk....s-said I wasn't worth it if I didn't h-have a w-working cock.” He shifted in the seat, face burning with shame at the memory. “...t-there were wi-witnesses,” he added quietly, tears streaming down his face.
The car was quiet while each man absorbed the information. Sam actually felt a bit better knowing the man he idolized growing up also had some bad experiences with sex. He still felt like a bag of shit, but a less smelly bag.
Just when both brothers managed to gain a bit of control over their tears, Cas spoke up. “The first time Dean kissed me I was still an angel. I ejaculated into my underwear the instant his lips touched mine. I only lasted a fraction longer the first time he performed fellatio on me.”
Sam actually giggled at that and had to clamp a hand over his mouth. It's not funny, he thought, a super powerful angel with premature ejaculation issues is not something to laugh about. It's not funny, he reminded himself sternly.
“In addition, April stabbed me after intercourse. I suspect my performance was sub-par,” he added in his normal, matter-of-fact way.
There was a split second of hesitation before the dam broke inside Sam. He erupted into peals of laughter, well aware this was not something to find this funny...but he couldn't help it. And from the sounds around him, his mates felt the same way.
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