#but my darling idiot husband insists on the mate
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Working on an OFMD diptych for an anniversary present.
Stedes canvas, despite its intricacy, was a breeze.
Ed’s, on the other hand……this is the third incarnation and I’m finally happy. Maybe. I better be; the date is fast approaching.
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(@sophiakuso1​ gave me the prompt for a modern College AU drabble with Jaskier being at least part dragon and it got completely out of hand so here it is.)
Warning: Minor Injury
Primary tags: Magical College AU, Dragon!Jaskier, Injured!Geralt, Hurt/Comfort with a happy ending, Slight Jaskier Whump?, super fluff, Eskel is here and Lambert is an ass
Jaskier swept through the doors of the campus medical center, making a beeline towards the emergency wing. He was determined to get to his destination and no one would get in his way if they had even a shred of self preservation. He had completely forgotten to put his guitar down when he ran out of his dorm room so a few nurses gave him the side eye as he passed but thankfully the place was rather quiet this late at night and no one tried to stop him. This also meant there were not that many people around to witness him stalking down the halls looking rather disheveled. He had been lounging on his bed with only his tight jeans which were more hole then pant in the front, his knees and almost all his thighs on display, when the text came in. He then proceeded to grab the first shirt available, a large button up of his boyfriend’s, which he barely buttoned up before, was out the door while wielding his guitar by the neck. He supposed he was just so used to taking it everywhere that he absentmindedly brought it. He had also forgotten his shoes in his haste and was too worried to waste time going back. At least his dorm was close and it wasn’t winter, so being barefoot wasn’t that bad. 
Now, normally, he would try to keep up his friendly harmless appearance but his worry and urgency had him on edge and he didn’t really feel like sending a polite little comment to everyone he passed this time. In the back of his mind, a small voice told him that Yenyen would be proud.When he finally reached the waiting room, Lambert and Eskel were sitting in plastic chairs looking uncomfortable. Both of their gazes flickered to him as he marched over and, from the way Eskel winced, he must have been making a rather severe face. “Well?! What happened!” He demanded, fuming mad that Geralt was now in the emergency room after his two brothers had insisted he come along to a low key event. They had assured him it was going to be nothing more than a small get together at the frat house since Geralt wasn’t one for larger parties.
“Whoa, ok Jask, just calm down a bit… Are you growling? I don’t think I’ve ever heard you growl before…” Eskel immediately tried to sooth him.
Yes, it seemed he was growling, but his boyfriend Geralt, his dorm mate and love of his life whom he just started dating only a few months ago, was in the hospital! So Yes, he was allowed to growl!
“It’s not that bad, I swear!” Eskel tried again, glancing nervously over to the woman behind the help desk to didn’t bat an eyelash at them. She either hadn’t noticed the commotion or she just didn’t care.
“Not that bad-- Not that bad?!” Jaskier shrieked incredulously before digging in his pocket for his phone with his free hand before tapping furiously away on the screen. “A-hem, Lambert at 12:31 in the morning: Geralt rushed to the emergency room. Come now with, like, a gazillion exclamation points!” He promptly pushed the phone into Eskel’s hands so he could look at the evidence before continuing on his tirade. “I sent back like thirty messages which no one replied to! So I think I have a right to be a little upset and worried!” He did however try to breathe deeply to calm himself once he was finished venting, the feeling of tears pricked at his eye and tickled the back of his throat. 
Eskel, to his credit, gave Lambert a questioning look which screamed ‘really?’ and sighed in sympathy. “Lambert…” He paused to inhale deeply and pinched the bridge of his nose. “What- What the fuck?”
“You told me to text him. I texted him!” Lambert shrugged defensively, his tone flippant but confused.
“I told you to let him know what was going on! Not send him into a fucking fit! I, Fucking… Why did I expect anything different...” With a shake of the head, Eskel turned to Jaskier once more. “It’s really just a minor injury and he’s fine. Something just fell and popped his shoulder out of his socket slightly is all and I didn’t want to fuck with it so we decided to get it checked.” He tried to reassure the shorter man.
“Pfffft, I don’t see what the big deal is, at least he’s here now and we can leave Geralt to him.” Lambert huffed under his breath. His gaze finally fully took in the musician’s state of dress  however and a grin slowly plastered itself across his face. “But I gotta say, if he’s going to look this fucking rediculous every time I text him that Geralt’s in trouble, I might do it more often. And look, he’s ready to entertain at a party.” He joked lightly, the shit eating grin never leaving his face. Oh, and the anger was back.
Normally, Jaskier would snap something back in playful banter but he really was not in the mood at this hour of the night. He grabbed the larger man by the shirt and lifted him off his feet by the collar. “I swear, Lambert, I will burn you to a crisp if you worry me like that again for no reason.” He growled in warning, letting a small puff of fire out to emphasise his threat. 
“... Well shit. Sometimes I forget you’re part dragon…” Lambert laughed warily, his eyes wide with surprise.
Eskel put a tentative hand on the smaller student’s shoulder and Jaskier slowly lowered Lambert back down after taking a deep breath. “Hey, why don’t you go stay with Geralt until they release him while we go deal with the aftermath of the party. They only want to keep him until some of the side effects wear off ‘cause he reacted oddly to what they used to knock him out. It left him a little, uh, weird. He’s completely fine, really.” Eskel insisted softly, understanding how upsetting the situation must have been. He was glad his brother had someone who cared so deeply about his well being. With a pat to Jaskier’s shoulder, the scarred brunette steered Lambert out of the place, cuffing him upside the head lightly for being an asshole. “Oh, and his room is 109.” He called just before they exited.
The musician sighed before sweeping a hand through his hair, trying to tamp the last of his nerves down before heading off to find his dear wolf. A soft beeping is what greeted him once he reached the small dimly lit room and stepped in. And then a low whistle followed after his entrance which had him smirking and huffing a laugh. “Wow… You don’t look like a nurse.” Geralt’s confused but curious voice filled the space as he openly eyed Jaskier up and down.
Jaskier raised an eyebrow, wondering what his boyfriend was getting at. “You would be correct, I’m not a nurse nor do I think I would be any good at the profession.” He couldn’t keep the amusement from his voice or the soft smile from spreading across his lips as relief flooded him. Geralt seemed fine for the most part, other than the sling cradling his arm.
A hum followed before he opened his mouth to speak again. “So, do you go into random hospital rooms to magically serenade them better?” He asked, smirking and nodding toward the guitar that Jaskier kept forgetting was still in hand. 
Alright, he did seem oddly talkative, which wasn’t bad in any way just odd, but Jaskier was just happy he was in one piece so he indulged him. “No, but I do perform at a bar quite a lot.” He announced proudly as he walked over to take a seat at the side of the bed and set his instrument down. 
“Hmm… So, talented and beautiful.” Geralt nodded to himself, his voice sounding so confident that it had Jaskier blushing and tongue tied. “Are you seeing anyone right now?”
Ah! So that was what Eskel meant by weird.The question made Jaskier snort but he reached a hand out and put it atop one of Geralt’s, patting it. “Sadly yes. I am currently dating someone.” He nodded solemnly, deciding that this was too cute not to prolong.
Geralt’s hand turned over and gently but firmly held Jaskier’s hand. He met the musician’s gaze with a very serious expression that left no room for joking. “Have they proposed yet?” 
Jaskier stamped down a fit of giggles and gave a solemn sigh. “Not as of yet.” He fluttered his eyelashes as he looked down at their hands in overly dramatic dejection. 
“Tsk! Fucking idiot.” Geralt grumbled before tugging Jaskier’s hand to get him to look up at him. “If I proposed right now, would you leave that idiot for me?” He asked in complete earnestness.
Jaskier had to raise a hand and placed it on his lips to hide the amused smile as he desperately held back giggles. He didn’t trust himself to speak so he shook his head lightly in response.
“Yah. I thought so. You look too nice to do such a thing. Your boyfriend may be an idiot but he’s lucky to have you.” The disappointment that openly showed on Geralt’s face had him finally take pity on his lover. 
“Darling, I can’t leave my lovely boyfriend because he’s laying right here and I am oh so terribly fond of him. I can think of no one I would rather be with.” He spoke honestly, flashing his wolf a shy smile which drew a happy gasp from the other.
The next minute, he found himself pulled into Geralt’s lap as the man looked at him as if he hung the moon. “I must be the luckiest fucking idiot in the world.” He sighed happily as he hugged Jaskier and buried his face in his neck so Geralt could kiss anywhere he could reach. “I have the hottest, sweetest wife in the world-- or wait, do you prefer husband? Shit! I haven’t gotten you a ring or asked yet…” The man looked up at him in slight panic. 
Jaskier laughed openly now, unable to wipe the smile off his face as he gently took Geralt’s face in his hands and kissed the ridiculous man. “Oh dear heart… I’m never letting you forget this…” He giggled as he was pulled down more so they could cuddle. He thanked Melitele for keeping his love safe as the two showered one another with soft kisses and whispered ‘I love yous’.
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spidernerdsblog · 4 years
I forgot that you existed: Chapter Three
A/N : Chapter three is here. It’s a little bit longer than the previous chapters got a little carried away. Things are getting little steamy between our ex lovers. In this chapter I have incorporated some other songs felt it will go with the situation the songs go side by side with the scenes as you read. Hope you like it. Feedback and suggestions are always welcome.
Pairing : Tom Holland × Singer reader
Summary: It's been more than five years since you and Tom have gone their own ways after a heartbreaking breakup which had left both of you shattered. Both of you thought that you were finally over with each other and were happy in your respective lives until you meet again at a reunion trip planned by your best friend and you realize you are still not done with each other.
Warnings: mild cursing
Mini playlist: It’s nice to have a friend by Taylor Swift, Physical by Dua Lipa, Into you by Ariana Grande
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In the evening a barbeque was arranged. All were enjoying chatting, eating and drinking. You occasionally glanced towards Tom and El all cuddled up. When suddenly Paddy called you
“Hey Y/N it’s been so many years didn’t hear you sing”
“Then how are my albums selling if I’m not singing Pads” you joked giving a surprised look
“I meant up close live like you used to do”
“Yes Y/N please sing something I always wanted to go to your concerts but never got the opportunity” El insisted
“But I don’t have my guitar or any kind of instruments”
“That’s not a problem we have your old guitar wait a minute let me get that” Ed got up to bring it.
“You still have that?”
“yeah Tom insisted to keep it here” Harrison said.Tom and you looked at each other.
“Okay this song is totally dedicated to you guys and please no posting in your social media accounts because this will be in my next album too, the music company will kill me.” You joked. You tuned in the guitar and started playing
School bell rings, walk me home Sidewalk chalk covered in snow Lost my gloves, you give me one "Wanna hang out?" Yeah, sounds like fun Video games, you pass me a note Sleeping in tents
It's nice to have a friend (Ooh) It's nice to have a friend (Ooh)
Zendaya leaned her head on your shoulder you smiled at her.
Light pink sky up on the roof Sun sinks down, no curfew Twenty questions, we tell the truth You've been stressed out lately? Yeah, me too Something gave you the nerve To touch my hand
It's nice to have a friend (Ooh) It's nice to have a friend (Ooh)
Harrison got up from his seat and grabbed your shoulder from the back giving you a hug as you sang.
Church bells ring, carry me home Rice on the ground looks like snow Call my bluff, call you "babe" Have my back, yeah, everyday Feels like home, stay in bed The whole weekend
It's nice to have a friend (Ooh) It's nice to have a friend (Ooh) It's nice to have a friend (Ooh)
It was an emotional moment for all of you as everyone gathered around you for a giant hug though Tom kept his distance.
“Okay enough of tears. Tomorrow is going to be a fun day because its beach day.” Harrison announced. Everyone cheered.
“So better we all get a goodnight’s sleep”
 You were a late riser when you are on a holiday so when you woke up Zendaya was already dressed for the beach day
“Good morning sleeping beauty”
 “Morning” you mumbled
 “So excited for today?”
 “Then get your ass out of the bed and freshen up”
 “Yeah” you rubbed your eyes
 “I'm going downstairs to check what others are  upto don't fall asleep in the bathroom.”
 You got up and went to the bathroom to brush your teeth and then have a shower . The cool water relieved your muscles instantly .
 Paddy, Jacob and Ed were busy setting up the table. Harry and Chloe were helping Sam in the kitchen.
“What's up boys?”
 “Breakfast is almost ready”, Sam said, tossing the ingredients in the fry pan.
 “The food looks so delicious gotta take a picture will make a perfect story. Oh shit I forgot my phone.”
 Tom was coming down the stairs as Zendaya stopped him.
“Hey Tom can you please go and tell Y/N to bring my phone with her when she comes downstairs.?”
Tom hesitated to go but eventually agreed .. "yeah okay"
You came out of the bathroom all fresh a towel wrapped around your body. As you started humming a song and drying your hair with a blow dryer.
Tom stood in front of your room. He really had a bad habit of not knocking before coming into your room since childhood so out of habit he just opened the door.
 As the door flung open. You shrieked, clutching your towel tightly.
“Oh my god!!! What the fuck Tom!!!”
 Tom couldn't help but stare at you in a towel hair all wet, beads of water dripping down the ends. Your smooth skin glowing in the sunlight coming from the windows giving you an ethereal look.
 “Stop staring you creep and close the fucking door!!!” You yelled again.
Tom was startled as he closed the door behind him.
 “Seriously” you huffed “I said to close the door and leave not to come inside you idiot!!”
 “It's in a way your fault why didn't you lock the door?” Tom quipped back
 “What!! After all these years you couldn't learn the basic manner of knocking the door before entering someone's room. And it's my fault?”
 “Okay I'm sorry calm down I just came to convey Z's message she said you to bring her phone as she forgot to take it with her that's all.”
“The message has been received and now you may leave I have gotta get dressed”
 Something went across Tom's mind as he gave you a mischievous look "what if I don't?"
 ‘What do you mean?” You were confused
 “I meant this isn't the first time I have seen you like this, actually seen more than that.” He winked.”Then why so shy to change infront of me now?”
 You narrowed your eyes," you think this is funny Holland?"
 “Whatever you think princess.” he grinned
 Tom was testing your patience but you weren't the one to give up so easily . So you decided to play along with his dangerous game.
 "You know what I actually don't mind either ." you smirked. "But I don't think El would be quite pleased to see her would be husband with his ex just in a towel."
 You started walking towards him with a sultry look in your eyes, your hand grabbed the tucked end of the towel as you motioned to remove it from your body. Tom was stunned by your answer little did he expect you would say that. Inappropriate thoughts started to hover in his mind but half of his mind reminded him it is wrong he's engaged to El and he can't break her trust. Tom shut his eyes and turned his back towards you as he opened the door and left closing it behind . You shook your head and laughed at how flustered he looked. You quickly got ready putting on your shorts and an off shoulder crop top.
 You came downstairs, breakfast was already served. The smell of freshly brewed coffee and toast instantly made you hungry. There were freshly baked muffins too.
 “Here you go rock star.” Chloe handed you your plate of food.
 “Thanks darlo” you cooed
 You bite into your muffin as you get lost in its flavors.
"mmmmph.. I think I had a foodgasm" you giggled as others also started laughing.
“How do you cook so tasty food Sam? it's too good. I missed this so much”
 “Glad you liked it Y/N”
 You went to pick up another piece of muffin from the plate on the table as you were interrupted by another hand. It was Tom. You looked at him.
"Umm.. ladies first" He said moving his hand.
 You took your piece and went to chat with others.
Tom's eyes followed you thinking of how unbothered you were after the little stunt that you pulled off a while ago.
 “Yo man where are you lost at” Jacob broke his train of thoughts
 “Nothing bro” tom shook his head
 “Where's El?”
 “Oh she's getting ready will be down in a minute.”
Finally you were all on the beach. The weather was perfect and you can't wait to go surfing after so many years. You spread your towel on the chair and put your bag on it. You grab your sunscreen lotion and apply it to your exposed areas. As you heard El calling sweetly. She looked gorgeous in bikini top and a sharong.
“Tommy can you please help me apply the lotion on my back.”
“Sure darling.” Tom took the lotion and started applying it to her back.
You kept looking as you smiled, eyes furrowed.
 "Typical" you heard Zendaya saying and looked at her as she rolled her eyes.
 "I find it cute though" you winked as both of you started giggling.
Tom looked at both of you scrunching his face as he understood why you both were laughing.
 You then spoke loudly to grab everyone's attention "are we going for surfing or not because the water will not come to us we have to go to the water! Or are we here just to apply sunscreen and get tanned" you gave a side look, that was enough to get on Tom's nerve, your revenge taken for the morning fiasco.
 Zendaya gaped at you with a smile. "You are such a bitch" she lightly punches your arm giggling.
 “Wasn't that the plan?” You raised your brow
 “Don't get so cranky grandma we are going for surfing. Let me get the surf boards first” Harrison said.
 “Do it fast.”
“Hey El you’re not coming?”
“Oh no I can’t surf”
“Tom can teach you, can’t you Tom?”
“Oh no it’s ok we have come to enjoy don’t want him to give surfing lessons instead of enjoying I can learn afterwards as he’s going to be there for me forever”
“You are really a sweet girl El I really like you. Tom is really lucky to have you”
“Thanks” she giggled shyly as she hold on to Tom’s hands.
 You felt really good surfing after a long time. You made Harry click some good Instagramable pictures of yours while surfing. You were all wet when you came on the shore, clothes sticking to your body. You raised your hands above your head and stretched your body. When you heard someone say
“Nice tattoo”
You looked at the man with flowy dark brown hair and indigo eyes. He was tall with a broad chest and well defined abs . You glanced at your tattoo on the left side of your hip and then looked at him
 "Umm thanks" you furrowed your eyes smiling.
 “Solo trip?”
 "Oh no with my mates they are over there" you pointed towards your group.
 “ Oh great!! By the way I'm Steve.. Steve Johnson  and I know who you are. Big fan of your works.”
“Thank you” you smiled shyly
 “I really like your tattoo”
 “You like my tattoo or is there something else you like ?” You narrowed your eyes grinning.
 "Yeah I like you too by the way" he scratched his head giving a goofy smile looking down his feet then to you.
 You shook your head and laughed
 “But still what is the meaning behind it?”
 "Nothing special. I just liked the design and I had a scar over there so I had to cover it up." That wasn't the actual story behind it and you knew it very well.
 Tom was with El listening to her chatter but all his attention was in your conversation with Steve. And he knew that the tattoo on your hip was there for a special reason not for any mere scar.
 Happy first anniversary to us. You clinked your champagne glasses together. It's been one year since Tom proposed you to be his girlfriend. Tom had decided to have a candlelight dinner with you at his house. He had cooked your favorite dishes. After dinner you both sat down on the all couch cuddled up to binge watch star wars movies.
 “Please never leave me even if I am being an asshole to you sometimes. Please don't ever leave me”
“I'll always be there for you dummy.” You messed his hair. “Besides who else will tolerate your tantrums other than me.”
“Pinky promise?”
 You giggled “yes pinky promise.” You both hold on to your pinkies.
“You know what I'm thinking to get a tattoo”
“Don't get under your foot it really hurts” Tom chuckled.
 And the next day you were in a tattoo parlor as you went through the catalog and found the exact design you wanted.
You couldn't wait to show it to Tom as you reached his house you just ran inside as you saw him in the kitchen you went and hugged him from back and gave a kiss on his cheek. “I have a surprise for you”
He turned around the kitchen island to face you.You lifted your top to reveal your hip. You had got a tattoo of two hands pinkies intertwined as a reminder to your yesterday's promise of not leaving each other.
The promise you made was already broken. And maybe the heartbreak you had was a scar for you. 
“Okay then you enjoy your day I gotta go find my friends.See you around.”
 “Yeah sure.” You gave a smile
As he left Z, Chloe and El huddled around you
“Oh my god Y/N who was that hot guy?” Z asked excitedly
 “Umm his name is Steve and he likes my tattoo.” You giggled.
 “It's barely our second day here and you got someone to get laid way to go girl” Chloe lightly punched your arm
 “Oh shut up I barely know him” Harrison called you all to say something. Z, El, Chloe went towards him. As you were about to go you heard Tom
“So you finally found someone who can apply sunscreen on you too”
“What!? Oh come on we weren’t making fun of you, we just didn't think you were such a hopeless romantic type of guy”
 “When you are with the right person it feels good to be a hopeless romantic. Like take it for yourself you were always a fun type not marriage or romancing type”
 “So you're admitting that I was fun, glad to hear that.” You winked.
“Hey Y/N come on lets play volleyball”
“Yeah coming!! Haz”
“So what are teams?”
“It's me vs you. 
“Fine by me.Gonna kick your ass like always.”    
“Don’t get so overconfident darling I have upped my skills. Okay let's toss  whoever wins will get to choose first their team members.” 
“I’m gonna be the referee” El announced.
Harrison won the toss he chose Ed, Jacob, Tuwaine, Chloe, Harry
You had hoped Haz took Tom in his team but damn you Haz ,so you had Z, Paddy, Tom, Sam in your team
“Hey we are short of one player” you complained
You saw Steve coming from the other side with his friends. Zendaya elbowed you
“Babe it's your chance go and ask him out” You giggled and immediately ran towards Steve
“Hey hi”
“Hi again beautiful”
You hesitated a bit “Umm do you wanna? do you mind if I ask you to join us? We are playing volleyball and I'm short of one player.”
 “Of Course love, it will be my utmost pleasure.”
 You both came back and took your positions at the back. The game started and you were impressed by Steve's skills. He was really good at the game.
“Didn't think you would turn out be such a player.”
“I can be more than that love if you want.” He winked.
You blushed profusely “for now I just want to beat my best friend's ass in the game”
“As you wish mam”
Tom was standing in the front and he could hear all of your conversations. It would be a lie if he said he wasn't feeling jealous.
Both the teams were on tie the last round was do or die for you.
You went to serve the ball but accidentally it slipped and it went and hit at the back of Tom's head. You gave a panicked look while others started laughing.
“I'm really sorry Tom the ball slipped from my hand” you also started giggling.
“But I think you did that intentionally Y/N” Tom said angrily
 “What do you think I don't understand why you are acting to be so nice”
“What are you saying Tom I don't understand I already said that I'm sorry it was totally an accident?”
“Are you sorry? You just can’t tolerate that after so many years finally I’m happy with someone”
“Yo Tom calm down” Jacob said
 “Yes Tom stop overreacting!” Chloe yelled
“Tell your friend to stop acting to be so nice!!”
“Hey man you are unnecessarily making a big deal out of it” Steve came in your defense.
“You please stay out of this. Its between us”.
“Tom you can’t speak to Steve like this”
“Oh now I get it all this to grab his attention. You are wasting your time on her dude take my advice leave her she anyways will leave you after she gets whatever she wants from you”.
Your blood was boiling at Tom’s words. El was totally confused at the whole scene she wasn't getting why Tom was reacting like that, your temper rising as you noticed her and abruptly spoke
“Hey El I know you are totally confused at what is going on let me give you a pretext to it ,you actually know half of my identity that is I'm their childhood friend but I'm more than that to your fiance actually.” you jabbed at her
“Y/N I said you no” Tom yelled
“Oh it’s too late now honey”
“For the record I'm his ex girlfriend. We had been in a relationship since we were teenagers then we broke up six years ago. But I guess he couldn't get over it as that is why he couldn’t say you about me” you glared at him looking up and down. “Maybe you are failing to give him the love he needs that is why he can’t forget me and is acting like a dickhead.”
El was definitely hurt by your words. She ran towards the beach house teary eyed. Tom ran after her “El wait! Don’t go! I can explain!! Please listen!!”
“Fuck you Y/N!!!”
You gave him the finger with both your hands with an uninterested look on your face.
The game obviously had to be ended after the heated argument. And everybody came back to the beach house. You were all sitting in the living room. Tom and El were in their room. Probably sorting out the matter after your big revelation.
“What is the problem with Tom?” Z exclaimed
“He has totally gone nuts” Sam scoffed
“Y/N are you okay?” Harrison nudged your shoulder
“Yeah I'm fine but I really feel bad I shouldn't have spoken to El like that. That was totally rude. I just got really angry. I didn't do it intentionally.
“It's okay Y/N we know it was never your fault. Tom has always been a dickhead.” Harry reassured you
‘I think I need to talk to El and clear things out before it gets more complicated.”
El was standing at the porch when you approached her.
“Hey” she gave a half smile
“Listen I came to apologize for today. I'm really sorry I shouldn't have talked to you like that. It was so rude of me. I just couldn't control myself after what Tom said. I don't know what Tom said to you about me but I have no intention of interfering in your lives. I'm really happy for both of you. To be honest I still love him, he is my best friend though he doesn't see me like his friend anymore. I don't want to become the reason for a rift in your relationship.”
“I understand Y/N in a way it was Tom's fault, he was the one who overreacted in spite of you saying sorry.”
“Thank you El for understanding.”
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Yeah sure”
“Why did you guys break up?”
You sighed deeply “because I was way too selfish. I couldn't give the love he deserved. But now I feel you can fill that void in his life. You took El's hand in yours El “I'm giving his responsibility to you El. Please never leave his side. Fill his life with love and happiness he deserves. And if you guys want I can..I can leave tomorrow itself.”
“No Y/N I wouldn't want that you both share a past together but that should not affect our future. You will always be a good friend to me.”
“So if we are all good you guys are coming to the party right”
“Party??” El gave a confused look
“Yeah Harrison arranged a sort of welcome and success party for me, gonna have fun tonight.”
 “Yeah sure and I'll persuade Tom don't worry.
 You chose your little black dress with a deep plunging neckline as your outfit for the night. Zendaya was still confused between two of her outfits. You both did your make up and got ready.
“What's with that cleavage?” Zendaya quipped
“I don't think I stand a chance with that Steve guy after today's events so I have to find a new one” you laughed.
 As you guys reached the night club, you could hear the music blasting from outside. The bouncers checked your ids and let you in. Harrison ordered the drinks as you all gathered together. Harrison raised a toast
“To our long living friendships and our rock-star's successful album.”
You all cheered.
“Okay guys the drinks are on me for tonight, help yourselves” you announced.
The boys cheered. Everyone scattered the couples went for a dance as you looked at Tom and El dancing and laughing. You were sipping on a margarita when you felt a light tap on your shoulder and you looked back.
"Hey you went away without even saying a proper goodbye"
“Umm hi, sorry actually I wasn’t in a good state at that moment”
“Yeah I understand. how are you now?”
He was checking you out all thanks to your dress
“Up here Mr.” You grinned
He gave a lopsided smile “you look hot”
Physical by Dua Lipa starts playing
(Common love isn't for us We created something phenomenal Don't you agree? Don't you agree? You got me feeling diamond rich Nothing on this planet compares to it Don't you agree? Don't you agree? )
 Zendaya came and grabbed your hand “come on slowpoke. Let's burn the dance floor.” She pulled you to the dance floor.
(Who needs to go to sleep, when I got you next to me?
All night, I'll riot with you I know you got my back and you know I got you So come on, come on, come on Let's get physical Lights out, follow the noise Baby, keep on dancing like you ain't got a choice So come on, come on, come on Let's get physical)  
You both swayed to the music as you both started lip syncing with the song loudly and laughing. You grooved sensuously giving occasional glances to Steve. He took the que and approached you. You felt his arms around your hips as he turned you towards him. You put your arms on his shoulders as you both swayed to the music looking into each other's eyes.
“Hey Steve!! come on mate you have to go!” you heard a group of men calling out
“Er... sorry I have to leave my friends are calling. See you again” 
“It’s ok bye see ya” You came back to the counter. You ordered some lemon drops. You gulped it down and bite into the lime.
“Didn't think you will make him leave you so soon”
You rolled your eyes “wasn't today enough for you.”
“I can never get enough of you princess”
“Stop calling me that!!”
“Why does it turn you on?”
“Huh!!” you deadpanned. “It makes me feel nauseated. You don't excite me anymore Holland” you grinned. He was going to say something as Tuwaine interrupted
“Hey let’s do power hour” Tuwaine suggested
“Yessss!!!!” the boys shouted in unison
“Guys seriously none of you can handle yourselves after that. We girls have also come to enjoy not to carry your drunken asses home” You jabbed.
“We can handle ourselves Y/N don’t worry” Harry assured you
“We’ll see that”
The game started only Paddy didn’t participate as he was not sure of his capacity to handle . Jacob gave up half way through the shots. Sam and Harry both struggling to keep up the pace lastly giving up. It was now between Tom, Harrison and Tuwaine. Tuwaine won eventually. And now all the boys were definitely drunk as you had expected.
You were having your shots as Tom took one from you.
“Aren’t you already enough drunk loser”
“I’m not a loser” he said in a raspy voice
“Then who lost to Tuwaine anyways I’m gonna go dance you sulk here loser”
 Into you by Ariana Grande starts playing
(I'm so into you, I can barely breathe And all I wanna do is to fall in deep But close ain't close enough 'til we cross the line So name a game to play, and I'll roll the dice, hey)
You walked to the center of the dance floor swaying your hips a little as you start grooving to the song. You felt a little tipsy as you danced along the song, drunk sweaty bodies hovered around you. 
(Oh baby, look what you started The temperature's rising in here Is this gonna happen? Been waiting and waiting for you to make a move Before I make a move)
You started dancing with some random drunk guy. You glanced at Tom as you placed your hands around his neck and danced with that guy. Yes the alcohol in your system wanted Tom to make a move.
(So baby, come light me up and baby I'll let you on it A little bit dangerous, but baby, that's how I want it A little less conversation, and a little more touch my body 'Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you)
Tom clenched his jaw as he gulped down a shot slamming the glass on the bar counter and started walking towards you. You continued to dance sensually.
(Got everyone watchin' us, so baby, let's keep it secret A little bit scandalous, but baby, don't let them see it A little less conversation and a little more touch my body 'Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you)
You felt a familiar pair of arms around your waist as he turned you and pulled you closer to him. Your palms resting on his broad chest. The smell of his cologne taking over your senses.
(This could take some time, hey I made too many mistakes Better get this right, right, baby)
You placed your hands around Tom's neck as you get lost into each other's eyes. The world seemed a blur to you at the moment as you cared less of who was watching, you just wanted to live this moment.
(So baby, come light me up and baby I'll let you on it A little bit dangerous, but baby, that's how I want it A little less conversation, and a little more touch my body 'Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you)
 He took your hand in his and twirled you around a few times before pulling you closer, your back pressed to his chest, your bodies swaying, occasionally grinding against each other.
(Got everyone watchin' us, so baby, let's keep it secret A little bit scandalous, but baby, don't let them see it A little less conversation and a little more touch my body 'Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you)
 He brushed aside your hair with one hand, his other hand on your shoulder as he kissed you behind your ear. You gasped at his touch as you felt your body was on fire. You tilted your head a little to give him more access as he brushes his lips on your neck. Tom's hands ran down your arms lacing with your fingers.
(Tell me what you came here for 'Cause I can't, I can't wait no more)
You suddenly felt whatever is happening is wrong, you pulled away from him to leave as he caught hold of your hand.  
(I'm on the edge with no control And I need, I need you to know You to know, oh)
You looked at him and then to your hands. He pulled you impossibly closer as you slammed into his chest. Your legs were wobbly as he steadied you by holding your waist. The smell of his cologne doing things to you. Old memories, nostalgia hitting you. He lifts you up and spins a little.
  (So baby, come light me up and baby I'll let you on it A little bit dangerous, but baby, that's how I want it A little less conversation, and a little more touch my body 'Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you)
You look at him with droopy eyes as he brings you down; he hugs you even closer. He knelt near your neck, nose brushing against the bottom of your ear. You whimpered when his hot breath ghosted your ears. "Do I still excite you babygirl?" he whispered in your ears. You could just hum in response, your body shivering at each and every touch of his.
(Got everyone watchin' us, so baby, let's keep it secret A little bit scandalous, but baby, don't let them see it A little less conversation and a little more touch my body 'Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you)
Purple lights danced across Tom's face illuminating his  brown eyes, highlighting his each and every feature. You went dizzy when his lips ghosted at your sweet spot at the nape of your neck. You threw your hands around his neck tugging his hair at the bottom. His hands snaked around your waist sensually gliding to your thighs at the hem of your dress.You weren't that drunk so soon the realization hit you where it is leading to. You thought, what were you doing? This is so not right. You struggled to free yourself from his hold pushing him away by his chest.
(So come light me up, so come light me up my baby A little dangerous, a little dangerous my baby A little less conversation and a little more touch my body 'Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you ) song fading away...............
You both stand in the middle of the dance floor breathless. You ran your hand through your already messed up hair. You stomped off to the bar counter as Tom followed you.
Taglists: to be added send a message or ask I'll be happy to add you in the following chapters.
@sophs-library​ @sleepybesson​ @spideyparkerstark​ @itstaskeen​ @milli86​ @biebsmylife95​ @quaksonhehe​ @hannahholland1811​
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chuffyfan87 · 5 years
Hiding. Part 47a
Cowritten with @disastrousintention.
Bonfire night was always a "all hands on deck" kind of shift in A+E so both Charlie and Duffy were working. The girls were spending the night with her mum, Peter was going to a local display with Sarah's family and Duffy had reluctantly agreed to let Jake spend the night with his dad. Things had improved substantially since Andrew had attended the court mandated anger management course but Duffy was still apprehensive. But she knew that she owed it to Jake to let him make his own decisions regarding his dad.
Jake hadn’t forgotten about all the bad stuff his dad did to his mum but sometimes he missed him. So far, their relationship was better. But for how long, nobody knew.
Charlie hated bonfire night. The amount of casualties that attended A&E was horrific.
Duffy spent the early part of the evening in cubicles treating burns, mainly to hands and and arms. It always hated it when the incidents involved little kids, it made her nervous and paranoid.
Charlie was in Resus dealing with the worst of the accidents. Like Duffy he too was nervous, he hated fireworks with a passion. They were dangerous but not everyone was aware of the dangers, it would seem.
Just after 9pm a young boy was brought in after being caught up in an explosion where a firework had been thrown into a bonfire. He was accompanied by a terrified young woman who couldn't have been older than her early twenties.
The woman looked like she was going to pass out any minute, the colour drained from her face. “Is he going to be okay?” She asked.
"Are you a relative?" A nurse asked the young woman.
"No, he's, um.., he's my boyfriend's son."
“What’s his name?” The nurse asked.
"Jake. I swear we didn't realise he was next to the bonfire."
“His surname and date of birth?”
"I don't know. He's ten I think."
“Right, if you want to sit in the relatives room, I’ll pass the information on. Where’s his father now?”
Charlie was in Resus dealing with a patient when he heard Jake’s name. He froze for a minute. Now, it couldn’t be...?
"He had to go to work. He asked me to keep an eye on the kid. My brother and his mates were helping me."
The nurse nodded and took her to the relatives room. “I’ll come and find you, when we know more.”
“Jake?” Charlie turned around. “Jake?”
"Do you know who he is? We need to contact his parents immediately." Harry replied urgently.
“Duffy’s his mum.” Charlie replied to Harry. “I... should go and tell her.”
"Don't bring her in here Charlie. I'll come and speak to her as soon as I can."
“How bad.. is it?” Charlie asked.
"The burns are pretty bad but it seems he was turned away when the firework went off so it didn't hit him full in the face and chest."
Charlie nodded. “You have to make sure he’s ok, Harry. Please.” He brushed away the tear that rolled down his cheek before leaving to find Duffy. How had this happened?
Duffy was in admin when Charlie approached her. "Why are people so irresponsible?" She sighed.
“What’s wrong?” He asked.
"Every year we treat kids who've been allowed to play with fireworks. What kind of parent let's their kid do that?"
“Irresponsible ones.” Charlie swallowed, “Darling, will you come to my office for a minute? Please?”
"I'm OK, I'm just ranting. I don't really have time for a break right now."
“No. I need to talk to you, privately.”
"What is it?" She asked, puzzled.
“Not here darling.” He offered her his hand.
"Charlie what's going on? Just tell me and stop messing around!"
He didn’t say anything until he got to his office. “Sit down. Please.”
"What have I done wrong now?" She sighed as she took a seat.
Charlie crouched down in front of her and took her hands in his. “I...” He paused for a minute, “Jake’s had an accident.”
"What kind of accident? He's not broken his arm again has he?"
“No. He’s— he’s been caught up in an explosion at a bonfire.” He squeezed her hands, “He’s got pretty bad burns but the firework didn’t hit his chest or face. I don’t know anything else. I’m sorry. He’s in Resus, Harry’s treating him. He said he’s going to come and talk to us. I— I had to tell you.”
"What?!" She pulled her hands away and tried to stand up but Charlie was blocking her path. "I need to see him!" She cried.
“Harry said not to. Not yet, please.” He swallowed and pulled Duffy into a hug.
"I want to see my son!" She sobbed.
“And we will. Just not yet.”
"He'll be scared, he needs me." Her head was starting to spin. This wasn't happening!
He made her sit down again. “Look at me?”
She was shaking, her eyes wild with fear.
“Focus on your breathing for me? Please? In and out...”
It took several minutes but Duffy finally got her breathing back to normal and was able to speak. "Was anyone else hurt?"
“Not that I’m aware of. Just Jake.”
"Where's Andrew? I want to speak to him now!" Her fear had started to morph into anger. How could he have let this happen?
“I’ve not seen him.” Charlie admitted. “I don’t think it was him who brought Jake in.”
"Well who did? I want to speak to them!"
“I don’t know.” He answered.
She suddenly had a thought. Taking Charlie by surprise she got past him and headed out the door.
“Duffy, come back. Please.” He followed her.
She ignored him as she strode across reception and burst through the relatives room door.
The young girl stood up and swallowed. “Is Jake ok?”
“Darling, please.” Charlie warned Duffy quietly.
"Who the hell are you?" Duffy demanded.
"Where is Andrew?"
“He had to work. I’ve tried to call him but I can’t get hold of him. I’ve left messages with reception though.”
"So he left my son with you?"
Isla nodded. “You're Jake's mum?”
"Yes and unfortunately that waste of space you call a boyfriend is my ex husband."
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t know Jake was near the bonfire. I took my eye off him for a minute. I—I moved him before the firework exploded but he already had some burns. I’m really sorry.” Isla replied, “I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
Duffy could see that the girl was genuinely terrified. "Did you get hurt?"
“My hands but...” Isla shrugged, “Jake’s more important.”
"Show me." Duffy encouraged.
Isla held her hands out. She had second degree burns to her hands, “It doesn’t hurt.”
"You need to get those treated."
“I’m really, really sorry.”
"How did it happen?"
“Someone threw a firework into the bonfire. It just exploded. I was moving Jake just as the firework went off."
"Of all the idiotic..!"
“I...” Isla was about to say something when she suddenly sat back down, feeling really dizzy and sick.
"Isla?" Duffy stepped forward to take hold of her wrist to check her pulse.
“I just feel a bit dizzy.”
"How long have you been feeling dizzy?"
“Since the bonfire started.” Isla admitted.
Duffy turned to look up at her husband. "Charlie?" She was torn - the young girl clearly needed medical attention but Duffy's thoughts kept straying to Jake.
He stepped towards Isla, “We need to get you checked over, ok?”
Isla sighed, “I’ll be ok in a couple of minutes.”
"You need to go with Charlie and get checked over." Duffy insisted.
Isla nodded. “Will you please keep me informed about Jake?”
Duffy nodded.
“Thank you.” Isla stood up and went with Charlie to be treated.
Duffy waited til they were out of sight before she got up and headed towards resus. She burst through the doors. "Jake!"
“Mum?” He whispered. He was tired and sleepy from the pain and morphine.
“Duffy, please.”
She ignored Harry and went over to Jake. "Oh sweetheart!"
Harry sighed. He’d told Charlie to keep Duffy away from Resus for the time being.
“Hurts.” Jake said quietly.
"I know. But you're going to be OK I promise!" She stroked his forehead.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered.
"Its not your fault."
“Is.” He nodded, “Went near the bonfire.”
"It doesn't matter. Don't think about that now."
“Can I sleep?” Jake asked, “I’m tired and it’s sore.”
Duffy looked at Harry.
Harry smiled slightly and nodded. “I think he should rest, yes.”
"Can I stay with him?"
Duffy wasn't sure how long she'd been sat with Jake when suddenly Andrew burst through the resus doors.
“Is he ok?” Andrew asked stepping towards the bed.
"Like you care!" Duffy replied angrily.
“Of course I care. I came as soon as I could.”
"You left him on his own at a bonfire!"
“I left him with Isla.”
"She couldn't look after him, she's practically a child herself!"
“She’s twenty three. Hardly a child.” Andrew pointed out.
"And you're nearly fifty!" Duffy pointed out, the disgust clear in her voice.
“Who I choose to see is none of your business, Lisa.”
The atmosphere was increasingly tense. It had been several months since she and Andrew had seen each other in person. Usually she avoided being the one to drop off or pick up Jake when he saw his father. She stood up. "Let's talk outside, I don't want to disturb Jake."
He nodded and they went outside to talk. “I admit, in hindsight, I probably shouldn’t have left Jake with Isla.”
Duffy sighed, rubbing her lower back. "He could have died!" She cried.
“I know. I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
"Everything was just getting settled and now this." She sighed, leaning against the wall.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to let him down.”
"Have you been to check on Isla?"
“She’s hurt too?”
"She pulled Jake out the way."
“No I haven’t. I’ll go and see Isla and then come back?”
"OK. Can you tell her that Jake is sleeping?"
“I will.” He smiled sadly, “I’ll be back in a minute.”
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31charactersxiv · 5 years
The Masterlist
The sum total list of characters I play as. I maintain two accounts for the purposes of RPing multiple characters in a scene/event.
After each character, a brief summary. In the future, I will expand upon these so each has their own page.
My characters are for the most part lore-abiding. None 100% directly contradict canon, but some stretch it (quite) a bit more than others. Note that in the case of the Lee and Wae families, especially, they are eccentric, and despite their claims it is inconclusive whether they’re actually correct or not. What your character believes is not dictated to you.
Account 1:
Trudy Bays: Seeker of the Sun exiled from her tribe because the only thing she was good at was stealing, something she is extremely good at, but did through compulsion only and can’t ‘turn on’ as an ability. Now she’s joined a traveling troupe of stage performers, and wears a cavalcade of clashing, garish colors because she just really likes bright colors.
- Annabel Lee-Wae: Youngest daughter of Amelia Lee-Wae and Gerard Wae (deceased), her rebellious nature has led her to trying to perform acts of charity for others. Her general dumbassery, exacerbated by her cloistered upbringing, has led her to be near-totally incompetent.
- Kagome Voulaizun: Writer for The Crucible, absolute dumbass. Exiled from Ishgard, a place she refuses to state she’s from - indeed, she insists she’s the reincarnation of an ancient Doman hero. At best, she only ever half-knows what she’s talking about. Will condescendingly explain to a Doman why they’re wrong about their own country’s history rather than accept she might be wrong.
- Amelia Lee-Wae: Mother to Annabel, Ebony, and Tara. Sister to Lulu. Widow of Gerard Wae. Outcast from the Lee family of Ul’dah for her refusal of an arranged marriage in favor of marrying a self-made “new money” rich man, Amelia was once a terrifyingly powerful black mage known as The Crimson Witch. 
Unfortunately for her, and fortunately for everyone else, in her old age and in grieving her deceased husband she has grown increasingly detached from reality and her crackpot theories about the nature of magic and Ul’dahn history culminated in her quietly being confined to the Wae Manor, save for rare (supervised) travels outside. The final straw was when she insisted that the Ul line is illegitimate due to the “fact” that Lalafell are descended from Mhachi mammets and therefore not people.
- Lulu Lee-Williams: Crime lord from Ul’dah, moved to Thavnair to escape the Lee family’s insistence she marry a man. Instead married a Thavnairian noblewoman, using the strength of this connection, her own magical prowess and raw determination to forge a half-cult, half-criminal empire. 
Her followers are chosen from the poorest and most vulnerable, and she manipulates and indoctrinates them until she’s satisfied their loyalty is unshakable. Any who fail she eradicates and uses for her own magical ends. She has intentionally created a structure which cannot stand past her own death, and has curried all the power and influence she has for the ultimate goal of destroying the Lee family. 
Their crime of casting her out will see them destroyed, once and for all, and Lulu will see to it that her darling nieces Ebony and Tara inherit what’s left of the Lees. Cunning, dangerous, a witch through and through, Lulu is not to be trifled with.
Lacina Lune: A Viera once kidnapped by Garlemald and turned into an experimental brainwashed assassin, Lacina has since been cut loose after a bout of mental instability had her deemed too much a risk to carry on. Instead of executing her, she was dumped into Eorzea to, the Garleans presumed, wreak as much havoc as possible. 
Instead, she has fallen to delusion. Unable to accept that she failed her final mission, she instead believes her target has faked his death and gone into hiding. She pursues him relentlessly, a phantom she can never catch, while making plans for the future she cannot hope to fulfill without accepting the reality she fundamentally and categorically denies. Fascinated by music and obsessed with perfection, she does her best to function in the world but finds doing so increasingly difficult.
Coulement Williquette: Dravanian hunter, hailing from Tailfeather, Coulement is a simple man. Stifled by cities and only at home when on the hunt, he is a dedicated and capable monster hunter. Coulement is good-natured, kind of an idiot, and strives to be something of a hero, but his severe difficulties understanding Spoken have been his primary inhibitor. Coulement is presently engaged in hunting a legendary creature with his girlfriend (?) Alya, a far more cerebral hunter who is a perfect counterpart to him
Jaraku Drake: A bard with a long and storied past, Jaraku is ultimately a man defined by his passions and talents. His overwhelming love for and devotion to his wife Issabel Drake, whose last name he adopted, drive every action he takes and every move he makes.
Zwynmaga Doesmagasyn: Bastard son of the dread pirate Doesmaga, Zwynmaga has carried the burden of his birth his entire life. Rather than lash out at the world which so cruelly compared him to his father before he could even walk, Zwynmaga has instead devoted himself to proving all his detractors wrong. Where he is expected to be cruel, he delivers kindness. Where he is expected to be defiant, he offers fealty. 
He is a firm Lominsan patriot and member of the Maelstrom, and his achievements (despite his relatively young age) are already impressive to behold. From his flagship the Reconciliation, he has brought more than one renegade pirate to justice, and been a thorn in the side of Garlean shipping time and again. Every last member of his crew are absolutely devoted to him, and he runs his ship with a level of professionalism far more in line with a proper military than anything which could be confused with a pirate ship.
Zwynmaga is childhood friends with his navigator Swyggsyg, and his first mate Hyltbryda.
Ryoko Kasai: (In)famous yakuza operating out of Kugane, head of the Kasai-gumi, and fire-obsessed engineer. Kasai is something of an enigma to most - her history shrouded in mystery. All that is clear is that she burst onto the scene with a vengeance some six years past, and has since then carved out a comfortable niche for the Kasai-gumi. Keeping her organization small, highly-capable and devoted, Kasai looks ever-outward for opportunities to expand, and spread her fire across the realm.
Chiaki Ishimoto: A creature most commonly termed a “vampire”, a term she takes offense to yet offers no satisfying alternative to, Chiaki is a ranking member of a Hingan secret society which exists to defend Hingashi from threats supernatural. Chiaki herself is specialized in the treating with and binding of creatures which cause trouble in and around Kugane. An exceedingly dangerous opponent in a fight with centuries of experience behind her, Chiaki had until quite recently grown complacent. Only after being shown she is not infallible has she begun focusing on self-betterment.
Chiaki despises Eorzea and has no interest in ever returning if she can possibly help it, and views Kugane as her own private treasure. One she defends with her life.
- Rydia Misuto: Survivor of the burning of Monzen, Rydia has been severely traumatized by the stark contrast between living with her kindhearted mother and watching the very same mother be violently killed in the attack. Near-broken by her single-minded lust for power and revenge, Rydia has done everything she is able to apply her unique tenacity towards her ultimate goal: Becoming strong enough to make sure, once and for all, that the Garleans never return to Doma.
Rydia is loosely inspired by the character Rydia from Final Fantasy IV.
Asagao Shiragiko: Hingan samurai who denounced the corrupt government of Hingashi but, rather than fight it directly, has instead resolved to spread knowledge and teaching to as many as she can, and thus empower the peasantry towards a peaceful revolution. Her lack of visible progress despite over a decade of work is starting to wear thin on her.
Asagao is exceptionally capable as a samurai, but certainly not the best alive.
Account 2:
Tabatha Tombclutch: Tabatha, or “Tabby”, rarely ever gives her last name to others. Instead, she self-styles herself the infamous “Tombclutch”, a grave robber and tomb explorer with zero respect for any of the historical ground she treads beyond stealing the most appealing items there. She does not fence any of her acquisitions, and gains nothing from them but the rush of success. Instead, she squirrels them away - so that her wealthy parents remain unaware of what their daughter’s been doing those nights she spends off on her own.
Tabby uses her cover as an archaeologist to find the best places to rob, and has absolute certainty in herself due to a unique power she has cultivated, through the aid of a tutor whose motives are far from benevolent. Casting aside the thaumaturgical lessons her parents sent her to, Tabby has instead delved into the magic of ‘luck’. The upside is it allows her to sharpen her senses to a supernatural degree, and gives her a sense for danger far more honed than most, as well as allowing her to manipulate minor aspects of fate around her (such as dice rolling or card games.) 
The downsides to this power are that it can be unreliable, and that the use of it casts a bright aetherial beacon around herself, one which is extremely easy to detect. She is unaware of this fact. In combat, she prefers to run away and fights only to escape. She “justifies” her actions to herself by refusing to kill Spoken, and will go out of her way to risk her own life to save a pursuer if they would otherwise die as a result of her own actions. To some scant few, this has ingratiated the “Tombclutch” as a hero of sorts. But in Nald’Thal-worshiping Ul’dah, robbing the dead cannot be forgiven.
Gaelle Troyes: Former Ishgardian knight, now exiled, Gaelle has devoted her life to being a living, walking mockery of everything Ishgard believes. By taking her superb skills in reading others and applying it to “fortune-telling”, Gaelle manipulates those she gives “readings” to towards ends which remain unclear to most.
Ultimately, she wants to mock the gods, spread chaos, and better the lives of people she finds worth it along the way.
Gaelle has sworn an oath of pacifism she will die before she breaks, a direct spit in the eye to the country that tried to make her into a weapon. Despite her act, no reading of hers should be taken as in-setting being an actual divine message, though what those she hoodwinks believes is of course up to them.
Kyou Hurekakuko: Hingan tattoo artist from Bukyo, Kyou is the inheritor to a school of tattooists which trace their lineage back generations... Or so she thinks. In reality, despite her impressive skill, her mentor decided it best she be pushed to start her own business, as she is too abrasive to become the face of his. Kyou is presently ‘exiled’ to Kugane by the Bukyo Yakuza for assisting Kasai, and her overwhelming egotism earns her few friends.
Still, it can’t be denied that when she knows someone enough to ‘peer into their soul’, she can swiftly identify the perfect tattoo to represent them as a person, and ‘empower’ them. If they were to allow her to use her magic-infused inks, that is.
That’s only if she can be bothered to care, of course.
Clyde Arrowny: Known as “Shadow”, he is a shinobi in dedicated service to Cardelica Tachibana, and tolerates no threats or slights against his master. A stark contrast to the cheery and optimistic girl, Shadow is noteworthy for being acutely stoic and grim. He uses a variety of glamours to move about Kugane and keep tabs on individuals of note who may either be of aid or a threat to his master, and responds accordingly.
An exceptionally-powerful shinobi, Shadow has been said to be the equal to a hundred men on the battlefield. The reality of this has never been tested.
Shadow is explicitly inspired by the character of the same name from Final Fantasy VI.
Gerrith Gaffgarion: An ex-Ala Mhigan national, Gerrith is an absolute monster of a man who revels in violence and killing. A Dark Knight whose powers grew twisted and far more malevolent than his mentor could allow, Gerrith slew his own mentor to ensure his own skills would be all the more valuable.
A villain through-and-through, he has spent decades as one of the more feared mercenaries operating across Thanalan and La Noscea. Despite charging exorbitant fees for his services, Gerrith has zero actual desire to amass wealth, and exclusively uses it to either pay his lone ‘partner’, create self-sustaining cash flow, and facilitate the continuation of his grim work through bribery and other such means. Gerrith has a well-reputation for leaving no survivors wherever he is hired to attack.
Gerrith Gaffgarion is loosely inspired by Goffard Gaffgarion from Final Fantasy Tactics. 
- Gui Charlemalde: A Gridanian adventurer, Gui was adopted by Duskwights as an infant, and has since grown to be one of the most kindhearted people in all the Black Shroud. Electing to inherit his father’s mantle as an adventurer, so that his elder brother would not feel guilt over following his dreams of being a carpenter, Gui has spent every day of his adult life with a very plain mission:
Do all the good he can.
Choosing to focus on smaller threats and problems than most, Gui firmly believes the role of an adventurer is to help those who otherwise would not be helped. No job is too small, no task is beneath him, so long as it is to help those in dire need.
In recent times, Gui has grown painfully aware that he has been cursed from birth to carry a voidsent in his blood which he is increasingly at odds with. His overwhelming positivity and commitment to his own good-naturedness have kept the voidsent mostly at bay, so far. But for how long can such a thing last?
Tange Shishido: Aged Doman samurai, severely injured in years past, Tange seeks to train all she can in her art so as to prepare another generation of samurai to defend Doma. The older he gets, the more her injuries hold her back, but in her day she was unquestionably one of the most powerful samurai in the realm.
Tange’s acceptance of ijin as students, contingent on their swearing an oath to defend Doma if ever the country needs them, has made her unpopular with many, but she has a long history of eschewing tradition wherever she feels it stifling her.
Ebony Wae: Eldest (by minutes) twin sister of Tara Wae, eldest sister to Annabel Lee-Wae, and oldest not-disowned child of Amelia and Gerard Wae, Ebony is a driven businesswoman with tyrannical tendencies. Devoted to an unorthodox cult of Nald’Thal espoused by her family, Ebony secretly thinks of herself as the incarnation of Nald. With a careful eye to the family businesses, and an insatiable appetite for expansion, the only things holding Ebony back are her insistence on fair treatment of employees, and the handful of distractions she often allows to get in her way.
Most notably among these are her love of combat and the thrill of the hunt, and her preoccupation with making sure Tara is able to find a husband of high enough quality to be worth continuing the family line with.
Ebony cherishes her Aunt Lulu, and is exceedingly protective of her little sister Annabel. Trained in the ways of the Dark Knight by a tutor who regretted the contract almost immediately, Ebony is prone to violence and destruction as her preferred solution to any problems or threats which arise, so long as she remains within the confines of her obsession with obeying the letter of the law.
Ebony and her sisters have a variety of beliefs which are foreign to the common resident of Thanalan, chiefly that hoarding money is a sin against Nald because the exchange of currency is how Nald expresses Himself. Between this and many other ideological anomalies, her radical and unusual beliefs have led her to accidentally be one of the more beneficial people in Thanalan to the region’s well-being.
Kogyoku Yuzuka: Yakuza, member of the Kasai-gumi, absorbed into the organization during first wave of expansion through Kugane. Kogyoku is a skilled fighter and loyal member of the organization. She is often paired with her best friend Ken, a Roegadyn who towers over her. The two make an effective duo - Ken’s brazenness tempered by Kogyoku’s cool-headed rationality.
Adroit Aegolius: Going by a pseudonym designed to innately test the knowledge of everyone he meets, Aegolius is a Sharlayan researcher come to Eorzea to learn more about Blue Magic. One of the younger children of a large Sharlayan family, Aegolius has used his family’s sway - with his eldest brother’s support - to allow himself the freedom to fully explore the potential of this new field of magic, contingent on having something to show it was worth the funding upon his return.
Aegolius is a smooth-talker who seeks out opportunities to enjoy life while he’s still young, but at the same time yearns for the days in decades to come when it is him who is the aged, wise wizard passing knowledge and judgment down to those beneath him.
Hyltbryda Eyrieynwyn: First mate to Zwynmaga Doesmagasyn, Hyltbryda is a rough-and-tumble Roegadyn who’s far more playful and competitive than her more reserved captain. Hyltbryda frequently challenges those she likes to competitions of physical strength and endurance, and has beaten more than a few people swimming back and forth along the docks of Aleport. She uses a spear in combat, a tradition she has kept onto after defeating a haughty Ishgardian in a fight with one.
Hyltbryda is often the source of minor pranks on the crew, and enjoys messing with those she likes in good-natured ways. Hyltbryda is dating Lee Whims.
Kavatch Beamsplitter: A Nagxian monk who emphasizes strength over all else, the “Beamsplitter” is noted for his single-minded devotion to bettering the world through what he sees as the only possible way to do so:
Tempering those who can weather his stern outlook, and breaking those who cannot.
Kavatch is brutal and forward-focused, always striving towards a place where he has enough strength to shape the world to his whims. To change the face of Hydaelyn to match his ideal: a world where the strongest rule and protect the weak, and anyone can rise to the top through self-betterment. Where positions of power must be fought for to be maintained, and the infirm or incompetent are ousted in short order by those wiser and more capable below them.
Kavatch has disdain for those who fight using entirely mechanical means, such as firearms. In his eyes, the truest expression of perfection is the ability to fight with one’s own body and spirit, eschewing all other ‘distractions’.
Kavatch set out on a journey, recently, telling the students of his school that those most experienced among them should build up the rest, and that he would teach them more when they were able to find and defeat him - not a moment before.
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that-writer-girl5 · 7 years
Adventures in the Slow Path {Part Six//Donna's First Day}
“You know how we’ve been looking for another assistant?  Well, we found one.  She’s perfect really.  Passed all the tests and she’s brilliant.”
“Oh?  That’s great, Rose.  I know it’s been hard.”
“Yeah.  See, the thing is,” she said standing from her position on the Doctor’s lap, “it’s Donna Noble.”
She turned her back to him and gritted her teeth in preparation for his impending shock.
“You mean...Donna?  Donna Noble?  The crazy ginger Donna?”
“She’s the one.  Well, this world’s version at least.”
“So, this world has a Donna and a Wilf?”
“I’m not sure about Wilf, but Donna, yeah.  Saw her with my own two eyes.  She’s exactly the same too.  Brilliant.”
“Rose Tyler!  You are wonderful.  I have to meet her.  You have to introduce us.  She won’t know who I am, but I have to meet her.”
“Okay, breath, Doctor.  Tomorrow, stop by at lunch and you can meet her.  You can’t be all crazed though.  Can you do that?”
“Yeah, I can do that,” he said with a big grin, as he kissed Rose.  “I love you!”
“I love you, too. Man, I thought you’d be upset, because she wouldn’t know you.  Thought it would hurt too bad or something.  I hired her on the spot.  I saw it was her and decided immediately.  Must have looked mad and desperate.”
The next day, Rose went to work, but she was so excited about Donna’s first official day as her new assistant that she hardly slept the night before.  It occurred to Rose shortly after she arrived that she hadn’t even so much as looked at Donna’s CV or had any real discussion with her other than asking how she'd heard about the job.  She decided now that she must really have seemed a nutter.
A few minutes later, Donna walked in with a briefcase in her hand.  She looked unsure as to where to place her things, so Rose hurriedly showed her to the assistant’s desk in the lobby.  
“Good morning, Ms. Noble.  This will be your desk.  Here are your keys to your locker, file cabinet, and desk. Here are the instructions on how to set your safe to the passcode you’d like.”
“Oh, Ms. Tyler.  Good morning.  You can call me Donna, please.  And my last name is actually Temple-Noble, now.  Married my Shaun last Spring,” she said as she held up her left hand to show Rose.
“Congratulations!  I’m getting married in six weeks.  Don’t have a thing planned, but Mum insists she’s got it taken care of.  The woman could plan an event for the queen in a week if need be.  She didn’t always have a knack for that sort of thing.  Not until she came here.”  The last sentence was said under her breath.
“What was that?”
“Nothing, sorry.  So is this set-up suitable for you?”
“Yes, Ms. Tyler.  Thank you.  I guess I’ll be getting used to calling you something else in six weeks, huh?  Maybe I should get started now, so I don’t get hooked on Tyler.”
Rose chuckled, “You can call me Rose.  Sorry to not say that sooner.  You’re right though.  I’ll be Mrs. Tyler-Smith in six weeks.  How odd is that?  Never thought I’d see that day.  Me, marrying Doctor John Smith.”
“John Smith?  Couldn’t pick that name from a line-up, could you?  He could go into hiding with a name like that.”
Rose laughed.  “True enough.  It is quite common, isn’t it?  Donna, are you free for lunch today?  I’d like to get to know my assistant a bit better and my fiancé will be joining us.  If Shaun is free, he can join us.  It’s on me.”
“Sure!  Shaun works over at the repair center on the fifth floor.  I’ll ring ‘em up and ask ‘em to join us.”
“Brilliant!  I’ll let you get to it, then.”
The Doctor’s phone rang.  When he picked it up, Rose began talking immediately.
“Doctor, I’ve invited Donna and her husband Shaun to lunch.”
“She’s married here too then?  That’s good.  She deserves it after what happened with Lance.  Guy had a crazy thing for a giant spider.  Creepy, really.”
“You don’t know that it happened here.  Besides there haven’t been any reports of giant spiders attacking Pete’s World London.”
“It could have been kept quiet, Rose.”
“Regardless, be here for lunch.    You can ask her yourself.  Imagine that, ‘So, Donna.  A few years ago, were you engaged to a guy called Lance, who turned out to be a jerk and obsessed with a giant spider?’  That should turn out well.”
“I’m not going to ask her.  Eventually, if she is even remotely like my Donna, she will tell me everything.”
“Yeah, she has a way of getting people to talk too.  Very easy to talk to.” “I’ll see you at lunch.  I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
As the Doctor hung up the phone, Adam walked over.  
“Is everything okay, Doctor?”
“Yes.  Everything is fine.  In a few hours, I’m going to be seeing an old friend and she has no idea who I am.”
“An old friend, huh? Does Rose know that you’re meeting up with this old friend?”
“Yes, Adam, she does.  As a matter of fact, she arranged it.”
“Oh, kinky!  Didn’t know Rose had it in her.”
“Shut up, you idiot!  She is this world’s version of my best friend in the other world, Donna Noble.  Welll, Donna Temple-Noble now, apparently.  She was married in this world too.  Used to be engaged to a bloke called Lance.  He was obsessed with a giant spider.  Things got complicated after that, as you can imagine.”
“Yeah, I can imagine,” Adam said, rolling his eyes.
“Anyway, I think it will be interesting to see how she is in this world.  There has to be a slight variation.  Welll, there doesn’t have to be, but it’s unlikely that there isn’t,” the Doctor said more to himself than to Adam.  “I haven’t met her husband, Shaun, either.  I know he’s good to her.  She wouldn’t settle for more anything less, would she?”
“Well, Doc, I’m gonna go back to work.  You seem committed to talking to herself.  See you later.”
“Yeah.  See you,” he said, not really knowing what he was replying to.
The Doctor felt a little anxious about this lunch.  Earlier, when it wasn’t so set in stone, he was excited, nervous, and happy to see his friend again, but now, he was anxious.  Could he handle the fact that Donna wouldn’t know who he was?  What if Wilf wasn’t around?  He didn’t know if he could handle there not being a Wilf.
At eleven-thirty, Donna’s desk phone rang.  “Ms. Tyler’s office.  This is Donna speaking.  How may I help?”
“Oh, yes, Donna.  This is John.  Is Rose available?”
“Yes, sir.  Please hold.”  She put the call on hold.  Spacing out for a second, but then collecting her thoughts, she punched in Rose’s extension.  “Keep it together, Donna.  You’re the best temp in Chiswick,” she said to herself as she hung up her receiver.
Deciding to call her granddad to check on him, she took out her mobile and called his speed dial extension.  The answering machine picked up, “Oi, Gramps!  Pick up the line.  It’s your granddaughter, Donna.”
Donna heard the sound of the phone rustling on the other end.
“I’m here, I’m here.  Was in the loo.  How are you, my darling? How is your first day?”
“It’s brilliant, Gramps.  I’m having lunch, a double date really, with the boss and her fiancé.  Shaun’s coming too,” she lowered her voice, “and she’s paying for the whole thing.  Can you believe it?  I’m-having-lunch-with-Rose-Tyler-heiress-to-the-Vitex-fortune,” she said in one long breathless string.  “Me.  I’m just a temp.  Well, not anymore.  I’ve settled down and got a real job.”
Wilf chuckled on the other end.  “I’m proud of you, Sweetheart.  You’re doin’ good for you and that husband of yours.  Things’re lookin’ up for ya.  I want all the details tonight at supper.  You should get back to work.  Love ya, Sweetheart.”
“Love ya too, Gramps.  See you tonight.”
“Rose Tyler,” Rose said as she picked up her ringing line.
“Soon enough you’ll be answering Rose Tyler-Smith.  Ready for that?”
“Oh, you haven’t got a clue how ready, Doctor Smith.”  She said this in the best sultry voice she could muster up.  “What’s up?”
“Did you want me to meet you at your office or at the restaurant?”
“We haven’t decided where we’re going yet, but I thinking Luciano’s.  I’ll ask Donna if she and Shaun like Italian, so meet us here and we can ride together.”
“Okay.  See you in a few minutes.  Love you.”
“Love you too.”
Rose sat at her desk for a few minutes, smiling and not being able to contain her thoughts.  She was excited to be able to call that man her husband and the fact that from the day they returned home from Bad Wolf Bay, he had never let her wonder or doubt how much he loved her.  He told her at every turn and she hadn’t been so confident in herself or a relationship in her entire life.  She had the perfect life, with the perfect man, job and family.
At ten of, she stood from her desk and made her way to reception to ask Donna about Luciano’s.  She spotted who she suspected was Shaun talking to her.
“Oh, Rose,” gesturing for her to draw nearer, “this is my husband, Shaun.  Shaun, this is my boss, Rose Tyler.”
Rose held out her hand, “Pleasure to meet you, Shaun.”
“You as well, ma’am.  Thank you for inviting me to lunch today.”
“Call me, Rose, please.  ‘Ma’am makes me feel old,” she chuckled.
Shaun nodded.
“Are the two of you okay with Italian at Luciano’s?”
“Sounds brilliant,” Donna answered for both of them.
As the Doctor got the Rose’s office door, he took a deep breathe in preparation of seeing his best mate, who wasn’t really his best mate, again.  Before he opened the door, he peeked in through the glass and saw her and Shaun, talking to Rose.
Donna was his human side.  Many of his personality traits were his because of her.  She would no doubt see that they had a lot in common and they would become great friends.  He just knew it.  Bracing himself, he put his hand on the door and pushed it open.
At the noise, Donna turned around, took on a glossed-over gaze and began quietly muttering something.  It would have probably been completely inaudible had it not been for his exceptional hearing, something he retained from his Time Lord self.
“Brilliant, Fantastic, Molto Bene, great big universe, packed into my brain. You know you can fix that Chameleon Circuit if you just try hot-wiring the fragment links and superseding the…”  Before she could finish her sentence, she fainted.
The Doctor immediately recognized these words as the ones she used when she had the brain of a Time Lord.  He looked at Rose, who looked both concerned and confused.  Then, he looked at Shaun who kept asking what was wrong with her and as he turned to the mirror hanging on the wall, he saw himself, wondering how the hell this could have happened.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Doctor Who.
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