#but my toast just finished toasting so i will not wax long in descriptions of mcu writers not going above and beyond.
unityrain24 · 3 months
part of me wants to write a master post of all my loki headcanons but i feel like it would be too long and tumblr formatting might limit my organizing of them. do i need to make an interactive google doc
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wizisbored · 3 years
What are some of your favorite lines you've written for your fics? (Also I'm sorry things aren't going well right now. Sending love 💜)
right its time to go diggin im using this as an excuse to reread everything because i cant think of any lines off the top of my head even though i know theres a shitton
premptively putting a cut here because this will probably end up long as shit and you know what fuck yea to that because fuck yea to being proud of what youve made
hallelujah, first thing i posted:
If those bastards want to make her part of their shitty musical, then she’s going to make it difficult. Or at least inconvenient.
The hive is not inconvenienced in the slightest.’
- idk if this is as funny as i think it is but i find it funny
"Nobody dies with dignity, Emma. There's no honour in the thing, however you dress it up."
- wrote that to sound creepy and now i cant decide whether i actually think its true
But he’s holding her like she’s his salvation, as if it’s his life hanging in the balance.
- salvation is just a good word tbh
It’s hopeless, but she refuses to be killed by a game of fucking ‘got your nose’.
purgatory, intended to be a shitpost but now i unironically think of it as the best thing ive ever written
After a few years (or maybe seconds, it’s not clear) / it takes a moment (or maybe it doesn’t, who knows?) / An undocumentable amount of time passes. /  They might have slipped into an uneasy silence lasting millenia - or milliseconds - if it wasn’t for the jolly tune that suddenly fills the air. / for minutes or years or millenia or maybe even eons / After a brief, indescribably long nap / But the incomprehensible amount of time seems somehow shorter this time.
- 2 in one of fucking with the concept of time and hinting at an unreliable narrator, hell yea. its about the weird atmosphere, baybeeeee
“Does one day of trying the hardest we could outweigh years of not trying at all?” Emma wonders aloud. Paul squeezes her hand.
“I damn hope so.”
He doesn’t ask if she believes in Hell.
- even without context i like this line but in context it really helped set the sombre tone so i could do a full 180 at the end of the chapter
Emma wonders whether they’ve been sent to musical hell for failing to stop the musical apocalypse
- love the implication that there is a hell dedicated to annoying people via musical theatre
“You said- you told her you’d never be in a musical?”
“And then you died performing a musical number?”
“I- yeah, I did.”
“Brilliant! Now, that is stupid!”
- probably my best characterisation of death, sounds like something that would be said in a stupid deaths bit, i can hear it in his voice
teachers pet
“It’s only blatant if people know about it. So in actual fact this is secret favouritism.”
- hidgens gives absolutely 0 shits about the ethics of the situation good for him
“And if that is kidnapping, well, consider yourself kidnapped.”
- once again ethics simply do not matter
“Oh, where is your sense of adventure? Are you not curious about the results of washing baked beans?”
- this line hants me when im trying to make stew or just have some fucking beans on toast because I am curious about the results of washing baked beans
“Well, if it isn’t, and we both die, then I’ll be quite disappointed. We did spend all evening on this, after all.”
- priorities
finishing what we started, actually originally a scrapped ending idea for igtlt that i liked too much to abandon entirely
“How many bullets?” He eventually asks.
- they just know what theyve got to do
Only thing left to say is a big ol’ fuck you to… God, everyone else in the fucking world. Oh, and God. Fuck you God, you prick.
- gotta love them tto refs
wildfire, almost 20,000 words of angst that im going to read through because fuck it why not
She doesn't understand the order, at least not yet; a dog doesn't understand the first time she's called to heel. But that can change. Though, from the bared teeth of this dog, the trader guesses it may take a while.
- this is actually something i really like doing in narration, calling a character something in dialogue or comparison and then directly calling them it in the narration
He understands; she doesn't want to show weakness to someone who could exploit her, doesn't want to show gratitude to someone she hates. But the tribeswoman is tired and scared and hurt, and it's obvious. She's broken, at least for today.
The loneliness, however, refuses to wane. It settles in her chest like a physical need, a craving for closeness.
- got inspiration for this description by thinking about hugging my partner while i was stuck in lockdown
"You can say that again," the older woman mutters, shaking her head. "God-fuckin'-damnit, Lauren, why d'you never think about the implications?"
Jemilla turns to her with a questioning look. "Who's Lauren?"
"She-" Molag begins to explain, then pauses. She thinks for a moment, then shakes her head. "I don't even know."
- crossover jokes hell yea
He’s tolerable, she’s decided, at least relatively so, but not trustworthy. If she could truly trust him then he wouldn’t be involved in all this. If she could trust him, she wouldn’t know him.
The thinly-veiled threat in his grin
She stares up at the man, shaking, whimpering, pleading. Wordlessly begging for him to stop.
- gotta love reaching the breaking point
She probably looks insane, bruised and bloody and laughing quietly to herself in a cage. She doesn’t care. They can think she’s insane, just as long as they don’t think they broke her.
laughing as they rediscover half-forgotten days spent as children let loose in a world that seemed so huge and yet so small at the same time
“You know, kids like Zazzalil - scrawny little things born as Autumn died - they’re not supposed to see Spring.”
- i will see any character without a detailed fleshed-out backstory and say ‘is anyone going to make headcannons about that’ and then not wait for an answer
Maybe the pain will shock her out of her head.
im going to live twice
It feels more like a bag of broken crockery than a human.
- this was the only time ive ever had to describe something really gory and decided to make it as uncomfy as possible
she notices with a concerning level of non-concern
Paul Matthews is gone, boy. And if I catch you using a dead man’s name again, well.
- its about the ✨forced disconnect✨
It stares at him, and for a moment he sees the young man that Benny used to be, silently pleading for the agent to tell him he'll be okay.
"In my defence, that was the Colonel's idea.” The man raises his hands in surrender. “I wanted to call you Lauren. I was outvoted.”
- i will take literally any chance to make a 4th wall joke and that is a threat
“I’ll see what can be done,” he assures it, knowing full well that nothing will be.
- xander doesnt flat out abuse emma in the way mcnamara and shaffer do but hes still cruel in subtler ways
“No chance of being hurt?”
Xander nods. “No chance of you being hurt.”
-  ✨foreshadowing ✨
If only he was free, free to just get up and go find Blue and tell her - actually tell her, out loud, with words - that she’s going to be okay. If only he could say that and have it be the truth.
She holds onto that piano. Right now, as she kneels crying into the tabletop, it's all she has.
- ‘sir thats my emotional support near-complete stranger’
smoke and feathers
Irony can be a cruel, twisted bitch.
- probably the best opener ive written
There’s a sort of pathetic irony in the fact that she slipped on a stone while wading across a shallow stream and broke her neck.
The stars move across the sky, and she still doesn’t know why.
- sounds poetic and all while also being a fuck you to the chorn twist because i hate it
It seems like every time she looks away the moon goes from waxing to waning and back again, time marching onwards in one unending night, swallowing one unending forest.
Even with her limited view of the person’s face, Zazzalil can see the softness in their expression. She’s hit with a pang of longing for Jemilla.
They share those tender looks that make Zazzalil long for home.
The kind of silence only shared between people who can appreciate the simplicity of each other’s presence
aaand thats pretty much all of em. i know when you said ‘some’ you probably meant less than this but i will give a consice answer to a question when pigs fly. i was going to do the double e au too but its past 1 am now and im going to bed. thanks for this ask because whether intentionally or not you just made me read 48,860 words of fic and thats a damn good distraction when things are getting a bit shitty :)
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