#but not the Sarumi date that happened that was absolutely a date
ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
Can you do a summarized version of the K: A Year Later?
You can read all chapters translated here, if you want to get the full story. But if you just need a summary, it's just what it says on the tin: the story of the cast one year after the end of ROK. Each chapter is set up to flow into the next, so usually one character will run into another at the end of their focus chapter and that character will be the focus of the next chapter. The story starts with Kuroh, going over his life at Ashinaka with Shiro and Neko (he helps out at the kendo club and also works at the coffee shop attached to the school). Even with his busy life he still tries to find time to relax and feel the world around him, as Ichigen taught him, and the chapter ends with him meeting Awashima, which is when we learn that Munakata is currently absent.
The second chapter focuses on Awashima, discussing how Munakata basically left on a journey to find himself or whatever and now Awashima's in charge of S4 in his absence. She notices she's gained some weight and tries to quit anko but ultimately a ghost did it (….I'd say it makes sense in context but only in the 'Is Scepter 4 okay' way) so she's good and can once again have anko. She's not the only one giving up things though, as Kusanagi has decided to give up smoking. We get some updates on the Homra alphabet and Kusanagi does his best to function without cigarettes but in the end he has to burn a mud Strain and decides he can keep his cigarettes.
Neko is the one who makes Kusanagi aware of the Strain in his story so the next chapter is hers, showing off her study routine and doing her best. She's made a new friend too, a girl affected by the release of the Slate at the end of ROK, and Neko gets to have cake and study. Eventually there's a knock at the door and Yukari shows up for his chapter, looking for Kuroh. He gets to spend some bonding time with Neko and Shiro before Kuroh comes home and he has some nostalgic feelings about Ichigen too. The chapter ends with Yukari stopping by a liquor store to get some sake and watch the moon, and naturally the store he stops at is the one owned by Kamamoto's family.
Kamamoto's chapter is about his relationship with his childhood friend Ayumi (from Memory of Red and a cameo in Missing Kings). He isn't sure if they're dating or what, but with some advice from Homra he does eventually decide to make their relationship official and even ends up engaged, all while the Homra alphabet (except Chitose, who actually got a girl too) get to be bitter and drink over Kamamoto getting engaged to a girl before them. Speaking of romantic feelings, Yata asks Fushimi on a date asks Fushimi to come over to his place where they play video games and drink cola that they had as kids and spend the night together and it's all very sweet. Afterward Fushimi goes back to S4 and takes care of a Strain situation with perfect skill, because it's the place he belongs after all.
Fushimi's chapter ends with S4 spotting Sukuna on one of their cameras so his chapter is next. Sukuna's living with Yukari and Kotosaka and continuing his training, and one day he runs across his mother. She sees him with a bruise from his training and treats him still like something that was her 'property' so Sukuna fights off her manservant guy and tells her he won't go home with before running off. He happens to spot Anna in her high school uniform and that's our next story about Anna and her new friend Tsubaki. Some bullies who got Red power when the Slate was released try to use Tsubaki to lure Anna somewhere and teach her a lesson, so of course Anna promptly shows up and scares the crap out of them with her King powers. Later she introduces Tsubaki to the Homra guys and they see a huge procession of people coming by, because the King Munakata has returned.
You know how I had some asks about Munakata becoming unintentionally famous in various ways, basically something like that happened and everywhere around the world Munakata went he picked up followers. He ends up in South Africa where he gets a heartfelt letter from Fushimi-kun and decides he must return, bringing his whole entourage along. S4 are all happy to see him and confirm again that Munakata is still their King, and Munakata decides that he is still Munakata Reisi, even without the Slate. He stops by Mihashira, where Shiro's hanging out for our final chapter. Shiro and Munakata have a nice chat (and Shiro says he won't leave the ground anymore because it's not like he said he wouldn't run away a million times in ROK, we've covered this already guys). Shiro stops by both S4 and Homra and then eventually gets to go home with Kuroh and Neko, happily facing the future.
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ridiasfangirlings · 11 months
What do sarumi give each other for birthdays and other holidays? (Sex doesn't count)
Sex wouldn’t be a good gift, it’s not a gift if you get it every day anyway :P I feel like Fushimi might struggle with getting Yata gifts, just because he’s always been so unused to it, and now that they’re dating especially there’s even more pressure to get Yata things not just for his birthday but for holidays and anniversaries too. I could see Fushimi’s presents being a lot of ‘Fushimi does things he normally doesn’t like for Yata’s sake,’ like going out to loud and noisy places with minimal complaining. Say Yata wants to see like some super intense action movie on opening day, which happens to be his birthday, and of course there will probably be rowdy crowds. Normally Fushimi would be absolutely not agreeing to this but since it’s Yata’s birthday he buys tickets for them both in the best seats (and even buys all the seats around them so he has a buffer from the rest of humanity and also can now cuddle with Misaki in the theater in peace). Also since Fushimi’s a government worker with a doting boss imagine him totally misusing his authority to do nice things for Yata, like he gets the keys to a skate park that isn’t even open to the public yet and Yata gets to have a whole evening to himself doing awesome tricks while Fushimi watches.
Yata I see as the type who probably gives out gifts even when it’s not a holiday, I can totally imagine him like seeing something in a shop window that reminds him of Saruhiko and frantically checking his wallet to see if he has enough money for that. Thinking about it I wonder if Yata would feel a little self conscious though, since he doesn’t have a ton of money or any real influence at all so he can’t do fancy gifts the way Fushimi can. Still Yata always tries really hard to get things Fushimi would like, even if he has to make them himself. Like imagine him seeing a cool knife he thinks Saruhiko would like and then hand-making a sheath for it too, it’s messy but Yata’s proud of it and later he sees Fushimi’s found a way to hook it on his belt next to his sword. I could also see Yata doing food as gifts, like he knows all Fushimi’s favorite foods so as a gift Yata might make him a good juicy steak in an expensive cut that Yata normally wouldn’t buy, cooked just the way Fushimi likes it and with no vegetables at all. Fushimi is definitely harder to buy for than Yata is (he doesn’t like anything) but Yata knows him well enough that Yata can always find something Fushimi will enjoy to gift him, even if Yata has to think outside the box a little.
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
Imagine sarumi decide to use a dating app and they match without knowing.
Absolutely another one of those things that would happen to them XD Imagine this even pre-S1 when they're enemies, the Homra guys think Yata needs a girlfriend/boyfriend to help keep his mind off Fushimi. Bandou decides to make Yata a nice profile on a dating app, when he shows it to Yata initially Yata's like what the hell why would I need something like that. Bandou says these apps are supposed to help you find a date right and Chitose adds that Yata's so useless with face to face dates this was their only option. They show Yata how to match with someone, like here you press this and the app will give you a list of matches. Instead of real names people use usernames on this app because it's supposed to encourage people to talk anonymously and then meet face to face, so when Yata matches with some guy who has this super generic nickname he's a little disheartened. It's a really strong match though, Bandou's like this guy could even be your soulmate that's almost 100% matching. It looks like the guy is nearby too and imagine Chitose and Bandou just reaching over and pressing the 'accept' button, so now Yata has to go meet this person who he's apparently so compatible with.
Meanwhile Hidaka thought Fushimi might appreciate a dating app, like maybe he'll be less prickly if we found him someone (also Hidaka uses the app and is perhaps secretly hoping he'll be a match). Fushimi thinks this is the most worthless thing ever and when he makes a match with someone he doesn't intend to meet them at all, he doesn't care if Hidaka says the match is really strong. He accidentally presses 'accept' though when putting his PDA away because there's a Strain situation going on. Ten minutes later he just so happens to run into Yata in front of a cafe and the two of them get into the usual fight, afterward when he's returning to S4 Hidaka remembers the app and asks if Fushimi met his match. Fushimi clicks his tongue and says it's stupid, of course he didn't even look to see if that person was there, while Homra are all crestfallen to hear that Yata's date apparently didn't show (but Fushimi did. By complete and total coincidence).
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Pre-reconciliation Sarumi are duking it out during one of the usual S4-Homra battles; there's some struggle for a while, but somehow. Somehow. Yata has Fushimi's throat trapped between his thighs. Yata thinks he's managed to beat Fushimi, but really Fushimi has simply stopped functioning, too busy with the thought that he could die happy like this.
OMG Saru no that's just the oxygen deprivation talking (or is it, who could resist being pinned between those muscular thighs). Imagine this happens during some usual fight, maybe they're like battling in an alley and Yata ends up jumping down on Fushimi from a fire escape. He gets his thighs wrapped around Fushimi's head, Fushimi loses his balance with Yata's extra weight on him and they both fall backwards. Yata refuses to let go, like trying to pin Fushimi and get him to give up like this is a wrestling match and totally focused on defeating his enemy.
Fushimi meanwhile has realized that he is, in fact, being slowly suffocated by Yata's thighs and actually... actually he's okay with this, this is fine. Like he's not trying to notice Yata's muscles here and he's not like entirely aware of how much thigh he's seeing, Yata wears those wide-leg shorts after all and under normal circumstances this isn't an issue but with the way he's holding onto Fushimi his shorts have ridden up a little and Fushimi is absolutely getting an eyeful. He's probably starting to feel dizzy from oxygen loss when one of the alphabet boys comes running over to save him, Yata jumps out of the way and the alphabet boy kneels down to ask if Fushimi's okay. Fushimi gives him this absolutely poisonous glare and the poor alphabet boy is like wait what did I do. (Also imagine later post-ROK when Fushimi and Yata are dating and now Fushimi is having issues because he can't quite admit out loud that he would like to be crushed between Yata's thighs again but he would really like to be crushed between Yata's thighs.)
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
theres this south park episode where two kids get shipped by some asian girls and the whole town of south park starts shipping them too, so they fake a break up so everyone will leave them alone but it backfires bc one of them is a lil too good at acting and accidentally makes everyone believe the other guy cheated on him. The whole town becomes depressed and at the end they get back together to make everyone happy again, so like imagine that but with sarumi lol I had a south park phase a couple of months ago, I'm sorry. It's from the episode "tweek x Craig" btw!
Somehow I imagine this happening post-ROK, where all the clans assume Yata and Fushimi are dating (and they would be correct on that). Like say Yata and Fushimi have been spending more and more time together as they start becoming friends again and maybe they are actually crushing on each other but neither one is able to admit it. Of course their respective clans have noticed that they're spending all this time together and they all support this relationship, like the S4 boys know that Fushimi's been interested in Yata all this time and they think it's wonderful that he and Yata have finally gotten together. One day Doumyouji and Hidaka are visiting Bar Homra and Fushimi happens to stop by to pick Yata up, after they leave Hidaka says it's nice they finally hooked up. The Homra guys are like wait they finally hooked up, no one said anything to us. Hidaka's like isn't it obvious and thinking about it the Homra boys have to agree, like yeah they do spend a lot of time together and Yata seems way happier now that he and Fushimi aren't enemies, I guess they're finally dating.
The rumor even gets over to the Silvers and now three clans are shipping it. Yata finds out when one of the Homra guys accidentally lets it slip that they're all supporting him, Yata's like wait supporting me in what and the Homra guys are like you and your relationship with Fushimi. At the same time Fushimi overhears some of the S4 alphabet talking about him dating Yata and he wonders if Yata told them something. Yata calls him right about this time and they meet up to talk about it, Yata's like yeah I don't know why everyone thinks we're dating, giving this weak laugh and maybe also trying to not very subtly find out if Fushimi is, like, into this idea because Yata might be. Unfortunately since this is an emotion thing Fushimi absolutely misses Yata's not subtle hints and instead takes this as Yata admitting that he isn't interested in Fushimi at all and Fushimi figures well why would he be of course he only wants to be friends it was stupid of Fushimi to hope otherwise. Fushimi says it's annoying that everyone keeps gossiping and Yata's like 'I guess...we could break up?'. Fushimi shrugs and is like yeah I guess we could, it would make everyone leave us alone. Yata's like all right cool so we can like break up in front of everyone and then go on being just friends. Fushimi's like right just friends. Yata smiles all totally just friends nothing else and Fushimi agrees, just friends.
So a couple days later Homra and S4 have a mission together and when the mission is over Yata and Fushimi put their plan into motion and have a fake fight (somehow I imagine this fools everyone except Munakata, who's already been in this rodeo so to speak). They 'break up' in front of everyone and separate, Yata sending Fushimi a text afterward just to remind him that this was all fake because he is a bit worried about Fushimi taking things personally. Fushimi texts back that he knows that but maybe he really is somewhat gloomy because this is just a reminder that Yata won't ever love him. Unfortunately the squad have been around him long enough that they can tell Fushimi is extra gloomy and now they assume Yata must have broken his heart. Doumyouji idly comments that didn't one of the things Yata said sound kinda like he cheated on Fushimi-san and this immediately gets the rumor mill going, eventually Yata walks into Bar Homra to see everyone glaring at him and even Chitose is like seriously Yata cheating isn't cool.
Yata wants to walk the whole thing back now because he's tired of being called a cheater and anyway doesn't it seem like everyone's in a bad mood now that we 'broke up.' Fushimi clicks his tongue all are you trying to get me to take you back, being mostly sarcastic but Yata's like actually I think I am. Fushimi gives him this acid look like I'm not going to be your fake boyfriend Misaki and Yata gives this nervous cough as he's like 'well...what if you were my real boyfriend?'. Fushimi freezes and Yata ends up admitting all his feelings, that he was actually really happy when he thought Fushimi might want to really date him and he didn't want to ruin their friendship but he's been in love with Fushimi since middle school even if it took a super long time to realize it. Fushimi eventually admits his own feelings too, they kiss and agree to 'get back together.' Yata's like and you'll tell everyone I didn't cheat right and Fushimi gets this wicked grin as he's like I don't know, maybe you need to make it up to me first.
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
Now I need the sex talk from kusanagi to yata. And then sarumi can bond over their trauma
I’m not sure whogets it worse in this situation, Fushimi having to get the talk fromMunakata or Yata having to get it from Kusanagi XD (also my mindsuddenly went to ‘okay so Dad gives the talk to Saru and Mom gives itto Misaki’). On the better side, Kusanagi’s talk is probably shorterand involves less condom demonstrations on cucumbers, there’s also noslide show and Yata doesn’t have to sit through a ten minute longpowerpoint presentation. On the bad side it’s still awkward andKusanagi’s probably more of a 'if you have unprotected sex you willget chlamydia and die’ person, like he’s decided that if Yata wantsto start doing it with Fushimi in Kusanagi’s bar then Kusanagi’sgoing to make absolutely sure this brat knows what he’s doing. Yataspends most of his time tor between being embarrassed and beingterrified, like Kusanagi sits him down in a room and starts out bytrying to be mature friendly big brother but his annoyance at peoplehaving sex in his bar keeps poking through whenever Yata asks toomany questions. Plus whenever Kusanagi starts to get too detailedYata’s face just gets redder and redder, his virginal ears can’t takeit (oh imagine Kusanagi’s less clinical than Munakata but moredetailed, Yata cannot take hearing Kusanagi give him a luriddescription of the best way to widen your partner so he doesn’t feelas much pain and by the time they’re done Yata’s just like curled upin the fetal position on the floor).
Afterward Fushimiand Yata happen to be meeting for like a coffee date and as soon asthey see each other they’re concerned because Yata’s still bright redwhile Fushimi looks even paler than usual. They both try to play itoff as nothing but then they’re sitting there at the table nursingtheir drinks and finally Fushimi mutters 'Captain…gave me the sextalk.’ Yata’s like wait what and Fushimi looks away as he mumbles itout again, that he just got the sex talk from Captain. Yata’s justlike '….oh’ and then he pauses before admitting he just got the sextalk from Kusanagi. Soon they’re both detailing the worst parts ofit, Fushimi is probably adamant that his was the worse experiencebecause there was a slide show Misaki and Yata’s like oh yeahwell I had Kusanagi-san tell me how to find a guy’s prostateand then Fushimi’s like I had to watch Captain put a condom on apickle and then on a cucumber and then on a larger cucumber becausehe didn’t know how big either of us was (Yata: ….Okay you win).
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