#but now its too late bc im staying w my parents over the summer starting next month so i Cant cut it as short as i want
the dysphoria sure has been dysphoriaing
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bananabraces · 1 month
first date ever tomorrow!!
hii guys so alot happened today. like alot of big changes that seem calm now but will completely change the course of my life for years to come. soo one i finally align w my username, i got braces!!! they're actually really cute i got bubblegum pink and they didn't hurt much they only put wires on my bottom row of teeth bc they're gonna be doing extraction on the top teeth so they can't string them together yet yk but it was actually pretty painless. the feeling of the metal is really uncomfortable in my mouth though like the bite blocks they had to put i can VERY MUCH feel it's not like an actual inserted thing they just put some kind of solution or like glue where my back teeth touch so that they wouldn't grind against the brackets on my teeth and break them. so overall the braces experience thus far has been an 8/10 -2 points bc of the discomfort. i'm really excited for my teeth to start shifting though bc i've always had really crappy teeth ever since my permanent ones started coming in my overbite is 10mm long and just alot else is wrong w my teeth like in 5th grade i got called toothless by the whole grade almost bc it was so bad and it was like a known joke in my class that i had no teeth. and i have never been able to smile properly bc of like my jaw and it also looks recessed and sunken in cuz my bite and ive always put my hand over my mouth when i smile or laugh bc of this, so basically what i'm saying is it's always been a struggle with me as well as my family. i'm really really excited to have straight teeth. in a way it kind of makes me feel more connected to my dad and sam bc they got braces too. idk how to explain it.
but ANYWAYS that was like an entire entry on its own but that's not all the news (please ignore how my keyboard puts apostrophes on some words and not others it's bugging me too but i can't fix it rn so whatever). i am FINALLYYYY going on a date w and getting asked out by gp tomorrow after 11 months of waiting. it's so hard to summarize all our lore and just how badly i've wanted and wished for this but just know like i've had to sit through months of him dating someone else knowing i missed my chance and had to confess knowing we'd most likely just stay as friends no matter what i said and had to accept that unsent love letters countless diary entries a spotify playlist late night calls and conversations and endless yapping to my bsf is all it would ever be. but now it's not like that. and that's not why i'm nervous btw if i haven't said i'm nervous i am but not bc of that i'm really excited to date gp and get to know him as a bf i'm just a little scared for the actual date bc we haven't talked alot recently. it's been better these last 2 days and i've sent him stuff occasionally and we have a streak buttttt that's kinda all it's been this summer. but yk we saw eachother everyday for 1 year and were hecka close so i'm also looking forward to it and i doubt it'll be THAT bad. plus we're seeing my fav movie (eva it's all yours dw i just like it alot)!!! i was coraline for halloween 2022 and went to the museum and i've watched it countless times so. i think that'll make me more comfy in a way plus then i'll have alot more to discuss w him afterwards. he said he'd pay but i'm bringing a wallet full of money anyways bc i'm atleast offering to even if he says no and even then i'll probably ask to split it or pay for the food afterwards. anyways he's really so sweet and amazing and smart and handsome and funny and i'm reallyyyy excited to see him 🤗🤗 so hopefully it'll go good i think it will. and i'm gonna ask my dad and mom and bsf for some advice bc they have an honest view and my parents have experience w dating and eva w the actual guy having been 10 yr childhood bsfs. so yeah. i'm feeling alot better but goshhh BOYFRIEND. HES GONNA BE MY BKYFRIEND!!!! im gonna walk into school and be liek i have a real life living human br with human skin and lungs and life who breaths air and is also real and here and a bf my bf. like whay.
on the same noeeeeteeee im dividing ts so it's easier to read i'm SO excited for 8th grade. my clothes and stuff going in r sooo cute and ill have a bf and im joining sports and possibly riding the bus (some dyas) so itll be really sigma. also there's alot.of.stuff only 8th graders could do at my scuool so ill be like an ALPBQHA GRRR u know. sorry that was bad but like im not even j trying to be funny out school is the timberwilves. the halls in our school are marked by saying like "___ grade pack!" like 😅😅😅😆😆😆 no!!! actualy!!!! no!!!!!
anyways that's ittt just had to drop a lil update hopefully it ACTUALLY UOLOADS THIS TIME AND JF IT DOESNT IT ATLEAST SAVES TO MY DRAFTS. tmblr fix ur site. okayy bye chat thanks formlistening 💫
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matronaa · 6 years
Jungkook “fuckboy?” drabble
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Word count: 1,637
Genre: Fluff/mentions of smut?
Okay look its about 1 in the morning while im writing this and i just got done literally scrolling thru @jungshookz  e n t i r e page and honestly ive been delusionally laughing over her stories for like an hour and a half like the tattooartist!jungkook fic legit killed me i love it  and i’m probably going to force my friend to check her out because legit i love it so much and she seems like such a funny person and if she sees this 1) ily and ur writing and i wanna be friends but idk how to start a conversation because im a awKwARd bEan and 2) im sorry for probably spamming ur notifications with likes okay i couldnt help it so now im inspired for the first time in a while to write but im way to loopy to put together an actual fic so enjoy this ig
Okay i should stop rambling (okay just note that im so sleep deprived that i had to google ‘words for excessive talking’ to remember the word rambling because im an idiot and i cant think and ooo its 1:11 am rn make a wish b*tches)
Okay im sorry ill begin~
A/n all of this is completely unedited and if bad grammar annoys you srry not srry
Lets talk about what fuckboy!jungkook is oki
I feel like in reality there are just a bunch of rumors about him but hes so smol and hes the quiet type so he doesnt have the energy to dismiss them
Like im sorry soft jungkook is way to good in my mind rn okay #cuddles4days im not in the mood for him to strangle me with his amazing biceps
you never rlly met him in the 4 years of going to the same highschool as him (since you’re in those smart people classes like humanities) until senior year
You and him had the same AP Lit. class lmao english class is  l i t
Which surprised you bc of the rumors like i thought he was a badboy ?? arent those normally idiots ??
Nah my bby is a smart nugget, he just likes to look hella bf 25/8
First day of school cliche where you show up late to class and have to sit next to him because i  d i e  for those plots okay
But you dont know thats him because you’ve never seen him, so you’re confused on why most of the girls keep glaring at you
But soon enough you catch on and you’re like fml
And then the professor is like “where you are sitting is your assigned seating for the rest of the year” and you’re like f m L
He ends up introducing himself to you because i mean like table buddies
But hes really nervous because hes a cute little bean and you’re hella cute cuz lets be honest ur probably wearing like basic black leggings and a hoodie with your hood over your head to hide the bed hair you didnt feel like brushing that morning
Oh, just me? Okay…
He likes ur name because it rolls off the tongue and he thinks it suits you even tho he doesnt know you
Yet ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You dont really think hes a fuckboy because he seems so nice and he has the cutest lil bunny smile sEE
That is until after school u end up getting to ur locker late because u left something in one of your classes
And u see him pinning a girl against the lockers down the hall
And ur like well shit nvm
And u quickly get ur shit and go because das  a w k w a r d
But then he sees u run off and hes like awh crap i dun fucked up
A few weeks go by and u notice he barely really comes to class so u usually sit alone
On days he does come his chair seems extra close to yours and he’s basically smothering you
But u dont mind because he smells nice
And on the days he does come you get kinda excited because
1) you get a partner who doesnt expect you to do all of the work
2) this boy cute when he gets all intelligent
Ur  like “yes pls continue speaking about the essay we are writing that i have no idea is on because i kept getting lost in the sound of ur voice”
He notices when u zone out because you start staring at his lips when hes talking and he thinks its the cutest thing
One day u get assigned a week long project and ur close enough friends with jungkook to basically scold and force him to come to class all week
But only if he can force u to come to his house to work on it after school
Which you’re low key nervous of because ur going to a ‘fuckboy’s house’ by yourself
And u dont wanna do the dirty because ur a pure child haha not for long
But you agree anyway
And honestly even after the project is done (which you got an A on) you continue going over to his house because his bed is comfortable and he always has snacks
And his mom loves you
Like legit on days you dont go the next day you do she’s like “wheRE WERE YOU”
When the semester is over the professor lets you pick seats but you both enjoy each other’s company so you stay seated together.
finally ur at his house one day and ur just laying on his bed scrolling thru insta and he’s sitting on his bean bag in the corner on his phone and u look up at him and realise
You like him
Like a lot
And u mentally face palm because this was not supposed to happen
But it happened and you’re too far down the hole to climb out
Sometimes u end up napping at his house after school because his bed is more comfortable than yours and one friday night u wake up in his arms
And its like the best feeling ever
Its so warm and hes so cuddly hes like latched onto you
You stay under the warm blankets before you question when he even got in bed since he was playing video games before you fell asleep
And then his phone lights up and ofc you check it for him bc ur a nosey bitch
But not before you observed how adorable he was while he was sleeping
Nope not creepy at all
its his friend tae texting him (you didn’t really know his friends since you had different friend groups)
You check it and its smth like “stop staring at y/n while shes sleeping and reply u creep”
And you’re like w a t
So you scroll up and see that while u were sleeping jungkook went on a full rant on how cute u are and how whipped he is
And ur like holy fadoodles dis boy likes me
And so u decided to text tae like “this is y/n, does he actually like me”
Which turns into you both having a convo on how thirsty jungkook is until he wakes up
Hes like wtf r u doing and he snatches the phone and reads through your messages with tae while u like sit up to stare at him
And he’s still half asleep so it takes him to realise whats going on
“Omfg y/n i can explain-”
He starts rambling about how long he had been crushing on u and that he didn’t want to tell you because you seemed uninterested so he kept it a secret and never told anyone
And honestly he was freaking out because the onE tiMe he tells anyone that he likes you, you find out
But while he’s rambling you’re coming up with an excuse to text your mom that you’re spending the night at his house, so you just say he’s not feeling well and his parents are gone for the weekend.
Lmao she doesnt care she’s just like “lmao ik ur lying but have fun dont get pregnant”
Or Maybe thats just my mom idk
You have to shut him up by snatching his phone out of his hands and kissing him
When you pull away you’re just like “you talk too much lmao”
You explain to him that you like him too and u just get under the covers again and snuggle up next to him, and he wraps his arms around you
And you stay like that for a while before hes like “its late you should get home”
And you tell him you’re staying the night whether he likes it or not
And he is so down for that
But then you end up just spending the weekend there because why not his parents love you
And every night is just filled with cuddling, watching netflix, making out, late night snacks, etc.
Saturday night he gets a lil touchy and soon enough ur like straddling him and grinding your hips against his
But then he’s like “Ive never done this before” and you c o m b u s t
Ur like aren’t you like the school fuckboy how have you not done this
And he tells you its all just rumors and hes too lazy to set the record straight
And you basically decide to take things slow that night since it was you’re first time too and honestly it was so cute
It wasn’t really steamy rough sex it was more soft fluffy love making that is filled with giggling and exploring and appreciating each other
That was definitely the night you fell in love with him
Which is big because you thought love was gross
The next day you’re cuddling and he’s like “you know ur my gf now”
And ur like duh
You start going on cute dates after that like going to cafes or amusement parks
He loved taking you to the beach during the summer because u looked gr8 in a bikini
You found out you were going to the same college with was fantastic, so you decided to rent an apartment together nearby the campus instead of living in a dorm.
Which normally you’d be against because moving in together so quickly ?? but you felt different like this relationship was going to last
Lmao jk gotcha bitch
My baby is too pure and innocent to cheat
Well innocent until you both get into bed and then oh lord it gets steamy
He wants to experiment with like e v e r y t h i n g and honestly you were down
But ofc you set some boundaries.
There were lines he couldn’t cross
I mean sometimes he tried but you shut that down real quick
Overall your relationship was perfect and you couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend
I mean he brought you pizza rolls and dr pepper to ‘study dates’ how could you not love him.
Oml it took me over an hour to write this its like 2:30 am why am i awake anyway imma go to bed now, idk ur name jungshookz but pls write more fanfics i need more to read late at night okay gnite
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mysmedrabbles · 6 years
Fourth of July with the RFA
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Happy fourth of July to my American followers!! Sorry this was written so quick I got this idea like 5 seconds ago and I have plans for today whoops not the best time.idk why jumins is always the longest tf?
!!!Said RFA member and mc are in America for summer holidays with an American MC!!!
-mod alex
-when you told him you were planning a party for the fourth he got excited
-mainly bc he knows how classy most of your parties turn out
-when he shows up to a barbecue grill out with tiki torches, too much beer, something called a “sloppy joe” and 99 cent store American flag streamers he’s more than confused and slightly appalled
-also because hes literally wearing his best suit to a backyard bash
-finds a way to look more casual (you know, taking off the jacket, rolling up his sleeves, no tie, shirt slightly unbuttoned, aaaand now im nosebleeding)
-at first doesnt understand why the heCK there are sloppy joes its a mystery to us all
- is his normal charming self with your relatives you better watch out, that pervy cousin is making eyes at jumin
-makes a speech about american independence bc hes an extra lil shit and ends it with, “so therefore, if the british had never given america independence...i wouldve never met the love of my life. Happy fourth of july.”
-everyones drunk tho so no one really heard that but you and the one overemotional 4′5 aunt who cries at everything
-sitting on the grass and watching the fireworks show
-him putting his jacket around you when you get cold, you just leaning your head on his shoulder as he kisses the top of your head
-he doesnt understand sloppy joes but likes spending time with your family
-vaguely knows what its about
-buys you red white and blue flowers
-you guys go with your family to a local festival
-going on a merry go round together? you betcha
-going on a ferris wheel? ofc. kissing her every time the ferris wheel booth you guys are in goes up bc shes mildly scared of heights? y e s
-you guys eat some of the weirdest things, like fried butter? bacon and maple donuts? sloppy joes? fried cotton candy?
-playing the expensive festival games that are obviously rigged
-little did they know that baehee had prepared for this moment by practicing devil tricks with multiple youtube videos lmao
-she wins you a small stuffed panda and you cherish it forever
-walking around with her, hand in hand around the festival
-getting red white and blue streaks painted on your guys’ face
-kissing under the fireworks
-is so excited for this holiday
-i mean he loves all holidays but hes never experienced the horror fun of an American holiday
-you guys buy some wacky red white and blue sunglasses with “Fourth of July” written on top as well as those obnoxiously tall fluffy America flag hats (yall know what im going on about)
-”look honey! a fourth of july sale!” “yoosung, love, its the fourth Walmart we've passed they all have sales”
-trying various themed recipes together (granted since youre here for holiday and are at your parents, your younger sibling often intervenes)
-"moooooommm mc and her boyfriend are kissing in the kitchen againnnnn"
-him back-hugging you as you stir fry some shit idk cooking lingo all I eat is doritos and ramen
-kissing your shoulder as you finish making the decor on the America themed cake
-him getting along great with your family and fitting right in
-it seems so natural, how easily he smiles and cracks jokes with your parents
-wants to help with the barbeque but thats your thing to do and you will stand by that
-him buying you roses
-both of you guys playing tag with your younger siblings and cousins you guys lost
-when the fireworks start he probably yells out a scream from shock
-flinches every time one of them goes off so you guys go inside and move the couch so that youre still facing outside but the door is shut so no noise
-making out when it gets dark
-he tastes like cake and strawberries
-with the fireworks in the back y'all look like youre in a disney movie
-stay in watching documentaries on the revolutionary war
-you guys just mute it at one point and he starts doing silly voice overs for the show
- “I’m mad at some dudes so I’ll lift up my hat at you while I row away with these big guns and all your husbands and sons hrrrrrr”
-eating red white and blue candy and drinking an inhumane amount of Dr.Pepper
-you drag him outside to the park to watch fireworks that the neighbors are throwing
- “look theres one!!” “ah did you see that one??” “that one was so pretty!” “damn you just missed a really big one”
-you guys would hang out in the park until three am just enjoying each others company
-yall would probably go on the kids playground and goof off, playing on the swings, going down the like,,, three foot long slide, just being little kids
-any holiday is the best holiday with him
-he sings the star spangled banner 😂
-he's got an amazing voice but youre p aure hes holding the last note just to show off
-you guys buy matching tshirts that say "sloppy joes come and get some this is AmErICa" with a picture of childish gambino dabbing bet you wished it said smtn abt sloppy joes now huh
-going down to the beach for the day
-getting one of those giant donut rafts and just chillin together y'all better hope you aint on the west coast w one of those
-a tickle war breaks out, resulting in you falling off the raft
-zen dramatically "saving you" its like 6ft of water people cmon
-him giving you mouth to mouth cpr even tho you dont need it so basically y'all are just making out
-going to a local restaurant for sloppy joes burgers and fries
-new drinking game: every time I say sloppy joes , take a drink
-going on the boardwalk at sunset and watching the fireworks from the cruise ships
-he cant stop staring at how gorgeous you look, staring at the fireworks like theyre magic
-cant help himself from kissing you
-late night pretzels
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comastoast · 6 years
@wuunderstruck​ here’s my rambles of plots for our muses pls lov me:tm:
╰ ☾ ⛧⌒*。 Cooper Velasquez
( ETHAN MCDONALD, Dylan O’Brien, 23 ) OH MY GOD HE’S A MECHANIC AND I JUST AGGRESSIVELY i was gonna go in order BUT I WANT A TPOSE AND DOBRI BROTP FROM WHEN THEY WERE KIDS AND THEY WORK IN THE SAME MECHANIC SHOP / ETHAN’S SHOP AND JUST them working for hours on end and shooting the shit then going out for drinks after work nd talkin about girls and hard jobs or talk about old cars they wanna buy and flip and just fuckin brodown towntown listen i just got so stoked when i saw cooper was a mechanic pls love me
╰ ☾ ⛧⌒*。 Addison Cohen
( ALEX HENNY, Herman Tommeraas, 21 ) ugh college bros or a cute lil ship where they’re in all the same classes basically and Alex picks her up in the mornings from her dorm or house with coffee and they sit next to each other in every class and shoot the shit and then Alex convincing her to go to a frat party where they wind up just sitting up on the roof talkin about school & where they’re gonna be in ten years & their lives & ITS JUST A CUTE COLLEGE SHIP
╰ ☾ ⛧⌒*。 Cameron Hayes
( XAVIER MARTIN, Nat Wolff, 23 ) OK SO I CAN TOTALLY SEE THEM DOIN SKETCHY STUFF TOGETHER because a few of their things line up besides hacker but with how loner-y Xavier is I can imagine him being a hacker with or against Cameron??? ANd they can either be squad and late nights tryin’a hack into something or little shitty hacking games and they have this abandoned house where they meet up and we can even go full Mr. Robot where they’re tryin’a take down the government
( NOLAN GRAND, Aaron Tveit, 25 ) I saw good punches and i was like oo boi either they hate eachother nd fight all the time or they bros and they go out and get into fights with other people / they’re eachothers wingmen like gimmie those VIBES BRO
╰ ☾ ⛧⌒*。 Fallon Birch
( MAGS O’SULLIVAN, Saoirse Ronan, 23 ) Ok the simple ‘feeling of beginning again’ was enough for me for these two bc Mags is the feeling of the first day of summer so I feel like they’re both like that burst of freedom(?) but either way I definitely want a lowkey long-distance ex girlfriend for Mags and I don’t know if Fallon could fall into that but imagine the cute letters and the phone calls and late night texts bc maybe they broke up bc Fallon moved out of state or Mags moved away or something and the whole ‘i still feel for you but the distance is KILLING ME’
╰ ☾ ⛧⌒*。 Jacqueline "Jack" Belmont
( MILO SHEPARD, Nick Jonas, 24 ) ugh just imagine she’s his usual bartender and he actively goes when he knows she’s working because for some reason he just feels like she actually sees him despite the fact the only people who ever talk to him / “see” him only view him as that guy who took their kids away from them bc apparently they’re not good parents and Milo & Jack have this nice bond where they sort of talk about their days but it’s vague and it’s usually really later on at night when there’s no one really in the bar besides the usual drunks & dudes lookin to get laid but Milo is strictly there just to unwind after long days or incredibly rough cases and they just have this refreshing bond
( OPHELIA MONROE, Billie Lourd, 22. ) UGH THEY BOTH WORK AT THE ANIMAL SHELTER AND BOND OVER THE POOR ANIMALS and lowkey they both talk eachother out of adopting anymore animals bc you know Ophie has like three dogs and four cats and it’s dramatic but she just keeps feeling so bad for the poor babies who can’t find homes so she takes them and Ophie and Jack go for walks / take their animals out and they’re just girl squad goals as FUCK
 ╰ ☾ ⛧⌒*。 Rowan Penn
( JACKSON ALLEN, Daniel Sharman, 23 ) I’m A Slut For This Ship Okay Please Just Love Me but imagine they met one night when he was drunk and going to a diner and she just happened to be there and Jack mistook her for an old friend of his but he refused to listen to her deny she was that friend and they start talking and it’s an awkward like ‘i’m not who you think i am but you’re so drunk and kinda bein cute talkin about the old days so i’m not gonna stop you’ but the next day he wakes up and he’s like ‘oh my god i just told you all these embarrassing stories and you’re not even who i THOUGHT YOU WERE WHAS GOING ON.’ but they develop a friendship off it / possibly a slowburn or even a FAST BURN like WHATEVER YOU WANT
( LENNON, Jaria Burns, 23 ) YOUTUBE SQUAD, ROWAN IS ACTUALLY LENNON’S INSPIRATION, LIKE HER TOTAL MVP / ROLEMODEL AND THEY MEET AND LENNON IS JUST LIKE A HOT MESS LIKE ‘rowan god damn penn i have been in love w you for YEARS’ just like a total fan and they do a few video collabs and it can either be GREAT and they become BEST friends or it can go HORRIBLY and they lowkey hate eachother but have to pretend to be nice to not ruin eachothers reputations
╰ ☾ ⛧⌒*。 plots off your wishlist !!
During a bank robbery you’re surprised when the criminals seem to recognize you and retreat in fear. Only later do you learn that your high school sweet-heart now runs a global crime syndicate and has you placed on a “No Harm” list. You decide to pay them a visit after all these years. ( I can definitely see Mitch being the one who put one of your muses on the ‘no harm’ list, I rec lola jade park or marley birch !! )
hey, gimme a mlm or wlw plot where they both work for a company like buzzfeed or sourcefed (rest in peace ;( ), and do videos and bits together and are vv cute and everyone thinks so and tbh, they do too but they’re also losers who never do anything about it so they use their status as internet personalities as excuses to be w each other (like date night vlogs ?? find the best place in the city to wind and dine). and they’re just v cute and slow burn w lots of tension. ( BIH SHUT UP LENNON & ROWAN VIBES )
ok but a ‘your apartment is next to/above mine & i can hear you & your partner dancing & singing & the bed moving & you two laughing & talking in hushed tones & it won’t let me sleep so i bitch about it to you 24/7 & then one day it just stops & one day turns into one week & then months & i haven’t seen you smile in forever please let me in, i’ve been knocking for ten minutes’ au. ( SCREAMS HEATH & JACK OR KAZ & TATE just imagine the angst )
i just want a damaged, broken boy who doesn’t have a lot of friends & keeps to himself & a caring, kind girl who takes interest in him & gets him to open up & rocks him in her lap when he can’t stop crying & rubs his back when he has nightmares & teaches him that it’s okay to show his pain because being strong doesn’t have to mean hiding your emotions please give me this ( I can definitely see Xavier being the sad boi & any of your girls consoling him or even Milo being the sad boy bc his job is so rough OR I can see Colby taking care of one of your sad bois or Lily because they’re both that soft lemme hold ur hand for a bit ok )
is anyone down to make an m/f platonic af brotp. where they go on lil friend lunch dates, randomly show up @ each other’s places, and stay up late talking shit about their shitty date they just went on. and they fight like a married couple and hold grudges against each other. but if someone were to fuck with one of them, the other would be like “wait bitch, only i’m allowed to do that.” ( GIRL WTF PLEASE GIVE ME A BROTP FOR LENNON, MAGS, ETHAN OR XAVIER LIKE DAMN IM HERE FOR 50 OF THESE THREADS PLATONIC BROTPS ARE MY AESTHETIC )
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toastoat · 7 years
ok im putting under readmore bc its long
so last year i went to my older friends wedding w my sister and her boyfriend, and we stayed in another friends cabin at this lake i go up to every summer (im here now). we were all sleeping at the other friend’s place so i had to take the couch, my sister and her bf were upstairs. one morning the bf woke me up early bc i usually sleep in and said “i saw you sneaking around last night you gremlin” (he often calls me goblin/gremlin jokingly ) but since i had been fast asleep since midnight i was just ?????? and asked him wtf he was talking abt, to which he responded “im not gonna play your little game” (also jokingly) as if i was trying to play dumb or something. 
later in the day after he kept referencing it and asking me to “see the pictures” me and my sister finally got it out of him that he had apparently woken up to “elsa in their nightgown standing in the doorway taking pictures of us (him and my sister) sleeping on a big camera”. i instantly was freaked out by this as was my sister bc we both know that a. i dont have a nightgown or even a dress that i brought w me, and b. i dont own any camera besides my iphone. 
he was super convinced though that we were both playing some prank on him which made me and my sister even MORE scared bc she knew i was telling the truth. we tried to convince him he was dreaming/sleep paralyzed but he kept insisting he woke up and that it was me bc of the poofy blond hair i had at the time. 
anyways we were super afraid of that and for the rest of the time there i made them let me sleep in their bed lol. later on when the summer had actually started, i invited hiro up to stay in my cabin w me- my parents were back in tokyo for a lot of the time we were there. i had lifeguarding every morning p much so hiro would often sleep in my room upstairs while i slept on the couch downstairs. one night we were coming home late after hanging out w friends and hiro asked if i could sleep upstairs w him that night bc “last night i had a nightmare or sleep paralysis where you just stood in the doorway of the room looking at me” 
when he told me that (i hadn’t mentioned the previous thing to hiro at ALL bc i p much forgot abt it as a one-time thing) i flipped my SHIT and almost ran home holding onto his arm (but didnt mention the previous thing to him since it would just freak us out more) and went to sleep in the bed w him and peter (hiro’s dog). 
ANYWAY after that i was suuuuper on edge abt sleeping on my own and i think at this point did tell my sister and hiro abt it. at the end of that week i was over at a friends place lying on his trampoline w hiro and a friend, and the guy who was hosting us came out and yelled for hiro and the other friend to come back in. i sat up and was kinda like “hey im here too fuck you” and when i called out the guy said “Elsa???” really weirdly and i just fuckin knew. some stupid creepy doppleganger shit was up. so i went in to be like “???” back to him and he looked closely at my face and called into the house (where everybody else was chilling) “elsa was out here the whole time “ and when i walked in everybody in the room was like “huh ???” and starting fucking looking out onto the deck where a hammock was set up. 
they all informed me this whole time they thought i was sitting in the hammock outside swinging, and had called out to me several times which is why they were so surprised to see me outside. 
hiro was already freaking out so at this point i just told them all both stories, and we all slept at the friend’s place bc we were all sooooo beyond freaked out. the rest of the summer we called the thing ppl kept seeing “Evil Elsa” and would make jokes like if we heard a scary noise at night “oh its just Evil Elsa” or if somebody farted “no that was Evil Elsa !!!” and didn’t have any more incidents
its really not that much of a scary story but its been creeping me out now that i’m back up here and staying alone in my cabin, and idk what it was in the first place bc nothing bad happened it just scared everybody.  
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