#but now like. lmao besties. I opened my laptop last night for the first time in over a week
imwritesometimes · 1 year
when other people in their 30s say they feel lost in their life/don't know what their purpose is/feel nervous abt life: ur gonna be fine babe I ❤️ you and you are fine this world is a hell hole and we are all doing our best you are fine you are valid ❤️
when I try to apply the same things to myself:
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#things are going good! they're great! and I am fine!#I think the worst part of all this is not actually having the ability to control like allllll this shit#like the shit happening in my life very much is also just kinda... happening to everyone.#wages are too low. impossibly low. hustle culture has rotted ppl's brains. healthcare is unattainable for real in this country.#but also like on my own personal end like this is so stupid but#not beingn able to actually write anything is kinda killing me#writing used to be what I'd turn to when I was so overwhelmed with it all#to have fun and decompress and not think abt that shit and how it feels like I'm living through the collapse of an empire#but now like. lmao besties. I opened my laptop last night for the first time in over a week#and besties. friends. countrymen. it did not go well.#I could not make myself focus on that shit for ANYTHING#I have lost 1000% my ability to write. and it fuckin KILLS me. it's KILLING ME. I am being KILLED.#like I sat there and could peck out a couple sentences and then my brain would be like#ok but no do something else now this doesn't sound good this isn't flowing right booo watch reruns#and I KNOW that the answer to this is oh focus anyway baby steps turn off the tv!#but the thing is I cannot write without the tv I can't it's NOT happening for a bevy of reasons#but also no matter how much I tell my brain like ok no focus now#it doesn't happen#do you know how much this is killing me#normally I can force myself to do shit. I forced myself to quit SMOKING.#I hate this shit it is making me severely unwell and insane and unstable and mad and depressed#and obv unhinged look at these tags#erin explains it all
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
look down on me like that - 10 (explicit)
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genre: slow burn enemies to lovers hatefucking coworkers au, smut, angst
pairing: yoongi x reader
summary: your asshole coworker min yoongi has made it his personal mission to ruin your life.
word count: 13.1k
contains: there are some serious mental health moments and topics discussed in this chapter (and not all of them handled well 😵‍💫) - this includes mentions of anxiety and su1c1dal ideation, reader experiencing a panic attack, and there's just like.... quite a lot of self-loathing, emotional constipation, and horrible choices being made all around. would also maybe say some hints at gaslighting if you squint. please take care of yourselves for this one 💜 and yes..... no smut warnings for this one 😬 sorry 😬
A/N: besties...... hold my hand and trust the process, mkay?
an eternal thank you to @haliiimede and @monimonimoon for betaing and for doing extra hand holding on this one because 😵‍💫 omg it's a lot and it was a lot to write lmao
read on AO3!
chapter nine | masterlist
The headache hits before you even open your eyes, like an ice pick driven straight through your skull.
You roll over with a soft groan of despair, burying your face between the pillows, reaching one arm out as far you can, as if in search of something. Your splayed fingertips only find the down comforter; it’s cool to the touch.
With the kind of deep inhale that can only be conjured by an early wake-up with a terrible hangover, you blink your eyes open, immediately squinting at the harsh morning light.
The bed is empty on the other side. You sit up slowly, shivering a little. The room feels unsteady around you.
You press your face into your hands, trying to wake up enough to think through your headache. Last night… Last night. It feels like a dream you’ll soon lose the details of. The Grammys, the afterparty, K-town. It doesn’t feel real.
Yoongi said he loves you.
Your stomach churns.
So where the fuck is he?
The sound of a drawer opening makes your head snap up, and you quickly kick the bedsheets off, trying to ignore the way the world tilts as you get to your feet and pad out into the living room.
Yoongi is kneeling beside his open suitcase, folding up the clothes he wore earlier in the weekend and carefully placing them inside. He reaches for his toiletries bag, zipped up on the couch next to him, and sets it atop the last stack of clothing.
“What are you doing?” you murmur, rubbing sleep from the corners of your eyes. The words slide together, almost gibberish. You think you might still be drunk.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” Yoongi mutters, taking a final once-over of the contents of his suitcase before zipping it shut. He gets to his feet, then stoops down to turn it upright and extend the handle. “I’ve got a car to the airport about to pull up downstairs.”
“I— what?” You shake your head, confused. You’re barely alive, let alone packed or ready to go. “It’s so early. Our flight’s not til this afternoon.”
He’s already crossing the room, grabbing his laptop off the desk to slide into his shoulder bag, then reaching for his watch. “I had a change of plans.”
“You what?” You don’t understand how you’re so far behind on this, especially given that you’re the one who’s supposed to have the schedule committed to memory.
Yoongi sighs as he turns to face you, still fiddling with his watch, clearly exasperated. It's only now that he’s held still long enough for you to realize he’s wearing his glasses. “I’m going to Tokyo for a few days to work with some talent. There’s a whole thread in your inbox about it. Feel free to read it at your leisure.”
The dry tone of his voice stings like a slap to the face, enough to make you recoil. You take an unsure step back. “Okay, when did this happen?”
He slow-blinks, and you can’t help feeling like you’ve somehow gone back in time, like you’re standing in front of him on your first day of work. Like he’s your enemy all over again.
“I’ve been up for a while,” Yoongi answers flatly. “Any more questions?”
Your back teeth stick together, tense. The room is too bright, Yoongi’s voice too loud, all of this happening too fast.
“Uh,” you start, less than eloquent. “Can we— talk?” Yoongi stares at you pointedly until you feel forced to continue. “About last night?”
“Let’s see.” He pretends to mull it over, and dread creeps up your spine.
“I lost at the Grammys, almost got in a fight, drank my body weight in alcohol. The last thing I remember is… barking.” You’d smile at the memory, but your lips are pulled too tight at the sour taste of his words. “I assume you dragged my drunk ass back here and I passed out, then I stumbled out of bed around four this morning and promptly became very well acquainted with the bathroom floor. Did I miss anything?”
The question punches an ache behind your ribs.
“Don’t fuck with me, Min Yoongi.” Your voice comes out weaker than you would’ve liked, but it’s getting hard to breathe.
“What else?” he asks, still going faster than you can keep up with. “I was an asshole? Gave you embarrassing intel you’ll be using as blackmail when we go back to work? I didn’t barf on your shoes, did I?”
Why is he asking you?
You bring a hand to your temple, trying to rub out your splitting headache so you can process his words. “Are you… telling me you don’t remember?”
There’s a flash of something in Yoongi’s eyes, and though he drops his gaze, he doesn’t quite manage to hide the way his face twists. “If I said anything, let’s just say I didn’t mean it.”
No. No, no, no. Your world goes spinning. He can’t do this.
There’s a lump in your throat, so thick you can scarcely breathe. You try to swallow around it. “Yoongi, what the fuck is happening right now?”
You swear you can see it in his eyes, the wall going back up. It’s infuriating: he’s right fucking there, yet suddenly somehow unreachable. Impenetrable.
“I am going to Tokyo,” he says simply. “You are… doing whatever you want.” You stare at him, overwhelmed and so fucking confused. He stares right back. “I can still upgrade your seat to first class. If that’s what you’re worried about.”
Some final thread snaps inside you, and your delayed anger finally kicks in. “You think that’s what I care about right now? I’m not your fucking charity case.”
He outright rolls his eyes. “Jesus. Forget I asked.”
As if to signal that the conversation is over, he slings his bag across his shoulder and heads for the door, suitcase in tow.
“Yoongi.” You hate the way your voice shakes when you say his name. He turns back to face you in the threshold, his expression unreadable.
You don’t know how to say it. You can’t say it.
“So what, then?” you try instead. “I’m just supposed to… forget it?”
That you said you love me? That I might have been ready to say it back?
His mouth pulls into a flat line, and for a moment, he doesn’t say anything at all. Each second of silence that passes feels like another twist of the knife lodged in your heart.
“Guess so.”
And just like that, the door is slamming shut behind him.
In your head, you chase after him. Yank open the hotel door, sprint down the hallway, call his name loud enough to stop him. You tell him everything that’s been building up inside of you, let all the ugly truths out for him to see, said aloud for the first time, undeniably real. He drops his bag in the hallway, grabs you, kisses you breathless. He stays.
But you can’t make yourself move. Can’t bear the thought of unzipping yourself right up the middle, standing in front of him with every last wall torn down, defenseless and asking for the worst hurt you can imagine. Life has taught you better than that.
Your knees hit the hotel carpet as the tears start to fall. In your head you might be brave, but here in the real world, you’re scared. Too scared to do anything but watch him leave.
“I’m so fucking confused, Mochi.”
You’re curled up on the couch in your living room with your face pressed into Jimin’s shoulder and his arms wrapped tight around you. Delirious from a thirteen hour flight and the time change, your suitcase still lying in the hallway by the front door where you dropped it. True to his word, your best friend showed up within the hour, a bottle of rosé and a pint of ice cream in tow.
There’s no room left to keep lying, to pretend you don’t care about Yoongi, that it doesn’t mean anything. Not when it hurts this bad, bad enough that it feels like you can’t fucking breathe. At least the tears have finally stopped, now that you’ve soaked a wet spot into the collar of Jimin’s sweatshirt.
To his credit, Jimin seems to find no joy in your meltdown, and you’re grateful for it. The last thing you need on top of all the pain is him gloating about being right. You both know he is, always has been. The things you spent so long trying to deny seem obvious now, in the harsh light of day, at the bottom of this emotional hangover.
Funny how that works.
When you pull away with a sniff, Jimin sighs a little and gently untangles himself from you to get to his feet. You bring a hand up to swipe at some of the wetness still stuck to your cheeks, then reach for the bottle of wine while he slips into the kitchen.
“How did you know I’d need this?” you ask as you twist open the screw top. Your throat is rubbed raw from exhaustion, and from so much fucking crying. “You had that little faith in shit working out?”
Jimin returns with two wine glasses and two spoons just as you ask the question, and he pauses in the threshold. The unsure look on his face makes your stomach twist. Your best friend never looks at you like that.
“I have to tell you something, babygirl.”
You can feel your chest starting to tighten again as he sinks back down onto the cushion next to you, gingerly taking the bottle from your hands to pour a little in each glass. It’s like he’s biding his time, trying to delay some sort of inevitable reality.
“Please just say it.” Your voice comes out in a thick whisper.
He thuds the bottle back onto the coffee table with another soft sigh. “I’m leaving Seoul.”
The words sweep over you like a tidal wave, heavy enough you drag you under to drown. “You’re… leaving?”
“Not forever,” Jimin says quickly, but the look on his face as he takes a sip from his glass is telling. “You remember the group I did the concert with?” His gaze flits over to catch your nod, and he continues.
“They booked a whole international tour. Asia, Europe, North and South America. It didn’t look like they were going to scout any new dancers, but then someone got injured last-minute and they personally called me to ask if I could cover. And it’s so short-notice but…”
There’s a fire in his eyes when he looks up at you again, all determined passion. “I just feel like this could be the opportunity I’ve been working so hard for. And Wonho has been so supportive and understanding about it. He helped talk me through it, reminded me how much I want this. So I said yes. And I’m going.”
You’re quiet for a moment, and you can only nod, trying to wrap your mind around it all. “For how long?”
He grimaces. “Six months, at least? Could be more if they decide to extend it.”
A fresh tear slides down your cheek before you can stop it. “Fuck, okay. Wow. When do you go?”
Jimin downs the rest of his wine, then finally answers. “I’ll be honest, the timing is bad. I really thought you’d be coming home with good news, so it would soften the blow a little.”
“Mochi,” you press him, more tears already threatening your waterline. You can feel your heart on the precipice of shattering into a million pieces— you just need him to fucking say it.
“Tonight’s my last night,” he admits.
There is a voice in your head that knows how you should respond. You should be enthusiastically happy for Jimin, and proud of him, and you are; you know deep down that you are. And you should be reacting to this unquestionably good news the way a best friend would: excited, screaming, hugging him, pouring another glass so you can toast to his success, telling him how great he’ll be.
But you’re sunk so deep in your own pain, you can’t help feeling… betrayed. Abandoned by your best friend, just when you need him most.
You set your wine glass down and press your face into your palms, trying to breathe, trying to stop the ache of a suppressed sob that squeezes tight in your throat.
“It’s not forever,” Jimin reiterates, and you know he’s trying to be kind, but you whip your head to look at him, suddenly aggravated. You can only imagine what he must see staring back at him: your glassy eyes gone red from crying, inset with deep shadows from exhaustion, tear tracks staining your cheeks.
“A little more notice would’ve been nice,” you respond as you pick your drink up again. The words come out harsh, jagged at the edges.
Jimin’s brows raise in clear surprise. “I’m sorry?”
The sweet wine goes bitter on your tongue, and you swallow it with a grimace. “I just think it’s interesting that you had all this fucking time to talk to your boyfriend about it, but not two seconds for the person who is supposedly your best friend.”
You can see a muscle tighten in his jaw. “Are you fucking serious right now?”
“Are you?”
“Do I really have to remind you what happened the last time we actually spent an evening together?” Jimin asks, and the razor-sharp tone to his voice already tells you that you’ve made a huge mistake, that you should’ve just choked all your bitter feelings down with your drink.
“Because in case you need help putting the pieces together, I believe you left me, alone, at some shitty dive that you specifically begged to go to. And maybe it hasn’t fucking occurred to you yet, but I was actually planning to ask what you thought that night, whether or not I should take the opportunity. Because I love my boyfriend, but you’re right, he’s not my best friend of a fucking decade. You are.”
Fuck. The weight of his words hits you like a truck. You drain the rest of your wine as he continues, relentless.
“And yet that was the night my best friend of a decade decided to ditch me to go hook up with a man she has consistently called an asshole since day one, and it made me wonder if maybe, just maybe, I deserved a little bit more in life. So I went home and told Wonho I wanted to take the job, and he supported me wholeheartedly. Even cooked me dinner to fucking celebrate. And now here we are.”
Jimin spreads his hands in front of him, palms up, as if to set the stage. “You are somehow shocked that the asshole you got yourself involved with turned around and acted… like an asshole. And I am off to go live the dreams that I have worked so hard for so long to finally achieve. Because as it turns out, we are a product of our own fucking choices. So tell me this, bestie: when are you going to take some fucking responsibility for yours?”
It’s only as you move to set your empty glass down that you realize your hands are shaking. It takes a concentrated effort to complete the motion, especially considering the way your eyes have started to blur with tears. You can feel deep, overwhelming shame stretching up from the pit of your stomach, like a black hole that threatens to suck you in entirely.
The sudden warmth of Jimin’s touch makes you flinch, and then you realize his hands are closing over yours, squeezing tight.
“Look at me,” he says hoarsely, and tears spill down your face as you do. You don’t know if you can take any more of his brutal honesty, but you figure you deserve it, so you brace yourself.
“I fucking love you,” Jimin says. The words are so unexpected and voiced in a tone so fierce that a sob wracks your chest before you can hold it back. He squeezes your hands tighter, and you try to return it. “You’re not just my best friend, you know that, right? You are my family. That will never, ever change. You could fucking kill someone, and I’d show up with bleach, two shovels, and a plan, okay?”
You laugh a little despite yourself, and you can feel Jimin’s thumbs brush gently over the backs of your hands. His voice is softer when he speaks again.
“I know shit has been really, really hard for you. For the last few years, and especially lately. But if I’m honest, it’s like you move through the world as if everything is just… happening to you, through no fault of your own. It makes it so fucking hard to root for you sometimes.”
You do your best to breathe through the sting of his words, and you nod, because you know he’s right.
“And that’s all I want to do,” Jimin stresses with another squeeze of your hands in his. “I want to be your personal fucking cheerleader, always, and not just because my ass would look great in the skirt. I know you are more than capable of getting your shit together, but it’s not going to happen if you don’t start taking some accountability for your own actions. And to be crystal clear, I am not a bad person for not wanting to sideline my own life while I wait for you to figure yours out.”
“You’re not,” you agree with a sniff and a small smile. “And I’m sorry for trying to make it about me.” You shake your head as you blink back a few more tears. “You deserve everything, Mochi, seriously. I don’t think there’s another person on the planet who would’ve put up with my shit for as long as you have.”
He rolls his eyes, despite the smile pulling up the corners of his mouth to match yours. “You make it sound like fucking charity work, come on. Have some self-respect! I don’t waste time on people who aren’t worth it.”
“I just thought you kept me around because I was the only person who could keep up with your drinking,” you admit, chasing the words with a giggle, and Jimin makes a face like you’re not wrong.
As if in response, he finally releases your hands, grabbing the wine bottle to top up your glasses.
“I really do wish I had better advice for you and your situation,” Jimin concludes on a heavy sigh as you both pick up your drinks. “But my already limited knowledge on Min Yoongi is also like fifteen years out of date, so all I can say is this: You got yourself into this mess, and I have full confidence that you can get yourself out. Even if it means cornering him and forcing him into a vulnerable conversation. It sounds like it will be great practice for both of you.”
You huff against the rim of your glass. “I have to figure out what the fuck to even say.”
“You will,” Jimin murmurs, his free hand alighting over yours for a final squeeze. “Just start with the truth.”
When your eyes find his again, you can feel your lower lip beginning to tremble. “God, I’m gonna miss you so fucking much.”
Clearly done with the dramatics, Jimin rolls his eyes. “I’m not dying, bitch! If anything it just means I’m going to text and call and FaceTime you more than I already do. Prepare to be sick of me.”
“I could never,” you tease, and he grabs a spoon off the coffee table, gently nudging it against your side.
“Come on, eat your sad girl ice cream before it melts.”
Even with Yoongi still in Tokyo, the thought of going back to the office and feigning normalcy feels impossible. You end up texting your boss to take a sick day, blaming it on the travel, and he responds quickly, telling you to rest up well and come in the day after.
But between the emotional overwhelm and the jet lag, sleep is hard to come by. You toss and turn, unable to doze off for more than a few minutes at a time, until you kick the blankets off in the early hours of the morning, sick of staring at the walls.
Your body moves as if on autopilot, and you pull your winter coat out of the closet to zip up over your sweats. You grab your phone and your house keys, then slip your feet into a pair of boots by the front door and step outside.
It’s cold, with the barest amount of dawn sun starting to bleed light and color across the horizon, but the fresh air feels good, like it’s easier to breathe in.
Hands shoved in your pockets, you make your way down the stairs to the entrance of your complex and begin to walk, aimless. You’re too fixated on everything whirling around in your mind to pay attention to where you’re headed, and it isn’t until you hear barking that you realize you’ve wandered your way to a neighborhood park down the street from your place, with a fenced-in area for owners to let their dogs run off leash.
It’s a nice place, even now in the dead of winter. You can’t help but wonder why you don’t come here more.
A voice snaps you out of your thoughts, and you blink slowly, your sleep-deprived brain taking several seconds to piece together why it sounds so familiar.
“Bam, Bam! Come here!”
A laugh of disbelief bubbles up in your chest as you take in the scene in front of you: it’s none other than your baby-faced coworker Jeon Jungkook, giggling high and sweet as a large brown Doberman jumps up on its hind legs to playfully tackle him. You recognize the dog as one he’s shown you pictures of, along with the two Italian greyhounds sprinting the length of the fenced-in area, clearly just as energetic as their owner, even at this ungodly hour.
You lean against the fence to watch them, and your heart sinks a little when the memory of your last conversation with Jungkook comes back. It occurs to you that this is probably what Jimin was talking about when he told you to start taking some accountability. But fuck, it’s certainly easier said than done.
You can see your breath in the cold air as you inhale deep and let it out again. Maybe you should just leave him alone, you determine. Turn around and walk home before he sees you.
But then, like the very thought is enough to trigger his awareness, Jungkook’s gaze flits up to meet yours. You wish his Baby Star Candy eyes weren’t so damn expressive— even several yards away, you can see a dozen different emotions flash over his face in the span of a few seconds.
Swallowing down the lump in your throat, you wave a hand in what you hope reads as a peaceful greeting. You’re surprised to see him begin to jog towards you, but even more surprised when someone else beats him to it.
“Can I help you?”
The person standing in front of you looks to be about Jungkook’s age, but immediately hits you with an aura so intimidating that you take a cautious step backwards. He has a black beanie pulled low over his dark hair, and his hands are shoved in the front pocket of his hoodie.
“Oh, sorry, I just, uh— Jungkook is… my coworker,” you offer dumbly, gesturing in Jungkook’s direction. Clearly thinking that they’re still playing, Bam keeps crossing in front of his owner, nearly tripping him up, and you can’t help smiling, watching him stop every few paces to redirect the dog.
“Yeah, I know who you are,” the guy in the hoodie retorts, and your gaze snaps back to him. “Don’t you think you’ve done enough damage?”
The question makes your jaw drop. “What?”
“I mean, seriously, what’s your plan here? Gonna lead him on some more and then tell him he’s not your boyfriend again?”
Your eyes threaten to pop out of your head just as Jungkook makes it over to the fence, Bam still nipping at his heels.
“Chan,” he quickly interjects, breathless. “It’s cool. Let me talk to her, okay?”
Chan eyes you up and down, disapproving, then takes a few steps back, his mouth pulled into an obvious scowl. “Yeah, alright. I’ll get the dogs.” You watch as he manages to divert Bam’s attention away with a well-timed ball throw.
Your mind still reeling from the interaction, you try to keep it together as Jungkook laughs, clearly slightly embarrassed. There’s an ache in your chest when you finally bring yourself to look him in the face.
“Sorry if he said anything to you,” he offers, looking back towards Chan, who is now entertaining all three of Jungkook’s dogs, plus a spaniel that must be his own. “Chan is a really good friend of mine, and he can be… protective.”
You huff a soft noise that comes out in a little cloud of steam. “It’s alright. I deserve it, honestly.”
“You don’t,” Jungkook says firmly, and you open your mouth to argue, but he speaks first. “Do you have a second? To talk?”
Uneasiness twists in the pit of your stomach. “I can talk,” you say, tentative. “But don’t let me interrupt. I think your friend already hates me enough.”
Jungkook shakes his head. “It’s cool. Chan and I always take the dogs for a run in the mornings. We’re just trying to get all their energy out, but we’re about to head back after this.” A smile spreads across your face before you can bite it back, and he quirks an eyebrow. “What?”
“You’re telling me you go on a run every morning before your six AM boxing class?”
A pink flush blooms in his cheeks that you can’t quite believe is from the cold. “Well, I guess I also have a lot of energy.”
“You’re superhuman,” you laugh, and Jungkook glances down as he smiles, like he’s suddenly gone shy. It’s enough to crack your heart right down the middle, and you can’t keep the words in any longer. “Jungkook, I am so fucking sorry. For what happened before.”
The smile drops off his face as he looks up again. “Don’t be. I was way out of line.”
You tear your gaze away from Jungkook, choosing instead to stare at the thin layer of frost beneath your boots as it all plays back in your head. As much as you wish you could just patch everything up and be friends again, you can’t ignore the truth of his feelings for you, and the way it complicates everything else.
But you can certainly relate to wanting to live in denial. To avoid an inconvenient truth.
“You were just trying to keep me from getting hurt,” you murmur. You wonder if he can tell that he was right, that it happened anyway.
“Yeah,” Jungkook admits, and you glance up to see him pause, considering. “But, you know,” he adds. “My own stuff was mixed in there too.”
“Yeah,” you echo, unsure of what else to say.
“I should’ve listened to you,” he continues with a sigh. “I should’ve been more honest. About how I was feeling. Am feeling. I don’t know.”
“It’s okay.” You do your best to shoot him a sympathetic look. “Trust me, I really do get it. And I shouldn’t have been so harsh. I was just– I’m in a really weird place right now. But it’s not an excuse.”
Jungkook nods slowly. “I appreciate that. It definitely… snapped me out of it.”
You can’t help grimacing. “I was a bitch, you can say it.”
“No, no!” he exclaims, but his mouth is already pulling into a smile. “I needed to hear it. Seriously.”
There’s a moment where neither of you speak, and you both gaze across the park, watching Chan as he does his best to tire the dogs out.
“Your sons are even cuter in person,” you finally say, and you hear Jungkook exhale a soft laugh.
“You can meet them if you want,” he offers.
You scrunch your nose up slightly as you turn back to him. “If your bodyguard will let me?”
He shrugs. “Nah, Chan’s fine.” You raise an eyebrow in disbelief, and he waves one hand dismissively, the other already working to fumble open the lock of the fence gate. “All bark and no bite.”
Your eyes roll back at the terrible joke, but you can’t help laughing, too. You really fucking missed this kid.
Not wanting to worsen your jet lag further, you force yourself to stay awake once you make it back to your apartment, determined to take the day to properly unpack from Los Angeles. The routine of putting your things away and dumping your clothes into the washer is enough to keep your hands busy, and your mind takes the opportunity to retrace back over everything that’s happened in the last few days. It’s all come at you so fast, you feel like you’ve barely had a second to breathe, let alone process everything.
Things with Jungkook feel okay again, but your heart weighs heavy with the understanding that your friendship won’t ever go back to the way it was before, not entirely. That dose of reality stings a little, but you know it’s for the best, for both of you.
The loss just makes you miss Jimin that much more, but you know he’s currently on a plane to Bangkok to go live his dreams: he’d texted you a picture of his airport fashion while you were at the park, and you’d sent back a father/son candid of Jungkook playing with Bam. You don’t think Jimin’s bark bark bark response had anything to do with the dog.
You’re grateful for the conversation you had with your best friend before he left, even though it was hard to hear. The thought of sorting this mess out on your own still fills you with dread, but you tell yourself that if Jimin believes you can do it, then maybe he’s right. He’s certainly been right about everything else.
And that thought just brings you right back to Yoongi. A heavy sigh washes over you when you carefully unpack the rented Grammys dress from your suitcase, and the memories of the weekend flood your mind in waves as you brush your hand down the velvet fabric.
For a split second you swore the two of you had figured it out, that there wasn’t just sex and hatred between you, but something more. But as soon as the idea had come into focus, that one sweet night where it all felt possible, you’d watched it slip right out of your fingers again, with Yoongi acting cold enough to make you question if maybe you’d made the whole thing up after all.
You can’t help wondering how the morning could’ve gone in another universe: one where he’d stayed a little longer, one where you’d been a little braver. If you could’ve maybe met in the middle, somehow.
He told you he loved you. The words repeat in your head, again and again, as you stare down at your borrowed dress. Drunk as you might have been, you know you didn’t imagine that part. You just wish you knew what you were supposed to do now.
With a thoughtful hum, you reach for the garment bag slung over your closet door, unzipping it so you can hang the dress back up inside. You guess this is what Jimin was talking about. A vulnerable conversation. At this point, it feels like the only thing you haven’t tried with Min Yoongi.
“No time like the present,” you murmur to yourself as you tug the zipper up.
Going back to the office the next day feels like jumping straight into the deep end. There’s plenty to get caught up on from the aftermath of the Grammys and the work days you missed while traveling. It takes you most of the day just to get through your inbox in the brief moments of downtime not spent running between conference rooms.
Your one beacon of hope is the reassurance that Yoongi is scheduled to be in Tokyo for the rest of the week. It gives you time to calm down, to focus on work undisturbed without anticipating him around every corner. You’ve got the weekend to plan out what you want to say, to prepare yourself to push past the fear and actually say it, all of it, out in the open.
The very thought makes your chest constrict, but you try to breathe through it. You’ve got time to figure it out, you tell yourself.
And then you glance up to see Min Yoongi pushing the glass office doors open, and you swear your heart stops beating.
His name leaves your lips automatically while you attempt to try and process this as really happening. Your voice comes out soft, as if in fear that speaking too loud will make it all dissolve in front of you, or make him turn around and walk right back out again.
He doesn’t respond; his stride doesn’t even falter as he walks past your desk and rounds the corner, heading for his own office. Acting on sheer impulse, you get to your feet to follow after, catching up to him as he’s keying the code into his door lock.
“What are you doing back?” is all you can think to say. You can’t read any emotion on his face, save maybe exhaustion.
“The sessions went well,” he answers, not sounding particularly glad for it. “We finished ahead of schedule.”
“Oh,” you answer dumbly, and he pushes down the handle and steps into his lab. You catch the door before it swings shut again, taking a deep breath to steel yourself as you step inside. “Can we talk?”
With a grunt, Yoongi drops into his desk chair, tapping at his keyboard to wake his computer and log in. “Sure. I was going to ask you the same thing.”
His response surprises you enough that all you can manage is another, “Oh.” You cautiously close the distance between you until you’re standing beside his desk, your gaze sweeping over his unblinking profile. It strikes you that you haven’t actually planned out what you want to say to him. You thought you had more time.
“Uh, I guess you can go first, then.”
Yoongi’s eyes don’t move from his screen. “I think you were right. This was a bad idea.”
“I— what?” It takes you several seconds to piece together what he means. The night at the company happy hour, when he’d proposed that the two of you establish some kind of arrangement, you had said it was a bad idea. And then you’d followed him into the bathroom to say yes to it anyway.
But now he’s… changing his mind? Just like that?
“I think we should both just focus on work,” he says, as if it’s that easy. “And stop being so distracted.”
Distracted? Your gut twists. It’s suddenly hard to inhale, like all the air has been sucked out of the room. “So what, then?” you ask, hating that you can’t quite keep the emotion out of your voice. “It’s over? All of it?”
Yoongi’s gaze alights on you for a split second, then flits back to his screen. The realization makes you want to scream: he can’t even fucking look at you. His adam’s apple jumps in his throat as he swallows.
“Look,” he finally sighs. “Whatever it is you think I can give you, I promise you, I can’t.”
A flush of heat creeps up your neck. “What I think?!” you retort, still in disbelief. “You started this, Yoongi, all of this was your idea. And you’re the one who fucking said you l—” He winces as you cut yourself off, your throat constricting too tight to get the words out.
“I was drunk,” he murmurs, unconvincing.
You stare at him for a moment, stunned.
“You know what I think you were?” His gaze finds yours, and you spit the word at him. “Honest.” There’s a flicker of recognition in his face, and it spurs you on. “I think you told the truth for once in your life, without this weird ‘I don’t care about anything’ veneer, and it fucking terrified you.”
Yoongi shakes his head. His voice is soft when he speaks again, and a little uneven. “Don’t do that.”
“Do what?” you snap.
“Don’t act like you know me.”
You scoff, too angry to stop yourself, unable to bite back the urge to press him until he says something real. “You think I don’t? Really? I guess you just tell everyone you fuck about the time you almost jumped off a bridge?”
He flinches as he glances up at you again, and your heart drops like a lead weight at the look on his face. You immediately clap a hand to your mouth, as if in a too-late attempt to shove the words back in.
“Fuck, Yoongi,” you breathe. “I-I didn’t mean that, I’m just—”
All at once, he’s on his feet, moving towards you until you have no choice but to start walking backwards, in the direction of his office door.
“Here’s what I know.” Yoongi’s voice is firm and oddly calm as he speaks over your fumbled apologies. “I’m an asshole. I’m a workaholic. I’m way too hard on myself. I push people too far, and then I shut them all out. I’m never satisfied. I get bored easily.” He pauses for a moment. “And yes, sometimes I get so fucking sick of myself that I want to jump off a bridge. To put it bluntly, I am not somebody you want to be with. At all.”
Your breath hitches as your back finds purchase against the door, and Yoongi stops, still several paces apart from you. His dark eyes feel like they’re burning into you, glassy with emotion in a way you’ve only seen once before.
“We hooked up a few times,” he says, as if there’s no room for debate. “That’s all. It didn’t mean anything. And it’s over now.”
As his words crash into you, it occurs to you what this feeling is, itching like fire under your skin and squeezing tight at the muscles of your throat: you’re embarrassed.
It’s fucking embarrassing, standing here in an office you’ve been in dozens of times before, trying to beg a man you’re supposed to hate into a single honest conversation, into loving you when he already fucking said he did. Yoongi said he’s in love with you, and now he’s just… standing here, blinking at you like you’re somehow the unreasonable one for thinking that it meant anything at all.
“I guess you’re right,” you barely manage to choke out as your hand brushes over the door handle behind you. Your skin is flushed so hot that it feels cool against your palm. “You are a fucking asshole.”
You don’t wait around to see the look on his face at your remark. You just push the handle down and stumble out into the hallway.
When the Genius Lab door closes behind you, you slam back against it with enough force to knock the air out of your lungs. You press your palms to the wood grain and squeeze your eyes shut, trying to calm down, but that choked up feeling refuses to dissipate. The world feels like it’s closing in around you, white noise roaring so loudly in your ears you can scarcely think.
It takes you several seconds to realize that someone is speaking to you, and your eyes snap open again to find Jungkook standing in the hallway, his brow furrowed like he’s concerned. It’s hard to focus on him, like you can’t quite open your eyes wide enough. Black spots have started to dance in your vision, and you blink a few times, hoping to clear them out.
“Whoa, are you okay?”
You attempt to take in enough air to answer him, but all you can manage are shallow gasps: it’s like everything is stuck. You’re not even crying, you just can’t fucking breathe. The only response to his question that you can give is a slow shake of your head, and then your knees buckle.
Your brain must lose the ability to keep up with the pace of everything that’s happening, because suddenly you register that your palms are pressed flat to the office carpet. Jungkook is kneeling beside you, one hand smoothing circles against the back of your dress. You’re still heaving, trying to breathe, but your chest is squeezed so tight that it’s like it won’t take. You can feel your heartbeat behind your ribs, slamming so fast that it makes your whole body shake, and there’s a buzzing sensation in your fingertips, like TV static.
“Hey, hey.” You shut your eyes again and try to focus on Jungkook’s voice. “I think you’re having a panic attack.”
“I—” you gasp, but the words are stuck, too. I can’t breathe. I don’t know what’s happening. I think I’m dying.
“It’s okay,” he answers quickly, and you nod, as if it might force your mind to believe his words. “You’re okay. Just— I’m gonna breathe with you, okay?” You immediately shake your head, and Jungkook shifts a little closer. “I know it feels like you can’t right now. But look. We’re gonna go slow. In for four.”
I can’t fucking do this, you want to scream, but you dig your numb fingers into the carpet and try to follow his lead. You can hear him take a deep inhale through his nose, and you do your best to match it. One, two, three, four.
Jungkook’s voice comes back, stilted this time. “Hold it for seven.”
You nod, trying to focus on the feeling of the floor beneath you, his hand against your back. Your chest is spasming with a desperate need to keep hyperventilating, but you force the little air you’ve taken in to stay in your lungs, and you count. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
“And out for eight.” You can hear Jungkook push a stream of air out of his mouth, and you echo it, though your own airflow feels pathetic in comparison. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
“Can we do that again?” he asks gently, and after a moment, you nod.
You go through the process again and again, and each time it gets a little easier, until you’re finally able to pull yourself up to sit back on your heels. Your head is spinning, your heart still hammering in your chest, but you try to focus on Jungkook, seated cross-legged next to you like he has all the time in the world.
“I think—” you start, and you have to take another breath in before you can get the rest of the words out. A dull ache is beginning to bloom in your temples. Your throat feels like sandpaper. But at least you can breathe. “I think I’m okay now.”
“There’s no rush. Just give it a second,” he says with a nod, and you do, flexing your hands in your lap to try and bring some feeling back.
“Where did you learn to do that?” you ask softly, and the corner of his mouth pulls up into a half-smile.
“My therapist taught me. I used to have really bad panic attacks. Still do, sometimes.”
You blink at him, trying to process the information. It never occurred to you that Baby Star Candy would be the kind of person to have a therapist, or any kind of mental health issues at all. Not when he seems so… well-adjusted.
“Do you need anything?” he offers. “Water?”
You shake your head, not quite ready to be left alone. “I just need this day to be over so I don’t have to fucking be here anymore,” you sigh.
Jungkook makes a face, as if in thought, then shrugs. “How about I drive you home?”
Your eyes widen in surprise. “I— I’m the keyholder, JK. It’s literally my first day back, I can’t just leave.”
“Where’s the key?” he asks, pulling himself up to standing in one smooth motion. Your legs feel shaky beneath you, and you gladly accept the hand he extends for support as you slowly right yourself next to him.
“It’s, uh—” you have to think for a second before it comes back to you, your brain still a little scrambled. You’d taken it back from your cover earlier this morning, and now it’s… “In my purse. On my desk.”
With that, Jungkook heads down the hallway towards your desk, and you follow after, slightly unsteady in your high heels. He stands to the side when he gets there first, like he doesn’t want to just dig through your things, and you reach for your purse to fish the key out of the bottom.
“Can I borrow that?” Jungkook asks, extending his palm. You pause for a second, then nervously drop the key into his hand.
Before you can even ask any follow-up questions, he’s disappearing back down the hallway. Your gaze lingers over your desk as you let another cautious breath out, and it feels like you’re moving in slow motion when you grab your laptop and slide it into your purse.
It seems like less than a minute before Jungkook returns again, rapping his knuckles against your desk. “You’re off the hook for tonight.”
“Really?” you ask, incredulous. “What did you do?”
He just shrugs. “Talked to your boss. Told him you weren’t feeling well and wanted to leave early. He said he’d lock up. It’s not a big deal to ask for help sometimes, you know.”
You blink, attempting to keep up, your reaction time slowed enough that it’s like you’re on a five second delay. “Thanks, Jungkook. I guess your therapist taught you that too, huh?”
Jungkook nods without a trace of shame. “Sure did. Now let’s get out of here.”
Nothing about the world around you feels real as you follow Jungkook into the elevator and down to the parking garage. It’s like floating through some strange dream, everything fuzzy and far away. You slip wordlessly into his passenger seat, and it’s only as he pulls out onto the city streets that a creeping sense of dread starts to dot up your spine.
This scene is too familiar, and that thought alone makes your mouth go dry. When you try to swallow, you can feel your throat threatening to constrict again.
“Jungkook,” you manage to choke out, and his eyes flit from the road to your face and back again.
“Everything okay?”
The silence in the car is suddenly deafening. “Can we, uh— put on some music? Just, anything?”
Jungkook looks a little cautious, like he doesn’t want to do too much too fast. “Are you sure?”
You nod, your eyes fluttering closed as you try to remember his stupid breathing pattern. “Please. I… need a distraction.”
“Okay. Sure,” he answers quickly, and you let out a ragged sigh of relief when he leans over to press a button and the car fills with upbeat pop. It takes you a second to place it, and then you blink your eyes open again as a laugh of surprise rips through you.
“Hype Boy, really?”
“What? This is a great song!” Jungkook’s already tapping his thumbs on the steering wheel in time to the beat. “I just learned the dance, too.”
You tip your head back against the seat with another soft giggle. “Sounds like somebody’s about to go viral on TikTok again.”
The two of you settle into silence, and you let yourself be distracted by the music, your brain still cotton-fuzz numb. You’re grateful that Jungkook doesn’t force conversation or babble on the way he normally does, instead choosing to hum along in a way that’s oddly comforting. You count your breaths and watch the city pass by in a blur, until all at once the car is coming to a stop at your apartment complex. The building seems to loom over you as you blink up through the windshield, one hand fumbling for the car door.
Up those stairs is the safety of your apartment. But now that you’re here, it doesn’t feel so reassuring. It’s not like there’s anyone waiting for you on the other side of your front door. No best friend to come over. It occurs to you now that you’re not ready to be alone just yet, but that’s exactly what you’ll be the minute you step out of Jungkook’s car.
The words leave your mouth before you have time to reconsider. “JK, do you want to come up for a bit?”
“Oh.” Jungkook is wide-eyed and blinking when you glance at him, like he wasn’t expecting the invitation. “Uh, yeah. Okay. For a bit.”
It’s a little funny, stepping inside your front door with Jungkook following after, the two of you slipping your shoes off in the hallway, then padding further in. You never pictured this happening, not even when he came to pick you up for Jimin’s concert.
Jungkook cautiously perches on the edge of the couch, like he’s not quite sure what to do with himself, while you continue into the kitchen, calling back over your shoulder. “Do you want something to drink? Water, tea?”
There’s a shuffling sound, like Jungkook is peeling out of his jacket. “Just, uh. Whatever you’re having, I guess.”
“Wine, then,” you answer.
You make short work of cracking open a bottle of red, then grab two glasses before returning to the living room and dropping down on the cushion next to Jungkook. His jacket is slung over the arm of the couch now, leaving him in his usual business casual uniform, a button-down and slacks.
“What a fucking day,” you sigh as you pour Jungkook a glass of wine, then one for yourself. “Thank you again, for… you know. Reminding me how to breathe.”
Jungkook still seems a little nervous as he reaches for his drink. “Yeah, of course.” There’s a moment of silence as you both take a sip, and then he speaks first. “Can I ask—“ he interrupts himself, as if making a correction. “I mean, I don’t want to pry. I know it’s not my business. At all.”
“You want to know why I had a panic attack in the middle of the office?” you offer, and he nods.
“Outside of Yoongi’s lab,” Jungkook finishes quietly, and your heart briefly stalls out at the mere mention of his name.
“It’s a good question,” you murmur as you stare at the liquid swirling in your glass. Jimin’s words suddenly come back to you in a whole new light. Start with the truth.
You glance up at Jungkook again. “Yoongi and I were…” You trail off, unsure what to even call it. Involved? Hooking up? Enemies with benefits? Nothing feels right. “We were something.”
“But not anymore?” Jungkook’s response is immediate. You shake your head.
“No, I guess not.” There’s a dull ache in your chest, like pressing on a fresh bruise, and you try to breathe through it, your gaze flitting down to the hem of your dress. “When we were in LA, he said he loved me. And now he says it didn’t mean anything. That it’s over.”
“Wow,” Jungkook huffs, sounding dazed and a little pissed off. “I’m sorry.”
“Yeah,” you sigh as you sink back against the couch cushion. “Me too.”
It all feels more real, now that you’ve said it out loud. Hurts just as fucking bad. Maybe worse. “And I’m sorry I lied to you. I should’ve just told you, but. I don’t know. I think I wanted to believe I had it all under control.” A sad laugh flutters out of your lungs. “Clearly, I do not.”
“It’s okay,” Jungkook says, and he pauses for a moment, placing his wine glass on the coffee table before he continues. “Were you— I mean, was it… the whole time?”
You pull your bottom lip between your teeth as you shrug. “Not the whole time, but. Most of it, I guess. It was like a weird slow burn thing.”
“Got it.”
When you glance over at Jungkook, there’s a distant look in his eyes, like he’s still processing everything. You suppose it’s probably a lot to hear all at once. It feels good to be honest with him after so much time spent keeping secrets. A heat starts to bloom in your face as you take another sip of wine, then set the glass down.
There must still be a lingering post-panic disconnect between your brain and your body, because all of a sudden you’re moving on sheer instinct, without giving it any thought at all. You drop back against the couch cushion again, then tilt yourself to the side until your head is pressed gently into Jungkook’s shoulder.
You wonder if you’re imagining the way he tenses slightly at the contact. You glance up at him through your lashes, but he’s not looking at you, and the expression on his face is hard to judge. There’s a faint scar on his cheek that you’ve never noticed before.
It could be so easy, you realize now. All he’d have to do is turn a little and close the distance. He could cup your jaw in his hand, tilt your chin up towards him, brush his lips against yours. Soft and sweet.
And maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. At least you wouldn’t be alone.
“It should have been you, Baby Goth,” you hear yourself say.
Silence weighs heavy in the air between you, and then Jungkook speaks.
“That’s not fair.”
It’s like the words snap you out of a trance. You jump back like you’ve just been burned, purposefully sliding over to put as much distance as you can between your bodies on the couch.
“I’m sorry,” you say reflexively, but Jungkook is still staring at the floor. His leg has begun to bounce, like a nervous tick.
“I don’t—” Jungkook starts, and then he pauses, taking a deep breath in before he begins the sentence again. “I don’t want… this. Not if… if it’s not real. Or just a rebound, or whatever.”
Shame rushes up in your chest, makes you hot all over. You can’t exactly say that he’s wrong, but the thought of a brief distraction from the pain was so promising. Now it’s only served to dig you in that much deeper.
“I’m sorry, Jungkook,” you repeat dumbly. You can feel your heartbeat hammering behind your ribs. “I shouldn’t have said that. I’m just… Fuck, I’m such a mess right now. I keep fucking everything up.”
His gaze finally drifts up to meet yours, and you’ve never seen him look more serious. “You know, Chan said something that stuck with me. When I told him about what happened. He said, ‘if she really wanted to be with you, she already would be.’”
The words hit you like a punch to the gut, and you recoil at the impact. You try to blink away the impending tears as you slowly nod. “Chan’s right,” you whisper, and Jungkook’s mouth pulls into a sad, flat grimace.
“Yeah,” he answers, his voice gone raw. “I thought so too.”
All at once, he’s on his feet and tugging his jacket back on, and you can only sit motionless and watch him. You press a finger to your waterline, trying to catch the tears before they start to spill down your face.
“I’m sorry you had a hard day,” Jungkook says, reaching up to adjust his collar. “And I really do want to be your friend. But I think I just need a little time.” He tucks his hands into the pockets of his jacket, turning over his shoulder to look at you, then quickly averting his gaze again. “We both do.”
“Yeah,” you sniff. “I want to be friends too. But, yeah. You’re right.”
Jungkook keeps his head down as he heads for the entryway. He slips his feet into his shoes, then swings the door open, pausing in the threshold for a final glance back towards you.
“Get some sleep,” he murmurs. You nod. And then the door clicks shut behind him.
Despite your best attempts and the rest of the bottle of wine, sleep doesn’t come. You stare up at the black of your bedroom ceiling, and it feels like staring at the rubble of every bridge you’ve burned. All from your own choices. The things you said that you shouldn’t have, the things you didn’t do that you should have. All your mess, and all your fault.
You keep your eyes open, because closing them is worse. Closing them is when it all comes back, a looping film strip in your head of everything that’s haunted you, played out in technicolor on the backs of your eyelids.
Extending a mug of coffee to Yoongi on your first day. Stealing food off Jimin’s plate at dinner. Splitting red bean buns with Jungkook.
And then it speeds up.
A locked office door, a stolen set of keys. A four digit code and a smirk. Your fingers gripping the edge of Yoongi’s desk. Dancing close with a dark-haired stranger in a packed club. Yoongi’s hands slipping up your thighs, closing over your throat. The flashing lights and noise of a concert. A full glass of whiskey. Standing outside of a bar in the cold night air. Rain on a windshield. A maple pastry and a paper coffee cup. Seoul lit up at night, cut through by the river. A hotel bed. Yoongi’s hands on the zipper of your dress. Yoongi’s hands on piano keys. Yoongi’s mouth on yours in a conference room, in his shower, in a K-town noraebang. His face pressed into your shoulder on the cab ride home.
And you see yourself, too. Running away. Saying the wrong thing. Fucking everything up, irreparably. Over and over, the movie replays.
Tears slip across the bridge of your nose as you turn onto your side, cheek pressed to the pillow, and wait for morning.
“There she is!”
Your boss’ greeting rings loud in your ears, and you wince as you duck your head through his office door. He gestures for you to have a seat in the chair across from his desk, and you comply. You can see him taking you in as you sit down, and when his smile falters slightly, you know why: there weren’t enough ice rollers in the world to completely de-puff your face after a sleepless night spent crying yourself dry.
“How are you feeling?” he asks, a little more gently.
You fold your hands in your lap and take a deep breath, willing the words not to get stuck in your throat. You can feel the tension in the room, your knife’s edge poised at the final cord to cut.
“I want you to know that I’ve really enjoyed my time working here,” you begin, doing your best to keep your voice even, squeezing your laced fingers tight to give your mind something to focus on. “But for personal reasons, I think I need to tender my resignation.”
Your boss sits back in his chair, clearly stunned. It takes him a second to recover. “I— wow. Can’t say I saw this coming.” He leans forward again. “It wasn’t something that happened here, was it? Because if we need to report an issue to HR, you should know I take that kind of thing very seriously. I’d hate to see you leave over something we could take care of.”
Another breath in, another squeeze of your hands in your lap. “No, it wasn’t,” you say firmly. “It’s just me. My own stuff. I think… I think maybe I need to leave Seoul for a bit.”
He pauses, considering your words, and you consider them, too. It isn’t a thought you were ever cognizant of having until this moment, but it doesn’t feel like a lie, either. It makes sense. You’ve snapped every tie that once might have kept you tethered to this city. There doesn’t feel like much point in staying, or like there’s anything still here for you.
“Well, good for you,” your boss finally says, his tone serious. “For knowing your own limits. Gotta be a human first, right?” You offer him a half-smile and a nod, and he leans forward to grab a pen off his desk, fiddling absentmindedly with it. “Thinking of going anywhere in particular?”
You shake your head, your smile turning self-conscious. “Hadn’t gotten that far.”
“If I’m overstepping, just tell me to shut up,” he starts, and you can’t help breathing out a laugh. “But you got some rave reviews from the Los Angeles team. Seriously, you blew them away. They asked if it was possible to clone you. Apparently they’ve been looking for an admin for a while, but can’t seem to find anyone who can walk the walk.”
Your eyes go wide as you begin to put the pieces together, and your boss just keeps going.
“I mean, it’s probably a bigger move than what you were looking for. Unless you’re really trying to get away. But you’re such a great asset, I’d love to keep you in the family, if we can.”
He looks at you pointedly, and you swallow around the sudden lump in your throat. “You… can do that?”
Your boss shrugs. “We’d have to get you a visa, but that’s easy enough with a specialty occupation lined up. And we can cover the fees for premium processing so it doesn’t take half a year. But only if it’s something you’re genuinely interested in. If you’re just trying to cut and run, I get it. No hard feelings.”
Your head goes spinning. Los Angeles. It’s about as far away from your mess of a life as you could possibly get. It feels too good to be true, and you drop your gaze to the floor as a tidal wave of guilt surges over you.
You hadn’t planned on this admission, but all at once, the words are coming out of your mouth.
“I lied,” you say, your voice soft, your eyes fixed firmly on the carpet. There’s no way you can look your boss in the face as the truth spills out of you. “On my job application. I don’t have any experience as an administrative assistant. I made it all up, and my reference was fake. I was actually a waitress before this.”
You finally manage a glance up. Your boss’ eyebrows are nearly at his hairline, but he’s quiet.
“It just… doesn’t seem fair to send me off to the Los Angeles team. Not when I don’t even know what I’m doing,” you conclude with an embarrassed grimace.
“You really feel like you don’t?”
His question makes you blink. You don’t know what you were expecting, but it certainly wasn’t that. You’re not sure how to respond.
He drops the pen in his hands to press his palms flat to the surface of his desk, as if he means business. “Look, obviously I can’t condone what you did. But I’ll be honest, if anything, that just makes me all the more impressed with your performance. I thought you adjusted quickly even for someone with past experience. To know you were flying blind…” He huffs a laugh of disbelief. “I mean, that’s a fucking crazy thing to do. But you did do it. I’ve seen you working your ass off to keep this office together. And that’s the thing: you have. You’ve met every deadline, kept up with every deliverable. You’ve taken everything we’ve thrown at you and handled it.”
You pull your bottom lip into your mouth, willing it to stop trembling. Fuck, you’d really thought you were done crying.
Your boss shakes his head as he continues. “Maybe if you’d just started, I’d feel differently about this. But I gotta be honest. When I look at your performance the past few months… I don’t give a fuck what your last job was. Because in this job, you’re killing it. And I know you’d do the same in Los Angeles, if you made the decision to go. They want you out there because they’ve already seen what you can do. They know it, and I know it. And I hope that some part of you knows it, too.”
A single tear rolls down your cheek, and you quickly reach up to swipe it away. “Thank you,” you choke out, your voice thick as you try to keep it together. “I seriously can’t tell you how much it means to hear that right now.”
He doesn’t respond right away, like he’s waiting for you to say more, and you take a shaky breath in as the decision solidifies in your head. “I really enjoyed my time with the Los Angeles team. And I would love to transfer there, if they’ll have me.”
Your boss’ mouth pulls into a smug smirk. “Please,” he says dryly. “As soon as they get wind of this, they’re going to beg me to ship you overnight.” You laugh as you dab at your eyes with the edge of your sleeve, and his face softens slightly. “I can’t do overnight. But do you think you can hang on for just a couple more weeks?”
You chase your nod with a gentle sniff. “Yeah. I think I can do that.”
Time passes quicker than you would’ve expected, split mostly between preparing for your transfer at work and trying to pack your life up into cardboard boxes at home. Apart from those two things, the days feel aimless, and a little unreal. It’s like you’re living in a liminal space, halfway between your old life and the promise of a new one. Your boss offers to hang onto the office key of his own accord, to give you more time to get your things in order, and you gratefully accept the help.
It’s a weird change, no longer having to worry about being the first one at the office and the last one out. No meeting Jungkook at the doors each morning. No fighting with Yoongi to get him to leave at the end of the day. You see relatively little of either of them, save for the occasional meeting or brush of shoulders in the hallway. You’d think losing both of them in one go might be unbearable if you didn’t already have your eyes on the horizon.
Your boss announces your upcoming transfer in the next team meeting, though Yoongi is naturally nowhere to be found. Jungkook’s eyes go as wide as you’ve ever seen them at the news, but he still slips out of the conference room immediately after the meeting wraps, rather than hanging back to talk to you.
You try not to take it personally; you can’t exactly blame him.
Life goes on. Your boss swings by your desk to excitedly share the news that your visa was approved, and you set a final transition date. You sort out the travel, the logistics of shipping your stuff, and lock down a place to sublet in Los Angeles to get you started. It’s admittedly shocking how easy it is to take your old life apart, piece by piece. To draft your escape plan, to run away from it all one final time. To make a clean break.
It’s nearly the end of your last workday in Seoul before you’re able to put a name to the feeling that’s begun to blossom in the pit of your stomach: it’s hope.
“Hey.” Your boss’ voice cuts through your concentration, and you glance up from your laptop to see him leaned up against your desk. “Can you walk to the break room with me for a second? Got a few last-minute questions for you.”
Your eyes go wide, your mind instantly racing, trying to think of what it is you might have forgotten.
“You’re not in trouble,” he says with a laugh, and you nod as you get to your feet, not quite able to believe it. “Just, uh, follow me and put on a happy face. Alright?”
You have no idea what he could possibly mean until you round the corner and a cheer rises up. The rest of your coworkers are standing around the break room in groups, like they’ve been waiting for you, though that doesn’t seem to have stopped them from already partaking in the assortment of food and drinks that’s been set up beside the vending machines. There’s a farewell banner pinned to the wall, signed with well-wishes from what looks to be everyone at the Seoul office, and someone’s turned on a playlist that you realize upon closer listen exclusively features songs about California.
There’s even a cake.
For a moment, you can’t do anything except stand there in the threshold, dumbfounded, as your coworkers clap and laugh.
“I— wow,” is all you can think to say, and you shoot your boss an incredulous look. “Thank you.”
He makes a face. “Hey, I didn’t do this. Thank JK.” Your boss nods across the room. “That kid loves any excuse to throw a party.”
Your heart immediately sinks at the mention, at all this kindness shown to you by the person you’ve arguably treated the worst.
It takes a while to get to him, with nearly every person wanting to stop you for a chat, but you finally manage to make your way over to where Jungkook is loading up a paper plate with so much food that it’s threatening to cave in.
“Make sure you get something to eat before it’s all gone,” he says by way of greeting, gesturing to the catering dishes with an elbow so he can keep both hands on his plate. “It’s really good.”
“Jungkook,” you say softly, and his gaze alights on you for a second before returning back to his food. You don’t think you’re imagining that he looks somewhat nervous. “I really can’t thank you enough. You didn’t have to do any of this.”
He shrugs, taking a few steps over to a nearby table, and you cautiously trail after him. “I didn’t,” he admits as he sets his plate down, then scoots a chair out. “But you deserve a good send-off. It takes a lot of guts to do what you’re doing.”
You shift nervously where you stand. “It’s either that or cowardice. I’ll let you know when I figure out which.”
A small smile tugs at his lips as he digs into his food, and you suddenly feel like you’ve overstayed your welcome. But then he glances up again, speaking through a mouthful. “Well, whatever it is. I hope it works out for you.”
“Thanks, JK.” You do your best to return his smile. “I hope so, too.”
By the time you grab your own plate, you’ve been swept into another group to answer an endless litany of questions about your move. You tell yourself it’s probably for the best to leave Jungkook alone anyway, so you try to stand there and smile, to assure your nosier coworkers that nothing happened; you just needed a change of scenery.
Eventually the conversation shifts, and you find yourself on the outskirts of it, more than a little relieved to no longer be in the hot seat. You sip politely at your drink and nod along, not really paying attention to whatever’s being said, until a tap on your shoulder makes you start, and you turn around.
You nearly drop your cup when you find Min Yoongi staring back at you.
Your eyes had scanned the crowd for his face when you got here, like they do in every room you walk into, but he wasn’t here. He wasn’t, you’re sure of it, and you honestly hadn’t expected him to show at all. Why would he?
But now here he is, standing in front of you, his dark eyes searching yours. And you have no idea what to say to him.
You might be face-to-face in a crowded break room, but he still feels unreachable, like he’s a thousand miles away from you. It occurs to you that after today he’ll be much, much further.
Your lips part, but you can’t get the words out. You don’t even know where to begin. But then he speaks first.
“I just want you to be happy,” he murmurs, and as he says it, his hand brushes yours for less than a second. It’s a touch so brief, so imperceptible, that anyone else would think it was an accident. But you know better.
Yoongi pauses, as if to take one final look at you, and then he slips between two groups of your chatting coworkers, and you lose sight of him again. As if he was never there at all. It’s like you can feel your heart drop to your feet and shatter against the linoleum floor.
It hurts just as much as it did before— watching him walk away, not having the guts to stop him. Even if you did, you know you’d find a way to fuck it up, the way you always do. So you say nothing. Do nothing. The party turns to white noise in your ears as you stare down at the liquid in your cheap plastic cup. And then it hits you all at once: you need to get out of here.
You’re able to slip out of the break room unnoticed, dropping your drink in a trashcan on the way out. You move down the hallway on unsteady legs, and you don’t stop until your hands are pressed flat to the bathroom door to push it open. Shouldering into a stall, you can barely fumble the lock closed behind you before the tears start to spill over.
You don’t try to hold them in. You just slump against the door and let it all pour out of you. You cry until your throat goes thick, until a muted thud blooms at the back of your skull, until you find yourself distantly wondering if you’ll ever stop crying. You’re so fucking sick of crying.
Occasional groups of coworkers drift into the bathroom, and you stifle your sounds each time to avoid detection, your cheek pressed to the stall door as you wait to hear them trickle out again. The interruptions get further and further apart until there’s a long stretch of silence, and your hands shake slightly as you slip the lock open to make your way out to the sink.
The face looking back at you in the mirror is not a pretty sight, all puffy and tear-stained, your makeup a disaster. You reach for a paper towel to try and clean yourself up, and then the bathroom door creaks open a few inches, just enough for Jungkook to stick his head through the gap.
You can’t help smiling a little at his unexpected presence, though it’s more of a grimace, considering you know full well how awful you look right now. “Hey, JK.”
He blinks, eyes widening as he takes in your current state. “I know I’m not supposed to be in here, but… are you okay?”
The laugh you manage is all self-pity. “Kind of a loaded question.”
Jungkook nudges the door open with his foot, and you realize his hands are preoccupied with two paper plates. “Everyone’s gone; I was just cleaning up,” he explains. “I brought cake.”
“Thanks,” you say softly, watching his reflection in the bathroom mirror as he steps inside.
After a moment of internal debate, you turn to press your back to the sink, flattening your palms against the counter and hopping up to sit on it. Jungkook sets the plates between you before following suit, his long legs dangling over the edge of the marble surface. He reaches into his shirt pocket to retrieve two plastic forks, performing the motion with just enough flourish to make you really laugh as he hands you one with a shy smile.
The two of you take your first bites in silence, save for your own sniffling.
“This cake is really good,” you murmur as you chew.
A longer pause settles between you, and you find yourself relieved for the quiet. You figure Jungkook doesn’t need to ask the obvious question, that he’s perfectly capable of putting the pieces together as to what might’ve led you to lock yourself in the bathroom and cry all your makeup off. And any words of comfort he could’ve once offered would only make you feel like even more of a monster right now.
Jungkook has already finished his slice of cake by the time he speaks again. “Did you… hate the party?”
“No, JK,” you respond immediately, the corner of your mouth pulling up in a sad half-smile. “It was wonderful.” Guilt gnaws at the edges of your conscience, and you can’t help but question what you ever did to be worthy of this friendship. Of Jungkook’s kindness, given freely, even when you didn’t deserve it. “Seriously, thank you. For everything.”
“You’re welcome,” he answers. You look down just in time to see him extend a leg so he can gently tap his foot against yours. His voice is quieter when it comes back. “I’m really gonna miss you.”
“I’m gonna miss you too,” you echo, glancing up at him as you return his foot tap with one of your own. “But you’ll be alright.”
Jungkook’s gaze drifts down to the floor, and he nods as you take another bite of cake, his jaw set firm. “Yeah. I will be.”
As you pack up the last of your things, there’s a lingering feeling in your gut that you can’t quite manage to shake, and you’re not sure why. Maybe Jimin got in your head with all the TV show drama talk. Or maybe it’s your stupid heart, foolishly holding out hope that things could still change, even at the eleventh hour. That it all can’t just… end like this.
But none of the scenarios you’ve dreamed up come true. Yoongi isn’t standing at your apartment door when you swing it open with your suitcase in hand. He doesn’t step out of the cab that pulls up to your complex to take you to the airport. He doesn’t run through the terminal to catch you right before you make it to security.
Yoongi doesn’t stop you. So you go.
chapter nine | masterlist
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odde-ye · 6 years
85 Questions
I was tagged by @renjunsbby uwu
Rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people
Tagging~ @bananamilk-jeno @jenospaghettio @neogot-my-ass @pinkrosesandblackthorns @redcucumbers
1. Drink- Water
2. Phone call- my madre
3. Text message- to my online bestie, “Lemme get my laptop”
4. Song you listened to- Wires - The Neighborhood.
5. Time you cried- yesterday I think?
6. Dated someone twice- Sadly, yes
7. Kissed someone and regretted it- no
8. Been cheated on- yeah... wanna hear the worst part? He cheated on me with my sister. We didn’t know until he came clean. Asshat
9. Lost someone special- Yeah
10. Been depressed- Yes
11. Gotten drunk and threw up- Nopeeee
Fave colors
12. Black
13. Crimson
14. Pastels 
In the last year have you…
15. Made new friends- YES and they’re all so great and I love them v much
16. Fallen out of love- nope
17. Laughed until you cried- Yes, it’s the best uwu
18. Found out someone was talking about you- Nah
19. Met someone who changed you- Nope
20. Found out who your friends are- Of course
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list- No, I have virgin lips
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know irl- Idk, like 7-8
23. Do you have any pets- Yes, two. A boxer and a black lab puppy uwu
24. Do you want to change your name- Yeah kinda. 
25. What did you do for your last birthday- Went out with some friends, had a sleepover and went on Omegle. Ha :))))
26. What time did you wake up today- 9 something
27. What were you doing @ midnight last night- Writing some shit for my story 
28. What is something you can’t wait for- NCT China unit, ot7 comeback, and finishing my stories wink wonk 
30. What are you listening to right now- Roll Call - The Neighborhood
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom-  I DID ACTUALLY, but it didn’t last long cause he was a pedo and I noped the fuck out
32. Something that gets on my nerves- When people don’t fucking listen to me and keep asking me to repeat myself and they still aren’t fucking listening.
33. Most visited website- Tumblr, AO3, and YouTube 
34. Hair color- dark brown
35. Hair long or short- Long
36. Do you have a crush on someone- no
37. What do you like about yourself- I’m very open minded and imaginative and I try to be kind to others
38. Want any piercings- I want a lip piercing, more ear piercings, possibly a nose piercing
39. Blood type- SHIT DAWG I don’t remember
40. Nicknames- Sink, ass eater, some personal ones that I may or may not share
41. Relationship status- Single but wants to love someone uwu
42. Zodiac- Saggy tit
43. Pronouns- she/her
44. Fave TV shows- The 100, Supernatural and iZombie
45. Tattoos- I want some
46. Right or left handed- left handed
47. Ever had surgery- Nope c:
48. Piercings- I have standard ear piercings
49. Sports- I used to play Soccer for 2 years then I became a hermit lol :)))
50. Vacation- I’ve only been to California, Arizona, and different parts of Texas and when I lived in Washington, spent a couple days in Seattle, but never went outside of the country.
51. Trainers-??? LIKE SHOES? Cause like I got like fuckin 4 pairs of converse, two pairs of heels, one pair of toms, and one pair of flats, but do I wear them? nOPE 
More general
52. Eating- I ate cereal just now, I might eat ramen...
53. Drinking- WATER
54. I’m about to watch- Nothing
55. Waiting for- My mom to come home
56. Want- Cuddles, kisses, a blizzard from Dairy Queen
57. Get married- I dunno. I’m scared to get married, I don’t see myself getting married tbh. But, if I find that someone then idk maybe
58. Career- I want to do so many things... I want to be a writer, script writer, actress, director, or jobless and just travel the world. If none of that works out you can catch me in the Mexican mafia.
Which is better
59. Hugs or kisses- hugs
60. Lips or eyes- eyes
61. Shorter or taller- taller
62. Older or younger- Doesn’t matter
63. Nice arms or stomach- Mmm, arms? Idk, I like all kinda of tummies. TUMMIES ARE CUTE
64. Hookup or relationship- Either lmao
65. Troublemaker or hesitant- Depends. If i’m in ze mood, then troublemaker, but most of the time i’m hesitant. 
Have you ever
66. Kissed a stranger- nope
67. Drank hard liquor- Yeah
68. Lost glasses- All the time
69. Turned someone down- Yes. It’s hard aksdfk
70. Sex on first date- No? I wouldn’t but you do you boo
71. Broken someone’s heart- I hate to say it, but so many. I’m a heartbreaker but I DON’T MEAN TO BE. I don’t even know why I break people’s hearts in relationships, i’m a LOSER
72. Had your heart broken- Yes but i’m good now
73. Been arrested- Hell no
74. Cried when someone died- Yeah. I mean I cry over celebrities and deaths in movies but it’s such a different feeling when someone you were friends with died... sigh
75. Fallen for a friend- Yeah. I DON’T GET THESE. Everyone i’ve ever dated or liked was/is a friend?? I don’t fall for strangers i’m confuzzled
Do you believe in
76. Yourself- Not really, but I’m trying
77. Miracles- Yeah, maybe
78. Love at first sight- Not really
79. Santa Claus- No, debunked that shit when I was 9
80. Kiss on a first date- Sure why not
81. Angels- Kind of...?
82. Best friend’s name- WHICH ONE? I got Fal UWU, Olivia, Kaylie, Asheem... I love my friends
83. Eye color- brown
84. Fave movie- Train to Busan. I don’t watch a lot of movies tbh None that are good anyway..
85. Fave actor- Everyone from my favorite shows uwu
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artcryptid-blog · 6 years
tagged by @hey-laura​ (thank!!!!!!!) and i haven’t done a tag game in a while so!
— what was your last…
1. drink: water 2. phone call: my mom 3. text message: my best friend 4. song you listened to: Rollercoaster by Bleacers 5. time you cried: the other night
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: no 7. kissed someone and regretted it:nope  8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: yeah 10. been depressed: lmao!!!!! yup! haha :’) 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: yeah rip
— fave colours
12. red 13. black 14. grey
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: absolutely! 16. fallen out of love: kinda finally stopped thinking abt someone i spent last year getting over i guess 17. laughed until you cried: so many times 18. found out someone was talking about you: nope! 19. met someone who changed you: idk, not really? 20. found out who your friends are: ya it was a big deal for me 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: noot
— general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: like. most of them probs? dont know if ‘we’re family but you live in a different country and i’ve seen you like twice ever at the most’ counts as knowing people irl so maybe like half??? idk  23. do you have any pets: yup! lizard boyo (radagast) and a snake (merle) 24. do you want to change your name: not really. i wouldn’t mind getting it legally changed to kai or kaiya for convenience but it’s not a huge concern 25. what did you do for your last birthday: hung out with my family & my friend’s family! 26. what time did you wake up today: about 8:30am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: was en route to town for a late night maccas run w/ the bestie 28. what is something you can’t wait for: i’m getting a proper gaming laptop for my birthday this month! 30. what are you listening to right now: old jenna & julien podcasts 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes
32. something that’s getting on your nerves: living with my parents sdhjkdfsd
33. most visited website: youtube & nexus 34. hair colour: purple  35. long or short hair: super short! i got it cut & coloured last week in a julien-esque style and i LOVE it
36. do you have a crush on someone: yep yep yep yep yep yep yep oh god
37. what do you like about yourself: i mean??? other than the debilitating depression what is there that’s NOT to like?? i’m fucking iconic nicknames: kai, kaiya  41. relationship status: completely in love and have not told her anything beyond ‘i would 100% date you if you were up for it lol’ so sfhujksdfs prayer circle for me to get my shit together and come clean 42. sign: aries 43. pronouns: eh (they/them mostly. she is alright? idk i dont really care) 44. fave tv show: of all time, bbc merlin. right now, queer eye  45. tattoos: one so far 46. right or left handed: right 47: ever had surgery: nah 48. piercings: three, all in my ears 49. sport: i used to play netball and i miss it a lot but it’s not fun anymore so no thank 50. vacation: probably europe idk 51. trainers: what about them??? i rly just wear the same pair of ratty sneakers every time i leave the house
— more general
52. eating: nothing but last thing i ate was a potato 53. drinking: water 54. i’m about to watch: just finished up watching some jenna & julien podcasts and now im going to bed 55. waiting for: being asleep im so keen 56. want: to move out and live w/ my friends 57. get married: maybe? i’d do it as long as i didn’t have to say vows in front of a crowd or anything. no thanks. cryptid wedding pls, sweep me off my feet and marry me deep in a forest somewhere where nobody can be aware of us 58. career: i dont know! bye!
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses: both 60. lips or eyes: eyes 61. shorter or taller: literally do not care 62. older or younger: not too far in either direction 63. nice arms or stomach: Arm Muscles™ 64. hookup or relationships: either. both. open relationships. 65. troublemaker or hesitant: u mean: big anxiety vs uncontrollable need to be insufferable
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: no 67. drank hard liquor: yup 68. turned someone down: don’t remember 69. sex on first date: nope 70: broken someone’s heart: not that i know of 71. had your heart broken: yeah 72. been arrested: no 73. cried when someone died: yes 74. fallen for a friend: :’)))))))))))))))))
— do you believe in
75. yourself: yeppity yep 76. miracles: eh. kind of. im pretentious and fake deep but i like to believe in people and choices more than Miracles™ 77. love at first sight: not really but my track record is exclusively falling for best friends so who knows, maybe some people do have love at first sight 78. santa claus: nah 79. angels: no.
— misc
80. eye colour: blue 81. best friend’s name: krista 82. favourite movie: return of the king 83. favourite actor: god idk. katie mcgrath maybe
84. favourite cartoon: avatar last airbender yes laura!! 85. favourite teacher’s name: kim, she was the teacher librarian at my primary school and she used to pull me out of class to show me the newest harry potter movie trailers and news and stuff sdjfksfgfj
uhhh im gonna tag @stvles-stilinski, @softdario @etherealswan @risingbarnes and then @phantasizeit @phanarchy @phloridas ok u know what im not tagging every single member of the duck demons individually if y’all see this i tagged u. consider urself tagged. im going to bed, love u xx
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purplesurveys · 7 years
If you could choose only one thing from Walmart, what would it be? I don’t know what sort of stuff they sell in there. I guess Pop Tarts? Do you love the person you last held hands with? Of course. How about the last person you kissed? They’re the same person. How do you feel about reality television? Funny you mentioned that. I was reading a listicle last night about accounts of people and their experiences being part of reality shows and them being super scripted. Still, I can enjoy Keeping Up with the Kardashians. I don’t enjoy the others quite as much because the drama can be cringey. What is your favorite juice? I don’t drink juice much...but to me orange tastes the best.
If you were to have a child, what would the last name be? I haven’t been impregnated by anyone as far as I know... What is your lowest moment in life so far? Oh man. Either the entire sixth grade, or June 2017. But the latter must be even worse for me, since I don’t think I can touch on it and go back to it ever ever as long as I’m breathing. At least I can open up about sixth grade. Both were living nightmares, though. Have you ever had a near death experience? Yes, just that one time I casually nearly crashed onto someone’s car and almost damaged my brakes. It was terrifying. I cried afterwards. Are you currently working? And if so do you like your job? Nope, don’t have a job at the moment. Do you love one parent better than the other? I really wouldn’t use the word ‘love’ for either of them. Are you religious? I’m not. Did you vote on 11/4/2008? I’m not American :( Who makes your favorite article of clothing? I don’t have a favorite. Going skiing or snowboarding this year? Dude. We don’t have snow.
How about sledding or ice skating? Ice skating, possibly. In an ice skating rink at the mall, that is. We always make plans but it never happens. How many significant others have you had? Just one. Are you in a relationship now? If so are you happy? Yes, and very much yes. What are your thoughts on drugs? You do you as long as it’s not the hard drugs...? I don’t know, I’m pretty clueless on drugs and that’s a fault on my end. I personally wouldn’t touch them. What's the craziest drunken night you've had? I don’t let myself go too wild. I always drive in the end so I have to sober up completely, so there are no ‘crazy drunken nights’ whatsoever. Are you now, or have you ever been addicted to anything? Er. Just surveys. Hahaha. Do you ever watch talk shows? I used to watch Tyra when I was 11. Do you like the snow? I haven’t experienced it but I think I’ll be the type to really enjoy it. Favorite holiday? I don’t consider it a holiday but I’ll always stan for Halloween. Love horror. Love celebrating horror. Any bands you used to like and are now embarrassing to you? Nope. I still listen to the same bands. Would you rather text someone or call them? TEXT. Calling is a death wish, unless it’s with Gab. Ever been to any concerts? Who? Paramore, One Direction, and Coldplay if they count (we watched them from the fifth floor of a parking lot). Have you ever met anyone that's famous? Caspar Lee was literally 20 feet away from me at one point, and Joe Sugg waved at me while I was flailing my arms around trying to get noticed in a crowd. I don’t know if those count but they were the closest I got to meeting famous people. What's the last movie you rented? Awwwww rented cute. How about the last movie you saw in the theater? The Killing of a Sacred Deer. It was so fucking much to take in. To this day I still don’t know what I watched haha, it’s definitely a film you have to watch more than once because you can only pick up more details the more you replay it. Do you have a/any hero(s)? I wouldn’t give my girlfriend that title but she’s definitely a sort of influence on me. Have you ever walked out on a job or just not showed up? Not a job. But I did that for a college org I planned to apply for–I just never replied to any texts and never showed up for the meetings until they finally got the hint. I was an excited and naïve freshman and didn’t know what applying for an org in my university entails :( I thought you just signed up and that was it. Are you going on vacation any time soon? No, my dad won’t be home until January or February and we only go out of town/country when he’s around. When you were little what did you want to be when you "grow up?” I wanted to be a firefighter and an astronaut. Ever broken a bone? No. I have the worst pain tolerance of any human being and would be to scared to try doing anything that would possibly break anything in my body. Have you ever taken part in a threesome? Not interested. Do you have any children? Nope. What are your thoughts on abortion? I think women should be able to do anything they want for themselves without intervention or complaints from any breathing human on Earth ever. How about gay people? The gay people I know are just the loveliest, warmest, nicest group I know. Camel's or Marlboro's? No. Have you told your parents all of your secrets from when you were a teen? No, they don’t deserve to know me. Do you shower every day? I don’t. Either because I’m lazy or it’s too cold for a shower. Have any piercings? Yes the holes on each of my ears are still there, but I stopped putting earrings on them. Tattoos? Nope and I don’t think I’ll ever get one because I hate needles. 14 year old me would be very disappointed. If you just came into a large amount of money, what would you do first? Turn it over. My conscience will haunt me forever, asleep or awake, if I took it, as tempting as it is. Are you using a wireless keyboard and mouse? I’m using a laptop; the keyboard is already on here. I don’t use a mouse. Have you ever been in a car accident? Yes. Just minor ones though. Do you drink and drive? Well I’m not an asshole so no. I fill myself with water after having drinks, and refuse to drive at all if I still feel the least bit dizzy. Has anyone ever sang to you in a romantic way? No. Wouldn’t allow Gab to do that either, seems cheesy. I like when she sings candidly though. What is the most romantic thing someone has done for you? I love when she opens doors for me or puts her jacket on me without having to ask. I just have to shiver and voila. HAHAHA MTV or VH1? I’d rather turn the TV off. Doing anything exciting this weekend? Not at all. Ever had your heart broken? Sure, for various reasons. Ever liked someone and didn't go for it because of what your friends said? Nope. You're getting married. Who's your maid of honor and best man? Angela and Hans most probs, if I had the 100% say. What's your favorite alcoholic beverage? I don’t really have a favorite one as of yet... Can you shotgun a whole beer? I hate beer. What's your favorite drinking game? I’m such a baby when it comes to drinking tbh. I’ve played zero games. Ever danced to no music? Doubt it. Have a favorite song right now? For the longest time, it’s been Pool by Paramore. Would you rather be able to fly or walk on water? Fly. Would you rather get highlights or dye your whole head? Dye everything altogether. How long has your best friend been your bestie? 12 years with Angela, around 5 with Gab. Are you friends with any of your siblings? Hahahaha sure? My sister and I have more of a buddy type of relationship than sisterly. Are you a very emotional person? Yes. I cry at dog videos on Facebook. Have you ever lost a loved one? Yep, but have only had to deal with it once so far when I lost my grandfather. What's the best club you've ever been to? I don’t do clubs. Can you do the splits? Nope. Would you ever go on a reality TV show? As a contestant, never. But if I get paid for being an extra or be in like a 3 second interview then I think my ass would go for it lmao. Do you wear glasses or contacts? Glasses. Too scared to put anything in my eyes.
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