#and besties. friends. countrymen. it did not go well.
imwritesometimes · 1 year
when other people in their 30s say they feel lost in their life/don't know what their purpose is/feel nervous abt life: ur gonna be fine babe I ❤️ you and you are fine this world is a hell hole and we are all doing our best you are fine you are valid ❤️
when I try to apply the same things to myself:
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#things are going good! they're great! and I am fine!#I think the worst part of all this is not actually having the ability to control like allllll this shit#like the shit happening in my life very much is also just kinda... happening to everyone.#wages are too low. impossibly low. hustle culture has rotted ppl's brains. healthcare is unattainable for real in this country.#but also like on my own personal end like this is so stupid but#not beingn able to actually write anything is kinda killing me#writing used to be what I'd turn to when I was so overwhelmed with it all#to have fun and decompress and not think abt that shit and how it feels like I'm living through the collapse of an empire#but now like. lmao besties. I opened my laptop last night for the first time in over a week#and besties. friends. countrymen. it did not go well.#I could not make myself focus on that shit for ANYTHING#I have lost 1000% my ability to write. and it fuckin KILLS me. it's KILLING ME. I am being KILLED.#like I sat there and could peck out a couple sentences and then my brain would be like#ok but no do something else now this doesn't sound good this isn't flowing right booo watch reruns#and I KNOW that the answer to this is oh focus anyway baby steps turn off the tv!#but the thing is I cannot write without the tv I can't it's NOT happening for a bevy of reasons#but also no matter how much I tell my brain like ok no focus now#it doesn't happen#do you know how much this is killing me#normally I can force myself to do shit. I forced myself to quit SMOKING.#I hate this shit it is making me severely unwell and insane and unstable and mad and depressed#and obv unhinged look at these tags#erin explains it all
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zingaplanet · 1 year
What are your thoughts on Rafole? I fell down a rabbit hole on everything regarding them and their relationship and it’s very interesting how they went from being quite close to not…
My darling I love u but I'm trying to stay djoko-free and drama-free so I'm rlly not the best person to ask this hahahaha. Either way I don't think I'm qualified to speak about their relationship simply because I don't know much about it? I'll give my best perception but honestly take it with a kilo of salt lol. I seem to remember there was a falling out over Djokovic's father at some point (or was that with Federer?)
All I know is Novak's relationship with Rafa wasn't the only one that kinda suffered this fate. I don't think Novak was ever close with Roger to begin with, but pretty sure him and Murray used to be quite good mates (they were kinda childhood friends on the tour and played doubles) but that kinda fizzled out in the end. Nadal, Djokovic, Murray were kind of a strange teenager friend group at some point, simply I assume cause they're basically just from the same generation on the tour (they played together since juniors as well) and used to play video games n football together i think.
A bit strange cause I don't think Rafa and Andy's friendship ever really got strained. But then again it's completely understandable within an environment as competitive as them (considering the Nadal-Djokovic rivalry is much more competitive and tbf to Andy maybe, I too would find it difficult to be besties with somebody who beat me 6 times in an AO final 😭).
Don't think there's any point in guessing round the dynamics of the men's tour's locker room throughout the years. It definitely is fascinating, tennis is prob the only sport where you have to share locker rooms with your rivals every day of the year, something here and there are bound to happen, I guess. I bet you there are a shiton of gossips more scandalous than the royal family there throughout the 2000s but I also guess that there's a kind of unspoken code of conduct that you shouldn't ever talk about it? Which is why even the retired players never really did (look at A-Rod he's the biggest gossiper there is even he never said anyth about shits going down in the locker room lol).
Whether it was simply them growing up, having families, becoming more serious in their careers and hence more competitive with each other then grew apart or was there an actual internal friction/conflict I don't really know. Not that we'd ever know for sure I think, they'll prob never ever disclose it for PR reasons (maybe when they're retired). For me, Djokovic seems like quite a lone wolf on tour (?) which is quite sad, but maybe that's the way he prefers to stay competitive. He generally seems to have a kind of joker persona that's either well-liked or a bit divisive n he seems close with his Serbian countrymen although never really to the level of friendship with any specific one of them like Nadal did with Marc Lopez or Federer did with Wawrinka. This is all just my perception of course n could be 1000% wrong.
Anyhow, as the two remaining of the big 3 and looking at the way they interact (in laver cup and in charity matches in the AO for instance) i think it's obv that their relationship has grown into one of massive respect for one another, there's still a hint of kind of an old banter there sometimes (look at when they partnered up for the AO relief last year), but it doesn't seem like they have much of a personal relationship nowadays beyond that of respectful, competitive rivals who drove each other at the last leg of their careers.
Rafa and Andy are different tho, quite evident in the way Rafa invited him to his insta live and them interacting by challenging each other to play playstation afterwards. Even in Novak and Andy's insta live, I seem to remember there was a section where Novak said he was actually really glad to be able to do this instalive with him cause they "never had the chance to talk about this kind of things (personal stuffs) before" seemingly kinda hinting that they've been cordial and friendly these days but they never really ✨️ held each other's hands✨️ if u know what i mean lol.
Ok i could do a full on analysis of their interactions or instalives but this will take me 5 lifetimes lol. All in all, I just wanna be honest that I don't, emm how do i put this, really get Djokovic? I can't seem to get a read on him as a person, which is quite strange. I read politicians' faces for a living and I feel like you can always tell what someone is like based on their public persona a little bit cause nobody can hide that well without injecting a bit of themselves into their PR front (Federer is like the most PR perfect guy ever but even sometimes he slips up). Djokovic is just... really hard to read? Although ppl see him as the joker etc I always kinda feel that he's a very closed off person, at least with his personal thoughts. I don't really know what's going through his mind when he does certain things sometimes. But hey, each to their own right?
Again anon, you have alas triggered again this aimless rambling of mine, but there you go, one must eat the fruit that they've picked, (What even is this saying lol, sorry!)
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