#but now that he's taking a vacation for his birthday there's an opportunity present
plushie-lovey · 2 years
My datemate's birthday is coming up, and he's hoping for it he can get all of his stuff from his parent's place (and in turn a visit from his mom, since she hasn't seen him in what will be a full year and four days on his bday). Out of everything he's excited to have his favorite stuffed animal to cuddle with again, a 3ft tall emperor penguin who's called Penguin (recently named Cuddles. But we still just refer to him as Penguin). I bought Penguin for him in a goodwill for like $4 about 2 years ago, and it's been my love's favorite thing ever since. He says Penguin is the perfect firmness for cuddling, as he likes a stiff stuffed animal. He really misses holding him. So I hope his mom comes thru and brings all his stuff. But at the very least, Penguin.
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poppyflower-22 · 4 months
Moon Boys
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(These are just small discerptions that explain the one shot or parts as shortly as possibly)
Nothing yet...
In The Middle:
Its Marc's birthday in which you only know because of Jake and Stevan but Marc doesn't like birthdays. Hurt/Comfort. HERE
Past Avenger reader. The boys find out your true identity when they call you in. Part 1, HERE Part 2, HERE
Ex Widow assassin. You find Marc when on a mission but it's not only Marc, your husband. Smut with Steven. HERE
Iris Avatar. Soule mate Au. You help Marc on his mission, but it gets hard when you feel something. Hurt/Comfort. Smut. HERE
There on the run. It's like a vacation. Smut. Jake doesn't show but they know he's there. HERE
** Reader thinks Jake and Marc are Steven's twins. They both start felling something for her but when the truth comes out Steven doesn't want to want to think of the possibilities. But maybe it's too late. Major, Hurt/Comfort. Part 1, HERE. Part 2, HERE
Marc and Steven are so happy with you, but Jake doesn't want you around and wants you gone. The two boys won't be having it. Happy ending. Hurt/Comfort. HERE.
Reader is a college student. Full Masterlist. Starts as Steven then all the boys. Smut. HERE
Reader is an OC. Full masterlist. Smut. Reader is with the moon boys and Layla at the end. HERE
Dad's best friend. ⬇️
1. Marc. HERE
2. Jake. HERE
3. Steven. HERE
A full series about marrying the boys and kids. And more. So much Smut. HERE
Konshu fell in love with a goddess and now Marc has to spend time with her Avatar. Smut. Part 1, HERE. Marc knows he shouldn't lie about Steven, but it seems that Steven is better a match then him, leading to a miss understanding. Hurt/Comfort. Part 2, HERE.
Jake was fine in the shadows until something, or someone makes him more present. Hurt/Comfort. Smut. Part 1, HERE. Part 2, HERE
Psychologist reader. Smut. Hurt/Comfort. In which the boys represent a unique opportunity. HERE
Frank Castel gets jealous that you moved on, and the boys want to know why he was in the flat. Jealous boys. Smut. Part 1, HERE. Part 2, HERE.
Jealous Smut Marc, Jake and Steven. ⬇️
1. Marc. HERE
2. Steven. HERE
3. Jake. HERE
Baby Scarb. Teenager reader. Has spiderman powers. HERE
Pregnant reader. After your brake up with your ex-boyfriend you move into the boys building and they fall in love with you no matter that your pregnant. Smut. HERE
In which Konshu takes control of the body. HERE
Nothing yet...
Possessive Marc fucks reader in Jakes car to piss him off. HERE
Its Marc's birthday. Maybe he will start liking his birthday from now on. HERE
Marc new being Konshu avatar come with side effects, but he didn't know them fully until you. HERE
It wasn't often you saw them all in one night. Steven doesn't know about Marc and Jake. HERE
Marc teaches you control along with Jake and Steven. HERE
Being Steven's girlfriend and Marc fucking you. HERE
Jake, Steven and Marc take turn having sex with you. HERE
Jake decides it time to come and play. HERE
Centered around Jake. No one knowns why the sound makes Jake tick. Virgin Jake. HERE
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fuckzachariah · 8 months
xvii. i'd have to think about it ; @aleburton
Zach, on the ride to the airport, was channeling concerted effort into ignoring Kylie’s hand and its slow, painful creep up his thigh, her mouth on the soft crevice behind his diamond ear, as he argued with Amanda on the phone. “I already told you, this ain’t about me,” he huffed, half-breathless. She was of the opinion that his following Kylie to New York this time around was the perfect opportunity to broach the subject of signing with the Label and meet professionally with Andrew Dupree beyond their occasional correspondence. Touching base, they say, and the formal language makes Zach’s gut twist with discomfort like trying to force his form into a slot too tight to fit. “It doesn’t have to be at the damn dinner, Zach, I’m not asking you to rock the boat with Kylie.” He subtly pressed the reduce volume button on the side of his phone, but Kylie had heard. She giggled softly against his skin, the vibrations rippling like a skipping stone to a lake face. His chest puffed out, dousing out his bodily response to the sensation. “Uh-oh,” Kylie whispered, rolling his earlobe between her teeth. “What if your scary girlfriend heard that?” He laughed, pulling the phone away from his mouth as he shoved her away. “Fuck off,” he chided. Amanda yelled into the air. He brought the phone back to his ear. “I’m sending him this presentation deck tonight. If you won’t ask him to sit down with you, I’m gonna tempt him until he’s knocking your door down begging. I’ve waited two years for you, Winthrop, but your time’s up.” He was hardly listening; Kylie’s tongue ebbed like a threat on his throat. “Right, right. See you, Amanda.”
He hadn’t been on a plane in almost two years, aside from a two-week vacation to The Bahamas on his birthday. Nothing since the end of Kylie’s tour. He had lived, as close as he possibly could, a pretty regular life in his time off. It was evident in the way he now operated, after twenty-four months of outpatient therapy and ridding his life triggers or particular stressors; he was not the man the world knew him to be anymore. Even traveling domestically now was an interesting sensation; he used to take planes like anyone else would climb into their cars to work, but he was finding his legs again. Surrounded by a flank of security, phone cameras and DSLR paparazzi cameras pointed and flashing in their direction, sneakers squeaking to keep up with the couple that’d held Hollywood by the neck during his entire hiatus. He spoke nothing of his flitting anxieties, however. He swallowed them down as passing upsets. Bowing his head to the flashes, he waved with one hand and held Kylie’s with the other, allowing her to pull him through the crowds to their destination. He remained silent, shutting out the calls of fans around him, thinking only of putting one foot in front of the other until they were safe inside their VIP lounge.
Kylie held her phone to her ear now, muttering frustratedly in a way that was classically her; such that, if confronted with her own bad mood, she had plausible deniability. “Okay, well, just text me as soon as you’re on the way to the airport - I’m not freaking out - and I’ll try delay the meeting if I need to. Okay. No, I’m fine. Okay, bye.” Zach eyed her, nerves settled and usual confidence weighting his veins. “All good?” She shook her head, swilling a glass straw around a sparkling ice water, lemon and mint. “Something about Lenny’s husband having an accident. I guess he fell down the stairs, I don’t know.” Zach tilted his head, watching her carefully. Once upon a time, he knew the girl who would’ve canceled her trip just to check he was okay. “I get it, it’s just. Ugh. It’s so frustrating. I need him there.” Zach rubbed her shoulder and culled her into his chest. “He’ll be there,” he muttered into her hair, a waft of vanilla warming in his chest. “And if he isn’t, we’ll figure it out. Don’t worry.” He smiled. “He’s only a multi-millionaire CEO with your entire future in his fat back pocket. Nothing to worry about.” She scoffed, slapping him on the hard hilt of his chest. “You are incorrigible,” she chastised, the corner of her mouth giving her away. “Can’t be reformed if I’m never punished,” he grinned.
But the closer the hour crept, the less and less likely it became that Lenny would make it on time. “You can always reschedule, if you’re freaking out that much about it.” Kylie paced their hotel room, a grand archway framing her frantic movements. “I’m not freaking out,” she protested, pointing at him where he sprawled wide on the chesterfield. He snorted, pounding out a pillow to rest on. “And I just got promoted to General Manager at Wendy’s. Hey,” he posited sarcastically, now kicking another pillow into place to balance his crossed ankles. “Is this improv?” She let out a frustrated groan and pounced on him, straddling his hips and rocking her little fists into his chest as she scolded him; “Shut. The fuck. Up. Please. Do something. Helpful.” Zach laughed hysterically, arresting her wrists in mid-air as she struggled against him, shaking his head. “Like what? You want me to come hold your hand at dinner tonight?”
Kylie stopped suddenly, arms going limp in his hands as she stared out the floor-to-ceiling window dressed in draping curtains behind him. “Wait. Yes.” She looked down at him, hopeful. “Would you?” Zach thought about this for a moment, weighing his options. He didn’t want a repeat of their first meeting; but then again, this wasn’t supposed to be a meeting, was it? It was supposed to be a classic schmooze; a celebratory dinner in Kylie’s honor. And she was asking him. He’d had other plans to meet some friends he hadn’t seen in a while, but her eyes sweltered diamond blue, and he relented. “If you want me to.”  She beamed, leaping from him to find her phone in the upheaval of belongings at the foot of the California king bed. “Thank you, thank you! This will be fun,” she insisted, locating the device and tapping incessantly on the screen to text Andrew. “I’m gonna tell him. Oh, and see if he can grab any non-alcoholic champagne.”
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lacheri · 2 years
currently thinking about how Levi is a subtle lover. not that he doesn’t make grand gestures — he does, just not always in an overly romantic way.
your cup is always filled with water. in fact, it doesn’t ever stand the chance to empty. every sip you take, Levi watches. when the glass settles on a surface (your nightstand, the coffee table in the living room, the kitchen counter), he’s on his feet to refill it to the brim. he asks when you come home from work, school, errands — have you drank enough water today? — and no matter your response, it simply isn’t the right amount to satisfy Levi. he pushes that glass into your palms, eyeing you with an expectant gaze, and sighs in relief when you drink. making sure your basic needs are met are his top priority, because he’s not exactly sure what he’d do with himself if they weren’t, — I need you to take better care. I don’t need you getting sick or dehydrated on me. — because attempting to imagine a life where you’re not healthy and smiling and you’re not you is sickening at best and catastrophic at worst.
Levi develops a sixth sense to know when you’re stressed or overworked. it’s easy to tell the signs (the crinkle in your brow, the heavy sighs you release every few moments, the lethargy of your movements), but he just has a knowing, even before all of the warnings. he learns how to best destress you — do you want to watch a movie? you can put on whatever you want, I don’t mind. I’ll grab your blanket. we can share it. here, sit down on the couch, I’ll grab us a snack. I can get your pillow from the bedroom. don’t lift a finger. I got it. — until you’re calmed and sweet and relaxed. his fingers against your scalp, quiet breaths of contentment blowing against your ear, gentle kisses to your temple — are you feeling better? good. if you get tired we can go to bed early. yes, I’m sure. here, hold onto me, I’ll walk you to bed.
it’s domestic, pure, but it makes you feel so special and taken care of. spoiled, almost. he organizes the home you share to make the things you reach for the most easily accessible; your skincare products in the bathroom (beginning the line up with your cleanser and ending with your moisturizer), your novels on the bookshelf are in order from “to read” (closest on the bottom shelf) to “have read” (furthest on the top shelf), your travel mugs never leave the drying rack (you’re always running late, why put them away?) even though Levi hates the clutter. he accommodates and compromises without a single complaint. he goes out of his way to make life less complicated for you, and he enjoys it.
and when the gesture is grand, it’s thoughtful, sentimental, special. it’d be considered uncharacteristic of Levi from someone who didn’t know him like you do, but you do, you know him. you know how he schemes every year for months (your birthday, a holiday, any special occasion really) on what to gift you. Levi isn’t materialistic, but he really adores indulging, especially when it comes to you. he makes mental notes throughout the year, — you really liked that one sweater you saw when you went shopping together, that’d make a nice present. you’ve been eyeing at a record player for a while now, a vinyl collection full of your favorite albums would make you dance around the house with that silly smile you reserve only for your happiest moments. you made a comment how you wished you could take a vacation somewhere, he could afford to take a week or two off from work. — waiting for the perfect opportunity to execute any whim or desire you’d expressed. it’s more than just things, it’s parts of who you are. he wants to surround you with things that make you happy, provide you with experiences that bring comfort into your life.
maybe he’s not good with words, but he’ll show you how much he loves you through his attention, and you possess every shred of it.
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because-she-goes · 1 year
summer girl
warnings: tooth achingly sweet fluff, domestic!matty, them being heckin adorable. Enjoy!
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“Matty, put down the camera for two seconds and look around you! We are in the most beautiful city in the world with some of the best art in the world. The land of Pablo Picasso, Antoni Tapies, Manolo Valdes and Joan Miro!” Nora, clearly, was elated to be on their honeymoon. Matty and her had thrown around ideas for the trip for a full 3 months before making a decision: Rome, Paris, Greece, Australia, Japan, Amalfi Coast, Ireland, Miami… until they landed on Spain. It then took another two weeks to narrow that down to Barcelona and come up with an itinerary and to-do list. La Sagrada Familia, Park Guell, The Picasso Museum, La Boqueria all being Nora’s picks. Matty decided on a sunset walk on La Rambla, the aforementioned Fundacio Joan Miro, Parc de la Ciutadella, and going to see a FC Barcelona game at Camp Nou. At every art museum, Matty would make the comment that Nora’s art was leagues better while she wandered around in awe - it never failed to make her giggle and blush.
The pair had been running around for a week or so now, Matty taking every opportunity to photograph Nora at their various stops and compliment her outfits and hype her up a bit. His favorite of these photos was taken at a secluded quiet beach they had found one afternoon, and it was like something out of Baywatch. Nora, in all her bikini-clad glory coming out of the crystal blue water. He thought his heart stopped at that moment and almost dialed for an ambulance. How was he this lucky? Not even in his dreams did he imagine this perfect of a wife, of a vacation, of a life. He was brought back to reality by her waving a hand in front of his face and giggling at him. “Like the bathing suit, Handsome?”
“O-oh god yes, Honey. You look positively drool-worthy in it.” He stuttered.
They took another dip in the water, dried off and changed into their walking clothes. She had gotten the most beautiful white sundress for the trip, lacey and delicate. Matty was in his summer uniform of a tee shirt, some sort of dress pants or jeans and sneakers. He currently was wearing Nora’s favorite of his to steal: it was a white shirt that had “I’m a little devil from Niagara Falls, Canada” written across the chest with a little cartoon. It had been put through the wash so many times now that the collar was starting to get loose and holes dotted the hems. The comforting shirt also allowed for his arm tattoos to be out on display, Nora was going a bit insane ogling them as they walked holding hands. Deciding they both needed to cool down a bit after being in the blazing spanish sun all day, they stopped for some shaved ice and coconut water.
That night for dinner, they went to a tapas bar and drank red wine like it was water. They sat in a quiet corner of the restaurant and giggled away as they recalled the early days of the relationship and their trips to London and New York to visit each other - always greeting the other with a ridiculous sign and flowers at the arrivals gate. The band in the bar was playing some Pete Rodriguez and basa nova as the two spent what felt like an eternity talking.
“You know, I have that Mets hat framed somewhere in storage from your first trip to London… kept it all these years later.” He confesses bashfully, half drunk.
“Well, good thing I still buy that candle from the time you came to New York for my birthday.” She reciprocates. The idea of the other keeping mementos of each other and their early love is enough to make them cry.
“Okay, before we get too emotional here, wanna go back to the hotel, Handsome?”
“I’d love nothing more, Honey.”
When they stumble back into their room, Nora runs for the closet where she was keeping his surprise wedding present. Matty was fixing them both glasses of kalimochos - red wine and coke from when they met, still being their drink of choice.
She grabs the guitar case and walks back to the small suite’s living room. “My love, come here for a minute… got something for you!” Nora’s voice rings as she calls him over.
“One second, Darling… just gotta grab something as well.” A devious giggle follows. He walks to their bedroom and grabs a neatly folded printed receipt from the side table.
“Alright, buttercup… let’s see what you’ve got.” She unsuccessfully hides the guitar case behind her back and giggles when she pulls it from him as he makes a reach for it. “C’mon don’t tease, baby. Lemme see what you’ve got in that… I wonder what it could be.” His eyes glimmer in the light and a smirk falls on his stupidly perfect lips.
“Here you go, baby… Had the hotel people drop it off while we were at the beach earlier.” She holds out the case and he gives her a wink as he grabs it. Opening it quickly, his face drops. Within it is a beautiful black Spanish guitar with cowboys sitting around a fire carved into it and “Singin’ Cowboys” engraved and covered with red paint. Matty’s heart stops and his eyes mist over. It is the most stunning, well-crafted instrument he’s ever held in his own hands. He takes it out and begins to play the start of “Iris” by The Goo Goo Dolls and his stomach sinks - it sounds even prettier than he could’ve imagined.
“My love… this is the greatest gift anyones ever gotten me. I love it so much, gonna treasure it for the rest of my life. I love you, baby… so so much.” He tells her as he looks up at the angel before him. How could she possibly be real? He wipes some tears from his eyes and kisses her with such tenderness and warmth that it takes her back a bit and knocks the wind out of her. When they disconnect for air, she holds his face for a moment before kissing his forehead. “My sweet boy.” She whispers.
“My sweet girl.” He kisses her nose and taps it quickly. “Now, beloved, here is yours. I couldn’t physically get it here because it’s being shipped to New York currently, but I made sure to print out the order and a copy of it to give to you while we were here.” He nervously twists his rings around his finger… a habit he’s picked up since their New York wedding months ago.
“Oh, please Matty you didn’t have - oh holy shit… is- is this real?” She quickly asks, reading the paper over and over again to verify its real. An authentic Antoni Tàpies, one she’s always dreamt of since she learned about Spanish art in high school. She must’ve told Matty a hundred times about the art in Barcelona and all her favorite artists in Spain.
“Very real, baby… Hopefully you like that specific piece. I thought it had a cool energy to it and matched some of your work. What with the the hands and semi-heart above them.. Plus it’s from the 60s which I remember you always saying was one of your favorite decades in art!” He scratches the back of his neck as he rambles and tries to remember what she’s told him over the years and the information the seller gave him.
“Matty… Les Mains is one of my favorite pieces of art like ever… You’re insane oh my god! I love you and thank you thank you thank you, Handsome!!” She runs into his arms, still clutching the piece of paper in her hand. She knocks him back at first from the force of the hug, but quickly his arms wrap around her waist and he kisses her head.
“Love you too, baby. Can’t believe I am lucky enough to spoil you for the rest of my life and have you forever.”
“Me neither, Handsome.. and for the record, having you as my husband is the greatest gift I will ever receive.”
“Couldn’t agree more, Wife.” He kisses her again and in that moment it feels like time and the world ceases to exist. Just him and Nora in Barcelona… husband and wife.
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atlasdoe · 1 year
Hello my name is Ace and i'm back on my lab rats bullshit so i'm rewatching the entire show
i've been trying to sort out all of the characters ages in my head since the dawn of time so im using this rewatch as an opportunity to keep record of all the times the characters mention their ages or time as a whole
also i would like to make it known that i have no idea how American schools work
also also I know that this is a kids show and I knew that the timeline had issues way before I started this but it was a fun thing to keep track of as I watched and now I have this information and I have no idea what to do with it so enjoy i guess
Lab Rats
Season 1, Episode 1: Crush, Chop and Burn Part 1
- All of the siblings attend High School meaning that they are from the ages of 13 - 18
- All of the siblings attend the same gym class
Season 1, Episode 8: Bionic Birthday Fail
- It's Leos 14th birthday
- Donald says that he's 38
this particular episode first aired on May the 7th so this could be Leo's date of birth but it's never said what the day is in the episode
also side note but it is cannon that Davenport did not celebrate Adam Bree and Chases birthdays up until this point. Also they don't know who Santa is but do celebrate Christmas with presents and decorations the same as seen in episode 3
Season 1, Episode 14: Chore Wars
- Chase says that 2009 was 3 years ago making the year this episode takes place 2012
Season 1, Episode 15: Dude, Wheres My Lab
- It's summer vacation meaning that it takes place during the months of May, June, July or August
Season 1, Episode 16: Air Leo
- Leo says that he's 14
- The episode takes place in the school meaning that if it was summer vacation in the last episode then it's a new school year in this one. American school years start in either late August or early September
Season 1, Episode 17: Night of the Living Virus
this isn't really anything but it was very obvious to me that this episode was shot before the others. Not only does Chase have his old haircut that he had for the first few episode but the sofa has the old throw pillows that they changed at the end of the second episode. Idk what this means for the timeline of when this episode took place (i believe it's a halloween episode as it aired in October) so idk if this episode is supposed to take place before the other episodes or if the producers just didn't care enough to care about the changes
- Caitlin is at least 16 years old in this episode as they mention her sweet 16
Season 1, Episode 20: Mission Space
- Leo says that Marcus is a Sagittarius
- Bree says that she's also a Sagittarius
Sagittarius have their birthdays between November 22nd and December 21st
Season 2, Episode 1: Speed Trapped
- Leo says he's 14
Season 2, Episode 2: Spy Fly
- Leo says that Davenport is almost 40
- It appears that Adam and Chase are in the same health class since they have the same assighment
- Bree and Leo are both doing the same physics test in the same class
Season 2, Episode 9: Spikes Got Talent
- At the beginning of the episode the siblings talk about the yearbook and about how everyone got a most likely to apart from Chase. This indicates that the yearbooks have just been handed out. When yearbooks come out depends on the school but it's mostly near the end of the school year
Season 2, Episode 12: Trucked Out
- Adam gets his drivers license meaning that he is at least 16 years old
Considering he passed on his first test and Bree, Chase and Leo don't have their licenses we can safely assume that Bree, Chase and Leo are all under the age of 16 in this episode
Season 2, Episode 15: Bionic Showdown Part 2
- Marcus is under the age of 16
Season 2, Episode 16: Memory Wipe
- The siblings erase 24 years of Donalds memory making him think that he's 15. Meaning that in this episode he would've been 39
Season 2, Episode 19: Llama Drama
- It's leading up to the homecoming game. Homecoming usually takes place in late September or early October meaning that it is probably a new school year
Season 2, Episode 20: The Haunting of Mission Creek High
- It's the homecoming dance meaning that it's still late September/early October
Season 2, Episode 21: Perry 2.0
- Adam and Bree seem to have gym class together but they're literally in gym for the entire episode apart from a small scene where they're at lunch so that might've been some special type of sport day or something like that
Season 2, Episode 23: Prank You Very Much
- It's been 150 days since Janelle and Leo first spoke to each other. Janelles first appearance in the show was Season 1 Episode 10: Can I Borrow the Helicopter? meaning that it (should) have been no more then 150 days since that episode. Though this doesn't make much sense since some of the most recent episodes revolves around homecoming which starts at the beginning of the school year and we already had a summer vacation episode last season and there is no way that everyone from "Dude Where's My Lab?" and "Llama Drama" happened within a month
Season 2, Episode 24: 'Twas the Mission Before Christmas
- It's Christmas Eve
- Tasha says that it's their first Christmas together but again like i just said this makes no sense since at least one christmas should've passed
- Bree says that Davenport Industry's have been risking the fate of mankind since 1992. If she hasn't made this year up then that means that if Donald is 39 in this episode and this episode takes place in 2012 like they're suggesting (even tho the episode came out in 2013. If this is their first christmas together it should be 2012) then Davenport Industry's started 20 years ago when Donald was 19
- Chase says that he is 15
Season 2, Episode 25: Trent Gets Schooled
- Part of this episode revolves around taking pictures for the Yearbook. Since Bree mentions her photo from the previous year and yearbook photos were mentioned in Spikes Got Talent this means that the siblings have DEFINITELY been going to school for longer then a year
- Leo and Trent both say that it's not football season. Football season is usually late August/early September to mid/late October meaning that it is not during this time in the episode
- Trent does a test in this episode and after passing he graduates immediately and then becomes the coach. Idk if it's possible for Trent to just immediately graduate at a random point in the school year or if this had to have taken place during the end of the school year
Season 3, Episode 5: Zip It
- Bree, Chase and Caitlin all get a part time job in this episode. In California you have to be at least 14 to work so this doesn't tell us anything about how old they are considering we know that Chase is at least 15 but I'm keeping it in anyway
Season 3, Episode 7: Scramble the Orbs
- Leo, Adam and Janelle have a gym class together
Season 3, Episode 9: Taken
- Douglas is at least 40 years old as he shows Leo a video from his 40th birthday party. This means that Donald has to be over the age of 40
Season 3, Episode 10: Three Minus Bree
- Eddy says that Leo is 16 years old
Season 3, Episode 12: Cyborg Shark Attack
- It's summer as said by Perry and indicated in what the characters are wearing but the school is still open meaning it might be around May - June
Season 3, Episode 13: You Posted What!?! Part 1
- Donald says that he's had Adam Bree and Chase for 16 years meaning that they are all at least 16 years old
Season 3, Episode 14: You Posted What!?! Part 2
- Donald says that he's 43
Season 3, Episode 15: Armed and Dangerous
- Donald says that he and the trio have had 16 years of training
Season 3, Episode 17: Brother Battle
- Bree mentions working a 12 hour shift at Tech Town. According to Google people under the age of 18 can be asked to work for longer then 8 hours a day in exceptional circumstances. They can ask only if no one who's over the age of 18 is available to do the work
Season 3, Episode 20: Merry Glichmas
- It's Christmas
- Leo says he's 16
- In the last Christmas episode Chase says that he's 15 meaning that for this Christmas Chase has to be at least 16. Since Leo says that he's 16 and it's could either be that Chase is only a few months older then Leo or that this episode takes place two years after the last Christmas episode and Chase is 17
Season 3, Episode 22: The Rise Of The Secret Soldiers Part 2
- It's given off that Krane began raising the secret soldiers since they were babies behind Douglas back as Douglas says that he had a tone of baby pictures meaning that Douglas and Krane must've been working together for at least 16 years
Season 3, Episode 23: Bionic House Party
- Bree mentions that some of the soldiers used her prom dress for target practice giving the impression that Bree has either already attended prom or was planning to soon. Since Bree is never seen with a stable boyfriend throughout the show it's likely that this was for her own prom. Students who attend prom are the senior class who are aged 17/18 years old. (i just wrote this and played the episodes only for Chase to say that the odds of her using it were very slim. Idk why Bree would have a prom dress if she never intends to go to prom but this could likely mean that she's a senior at the moment and already brought her dress before asking anyone to be her date) (idk use your imagination)
- Leo says that Donald is way older then he claims to be, giving the impression that throughout the show Leo has thought that Donald was younger then he really is because Donald keeps lying about his age. So far Donald has mentioned himself being 43. This would make somewhat sense if it wasn't for the memory wipe episode
- Bree says that Leo found them five friends in three years indicating that the first episode took place 3 years ago and if that episode took place in 2012 then it is currently 2015
Season 3, Episode 24: First Day Of Bionic Academy
- Bree says that she's still waiting on her sweet sixteen party meaning that Bree is at least 16 years old
- Leo has had his bionics for six months meaning it's been six months since the episode You Posted What!?! took place
- Bree mentions how she got stood up by a boy on prom night. this might be calling back to her unused prom dress
Season 4, Episode 4: Under Siege
- Leo refers to the time where Bree and Chase were looking after Kerry (Perrys niece) in the season 2 episode 18: Adam Up as "last year".
- Adam says that Leo is 16 years old
Season 4, Episode 6: Mission Mania
- Leo says he's been going on missions for over a month. His first mission would've been sometime after Rise of the Secret Soldiers
Season 4, Episode 8: Forbidden Hero
- Bree says that she has matured since high school giving off the impression that she did graduate. But it's noteworthy that none of the siblings go to school anymore and with Leo's last confirmed age being 16 he and maybe Chase should at least still be going. I can understand Chase no longer attending because there isn't much for school to teach him and he could've easily graduated early but it's odd for Leo to have just stopped especially since Tasha seems like the kind of mother to put Leos education over his bionic life. Also the last episode where we see the siblings attending school was Season 3, Episode 19: Face Off. In this episode all of the siblings were attending school. The show has never been accurate or cared about the characters ages when it comes to school and what classes they're attending so idk why i keep expecting them to subtly have Adam no longer be a student anymore or something but it was worth a try. Either way i think it's fair to say that school is giving us nothing in terms of finding out how old these characters are supposed to be.
- Also since i'm pretty sure that this is Caitlins last appearance in the show i'll mention now that she should be at least 19 years old since the Season One episode: Night Of The Living Virus mentions her sweet sixteen and with season one taking place in 2012 and this episode taking place in 2015 at the earliest, Caitlin should be at least 19. Although with that being said she was seen in Season 3 Episode 16: Alien Gladiators in school which she should've graduated by then. Again, the school setting seems to be ruining everything for me right now
Season 4, Episode 12: Space Elevator
- Chase says that their bionic secret has been out for a year meaning that it has been at least a year since Season 3 Episode 13/14: You Posted What!?! and it's been at least six months since the Bionic Academy opened
- Chase says that he went to High School for a year an a half meaning that everything that happened between the Season One, Episode One and Season Three Episode Nineteen happened within a year and a half (seems unlikely but okay)
Season 4, Episode 13: Bionic Action Hero Part 1
- Despite the fact that Leo moved up two colours in the last episode he's back to wearing the yellow shirt in this one meaning that this episode could've taken place before the last one but chances are the writers just don't care
Season 4, Episode 15: One Of Us
- We don't see Leo in his uniform in this episode but looking at the extras nobody is wearing the yellow shirt. In Season 2, Episode 12: Space Elevator all of the students moved up a colour and Leo two colours meaning that this episode takes place after the Space Elevator one definitely
- Bree says that she has 30 more years of being really cute. idk what this could tell us about her age currently but i'm taking what i can get
Season 4, Episode 18: The Curse of the Screaming Skull
- It's their first halloween at the Academy
Season 4, Episode 19: On The Edge Part 1
- Leo says that Chase named himself mission leader when he was 14 and Chase corrects him and says that he was 12. This could indicate that the trios first mission was when Chase was 14 and that's why Leo thought he named himself leader then
Season 4, Episode 20: On The Edge Part 2
- It's been two weeks since the last episode
Season 4, Episode 22: And Then There Were Four
- In the episode On The Edge, Leo becomes a mentor but for this episode he is back in his students uniform for whatever reason meaning that this episode could've taken place before On The Edge
- Douglas says that Daniel was just a baby the day that Donald took Adam Bree and Chase from him meaning that when Donald took the kids Daniel already existed
- Daniel is thirteen in this episode WHICH MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE. Donald said in You Posted What!?! that he had Adam Bree and Chase for 16 years. this episode takes place at least a year after that one meaning that it should've been no less then 17 years since Donald took Adam Bree and Chase in. If Daniel already existed when Donald did this (which he did) then he should be at least 17 years old
- Bree refers to her, Adam and Chase as teenagers so they all had to have been under the age of 19 and since it was said before that Donald must've had the trio for 17 years at this point their ages should be Adam: 19 Bree: 18 and Chase: 17
- It's said that the siblings threw Chase a 16th birthday party without inviting Chase (ouch) meaning that Chase is at least 16 years old
Season 4, Episode 23: Space Colony Part 1
- Perry says that she snuck up to space with the rest of the colonists when they were sent up. The colonists have been in space for almost a month and Perrys most recent appearance was in Season 4, Episode 21: Ultimate Tailgate Challenge, meaning that it has been at least a month since that episode took place
Season 4, Episode 25: The Vanishing Part 1
- Leo is back in his mentor outfit
- Bree says that she's a teenager and doesn't even have her drivers licence yet but there's no way i'm believing that she's under the age of 16 so i'm just gonna guess that she didn't have a chance to take any tests yet
Lab Rats Elite Force
Season 1, Episode 1: The Rise Of Five
- Donald says that he used to play in the subway 40 years ago. imma say that this means that he's at least 45 years old
Season 1, Episode 3: Power Play
- Bree says that there's three teenage boys living in the penthouse meaning that Chase, Kaz and Olivier are all still teenagers
Season 1, Episode 8: Coming Through in the Clutch
- The episode is focused on an Olympic send off event where fans can go and meet Olympians before they go to the Olympic games in Rio. They mention the Olympics being the ones held in Rio multiple times throughout the episode. The Rio Olympics were held in 2016 meaning that this episode takes place sometime in the summer of 2016 making this 4 years after the first episode of Lab Rats
- Bob says that he's 14 now meaning that he wasn't during season 4 of Lab Rats
Season 1, Episode 9: The Intruder
- Aj is 10 years old
- Chase says that his birthday is August 5th
Season 1, Episode 13: Sheep-Shifting
- It's Halloween and is implied to be the Elite Forces first Halloween together
- Bree says that she's 17 (idk how)
Season 1, Episode 15: They Grow Up So Fast
- Tasha visits in this episode with Naomi. During the Season 4 finale Tasha tells the family that she's pregnant and that it's a girl. The earliest you have to be to find out the sex of your baby is around 14 weeks but Doctors generally recommend waiting until 19-20 weeks (around 4 months.) Tasha does not seem to be showing at all during the season 4 finale (probably because the actress Angel wasn't pregnant and they didn't see the need to have her wear some kind of fake bump or anything since she wasn't so far in) and you start showing around 16-20 weeks leading me to believe that she was around 14-16 weeks pregnant at the time which is around 3 months meaning that Tasha had around 6 months until Naomi was born. Tasha says that she "hasn't had a moment to herself in 11 months meaning that Naomi is 11 months old in this episode. meaning that it's been around 17 months (a year and 5 months) since Lab Rats ended
- Namoi being 11 months old means that it must've been at least that long since the Elite Force was brought together as during Season 1, Episode 5: Need For Speed Douglas says that Donald isn't with the Elite Force because he wanted to be with Tasha when the baby arrived and during Season 1, Episode 7: The List Donald send the Elite Force a box of their old things as he was turning the lab into a nursery for the new baby. Although they never say if Naomi had been born yet.
I originally had the idea of making some form of a timeline of events to try to get something out of all of this but I literally did not have enough brain cells to do so. If you want to feel free though
I don't know why I did this. For some reason I just find this fun but I'm sure that we can all agree that this timeline is fucked and makes no sense whatsoever.
Anyways... i hope you got something out of reading all of this if you did *thumbs up emoji*
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alexjames2022 · 2 years
Celebrate Mom’s Birthday With Delicious Cake
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Since Mother's Day only occurs once a year, we should take advantage of the opportunity to show our moms how much we appreciate them. Over the years, she has received admiration and respect, but her birthday is especially significant. A surprise party needs a lot of planning, including choosing a unique birthday cake India and gifts for Mom, but if done well, it can be a lovely rewarding experience. All you need to start going is a little planning, some thought, and plenty of alone time. Here are some of the greatest suggestions for making your mother's birthday special. You may place an online order for cakes to be delivered to your address.
Frequently, the mother rises early to prepare breakfast and take care of other household duties. On your mother's birthday, serve her favorite supper and ask her to your bed so you can make things right. She'll be overjoyed if you send her some flowers. Start out mother's day in a positive frame of mind and with a grin. Instead of cooking—a chore—send a bouquet of personalized greeting cards. Your mother will be overjoyed about this, I can assure you of that. It's one of the best mom birthday ideas, so you should give it a try today. You can take online cake delivery in Mumbai at your location.
Watch her favorite movies
The simplest thing to do on mom's birthday is this. Bring your laptop, put up your speakers, dim the lights in the bedroom, and more ways to give your mother the sensation of a movie theater. Ask for refills, regularly offer her cool drinks and snacks, and, if you'd like, lie down next to him if you want to keep him company as he watches his favorite movies.
She appreciates having a special birthday cake for mom, a stunning cake for your beautiful mother, whether it is Mother's Day or just her regular birthday. You'll have the chance to charm her by doing this. Birthday cakes are offered online from every bakery shop and are available in a variety of flavors. You'll be amazed to find such a large selection, which includes specially created birthday cakes for parents.
Regardless matter how filthy it appears, she will definitely praise you for making it yourself since it will taste so much better.
Don't forget to give your lovely mother a gift on her birthday. Giving her thoughtful presents that she can use is a lovely way to greet her. E-portals now provide door-to-door delivery services and the best birthday gift suggestions. Therefore, even if you are far away, you may still give him a thoughtful present. Choose a meaningful, practical present for her while you are shopping.
Don't be scared to include him if she enjoys gardening or simply has an obsession with houseplants. Buy her some nice plants or flowers to brighten up her house. The options include bonsai plants, plants that purify the air, medical plants, and more.
Give her the gift of travel
A vacation is the ideal present for your mum. Because it allows you to spend more time together, your connection grows stronger. Planning a long vacation or even just a weekend getaway is possible if you have adequate time. Traveling is wonderful since there are so many places to visit and activities to do! You may go on a bike tour around the city, visiting museums, and on hikes.
Take her shopping
One of the best things you can do on your mother's special day is to take her shopping. One of the best birthday activities for mom is shopping since it is calming. Bring her along so you may get her the stunning gown or accessories she has always desired. You could like trying on new clothes when shopping with your mother. A better choice would be a new phone or laptop. Give her what she wants rather than what she needs.
Additionally, if she resides in Pune, you can send her cake there using an online cake delivery in Pune at your home.
Throw A Party
Throwing a party is another enjoyable way to honor mom on her birthday! Another choice is to go out together or invite friends and family home for supper. You may help her feel even more special by throwing a party filled with games, decorations, and other well prepared activities. You can select from a wide range of cakes available online.
Give her a good day and a grin.
0 notes
lcandothisallday · 3 years
Happy Birthday - Jack Harlow x f!reader
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You begin shifting as the morning light peers through the blinds, hitting you right in the eye and causing you to squint from discomfort. You glance over at the clock and it was nearly noon.
Last night, Jack and Urban had their joint birthday party which ran much later for their celebrations, prompting the both of you to go to bed quite late. But not wanting to waste Jack’s birthday any longer, you force yourself to rub away the sleep from your eyes.
You take the opportunity to glance over at Jack, seeing that he was still sound asleep with the most calm expression. His arm was draped over your waist as his head laid on your pillow rather than his own. He always gravitated towards your side of the bed for some reason but you always thought it was cute.
You smile softly, and nudge your head closer to his, your hand moving up to brush back some of his curls.
He truly was so incredibly beautiful with the sun shining across his face, his freckles accentuated thanks to the tan he got from his little vacation the days prior. You take the opportunity to softly peck his lips, causing him to gain slight consciousness and smile into it, yet his eyes were still very much closed.
You notice his little smirk and it encourages you to kiss him again and again until his smile turns into a full on toothy grin and he finally flutters his eyes open. This time its your turn to grin, rolling over to straddle his waist as you once again dipped your head down to kiss his lips.
“Happy Birthday, J,” you whisper against his lips, your fingers twisting and twirling in his beard. Jack grinned and thanked you before he yawned and reached his arms back to stretch his upper body, his bare chest flexing beneath you causing you to giggle and have to rest your hands on him for balance.
“Did you enjoy last night’s party?” you ask him.
He nodded instantly, “yeah-it was nice celebrating with everyone and Urb…but I’m kinda happy I get the rest of the day just you and me,” he hummed.
“I’ve gotta make it worth your while then,” you laugh, to which he smirked.
“Y’know—it’s never a bad idea to start with some birthday morning head?” he suggests with a casual shrug, his thumb moving up to brush against your lips.
You scoff and playfully roll your eyes as you let out a laugh. “If it was any other circumstance, I think I would’ve insulted you but…you are the birthday boy after all,” you hum, pressing a kiss to his lips as you feel him harden beneath you. “But first…I wanna give you your present,” you mumble against his lips.
“Give it to me after,” he whines, his mouth chasing after yours but you sucessfully get up from straddling him causing him to let out a groan. You laugh at his neediness and run over to a hidden corner where you hid his two gifts. One was a smaller gift bag while the other was larger.
“I wanna give it to you now though,” you hum, plopping down onto the bed next to him and biting your lip nervously. “It’s super hard buying gifts for someone who has everything but um, I hope you like these,” you smile.
Jack grinned and took hold of the two bags. “You know you didn’t have to get me anything right? Just you being here in Louisville with me and planning last nights party was enough right?”
You shrug and sigh dramatically, “what can I say? I’m in love with your annoying ass,” you giggle. “Now c’mon! Open the little one first,” you prompt. He pulls out the decorative paper out and pulls out the palm sized box. He lifts open the lid and grins upon seeing a silver chain with your initial on it.
“I thought maybe since you like having me wear your initial, that maybe you’d want to wear mine? I don’t know—I know we don’t like to be too public about our relationship but I thought it was subtle enough,” you chuckle.
“Mamas I love it,” he mused, unclasping it and immediately putting it around his neck. “I always wanna flaunt you around.”
Your cheeks heat up and you nod, before you watch as he pulls out the next gift out of the bag. At first he was confused as he scanned over the thin and square shaped gift. It was a custom vinyl record and his eyes filled with amusant as he scanned over the cover. “Is that meant to be us?” he chuckled. (Inspired by Lil Uzi’s Verts vs the World cover art)
You hum and nod. “Yeah-I commissioned a local artist in Atlanta to draw us for the cover art…and the track list is all of our favourite songs-you know. The sentimental ones, the ones we make fun of…the ones you like to turn on when we have sex,” you mumble the last one, your cheeks heating up. “Just our own personalized vinyl record.”
Jack melted as his read over the track list, recognizing every single song because they all did mean something to your relationship. He glanced over at you with such a loving expression as he grinned. “Y/N—this is actually so perfect. Thank you,” he said softly, his large hand cupping your cheek before he leaned in to kiss you softly. “This is definetly gonna be on display when we move in together to our new apartment in the summer,” he smiled. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you smile, taking the gifts from his lap and placing them aside. “Now I do recall promising you some birthday head—”
Jack shook his head as he shifted so that he could hover over your body, forcing you to lay back. “Nah, ma—I wanna make some good love to you,” he mumbled against your lips. “You’re on birth control, right?”
You nod.
“Good—cause I wanna feel every little inch of you.”
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rina-writes · 3 years
Birthday Trip II
Summary:  It’s the day of Jack’s birthday and you put together a private celebration for you two in his room.  Little did you know that Jack had a surprise for you too.
Warning: Fem!reader, fluffy fluff, the teeniest bit of angst if you squint, a tinge suggestive
A/N: This is a “sequel” to Birthday Trip I, but it’s really a standalone because I wanted to write something fluffy, but my brain just can’t stop writing smut. Hope you enjoy.
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Your eyes fluttered open thanks to the sunshine coming in the through the soft white curtains.  You glanced over your shoulder to see Jack still asleep, his long brown eyelashes making him look his youthful age that the years of hard work  sometimes made you forget. Your eyes traced his face in a manner you couldn’t do when he was awake.  He would always make a joke to hide the fact that he was embarrassed.  Jack had a great deal of confidence, but just like anyone he turned into mush when receiving a compliment.  
Right now was the only time you could admire his clear, cream colored skin dusted with freckles that you always took the time to kiss.  His messy short curly brown locks that were slightly unraveled thanks to a night of tossing and turning.  His shoulders were so wide and strong, and they were the main blocker between you and getting up.  As much as you loved being able to admire him with just the turn of your head, you had a mission.  You slinked gently out of his grasp.  You both had a long night both with partying and some “nightly activities” so, you knew he was going to be completely out like a light.  
You tiptoed to your suitcase and pulled out a t-shirt and some shorts to change.  Then you went to the bathroom, brushed your teeth and did the bare minimum to look presentable. Once ready, you slipped on your flip flops and walked down to the dining area.  You had planned it ahead of time, but you were still nervous that they had somehow forgot. 
When you arrived, the sweet woman you had placed an order with was waiting for you at the counter.  She pushed a cart with a giant silver covered tray from behind the desk and lifted the cover for you to see.  You grinned brightly.  There were a stack of pancakes with Happy Birthday Jack written in whipped cream on top.  There were three candles pressed in the center.  There were other breakfast items as well like eggs, bacon, potatoes and more than enough food for two.  There was also a pitcher of orange juice and a small tea pot with hot water with your choice of tea bags on the side.
“It’s perfect, thank you!” You said, handing her your credit card.  She closed the tray cover, taking the card and charging it.   She handed it back to you and smiled. 
“I can help you bring it over.” She said, not giving you the opportunity to take the cart, gripping the handle tightly.
“Thank you.” You said, taking the hint.
She pushed the cart quietly through the entrance of your villa.  Luckily, you and Jack had the corner bedroom so, you were able to get it in without anyone noticing.  You tipped the woman before opening the door and pushing the cart into your shared bedroom.  You were so excited your plan succeeded.  In a few hours, there would be several celebrations for Jack with the entire group.  However, you wanted to do something special for him: just the two of you.  Even though you and Jack weren’t official, you had a soft spot for the Kentucky boy. You wanted to thank him for a lovely vacation and an even lovelier six months of this situationship. You looked forward to his daily texts and you found yourself laughing randomly at the inside jokes you two shared.  If you were honest with yourself, you knew you wanted more, but you were happy to just be in Jack’s life.
You were so giddy on your accomplished mission that you didn’t see Jack sitting up in the bed.  He jumped, looking even more surprised than you.
“Good morning, birthday boy!” You sung pushing the cart toward the bed.
Jack grinned at you, his teeth in a perfect white line.  You swallowed as his bright blue eyes twinkled at you.  The only down side of admiring Jack when he was sleeping was missing out on those gorgeous baby blues.
Jack swung his feet over the side of the bed and opened his arm for you to come over.  You pushed the cart so it was a comfortable distance away from the bed and sat next to him.  Jack grinned and pulled you into his lap, pecking your lips softly.  His breath was minty fresh, a sign he may have gotten up shortly after you snuck out to brush his teeth.
“Happy Birthday, Jack.” You whispered, still staring at his lips in daze.
“Thank you, mamas.” He looked at the cart with curiosity.  “What’s all this?”
“A special birthday surprise for my--”  You hesitated for just a moment. “--special man.”
“Yeah?” Jack kissed your shoulder.  “And here I thought the gift was that you came back.  Got worried when I woke up and you weren’t by my side.”
You cupped his cheek and kissed his lips softly.  “Isn’t that how you usually wake up? Without me there?”
“That doesn’t mean I like it.” Jack said, kissing you again, this time deeper.  It was moments like these where you believed that you two could be something more. But then you remembered that Jack was great at delivering smooth lines.  It had little to do with you.
You broke the kiss and turned your attention to the cart.  You twisted on Jack’s lap to be able to pull off the tray cover and place it on the convenient hook on the side of the cart beneath the handle.
“Damn, you got the whole spread, baby.” Jack whistled, his eyes darting from one plate to the next.  “I love the little message.”
He pointed at the pancakes and grinned.  He made a motion to get some of the whipped cream and you shook your head.  You hopped off his lap and dug into your crossbody bag to get a lighter.  Jack quirked a brow and you grinned mischievously.
“I may have borrowed it from Urban when he wasn’t looking.” You gave a soft laugh.  “I’ll be sure to return it.”
You lit the three candles and sat next to Jack.  He looked at you expectantly like a little kid.  You rolled your eyes, but were unable to hide the goofy smile on your face. You folded your arms, “Jack, I am not going to sing Happy Birthday to you.” 
“Why not?” He asked, still waiting.  “You have to complete the job, missy.”
You rolled your eyes again.  You could feel your cheeks warming as you sang Happy Birthday to him in the softest voice.  You weren’t a singer and you felt even more self-conscious knowing that Jack was a musician.  However, when he held your hand as you sang to him, you started to remember why you wanted to do this in the first place.  You weren’t Marilyn Monroe, but Jack seemed to enjoy your little serenade. He pulled you into his lap with your back pressing again his check.  Jack hummed the melody while he kissed your neck and shoulder as you sang. His hands ran up and down your sides until the song ended.
Jack leaned forward to blow out the candles and you gave a soft clap.  Jack joined your applause while chuckling softly. The sound was a deep rumble in his chest that sent shivers up your spine.  Jack reached a hand up to cup your chin and turn your head to face him. He tilted to the side to capture your lips in a strong kiss.  You shifted your body and wrapped your arms around his neck.  Jack welcomed the embrace, shifting as well to deepen the kiss.  Your tongues fought for dominance.  Jack won effortlessly and broke the kiss panting slightly,  “Thank you for this, baby. This is really special and I am so grateful for you. Let me stop before I get too sappy.  Come on, let’s eat.”
You nodded, though you wouldn’t have minded if he got a bit sentimental.  It was rare to get Jack to open up and this whole vacation you’ve been wanting to know what’s on his mind.  You moved off his lap to sit next to him, your thighs still touching.  You leaned forward and pulled the cart closer so you it was easier for you to eat while sitting on the bed.  You removed the candles from the pancakes and placed them on the side.  You handed Jack a set of utensils that were wrapped in a cloth napkin before taking your own.  For the first few moments, you two ate in silence.  The sound of metal hitting ceramic made the experience of eating in your large, sun-filled villa bedroom feel even more luxurious.
The food was delicious.  You found yourself eating too quickly because your tongue wanted to experience the taste again and again.  You pointedly avoided the pancakes, in your mind you had gotten them for Jack.  It felt wrong to enjoy them as well. Jack seemed to notice as the half of the stack had diminished at a slower rate than the other items.  He let out an exaggerated sound of approval.
“Have you tried this syrup?” Jack’s eyes widened, one hand covering his mouth and the other pointing at a white ceramic pot with a dark amber liquid.
You shook your head and Jack cut a piece of his pancake that was dossed in syrup and fed it to you.  You had to contain your smile to make sure it didn’t fall from your lips, but you couldn’t stop the butterflies building in your stomach.  You licked your lips and nodded.  “I’m tasting a hint of citrus.” You remarked.
“Okay, Gordon Ramsey.” Jack teased, playfully nudging you with his elbow.  “This is really nice, Y/n.  Thank you.” 
“Thank you, Jack.  For inviting me to join you on your birthday trip.  It’s been fun.”  You gave him a shy smile as you nudged him back.
Jack cleared his throat and went back to eating.  You couldn’t help, but feel like he wasn’t telling you something.  Your mind was going a mile a minute.  You wondered if maybe he didn’t like something that your ordered or perhaps he was hoping to end things after the trip.  Maybe he was interested in seeing someone else and didn’t know how to end things with you.  As the food disappeared, split between you two, and the silence only being filled by the sounds of eating, it seemed like your brain was only twisting more tales of heartbreak.  You were so lost in your thoughts you didn’t notice Jack calling your name.
“Y/n, is everything alright?” Jack asked you.  He had put down his silverware and turned his body to look at you.
You nodded a little too quickly.  “Yeah, I’m alright.  Don’t worry about me. It’s your birthday.”
“You just seem a little out of it..” Jack’s voice trailed off as if he was expecting you to continue.
“You’re just so quiet.” You confessed.  “I worried I may have messed up.” 
Jack shook his head, his thumb sliding behind your ear so he could cup your whole cheek. He turned you to face him and smiled at you.
“No, no, you couldn’t ever mess up with me. I’m just thinking, that’s all.” Jack’s vague tone didn’t make you feel any better.
You leaned more into his touch, closing your eyes briefly to savor the sensation before looking into his.  “What are you thinking about?”
“The last year…” Jack said after a moment.  “What I accomplished, what’s still left to do, and what I want for this upcoming year.”
“What do you want, Jack?” You asked him.  You really wanted to ask how you fit into what he wanted.  You didn’t mind the irregular visits, daily conversations and occasional vacations, but in your heart you knew you wanted more.  You wanted to share a bed with him year round.  You wanted to wake up and have breakfast with Jack every morning.  You wanted to see the stories he told you over text every day in the flesh  because you were part of his life.  You wanted to be Jack’s girlfriend instead of his “sweetheart.,” “baby,” “mamas,” and, when you were intimate, “princess.”  These names made your heart swell, but none of them were an official title.  For the past few days you were just, “Y/n.”  That’s how he introduced you with nothing that told anyone what you meant to him.  And out of everyone, you were the most in the dark.
Jack seemed to be a little uncomfortable.  He shifted awkwardly on the edge of the bed.  He let one of his long arms reach behind him and his hand pulled out a box that was tucked underneath the comforter.  You frowned, wondering how long there had been a box in the bed and what it was for. You wondered if he got it when you had left the room to pick up his surprise.   Your mind immediately assumed it was something naughty, but you couldn’t imagine what it could be.  You also didn’t think this conversation was leading in that direction.
Jack placed the box on your lap in the place where your thighs were squeezed together.  You were even more confused and looked at him for answers.
“I know it’s my birthday, but I’ve been wanting to give you a present for awhile.”  Jack explained.  “You are one of the best things that happened to me last year and I hope you will continue to be a part of my life.”
You opened the box and your eyes widened. It was two black rings, a slightly smaller one in front of another larger one of the same design.  The material was a shiny obsidian black and had tiny flickers of green and red.  On inspection, it seemed like the flicker of color - first green then red then repeat--was perfectly timed.
“Apparently, they run off of the wifi.  But if you press on this little button…” Jack paused to pull out the larger ring and show a tiny button on the side, “...then the other one vibrates.”
Jack bit his lower lip as he stared at you.  It was his turn to search for a reaction, but you were a bit in shock.  You weren’t sure how to take this.  What kind of gift was this? Without context, it was a little creepy.
You opened your mouth to speak, but nothing came out.  Jack decided to fill in the silence, “It doesn’t like show your location or anything!” Jack said quickly, as if realizing this was weird.  “I saw it on one of those Instagram ads for long distance couples that want to stay connected.  I-I know things have been casual between us, but I want to make things more official. I can’t promise that we’ll be together all the time, but maybe with this we could still be connected. I really do like you,Y/n”
You stared down at the rings and then back at Jack.  His lips were folded in and he looked like he was holding his breath.  He was nervous.  He was afraid you were going to reject him.  It was so shocking you almost laughed. You? Rejecting Jack? After all that you had been through?  Unlikely.  But you knew if you laughed Jack would get the wrong idea and that would crush him.  You didn’t want anything to ruin this moment.  You smiled brightly as him.  You were going to except his feelings, but you needed to be sure of one thing first.
“I like you, Jack.  A lot.  And I would love to make things more official.”  You chewed your lower lip.  “But, I need to know what you mean.  Like are we exclusive? Boyfriend and girlfriend?”
“I want you to be my girlfriend.” Jack said, holding your hand.  “I want to be with you and only you.  I’ll do whatever it takes to prove--”
You cut him off with a kiss.  You heard everything you needed to hear.  Jack pulled you close and you clutched the box in your hand to keep it from dropping.  You took turns massaging each other’s lips with your own, your tongues intertwining ever so often.  Your heart was going to explode.  You’ve kissed Jack before, many times, but not like this.  There was no lust here.  It was just a pure exchange of breath.  It was sealing the deal of your new journey together.  
Jack broke the kiss, pulling back with hooded eyes.  He took your right hand and slid the ring on to your ring finger with a smile.  He then did the same with his own ring.  
“We have to figure out some signals.” Jack smiled.  “I was thinking one pulse could be thinking of you.”
He hit the button and you felt the tiny buzz in between your fingers. It wasn’t a strong jolt.  It tickled more than anything else. It was noticeable so, you knew you would feel it during your day-to-day, but it wouldn’t pull any huge reactions out of you.  More importantly, it wasn’t loud enough that other people would hear it.  It was truly something just between the two of you.  As much as you focused on other people knowing your status, you also wanted to make sure that you could keep parts of Jack to yourself.  You hit the button with your thumb to respond.  
Jack laughed softly.  “This is my first time trying it on.  It feels weird, in a good way though.”
You both did it back and forth for awhile, giggling like little kids.
“Two could be I miss you.” You suggested, hitting the button twice.
“I think I’ll be doing this one a lot.” Jack said, hitting the button twice while leaning in to kiss the shell of your ear before whispering.  “I think three pulses should be I want to f-ck you.”
“Jack!” You admonished, but you weren’t surprised.  You knew it was coming eventually.  “Something tells me you’re going to use that one much more.”
Jack grinned at you.  “Are we going to pretend you were little miss innocent on the beach yesterday? Here, I was trying to be on my best behavior till I put a ring on it, but someone was impatient.”
You blushed, thinking about the day before and all the feral thoughts that led to that moment.  You felt a little silly for lusting after him the past few days while he was focused on making you his.   You hit the button on your ring four times.  Jack gave you a skeptical look.
“What does that mean?” He asked. 
You smiled at him before leaning into kiss him. You felt Jack smile into the kiss as he pulled you toward him.  You didn’t have to say it out loud.  As you both of you fell onto the bed, your limbs tangling together and your lips connected over and over, you both knew what those four buzzes meant.  It may take some time for the words to actually come out, but so far actions had been speaking louder than words for you.  You broke the kiss smiling at him.
“We have a couple of hours before the rest of the crew wakes up. What do you want to do, birthday boy?”
Jack gave you a smirk and let the three buzzes of your ring answer the question.
A/N: Happy Jack Day! This is the end of my Jack Blurb Bonanza. I’m kinda meh on all of these, but I’m glad I was able to squeeze a bit of inspiration for his birthday. Hope you all like them and can’t wait to read all the fics today :D
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petriquors · 3 years
— wander (timeskip!kuroo x gn!reader)
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— pairing !! timeskip!kuroo x gn!reader
— genre !! fluff
— word count !! 0.6k
— author notes !! here’s a humble little kuroo piece (is this my brand now?) with one difference! this is my little present for @therescrackinmytea’s birthday, which is why i’m posting early today. go wish her a happy birthday after you read this ❤
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laying on tetsuro’s bed and talking about nothing with him has become so common, that it’s starting to be one of the few things that gets you through your week. while days turned into weeks and months that eventually became a year, you’ve been finding new ways to add tetsuro to your routine.
watching a movie and eating takeout on a tuesday, sunday morning walks, calling him late at night when your days don’t quite line up, but you find a way to make just 30 minutes work for each other.
“d’you ever think about running away?” tetsuro whispers. he lays on his stomach beside you with fingers tracing the veins in your hand. he was just looking elsewhere, or maybe nowhere, but when you feel his gaze on you instead, your own thoughts can help but drift away to hang on whatever he’s saying to you.
“sure,” you say, “lots of times.”
“from me?”
you screw up your face to give him an ‘are you kidding’ sort of look, nose crunched and lips pulling in the direction of a smile. he doesn’t mimic the smile, though, so you lean up onto your elbows to press a kiss against his forehead.
he looks up at you through his lashes, and you see something scheming in the gold glitter of his eyes. “i’d run away with you, if you wanted.”
the words sound like something a lovestruck teenager would say, and as much as he makes you feel like one at times, you know he can’t possibly mean it; not when you’re both adults with responsibilities. but, the loving, warm look in his eyes makes your heart stutter and you almost start to believe him. with you rendered speechless, he takes the opportunity to lean over you this time: he places one hand on the other side of your shoulders and leans down to press a soft, tender kiss to your lips, mouth moving so slowly and so sweetly that you feel like you’re floating under water.
“where should we go?” he whispers, mere inches from your face. “i’ll take you anywhere.”
you reach to cradle his face in your palm, tracing the edge of his 5 o’clock shadow and letting your thumb graze the corner of his lips. “we can’t just leave.”
he leans to kiss you again with a little shake of his head. this one is shorter and softer this time, and he’s teasing you with his lips in a way that makes you hold back a giggle, knowing you can’t lose.
“sure we can,” he says, “let’s just go on a vacation. a long one. somewhere with limited cell service.”
“i think you just want me all to yourself,” you tease despite the feeling that your original resolve is fading. you’re starting to think he’s right: why can’t you just go somewhere with him? work and family will still be there when you get back, and you’re certain they can survive a week or two without you.
“i do,” he admits in his quietest voice of all. “i want you to be all mine, forever. and i’ll whisk you away to the other side of the world if i need to, to make that happen.”
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suggestions open; reblogs appreciated !!
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hopeyallenjoy · 3 years
First time
Tell me the truth Severus. Don't you want me?
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Pairing : Young Severus Snape x Fem!Reader 
Warnings : slights smut ; severus switch and reader switch ; dom/sub kink ; little bit of swearing ; alone at house ; bathroom teasing 
Wordcount : 3,504 words
Request : Marauder era Severus x reader’s first time 
Resume : That’s the same request as “An eventful birthday” but I did it with a more bold reader and only Severus' first time. Hope you’ll enjoy it just as much ! 
Y/l/n = Your last name Y/n = Your name 
"She asked you what?" said Lucius as he and Severus headed to their common room.
"She invited me to come spend the weekend at her house over the vacations," Severus repeated, rolling his eyes to the sky.
"Tell me mate, you've been dating Y/l/n for how long now?" Lucius as he opened the door to their dormitory.
"9 months." he replied.
"And you've already gone beyond a simple kiss? You know, despite what they say about young wizards, it's the young women who are the most hormone-driven. Think about it, Severus! That's why they're all so obsessed with love. They need a man and they need him to be their own to calm their ardor. And it's even truer for the veela.”
Severus shook his head negatively, setting his things down on his bed. Lucius couldn't help but smile mischievously at his friend.
"What are you getting at?" he asked when Malfoy didn't continue.
"My point is that she didn't invite you to chat. She wants you, Severus Snape, the dark male, to take over and make her your bitch.” Severus widened his eyes, not expecting such a revelation.
Was this really the case? You were a former student of Durmstrang Institute who had arrived at Hogwarts at the beginning of seventh year even though you were already of age. Because of the reputation of your former school, rumors about you had spread within a week of school, claiming that you were an accomplished black mage or a monster from the darkness, a cross between a veela and a vampire. You ended up in Slytherin, which wasn't entirely in your favor. You even had to deal with the most popular students in the school who were self-appointed protectors of Hogwarts and wanted to check the rumors.  Luckily for you, you were persuasive. You weren't a dark mage or a monster, but you had learned enough from Durmstrang to stand up for yourself and stop anyone from stepping on your toes.
After your little show of strength, girls started coming to you when a boy bothered them and guys who thought they were irresistible, like Lucius Malfoy or Sirius Black, came to try their luck with you. You'd packed them all, one by one. None of these boys were interesting for you, you only had eyes for your Potions and DADA partner, Severus Snape, the only one who didn't ogle your form even when he thought you didn't see him, the only one who shared your curiosity about dark magic, and especially the only one who didn't seem to be interested in you. That's what you liked about him, he really wasn't interested in you, or at least not more than in friendship, until you spent more and more time with him and finally confessed your love. 
In fact, you didn't really do that, you two just kissed on a full moon night in the astronomy tower and it was so natural between you that you just started acting like a couple. Holding hands during Hogsmeade outings or during classes, kissing for hours in your common room while all the other students were watching Quidditch matches, taking turns reading  poetry under the moonlight every night or so. In short, everything was done in a natural way, without the need for embarrassing confessions or the obligation to call each other ridiculous names. No, you had no obligation to each other, you just saw other as you pleased, doing the things you liked and it was just... perfect. 
The more Severus thought about it, the more he thought how stupid it would be to change that.
Add sex to such a perfect relationship? No way. It wasn't that he didn't find you attractive, on the contrary, he simply found you breath taking and sometimes wondered what such a beauty was doing by his side but he wasn’t sure that sex was for him. Sex was always something you grow tired of, and there was so much about it that he didn't know, he was sure he would disappoint you if you ever introduced sex to your relationship. Everything Severus Snape knew about sex, Lucius had told him, and if there was one thing he had learned from his friend's stories, it was that sex was complicated. 
Then when he presented himself in front of the door of the manor Y/l/n, he was well decided to keep his pants on. He knocked and expected to see one of your parents open the door for him, but he came face to face with your little face when the big door was fully opened. His eyes didn't leave your face but his peripheral vision allowed him to see that you were dressed a little lightly for the season, a simple t-shirt pulled over your tantalizing curves. He swallowed hardly. Keeping his pants on seemed much more difficult now. 
"Hello, Sev'. I see you're still on time. You'll excuse me, this time it's me who's a little late." you gave him your best smile and invited him to come in "My parents aren’t here so I took the opportunity to sleep in a little longer.”
Well, that wasn't entirely true, but he didn't need to know that, did he? You'd been up for a while and had spent the morning getting ready for the special weekend ahead. Despite the blasé expression you wore, inside you, your hormones and your heart were racing. Your little Severus was just beautiful and you were even more aware of it now that you saw him without his school uniform.
“Do you mind if I go put something on quickly?“ you asked without noticing the gleam of desire in the eyes of your companion. 
He shook his head negatively too happy that you propose of yourself to remove this angelic vision of which he had difficulty to get out. Merlin what you could be beautiful. You left to change your clothes after taking him into the great hall. Severus was trying to calm his imagination as he gazed out at the garden of your house that could be seen from the living room window. He was still standing there when you returned from your room, looking so absorbed that you had to pull him by the sleeve to get his attention. When he turned around he was breathless again. You had changed but your new outfit didn't help his case at all. You were now wearing a flowing black knee-length dress with a white corset that showed off your slim waist and gently carried your swaying breasts. If he was to believe what he saw, you weren't wearing a bra and he hoped... no panties either. 
"Severus...are you okay?" you questioned as he said nothing.
Severus quickly pulled himself together, serving you one of his grinning smiles that only he had the secret to. What was he talking about? Wasn't he the one who wanted to keep your relationship simple and natural? As recently as thirty minutes ago? And now he was the one who imagined you fucking on the floor, after having torn off your little black dress. This weekend was getting more and more complicated for him. He nodded nevertheless seeing the worried look that you threw to him, the back of your hand put on his forehead as if to see if he had a fever.
"Are you sure? You're all red?" he took your hand, squeezing it gently.
"Yes, yes. It's just your beauty that bewitches me," he said, placing a light kiss on your hand.
It was your turn to blush. Severus' compliments were rare and always came when you least expected them, so when he complimented you, you took full advantage. You kissed him tenderly.
"Idiot. You scared me."
He savored her words in turn, still not used to someone worrying about him and showing it.
"I should scare you more often if you kiss me like that every time" he murmured a sneer stretching his lips.
"You know very well that I would kiss you every day like that even if I wasn't worried. You just have to ask me or... do it on your own.”
At the fiery look you gave him, Severus stiffened and looked away a little.
"Do you have a chess set? It's been a long time since I've played against the grand queen of chess," he said in an attempt to divert your attention.
This worked in part, you nodded and went to get your chess set and then you sat down at the small table near the window. It was a hectic late afternoon of battles and verbal jousting, all of it friendly and good-natured. Even if your thoughts were turned to the particular behavior of your boyfriend. You wanted to wait for him to come and explain to you on his own what was the problem but you were sure he wouldn't. You didn't embarrass him with a serious discussion though, not wanting to spoil the wonderful weekend ahead. And you were right. Severus, on the other hand, was having a hard time concentrating, with hot scenarios taking up all his attention. If you had always been a bit daring, he had never noticed before, too busy admiring your little face or your knowledge of dark magic. And now he was biting his fingers, having the impression to rediscover the wild beauty that you were.
Laughing loudly, arm in arm, you entered the kitchen, your bellies rumbling. You brought in the leftovers from the night before and you gobbled them up in a few seconds, neither you nor he being picky in terms of food and it wasn't as if you had eaten mud, quite the contrary. 
It was your father who had made the food the day before. He had deliberately prepared more food than he needed, not wanting to leave his princess without food during the long weekend he was going to spend away from you.Because yes, you had fought for your parents, especially your father, to leave you at the mansion alone. Yet they knew you could handle yourself, after six consecutive years at Durmstrang, it was rare not to know how to handle yourself. 
The meal was just as nerve-wracking for Severus as he couldn't help but make you laugh which made your breasts jiggle under the thin fabric of your dress. You even bent down to grab the pepper on the table which allowed him to see that you were indeed not wearing a bra. He almost choked, his imagination and hormones still running wild. By the end of the meal, Severus was convinced that he was going to lose his mind before the end of the weekend if it continued like this.
"Y /n, could I know where the bathroom is? I'd like to take a shower before I go to sleep, if that's possible," Severus asked, convinced that a nice cold shower would put his mind at ease.
"Oh, of course. The bathroom is upstairs. It's the first door on the left. Do you need me to lend you something? Slippers, a nightgown?” you asked as a particularly Machiavellian idea appeared in your mind.
At this point of the evening, you had understood that your boyfriend, who you thought was so innocent, had started to understand that you were no longer a child and that your body was indeed the one of a young adult. Seeing him almost choke at each movement you made and that revealed a little more of your forms, was, it had to be said, a most amusing spectacle. So you let him go up the stairs to the bathroom and slowly followed him once the plates were washed and put away.
Meanwhile, Severus had slipped out of his black clothes and into the bathtub, which was filled to the brim. It wasn't every day that he could afford a nice hot bath and he was sure you wouldn't mind if he took a few drops of the Muggle lotions that adorned the rim of the big tub. He slipped all the way into the water, after a deep breath, desperate to calm his ardor. If Severus Snape was so determined not to give in to temptation it was mainly due to the bad treatment he had received from the Marauders, humiliating him to the point where his body was dripping and he was unable to touch himself, even alone. So how could he have succeeded in maintaining a carnal relationship with anyone? Love, love was different, he felt it and managed to express it, but sex? Very little for him. Finally, this afternoon spent by your side had shown him that even if the thing seemed inconceivable to him, he was still capable of desiring someone. And to want you, he wanted you really bad. He opened his eyes, his head still immersed in the bathtub, and saw through the water a figure towering over him. He emerged from the water recognizing your little face. 
There you were, standing in front of him, you had left your corset behind and were now wearing only your black dress. Your face was still impassive.
"Y/n? What the..." he began.
"Sev', do you love me?" you didn't let him finish, starting your Machiavellian plan. "Because I'm starting to doubt it, you know? You've been acting weird ever since you got here. So tell me the truth, Severus. Don't you want me?" as you spoke his words, you let your robe slip off at your feet showing yourself completely naked to him. 
Severus could not believe his eyes. In that moment, he couldn't stop his eyes from devouring you, his cheeks from turning red, and his sex from growing. The fire that swept over him was so sudden that it took his breath away. You were satisfied with your little effect, but when Severus didn't move, just clung to the edge of the tub, you slid as sensually as possible into the bath without taking your eyes off him. Severus watched you, holding his breath. Yes, you were definitely going to drive him crazy. 
"-Severus, how do I look?" you asked again as he still hadn't said anything.
"Y/n... You don't know what you're saying. I... I want you so much, you can't even imagine how much but..." Severus was short of breath, "I've never done anything, never even t-touched myself. I wouldn't know how to... I wouldn't know how to do it and I could only..." you cut him off, kissing him gently as tears of frustration flooded down his face.
 You felt a little bad now that you knew the truth. You had never wanted to made him cry but you understood that he needed to cry so you let him, kissing his cheeks, his nose, his eyes, in fact, everything that was within your reach, wanting to reassure him a maximum.
"Shhhhh Sev'... It's okay, don't worry. I'm here.  Shhhhhh... Oh boy ! I could never be disappointed in you, Sev' I assure you. So please don't cry anymore. I hate seeing you like this. I love you so much, you know." you continued to kiss him with your arms around his neck.
"I-i love you so much t-too ," he replied between sobs. 
Severus was drowning in your affection, his whole body burning. He felt so good in your arms, covered in your kisses. You covered him with tender kisses for another moment, telling him how beautiful he was in your eyes between two kisses. Once the sadness passed, he wanted to return your affection, covering the zebra skin of your breasts with soft kisses which felt like butterfly wings. Then the butterflies became more urgent as your hand clung to his ebony hair and your lips let out sighs of pleasure. You pulled your lover's face up to steal a passionate kiss, your two foreheads finally pressed together, your body slightly elevated as Severus had his arms around your waist.
"Do you... do you want to go all the way Sev'? I certainly don't want to force you to do anything you don’t want, love."
How? Weren't you supposed to not give him ridiculous nicknames? I don't remember saying that. Severus nodded, pulling you tighter against him.
"Guide me, Y/n," he breathed.
His voice was infused with desire, as was his entire body. He was overflowing and tense with desire beyond your touch. You placed his hands in the places you knew were your pleasure points, guiding him to know what to do. His lips came to rest on your neck as you told him to, as your hands slid gently through the cool bath water to land on his crotch. It may have been hard to believe but Severus Snape was very well built, his sex was moderate in size but not all the way down, his base and glans were wider than the rest. It was also slightly curved towards the glans. If you hadn't already had other relationships you wouldn't have realized just by touching him, that Severus was just perfect for you. Your fingers began to do him good, drawing grunts from him that made your skin tingle as he didn't stop his attentions. When you felt him grow a little larger in your hands you stopped your stroking, spreading your own legs just enough for him to enter.
"Severus... I want to cum with you..." he understood the invitation taking his sex in his hands and positioning it facing the entrance to your pussy. 
He didn't really know what to do once he entered so it was you who guided him again, initiating back and forth, impaling yourself a little more each time, your hands resting on his shoulders. Severus moaned with each return, feeling your insides react to his member. You weren't especially tight, but he was still able to fill you up completely. You guided him for a moment and then he felt confident enough to take over. Slowly but surely, he varied the strength of his thrusts. Then he added his lips in your neck making you plant your nails in his shoulders when a so good and... unexpected pleasure. Instinctively, he squeezed you tighter as the last thrust inside you came accompanied by waves of immeasurable pleasure. He had finished before you but you were so close to cumming that you couldn't stop a groan of frustration from coming out of your mouth.
"This one is different from the others. Did I hurt you?" Severus fretted as he came to stop, causing you to let out another frustrated moan.
"No, no, no ! I... Can you go on a little longer, please? I'm not far..." you whispered in his ear. 
He undulated his pelvis gently under you, a sneer coming to perch on his lips.
 "What exactly do you want, Y/n? I need you to explain it to me precisely, please. I don't think I'm experienced enough yet to understand your demands without you finishing your sentences," he said, kissing your temple. 
He knew perfectly well what he was doing now. You wanted to protest by realizing it but it had started again to undulate under you, letting out of your mouth only words drowned between your moans. He ended up kissing your temple again, letting you breathe and waiting for your answer. 
"I want you to fuck me until... Until I cum Severus, please!" you finally managed to articulate making Severus' smile grew wider and wider.
"Gladly, love," he replied as he began to pound you again. 
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kashi-prompts · 3 years
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Prompt: (Above)
Pairing: Kakashi x wife!reader
Wordcount: 3,450
A/N: Hope you enjoy! :) 
In the distance, the sound of a rolling surge of thunder passed through the clouds. You listened, hearing it echo in through the hills and beyond the horizon. 
"Guess we'd better get a move on," you noted, looking up at the clouds that had rolled over your heads while you both traveled in conversation.
"We'll be alright," Kakashi told you, his fingers laced with yours, "how are you feeling?"
"How many times are you going to ask me that?" you asked him, your hand instinctively caressing your round belly. Eight months had passed since you had discovered you were expecting. 
"I just want to make sure you are okay," the Hokage admitted, his profile set for the horizon. Despite the trace of irritation you had felt creeping up on you when he asked you the same question for the - what was it - fourth-time this afternoon, you knew he meant well. Sensing the drip of annoyance in your tone, his fingers squeezed yours to remind you he was just caring for you.  
Even so, he was correct. You had hardly slept last night, your body feeling heavier than usual. As you had risen from bed, you felt your stomach contract in what you assumed to be false labor pains. They seemingly continued throughout the day, but you brushed them off. The doctor had reminded you to expect these. Certainly, the baby wouldn't be coming this early. 
After all, this hadn't exactly been an easy pregnancy. The first and second trimesters had been saturated with successive days of nausea, vomiting, and high blood pressure. For the most part, the nausea and vomiting could be controlled, but the high blood pressure was worrisome to the doctors. 
You rubbed your belly again, frowning as you felt the tight squeeze again. It quickly passed, and you hid it well. The pain was familiar. Your mind slipped back to the moment where your world had stilled at the question of whether or not you were having a miscarriage earlier in your pregnancy. The sudden pain and spotting were surefire signs of such. Kakashi had kept himself composed for the most part, but you had seen in his eyes how shaken he was by the situation.
"You're a high-risk pregnancy due to your blood pressure, Mrs. Hatake," the doctor had told you both that evening in the emergency room. "Take this medication and check in with your doctor every few weeks." 
Orders had been obeyed, but the underlying threat of a miscarriage certainly shook you to your core until you finally reached the third trimester, where the chances of it decreased. Despite that, you still were high-risk. Kakashi watched you like a hawk. 
"Thank you for this birthday gift, [y/n]," Kakashi interrupted your thoughts, bringing you back to the present day. You rubbed your round stomach more. "I'm excited to spend the next few days with you." 
You nodded, smiling over at him. In his backpack were two gift certificates for the new hot spring the citizens of Konoha had been raving about recently. It was a bit of a hike, but Kakashi would never pass up a moment of peace to walk with you next to him. You squeezed his hand again and leaned into his shoulder, rubbing his forearm. 
"I'm glad you like it," you smiled, "I hope it's everything people have been saying it is."
"I'm sure it will be," he said, lifting his chin to observe the darkening sky above. He hesitated for a moment, and as the profile of his lips opened to say another word, you felt the first raindrop hit your forehead. 
"We still have some ways to go, don't we?" you asked, frowning as you lifted a hand to feel more rain falling onto it. 
"Yes," he frowned, stopping on the path to turn to you. You looked up at him, watching his mind think. "This will set us back if we stay undercover until this passes."
A crack of lightning hit behind you in the distance, loud enough to cause you to jolt and take a step towards your husband. He lifted his hand protectively over your shoulder, knowing there was nothing to be afraid of but calming you anyway. 
"Let's just find some shelter, for now, okay?" you asked, looking up at him from his chest. The outline of his jaw clenched in thought before nodding.
The storm continued to draw closer. The beats between the lightning and the thunder strikes continued to shrink as the rain began to fall harder. Eventually, the two of you settled for a slight indentation on the side of a mountain that one could barely call a cave. But it was enough to cover you both and then some as you huddled close together. 
He smiled at you, laughing suddenly as he pressed your shoulders to his chest, "how typical. The one time I have a few days off, and it has to storm like this." 
"I'm sure it'll pass soon," you reassured him, your hand stroking his knee.
"You feel o-"
"I'm fine, Kashi," you told him assuredly. "I just want to enjoy your birthday." 
Twenty minutes passed, and the sheets of precipitation didn't seem to be letting up. His fingers danced on your shoulder, tapping in rhythm with the drips of water on the outside of the cave. You rested your head on his shoulder, your eyes feeling heavy. The crackling of lightning every few minutes caused you to brace your body for the rumblings of the thunder.  You felt tense, waiting for it each time. 
"At this rate, we'll have to travel into the night," Kakashi frowned after an hour had passed. 
Sitting on hard ground, your body began to ache. Was the pressure building up in your lower back simply from sitting here? It felt different like someone was pressing down on your back from the outside. You took a deep breath, rubbing your chest to calm your anxiety that was beginning to bubble up unexpectantly. Above you, you felt Kakashi glance down at you. 
"I've got to stand up," you told him abruptly, "my back hurts." 
The silver-haired shinobi stood quickly, taking his wife's hand to help you up from the ground. Your round belly was prominent as you tried to balance yourself. Something was wrong, you surmised gravely. Or maybe you were just tired from the journey. 
You had insisted on accompanying him after he had told you they would use the gift certificates at a later date. They didn't need to be used right now, he had told you. But again, you had insisted. He needed a vacation, and this was the perfect opportunity to do it before the baby arrived. 
Now, you looked out the cave opening at the rain that was slowing. You stretched your back, bending your spine awkwardly in a crude attempt to alleviate the pressure. You grimaced, feeling your heart rate heighten with anxiety. 
Another wave of thunder echoed in the mountains, loud enough to feel as though the ground had rattled beneath your feet. The tidal sheets of rain continued, the mist soaking your sandaled feet. 
"Come sit back down," Kakashi advised quietly, touching your shoulder. For a few moments, you felt like time had warped, your eyes transfixed on the buckets of precipitation raining down on the ground a few feet away. 
You felt your lower body seize, your organs feeling like they were being pushed out of your body through your skin. You inhaled slowly, swallowing hard as your eyes remained on the horizon. Your jaw clenched.
His hand was on your arm, his face close to yours to try to meet your gaze. He could tell something was wrong by the way the muscles in your jaw moved. The breath in you had taken at the initial shock to your system finally let itself out through your mouth with a shaky exhale. His hand fell to your stomach.
Reaching over, you placed your fingers over his.
"[y/n]," Kakashi began as you looked down, leaning against the cave's rough wall. He let go of your belly as you closed your eyes, trying your best to control the chaotic, out-of-control feeling your body was producing. Your heart was pounding. 
A calloused palm touched your jaw, pushing it up to meet his troubled gaze. You looked down, staring at the pulse beating at the base of his neck. You focused on that, feeling yourself slipping into a panic at the thought of birthing a baby in a cave miles away from a hospital. His hand dropped back down to the side of your belly, his palm radiating heat to your cold skin. You put your hand atop of his again. 
"Are you okay?" He dipped his chin again to meet your gaze. You finally looked up, meeting his wide eyes. A sudden intense wave of pain hit you, and you gritted your teeth, clutching his fingers against your stomach as you began to slide down the side of the cave wall. 
"[Y/N]!" The obvious, intense panic in his voice transmitted through your body. One of the many qualities you loved about him was his knack for remaining calm in situations that needed it. Yet, the sight of your water breaking as your knees buckled in pain undoubtedly shook your husband. 
"What's going on?" He asked, his voice drenched with concern.
"It hurts," you managed. 
"Contractions?" He asked, exasperated. You nodded frantically, panic rising. 
"I can't have the baby here," you managed through hitched breaths, "it's too early. They're a month early, Kakashi." 
"Dammit. I know, I know," he assured her, pushing his palm against the top of your forehead and moving your damp hair from your eyes. His eyes searched yours, the magnitude of the situation dawning on the both of you. 
"Come, come back over here," he lifted you gently from under your armpit and guiding you away from the cave's entrance. Quickly, he took off his uniform jacket and placed it on the floor for you to sit on. Kneeling beside you, he let you rest your head in his lap, brushing his fingers across your forehead as he stared off into the distance, thinking with a furrowed, sweating brow. 
"Stay here," he said suddenly, putting your head under his backpack. 
You grasped his hand frantically, squeezing it as another wave hit you without warning. 
"Please don't leave," you told him desperately, his fingers losing circulation with the amount of pressure you were transmitting from your body to his. 
"I have to; it'll only be for a little while. I have to get help," the man who remained calm in every situation he faced was manic when met with the possibility of losing both his wife and unborn baby at his hand if he were to mishandle even the smallest of requirements to birth a baby. He was certainly not qualified and had little to no medical experience, barely enough to mend himself on a battlefield, let alone bring a baby- their baby - into the world. 
"Please," you pleaded, riding out the same wave of pain through gritted teeth. A crack of lightning landed at the front of the cave, the sound jolting you and spiking your anxiety. Kakashi knelt beside you again, taking a deep breath. You took a few shallowed breaths as the pain dissipated. He weaved his fingers between yours. 
"I have an idea," he said abruptly, turning to the entrance again. "I promise, I will only be a minute." 
You nodded, rubbing your stomach again as you watched him run out into the sheets of rain. Your body felt heavy like there was no way you could even manage to pull yourself up if you had to. You were going to have this baby in this cave - you knew it. Kakashi couldn't carry you that far, and you wouldn't let him if he tried. You felt your throat constrict, angry with yourself. You shouldn't have ignored the signs. Your baby was coming, and you missed it. 
"Okay," he said breathlessly, jogging back to you. "I have Pakkun heading towards the nearest village to get medical assistance." 
"Kashi," you managed, feeling your eyes well with tears. "This is my fault." 
His damp hand caressed your forehead, drips of rainwater falling from the tips of his hair onto your arm.
"No, it's not," he assured you quietly, "it's okay. I'm right here. I'm not going to let anything happen to you or the baby." 
"I'm sorry," you managed, a tear falling through your temple into your hairline. He leaned down, pressing his lips to your forehead as his other grasped your hand. 
"It's okay," he murmured against your skin. "It'll be okay."
"Oh gosh," you squeeze his hand again, feeling the unbearable pain trickle back into your system. It's unrelenting pressure causing havoc throughout your spine. 
"Breathe," he reminded you, his lips against the shell of your ear. You listened, trying to calm your breath that had since become a chaotic mess of hiccups and yelps. 
"What if-"
"Just breathe," Kakashi told you, gently placing his forehead against yours. His damp hair tickled your skin—the cooling rainwater a relief to your sweating body. 
Twenty more minutes of unrelenting pain passed. The intervals between them growing smaller and smaller. The rain outside let up, the thunder rolling casually in the distance. You cursed at it. 
"When will Pakkun be back?" you panted out, your jaw clenched. 
Kakashi's eye was consistently on the opening of the cave, just as much as it was on you. You had seen his Adam's Apple bounce in his neck nervously at your question.
"Soon," he responded, "I'm sure he won't be long. The nearest village is-"
"Ahh-ohhh, no," was all you could manage. You could see stars in your vision, the pressure building in your whole body. You let out a cry, squeezing your husband's hand as he remained steady next to you. He gripped your hand back, his gloved fingers squeezing at your knuckles. 
"This can't be happening," you cried, shaking your head. 
"It's okay. Please, [y/n], it's okay. Just breathe." 
"I have to push," you managed, your face shone with sweat. Stricken with anxiety, you heard him exhale next to you. You opened your eyes to look at him; his two charcoal eyes fixated on you. 
"I'm so sorry," you managed breathlessly. 
He shook his head, pressing his lips to your forehead again, this time more firmly. "Don't be sorry. I love you. Everything will be okay. Let's do this." 
Wriggling your way out of your bottoms, Kakashi nestled himself between your legs, propping them up as they had taught him in all those birthing classes you had both attended. 
"Oh," you heard him say, "Oh gosh. I see their head!" 
Everything felt like it was on fire in your body: every nerve ending, every piece of skin, every ounce of your every being. Kakashi looked up at you, his gaze a mixture of worry and determination. 
"You have to push," he told you calmly, rubbing your leg reassuredly. 
"I can't," you breathed, trying to catch your breath. 
"You have to. Remember to breathe. I'm right here; just breathe."
You gritted your teeth, pushing so hard you felt your ears block out. Heat rose up your neck as you let out a gritted yell. The pain was unbearable. 
"C'mon, baby, just a little more!" You heard him say. The world felt surreal.  
"Please, I can't," you whimpered, exasperated and exhausted. He leaned forward over your belly, grasping at the back of your head. Pulling his mask down, he pressed his lips firmly to yours, the sweat from both of your upper lips mingling. 
"You're almost there," he whispered, staring directly into your eyes. "You're almost there. Just keep going. I'm right here." 
You nodded, your eyes focused on his as he leaned back down. You took a deep breath in, gritting your teeth as you pushed as hard as you could. A small source of pressure was relieved as you heard your husband laugh joyously. 
"Oh gosh," he laughed, his mask still pooled around his neck. You looked up, a baby covered in blood and mucus in his arms. The beaming smile on his face, the one you didn't often see, as he gazed down at your baby, was enough of a pain reliever if there ever was one. 
"It's a girl," he looked up at you, his eyes glassed over with tears, "you did it, baby." 
You leaned back, feeling delirious with joy and physical pain. Kakashi came up to you, your eyes never leaving the baby as he put her near you. The bottom of his shirt wrapped around the little bundle, a peak of his skin showing beneath it. Tears streamed down both of your faces at the sight of such a little thing. Clearly, she was small. But her mighty cries were loud enough to echo in the cave. You leaned up, touching the meager turf of white hair on her head. A joyful whimper bubbled up in your chest. 
You felt his lips on the top of your head as you played with her tiny fingers. You felt him chuckle against your hair as the little one let out another wail. 
As you stared at her, you were beginning to feel nauseous suddenly. The perception of the world slowly fading around you became evident. Like you were dreaming and waking up from the dream. 
"Boss!" Pakkun's voice filled the cave, "I'm back! I have help!" 
You tried to hold on, blinking as you held your daughter's tiny hand. Something felt wrong. Multiple people in nursing uniforms bustled into the narrow cave, their faces calm until they looked to you. 
"Kashi-" you managed through ragged breaths. You looked up at your husband as his beaming face handed his baby off carefully to a nurse. As he looked back down, his smile vanished as your eyes closed. 
"[Y/N]! [Y/N], are you okay?" you heard Kakashi's voice, pungent with anxiety. 
"Move aside, Hokage-sama," a voice commanded. 
The world lulled between darkness and reality. The pain increased while your head felt heavy, falling back to the earth below. 
"Her blood pressure is dropping," someone called out. 
"What's wrong with her?" 
"We have to get her back to a hospital."
"What's wrong with my wife?"
"Please, Hokage-sama! Stay back!" 
You woke up a few hours later. 
Your body ached, and your confusion was high. Groaning, you reached down to feel your belly. Realizing it was significantly smaller than usual, your eyes shot open at once.  
You were in a hospital room. A blood pressure cuff wrapped tightly around your arm, and an IV stuck in the crook of your elbow. Your confused state only heightened your anxiety. Frantically, you looked around the room as you uncomfortably sat up in bed. Your eyes landed on the opposite side of the room near the window. 
The rustling of bedsheets had startled him, turning around to see his concerned expression gaze over at you. In his arms, a small bundle of pink blankets was tucked across his chest. 
Carefully, he walked over to you, his gaze softening as he leaned down to kiss your forehead.
"I'm so glad you're okay," you heard him whisper, his voice cracking slightly. You looked up at him, the images of earlier flooding back to you. His eyes were full of love and admiration, smiling at you. 
"Can I hold her?" you asked, looking down at the little bundle you had heard him coo at. 
"You're her mother; why wouldn't you?" he chuckled, gingerly transferring the baby to your arms. 
Looking down, you felt tears begin to flow freely down your cheeks. Kakashi leaned over, his chin resting at your temple as he wrapped an arm behind your head. 
"She's so beautiful," you managed, your fingers touching her rough baby cheeks. Her squinted eyes slept peacefully in your arms. You had never felt such an overwhelming sense of love towards anything. 
"Like her mother," Kakashi murmured, nuzzling his nose fondly against your temple. You felt wetness near your hairline, realizing he was also crying. 
"Have you thought of a name yet?" You asked quietly, gently tracing your daughter's white eyebrows with your fingertip. 
"I did," he said, looking back down at the child, "but if you don't like it -"
"What is it?" you laughed gently. 
"Suki," he offered. 
You thought about it, smiling as you looked down at this little thing you and him had created. Through such turmoil you had both gone through to finally get to this moment. You smiled. 
"Yes," you said quietly. "Suki." 
Beloved one. 
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roughandtumble-r · 2 years
RoughandTumble-r talks about the Sonic IDW 2022 Annual!
It came out yesterday, so it’s time for me to talk about each story in the 2022 Annual! Also, today’s my birthday! Thank you for the present, IDW :3
(Also, spoilers ahead)
Blaze has finished defeating every pirate on her world and has the Sol Emeralds locked in a safe place for the time being, but she now isn’t sure what to do. Marine tells her that she should take a vacation, but having so many responsibilities and never really having the opportunity to do so before makes Blaze unsure about whether or not she should. And so, she decides to ask another guardian in a situation similar to her own, Knuckles, what he thinks she should do, and he tells her that she should indeed take some time off. And so, Blaze decides to give Marine the responsibility to call her if anything happens for a little bit and takes that time to go hang out with Sonic, Amy, and Cream. I think this story is really nice, and I think Blaze and Knuckles are a pair that really fit together well and have some nice interactions here. Also, Marine!
Taking place shortly after Tails and Belle first finish Omega’s new body, Tails recommends that he and Gemerl have a bit of a sparring match to test it out. A fight between the two then ensues while Omega tells Gemerl that he’s become weak after living with Cream and Vanilla, and he also offers to let him hang out with him to defeat Eggman alongside him. Gemerl declines however, as protecting Cream and Vanilla is what he’s dedicated his life to, and the two continue fighting before returning to the lab, having almost destroyed each other and earning each other’s respect. Like the previous story, I think Omega and Gemerl are a pair that makes a lot of sense when put together, but their differences in viewpoints and interactions with each other are really good and do a good job showcasing the differences between them while also showing their similarities at the same time.
Hero Camp:
Vanilla takes Cream to spend some time at a camp called Hero Camp that was advertised as a place for kids to learn to become heroes and learn camping skills, but little do they know that the two running it are actually Orbot and Cubot in disguise! After spending a day (not) learning camping stuff from them and coming to the realization that Orbot doesn’t know what a smore is, Cream realizes that something is up with the two leading the camp and leads the rest of the kids to use what they learned to beat them up! I like how the kids from the Sonic Fan Club in the first two annuals show up once again for this one, and I also thought it was pretty funny when Cream (who usually is the pacifist) just suddenly tells them to attack Orbot and Cubot :3
Future Growth:
Silver has just finished helping Sonic and the gang harvest some tomatoes from the Garden he and Blaze started back in the 2019 Annual, but something is bugging him, and he wanders off. Espio notices that something is off and follows him, and when he asks what’s up, Silver reveals that after all of the work he’s done in the past, his future has actually been saved, meaning he now isn’t sure what to do or why he’s even still in the past at all. Espio then tells him to just have faith in himself and that if anything happens, he has everyone else to help him. I find it kinda interesting how this story also kinda lines up with the first one, with both Silver and Blaze achieving their goals and not really knowing what to do afterward. I’m also wondering what this means for Silver in the series moving forward or if it ends up being more essential to the plot later down the line, but we’ll have to wait and see.
Another Grand Adventure for Jet the Hawk:
Jet is busy relaxing while reading a belated birthday card from his father (who exists, by the way) and preparing to eat a calzone, when all of a sudden, a Laser Wisp shows up and takes his calzone just as he’s about to eat it! Jet then goes to find the Wisp who stole it when he sees Whisper eating it while sniping at an Eggman robot, and it’s revealed that it was her own Laser Wisp who stole it! Jet then gets grabbed by the robot, and Whisper has to use Jet’s Extreme Gear to get a clear shot and blast the robot to save him. This one I think is pretty funny too, both because of the concept of Jet being upset about his calzone being stolen, and also because of the contrast between Jet and Whisper’s demeanors. Whisper snapping and yelling at Jet to be quiet was also pretty good :3
Rough Patch:
And to finish us off, here’s the one that unsurprisingly is my personal favorite of them :3 Rough and Tumble are having an argument about rhymes when the two decide that they’d be better off working on their own, and Tumble storms out of their new hideout in Spiral Hill Zone. Later that night, they both prepare to steal a Chaos Emerald from Jewel’s Museum when they suddenly realize that the other is also there, and they also notice that Tumble has teamed up with Rouge and that Rough has teamed up with Tangle. While Rough and Tumble then begin to fight amongst themselves, Rouge and Tangle then reveal that they only teamed up with them because Tumble had a plan to steal the Emerald and Rough begged Tangle to help him. Rouge and Tangle then decide to team up themselves to beat Rough and Tumble just as Rough and Tumble decide to set aside their differences and become bros again, but after doing so, Rouge takes the opportunity to snag the Emerald and fly away, leaving Tangle in tears. Obviously, the inclusion of Rough and Tumble was enough to get me on board for this one, but I also really like all the interactions between them and Rouge and Tangle, and I also really like the art Aaron Hammerstrom did for it...
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Best boys/10 :3
And that’s it for the 2022 Annual! Honestly, even though I also really liked the first two and am definitely looking forward to future ones, I think I liked this Annual more than the first two, and I really like every story in it for different reasons. We’ll also be getting Issue 52 next week, which is also pretty cool.
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lumosinlove · 4 years
It’s the Olympic break and the boys are taking a little vacation. Leo gets a spicy present in the morning, and then it’s Finn’s planned Leo-day around NYC, plus a promise from Logan.
Happy 20th birthday, Knutty!
Leo was sure that he always had some sort of checklist running in his head. He liked waking up and going through the day before it happened.
Leo woke up in Finn’s childhood bedroom on his twentieth birthday. There was the smell of coffee coming from just down the hall, and New York City was getting a fine dusting of snow outside. Most of the time, Leo was the first one awake—not to mention a few times in the middle of the night. He liked laying there with his eyes closed and listening to Finn and Logan breathing. Finn had rolled away in the night, but Logan was plastered against his side, breath warm against his neck.
“You’re awake?” Leo whispered softly to him.
“Because you’re awake,” Logan replied, accent heavy with sleep.
That was another thing. Logan seemed to have a sense for Leo’s irregular sleeping habits.
“How’d you know?”
Logan pressed a gentle kiss to Leo’s neck. “How’d you know?”
That made Leo smile a little. “Your breathing.”
“Mhm,” Logan said, and hooked his thigh higher across Leo’s hips. Leo reached down to drum his fingers lightly over the muscle.
“Happy Birthday,” Logan murmured the phrase into a kiss against Leo’s mouth this time.
“Thanks,” Leo smiled.
Finn made a noise in his sleep, and Leo felt them both turn to look at his bare back, but he didn’t stir any more.
Logan sighed, pressing closer to Leo’s chest.
“Where should we go for breakfast?” Leo whispered. “I was doing some research.”
Logan’s laugh was his soft morning one. “Of course you were.”
“I’m just thinking,” Leo said. “Hey, did you see the snow outside?”
Logan’s palm had started trailing warmly down his chest about half way through Leo’s thought process, and it was resting low on his stomach now.
“Oh?” Leo asked softly, his previous next words dying in his throat at Logan’s touch.
“Settle down, Peanut,” Logan whispered into the skin. “It’s your birthday.”
Then, he was disappearing beneath the blankets.
“Lo,” Leo let his eyes slip closed, a soft smile on his face.
Logan began to kiss his thighs first, tugging Leo’s underwear off and away. Leo bent his knees to help, trying not to kick Logan where he couldn’t see. Logan just used it as an opportunity to wrap his arms around them, pulling them close around his shoulders. Leo could feel the soft tickle of his hair as Logan’s mouth trailed along. He could feel himself filling quickly and settled into it, head dropping back on the pillows. He couldn’t see Logan, and so each touch was a surprise. It amplified the feeling, the sudden jolt of Logan’s lips brushing the head of his dick, just beginning to peak out of his foreskin.
Leo could hear his own breathing getting louder, too, and looked up to make sure the door was closed. Finn’s family was out there. He reached beneath the blankets to tangle his fingers into Logan’s hair, running a thumb along his temple. He heard Logan hum at the contact, and then felt his hot tongue dip around the tip of his dick, gathering the wetness dewing there. Leo pressed his calves into Logan’s sides.
The checklist was going askew. There was just Logan, and Finn’s stirring weight beside them. Seeming to have sensed their motion, Finn turned onto his back, cracking an eye open to glance at the blankets tented by Leo’s knees, and the absence of Logan from the other pillow.
“Huh,” Finn said as he squeezed his eyes shut and stretched his entire body. Leo laughed breathlessly when he heard a few loud pops in his back. Finn blinked his eyes open when he was done and smiled, rolling onto his side towards Leo. “Nice.”
Leo just parted his lips a little for Finn’s gentle kiss.
“Happy Birthday, baby,” Finn said softly into Leo’s mouth.
“Very,” Leo sighed. “Very happy.”
“Morning, Tremblay,” Finn said, peaking beneath the blankets and laughing as he reached to run a hand through Logan’s hair. “Hi.”
Logan just kissed Finn’s palm before returning his attention to Leo.
Finn drew the blankets back, hand still in Logan’s hair, and leaned in to kiss Leo again. “I have so many plans for us today. I’m gonna take you to the best spots, you’re going to love it so much. A Knutty-curated day.”
Leo looked down to see Logan mouthing at his hip bone. “This seems like a good start, then.”
Logan’s mouth became a warm heat around him as Finn kissed him leisurely. Finn’s hand cupped where Logan couldn’t reach. Leo loved this. The weight of sleep still lingering, making everything sharper. Finn kept saying soft I love yous, which Logan echoed in low hums that made him twitch. They brought him off slow and easy, Finn kisses growing more sloppy, the way he knew Leo liked, as he arched into Logan’s mouth.
Leo smiled, breathing hard as Finn bit gently at his bottom lip.
Logan pushed his way up his chest, pressing a kiss just above his collar bone. His hair was a mess from sleeping and the static and heat that being beneath the blankets brought. His cheeks were flushed and he was hard in his underwear, like Finn.
“Happy Birthday,” Logan laughed, and kissed Leo’s cheek.
“Well, yeah,” Leo wrapped his arms around Logan’s waist. “Fuck, Lo.”
Finn ran his hand through Leo’s hair and cocked an eyebrow in question. “Anything you want.”
Leo stretched, sleepy again and sated beneath Logan’s weight. “Just let me see you two. But don’t go too far away,” He pulled them closer towards each of his sides.
Logan hummed and tucked his face up against Leo’s neck as he pushed his underwear down below his balls and took himself in hand.
Finn nudged his nose against Leo’s cheek, following Logan’s lead and pressing up all along Leo’s other side. Leo pushed Finn’s underwear aside so he could press his cock against the soft skin of Leo’s hip, Leo’s other hand combing through Logan’s hair. He smiled, eyes hooded as Logan panted into his neck. They were hot against him, their thighs brushing together, hooked across Leo’s hips.
“Love you,” Leo said, and was answered by a kiss to his neck and a nip to his jaw.
Logan spilled first, and Finn followed, tensing and his breath stuttering like it always did. Logan buried his noises in Leo’s skin.
“Fuck,” Leo breathed as he watched the white paint his skin.
Finn moaned lowly and pressed a burst off kisses to Leo’s cheek, making him smile.
“Leo,” Logan said, but it sounded like he was just sighing his name. He pushed himself up on one elbow and looked down at Leo and Finn, pushing his hair out of his eyes. “Well, good morning.”
Finn threw the tissue he had used to clean them up in the direction of the garbage and laughed. “I have so much planned for today.”
Logan huffed back onto Leo’s chest. “Can we have coffee first?”
“Oh,” Finn said. “Can we ever,” and then threw himself on top of Logan, Leo laughing beneath their weight.
“You boys gonna watch USA against Canada today at three?” Haley O’Hara asked as she sipped her coffee and watched them put their coats on. “Pretty good game to have on your birthday.”
“We can’t miss Alex,” Leo said. “And Kasey, with their Olympics debuts.”
“But we have plans first,” Finn said. “We’re going to my favorite place. Which will be Leo’s favorite place.”
“Ah,” Haley smiled. “I know where that is. Have fun, Leo.”
Leo smiled. “I’m sure I will.”
“Where are we going for breakfast?” Logan asked.
“You’ll see, you’ll see,” Finn said, pulling Logan’s hat down over his eyes. “Man, you without your coffee…”
Leo laughed. “Yeah, Harz, and I thought you were bad.” He righted Logan’s hat for him, and kissed him softly.
Haley was smiling at him when he looked up. “You boys have fun. And Happy Birthday again, Leo.”
New York was cold, but Leo didn’t mind. They huddled together as they walked, Logan jokingly running every once in a while as if to keep up with Leo. Finn took them to a bakery with tall, heavy doors, but hustled them to a table without letting them look at what was offered too much.
Logan leaned back in his chair and hooked his ankles around Leo’s beneath the table while they waited.
“You’re—très beau.”
Leo rolled his eyes but smiled, leaning his chin in his hand and looking at the way Logan’s white beanie made his eyes brighter. If anyone was beautiful…
Logan mirrored his position, smile teasing. “Maybe I’ll take you to Nice this summer. No one knows us there. I’ll give you the best wine, and we can swim in the sea, and I’ll watch you read your books with our feet in the sand.”
Leo tilted his head, listening and loving.
Logan smiled, like he could tell. “And we’ll walk through all the markets…”
Leo nodded. “I want that. But not because it’s my birthday. Just because I want to be there with you.”
Logan was perfect in the snow, but Leo was dying to see him in a small, French village.
“Love you,” Logan said softly.
“Love you, sweetheart. Do you know what he’s up to?” Leo flit his eyes to Finn, who looked like he was charming the socks off of the girl and boy working the register. Something smelled incredible, like chocolate and bread.
“Not a clue,” Logan said, then laughed. “He hasn’t trusted me with secret plans since I told you I loved you first.”
Leo snorted. “Oh, yeah, that makes sense.”
“I do know this place, though,” Logan smiled. “And I think I can guess what he’s bringing you.”
“It’s as sweet-tooth as Harz gets.”
“Here we go,” Finn said, announcing himself. He was carrying a tray with three steaming cups on it, and three frankly giant croissants. “Okay, okay, now listen up, Lovernut.”
Leo put his arm along the back of their booth, behind Finn as he sat down. It was a gesture he’d learned quickly that he could do, even in a crowded place. “I’m listening.”
“This, darling—”
“You're so dramatic,” Logan shook his head.
“—is a pretzel croissant.”
Leo tilted his head. “What makes it pretzel?”
“Now,” Finn placed it carefully in front of Leo. “Get any visions of those big vendor pretzels out of your head. This is like—God compared to those.”
Leo and Logan glanced at each other, hiding smiles. It was as if they could just trade the one, single thought they were both thinking. We love him.
“Uh-huh, Harz,” Leo laughed. “And is that hot chocolate?”
“This is the thickest chocolate you’re ever going to have, and floating inside,” Finn slid the large cup beside the croissant. “You will find the worlds largest homemade marshmallow.”
“Why does it sound like you’re selling a car?” Logan laughed.
“It needs a speech,” Finn smiled. His cheeks were still red from the cold. “All right, most important part.”
It did smell amazing. “Yeah?”
Finn took his own croissant. “Rip,” he ripped it, “dip,” he dipped the croissant into the hot chocolate. “And…nothing rhymes, I don’t know, but it’s so good.”
Leo let his hand brush Finn’s neck as he retrieved it to take his own croissant in hand. “Lo? Is it?”
Logan, who had already torn a big piece and soaked in in chocolate, shrugged, then smiled. “Could be sweeter.”
They walked just a few blocks until Leo laughed when he recognized a large, red awning from one of Finn’s many sweatshirts.
“The Strand,” Leo smiled. “You’re always talking about this place. Aw, Harz.”
“You fucking bet I am,” Finn said. “Come on.”
They walked through the shelves slowly, starting downstairs in the fiction and history sections. Logan trailed behind, occasionally taking pictures of the two of them and smiling at his phone for a moment.
In one of the deserted, narrow rows, Finn pressed Leo carefully against a bookshelf and kissed him soundly.
“Hey, hey,” Leo heard Logan say, and pulled Leo down for one of his own.
Logan held up his phone to show a picture of Leo and Finn standing over a book with their heads tilted together. “I’m never going to be able to stop looking at this one.”
“Send it to me, Lo,” Finn said, and took the pile of books in Leo’s hands. “Come on. Let me buy you those, and then let’s go home, get warm, and watch the game. Sound okay? And I have a dinner plan for us tonight.”
Leo, honestly, felt a little choked up at just the perfect thought, and nodded quickly. “Yes. Yeah, perfect.”
The hot chocolate had good. The window shopping, too, and the books, and the pastries. But this, Finn’s chest against his back, Logan’s back against Leo’s chest while they shouted at the TV. This was all Leo wanted for his birthday.
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How is your version of the Monster High movies different from the canon? Like, what’s your version of Why Do Ghouls Fall in Love, Escape From Skull Shores, Boo York, Scaris: City of Frights, Fright On, Ghouls Rule, Friday Night Frights, and 13 Wishes? I would LOVE to hear how you would rewrite them for your Reimagined series!! I also love how you have background characters like Invisi-Billy and Johnny become the main cast instead of just all girls. I also want to know what town Monster High is set in because they never said WHERE the movies take place.
Okay, this is gonna be a long one. Let's start with the name of the town near Monster High. Old Salem. Cuz the human town in Ghouls Rule is named New Salem. That's all I could come up with.
Now. The movies. Aka, The Timeline!
Let's begin. (Keep in mind that this could change in the future)
New kids at School.
A new School year at Monster High. We get to see the first month of school for new kids, Frankie, Gil and Abbey. We also get to see Invisi-Billy dealing with his new roommate Johnny Spirit.
Main Cast : Frankie Stein. Toralei Stripe. Draculaura. Clawdeen Wolf. Cleo De Nile. Deuce Gorgon. Lagoona Blue. Gil Webber. Abbey Bominable. Heath Burns. Clawd Wolf. Invisi-Billy Where. Johnny Spirit. Ghoulia Yelps.
Fright On!
Belfry Prep and Full Moon high merge with Monster High, bringing a bunch of new students with them. Most notable being Gory Fangtell and Dee O'Gee. Both leaders of their respective student body and they absolutely hate each other. Starting a race war between Vampires and Werewolves. With Clawdeen and Draculaura caught in the middle. And if that's not enough, the so called "human-monster relationship expert" is actually planning on hunting them all down.
Main Cast : Draculaura. Clawdeen Wolf. Clawd Wolf. Howleen Wolf. Romulus Timberwolf. Dee O'Gee. Gory Fangtell. Van Hellscream.
Why do Ghouls fall in love?
It's valentines day at Monster High. Also Draculaura's birthday! And Clawdeen is determined to make it the best day ever for her girlfriend. But Draculaura's ex-boyfriend Kieran Valentine shows up with the intend to win her back. Meanwhile Johnny deals with the fact he might be falling in love. And what secrets does the office of former student, C.A. Cupid hold?
Main Cast : Draculaura. Clawdeen Wolf. Kieran Valentine. Johnny Spirit. Invisi-Billy Where. Frankie Stein. Toralei Stripe. Cleo De Nile. Deuce Gorgon. Neightan Rot. Holt Hyde.
Skull Shores.
A group of students go on a special trip to Skull shores. The best monster friendly vacation resort in the world! The Wolf sisters try to sleep during the day to enjoy the night with Draculaura and Twyla. Johnny asks Neightan for love advice. Hoodude leads Manny, Iris, Wydowna and Billy on "exciting" Island trips. Lagoona helps Gil with his fear of the ocean. And Frankie, Toralei, Cleo and Deuce go on a mystery boat trip and make a huge discovery.
Main Cast : Frankie Stein. Toralei Stripe. Cleo De Nile. Deuce Gorgon. Andy Beast. Bartleby Farnum. Johnny Spirit. Neightan Rot. Lagoona Blue. Gil Webber. Hoodude Voodoo. Manny Taur. Iris Clops. Wydowna Spider. Invisi-Billy Where. Draculaura. Clawdeen Wolf. Howleen Wolf. Twyla Boogeyman.
Friday Night Frights.
Two rollerblading teams. Monster High vs Granite City. Only one winner. Let the race begin!
Main Cast : Operetta Phantom. Clawd Wolf. Clawdeen Wolf. Robecca Steam. Lagoona Blue.
Ghouls Rule.
Frankie gets upset over the incorrect presentation about Halloween. This is nothing like what she read about. She gets some surprising support from Johnny Spirit. He knows what Halloween is and this is wrong. But trying to show how humans really act during Halloween ends with Jackson and Holt getting arrested by humans! It's time for the Monsters to save them.
Main Cast : Frankie Stein. Johnny Spirit. Jackson Jekyll. Holt Hyde. Claire. Chad. Lilith Von Hellscream. Toralei Stripe. Invisi-Billy Where.
Scaris : City of Frights!
Clawdeen wins an opportunity to intern under her fashion icon. Moanatella Ghostier. But she's in competition with 2 other designers. Skelita Calaveras and Jinafire Long. Meanwhile, Rochelle goes searching for her missing boyfriend Garrot with the help of Spectra and Operetta and the local street artist Catrine DeMew.
Main Cast : Clawdeen Wolf. Draculaura. Rochelle Goyle. Operetta Phantom. Spectra Vondergeist. Garrot Durogue. Skelita Calaveras. Jinafire Long. Catrine DeMew. Moanatella Ghostier.
13 Wishes.
Howleen is going through a lot and the bullying from Gory Fangtell just sets her off. She ends up with a magical lamp containing a genie, Gigi Grant. Howleen, still in a fragile state of mind easily becomes manipulated by the shadow genie Whisp. Howleen's wishes end up making Gil a daredevil with no regard for his safety! And she erases Cleo from everyone's memory, almost everyone. Seems artificial minds are immune to genie magic. Clawdeen just wants to help her sister but things don't go well. Can Howleen be saved before it's too late?
Main Cast : Howleen Wolf. Twyla Boogeyman. Clawdeen Wolf. Gigi Grant. Whisp. Cleo De Nile. Robecca Steam. Hoodude Voodoo. Lagoona Blue. Gil Webber. Frankie Stein. Toralei Stripe. Ghoulia Yelps. Abbey Bominable.
Frights! Camera! Action!
Draculaura gets the chance to become the next vampire queen. Of course, she prefers to go on a quest to find the real one. And right when she's away is when Valentine and Whisp return trying to redeem themselves.
Main Cast : Draculaura. Clawdeen Wolf. Cleo De Nile. Deuce Gorgon. Robecca Steam. Clawdia Wolf. Honey Swamp. Viperine Gorgon. Kieran Valentine. Whisp. Elissabat Von Vamp. Lord Stoker.
Freaky Fusion.
It's Monster High's anniversary! And in an attempt to learn more about the past of the school, the ghouls end up going to the past! Where Robecca gets to meet her missing father. They try to return but once they get back to the present, they experience some interesting side effects. They fused! Can the hybrids help Cleolei, Lagoonafire, Clawvenus and Ghoulankie to cooperate?
Main Cast : Frankie Stein. Ghoulia Yelps. Cleo De Nile. Toralei Stripe. Lagoona Blue. Jinafire Long. Clawdeen Wolf. Venus McFlytrap. Neightan Rot. Avea Trotter. Bonita Femur. Sirena Von Boo. Viktor "Sparky" Frankenstein.
Frankie is being haunted. While Toralei is tormented by the return of Meowlody and Purrsephone. Spectra spreading rumors isn't exactly helping. While Twyla, Rochelle, Garrot and Sirena try to help Frankie with her haunting, Toralei joins them as they follow Spectra into the ghost world. And poor Johnny literally gets dragged into the adventure leaving a distressed Invisi-Billy no other choice but to get Headmistress Bloodgood involved.
Main Cast : Frankie Stein. Toralei Stripe. Spectra Vondergeist. Twyla Boogeyman. Rochelle Goyle. Garrot Durogue. Sirena Von Boo. Johnny Spirit. Invisi-Billy Where. Headmistress Bloodgood. Principal Revenant. Porter Geiss. Kiyomi Haunterly. River Styxx. Vandala Dubloons.
Boo York!
Catty Noir invites some friends to join her to Boo York where she's gonna perform at a royal wedding. The same wedding Cleo was invited too. Upon arriving they learn Cleo's disowned father somehow promised her away in an arranged marriage. While they come up with a way to break the marriage, Catty's voice gets stolen by the werecat twins, employed by Nefera De Nile. During the chaos Johnny decides now is apparently the right time to confess his feelings for Billy. Also, there's a meteor. And it's a musical. Yay!
Main Cast : Catty Noir. Cleo De Nile. Deuce Gorgon. Ramses De Nile. Nefera De Nile. Pharaoh. Johnny Spirit. Invisi-Billy Where. Neightan Rot. Frankie Stein. Toralei Stripe. Meowlody and Purrsephone. Luna Mothews. Elle Eedee. Mouscedes King. Astranova.
The Great Scarrier Reef
A fight between Lagoona and Toralei results in them falling into the pool, suddenly transported to the Great Scarrier Reef. And they're not allowed to leave until Lagoona faces her demons. For once Operetta and Johnny agree for Lagoona to hurry up so they can stop being half fish!
Main Cast : Lagoona Blue. Toralei Stripe. Gil Webber. Frankie Stein. Operetta Phantom. Johnny Spirit. Kala Mer'ri. Posea Reef. Peri and Pearl Serpentine.
Scarily Ever After
During the great school clean up. Draculaura finds a magical book in the attic. Suddenly, she, Clawdeen, Cleo, Deuce and Johnny get pulled into a fairytale maze where they run into the students of Ever After High, Raven Queen, Apple White, Maddie Hatter, Briar Beauty and Sparrow Hood, trying to stop The Evil Queen, Raven's mother, from enslaving Monster High. As if that's not enough, a magical stream swaps the Monsters with the Fairytale students. And who's this mysterious Euna?
Main Cast : Draculaura. Raven Queen. Clawdeen Wolf. Maddie Hatter. Cleo De Nile. Apple White. Deuce Gorgon. Briar Beauty. Johnny Spirit. Sparrow Hood. The Evil Queen. Euna.
And that's all I have so far. Of course there's stuff happening in between. Like the Bloom and Gloom and Freak Du Chic. But this is what I have so far.
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emerald-chaos · 3 years
Thinking about Christmas (and I know it’s June let me have this) but what about a fluffy piece of you and Bucky trying to outdo each other with gifts and it just gets out of hand? like I’m thinking Winston Bishop level over the top…if you want haha. I just think it would be cute :))) or if you don’t want to do Christmas it could be like an anniversary or Valentine’s Day or something !! :)) also I hope your work goes well, friend!
OMG thank you so much for this ask!!! I absolutely love the idea and I kind of ran away with it. Some things are a little exaggerated for the sake of the over-the-topness, but I LOVED writing this and couldn’t help but be extra. I hope you enjoy, friend! 💖
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Warnings: Cursing and a whole lot of fluff; set during TFATWS
Not beta’d and written on my phone during work so forgive me if there’s mistakes!
The great Christmas present war of 2023 was one that would go down in the history books, that’s what Bucky and you agreed upon whenever you set your terms and conditions for the year.
The two of you had been inseparable for a couple of years now and he was just about the only person who could match your level of competitiveness. It carried over into everything you did - who is at a higher level in candy crush, who can eat the most mini quiches at Peter’s grad party, who can take the most shots (he had an unfair advantage to this one). Christmas gift giving was no exception to this.
In fact, the two of you always went all out for the other during a special occasion. Last year for your birthday, Bucky paid for the two of you to go on a vacation together, all expenses paid. The year before that, you had gotten him 104 gifts for his 104th birthday.
People had always asked the two of you if you were a couple and you both vehemently denied. It was painfully obvious that the two of you were in love, but neither of you were willing to admit it. You both worked so well as friends that it almost didn’t feel like it needed to be a relationship. Although, you would be lying if you said you didn’t think about kissing him at least once a day.
Perhaps that was part of the reason why you went all out during holidays and other special occasions. That was your way of saying I love you, without actually saying the words. Mostly, it was the fact that the two of you cared so deeply for one another and you wanted to spoil each other at any opportunity.
So when Bucky came to you to discuss your “agreements” for this year’s Christmas, you weren’t surprised when he added a bet to it.
“I bet you I can get you the best gifts during Christmas.” He spoke proudly, as though he knew there was no way you could show him up.
“First of all, ‘gifts during Christmas’? You might as well give your plan away, Barnes.” You rolled your eyes, “Secondly, I know for a fact that I will kick your ass. We all know I am the superior gift giver.”
Bucky scoffed and took his turn rolling his eyes. He leaned back in his chair at the diner as he raised his coffee to his lips.
“Alright then. So you agree to the bet.”
“Well, hold on now. I never said that. I can’t agree to something that I don’t know.” You leaned forward on your forearms onto the table.
“Loser buys the winner’s lunches for a year.” Bucky grinned, setting his mug back down on the table.
If there was one thing you and Bucky did quite frequently aside from argue and compete, it was eating. Every day for the last 2 years you two had been meeting for a daily lunch. Bucky could pack away a meal, meaning this bet could get very expensive.
“Deal.” You weren’t about to back down, especially not to him.
You held your hand out and he shook it, sealing the deal. This meeting was back in November, and you had no idea the antics that would ensue.
It all started on the first of December when Bucky told you he bought you a new car, only to show up with an RC version of a sports car. After beating him with a pillow for being such a dumbass, the two of you had car races around your living room (which you, of course, won).
The next day you countered back with a brand new Rolex watch. While it was a very lavish gift, you really just bought it for him to see him wear it. Something about the way it sat on his wrist made you feel butterflies.
The shenanigans continued like this throughout the month of December.
Bucky had taken you to the zoo and surprised you by getting you two a private photo session with the sloth, your favorite animal. You surprised Bucky by using your free time to take some lessons from Shuri, so you could help Bucky with any malfunctions he may experience with his arm.
Every single day the two of you exchanged a gift, doing everything possible to one up the other person. When Christmas Day rolled around, you were convinced you were going to win.
One day while out with friends, you noticed a Motorcycle that had a ‘for sale’ sign on it. It was in immaculate condition, only being sold because the man’s partner refused to let him own “a death trap”. With your artfulness in persuasion, you were able to talk him down on the price and walked away with a solid deal.
The diner the two of you frequented was open 24/7/365, so the two of you agreed to meet there after your respective Christmas obligations. You sat in the chair, sipping coffee anxiously while you waited for Bucky to show up. The keys to the motorcycle were burning a hole in your pocket and you couldn’t wait to see the look on his face.
When Bucky finally did stroll in, he was sporting his signature smirk. Something about the way he walked seemed…different. There was something about his stride that exuded confidence, like he was on top of the world and no one could reach him.
“Smiling because you’re excited to buy my lunches for the next year?” You teased, wearing a smirk to match his own.
He clicked his tongue and sat down in his seat, lacing his fingers in front of him as his arms rested on the table.
“Not quite, sweetheart.”
There was that confidence again. It was almost like Bucky Barnes was a different person, and this new person was exceptionally attractive. Of course Bucky had a pretty face, but something about the confidence and the way he held himself today was making you feel some type of way.
“You go first.” He spoke, breaking you from your thoughts.
“Close your eyes.” You ordered, slipping your hand into your pocket to reach the key.
Bucky did as instructed, holding out his hand whenever you asked. With a deep breath, you dropped the key in his hand.
“Okay. You can open.”
Bucky’s gaze met yours first before drifting down to the palm of his hand. Whenever you explained what it was, there was an emotion on Bucky’s face you couldn’t quite read. It didn’t necessarily look like disappointment, but you couldn’t see a bright smile either.
“I can’t let you give me this.” He stated simply, meeting your eyes again.
“Of course you can. Plus, I cannot listen to you complain about yours anymore. I’ll bang my head against a wall.” You leaned back in your chair and crossed your arms over your chest.
Bucky looked like he swallowed hard before closing his hand around the key.
“Well, this sure makes my gift look lame in comparison.” He chuckled breathlessly.
You grinned triumphantly at the words. Of course you had won the bet, there was no way he had something better than this planned.
“That’s okay, Buck. I’ll entertain you anyway.” You quipped.
Bucky sported his signature scowl as he rolled his eyes, “Have you always been this annoying?”
“Only my whole life.” You smiled sweetly.
A few moments passed before Bucky finally lifted himself from his seat to walk over and slot himself beside you. Your brows pulled together in confusion as you turned your body to face him.
Bucky laid an arm over the back of your chair as he faced you. Now, you weren’t a super soldier, but you swore you could hear the rhythm of his heartbeat pick up exponentially as he looked into your eyes. As he sat before you, eyes traveling over the expanse of your face, it clicked in your mind what was about to happen.
Before you had a chance to speak, Bucky leaned in and placed his lips on yours. It was like someone lit a firework inside your nervous system. Every nerve ending was sounding an alarm as heat began to wash over you. Bucky’s lips were more chapped than yours, but the kiss was so soft. His metal hand met your cheek, the contrast of cool against hot sending a shiver down your spine.
In that moment, it felt like the whole world melted away. The diner, the patrons, the idea of exchanging gifts - it was all gone. There was Bucky and there was you.
Bucky pulled away slightly, chest heaving as he studied your face for a response. You could feel that your eyes were wide and that your lips were parted slightly, but you were so drunk off his kiss that you couldn’t speak. Instead, you took his face in your hands and pulled him back in.
The two of you kissed for a minute before hearing the increasingly loud throat-clearing that was coming from your waitress. You pulled away quickly, embarrassed that you had been caught making out like a couple of teenagers. Bucky began to run his lower lip with his hand and you averted your eyes to the waitress.
“Here’s your tab. You pay upfront.” She stated simply, dropping the receipt on the table and walking away.
You cleared your own throat before looking at Bucky again, who couldn’t pull his gaze away from your face. He looked at you like you hung the moon, the sun, and all the stars.
The two of you wordlessly made an agreement to pay your tab and go outside. Bucky leaned back against his car as you stood before him.
“So…” Bucky started, unable to finish the sentence due to you closing the gap between the two of you and taking his lips in another searing kiss.
Bucky’s hands found your waist and squeezed, kissing you back with the same intensity you gave him. This time, it was you who pulled away.
“You win.” You whispered, giggling as you saw the grin decorate his lips.
“Merry Christmas, sweets.”
“Merry Christmas, Bucky.”
The two of you shared another kiss - the act slowly becoming one of your favorite things to do. Bucky began to mumble against your lips.
“Can’t believe you bought me a fuckin’ motorcycle.”
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