#n then we went to get him February 14th
plushie-lovey · 2 years
My datemate's birthday is coming up, and he's hoping for it he can get all of his stuff from his parent's place (and in turn a visit from his mom, since she hasn't seen him in what will be a full year and four days on his bday). Out of everything he's excited to have his favorite stuffed animal to cuddle with again, a 3ft tall emperor penguin who's called Penguin (recently named Cuddles. But we still just refer to him as Penguin). I bought Penguin for him in a goodwill for like $4 about 2 years ago, and it's been my love's favorite thing ever since. He says Penguin is the perfect firmness for cuddling, as he likes a stiff stuffed animal. He really misses holding him. So I hope his mom comes thru and brings all his stuff. But at the very least, Penguin.
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box-of-roses · 7 months
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ Letter ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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Characters: Seijoh 4, Y/N, Oikawa’s Fangirls
Synopsis: After spending the entire night trying to make the perfect confession letter you get to the end of the day. In your anxious state you find unlikely help.
Warnings: Confessions
Words: 1353
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February 14th. Today. The thought of what you’re going to do makes you cringe. You had spent the whole night trying to write a confession letter. After much editing and rewriting you finally settled on one. You placed it in a carefully picked out envelope and sealed it with your new wax.
You didn't know what to expect from the object of your affections. You feared the worst of course, I mean you’ve barely had three conversations with the man. Despite that though he listened intently each time. He made it at least seem like he cared. Today you were going to find out just how much.
Sluggishly making it through your first classes, letter weighing heavily in your bag. You resisted the temptation to reach down and fiddle with the edges. You didn’t want to give a damaged confession letter when you spent so much time trying to perfect it. This day was going to take so long. Your anxiety weighed on you through the day, your bag feeling heavier and heavier with each minute. Your friends of course noticed and asked if you were okay. You told them of your plan and giggles went around the table.
They weren’t making fun of you. They just thought it was adorable. They were trying to be supportive but you really just wanted the day to be done. Your eyes were growing tired of seeing similar versions of the same chocolates, bears, and flowers. The confession you planned dulled in comparison and you grew more worried it wasn’t enough or right to get your feelings across. One of your friends reassured you that the confession was perfect because it would be from you.
It made you smile how they tried to cheer you up. As the final bell of the day rang you quickly packed your stuff up. You made your way to the gym before stopping. This was supposed to be the easy part, just have to give it to him. Unfortunately you were already stopped. You turn to see a group of Oikawa’s fangirl.
“Are you here to confess?”
“Yeah! To who?” They didn’t seem mean which surprised you. You would’ve though that they would be very mean towards you possibly thinking that you were trying to confess to Oikawa.
“Matsukawa.” You admitted with a cough as you looked away, cheeks heating up. The girls let out an aww.
“Okay! Since we can see you’re nervous we can help. We’ve gone through this plenty of times. Come sit with us during practice so we can help.” The lead girl smiled and took your arm to lead you to the bleachers. Once you all settled into your seats you showed them your letter.
The lead girl, Haru, looked the letter over a calm smile on her face. “This is adorable. I think he’s going to really like it.”
Because they were so caught up helping you they didn’t notice Oikawa come in. Confused, he looked up to see them surrounding one girl. He was a little concerned but when he looked a bit closer he saw a letter in your hand and smiled on everyone’s faces. He smiled mischievously and made his way over to Iwaizumi. “Seems like someone’s getting
confession letter.”
Iwaizumi sighed not wanting to deal with his antics. “No one cares that you’re getting another confession letter Shittykawa.” Oikawa pointed to where his fangirls were sitting closely inspecting a letter.
“I’ve never seen them act like this. It’s most likely not for me.” Little did he know someone was already looking at you. Much to the dismay of Makki.
“Are you going to look at them all practice?” He knew about Matsukawa’s little crush. I mean it was pretty easy to tell: the smiles, the glances, his very red face when he did get to talk to you. Now Matsukawa wasn’t generally a jealous guy but seeing you with a confession letter did something.
The entire practice he thought about who on the team it might be for. He settled on Oikawa. I mean, you were sitting with his fangirls. He didn’t know why they were being so sweet to you though.
After the girls were finished giving you tips on how to confess you all watched the game. They went back to their usual and cheering for Oikawa. They gave you reassuring smiled and thumbs up often though. You started to feel less nervous about what was going to happen in 15 minutes.
You smiled as you watched them all play to their heart's content. It made you happy seeing them happy while they were playing. That seems silly but seeing people really enjoy what they’re doing is the best thing. 13 minutes.
The closer it got the more you looked at Mattsun. You saw him joke around with Makki, saw how he teased Oikawa. Which caused you to laugh as you heard the joke. You muffled it by placing a hand over your mouth though. 10 minutes.
Mattsun looked at you the closer it got to the end of practice too. He cracked more jokes than usual. Hoping you would find him funny. When he saw you laugh he hoped it was because of him and not something Oikawa had somehow done. Makki noticed and patted him on the back. “Simp.” Mattsun rolled his eyes and pushed him a little bit. 9 minutes.
As the minutes counted down the girls returned their attention towards you. “We can come with you if you want. Emotional support and all. Make sure you’re actually able to give it to him.” You smiled. They were being so nice. It was a pleasant surprise when you arrived earlier and they greeted you. You were very thankful for them. 7 minutes.
“I’m still a little nervous but having you guys will help. Thank you.” They nodded and smiled. One girl pulled tape out of her bag and helped close the letter. Another helped you decorate it to keep your mind off of confessing.
“It’s a very sweet confession letter. You’ve got this.” 3 minutes.
Once practice was finally over the boys headed to the locker room to take their showers and change. Mattsun felt more nervous as he was finishing. What if it really was for Oikawa. Makki noticed his nerves and gave him a little smile. “Don’t think too much about it.” He tried. He took a breath through his nose and out his mouth. It helped a little bit.
The girls walked with you to the entrance of the gym and kept you company until they saw him walk out. They turned you around and gave you a gentle push towards him. Your face heated up and you took in a sharp breath. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. You looked at them again to see they were all smiling and giving you a thumbs up. Haru mouthed ‘You got this!’
They disappeared around the corner. You made your way up to Matsukawa. “Hi Matsukawa…can I speak to you for a minute alone?” His face heated up and he felt dazed. Were you trying to confess to him? Surely not? He agreed and you gently held onto his sleeve and pulled him off to an empty corner.
You tried to smile and gave him your letter. “This is for you.” You looked away and scratched your head. Mattsun stared gaping at the letter. It was really for him. He smiled and opened it appreciating the drawing over the surface.
You couldn’t look at him while he read it and were worried. Because you weren’t looking at him though you didn’t see how much he was smiling and the blush covering his face. When he finished he tapped you on the shoulder. “Y/N. Can you look at me?”
You hesitated but eventually met his eyes. He was smiling at you like you hung the stars into the sky. “Can I kiss you?” You were taken aback but nodded with a similar smile on your own face. He leaned in and cupped your face. He placed a gentle kiss on your lips.
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Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed!!! If you liked this you can find my other works here! Happy Valentine’s Day!!!!
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imdefinitelyfloating · 7 months
A Perfect Chaos (spencer reid x reader)
Pairing: Spencer x fem! Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
This will switch between Spencer’s POV and Reader’s POV – the first paragraph is Reader, and from there it alternates. I hope it isn’t too difficult to follow along!
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The universe can be funny sometimes. It puts us in places we never expect to be, and sets into motion the new chapter of our lives. And I believe that is exactly what happened when I walked into the BAU bullpen on my first day at my new job, 3 years ago. The only empty desk sat across from a man, with his curly golden locks, his sharp jawline, and the softest eyes; I was sure, this was the most beautiful man I had ever seen. I don’t know if I believe in love at first sight, but that’s the only way I can describe what I felt at that very fateful moment.
My whole life, I’ve been trying to narrow down all the things around me to an exact science. But when she walked in that day, I felt something I had never experienced before. I was… speechless. The way her hair flowed, the way her eyes sparkled, the way her skin shone despite the harsh lighting of the BAU bullpen; I’m sure, this was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid my eyes upon. There’s an old Buddhist saying that, when you meet your soulmate, remember that the act to bring you together was 500 years in the making. So always appreciate and be kind to each other. I don’t know if I believe in soulmates, but that’s the only way I can describe what she would become to me.
Spencer and I became fast friends after I joined the BAU. I don’t know if it was intentional or just a simple coincidence, but Hotch always paired us together on cases, we sat opposite each other every day, and even rode all the same trains on the Metro. It’s safe to say we were quickly becoming the best of friends; we’d have Doctor Who marathons at his place, and have sleepovers at mine. Platonic, of course. There is no doubt in my mind that this is who I love, and this is who want to spend the rest of my life with. But I know he’ll never feel the same way, not for me.
Y/n became a place of comfort for me after tough cases, and she’d always be the one to pull me out and lift me up. She was my best friend, and I loved her, in more ways than she could even understand. I still remember the first time we sat together on the jet. It was a long case, and everyone was worn out. I felt the warmth radiating from her as she rested her head on my shoulder. I’m not the best with touch, but with her I didn’t mind. With her, I wish I could stay like that for all eternity. But I know she’ll never feel the same way, not for me.
Sitting opposite the man everyday, I quickly realised how much Spence loved his coffee (or in his case, sugar with a hint of coffee!) It soon became a tradition for us to bring coffee for each other every morning, and to go down to the little coffee shop a few blocks away on our shared breaks. As we’d walk, he would ramble on about Star Trek, and I’d counter back with my love of Star Wars! If there’s anyone who was going to challenge one of my favourite movie series, I’m glad it was him.
Valentine’s Day was always tough for me. To be honest, I was never really bothered by it until I met Y/n. Seeing her almost every day, but not being able to hold her, not being able to tell her how I really felt, it killed me inside. Every year, I thought this time I’m going to tell her. But when I would open my mouth to speak, it was like I’d forget how to talk, how to breathe. Now, three years later, I’m still just as speechless as I was when I had first met her.
February 14th – a day of love. It was meant to be a beautiful day, but for me it was just another day gone by when I hadn’t confessed my feelings to the man I so desperately wanted to hold, and to love. Still, me and Spence both went for our daily coffee break, both pretending to ignore the clearly obvious tension between us. We both had a lot of paperwork to get through, so we ordered our drinks to go. February in DC is unpredictable to say the least; the sun was finally shining through as we stepped into the small café, but as we stepped out, I felt the rain brush upon my face as I looked up to see clouds looming above us once again. And of course, just my luck, I don’t have my umbrella!
I must have forgotten my umbrella at my desk. The rain is really coming down now, so Y/n and I decide to take a shortcut through the park. We’re practically running now, and well, I’m not the most athletic of individuals. I stop at a bench, with Y/n coming back to hopelessly get me back up. She quickly gives in, sitting down on the small, wooden bench with me. The two of us sit in silence as I struggle to catch my breath in the cold Virginia air. But just as I felt my breath coming down to a more normal pace, I heard Y/n ask me the question I had been hoping she would never ask.
“So, Reid, who’s your Valentine’s?”
It had become something she’d ask me each year, always pestering me to go on dates or trying to set me up with one of her friends. But all I wanted to say was “I wish it was you.” It amazed me, a profiler, and she is still oblivious to how I really feel about her. Instead, I just brush her question off and ask her one instead.
“Who’s yours, Y/n?”
It’s now or never. If I don’t tell him now, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. He has to know.
“I wish you were my Valentine.”
Is this real? Did she really just say that? No, she must be joking. She could never love someone like me. I’ll just laugh it off. Why isn’t she saying anything? And that’s when I saw it. I looked in her eyes. She’s serious? This is happening? Oh, this is happening. It’s now or never, she has to know. And with that, I pressed my lips to hers, and we stayed like that. The rain was pouring, the wind was howling. People were shouting “Get a room!” But we didn’t care. You always hear it in children’s fairytales, that when you truly love someone nothing else matters, the whole world stops except for you. I had never believed it until now, but Y/n is my fairytale come true.
As our lips parted from one another, we rested our foreheads together. Magic really does exist, because Spencer Reid is my magic.
Eventually, Y/n and I made it back to work. We were so ready for a trademark Hotch glare, coming back so long after our break had finished. But all we heard was Rossi, “Finally, thank God they admitted it!” I was about to speak, but Y/n read my mind and beat me to it:
“How did you- HOW?!”
Everyone erupted into a fit of laughter, Emily and JJ making pointing fingers and teasing as Garcia literally suffocated me in a classic Penelope hug. And then there’s Morgan patting Spencer a little too enthusiastically on the back, “Pretty Boy, my man!” Even Hotch gave a rare smile as he and Rossi observed the scene. It was a perfect chaos, and in the middle of it all stood Spencer and I, my soulmate and I.
Thank you for reading! 🥰💗
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mellowmistt · 3 months
Valentines-Chris Sturniolo
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Summary: It is Chris and your's first valentines day as a couple, after a long day of work, you recieves a call from chris explaining that he had made big plans for the evening..
Warnings: ✨freaky✨; fluff; smut; established relationship; swearing;oral (m receiving);unprotected sex;NO use of y/n
A/N: This is kinda long but stick around, it’s worth it :) I know I usually say I don’t overuse names such as baby, but I did use it a lot in this story as it was just fitting. Okay enjoy, feel free to comment requests <3
"Have fun tonighttt!" I say to my colleaugue Jess, who had been babling all day about her romantic evening with her boyfriend. She kept asking me what Chris was planning for me, but he hadn't said anything except his usual 'Morning, how are you princess?' morning text. He probably just thinks valentines is overrated, why have a day designated to spending time with your partner when you have every day with them. I sorta feel that way too to be completely honest, growing up it would always confuse me why everyone would get so fluttered about February 14th, and how they don't have a valentine. Whatever.
I left the boutique and headed towards my mini across the street. I was about a mile away from my apartment complex when an incoming call alert showed on the car screen, it was Chris.
"Hey babe whatsup?" I ask.
"Hey beautiful, you're on your way back from work now right? i'll be there in ten" he says
"Oh okay, i'm about a minute away now, i've missed you!" I exclaim with a soft smile.
"I’ve missed you more, which is why i have a big night planned for us."
"Huh?" I reply.
"You'll see." He says, in a playful tone. "See you in a minute gorgeous"
"Alright bye, love you" I say as i click off the call. I pondered what he might've planned as I pulled into my parking spot.
As I reached the corridor of my apartment, I was met by Chris, who was already stood outside my door waiting for me. He had a red balloon with a bouquet of red roses, with a black gift bag. I smiled cheesily as i approached him.
"Happy valentines" He says , grinning as he pulls me in for a kiss.
"Oh my gosh you really went all out," I exclaim in excitement, eyeing the roses. There were 3 pink ones in the middle of the bouquet shaped like a heart. He knew i loved pink roses.
"I might have something for you too, inside" i say with a smirk.
"What is it?" He says excitedly, his eyes lighting up like a kid recieving a birthday gift.
I smile and unlock the door, we were immediatly greeted by my two cats, Mimi and Wes, who were demanding food through their rushed meows.
"Hey little babies!" Chris says in a high pitched voice that everyone has when they talk to animals. Chris adored Mimi and Wes, and sometimes I think they love him more than they love me. As Chris was distracted with them, I hurry to the kitchen where I left his gifts. I glided back into the living room where Chris was sat cuddling the cats.
"Eeeee okay open your gifts!" I say, handing him a gift bag and small white box. He opened the bag and pulled out a black prada wallet, along with a keychain with our names on.
"Oh wow thank you so much baby I love these!" He exclaims, examining the keychain. I grabbed the box and opened it for him, inside were twelve cupcakes with vanilla frosting decorated with red hearts.
"Did you make these?" He asks.
"Mhmm" I say through a smile.
"Wow, they look almost as yummy as you" He says with a grin.
"Alright gimme that bag" I laugh, pointing towards the black gift back he brought with him. He excitedly placed it onto my lap, watching my eyes,awaiting my reaction.
I untied the bow to find a black chanel bag, alongside a small black box which had 'Vivienne Westwood' engraved on it. I reached for them both, admiring the bag before I opened the box.
"Oh wow, Chris this is perfect thank you so much!" I exclaim. I open the box to find a pair of the vivienne westwood earrings, the same ones that Chris has.
"We can match now" He says.
I look into his eyes smiling as we leaned in to kiss eachother. I've missed him. This whole week has felt like a month, and seeing him just completes me, and makes me forget about everything that has happened in the day beforehand. We are interupted by the cries of Mimi and Wes again, and i get up to feed them.
"Okay so I booked a table for us at Boa for seven thirty" Chris says as I place the cat bowls onto the floor.
"Ooh okay baby, I can't wait" I reply. I walk back over to the couch to check the time 17:37.
"Okay i'm gonna go shower and start getting ready" I say, giving him a small kiss again, and as I stand him he double taps my ass.
"Ohh do that again, I like it rough!" I joke, imitating a seductive voice, knowing this will trigger a reaction from him.
"Ohhhh-kaaayyy" He says through his giggles, his hands came up to his eyes pretending to rub them. I laugh and then head to the bathroom.
I stand under the warm downpour, my head up and eyes closed, warming up in the water. Suddenly I feel hands grab each side of my waist,causing me to gasp, followed by a kiss on the back of my left shoulder.
"You scared the shit outta me!" I say turning around, smiling at the sight of Chris.
"Sorry, I just missed you so much" He says pulling me in to him, our arms were now wrapped around each other's backs.
"Oh yeah?" I say as I leaned in to connect his lips with mine, our tongues interlock. After a few moments, I feel his hard-on touch my leg. I reach one hand down to tease him, gently rubbing my fingers around his tip. I see him start to squint, and then he smiles and looks into my eyes with lust. He moves his hands down to my ass and picks me up, I wrap my legs around his waist as he places me against the wall. My hands pulling on his shoulders for support as I pull myslef up slightly and ease myself onto him. I slowly move down, causing us both to let out a gasp. We connect our mouths again as the movements of our hips begin to speed up.
"Holy shit" He whispers softly between letting out silent moans. My breaths were becoming deeper and louder as he grazed my g-spot.
"Yes..right there...fuck" I whisper desperately just before a moan escapes my mouth. I repositioned my hands, almost digging my nails into his back as I felt my climax approaching.
"I'm so close" He whispers, his voice wavering through his breaths. The sounds of my body slamming against the wall was just barely masked by the sound of the shower. My legs tensed up around him as I felt the euphoric sensation burst through my core, making me release a loud, pornographic moan. My legs started to shake, sending vibrations around his back as he finished. Our hips slowed down whilst we regained our breath.
We finished cleaning up, and went to my bedroom to get dressed. I decided on my deep red satin minidress with a red laced bra and thong set. Chris dressed in black straight leg cargo pants with a black button down long sleeve shirt. He grabbed a speaker from his backpack and put on a playlist whilst we were getting ready. The time was now half six, just enough time to do my hair and makeup as the restaurant was only a five minute walk from my apartment complex.
I did a warm bronze look on my eyes, with a small wing liner, mascara, blush and bronzer with a bold red lip to finish it off. I took the rollers out of my hair which allowed it to bounce down into a fresh blowout. I put my new earrings Chris gifted me in, along with a small silver necklace. Chris, who was of course already ready, was sat on the bad admiring me as I spray on perfume.
“Wow you look unreal” he says.
I turned around and smile, then blowing him a kiss. I put on a pair of black kitten heels and grab my new bag before taking Chris’s hand and leaving for the restaurant.
We had finished our meals, and on our last drink before deciding to leave. Chris reached for my hand again as we left the restaurant, giving me a small kiss on the cheek.
“What movie do you watch when we get back?” Chris asks.
“Hmm, I don’t know maybe a romcom… what about the notebook!” I say excitedly, it was one of my favourite movies, and I knew Chris hadn’t watched it before. But he would give in, he wouldn’t say no to me, not tonight.
“Alright you got it” he replies.
We finally get back to the apartment and as I unlock the door, Chris scoops me up and carries me inside, kicking the door shut and turning to lock it. He carries me to the bedroom and drops me onto the bed. I let out a soft giggle, slightly blushing. He lowers down and unstraps my heels, tossing them on the floor. He then crawls up my body, lifting up my dress, revealing my crimson underwear. I use my arms for support as I lift my head to watch him.He traces his fingers over the underwear, teasing, starting to brush against my clit area.
After a moment, he climbs higher up my body, reaching my neck and starts planting kisses all over, with the occasional bite. I lean my head back as I indulge his marks. He moves a strand of hair out of my face and kisses my red lips. Pulling on my shoulders he moves me up so we are both now sitting, still interlocked to each other’s mouths. He wraps his hands around my shoulders again and starts to unzip my dress. As his hands reach my lower back, he rolls me on top of him, laying down to pull the dress all the way off. I use this opportunity to tease him. I unbutton his shirt, leaving kisses as I travel down his torso until I reach his belt. I place one hand over his crotch area, rubbing against it whilst I unbuckle and unzip his pants with my other hand. I feel him pulsate under me, I watch his eyes as they are locked onto mine, watching his reactions to my stimulation. After sliding his pants down, I attatch my tongue to his tip, dancing circles around it, eventually my whole mouth glides down onto him, using a hand to tease the lower parts.
“Oh fuck” Chris whispers. I watched through my movements his mouth drops, eyes squinting. I keep going, gradually speeding up until he releases, since my mouth was facing down the liquid just dribbled back down onto him. He sits up after regaining control of his breathing. I rip off his shirt as he starts to toy with the straps of my thong.
“Let me make you feel good again” He says quietly.
“Okay” I say as he kisses me, before flipping so I’m on all fours. He rips down my thong and I straighten my arms, laying as low as possible so he can enter me with ease. With help of the lubrication from his recent climax, he glides into my entrance, holding onto my waist as he starts the pump against my body.
“Fuck Chris!” I say, struggling through my deep exhales. Moans left my mouth quicker this time, and I could hear his breathing get louder and increase as he nears his second orgasm. I felt the knot of pleasure tighten up in my core again as he slammed into me. The uncontrollable moans leaving my mouth getting louder. He leans forward and cups his hands over my bra as we both finish once more. He pulls out and we both lay on our backs, gasping.
“I love you” Chris whispers, kissing the side of my head.
“I love you, tonight was amazing, thank you baby” I reply.
I get dressed into my hot pink Victoria’s Secret pajama set, Chris changes into blue plaid pants and a white tee shirt. I run to the kitchen and grab the box of cupcakes I made as Chris turns on Netflix.
“I brought dessert” I say, climbing into bed.
“Mmm, come here beautiful” Chris replies, taking the box as he pulls me next to him. I rest my head on his shoulder and he grabs us a cupcake each, kissing my head before eating.
We lay there for the rest of the night, eventually falling asleep in each other’s arms.
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alovesreading · 2 years
Can we plssss get a sick and sleepy Matty trying to plan the perfect Valentine's night out with reader before she finally forces him home to down some Nyquil and catch some z's? I would dieeeeeeeeeee
You Go To My Head
Summary: The plans that Matty has arranged for you to celebrate your first Valentine's Day together are out the window when he becomes ill, but staying in to take care of him doesn't mean the day is ruined. And you assure him of it by saying those words he hasn't heard you say before.
Word count: 9.1k
A/N: Got this request a little after Valentine's Day and I've finally got the chance to come around giving it the proper time and attention to write it. The chance being me playing Billie Holiday to help me battle a sudden case of insomnia which ended up in too many ideas for this flooding every corner of my mind and staying up all night writing it. I hope you enjoy this one as it's pure fluff, unlike the previous Matty one shot I put out lol (sorry about that one), and thank you for reading! x
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You’ve known Matty for almost a year, four months of which you’ve been dating and after all that time, you have grown to know him like the back of your hand.
It’s the morning of February 14th, Valentine’s day, and it’s the first one you get to celebrate as a couple so Matty has been talking about making it the best night for ages.
There’s absolutely no complaints from your side, you find it absolutely adorable how much he has been taking different things you say into consideration for the day to end up being perfect.
For instance, one random day at the start of January when you had been drinking at your best friend’s house, Matty was sitting beside you with his hand on your thigh, rubbing small circles on your skin as the whole group of ten people sat around the living room engaged in conversation and you had asked which wine it was that you were drinking because you found it delicious.
Your best friend’s fiancé had stood up to get the empty bottle for you and once he handed it to you, you read it out loud a couple times to memorize it.
“This might be the best wine I’ve ever had. I love it.” Was all you had said, setting the bottle back down on the coffee table in front of you before going back to your conversation.
But you noticed the absence of Matty’s touch then and when you went to complain about it, you found him writing something down on the notes app of his phone.
“Babe? What are you doing?” You asked after letting out a little giggle.
You didn’t want to pry but the note seemed to be filled up with bullet points and you were curious to know what it was that he was so urgently writing.
It was a relief to your curiosity that he showed you his screen and quietly said, “Just writing down that wine so I can get it for us for Valentine’s day dinner.”
You quickly scanned through the rest of his bullet points and grinned hard at seeing written down multiple things you had casually mentioned weeks before, not only to him but to others in conversations where he was standing right beside you.
You chuckled reading one of them saying, ‘Green lingerie is her favorite.’ and not being able to hold yourself back, you cupped his jaw and gave him a quick kiss.
“You’re adorable aren’t you?”
His cheeks went the slightest bit pink as he rolled his eyes playfully. It didn’t take much from you for him to be putty in your hands.
But today you have woken up to sniffles and sneezing from him, a particularly loud one startles you out of sleep making you sit up against the headboard of his bed with a frown.
“You alright, honey?” You ask him, your eyes struggling to open up at the brightness of his bedside table light.
You can make Matty up to be standing right at the foot of the bed, putting his joggers on. He hums in response, and it sounds a bit groggy but he goes up to you, kisses your temple and gets you to lay back down.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you.” Your boyfriend apologizes, brushing some of your hair off your face, “Go back to sleep, alright? I’ll be right back.”
You frown with your eyes closed, still half asleep so you forget you can ask him why and where he’s going but his soft touch and the little kisses he’s leaving on your head have you falling back into slumber.
Not sure of how much time later, you wake up to his door opening and see him very carefully walking up to the bed. He’s carrying a tray filled with food, a small bouquet of your favorite flowers on his right hand as well, and it makes you coo as you sit up to get it from him.
“Awh babe, this is so cute!” You say as he takes the last few steps to get to you.
“Happy Valentine’s—“ Matty starts but, out of the blue, his face is scrunching up like he’s in pain and you take the tray and the flowers from him rather quickly and in a slight panic.
Seems like you made the right decision taking it from him when you could because he turns away from you fast and lets out a loud string of sneezes into his elbow.
You wait until he’s done, pressing your lips together to not laugh because even though you feel bad for him, it was funny.
He freezes for a few seconds until he’s sure he isn’t sneezing again and, sniffling, he turns around to face you again.
A big smile tugs at the corner of his lips and he resumes what he was saying before, “Happy Valentine’s day, babe.”
Pure happiness radiates off you then, you scrunch up your nose at him, looking down at your breakfast in bed and then back up at him.
“Happy Valentine’s day, honey.” You reciprocate, resting the tray beside you on the bed and reaching your arms out so he can give you a cuddle.
With fast strides the singer comes to you and crushes you in a tight hug, you relish in his hold until he’s pulling back to leave loads of kisses all over your face.
You giggle as he does so and the butterflies that erupt in your stomach have you filling up with warmth.
His lips fall all over your face and finish with a loud kiss on your lips, one which you both end up elongating and you would’ve ended up getting carried away if it wasn’t for another sneeze he feels coming which makes him suddenly get away from you again.
“Fucking hell.” Matty curses through his teeth, groaning lowly before he walks back up to bed and sits right beside you.
You’re just watching him as he comes to sit with you on his bed and you take note of the way he seems to plop down on it and his eyes automatically close for a fair few seconds before he forces them back open and sends a toothy smile your way.
You have to ask again despite knowing he’ll continue to say he’s fine, “You okay there babe? You look like you’re becoming ill.”
One of your hands comes up to check on how warm his face is, pressing the back of it on his forehead and you can feel he’s warm but not enough to say he’s got a fever, or at least you can’t tell because he barely gives you any time to check as he grabs your hand to kiss it multiple times and then intertwines your fingers.
Matty nods with a soft smile, “I’m okay babe, I think it’s just hay-fever.”
Your eyes narrow at him, because it’s not even hay-fever season but you’ll just give him the satisfaction of ‘believing’ him this time.
“Right, hay-fever.” You reply, a bit of amusement in your tone.
But he wants to distract you from his state so he squeezes your hand and points at your breakfast in between both of you. “I tried my best but it looks peng, doesn’t it?” He asks all proud of himself and it truly does look amazing.
Your mouth waters looking at everything he’s made for your full english breakfast, and you note that he’s made you your favorite tea as well and there’s a blueberry muffin on the side too.
“Looks amazing. Thank you so much, babe.” You turn to cup his jaw and peck his lips, but he steals a couple more kisses before you can turn back to your food.
You see there’s only food for you though, so you frown and ask him, “Have you eaten already?”
Your boyfriend shakes his head, “No, I’m not hungry yet.”
And that only makes your frown grow deeper, he’s always snacking on something and it’s late enough now for him to at least have had a piece of toast and a cup of coffee.
“We can share.” You state, diving right in for your beans and toast.
He waves you off saying, “It’s okay babe, I’m really not hungry.”
But you won’t have that so, taking a bite of your food and munching on it, you bring the toast with beans up to him. Your hand is cupped right under so it doesn’t spill, and you’re very careful as you take it closer to his mouth.
“Open up.” You tell him once you swallow, bringing the toast right up to his lips but he shakes his head like a little kid. “It’s gonna spill and you’re the one that’s gonna have to change the sheets.” You point out as you watch the toast getting more soaked by the beans and them slowly sliding to the sides.
Reluctantly, Matty opens up his mouth and takes a bite. You smile satisfied at him and kiss his cheek as if to reward him for listening to you.
That goes on with the rest of your breakfast, making him take bites of it with you and it’s when you’re halfway done with it that he gets his appetite back and he’s the one eating most of what is left. Not that you mind though, you happily let him eat the rest of it since you’re already feeling quite full and you still have a full cup of tea and your muffin left.
When you finish eating, he takes the tray away and comes back to lay with you. You end up watching some films, cuddled up in bed—his head hidden in your neck as you scratch his head and play with his curls. But turns out, an hour into the first one, sleep takes over him again and you’re left watching some horror movie on your own with his soft snoring as background noise.
You really adore moments like this and your heart grows in your chest when he clutches you a bit tighter in the middle of his sleep, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck.
You have to bite your tongue to not let out a little screech, it’s honestly embarrassing how everything he does makes you want to react like a schoolgirl with a crush.
He’s your boyfriend, yet you always react like this and you’re learning to happily let yourself react to the feelings that overcome you rather than be embarrassed as he always likes to remind you those are the little things that made him become more infatuated with you.
It had been how genuine you always were about your feelings and opinions that made him feel so comfortable with you from the moment you met and it’s why he hadn’t felt like getting closer to you was a hardship.
Matty was one of those people to keep his old friends around rather than make new ones but with you it was so easy to welcome another person into his life and make you a priority like you’d known each other for ages.
That’s why there hadn’t even been a doubt in his mind to take you home with him for the holidays, despite you two only being together for two months. He knew regardless of anything, you’d be a constant in his life.
And you had never felt more right throwing yourself right into him, even if there had been some people warning you about stuff from his past, you had heard it all from him and you knew it wasn’t something to push him away for.
He was so special to you, you had grown fond of him so quickly and it had been scary at first but finding out he felt the same way as you did was such a relief. You still remember that day vividly and it’s mental to think how he manages to make your stomach flip and your chest tighten just the same as he did that day when he confessed he really liked you.
You fully have lost track of the film you’re now watching, too submerged in your thoughts and your feelings for the curly haired man that’s got his hold still around you, so when you snap back into reality and you see the graphic death that has just happened, you accidentally voice out loud your aversion for it.
“Ew, fucking disgusting.” You let out, a bit too loud which has Matty squirming in your arms.
“What?” he asks against your chest, his voice low and deep from sleep.
You curse under your breath and resume scratching his head, “Nothing, sorry babe. Go back to sleep.”
Your boyfriend hums in acknowledgment of what you’ve said but the sudden reminder of which day it is has him jolting awake. Your arms fall beside you as you watch him sit up and rub his eyes, you’re about to tell him once again that he should go back to sleep when he turns to look at you.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to fall asleep on you.” His nose is stuffy and you can hear it in his voice, his tone weak and nasal.
You snort at his apology, as if there was any need for one. “Why are you apologizing?” You rhetorically ask, “I always do that to you and you don’t like it when I apologize for it.”
His head falls to rest on your shoulder and he yawns before replying, “It’s Valentine’s day, I shouldn’t be falling asleep on you today when we have so much to do.”
You grin at his words, “Oh right, what’s all that we have to do?” He reaches out for your hand and intertwines your fingers then, humming when feeling your warm touch.
In his hazy mind, he’s about to tell you what he had been planning but he realizes just in time to keep the words from spilling out. He tuts at you, lifting his head off your shoulder and narrowing his eyes at you like he’s caught you red handed, “Oh you think you’re slick, don’t you?”
Using your intertwined hands, Matty wraps his and your arm around your front to pull you flush against him, his lips fall to your neck where he leaves a trail of loud open mouthed kisses that end up in you giggling from his curls tickling you.
“I’m just curious.” You correct him in between your laughter and that statement has him pulling away to look at you with a smirk on his face.
“Curiosity killed the cat.” He chats back, trying to tease you like he always does.
But you boop his nose, seeing straight through him, “Don’t act like you don’t want to tell me.”
And you get him there because he’s been biting his tongue far too long to not ruin the day he’s planned for you both. Yet he still tries to act like you’ve just made a wrong statement, making a mime of zipping his mouth closed and throwing away the key.
You roll your eyes with a smile on your face, not surprised by his antics and then you’re unwrapping your arms from around your front so you can get out of bed.
He doesn’t let you at first, pulling you in impossibly closer and after chuckling at him, you tap his arm with your free hand to let him know, “If you’re not telling me what it is then at least let me bring your gift.”
The news of you having a present for him makes it easy for you to slip out of his hold and when he sees you take the first few steps towards the door of his room, he’s telling you, “Babe I told you not to get me anything.”
You shrug like you don’t really care for those words, “And since when should I listen to you?”
You’re out of his room in no time, not giving him the chance to respond but he’s there propped up against his headboard with a massive grin on his face.
Matty knows he fucking adores you, but he hasn’t had the courage to say it yet and despite being almost certain you feel the same way, there’s that nagging feeling in the back of his head that loves to remind him things like this are too good to be happening to him and they always get taken away from him when he least expects them.
He would’ve started spiraling if it wasn’t for your voice pulling him out of his awful train of thought. “Close your eyes!” You instruct him, poking your head through the door but keeping his gift away from his eyesight.
The singer does as you tell him and keeps his eyes shut until he feels the bed dipping in front of him and there’s a particular type of cold touching his knee.
The second he opens his eyes, he’s met with a gorgeous Fender acoustic guitar. The mahogany shines beautifully under the light coming through the half open curtains and he’s just admiring all of its details for a minute before he’s looking back up at you with a grin that’s hurting his cheeks but he can’t wipe off his face.
He pounces on your lips, kissing you sweetly but intently and you can feel the ‘thank you’ through it. You’re kissing in a slightly uncomfortable position since the guitar is still in between you both so it isn’t long after that you part from each other.
Matty makes sure to peck your lips as many times as he can before taking another full look at his new possession.
“D’you like it?” You ask shyly, like the spark in his eyes isn’t proof enough that he loves it.
He’s lifted the guitar now and positioned it against his chest to start strumming softly and tune it, “I fucking love it Y/N. Thank you babe.” He leans back in for another kiss and you meet him in the middle, cupping his jaw to kiss him properly.
You press the tip of your nose against his in a eskimo kiss before sitting back in your spot, and you watch him as he finds himself teasing melodies out of his neck guitar. He felt like something had shifted back to normal when having it in his arms, and it’s because his favorite acoustic guitar had gotten lost on the tour and he’d been putting off getting one to replace it because he still had hope of it appearing.
It was also because he had some sort of emotional connection to it that he hadn’t wanted to accept was a memory now but with you gifting him this one, he knew it wouldn’t be sad to let the other one be left in the past.
“Where was this?” He asks curiously when remembering it took you a couple of minutes to get it and he hadn’t seen you arrive with anything the day before other than your handbag.
You’re proud of yourself for finding the perfect spot to hide it days before, “I hid it away in the spare room’s wardrobe like a week ago.”
Matty cackles at your smug expression and gives you the win because he’s sure it happened the day you told him you were coming by to pick up something you had forgotten but he hadn’t been home. He hadn’t suspected a thing because you actually had taken something of yours with you, so it was a job well done.
Before he has the chance to compliment your intelligence, you are asking, “Can I now know what we’re gonna do?”
He narrows his eyes at you and you look at him innocently so he ends up nodding a few seconds later but before he can tell you a thing, the need to sneeze comes to him.
You chuckle as he sneezes continuously but hold your breath when he stops, you’re fully amused by the way he tries to act like nothing’s wrong as he ignores what’s just happened and rests the guitar on the floor by the bed to leave the room to get something.
He comes back five minutes later, his steps slow as he comes back to where you’re sitting but instead of sitting next to you, he rests the big box that has your name written on it and drops facedown on the bed.
Snorting out a laugh, you run your nails up and down his back a few times before taking your soft touch up his neck and to his head.
He moans in pleasure when you massage his scalp, softly tugging at the roots of his hair and your cheeks heat up at the memories of the night before when you were listening to those sweet sounds of his falling right down your ear.
You don’t mind giving him all of your attention but you’re so intrigued about what’s in the box, you break the silence with a quiet, “Can I open it?”
That question brings Matty back to reality, his head whipping up far too quickly for it not to have hurt and you are confirmed of it when he lets out a groan in pain but he doesn’t let you ask if you’re okay because he’s bringing your attention back to your present.
“‘Course and get excited, you’re gonna love it.”
He sounds so sure of it, your hands rush to rip open the box and it’s such an eager response that it has him cackling with his eyes half open.
Turning to look at him distracts you from getting a peek through a hole you just managed to rip through the box, but when you feel you have fully opened one of the lids your eyes are back on the gift.
You gasp the moment you catch the glimpse of the cover of a My Bloody Valentine rare vinyl you’ve been hunting down for so long. Your reaction only gets funnier when you lift it up and find a handful of the rare edition vinyl you have always wanted to get.
Sonic Youth, Bjork, Pink Floyd, Tears for Fears, Jeff Buckley, PJ Harvey, The Rolling Stones.
Music had been one of the things you’d bonded over since the very beginning, finding out you were an avid vinyl collector was interesting to him and when you shared your extensive knowledge about many limited and rare editions, he’d been blown away by your hobby.
It was a talent really, how much you knew and how easy it was for you to grasp all the information you managed to find. He’d gone record shopping with you many times and you’ve taught him many things about the world of pressed records.
Using your various tracking down tricks, he had managed to get friends in Japan to look for the records he remembered you’d mentioned times before, even when you were just friends, and that’s how he’d managed to find you the gems that were right in front of you now.
“Holy shit!” You say admiring your new records, your heart bursting in your chest just from knowing he listened and remembered the small things you say. “Thank you!” you almost shout, throwing yourself over him.
Cupping his jaw with one of your hands while the other keeps you hovering over him, you kiss him with pure gratefulness radiating through you. Your hand goes from his jaw to tangle in his hair and pulling on it softly makes the kiss grow needy.
Your hips come down to press over his, and slowly you start rolling them over his, the friction making you shudder over him. His hands go to get a hold of your hips, guiding your movements to match his as he starts meeting you in the middle.
But then he breaks the kiss, once again feeling the need to sneeze. You sit up, straddling him, waiting for the inevitable to happen. You bite your tongue as you watch him about to sneeze but then it’s like, after seconds of buildup, it goes away and all he lets out is a frustrated sigh.
His arm comes to rest over his eyes and you giggle at his defeat. Leaning down, you press a chaste kiss on his lips and get off him to continue looking through your box because you’re certain you caught a glimpse of something else underneath your new LPs.
And you’re right because you find a medium sized white box with a red ribbon tied around it that reads Valentino in big red letters and you know just what he’s done.
“Matthew!” You scold him loudly and it seems that he has been falling asleep because he gets startled and is quick to sit up.
He frowns when he sees the box in your hand but you don’t seem to want to open it, “What’s wrong?”
You look back down at the box and up at him, “If this is what I think it is, I can’t accept it.”
“What do you mean you can’t?” He asks confused, “You’ve been dying to get it babe, and if you weren’t buying it yourself then I was definitely gonna buy it for you.”
You whine at his words because you know what this is now, a dress you had fallen in love with a few months ago and you had ended up trying it on, sending him a bunch of pictures which he unfortunately had come around to see far too late for he was on stage when you sent them and when he’d said, Please tell me you got it, you look so stunning babe xx you had burst his bubble saying it was too much of a splurge for a dress you’d only get to wear a few times.
When you undo the ribbon and take the lid off, you’re met with the dress and it kills you how much you want to keep it but he’s already got you the records, and adding what you knew the dress costs was too much for you to accept.
“I can’t.” you say once more, putting the box down and away from your eyesight so it’s less sad to see it go again.
But your boyfriend will not have that, he knows just how much you love it from how pained you look when saying you can’t take it.
“Yes you can and you will.” He states, there’s no more arguing about it when he adds, “It’s never too much when it comes to you babe and I don’t care about the cost of things when it means I can make you happy.”
You sigh, your hands hesitating to grab the white box again but then you feel his hand come over your thigh, tracing figures on your skin and with his best puppy eyes, he says, “Try it on for me please?”
It’s a debate inside you that goes for longer than needed so he scoots a bit further down the bed to be right beside you. Both his hands go to brush your hair behind your ears and then cup your jaw, “I’m dying to see you wearing it in front of me babe, I’ve been thinking about this dress since the moment I saw those pictures. And you’ll have to know I got it for you as soon as I got back home, I was just keeping it so you could wear it tonight.”
Your eyes are staring right at his, taking in the honesty that shines through them in silence, but you let out some giggles when he adds, “Meaning it’s been a while too so I can’t really return it now.”
You press your lips against his before standing up and going to his ensuite because if you’re gonna try on a pretty dress then at least you want to look presentable. So ten minutes after you’ve done your skincare and freshened up—and heard Matty sneeze about three more times—, you walk out of the bathroom with the dress on and a smile that’s making you glow.
He gasps dramatically the second he sees you, somehow triggering another sneeze that makes him splay out on bed and stay staring at the ceiling for a long minute. You cackle so loud at him, not even being able to say ‘bless you’ to him from how amusing you find it.
“Right, don’t laugh at me woman,” He scorns you as he sits back up on the edge of his bed, “I was about to compliment you.”
You try to gather yourself, swallowing chuckles as you try and take a deep breath yet the entertained smirk doesn’t leave your face.
He ignores it to resume his dramatics, wolf whistling as you strut slowly towards him and spin around right in front of him.
His hands hold you by your hips and he rises to his feet to stand in front of you, “If you look like this right now, I think I might have a heart attack later tonight.” His hot breath hits your lips and you’re just begging for him to kiss you then.
Matty knows it so he goes to tease you by resting his forehead on yours, to make you beg for the kiss but the second you feel his skin on yours, you’re gasping and leaning back surprised.
“You’re burning up.” Your eyes are open wide and your hand goes instantly to feel how hot his face is. No wonder his eyes look glassy and his cheeks are pink.
He shakes his head, pulling you closer to his front by your waist and hiding in your neck, “I’m okay babe, just a bit tired.” He leaves a few soft kisses on your skin but you’re far too aware of how hot he feels against your skin and you need to help him get his temperature down.
“Yeah, no.” You reply disagreeing with his words, he’s trying to dismiss this now to be able to go through with your plans but that’ll only have him being miserable later and that’ll be worse for himself. “You need to take a warm shower right now.”
A warm shower when you were getting a fever was always something your mom had forced you to do, and it’s your holy grail whenever you feel yourself becoming ill.
Matty only groans in response to your instructions, he would rather sleep it off than get in the shower and end up shivering when coming out from under the water no matter how hot it could be.
And since you know your boyfriend so well, you add a little detail you’re completely sure he won’t turn down.
“I’ll join you,” You say, pulling on his hair softly so he comes out of his hiding place on your neck. “Deal?” You ask looking right into his eyes and you have to bite your bottom lip so you don’t laugh at the way his face lights up and he eagerly nods.
You make him go into his ensuite first, going to the kitchen to get him ibuprofen and a glass of water. Once you make it back to where he is, you find him languidly getting rid of his shirt and joggers.
He looks like he’s in pain just to be standing there in his boxers, hugging himself but when his eyes fall on your figure leaning on the doorway, he switches his pout for a soft smile that reaches his tired eyes.
Before you can wrap your arms around him, you put the glass and the pills out for him to grab, “Take this first please.”
The only thing that keeps him from complaining and putting it off is the fact that the sooner he takes the ibuprofen, the sooner you’d jump in the shower with him. So he quickly swallows back the medicine with a gulp of water, leaving the half full glass forgotten by the sink.
The shower doesn’t quite turn out like you would’ve liked on a day like today, the second he steps under the warm water it’s like he becomes aware of every single one of his achy muscles and he barely makes an effort to move.
You help him wash his hair, softly massaging his scalp and smiling at the noises he’s making from how good your touch feels. He tries to wash yours but he almost feels too sore to not groan when moving around, you laugh and tease him by telling him, “You’re a big baby.” but taking the task from his hands.
It ends up being a quiet and mindful shower, where every kiss that you share is one of appreciation and care. It’s a stark comparison to any other shower you’ve shared before but you both really quite like how it has turned out even if Matty was the one aching through it.
He dries himself up as quickly as he can, shivering once out of the glass walls of the shower and, despite the steam keeping the wet room warmer than his room, he’s feeling the change of temperature intensely.
You come back with new clothes for him, a pair of joggers and a knit sweater he stole from you, and you both get changed at the same time.
Coming back out to his bedroom, he makes a quick run for his bed but you tut him when he’s about to dive into his pillows with wet hair.
Getting a hold of his hand, you make him sit at the edge of the bed, “I need to dry your hair first babe. You’ll only get worse if you go to sleep with a wet head.”
He hums, letting his eyes close as you leave to get the hair dryer. You’re back in under a minute but it feels far too long for him so when you’re back standing in front of him, after plugging the dryer in, he lets his head fall on your stomach and his arms wrap around your waist.
Looking down at him, you coo and get to drying his hair so he can get the rest he so desperately needs. The constant hum of the hair dryer drowns your ears for a little over ten minutes, your fingers brush through his locks as the hot air blows and dries them up.
Whenever he sneezes, you feel him tremble in your arms but never does his hold on you falter, it only tightens and you truly feel so bad he’s gotten this ill in a matter of hours.
You make sure the hair at the nape of his neck is properly dry, and once you deem your work done, you leave a kiss on top of his head, your senses filling up with the scent of his shampoo and his curls tickling your face just the way you love.
Rubbing circles on his back, you let him know he can now properly get in bed, “All done now, honey.”
He turns his head to kiss your stomach over your—his—shirt and then lets himself fall back on the bed. As you unplug the dryer, you watch him shuffle under the covers, pulling them all the way up to his chin.
You shake your head, letting yourself get amused by how much he acts like a little kid when he’s ill. It’s not something you’ve gone through with him before so you find yourself memorizing every second of this new experience.
Picking up your box that’s still sat at the foot of the bed, you start cleaning up what you’ve left around the room: your clothes from the night before going to the laundry bin, hanging your coats up in his dresser and placing your forgotten shoes back in their place.
Your soft singing is suddenly interrupted by Matty’s voice when he says, “We have a reservation at seven.”
It honestly makes you laugh, firstly because he startled you and second because he’s been hating having to move an inch of his body and now he wants to continue with your plans. “Babe, we’re not going.”
“Why?” He asks all frustrated, propping himself up on his elbows to sit up but his own body gives him the answer when he sneezes again. Defeated, he lets out a sigh and lets himself fall back down over the pillows before proposing something else, “Just let me take a quick nap and I’ll be up just in time, I promise. I’ve already ruined the plan of taking you to Kew Gardens, I wanna go on our date babe.”
Walking up to him, you get in bed and he scoots to the side so there’s enough space for you to lay down and cuddle him. “You’ve not ruined anything.” You say first, not letting him blame himself for coming down with a cold, “You’re gonna rest and we’re gonna cuddle until you feel better plus I can order some food and we’ll just eat here.” Honestly, avoiding the trouble of getting ready to go out sounds amazing and it’s much better to know you’ll be staying in, in bed with him.
He almost lets himself get carried away by the feeling of your fingers brushing his hair back until he hears you hum and say a quiet, “There we go.” when his eyes start to close.
“But–” He tries to argue when he opens up his eyes to look up at you.
“Nothing.” Your index finger presses over his pink lips and you shake your head, “We’re staying in. Now close those pretty eyes of yours and get some sleep.”
Letting the compliment get to his head, he smirks and teases you by calling you, “Bossy.”
You’re glad he’s not poorly enough to stop teasing you and taking it as a good sign, you just go to tell him, “I’m gonna order some takeout okay? I’ll be right back.”
He hums in response and you leave his side with a kiss on his forehead which still feels hot under your touch. You make sure to bring the covers down a bit before you leave, not wanting him to stay too warm and allowing the fever to continue.
As you order, you keep your voice as quiet as possible to not disturb his sleep, though you’re so far away from his bedroom it’s almost impossible for you to wake him up by being on the phone for five minutes.
With the promise of your food being there in forty five minutes, you hang up and leave your phone there on the kitchen island.
When you come back to his room, you find him peacefully snoring away, now resting on his belly as he clutches your pillow. You turn right back around to get your phone, getting the strong urge to take a picture of him like that, and once the moment is captured and saved in your camera roll, you quietly walk over to his side and check on his temperature again.
You think about how there’s a pharmacy very close by and it would merely take you ten minutes to get there and back, and by the way his temperature seems to stay the same then you feel the need to get him stronger medicine.
So rushing out his house, you are basically power walking to the store. The second you step through the doors, you almost miss greeting the person behind the counter that says ‘hi’ to you and you make a beeline straight for the cold medicine.
When you have two packets, just in case, you walk past a display of Vicks Vaporub and in a quick decision, you take one of the little containers over to the counter with you.
In less than ten minutes you’re back at Matty’s, quickly shedding off your big coat and toeing off your shoes by the door making the least noise as possible.
You bite your tongue and try to keep your steps slow and quiet as you reach his bedroom and in concentration to keep the silence, you get completely startled by Matty’s voice when he asks, “Where’d you go?”
Cursing under your breath, you hold your hand over your heart, “Sorry, I went to get some medicine for you but I didn’t want to wake you up to tell you I was leaving.”
He has a pout on his face when he turns to rest on his side and looks at you standing by the door, “I thought I was having a nightmare.”
“I’m here babe.” You smile sweetly at him but then you raise the little bag you’ve got in your right hand, “I need you to take this right now.”
Your boyfriend watches as you take out the cold medicine, leaving one of the packets on top of his drawer along with the Vicks Vaporub, and opening the box you were gonna use as you approached him.
You pop two capsules on the palm of his hand and he downs them with the half full bottle of water that’s resting on his bedside table.
As he does that, you stand back up to get the mentholated ointment and you’re about to tell him to lay on his stomach so you can rub some on his back when he interrupts you with an inquiry of his own.
“Is the food here yet? I’m hungry.” He’s not really aware of how long he’s dozed off for but it did feel like it had been a long while since he remembered having had his eyes open.
Smiling down at him, because you’re glad his appetite is back, you check the time on your phone before giving him an answer, “Should be here soon, actually.” Maybe twenty more minutes until it arrived, “Got your favorite.” You wink down at him, making him blush.
“Best girlfriend ever.” He states, leaning back and crossing his arms behind his head.
You snort out a laugh, “Right, your best girlfriend ever is gonna rub some of this on your back,” You say as you show him the small tub of the famous medicine and finish your instructions, “So take off your shirt for me please.”
He laughs messily, sitting up against the headboard and taking off his sweater over his head. “That you were meant to say tonight but in a totally different situation.”
Joining him in laughter, you watch as he slowly turns around to lay on his front, “Had it all planned out, babe?”
You were just teasing but he hums to confirm that’s exactly what he had done, “Check the last door of my wardrobe, there’s another gift for you.”
You’re fully intrigued then so you rise up to your feet instantly and search where he just told you to. It’s an Ann Summers bag which has a set of matching lace bra and thong and a lace body, the items all in your favorite jade green color.
You gasp, taking out the pieces of clothing, “Mattyyy!”
“What?” He asks aloud innocently, like he’s got nothing to do with it.
You open your mouth to say something but only a mumble of a mix of words comes out which makes him laugh loudly onto his pillow. Your brain is just going places now but you can’t get yourself too excited because nothing’s going to happen tonight anyway.
So you decide to tease him back with that, “It's a pity we won’t get to see it on tonight.”
And that’s enough for him to use all of his strength to pick himself up on his arms and look at you, “No,” He starts off strong and it makes you giggle how serious he looks, “I can see,” His finger points at himself, poking his own chest, “I might be ill but I can see.”
Letting the lace garments fall back inside the bag, you let it rest by the side of your bed. “If you’re so sure.” your words tease him once more and he nods to confirm he is indeed sure.
You let him continue his rambles on how he’s gonna be better in a few hours and that he’s sure some cardio will help him feel better, which has you cackling as you go over to the turntable on the corner of his room and choose to play your favorite Billie Holiday record, ‘Solitude’. Once the needle meets the vinyl, static noise fills the air and you feel in your element.
Sitting down at the edge of the bed you finally push him down on the bed facing down so you can finally get to rubbing the medicine on him. The menthol scent fills the air the second you open the small container and, like a little kid, Matty gags out loud.
Soon enough your hands are slowly but firmly massaging the cream on his back, every one of his muscles relaxing under your agile fingers. You’re not rushing to finish, actually you’d like to have him fall asleep like this so he can fully relax in his sleep and thinking that might help him even more to feel better the next morning.
Matty is relaxing alright, and if it isn’t the way his muscles seem to loosen up under your hands, it’s the loud moans and groans he lets out as you go on about your task.
You’re growing flustered as you keep it up, and long minutes go by when he’s fully soaking in every second of this attention.
“You’re the best.” He’s falling asleep now, his eyes closing against his will and he feels on cloud nine from the mix of your massage, the medicine he just took and your soft singing along to the music.
“I know.” You answer, remembering what he said only a few minutes ago.
He feels the need to emphasize it though, so he adds, “You really are.”
It makes you melt, grinning like an absolute idiot as you keep your hands moving up and down, in circles and zigzags, “Thank you, honey.”
“I really love it when you call me that.” Matty admits with a loopy smile on his face that’s partially hidden by his pillow.
You find that so fucking adorable, you feel like your heart is going to explode, “You do?”
A low, long hum is what your boyfriend gives you as an answer and it makes you smile even bigger, “I’m glad you like it.” you reply and then you’re back focusing on making him feel good.
‘You Go To My Head’ starts playing and, since it’s your favorite off the record, you sing it a little louder than the previous ones.
You go to my head
And you linger like a haunting refrain
And I find you spinning round in my brain
Like the bubbles in a glass of champagne
“You have the prettiest voice I've ever heard.” is what Matty says next, because you truly sound angelic and there’s absolutely nobody else he’d rather hear sing than yourself.
You narrow your eyes at him, despite him not being able to see you, “I highly doubt that.” you chat back because he’s met so many amazing and mind-blowingly talented musicians that are far better than you, so you have a hard time believing his statement to be true.
But you see him shake his head, “I swear.”
You hum unsure of his promises, “Sounds like you’re sweet talking me now, Matthew.”
And like the cheeky little shit he is, he looks back at you to smirk and say, “Might be.”
You see the way his eyes are half open and if you weren’t none the wiser to the situation, you’d say he was high so you joke, “You’re so gone, aren’t you?”
He’s stubborn so he shakes his head with a frown and contradicts you by saying, “No, I’m perfectly fine.”
“Sure you are babe.” You answer sarcastically, going back to singing along with Billie to the last minute of the song, the jazz soothing your soul and filling your heart.
You go to my head
With a smile that makes my temperature rise
Like a summer with a thousand Julys
You intoxicate my soul with your eyes
Though I'm certain that this heart of mine
Hasn't a ghost of a chance in this crazy romance
You go to my head
You go to my head
Though I'm certain that this heart of mine
Hasn't a ghost of a chance in this crazy romance
You go to my head
You go to my head
The song dies down but you’re stuck with how when you were singing along, all that you could think of was Matty and how he had completely bewitched you mind and soul. And maybe it was time to admit it out loud.
So deeming yourself done, you lean down to leave a kiss on his shoulder which becomes a trail of kisses up the side of his neck that ends up right under his jaw. Smirking, he turns to face you and being the menace that he is, he somehow manages to push you on the bed to end up on your back right beside him.
“What are you doing, naughty girl?” He hovers over you with barely any strength so he lowers himself until he’s pressed against you.
You know what he’s doing and you’d play a part in the game but all you can think of now is all that you’re feeling for him and you want to finally let him know so you smile and cup his jaw, rubbing the pads of your thumbs on his cheeks.
You pull him in and he thinks you’re gonna kiss him but you don’t, you miss his lips and your mouth comes near his ear but right before he can complain about getting pied off by his own girlfriend, you whisper the answer in his ear, “Nothing, I just really really love you.”
You see him freeze for a fair few seconds and you’re about to start panicking when he sighs in what seems relief and looks down at you with the biggest smile.
Before he can say anything else, he interrupts his own thoughts, “Wait— am I dreaming?” He asks in a quiet voice as if being too loud would shatter the moment.
Every nerve in your body feels like it’s been charged with electricity when seeing him react like this. You want to know if he feels the same, explicitly, not trying to figure it out through his reactions so you ask, “Would you prefer to hear it in a dream?” subtly trying to steer the conversation in that direction.
“No?” He says first and it comes out as a question but then he thinks further and he actually would love to hear it in all of his dreams if possible, “I mean yes, but—“
You interrupt his confused rant by dragging your fingers softly over his features, “You’re not dreaming silly.” Your digits run over the bridge of his nose, his eyebrows, his cheekbones and his lips which are slightly parted in shock.
His mouth opens up further, he’s trying to gather his thoughts but also talk so he doesn’t leave you with pure silence.
You’re grateful for Billie’s voice still playing in the background since it helps you not to go insane asking too many questions but they’re catching up to you the more he takes, so you take it in your own hands to snap him out of the trance he seems to be in.
In a quick motion, you flip both of you over so you’re now straddling him, “See? You’re very much awake.”
Like magic he’s back down on earth with you and with his mind finally processing what you’ve just told him a few moments before, Matty lets out a shaky breath that ends up in bubbly giggles.
His hands come up to cup your face, his eyes taking in every single detail of your face and finally reciprocates, “I love you so much.”
Your soul comes back to your body, hearing those words come from him are enough to make you feel like you’ve won everything in life. “I love you very much too.” You say once again and he knows right then that no matter how many times you say it, he’ll never grow tired of hearing you say it.
Only you. No one else saying those words would ever amount to how it felt when it came from you.
“Can I kiss you?” His question is desperate, impatience shines through his eyes.
Your brows furrow at the sudden inquiry, “You don’t even have to ask.”
“You’re gonna get ill.” He explains rather quickly, praying you’d say yes regardless.
He’s relieved when you roll your eyes and respond with a question that makes clear what your answer is, “Do you think I care?”
You seal the moment with an earnest kiss, your touch on each other’s faces is firm like you’re both afraid that one of you is gonna vanish suddenly.
Your tongues meet and it all grows hotter but you’re both aware that nothing further than this is gonna happen and you’re entirely fine with it. You’ll do with the teasing touches you’re leaving on each other when you both get carried away and are unable to keep your hands to yourselves.
Your hips roll down on his, making you both gasp into each other’s mouths but it isn’t until he’s grabbed your hips with his hands and intensified the friction that you let out a loud moan that ends the kiss.
You leave a peck on his lips, your chests heaving as you try to catch your breaths. You remember what he was worrying about before you kissed and say, “My defenses are much better than yours anyway.” to tease him.
He laughs at your comment, smirking up at you with eyebrows raised, almost like he wants you to bet on it. “We’ll see about that.”
You find out you overestimated your immune system when a few days later, you’re the one Matty has to care for as you’re stuck in bed with a tiring fever and an annoying stuffy nose.
“I still love you even though you got me ill.” You say out loud as you watch him walk out of his ensuite and into the bedroom.
A bright grin breaks on his face, he gets in bed and pulls you into his side. He leaves a bunch of kisses on your temple and your cheek before replying, “How kind of you.”
You hum and chat back, “The kindest.”
Neither of you consider this Valentine’s Day to be a failure, not even when you have to celebrate it a week after the actual day, it had all happened just as it was supposed to be.
And you’re so beyond grateful it is Matty who gets to claim your heart as his. There’s no other person you’d rather give all your love to, no one else you’d rather have plague your mind and take every one of your thoughts. Just him, only him.
A/N: I tweaked the initial request a bit and I think it turned out too adorable for my single heart to handle lolll, I honestly cause myself so much pain writing cute shit like this but I somehow love it so don't worry, won't be stopping anytime soon. I really hope you guys liked it, let me know what you thought about it and if you have any requests or ideas send them my way, I loved creating this little story out of that request. Thank you so much for reading again, have a lovely week everyone! xx
Taglist: @imagine-that-100 @red---moon @vinylandcoffeecollection @drinkurkombucha @better--oblivions @kennedy-brooke @faveficz @indierockgirrl @slutformattyhealy @eaglestar31 @kmsmedine
If you want to be added to the taglist for any future fics, let me know :) x
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destinyc1020 · 8 months
back in 2019, Tom besides Z was with Jacob, he was still talking about her in those comic cons He attended. They were broken up but not bad blood and We had Claire’s comments about Tom in December of that year, she definitely preferred Tom over JE but she respected her daughter’s decision. It was obvious the New York photos were something Tom wasn’t expecting, I don’t think the Darnell unfollowed and followed was by mistake. That moment was probably when Tom decided to move on. Nadia was still dating her ex by February 14th, they broke up afterwards and by march she moved in with Tom, for supposedly a few weeks of lockdown that nobody predicted will be months.
Tom posting Nadia: I was happy for him, He can have a public relationship like Z, but afterwards I felt He posted her because she was jealous of Z and insecure, and he did it to make her feel important. When Nadia finished filming and didn’t go back to Berlin, then went on vacation with a friend and then to London, showed It was over. All his family went to Berlin to say goodbye to Tom, she didn’t. It was kind of messy but She had all the signs, he was still with Z in his heart. Better this way than a cheating situation
My opinion, don’t come after Destiny
back in 2019, Tom besides Z was with Jacob, he was still talking about her in those comic cons He attended. They were broken up but not bad blood and We had Claire’s comments about Tom in December of that year, she definitely preferred Tom over JE but she respected her daughter’s decision. It was obvious the New York photos were something Tom wasn’t expecting, I don’t think the Darnell unfollowed and followed was by mistake. That moment was probably when Tom decided to move on. Nadia was still dating her ex by February 14th, they broke up afterwards and by march she moved in with Tom, for supposedly a few weeks of lockdown that nobody predicted will be months.
Yup!! I can tell the ones in my inbox who were actually there during that time like I was, and saw everything go down in real time lol.
Tom posting Nadia: I was happy for him, He can have a public relationship like Z, but afterwards I felt He posted her because she was jealous of Z and insecure, and he did it to make her feel important. When Nadia finished filming and didn’t go back to Berlin, then went on vacation with a friend and then to London, showed It was over. All his family went to Berlin to say goodbye to Tom, she didn’t. It was kind of messy but She had all the signs, he was still with Z in his heart.
^^THISSS!!! In fact, if you all go back to my blog and look at the posts I made when Tom made his rlshp "Instagram Official" lol, I was actually HAPPY for him and glad that he was able to finally have a relationship in the public eye and not have to be hiding a gf all the time like he was in the Tomdaya rlshp (which, I understand WHY they did it, but was NOT sustainable long-term imo at ALL).
I was actually happy for him!!! And I honestly didn't mind N. Until, she started shading him and Zendaya... 😒
Another thing to keep in mind... Fans keep clinging on to this, "Oh he posted her TWICE on Instagram" thing. Omg twice?? WHAT?? Alert the papers! He posted her *gasp* twice on his IG! 🤣
I totally agree w/your assessment ...it was my same line of thought... I think that he posted her the first time genuinely... But the second time?? I strongly suspect that was done in order to make her feel less insecure. Cuz remember, he and Z had obviously reconnected by then cuz of her Emmy nod back in July. What fans FORGET is that Tom posted her on like Aug 6th (was it?) and then by August 15th, Nadia's mom had already UNfollowed Tom. I forget the actual dates now (I'd have to go back on my blog to double-check lol), but let's just say, it was obvious that Tom and Nadia split up..... like DAYS after he posted her the second time. LOL. The second time doesn't even really count to me. Let's get real lol.... 😅😅 He was not in love with her!
Better this way than a cheating situation
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hischierdevils · 2 years
19 with nico hischier? 💞
19. “Could you say that again?” “Were you not listening?” “No I was, I just like hearing your voice.”
Ten hours. You’d been in labor for ten hours. You’d experienced nearly every emotion possible in that time too, including telling your husband you were calling a divorce attorney the second his baby is out of you.
“You don’t mean that,” Nico says as he rubs soothing circles on your back. “You’ll miss me too much.”
He’s still wearing his dress pants and shirt, his suit jacket long ago discarded on the back of the chair. He had just walked into the locker room to begin preparing for the game when you called him to tell him your water broke.
The Devils went on to win without him, as the two of you watched the game from your hospital room. Dougie even told the media afterwards that the win was for ‘baby cap’.
You close your eyes as another contraction comes. “I never want you to touch me again.” You groan out through gritted teeth.
Nico kisses your forehead as you squeeze his hand so tightly he’s sure his fingers are going to snap. “You’re doing so good baby.”
“That’s it momma!” The midwife sitting between your legs smiles at you. “Keep pushing! I see the head!”
“I can’t.” You sob as you lean into Nico’s embrace.
“Yes, yes you can y/n.” Nico gently nudges you back into your position. “You’re so strong baby. You can do this.”
Nico continues talking in your ear as you give everything you have in your next push. Cries fill the room as your body finally relaxes and you slump into the bed in relief.
“It’s a girl! Born at 2:05am on February 14th.”
“We should name her Val.” You joke.
Nico gets up to cut the cord and the nurses clean up the baby before wrapping her in a receiving blanket. You’ve never seen your husband smile as big as he does when his little girl is placed in his arms.
He walks over to show you your little girl. “She’s so beautiful, just like her momma.” Nico places a kiss on your sweaty forehead. “You’re amazing.”
“Could you say that again?” You ask him as reach for your baby so you can do skin to skin contact.
“Were you not listening?” Nico chuckles as he gently hands her over. “You’re amazing.”
“No I was, I just like hearing your voice.” You give him a tired smile.
“No divorce then?” He questions as he rubs a hand up and down your arm to comfort you.
You laugh as you look down at your baby. “Nope, you’re stuck with us.”
“Then I’m the luckiest man in the world.”
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bellascool · 2 years
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posted : 01/02/23 (European date)
edit 10/04 (European date) : wanted to change Bella to Y/n but it was too long. I'll keep Bella for the story, sorry again and enjoy !
I opened my eyes to only be met by a strong white light.
I tried to cover them by putting my hand but couldn't move, as if someone was pushing me deeper into the bed.
After some blinking, I finally could open my eyes without instantly closing them.
But as soon as I did, a nurse came in, looking at me with wide eyes and dropping her papers.
"Someone come here! She's awake!" She finally yelled going back
After some times, 4 doctors came in and started checking me.
"Mrs.Garcia, I'm Dr.Martinez and I'm the person who took care of you. Do you remember what happened?" A tall man said next to me while writing something
I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out as if I forgot how to do so.
A nurse helped me drink some water and I felt much better but still couldn't talk.
I watched him with fear in my eyes
"You forgot what happened before?" I shook my head no, tears filling my eyes
"Mrs.Garcia, you had a major car accident and you've been in a coma for 2 years."
What the fuck.
"And I'm sorry but, it looks like your body has to wait until you can talk again."
Suddenly, the machines started beeping faster and faster as I panicked. I felt my heart beating faster and the last thing I saw, was the doctors trying to calm me.
And everything went dark again.
It's been a month since I was getting help to walk again and doing basic stuff but I still couldn't talk nor remember anything.
The doctor let me out of the hospital since I was doing well now. They said that I should get my memory back soon but I don't know when.
My mother came to visit me everyday when she could, of course she had to work but most of time she freed herself to see me.
I walked up to her as she hugged me.
"Oh my baby, finally they let you out!" she said kissing me everywhere on my face
I laughed and entered her car before she drove us home I guess.
After some minutes she parked her car in a hallway and I assumed we were finally home so I went outside but still didn't remember a single thing.
"Does it bring back memories baby?" my mother asked me, a hopeful smile on her face but it quickly faded when I shook my head no
We went in and still nothing. She showed me my room and phone, saying she had to back to work.
"I'm so sorry, I would've stayed with you but I have a lot of business. There's food on the oven if you're hungry or else you can order. I'll be back tonight, love you" she kissed my forehead and left
Now I don't know what I should do.
I went to take a shower since I felt dirty and grabbed my phone when I was done.
I opened instagram, hoping that everything will get back to me when I'll see my friends, if I had some.
When I opened the app, a profile caught my attention
He was famous, damn 13 million followers and he was following me.
I clicked on the message button and saw a conversation from 2020
February 14th 2020
Answer me please! :)
I miss you pleaseeeee
I'm worried Bella please answer :(
What's going on?
They said someone got into a car accident on the TV, I'm so scared please answer :(
So we were friends.
After being hesitant, I finally clicked the button send and shut down my phone as I felt hungry.
I ate some leftover sushis and sat down on the couch when I remembered my phone and that boy.
Wow, at least something I remember.
You're awake?
I'm coming over right now.
Was all he said, as soon as I read the last text, the bell rang.
I got up and opened the door to reveal a tall boy with fluffy hair and brown eyes, he looked so shocked to see me.
He looked so shocked, his eyes were wide open and his mouth slightly opened too.
He gently put his shaking hand on my cheek as if I would disappear if he was too rough.
"Bella I.. I can't believe you're there.." he marked a pause, looking at me as he was discovering my face again "can I hug you?" he asked
Oh hell no that's way too sweet.
I nodded and he wrapped his arms around my body, letting his head rest on my shoulder.
We stayed in that position for at least 3 minutes before he let me go.
"I have so many things to tell you.."
I looked at him, not knowing how to announce that I don't know who he is.
He closed the door and sat down on the couch, I sat next to him hesitating
"So.. As you know I've always wanted to play for a national team so-" I cut him by putting my hand on his chest, he looked up at me with a confused look
I sighed, grabbing my phone and began to type something
"I'm really sorry but I lost my memory since the accident. Could you please tell me who you are?"
He read the note and his face dropped, his hands were shaking and his eyes filled up with tears.
"Bella.. I.. You really don't remember me? Pablo? Pablito?" he asked me with a sad face which made me look at my feet "Why aren't you saying anything?" he whispered, waiting for an answer but didn't get one
"I also lost my ability of speaking for a while, I'm really sorry."
"Oh." was all he said "I'm sorry, I'm Pablo Gavi and we were bestfriends before your car accident."
Pablo started to explain to me everything.
We were bestfriends since little kids, we used to play football together.
He kept talking to me about the past for hours until I fell asleep on his shoulder without even noticing.
It's been a month since I got out of the hospital. Pablo helped me with my memory loss and I met his team and even became friends with Pedro.
Still no words but I feel like I will be able to speak soon.
I was currently putting on my red dress to go out to dinner with Pablo, he wanted to "have some luck" for the match against the Real Madrid by inviting me.
I put on my heels matching with my red dress (imagine whatever you want lol) and went down after grabbing my purse.
I opened the door to find Pablo with a black suit holding flowers in his hands, his face was red.
"I passed by a flower shop and thought about you so.. Here." he said handing me the flowers
I wildly smiled and kissed both of his cheeks which made him blush even harder.
I put the flower on the table before going back to him.
We arrived to the restaurant, I got out of the car but what I wasn't expecting was to see a lot of paparazzi around as if they were waiting for us.
Pablo grabbed my waist, holding me close to him as they all took several pictures, making my eyes hurt.
We finally arrived at our table and ordered after some minutes.
Pablo took my hand in his and looked at me deep in the eyes, smiling at me. He's so damn pretty..
"I'm so happy to have you back with me Bella, you don't realize how much I've missed you" I softly smiled at him, my eyes beginning to get watery
If only I could have my memories back.
"You're coming to my game right?" he asked
I nodded
"I wanted to ask you.." he started before letting my hand go "Could you please speak to me? I'd love to hear your voice"
What? But he knows damn well that I can't??
I looked at him with confusion on my eyes before shrugging, making him understand that I really can't.
His eyebrows furrowed.
"Come on Bella, do it for me please?" he begged
What the fuck?
I said nothing and that's when I saw him become angrier.
"Fine, I see." he got up and started to leave, I followed him outside and tried to grab his arm but he shoved my hand, walking angrily to his car
I watched him go, tears running down my cheeks without doing anything. 
What did happen..
I took a taxi to get back home and immediately bumped into my bed, tears still flowing down my face.
I fell asleep without even noticing, shit I cried myself to sleep.
I woke up with a horrible headache and immediately went to take a shower, my eyes were red and puffy and I looked like a mess.
I got out of the shower and checked my phone to see if Pablo sent me anything but no.
I sighed and scrolled when I stopped to see a familiar picture.
It was me and Pablo at the restaurant
I checked the comments, immediately regretting my decision
"She's not even pretty."
"He could've done better"
"Who the fuck does this girl thinks she is?"
"I'll kick her ass"
As I was going to put my phone down, I received a text from Pedri
"Hey, you're coming to our match right? :)"
"Hola! Yes I am, see you!!"
He liked my message, I smiled to myself before starting to prepare myself.
I put on some grey nike shorts with my plain barca jersey and dunk low, adding some jewelry and makeup. I let my hair like that since it was already pretty.
I took my purse and called an uber, Pedri sent me my ticket so I could have access to the locker room and vip places.
I arrived to Camp Nou and went to the barca locker room
I entered and everyone looked at me
"Hola Bella!" they all said, some taping my back or shoulder, I waved before going to Pedri who was with Pablo himself
"Bella! I'm glad you came" he said hugging me
I felt a stare on my back but didn't really pay attention.
I stayed with the team a little before heading out to my seat.
"Bye Bella, you better cheer for us!" Dembélé said laughing while waving at me
I went to my seat and waited for the match to begin.
It was now half time, Barca was winning 2-0 scored by Gavi and Lewandoski.
Pablo didn't even look at me during the match which made me really sad but oh well, it's not my fault.
After the small break the match began again et this time when Pablo came out he locked his eyes with mine as he was walking.
When he stoped looking at me I felt cold, as if his gaze was a blanket.
The referee whistled the start of the match and here we go again.
Lewandoski and Gavi approached the goal, the number 9 passed the ball to his teammate and he shot the ball and
I jumped, wanting to yell but of course I couldn't, Pablo managed to pull off his teammates and ran towards my seat, he jumped over the barrier and lifted me up in his arms.
I was agreeably surprised and let him hug me while laughing.
People around the stadium started whistling and yelling "Gavi" which made me laugh even harder.
"I'm so sorry, I wanna apologize in better circumstances but let me just dance this moment right now" he said grabbing my shoulders
I smiled at him and kissed his cheek, making him understand that it was fine.
He smiled one last time before getting back to the field, leaving me smiling like an idiot.
The match ended with 3-0 for Barca, I was so proud of them!
I went to the locker room but knows how, got lost.
I looked everywhere and understood that I was in the Madrid's side when I saw the team's logo on a wall.
I tried to go back but suddenly a door opened and someone grabbed my arm to a dark room.
I wanted to scream but nothing came out of my mouth.
I couldn't see anything, I only felt two hands pushing me on the cold ground and some people laughing.
I put my hands everywhere, trying to find the door but it was like the room was endless
The laughs kept growing louder and louder
I suddenly felt something hit my stomach which made me put my hand there
I opened my mouth to scream, hoping something will come out but still nothing
They kept hitting me everywhere and laugh, I was pretty sure my forehead was bleeding and I had bruises on my knees
That's when I felt something hard and cold banging my arm that I screamed as loud as I could as if I knew how to speak again
They all went silent and quickly left before getting caught
Not so long after the door opened and I saw the team coming inside, turning on the light
"Bella!" I recognized Pedri's voice as they all made a circle around me, assuring me by telling me that they took the persons who made that and a medical team was coming
I opened my mouth and the only word I could let out was his name. They looked at each other
"He's dealing with the guys who put you in there"
A tear fell from my eye, not because Pablo wasn't there but because I was in pain. My arm was hurting me so bad and I had a headache.
After some minutes, a medical team arrived and helped me.
I was now sitting on my bed, my forehead was opened and my arm broken but at least I'm recovering.
I felt so damn weak, I didn't remember anything at all and I couldn't talk even though I did once.
I suddenly received a text
"Get ready and meet me at the beach by 9."
Pablo! I left him on seen and prepared myself, at least what I could do with one arm working.
I arrived at the beach (just imagine a quick outfit, makeup and hairstyle bc I'm too tired to put one lol) and spotted Pablo sitting on the sand watching the water.
I went next to him and sat next to him which made Pablo's head turn to face me.
I quickly waved before getting back to the sea, I don't know if I liked to do that before but this is so relaxing.
"I wanted to talk to you about two things." he started "first of all, the 3 guys that hurt you were arrested, we're waiting for the verdict but you don't have to worry about them" I smiled, happy to know that these hoes were in trouble "And.. there's something that I need to tell you." he seemed nervous
"Look Bella, I'm so sorry for getting mad at you at the restaurant, I was so stressed and didn't realize how much my words could impact. I'm so sorry, I truly apologize." he looked at me straight in the eyes which made my heart skip a beat "I don't care if you won't be able to talk for the rest of your life, I can live with that. I don't care if you don't remember anything, I'll help you build so many good memories. What I'm trying to tell you Bella, is that I think I'm falling in love with you." he said marking some pauses.
I was so shocked, I didn't knew what to say, or at least to do. Tears soon fell down my cheeks, it was happy tears because he's so precious.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, hiding my face on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me close.
He then grabbed my chin and pulled our faces close enough to feel his hot breath on my lips
"Can I?" he whispered, I nodded and he gently put his lips on mine
It was soft, not sexual or anything.
Just like a dream.
That's when I felt a strange feeling on my stomach which went up to my brain and everything went back.
Me meeting Pablo, my mother making me food when I got home from school, the night I went to Pablo's first "big" match but ended up crashing with a truck.
Everything went back to me like a flash.
Pablo felt that I was weird and pulled out, looking at me with worried face as I was paralyzed with my eyes wide open.
"Pablo, I remember now." I surprisingly said
He looked at me with wide eyes, realizing that I just spoke
"I remember! I remember everything!" I yelled, hardly getting up with one arm and running around the beach, repeating these 2 words again and again.
Pablo ran towards me and picked me up, making me spin around.
I'm so happy!
He put me down and looked at me
"So you remember everything?" he asked with a smirk
"Don't you have one specific memory that I might have hid from you?"
I tried to see what he talked about before getting it.
"Oh Pablo! How could I forget?" I said laughing
"Well I cannot blame you" he laughed too
Today is our 15 years anniversary, 15 years since we know each other and 3 years ago, we were there, sharing for both of us, our first kiss.
I cupped his face with my only hand and kissed him deeply, having to get on my tiptoes. He kissed me back and I could feel his smile against my lips, making me do the same.
What a wonderful night!
The world stopped, it was now just me and him and I absolutely loved it
Hi guys! What a long chapter omg I took so long to write it but I absolutely hate it lol :')
Anyways let me know if you liked it bye <3
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oh my one of the few people who write for campbell bain do you take requests? cuz if so can you do campbell x reader who spoils him like anything he wants they get for him cuz they kinda suck at verbally expressing their love (totally not calling myself out here)
GIFTS: Campbell Bain
Pairing: Campbell Bain x GN!Reader
Warnings: Long mentions of depression but that's it :)
Summary: The request above :)
Word Count: 1.2K
A/N: My first request thank you for sending it in! Yes I do requests, on my masterlist there is a link to a post about who i write for. I hope this was what you were looking for!
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Depression was hard. There were so many things that became restricted as a result of it and I thought I had learned to deal with it. I thought that the meds were helping and that I was able to be somewhat normal. Turns out they weren't doing much for my love life, which was the first and main thing that annoyed me. Yes, it meant I couldn’t sleep, and that my appetite went at random times, and that I couldn’t control my smile all the time, but those things had become part of me.
Campbell was also part of me. I loved him so, so much, but just couldn’t show it. Depression just didn’t cater for being in a relationship.
I wasn’t able to be there for him 100% of the time, like he was for me. I wasn’t always available to hang out on the times we got a day pass, and it meant I couldn’t even get out of bed some days. I couldn’t hug him whenever I wanted, even if it was the only thing I could do.
So I had to find a way to show my appreciation for him somehow, because I did appreciate him so much. He was so lovely, and perfect, and exactly what I needed all the time. It took me a while, but I eventually found a way to show this appreciation. Gifts.
Any type of gift. Whether it was handmade, or a little card with a love note in it, or some flowers that magically turned up on his bedside table every few mornings. Giving him something felt like the only way I could show my appreciation for him. Even if he wasn’t the most materialistic person, I could still tell it meant a lot to him, which was the point.
After a few months, I could tell he was getting suspicious. We hadn’t yet breached the topic of what to do when I wasn’t as affectionate as he was, and so he wouldn’t have known that that’s what the gifts were a replacement of, but he was starting to connect the dots. I didn’t really care, to be honest, but it did mean that I would have to talk about why I wasn’t as touchy and affectionate as he was, which I would definitely struggle with.
This morning I had woken up and dragged myself out of bed in the early hours to visit the florists down the road. The nurses had happily let me out since it was the day I got a day pass, and I returned a few minutes later with a fresh bouquet of tulips mixed in with some long-stemmed roses and daisies. It was the usual group I got, but I also managed to get a bar of chocolate and paired it with a card I had written the night before. It was September, nowhere near Valentines day, and yet it was exactly what I saw other people give each other on the 14th of February. I wouldn’t know what to do on actual Valentines day, since it would definitely have to outshine this, but that was a completely different problem.
I was allowed to borrow a vase from the kitchen crew and once the flowers were popped inside it with some water, I snuck into Campbell’s room with a subtle smile curved into my lips. What I didn’t account for was that he was already awake, which never happened, sitting up in bed as if he was waiting for me.
I stopped dead in my tracks. “Cam, you’re awake.”
He nodded, grinning and sitting up on the mattress. “Yeah, to catch you, silly! I finally did it. I finally caught you.”
“You’re acting as if I’ve committed a crime, it's just some flowers. I do this every week, s’not like it’s anything special.” I tell him, trying to avoid the question of why, which was the main thing I didn’t want him to find out about. He continues talking while I put the vase down on his bedside table, putting the chocolate and card behind it in the hopes he won’t notice until I’ve left.
“Aye, but every week. You spoil me every single week.” He points out, taking my hand and dragging me down onto the bed with him. “Why?”
I shrug my shoulders, not yet defeated. “Does there have to be a reason?”
“Well, no, but-”
“So butt out.” I snapped, not realising that I had. “Do I need a reason to spoil my boyfriend because that’s the only way I know how to show that I appreciate and love him? Can’t I just be caring without being questioned about every small thing?”
Campbell had a small, loving smile curved into his lips. “Is that it?”
I blinked at him, shuffling around in my spot on the mattress, swallowing deeply and refusing to make eye contact with him. “Is that what?”
“Is that why you spoil me?” He asks, voice soft and like silk as he took my hands in his. “Because you don’t know how else to show you love me?”
The palm of my hand ran up my arm as I bit the inside of my cheek. All I had to do was admit that, yes, that was the reason, but it was easier said than done. I felt his hand rest atop my knee, soothing me. “Depression doesn’t really accommodate relationships. I’m not good at showing how much I love you but when I give you something it always feels easy.”
“And you were, what? Embarrassed about that?”
“In all these shows we watch each night, all the couples are so affectionate with each other, and I’d love to be like that with you but for some reason… I just can’t seem to be able to.” I admitted, shrugging my shoulders as if I didn’t know what I was talking about when in fact it was the one thing that had plagued my mind since I discovered it myself. “It makes me feel like shit.”
Within a split second, Campbell has his arms around my waist and has lifted me into his lap, my back against his chest. Next I feel his chin rest on my shoulder, and his words vibrating against my skin. “Never feel shit because of that. I don’t care that you can't be affectionate, because I know you love me, and I certainly love you, there’s no changing that. I love the gifts, I really do, and you can continue giving them to me if you really want but don’t think you have to spend money on me if you’re just doing it for that.”
“Yeah.” I sighed, resting my head back on his shoulder and pressing a kiss to his lips.
“Thank you, though. I never said that.”
My lips curled into a smile. “You're welcome. I love you.”
“Love you too, honey.” And I can hear the grin on his lips just for those four words. We spend a few minutes curled up in each other's arms, Cam still slightly sleepy, but I sit up slightly when I feel him move his arm away from me and over to his bedside table. “Hey, what’s this?” And I just about see him pick up the chocolate from my peripheral view. “Did you buy chocolate as well?”
I shrug. “Maybe…”
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atlasthegreatest · 1 year
Unexpected Surprises | Cassandra Vole
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In which, complete opposites manage to surprise the entire Hogwarts, on Valentine’s Day.
Y/n concluded that there couldn’t be a place that knew how to celebrate festive days as well as Hogwarts. And, even though he had been studying there for six years, the enchanted decorations of the Hall always left Y/n amazed. Except on Valentine’s Day. This was the only festive day that he disliked the most because of the amount of love letters and gifts he received.
Now, it’s not that he didn’t like Valentine’s Day, per say. He just didn’t liked the attention he receives on that day. And for a shy guy like him… it was hell. 
Y/n has always caught everyone’s attention, not only because of his beauty but also because of his charming personality and wits. And like it or not, he managed to get the attention of the girls in his year and the ones years above him. Except one girl.
The Princess of Slytherin. Cassandra Vole.
Y/n Y/L and Cassandra Vole’s first meeting was anything but pleasant; and the students who were present that day can agree with that.
It was in their first year, and Y/n completely humiliated Cassandra in Charms after she was rather horrible and rude to him after he told her to stop antagonizing Daniel Page with her unnecessary bullying.
Since that day, Cassandra and Y/n did everything to make each other’s lives hell.
But we are not here to remember what was in the past. Let's focus on the present.
February 14th, 2013 — Sixth Year
Y/n was sitting at the table he shared with his housemates, a bowl of cereal in his hands as he took in the red decor that graced the Hall's walls and the red paper hearts that hung like curtains over their heads.
That morning all Hogwarts students seemed to be on edge with that day. Girls laughed amongst themselves in small or large groups as they talked about who they would send their letters to and the boys encouraged each other so that none of them would embarrass themselves in front of the girl they liked.
Meanwhile, at the Ravenclaw table, Y/n sighs for what would be the hundredth time, as a gargoyle with few wings and an arrow hands him the sixtieth love letter of the day. When he was going to throw the letter into the pile beside him, he recognized the handwriting that was there and quickly opened it. And he read the only message that was there.
‘Meet me at the Astronomy Tower after lunch.’
"So," Daniel began to speak as he looked at his friend with a curious eye, seeing how he finished reading the letter with a small smile on his lips. "This year are you going to go out with me and Ivy, like in past years, or are you going to finally agree to go out with one of your admirers?”
Y/n, who had just put a spoonful of cereal in his mouth, replied after he finished chewing. "For your luck and mine, I already have a date for today."
Daniel, on the other hand, couldn't control his surprise "You already have a date?!" The Hall, which was previously noisy with the noise of students, became completely silent as the words came out of the red-haired boy's mouth, drawing attention to their table. Y/n wanted to bury himself on the concrete floor to escape from the eyes on them.
Ivy, who until then seemed oblivious to the two boys' conversation while eating her oatmeal, upon noticing the curious looks on Daniel and Y/n, put down her spoon and said in a light tone: "You can go back to doing what you were doing, fellows. Don't let Daniel get in your way." And went back to eating her food.
With no eyes on them, Daniel moved closer to Y/n and spoke again, but this time, softer so that only he, Y/n, and Ivy could hear. "You already have a date? Really?"
Y/n nodded slowly, feeling his cheeks starting to heat up.
"Who?" Daniel asked, without realizing that he was being watched by a girl who was looking intently at them.
Y/n seeing where that conversation was going, quickly broke the conversation as he glanced at his silver watch. "Look at the time!" He rose from his seat while tidying his tie. "I have to go do my prefect rounds." And started walking towards the exit. "Bye, Daniel! Bye, Ivy!"
"Ivy?" Daniel caught the girl's attention as he stared at where Y/n had left.
"Yes?" Ivy said, distracted by her food.
"Do you want to find out who Y/n’s mysterious date is?" Daniel said to the gray-haired girl with a small smile on the corner of his lips.
Ivy pulled her attention from the food to look at Daniel. “What do you have in mind?”
“We’re going to follow him.”
After finishing his duties as a prefect, Y/n quickly went to his room to freshen up and change his clothes, and before leaving, he took the package and the bunch of roses that were on his bed and went towards the Astronomy Tower. where he found the person he expected.
There she was, Cassandra Vole in all her beauty, standing with her back to him.
Y/n couldn't help but admire how beautiful she looked. Her long blonde hair was loose, except for the white turban that held her hair back from going into her eyes. The gray skirt she wore sat against her hips, which was accompanied by a white wool blouse, and on top was a gray coat, to top it off, she wore black boots that reached to her knees.
"Hello, darling, " Y/n said, alerting Cassandra to his arrival. Causing her to turn to look at him. "Is this all for me?" He said playfully to what she had worn.
Cassandra snorted at what Y/n had said as she approached him. "As if I would wear it for you. I wear it from me." She said as she looked Y/n up and down with searching eyes. "Uhm... you dressed up and shaved. Did you do this for me?"
Now it was Y/n's turn to snort. "You know I do. I have to sweep you off your feet somehow, darling." Cassandra rolled her eyes at the last part.
"You know it doesn't take much for you to sweep me off my feet," Cassandra said in a soft tone. A tone she only used with Y/n. "I couldn't say it earlier, but thank you for the roses."
"Speaking of roses, I have some here for you," Y/n said holding out the bunch of roses to her. "And you don't have to thank me for the flowers. I'm just doing my job as your boyfriend." And he intertwined his arms around Cassandra's slim waist.
"You're very sweet, Y/n," Cassandra said with slightly pink cheeks as she held the roses in her left hand, and used her right hand to cup Y/n's jaw to bring him down to her height and leave a chaste kiss on his lips.
"Only for you," Y/n said, lowering his head to place a chaste kiss on Cassandra's lips once more. "Now, shall we go to our date?”
Cassandra hummed in fondness. “It better be. And yes, we shall.”
Cassandra and Y/n walked slowly through the snowy streets of Hogsmeade hand in hand as they talked about the upcoming Quidditch game: Ravenclaw vs. Gryffindor. And by chatting I mean the fact that Y/n was the only one talking excitedly about the new tactics he came up with since he was the captain of the Ravenclaw team- and Cassandra, who wasn't much into the sport, just listened attentively to what her boyfriend was saying with a slight smile. The same can be said when the subject turned to Herbology, Y/n listened to everything while listening to Cassandra's melodic voice explain the subject she liked.
The couple were so oblivious by the looks of surprise and shock that the other Hogwarts students in the street threw them. After all, they never dreamed of the day that Y/n L/n and Cassandra Vole would one day go without exchanging barbs with each other. Who would say going on a date?
'How is it that the nice, shy, and charismatic Y/n dates the rude, mean, and unfriendly Cassandra?' That's what was going through their heads right now.
Cassandra rolled her eyes as Y/n laughed at the comment he had made about Cassandra's jealousy over the numerous letters he had received that day, as he opened the door to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop for her.
Once inside the store, Y/n led his girlfriend to a vacant table, pulling out a chair for her after having helped her to take off her coat, to then do the same with his coat and finally sit in his chair, for them to place their orders.
Cassandra ordered a chamomile tea and cinnamon rolls as a side, and Y/n ordered a mint tea and a chocolate cake as a side. They were talking about the next dinner between their families while waiting for their orders when Y/n noticed a strange movement at the window and caught his attention.
"What is more important than me to have your full attention right now?" Cassandra asked the boy with her arms crossed when she realized that he was no longer paying attention to what she was saying.
"Uhm...I...I think you better look out the window and draw your conclusions, Cass." Y/n said in a low tone as he felt the heat in his cheeks rise.
Cassandra without understanding anything, turned to the window to see what had left her boyfriend like that, when she came across Daniel, Ivy and a few more students staring at them through the window with faces of shock.
Feeling her cheeks burn, Cassandra cleared her throat and straightened in her chair. "Ignore them, Y/n. They have nothing to do."
"You're right." Y/n nodded. "How about we exchange our presents now?" He said as he removed two boxes from the package that was in his coat pocket and gave them to Cassandra. "I hope you like it. It's from the new jewelry collection you told me about."
As for Cassandra, she wanted to complain that Y/n had given her two gifts instead of one - as was agreed- but there was nothing she could do since Y/n always liked to give her presents. Opening the first box, Cassandra found a simple silver necklace with diamonds around it, but what caught her attention was the small emerald stone that adorned the simple necklace. "Oh, Y/n. The necklace is so pretty." Cassandra approached Y/n to give him a light kiss on the cheek. "Thanks."
"You don't have to thank me," Y/n said as he caressed Cassandra's delicate hand with his calloused one. "When I saw the necklace it reminded me of your eyes. And the necklace comes with matching earrings." Y/n said as she opened the other box, the smaller one, which contained the earrings. Cassandra, in turn, thanked him with a chaste kiss on his lips.
"Well, I guess it's your turn now." The blonde took a small box from her coat and handed it to Y/n. "Here. I hope you like it."
When Y/n opened the box, he couldn't help but recount the chuckle that came out of his mouth. Inside the box was a silver necklace with a pendant of the letter 'C' etched with tiny lapis lazuli.
"Marking territory already, Miss Vole?" Y/n said as he closed the necklace around his neck. "I liked the present. Thank you." Y/n placed a kiss on the back of Cassandra's hand as a thank you.
"Since everyone already knows we're together, the girls have to know you're already off limits," Cassandra said with a look of disdain as she shrugged. That made Y/n laugh harder.
"Happy Valentine's Day, my jealous girl."
"Happy Valentine's Day, handsome."
Later that night, after the long day they had, Cassandra and Y/n were inside the bathtub in the prefects' bathroom with candles illuminating every corner of the room.
"Being a prefect has its privileges," Cassandra said softly, running water from the bathtub with rose petals hitting her considerable chest. As she leaned her back against Y/n's defined chest with him doing a light massage on her shoulders.
"It does. And nothing better than enjoying them with my lovely girlfriend, don't you think?" Y/n said as he placed a small kiss on the blonde's neck, eliciting a small whine from her as his hands tightened a tense knot in her muscles.
"You treat me so well," Cassandra said, swirling the water around to look at Y/n. "What can I do to make it up to you?" She said, straddling Y/n's hips with her legs, sitting there while with her hands she traced imaginary lines on Y/n's chest and jaw.
"I have something in mind," Y/n said with a mischievous smile, as he lowered his head to kiss and bite Cassandra's neck, then placed a kiss full of passion and lust on her lips.
Who would have thought that after so much teasing and frustration, they would be celebrating Valentine's Day together?
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arsenal-womens-1 · 7 months
Viv x reader
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February 14th Valentine's Day me and Viv have been together for 2 year's we met in 2019 at the World Cup she was playing for her home country the Netherlands
she was in a relationship at the time we didn't stay in contact but we did speak when we played against each other in 2022 January transfer window i transferred from angel city to arsenal
we got close in the little time we new each other we developed feelings and 7 months later we where together  December 15th she ruptured her acl I was there for her 
the January transfer window arsenal sent me out on loan to Barcelona it's nice and all but we don't  get to see each other that much we talk all the time it's now 2024 and she has a game against London city lionesses she isn't in the starting 11 but she is a sub we have called and she sent me roses a card and my favourite hoodie ( one of hers) I got her flowers a blanket this thing she really wanted and a cup that said goat on the side as a joke
I've told her I can't be there because I have late training but I lied because I want to surprise her I've had help from a few of her team mates to pull this off
It's 2 pm and I need to be at el parat de liobeegat aeropuerto ( I don't know if that is how you spell it I hope that it is if it's not tell me and I will change it )  at 2:30 pm  Lucy is dropping me off at the airport so I don't have to leave my car there
2:10 pm
My phone pings it's a message from Lucy
Hey I'm out side
K give me a minute and I will be down
I throw the bag over my shoulder and lock the door rushing down the stairs and to the street I see Lucy parked out in front of my apartment building i open the door and sit next to her the air port is only about 10 minutes away I know I'm pushing it with the time and all but let's hope I catch my flight to France
Time skip to getting off the plane ( because I don't know what to write for that )
I walk off the plane and get out the building it's fucking cold I get in the nearest taxi and ask him to take me to the train station it's about 20 minutes away from the airport I get out thank the taxi driver then sit for the next train which is about 30 minutes out
Time skip the train
It's now 6:12 pm the train was a bit late but it's ok I'm only going to miss the first few minutes of the game I see Jen standing at the exit of the train station we hug then get in the car we get there about 6 minutes after kick off we go to the friends and family section I try to hide so she can't see me
In the 39th minute Cloé Lacasse scores the first goal of the game the In extra time Kim gets a goal 2-0 at half time I talk to some people that are there until the start of the second half
57th minute Cloé Lacasse gets another goal 65th minute Viv Leah get subbed on 74th minute Russo scores a goal the game ends 4-0
At the end the girls sine a few tops get pictures taken the they come over to us Viv see me and jogs over to me she crashes her lips in to mine for a moment then we hug each other tight I'm still a bit shocked that she kissed me in front of people usually she doesn't like to but I guess since we haven't seen each other for 4 months she missed me and I missed her she pulls back form the hug
" you told me you couldn't come because you had training " I bring my hand up to her face and move some of her hair from her Beautiful face I look in to her Bluey Gary eyes " I know I said that but I wanted to surprise you "
She gets called over for a press thing after she was done every she got her stuff and we went to her apartment
Skip to the apartment Viv was making food I was setting up the movie when she was done we eat over food and watched lady and the tramp after the movie was done I went to the bathroom and started a bath I let it fill up i light some candles turn off the light and call viv in we take off our clothes and get In she was behind me and we just sat and talked I look back at her and the only thing I could thing of is " I want to spend the rest of my life with this woman "
This is my first time posting on this app so hope I’ve done it right if not sorry
Stay safe drink water sleep
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beelzmunchkin · 2 years
Valentines Day - (brothers)
A/N: pls don’t hate me, I really wanted to make a post for Valentine’s Day but Ngl it was very rushed. I hope you still like it…. Also I didn’t grammar or even spell check this, im sorry …… I was gonna write for the royals and purgatory hall (Simeon, Solomon) let me know if you think I should… hopefully not rushed
The week leading up to Valentines Day Lucifer took you to Majolish insisting on buying you a lovely outfit that would coordinate with his for the upcoming Valentine’s Day
Reserves a private area At ristorante six for a dinner for two, has three cursed blinded demons playing violins, and cellos live. They were also cursed so they couldn’t understand anything you or Lucifer said.
At dinner he pulls out the chair for you and even though he already knew what you were going to wear he compliments you.
“this color makes your eyes as ravishing as the jewels on prince Diavolos crown”
“you looks as elegant as the Devildoms most prestigious architecture. No one can ever replicate you.”
“With all the potions in all three worlds none can ever be as alluring as you are”
Feeds you dessert
After dinner, takes you to the the best rated hotel in devildom, as you walk in he hold his hands over you eyes and as he removes them you see golden flower petals that you can only recognize from diavolos personal garden shaped in a heart on the bed
He begins to gently massage your shoulder
“I saw a lot of humans like these gestures, how about you get comfortable and I run us a warm bath.”
has been avoiding you like the plague until it was February 14th
You wake up to gentle pokes on your shoulder and soft murmurs of your name
You open your eyes and see mammon there with a rose and breakfast ready for you. (Insert you favorite devildom breakfast)
During the day walks you to all your classes and has been giving you forehead kisses everytime.
The evening comes and he has the first movie you both ever watched together set in his room with all your favorite snack
Gifts you Valentine’s Day pajamas and you cuddle up to watch your movie
When the movie finishes
“hey you know I love you right? Like no amount of money can ever make me trade you.”
“If I had to choose between you and Goldie I hope you know I’d always choose you.”
“But don’t go expecting all this love hoopla everyday, this took a lot of time for this galantines day”
“You mean Valentine’s Day.” You corrected him
“Shaddup and come here darling”
Cuddles you up
Really didn’t want to participate in normie way of showing love
while you were at RAD, he spent hours coding and programming an adventure game of you two where you had to find the hidden treasure and along the way the mini games you would do, we’re all based on memories you both shared
When you came back from RAD, you went straight to his room to tell him about your day but when you knocked there was no question about who it is.
You opened the door and when you entered you see him curled up and asleep in his bathtub.
While he’s asleep you decorate his room with pictures of times you were gaming, swimming, dragging him out of his room, sleepovers and more. You cut out heart from holographic material and taped them on the sealing and the lights from Henry made it a rainbow of colors all around.
As you were hanging up the last heart you heard shifting you turn to see Levi waking up. He ears turned red, his cheeks turned red and his jaw fell in shock.
“What’s all this? Omg I remember when that happened, how long have you had these pictures. This must be so embarrassing to be seen with a worthless otaku like me”
“It’s Never embarrassing I really love hanging out with you, you’ll always be my player 1”
“I really like spending time with you even if you are a normie. Look I made a game for us. We can play anytime or if you want to play it without me you can too. I understand”
He showed you the game and the opening screen is Levi dressed as lord of shadows from TSL and you as Henry the protagonist.
The mini games were a reminiscent to the development of the relationship you and Levi shared.
As you were getting sleepy after gaming for 6 hours and went to bed Levi grabbed all the photos you had with him and saved them in his TSL novel so then it will always be somewhere safe.
He is very much hoping you want to play the game tomorrow
Being very aware of what Valentine’s Day was to most humans he was prepared. He got you a box of chocolates and roses as most books describe as the foundation of Valentine’s Day.
Of course he had to make today special, you spent the afternoon decorating safety googles for reasons he refused to disclose.
When you went out to an early dinner he pulled out your chair and spoke to you all about the history of humans celebration of Valentine’s Day. of course he was picking up on your expressions as he spoke to understand what parts you liked and disliked. He noticed how you disliked the the whole showing your significant other you loved them on this day.
He picked up on your small smiles as he told you one variation of the history how it was unjust so valentine defied authority and let lovers unite.
After dinner he took you to an area of destroyed furniture named “devils rages” he handed you your custom safety goggles and offered you weapons for the night
Hour went by of cursing the injustices of the world and as it got darker fireworks went off and you saw big heart exploding in the sky
You felt arms hug you from the side
“If I could destroy and/or rule the world with anyone it would be you”
Of course this is one of Asmos most loved holidays. But it was very different now that he had you in his life
Usually he would receive an abundance of love letters, witches, demons, and any human if they were ever around to swarm at his feet in love with him
Now that he had you in his life he didn’t want to go out and have all that attention he wanted to make this day the one day where it was just the two of you without any interruptions.
Morning began with him sharing a secluded breakfast with you. Fruits tasting like dreams on your tongue as shared them.
After breakfast you both went to get private couples massages to which soothed you straight to sleep. As you woke back up Asmo lovingly stared at you in awe
“I may be the prettiest in all realms but you definitely are quite some competition with the dreamlike hue to you features and soft lips upon you porcelain skin.”
You both return to HoL and went to his room. In there he brings out an akuzon box that was halfway open. In there you saw a pair of matching pink bracelets with hearts in them. He tied one to your wrist and you tied one onto his.
“What makes these special is that when your near me it catches you heartbeat and I can feel it in my wrist”
You feel his heart beat thumping on your wrist and it’s racing.
“ you make me lightheaded, I’ve never felt a love as genuine as yours. You Almost make me feel like I’m the one living a dream. Me the avatar of lust, isn’t that crazy”
Your heart is racing against his wrist and he smiled as he feels your heart as happy and excited as his. makes him give you the most gentle and soft hug. As if a demon shaped blanket was placed on to you.
A happy hug just between you two with no other demons and no acts from Asmo living in the love of others. Just the two of you, two hearts beating as one
Today was Valentine day but that would never stop Beelzebub from going to do his morning workout. You went to make breakfast and as you were setting up the table you felt a pair of sweaty arms lift you off the ground and spin you around
He didn’t let you finish and laid kisses all over your neck and shoulder and raced upstairs. You were left a a little dizzy but very red at the sudden affection
It was breakfast time and everyone made their way to the dining table and you hope that Beel would have noticed the heart you made in the chocolate chip pancakes for him before he engulfed his stack.
Before he sat down he gave you a heart shaped hand made card and on the inside was a picture of you two.
You didn’t get to see him until devildom history class but when you saw him he leaned his forehead against you and whispered
“Happy Valentine’s Day, I hope you’re ready for dinner tonight”
“What are we having?” You said
“You’ll see”
Later that night you see a notification pop up on you D.D.D and it was a text from Beel saying “let me be your sous chef tonight I promise I’ll be good, meet me in the kitchen”
You walk into the kitchen and there you see Beel in a chefs hat and an apron that said kiss the sous chef (definitely not written by him) he stood there head held high and a bright smile and you couldn’t help but laugh just a little. You went towards him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
You both spent your evening doing your best to make Creamed Bonnacon. Beel was only allowed one taste test as last time you were making this he ate it all before it was finished.
“You look adorable when you cook, I’m sorry I’m not the best sous chef. (Kisses you temple), I hope you had a good Valentine’s Day. Any day I get to spend with you makes me so happy and gooey, inside kind of like a malevolent lava cake. (Places his head in the crook of your neck peppering you with gentle light kisses) but sadly I could only convince Lucifer to let me cook dinner tonight because I’d be with you”
You definitely had to be the one to wake him up but this time he didn’t curse you or ignore you for disrupting his sleep.
Instead he lifted the blanket and let you in he cuddled into you and whispered “happy Valentine’s Day”
You sadly could only enjoy this moment for a short amount of time because you both had to get to RAD.
During the day you would find little heart shaped notes with drawings of you and belphie or little notes such as
“I can’t wait to snuggle you up and watch the stars later tonight”
“I got a new blanket set I would love to show you them”
“Can’t I just keep you in my dreamworld forever”
“Sometimes I wonder if I’m still dreaming when I’m with you”
You walked back with a very tired Belphie as he did his best staying awake to write you all those notes
You get back to the HoL and see Beel walking mysteriously out of the planetarium trying his best not to look suspicious.
Belphie grabbed your hand and led you to the planetarium.
As you walked in you saw a huge pillow and blanket for t instead. You crawled into the fort and inside was the song you and belphie love to stargaze with. Although you couldn’t see the stars belphie cuddled up to you and whispered sweet nothings in your ear
“You make me so happy”
“You’re the one who make me smile when I wake up”
“ You’re so imperfectly perfect for me”
“ with you I can be myself and it makes my life less dreadful”
“I love you, happy Valentine’s Day”
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that--fish · 2 years
『 Tulips from Ayato 』
✧ Ayato x y/n
✧ Fluff
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I laid down on the futon bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking of what could have been if the Yashiro Commisioner was less busy. He usually comes back home in the late of the night. Sigh I wish I could spend more time with him. Tomorrow was Valentines, 14th of February, would he be free? I shouldn't expect much. He has many things to tend to: politics, merchants, whatever you could think of. My picture of us beneath a cherry blossom tree framed on top of the clothing cabinet in the corner of our room. Hmm, what should I do tomorrow if he doesn't happen to be there? Maybe I could make dinner for him for when he gets home? No, the food would get cold, and he arrives back at past midnight, I would be sleeping by then. Should I ask Thoma to teach me how to make chocolates? No, that would require trial and error but I don't have the time to make it so many times, I won't be a professional at my first try... Maybe I should just go to sleep, I would come up with an idea somehow, in due time.
I felt a hand wrap around my waist, it was comforting, Ayato is back. It was probably near 3am in the morning but I was too lethargic to say anything, I went back to sleep within seconds.
Should I go to Inazuma City to buy a heart-shaped box of chocolates for him? Or should I ask Thoma if he knew how to make one? It would take long for me to find a reputable florist with good quality in Inazuma City. I couldn't just pick a bunch of wildflowers, that's not good enough. My mind was empty. Empty like Itto's skull. Maybe I could make his favourite home-cooked food? I could ask Thoms to teach me how to make it. But the food would get cold by the time he gets home... Should we sit by the cherry blossom tree for a picnic and reminisce the happier memories? Or watch fireworks at night? AHHH, it's too corny! Why couldn't I think of anything else? Should we go on a stroll by the beach at night? No, he wouldn't have time for it, he needs to get some rest...
I checked the clock on my bedside table. 8.30am. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. Whatever should I do today? The spot on the bed next to me was empty. Seemed like he went out to work early again. As usual. As I made the bed, I saw something on the blanket. A little note on a piece of paper. Happy Valentines, Darling~ Hope you had a good sleep. There is a present outside the room. It's especially for you *wink* gasp He didn't forget!
I opened the door in anticipation and found...Ayato? He didn't leave for work? Today he wore something different. A white suit with a pearl white waistcoat adorned with golden buttons along with a white dress shirt and a lilac tie, a pair of white slacks and shiny, black dress shoes.
"I assume you read the note there. I am your present~" His smile reached up to his ears.
"Ayato-" I was in shock. Utter. Shock. In a good way though.
"I went out early to buy this bouquet of tulips. And I took the whole week off so I could spend it with you...Did you have good sleep?" He brushed aside the stubborn strands of hair on the side of my face. Thoma and Ayaka are probably cringing from their side of the hallway. I wonder what did he plan put for today. I was still in my sleeping gown but I didn't have any stunning clothes for the occasion, just evening gowns, I doubt I would wear those in the morning.
"I bought you these in case you had nothing to wear, now we are matching!" He gave me a lilac, puffed sleeved dress. It didn't look like that of Inazuman embroidery. I wasn't sure where he bought it from exactly, but it looked stunning nonetheless.
"I will go get changed. I will come out once I'm ready." I slipped into the dress, a perfect fit. It reached a little past my knees. I tied my hair half-up with a lavender, silk ribbon and put on a pair of cloud white heels, decorated with translucent butterflies. I opened the door to Ayato fixing his hair as if the door was a mirror.
"Where should we go? Oh and before that, do we have a nice vase to keep the bouquet?"
He passed me a porcelain vase from the living room, this should do the trick. Where should I put this...Ah nevermind, I should just keep this in the living room for now I guess. I placed the vase with the tulips on the dining table hoping Thoma wouldn't accidentally throw it away. Oh, he made breakfast? It looks very... Well he gave it his best, he was a Kamisato after all, he burned down the kitchen multiple times due to his 'trial and error', this was a major improvement. I wasn't too short of being impressed, it looked neat and presentable, and less burnt parts. He used our estate's finest kitchenware as well, thank Celestia he didn't burn down the kitchen this time. There was miso soup, mackerel and omurice. The sauce was in the shape of a heart, haha, how cute~
"You made breakfast?"
"Yes, I asked Thoma to teach me how to make these since those are our favourites. Speaking of which, Thoma and Ayaka went out to run some errands so we have the whole estate to ourselves for the day."
"Maybe after breakfast, we could take a stroll around Inazuma City and have a picnic in Chinju Forest near the estate. The cherry blossoms are in full bloom this season. It will look gorgeous this time of year. But first, let's eat, I'm starving."
The food didn't taste like Thoma's cooking but he did his best, it still was good. The miso soup was savoury and not too salty. The mackerel, an odd combination with omurice...
"Why did you get tulips instead of roses? I thought lovers gift each other roses on Valentines."
"You really want to know?"
"Yeah..." I took a sip of the soup from the porcelain bowl.
"So that later, we could put our two lips together." He smirked. HOW DID HE SAY THAT SO CALMLY? I was stunned. Speechless. I nearly choked on the soup.
"And you had to be so corny early in the morning." But I liked it though, I felt like I was grinning like an idiot in my imagination.
After we finished eating, he insisted on doing the dishes. He could've placed an order for the new Fontaine-made dishwasher which came out nearly a month ago, would make Thoma's job a bit easier.
We went out to Inazuma City to buy food for our picnic in Chinju Forest. I brought a woven basket but he insisted he brought the teacups after we went back home. I held his arm as we exited the estate, on our way to Inazuma City.
I felt a lot of people's eyes aimed at me. I shouldn't think about that. I was here to buy food, and it's Valentines.
"Should we get some tricoloured dango? Maybe some onigiri and sushi as well to accompany the tea."
We bought quite a lot of food, it all barely fits in the basket. So far we have tricoloured dango, onigiri, sushi, tri-flavoured skewer, sakura mochi, sakura shrimp crackers and egg rolls. We were on our way back to the estate and I made sure our food was intact and safe. It was a bit breezy today and there weren't many clouds in the azure-blue sky. He was going to get a picnic blanket and the teacups from the estate so I sat by the cherry blossom tree and glanced up at its pink petals slowly floating down.
And since Ayato's here, there is absolutely nothing for me to worry about. I took out my Kamera and led him by the hand to under the cherry blossom tree. I set the Kamera to a 10 second timer on a big rock that was half my height. I hurried back to Ayato and hugged him, his left side facing the Kamera. I looked up at him and smiled as I tiptoed to give him a swift peck on the lips (I hope the Kamera captured that). His loving gaze and soft smile are no strangers to me. I welcome them with open arms. His arms managed to snake their way to my waist without me noticing and pulled me closer to him. I felt my face getting warmer by the minute. I got a bit flustered and looked to the Kamera as I heard the shutter sound. He cupped my face with his left hand making me look directly into his beautiful blue eyes that resembled a calm lavender field, as still as time. I went to see how the picture turned out. It made my heart flutter and twirl in circles. It describes my feelings more than what words could say.
"The picture turned out good, framing this in our room when we get back~" I chimed.
Our anniversary was about a month ago. It was like I could see that exact moment play in front of me as I sat by that cherry blossom tree. The canopy of the cherry blossoms gave me some shade from the sun. I hoped the egg rolls didn't get cold. He took quite long to get the teacups.
He laid the picnic blanket on the ground and I put the basket of food in the middle of the blanket. I took out the onigiris and sushis as our starter course. I ate it with my hands as there were no chopsticks. Why didn't he get chopsticks? He was in the estate anyways. I savoured the taste of the savoury sushi. It wasn't too bad I guess. I still felt that Thoma's cooking was superior or maybe I was used to his cooking as I ate it everyday. Chinju Forest has a lot of bioluminescent plants in a shade of blue that resembles his hair colour. They doesn't glow in the morning, it's like at different times of the day, Chinju Forest has two opposite colour schemes, pink and blue. Our starter course finished quickly. I think I wolfed down most of it, I was quite hungry haha... Next up were the tri-flavoured skewers and egg rolls. I thought the egg rolls could go well with rice but we had no rice, sadly. I took out the tricoloured dango, sakura mochi and sakura shrimp crackers. The mochi was sweet and chewy, it was really tasty. If I had a sweet tooth, I'm not sure how many of these I would get. And we have no tea? We have teacups but no tea. Ah, I forgot to brew tea earlier. Well, the teacups are useless now...
I wondered what to do next. I couldn't think of anything to do? There wasn't much to do in Inazuma City. What if he planned the whole day out?
"Do you want to go to Tatarasuna?"
"Tatarasuna? Why?"
"We can watch the sunset there. The beach is bioluminescent as well, absolutely stunning."
"Why didn't you describe me like that?"
"Why? Want me to give you more tulips?"
"Well, what else is there to do on Tatarasuna? There are a lot of Fatui scattered around there. I don't want to deal with them today. Are there any safer bioluminescent beaches?"
"Or do you want to something in the estate? Hmm?"
"'Something'? What exactly is that 'something'?"
"You will find out~" He gave a confident smirk. DAMN HIM, THAT SMIRK AGAIN! What could possibly be that 'something'? I'm totally oblivious. What else could he be thinking, huh?
"Well then, let's find out~"
Hah, see if he can reply to that. What could he do anyway? Do I want him to do something? Hehe...
He picked up the plates and teacups back into the basket and folded the picnic blanket and draped it on his arm like a waitor's napkin.
"Let me escort you back to the estate, Milady~" He extended his arm. I held his arm as we walked up the stone staircase to the estate.
"Master, Milady, you're back!" Thoma chirped in excitement.
"We will be heading to our room, you can prepare the hot water for the bath."
"Yes, Master. I'm sure both of you had a long day outside. I will be out to run another errand after I prepared the bath."
As we entered the estate, I saw tulip petals on the floor leading to the hallway. I was rather confused. They weren't from the bouquet right? The bouquet of reddish-pink tulips in the living room were still intact. Ayato doesn't look fazed. Did those two plan this? Seems like Ayaka wasn't back yet. The petals led to our room. Ayato opened the door and the first thing I noticed was tulips petals on the bed forming a shape of a heart. Did Ayato make this? Where did he get the petals from? Was this why he took so long just to get the teacups and the picnic blanket? He immediately shut the door and pinned me against the wall. My face turned as red as a pyro vision. I was in shock. My hands frozen in place, by my sides. I stared into his lavender-blue eyes. What would be his next move? His face inched closer to mine. I couldn't move backwards. Do I want him to do something? No wonder he told me that Thoma and Ayaka wouldn't be home today. I gulped, in anticipation.
He loosened his lilac tie, still having a hold on me. Was it what I thought it was? No, no... haha...couldn't be... Do I want it to be what I thought it was?
His face was so close to mine that I could feel his breath on my skin, his hair grazing my face. He looked at my lips then back at my eyes. I was screaming internally like an excited teenager. The head of the Kamisato clan and Yashiro Commision, my husband, the love of my life...I would give the world to grow old alongside him. I smiled like a fool, I couldn't help it. There were no words to say how happy I was today. I didn't know how to describe it. In actions...maybe?
His face got even closer, his forehead almost touching mine. What was he thinking?
His thumb brushed my lips. AHHH, JUST KISS ME ALREADY!
I grabbed his collar and pulled him towards me, his lips crashing onto mine. I might have used too much force... I released my grip and took a step backwards, my face flushing to the reddest shade of red one could possibly imagine.
"Hmm, you want to kiss me that badly huh?"
I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. I slowly turned to the floor for a solution only for the attempt to be futile. His hand forcefully made me turn to face him. He took off his coat and waistcoat and left it on the ground. He untied his tie and threw it to somewhere at the back of the room, his eyes still focused on me. One of his arms sneaked around my waist to pull me closer, the other pinning my wrists to the wall. I felt his warm breath on my skin. I was breathing heavily. My heart thumping like an earthquake. The tension was killing me.
"Do you want to see butterflies?"
The End
A/n: and you can probably guess what happened from there onwards ;)
I wrote this last minute after a week of procrastination 😅
I thought of all those corny/cringy couple things from kdrama scenarios and chucked it into this oneshot.
Thanks for reading :D
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lady-bess · 7 months
Just A Date - Agent Ortega
Part of the LadyBess Valentine's special! 8 Characters; 8 Dates 💜
Agent Ortega x GN!Reader Mature/18+ (Minors DNI Please✨) WC: 2.8k Notable Tags: Running Away, New Lives, SFW, Reader is a Whore, Sorry, Soft Ortega, Caring Ortega, Obscene Levels of Fluff, Forbidden Romance, Established Relationship, Implied Sexual Relationships, Reference to Drinking, References to Prostitution.
And last, but certainly not least, is our Pinkerton! Unlike Jack, Agent Ortega is a genuine cowboy (sorry, honey, but he’s a freaking Pinkerton!). And while his appearance in the Pedro Pascal Cinematic Universe was brief (i.e. a single pilot episode of The Sixth Gun), you best believe this author still managed to take a liking to him (and who is shocked?).
I’ve made it my own head canon that there is a link between Ortega and Jack before, but for now let’s go back to the basics! This one-shot will be based on the limited information we know, plus a bit of fan-canon!
Happy valentine’s, my lovelies, however it is you choose to spend it!
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A/N: I was unsure about Ortega’s timeline and Valentine’s Day being something to mention, but I found in my research that by the 1850’s it was popular to send what we now know as Valentine’s cards! In 1856, the following was published to the New York Times;
"Our beaux and belles are satisfied with a few miserable lines, neatly written upon fine paper, or else they purchase a printed Valentine with verses ready-made, some of which are costly, and many of which are cheap and indecent.
"In any case, whether decent or indecent, they only please the silly and give the vicious an opportunity to develop their propensities, and place them, anonymously, before the comparatively virtuous. The custom with us has no useful feature, and the sooner it is abolished the better."
I just found it rather amusing, so thought I’d share with y’all!
Now, where were we? Ah, yes; off to Brimstone!
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February 14th, 1889
Ortega opened the doors to The Silver Palace, Brimstone, hoping to find you here before it was too late. He didn’t approve of you working in a place like this, but times were tough out here in the West, and he could hardly fault you for doing what you had to in order to survive. That still didn’t mean he liked the thought of others having their way with you in exchange for a few measly cents. His job meant that he knew, intimately, the lives of the people in this town. And what he did know about the men and women who came your way was that they were often more of the unsavoury nature.
He wanted to protect you so badly, even though you were fiercely independent and insisted you didn’t need his help. That had always been your dynamic, though. He would pay you for your time, not your body, and somewhere along the way you’d gone and fallen in love. Your boss would forbid you from ever seeing Ortega again if they knew that the two of you were involved with each other beyond an exchange of services, so you kept things quiet.
But tonight, of all nights, he wanted to get to you first.
And, if this went to plan, you’d never have to work at The Silver Palace again.
He scanned the sea of faces that met him as he entered the establishment, eyes desperately searching for yours to meet his. A panic began to rise in his chest, a tightness, a despair, as for a moment he was met with nothing but vacant expressions from other patrons. People who were probably waiting around for someone like you to become available, so for ten minutes they could forget about their woeful existence and treat you like an object just so that they could feel like that had an ounce of power in this world.
But Ortega did have power. And tonight, he was using it.
“Fuck,” he hissed, sucking in his lip and biting down a little too hard as he searched for you, pushing past others who were drunk out of their own minds on moonshine, and other alcohol likely not made legally. Prohibition can get them later, he thought as he traversed through the crowd.
And then, cowering in the corner, there you sat. Surrounded by men and women, various hands trying to take off some of your clothing. One man pulled at the collar of your shirt while another undid your belt buckle. A woman sat on one of the men’s laps kept pouring you drinks, clearly hoping you’d sip enough that you’d lose all inhibitions and just let them have their way.
You looked terrified.
Ortega knew that it wouldn’t work simply asking you to go to a private room with him right now; he would have to either force these people off you or pull out the big guns to assert some form of authority. Fortunately, he came prepared.
“Excuse me?” he said, approaching the table entirely. Behind the fright in your eyes was a slight twinkle, like a glimmer of hope had found its way to the front of your mind, allowing you for a second to believe you were going to be okay.
“Yes, sir?” you spoke, timid as anything, even though you knew you were safe now with Ortega around.
“I hate to impose on such a…beautiful moment between y’all, but you, flower, owe me,” he said, voice dropping slightly so he appeared like a disgruntled customer. It was something the two of you had agreed he could do, especially if he ever found you in a situation that was difficult to get out of. There was nothing that would ruin the party quite like a patron who didn’t think they’d had their fill, and Ortega would use the act whenever he needed you out of a situation as quickly as possible.
“I-I’m so sorry sir, but as you can see I’m a little busy right now,” you said, playing your part as always.
“I thought you might say that,” Ortega began, before reaching into his jacket pocket. He pulled out a small brown leather bag, dropping it to the table. The sound of clattering metal could be heard from inside the bag, indicating it was clearly filled to the brim with money. The eyes of everyone at the table widened, your own included.
“Brought you a little something so you might…prioritise me?” he said, then turned to the men and women sat around you, “I’m sure y’all can understand?”.
The people surrounding you scoffed, shaking their heads before finally getting their hands off you. Ortega smiled at you, reaching his hand out for you to take. Grasping it softly, you allowed him to tug you out from the booth, maintaining the act he had to put on.
“Take your coins, whore, and let’s be having you,” he sneered, and you had to fight back a slight chuckle. Ortega was never anything other than a gentleman with you, and even though your relationship had become physical recently, it was oh so more special in that you actually cared for one another. You grabbed the brown bag with your free hand and nodded at him, then let him tug you along by the hand to one of the private rooms in the back of the building.
He shoved open the door with his hand and dragged you inside. Him letting go of your hand sent you spinning slightly, and as you stabilised yourself he closed the door behind him, bolting it shut. You both breathed out a sigh of relief once the door was closed, and now it was just the two of you together within these four walls.
“I’m sorry, flower, I really do hate doin’ that,” he said, dashing over to you and grabbing you by the waist. “But I hate others being on ya’ even more,” he whispered, before planting a tender kiss on your lips.
You kissed him back fiercely, your hands grasping at his jacket and bunching the material in your fists as your whole body relaxed into his arms. It had only been a couple of weeks since you’d last been able to see each other, but every moment without him by your side was agonisingly painful. There was nobody you wanted in this world except for him – your very own Pinkerton.
“I missed you,” you said softly against his lips, there barely being any space between the two of you to talk. The rim of his bowler hat brushed against your forehead, and you could feel every metal buckle and button that was on his clothing. But after being apart, you couldn’t get closer if you tried.
“I missed you too, my flower,” he said, kissing your cheek as he slipped his arms around you for a tight embrace. “But you don’t gotta miss me no more. I’m taking you out of here,” he said.
You pulled back slightly from your hug to look deep into his coffee coloured eyes. He had a look of sincerity that you’d never before seen, so stern and serious that it borderline scared you. You whispered his name, his real name, while caressing his cheek.
“What are you tryna say?” you asked, speaking quietly so not to alert others in nearby rooms of whatever he was about to say. He smiled at you lovingly, his face softening under the hold of your delicate hands.
“I’m bein’ transferred, flower. I’ll be outta here by morning. And I’m taking you with me,” he said. He slid his hand to cover yours, grasping your fingers softly, and moving to kiss the palm of your hand. His eyes never left yours as he did, wanting to gauge your reaction.
“I- I can’t just leave. Honey, they’ll kill me if they catch me sneaking off. You know they got me bound under that damn contract,” you said, that familiar feeling of being trapped rising. There was nothing more that you wanted to do than to run away and leave Brimstone behind, but you’d heard horrors of other men and women before you trying just that, and paying the price.
“I know, I know,” he sighed, resting his forehead against yours. “But we gotta try, doll. If we don’t then I-,” he sniffled, “then I’ll never see you again,”.
“Ortega…you’d be risking everything. And all for me? A prost-,” you began, but he cut you off.
“No, stop!” he said, eyes watery and pleading, “Don’t call yourself that. You’re so much more, flower. I don’t wanna ever hear you call yourself that again, you understand? I’m freeing you from this Hell,” he said.
You nodded slowly, allowing your lips to gently slip across his, planting a soft kiss there. You breathed the same air as him for a moment, just standing in silence.
“Alright. I won’t say it. But tell me this, love, how are we getting out of here?” you asked. Ortega smiled, a slight grin even, and that mischevious glint in his eye returned.
“I got Agent Mercer outside waiting with a wagon filled with everything we’ll ever need, sweet thing. I hope ya don’t mind, but I also had him pick the lock on your place earlier, and anything valuable he’s packed up for us,” he said. “Darlin’, he’s outside this building now. All we gotta do is slip outta this window and run like Hell.”
Ortega explained every plan like he had a handle on everything, but in a way that was comforting. Right now you wanted to feel like someone did know what they were doing, even if the plan was just to run for your fucking lives. But Ortega trusted Mercer, and if he’d got him on board with the plan then you at least hoped that enough preparations had been made to make this a clean getaway.
Without realising it, you were already nodding along with his plan. Ortega grinned and scooped you up into his arms, lifting you into a hug and spinning you round for a second. You laughed, clinging to his body, and then let him put you down.
“Okay, well, if Mercer already has my valuables then there ain’t nothing in that dump of an apartment I care an iota about. I just need a cloak, and we’re out of here,” you said, heading over to the closet of the room he’d chosen. Normally the two of you went upstairs to a room you often frequented with other patrons, and as such had more clothes of your own in there, but today he’d chosen a ground floor room. Now it made sense why…
“You find something, flower, and I’ll get this window cracked open!” he said, dashing over to the weakest looking frame. The windows weren’t huge, but if he could pop the glass out the frame then you’d both be well on your way.
While he worked away, fiddling with the wooden frame with a couple of tools he’d stashed in his jacket pocket, you opened up the closet. A man’s black woollen shawl was hung up; not yours, you noticed, but it would certainly do you well in the cold weather you’d be travelling in. Ortega hadn’t said where you were going, truthfully you didn’t care, so long as it wasn’t here. But you felt it better safe than sorry, and threw the shawl on for some extra warmth.
With the shawl on, you quickly went through the other drawers. You knew you were basically helping yourself to other people’s possessions, but as you had no plans to ever return, you figured one act of selfishness to get away from a life of selling yourself for next to nothing was the least you were owed. Grabbing a small satchel, you filled it with extra supplies; underwear, predominantly, but also a small handgun that was tucked away in the bottom drawer (something that was stashed in each of the private rooms – just in case).
“How’s that window coming on?” you asked, turning round to see Ortega skilfully just about to set down the glass panel inside the building so not to create noise.
“She’s come along a treat, flower,” he said, setting the glass down and then looking up at you, “Now come on! Grab that money, and let’s go!” he said.
You did as he asked, throwing the satchel over your body and stashing the brown bag of coins he’d given you on the belt of your clothing, securing it in place. You took Ortega’s hand and let him pull you through the window once he’d dropped outside, and then you made a break for it. It would surely not be long before your boss noticed your prolonged absence, given that Ortega didn’t pay them for use of that room all night like he usually did. So, you booked it.
Hand in hand, the two of you barrelled away from The Silver Palace, heading out towards the edge of town where Mercer would be waiting for you. The night was beginning to set in, and with not many gas lamps erected yet there was very limited light. A few homes gave a slight glow out onto the street, but aside from that you both ran together in the dark. Darkness that, eventually, gave way to a few lamps aside a carriage.
It felt like all your birthdays came at once as soon as your eyes lay upon the wagon, two horses at the head of it, readily strung up. Mercer was waiting next to it, fastening down the last of a white sheet which covered all the belongings he’d packed in for you both.
Blood rushed around your body as your heart struggled to keep up with the adrenaline that was coursing through your veins. Ortega kept on dragging you with him, not wanting to risk anything going wrong.
“Ortega! You made it!” Mercer said once you were finally packed up. He tipped his hat towards you as the two of you stood and collected your breath.
“Is it all ready to go?” Ortega asked, and Mercer nodded.
“Yes, sir. All packed up and ready to go. Here, take this,” he said, pulling out a sheet of paper from the inside pocket of his jacket, “It’s a map to where your new place is. Your new lives,” he said, smiling over at you.
“Mercer, we can’t ever thank you enough,” Ortega said, “I wish you well, my friend”.
“Take care of yourself, agent. You too,” Mercer said, tipping his hat towards you.
“Come on, flower, let’s go,” he said, hopping onto one of the horses before reaching down to give you a hand up onto the other. You took his hand and let him help pull you up, before swinging your leg over onto the saddle.
“Alright, you settled?” he asked, and you nodded as you grabbed the reigns.
“Yes, my love. Shall we?” you said.
“Yes,” Ortega grinned, then chuckled, “Oh, flower?” he asked.
“What is it, honey?”.
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” he said, and you couldn’t help but laugh as you and Ortega set off, carriage in tow, and rode into the night towards your new lives.
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For more from this series, check out the Just A Date Masterlist! For more works from me, here's my main Masterlist! ❤
LadyBess xox
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fallloverfic · 1 year
Folks, Nimona is getting a single film. Just a film. Not a show. Not a series. A film. A movie. And only one of them. It'd be cool if it was getting more than that, but it's not. It has a runtime of just under 2 hours.
The Netflix YouTube teaser page even says this in the summary: from the Netflix Film "Nimona"
In the article Netflix released the day of the teaser, they have these:
"In the animated film that shares her name, the young changeling"
"share a first teaser trailer for our film"
"even more so in the movie now"
"[Nimona] reached out from the movie"
"You can catch up with Nimona when the movie hits Netflix on June 30."
In the extra footage reel on the New on Netflix video, there's a box of text on the top left corner of the Nimona footage that says "N [for Netflix] Film Nimona June 30".
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For all the other general confusion I'm seeing around, I made a Tumblr post summarizing most of the stuff with the film and its history. Shorter summary of some common confusion I'm seeing:
Nimona is a webcomic (2012-2014) by Nate Diana Stevenson/ND Stevenson (he/him) that was published as a single graphic novel in 2015. While the comic was ongoing, Nate co-wrote Lumberjanes. The Nimona adaptation rights were purchased by Fox in 2015, and it was in production to become a film under Blue Sky Studios, using the Paperman (2012) art style (one of the directors, Patrick Osbourne, was animation supervisor for Paperman, and directed Feast the short film (2015), which used the same style). Disney purchased 20th Century Animation in 2019 (including Blue Sky), and work was ongoing. Disney shuttered Blue Sky and cancelled the still in production film in February 2021. The crew went searching for a new home for the film and it was picked up by Annapurna as producer, DNEG as the animation studio (using Blue Sky materials), and Netflix as distributor (they just seem to be handling distribution and marketing, not actually working on the film), which they officially announced in April 2022, for a planned 2023 release. The film also seems to have been completed sometime around February 2023. The PG-rated film premiered at the Annecy Animation International Film Festival on June 14th, 2023, and will release in select theaters on June 23rd, and be on Netflix for streaming on June 30th, 2023. There have been preview events for crew, press, and certain small organizations going back to February 2023, and at least a few people have gotten advance review copies.
Nate was also the showrunner for She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (November 13, 2018-May 15, 2020), the reboot of She-Ra: Princess of Power (1985). Again, Nimona's adaptation rights were bought by Fox in 2015, and it was being made by Blue Sky Studios. She-Ra (2018) began production in April 2016 under DreamWorks Animation and Mattel (owner of the IP), and was distributed by Netflix. 20th Century [Fox] Animation was bought by Disney in 2019. She-Ra (2018) concluded in May 2020. Nimona was cancelled by Disney in February 2021. Nimona was officially revived in April 2022, under Annapurna Animation (production), to be made/completed by DNEG (animation) and distributed by Netflix. Netflix wasn't involved on Nimona until after it was in production for around six years, around a year, minimum, after She-Ra (their last project with Nate) ended. Every other company is different and it'd be weird for them to say "you only get this if this is successful" when that makes zero sense on timing.
Lumberjanes is being adapted into an animated series on HBO Max, with Nate as executive producer. We haven't really heard anything more about it since 2020.
You can still buy and read the Nimona graphic novel in physical and ebook form, as well as the full-cast English audiobook (also available in the link). The graphic novel has been translated into 16 languages! The only thing that changed for publication was that Nate redid some of the very early pages to improve the art/panelling and make it more in line with later pages and acceptable for physical publication. That's all!
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Baby Sister
Dean's POV
It was shortly after Dad died that me and Sam get a phone call from an unknown number on one of dad's cell phones. I pick up the phone.
Me: Hello. Who is this?
Unknown: Hello, this is Holly. I am looking for John Winchester. Who is this?
Me: Hello, Holly. I am Dean Winchester.
Holly: Oh! John's oldest son. Well, I guess it is alright if I tell you this.
Me: What?
Holly: You have a baby sister.
Me: I don't know how to tell you this, but Dad just died.
Holly: (crying) I am so sorry I bothered you.
Me: Don't cry, Holly. I am with my little brother, Sam. We would love to meet our little sister.
Holly: Okay. I will text you my coordinates to this cell phone.
Me: Alright sounds good. See ya soon.
Holly: See y'all soon.
After I hung up the phone, Sam looks so confused. I am now forty-one and Sam is now thirty-seven. I say, "We have another half-sibling. Holly, the mother, just called. She said a baby sister. So, who knows how old the baby girl is." Sam asks, "Are we going to meet Holly and the baby girl?" I nod and say, "Holly said she would send her coordinates to this cell phone." The phone beeps and I read the text out loud, "32.4640deg N, 86.4597deg W." Sam looks up the coordinates on his iPhone; and, says, "She is in Prattville, Alabama. What was dad doing there?" I groan and say, "About a year ago, Dad went to this small town in Alabama to fight off civil war ghosts right before I got you at Stanford." Sam says, "Alright let's go." I start up the Impala and blare Wild Eyed Southern Boys by 38 Special on the radio.
It's a hot night at the juke joint
And the band's pumpin' rhythm and blues
Gonna spill a little rock and roll blood tonight
Gonna make some front page news
And the ladies hate the violence
Still they never seem to look away
'Cause they love those
Wild eyed southern boys
Wild eyed boys
Wild eyed southern boys
It's a southern point of honor
You gotta get right in on the action
You can hear the outlaws holler
Fightin' for the lady in black
And she's just one in a million
But she's all I need tonight
'Cause she loves those
Wild eyed southern boys
Wild eyed boys
Wild eyed southern boys
Wild eyed boys
Ooh yeah
Wild eyed boys
A man of wealth and power
Is out on the dance hall floor
He's got a champagne Eldorado
Parked outside the door
And he's looking for a honky tonk angel
But he don't stand a chance in hell
'Cause he ain't no
Wild eyed southern boy (Wild eyed southern boy)
Wild eyed boy
Wild eyed southern boy (Wild eyed southern boy)
Wild eyed boy
Wild eyed southern boys (Wild eyed southern boys)
Wild eyed boys
Wild eyed southern boys (Wild eyed southern boys)
Wild eyed boys
Wild eyed southern boys (Wild eyed southern boys)
Wild eyed boys
Wild eyed southern boys (Wild eyed southern boys)
Wild eyed boys
Sam's POV:
I cannot believe that Dad has another child. Dean and I already have a half-brother, Adam, that is thirty-one now. Dad apparently doesn't understand the concept of condoms. Oh well, I guess it is all good.
Holly's POV:
I have been a nervous wreck over the past year. I lost my virginity in a one-night stand to John Winchester. I was devastated when he had to leave my hometown. He told me all about hunting the supernatural. I wanted to go with him, but he insisted on me staying here to have a normal life. About a month after he left, I missed my period. I found out that I was pregnant. I didn't let John know at the time. I was thirty years old when I lost my virginity. I wish I told him now. I know that John's sons are older than me. John and I had a age gap relationship that was short lived.
I am thirty-one now almost thirty-two. I had a beautiful baby girl that was born on November 14th, 2021, that I named Ivy Winchester. I have been taking care of her on my own since then. It is now February 15th, 2022. Ivy is three months old. I am going to be thirty-two next month.
After I put Ivy in her crib for her nap, I hear a knock on my front door. I look down in the crib and see that Ivy is already asleep. I smile and walk to the front door. I answer the door. I see a man that is about six foot one and another man that is six foot four probably. I say, "Hello. May I help you?" The shorter man says, "I am Dean Winchester, and this is my little brother, Sam. Are you Holly?" I say, "Oh hello Dean and Sam. Yeah, I am Holly. Please come in. I just put down Ivy for her nap. But y'all come in and I will make y'all some coffee or tea. Sorry I don't have any alcohol in the house." Sam smiles and says, "Thanks, Holly."
I lead them into the living room and they both sit down on my retro orange armchairs, so I sit down on my green Lazy Boy sofa. Dean asks, "So, Holly how old are you?" I blush and say, "I am thirty-one. I will be thirty-two on March 2nd." Sam says, "Happy early birthday." I say, "Thank you, Sam."
Dean's eyes widen and he asks, "So what happened between you and our dad?" I say, "He was here for almost two months hunting the civil war ghosts. We dated while he was here. Yeah, John told me all about hunting the supernatural, what happened to y'all's mom (sorry about that by the way), and about y'all. Obviously, he didn't tell you about me. I gave him my virginity. He left shortly after that. I wanted to come with him, but he wanted me to have a normal life. I fell in love with your father. I am not sure how he felt about me. No one could ever replace y'all's mother obviously."
Sam asks, "How old is Ivy?" I say, "Ivy is three months old. She was born on November 14th." Dean says, "I am sure Dad loved you in his own way. He hasn't stayed with someone that long since Mom died." I nod and say, "Yeah he said that he wasn't into the whole relationship thing since Mary died." I hear a cry from the other room. Dean says, "I will get her." I smile and say, "She is in the room fourth door on the right." Dean walks down my hallway to get his baby sister. I see Sam smiling. So, I look up to see Dean is holding Ivy perfectly. I smile and say, "Ivy must like you, Dean. She doesn't let everyone hold her." Dean smiles. Sam takes Ivy from Dean. I say, "Sam, Ivy looks a lot like you." Dean smiles and says, "Yeah they both look like dad." I nod in agreement and say, "Yeah they both have John's brown hair and hazel eyes."
Dean says, "You and Ivy must come with us. We have a bunker in Lebanon, Kansas, that will provide better protection. Who knows if Yellow Eyes might be after you since you were with bunker has all the proper paintings on the walls to prevent demons from coming inside." I nod and say, "Let's go." After that, Ivy and I lived with Dean and Sam. I learned how to hunt the supernatural and we raised Ivy to do the same thing. Dean got married to Castiel; and Sam got married to Eileen. I got married to another hunter named, Garth, that is the same age as Sam. We continue to hunt the supernatural. It wasn't the apple pie life (or what John called "normal"), but it was as close as we were going to get.
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