#but one is done already. one is just some obervation studies i can do in free time.
ironmanstan · 2 years
#have just realized well. i have 3 pieces left to do until i have met the minimum requirements for portfolio and everything else is extra#like aside from the required drawing tests but ive been ignoring them so i could do them like closer to the deadline#bc i dont wanna grow in skill and have to redo them#but one is done already. one is just some obervation studies i can do in free time.#and the last is a still life that will require much from me for the composition but i know what i want to do#and w my 3 pieces. one is a study and one is entirely planned i just have to draw it#third piece is a free for all acrylic study i wanna do before attempting a full acrylic painting as extra#so yeah like. i know what i need to do and some of it is close to being done#thats crazy. i feel hollow and scared . soon it will be too late to do anything more and i will have to live with what ive done#ouuuhghhh boy. woooooo baby.#i havent been this endlessly nonstop stressed and working like ever. i wake up i draw i zone out i eat i go to sleep#on repeat for weeks#i feel like when i did all of my biology in one day just working nonstop and feeling nothing so i work faster. but on loop every day#inshaallah i look back at this and i am like damnnnn something was WRONGGGG WITH MEEEEE LMAOOOO#lord. it is almost scarier being almost done than it is being somewhere in the middle floating along#like i have about 54.. something like that. percent done. if all goes to plan#then by saturday i will beeee. 70 percent done#hhhhhhjjgjjjnnhnhbn#if i can complete my personal work next week on a free day and then knock out my drawing tests ill have a solid 2 weeks to fix anything#and make extra work#phhhhhhoujjjjgjjhnh wow. wowww wow my god huh#the gamer speaks uwu#sometime in between all this ill finish my zine work and my work work lmao
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vampcubus · 5 years
shouto todoroki x reader
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a/n: this is old as balls, so read at your own peril!
⋆ ࣪. ❤︎ 𝖘𝖞𝖓𝖔𝖕𝖘𝖎𝖘! todoroki’s been ignoring you, but you can’t for the life of you figure out why.
⋆ ࣪. ❤︎ 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘! angst, miscommunication, pre-established relationship, ochako and katsuki are your besties.
⋆ ࣪. ❤︎ 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖘! 3.8k+
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It's been one week since Shouto started avoiding you, seemingly without cause. It was as if you were suddenly invisible to him. At first, you brushed it off as him wanting a little bit of space. You knew how much he struggled with his emotions, and sometimes he just needed some time to himself to figure it out. 
But after three days, you approached him again to ask about his day and he still completely ignored you. You remember the icy, disinterested stare he gave you before stalking off past you as if you hadn’t even spoken to him at all.
That stung.
Come the fourth and fifth days, and he continues to act like you didn’t exist. You can't help but get the feeling that you've done something wrong. Why else would he go completely radio silent? The concerned texts you'd sent hadn't even been opened. Was it something you said?
You give him even more space and the benefit of the doubt, hoping that maybe this was all one big misunderstanding, and eventually, he’d come to you and apologize once he was over it. Or come to you so you could comfort him as you always did. But that time never came, and he still avoided you as if you reeked of some sort of disease. And when he wasn’t doing that, he was talking to what seemed like everyone other than you. You’d never felt so small, and so invisible.
You started to withdraw from your friends. It was too hard to have fun with them when he was around, especially when you had a mutual friend group. All you would do is stare at the back of his head, wishing that he’d turn and simply smile at you again.
Midoriya noticed your change in behavior straight away, being the thoughtful sweetheart he was. He caught you in between classes to confront you.
“Hey, L/n! How are you? We haven’t really seen you around!” he prodded, looking up at you with that timid smile.
“Oh, hey, Midoriya. I’ve been okay, and I’ve just… not …I mean—I’ve just been busy!” You forced out with effort, trying to avoid his obervant gaze. If Midoriya was anything it was emotionally intelligent, and this was a conversation you didn't want to have right now. “For exams, studying and stuff…”
The wide-eyed Midoriya doesn’t look entirely convinced, and you can’t blame him. You've always been a horrible liar.
“But aren’t exams months away, L/n?” Midoriya asks.
“U-unless I’m mistaken, and the dates were changed! And I haven’t even had a chance to prepare for them. Did I miss something? If I get studying now I might be able to squeeze just enough into my mind to pass, but I don’t want to just pass it! If I want to be the number one hero I need to pass those exams with flying colors. I wonder if Iida has already started studying? Oh, of course, he has, it’s Iida after all. I wonder If I can get….”
You stare helplessly as he prattles on, muttering a plethora of things you can barely process. You should’ve just told him you were fine and left it at that. You didn’t mean to confuse him.
“No, that’s not it! Exams are months away, I just… wanted to start early, y’know?” Midoriya stops abruptly, face turning bright red upon realizing he’s been caught muttering again. He always got embarrassed when he did, It was cute and all, but you didn’t want him to worry about something you made up as an excuse to not talk about your feelings.
“Oh, that’s a relief, you really scared me for a minute there!” Midoriya sighs with one hand over his heart.
You shift awkwardly, your foot subconsciously tapping on the tiled floor.
“Is there anything else you needed?” You ask as respectfully as you can, trying not to sound like you want to get away from him while still sparing both of you time to head to your next class.
“Oh, well I… I wanted to ask you if you were y’know... okay?” He shifts awkwardly, but the concern in his eyes is genuine.
Your heart squeezes when you’re reminded of how Todoroki used to look at you like that. Your face falls without you noticing as you are consumed by your somber thoughts. Your mind is a mess, your emotions an even bigger one. So no, you’re not okay. But the last thing you want to do is dump your problems on someone who has plenty of their own to worry about.
“Oh, pshhhh yeah! ’m fine. Why do you ask?” you assure, waving your hand as if it wasn't a big deal.
“Well, it’s just that... I see you and Todoroki haven’t been talking a whole lot, so I just assumed…” he trails off, looking at you expectantly. So you weren’t the only one that noticed. “Did something happen?”
“I wish I knew.” You feel bad for leaving the conversation like that, but one glance at your watch had you zooming to your next class in hopes to get there on time. But before you get too far you tell over your shoulder, “I’ll talk to you another time, Midoriya!”
Uraraka was the next to approach you, and on the very same day as well. She cornered you as you were walking into homeroom, the same look of concern on her face as she greeted you. Those two really were alike.
“Hello, Y/n! How are you doing?” You’re a bit shaken by her sudden appearance, but you can’t help but smile at the sight of your friend. You don’t get a chance to answer though before she's blurting out, “We haven’t seen you at lunch for a few days now, is everything, alright?”
You glance over at Shouto. He must've heard you come in and he had to have caught wind of Uraraka’s greetings right? But he didn’t even spare you a second glace.
“I’m fine, Ochako. Just been doing extra work during lunch,” You chirp with the most enthusiasm you can muster. 
It's clearly a lie, since you’ve been spending your lunch periods sulking in the bathroom or catching up on the homework assignments you’ve ignored while being so caught up with… all of this.
She looks from left to right before leaning in close, whispering so only you could hear.
“Deku told me you and Todoroki haven’t been talking?”
“Oh?” Is your defeated response, and your smile wavers. “What gives you two that idea?”
“You and he are always attached at the hip, we never see one of you without the other! What happened?”
You appreciate her concern, you really do, but you just can’t talk about this right now.
"I don't know okay? Please, just leave it alone."
On the sixth day, you’re angry.
The storm cloud that'd been hanging over your head turned into a big ball of fire. You were sick and tired of being treated this way.
Who the hell did he think he was? Ignoring you, his affectionate girlfriend who loved him so much you could barely contain your adoration. Being cold to you, who kissed away every insecurity the moment it surfaced, letting him confide in you at a moment’s notice, no matter how late it was.
How dare he treat you this way after all of that, and for what? You don't even get to know the reason because he wouldn't talk to you!
You come to school looking as livid as you feel, unable to keep it from showing like usual. Anyone who so much as looked at you wrong got told off, something you ordinarily would have checked Katsuki for. You supposed he was rubbing off on you.
Speaking of "Lord Explosion Murder," you hadn’t been talking to him much either, which was going to cause some problems eventually. The last thing you wanted was for Katsuki to get involved in your mess, it was hardly manageable as it was.
When Kaminari jokingly brought up your mood, he only received a middle finger in response.
Katsuki, who'd been trying to get a hold of you for two days now with no success, slammed his hands on your desk in homeroom.
“Hey, idiot! Why’ve ya been ignoring me, huh? What’s your fucking deal!?” He demands, you could almost see the steam emerging from his ears.
“There is no deal, go scream at someone else…” That must've struck a nerve because the blond grips you by the collar and forces you to stand. You narrow your eyes, irritated by the rough treatment.
“What the fuck?!”
You're too caught up in your anger to see the uncharacteristic softness in his eyes, a concern for you that he never shows. Katsuki may be insufferable and downright frustrating to be around, and he may be a jerk, but he cares about you in his own way.
“Don’t give me that bullshit, idiot! the hell is going on with you?”
You’re practically at each other’s throats when Aizawa walks in and breaks it up immediately. You take your scolding with gritted teeth and sit in your seats, glaring at one another from opposite ends of the room.
It dawns on you that whenever you and Katsuki had a spat, Shouto was quick to intervene. But he doesn't seem to care anymore, it leaves a sour taste in your mouth. 
Aizawa sighs when you raise your hand.
“What is it now, L/n?”
“Toilet break, please.” He figures you need time to cool off, so he allows you to leave.
Uraraka’s hand shoots up and she blurts out a request to use the restroom as well. 
She finds you sitting on the floor, legs pulled up to your chest as you shook. Uraraka sits next to you with one hand around your shoulders, rocking you back and forth while whispering soft words of comfort. But they are lost on you now.
“Y/n, what happened? Please, if you tell me I can help. I want to help,” She coos and you sniffle, wiping your eyes with your sleeve, chest still convulsing with the occasional hiccup.
“It’s Shouto, he…” Your voice cracks and you have to wipe your eyes and breathe again before you can continue.
“What did he do? Did he hurt you?” Uraraka sounds mortified by the possibility, and you're taken aback by the mere implication. It was absurd.
“No, he didn’t hurt m-me, I just… I just don’t know what I did wrong! He won’t talk to me, he won’t listen to me, he won’t even look at me!” You sob again, burying your face into your hands. You didn't like to think you were the emotional type, and your face burned with humiliation.
“Oh, Y/n, that sounds awful! I didn’t even know!” She exclaims, looking like she was about ready to cry too. She hugs you tight, and you’re grateful for the affectionate gesture, it’s been so hard keeping all this to yourself. How is it that after six days you’ve become this touch-starved? “How long has this been going on?”
“Almost a week now,” You sigh, your words punctuated by another harsh hiccup. “The worst part is, I don’t even know what I’ve done to deserve this. I was always so careful with his feelings, with him.”
“This isn’t your fault, don’t blame yourself.” The brunette squeezes you tighter, letting you lean your forehead against her shoulder.
Katsuki walks out of homeroom, looking more prickly than he usually was. His mood’s only gotten worse since you and Uraraka ran off the restroom. Neither of you made it back to class. His mouth twisted into an even deeper scowl.
He hears a sniffle and the sound of Uraraka's voice and his head jolts in that direction.
Katsuki sees Uraraka leading you out of the restroom, your eyes looking puffy. He feels a momentary pang of guilt, thinking that perhaps he had been the cause. Not that he was sorry or anything, that would be stupid, he thought.
His vermillion gaze meets yours for a moment, and he stops walking, genuine surprise gracing his angular features. He notices your eyes stray away from him to stare at something behind him. The blond looks over his shoulder to see Shouto walking with Momo. He looks back to you, and then back to the pair. Something suddenly clicks and his eyes narrow dangerously. 
Before you can even try to stop him he turns harshly on his heel, stomping right after Shouto.
Midoriya chooses just the right time to walk out of the classroom, face twisting with concern upon seeing your distraught appearance. But it’s short-lived when he hears the familiar booming voice of Katsuki echoing through the hallway.
“Hey, scarface! You got some fucking nerve!” Midoriya looks between you, torn between helping you and stopping whatever fight was going on just down the hall.
“L/n what-?” Midoriya starts, taking a step towards you. It doesn't take him long to put two and two together, and he turns on his heel to dash down the hall. “Uraraka, take care of L/n, I’ll deal with Kacchan!”
It’s day seven, and you don’t know everything that happened between Katsuki and Shouto yesterday, but Midoriya and Uraraka assured you that it was taken care of. Katsuki floored you the moment you stepped foot out of your dorm the next morning, demanding you explain why you didn’t tell him about what was going on. 
“I dunno! I didn't think you cared like that, you dick!”
“We're friends, you idiot. You're supposed to tell me important stuff,” he grumbles under his breath, averting his gaze and you light up.
“We're friends?!” you squealed girlishly.
“Oh, shut up!”
Ochako stayed by your side almost the entire night, making sure you were okay. You made a promise to buy her a coffee tomorrow morning, even though she insisted there was nothing you needed to make up for. 
You are hurting still, but this couldn't go on. If Shouto thought that he could pretend you didn't exist without so much as a word, he was going to get one hell of a wake-up call.
You had asked Midoriya to slip a note to Shouto. Katsuki walked you in between classes because he was paranoid, and while he didn’t say it, you could tell he was worried about you. And while you know Katsuki was far from apologetic for starting a fight with Todoroki, you had a feeling he’d done it in defense of your feelings.
You tried to be vague with the letter, not even bothering to sign it. You've written him too many love letters for him to forget what your handwriting looked like.
Meet me on the roof during lunchtime. It’s urgent.
Don’t keep me waiting.
You stand near the railing of the roof, looking out into the afternoon sky as the clouds roll by, and the occasional bird drifts into the distance. Your skirt ruffles in the light wind, brushing against your legs. Your heart stutters when you hear the door behind you open.
You turn to see Shouto standing there, feeling both relieved and anxious to find that he had shown up. He has enough sense to look guilty it seemed.
You cut to the chase, tired of dancing around the problem.
“Why are you avoiding me, Shouto?”
The question hangs thickly in the afternoon air, and when you receive no reply, your eye twitches.
“What the hell is wrong with you? Won’t you even talk to me?” You clench your fists and clench your teeth, unable to keep the words from spilling out. “Why do you hate me all of a sudden?”
Todoroki’s eyes soften, his brows forming a concerned crease between them as he opens his mouth to speak.
You don’t give him the chance.
“Was it something I did? Did I say something stupid?” You can feel the tears starting to pour down each side of your face despite your best efforts to keep your emotions locked in tight. He didn’t deserve to see you cry.
“Y/n, I don't-” The half-and-half boy starts, but you cut him off.
“Or am I just not good enough for you anymore? What, did you find someone else? Is that why you’ve been hanging out with Yaoyorozu so much?” The tears are blurring your vision at a rapid pace, distorting the image of Shouto’s shocked expression.
“Y/n, please listen-” Shouto starts again, taking a step forward with his hands stretched out in an attempt to calm you like he always did.
You sidestep away from his reach, backing up until you’re flush against the railing of the roof.
“No, you listen! I gave you a whole week to speak! You can listen to me now!”
Shouto looks lost, he’s never seen you like this before, and he’s seen you at some of your worsts.
“I know I’m average looking at best. I know I can be an airhead. I know I’m annoying sometimes and I talk too much,” You wipe your eyes with your sleeve, your shoulders shaking with the intensity of your mental breakdown. He wants to reach out and say that you are none of those things, that you’re perfect the way you are, but you won't let him get a word in.
“If you don’t love me anymore, that’s fine, but at least have the fucking balls to break up with me before you pretend I don’t exist!”
“Y/n, I’m not breaking up with you, I would never-” Todoroki starts, eyes overflowing, and yet nothing gets too far past his jaw before it either evaporates or crystallizes into frost-like dust. He’s panicking, his heart racing and mind screaming, pleading for him to stop you from making a horrible mistake.
“No, you’re not breaking up with me, because I’m breaking up with you!” You duck under his arm and head for the door leading to the staircase back into the main building.
Two arms wrapped tightly around you from behind and swiftly tug you away from the door and into an all too painfully familiar chest, Shouto pulling you in close and pressing your back flat against him. “Just let me go! You don’t have to pretend-”
“SHUT UP, just shut up!” The booming tone of Shouto's voice rattles you to the bone, the raw emotion in the way he practically screams making your mind draw a complete blank. Your knees wobble and you tip back into him. He’s shaking. You can feel his entire body trembling, and you can only stand there and stare at the door long forgotten the moment he touched you.
“I love you, alright? It never changed, I never stopped I just…” He sucks in a trembling breath, the even shakier exhale coming out semi-opaque as it descends into the air he’s made colder in his emotional imbalance.
“There is no excuse for the way I have treated you this past week, but it was not nor will it ever be your fault. You have been nothing but patient with me despite my stupidity, and you had every right to snap the way you did.” 
Shouto's warmer hand slides up, fingers closing around your upper arm and pulling you in even closer to his chest so he could rest his chin on top of your shoulder. 
“I had an argument with my father,” Shouto confesses, and your eyes that had been staring blankly into space close tightly already water with sympathy for him. “It was fine until he started talking about you, bringing you into a mess I don’t ever want you a part of.”
“I don't know, I guess I thought if I avoided you... I don't know. I kept thinking that you deserved someone better than me.”
He sounds so ashamed of himself, but that doesn't quite make everything better.
“You could have just told me you needed space instead of avoiding me like I had some sort of disease,” you grumbled, eyes focused on your shoes.
“I realize now that I hurt you by avoiding my problems and pushing you away. I didn't take your feelings into account and for that, I sincerely apologize for my behavior. My actions were unacceptable.” Your head turns and you meet the solemn eyes of the one you so deeply cared about.
“You make me feel like no one else ever has, and that still terrifies me. I haven't had many good relationships in my life, so I guess I'm still getting used to this."
That's all you need to hear, leaping forward to tackle him to the ground. You lock your arms and legs around him koala-style, and he topples all too easily, blinking wildly.
Shouto sighs, eyes fluttering closed as he takes in your comforting scent. “I should have come to you right away.”
“Why didn’t you?” You sniffle, pulling away from where your nose had been buried into his neck.
“I-I don’t know,” He stutters, eyes darting from each corner of your face, taking in every red blotch and perfect slope that graces your features. He had missed being able to trace over with his eyes and fingers. “I guess I figured It was my mess to handle.”
“Well that was your first mistake,” You smack his cheek lightly with the back of your hand, giving him a dirty look.
“I know you said I could always come to you but-”
“No buts, Shou.” You squish his cheeks with your palms and stare him dead in the eyes. “What are you?”
“An idiot sandwich…” He sighs, rolling his eyes in mild annoyance.
“And who loves you anyways?”
“You do.” Shouto gives you a wobbly smile, and you feel lighthearted from finally seeing him smile at you again.
“That’s right.” You lean in and start peppering kisses all over his face, only making his face flush darker. Although his hands are trying to swat yours away you can feel him only melting into a deeper puddle underneath your touch.
Finally, your lips descend onto his own and you kiss him properly. His arms squeeze around you and he pushes back against your mouth enthusiastically. You part every few seconds with the intent to stand up and leave before you miss your next class entirely, but he chases your lips every single time, pulling you back into his addictive embrace.
You’re too preoccupied with devouring one another’s lips that by the time you finally break away, your lunch break is almost up.
Shouto is covered in your lipgloss, hickeys scattered across the expanse of his pale neck and his swollen lips smeared in your glittery lip balm. His mismatched eyes are gazing at you intensely, with that look he wore when he was anticipating something more. Unfortunately, he’d have to wait.
“C’mon, let's go before Katsuki comes looking for a fight. I never texted him back about meeting you here.”
The door to the roof is blown right off its hinges at that very moment.
“I think it's too late for that,” Shouto laments.
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