#but really I do kind of see Thena being a little resistant
I have a Thenamesh AU request if it’s alright?:)
Let’s say they got Gil back and his memories too. But Thena has a hard time to accept him since she saw him die and can’t really believe that’s him. She keeps a distant to him and avoids him as good as she can on the domo. So what if Gil does something that really proofs that he is real and he really came back? Where Thena finally believes it?
Would be a very emotional request and a bit soft in the end :)
"Dinner is served!" He turned to them with a bright smile, "get it while it's hot!"
The rest of the Eternals clambered to get some of the delicious and lovingly made food for themselves. Especially those who had been held captive in the World Forge, adapted to human life and missing the small comforts.
He eyed the doorway, "there's more than enough-"
Thena left.
Gilgamesh sighed, looking down at his pot of stew. She hadn't spoken a single word to him since his return. It was so dire that even looking at him was an improvement in her acknowledgement of his presence.
"Hey," Kingo said gently as he came up for his serving. "Don't let it get to you. She's...well, you know."
He did know; he knew better than anyone, in this life or the next. He nodded, giving Kingo a smile. Once everyone had a helping, including a very different looking Sprite, he dished out two bowls and walked out with them.
She didn't make a sound, she didn't leave any trace. But he would always be able to feel that pull to her.
The door swished open for him, sensing its users presence. Perhaps it was kind of her to not lock him out of his old room. "Feeling nostalgic?"
"These are my quarters."
He smiled, walking in cautiously and placing down the two stew bowls. No matter her reluctance to be with him now, it still warmed his heart that his room had brought her more comfort than her own. She always did sleep better in here with him.
Or maybe all she had done was come in here and mourn him.
Gilgamesh frowned at her, sitting rigid and folded around herself on his bed. Her legs were crossed, her arms folded, just staring at the far wall. "Thena."
"What do you want?"
"I want to talk?"
"Anything else?"
He supposed he should be grateful to get this much out of her. If his Thena truly didn't want to talk, not a force in the universe could pry those perfect lips open.
Thena looked up at him as he pushed the bowl of stew into her line of sight. Unstoppable force met immovable object, and finally, she accepted it from it.
Gilgamesh sat down beside her, giving her enough space not to feel imposed upon. They took slow bites, listening to their breathing, their chewing, the clink of the spoons in the bowls.
Thena stirred hers around, taking it in as she swallowed.
He looked at her. "Is it how you remember?"
She didn't bother answering him.
Maybe questions about her memory weren't the best ice breaker. He shifted on the bed and cleared his throat. "It is a little different from our recipe at home."
At home; the words made her flinch, as if he'd lashed out and cut her.
He was slow and gentle, though, like the first times he'd had to lure her out of her room after an episode. "Can you tell what's different?"
She looked at him, finally, if only to express her annoyance. But she looked at her bowl again, her lips pursing faintly as she moved her tongue around in her mouth. "It's missing...something."
He was honestly impressed she could tell that much. "What have you been eating?--while I've...been away?"
That was a risky question to ask, but it would have to be asked sooner or later. Thena took her time answering, which was just fine with him. "Druig would make food."
But had she eaten it, was the question. It wasn't as if she could starve, and all she would need was a bite here or there to keep herself going. But it always made him sad to think of her letting herself go without the simple comforts of food for that long.
Gil set his half empty bowl aside, angling himself more toward her. "I'll give you a hint. It's-"
"Okay," Gil nodded as Thena stopped his little game dead in its tracks. She took another bite, though. "You've gotten better at that."
"You don't have bay leaf here on the ship so you used mushroom to make it more savoury," Thena murmured as if on autopilot. Another bite.
"I guess you would know if it was any different."
"It's his recipe."
"It's my recipe."
Her eyes shot to him, smooth and swift and lethal, just like the rest of her. He didn't startle from it, letting her eye him with annoyance and disdain and poorly veiled hope. Those eyes always told him everything he needed to know, whether she liked it or not.
"It's my recipe," he repeated softly. She let him pull the bowl away from her, his hands lingering against hers. If she didn't want him to, she could push him away. She could snap even his bones if she really wanted to.
He had never used his Cosmic Energy against her outside of an attack, and he never, ever would.
"Everything else was the same," he began, her hands - slim and light and delicate - resting in his.
"Beef, onion, carrot, flour, broth," Thena listed off, her eyes horrifically distant as she watched the process of it being made in her memory.
Gilgamesh chuckled, moving their hands slowly. She watched him do it, letting him slide their fingers together until his palm could meet hers. "What's the first ingredient?"
Her eyes hardened. She was fighting so hard to protect herself.
Just this once, he wouldn't let her. "What's the first ingredient of everything I make for you?"
Gil reached forward, brushing away the deluge of tears suddenly flowing from those stunning eyes. "I'm sorry, Sweetheart. I've been gone for too long."
Any time would be too long apart from her.
"It's you," she whispered, every fibre of her being fighting not to come unwoven permanently.
"It's me," he promised, understanding of what she needed from him. He brought her palm up to his cheek. "I'm here."
She shook from head to toe, looking at him as if they were in that forest again--as if he had a hole in his neck and was breathing his last breaths. "I see this sometimes. And it's not real."
How cruel. How wretched and unfair Arishem was to make his beautiful Thena endure that. He turned his head to kiss the palm of her hand, "I'm real."
She shook her head again, even as she both pulled him closer and moved closer herself. "No."
"I'm real," he whispered as she climbed into his arms, the way she would at home. The way she would in Australia, wounds on both of them, her dress tattered and trailing behind her. She would settle herself into the safety of his arms and find there as much rest as she could.
"How do I know?" Whatever she had been through in his absence had shaken her to her core. He could ask her about it later, slowly, a little bit at a time. Or never, if she truly didn't want to tell him.
He tightened his hold on her, resting his cheek against her hair. "You'll just have to trust me."
She had nothing to say to that, at least not yet. But she remained in his embrace. She pressed her face into the side of his neck, feeling the pulse of his blood in his veins. "Gil?"
How he had longed to hear that. That one little sound, from her soft little voice. Just for him. "Hm?"
The rumble of his chest against her helped her unwind a little. His hand pressed flat over her back, offering warmth and the promise of his support. It helped her anchor herself to him.
In Australia, if she woke in the night, she would call to him like that. To check if he was there, if he was awake, if he was safe--if he was real. Any number of things. And he liked to believe that even in the depths of sleep, he would respond that same way.
Thena buried her face in his chest, undoing his vest and slipping her hands around him. The closer her hands could be the more sure she could be that he was within her reach.
He would combine the rest of their bowls later, make sure she got enough food in her. But for now, she needed this. He did too, to a degree. He would always need his Thena, and she needed time with just him like she needed air in her lungs.
"The others?"
"Who cares," he chuckled, lying back on the bed with her in his arms. The little pearls in her ears touched her cheeks, and her cardigan was soft to the touch. But this was undeniably what he had been missing in that state of suspended animation from which they had woken him.
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//Closed roleplay. If you don't like it i can remake it. <3 --------------------------------- Trust gets you killed. Love gets you hurt, and being real gets you hated. --------------------------------- Athena had found herself traveling to the underworld more and more frequently. At first it had been curiosity that had gotten the best of her. What was really down there? Who was there? What were they like? How strong were they? Many questions that she had asked herself while on her visits. Things that Athena had wanted to find out first hand. But as time traveled during and between each visit she found the answer to each question she had asked herself.. So that would mean her task in the underworld were completed correct? That she would no longer have any desire to visit the underworld and its fellow companions correct? Wrong. There was something else that lured her there. At first Athena couldn't pinpoint at all what it had been. She hadn't had the slightest idea. Had she grown attached to someone there? possibly in an emotional way? No... She wouldn't dare to ever do that. She had promised herself that she wouldn't do that. But what if she couldn't help the emotions that constantly pulled her back, wither it was one sided or not? What was the goddess supposed to do then? They were far too strong for her to ignore; but they were possibly weak enough for her to resist. But did she listen to her mind and what was said to be the 'right thing to do?' Did she keep her distance from the underworld? The question could be answered by Athena's actions as she took yet another trip. Her mind was troubled as she thought to herself what was down there, that was so important? Important enough to get her hated, hurt or even killed. The hell hound. Upon arrival, the simple brunette made her way to the guarded rusted iron gates that divided her from her destination. She weaved her way in, and slipped through majority of the passages unnoticed. There was just one more door that was always closely guarded. She could easily slip past unnoticed, by how many times she had done it in the past. But instead, she cleared her throat, making the slightest sound causing the beast to spark up once more. A wide grin appeared from ear to ear as she studied over the male. She walked over to the male, and then placed her small hand on his left shoulder. Her hand dangled there for a moment, before she slid it down his arm, letting her fingers trace over the many tattoos. "Hello hellpuppy. It seems as if we meet yet again. It feels as if an eternity has passed since i have last visited here." The brunette paused as she reached ever so slightly for his face. Her fingers barley grazing over his cheek as she spoke again with a soft voice. "I do hope you didn't miss me too terribly much." _________________________________ Cerberus' reply: What seemed like a short few days since Athena's last visit had actually been years, or maybe it was really only just a few short weeks since he had seen her last. Time was rather confusing when one did not get to go to the upside very often, and usually it was for something Amara had wanted. The male Hound was quite bored, usually watching the wall and trying his best to not pay attention to the plans and what Amara was saying behind the closed doors. He noticed her presents, he always did. IT did not matter if he let her sneak past or if he stopped her, he always knew when the young Minerva showed up. It was always different times of day or night, it was always something that he would notice. As soon as she stepped into the underworld he knew she was around, this time though he decided to let her sneak past if she wished, though that did not seem to be the case when she made a sound and started to walk up to him. Her touch on his shoulder made his whole body tense for a brief second before relaxing into her touch briefly. He had craved touch for a while now, but not from her. It was welcoming all the same, as he moved to look down in to her face as she spoke to him. "Hello little 'Thena" He spoke softly, his usual cold stripped from his voice as he looked into her eyes. "If I say I missed you will you tell me why you are here for today? Or do I get to continue with this guessing game?" A raise of his eyebrow as he leaned slightly into the touch on his cheek. "If Amara saw you she would be furious you know. So why do you continue? Is it an alliance you want with her? A friendship? Or was I wrong with your intentions?" ______________________________________-- Athena Minerva A warm laugh escaped from the woman as she listened to his 'kind' words. He hadn't always been this pleasant before, so for the male to show so much compassion now had taken the other by surprise. Her light touch on the other had seemed to linger much longer than intended; but deep down the young brunette hadn't wanted to let go. She listened closely to the others words. And couldn't help but smile at the nickname that he had spoken out to her. "I hadn't heard that name in quite awhile; for many seem to be feared to call me other names besides 'Athena', so i do suppose that's a pleasant surprise." She pulled away from the male as she paused for a moment. She allowed herself to be drawn and captivated by his complex appearance. The woman let out a small pouting like face as her narrow icy hues gazed into the others. "And to think, i had been enjoying myself with you. But the mention of amara slightly tampered the mood if i do say so myself. What makes you think my arrival has anything to do with her?" The woman's voice came out like a purr as she looked down upon her own feet. Slightly reaching for the males hands for a brief moment. "Missing me surly can't be as torturous as me missing you.. or your sporadic actions." "Talk about Amara isn't what brought me here today. And sadly its more business than pleasure. As i have a slight proposition that might interest you, and before you resist or decline, it will not involve or interfere with amara; nor put her in harms way in any way." ___________________________________________ Geryon Gabris Cerberus crossed his arms over his chest before Athena's hands could reach his own, his eyebrow raised slightly as he listened to the other speak. He cocked his head to the side at the mention that others were fearful of her, and he couldn't help but exhale through his nose, loudly. "Well, that is what makes me different then, doesn't it? Because I am not scared to call you as I wish, and I believe 'Thena fits you." He gave her a smug look before his facial featured turned back to indifference. "Well, I do know that you are trying to gain her trust or whatever, I know that you have been trying to talk to her as of late, so why would you not be here to see her? That is the logical reason is it not? That you are here to see the queen of the underworld, not her mutt, Im sure." Yet as she continued to speak his eyes grew darker, not in a way of want, more in the was of suspicion, distrust, he was not sure what her proposition would be. He might not even wish to know what it would be, though he doubted that she would not tell him just because he said no. "Is missing me really that bad? I would think one would be happy to leave me and hell behind. I do not understand how you could miss me." He was confused at this, it was rare if ever that the male had found someone beside Amara who cherished his companionship. So for the young Minerva to say something like that, was odd. Maybe there was a double meaning behind it, and Cerberus was not sure how he would feel about that. He took in a sigh and looked her over before deciding if he should let her tell him about her proposition or not. "Fine, tell me. That does not mean that I will accept it though. I can still turn it down after you tell me. _________________________________ Athena Minerva The young brunette watched carefully over the powerful male before him. Everything began to stiffen with the male; and the tension began to grow. Athena tried to break the uncomfortable situation by a small laugh, but it had only seemed to make it worse. His eyes had darkened, and he pulled so far away from the other, it was almost as if he weren’t even there anymore. He looked as if he were battling himself in an argument... and she wasn't quite sure which side of him was winning. It had been strange to her how fast the mood had seemed to change. How fast he could hide his emotions once more. How fast he could look right past the other. Or how fast he was to uneasy the young woman. His actions had been so much sharper than his words to the other and it was unsettling. Her head tilted slightly to the right side as she listened to his beckoning words. Had he really thought that nobody was ever capable of showing any type of compassion to him? Had he not taken note that part of her ‘display’ that she put forth for him had been true emotions that she had pulled forth? As much as the brunette would hate to admit it, she was drawn to him, but she wasn’t quite sure why. She hated the thought of her ever falling for another. She wouldn’t be a fool like her sister and allow herself to fall in love. She had seen how easy it was for love to become a weakness; and it was not going to be the thing that made her fall. Athena shook herself as she checked back into what was being said and going on around her. As she watched Cerberus finish his last words she pressed her thin lips together as she began to slowly speak. “Any decent person who gets to know the underworld would learn to miss its hidden gems that are found within.” She fixed her posture as she continued with her words. “So, my proposition seems to intrigue you. Shall we move in a less open area to speak?” The woman made an exaggerated look around to the open scenery to show that she hadn’t quite trusted the open ears that lurked in the location they were at currently. ______________________________________ Geryon Gabris Cerberus listened to what she said, really listened. He also watched her body language as it changed, and he simply could not understand what she saw in him or about him. He knew the hidden words, and he knew how to see them without them being said. Someplace less private? It must be something she did not want others to hear, and he knew of a few places he could take her if it would ease her mind and have her speak freely. Maybe he could take her to another corridor? Or his room. No he would not take her to his room, that would only cause the others to speak. He did not wish to have them speak, the underworld was terrible gossip. He thought for another moment before he finally spoke. "There are few places that give us privacy, but one of the places I can not take you. The others are still open though I am afraid." He gave a small shrug, and put his hands in his pockets. "The other corridors with less people, there are also few rooms others would go into. Like for instance the library, if you wish to speak privately that would be the best bet. No one really goes into the library and it does have comfortable chairs." __________________________________ Athena Minerva A brow kinked up. There was a place that he wouldn't take her? Why? What had made that place so important? Why couldn't she see it? What was he hiding? So many questions flooded through the woman's mind as her curiosity seemed to get the best of her. "So, what you are telling me..." Her words trailed off, creating a slight amount of tension. "Is that there is one place that we can go, it's secluded and shut out , the best place to choose if we desired to be alone." The woman took another step closer to him as she began to purr her words "But you don't want to take me there? Rather, you wish to take me to yet another open place, with possible lurking ears?" Her soft hands reached yet again for his porcelain face. So perfect, but so hallow. It had been nothing but a shell, a display if you will. Narrow hues scanned over him and her long nails began to slowly dig into his perfect complexion as her grip tightened. "I am beginning to wonder if i can trust you, Hell Puppy." Her words were sharp, slicing right through him. "What are you hiding in that place you cannot take me?" Her dialect had changed so dramatically from a few moments before. She was slightly bitter to the male. She hadn't meant to carry the tone she did, but she couldn't really help it. _________________________________________ Geryon Gabris  His eyes remained indifferent as her nails dug into his skin, he didn't show any sign what so ever to her display. He simply just grabbed her hand and pulled it gently away from his face. "The one place we can go without anyone being around, is my bedroom and if I dare take you there someone will see and they will talk. I doubt you would want them to talk little 'thena." He spat back, moving to check his face. "My room is the only place no one goes, without permission they can not enter. That being said, you would not wish for my room I am sure. That is why I offered the library, it is the second best place to go. It is still secluded, not many go there and if you are lucky no one will. I have not seen anyone enter the library in a long time." He rubbed his face lightly, checking for blood or any other marks. He gave a small sigh and turned back to look at the smaller goddess. "You do not have to trust me, 'Thena. Not many do, I kill people on orders of Haydees. You should not trust me, yet for some mysterious reason you actually do. I do not understand it, I don't know why you would trust me. _________________ Athena Minerva  Her gaze softened to the male as she stopped fighting back. Why hadn't she ever thought about that? Instead her mind had been aimed to the worst. And her small spark of anger had gotten the better of her. Oh how foolish it had been for her to think such things. Now look what had happened. She listened carefully to his words. Trying her best not to jump to any more conclusions. He had been straightforward with her, so there really wasnt any reason for her to judge him the way she had. "I'm... I'm sorry." A deep breath pulled at the young Goddess as her eyes drifted from him to the ground. Without gazing back up she spoke again. "My actions were uncalled for, and you don't frighten me. I understand what it is like to be under someone else's leash, even if it is by choice. My trust in you will never fade, and if that will be the result of my fatality so mote it be." True emotions had pulled at the young brunette as her eyes met back with his. "If you are still inclined to hear what i have to offer i would love to go with you to the library. For you would know best where to go __________________________ Geryon Gabris Cerberus was taken back, she apologized? He did not understand how or why she would even apologize. He did not see anything wrong with her actions or what she did, and as such he didn't understand why. It was a very odd feeling, to not understand something. Normally he was good at controlling his emotions and understanding why people did what they did, yet Athena always confused him in some way. "I still don't think you should trust me, I don't think anyone should trust me. I cause distruction, I cause pain. I cause emotional turmoil everywhere I go. Yet, for some reason you still trust me." He took a deep breath, and gave a soft sigh. "I don't now why you apologize but you did, so I accept your apology." He licked his lips and gave a nod. "We can go to the library, it is not that far away from where we are currently. If you will follow me, I will lead you toward the library where you can talk as you wish." He smiled softly, and turned to walk down the corridor. His food steps echoed off the walls as he walked, and he turned to look back at the younger Goddess to see if she was following him. He made a few short turns, once left, twice right, before he finally stood in front of two large wooden doors. "And here... Is the library" he said softly, holding his arms out and turned around in a swing motion to show her. A large triumphant smirk on his face ________________________________ Athena Minerva "Trust is never something that i give out lightly; why i have given it to you is beyond me Hell Puppy. I sometimes wish i was more careful.. but things are /different/ with you." The young woman responded without even looking up from her task before her. And that had been the truth. She wasn't quite sure why she had ever thought to trust Cerberus as much as she did, She really shouldn't but she couldn't help herself. Her eyes met his as she listened to his acceptance of her apology. He had clearly been confused as to why the young woman apologized, not seeing wrong in her actions for grabbing him the way she had. But if Athena were to remain loyal in that type of way to the hell hound; her actions can not be repeated. A soft nod came from the woman as her reply to his words, and then again to the rest of what he had to say. Before she had knew it they were on their way to the Library. Walking away from the open and curious eyes that seemed to follow. It was nice to be able to go somewhere to finally be alone. She never had thought that she would be able to pull the hound away from the redhead long enough to even say hello. As they reached their destination the brunette hesitated before she reached for the locks on the door. Was what she was about to do really a good thing? Would her actions jeopardize everything that she has built between the two of them so far? Was this a mistake? Her darken hues danced away her guilty mind, as it focused once more on the golden door handle. 'Just open it Thea.' She thought to herself before giving the door a hard tug. "After you." She spoke as she gestured for the male to go inside.
---------------------------------------- Geryon Gabris How could things really be all that different with him? He was still confused even as they had walked down to the library, he had been in thought, had been thinking about a lot of things and the actions of Athena. It was confusing for sure, he just was not sure what the Goddess was planning and if he should trust her. Though, he did feel like he could trust her and believe her, yet he also admitted that it could be very very dangerous if Amara ever found out. 'After you' it rang in his head for a quick second before he stepped forward into the grand Library, bookcases towering over his head so high that you could not see the top. Filled with books from top to bottom, one would wonder how they even got to the top of the bookcase. It was one of the rooms he felt calm and relaxed in, one of the others being the training room. Another being his own bedroom, and the last being in a room near Amara almost always calmed him down. He turned to look at Athena once more, hoping this would prompt her to say something. ":I do believe you had asked me here because you had something you wanted to speak to me about? I did after all lead you here, so I would hope this time is not spent wasted." He spoke softly, yet the words did seem to come out a little harsher then he had intended. "Or do you simply wish to stare at me? Because I am sure that I can arrange that. You could do all the staring that you would ever want, and I could read a book or look I could go back to the training grounds and practice. I am sure you would not mind seeing me all covered in sweat and a chance to see my muscles working and in action." _______________________________________________ Athena Minerva Athena watched Cerberus walk past her with ease. He hadn't looked too worried over anything that might happen between the two of them. And he acted almost as if he trusted the woman. How had he been so open and caring to just walk with the woman anywhere she pleased to go? Why would he take that risk? Knowing damn well what could happen if Amara would find out. Why would he risk everything for a simple conversation with Athena. It had almost seemed absurd. Her eyes had widened to his taunts. Had he really been amused during this time? A grin emerged from the woman as she inched closer to his body, now closing the gap between the two of them. Her left hand tugged at the bottom of his shirt as she whispered back to him in his ear. "I am sure there is much to you that would catch my eye Hell Puppy, but i am not here for this. Not at this specific time and moment at least." Her words almost came off as a purr. Very flirty for even herself, it wasn't normally like Athena to be this reckless. Her grip on his shirt released once more as she decided not to continue to toy with him. But with the same tone, the woman began to ramble on again. "I do hope you forgive me, my darling Cerberus. As i really didn't mean to dismay your trust in this manor. I just wasn't quite sure how i would get you alone in any other way."Her words trailed off yet again as her gaze wandered around the room. He did find quite an exquisite place to be isolated from the rest, from the voices. The room towered in books and other random objects. It was a place Athena could often find herself coming to get lost in... It was a quiet place. The perfect place. "I could spend all my time in here and still not be done." She had whispered to herself, as she continued to take in the beauty
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azkastory-blog · 7 years
Illy - a Winter’s Tale Part 2
I hope my queen is happy
There will be a heavy snowstorm tonight
Everyone within the land mentioned in the news are advised to stay in their house for their own safety. Apparently Asha can’t be found anywhere in the villa, and somehow it makes Thena mad. She will definitely kill him when she found him. Making his sister worried sick about his whereabouts is nothing to be proud of. Oh little brother, where are you, you selfish jerk? Despite of the situation, she does not call the police. Well, basically because the police too can’t do anything about the report due to tonight weather.
 When she touches you, all you would feel will be comfort and warmth. Asha concludes that everyone died misery being lured this way. No men can resist her soft little finger nor run away from this situation. Death is going to take Asha faster than he thought by using this witch ability to seduce men.
One question Asha asks before deciding to surrender to his own miserable destiny in his 20, “Are you winter witch?” No, not only one question he asks in the end, but also a series of other questions. “Are you going to lure me and captivate me with your kindness, your beautiful looks so that you can kill me?” and “are you going to absorb my soul first and leave me dying here?” and “are you going to take me somewhere then torture me slowly to death then bury my body in a pile of snow around here?” and “are you really that cruel monster?” and the girl giggles.
“You are very funny, little man. I am no winter witch. I have a name too just like you, my name is Illy, a name that stands for lily and chilly.” She can’t stop giggling, “let me answer all of your silly question, little man.” She has a long pause before continuing, “for a second thought, let me answer all of your question with one statement. You ARE going to die tonight.”
“Oh God, no,” somehow, Asha feels weak hearing that.
“Oh God, yes.”
I’m sorry sister of mine, I guess journey ends here, miserably and full of despair. I’m truly sorry oh sister of mine.
Seeing the man in front of her helplessly praying for one last time, she finally speaks, “I’m joking, little man.”
Asha looks up, “I’m sorry, what?”
“I’m joking. You will not die tonight.”
“Are you kidding me, winter witch?”
“Unless you call me that, I already gave you my name, little man.” She floats even higher, “I love teasing people to an indefinite extent.”
Asha wants to go home badly, but his knees is as weak as new-born baby. This winter-witch has bad taste of humour for goodness sake. “I’m going home.” He walks away from the myth ‘creature’.
Is the so called cruel winter witch really going to let this hopeless little man wander in the middle of the beginning of snowstorm alone? Is the so called bloodthirsty mythical creature is just going to stand still watching this beyond hope little human walking towards the wrong direction, just the opposite the direction he should be heading to.
“No evil would gladly tell a human his way home,” he blocks Asha’s path, “please, your villa is that way.”
Asha does not say a thing in the beginning of snowstorm
Asha does not say a thing before the snowstorm strikes
Asha goes home without a word left about the myth nor the winter witch
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For the Thenamesh Proposal AU
Both of them have to sleep in the same bed to keep up their fake engagement.👀
Of course there was only one bed.
His mom thought they were together, after all, why would she give them a room with separate beds? Gil had offered to let Thena have the bed and he would sleep on the floor (or something). She had told him that was stupid and that they could share a bed without being weird about it.
But he did feel weird about it.
Maybe weird wasn't the right word. But he felt a little nervous. They were friends, of course, that wasn't the issue. He told Thena he hadn't slept with many women and then turned bright red from the slip-up. She had laughed more heartily than he had ever seen in their years of working together.
She said it wasn't a big deal. It was a queen sized bed and they could put a few of the extra, decorative pillows in between them just for safety's sake. It would be just fine.
Gil woke up with Thena curled right up against him. He stared up at the ceiling, hoping he was wrong about it, but Thena was tucked right into him, face on his chest, arms folded in against his ribs like a bird's wings.
He got the impression that Thena wasn't that sound a sleeper, but she was practically drooling right now. He moved as slightly as he could to look at her, but the angle just wasn't conducive for it. He tried to nudge her gently; he didn't think she would take too kindly to discovering herself in such a position.
She groaned at him, only moving closer. He never knew she had trouble getting up in the morning (that was kind of cute).
"Thena," he whispered, trying to reach for his phone on the nightstand.
"Hm," she groused again, pressing her face into his t-shirt and inhaling.
Usually, he slept shirtless, but it hadn't felt right with Thena right next to him.
He chuckled at the behaviour very unlike the Goddess of War. He shimmied in the bed so he could at least look at her. "Wakey-wakey."
She growled at him this time, but he took that as a sign that she was awake.
"Rise and Shine," he prompted again, now just enjoying annoying her.
"No," she grumbled, not at all freaked out by their proximity. If anything, she didn't even move away from him at all. She moved her head just enough to blink her bleary eyes at him.
"Hey," he smiled. It was possible she looked even more beautiful than normal when she had just woken up.
"Hey," she replied just as softly, even in her current mood. She blinked, "what time is it?"
"Sun's up, which means my whole family's probably already on a run or something."
"Family of maniacs," Thena bemoaned, trying to turn her eyes away from the sun again. "It's far too early for you to be waking me up like this."
"Well, I'm sorry to interrupt your beauty sleep," he snorted, to which she slapped his arm. "But I have things to do for my mother, since this family reunion that's happening is now also our wedding?"
"Right, yes, the big day," Thena mumbled, obviously not listening to him.
"Okay, okay," he sighed. It was easy to give in when she looked all soft and cozy and kittenish. "I'll tell them you're sleeping in."
"Tell them anything you want," she yawned and burrowed right into his spot as he started shimmying out of the bed. "And that I will see them later."
"Got it." Gil stood and stretched, ruffled his hair and tugged at his shirt. He had to get a start on breakfast even before he started prepping the many, many items he would cook for their 'wedding day'. He looked back.
Thena really did look like an angel. He knew she was pretty - it was pretty impossible not to - but that was far from his favourite thing about her. But at times like this, it was really hard to ignore (let alone resist).
"Hm?" she opened her eyes, having felt him staring at her.
He knelt down with a smile, leaning on the edge of the bed, "nothing. Just...admiring my fiance."
Thena rolled over, refusing to give him the satisfaction of an answer.
He laughed, though; that was just like her. He stood again, brushing his hand over her hair as he left to get dressed in the attached bathroom they would be sharing as well. "You go back to sleep. I'll call you when I'm done breakfast."
"My phone is on silent."
"Then I'll come up here and hand deliver it myself!"
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
We need another thenamesh zombie AU prompt!:D some action where both of them impress each other with their skills killing zombies but they also notice how well they fight together
Gil clipped his backpack closed and settled it on his back. Neither he nor Thena had spoken a word in...well, it was a long time for him.
Thena was really nice; not just anyone would have let him join them in their attempt to leave the safety of the mall and hit the road. Not just anyone would have let him live after he'd stumbled into their trap. She'd even let him stay the night as she packed up and prepared for the trip.
She was really nice, she just wasn't a talker.
Gil was--always had been. But he was trying to resist the urge to crack the occasional joke here or there. He didn't think she would appreciate it.
The first time they'd met she had told him 'no funny business' if she let him out of her trap. He had asked: "what about semi-formal business?'. He still didn't know if she had laughed at that or not, but he liked to imagine she did.
"Ready?" she asked, pausing over his shoulder with her own bag of supplies packed. She had two...machetes? Maybe they were just long knives--he really didn't have the knowledge about weapons necessary to identify them. But she seemed plenty capable with them.
"Ready," he smiled, standing to join her. He gripped the handle of his cast iron skillet in his hand. "How long has it been for you?"
"Hm?" she looked at him.
"Since you've been out in it?" Gil asked quietly. He kept an eye on her, trying to see if there was any indication that she was nervous about it or scared in any way. Not that he would expect that from the stoic woman beside him. "I'm a little nervous."
Thena looked up at him, her brows raising fractionally in surprise.
Gil shrugged, gripping his skillet close. "I guess I'm not much of a fighter."
Thena turned her head to inspect him. Her eyes were sharp and critical, and he just realised they were a really pretty green colour.
"Okay," Gil blew out a breath as they arrived at the outer door leading to the parking lot. They were still close to the edge of town, and maybe things wouldn't be too bad.
Thena settled her shoulders, twirling the blades in her hands. He supposed that made sense for that to be her psych up routine. She wasn't a talk-to-herself kind of woman.
"Just come out swinging behind me."
She was a force of nature--like a Goddess of War. Gil watched as Thena led the charge, taking down zombies left and right as soon as she was in the open air. She used those long knives like a pro.
Gil followed, not wanting to be completely left in the dust. But man, she was incredible. He had never really seen her in action, but he could see why she had been perfectly fine on her own all this time.
Thena turned to check on him as soon as there was a sign of thinning in the herd. It was an expression of concern for him, which was sweet. But she didn't have to worry.
Gil had his eyes squeezed closed with every hit, but he didn't have to be so worried. Every contact he made with that skillet of his took a zombie's head clean off.
Those muscles weren't just for show.
"Get down!"
Gil didn't know why, but he did it without question. If Thena was telling him to do it, then he would do it. He ducked down holding his arms over his head. After a second, he peeked up, spotting the body of a zombie with one of her knives lodged in it. She had thrown it to cover for him. "Thanks for the--Thena, behind you!"
She turned, holding out the blade of her remaining knife. But the thing had a security vest on, not as fragile and easily deterred as the rest of them. She grunted as it walked against her mindlessly.
"Hold it steady," Gil grunted as he braced himself behind her, at least preventing her from being pushed back further. He reached around her, surprised at how small she seemed now that they were close. "I've got the blade. You hold the handle and we can both get it through him, I bet."
"On three." Thena let Gil's hand move over hers, sliding it out from under it so she could grip the handle properly. "One-"
"Two," Gil inhaled, gripping the handle with her. "Three!"
Both of them turned their heads as they pulled at the handle, Gil's other hand helping to push the blade through the security guard.
"Ha!" Gil laughed, still leaning against her back, still holding the handle of the knife with his hand over hers. "We did it!"
"Sorry, sorry," Gil rolled his lips closed, looking around to see what he had drawn towards them with his celebration. But they seemed to have broken through the last of those remaining in the area. He smiled at her, whispering this time, "we did it!"
Thena let out the faintest of laughs. But it was definitely a laugh, and she was definitely smiling. She looked down, "thanks for the assist."
Gil cleared his throat, letting go of her hands and stepping away from her again. "Y-You're the expert. You saved me too."
Thena went quiet again as Gil walked back to where he had been, pulling out her other knife and picking up his skillet again. She smiled at him as he handed her weapon back to her, "we make a good team."
He certainly thought so. But he gave her a sheepish smile, brushing off his trusty skillet, "I'm just glad I could lend a hand."
"Don't sell yourself short," she advised, and it was the most words he'd heard her say at once, at this point. "You're good."
Gil blushed, trying to tell himself not to feel flustered by the way she said it. She was just a...travelling companion. A very platonic, very pretty, very dangerous travelling companion.
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