#but really a mix of everything though lollllll
jitterbugbear · 2 years
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kaleidoscopian visions
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robo-cryptid · 5 years
Top 5 mchanzo fic recs --- go!!!
You asked for five and I couldn’t narrow it down. So I tried to make myself some categories to be like “haha top 5 in each” but that got WILDLY out of hand, so here’s a compromise I gave myself to keep it under control: 5 fave completed fics, and 5 fave WIPs, no repeats of authors allowed. There are several others that could replace any of those on this list because I probably needed a Top 15 or something, but I definitely love these with my whole heart. Listed in no particular order:
5 McHanzo Recs - Completed Fics
Static from My Better Sense by SaltCore (Teen+) - I read this one as it was updating, which I can’t say I was lucky enough for with all of those on this list. It’s so freaking good, though. The interactions between Hanzo and Gabriel are exactly what I needed them to be, and even when Jesse’s not in a scene, you can feel the impression he’s left. 
Fair Enough (5 Things McCree Can Do But Doesn't Let On + 1 He Simply Won't) by AsheRhyder (Not Rated) - I’ll rec an epic sprawl of a story next, but this is one of the first fics I read in this fandom that left an impression about what kind of man McCree could be in their day-to-day lives in Overwatch, and I still love it so much. 
May I by Ingridarcher (Mature) - Here’s your epic sprawl. If I’m a little late getting into a fandom, I look for those long, completed fics that serve as a sort of “explainer” for why these two belong together and flesh out the world they live in. McHanzo has quite a few of these, but this one left the strongest impression. The plot is super intriguing, and I like that Hanzo can be a bit of a disaster? Lol. Bonus points for including several interesting OCs, which is pretty difficult to pull off in fanfic!
Acceptable Substitute by mataglap (Explicit) - This is another that centers more around their everyday lives. Very sexy, lots of complicated feelings, and features my favorite McHanzo dynamic: emotionally constipated idiots Doing Their Best and occasionally antagonizing each other but not in the sense that they seem to actively dislike each other. (I realize this is a mouthful but it’s Very Specific.) Also the thing with the monkeys is still one of my favorite little moments in any fanfic, lollllll.
Drop Dead Gorgeous by WereKem (Explicit) - Listen, in a fandom with so many AUs, I’d be remiss if I didn’t include at least one in my list. I love this fic to pieces. Full of feelings and uh. Ghost sex. 
5 McHanzo Recs - Works in Progress
The Chain by midgetnazgul (Explicit) - Another epic sprawl, but breaks the usual “they all work at the Watchpoint” formula with them meeting as lone, unaffiliated agents instead. Includes road trips, fun action sequences, a lot of dumb jokes, and heaping spoonfuls of angsty slow burn. Also the wish-fulfilling joy of McCree punching white supremacists. Every update brings me one step closer to death by choking on my own feelings.
Rōnin and the Nameless by motorghost (Mature) - Everything moto writes is beautiful and chock full of atmosphere, but this one’s the first I found and fell in love with, and it’s still going, so here we are. Angry, messed up people slowly falling in love is apparently my favorite genre.
Macchiato by CommonNonsense (Mature) - The coffee shop AU that is not an AU but instead undercover work. It’s so good, y’all. There’s intrigue and working together and some weird passive-aggressive flirting with an envelope full of money, and I love it.
Popcorn Redemption by wyntera (Explicit) - Framing McHanzo falling in love around a whole bunch of movie nights, I’m just. *clenches fist* so grateful this fic is gonna continue. It’s really sweet, okay, but not in a syrupy or unbelievable way. Like just the right amount of sweetness.
Ghost Stories On Route 66 by Nagaina (Explicit) - Get your AU rec right here. Mixing mythology and some horror and angst with some really, really sweet moments and a lot of humor and wordplay. This fic has So Much going on in it, and where it’s not making your heart positively ache, it’s a lot of damn fun.
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