#what it says on the photo
jitterbugbear · 2 years
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kaleidoscopian visions
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cozylittleartblog · 6 months
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worst way to start my new year, thanks. i have a lot of things to say about these companies but i'm tired and just keeping it focused to the pin side of things for this one. do not ever buy pins from these companies, literally ALL of them are stolen from small artists like me. if you want to buy enamel pins, check out etsy, and artist's personal websites and shops! (though even Etsy has some bootleg pins that ship straight from china, so tread carefully…)
Every pin I've designed is, thus far, EXCLUSIVE to my etsy. if you find it anywhere else, it's been ripped off! and once these stupid bootlegs pop up, it's basically a never ending game of whack-a-mole trying to get them all taken down...
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willabee · 8 months
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allowed on the table today
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 6 months
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From Maggie's insta! :) <3 (WHAT DID MICHAEL SAY?! :D)
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lesbiantahani · 1 year
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simon deadmans australia gothic my beloved
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lestatlioncunt · 25 days
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I'm the reticent vampire of the Ninth Arrondissement. I walk the night capturing disappointment and regret as only the reticent vampire can.
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tempo-takoyaki · 2 months
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It's maid day! *maid-fication beam*
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shortscircuits · 3 months
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look at this pic my friend just sent me
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mel-kusanagi · 1 year
peter b parker on his hot pink girl summer slay (photographed by lyla!)
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miguel thinks that it looks neat :)
(edit: a few people notified me that miguel's skin look lighter and i just noticed that and i'd like to apologize for it. so here's an updated version. im very sorry for that 🙇‍♀️)
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hindahoney · 8 months
So many of you are genuinely monsters and you think you're the heroes. Forgive me for not believing that any of you ever actually gave a shit about Palestinians, as you sit here in your pro-hamas rallies with swastika flags while you chant "gas the jews!" and tear down posters of kidnapped hostages. You glorify Hamas, the terrorist organization that uses and abuses Palestinians, that shoots them if they try to evacuate from zones that Israel has warned they're going to strike.
You have been silent for decades while Lebanon and Jordan keep their Palestinian population in refugee camps. You have been silent when no other neighboring country has given Palestinians citizenship status that would enable them to live a comfortable, normal life. You were silent when Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas rockets misfire and kill innocent Palestinians. You were silent when Hamas steals aid meant for civilians. You were silent when Hamas dug up water pipes from the ground so that they could make more rockets.
If you were silent then, you're using Palestinians as a mask for your Jew-hatred. If you want to really advocate for Palestinians, keep the same energy for every country, not just the only Jewish state, and try to educate yourself on what Israelis have been doing to try to help Palestinians, because I promise you it's way more than you've ever done in your life.
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stopthatfool · 7 months
Consistently shocked by the idea that people think Bradley Rooster Bradshaw is chill and laid back. He’s actually shockingly unchill. He is the opposite of chill. He did not inherent any of his parents chillness. He’s a loser who’s too invested in everything.
Like ya hi I’m Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw and I cut off my remaining family, surrogate father, and support system for 15 years cuz he pulled my naval academy papers because he didn’t want me to die like my biological father and because my mother wanted me to be free of the navy’s confinements and to exist outside of a system that physically uses me for their own power and political gains— gains I will never experience and feel for myself. A system that sees me as no more than a number, a soldier, something easily replaceable, as a body to be sacrificed in a war that i did not start nor will i finish.
“Bradley's chill.” No he’s not. He’s a beast. He’s a 30 something year old man whose entire purpose revolves around holding a grudge and proving his surrogate father wrong. This beast who literally said this to his surrogate father— "No wife. No kids. Nobody to mourn when you burn in." Beastly. Ghastly thing to say. 15 years and he still hates the guy who's been there for him since day one. He’s a guy who refuses to even begin to understand where Mav was coming from or to even think of what his mother wanted. He’s evil. And I love him.
Hi I’m Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw and when someone brings up a well known, easily accessible fact that my father and surrogate father used to fly together I will try to cause physical harm against them and my friends will have to physically hold me back. I’m Bradley Bradshaw and I was willing to put my entire career on the line (the one in which I put my family aside for) so I can attack and beat this guy up.
I love his big ol’ Bambi eyes… he’s evil and fucked up and he’s not chill. Yes he wears jorts and tropical shirts, but that just means he’s gay and a fucking liar. Just cuz he looks like some surfer dude does not mean that he’s actually laid back like one. He’s lying to himself— trying to convince himself he is something that he is not and never will be. He is unchill. He’s lame. He has undiagnosed anxiety and it physically expresses itself through anger and loserly-ness. He cares so much to the point of self sabotage. He will always be unchill, no matter how much he tries to change that fact.
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Y’all ever want to cradle a grown man in your arms? (graphic design is my passion)
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yikes-ajax · 8 months
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I dont have a clever and witty sarcastic comment tonight, I just think she's cute
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ghouljams · 18 days
not so slasher ghost being oblivious is my favorite thing
Not so slasher!Ghost is just trying to get by. He's got a butcher's shop to run, an apartment to pay for, and a horrible cat to feed. He doesn't have time to be out murdering people, but how are you supposed to know that? It's not like the giant creep talks to you, just gives you grunts and half muttered answers to the questions you ask him. You catch him skulking around the back of the butcher's shop, tossing black garbage backs that drip and squish into overflowing bins. Only to turn around and rip the bag open so that he can dig through the entrails and pull out a pinkish vertebrae. Likely trying to hide some sort of cut mark that could lead the police right to his door... (he remembered he needed pork bones for his soup)
You almost feel bad for the guys he hangs out with. They're obviously unaware of his strange behavior, even laughing off the odd comments he makes. You watch one of them, Kyle you think, showing pictures of his partner --you assume it's his partner, good for him, he seems sweet-- to the group. You watch Ghost's eyes touch the screen, eyelids lowering with disguised interest as he hums. Kyle teases him about them "not being his type" and Ghost smirks.
You hear Ghost talking about getting eyes in the mail, about the beetles he's got that'll clean everything off a bone in 24 hours, and you cringe. The Scot always seems to hit him with a well meaning, "Mate, cummon." That you think is too polite for the things this man must be doing. Perfectly normal men hanging out with a murderer. You never notice the way the oldest of them's eyes seem to follow your movements, his eyes narrowing under the shadow of his boonie hat as you snap pictures of Ghost and make notes on your phone.
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asurashi · 11 days
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deep in my enemy, I found my lover
[ Oscar as Carlos's race engineer AU ]
Based on the web weave in @milflewis's insane carcar fic 'all your ugliness'
[ ao3 ver ]
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nighhtwing · 2 years
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guys WHAT is going on here ??!??!?!
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sabertoothwalrus · 2 years
How did you get so good at drawing such expressive bodies/faces??? tell me your secrets!! (But srsly your skills are amazing)
I think my initial inspiration was about 10-11 years ago watching Adventure Time and finding Rebecca Sugar’s boards. Sometimes I get a little frustrated because she gets so much more notoriety than the other very very amazing AT boarders, but….. her expressions man…. she was always able to convey so much with SO LITTLE. (SU’s expressions are on another level of course, but I think AT’s are just so impressive to me because they’re dot eyes)
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But the thing is!! I’m also a fan of deadpan. Which AT also does very well. It’s tempting to want to do BIG, extreme expressions at every moment, especially in comedic comics, but you really don’t need to. I find that characters often feel more expressive if you reel it in more often. That way, when you DO have bigger expressions, they FEEL bigger!
for example, a panel where the contrast between big and subtle expressions sells the contrast:
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I don’t really,,,, know exactly what I do that works, ?? I kind of just like, think of the emotion I wanna convey, make the expression, think about what my face feels feels like, and try to convey that. Using a mirror helps!! You’ll feel a little stupid but it’s funny.
some misc expression tips:
Definitely prioritize eyebrows, eyes, and mouths!
Noses aren’t as important BUT flared nostril can totally sell an expression, so it depends!
Remember that your upper jaw is stationary, and your lower jaw can move, and then your lips and cheeks can move all around that!
Just subtly changing the placement of eyelids and location/size of irises can completely change an expression
Don’t be afraid to make your characters look weird or stupid.
Don’t reinvent the wheel! Take reference from different media you like that stylize expressions in different ways, and find what works for you. I take a lot of inspiration from AtLA
Again, NUANCE! Like, when most people are sad, they do their very best to try NOT to cry. People hold things in. Sometimes what characters don’t say can speak louder than what they do.
some expressions I’ve done that have varying levels of nuance:
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Also framing!! You can use the composition to help project how the character feels:
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As for body language!
Having a better sense of three-dimensional form and anatomy isn’t necessary, but it sure helps a lot
Hands!! I have adhd and my family is italian so I use my hands a lot when I talk. But even still, most people don’t just leave their hands hanging loosely by their sides. People cross their arms and fidget with their zippers and put their hands in pockets.
Head, neck, and shoulders. If you can master the foreshortening of these overlapping shapes at most angles, you will be very powerful
Hips & feet!!!!! People RARELY stand straight with both feet flat on the ground with even balance. Most people will shift their weight to one hip, leaving one leg looser and at an angle. It also helps to practice perspective, because people also rarely stand with their heels lined up side by side. One leg may get kicked foreward or loosely bent backwards. I sometimes cross my legs when I stand.
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Ultimately, if you want more lifelike expressions and poses, study from life!! Don’t worry about your drawing being “good” or “bad”, instead think about what can make it successful. Ask yourself, “is this conveying the expression I want to convey?” and if it’s not, figure out what you need to change to get it there.
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