#but sad bcs he had a crush on tom in hogwarts and tom is a massive douchebag
winterdeath81 · 2 years
Prompt: Soul Bond AU Tomarry.
Where while hunting for a rare ingredient in the cold forests around Scotland, Tom Riddle, your building Dark Lord, finds a Harry Potter wanting the same thing. (Un)fortunately for them, they come across a fountain that makes them develop a soul bond that requires them to have physical contact for they don't know how long.
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jammespotter · 7 years
i'm sorry if I am just being stupid but how did dumbledore do all of that to harry? he didnt kill james and lily (rip forever). I'm just really confused???
no worries!basically, i think that dumbledore orchestrated all of the major events that happened in harry’s life from the moment his parents died to the moment that he fell off the astronomy tower. dumbledore always had ulterior motives and was just as obsessed with power as voldemort was (which was never really openly discussed in the last book, just alluded to). he always claimed it was for the ~~greater good~~ but i mean...think of all the dictators in history. they all claimed they did things for the greater good so him saying that doesnt really do much imo it just shows that he will do anything to get what he wants. which what he wants is voldemort to die. like that is a goal of his. but also he wanted the hallows to himself and he knew that voldemort also wanted the hallows so it isnt just a case of “wow this guy is a racist mass murderer lets stop him!”. dumbledore was insecure in his position as the most powerful wizard in the world and was terrified of being usurped. so when baby harry “destroyed” voldemort at only a year old, he zeroed in on him. i think that dumbledore knew that tom had used horcruxes, and i think he had an idea that harry had become one--especially after seeing the scar. so i think he used his power as “the good guy”, and basically decided to craft harry to be a pig for slaughter that was powerful enough to destroy voldemort but was never strong enough to destroy himself. so thats why he shoved harry in an abusive household until it was time for hogwarts, bc he knew that the dursleys would never ever let harry know how famous he was or any of that. it wasnt for harry’s protection, it was to sculpt him into a child who was desperate for any sort of praise or affection and was desperate to be accepted. dumbledore also wasnt an idiot and had a feeling that tom would come back to hogwarts when harry started. but if that wasnt enough, he went ahead and got something that would lure voldemort in--the sorcerers stone.  he knew about the multiple horcruxes (horcruxi?) and im sure knew that he was on the back of poor quirrell (also poor quirrell like no one ever talks about how sad his life was). so what did he do? he went ahead and hired voldemort and put the stone behind a layer of booty traps that any 11 year old that barely paid any attention in class could get through. first test for harry was the troll. harry passed and now he had loyal friends who could help him in his mission for good. dumbledore knew that harry was a powerful wizard, both because of his parents and because he was part voldemort. but it didnt hurt for harry to have backup--and also now harry had something to lose, which really propelled harry into his martyrdom throughout the series. dumbledore tracks voldemort’s movements through the year, only telling one person about the stone. the one person who also is a loveable idiot who spills secrets the second he has a sip of firewhiskey. its no coincidence that hagrid was the one who got harry, dumbledore wanted that bond early on. anyways, so the night comes and dumbledore ~~mysterious goes away~~. he knew harry knew about the stone, so he just let him do it. no, he didn’t let him, he planned it so harry would go and face voldemort and get the stone. it was just a test. and harry passed. cue the affection in the hospital wing where dumbledore takes on a fatherly role that seems almost out of character for him (hint: because it is and it was just a part of the plan to get harry attached and loyal to him). second year happens, and who do you think slipped Lucius the horcrux? who do you think started spreading that the Dark Lord was rising again? honestly the most damning evidence to this theory is the 3rd book where dumbledore acts like sirius black is this criminal despite the fact he 100% KNOWS sirius isnt. dumbledore wasnt planning on sirius getting out and the fact that he did fucked up his plan. it meant that harry would have a father figure and potentially be happy. Nope. cant have that for your war hero, can you? So instead of telling the world sirius is innocent (bc...if 8 year olds who read the book understand how sirius is innocent i think grown ass wizards can too, especially if it comes from dumbledore and the minister of magic) he tells sirius to go into hiding. dont contact harry as much. its “too dangerous”. sirius ofc doesnt listen (much) and still contacts harry, but is still under the weight of dumbledore who could crush him in a second if he got out of line. honestly i could go on for all of the books but this is really long lmao long story short dumbledore is a piece of shit and is the reason harry had to go thru everything he did. but also is the reason why voldemort was defeated so. 
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