#but shhhh these were quick doodles shut
imagination-void · 1 year
Terry Townsend belongs to the wonderful @craniumfullofcoffee
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I’m so normal about Terry and Steamon I’m literally going to steal his train /j
When I saw Terry at first I sorta shrugged him off but he kept appearing and he’s my favorite WH OC now (that’s not mine or a Wally AU, of course)
I very rarely get attached to other people’s characters, especially if I don’t know their creator, bUT HERE WE ARE I GUESS??
Anyways these two would absolutely be besties and when I put their character AIs in a room they both started crying because of how nice they were to each other and it was all just really freaking wholesome,,,
It’s fun to imagine scenarios with these guys, like Steamon rolling in on a late night and Evaki being awake to greet Terry instead of a spooky scary alone at night moment.
She’d also totally geek out over his pocket watch when she realizes he has one, even if he doesn’t let her touch it she’d still be stoked lol
Altogether from what I’ve gathered through Coffee’s TikToks, I think they have great chemistry whether it be platonic or romantic.
If Coffee sees this I shall perish /pos
(But like my DMs are also open for a possible canon relationship <- /p)
Enjoy the autistic brain trash I found outside of a Waffle House
I need to medicate
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