#but situations like this where children are involved tend to rile me up in the worst way
Well, that was a much bigger shitstorm than I had been expecting.
First of all, kid's ok, they just kept him over night because he's so young and concussions are a bit more of a risk, especially given his extensive medical history. Thankfully though, he seems to be on the mend, and he should be home by the time you Darlings are seeing this post.
As for why you're seeing this post, originally I was just meant to be playing emergency babysitter until the dad finished work and got home, but unfortunately he's just as big of a piece of shit as he usually is (Why they're still together and actively having more kids I have no idea) and decided that since someone was already with the kids, then instead of rushing home like he was asked to by his wife, he was going to make the best of it and go out drinking with his friends.
Both his wife and his elderly mother in law tried to contact him, but after the third set of calls, he turned off his phone. Not once did he ask who was with his kids, or how his injured son was, all he cared about was going out and drinking. (I sincerely hope she leaves his arse soon. Holy shit)
The mum did apologise to me repeatedly, but since their only living family is her elderly mother who is by no means capable of looking after five kids under the age of seven, she really didn't have a choice but to rely on me until her or her (shitty) husband could return home. And for obvious reasons, she couldn't exactly leave a four year old in the hospital by himself.
In the end, the "dad" didn't get home until about nine am this morning, stinking of grog, and I don't feel comfortable leaving them with him. I did quickly head back and grab a charger for my phone so that I could type this up, but since the youngest ones will be waking from their after feed nap soon, and the mum is still a way's off from getting back, I'm probably not going to have time to sort through my reblogs properly.
On a small positive note though, it does look like all my stuff is back now, so I should be able to go back to posting older reblogs tomorrow. For now, I'm just going to focus on the kids and then go back and crash into my own bed.
Thank you for your understanding and patience, Darling ones. Please remember to take care of yourselves 🖤
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It’s Nice (Carter Hart Imagine)
This was written AND edited in a hypomanic blur so like. I’m pretty sure there are real words involved, but I make no promises.
Rating: T
Pairing: Carter Hart/Reader
Words: 3429
Warnings: food, pet(s), talk of children
Requested: yes / no
Summary: Just an average evening with Carter, except not really average at all.
The meal plan the nutritionist had made is indisputably for a professional athlete, with the number of calories and sheer mass of protein it calls for. It had taken some trial and error, but you’d figured out a way to adjust it to fit your own needs in a way that didn’t mean twice the cooking. You’re probably the only reason Carter even kind of sticks to it, because he’s inclined to make whatever’s easiest (or just order out, if he’s especially tired), so having you around to cook for the two of you keeps him more or less on track.
Right now, you’re finishing up dinner. All you have to do is let the chicken simmer and occasionally spoon some sauce onto it from the pan to make sure it doesn’t dry out. Most of your attention is focused on the other pan, where you’re just cooking some chicken to use over the next few days, to save time and make sure it doesn’t spoil. Dinner had been a bit of a mess tonight, honestly. You’d used the last lemon yesterday, so it was lucky you had a (questionably old) bottle of lemon juice in the fridge to replace it. The recipe called for half-and-half, which you never have in the house, so you’d just substituted milk and used the meal plan to justify it. You’d forgotten the tongs were all in the dishwasher, so now you’re doing your best to flip and handle the chicken with a spoon. And to top it off, you’re cat-sitting for your friend, and Harri hasn’t given you one moment of rest since you first brought out the meat. You’ve spent the better part of 45 minutes pushing her away from the raw-- and then cooked-- chicken breasts every five seconds.
“Ma’am,” you scold, pushing her away yet again, “Ma’am, I’m going to have to ask you to stop.” You have no idea where the habit of calling pets “sir” and “ma’am” came from, but you’ve done it for quite a while. It usually makes people laugh when they hear it, so it’s not a habit you’re trying to break. Finally, you deem the last batch of chicken done, so you push Harri back again, grabbing the skillet by the handle and moving it closer to the plate on the counter to hopefully minimize spillage.
“Holy fuck!” you don’t-quite-shout, literally jumping a bit in surprise. You would swing around to confront the person who’d grabbed you from behind, but they’re holding fast. Carter is holding fast. He’s pretty much the only person who can sneak up on you, despite being objectively large for a human. When you first started dating, he would laugh when he managed to surprise you; now he just smiles into your neck and gently sways the two of you side-to-side. Leaving the spoon in the pan, you use your now-free hand to smack one of his forearms.
“Maybe don’t sneak up on me when I have a hot pan in my hands, next time,” you say, trying to sound annoyed and definitely not succeeding. Yes, he should absolutely be more mindful of danger when he surprises you, but also consider: he’s adorable and you love him.
“I’m sorry,” he replies, genuine at first, before you can feel his smile turn to a smirk against your skin and hear his voice gain a mischievous edge, “Guess I’ll have you make it up to you somehow.” You roll your eyes, even though he can’t see it. You kick backward at his ankle.
“Let me finish dinner, you menace,” you say, craning your neck so you can kiss him hello despite your words. Once he’s gotten his kiss he backs off, hoisting himself up to sit on the counter. You would’ve gotten reprimanded for that when you were a kid, but this is your apartment, both of yours, so you can sit on the counter all you want. Take that, mom.
“How was your day?” he asks. You start telling him a bit about it, just a summary, saving the details for the dinner table. It’s odd being certain that he’s actually listening, actually cares about what you have to say. It’s nice.
The pre-cooked chicken covered and safely tucked in the fridge, you separate tonight’s food onto two plates, his significantly more full than yours. He hops off the counter and takes his plate, walking around the counter with you. You sit across from each other at the small wooden table, eating as you talk about your days in more detail. It’s not quite pre-season yet, still the tail-end of conditioning camp. That means he has more time to spend with you, but less to do during the day, which translates to less to talk about at dinner. Luckily, you’ve gotten pretty good at keeping the conversation going; asking both leading and specific questions to get more information out of him. You don’t really need to know any of it, but you like listening to him talk and knowing what’s going on in his life. Plus, taking an interest in his life always makes him happy.
Once you’ve both finished eating, he takes your plate with his own and brings them to the sink. It doesn’t bother you that you’re the chef of the relationship, because he carries his weight around the house in other ways. You cook, he does the dishes, you do the laundry, he cleans the bathroom and floors, and so on. There’s a balance here that you haven’t experienced before. It’s nice. 
It’s your turn to sit on the counter, continuing to chat while he rinses the dishes and loads them into the dishwasher, gathering the pots and pans from cooking and doing the same with them. With that taken care of, you hop off the counter and walk with him into the living room. You settle down on the couch, feet up on the ottoman, and he situates himself so he can lean into your side with his too-long legs taking up the third cushion. You’ve been bingeing a new series on Hulu, so you click your way through the requisite settings until you can press play on the correct episode.
Usually, you tend to be a bit restless. Sitting through an entire episode of a show used to be an impossible task, and you’d get up every five minutes to clean something or set something up or fix something. But with Carter snuggled up into you, hand on your outstretched thigh, breathing steady, sitting still for an hour seems like nothing. You’d sit still ‘til the end of eternity so long as Carter was close.
Plus the part where Harri is curled up on your shins, which doesn’t seem comfortable (but she’s a cat so who knows), and you’re pretty sure its a federal offense to disturb a sleeping animal.
    You watch two episodes, mindful of your self-imposed bedtime. The two of you make comments throughout, half of it critiquing certain aspects of the plot or composition, the other half just going “WHAT? WHAT THE FUCK?” and commenting on how hot Karl Urban is. You’ve never had a relationship, intimate or otherwise, where you didn’t have to hold in your thoughts and reactions. It’s nice.
    The second episode ends on a bit of a cliffhanger, but you join forces to talk yourselves out of watching another. The next will probably end on a cliffhanger too, ‘cause that’s how they keep you watching, so there’s really no point in watching any more right now. If you give in, you’ll most likely end up staying up way too late watching “just one more” and regretting it in the morning. Eventually, you resolutely turn the TV off and shove Carter off you. He whines and groans but heaves himself off the couch to follow you toward the bedroom.
    You brush your teeth before washing and moisturizing your face. Unfortunately you don’t have a double vanity, so most of the time is spent hip-checking each other out of the way and playfully trash talking around toothbrushes and Carter accidentally spitting toothpaste on your hand. Which isn’t unfortunate at all, really, because it’s lighthearted and domestic and fun. Plus, the limited space means he has to stay close by your side, radiating heat better than any furnace and casually brushing against you here and there. Or at least he has an excuse to. So he’ll bump your hips together to push you out of the way, even though he doesn’t really need the sink at the moment, a foamy grin on his face; then casually brush your shoulders together ten seconds later, smile gone gentle and fond. When you two had first started dating, every touch would feel thrillingly electric; now it just feels warm and safe. You’d take more than some spitty toothpaste to the hand for this.
    “We’re supposed to be calming down, not getting riled up,” you scold him as you continue to harass each other, but you’re smiling too much to really sound peeved. Carter puts one hand on your waist-- thumb stretching upward enough to be suggestive-- and cups your jaw with the other, and you just cleaned that, come on.
    “Oh, I’ll rile you up,” he purrs, shuffling further into your space and stroking his thumb along your ribcage. His tone makes something twist in your stomach, his usually light eyes dark and his gaze heavy when you meet it. Maybe dating the most gorgeous man in the world has some downsides. Like him seducing you in the bathroom when you literally just washed up.
    “You’re such a fuck boy,” you force out, reaching up to playfully push him away by the face.
    “Hey!” he objects, though he does step back and remove his hands, “I’m a himbo, if anything!” No matter how much you regret teaching him that word, it’s still funny as fuck to hear, and you break out laughing. He laughs with you for a minute, and you’re basically doubled over with it as he weakly attempts to assert that “it’s not funny, I’m serious” around giggles. Once you can finally breathe again and have wiped the tears from your eyes, he steps back into your space to press a kiss to your lips, lingering for a few breathless moments. Finally, he exhales, minty-fresh air fanning over your lips. You let out the breath you were holding too, lips tingling, temptation building as you open your eyes and take in the look of raw want on his face.
    Just as you’re about to succumb to the pull in your stomach, he moves away. Tease. Well, not really, ‘cause you had rebuffed his advances already, so he was really just respecting your boundaries. But he didn’t have to be so goddamn sexy all the time, okay? Hell, when you first met, you’d thought he was just an adorable little sweetheart, not anticipating how he could apparently flip a switch to become the most alluring (beguiling, tempting, bewitching, captivating…) man you’d ever encountered. So of course, 99% of his charm was being cute and lovable; except when he had you (at least mostly) alone and turned into a fucking incubus. Or maybe you’re a little biased, what with being in love with him, and all. Anyway.
    Back in the bedroom proper, you change into your usual sleepwear, taking a bit longer than you would when you lived alone with how much time you’re spending blatantly staring at Carter. Hey, he’s your boyfriend, you’re allowed to appreciate him, okay? And you’re totally allowed to stare at his ass in those tight boxer-briefs as he leads the way through to the living room. Dating privileges.
    It’s routine now, to go make a cup of tea before returning and curling up in your chair to continue reading your latest book. Meanwhile, Carter stretches out on the couch with his phone and laptop, checking out whatever videos or memos the team and staff have suggested (or “suggested”) and skimming any new stats. Everyone says you shouldn’t look at any type of screen before bed, but it never seems to keep him from falling asleep, so you don’t bother him about it.
You’d almost forgotten about Harri until she jumps into your lap, curling up in a position that can’t be comfortable, purring despite it. She purrs like a motorboat, vibrating against your legs and making enough noise to distract you from reading. Luckily for her, it’s cute rather than annoying. You scratch behind her ears and down her spine, in response to which she somehow manages to purr even louder. When you look up, Carter has shifted so he can watch you, a small smile on his face.
“What?” you ask, catching his contagious smile. He just smiles wider.
“We should get a pet,” he says. It’s kind of a big deal.
Living together is one thing; you can always move out if things go south, no harm no foul. But bringing a living being into the situation is a serious commitment, and you both knew it. Saying you should get a pet together is saying he sees a future with you, and is sure enough about it that he’s willing to bet another life on it.
“So I can take care of it and you get to be the cool dad who gives it treats whenever you’re home?” you ask, mostly rhetorically. He knows you’re okay with being the primary caretaker, you knew that would be the case going into this relationship, and you don’t begrudge him the limitations of his job. The question has always been whether he could handle being away from a pet as often as he has to. If he could handle not having a straight month home outside the summer, coming home from a game exhausted and still needing to be an involved pet parent, potentially missing milestones, not being there for first steps or words or-- okay, maybe getting a pet is really just a way of preparing for a child. Maybe the two of you have discussed that a pet would be the next step, and this is him saying he’s ready for a trial run, and though you’ve always been the one who’s ready to commit, you’re maybe a little more nervous than you’ve let on.
“Y/N,” he says, shifting again so he’s sitting upright facing you, looking you dead in the eye, “I’m ready to be the best dad I can. If you’re not ready-- for a pet-- that’s okay.” He’s so sincere, brows furrowed and mouth turned in a half-smile, “We can wait, if that’s what you need. I’ll wait as long as you need.” You’re not sure how to respond to such consideration, not sure how to process the fact that you’re not afraid when he stands and walks toward you, that you feel safe even as he looms above you because it’s Carter and you know he’d never hurt you. Not like “know”, where you try to convince yourself he wouldn’t but can’t quite get there, but actually know, 100%, that he wouldn’t. And not only that he wouldn’t hurt you, but that he’ll actually protect you, and care for you, and keep you safe. That you’re not on your own anymore. It’s nice.
“But,” he says, carefully kneeling in front of your chair and giving Harri a pet before continuing, “I’m ready when you are.” Okay. That’s. This is. Okay.
Maybe you’re not ready. But maybe you’ll never be ready. Maybe no one is ever ready to get a pet or have kids or commit wholly to another person. But maybe you just have to do it. It’s never the right time, but if there’s no perfect moment, that means it’s always the perfect moment. You can make it the right time. You want to.
“Dog or cat?” you ask, letting a smile break out on your face in tandem with his. He kneels up and leans over Harri to kiss you, slow and sweet but still distinctly excited. You’re really going to do this.
You debate the merits of Cat vs. Dog for a bit, before returning to your respective reading. Around 10:30, you return your book to the table and nudge Harri off of you, ruffling Carter’s hair as you pass by into the kitchen to get a glass of water. On your way back through to the bedroom, you haul him off the couch despite his protests and pull him along to bed. One of the unsung benefits of dating a millionaire athlete? He insisted on a bed that might actually be made of magic and fairy tears. Something far out of your solo price range.
The both of you plug in your phones and double-check your alarms for tomorrow morning, checking any last messages and shooting out any final responses. You climb into bed first, lying on your back just a smidge right from the middle. Carter follows, crawling under the covers to curl up against your left side. His head is a solid weight on your chest and he whines when you reach over to cut off the lamp on the bedside table. If he doesn’t want to be jostled, he should learn to wait before cuddling.
You settle back into place, running your fingers through his hair to placate him. He just burrows in even closer, plastering your bodies together with a leg slung over your hip and arm around your waist. His hair is soft against your skin, smooth as it passes through your fingers. When you scratch his scalp a bit, he hums in contentment. Despite being so big, he always makes himself small here, like he spends so much time having to be a wall that he simply crumbles when he’s around you.
After an indeterminate amount of time, he wiggles against you, nudging his head against your hand. It had stilled against his scalp a while ago, but now you resume scratching and stroking. His pleased hum warms you through and through, making something in your chest swell happily. After what can be no more than thirty seconds, he follows the hum with an indignant noise that you’re not quite sure how to explain, but definitely understand. You sigh.
“Alright, alright,” you concede, taking another deep breath. He always loves when you do this; god only knows why. It always makes you feel vaguely embarrassed but mostly appreciated, and you’re not sure why you always put up this token resistance, but that’s the way it goes. Honestly, it’s probably out of simple habit at this point. Maybe a little bit because you were raised to be a tad too humble, and this feels show-off-ish, despite being a performance for an audience of one.
Another intent inhale, and you start to sing. Carter never cares what you sing, he just likes to hear your voice as he falls asleep sometimes. Occasionally, he’ll have a request, if he’s gotten obsessed with a new song. Once in a while, usually after a tough loss or a hard day, he’ll ask you to sing something comforting (usually a few somethings comforting, since it tends to be more difficult for him to fall asleep those days). Tonight he just wants to hear you, to know you’re there with him, to know you love him enough to sing contrary to your reservations just because it makes him happy. Tonight, you want him to know how you love him so much more than that, so much more than you can express in word or deed, to know that you’re ready when he is.
Gin Wigmore isn’t exactly known for love songs, but she really hit it out of the park with Don’t Stop, as far as you’re concerned. You’re doing a softer rendition, not bothering to attempt her signature rasp, letting the words almost run together rather than cutting them harshly like her. It’s more a serenade than anything, something rounded and smooth to help the both of you sleep. You could do this forever, you think; spend every evening of the rest of your life with Carter, eating and talking and bumping hips at the sink and falling asleep surrounded by the warmth of his body. You want to do this forever. To be the one he comes home to and for that to be a good thing. As his breathing evens out to the sound of your voice and his fingertips go lax against your ribcage, you’re starting to think you just might get it.
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devil-kindred · 4 years
OTP Questions Meme
Round 2
Since I originally wanted to fill this out for my modern Death Stranding AU but changed my mind and did it for my Uncharted OC instead, I figured why not give it a go in my free time? Here’s round two of the OTP q’s meme filled out for the couple(s) in the disconnect//reconnect verse!
Ship(s): Sam Bridges/Jade Morgan, Higgs Monaghan/Jade Morgan. 
Who is more likely to raise their voice? 
Jade, but it’s rare.
Who threatens to leave but never actually does? 
Sam and Jade don’t make threats like that, but will shut themselves away instead.
Who actually keeps their word and leaves?
Higgs is guilty of this, except he doesn’t say anything. He just leaves. It’s a way for him to calm down and come back with a clear head but since he doesn’t give any warning, it started to get to Jade after a while.
Who trashes the house? 
None of them.
Do either of them get physical? 
Never. Not one of the three would ever forgive themselves if they hurt their significant other in anger. Besides, Higgs past means he’d never be able to bring himself to do so even if the thought occurred to him.
How often do they argue/disagree? 
Not too often. Jade does argue with Sam a few times, mostly when they get together and things start to get complicated. Higgs has had his fair share of arguments with Jade as well.
Who is the first to apologize? 
Jade is... overly apologetic sometimes and it’s even worse if she’s argued with someone so she’s almost always the first. Higgs/Sam aren’t afraid to apologize when they know they’ve messed up, they just take a while to get to the apologizing part.
Who is on top? 
Higgs or Sam, depending on who she’s with.
Who is on the bottom? 
Jade. I mean, she could try being on top if she really wanted but she just always ends up underneath whichever person she’s with so there’s not really a point.
Who has the strangest desires? 
I don’t think they have any desires that are too strange? Though Jade may or may not have a predator/prey kink (she’s the prey) in addition to the ones listed below.
Any kinks? 
Jade likes being bitten during sex, preferably on her neck or shoulder— but only hard enough to be felt/leave a mark. She also kind of likes the idea of being choked but more so in a “can feel the pressure but still breathe” way.
Who’s dominant in bed? 
Usually either of the guys. Jade was dominant with Higgs once and it worked a little too well as a turn on she ended up beneath him not even five minutes later.
Is head ever in the equation?
It is and all three have done it.
If so, who is better at performing it? 
They all have their own skill when it comes to that particular act. which is my way of saying i have no idea lol.
Ever had sex in public? 
Yes, in numerous places.
Who moans the most? 
If I had to rank all three of them from most to least: Jade, Higgs, Sam.
Who leaves the most marks?
 It’s a tie between Higgs and Sam. Higgs knows Jade’s weak spots, so he’s more apt to leave bite marks everywhere. Sam, on the other hand, figures out the biting thing and goes for it, but also adds in hickeys and some accidental bruising (he’s got a bit of a tight hold sometimes).
Who is the more experienced of the two? 
With either relationship, the guys are more experienced. Which isn’t to say Jade isn’t experienced— it’s just she has less experience than they do. In fact, Higgs was her first.
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? 
Both. Fucking if their mad at each other or have to be quick, making love if it’s a softer situation emotionally or if they can take their time.
Rough or soft? 
Depends on the mood, honestly. More often than not, no matter who she’s with, it’s soft. Higgs may like to rile her up every now and then but above all, he wants her to know he cares about her in all things— so sex with him is usually ridiculous levels of soft. Sex with Sam, when they get to that point, is also on the softer side but if they’ve argued? Rough all the way.
How long do they usually last? 
Average time, I suppose? Unless they’re doing a start/stop sort of thing to purposely drag it out.
Is protection used? 
Jade has the implant but prefers her partner use condoms too.
Does it ever get boring? 
I’d like to think both guys can keep things pretty interesting and Jade can be pretty spontaneous regardless of which relationship she’s in, once she gets more comfortable.
Where is the strangest place they’d have sex?
 Higgs and Jade might’ve gotten very creative in regards to a trip they once took on his motorcycle— but you didn’t hear that from me. As for Sam and Jade well... let’s just say they thought they were being sneaky when they disappeared into the coat closet at Cliff’s but... they fooled absolutely no one. Cliff’s reaction, after finding them absent from the dining room, was to stop, eye the closet for a minute, smirk, then backtrack for the wine and excuse himself to the other side of the house.
Do they plan on having children/or have children? 
Sam’s not sure about trying again after losing both Lucy and their child but it’s something that could change in the future.
If so, how many children do they want/have? 
Jade would like to have at least one child, but has a “if it happens, it happens. if it doesn’t, it doesn’t.” mindset.
Who likes to cuddle? 
All of them. Sam takes a bit to warm up to the idea but eventually he and Jade just end up snuggled up to each other one day and he decides he’s okay with it.
When Higgs and Jade are involved, he loves having her close. Whether it’s having her in his lap, cuddled up against his side with his arm around her, etc. (They aren’t tangled up in each other every single minute, but Higgs prefers to be touching whenever he can.)
Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? Higgs.
Who struggles to keep their hands to themselves? Once again, Higgs. He likes to be touching more often than not. Though he has been known to get handsy in inappropriate places just to get a rise out of her.
How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? 
Who gives the most kisses? 
Higgs. Even after Jade and Sam become exclusively involved, Higgs still wins in that category. When he and Jade were together he practically couldn’t keep his mouth (or hands) off her.
What is their favourite non-sexual activity? 
Jade likes to listen to her significant other talk about their day as well as just getting to do things together, regardless if it’s cooking or just being in the same space while they each do their own thing. Higgs likes spending time with his partner outside, whether it’s going for a walk through town or a ride through quite areas on the bike. Sam likes being able to do things together and the simplicity of doing a shared activity that doesn’t require both parties to talk the entire time.
Where is their favourite place to cuddle? 
For Higgs, anywhere he can. Jade likes cuddling in bed or on the couch if she’s watching a movie with her significant other. Sam kind of shares the same stance on cuddling as Jade.
How often do they get time to themselves? 
For Higgs and Jade, not often enough. It’s a part of why they break-up in the first place and isn’t until after they split and Jade moves into Sam’s that they have actual time to see one another again. For Sam and Jade, if’s she’s not working she’s at the house so they get to spend time together a lot even before they get together.
Who snores? 
Sam, on rare occasions and providing that he gets any sleep in the first place.
If both do, who snores the loudest? 
See above!
Do they share a bed or sleep separately?
Higgs and Jade share a bed when they’re involved, Jade and Sam initially sleep separately but eventually share.
If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? At first, Sam and Jade stay as far away from each other as possible— as in, if either of them moves they’ll fall off the bed. Once they get more comfortable with each other and are finally regularly sharing a bed, they tend to start off apart but always end up cozied up to each other.
When Higgs and Jade were together, you couldn’t pry them apart if you tried.
What do they wear to bed? 
Sam usually wears pajama pants, Jade’s a fan of big t-shirts though she occasionally wears actual pajamas, and Higgs either wears sweatpants or boxers.
Are either of them insomniacs? 
Sam is.
Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? 
Only by Sam’s. He has them but doesn’t take them often.
Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? 
With Sam, he and Jade start off that way until they get more comfortable with each other and then they usually end up wrapped around one another. With Higgs, he and Jade where always tangled up in each other.
Who wakes up with bed hair? 
Jade. Curly hair.
Who wakes up first? 
Nine times out of ten, Jade. Unless Sam’s had a bad night in which case he’s been awake forever and wins hands down.
Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? 
Neither of the guys have ever managed to get up with enough time to do so before Jade and she’s not sure either person would like whatever she could find ingredients for.
What is their favourite sleeping position? 
Sam sleeps on his side, Jade sleeps on her stomach, and Higgs sleeps whichever way he feels most comfortable in at the time.
Do they set an alarm each night? 
Jade does.
Can a television be found in their bedroom? 
There’s a tv in Sam’s room across from the bed, but the other two don’t have one in their rooms.
Who has nightmares?  
All of them. Sam often dreams of Lucy and the day she died, Higgs sometimes has nightmares about his childhood, and Jade has random nightmares depending on how stressed she is.
Who has ridiculous dreams? 
Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? Higgs is very tall, so he would take up a fair amount of space if he stretched out. However he usually koala clings in his sleep to whoever he shares a bed with.
Who makes the bed? 
Jade always makes the bed if she’s sharing with someone, unless they get to it before she can. If they’re still sleeping, she’ll make her side. The guys make their own beds.
What time is bed time? 
Jade tries to be in bed by 10:30 but never falls asleep until anywhere between 11:30 at night and 2 in the morning. Higgs is usually in bed between 11 and midnight. Sam goes to bed whenever.
Any routines/rituals before bed? 
Jade is guilty of laying in bed and scrolling through her social media on her phone and answering texts usually from Higgs when she should be getting ready for bed. Higgs usually does whatever he needs to/remembers to do before bed, then reads whatever’s caught his attention for a while, and sends texts to whoever he feels like talking to that night. Sam has trouble sleeping most days so his routine varies. If he’s having a bad night he tries to keep things he can occupy himself with nearby in hopes he’ll eventually drift off. If it’s a good night, he crawls into bed and is out like a light.
Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? 
Jade. Not really a morning person.
Who is the busiest? 
It varies, but usually Jade as she has a lot of shifts at the diner.
Who rakes in the highest income? 
Sam, by far.
Are any of them unemployed? 
Eh, technically not? Sam’s on leave from work but still employed.
Who takes the most sick days? 
None of them.
Who is more likely to turn up late to work? 
Possibly Higgs but only in an emergency.
Who sucks up to their boss?
 None of them.
What are their jobs? 
Jade works as a waitress at a diner, Sam is/was a detective, Higgs is a mechanic.
Who stresses the most? 
Do they enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? 
Jade doesn’t hate working at the diner but does wish she could find something else. Sam is indifferent. Higgs is more or less fine with his job.
Are they financially stable? 
For the most part.
Who does the washing? 
Higgs would do their laundry on occasion when he and Jade were together, but Jade made it a mission to do it before he got the chance after the third time of him dangling whatever new thing he’d found in the laundry basket in front of her and asking her to try it on. Sam and Jade do their own laundry until they’re officially together, though they do wind up with the other person’s articles of clothing in their laundry somehow.
Who takes out the trash? 
Higgs takes out his own trash. Sam & Jade take turns.
Who does the ironing? 
None of them.
Who does the cooking? 
Jade! She likes to cook in general but baking is her favorite.
Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? 
Sam. There’s a reason Jade usually cooks and tries to teach him to cook.
Who is messier? 
Probably Higgs.
Who leaves the toilet roll empty? 
None of them.
Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? 
Jade is very guilty of this but usually picks them up after a day. Higgs is also a little messy.
Who forgets to flush the toilet? 
None of them.
Who is the prankster around the house? 
Higgs when he and Jade live together. 
Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?
None of them.
Who mows the lawn? 
Sam, as he’s the only one with a lawn to mow.
Who answers the telephone? 
None of them. They all have cell phones but no landline in Sam’s house or in Higgs apartment.
Who does the vacuuming? 
Jade. She doesn’t mind cleaning and if she’s feeling anxious, the house or apartment will be spotless.
Who does the groceries? 
When Jade was with Higgs, they usually did the shopping together. Sam and Jade usually trade off and occasionally shop together.
Who takes the longest to shower? 
Jade, hands down. She likes to be warm and the shower is the best place to warm up quickly.
Is money a problem? 
Not really? All three of them have income and Sam asks very little of Jade when it comes to rent/bills when they’re just roommates.
How many cars do they own? 
Jade has one car, Sam has one car, and Higgs has a motorcycle.
Do they own their home or do they rent? 
Sam owns a house, Jade has an apartment before she meets Sam but rents the guest room in his house from him before they become romantically involved. Higgs rents an apartment in the city.
Do they live in the city or in the country? All three of them live in the city.
Do they enjoy their surroundings? 
What’s their song? 
What do they do when they’re away from each other? 
Where did they first meet? Jade met Sam while she was at work when he stopped in on his way to a session with Dr. Unger.
Who spends the most money when out shopping? Probably Jade. She keeps it under control pretty well, but if you let her loose anywhere that decor all bets are off.
Who’s more likely to flash their assets? None of them really.
Who finds it amusing when the other trips over themselves? Jade would be lying if she said she didn’t find it a little funny when it happens to Higgs.
Any mental issues? Not sure if this counts but all three of them have some abandonment and self-esteem issues. Sam struggles with self-worth issues, as does Jade.
Who’s terrified of bugs? Jade isn’t overly fond of bugs, but Higgs has an even stronger dislike than she does.
Who kills the spiders around the house? When she was with Higgs, Jade ended up killing the spiders (despite also being scared of them) because Higgs wouldn’t. Sam kills them for Jade when they live together or tries to take them outside.
Their favourite place? 
Higgs has many favorite places but the main two are the park he and Jade met at and the wooded camping area he stopped at with her on a ride once. Jade’s favorite places are wherever she’s most comfortable, so it’s a tie between her room once she moves into Sam’s house and the coffee shop not too far from where Higgs works.
Who pays the bills? 
Higgs pays his own bills, Jade and Sam split.
Do they have any fears for their future? 
Jade worries early into getting to know Sam (& during the new stages of their relationship when they get that far) that he’ll never be completely ready to move on from whatever it is that’s holding him back and that if they do talk about the issue that his response will be to kick her out and she’ll be left with nowhere to go.
Sam worries that he’ll lose her like he lost Lucy (& their child) and that Jade will view him in a different— negative— light when she finds out the truth of why he meets with Cliff so often. Fear that he’s not meant to have anyone in his life is also a concern and he worries that if he lets the bond with Jade grow, she’ll eventually just up and leave.
Higgs knows he’s not perfect and he’s aware he screwed up in regards to his relationship with Jade in the past. He’s thankful that they’ve managed to become friends after the fact but fears that, even though he knows she still cares for him as he does for her, that he’ll lose her to someone else.
Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? 
Jade. She generally leaves dinner for Sam after they start living together, so when they get together officially fancy stuff becomes a thing on occasion. Sam does his best and sometimes the results are good.
Who’s the tallest? 
Regardless of the ship, both Sam and Higgs are the taller ones.
Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?
While Sam and Jade eventually reach that point, it’s very rare for them to do so. Jade & Higgs, on the other hand, would do so frequently but usually before/after work to conserve time.
Who wanders around in their underwear?
 Higgs is the only one who could do this without care as Jade’s seen him in less and they lived together at one point. Sam will wander around in just pajama bottoms or jeans sometimes but never in his underwear. Jade crashed into Sam quite literally once wearing naught but a towel and still hasn’t quite recovered so wandering around in her underwear is something that could only potentially occur once they’ve been together for a bit.
Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? 
Jade but only when she thinks she’s alone. At first she gets embarrassed when Sam catches her doing it, but he ends up singing along too and it kind of becomes a thing for them as well as another point tipping Sam’s feelings into the romantic side of things.
What do they tease each other about? 
Jade teases Sam a tiny bit about his inability to cook and, once certain things have ensued will tease about that if she’s feeling flirty. Higgs on the other hand, will tease about all manner of naughty things any time he feels like it but also teases Jade about Sam. The teasing about Sam has a more important role, however, that of Higgs gauging her reaction as a way to test if he has competition. Higgs is her ex-boyfriend, but he wants her back quite badly.
Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? 
In either relationship they’re generally okay with the other’s fashion sense. The only exception is Higgs trying to get Jade to work increasingly more frilly/ruffly things into a specific section of her wardrobe which he really only does because she hates those things and he thinks the look on her face is funny every time he suggests it. (He’s always joking when he suggests it and would never want her to wear something she didn’t feel comfortable in.)
Who crushed first? 
Higgs basically saw Jade, went “she’s cute. I should say hello.”, introduced himself and was then immeadiately smitten with how flustered she got. Sam takes a bit to come around to the idea of being involved with Jade romantically, so she definitely crushed first. & Jade’s reaction to meeting Sam for the first time was very much “OH NO he’s hot”.
Any alcohol or substance related problems? 
Nope, all three drink on occasion but it’s not a constant thing and none of them do any substances.
Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? 
Higgs. Jade very rarely drinks and the one time she does drink around Sam ends with some in vino veritas— to their combined embarrassment. Sam holds his liquor pretty well, so he’s usually more buzzed than drunk.
Who swears the most? 
Surprisingly, Jade. Drops something? Swears. Burns herself while baking? Swears. Late for work? More swearing. Honestly, Sam’s pretty sure he knows every single swear known to man simply because she does it so often.
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raifuujin · 6 years
Do you really think Haibara does too little to support Shinichi? I am really interested on your opinion on this bc I kinda think they work nicely together and I like their dynamic, but somehow I feel she invests less in their relationship than he does?? Is it a matter of trust or their characters are just too different? Do you think they would've been friends if they didn't share this shrinking experience?
I’ve addressed how I view the two together before, but the gist of it was: Conan sees her as someone in need of help. At this point, she doesn’t need as much help, since she’s been recovering nicely, emotionally. But it’s at a point that he doesn’t want her involved in anything related to the BO because it’s dangerous, which relegates her to largely just being the person who can approve of using the antidote. She can still give a comment about BO members now and again, but even with Rum it was mostly one solid clue and not much else. Shinichi’s more in the know, now, with new allies that have more information, so Haibara doesn’t need to get involved anymore, so now he’s just thinking about keeping her safe. And no, he doesn’t trust her not to make stupid decisions based on what happened with Vermouth, so he doesn’t tell her much of anything to keep her up to date.
Haibara was shown clearly to only have a one-sided interest in him ever since the case where he realized Akemi had been her sister. He was the only person she’d known and could find to relate to, and there weren’t a lot of options. Her interest at this point has fallen considerably, and her admiration is now aimed at celebrities. She’s more emotionally stable and can stand on her own without thinking it’d be better if she were dead, and it feels like she’s more independent than she used to be. Which is great, since the scared, paranoid, cynical girl from before was someone who had been badly hurt, and her attitude now is one after recovering. She’s still willing to help, probably moreso now than she had been before, because she can be moved even when there’s not an emergency.
If they’d met outside of this danger and relying on each other and both of them dealing with looking like children that people want to kill... hm. Thing is, if they’d both had the personalities they’d had before being poisoned... no. Heck no, they’d never have gotten along. People love to remember Haibara’s cynical behaviour as her having ‘great character’, but they tend to forget that that personality clashed badly with people like Shinichi. Shinichi might have been callous about the fact that he sees a lot of murders before shrinking, but he didn’t have dark thoughts or anything. Shiho was the type to talk down on optimism when it seemed silly and be a ‘realist’ (though more telling the ‘real’ possibility more when it’s bad than good) and point out Shinichi’s flaws, and Shinichi back then was the type who’d have gotten riled up. Their original personalities, with her being used to an evil organization and him being used to popularity and an almost spoiled life, would not have meshed well. The only reason they’re friends in the current story is because they need each other, and I don’t think they’d have wanted anywhere near each other after that first experience otherwise.
Now. If people think of Haibara’s personality after character growth... then maybe they’d have gotten along without both of them being shrunk. I don’t know where she’d get that emotional help from, maybe an AU where Akemi did manage to get her out of the BO. But in the event she had that growth, there’s a good chance she’d have gone through her fan phase with Shinichi. (Depends on circumstance, but it could happen.) And they could talk and work well together as a team and build an relationship from that. I personally can still only consider friendship, but more could happen. It’d take a lot for that situation to come up, though. Would feel better for me than the current timeline of the manga, where there’s a clear moving on from Haibara, and lack of interest from Shinichi.
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mygoodog · 5 years
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If you’ve recently adopted a puppy one among the primary things you’re getting to ask yourself is “why is he biting so much?” Well, either that or what within the hell have I gotten myself into.
Training your puppy to prevent biting isn’t a fun process. I’m not getting to sugarcoat it; it takes tons of patience and consistency, and a few dogs take longer to coach than others. But don’t worry — there's hope. These methods work by encouraging you to chew on something appropriate, instead of using your limbs as a chew toy. Here are 3 methods to prevent your puppy from biting. Puppies Are Jerks — That’s Why They’re So Cute If you've got a puppy likelihood is that you’re asking yourself “what within the world have I gotten myself into?” Trust me, you’re not alone. Puppies are a couple, and their constant biting is often extremely frustrating. Why do puppies bite such a lot anyway? Puppies are a bit like babies during a few ways; they’re curious, they will be fussy, and they’re just beginning to study the planet around them. And guess what they use to explore this new world? Yep, those sharp little teeth. Sure their littermates and mom taught them a couple of things, but now it’s up to you to continue the method. which includes teaching them to not bite humans. Puppies bite everything, and that they bite tons. It’s their way of exploring and learning about the people and things that surround them. While it'd be funny for a moment it gets old pretty quick, especially if you’re the one on the receiving end. Teaching your puppy to not bite is one among the primary things you’re getting to want to figure on, especially if you've got children. Training a puppy isn’t on my list of fun and enjoyable activities; it’s tons of diligence and as I said puppies are jerks. There’s a reason they’re so cute whose sole reason is to stay us from harming them. It doesn’t take long for the cuteness of a puppy to wear off as you discover yourself constantly prying their rant of everything.
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Bite Inhibition: Learning to Fill within the Gaps One of the primary things your new puppy must learn is the way to the way to control that mouth of his. And to try to that you’re getting to need to start teaching them some bite inhibition. Bite inhibition may be a learned reaction where the dog consciously inhibits the force of his bite. Dogs start learning this behavior at a young age from their littermates, but now you've got to fill within the gaps. Your puppy probably features a decent foundation for this behavior. While pups are nursing the mother dog will get up and walk off if one among the pups bites too hard. When puppies are twiddling with their siblings they’ll yelp and stop playing if someone gets too rough. But problems can arise when the pup is introduced to his new human family and people the same boundaries aren’t set and reinforced. The good news is that this biting behavior isn’t permanent, the bad news is that it’s not always easy to coach them out of their biting behavior. (and to not mention what proportion those puppy teeth hurt) like us humans each dog is different and a few dogs would require more consistency to interrupt this nasty habit. Three Ways to prevent Your Puppy From Biting I’m not getting to sugar coat this — teaching your puppy to not bite takes awhile. Most dogs aren’t getting to catch on in at some point and be through with it. And you better confirm your whole family is on board with the training process. Don’t let dad rough house together with your pup & then expect him to settle down & get on his best behavior immediately afterward. Teaching your puppy to not bite takes consistency and patience from everyone involved. Here are the three methods that employment best when training your new puppy to not bite.
1. Redirect Your Puppies Bites to a different Object
If you would like to show your puppy to prevent biting start using the redirection method. whenever your puppy goes to bite your hands or pant legs redirect their attention to a different object. The redirection method goes like this: When your dog bites you give them a toy instead. Move it around, make noises; do whatever you've got to try to to to form that toy more exciting than biting you. if your puppy won’t take the toy to ignore them. And by ignoring them I mean to be still because puppies wish to chase stuff that moves — including your pant legs Now I do know it sounds fairly simple, but resisting that urge to tug away quickly is hard. But those quick actions tend to urge puppies even more riled up and excited, which results in even more biting.
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For my dog Laika, aka the biting monster, we had tons of success with the redirection method. Anytime she would get too rough and bite too hard I might grab a toy and encourage her to play thereupon instead. If she continued to undertake to travel after my skin with those sharp teeth I might just stop playing altogether. This process took an extended time for us, mostly because training myself to remain still & calm while getting bitten by a puppy was difficult. Eventually, I caught on, which calmness kept my dog from going full-on puppy assault mode. And by staying calm I used to be ready to discourage her from biting me further. Every time she’d bite my hand I’d pull out a toy and encourage her to play thereupon instead. Eventually, she started bringing toys to me when she was during a feisty mood, instead of grabbing onto my legs from the get-go.
2. Socialization Will Help Stop Your Puppy From Biting
Sign your dog up for puppy kindergarten or socialization class. Not only will you get getting your dog the right socialization he needs, but he’ll be learning on many good doggie manners within the process. They’ll be learning from other dogs that playing too rough isn’t tolerated which puts a fast stop to playtime.
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If you’re not getting to puppy kindergarten attempt to still introduce your new puppy to other dogs in other situations. Socialization is usually overlooked when it involves training, but it’s one of the primary belongings you should work on. Studies have shown that dogs that don’t receive proper socialization are more likely to possess behavioral problems afterward. Not only is socialization necessary for his or her social development – it makes bite inhibition training much easier. Having your puppy learn from other dogs are some things you ought to cash in. Back before we domesticated them they were pack animals, so they’re pretty good at learning from their peers. You’re still getting to work on training bite inhibition reception. But socializing with other dogs is often invaluable when it involves making the method much easier.
3. Clicker Train Your Pup for Better Impulse Control
Clicker training may be a good thing to show your pup because it enables you to mark good behaviors in a consistent way. The clicker sound itself is employed as a cue that your dog did something right. By employing a sound cue you’re ready to capture the precise moment he makes that good decision So once you put your hand ahead of your puppy & he doesn’t bite you’re getting to click & provides a treat. a part of learning bite inhibition has your dog learn exactly what the boundaries are. Since clicker training allows for more precision it works rather well for teaching bite inhibition. How to Teach Bite Inhibition With a Clicker Place your hand ahead of your pup’s mouth, if he doesn’t bite give him a click, treat, and praise like hell. When you’re comfortable that your pup isn’t getting to bite your hand once you place it ahead of his face you'll up the ante. Start by slowly waving your hand ahead of him, if he doesn’t bite it praise, click and treat. Your goal here is to show your puppy to not bite everything that comes near his face. Don’t set him up to fail. Start slowly, his first reaction might alright be to bite anything that comes near him. Just remember this activity will take tons of practice. You’re building up his impulse control which isn’t something which will be trained in only a couple of sessions. Puppies got to learn boundaries and the way to regulate their impulses even as children do. they have to find out what goodies come to people who wait, or during this case, goodies come to puppies that don’t bite. Should You Yelp When Your Puppy Bites You? There are numerous articles out there that tell you to yell at your puppy when he bites you because it’ll make them stop. the idea is that your yelp may be a clear signal to your puppy that he hurt you. Now maybe my yelps weren’t convincing enough but this method didn't work on all with my dog. actually, it made her much worse.
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The yelping method doesn’t work for all dogs. I still remember the primary time I attempted this with my puppy years ago – it made her come at me twice as hard. Many dogs become overstimulated by this strategy and it can make their biting worse. So please use with caution. Teaching Bite Inhibition Takes Patience Teaching bite inhibition was a true pain on my behalf. It actually took tons of your time with both redirection and clicker training for it to finally start working. Don’t be completely discouraged if your pup may be a bitey jerk, it’s just the way puppies are. Their one defense is their teeth so they’re getting to use ’em. If you praise enough once they ’re behaving well and ignore them when they play rough they’ll catch on. They’ll start to know the right thanks to interacting with their new human family; one that doesn’t involve sharp puppy teeth.
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