#so I am super tired and grumpy. Which is not the best state to be in when interacting with others
Well, that was a much bigger shitstorm than I had been expecting.
First of all, kid's ok, they just kept him over night because he's so young and concussions are a bit more of a risk, especially given his extensive medical history. Thankfully though, he seems to be on the mend, and he should be home by the time you Darlings are seeing this post.
As for why you're seeing this post, originally I was just meant to be playing emergency babysitter until the dad finished work and got home, but unfortunately he's just as big of a piece of shit as he usually is (Why they're still together and actively having more kids I have no idea) and decided that since someone was already with the kids, then instead of rushing home like he was asked to by his wife, he was going to make the best of it and go out drinking with his friends.
Both his wife and his elderly mother in law tried to contact him, but after the third set of calls, he turned off his phone. Not once did he ask who was with his kids, or how his injured son was, all he cared about was going out and drinking. (I sincerely hope she leaves his arse soon. Holy shit)
The mum did apologise to me repeatedly, but since their only living family is her elderly mother who is by no means capable of looking after five kids under the age of seven, she really didn't have a choice but to rely on me until her or her (shitty) husband could return home. And for obvious reasons, she couldn't exactly leave a four year old in the hospital by himself.
In the end, the "dad" didn't get home until about nine am this morning, stinking of grog, and I don't feel comfortable leaving them with him. I did quickly head back and grab a charger for my phone so that I could type this up, but since the youngest ones will be waking from their after feed nap soon, and the mum is still a way's off from getting back, I'm probably not going to have time to sort through my reblogs properly.
On a small positive note though, it does look like all my stuff is back now, so I should be able to go back to posting older reblogs tomorrow. For now, I'm just going to focus on the kids and then go back and crash into my own bed.
Thank you for your understanding and patience, Darling ones. Please remember to take care of yourselves 🖤
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rommahh · 3 years
Love On Tour…Actually
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{Im sorry for how late this was. I went to the show Friday and honestly, it was the best day of my life. I had a little PCD which made me super unmotivated but I’m back. I love you all, R}
You woke up a little grumpy, you won’t lie. You didn’t like waking up alone especially on a show day. It made you uncomfortable to be left to your own devices without any structure or schedule. You understood that Harry was a busy man but it would’ve been nice to receive some text so you could plan your day accordingly.
Sitting on the couch in the lounge of your hotel room, you chowed down on leftover pasta while watching Netflix on your iPad. You had yet to receive a text from Harry even though you had texted him hours ago when you woke up. It was hard to tell if he was ignoring you out of anger or if he was simply just lost in track. Either way you felt dejected.
On the other hand, Harry hadn’t even noticed that he iced you. He was busy running around Nashville trying to get things ready for tonight’s show. He bought you a new dress and shoes, and got the ring fitted. It was hard to figure out your ring size but he end up measuring your finger when you were passed out asleep in bed last night. When you slept, you slept and he knew that would be the perfect time to measure your finger.
Harry was so busy that morning, that by the end of his errands he realized he didn’t even have time to go back to the hotel before rehearsals. He was sporting a small cough and his vocal chords felt overworked but that’s all apart of tour.
Pulling his phone out of his back pocket as he walked into the arena, he dialed your number quickly. He had people trying to talk to him but he paid them no mind.
“Oh? Would you look who’s here?” Harry’s head shot up to the sound of your voice. There you sat on his dressing room couch, arms crossed over one another as you glared at him. Your gaze burned through him and he could just tell he was in trouble.
“Hello lovie.” Harry rasped.
“Harry you sound like shit but here you are up and about running around. You should’ve slept in this morning.” Scolding as you stand up to walk in front of him. Harry could feel the anger radiate off of you but you hid it well. He melted into your hands that cupped his warm cheeks.
“I had a lot of errands to run and I didn’t want to wake you. Also it’s just a sore throat from singing and traveling- comes with being on tour.” He mumbles dropping his head into your neck. You caress the hairs on the back on his neck and massage the tense muscles.
“You’ve got to think about yourself more, Harry. You have a show to put on but you can’t put on your best show if you’re not at your best. I am not happy with you at all.” Even though your words were scolding him, you held him your arms in the most soothing way. That’s what Harry loved about you, you cared for him like no one else could (aside from his mom). You could tell him off with your harshest words but he’d always feel your love from miles away.
“You’re right love, sorry for not keeping in touch today.” You hum in acknowledgement. You both pulled away from each other when his driver walked in with Harry’s abundance of bags. “Thank you, sir.”
“What all did you buy?” You ask walking towards the bags. Harry’s arm shot out in front of you making you stop. You looked up at him in shock. “Fine be secretive.”
You huffed before making your way back to the couch. Harry rolled his eyes at you, making way to his shopping bags. Plucking the bag from Nordstrom he plopped it down on the table in front of you.
“I just didn’t want you snooping at some other stuff. I bought you this, for tonight.” He sat down beside you, thighs touching leaving no room between you two.
“Im not trying to be mean. Just a little peeved that you left this morning without telling me. You also have a cold and I wanna take care of you since you won’t do it.” A hand rubs his forehead luring his eyes shut.
“Sorry baby, I thank you for caring so much.” He whispers sleepily.
“Im always gonna care for my bubs.” Kissing him on the lips, your turn your attention to the bag. The small grey bag had light tissue paper covering the product within the bag. The tissue falls to the floor as you dig into the bag. A silky champagne dress, folded neatly to decrease wrinkles, sits in the bag. The dress was soft and you knew it was loose enough to give you the room to dance. Soft snores escaped the boy beside you- the exhaustion evident on his face.
You pull the dress out of the bag and walk over to where his outfit of the night hung. The dress was hung beside his to be steamed for later. Turning around, you smile at the sight of your curled up boyfriend. Your heart hurt knowing that in a few minutes he would have to go rehearse.
Harry sleepily went through rehearsals sitting in a chair the whole time. He knew his stage cues and performance, he only had one more thing to rehearse but it required for you to not be in the room. He gave one look to Jeff to signal him to get you out. Jeff made up some excuse saying that he needed help with some social media post for the show.
Before the show, there was a catered dinner from some local restaurant. Harry ate a light meal of fresh vegetables and a sweet iced tea which has grown on him having lived in the states for some years. You ate grilled chicken and fries enjoying the free food. The two of you ate alone in his dressing room- wanting a moment of piece before the crazy.
“How are you feeling?” You ask Harry. He shrugs, he was more nervous than anything but you wouldn’t understand why if he had told that to you. He felt floaty. Tonight would be a game changer, a step in a whole new direction. This is something he’s wanted to do for years now but it’s finally happening, and he’s scared.
"Im ok, a little tired but what else is new. I can't wait to sleep all night and cuddle with you." He grabs your hand from across the table. you squeeze it, frowning at his revelation.
"I don't like that you're so tired." You worry, his hand squeezes yours in reassurance.
“Im ok, it’s all apart if the job.” He looks down to your bare ring finger, thumb brushing over the empty spot. Your nails were done in your favorite way, some funky pattern you found from Pinterest all painted on short coffin nails.
“I love you Harry and I’m so proud of you. I know that these years put us both in a bad place mentally but I’m happy of where we are now.” Harry could almost tear up to your words. They settled into his mind, resonating. He was making the perfect decision and you solidified that ideal.
Harry didn’t know how they did it. A show every night, a new state everyday, a new country every few months- he was burnt out. He was tired of shared tour buses and the lack of autonomy. Last nights LA show was amazing, the crowd was amazing, the energy was amazing- so why did he feel so horrid?
He walked around in The Grove, security guards walking in front and behind him. He wanted a peaceful day alone but here they were. Fans watched suspiciously trying to decipher if it was Harry or not. His hat and sunglasses were obviously not the disguise he thought they would be.
As the whispers got louder, his heart started to flurry more. Panic seeped into his veins as he looked for an escape. Bolting in the Barnes and Nobles- security guards close behind- Harry asked for the employees to close shop just for a moment. Harry only needed a moment to get a car near by to escape to. Feeling overwhelmed, Harry hid.
In between the historical fiction and romance aisle is where he sat. Head between his knees, trying to catch his breathe.
“Are you ok?” A voice asked from above him. His head whipped up in shock. Standing there was you, three books clutched between your arms. Adjusting your dress you dropped down to the floor in front of him.
“I-im fine, tired but fine.” He replied. He looked different than he did the night before, you thought. Last night, he was energetic and full of life and now, now you saw a boy whose exhaustion overpowered him.
“You here for any books?” You were just trying to change the subject, something you did with yourself when you had panic attacks.
“Oh no, I don’t-“ he stuttered shaking his head. You smiled at him before pulling a book from your stack. The fault In Our Stars, your new favorite.
“I love this book, one of my favorites. Heard a movie is coming out too so that’s fun.” You joke. Harry’s relaxed slightly, you nestled closer to him. Opening the book, you began reading, your gentle voice calming Harry.
At the start of chapter four, an interruption pulled you both away. Harry’s security guard told Harry that a car was waiting and the perimeter of the store was clear. Harry nodded telling the guard to give him five more minutes.
“I guess this is it.” You mumble closing your book. Harry nods but makes no move to leave. Something clicks in him as he looks at your face again.
“You were at the concert last night, meet and greet?” He muses.
“Yeah, One Direction is my favorite band. My friend bought our vip tickets for my birthday. Best night ever.” You say quietly, scared that he might think that you’re some obsessed fan.
“Oh, well I’m glad you enjoyed the show….so why didn’t you freak out today or- or expose where I was?”
“You’re a human being, just like me. You get nervous, frustrated, and sad just like me. You get panic attacks just like. Who am I to treat you differently?” Your words did so much for Harry. “Now don’t get me wrong, you’re my favorite in the band, but I don’t idolize you nor do I wish to be in your position cause I know it must be hard.”
“It is. Hard, I mean, really really hard. I love my job but I’m tired.” The silence you two shared burned a connection between you two. “This may be weird but could I have your number? I like talking to you and I wanna hear more of this book.”
Placing your hand made bookmark in the book, you closed in and gently placed it on Harry’s lap. “Have it. I have one at home and if you still want to talk about it- I’ll give you my number.”
Harry stills as the book sits in his lap. “I want to talk to you about the book.”
After exchanging numbers, Harry was urged by you to go. Walking side by side to the door, you were separated by his security.
“Harry, don’t let this keep hurting you. Find the joy and grasp on to it.”
You turned out to be his joy. Calls every night after shows and different books being read together, you both gravitated towards each other. Everyday was a new day to grow closer together. He invited you to more concerts, paying for every ticket because he just needed to be with you.
The show was going beautifully. Harry looked amazing in stage in all white and most fans were captivated by your outfit too. It worried you to see Harry so exhausted on stage but you knew he would stick it through like he always does. Proud was an understatement in your eyes. Harry made you more than proud.
You stood in the back of the watermelon pit at the end of the aisle where his stage stopped a few feet away. Jeff stood beside you like he normally did but he was acting suspicious. You two never stood on the side of Harry’s exit but this is where Jeff said you’d get the best view tonight.
Harry sang his final ‘we’ll be alright’ before doing his stage stroll and bows, but instead of finishing in the middle of the stage- he went down stage to the place he normally exits to at the end of the night. You watched in confusion, along with the crowd, as he walked down the steps to you. The crowd erupted in screams as the lights focused on where you were standing.
“What are you doing?” You asked with large eyes of shock. You felt your heart stop in your chest. The crowd getting louder by the moment. Harry walked closer to you, one hand digging into his pocket while his eyes focused on your face. You couldn’t place what was happening but you’re eyes welled with even more tears nonetheless. Jeff was to the side with a huge smile and his phone out to capture the moment.
“Y/N, my love, my light, the best thing that has happened to me,” he didn’t have his mic on so the crowd couldn’t hear him but you could hear him perfectly. As if you two were the only ones in the large arena, you could only see Harry. “From the moment I met you in the bookstore, I knew you were meant to be in my life. Somehow you took me from my darkest place and guided me to my lightest.
I know our lives have been hard but we’ve always found a way to be alright. I want that for the rest of my life. I want you to be by my side for the rest of my life, so will you please, my love, marry me?”
You gave him no time to answer as you yanked him up by his arm. You wept as you exclaimed loud yeses, yeses that could be heard by a few fans who screamed in excitement igniting the rest of the crowd to scream. Harry picked you up in his arms, throwing one arm out to wave at the crowd before bounding backstage.
“Oh my god Harry!” You exclaimed as he set you down. He only had a few minutes to talk so you kept it quick. You pulled his face down to your kissing his lips. This kiss pulled you both deeper into each other.
He pulled away making you whine. “I gotta go back but I promise you’ll get it all tonight. I can’t believe you said yes. I love you so much.”
Harry’s energy multiplied by 100 going back on stage. He even went as far as to explain what watermelon sugar was about. Remembering when the song was made, it made your legs clench together- a pulse overwhelming your lower regions.
Looking down at your hand, you could feel yourself tear up again at the ring he bought you. It fit perfectly in your hand, you remember him measuring your hand that night even though he thought you were asleep. The thought of your future made your heart swell. A future with new music, a wedding, a nice house, and babies made your heart swell. This was something you couldn’t wait for.
Harry found his joy in you but he never knew about the joy he was to your dark life.
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mountswhore · 3 years
𝐝𝐨𝐞 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 — jesse lingard
summary: jesse was afraid to lose you, but you have to reassure him that his money and fame mean nothing to you.
notes: requests are open, ask away!
for @bite-me-en-la-boca
Jesse was afraid to lose you, as simple as that. He wasn’t blind to the double takes people do when you walk past them, or the comments from men at the club when they pass. You were stunning — and Jesse knew that, along with everyone else.
Even his own friends would make little comments, obviously they knew they wouldn’t act on it, so did he, but his girlfriend was wanted by even his closest mates. It definitely made him hold onto you a little tighter. Whenever you’d visit him at training, or go to an event with him, he’d keep you close and constantly shower you in affection, so everybody knew you were his.
The Instagram comments were the worst, not only would his be littered with ‘she’s fit’ or ‘lucky man’, but yours were so vivid that you’d refuse to open them. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t scroll through them every once in a while to see what people were saying, only to return to you a while later with a heavy heart.
The whole of the UK male population were after you, which is why tonight was the worst for Jesse. You were celebrating Marcus’ birthday, and it was completely unlike him to want to go clubbing, but you both agreed anyway.
Jesse watched with a sick feeling in his stomach, almost feeling the need to grab his phone and text his best friend that he was too sick to go. And keep you at home. He knew what tonight would be like, he knew that someone would make a comment, or give you a suggestive glance, and it would ruin his night.
“How do I look?” You asked, smiling innocently up at your boyfriend. Even with heels on, he towered over you. Jesse pushed his negative thoughts to the side to compliment you.
“Wow. Where’s Y/N gone?” He asked, holding your hand and twirling you around slowly. You met his eyes once again with a pout, and Jesse kissed it away. There was never a day he didn’t compliment you on your beauty.
“Real funny. Are you ready?”
“Do I look ready?” Jesse countered, standing back from you and showing off his smart casual attire. You laughed and smoothed the fabric of his shirt down, smiling up at him. He looked back down at you with so much love in his eyes, you’d forget he was hiding his intrusive thoughts behind those eyes.
The pair of you left, getting an Uber to the club you were supposed to arrive at 20 minutes ago. Marcus was waiting inside, sitting in a booth with a few other United boys. The second Marcus spotted you, he moved out of the booth to greet you both.
“Jess,” Marcus spoke, pulling his best friend into a hug, “how’ve you been?”
Jesse just nodded, watching his attention divert from him to you. He squeezed you tightly and almost lifted you from your feet. He knew Marcus would never betray him like that, no matter how hot you were. He trusted Marcus entirely, but it was just adding fuel to the fire. Jesse felt tense from the moment he entered the club, the boys greeting you and having a laugh with you. It was off-putting, he just wanted to go home and watch your rubbish tv. He’d sit through hours of it if it meant you weren’t here getting preyed on.
Throughout the night, you’d had shot after shot, begging Jesse to dance with you an hour in. And he was keeping you close to him, eyes watching intently as you swayed your hips onto him. Your eyes were on him the entire time, not paying mind to the people around you. Jesse so badly wanted to enjoy this moment with you, but those eyes surrounding you were slowly pushing him over the edge.
“What the fuck are you staring at?” He snapped, causing a small space to form between the pair of you. You stepped back in shock, staring at your boyfriend who angrily stared at the people surrounding you.
His eyes had found yours again, but you were gone. You’d approached the booth Marcus was sitting at, wedging between him and Jadon, a frown on your face.
“What happened, Y/N?” Marcus questioned, an arm around your shoulder as you looked visibly upset. You saw Jesse sat at the bar now, head in his hands with a drink in front of him.
“He just shouted in front of everyone, it’s so embarrassing.” You stated, folding your arms and stealing a drink from the table. You didn’t know who the victim of the stolen drink was, quite frankly, you didn’t care. Jesse had bursted his anger in front of everyone, and even though it wasn’t directed at you, it still embarrassed you.
The next half hour was torture, you were slowly losing your buzz and the night was becoming boring. You were sandwiched between the two boys, and they refused to let you have any more drinks. Jesse was still sulking at the bar, but you didn’t care. You’d let him sulk there for the remainder of the evening, if need be.
“Guys, I think I might head home,” you mentioned, standing up and wiggling over the line of boys, “I’m super tired now.” You waved sweetly at Marcus, wishing him one more ‘happy birthday’ before you were leaning against the wall and waiting for your Uber.
Jesse looked back at the booth, wondering which boy had an arm around you this time, but you were gone. The space between Marcus and Jadon that you occupied had now disappeared. His eyes frantically searched the dance floor, but you were nowhere to be seen. It was only then that he started to regret shouting. He could lie and say he didn’t know what came over him, but he did know. He was jealous.
“She’s gone home.” Marcus spoke into his friend’s ear, patting him on the shoulder. It eased Jesse’s thoughts a little, but he still felt horrible. Jesse had gotten an Uber home not long after you, finding the house completely dark apart from your shared bedroom.
You were tucked into bed, Netflix in the background as you scrolled through your phone. You could see Jesse standing in the doorway, but didn’t acknowledge him as he walked in and sat on your side of the bed. His hand rested on the lump in the duvet that was your leg, waiting for you to say something. But you didn’t.
“I’m sorry.” He blurted out, his voice soft with guilt. You didn’t even react, you just kept scrolling. “Really, I am. I’m sorry for ruining your night.”
“It’s done now, you need to go to bed. You have Hope tomorrow.” You replied, a lack of emotion in your voice. He knew you loved when Hope was round, the pair of you got on immensely. But you seemed bored now. Bored of listening to him. You had gotten out of bed and left the room, wandering downstairs to distract yourself with something else.
“It’s not done, babe.” Jesse spoke, following your footsteps as you turned into the kitchen. You stood at the counter, grabbing a coffee pod from your cupboard and beginning to make yourself a coffee.
“What else do you want to say, Jesse?” You argued calmly, Jesse almost jumping at the mention of his name. It was always silly pet names, never his name. He could see by the look on your face that you were over this, you were tired, grumpy, getting slightly hungover.
“I know I should never have shouted like that, in front of everyone,” he spluttered, alcohol still in his system. His words were not stringing together very well, which presented a bad case on his behalf, “the last thing I wanted to do was hurt you because of my own insecurities.”
Jesse wasn’t the type to show his insecurities to anyone, not even you at times, but you knew they were there. He was stuck in the mindset of sweeping them away, out of sight and out of mind. You wanted to badly to help him work through them like he did with yours, but he’d never disclose what was bothering him. You turned to look at him, the argument long forgotten now as you wanted this to be the chance he finally opens up.
“What insecurities, Jess?” You wondered, slowly approaching him. Your small hands held his cheeks, you could’ve sworn you’d seen a glint in his eyes.
He shook his head, the window now closed. The opportunity for the pair of you to sit down and talk about what bothered him, it was gone. You were back to pretending not to see his tensed jaw and white knuckles from squeezing his fist together. You sat at the island in defeat, your headache prominent now.
Jesse’s hand fell upon your shoulder, your eyes meeting once again. Your face contorted as a tear fell from your eye, Jesse now going into full on panic mode. He sat beside you, pulling you into his chest and holding you close. You could hear his heart pounding in his chest, you weren’t the only one who wished he could say how he felt.
“How are we ever going to move forward together if I don’t know how you’re feeling?” You asked honestly, holding his bare arm and pulling it close to you. There would always be this barricade stopping you from moving forward, his insecurities stopping you both from being able to talk to each other.
Jesse pulled away from you, his fingers fiddling with the expensive ring on your finger. He’d gifted it to you on your two-year anniversary, it was a beautiful night. “I just get jealous. I see your Instagram comments, and mine. I see the way random men look at you on the street, in the club, in the fucking supermarket. Even the boys are always complimenting you, being touchy with you. It might sound stupid and it might seem like it’s nothing, but it makes me fucking jealous.”
“You know I’d never do that to you,” you turned to Jesse, now clutching his hand tightly, “you’re the only one I want.”
“I know that, love. I have been fucked around before, girls always go after my money and my name. You don’t even shoo these boys away. It’s like you enjoy their attention.” Jesse accused, his tone still soft with you. He never raises his voice with you, and you never have with him.
This comment hurt you, your waterline burned with tears once again, hearing your boyfriend even fathom these ideas. “I don’t pay these boys any mind. You’re the only one I want attention from, I barely give the rest of them a second glance. And I’m sorry that your friends are touchy with me, I just give them lots of hugs and squeezes because they’re your friends, I want them to like me. I know how important they are to you. So they’re important to me.”
Even though Jesse thought you liked the attention, and wanted him for his name and wealth, even though it deeply pained you for him to think these things of you, you kept it cool. He was hurting, these were his insecurities. You looked up at him, giving him your infamous doe eyes, the ones he fell for in the first place.
“If I only wanted you for your wealth and name, I wouldn’t bother with Hope. I love that girl, she’s my best friend. I’d do anything for her,” Jesse smiled at your comment, his hand smoothing over your cheek, “I wouldn’t bother with your family, I wouldn’t call them up everyday asking how they are. I wouldn’t bother with your career, making sure your training kit is washed and you have appropriate lunch.” You emphasised the word appropriate, as Jesse would sometimes leave with just one of Hope’s lunchables, or just a yoghurt.
Jesse let out a laugh, both hands now holding your face close to his. “Thank you. I’m sorry for doubting you.”
“I won’t take your name when we get married, just to prove that I’m not in it for fame and wealth,” you admitted, a smile on your face, “I don’t know how you do it if I’m honest, you can’t even walk around the shop without someone approaching you. It’d get on my nerves.”
“Of course you’re gonna take my name,” Jesse cooed, kissing the bridge of your nose and looking down at you once more, “and you better get used to it, because I’m not giving you up.” He held you tight to him, the both of you still reeking of alcohol and the coffee long forgotten.
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diaphragmjellyfish · 3 years
You Just Wait
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gif is from @twilightofficial​
A/N: The hardest part of writing a fic is honestly choosing the love interest XD I have so many fictional boyfriends it’s hard to choose just one. I have noticed a significant lack of Jared Cameron content and he’s super adorable so here it is! Also, I left the concept a little bit more vague so more people can relate to it. It doesn’t specifically say vaginismus, it’s more of a general “sex doesn’t normally go well for me” type thing. 
Bottomless, covered in chocolate sauce, walking through the woods, phone dead, in the middle of August on a weekday. How did you end up here? Jared Cameron. Your boyfriend. He had roped you in to an elaborate prank on Paul that hadn’t exactly gone as planned. Needless to say, you were desperate for a shower and a nap. A hot meal wouldn’t hurt. And you were beyond irritated, not even looking Jared’s way as he walked next to you in a similar state. 
“Babe, if you let me carry you, we’ll get home way faster,” he whined.
You didn’t respond, only walking with more frustration around the roots and fallen trees. It was growing dark, just about twilight, and you knew you wouldn’t be reaching either of your houses at this rate. You were miles into the forest. But your pride kept you from accepting Jared’s wolfy-back ride, because he tended to make lots of jokes about being between your legs and you riding him and blah blah blah, and you honestly might punch him right now if he did that. 
So you just kept ignoring him, arms folded tightly against your chest because, yes, it was August, but this was also the Washington coast. It got pretty chilly no matter what time of year it was. 
“I can see you shivering from here,” he pleaded, almost sounding in pain at the thought of you being uncomfortable. “It’s only gonna get colder. Let me help you.”
You ignored him. 
“C’mooonnnnnn,” he cried. His preferred way of cracking your silence was usually by annoying you out of it, and it was working. “C’mon, c’mon, c’mon c’mon c’mon c’mon c’m-”
“Jared, I swear to God!” 
“Aha! She speaks!” he laughed. 
“”Only to tell you to be quiet, or I’ll-”
“Or you’ll what?” he cut you off. “I’m way stronger than you!” He was teasing you into talking to him. Even if it was in the form of arguing. Damn, he always got you to crack. You stopped walking, turning to face him, arms still held tightly around yourself. You couldn’t resist a good bicker, and Jared knew that. He would get the sass to come out, and then once you got tired, he’d apologize and you’d be made up within half an hour. That’s what always happened. And you couldn’t exactly stay mad at those big brown puppy eyes for long. 
“Physically, maybe,” you chided, “but I’m definitely way smarter than you.”
He stepped closer to you, a playful smirk on his face. “What, are you gonna read me to death or something?”
“I’m gonna strategize a huge plan, manipulate you, and leave you here in the forest by yourself. That’s what I’m gonna do,” you sassed. He never took arguments to heart, which is one thing you loved about him. He knew how grumpy you could get and would let you vent, and then make you forget all about the problem. 
“Oh, okay, yeah sure,” he giggled, hands going up in defense. “I’m just saying that in this situation, there is no way you come out on top. You run, I catch you. You hide, I sniff you out,” he teased. This made you crack an almost imperceptible smile, but one he noticed nonetheless. “And if you did somehow manage to get away from me, you’d freeze to death in an hour flat.” The cold breeze that caused you to shiver more violently could not have had worse timing. Obviously, Jared noticed, and his face dropped. He approached you slowly, silently asking if you were still mad enough to not let him touch you. When you didn’t step back or stop him, he wrapped both his arms around you and brought you into a huge bear hug. You sighed at his warmth, wrapping your arms tightly around his torso. He’d given you his hoodie hours ago, and was left in only a pair of shorts, though he didn’t seem to notice. Damn him and his werewolf heat. 
You still shivered in his arms, but his feverish temperature was a relief to your aching bones. 
“See? Could’ve been warm hours ago,” he teased once again, noting your clinginess. 
“Shut up. I’m still mad,” you mumbled into his neck. He laughed softly to himself, rubbing his hands up and down your body to create more heat. After a few minutes, you were starting to struggle to keep your eyes open. It had to be close to 2 in the morning, and you’d been walking for what felt like hours. Jared could have easily run home and let you brood alone, but he stuck with you no matter how long you went without speaking to him. 
“Sleepy?” he murmured into your hair. You just nodded softly, and didn’t protest as he bent down, one hand going behind your knees and the other staying around your back. He picked you up with ease and started walking through the woods once more with an “Okay Princess, I got you.” His stride never faltered, easily avoiding tripping over roots or slipping on rain-soaked moss. He must have been walking for about 30 minutes, never so much as breathing hard or shifting you in his grip. You didn’t sleep, but welcomed the rest he allowed you. Your eyes were closed, head resting on his shoulder when you felt him stop. You looked up, and in the distance, maybe 50 yards away, you saw a small building. 
“Hunter’s cabin, I’m guessing. No one’s home,” Jared stated, anticipating your questions. 
“Think there’ll be blankets?” you wondered, tired, yet still playful. 
“What, am I not enough for you?” he feigned mock hurt as you giggled at his unshakeable good attitude. Without another word, he began walking towards the small cabin, which was about the size of an average bedroom. When you reached the door, he set you down gently, holding his hands close to your waist while you found your footing, and then wrapping an arm over your shoulders to keep you warm. 
“I’m assuming it’s locked,” you sighed, disappointed. 
“Babe, no door is locked when you have super strength. Honestly, I thought you’d have more faith in me by now,” he smiled brightly. 
“You can’t just go around kicking random people’s doors in!” you scolded. 
“Okay, first of all, I can tell by the smell that no one’s been here in years. Second of all, how would anyone know it was us that broke in and not, like, a deer? And third of all, I’d say this counts as an emergency,” he sassed right back at you. You looked at him in annoyance, too tired and cold to actually care. 
After a long sigh, you muttered “fine.” 
He immediately turned to the door, not letting you so much as inhale before he slammed his foot into the space next to the knob, the door all but flying off its hinges. The whole scene caused deafening noise that interrupted the silence of the trees. 
“Jesus!” you called out in surprise, a hand shooting up to your pounding heart. You look around, though knowing no one was around for miles. Jared only turned to look at you, a cheeky smile adorning his face, and said,
“See? Told ya.” 
You rolled your eyes, but couldn’t help the loving and admiring energy that overcame you. Jared really was one in a million, and you were lucky to be by his side. He could be in the worst situation in the world and still find something to laugh about. 
He motioned for you to go in first, ever the gentleman. Walking through the door, the first thing you noticed was the dust. The entire inside of the cabin was covered in a thick layer of it. There was a small, rickety couch with cushions so worn they had holes in them throughout. And the fabric… my God. It looked like something from the 60’s, an obnoxious floral that had faded over time, and now just looked flat out stained. There was a flimsy throw blanket over the back of the couch, a cooler in the corner of the room that was covered in dirt, and on the opposite wall, a fireplace! No wood, no matches, but it was there. The floor was scattered with bullet shells, receipts, and decayed leaves. It was obvious no one had been in here for at least 3 or 4 years. 
“Okay, I can work with this,” Jared said. You really were jealous of his optimism. But, as disgusting as this place was, it beat the frigid breeze of outside, and had a place where you could rest your heads. You walked over to the couch, grabbing the blanket and beating the dust off of it. It was really only meant for one person, but you guys were okay with getting close. It would do. 
Jared walked over to the opposite corner where the cooler sat by the fireplace and opened the lid, peeking inside. 
“Just water,” he said, sounding almost disappointed. 
“Were you really gonna eat whatever was in there?” you spoke incredulously. 
“Babe, I’m starving. You have no idea how close I am to licking that chocolate sauce off of you,” he voiced. You had almost forgotten about the sticky sauce that covered both of your clothes. That prank really was a disaster. You looked down, face heating at the thought of Jared’s mouth on you like that, and turned to the fireplace where he stood. He was looking on the mantle, oblivious to the effect his comment had on you, and exclaimed “Aha!” before reaching up to grab something. “A lighter. We’re saved! Well, you are,” he laughed looking over at your shivering form once more. “Stay here and get comfy. I’m gonna go get some wood.” 
You tried your best, sitting on the edge of the couch and immediately feeling a spring poking you in the butt. The couch really was tiny. You guys were gonna have to bundle up close to fit. The thought excited you. Sure, you and Jared had always been comfortable touching and holding each other, but there were certain areas of your relationship you had yet to explore. More… intimate areas. It was your fault mostly. To make a long story short, you’ve just never enjoyed sex. You found yourself not able to get aroused, which made things painful. Sure, you wanted to. You’d thought about it a ton. But in the moment, your head was so full of thoughts of ‘What if he thinks I’m ugly? What if I smell? Am I doing this right? Is he having a good time? Am I taking too long?’ that you just stopped trying. And obviously you wanted to have sex with Jared, but you were worried he’d be disappointed. By the time he got back, just a few minutes later, you had brought your knees up to your chest, holding your legs close in an effort to preserve warmth. 
“Doing okay Sweetheart?” he asked gently. You gave a small smile and nodded in response. He plopped the logs in his arms down into the fireplace, scavenging the floor for receipts, dried leaves, anything that would catch fire. He dumped these into the fireplace and lit them, the fire catching within seconds. He walked over to the other side of the room where the couch was before bending down, grabbing the bottom lip of it, and pulling it (and you) across the floor, one-handed, and closer to the fire. “Better?” You had always been in awe of his strength. Let’s be honest, it was just plain sexy. Again, you just nodded your head, staring at him in adoration. 
He sat beside you on the couch, throwing an arm over your shoulders again, and leaning back, taking you with him. You cuddled into his side, watching the fire. 
“Ya know, if you take away the shitty couch and sticky clothes and add a few more blankets, this would actually be pretty nice,” he finally spoke. 
You laughed softly, replying, “It would. The couch isn’t even awful, but these clothes are really ruining the mood for me.” 
“Well why don’t you get out of ‘em, hot stuff?” he joked. You knew he wasn’t serious because you guys haven’t gotten that far yet, but something, maybe the exhaustion or the way he kept challenging you today, made you want to actually do it. Before you could lose your nerve, you reached down, pulling off the hoodie and shirt in one go and tossing them onto the floor. You relaxed back into his arms in just a bra, acting like nothing had happened. He was frozen beside you. Maybe it was mean, but you wanted to tease him a little. He’d put you through a lot today, so you wanted to mess with him a tiny bit. So, coolly, you brought a hand onto his thigh and began running it up and down, going higher and higher with each pass. He was still frozen, so you gave a light squeeze, and heard him inhale sharply, though he tried to hide it. 
“I thought you were tired,” he commented.
“Guess I’m not anymore,” you responded, turning to face him boldly. He immediately leaned in to kiss you, softly as always. You reciprocated, bringing your other hand up to cup his face. His arm that was around your shoulders slipped down around your waist, pulling you in further. Jared had always been gentle when kissing you, so you knew you’d have to make the first move to deepen it. Which is exactly what you did. Running your hand up his head and grabbing his hair, you pulled him towards you even more and traced your tongue across his bottom lip. He responded by matching your energy, tongue slipping out to caress yours before bringing your bottom lip between his teeth and nibbling softly. You guys had never kissed like this before. You felt a bead of warmth pool in your abdomen, something you’d never felt with a guy before. Sure, you’d been turned on while watching certain videos or reading certain fanfiction by yourself, but you’d never actually experienced it with someone before. It was exciting. Maybe it was the knowledge that you could stop things at any time and he wouldn’t be upset, or maybe it was how in love with you he really was, but you didn’t feel nervous or worried. You felt comfortable. 
Taking things a step further, you swung your leg over both of his, moving to straddle his lap. 
He pulled away slightly at this, making you ask, “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing’s wrong,” he responded, “I just don’t wanna make you do anything you don’t wanna do.”
You smiled, “I’m not doing anything I don’t wanna do. Are you?” 
“Are you seriously asking me that question right now?” He laughed, making you giggle along. 
You leaned back in for another kiss, when he stopped you again. “What exactly… are we doing, though?” You knew what he was silently asking. Are we about to go all the way? And you didn’t know yet. This had started out as playful teasing, but now you were beginning to think that maybe you did want to try something. With Jared. He was it for you, the one you wanted to spend forever with. If you couldn’t trust him, you couldn’t trust anyone. And he’d taken such good care of you these last few hours, keeping you warm, making sure you were storming off in the right direction, that you knew he’d appreciate you in a more intimate sense. 
“I- I kind of would like to try… some stuff,” you answered. 
He looked at you, eyes wide, before answering, “What kind of stuff? I mean, I will do literally anything you ask me to do and you know that, but I didn’t really prepare for this. Like, I don’t… have what we need.” Oh, a condom. What a responsible boy. 
“I’m on the pill,” you replied a little too quickly before looking down and fiddling with your hands. “If you want to.” 
“Y/N, I would be absolutely fucking honored,” he breathed, before cupping your face and pulling you into the most heated kiss yet. Your tongues danced, hands wandering. Yours, across his muscled chest and abdomen, and his, down your waist and around to cup your pantsless ass, squeezing firmly. It felt nice. He handled you in a way that was gentle and painless, but still dominant and firm. And it made the heat in your belly grow. You continued kissing for several minutes, your hands moving up his neck and eventually landing in his hair once more, and his remaining on your ass and waist. You softly sucked at his lower lip, nibbling slightly, and it made him let out a low growl and pull your hips forward onto his, where you felt something hard push against you. You knew what it was, and it didn’t scare you like it normally would. You did, however, feel your damp underwear. Shit, that’s never happened before. You were normally bone dry at this point. You let out a soft sigh, grinding your hips onto him once more. 
He softened his kisses slightly, bringing a hand around to your stomach and running his knuckles lightly across your lower abdomen. 
“Can I?” He questioned delicately. 
“Yes,” you replied almost immediately. He brought his hand under the waistband of your underwear, when you said, “Wait,” and he stopped. “Just one thing. I kind of… have never been able to do this without it hurting a lot, so maybe you could just try to be gentle?” 
“Oh, baby, you’ve been in pain before? I’m so sorry,” he whispered genuinely. 
“It’s okay, I just…” It was now or never. He should know. “Normally I’m super nervous about everything, so I can’t really… get into it, and when girls aren’t into it it’s kind of… dry? And that makes it kind of hurt really bad.” You faded out at the end, feeling embarrassed. He brought his hand out of your underwear and up to your chin, tilting your face up to look him in the eye, looking concerned. “But I’m into this, I mean, right now. I’m excited. I just thought I should warn you,” you awkwardly laughed at the end. 
“You promise? Because you know that if you want to stop we will, and I would never be upset or pressure or anything like that,” he spoke sweetly, making your heart flutter. And you did know that, which is why you felt comfortable. Every other time, you felt that if you went past a certain point, you couldn’t say stop. Couldn’t call it off without making whatever guy you were with super mad and then… who knows what would happen. But when Jared spoke those words, you believed him. 
“I promise. And I know you’ll stop. But I don’t want you to.” 
With this, he scanned your face one more time for any signs of hesitation, and when he found none, brought you down into another heated kiss. You felt his hand trail from your chin down to your breasts, skimming over your bra, down your stomach and once again to the waistband of your underwear. Only this time he didn’t go under. He stayed on top of the fabric and brought his hand down between your legs, index finger brushing lightly against your core. You barely felt it, and began to worry that you’d once again feel numb. Oftentimes, when guys would touch you or go down on you, you felt nothing. It was like you were broken or something. And you started to become concerned that tonight would be no different. 
But he brought his finger down again, repeating the same movement, only with significantly more pressure this time, and it had you release an involuntary sigh. And instead of removing his finger like he had the first time, he kept it over your clit, drawing firm circles. 
Your mouth dropped open in a silent moan, Jared staring intently at your face. 
“Oh, wow,” you finally breathed. 
“Good?” he asked cockily, wearing a large smirk. He repeated the movement again, drawing a line from your core to your clit, stopping to rub circles. 
“Mmm hmm,” you sighed. He leaned in once more to meet you with the sloppiest, dirtiest kiss you two had shared yet, and it only made you grind your center into his hand. He repeated the action several times over, and you were a writhing mess in minutes. 
He brought a finger under your waistband once more, stretching the elastic out before letting it snap lightly against your skin. “Let’s take these off, hmm?” You’d never stood up so fast in your life, practically ripping the panties off of you, taking your bra off with it. Jared stood up to remove his shorts, but stopped to stare. 
“What?” you questioned shyly, moving to cover up.
“You’re literally the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my entire life.” 
The boy quite literally had heart eyes for you. 
“Oh,” you responded meekly, cheeks heating up. When you kept looking back at him, he seemed to snap back into the moment and hurriedly ripped off his shorts and underwear, sitting back on the couch and opening his arms for you. You moved to straddle his hips the same way as before, and he brought his arms around to embrace you as you shared another heated kiss. One of his hands moved up to cup your breast, thumb rolling over your nipple as if you were made of glass. Jared pulled his mouth off of yours and trailed his lips down the side of your face, to your jaw, and down onto your neck, suckling lightly and leaving wet kisses. You tilted your head to the side to give him better access, and brought one of your hands down between you two to grasp him. He shuddered, only grabbing your hips and bringing you impossibly closer. His other hand trailed down to your center once more, going straight to your core and gathering the slight wetness there before bringing his finger up to your clit and circling. With your underwear out of the way, you felt almost lightheaded at his touch. You never knew how girls could cum during sex before, because you never seemed to feel much at all unless it was pain, but with how aroused you were right now and Jared’s movements, you thought for the first time that you may actually be able to finish. People do say that 90% of sex is mental, and you guessed this is what they meant. The more into it you are, the more physical sensation you actually feel. Groundbreaking. 
“Can I finger you?” he murmured huskily into your neck. 
You tensed slightly at this, but trusted him. If you said stop, he would. “Ok, just go slow.”
“Of course,” he responded before placing a sweet kiss on your shoulder and bringing his index finger back to your core, swirling around the entrance a few times. You took a few deep breaths to relax your muscles, and he looked at you, wordlessly asking, Ready? You nodded, and he slipped his finger in, just to the first knuckle, and held it still while he brought his thumb to your clit and continued rubbing. When he noticed you visibly relax, he slipped his finger in further to the second knuckle, stopping for a few seconds, and then all the way. He kept it here again, giving you time to adjust or tell him to stop, all the while keeping you stimulated with his thumb. It felt really good. Well, you didn’t exactly feel his finger at all, which was better than pain, and his thumb was making you crazy. Your breathing was labored at this point, eyebrows furrowed as you held onto his shoulders, nails digging in and sure to leave scratches. He pressed the finger inside of you onto your front wall suddenly, massaging the ridges firmly, and you let out a moan. Your first real moan ever. And damn did it get Jared excited. He continued this motion again and again, building in intensity and pressure slowly. When he felt how wet you had become, he pulled his finger back out to the first knuckle, and added his middle finger next to it, sliding them both back in slowly so as not to hurt you. Your eyes widened at the stretch, but it didn’t hurt. It felt amazing. 
“Oh, fuck,” you whispered to yourself, before moaning once more as his fingers began the ‘come-hither’ motion once more. 
“Am I hurting you?” he asked, concerned at your cursing. 
“No, feels so good,” you moaned, and he smiled at this, increasing the pressure even more. Your eyes screwed shut, hips stuttering over his hand, letting him finger fuck you for several more minutes as you began to feel a tightening in your stomach. He brought his thumb off of your clit finally, adjusting his hand for a better angle and bringing his other hand off of your waist and up to his mouth, licking his thumb and bringing that down to your clit, resuming the tight circles. You could hear how wet you were, feeling too good to be embarrassed. The heat in your stomach was building, spreading. You felt your legs begin to shake, muscles begin to tighten around his fingers, and your eyes screwed shut as you opened your mouth in a silent scream and came. The waves of pleasure washed over you for a long time, Jared slowing his movements down so as not to overstimulate you. When you finally opened your eyes again, you were panting, legs feeling like Jello. Jared was staring at you with a look of absolute awe on his face, mouth agape and dick rock hard, red, and leaking precum. He was more turned on than he had ever been from actual sex before, and it was only from watching you. 
“Fuck, baby that was so hot,” he all but moaned. 
You reached down to grasp him, panting a “your turn.” 
He grabbed both your wrists, stopping you. “Nuh uh, this is about you. Lie the fuck down.”
You gasped, his dominant tone turning you on despite your recent climax. You both knew that if you were even slightly uncomfortable, things would stop immediately. But it was fun for both of you to let him be a little aggressive. You did as told, lying long ways across the couch cushions, Jared moving to kneel between your legs, moving your knees softly apart so he could look at all of you. You didn’t feel insecure being exposed like this. You felt excited. 
“Are you absolutely sure you wanna do this?” he questioned. 
“I have never been more sure, Jared baby, I want to,” you pleaded. This was enough for him, so he brought his dick down to line up with your entrance, rubbing the tip up and down a few times to collect your wetness. He was worried that there wouldn’t be enough lubricant, so he brought a hand up to his mouth and spit, rubbing the saliva on his cock. 
“You just wait ‘til we get some real lube and a real fucking bed, Princess. You won’t be able to walk for days.” You shuddered at the thought of this, and of the sensation of his dick rubbing around your clit and back down to your entrance. He pushed in slightly, letting the tip in before pausing and checking your face for any signs of pain. When he found none, he pushed in slightly more, and more. He was being extremely slow, and you appreciated it. Guys normally would just shove themselves inside, not giving you any time to adjust before pounding away. But Jared was careful, despite how turned on you knew he was. He still had your best interest in mind. Within a couple of minutes, he was fully seated inside of you, staying still until you told him to move. He brought his face down to give you a sweet kiss, waiting for you to give him the signal. 
After a few seconds, you didn’t feel any sort of stinging or pain, so you nodded, saying “Just start slow.” 
“Of course,” he replied genuinely. He pulled his hips back just a few inches, before slowly grinding them back into yours. You closed your eyes, focusing on keeping your muscles loose and relaxed as he continues this movement a few more times. The next time he pushed in, he ground his hips further into yours, hitting the deepest parts of you. This had you release a gasp, eyes opening to meet his. “Okay?” he questioned. 
He did this several more times, letting you get used to the feeling of him being so deep inside of you, before your hips began to grind back into his. It felt really good. When he noticed this, he began pulling his hips back more, pushing back in slightly faster, and this had you moaning. You threw your head back, back arched, just enjoying the sensations. Your hands were grasping at his shoulders, definitely leaving scratch marks. 
“Oh my God,” you whispered. 
“You’re so fucking gorgeous,” he responded, planting sloppy kisses to your neck and collar bone. “Baby, I’m not gonna last much longer.” 
You smiled at this, glad he was enjoying it as much as you were. “Go ahead, cum for me,” you spoke, and your words had him right on the edge. He pulled out of you quickly, hand fisting his cock as he stared at your sweaty, writhing body below him. He came hard, spilling onto your stomach as he growled out, the sound making your toes curl, almost animalistic. You both remained in this position as you came down, breaths labored and eyes barely open. He stood up fully off of the couch and reached for the flimsy blanket on the floor, using it to wipe off your stomach. He threw it into the corner of the room and lay down next to you on the couch, gathering you up into his arms to cuddle. 
“Did you have a good time?” he asked almost nervously after a few minutes. 
“Nah, kinda sucked,” you teased, and he let out a playful laugh, lightly shoving you away before pulling you back and planting a kiss on your temple. 
A pause. “For real though,” he prodded, beginning to panic slightly. 
You burst out laughing. “Of course I had a good time, Jared. Best i’ve ever had, if I’m being honest.” 
“Ok good,” he sighed, relieved but trying not to show that you actually had him nervous for a second. 
Another pause. “Did… did you have a good time?” you questioned back at him. 
He seemed almost offended at the question, bringing a hand up to cup your face so that your eyes met his. “Y/N, this was the best night of my entire life. That was perfect. You are perfect. And I’m glad you trusted me enough to do that with you.” 
You felt your eyes sting slightly, emotions running wild. You considered yourself the luckiest girl in the world to be with Jared Cameron. Not only was he totally gorgeous, but kind, hilarious, and great in bed. 
In an effort to switch the tone back to a more playful one, you replied, “Yeah, well I was promised some more fun involving real lube and a real bed so…” 
He tugged you further into him, wrapping his arms around you in a way that made you think he might never let go. He laughed, and said “Oh, you just wait.” 
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inuyashaha · 4 years
Yashahime Episode 15
I think so many of my feelings and observations have been stated by others at this point, but here go my rambling thoughts anyway.
First the negative:  It was an oddly structured episode.  The introduction threw us straight into the past, very, very briefly framed by Riku as the narrator.  Did Riku break the fourth wall or were we to assume a listener we did not see?  I’m still not sure.  So much information was thrown at the audience that it did not feel like there was enough times to savor the emotions of the moments ...  very very important moments that showed us Inuyasha and Kagome’s home and married dynamic, pregnant Kagome, RIN HAVING HER BABIES with Kaede, Sango and Kagome being there (I LOVED that), Sesshomaru taking his babies...I’m willing to wait and assume this rushed narrative is on purpose, but it was a little jarring.
Now the good:
Rin is the mommy!  I knew that.  I was convinced on August 1st during the livestream, but it was a sweet (if all too brief) moment.  Mamiko Noto’s voice as Rin was so perfect.  It was sweet, but it was subdued.  It was the voice of a someone who had just birthed twins and knows something awful is about to go down.  To hear her name the babies was a beautiful moment, and how sweet were baby Towa and Setsuna.  Towa looked a little grumpy/sleepy, but baby Setsuna was already smiling :).  I do think they will show that Setsuna, deep down, is a smiling sweet girl like her mother and that circumstances made her like she is.  It also makes me think that we have only seen one side of Towa -- we haven’t really seen what she has inherited from Sesshomaru -- yet.
I loved that all of Rin’s friends surrounded her and helped her have her babies.  The twins hurrying to get Kaede, Sango going for Kagome...it was a community event!  But seriously, to know that if only for a short while, Rin got to be surrounded by love and peace with her babies by her side makes the bitterness of Sesshomaru taking the babies so quickly afterwards a little easier to bear.  Just a little.  Sango the experienced mom.  Kaede the midwife.  Rin the new mom.  Kagome the expectant mom.  Imagine the conversations and bonding.  Their kids should have grown up together :(. 
And I am going to speculate, until the show proves me wrong, that Rin probably had her own hut and continued to live in the village after she married Sesshomaru, or at least after she got pregnant.  The fact that the twins came to get Kaede at night makes me think that she was not in Kaede’s hut.  Wouldn’t Kaede be at her own place at night? 
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Like Inuyasha and Kagome, I think Rin and Sesshomaru had their own place:
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This looks different from Kaede’s hut.  I don’t remember the little pathway on the left, but it’s impossible to tell if they are next to the gate here.  Again, I’m choosing to believe they had their own place.
So, this makes me consider how much Sesshomaru really did settle down for Rin.  He gave up his titles.  He did not take her to a castle in the air.  He let her stay among her friends and start a family WITH HIM but still within the village.  He gave her the best of both worlds.  He MARRIED her.  How many times was she called his wife or bride?  She’s no concubine or human piece on the side.  He MARRIED her.  Since he had not seen his mother in a while, I’m assuming he married her in her village, letting everyone know she wasn’t just some poor village girl taken advantage of by the powerful yokai. And it clearly wasn’t just a human marriage.  All the big bad demons called Rin Sesshomaru’s wife. What honor, respect and love he showed to her, a mere human peasant (though of course we all know she is so much more than that, especially to Sesshomaru).
Was he like many lords and installed her in her own home, visiting and staying with her when he did not have business to attend to?  Or did he tell Inuyasha that he better get used to having another demon hanging out in his forest by the village?  Like...for all intents and purpose, Sesshomaru may have been living in the same village as Inuyasha, both intending to raise their families together.  I love that.  Please Yashahime, don’t dissuade me of this.
Poor Sesshomaru...sigh...I know it doesn’t look great for him right now...but that will change.  The story is not going to make him the villain.  It’s just not.  But yes, poor Sesshomaru.  He got to be happy about his babies being born for all of about two seconds before Zero interrupted him.  Look at his little smile while he listens to his daughters’ first cries:
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He had his worried face on, and then he smiled.  He’s a dad in the waiting room.  And the TONE of Jaken’s voice when he declared that they had been born.  The WARMTH, the LOVE.  Grandpa Jaken I love you so much.
This bitch, though, I don’t love at all:
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Does she have some kind of magic yokai ultrasound that lets her know Sesshomaru had twin daughters and predicted Kagome would have a daughter?  I look forward to seeing how this all unravels, but the fact that she showed up IMMEDIATELY after the girls were born is frightening, and maybe that was why Sesshomaru was at the outskirts of the village instead of closer by?  Clearly, they were expecting some kind of attack, but dang...that happened fast.
Who is this lady anyway?  I’ve seen it speculated that it may be Riku’s mother...and yes?  I could see that.  Did she have a hanyou she was not allowed to keep,  poor Riku tossed overboard, and now she seeks revenge? Or was she rejected by Toga? Those tears of hers.  Who was she crying for?
As many others noticed, this was a little odd:
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What about Sesshomaru’s mother?  He hasn’t seen her in years (such a bad son), and when they go to her castle, she’s missing.  Was she just off doing flying dog stuff in the sky?  Was she shopping for expensive jewelry and designer silks?  I’m assuming she was not at Sesshomaru’s wedding.  Or did Zero do something to her and Sesshomaru just wasn’t aware?  I’m dying to see more of Sesshomaru’s mom.  I want her to meet the twins and just throw out her arms all, “Come to Grandma!  Let me buy you things and tell you stories about your dad.”  But that remains to be seen.
Speaking of grandparents, can I say yet again that I love the honorary grandparents Kaede and Jaken, both trying to protect Rin in their own way.  Kaede doesn’t hold back and calls Sesshomaru a fool (imagine what she was like when Sesshomaru was truly courting Rin) while Jaken comforts Rin when her babies are taken away.  Again, the voice acting by Jaken’s VA is EVERYTHING in this episode.  The LOVE he conveys.  He’s perfect.  I love him.  I do.
And Rin knew the plan. She knew what was going to happen, but poor thing...I wish it could have been different for her.  Look how much she loves and trusts Sesshomaru.  That expression clearly says “Look what I made! Look what WE made!”  I wish we could have seen them react to the babies together. 
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Also, look at how Sango is about THISCLOSE to putting on her slayer clothes and kicking Sesshomaru’s ass when he scooped up those babies and turned away:
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The rest of the episode was such a jumble of events.  Sesshomaru AND Jaken were with Inuyasha and Kagome when the comet arrived, which was after the twins’ birth but before Moroha’s.  Even if they are hanyo, I don’t think Jaken and Sesshomaru would have left newborn babies alone.  Rin was with them.  Jaken even said he was bringing Rin to them (I assume after she recovered from birthing twins).  Further supporting this would be the dream gazing spell business --  Like others have said, I’m pretty sure Rin sacrificed herself to keep her remaining daughter safe after Towa was pulled into the future.
Miscellaneous observations:
1. What the hell is going on with the comet? Every 500 years?  So, the Higurashis might be in for a surprise pretty soon?  Comet remnants are still in the sky though...
2. Why in the hell did Inuyasha bring his pregnant wife along for the comet destruction? Why exactly was she there?  Unless he was too worried about her safety to leave her behind?
3. Riku is one shady fellow.  HE found the compact?  How did he know where to look? I know, I know.  Don’t be hasty, but c’mon.  We don’t have that many episodes left.
4.  I like how they portrayed a pregnant Kagome.  I like this little side view where you can see she’s chunky, but it’s not an exaggerated thing:
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5. Sesshomaru and Rin had babies before Inuyasha and Kagome! On one level, it is very sweet.  Of anyone, Rin and Sesshomaru are very aware of the fragility of life and how fleeting time is.  Look at the names of their daughters.  It makes sense that they wanted a family quickly.  On the other hand, I cannot shake the idea that the brothers did get competitive with each other.  I can imagine Inuyasha knocking up Kagome as quickly as possible after finding out that Rin was pregnant.  Then Sesshomaru has TWO daughters to Inuyasha’s one.  I am longing for some brotherly interactions.  Let Inuyasha call him a hypocrite at least once.  Let Sesshomaru gloat that he has TWO super awesome daughters. Let the daughters watch their ridiculous fathers fist fight while their mothers pour water on them and tell them to SIT.  Please.
6. Besides emphasizing the fact that Rin is Sesshomaru’s WIFE, the episode also emphasized the fact that Rin actually birthed the girls. Rin is in labor, it will be soon, you did well, Rin, Rin resting in bed with her daugthers, her voice weak and tired, the tub used to wash the babies in the background.  There was no magic switcheroo.  The twins were not found beneath a tree.  Sesshomaru did not sprout them from a forgotten limb. They came out of Rin’s body.  She’s the mom. She made them with her husband. End of.
6. Finally, this is the best part of the episode.
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You sure did, Rin. 
Now where are A-Un and Shippo?
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tanzaniiite · 4 years
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requests: OPEN
warnings: cursing & stupid high school antics
word count: 2.2k
a/n: this idea has been on my noggin for so long omg, enjoy!
please reblog and reply, engagement is both fun & important ✨
[not edited]
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this was fun, should i do more fics like this?
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“Ugh, are we there yet?”
Oikawa whined looking out the window with a forlorn look as if he was in a music video. You glanced at Iwaizumi, who was at the wheel, snickering slightly as you saw his eye twitch in annoyance. The five of you decided to take a road trip, sort of like a last hurrah, for your last year of high school.
This originally started as a small trip that was planned on senior ditch day but Matsun and Makki wanted to do a road trip. And so, senior ditch day morphed into senior ditch weekend. Of course, none of your parents approved this, so you guys were in for an earful when you returned. But as Hanamaki stated, when you got a screaming voicemail from your guardian, “Live in the moment, worry about that later”. And despite that being terrible advice, you listened anyway.
The destination of your little road trip is Tokyo which was a five to six hour drive. Some might say that’s not too long but traveling with Oikawa it feels like an eternity. He was already complaining. That was mainly because he was upset that you got shotgun and he didn’t. Originally you planned on sitting in the back with the disaster duo but Hajime insisted you sit in the front with him. Something about you being the most tolerable. Iwaizumi was obviously the driver because he’s the most responsible out of you five. It’s weird to think you guys just planned this trip just a week prior.
“So what are we doing for senior ditch day?”
You asked setting your tray down and sitting in between Matsukawa and Hanamaki. Issei just scoffed lightly, “I dunno what you’re doing but I’m sleeping” He answered. Takahiro laughed in agreement. “Probably practicing” Tooru replied. You pouted at their lame responses, “Hajime please tell me you have better plans than these losers” You pleaded. Iwaizumi looked up from his notes, “Uh, I don’t know, I’m probably going to come to school” He shrugged ignoring your disgusted face.
“I know y’all are not serious. This is the last year we’re going to be together like this, we should do something memorable”
You declared crossing your arms over your chest glaring at your friends. “Ew, you sound like Oikawa, getting all sentimental and shit” Makki quipped popping a french fry in his mouth. You stuck your tongue out at him playfully. Oikawa hummed, “I mean they do have a point, let’s do something we’ll remember for years to come”. “Whatever, I guess I’m down” Matsukawa added rolling his eyes. The four of you looked at Iwaizumi, who mentally checked out of the conservation a while ago, waiting for his answer. “Count me out, my parents will kill me if I skipped school” He responded, causing the lot of you to groan. “Ugh, can you not be an upstanding student for like two seconds” You huffed leaning your head in your hand. Now the brunette looked up, “You guys know how my parents are, especially you Shittykawa” He stated, pointing his pencil at the setter. “Yeah yeah, we know how your parents are. Y/n’s parents are just as bad” Issei voiced.
You couldn’t help but internally groan, you remember how your guardians reacted when you brought the four boys to your house. “Don’t remind me. Senior Ditch Day is on a Friday, we barely do anything as is since it’s the end of the year” You said, “plus, you’re the only one of us that drives decently” You stated mustering up your best puppy dog eyes. Hajime looked at you before answering, “Fine, but if I get in trouble. You guys will be the ones talking to my parents”. And from there, the planning commenced.
Currently, you guys were only an hour out of Miyagi. Issei was already knocked out, Hanamaki was on his phone and Oikawa was sulking as per usual. “If you ask me if we’re there yet, one more time, I’ll have Makki push you out the car” He threatened his eyes never leaving the road. “Makki wouldn’t do that to me” Tooru claimed which caused ‘Hiro to snort. “Shut up, you know I will” He stated not even bothering to look up from his phone. Oikawa let out a dramatic gasp, “But we’re going 85 miles an hour on a highway!” He exclaimed. “Did I stutter?” Takahiro mumbled, still not paying any attention to his captain’s dramatics.
This was going to be a long four hours.
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You woke up leaning against something super warm, you opened your eyes taking in your surroundings. You weren’t in the front anymore, from what you could see, it looked like Oikawa got his wish of riding shotgun. You sat up rubbing the sleep from your eyes, “Oh, good morning sleeping beauty” Oikawa teased. You were too sleepy and disoriented to come up with a witty comeback.
“Why.. why is Issei driving?”
That’s when you noticed Iwaizumi was the warm surface you were leaning against moments before. “I got tired of driving, we stopped at a gas station and switched places” Hajime explained noticing your confused face, “and you were sleeping so we moved you to the back”. You realized that not only were you leaning against Iwa but your legs were propped up on Makki’s lap. You nodded slightly, still tired despite waking up from a nap. “We spoil them rotten, don’t we?” ‘Hiro commented pinching your thigh causing you to whine slightly. “Shut up” You mumbled leaning into Iwaizumi’s side once again making him chuckle. Matsukawa looked at you through the rearview mirror,
“That’s right, Y/n gets all grumpy when they’re tired”
“Issei… focus on not crashing the car, not on me”
Oikawa let out a low whistle, “Woah, catty much?” He asked rhetorically laughing slightly. You rolled your eyes, “Whatever, how much farther?” You asked closing your eyes. Hajime glanced at his phone, “Two more hours” He replied. Tooru made a choked noise before turning around to face his childhood best friend. “Uh! They ask you if we’re there and get an answer, but when I ask, I get threatened?!” The brunette cried his eyebrows furrowing. The ace rolled his eyes, “Yeah, cause they’re not fucking annoying about it” He retorted. You pointed at Oikawa while laughing at his shocked face causing him to pout and crossed his arms like a toddler throwing a tantrum. “Uh oh, I think it’s Oikawa’s turn for a nap” Makki joked. Matsun hummed in agreement, “Yup, Y/n gets grumpy and Oikawa gets bratty” He laughed.
“Ugh whatever, at least I don’t snore like a chainsaw”
“Says the man who can’t sleep in any other position besides fetal”
“Dude shut up! It’s comfortable!”
Iwaizumi sighed, already knowing this petty argument wouldn’t end anytime soon. He looked down at you, “Who are you messaging?” Hajime inquired, peering at your phone. “No one, just some first years in my DMs” You hummed noncommittally. “You still leading those poor kids on?” Hanamaki asked. Glancing at Makki you pursed your lips, “I’m not leading them on… I’m just entertaining the antics” You replied smiling innocently and batting your eyelashes. “Yo, remember when that one first year confessed to you in the middle of lunch?” Issei asked slowing at a red light. You sat up suddenly, “Oh my god yes! That was so embarrassing!” You exclaimed. “You were embarrassed? Imagine the kid when you rejected him” Iwaizumi countered raising an eyebrow. “The second-hand embarrassment was strong on that one” Takahiro agreed, “Y/n’s a heartbreaker,” He said shaking his head.
You gasped, “I’m not! I’m just not interested in people like three years younger than me” You explained defending yourself. “Well, your choices are limited, since all the people in our grade are scared of us for whatever reason” Tooru stated with his eyes closed and head leaning on the window, looking like he would clonk out soon. “Yeah cause y’all are intimidating as fuck” You claimed. Issei chuckled, “Mm, yeah we kinda are” He admitted. “If they really liked you, they wouldn’t be scared to confess” Hajime shrugged. You smiled widely, “Ok king! My fault” You laughed giving him a high five. “Wait but if we’re so intimidating how come girls are always throwing their panties at Oikawa” Hanamaki questioned.
“Cause he’s not the intimidating one, it’s mainly Iwa and Matsun”
“Matsun is not intimidating, he looks out of it half of the time”
“Not out of it, more like zooted”
You quipped, laughing when Issei playfully glared at you through the rearview mirror. “Bro, remember when Kindaichi found out we were going on this trip and asked to come?” Takahiro laughed. “Stop! Y’all are so mean to him” You said kicking Makki slightly with your foot. Matsukawa snorted, “No cause what did he expect us to say, “Sure buddy you can come!” Like dude nooo,” He mocked laughing loudly. You bit your lip in an effort to not laugh, “Stop this Kindaichi slander at once” You demanded holding back your own giggles. “Okay Y/n, are you saying that you would’ve said yes if he asked you?” The wing spiker inquired giving you a look. “Well.. no—” You started. “Exactly! You’re just as bad as us” Issei interjected.
“No, I am not! You two literally looked at each other and busted out laughing, you didn’t even answer the poor boy”
“Sorry… it was funny”
“That shit was hilarious”
Hajime cleared his throat, “Is Trashykawa sleeping? Haven’t heard him talk in a while” He asked drawing shapes into your shoulder absentmindedly. Matsun glanced at his friend who was definitely passed out against the window. “Yeah, he’s gone” The middle blocker responded.
“Should we draw on his face?”
“Oh absolutely”
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The car was fairly silent now, you guys were nearing the end of your road trip and it was later in the day. The sky was littered with reds and oranges as the sun started its daily routine. The sunset was bold, radiant, and just plain mesmerizing, you couldn’t help but stare in awe. You sighed inwardly, “I’m gonna miss you guys” You uttered looking out the window. Your four guy friends looked at each other before looking at you. Iwaizumi spoke up first, “What’s there to miss? We’re not going anywhere” He asked. “I know that but who knows when the next time we’ll do something like this?” You whispered refusing to look at them because you knew you would start crying if you did. Hanamaki nudged your foot with his hand, “Y/n stop being such a baby, we’ll still see each other—” He started before you interrupted.
“That’s not the point stupid. We’re all going our own separate ways. Iwaizumi’s going to school in America, Oikawa’s going to fucking Argentina, and we’re all going to different colleges. This sucks ass, I finally have a group of friends I love and now I have to leave them—”
“Hey, what did we just say? We’re not going anywhere. So what if we’re going down different paths? Holidays exist Y/n, you think Iwaizumi and Oikawa are gonna stay in America and Argentina all year round? Plus me and Makki’s colleges are not that far from yours, I could probably walk if I wanted to. Now stop sulking, you’re bringing down the mood”
Issei stated his eyes never once drifting from the road. You sniffed and leaned into Hajime’s side more, “Jeez, sorry” You mumbled playing with your fingers. If the car wasn’t quiet before, it sure was now. No one knew what to say, it seemed too early to make a joke about it and it was a conversation none of you were ready to have. But despite not being ready, Oikawa still voiced his opinion nevertheless,
“Well would you look at that, Y/n really does love us. And I thought you hated me”
You snorted, “I do hate you” You teased making a face at him which he gladly returned. But his demeanor suddenly became serious,
“Adding on to what Mattsun said, we’re not leaving forever Y/n. Graduation is like three months away, we still have time to hang out plus we have the summer so there’s that. I know you love us and can’t possibly live without us but I think you’ll manage”
You blinked in response to Oikawa’s little spiel, “You are so corny” You huffed looking down so he wouldn’t notice the small tears in your eyes.
“Ah! So when I do it it’s corny, what about that whole pitch Matsun did?!”
“Hey, I wasn’t corny. I was being real”
“Please, as if, you were just being mean”
“It’s called tough love, it isn’t made for softies”
Watching the two of them go back and forth once again was entertaining. And when Makki and Iwaizumi joined in, it was just one hundred times better. But seeing your best friends interact with one another just made you realize how much you love them. And although this may be your guy’s last high school adventure, it wasn’t going to your last endeavor with this crazy bunch. You smiled slightly to yourself,
“Man, I really do love you guys”
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tanzaniiite © 2021 — all rights reserved. do not repost, modify, or copy. do not plagiarize. thank you.
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sophie-writings · 4 years
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☁️ Synopsis: Bakugou just might have the biggest tiniest crush on you, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to admit it to anyone — or even himself. Inspired by: “I won’t say (I’m in love)” from Hercules.
☁️ Character: Katsuki Bakugou 
☁️ Type: Scenario. Pure fluff and in denial Bakugou.
☁️ Warning: Light cursing. 
☁️ Note: This is the first long fic I’m doing for this blog, so i guess this is a especial moment? As promised, the Bnha x Disney songs is here! Kirishima’s next on the list, can you guess which song was chosen? Tip: lights.
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"I'm not saying it!" Bakugou says, glaring daggers at his best friend before huffing and averting his gaze to the door he so desperately wanted to reach.
"Oh, c'mon Bakugou!" Insisted Kirishima, still blocking the blond's way. "You like her ever since that day."
That was undoubtedly true, even though Bakugou wouldn't admit it to himself or the others. 
You both first met on your first day at UA, and you were just another classmate he didn't really pay attention to. You tried to be friendly with Bakugou at first, just like you were with the rest of your classmates, but the explosive boy didn't seem to be open to the idea of friendships, so you eventually gave up. If you didn't cross his way — which you usually didn't, no words were exchanged.
But that changed with time, after the fateful day Bakugou was rescued from the league of villains.
You were never really close to him, but the guilt of not being able to help your fellow classmate was eating you inside out, especially because you were so close to grabbing his hand when he was taken. So you joined the rescue team alongside Kirishima and the rest. 
The smile you had on your face once he was safe and the hug he found himself unable to run away from made his heart beat faster than ever before.
"And you're terrible at hiding it too, dude." Teased Kaminari, who was the first to notice the sudden change in Bakugou's behavior whenever he was around you. “Why deny it?”
That too was true.
Bakugou found it harder than ever before to maintain his cool when you were around. It was like his already sweaty palms got sweatier whenever you got too close to him, he could feel his heart pound against his ribcage and wondered if his heartbeat as always been this loud and if people can hear it too. He found himself sighing more and getting lost in thought while staring at you.
It was like the stupid third-grade crush he had all over again, only that this time it didn't last a week. 
"I mean, how could he hide it? They're so pretty!" Chirped in Mina getting dangerously close to his face, but this time he couldn't even shove his pink friend away because his mind was wandering elsewhere.
You were really pretty, no one could go against that. 
You couldn't blame Bakugou for staring at you for a second too long. Who wouldn't? 
He eventually caught himself noticing small details he never did before.
Like the way your eyes twinkled when you ate your favorite meal during lunch, or how you would scrunch up your nose when eating sore candy. Sometimes he couldn't help but smile whenever your tongue would stick out of your mouth when you were doing difficult math exercises. Only to realize he's been smiling at you for the past thirty seconds and bury his face in his hands in frustration.
Oh God, he's really seeing you through rose-colored lenses and it was so obvious. 
"Just admit it." Now it was Sero's turn to intercept. "You got it bad." The raven-haired boy snickered and nudged his friend's side with his elbow, causing Bakugou to huff in annoyance.
"Okay, let's say I have this small interest on them — which I fucking don't!" He adds before the rest of the group could use it against him. "Why does it matter?" 
He really couldn't see what confessing his very minor interest in you would do. Okay, he might get really nervous when you're around, recognize your scent if you walk into a room, and even let you touch him more than anyone else without yelling or huffing, but so what? 
"You confess and tell them how you feel?" Kirishima said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, earning a "are you fucking serious?" look from Bakugou back. “Just give in, you’re in love!”
“Are you crazy? In love? Me?”
"Confess? Really Kirishima?" Mina asked, and pointed at Bakugou who was still staring at Kirishima as if he had grown a second head. "This guy can't even admit to himself he has a crush on them." "I don't-"
Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. 
The sudden notifications coming from everyone's phone expect for Bakugou's was enough to stop the ensuing argument. The blond cursed under his breath while the rest checked their phone and cooed at whatever they were looking at.
"What the fuck is so damn interesting?" He asked crossing his arms and peering over Kirishima's shoulder.
His eyed widened once he caught a glance of the image and he snatched Kirishima's phone from his hand to get a better look at it.
He wished his eyes were deceiving him because there you were sitting next to a guy he has never seen before. The guy's arm was over your shoulder and you were smiling — the smile he really liked — to the camera.
"Who the fuck is this guy?" He literally spat. "Why didn't I get this picture?"
"Bakugou, you’d leave the group chat every time I tried to add you." Kaminari deadpanned. "They send pictures like this all the time." 
"You should've added me again then!" He snapped back before swiping to see the rest of the pictures you sent to the group chat.
You really sent a lot of them. Some smiling, others cutely pouting at the camera, and some with the other classmates. 
His eyes widened when he realized you sent a picture of you pouting and pointing to him in the background. The caption read "grumpy Bakugou won't join us for game night :(" He could feel his face get warmer after knowing you actually realized he was missing during the group activities. He swiped again and his eyebrows furrowed when he saw another picture of you and this mystery guy. 
"Okay, that's enough of staring for today." Kirishima said, taking his phone back from Bakugou's grasp. 
"Who's that guy?" Bakugou was enraged, there was no other way to describe it. Why did you have so many pictures with the same guy? Why has he never heard of him before? And why did he care so much?
"Take a chill pill dude." Kaminari sighed. "That's just her cousin, he visited one and everything, don't you remember? — oh you were sleeping." Kaminari words felt like annoying prickles to Bakugou and he was getting really tired of his friend's nuances.
"But you see that irritable feeling you had when you saw them with another person? That's called jealousy." Mina sang. "And if you don't confess soon, they'll find someone to actually date." 
"They wouldn't do that."
"Why not? They're single" She continued. "And not to mention, super attractive!" Added Sero. 
"Shit..." Bakugou muttered and sat down on Kirishima's bed.
He was in it deep, his friends were right. But having a crush this big was just something he never imagined would happen so soon in his hero-in-training life. He didn't want to be slowed down by things like love, but it's not like you would slow him down right? You were strong and capable, and maybe, just maybe, you could even help him reach new height, right?
Oh, there he goes again. He really can't stop his brain from making up scenarios in his head and finding an answer every time he comes up with a reason why he shouldn't have a crush on you. 
"Okay..." He whispered, loud enough for his friends to hear and stare down at him. "I might have a little crush on them." 
"I fuckING KNEW IT-" Kaminari couldn't even finish his sentence because Bakugou sent a pillow flying to his face, successfully throwing him off balance. 
The rest of the group simply ignored Kaminari's complaints and focused on Bakugou's speech.
"I... I don't want to see them with somebody else."
"Then confess! Tell them you like them." Cheered Mina.
"Do I really need to say it out loud?" He averts his gaze. Bakugou really wasn't the one to turn down a challenge, but the risk of rejection seemed too high to his liking.
"How else would you say it?" Asked Sero, cocking his head to the side in confusion.
"I don't know! This is my first time doing something like this, how am I supposed to know?!" He says in frustation, grabbing a handful of his hair. 
"First say it out loud! Just admit to yourself first." Said Kirishima, sitting next to his best friend while patting his back as a sort of comfort. He could realize that while he was really book smart and strategic, he was still emotionally dumb. "Just say it."
"Okay, whatever." He breathed in and out, before opening his eyes in determination. "I like — fuck, this is stupid."
"Just say it, OH MY GOD." Even chill Sero was losing his temper.
"OKAY FUCK I LIKE THEM OKAY?!" The whole room fell silent with Bakugou's sudden burst and his friends could only stare at him. They were used to Bakugou's outbursts of rage since they happened almost daily, but they rarely came accompanied by red blush across his cheeks. 
"Great!" Kirishima was the first one to break the silence as he got up and grabbed his best friend by the arm, pulling him up with him.
"What do you think you're doing?" Asks Bakugou once he's on his feet again. 
"Now you go out there and tell them that."
"Right now?! Are you crazy?" Bakugou backs up. Oh hell no, he couldn't confess yet. Just admitting it to himself and his close group os friends was too much for the day, he didn't know he could handle confessing to you right now. 
"Do you want someone else to beat you to it?" Asked Mina while typing away on her phone.
"Of course not, I said that alre-" Before he could end his sentence, Mina showed his her phone, which had a thread of texts between you and her, asking you to meet her outside in five minutes. "Then go Bakugou."
Bakugou cursed to himself before opening the door that led out of Kirishima's room. "You're all screwed when I get back." He states before slamming the door behind him.
"Your love muses will be waiting." Was the last thing he heard before starting this walk.
Bakugou mind races as he walks towards the spot he was supposed to meet you, opting to take the stair so he had more time to think. Admitting he had a crush on you to the world was hard enough, but confessing seemed like a whole ‘nother level. He couldn't help but think about all the possible negative outcomes that could come out of this decision. 
“Fuck... what am I doing?”
Maybe things were good as they were right? Sure, he couldn't hold your hand and kiss you like he has been picturing the past few days, but at least you talked to him and made the effort to be in his life. What if after he confessed his dumb feelings to you, you just straight up rejected him and things between both of you get awkward? How was he going to handle that?
The familiar voice was enough to pull him out of the trance-like state he was in. He was so deep in thought he didn't even realize that he had reached the meeting spot and you were there waiting already. 
Damn, did he make you wait? Maybe he should've taken the lift, I mean, summer's coming but it was still spring and maybe you're feeling cold. Oh shoot, you're staring at him, maybe he should answer right?
You smiled realizing it was really Bakugou and what your eyes weren't playing games with you. Ever since you've realized that the admiration you felt towards Bakugou was only platonic and that you had a big fat crush on the hot-headed boy, every single attitude he had seemed to mean something more. His long stares, the way he would get nervous when you were around and the oh so light smile he would send your away would make your heart flutter and send you back to your room overthinking his actions. 
"I thought Mina was supposed to meet me here?" You asked, still glad it was the blond who came over to meet you. 
"Yeah..." Bakugou couldn't concentrate on the matter at hand. How could he when you looked so good just by standing there? You were already on your summer pajamas and he couldn't help but blush at the sight of the moon shining on your skin. " I actually need to tell you something."
"Ah, sure! I'm all ears" You tried your best to sound as confident as possible, but the truth is, doing so is hard when you have your crush standing in front of you. Everything about the situation screamed "cliche rom-com confession scene" to you and you didn't know if your increasing heartbeat was because you wanted it to be exactly that, or because you were afraid he was just going to ask for your English notes. 
"Look, this is my first time doing something like this, so if I fuck it up just bear with me for a second okay?" 
God, he must be sounding so stupid. So weak. So vulnerable. So not him.
But then again, this wasn't something he would normally do. Heck, his original plan was to graduate without even having the need to make friends or get into a relationship. He just wanted to be the best, but there he was. He had a small group of friends and was even considering bettering his relationship with Deku.
Nothing like that was ever part of his plans but they happened. And he sure as hell wasn't backing away now. 
"I think I like you, no fuck it, I do like you!" He said staring at you dead in the eyes. "I didn't want to admit it at first but the truth is that... ever since that day, you helped shitty hair and the others, I've felt a different way towards you, and if you don't feel the same way then-" "No."
"What?" Bakugou stopped on his tracks and he could feel all the air getting sucked from his lungs.
"Oh Gosh, that sounded really bad." You say panicking. "I meant, no don't say that because... I really like you too Bakugou!"
Everything about the situation felt unreal.
From the way his words left his mouth to the fact that you were hugging him at the moment, breathing in his caramel aroma, making you melt to his touch. All of those nights overthinking about his actions and imagining how things could go if only you had to courage to confess would cease to exist, and now you would actually live every single scenario you made up in your head.
Bakugou was only glad he listened to his friends and told you how he felt. Not that he would tell them that, he sure wouldn't. And he also wouldn't forgive the fact that they were spying on you at the moment, but he could deal with that later.
Now he wanted to find out if your lips were as sweet as he imagined.
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darter-blue · 4 years
Stucky (quick fic) [Bucky is typing]
Steve is so tired, he’s thinking about stealing the duct tape from Tony's emergency kit to keep his eyeballs from falling out of his head. 
They’re mid flight back to New York from… wherever they were this time (somewhere cold and dark and exhausting). Nat is on his left, asleep with her eyes open, which is the creepiest thing Steve has ever seen - and he once watched Dum Dum wash dirty underwear in his regulation M1 helmet before wearing it into a skirmish (they all came out alive, maybe it was good luck).
His phone isn't in his pocket, which is typical Steve Rogers luck, all he wants is to play a few rounds of that terrifyingly addictive cupcake game Clint downloaded for him to switch his brain off. But, oh! It's under Nat's seat. 
And his fucking passcode locks him out after three wrong attempts, of course! So he uses the Captain America override function that all these goddamn Tonytech Avengers phones have with his thumbprint. Before he has a chance to even look for the game, a message pops up on his screen. 
Received: First of all you just ignored my cats dressed up as Santa, so fuck you. Secondly…
The ellipses show up to say this person is typing more, but Steve has no idea what on Earth it's about, or who it's from (Bucky? What's a Bucky?), So he quickly types back and hits enter.
Sent: who is this?
The ellipses stop and then start again, and quite quickly Steve receives a reply:
Received: Dont you new phone who dis me asshole
Which is mystifying, because those words don't make any semblance of sense in a sentence together and why the fuck is this Bucky so angry?
Sent: I think, firstly, your language is uncalled for.
Oh god, he is turning into his mother.  
Received: Natasha, wtf
Oh! Maybe this is a wrong number? Maybe his and Nat's numbers are just one digit off or something.
Sent: Ah, well, I think you have me mistaken for your friend.
Received: EXCUSE ME
This seems like an excessive response, Steve wonders if he'll need to actually wake Nat for this. Maybe it's best to just refrain from hyperbole and set the poor man (woman?) Right.
Sent: No, I mean, you think I’m someone I’m not.
It occurs to Steve right after sending that, he is being somewhat obtuse.
Received: Nat, omg, what are you talking about???
Okay, Steve, spell it out:
Sent: No sorry, I’m not Natasha
Received: What?
Sent: I’m Steve
Receieved: Who the fuck is Steve?
Immediately the phone is ringing. A picture of a ridiculously attractive man pops up as a display picture and it must be an actor or a model Tony has programmed into the phone as a joke (one time he lets slip that Jimmy Stewart would be his Hall pass and he'll never live it down).
He answers, because it would be rude not to. 
'Who are you and why do you have Natasha's phone?' 
'I think maybe you have the wrong number,' Steve says back to that gruff, salty greeting (salty is his new favourite word of the day, thanks to the urban dictionary app FRIDAY put on his phone) 
'I… hang on..' the phone goes silent for a moment and Steve likes to think he's waiting very patiently for Mr grumpy to come back on and apologise profusely. He secretly is quite interested to hear that voice when it's not so gruff, and maybe a little contrite. 'No!' the voice barks into Steve's unsuspecting ear, 'This is definitely Nat's phone. I am not going crazy.' 
And for the first time Steve wonders if it's entirely possible this is, in fact, Natasha's phone.
'You still there, dude?' Bucky asks. And Steve grunts to confirm he is, but pulls the phone away slightly to check, and oh. Look at that. There is no crack in the bottom left hand corner of the back of the case.
'Ah, so it looks like you might be right,' Steve says, in lieu of an apology.
'Oh good, okay, you're not going to apologise for causing me a ridiculous amount of identity crisis for three a.m on a Monday morning?'
'No,' is Steve's answer. Partly because he never apologises. Partly because it's sort of fun to fuck with this guy.
'Wow, nice. Okay, Steve, what the fuck are you doing answering Nat's phone at this late hour?' Bucky asks, his voice has lost its gruff edge, has taken on the mild warmth of amusement (it is even more pleasant than Steve had anticipated), 'You guys hook up or something?'
'What? No!' Steve blurts out wildly, before he can stop himself (but, yuck. Natasha is like the pain in the ass little sister Steve never asked for) 'We work together.'
'Ah,' Bucky says, like he's just discovered a state secret, 'You're Steve from work.' - Oh lord, what has Natasha been saying about him? - 'You sound cuter than I was expecting.'
What. Does that mean?
'I uh…' Steve is at a loss, 'I am not cute.' 
Steve is a thirty something year old super soldier too world weary to even wear a parachute these days. He is not. Fucking. Cute.
'Sure, send me a selfie, I need to judge for myself.' He can hear Bucky chuckling to himself on the other end of the phone.
'I am not sending you a selfie.'
'Fair enough, you want me to judge in person, I can respect that,' Bucky says, and the warmth in his voice has reached dangerous levels. It's affecting Steve more than it should. 'Okay, if you’re Steve from work then you live here in New York, right? Which means you can meet me at Elsa's tomorrow night at nine.'
'I don't… know where that is?' Steve says, flustered and breathless for no good reason. 
'Google it. Okay it was nice chatting Steve but I gotta go,' he can hear Bucky yawn, hears the crack of his jaw, 'You shouldn't be calling people up at three in the morning, it's rude.'
'I didn't… You called me!' Steve says incredulously. Except Bucky has already hung up. He pulls the phone away from his ear and states at it, like it might offer him some answers. 
It does not.
It does have a picture of Bucky in the contact information though. And okay, if he's not a model or an actor then life is just unfair. Steve doesn't realise he's staring at the phone until Natasha's voice breaks through his musing.
'Two years I've been trying to set you up with someone nice and you end up picking up my best friend with a butt dial?'
Steve looks over at her and she hasn't moved at all. She still looks asleep. She really is creepy.
'It wasn't a butt dial!' he doesn't even know what that is, but he's sure it doesn't apply here.
'Uh huh. Remind me to get Tony to take your fingerprint override off my phone.'
Steve lays Nat's phone gently in her lap where she pretends to sleep on. He fishes his own out of his chest pocket, must have been there the whole time, and puts his head in his hands. 
He just wanted to play his cupcake game…
The phone pings a few seconds later and it's a message from Nat; Bucky's contact information (including his picture).
And he isn't sure what this feeling in his gut is, but it's definitely not the roiling miasma of banality that has been festering there lately.
Which is probably a good enough reason to not back out of this.
Really, how bad could one drink with a handsome stranger be?
He leans back in his seat and let's his head fall against the headrest. It could be nice actually.
'Atta boy, Steve.' Nat says, still as a statue.
Steve is pretty sure she can read minds.
He wouldn't even put it past her to have set this whole thing up somehow. 
The tiny tilt at the corner of her mouth suggests he might not be wrong.
part two  part three
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oftenderweapons · 4 years
Small Town Swoons
Hello buttercups! Here is the big fat project I was talking about. I am giving you snippets and teasers of the whole thing, just to let you know what you’re all getting yourself into. 
There are some spicy tidbits here and there, so I would suggest only mature (18+) people read and/or engage with this post. 
I’ll be starting with Yoongi since his piece is really in the holiday spirit and I’m super hella inspired to write it, but don’t worry, Steamy waters is still coming (just know that I’m not done publishing stuff for the night 👀)
Let me know what you think about this project, what story you like the most and which one you really really look forward to reading 💕✨
Just in case you need it, here is my masterlist
Enjoy 💜
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Apple of My Pie — Jin
In the bakery and café near the university many students barge in, desperate for coffee and the delicious apple pies served there once October comes. Some of them barge in for the sweet sight of the owner, still mysteriously single. Little do you know that he’s been pining after you for years, since you ran into his café in a slow, rainy Sunday morning, drenched like a stray kitten, asking only for friendly help. Friendship sparks easily and his comfort tastes as sweet as autumn apples. That’s how you find yourself flatmates, watching movies with his secret recipe hot cocoa on Saturday evenings and waking up to the delicious scent of his pies on Sunday morning. But the sudden apparition of a rival makes you wonder, what would it be like to fall asleep in his bed every night?
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Mold Me New — Taehyung
Divorce is a mess, especially when you’re so young and you had bet your life on your high school crush. All those things you never had to learn are scary now: dating, friends with benefits, all those secret rules on social interactions and flirting. But then your friends gift you a clay modelling lesson at the local pottery. Your teacher looks like a quiet, grumpy man who slowly warms up to you, offering you his kind smiles and gentle laughs. Right when fear that your lack in courtship manners might cost you your greatest chance at a new happiness, his lessons indirectly turn into small advice, and suddenly it feels like his hands are shaping your heart into the perfect, beautiful whole you needed. And to show him your gratitude, you’re more than willing to gift the artist his creation.
“Don’t let it dry too much. Too much water will mess it up. It will become too pliant and it won’t hold up.” That was it. The rule to love. You had bathed him in reassurance and affection, and just like that he had melted underneath your touch, and he had turned into nothing. And the love had run out. “Every shape has its specific requirements.” He explained, dipping his hands in the basin and letting the droplets fall from his fingertips. “Wet hands, but not drenched.” Once he was happy with the result he sat up, his foot starting a small pressure on the pedal. “See, here we go. The clay will show how much water it needs. Easy on the pedal. Very slow. You’re warming it up. Be gentle. You’re not sure it’s good. Just like with people. Easy at first, and once it works you speed up.” He smiled at the material underneath his hands. “Gentle. Easy.” He said, his sinewy fingers gently pressing into the art piece to be. His fingers seemed to stretch and bend imperceptibly, as if he was feeling the very texture of the material, and of the final result he wanted to obtain. “That’s the secret to good things.”
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The Shrew, Untamed — Jimin
Everyone gets married in small towns. The hairdresser’s daughter, the butcher’s niece, the doctor’s granddaughter. Even your best friend. And someone has to organise all the weddings. You have taken part in so many it is unnerving. You’re not asking for a husband, a simple fuckbuddy would suffice. You don’t even need someone with skill, you just need to have sex with a human. Though your goal seems unattainable and life apparently truly sucks, the petty florist where you order the flower arrangements offers you a beacon of hope, comforting you and spoiling you whenever you visit his shop, condescending to your every whim. Will he satisfy your every wish or will you have to supervision your best friend’s wedding on the verge of sanity?
“Sit down, sweet pea.” He said, offering you his chair. He immediately stood behind you, digging his fingers into your shoulders, massaging them. He always smelled like greenery. It was relaxing. “Who pissed on your roses, tiger?” He asked, his thumbs drawing circles at the base of your neck. You moaned and closed your eyes. “Poor baby. So stressed.” He purred, laughing. “Portia is getting married.” You groaned. He ohed. “Your friend, Portia?” You frowned and pouted. “That bitch. Portia.” You growled. He laughed a silvery sound. “It’s your best friend.” “It’s a stressed out insult. She wants me to plan it. Jimin, I am so tired of watching people getting married.” He kneaded the nerves near to your spine. “It’s a professional hazard, baby’s breath.” His finger stilled as he reached the middle of your back without finding the clasp of your bra. He moved upwards, ignoring the small detail. “It’s the third in two weeks. I can’t. Is everybody getting married this spring?” You asked, your head rolling forward. “I’m tired. Stressed. Grumpy.” You whine. “Baby, you have your sugarcane at home, use it.” He said, referring to your swirl shaped dildo. You shook your head. “It’s the warmth. Human touch. Sympathy.” Ask me, please — Jimin mentally begged — I’ll be so sweet to you. “And now I even need a plus one for Portia’s wedding. Lest she pairs me up with her cousin. Did I mention that he’s thirty and bald?” You sighed. “I can help.” He said. “With the Plus one.” He clarified. “Don’t expect me to get my fingers in your pie, blossom.” He stated. You shook your head. “Your loss.” You tutted. His loss, for sure. Not like you wanted him massaging your breasts as you sucked him off, laying on your white silk sheets, his dulcet moans filling your lonely room and your empty
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Natural Connection — Namjoon
The city sucks. And before you definitely choose to resign from your job, you spend the money earned with your all-work-and-no-play attitude in a reinvigorating holiday in a natural resort in the woods. What you find is true heaven on earth, an eden of wonders and explorations. When you meet your guide, who will follow you and you alone, you almost cannot believe your luck. The closed-off man leads you through all the breathtaking sights of your location, offering you emotions and landscapes unrivalled — both in terms of wildlife and... well, humans? The steamy atmosphere seems to keep growing hotter together with the summer days, and before you can think twice your big friendly giant helps you get rid of the hots. What happens when your Adam and Eve idyllium gets interrupted by a ruckus of stag-partying jocks?
Namjoon knew your average blood pressure at rest and under effort, your shoe size, your weight and height. Still when he found you right before him he could barely believe the sight of you. He knew you were small but this small? He was surprised. Amazed. Completely dazzled by your size. “Uhm. Kim Namjoon?” You asked, hesitant. God, even your voice was small — he noticed. As you got even closer, he realised you barely reached his sternum. He was endeared. He imagined how hugging you would feel. Why was he imagining to hug a stranger? “Hello! Welcome to the Valley!” He said, offering you his hand. You took it and shook it energetically. “Thank you. I assume you will be my guide during my stay.” You commented. “Exactly. I'll be your coach and your guide through the whole experience.” “Perfect.” You smiled. He was dumbstruck by it. So sweet and bright. You noticed he had a nice voice. And a kind smile. He looked like a very gentle giant. “Have you brought any specific equipment with you or would you prefer to use the one we offer?” “I have trekking boots and walking sticks. You know, basic stuff that's difficult to find when you're the size of a teapot.” He laughed a loud belly laugh, which surprised you and pleased you. “Okay, we can head to the hall and chat about your activity plan.” He said, leading you. Walking behind him was definitely a hard challenge, both because his legs were kilometric — and damn fine — and because how could you not stare at that ass right in front of your gaze, clad in oh-so tight shorts? Once he realized you were basically running behind him, he turned, a bit confused. And then embarrassed. “Sorry,” he smiled sheepishly, taking shorter steps. "Don't worry, it's okay. I'm a fast walker." You stated. He grinned. He barely stopped himself from murmuring a 'cute'. You were adorable.
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Ink ‘n’ Run — Jungkook
People find awful ways to inculcate mean insecurities in our lives. It is to get rid of insecurity that you head to the talented tattooist in a small town near your campus, ready to ink your fears away. Ready to start from zero, you let yourself enjoy a night out clubbing and a steamy one night stand with a tattoed god. Hit by the morning-after regrets, you run away before he wakes up. Little do you know that he’ll be the man you’ll be spending several hours underneath, half-naked as he inks you. Such a shame that you keep running away each time he is ready to ask you for a date. And that he keeps running away after you convince yourself to concede him one. Will you manage to let each other see that you click perfectly or will you let that night be just an accident?
“Oh. You’re back. Lovely to see you, how can I help you?” He looks sweet. God, he was sweet, of course he looks sweet; you thought. He was the most gentle man you had ever been with. Wicked hips, but such a sweet mouth. “Uhm, I have an appointment?” You said, showing him the business card with the date and time of your appointment. “Oh.” His expression was the perfect depiction of confusion. “Uhm. I guess you can come into my studio, then. Do you have someone with you? Would you like Daisy to come in?” He said, looking at the girl sitting at the reception table. “No, I’m cool.” You forced yourself to form a tiny, polite smile on your face. As he walked ahead of you you noticed the way his tight black t-shirt hugged his narrow waist. And his wonderful, jeans-clad, toned ass. God, he had rammed into you like a mad man that night. You shook your head, trying to bring yourself back to reality. Meanwhile, his mind was fuelled by millions of questions. Why had you run? Were you freaked out by what was happening? Were you as affected as he was at the idea of him working on you? Did you think he was a fuckboy? Would you let him take you out on a date? Would you let him fuck you again? Wait, scratch the last one.
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Head over Heals — Hoseok
You are the most talented ice skater of your state. Or rather, you were. Your career was harshly interrupted by an unfortunate accident. Healing from the hurtful events takes strong nerves and positive energy. Luckily, your physiotherapist — the neighbour of your childhood home — is the most positive, enthusiastic person. New feelings bloom like daisies on a warm spring morning, while old feelings rekindle and light your way back home like a field of fireflights, back to places that you’ve always loved. It takes little time to get used again to his sweet energy and his gentle hands, healing your body and your soul. It takes even less time to fall head over heels for him.
“What changed?” He asked, drying your tear with his thumb. “I don’t know. It feels like it changed.” He smiled. “You’re still the same to me. Same bright eyed little girl running around in a summer dress, smelling like honey shampoo and sun cream. You feel like home. I think nothing has been okay since you were gone.” Your heart took a second to melt and resolidify around that new truth. “Hobi.” His eyes were glittering. “I think I always had a soft spot for you. You and your knees always scraped, the small curls framing your face, the way your braids came undone that night as we were driving away after prom in the convertible your parents ran away in when they eloped.” He looked so sad. And so beautiful. “Hoseok, I never forgot you, you know. You were my first.” You confessed. “And you were mine.” He replied. He paused. “We were perfect.” “We were.” You replied. We still could be. We are.
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Sugar and Spice — Yoongi
A new girl moves into town, her goal starting her life from scrap. And then on a foggy autumn night she ventures in the local pub, where she meets a cute, tattooed bartender who happens to be the local sweetheart. Fate — and the sweet granny next door — seem to push them together; it’s only a matter of time before feelings bloom and attraction becomes too intense to resist. The magic of a small town, and that loneliness that they share and understand so deeply, bring them close at the most wonderful time of the year. Love can blossom even in the dead of winter and who knows, maybe they’ll find a new life by the time of the new year?
“How does it feel to live in a small town?” You asked, stretching your legs out the flannel blanket. Sunlight came in through the yellow leaves of the apple trees. “Like time doesn’t really exist. Until you don’t have any left and suddenly your friends are getting married and having children and all you have is a useless piece of paper stating that you’re a doctor.” He said. “But it’s okay. It’s lovely, at times like this.” He said, looking at the sky. “Marriage and kids are overrated.” You said, laying down. He looked at you, your eyes closed, your hair coming out of his beanie, currently covering your head. “Don’t leave me alone here.” You had a beauty he had never known. Or that maybe he had seen in his mother. That rough, tough beauty that looks dangerous from afar. Delicate from up close. You weren’t gracious. You weren’t cobwebs and golden hair and clouds. You were the ground, the trees, the stone. You were the mountains capped in ice, beautiful and so endangered. Still, so steady. You were the forest, eternal. Nothing could marr you. No man, no humanly disgrace. You would weather and transform, like nature does. Maybe he was idealising you, maybe he was giving you all those traits he had always wished in a woman. “Stop staring at me. Lay down. Enjoy your seconds before you turn into a fifty-something lonesome worm.” You teased. He laid. Your hand found his. “I’ll tell you how a small town feels like, based on the opinion of a girl from a big city.” He exhaled a laugh. “It’s comfort. Like when it rains outside but you’re in your bed and you’re warm and you don’t have to get up. You can simply lay.” He rolled onto his side, staring at your eyelashes. If I blink, will she disappear?
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oingo233 · 4 years
By The Lake*Chapter Seven
Summary:  A family friend offers you a place to stay to get away from an abusive past.  Her home is a place that you are familiar with, an old town with a large lake you spent many days in. You went there years ago for one full summer, where you became close friends with a very young Daryl Dixon.  You two were inseparable until you had to leave.  But now you’re back, escaping from a past much like his.  You will need to weave your way through the town’s problematic people, your own problems, and above all the confusing Dixon.  Will you two find your way back to each other again?  Or will he push you further away?  And above all, will your past cease to haunt you?
Pairing: Young Daryl Dixon X Reader
Warnings: Mentions of abuse and violence(potential triggers), cussing, more mature themes(not smut or anything tho), slow burn romance, described wounds and injuries
Authors note:  I don’t own the character Daryl Dixon, he belongs to the creators of The Walking Dead.  This fic talks about abuse, and the terrible reality involved to spread awareness about the matter, not to romanticize it. Also, I was writing the last couple of paragraphs with a horrible sense of deja vu because I could have sworn I wrote it already, and then I realized that I have but tumblr didn’t save it, so I wrote the end with immense caution and fear in case my wifi cut out again. But it’s okay because both endings have sticky sweet fluff!                        
Word Count: 2.2k
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It was the dreaded dinner of the century.  Cherry’s words lingered in the back of my mind like an all consuming fog.  “We have to talk...dinner?”.  And her face, god, her face was so sad.  Was I disappointing her? Do the kids not like me? I glance to Daryl who looks just as nervous beside me.  Does she know?  Daryl catches me looking, and he glances over my expression, his own frown forming.
“Don’t stress ya’self out too bad, huh?  We’ve gotten in trouble a plenty times before.”  He adds with a wink, I roll my eyes, grateful for the smile he brought out of me.  He shifts the angel cake to one hand and knocks on the door with the other.  Cherry answers with an uneasy smile, that turns into a slack jaw as she sees Daryl.
“Daryl?”  I think she meant it as an excited hello, but it came out more as a threatening question to me.  That is probably because I forced him to come with me as a buddy for the night.  If Cherry’s going to tell me off for Daryl, then he should be here too.  Or if Cherry wants to kick me out, I’m going to need emotional support in the form of a redneck, tough love friend.  Daryl’s the best option.
“Daryl, are ya alright?”  She goes to touch his face, not knowing it’s the best of his wounds.  His long sleeve shirt and jeans covered everything else.  He flinches back slightly but she didn’t back off.  Daryls breathing picked up as she traced the bruises and cuts.  I restrain myself from pushing her hand back as Daryl takes a slight shift back and gives her a stiff nod of his head, mumbling something about roughhousing with friends.
“M’sorry for just showin’ up.  Thought Mark would’ve liked to talk about our day tomorrow.  Cars almost done.”  He offers a small smile which she returns, though she gave me the stink eye.  God bless his soul for covering for me like that, but everyone knows he’s here cause I asked him.  At the mention of his name, and apparent super hearing, Mark pops up behind Cherry.  His smile the widest out of all of ours.
“Daryl!  What a good surprise!  That cars almost done ya know.  Come in, come in.”  He ushers everyone inside and Daryl hands over the angel cake.  Cherry sets in on the table further inside, glancing behind her shoulder to make sure I was following.  Which I was, I was following her like a dog with it’s tail between it’s legs.
“(Y/N)!  What the hell?  Daryl comes around looking like he got bulldozed.  Is everything alright?  Did he really come here to talk about cars?”  She looked stressed out, bags under her lightly mascaraed eyes, deep enough that no amount of coverage could hide it.  Her hair was fizzy, and for the first time I’ve seen it, unkept.  Does this have to do with her news?  Could I really lie to her in her state?
“I’m sorry Cherry, I just-it’s just that-”  My voice came out more strained than I meant, a familiar burn in my eyes start to work up.  “I can’t tell you all of it alright?  But things are bad, I just don’t know what else to do.”  She steps forward and raises her hand, I nearly jump out of my shoes, but she just rests her palm on my cheek and wipes away a tear.  I don’t tell her about Daryl’s truth, it isn’t mine to tell.  I don’t tell her about him staying with me, although she should probably know.  I don’t tell her about the crushing weight of it all, or that I feel like I’m betraying her.  But I don’t have to.  She saw it, and now she is the one comforting me.  She rest her forehead against mine and nods softly.
“Lets just breath darling.  I’m not going to punish you for anything.  I just want to know if you’re doing what you think is right?  That’s enough for me.”  I take a few breaths in until they run steady.  
“I am doing what I think is best.  Whats right.”  I whisper out, drained from the past couple days.
“You always do, doll.” She kisses my forehead. “Now, lets eat!”  She cheers, pulling back and quickly wiping her own tears.  
“Wait-”  I pull her back to me, quietly over the sounds of the family and Daryl rushing into the kitchen to eat I ask her.  “What was the news you wanted to tell me about?”  She doesn’t say anything, only gives me a small smile.
“Later.”  she says with a shrug, masking her true emotions.  Mark was near and pulled her aside when he heard this.  I meant to give them privacy but it was too late, my curiosity got the better of me.  
“Cherry, are you sure we should wait to tell her?” I’ve never heard him so serious in my life.
“I’m sure, they’re just kids.  We should let them be that for a while-”  The rest of her sentence was forgotten because Daryl scared the shit out of me.
“Curiosity killed the cat ya know?”  He scoffs out behind me, obviously not proud of my behavior.  I give him a sheepish smile.
“But satisfaction brought it back.”  I point my finger at him making him roll his eyes.  He guided me away from snooping on the married grown ups, and to the dinner table.  When walking to his seat, Daryl casually snatched Rosie’s napkin, and dropped it on her lap for her.  This made Rosie giggle, so when Daryl sat down she took his napkin and put it on his lap. We all laughed at Daryl’s surprised expression, it held a softness I haven’t seen before.  He laughs with us and says a quite thank you to her.  
Cherry and Mark came and sat down minutes later, both giving each other mean looks.  They obviously had a heated conversation.  But as dinner went on everyone was happy.  Daryl and Rosie were talking about this Magic Tree house series she was reading, and at one point Rosie wiped food off from Daryl's cheek. “So messy.”  She mumbled exhausted under her breath. Everyone nearly died laughing at this, Daryl included.  Monty told him all about his favorite dinosaur and Daryl even mentioned a few he liked, which surprised me.  The kids loved him, and dinner was a blast.
Although dinner was fun, cleaning was not.  Cherry assigned Daryl, Rosie, Monty and I on cleaning duty.  
“Ow. Heavy.”  Rosie complained, she came walking in with a grumpy expression nearly hidden by the stack of dinner plates she was bringing into the kitchen.  Before I could warn him, Daryl fell right into her trap.
“I’ll take those for ya!”  Daryl all but hummed, as he lifted the “weight” from Rosie.  She beamed up at him.  
“Thank you Dare Bear,” Daryl blushed and gave me a sheepish look when the nickname came. “I’m just so tired, it’s past my bedtime.”  Before she could fake a yawn I spoke up.  
“It is not, you liar.”  Rosie gave me an offended look, I was going to ruin her plan. But she was smart, smarter than me apparently. Her lips curled up and her eyes, as if she was a talented working actress, teared up.  Daryl was at her side in an instant, giving me a shocked look. I didn’t miss the amusement in his eyes though.  I gave up right then and there, her plan was going to work.  She had Daryl wrapped around her finger all night.
“Don’t ya call her that.  She’s sensitive.”  He whispered the last part to me as he picked her up.  “Lets get ya to bed.”  I nearly melted at the sight, as Rosie wrapped her small arms around his neck, and he rubbed her back soothingly as he carried her off to bed. She gave me a bratty smug look, pulling a smile from me. “C’mon Monty.”  Monty, who didn’t feel as hopeful on getting out of cleaning duty until now, ran towards the two, beaming.  
Then there was one.  I walked to the hallway to get a rag from the laundry closet, it was next to Rosie’s room.  I heard her giggle before her little voice echoed in the silence. I was holding my breath.  I didn’t dare to ruin the moment.
“Here Dare Bear, you can ‘ave it when doing the dishes for me.”  There was a few moments of silence before I heard Daryl chuckle, almost in defeat.  
“Alright. Thanks.”  He chuckled again.  “Sleep well, Rosie.”  I rushed back to the kitchen when I heard his light footsteps approaching.  
Minutes later and I turn around as he enters the room.
“Oh.  My.  God.”  I try so hard to keep it in, I really do, but I laugh the hardest I have in years at the sight before me.  I nearly hit my head on the wall from leaning back and cackling so hard.  I can’t form the question I want to between trying to breath and laugh.  
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.  Say what ya will, but I look good.”  He tries to joke about it, but his blushing face said he knew he looked ridiculous.  Tied around his waist and neck, was a pink daisy apron, made for a 5 year old.  It didn’t even cover his whole torso.  Wordlessly, I pointed my finger in the air and spun it.  Daryl stared at me exasperated before he did a little twirl for me.  A giggle escaped me and I sent him a wink.  He laughs now too, taking the rag from my hands quickly and swatting me with it.
“Shut it and get to work.”  We do as he says for a while but I just could not focus.  It was starting to annoy Daryl by the way his fingers would twitch every time he saw me drying the same plate for five minutes.  
“Play music.”  He scoffed out after I nearly dropped the cup in my hands, he was giving me a pointed look.
“Fine, if you want it so bad.”  I mumble as I make my way to the radio.  It turns on with a familiar tune, Daryl and I share a smile with one another.  
“Ain’t for me.”  He whispers, noticing how I get back into the easy rhythm of cleaning.  I blush as I realize how well he knew me.  Some things never change.  I move my hips to the song and notice him doing the same.  It nearly makes me laugh but I hold it in so he won’t get shy.  The song was “I see it, I like it, I want.” by Shirley Ellis.  We knew the song well.  Whenever Daryl and I would hang out in town, my mom would give us money for groceries and a little extra for ice cream.  The ice cream shop played that song religiously.  So often in fact, Daryl and I could never decide if we loved it, or hated it.  But by the way our bodies moved to the beat like old times, it was clear we did not hate it.  
“You look damn good in an apron.”  I giggle out, I would have been shocked at my boldness if it was any other song.  But this song makes a girl get what she wants.  
“Ya think so?”  Daryl asks, turning around with a soapy sponge in one hand and a dripping plate in the other.  I nod and he sets the two things down, his eyes playful as he engulfs at me.  
Soap was everywhere.  Slipping wet through my hair, and dripping down my arms as he grabbed my hands and swung me in a dance.  When I was pulled back into his chest his lips were by my ear, the song playing from his lips sounded much better.
“From the moment I laid eyes on ya,
This is what I said, I said a beautiful sight to see
Because everything that makes ya, you, means so much to me!”  He spun me around once more before letting go and circling around me with bad dance moves.  I pushed him to a stop before singing the rest of the song to him. 
When that song was over one played that we haven’t heard before.  But it was slow and beautiful.  Daryl fit his soapy hand in mine and leaned down close to my ear.  His lips danced shyly against my cheek as he spoke.
“Ya know, I don’t just dance for anybody,”  He pulled away and looked at me with those beautiful eyes of his.  An easy smile was on his soft lips, but only a fool would miss the anxiety ridden twitch they would have every couple seconds.  He was nervous.  I lend him courage with a squeeze of my hand and the words spilled out of him like butter.  Like he was never more sure of anything.  “Go on a date with me?”  
We stopped our dancing as I gaped up at him.  A date with Daryl?  The thought of it made my heart swell.
“Nothing sounds more perfect.”  A large smile breaks his intense stare as he gives me a kiss on the cheek, whispering in my ear he says.
“Keep ya eyes off the lake tomorrow, sunshine.” Words proceed me, as I just nod up at him like a love sick puppy.  Nothing witty comes to me so we get back to work after he twirls me once more. We finished cleaning the kitchen with laughter, our horrible dance moves, and shy intimate looks at one another over our shoulders. He winked at me when he took the rag from my hand and finished the last dish.  Oh I just can not wait for tomorrow.
(If I forgot or you would like to be added to the taglist just let me know)
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sugar-petals · 5 years
I know you've been getting tons of requests for more tarot readings, but OH DEAR LORD, PLEASE MAKE ANOTHER ONE! Also, I luv ur blog have a blessed day!!!
i had a sexy idea. what about i take you to date night with SuperM 👀
That card has major prince in extra shining armor energy. It’s a highly decorated guy riding a star-spangled wagon pulled by two sphinxes. Pretty extravagant is an understatement. It can’t get any more glamorous and it’s perfectly Taemin. Especially because THE CHARIOT traditionally symbolizes being famous. Rings a bell right there. Date night will go down in a fancy car or limousine, or you will spend a major part in some kind of expensive vehicle getting you where you planned to go. Safe to say the overdressed one will not be you. Yep, no matter how hard you try. And it can’t be any other way. Taemin will stun with glitter, high fashion, perfect hair, jewelry, makeup, lavish fabrics, a perfect body, anyways. So expensive, lord. You date the Prince of Korea. Taemin might get into trouble with fans or frentic paparazzi when he shows up like that man. So it only makes sense the venue is likely a bit out of town because the chariot card is set with a city backdrop that fades in the distance. It’s gonna be next to a body of water which is depicted behind the chariot. Really a more secluded and remote area. That also tells me it’s you he dresses up for after all, not the public. And, either way. That the main theme of the card is the vehicle, that’s where you’ll be cheek to cheek. Driver, roll up the partition, please. 
Powerful card. Either of you, I suspect it’s Baekhyun, takes responsibility to organize everything to the very last detail. It’s more head over heart energy, a hurricane, literal brain-storm even. He will surely think it through a thousand times. You gotta be the one who says easy easy, it’s about you and me and not some management job where the setting and timing and whatnot gives you all kinds of pressure. Now you understand that Baekhyun’s serious, performance-like mode is at full throttle because he’s nervous as fuck, cares about you, and doesn’t want to make any mistakes. But that contradicts what date night is all about. It’s not supposed to be stress or a task. Rather than making a good impression and being perfect, you remind him to let go a little more and return to his goofy personality. The lesson of the card might go as far as having both of you realize that racking your brains to hard is a sign to do something else. Staying at home is not a bad thing, you might even enjoy yourselves much more because everything is already taken care of. Sword energy cuts, especially if it’s the King wielding it, in this case the cutting might refer to canceling plans short notice to pursue what you’re really in the mood for as a couple. Which in turn will be rewarding and something healthy to do because you don’t force yourselves into an obligation.
So… to state the absolute obvious right away. Even if you aren’t too familiar with Tarot at all, you know for a fact that this card is a darn good one to pull for a relationship question. Lo and behold: Lucas is your #1 address for date night. If I were unsure whom to pick, THE LOVERS are the most unequivocal sign like, pack the condoms, bring out the perfume, feel good, make out… wait, too fast. First things first: Oh my, he’s gonna be amazing as your kind of date consort. The chemistry! Explosive. Since the card depicts Garden Eden, that’s gonna be your overarching theme if you will. Cloud nine essentially. This evening will be blessed and sheer paradise. Adam on the card is surrounded by flames on a tree so you bet Lucas is gonna be on fire. There are also quite a few fruits depicted so I guess your food will be sweet and light rather than heavy. Now, as for the elephant in the room. Adam and Eve are more than stark naked on that card. Sex will be involved 10/10, out of all member’s he’s the one guaranteed to lay that pipe. The Lovers card also symbolizes a decision. It might be the day Lucas chooses to propose to you, even. Your relationship will be bound for the next level there. The angel on the card tells me you are safe and protected.
Unexpected! That card is just way too dramatic for a light romantic reading. Seeeriously. Especially with Mark as a member who’s known for being super goofy and cute instead of serene and grumpy. What it’s about is plain ole doom and destruction, bringing down the old to build and restart the new. Natural catastrophe and firestorms, even. Yeah like imagine sitting together with Mark eating chipotle and some bloody earthquake hits, that’s the scenario and… actually, no. Worry not, I think the card wants us to take the image literally. The date will be in or close to some kind of tower. Or any elevated structure for that matter. Eiffel Tower much? Tower of Pisa? Sounds very romantic to me. That we have a huge thunderstorm raging on this card tells me you’ll be inside watching the huge grey clouds and thunder which is gonna be quite spectacular. Summer might be the time of the year that date goes down since it’s the season most prone to thunderstorms. Note also how dark the tower card is, that date night will go on past midnight and it will be steamy, too.
Instantly when I drew that card, I knew it’s him on it. The four of cups shows a young black-haired man with closed eyes, sitting under a tree. Whether he’s dozing, sulking, meditating, or ignoring what goes on around him isn’t entirely clear. To me, and for Ten, I feel like it’s more of a worn-out day he’ll experience. Not the date itself, mind you, it’s the social circumstances. He’s tired from dance practices and all those schedules. All the fan interactions and SNS to be taken care of. Lots of stuff going on in the group. Truth be told, the card says date night isn’t the best way to go about it. He wants to be in a state of full energy when being with you. That works best if he has a separate day planned. And not date night as an addition to an existing schedule. Cramming it in seems like deprioritizing his partner so he won’t easily consider even if you yourself suggest date night. He has his reasons but might not always care to elaborate which is interesting given how outspoken Ten is otherwise. Maybe he’s not keen to burden you with his stress and his main strategy is to stay indifferent to keep things at bay, he really values relaxation time — nothing against you, just virtue of his business.
Interesting and simple, beautiful card! It shows a young man juggling two pentacles inside an infinity symbol, acting as a scale. That tells me two things: a) you’ll split the bill and b) this is a long-term relationship. Random I know, but makes for interesting context. The main theme from the card is the following though. It’s gonna be a date by the sea. There are water and ships pictured. You’ll see the anchorage and freight ships, even take a trip across a river alternatively. Who knows, the River Han is a popular dating spot in Seoul, I am sure someone so fond of all things nature will gravitate towards that. Looking at the waves is like a meditative experience. I also got an idea looking at that card once more, something more small scale: A pool date, super sexy. Like, imagine that. Taeyong is just an avid swimmer in pools, we’ve seen it. A bit of refreshment, some games with a ball, a bit of accidental exercise along the way without it feeling like a chore? Sounds about right. Plus you automatically get frisky in your swimwear. He’s not afraid to show his body. Whatever it is, a body of water will be involved for sure. If it’s by the sea an not inside water: Taeyong will wear either a red or even orange suit, we’re going fashion forward tonight babey, he can pull it off.
When I drew this I was like oh nu why :/ But we gotta roll with it. It’s not a seriously scary thing or something, just a more strenous, not 100% smooth romance card. The Ten of Wands is more of an indicator that there’s an obstacle or strain involved. It might be the kind of date where Kai is clumsy, someone doesn’t make it on time, it’s a hassle to find the parking lot, and so on and so forth. Consistent bad luck I do not associate with the TEN OF WANDS, however! It’s more of a what effort you put in is what dictates the result energy. The card shows a hunched guy carrying ten huge wooden sticks toward a town in the backdrop. And you can really see it’s heavy and he’s struggling because he has to carry so much. So, it might be a scenario where like, say Kai and you get stuck in traffic before you arrive. Which, you know, can be super annoying but can easily turned into a perk if you know what to do with the extra time. Or, Kai takes up so much responsibility with planning that he gets exhausted with the rest of his work in the mix. Though remember, effort always comes back tenfold (it’s the ten of wands after all) so it might be worth it and be a wholesome evening after some initial stress. Something unrelated I picked up from the imagery is that the date will be in a castle, because that is pictured in the backdrop!
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kriffingunlucky · 5 years
Commander Wolffe x quiet! medic! reader
It was a pretty normal day for (Y/n). She had successfully treated and helped many of the Wolfpack with their injuries. Ranging from blaster burns to lost limbs, she saved a lot of lives. But losing some as well. Her hands stay busy with wrapping Boost's head with a bandage, him seemingly being the last one to treat. He just got nicked in the side of the head, making it bleed, but nothing super serious.
Tying off the end of the bandage the girl lets out a deep sigh. "There," She states and places the roll of bandage on the counter. "All done. You should be okay now. Just don't do too much for awhile if you can help it."
"Isn't that a little.. tight?" Boost complains jokingly. "Don't want my head losing circulation and falling off."
A small chuckle escaping her soft lips, she shakes her head. "That's not even possible, Boost."
Boost rubs his head in an unsure way, a grin taking his features over after a minute. "You never know." He teases.
(Y/n) continues to shake her head with a small smile, "I should know. I am the medic after all." She turns and starts putting away medical supplies, scrubs and rubber gloves bloody from the clones she'd treated earlier. Right when she starts to peel off the gloves Sinker busts in, carrying a limping and bleeding Commander Wolffe. Who wasn't happy. But then again, what's new?
Sinker huffs as he assists the man in, "(Y/n), the Commander got shot and needs-"
"Sergeant, I am perfectly capable of walking myself. And I have no need to come here." The tall man growls, interrupting poor Sinker who was just doing the right thing.
(Y/n) turns sharply around, eyes scanning the towering commander for obvious injuries as she steps away from Boost and slides the curtain closed, showing them to an empty bed. "Set him here."
Doing as his medic told, Sinker helped Wolffe sit on the bed, but not without resistance. Smiling softly at Sinker (Y/n) thanks him, "Boost is over there, behind that curtain, if you'd like to see the bozo."
Nodding the clone trooper takes that as a sign of "He's easier to treat when no one else is here", salutes and turns sharply on his heel. Leaving the room. "Yes ma'am, I'll be sure to do that!"
"I'm fine." Wolffe mutters once again, attempting to stand up but his knees shake making him wobble. He places a hand on his helmet, groaning.
(Y/n) had finished gathering the needed gaws and walked closer, her small hands reaching up to unclasp his helmet. He jerks away and grumbles something or another under his breath as he pulls his own helmet off, holding it between his arm and hip as he continues glaring her down.
Shifting nervously under the mans gaze, the girl started unclasping pieces of his armor so she could better get to his wound. Wherever the hell that was. "Where does it hurt?" She asks but doesn't meet his eyes.
Scoffing and looking to the side he rolls his eyes in a sort of disapproval. "I'm fine."
(Y/n) inwardly groans. Not this again, She thought and mentally continued to grumble as she removed all of his torso's armor. Checking his black for any blood. But the blood was hard to spot because, well, it's on black. "Sir," The (h/c/n) speaks up again, but just as quietly. "I need to know where you got hurt so I can treat you properly."
"I told you," The Commander growls. "I'm fine."
(Y/n) sighs and grabs the edges of his top piece of blacks, pulling it up and over his head quick enough before he could stop her. She places her two small hands on his chest, resorting to checking for the injury physically because she couldn't get an answer out of him nor could she see it well enough. He could have a broken rib or something. Running her hands along his well toned chest she let out a small huff. Out of all the people she had to do this to, it had to be Wolffe, didn't it? Her hands run up to his shoulders and down his arms, then to his sides and abdomen. He hisses and she took that, and the blood on her fingers now, that she’d found an injury. She drops her hands and moves back to her side table, grabbing the right materials to clean it. Luckily she found no huge gashes on his chest other than that large cut, only a few nicks and bruises. This was a brutal battle for sure though.
Commander Wolffe's face stayed confused and eyes wide when the girl ran her hands over him. He wasn't sure if he should be angry and shout, or resort to pushing her away. Mind not comprehending what his verdict was before she was done, he just scoffed and turned his face away. Looking at whatever he could to keep her from his vision, he really didn't like this.
"I'll need to remove your leg armor, so please sit down and try not to kick me." Was (Y/n)'s soft voice as she got on one knee to remove the rest of the plates from his body. He doesn't comply and keeps standing, which was most aggravating. She struggled slightly with no help or cooperation from the man, but completed her task nonetheless.
Obviously his leg was wounded, a huge gash from his shin gave it away and the blood running from his white armor was a decent clue as well.
"I'm fine, medic." He growls down at her and turns to leave, beginning to walk from her.
And that was the last straw.
"Sir," (Y/n) takes a deep breath and grabs his arm, stopping him and making him look back at her, voice stern as her eyes were genuine. "I understand not liking the medbay after having to get a cybernetic eye and the procedures that needs. I understand not liking being touched, poked and prodded because of getting captured by the Separatists. I understand not liking being fussed over when there are other people that need tending to. But you need to understand something as well, you're just as important as anyone else and your wound needs as much attention as the others. That's why we have multiple medics. You could die from the loss of blood. All I want to do is help you, Commander. So, please, will you sit back down and cooperate?"
Wolffe was silent, eyebrows raised as he blinks. He almost scoffs at himself and surprisingly enough to little (y/n), he did sit back down. He didn't object to any of the procedures she did to his side or leg, he only made entertaining faces at the medicines. Soon enough, his leg and other wounds were patched up and she had him laying on the bed, half asleep from the pain meds.
Letting her tired head fall on the counter, the (h/c) haired girl sighed. Her scrubs covered in blood, her body aching and energy drained, she talked to herself without lifting her head. "So many lost today. So, so many lost. I can't imagine how it felt being out in the battle, having bullets whiz by your head and explosions all around you. I could never do that. I'd die in the first couple of shots. They were so brave for the sacrifice they made, and I will miss them dearly.. I don't know how I'm still a medic if it hurts so much every time I lose someone and it happen so often." She sniffs and wipes her nose with her sleeve, absentmindedly tearing up and on the verge of crying. "I just need a break, or.. or at least a nap. Although, I don't do anything special. Any old person could do what I do. The medical droids seem to do just fine without my help when I'm busy elsewhere. I wish I could do more, do more to help them, the Republic, the clones. But I lose so many and fail to save them, I'm just unimportant. I shouldn't even be here anymore-"
"Thank you."
Lifting her head and turning towards the Commander, (Y/n) walks to his bedside. Confused as to what he said because she didn't hear him, "What?" She asks gently as she fixes some of his chest bandages out of habit.
He grunts, his voice groggy but he manages to say it again. His usually rugged features soft, something that doesn't happen often. "All of the clones love you, my boys especially, you treat their wounds yes but you act like you care for them. A medical droid can't do that. You make them feel loved and important. You listen to their problems when they need to talk and you watch over them as they heal, always checking up on them even when you aren't scheduled to. You don't have to do that, but you do." He swallows, his eyes slowly pulling closed as he dozes off again. "So I said thank you, (Y/n)."
Tears are in her (e/c) eyes as she stands in astonishment. A warm, fuzzy feeling in her chest as a smile crawls up her face. Leaning down and touching his tan face gently, she proceeds to press a soft kiss on his temple.
"It's my pleasure, Commander. I just want the best for you." She whispers and leans her forehead on his.
She truly did love this man, grumpy or not.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
at dusk beneath a diabetic moon (trixya) 1/4 - beanierose
AN: i am enormously grateful as always to mattepinkallshades, joanneelizabeth and connyhascontrol for being so supportive and encouraging, and letting me talk their ears off about this iteration of our girls. i feel very blessed to have you. and stutter, i will never be able to thank you enough. for cheering me on, for making me a playlist, for beta reading, for being such a bright spot of joy in my life. thank you, thank you, thank you.
(read on ao3) | (find me at katiehoughton)
a buzzfeed unsolved/x files au. katya hunts cryptids. trixie doesn’t believe in them, but she believes in katya. | 5,145 words
Katya feels at her absolute sexiest and most gay sitting in the Wrangler with her elbow propped against the window frame, smoking a cigarette and waiting for Trixie. She will get off work at the salon in just a few minutes. Katya has her own duffel and Trixie’s pink hard-shell suitcase in the trunk, and a stack of cassettes for Trixie to choose from. It’s the sacrifice she has to make in order to enjoy the aesthetic of the vintage Jeep, that she can’t annoy Trixie with endless playlists of 90s Russian pop on Spotify. They make do, and she doesn’t mind letting Trixie choose what they listen to.
While she’s waiting, Katya replies to a few tweets asking for a hint about her next investigation. People are still sending her memes from the last time, grainy, crazy-looking ones, the ones Trixie tells her are called deep fried. She doesn’t super understand them, not always, but she listens when Trixie tells her how important it is to engage. How that will help to grow her audience.
Trixie is kind of bossy, and Katya likes it a lot. She’s her best friend, since college, and when Trixie graduated and Katya was two years out of school and still just working in the costume store, she didn’t hesitate to follow Trixie out west. All of this was Katya’s idea, but they wouldn’t be where they are without Trixie pushing, Trixie organising, Trixie taking moody, verdant photographs of the back of Katya’s head for Instagram.
Katya keeps her replies as cryptic as she possibly can, and when people start tweeting at Trixie as well to ask her for details, she locks her phone again and puts it away. She drums her fingers against the outside of the car and watches people walking by, some of them looking at her. A man walking a dog goes right past the Jeep, only a couple inches away from her, and Katya almost topples headfirst out of the rolled down window to get to scratch the puppy’s snout. After he’s gone, Katya lifts her hand to her nose and breathes in the dog-smell of her fingers, lives there in that secret shame for a little while.
All of the girls come out of the salon at the same time at the end of each day, and Katya likes so much to watch them. Trixie is a head taller than everybody else and there are cute little wisps of hair escaping her ponytail to frame her round, lovely face. She’s laughing with one of her colleagues, her mouth open so wide that Katya can see all of her back teeth even from the other side of the street. When Trixie turns around and sees the car she gives Katya a small wave and comes across the street with a little bounce in her step, her ponytail swishing behind her. Katya picks up the Del Taco bag from the seat so that Trixie can sit down, and hands it to her once she has her seatbelt fastened.
“Oh, my god. I literally love you. Thank you. Hi.” Trixie is always starving when she gets off work and she begins rummaging through the bag right away.
Katya starts the engine and the car rumbles to life beneath them. “Hello, hi, hello, how are you, how was your day?”
“It was just okay. That WASP woman came in again, you remember from last month?” Katya hums a small noise of confirmation. “She won’t let anybody else wash her hair. I had to do it, even though I told her that I’m a senior fuckin’ stylist.” Trixie stuffs a handful of fries in her mouth and chews politely, swallows them down before she finishes talking. “I’m supposed to supervise and delegate.”
“Uh-huh,” Katya says. “Trixie, honey, you gotta stop trying to convince people that you’re a top.”
Trixie shrieks and strains against her seatbelt like she wants to lunge across the centre console and finally throttle Katya. Her mascara is coming off in little flakes underneath her eyes, and the pink tip of her nose is showing through her foundation. She’s tired, Katya knows, and she’d love to go home and sink into a warm bath, her skin made slippery and soft by all of the special products she puts into the water. Instead she’s here, in Katya’s beat-up old car, already rummaging through the shoebox of cassettes in the passenger footwell.
She chooses Kate Bush, and she has another couple of tapes picked out for when this one finishes that she’s keeping tucked underneath her thigh like she thinks Katya might take them from her. Trixie fishes around in the glove compartment for a pencil and sticks it through the sprocket to wind the tape back to the start, the tip of her tongue just poking out because she’s concentrating so hard.
After she’s done and the staticky voices of Dan Brandenstein and NASA fill the car, Trixie offers Katya one of her crinkle cut fries. Katya munches on it cheerfully while she checks her mirrors and pulls out of their parking spot. Trixie is eating her veggie burrito with one hand and taking the scrunchie out of her hair with the other.
Katya hasn’t yet grown tired of Trixie’s whole post-work routine. After she’s done eating, Trixie wriggles out of her black blouse and slacks in the passenger seat. She had left a change of clothes for herself neatly folded on top of her suitcase, and Katya had let herself in to Trixie’s apartment with her spare key earlier today to collect everything. She saw a pepto-bismol Post-it tacked to the door of the refrigerator to remind Trixie’s roommate, Kim, that she needs to give the chinchilla food and fresh water every day that Trixie is away. Katya likes Trixie’s writing, how she dots the i in Kim’s name with a little heart. Her own is scrawling and messy as chicken scratch.
It isn’t a graceful production for Trixie to get dressed again, and Katya focuses very hard on the road ahead so Trixie doesn’t get all embarrassed and grumpy. She doesn’t put her boots on after she’s dressed, instead propping her feet up on the dash in their wool socks. She pushes her toes against the glass of the windshield until they crack and she moans loudly. Katya is so grateful that Trixie comes with her at all for these trips, and especially after ten hours on her feet.
After some time spent massaging her arches and groaning, Trixie takes her iPad out of her backpack and starts scrolling around in their shared Google document. They’ve been researching and collecting information. Katya has been reading everything she can get her hands on and making notes for Trixie, highlighting the parts that she thinks are especially interesting.
“You know,” Trixie says, and taps two fingers against her chin. “This might be the first time that I kinda believe in the thing that we’re looking for.”
Katya turns her head for just a moment to glance at Trixie. The sun is setting on Katya’s left, and she likes the idea of Trixie looking back at her and seeing the sky peach-pink and luminous behind her. “You do?”
“Yeah! Bigfoot is meat and bone, Katya.”
She sounds so emphatic that Katya laughs out loud, a small sharp thing that reverberates around the inside of the car for long enough that she almost winds down the window again to let it back out. That would be less than wise; it’s raining. And it’s begun to get dark. Katya doesn’t like driving very much, likes it even less in these conditions. When it’s sunny and dry and warm, she will hold the wheel down at six in just one hand and rest the other on the window frame or sometimes along the back of Trixie’s seat. Tonight she has a firm grip with both hands and she’s focusing so hard on the road she keeps catching herself leaning forward.
“I know this,” Katya says. “I didn’t think that you did. I was super ready to have to persuade you with all my extensive and incredibly scientific and — Trixie, and — one hundred percent factual research.”
Trixie has elongated in the seat as they’ve been driving. She’s reclined it way back and she still has her feet propped up on the dash. The blood is definitely not reaching them correctly, and when she gets out of the car later she’s going to whine and hop around like a little sparrow until her circulation comes back. She has the iPad resting against the slope of her thighs and she scrolls back up to the top of the document again.
“Like how the earliest recorded sightings are from the fifteenth century? And how lots of cultures have different names for the same idea? Hmm? Those facts?”
“Those are facts!” Katya starts, and then sees Trixie right at the edge of her vision, barely suppressing a smirk. Her cheeks have hollowed with the effort and her eyes are wide. “Wow, I hate you so much.”
Trixie reads a little more of their research out loud, like Katya wasn’t the one who compiled all of it. Like she hasn’t already drafted her tweets for later with the most important details. She hardly minds; she likes the way Trixie’s voice sounds. She’s turned the volume down on the cassette player a bit, so that she can tell Katya about how there have been sightings in almost every state, how that lends credence to the idea that Bigfoot is a species, rather than a singular creature.
“Well yeah, honey. You look in the mirror lately?”
Trixie screams and drums her heels against the dashboard, squirming around in her seat. Katya’s laughing too, and she relaxes her grip on the steering wheel a bit. Just having Trixie next to her in the car always makes her feel safer, which doesn’t make any sense at all because she has on more than one occasion lunged across the centre console and put her hands around Katya’s throat while they’ve been driving.
“That’s so mean. You’re so mean. I can’t believe I’m friends with you.” She’s taken her sunglasses off now that it’s gotten darker, and she folds the legs in neatly and puts them away in their pink case, stows it in the glove compartment.
Katya grins. “Well, I am a cryptid hunter. I’m one of the few people that believe you exist. So you don’t really have another option.”
“Okay, I got it, thanks so much,” Trixie says.
She gets into a bit of a snit and draws her legs up onto her seat, folds them beneath herself instead. There’s only twenty more minutes or so until they get to where they’re going, so Katya leaves her to work through it by herself in furious silence. It’s unkind to provoke her after a long work day. Katya should have known better; she does know better.
“Hey,” she says, after a handful of minutes in which she has to be very careful not to turn her head towards Trixie. “You’re very pretty.”
“I know.” It comes out sharp, but then her face softens into a smile. She uncrosses her arms and stretches them up above her head, as high as the roof of the Wrangler will let her.
They’re driving along the main street through the town now. Even in the dark and the rain it’s pretty cute, the street lined with trees and low, single-storey buildings. Behind them, the mountains sweep upward so steeply that it makes Katya dizzy when she leans forward towards the windshield to try and see the top.
“This place is kinda charming. If you’re into like, mildew and cheap beer,” Trixie says.
Katya swings a right into the parking lot of the motel and cuts the engine. “You know those are my two main interests. You think we’ll have time to go apartment hunting while we’re here?”
“Since when do you want to live like a person?” Trixie lifts both eyebrows. She always looks so pleased with herself whenever she gets a chance to tease Katya, and her mouth is turned up at the corners so the dimple in her left cheek is more pronounced. “We’ll get you a nice tarp and an extra pair of wool socks.”
“Oh wow, two pairs? A life of true decadence.”
Trixie doesn’t respond; she’s begun rummaging in her footwell, collecting all of her belongings. It usually takes less than five minutes of her being in Katya’s car before her stuff is scattered everywhere, but she is always courteous, always careful to take everything with her when she gets out. While she’s occupied, Katya jumps down without using the step and rounds the front of the Jeep to open Trixie’s door for her and offer her a hand. She doesn’t need it — she’s taller than Katya is — but she never refuses.
“We can’t stay someplace nice?” Trixie says, looking over the top of Katya’s head. The red neon Vacancy sign is making her face look warm and pink and sweet. “Just one time?”
“You wanna pay?” Katya says back.
Trixie squawks in distaste and Katya leaves her there, leaning against the side of the Wrangler and shifting her weight in agitation while the blood comes back into her feet. She gets their luggage out of the trunk and takes everything inside, Trixie trailing a few paces behind with just her little pink backpack.
Katya is the kind of person who says thank you to Siri whenever she asks a question, and Trixie is the kind of person who giggles at her every time for doing it. Because of this, Katya is always the one to speak with the person at the front desk and smile politely and collect their room keys, while Trixie busies herself a few feet away. She thumbs through the racks of leaflets advertising things to do in the surrounding area. Almost all of it is Bigfoot-adjacent, and Trixie certainly won’t find anything interesting enough to make her actually pick one out.
The moment they get into their room, Trixie unzips her suitcase and heads straight for the bathroom with a thing of Clorox wipes. She does this every time, and Katya can hear her singing cheerfully to herself while she scrubs the sink or whatever, so she leaves her to it. It gives her a minute to stretch out after the drive. Katya sits down right on the floor, even though it will make Trixie click her tongue in disgust, and moves easily through a few simple poses.
It feels good; she likes the way that it kind of burns when she pushes her hip flexors as far as she can. Her hair is spilling down all over her face and getting into her eyes, and she has a red scrunchie around her wrist but she doesn’t want to shift out of downward-facing dog to tie it up. After a couple minutes her legs start tingling and she brings them down and sits up, gathers as much of her hair up as she can. It only skims the top of her shoulders and it always wants to fall down and stick in sweaty tendrils to her cheeks and neck.
“Get off the floor,” Trixie says when she comes out of the bathroom. “You’re gonna get hepatitis.”
Katya lifts her head from her plow pose to look at Trixie. “I think that would be very sexy of me. Will you nurse me, Trixie? Will you tenderly pat my forehead with a cool facecloth?”
“I’ll smother you with a pillow.”
Sweat is beginning to prickle between Katya’s shoulder blades and make her back feel all itchy and unpleasant. She flops down flat onto the floor and Trixie steps carefully over her and sits herself primly on the end of one of the twin beds. She has a way of always, immediately, making the places they stay feel more like home. It’s not like she brings a bunch of scented candles, although Katya doesn’t doubt that she would if she thought she could get away with it. Just her presence in a space is enough to make it feel warmer and cosier and more pink.
Everything in Trixie’s suitcase is organised carefully into packing cubes, and when Katya opens her duffel and things start falling out onto the ground Trixie sighs loudly. Katya rummages around until she finds her dopp kit and she holds it aloft, victorious.
“I’m gonna shower. I am feeling extremely gross from the drive.”
“You’re extremely gross from who you are as a person.” Trixie has taken her boots off and wriggled up the bed so that she’s leaning against the headboard now. Her hair is a bit matted at the back from their long drive, and her makeup is smudged and wearing away. “I’m gonna call and check in with Orville.”
Katya’s knees both crack loudly when she straightens up and she winces. “Cool. Say hello to our son from me.”
“He’s not your son, Cruella,” Trixie fires back at her before Katya closes the bathroom door.
The spray from the showerhead is lacklustre, and Trixie is definitely going to be unhappy about that when she washes her hair tomorrow. It makes Katya laugh just thinking about it and some of the water gets into her mouth.
Freshly dressed, she comes out of the bathroom to see Trixie laying on her stomach on her bed, grinning at the screen of her phone. She’s on FaceTime, and Kim has propped her own phone up against the chinchilla’s cage so that Trixie can watch Orville eat. Katya likes that Trixie doesn’t stop her soft voice or her goofy smile when she comes into the room. She leans down over Trixie to put her face in the frame as well. When Trixie first announced one day that she was going to get a chinchilla and dragged Katya to the pet store to help carry everything, she hadn’t really understood the appeal. She gets it now. Orville sits on his hind legs and holds a grass pellet in his front paws to nibble at delicately, and Katya and Trixie watch him eat.
Katya had been with Trixie the day she got Orville from the rescue center. She’d been the one to drive back to Trixie’s apartment, and she’s pretty sure that was the closest she’ll ever come in her life to the feeling of driving home from the hospital with a newborn in the car seat. Trixie had cradled the carrier in both arms and sung softly to the chinchilla, so that he could get used to her voice. Now he’s inquisitive and goofy, and he likes to ride around on Katya’s shoulder whenever she’s over at Trixie’s place.
After a little while, Kim comes back into frame and tells them she has to hang up now but that she’ll check in later, before she goes to bed. “You’re a really good dad,” Katya says, and then darts rapidly off the bed and out of range so that Trixie can’t smack her.
She sits up and gathers all of her hair up off her neck in both hands, rolls her head on her shoulders. “You’re his dad. I’m a MILF. Can we get snacks?”
“Really?” Katya sits at the end of her own bed to start putting her Docs back on. “Watching him eat those nasty-ass dried-up pellets made you hungry, Trix?”
“No, being in a confined space with you for multiple hours made me hungry. Come on, there’s a gas station down the street.”
Katya trots obediently along behind Trixie on their way to the gas station. She looks like a confection, like something made of fondant or marzipan. She’s totally out of place in a town like this. It’s still raining, and it’s hovering right around forty degrees. Trixie’s wearing a white down jacket and she’s got her hands shoved inside the pockets and her chin tucked into the neck of the coat. When she put it on Katya told her she looked like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and she stuck her tongue out.
“Trixie, you know, you really shouldn’t dress like a snack when we’re out looking for enormous carnivorous beasts.” Katya quickens her pace to catch up to Trixie and hooks her arm through hers.
Trixie scoffs. “He’s not carnivorous, is he? Has there been one single confirmed report of a Bigfoot attacking a person? Ever?”
“Well no, but-”
“Mhmm.” Trixie stops them walking in front of the door to the gas station and Katya lets go of her arm so she can open it and hold it for Trixie.
Inside, several people turn to look at them. Trixie reaches blindly behind herself and circles her wrist until Katya takes her hand and allows herself to be led over to the snack aisle. She likes how every decision Trixie makes is properly considered, how she bends at the waist to assess their options before she picks anything out. She passes things to Katya one at a time for her to hold, until she’s satisfied. She started with the biggest thing of Skittles the store carries, which Katya is cradling against her stomach while she waits. Katya follows Trixie over to the registers and dumps everything out on the counter; a Red Bull can starts rolling and Trixie catches it as it drops off the edge and sets it down securely again.
“You girls in town for the squatch?” the older man at the register asks as he starts ringing them up. His gaze lingers on Trixie for a little while. She unzipped her jacket because it’s warm in the store, and underneath she’s wearing a pink roll neck sweater. She doesn’t much look like a typical amateur cryptozoologist.
It makes her let out a small disgruntled noise and she wanders away a bit. Katya bounces on her toes a couple times and clasps her hands together. “We sure are! You got any insider information?”
“Just don’t getcha selves lost in the forest,” he sighs. “Bring plenty’a supplies, water, nineteen forty-seven, and cell phones don’t work so you need’a use short-wave radio.”
Katya blinks at him a couple times and then says Oh! and rummages in the back pocket of her pants for her wallet. It was a gift from Trixie a few years back and the leather has been made soft and buttery with use. Inside, there’s a Polaroid of the two of them. They’re at the beach in it, Trixie in a vintage one piece and an enormous straw sunhat. Katya’s wearing a bikini with a shark print and she’s tucked beneath the brim of Trixie’s hat, leaning in to kiss her cheek. It sends a little sting of pleasure through her each time she sees it; Trixie had gifted the wallet to her with the photograph already inside.
“Here you go,” she says cheerfully, and hands the guy her card to swipe. “We’ve got radios and rations, don’t worry. We’ve put some thought into this. I guess you guys must have folks getting themselves stuck and needing rescued all the time, huh?”
The guy makes a gruff noise and passes her the receipt to sign. She can feel Trixie’s eyes on her, feel how she’s itching to get out of here. Trixie uses all of her reserves of small talk for her job and generally doesn’t enjoy engaging with people outside of work. Katya is honoured that Trixie feels comfortable enough with her to be grouchy and quiet, that it doesn’t drain her energy when they spend time together.
“You ever see any signs yourself?” Katya asks the clerk as he’s packing up their stuff. He passes the paper bag over to her and she holds it against her chest in both arms and waits for an answer.
The guy gestures behind himself to a few blurry photographs tacked up on a corkboard with push pins in different colours. “You hear about that hoax that was uncovered over in Bluff Creek?” He says it like that wasn’t almost twenty years ago, and Katya nods enthusiastically.
“I did!” She listens as he tells her to check out the museum in town, and that they should be careful not to find themselves in the forest after dark. He’s growing more and more animated as Katya lets him ramble, and she has to shift the weight of the grocery bag to her other arm.
Trixie has circumnavigated the store while she’s waited for Katya to get done talking to the guy, and she comes back to touch her fingers to Katya’s bent elbow and say her name very quietly and urgently. When they first met, Katya repeated Trixie’s name back to her and cracked it in half over her knee like a glow stick, and Trixie added an extra syllable to hers. Kah-tee-yuh. She likes the way that it sounds, especially when Trixie is getting annoyed or whiny.
“Okay, just a minute,” she says back calmly, as if she were trying to placate a child.
Katya thanks the guy at the register again and gestures with her head for Trixie to lead the way out of the store. She’s getting kind of stompy, so Katya trails a couple of steps behind on the way back to the motel. Trixie’s hands are balled into fists at her sides, but she’ll be okay once she eats a few Oreos and changes into her pajamas.
In their room, Katya unpacks the grocery bag and lays everything out on the dresser while Trixie changes in the bathroom. She likes pottering around and listening to the water running and the quiet hum of Trixie’s toothbrush, likes how Trixie’s face is bright and gleaming with lotion when she comes out.
“Par-tay,” Katya says, and shakes the bag of Skittles in Trixie’s direction.
She wrinkles her nose and collects a couple things to take with her when she gets beneath the sheets. Hers is the bed furthest away from the door, like always, and she props herself up against the headboard. Great clouds of freshly brushed-out curls cascade over her shoulders. Her hair is very soft; Katya knows this from the handful of times Trixie has gotten frustrated trying to do her own french braids and had Katya do them for her instead. Katya thinks she looks sort of like an earthworm, pink and shiny and moist, but knows better than to ever say that out loud.
“Hey, you know, that’s very Bigfoot of you,” she says as she comes over to sit on her own bed across from Trixie’s.
Trixie has arranged the various packages of junk food neatly across the sheets, in order of size from smallest to largest. She does the same thing with gifts, Katya remembers from her birthdays and that one Christmas neither of them could afford to go home and they spent the day on Trixie’s couch watching movies and eating until they were too bloated and uncomfortable to move.
“What is?”
“Arranging stuff all orderly like that.” Katya isn’t beneath the sheets yet, she’ll go out for a last cigarette, but she does reach down to unlace her boots. “You want me to go find you some rocks to stack?”
“I want you to never talk to me again,” Trixie says sweetly, and she rips open her Oreos and gets right to work twisting the cookies in opposite directions to separate the sandwich.
It doesn’t seem like the best idea to eat a whole bunch of sugar right before bed. Katya wants them to be up early to make the most of the daylight and she knows Trixie’s going to grumble, even though she’ll get at least an extra hour of sleep. Katya likes getting to wake Trixie with the wet ends of her hair dripping and her body pleasantly sore from a run, likes watching her come all grumpy and confused into the day. She is not about to tell Trixie to take it easy with the snacks, especially when she looks so cute munching on her cookies.
“I’m gonna go smoke,” Katya says, and Trixie makes a noncommittal noise.
She gathers her lighter and the pack of Camels from the pocket of her jacket and heads out the door of their room. They have a little patio area in the front with two Adirondack chairs and a small table and she settles herself down to light a cigarette. If she turns her head she can look in their window through the gap in the voile panels and see Trixie, scrolling through her phone and still eating.
They’re not far enough away from civilisation that she can see all of the stars, but there are way more than in the city. It’s so beautiful and so still, the rain coming down much lighter now. Katya likes the noises of the frogs very much. She would like to stay out here in her chair and listen to them until time stands still, and then maybe a little longer after that.
Her hair got damp again when they were walking back to the motel and she takes it down from the scrunchie so it can dry off a bit. It’s not even close enough to being warm enough for her to sit out like this, and she regrets not wearing a jacket. For a little while Katya inspects her own arm, fascinated by the way all of the blonde hairs are standing on end and how her skin feels like it’s on too tight.
After a while the light goes out in the room behind her. Katya isn’t usually the last one awake, but she really likes the idea of tiptoeing around and doing her best not to wake Trixie, maybe sneaking glances over at her. She’s on her second cigarette, and she’s trying so so hard, but she’s barely smoked at all today and she’s so content in the moment that she doesn’t want to go inside just yet. They’re so lucky to do this. She is so lucky, to have a best friend who will come along with her on these trips and take pictures and listen to her rambling and be the person she gets to turn to and say did you see that?
Their room faces away from the main street and she can almost make out the shape of the mountains. They seem much closer than she knows they really are, a huge hulking mass of deeper, more solid darkness. A little shiver goes through her thinking about how Bigfoot could be up there right now, maybe peering down, watching the lit end of her cigarette weave around in the dark like a firefly.
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lilithpooped · 5 years
Surprise Visit - Lee Minhyuk
Requested by: @lovekimhongjoong my brightest
A/n: I hope this is something you can enjoy. Seriously I have no idea if this is good or not since I changed the scenario so many times and I’m scared to be honest >.<
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Your Boyfriend!Minhyuk takes you to a surprise place and you two have a cozy day.
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“Go away Minhyuk” you said pulling the pillow on your face.
“Come onnn, you can’t spent all of your weekend in bed!!”
“Watch me doing just that.”
“No!” He said trying to pull the pillow from your hands. It was hard since you were kinda hugging it but it wasn’t impossible because of the huge strength gap between you and him.
“Y/n, come on!” He said before trying one last time and succeeding at pulling the pillow away.
“Oh my god Minhyuk, please PLEASE I’m begging you please can’t we just cuddle and spend the weekend in bed, PLEASE?? I’m so tired, I worked extra shifts this week and I really really need to rest please..”
“You know you can rest while doing some fun activities too.”
“Like what?”
“Come on get out of bed and get dressed I have a surprise for you!”
“Uuuggghh LEE MINHYUK you should be thankful that I love you, or else I would’ve punched you right now...” you said leaving the warmth and loveliness of your bed sheets and stepping into the (not so) cold air of your room.
“Okkkaayy, you go get dressed and I’ll open the windows for you, your room stinks...”
“Oh, shut up.”
You got in front of your dresser.
“What am I dressing for?”
“I told you it’s a surprise.”
“Minhyuk you should at least tell me if I should wear something casual or something formal.”
“Casual. You’ll be having fun, no one wants to be formal when having fun!”
You rolled your eyes and tried to find some clothes. After finding a one piece dress, you took off your clothes and wore it.
“You know; if I hadn’t prepared a surprise, I would’ve definitely been using this chance to not let you get dressed for the whole day but what can we do, life has it’s own way..” he said jokingly with a sigh but you knew he wasn’t half joking.
“Don’t sigh to me baby, it’s your doing.” You answered playfully.
“Stop being a smart mouth and get ready sunshine, or I’ll leave you here and go by myself.”
“Oof like staying at home more would make me sad.”
“You’re right and that’s why I’ll definitely take you with me.”
“Are you my enemy or my boyfriend, I sometimes can’t tell really..” you said finally getting ready to leave the house after putting on some mascara and lipstick.
You knew he would eye you like it was the first time seeing you in his life. Even though you’ve never accepted it, you’ve always liked him being this affectionate with you.
“Wow, I should really keep you to myself.. You look gorgeous.”
“It’s only because you love me.”
“Those are two different things but I won’t waste my time trying to tell you that. Let’s go, beautiful.” He said taking your hand in his and leading you out of the house.
“You know you could at least let me see where we are..” you said, eyes covered by Minhyuk’s slender fingers.
“That would spoil the surprise, shhh, we’re almost there.”
It had been almost 20 minutes since you left the cab and he covered your eyes and you’ve been walking without a sight in 20 minutes so it was kinda getting on your nerves now. You tried to guess where he was taking you. By the lack of noises you could at least say it wasn’t a very crowded place but nothing else was clear about it.
“You know I won’t be able to see anything for 5 minutes when you open my eyes, right?”
“Stop exaggerating y/n, you’ll be fiiiineeeee. And we’re almost there so I’ll open your eyes in, umm, 5 minutes?”
Ugh, super. 5 more minutes of blind walking.
After some time that felt 10 minutes minimum, he talked again.
“Okay, now I’m opening your eyes but don’t scream okay?”
“You’re scaring me Minhyuk what do you me-“
He opened your eyes without even letting you finish your sentence and once you opened your eyes, you understood why he said that.
You were in front of a wildlife sanctuary. A WILDLIFE SANCTUARY?!
“OH MY GOD, Minhyuk REALLY?? LIKE really really???? Are we really here??? You brought me to a sanctuary?? Oh my god I’m so in love with you!!!!” You screamed and jumped around from excitement and happiness. Once you hugged him very tightly, he hugged you back laughing at your reaction. He was happy to see you that excited after such a long time of you being worried and overwhelmed about the work and daily stuff.
You’ve always wanted to go to a zoo but your parents were always too busy to spend time with you and after some point it really didn’t seem important to you -at least that was what you thought before coming here- so you’ve never come to one with your friends and you actually learned that zoos hurt animals physically and psychologically but Minhyuk would of course find an appropriate way for you. He always knew what you wanted without having you say it. He always knew how to make you happy even when you were a little too grumpy for anyone’s liking. He was always by your side, even when you didn’t know about it.
“CAN WE GO AND SEE SQUIRRELS? CAN WE? Omg, do you think they take good care of them? I hope they do. You know they hurt animals in zoos, does this one has a controlling mechanism or something? They don’t hurt animals here, do they?”
Minhyuk laughed at you talking in one breath.
“They do take good care of animals here, baby.  This is a sanctuary, they take injured animals and heal them and then they let them go to their own habitats if the animals are ready for it. My family donates to this one annually so we can come and visit the animals here but we can only see them from afar and there’s limited time so we better get in now or our trip will be cut short.”
He held your hand and led you through the glass door and through inside of the facility. Right after you put a foot into the place, a representative came to welcome you. Minhyuk and the representative seemed to know each other well so you didn’t need to talk more than saying your name. It was kind of a strange experience for you so you just kept holding his hand and waiting for the time to see the animals.
“... I’ll be escorting you around the facility, you’ll see our lions, bears, squirrels and so many rescued animals we try to regain to the nature. You can also see the ones that are still in the state of healing if you want. We welcomed two turtles last night, they were injured by cars and the injuries were kind of severe but they’re still healing and we appreciate your donations to save them. We use every donation to supply food and medications for them so our facility is completely focused on saving and protecting the wildlife. Let’s go to that way and go on the bridge. You’ll first see the bears that are resting, our bears are kind of lazy.” She said after kindly smiling to you both. “You can take pictures but it’s not allowed to use flashlights, please be careful about flashlights since they can harm our friends’ eyes.”
With her leading the way, you and Minhyuk looked at each other and started to walk behind her. You were so excited that saying your knees felt like jellies would be an understatement.
“Okay, here we go.” Whispered Minhyuk to your ear.
You passed some glass doors and stepped on a bridge outside. She was right about the bears being the first thing you see. With so many different feelings inside you -excitement, happiness, amazement-, you looked down below to the animals. There the bears were and you could also see the lions from afar, playing with each other.
If it wasn’t for Minhyuk tapping the back of your hand which he holds, you wouldn’t have realized the woman starting to walk again. She surely was talking about something but you were too amazed to listen and Minhyuk just knew that so he made sure to lean to your ear and whisper.
“Are you having fun?”
For the first time since you stepped on that bridge, you took your eyes away from animals and looked into his eyes. Your eyes were shining like Minhyuk had never seen before.
“I’m having an amazing time, you have no idea.” You said, your voice coming out like a child’s who’s trying to whisper unsuccessfully.
He smiled at you and turned again to follow the woman that guided you two. He knew once he let go of your hand, you wouldn’t walk even one step ahead. This reminded him of your childhood. Even when you two were kids, you were always that one kid trying to talk to animals and help them. He still remembered that one time both of your parents gathered for a picnic and took you to a forest. You had found a turtle in the forest trying to walk across the path and you just wanted to help it by taking him to the other side of the road. But you were so occupied with helping the turtle that you couldn’t have realized a bicycle coming in full speed and the rider couldn’t stop either so he ended up crashing into you. Minhyuk could still hear your cries and the scar of that accident still remained on your forehead. Shaking these memories out of his head, he walked ahead without letting go of your hand.
After who knows how many hours you were finally finished with the sanctuary tour. The tour guide led you through a cafeteria and 
after saying some last words, she left you two alone.
“So, how was it??” Minhyuk asked you with curious eyes.
“ARE YOU KIDDING ME? That was the best day in my life Minhyuk I really don’t know how to thank you, you’re really the best boyfriend someone could ever ask for. I love you so much, thank you thank you thank you!!”
After seeing so many wild animals and walking for that long, both of your stomachs were rioting and unluckily for you, your stomach was a bit too noisy for that moment and you were almost sure that everyone in 3 metres caliber around you had heard it’s hyenas.
Laughing at the loud noise, Minhyuk turned to face you.
“How about going somewhere else and eating something delicious? I mean, I’ve been coming here since when I was 5 and I’ve always hated the food there. Let’s get out of here if you’re done?”
“That sounds great. Or the animals will feel threatened by the noises coming from my stomach..”
Laughing at you lame joke, Minhyuk put his arm on your shoulders and led you through the exit door, still being able to feel every sign of happiness coming from your body.
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seabasstrash · 5 years
Tease ~ B.B.
Word Count- 2918
Warnings- lots of teasing
A/N- Ok so I’m posting this again because there’s been some issues! Anyway this is my submission for @barnesrogersvstheworld Challenge Challenge! My prompt was “I’m wondering why I haven’t kissed you already.” “What have you come up with?” It will be bolded in the story! I LOVED writing this!! Hope y’all enjoy!
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You were visiting Natasha at the Avengers tower. She was one of your best friends and you didn’t see her as often as you wanted to, what with all the missions and stuff. You didn’t mind, but there were some times when you just needed to vent to your best friend. So when she called you and told you she had the weekend off you packed a bag and headed over to the Avengers tower.
You had been to the Avengers tower enough that everyone there knew you and you were comfortable enough there. So when you got there you went straight to Natasha’s room to throw your bag in there and change into some comfortable clothes since you came straight from work. You put your leggings on with a sweatshirt and then headed down to the common room where everyone else was.
“Hey Y/N!” You hear from a lot of the Avengers that were sitting there.
“Hey, guys! How’s it going?”
“Could be better, but it’s nice to have a weekend off,” Steve responds.
“Mission didn’t go well?” you ask as you take a seat waiting for Natasha to come find you.
“It went ok. We saved everyone. But we didn’t get the info that we needed,” he sighed.
“I’m sorry,” you reply.
“It’s not your fault, don’t worry about it.”
You smile and nod at him. You look around at the exhausted Avengers. “Do you know where Natasha is?” you asked after a while.
“I think her and Bucky went to the lab to talk about something. They should be back soon,” Sam responds.
“Oh, ok….” you sit back and relax a little.
No one was really talking or anything so you decided to suggest a movie while you waited for Natasha.
“Wanna watch a movie?” you question.
“Sure, have anything in mind?” Steve asks.
“Umm… I’m up for anything.”
“Shouldn’t have said that Y/N! Now he’s gonna pick one of those old-timey movies that are super boring and are in black and white!” Sam yells.
“Well, Sam, I do happen to like some of the old-timey, black and white movies.” You sass him back.
Steve just chuckles as he picks a movie and puts it in. You sit back and relax. Finally, part way through the movie Nat and Bucky walk in. They are laughing at something that was said when they realize you are watching a movie.
“C’ mon Steve, this one again?!” Bucky groans.
“Yes, Buck, this one again! Yes it’s my favorite! Besides Y/N likes it too!” he points at you.
“Oh hey Y/N! Do you really like this movie?” Bucky asks.
“I do, yes. Got a problem with that?”
“No. I just didn’t think you’d like a movie like this,” he chuckles.
“Well, there’s a lot you don’t know about me.”
“Ok, Miss Sassy Pants,” he winks at you and goes to sit on the couch.
Natasha comes and sits with you on the loveseat that’s big enough for two people.
“Hi, Nata, how’d the mission go?” You whisper trying not to disturb the others from watching the movie. Even though you knew the two super soldiers could probably hear you.
“It was ok. I’m just ready to relax and have a fun weekend with all my friends.”
You focus back on the movie. Eventually, you fall asleep, not realizing how tired you were.
You wake up to Bucky shaking you.
“Huh where am I?” you ask groggily.
“Uh.. the tower?” Bucky questions.
“Oh right,” you giggle, “sorry, it’s one of those naps where I don’t remember where I am.”
Bucky smiles at you, “You hungry?” he asks.
Before you could answer your stomach growled. “Well, that should answer your question.”
He just chuckles, “Everyone else ate already, we didn’t want to disturb you, so we let you sleep.”
“Ok ok. Well, it’s probably better that you did that. I can get quite grumpy when someone wakes me up!”
“Yeah, that’s what Nat said. There’s a plate in here for you.” He grabs your hand and helps you get off the chair.
His hand on yours sends sparks up your arm and you try not to think about it too much. You had always had a slight crush on Bucky but nothing ever happened. Natasha knew this and kept trying to get you to ask him out but you would just make up excuses. She never pushed you too far with that though.
He walked with you to the kitchen and sat with you while you ate. You were still half asleep while you ate, so you didn’t talk much. Bucky was ok with that. He just watched you eat and would occasionally make a small comment.
Once you finished Bucky grabbed your plate and utensils and put them in the sink.
“Thank you,” you smile shyly up at him.
“No problem, doll.”
“Mmmm… is there any ice cream?” you ask heading towards the freezer.
‘I think I ate the last of it earlier,” he says quietly.
You just glare at him. Ice cream was your favorite thing in the world so not having any in the Avengers tower made you sad. Bucky saw the way your face fell and he couldn’t help what came out next.
“We can go get some if you want?” he questioned quietly.
“Umm yeah sure,” you grin up at him, “just let me go tell Nat that I’ll be back later and then I’ll be ready.”
“Ok, no problem, doll.”
You head up to Nat’s room where she was reading a book.
“Hey sleepy head, finally wake up?” she asks.
“Yeah, umm, Bucky woke me up actually.”
“Relax, he just wanted to make sure I ate… speaking of which, we are going to get ice cream so don’t wait up for me.”
“Ok, but you are telling me everything that happens later!” she yells as you walk out of her room. You just shake your head and walk down the hallway.
“What was all that yelling about?” Bucky questions.
“Nothing! Just Nat being Nat!” you state trying not to let the blush you feel coming on, be seen by Bucky.
You grab your purse and head towards the door, trying to ignore Bucky, because you know he saw your blush. And you knew that he was grinning.
Bucky walks out behind you with the keys to his motorcycle. You had secretly always wanted to ride it, but you never let anyone know because you didn’t need to hear all the jokes.
He hands you the helmet and helps you put it on, then proceeds to get on the bike without a helmet.
“Don’t you need a helmet?” you ask curiously.
“I’ll be fine, doll, I’ve been doing this for years. Besides, I only have the one helmet and we can’t let a pretty thing like you get hurt if anything should happen.”
“Yeah, but we can’t let anything happen to you too!” you argue back.
“Doll, I’ll be fine,” he turns around and puts a hand on your shoulder to help you relax.
“Fine,” you state, not too happy about it.
He starts up the motorcycle up and heads out of the compound. The wind in your face felt amazing. At one point you wrapped our arms around Bucky to make sure you didn’t fall off. Your heart was beating so fast you wondered if Bucky could hear it.
What you didn’t notice was that when you wrapped your arms around him he had to control his breathing so he didn’t wreck the motorcycle.
About 15 minutes later you made it to the ice cream shop. You got off the bike and tried getting the helmet off, but it wasn’t budging.
“Yeah?” he turns around and notices you struggling with the helmet. He just chuckles and helps you get it off.
He sets it down on the motorcycle and then grabs your hand and heads towards the door of the shop. Your heart was beating so fast you thought it was going to beat right out of your chest.
Bucky opened the door and let you go in, “such a gentleman,” you thought to yourself.
“Alright, which ice cream do you want?” the worker asked you both.
“I’ll take two scoops of cookie dough ice cream in a cup,” you say getting more and more excited.
“I’ll just take two scoops of vanilla on a cone please,” Bucky says.
“Really, vanilla??”
“Yes, vanilla. It’s my favorite.”
“Ok, old man, whatever you say,” you tease him.
He just chuckles as you both wait for your ice cream. A few minutes later you have your ice cream and Bucky has his. He paid for it and then you guys headed outside to enjoy the nice evening.
You walk around for a bit eating your ice cream and talking about your days.
“So the kid thought your hair was a wig??” Bucky asks between his giggles.
“Yes, he asked me if my hair was a wig. I don’t know why!” you giggle.
You had both finished your ice cream and you were looking for a trash can to throw your cup away. Bucky grabbed it out of your hand and found a trash can to throw it away.
“Thanks,” you blush a little.
“No problem. So what made you want to teach in the first place?”
“I’ve always loved teaching. You know how in elementary school they would ask what you want to be when you grow up?”
“Yeah,” he eggs you on.
“Well, I always answered with teacher. So I’ve just always known I wanted to teach. Plus I love the kids,” your whole face lights up as you talk about why you became a teacher.
Bucky couldn’t help the smile on his face as he watched your face light up. He loved hearing you talk about what you loved. The way your whole face lit up just made his smile grow.
You talked and walked around some more and then you guys decided to head back to the tower.
Once you got back Bucky walked with you back to Nat’s room.
“Well I had fun tonight,” you say.
“Yeah, I did too. We should do it again sometime.”
“Is this your way of asking me on a date Barnes?” you ask as your heart starts beating faster.
“Well, it’s my way of asking you on a 2nd date,” he grins.
“Os so this was a date then?” you continue to tease him.
“Of course, doll.”
“Oh, well if that’s the case then I can’t wait to see what you do for date number two,” you grin as you open Nat’s door and head inside. “Night Bucky!” you get out before the door closes.
You walk in the room and right away Natasha starts pestering you.
“Where’d you go? What happened? Did you kiss?” she asks.
“We went to that little ice cream shop downtown and then walked around and talked. No, we did not kiss, but we do have another date!” you squeal.
Natasha squeals with you. Excited that you finally were doing something about your crush. You both stayed up and talked some more before falling asleep.
The next morning you were down in the kitchen getting yourself something to eat. You were in your shorts with a big long sleeve shirt on.
Bucky came walking in to get his own breakfast. He couldn’t help but stare, the shorts didn’t leave much to the imagination.
Bucky clears his throat, “Morning doll.”
“Morning Buck, sleep well?”
“Eh, could have been better…”
“Oh yeah?” you question as he makes his way closer to you.
Your breath hitches as Bucky moves closer. He reaches around you and grabs the juice that was sitting on the counter. He just grins at you as he notices your breathing change. He pours himself a cup and moves across the kitchen. He watches as you continue to eat trying to ignore him.
But he can hear your heartbeat what with being a super soldier and everything. He knows that you get nervous around him, so he’s decided to try to tease you every chance he gets.
You finish your breakfast and put the dishes in the sink. You go to head out but Bucky blocks the way.
“C’ mon Buck, I gotta go get changed before our meeting.”
“I’ll move, only if you agree to go out with me tonight.”
“BUck I already told you I would, you tease,” you smile at him and lean up to kiss his cheek.
He blushes and tries to say something but nothing comes out.
“I’ll see you tonight, say 7?” you wink as you walk  passed him.
You were back in Nat’s room getting ready to go out with Bucky. You borrowed an outfit from Natasha since you only brought comfortable clothes for the weekend.
You were trying to put the necklace on when there was a knock on the door. You yelled “come in” since you wanted to finish getting the necklace on.
Bucky slowly opens the door and walks in. He sees you struggling with the necklace and walks over to you.
“Here, let me help,” he grabs the necklace. You grab your hair off your neck so he can get it clasped without getting your hair stuck in it.
“Thank you.” You breath out. That’s when you finally get a chance to look at Bucky. He was wearing black jeans with a grey shirt and leather jacket (basically what Seb wore at the MCM Comicon). He looked so handsome and you couldn’t help but stare at him.
He caught you checking him out and just smirked at you. He couldn’t say anything though because he was checking you out too.
You chose to wear a pair of black skinny jeans with a green button up shirt, tied so it shows a little skin. You paired that with some black heels and a black hat. You also had the brightest red lipstick and a gold necklace. (outfit)
“You ready?” Bucky breathed out after a few minutes of you just staring at each other.
“Yeah, let me grab my purse!” you smile at him, your cheeks turn a bright red.
You head out of the tower and this time Bucky uses one of the gazillion cars Tony has at the tower. He opens the door for you and after you get in he goes to his side, gets in, and starts the car.
“So where you taking me, Barnes?” you question him as he heads away from the tower.
“That’s for me to know and you to find out.” he grins glancing at you before concentrating on the road again.
“Awe not even for you favorite girl?” you plead.
“Favorite girl?”
“Uh yeah… I have to be your favorite girl otherwise you wouldn’t be taking me out on a second date.”
“Fair enough, doll. But no I’m still not telling you.”
“Awe well, I had to try!”
He just giggles and it was one of the best sounds you’d ever heard.
You kept teasing and joking around with each other until Bucky pulls into the parking lot of your favorite Italian restaurant.
“Did you know this was my favorite place?” you turn to him with a questioning look in your eyes.
“A little birdy may have told me something,” he grins at you.
“Aahhh I should’ve known you would talk to Nat! Wait a second… is that what you guys were talking about the other night!?”
“Uhhh maybe… but it’s only because I want the best for my favorite girl.”
You just smile and blush at him. He turns the car off and gets out to come over to open your door and help you out. He walks you to the door and opens it for you.
You enjoy a lovely evening of wine and pasta while talking about anything and everything with Bucky.
Later when you guys get back to the tower Bucky walks you back to Nat’s door. You stand there for a second looking at Bucky wondering what it would be like to kiss him. You both slowly moved closer to each other.
“What you thinkin about in that pretty head of yours doll?” he whispers, afraid his voice will betray how his breathing has gone out with how close you were.
“I’m wondering why I haven’t kissed you already.”
“Well, what have you come up with?”
You don’t answer him. You just lean up and kiss him. Sparks fly. It was like being kissed for the very first time. You felt it all the way to your toes.
Eventually you pulled away, breathing hard. You couldn’t help the smile that lit up your face afterwards. Bucky’s face mirroring yours.
“So was that what you hoped it was?” he asks as his thumb brushes your cheek.
“Mmm I think I need to try it again before I fully decide,” you grin as he leans in again and gives you another heart-stopping kiss.
Bucky couldn’t get enough of you. He could have stayed there and kissed you for the rest of his life.
He pulled away again, “How about now?”
“It’s better than anything I could have imagined,” you say breathlessly.
Bucky smiles and kisses you again. You have to push him away after a few minutes.
“Goodnight Bucky,” you say sternly.
“Oh c’mon, doll!” he whines.
“You heard me! Night Bucky, sleep tight!” you sing song as you walk into Nat’s room.
PERMANENT TAGLIST: @fortheloveofjbbarnes
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redheadedramblings · 6 years
Lonely Holidays (One shot)
Title: Lonely Holidays Paring : Bucky x Reader Summary:  “I know we hate each other but its Christmas Eve and your flight was cancelled please come inside.” word count: 5,053 warnings: fluff, swearing, concerned bucky? A/N : So i had this idea when I had gotten surgery and I needed something to take my mind off of it so here it is! Tell me what you think!
“I’m sorry, what did you just say?” Bucky hunched over the desk, his body leans slightly over the check in desk while a woman stares at him with a cheerful look on her face.
“All flights have been canceled sir.” she says with a crooked smile on her face.
“What? How am I supposed to get home?”
“I’m terribly sorry sir, but all flights out of the air port were just canceled due to the storm that is moving across the country.”
“What about another airline?” he asked impatiently.
“I am afraid thats not possible, all airlines are shut down until further notice, they just can’t put a plane in the sky in this kind of weather. I can try and help you get a hotel room in the city somewhere…”
“No, no, I don’t want to go to a damn hotel. I just want to go home.  Its Christmas Eve! What am I going to do?” Bucky’s voice came out louder than he had expected.
“I’m very sorry Sir, there is nothing I can do. There is a line behind you. Again, I’m sorry there is nothing more I can do for you” Gently she motioned for the next person and Bucky took a couple steps back mumbling silent curses under his breath.
Bucky pushed through the sea of people, inch by inch he moved doing his best not to accidentally elbow someone by mistake. Eventually he found a quiet spot that was a ways past a newly departed gate, standing behind a pillar he stopped to take a breather. This day hasn’t been going well.
He was sent on a small recon assignment, something that was supposed to be small turned into a giant shit show with a bunch of former Hydra agents. The thing was, he wasn’t even supposed to go, but he volunteered to go figuring that it would be a quick in and out, and boy was he wrong. After a long chase, some big explosions, and a bullet grazing his head, he was finally able to get out of there with a bit of his dignity left. Some recon mission that was.
So here he is now, Bucky finds himself stranded in an airport on Christmas Eve with no way of getting home. Bags are beginning to form under his eyes and he drops his duffle bag to the floor while simultaneously grabbing his phone out of the pocket. Finding Steve’s name under speed dial he quickly hits call gritting his teeth together in anxiousness. The rings pass terribly slow and Bucky is instantly fearful that his best friend wont answer his call, but a wave a relief washes that away when he finally hears someone answer.
“Steve.” Bucky blurts out abruptly.
“Bucky?” Steve asks in confusion. “Bucky where are you? Aren’t you supposed to be on a plane right now?”
“My flight got canceled, I am stuck in Chicago.”
“Whens the next flight out?”
“All the flights are canceled. They said the storm won’t let up for a couple of days. Can you send a Quinjet over here to grab me?”
“Buck, there is no one at base right now, everyone is home for the holidays.”
“What about Stark?”
“There must be something you can do Steve! I am stuck in an airport! I’m am tired! I’m exhausted! And all I want to do is go home and crash in my bed and sleep till new years!” He knows he shouldn’t be shouting at his friend, but he has been up for way too long and he is a very grumpy super solider. Steve was quiet on the other end no doubt trying to figure out a plan for his best friend, after a long pause he finally spoke.
“You said you were in Chicago right?” Steve asked hesitantly.
“Thats right.” Bucky raised an eye brow at Steve’s suspicious tone.
“Well….Y/N lives in Chicago.”
“No.” Bucky states plainly.
“Its either you go to Y/N’s place or you spend the night in a hotel and we both know how you feel about them.” Bucky shivered just at the thought of the scratchy carpet and the bed bugs. “Plus you probably won’t be able to find one open tonight.”
“I’d rather freeze to death on the street.” Bucky mumbles while looking down and nudging his bag with his foot.
“Y/N lives right outside the city, I will send you her address. Take a cab and go to her house, thats your best option at this point. We can figure this out in the morning, just text me when you get there and rest…Oh and try not to kill each other alright?”
“Fine.” Bucky groaned.
“I will talk to you later.” Hanging up he shoved the phone back into his pocket and pinched the bridge of his nose letting out a frustrated breath of air.
You weren’t exactly at the top of his favorite persons list, you didn’t even make the top ten, and Bucky doesn’t like a lot of people. The two of you would always bicker and harass each other, the team would often have to break up the little verbal quarrels that the two of you would get in quite often. As someone who wasn’t part of the team you sure hung out with them a lot and he despised the way you would always throw yourself into danger without thinking it over.
He hated you, he hated the way you would always laugh at Steve’s dumb jokes. He hated the way you were always able to calm him down from his rage episodes. He hated the way your hair always fell to perfectly on your shoulders, the way your eyes gleamed when you listened to someone talk. The way your lips parted before you were about to speak….
Immediately he shook his head. Yup, he hated you alright.
The car ride was unimaginably long as it took him away from the airport, the traffic was horrendous, the roads were icy and the weather seemed to be getting worse by the minute. Bucky was exhausted, annoyed but most importantly, tired, the only thing that was really keeping him awake was dread of having to show up at your home unannounced. He was taken out of the city after a long wait in seasonal traffic, Bucky was driven out of the city and soon entered suburban neighborhoods.
The driver drove slowly past all the houses and Bucky’s eyes roamed each one admiring the glows of the lights and decorations sprawled out on the lawns. Stopping at the end of the street the car came to a halt, on cue the solider unbuckled and hoped out of the car into the icy blizzard. The moment he opened the door a chill hit him hard and the snowy winds gave him goosebumps as he slug his duffle bag over his shoulder. Damn, he hated the cold. With chattering teeth he handed the driver a fist full of bills while simultaneously wishing the man a happy holidays, only to receive a grunt in return.
He watched as the driver slowly drove away and was long out of sight before looking back at the her house, it was small as it stood wedged in between two colossal homesteads. It was blue with a white trim around it, the porch on the front wrapped around the side and looked freshly shoved, however the pathway did not. The dwelling had two floors with only a few windows which had the curtains pulled over them hiding the insides from prying eyes. The only light he could see was coming from a room on the first floor and he was beginning to rethink his decision on coming here.
Inhaling deeply he slowly walked up to the front door, looking around again he noticed that her house was the only one that was not decorated in the christmas fashions. All the homes were decked out in holiday lights with knick knacks all spread around the yards, but hers was plain and baron.
The light in the window was dim and he was beginning to feel sick, what if you turned him away? What if you weren’t awake? It was cold and he turned his head to look down the street before shifting the weight from one leg to the other. Bucky was mere inches away from the door and took a deep breath before ringing the door bell and clenching his jaw in nervousness.
An excruciatingly long minute passed, until a light finally flicked on illuminating the front porch, the snow all around him began to twinkle from the rays. The door opened very slowly, too slowly for his liking, he held his breath and slowly he saw your figure step out of the darkness of your house.
Your body was cozied up in a sweatshirt while some long sweatpants covered your legs, a handmade blanket laid around your shoulders keeping you warm. Bucky flinched when your eyes met his and he could see your expression melting from a fake smile to an annoyed frown in a millisecond. He opened his mouth to speak but all of the sudden you slammed the door shut right on his face and he jumped.
“Y/N.” Bucky stated rolling his eyes and pushing out the breath he was holding in. “Y/N.” he calls about again this time raising his tone. He dropped his shoulders in annoyance from the lack of response coming from behind the door, even though he knew you were still there. “Y/N!” he called out once more and knocked hard on your door with such great force he could have sworn he heard the hinges rattle.
The door swung open and you took a step forward once more glaring at Bucky with irritation written all over your face. Bucky had to desperately hold back a laugh by faking a unpleasant cough as you crossed your arms and leaned against the door.
“What do you want?” the words were harsh as they left the mouth.
“Merry Christmas to you too.” Bucky replied with a cheeky grin on his face.
“What are you doing here?” your tone didn’t falter.
“I…Didn’t Steve tell you I was coming?” Bucky asked suspiciously.
You raised your eye brow skeptically and gave him a look over.
“I will take that as a no then. Well I was on assignment and I was supposed to fly back to New York but my flight was canceled because of the storm thats coming through. So I…”
“So instead of calling for a Quinjet you decided to come to my house.” your words interrupted him while you adjusted your form while keeping a stern look.
“There was no one at base.” Bucky mumbled in annoyance while scratching the back of his head and looking down at the ground. “Coming here wasn’t my first call to be fair, believe me.”
“Then why are you here?”
“Because I have no were else to go.” Bucky’s tone begins to become defensive. This isn’t going well.
“Why didn’t you just stay at a hotel?”
“A…A hotel? Do you know what day it is? You think I could find one that was open right now? I don’t understand why this all of the sudden turned into an interrogation! ”
“Look, I am just trying to figure out why you are here, Barnes.”
“If you want me to leave so bad, just tell me!” his voice raises slightly at your attitude.
“I am just trying to wrap my brain around the fact that Bucky Barnes is on my porch at this ungodly hour!”
“You know what? Fine!” Bucky throws his hands up into the air like a child throwing a fit and marches down the steps of the porch. Leaning your head back you let out a growl while running your fingers though your hair. He walks to the edge of the street and crosses his arms and begins to look down the street looking for nothing in particular.
“You are being so difficult!” You cup your hands to project your voice to him. Bucky doesn’t answer, instead he turns his head back to you for a moment and gives you a menacing glare before returning to look at the street once more.
“Now what are you doing?” The body leans against the door frame while you pull the blanket up further.
“I am leaving, what does it look like I’m doing?” His voice was being taken by the winds while he spoke.  
“Where will you go?”
“I don’t know, maybe I will die out in the blizzard. We are just going to have to wait and see won’t we? he shouts back in while you roll your eyes at the drama queen.
Smirking you now realize that the two of you look like angry toddlers screaming at each other out in a snow storm. He seems to realize it too because he turns back around trying to conceal a half angry smile while pouting on the street in the snow.
“Bucky, its like 15 degrees outside!”
“I don’t care! I’m the Winter Solider, Winter is my middle name!” he says while you catch him shiver.
“Bucky! ….God you are such a stubborn asshole.”
Looking around you take a large deep breath and let the air trail away in the winds, the snow is falling harder and your fingers are starting to feel numb. The temperature is dropping again and the strong cold gusts of air are nipping at your poor cheeks.
“The weather is getting worse….I know we hate each other, but its Christmas Eve and your flight was cancelled please come inside.”
He doesn’t respond at first and you fear that he may actually walk out into the storm and you wold have to chase him down. But he slowly turns around and instead of a “I knew you would give in eventually” look, he just looks a little dumbfounded while he stares at you in your doorway.
Steadily, he walks back up to the porch and up the wooden steps where you are waiting for him holding the door open wider and motioning him to come in. Carefully he takes a large step into your house and is immediately feels the warmth hit his body.
“You are going to catch a cold.” you say under your breath while he wipes his boots on the welcome mat.
“No I’m not, I am a super solider remember?” he glances over at you with a crooked smile.
“Well I am not a super solider, shut the door.” he sees you point to the door and he closes it shutting out the stormy weather. When he turns back around he suddenly realizes something off, he notices instantly that you are walking weird. Your body was stiff and rigid, your hands began to hold onto the walls as you walked down the hall. The legs wobbled as the feet took each step very slowly while you limped.
He opened his mouth to voice concern but he then closes it abruptly. Oh. Thats right, you had been shot. It happened early in November, when you were tasked to protect an foreign ambassador while he was on a diplomatic mission representing his state. There was an assassination attempt on his life and you nearly lost yours when you shielded him from the wave of bullets, while getting shot in the stomach in the process. The last time he saw you, you were being rolled into the ER while the doctors were preforming CPR. He was told you lived but he didn’t see you after that for you had turned in early till the end of the year. He had tried to get that memory out of his head. Guilt began to push up his throat and he now felt a bit guilty snapping at you in your condition.
“You want something warm to drink?” you ask over your shoulder.
“That would be great thanks.” he speaks softer while setting his bag on the ground without taking his eyes off of you. He steps silently behind while he follows you into the kitchen, he flinches and holds out his hands every time you wobble or slide. Rounding the corner he stands behind the counter while he watches you hobble over to some kitchen cabinets. Stepping on your tippy toes Bucky scurries over to your side in a flash, not allowing you to stretch your body as you reach for a mug. He is quick to grab it before you get a change to react, spinning around you lean back on the marble counter.
“I want this one.” he says playing it off. You raise an eye brow and looked down at the mug in his palm.
“Worlds greatest Aunt?” you as smirking.
“What can I say? I am the worlds greatest aunt.”
Letting out a huff in amusement you take the mug from his hands, he feels your fingers, they are freezing. He looks around the dark kitchen while you begin to pace over to the stove.
“Decaf, please.”
He sits at the table while a cup of hot coffee in his hands, he takes a few sips while watching you fiddle around cleaning things up in the kitchen. The atmosphere is very awkward, he doesn’t really know what to say to her an apology should be on the top of his list. But with his anxiety unfortunately building up with each passing second he remains silent with his lips pressed together in a firm line.
“Were you expecting someone else when you opened the door?” He finally speaks after an eternity passes.
“Pardon?” you ask while setting down a wash rag.
“Were you expecting to see someone different at the door? I mean you seemed a little too happy.”
“As a matter a fact, I was. The pizza man.” he hears you laugh.
“You ordered pizza? On Christmas Eve? At this hour? Isn’t everything closed?” Bucky chuckles.
“You would think. But this place is a 24/7 pizza restaurant, and its even open on Christmas Eve so I decided to treat myself to the cheesy goodness of an extra large pizza.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“And I didn’t just order a pizza I’ll have you know, I also got some wings and some cheese sticks.”
Bucky lets out a loud laugh and throws his head back while you just stand there with the biggest guilty smirk on your face. A loud doorbell interrupts his laughing fit and he stiffens up to the sound as he watches you limp towards the door. “Speaking of a healthy Christmas dinner…” he hears you say. Leans his body off the chair slightly he watches carefully as you pay quickly for your food and the pizza boy scurries back into the storm.
“You hungry?” he hears you ask as you walk back into the kitchen with a few piles of boxes. The smell immediately runs into his nose and his mouth begins to water as you open each box on the counter.
“Nah.” he lies. A loud growl from the super soldiers stomach catches her ears and he slightly slumps in the chair embarrassed.
“Are you sure?” she chuckles.
“Shut up.”
“Well I guess if you’re not hungry… I will dig in then.” She begins to chew on a slice of pizza and Bucky’s hunger pains begin to get worse in his stomach. It doesn’t help that she is making slight moans when she eats with overly amplified chewing sounds just to get a reaction out of him.
After a few painful moments of watching her eat he finally stands up in his chair and stomps over to the counter. He rips the slice of pizza out of her hands and takes a big bite while she you just laugh with a mouth full of food. His body melts while he quickly devours the pizza and reaches for some cheese stick and chows them down.
The two of you sat on the carpet of the living room, the lights were dim and the flickering from the muted television illuminated the empty boxes that lay on the wooden coffee table. Your backs were pressed to the couch while warm blankets and pillows were scattered around on the floor. A christmas movie played silently while you both sat there will full bellies and tired eyes watching the quiet film.
“I think that was the best Christmas dinner I have ever had.” Bucky spoke up.
“Please, don’t be ridiculous.” you huffed out a laugh.
“I’m being serious. I am always by myself or with Steve over the holidays, and although I love Steve, I can’t stand his cooking. This is more laid back and familiar, makes me feel like I’m at home again.”
“Oh, you had pizza for christmas dinner in the 40s?” You mocked turning your head to look at him.
“Nah, we would always have an over salted ham and some beans that Ma made that I never cared for, I would have rather had this. I am gunna have to make this a tradition.”
Snorting you let out a laugh and he couldn’t help the feel of red creeping up his cheeks as he watched you giggle at his dorkiness. Bucky watches you as your laughs slowly die down, slowly you sit up slightly hugging your knees to your chest.
“What are you doing Y/N?” He says out of nowhere with sadness in his tone.
“What do you mean?” you asked him curiously.
“I mean, what are you doing here. all by yourself? Why aren’t you with family or friends?” Shrugging, you glance down and wiggle your toes though the blanket, Bucky feels wrong for asking that question so suddenly. He wants to take it back while watching you contemplate your answer in your head.
“I usually spend the holidays getting drunk very slowly and sleeping for days.”
“Oh thats nice.” Bucky lets out a breath of air. “How do you usually spend Christmas?”
“By myself. Well, Last christmas I spent it on an assassination job in Slovakia getting shot at but…I don’t have a family to spend it with, I have been by myself for a long time.”
“I’m sorry.” Bucky states quietly and looks down at the floor.
“Don’t be. Don’t be going all soft on me now.” he feels you nudge his arm softly and he gives you a smirk.
“Doesn’t it get lonely sometimes?”
“I would be lying if I said it didn’t.” he sees your sad smile.
You throw your hands up in the air and stretch your limbs out, a satisfied groan leaves your libs and the arms fall back into place. “I am not much of a christmas person anyway…”
“Is that why your house is so dull compared to your neighbors?” he slightly teases.
“Thats right, just thought there wasn’t a point to celebrate it when I had no one to celebrate it with.”
He suddenly feels sad at your words and realizes that this whole time you have been living a lonely life with no one to share it with. He thinks back to all the recent Christmases he had spent with Steve only only to think that you were all alone that entire time. Bucky feels bad about complaining about what he had when he now sees that you had nothing.
“Well now you do.” He smiles at you.
“Yea.” you smile back. “In fact, this is the first time in a long time that I have had company over for the holiday, or even my house for that matter…”
Your voice trails off and you become silent, a bright commercial flashes on the screen and he watches you look around at the table distracting yourself from Bucky pitiful gaze. Standing up quite slowly you shed the blanket off your shoulders and throw it onto his lap while he watches.
“Well, I am going to clean up and throw these boxes away.” you speak avoiding his eyes.
“I’ll help…” he begins but you cut him off.
“No, no, its alright I got it. Its wont take long, I will be right back.”
Stretching the arms you reach to quickly grab all of the greasy boxes and stacking them on one another before limping out of the room. Grabbing the blanket he pulls it over his legs keeping your warmth intact for you while he listening to the awkward footsteps hobble down the hall.
Bucky knows something is wrong immediately when he hears a faint thump, the sound wouldn’t have been heard if he didn’t have enhanced hearing, but a thump is what he hears and he feels his guts turn the instant he heard it. You had been gone for quite a while, after a couple of minutes of hearing you wobbling in the kitchen he expected you to return right away but you didn’t and that made him uneasy.
Standing up fast, he listens carefully to the world around him trying to hear any other sounds. Suddenly he hears a muffled whimper and he darts out of the room, his heart beating hard in his chest as he rounds the corner. He stops fast when he sees you and panic fills him up to the core as he sees your crumpled form hunched over on the ground.
“Y/N.” he breaths out slow. He doesn’t get a response instead he hears a painful cry leave your lips.
In a flash he is next to you trying to pull you up to take a look at your face but the body is stiff and your head ducked low to the floor. “Y/N?” he asks while his hands roam your body trying to inspect any sign of damage. “Y/N?” this time his tone is full of fear. “Hey, hey, are you alright?” Bucky hears you say something under your breath but even his super hearing can’t make out what you said.
“What? Whats wrong? Y/N, tell me whats wrong.”
“…pills.” you painfully mutter out only to wince at your words.
“What?” he asks confused.
“pills…my pills.” he sees your hand shake as you point to the stairs.
“Where?” he asks sternly.
He lets go abruptly and your body falls even more as he sprints up the stairs, finding your room he grabs a couple of pill bottles off the dresser and runs back down and kneels back down on the floor in front of you. “Which one? Which one?” he asks almost in a panic. Bucky sees you shakily point to the bottle with a blue lid and he practically rips the top off of the bottle to retrieve a pill. Putting the pill in your fingers he runs to the kitchen while the shakes fingers place the pill on your tongue. Running back he carries a cup of water in his hand and lifts up your chin and places the cup to your lips to help you drink. After a moment of watching you breath, he sets the items down and props your body up against the wall. Anxiety was still laced in his system and he had to take measures of his own to calm an impending panic attack.
“What happened?” He finally asks after calming down.
“My medicine wore off… I tried to catch myself before I took a digger. But I guess I ended up eating the floor.” He knows you are trying to play it off, he sensed embarrassment in your tone but also pain. Bucky sees your eyes closed shut as the head leans back onto the wall, your fingers grip at your gut hard while a fake smirk is plastered on your face. He scotched next to you and leans his head back against the wall spreading his legs out on the floor of the hallway.
“Its my fault.” He regretfully says though his teeth. The eyes open and you turn to look at him.
“What it?” you ask softly.
“Its my fault that you got shot.”
“What? No its not, what are you talking about? You didn’t shoot me, you had nothing to do with it.”
“I was supposed to be assigned with you that day, but I refused because I didn’t want to be teamed up with you because…” he trailed off. “…instead I sent a rookie into the field. I though that it would a good learning experience for him, but he ended up getting killed. Its all my fault. Its my fault that you got shot, and its my fault that you are in so much pain.”
“Bucky.” you said sternly, he turned his head to look into your eyes. “There was nothing you could have done, Yes, maybe if you were there I wouldn’t have gotten shot, but something else could have happened. Who knows? But none of that was your fault. Don’t put the blame on yourself. I didn’t die, I’m still here, and now…” You pointed to your stomach. “…..I have a good conversation starter dinner parties.”
“You’re so stupid.” he laughs and turns away. “You don’t go to dinner parties.”
“Well, if I ever did, thats what I would lead with.” you smiled up at him with beaming eyes.
Bucky carried you back to the living room for the legs were too weak to move, he placed you on the couch and covered you with the handmade blanket. Slowly the body begins to stop shaking and he seats right down next to you with his arm around your shoulders as you snuggle into him. Its late and the chimes from the grandfather clock fill the house while the snow silently hits the windows from outside.
“Looks like that storm isn’t going to pass for another few days.” he says looking out the window.
“Thats alright I have room, we can wait it out.” you smile and he tucks some hair behind your ear.
“I am glad I got to spend the holidays with someone, even if its with someone I hate.” He teases beaming down at you.
“I hate you Bucky.” she smiles and her head falls on his shoulder.
Bucky pulls your hair back and kisses your forehead.
“I hate you too. Merry Christmas Y/N.”
“Merry Christmas Bucky.”
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