#but somehow drawing him for my hannibal page was so hard
cannibalovers · 8 months
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Ok maybe y’all weren’t lying when some of u said mikkelsen is very easy to draw
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pinkslashersimp · 2 years
what would yandare Hannibal do if his darling was just wandering around the house and somehow Hannibal didn’t notice they were gone (shocker) till 2 minutes later and started searching the house frantically and he found his darling in the library reading a book
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also never feel like ur sending in too many requests, I enjoy writing and love when ppl come back:) its very sweet
mandatory apology for taking so long on reqs, im sorry): im not a procrastinator ive just had a hell of a lot on and havent had a spare minute at all to write): doing my best atm and thankfully now everything has slowed down
TW: yandere behaviour, implied kidnapping, sorta toxic behaviour, Hannibal being a little clingy, possessive behaviour. reader is GN
If any of this triggers you please scroll and keep urself safe🤍
u didnt specify so as a treat ill write for both;)
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Yandere Hannibal thinks GN!Reader has ran away🌷💗
NBC Hannibal
Immediate panic at first, he'd taken his eyes off you for no more than two minutes to focus on frying meat for dinner. He hadn't even heard you get up or walk away, which caused him much much more anxiety. Why were you deliberately being quiet? Why are you being so disobedient? Why on earth are you doing this to him??
He’s quick to put everything on hold, take the pan off the grill and turn down the heat, exit the room and head hastily towards the front door. Despite being quite concerned, hes able to mask it well and paint a scarily calm demeanour on himself
Perhaps you’d gotten bored and wandered into the living room? It was the most plausible theory, yet your absence deemed it invalid
Your sudden and unexpected vanishing angered Hannibal greatly. Who were you to try and leave him? He re-checked the kitchen, twice. Then each upper room of his house, ensuring you weren’t hiding from him in childish fashion.
Your sudden and unexpected vanishing angered Hannibal greatly. Who were you to try and leave him? He re-checked the kitchen, twice. Then each upper room of his house, ensuring you weren’t hiding from him in childish fashion.
After half an hour, he was tired. Angry, upset, frustrated, and a large mix of emotions that bubbled around inside him, like rising scorching water, it was only a matter of time before it boiled over.
Dealing with all this, he needed to cool off before searching outside for you. He knew if you ran away you couldn’t go far, and if he recaptured you whilst angry he may hurt you.
Sighing heavily, he retreated to the library, only to be met with the sight of you leaning against the libraries ladder, eyes glued firmly to your chosen book. He couldn’t quite make out the cover as the palm of your hand covered it, whilst the other gently gripped the top.
“What are you doing?” he questioned, your eyes drawing themselves away from your page and towards his large frame in the doorway. The sight of him confused and caused you great anxiety, he looked frantic and angry, as if you’d insulted him greatly
“Um, reading…”
Hannibal let out a sigh, and pulled you into a rather tight hug after walking quite quickly toward you. “Tell me when you’re leaving my side, please.”
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OG Hannibal
Oh, you’re gone? Okay.
OG Hannibal is very secure in knowing you cannot leave his grasp. Every door in the house is double locked, you don’t have a key, and you’re terribly loud when trying to be quiet.
He knows you really can’t have gone far. It’s impossible. Literally.
He finishes whatever task he was tending to first, taking him around 10 minutes, before cleaning his workspace and seeing where you’d wandered off to
He understands usually you like to indulge in television, much to his dismay, (but he never judges you), and so he checks the living room expecting you to be sat peacefully on the sofa
He opens the door aaaaand…you aren’t there.
Weird, and it puts him on edge a little, but without panicking he checks upstairs. Maybe you were tired? wanted a nap?
No. You aren’t there either.
Just to be extra-double sure, Hannibal checks both doors, ensuring that they’re still double locked and unopened. And thankfully to him, they are.
Now, with the knowledge that you haven’t ran away and you are in fact somewhere in the house away from him, hes angry.
Why are you hiding from him? Is this a game? If it’s a game, he’ll play.
Hannibal checks every room upstairs, under the beds and in the wardrobes, checks behind the shower curtain and any bottom cupboards you might have squeezed yourself in childishly.
It clicks that there’s one last area of the house he hasn’t checked yet: The library.
He creaks open the door, and lets out a laugh when he sees you reading quietly, curled up on his armchair, which causes you to jump and stare up at him, wondering what’s so funny
“Found you!” he states, calmly. “Why are you in here?”
“I wanted to…read?” you reply, confused.
“Tell me next time.”
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emptymasks · 4 years
Hey! I'd love to hear more about your poto OC! Feel free to take me at @opeletmejustdraw. Very excited for Armand and Lizzy to be buddies
Thank you so much for asking about him!!!
Some facts about Armand Dubois:
24. Half-French, half-English. 5’7”. Can speak both French and English. Tired of getting called short.
Costume designer and sewist.
Sleep? Don’t know her.
Trans-man. Binders didn’t exist back then and he’s not going to bind unsafely (not that there was any safe way to bind) so he wears a stay (corset) under his shirt and has a small enough chest that it works in looking like a flat chest. No one knows Armand is trans, apart from Erik because he’s a creepy stalker man who caught Armand without his shirt on one day and saw the stay he wears underneath. (Armand was working late and alone in the workshop and thought it would be fine to take off the stay so he’d be a little more comfortable.)
Introverted and shy. Finds it hard to instigate conversations, but if someone else comes up and starts talking to him he’ll start to open up more, especially if they get him talking about his work.
Has severe eczema and normally wears long sleeves and high collars to cover up his skin so others can’t see how badly his skin is affected by it. Becomes instantly agitated and anxious if someone sees any of the affected skin and asks about it. He hates how his skin looks. (Because why not so full self-insert and give him my pain too right.)
Originally a ballet dancer. He quit after deciding to life his life as a man and started living under a different name. He still loved the ballet and opera, and always had a love for costumes. He’d been sewing since he was a child, making his own clothes for year, and had previously helped out a family member in their tailor’s shop. He worked in the costume department for a while before his drawings and designs got noticed and he was hired as a designer. Designing and making the ballet costumes, practically those for the men, is his favourite thing to do.
Too often he stays up late working on costumes after everyone has gone home because he wanted to add more detail or got another idea or just thinks he needs to work harder because he’s an insecure perfectionist, or sometimes the ghost’s antics cause costumes to get ripped or go missing and he has to last minute fix it or sew a new one. The managers sort of take advantage of this. Do not even talk to him about when Carlotta quit and he had to make all the costumes again so they’d fit Christine for the next evening because they didn’t want to postpone the show. At least he had the idea to only make the skirt for the ‘Think of Me’ costume and keep her existing bodice because skirts are the quickest thing to make. Perfectly fitted bodices? Not so much.
Doesn’t talk about his family. They wouldn’t be okay with him being trans and he hasn’t told them. He wasn’t very close to his family anyway. His parents died when he was young and he was raised by his uncle who was disinterested in him. His uncle wasn’t bothered about him moving to Paris on his own and Armand writes to him once a year at Christmas. Basically just to let him know he hasn’t died yet.
Sometimes gives the ballet dancers advice when Madam Giry isn’t looking. Everyone knows Armand used to be a dancer. Sometimes Armand gets a pang of jealously when watching the male dancers as he used to wish he’d be allowed to dance those parts. But really he gets along well with the dancers and in particular has a little friendship with the male principal dancer.
Very awkward with children. He tries his best but he has no idea what to do when there’s a child there just panics. He has to stop himself from saying his usual tired, self-deprecating humour.
Loves classical music, in particular Tchaikovsky’s scores for the Swan Lake and Sleeping Beauty ballets. With phonographs only just being invented, the only way Armand can listen to the music is to play it himself. When he used to be a ballet dancer he convinced the conductor, who was one of the few good adult figures he had in his early life, to let him borrow the spare conductor’s copy of the score. He then spent every evening, after a full day of dance practice and shows, writing out his own copy by hand (of his favourite pieces since if he’d done the entire score it would have taken forever since there’s almost 300 pages) so he could play them on his piano.
Terrible at sticking up for himself, but if someone talks shit on anyone else than protective-ArmandTM is activated.
Might have a crush on the opera house’s resident ghost because he’s a lonely boy who’s too into gothic romance novels. (I can imagine that’s much to Liz’s confusion). Look, I didn’t say he was smart and made good choices, and it’s not as though he’s had any romantic relationships or any good familial relationships so who knows if he knows what a proper relationship looks like. He just maybe falls for any man who doesn’t treat him like dirt and has either a pretty face or a pretty voice. He’s a gay disaster. To be honest he most likely has a bit of a crush on Raoul.
He’s scared of rats. If he saw one scuttling around on the floor he would immediately, without thinking, pull his feet up onto his stool. He doesn’t know why he’s scared of them, just catching them moving out of the corner of his eye gets his heart racing. It’s fairly easy to make him jump. Erik’s probably going to give this poor boy a heart attack without even meaning to.
Wants boyfriend?? Normally he knows when he’s crushing on someone but somehow it doesn’t click when the male principal dancer at the ballet starts trying to make friends with him that he’s getting a crush but then oh no it hits him suddenly like a train. Now he blushes and gets flustered all the time. The dancer (who I’m basing of Sergei Polunin in the 25th anniversary because I freaked out when I recognised him because he’s one of my favourite dancers, I’d just bought the Royal Ballet’s Alice in Wonderland 2011 DVD with him as the male lead and loved him in it) knows Armand used to be a dancer, as they all do, but didn’t know Armand still practices to keep in shape and also because he loved dancing and is sad sometimes he gave it up. So what if he walks in the studio in the evening and Armand is practising and the dancer (who needs a name so I can stop calling him ‘principal male dancer’) compliments Armand and notices he’s out of practice and before Armand knows it the dancer is behind him and touching his hands and correcting his arm position and oh no.
Oh boy... by making Armand have a big crush on the principal male lead dancer I just realised that means Armand had a moment while designing his costume for Hannibal that he chose for to have no shirt. I mean, there's one other male dancer that is also shirtless, but still... either it was his own idea that he was convinced was purely because I made sense that character wouldn't wear a shirt, or it was someone’s suggestion (possibly to mess with him if they knew about the crush) and Armand was just dying inside as he was designing it and making sure the fit was right once it was finished. “Hey Armand, we’re going to paint his body to make him look more tan, do you want to see?” “NoOo I’M sUrE hE looKs fINe!”
I have even more (as you’ll know if you’re in the poto oc discord) but I don’t want to make this post too long... it’s probably already too long
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Okaayyyy, so! Apparently tumblr was being a shitforbrains again and didn't post my answers from a few days ago, so I'm gonna combine both get-to-know-me q&a's in one post! Sorry for the wait you guys.
1st set of q's was tagged by @legendarybitch 😘
Relationship status: Single AF
Favourite colours: Blue and green, hands down. I'm partial to he more vibrant blues and more earthy greens; especially hunter green with gold accenting. But it has to be a nice gold, not that yucky orangey-yellow some folks use
Lipstick or chapstick: Chapstiiiick! Anything else I get annoyed and scrape it off with my teeth
3 favourite foods: Oh god, I have to choose? I guess... Any pizza really though I have a weakness for deepdish (especially double cheese smothered in sriracha 😍), suicide hot wings (I want to choke on the fumes and feel like my face is melting), aannnnd a nice tender rare steak. You can't see it but I'm drooling now thx guys
Song stuck in my head: The Next Episode by Dr. Dre feat. Snoop Dogg
Last song I listened to: Zombies by The Cranberries (the cover done by Bad Wolves is fucking bomb too)
Last movie I watched: Galaxy Quest (1999) Worth every goddamn penny
Top 3 tv shows: Tough call, but I think the closest would have to be Hannibal, Final Space, and Voltron: Legendary Defender
Books I'm currently reading: The Rowan by Anne McCaffrey and Burial Rites by Hannah Kent
Last thing I googled: Biomedical Technology
Time: 11:04pm
How many blankets do you sleep in: Primarily just my one big galaxy comforter
Dream trip: Phew, that one's a pretty tall order! About 9/10ths of my clan/extended familar are still in europe (mostly Germany and the Netherlands), so I'd like to be able to visit everyone! I haven't met most of them because of distance but we're all still very tightly knit accross continents. So a dream trip would somehow entail being able to get to visit everyone and possibly even go with my Oma before she can't fly anymore (she hasn't seen her sisters in many years). If somehow this all timed itself right so that I could also attend the Trakehner Verband approvals at Neumünster, I would legitimately weep with joy. My opa and I had always planned to go together as he hadn't been since immigrating to Canada, but now that he's passed I want to go for the both of us. It's a family legacy thing, I suppose. My second choice would be to visit either Spain or Portugal for a riding vacation 😍
Anything you really want: To have a prosperous and fulfilling life brimming with true friendship, laughter, and love.
2nd set of q's tagged by @vecchiasignoras 😙
Name: Kate, though I consider it to be quite intimate so only my immediate family calls me by this name. Everyone else refers to me as Kat
Height: 5'9"
Middle name(s): I have two! Their initials are E.M.
Put your music on shuffle. What are the first four songs that come on?
September by Earth, Wind & Fire
In the Middle by Jimmy Eat World
Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana
Something Like This by The Chainsmokers
Bonus: Become the Beast by Karliene
Grab the book nearest you and turn to page 23. What is on line 17? (I counted them as the beginning/end of dialogue and whole sentences)
"She'll... she'll die! You know as well as I do," and Siglen's words crowded each other out of her mouth, "what happens to the truly Talented in space... I mean, look at how ill David became. Remember how devastated Capella was. To subject an infant... of unknown potential... to such mind-destroying trauma! Why you must be mad, Interior. You cannot! I will not permit it!"
Ever had a song or poem written about you? Not to my knowledge! Though the only thing they might draw inspiration from is how big my feet are lmao
When was the last time you played air guitar? Mmm, a few weeks I think? That Mötley Crüe riff was impossible to resist. As for a real guitar, I think it's going on almost 4 or 5 years now? Jesus time flies.
Who is your celebrity crush? They would have to be Tom Holland and Chris Hemsworth. I definitely have a thing for their personality type 😘
What's a sound you hate + a sound you love?
A sound I hate would 12/10 have to be my mother's voice, even just saying my name. It always sounds accusatory and condescending in the kind of way that's like nails on a chalkboard but under your skin. Also the sound of unexpected people WALKING UP ONTO MY PORCH AND KNOCKING ON THE DOOR INVADING MY SANCTUARY. (I loathe unannounced visitors. Hate hate hate them).
A sound that I love would hands down have to be the ambient noises my horse makes when he's just doing... whatever. When he's doing him-stuff. Slurping up electrolyte water like a messy kid, heaving these great big sighs because life amiright? I especially find his annoyed growling to be hilarious, because he is VERY loud and dramatic about it, but only does it when you ask him to do something relatively low effort that he finds tedious. Like flat work, or walking to and from the barn and paddock. Completely droll and lackluster. But going for a friendly gallop in the back field? You'd think we'd just gotten rallied by fucking Théoden to ride to our deaths at the Pelennor Fields. He makes this hard little growly-grunt when he shifts up into the next gear and then boom, you're gone. Just fucking gone. Then he's a happy springy boi. It isn't like his annoyed growling though; it's different. When he's annoyed it's more like verbal complaining; all in the throat. But when he revs it it's much shorter and takes on a hard edge. Comes up deep from the core. I can't really explain it any better than that. I just fucking love sprinting a 1700lbs war machine in general, now that I've re-learned how the hell to ride it 😂 I'm babbling now
Do you believe in ghosts? I believe in spirits and other things, yes.
How about aliens? We've only discovered and understand, what, 0.4% of the known universe? To not be widely open to and fully accepting of the notion that we are not alone would be pure folly. Even from a mathematical standpoint it would be wildly ridiculous not to. That doesn't mean I have any specific theories or "truths" about it, though. It would just be very stupid of me to be closed-minded.
Besides, if it does turn out to be true it would explain a lot of things. I think my favourite wild theory out there is that Mary, mother of Jesus, was artificially inseminated. Like we do with livestock. If nothing else it's fascinating to ponder the implications.
Do you drive? Yes. Pretty gutsy too, if I say so myself. My mum used to drag race so I guess it's both a hereditary as well as a learned thing.
If so, have you ever crashed? Only once, and that was an actual accident. The conditions were super icy so we were already going 20km below the limit, and I was hanging back, but what happened was the car infront of me hit the car infront of them, and when I slammed on the brakes I just slid about 15-20 feet right into their rear end anyways. Nobody got hurt except for my car; she took the worst of it. The car I hit basically just had to pop the dent back out and it was like I hadn't made contact. Lucky badstards. There were a ton of similar accidents that day so everything got wrapped up pretty quick.
What was the last book you read?
It's been so long since I've completed one, mostly because everything these days sucks ass, so I don't remember what it was. The ones I'm currently reading however are The Rowan by Anne McCaffrey and Burial Rites by Hannah Kent
Do you like the smell of gasoline? Clean, quality gasoline? Yes. Dirty low quality gasoline? No.
What was the last movie you saw?
Galaxy Quest (1999)
Do you have any obsessions right now? Not really, no. I mean, technically all things Bioware and my pony, but those are more of a glowering embers kind of love. Not the raging wildfire kind that overtakes the mind and turns you into a fanatic
Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
Eeeehhhhhh, yes and no. Like I won't actively hate you cause why tf would I waste the energy, so it's whatever, but I will also always keep you at arm's length so idk
Are you in a relationship? No, nor do I want to be. I'm enjoying just being on my own and allowing myself to grow as a person. I don't do relationships just for the sake of being in one, or because of this ridiculous notion people seem to have that you aren't complete/a whole person without a significant other. I'm only interested in end-game, and I'm not ready to be open for that right now ✌
Bonus: What's an annoying/bad habit that you have? Talking the shit out of everything. And I swear. A lot. More in my head than out loud, though.
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