#but sometimes i miss my fanficton/wattpad era
kevinsdsy · 1 month
“kevin left evermore as soon as the coast was clear, and it had taken weeks to convince riko and the master jean was innocent and ignorant.”
ii. kevin day’s pov
kevin day held his own broken hand in his right, non-dominant, hand. he couldn't believe what had happened to him. his disbelief when he realised he'd never play exy again was more deafening than the pain in his hand.
i need to get out.
i need to get out of evermore. evermore is not my place.
it was the only thing going through kevin's mind right now and the thought was almost as sickening as the look of his broken and bloodied hand. kevin had always known his place was at evermore with riko by his side and with an exy stick in his hand, but now that riko took the only thing away from kevin that had kept him in this horrible place, he knew this place would be the death of him.
he had to get out of here. he'd grief his broken hand later. for a split second he realised he'd have as much time to grief his broken hand as he’d liked when he was out of this place. he wasn’t gonna be using it anyway.
riko had left him alone with jean. it wouldn't be too long before he'd come back and kevin knew when he did it would most likely be too late for kevin.
iii. jean moreau’s pov
jean moreau watched as kevin was trying his best to push through a panic attack. kevin's face was smeared with tears, but jean doubted kevin even noticed— kevin only had eyes for his broken hand and jean knew riko had gone too far this time.
kevin day was nothing without this sport. it was all kevin had and all kevin truly seemed to care about. jean helplessly stared at kevin. he couldn't fix this. a broken hand wasn't the kind of pain someone could push through to keep playing this sport.
"help me." kevin's voice sounded so small. jean could almost not make out his words through kevin's quiet sobs. but kevin had been there for jean so many times before, he could not turn his back on him now. jean knew he would do anything for the man sitting in front of him, so when kevin begged him for more time, jean did as he was told. he promised he would try to get kevin as much time as he could get— he didn't dare to promise him as much time as kevin needed though. jean didn't think that time would ever come and riko definitely wouldn’t let them have it, anyways.
ii. kevin day’s pov
it did cross kevin's mind to take jean with him. he could maybe beg for jean's life and freedom in return for what was taken away from him, but kevin knew jean better than that.
jean would not follow him out there. his place was here at evenmore and when jean found out kevin was planning to leave, he would try to stop him.
"help me." kevin said in french. he didn't recognize his voice, but he didn't care. what was his voice in comparison to the hand they had taken away from him? "i need more time." kevin begged. "i don't want to see him. i can't see him yet." jean didn't have to ask who kevin was talking about. jean would understand he was talking about riko.
jean didn't ask any questions in return. he didn't give kevin any reassuring words either. they both knew it would not make a difference. jean gave kevin a small nod and left the room. kevin took a few seconds to mourn his broken hand and then he got up.
they had given both riko and kevin a car in his freshman year. it was a stupid mistake they had made— a mistake they probably would regret when they realised it would be kevin’s way out of this place. kevin never had much use for his car since ravens weren't supposed to leave the nest anyways, but he was glad for it now.
kevin could barely recall his steps, but he didn't dare to look back. all he needed right now was to get this one task done. get to his car and drive.
he was scared if he'd turn around now he would stand face to face with riko again. riko would look at him with an amused face if he found out kevin tried to escape. kevin’s punishment in return would be beyond anything he could imagine— but then he remembered the broken hand, fought the urge to throw up, and he knew it wouldn't have mattered anyway.
he found his black car. it didn't have enough fuel to make it far enough to be safe from the nest, but it would be enough to get him to a gas station. he started the engine and left.
iii. jean moreau’s pov
jean could feel new bruises form on his body. the master was watching as riko tried to get the truth out of jean.
jean had given him the truth. he didn’t know where kevin was. he didn’t know kevin would leave. if he had known, he would have stopped him. but riko didn’t seem to like this version of the truth.
jean was tired and in so much pain, but even the pain couldn't have made him forget that kevin had damned him to this place. he was truly all alone now.
"why would you tell me to give kevin time if you didn't know he'd leave?" riko scoffed in japanese. jean looked up at him and it took all effort to remember the right language.
"he told me he wanted to be alone." riko begged in a desperate attempt to proof his innocence yet again. "you broke his hand." jean knew it was a fact, but riko could hear the silent accusation in his words.
you were an accomplice in kevin's crime. you made him leave.
"enough." the master's voice carried through the whole room. riko was holding jean up by his shirt, but even jean could feel the quick stiffen in riko's grip.
it took jean all the effort he could muster to look at the master, but the master looked bored of jean's abuse.
jean expected another accusation to his name or maybe a sentence for the unjust crime he hadn't committed, but instead the master left the room. it was possible his phone had rung in the process, because he had switched from japanese to english and was talking to himself while leaving the room.
jean wouldn't know. he was left alone with riko again. he was forced to fight against the pain like he had done many times before. he silently wished when he’d wake up, kevin would still be among the ravens.
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