#but starving people is still very not pogchamp
dr3amofagame · 3 years
Sooo... how about that reveal that c!Sam wasn’t feeding c!Dream? I mean, we all knew it was coming, but still. The auto food dispenser probably broke or smtg bc when c!Sam came down, c!Dream asked if he was there to give them potatoes. (Also with him being shaken up by learning c!Tommy is alive, c!Sam might not remember or care to feed c!Dream, who has none of his stores of potatoes left.) So, assuming the dispenser is broken and he doesn’t know, why would he come down in the first place? 🟩⛏?
hello anon !! yeah that reveal ,, dang, we already knew that c!sam had presumably been starving c!dream, but to see not only c!dream but c!sam confirm it as well as it having lasted AT LEAST a week ,, d a n g . they are Not pulling any punches in this arc (which, i mean, judging on the q stream, isnt exactly surprising anymore,, but still)
in the prison guard stream, we see how the dispenser works - it’s not automatic as much as it’s remote, as c!sam or the prison guards still need to press a button in order to dispense food. he also says “i havent even been around to feed the prisoner” or something along those lines in tommy’s stream, so we can conclude that the decision to deprive c!dream of food after c!tommy’s death is INTENTIONAL,, which i mean. again. yikes. 
anyway, here’s a snippet of c!dream finding out that the “automatic” feeder isnt as automatic as he might’ve thought - here, the dispenser + crying obsidian are installed at around the same time, so it’s between bad and sapnap’s visit
tw: starvation, disordered eating, abuse, mental illness, self-hatred, toxic relationship, gaslighting, disturbing imagery, dark content, c!sam/warden!sam critical (again, be careful with the content warnings)
Dream stares up at the hole in the obsidian, barely able to make out a glint of metal in the dark chute. The dispenser, just as expected, doesn’t respond to his glare, refuses to whir and click in the way that indicates food, and Dream bites his tongue, mumbles curses under his breath.
“Prick,” he blows a breath through his gritted teeth, only more irrationally angry when the dispenser, as expected, ignores him. “Some automatic dispenser, Warden.”
The walls don’t respond. Nothing responds, here, besides the dark dark thoughts swirling in his brain, and he thinks he’d prefer it if those didn’t - or maybe he doesn’t, because company is company, even if said company is the same litany of blood anger revenge pain you deserve this you deserve all of this you have destroyed the world now lie in the bed you have made pounding at the base of his skull. He drags his hand down his face; every minute is an hour, and every hour is a minute. Time has no meaning when your only frame of reference is eternity.
Even so, even he can tell that it’s been a long time since he’s had food, even by his usual standards - several days, at least, because the ever-present ache of hunger in his gut had swelled into something angrier, demanding, no longer as easy to ignore. Another stabbing round of pain nearly sends him to his knees, and just as he always he does, he clings to the feeling, gathers it into his hands, grabs it by the edges and directs the sharp edges into the words he spits at the indifferent walls. Let the Warden hear him - what can he possibly do?
Just as it always does, the fury in him peters out, drains, leaves him alone in the middle of his cell. He sinks the ground, arms wrapped around his stomach; a part of him wants to laugh at the irony. Some people think of silence as emptiness, void; he knows now that it’s anything but. Silence is suffocating, thick, so present that anything he says seems to get lost within it seconds after leaving his mouth. It grows and pushes into his limbs, becomes a weight tied around his throat, expands into the air in his lungs like a slowly inflating balloon until it’s pressed into every corner and space of the cell, every corner and space of him, taking up so much room that he can hardly breathe around it.
The hunger hollows him out, and the silence fills the space that’s left; Dream wonders how much more there is for him to lose before he’s completely empty, just a husk filled with the same liquid misery that drips down the walls. He wonders if anyone would care- laughs. As if.
“Dream.” The intercom crackles; Dream perks up at the voice, spine straightening against his will, and his hands tighten into fists as he realizes - prime, how pathetic is he, now? The voice deepens, becomes more insistent. “Prisoner.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m here. Or maybe I’m not; you better come and check, yeah?” A humorless smile tugs at his lips, and a static-filled sigh comes through the speaker.
“This isn’t the time for games, Dream.”
Dream rolls his eyes. It’s not exactly the time to be a dick, either, but you don’t see me complaining. A flutter of something warm, joyful, rises in his chest at the sound of something- someone, other than his own voice, and he strangles it with a hand wrapped around his own throat - he won’t let them break him, won’t let himself become desperate enough to crave the attention of a man that hates him - he won’t- he can’t-
“Do you need something? Or were you yelling at the wall for no reason again?” Sam’s voice is steely, indifferent, on a knife’s edge between apathy and anger. “Don’t waste my time, prisoner.”
Dream bites down the snarky reply sitting on his tongue, breathes in, out through his nose until the fury is no longer blinding.
“Your fancy automatic jig is broken. The potato one. It’s not- working.” The hunger fogs his mind, makes it hard to think. He feels caged and weak and pathetic and he hates it.
“That’s because it’s not automatic.” Footsteps echo on the speakers, Dream tapping along to the rhythm before he realizes and stops himself, and a moment later the familiar whirring and clicking of the metal box comes from behind him and a small pile of potatoes fall down and splash into the water. “There. Is that all?”
Dream feels the fury rise, again, but doesn’t quite to keep the words back, this time.
“So what was the point of the whole automatic feeder, asshole? You’ve changed nothing! What’s the difference between that thing and you coming over to my cell besides that you’ve wasted a couple stacks of redstone? Congratu-fucking-lations, you’re a goddamn genius-”
“It’s remote now, so I don’t have to come into your cell.”
“Oh, so it’s just the good ol’ Warden looking for more ways to make the prisoner suffer, huh? Should’ve figured, you fucking self-righteous prick-”
His mouth shuts with a click, a flash of fear searing through his muscles, white-hot, and by the time he’s blinked back the ringing in his ears the silence has stolen all the words from him, once again. Pathetic, he screams in his head, but his jaw remains firmly locked in place - the Warden’s won, per usual, and they both know it.
“Is that all?” He sounds impatient. Part of Dream wants nothing more than to never hear his voice again, and the other half of him rails at the idea of being alone with his thoughts once more. All of him hates himself, and all of him hates the silence; they’re the only two constants in this place. “You’ll have to speak up if you want anything.”
“How- long was it, since you last gave food?”
Static for a moment, then another. “It’s only been about a day.”
“You’d know if you took care of your clock instead of destroying it, prisoner.”
“I’d know if you were less of a fucking prick.”
“Behave, and you might get it replaced.” The Warden’s breathing is harsh, almost labored - he must be angrier than Dream thought, then. “Speaking of which, you won’t be getting any for a day after this stunt.”
“Ooh, I’m so scared. It’s not like you don’t do this - what, every other day?”
“Do you want food or not?”
Dream’s teeth grind against each other; he breathes in, out. He hates this, hates the potatoes, hates the Warden, hates himself. Hates the way that a part of him recoils at the thought of making the Warden angry at him, reaches desperately for a chance to earn his clock- his approval. Attachments are weakness, he tells his traitorous heart, knowing that it, as always, will fail to stay away.
“Yes. Thank you.” The pleasantry burns on his tongue, tastes worse than the bitterness of raw potatoes that seems to be the only thing it knows, anymore.
“Good-bye, prisoner. Don’t make me come into the cell.”
The intercom cuts off with a click, the space that the static made immediately filled by silence. Dream watches it blankly, jaw sore from how tight it had been clenched, and begins to work his way through the first potato, nibbling at the pale flesh just enough to tide over the worst of the pain.
This is fine, he tells himself, and the walls stare at him impassively. He’s not sure they believe him.
He’s not sure how much longer he can believe himself.
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I have to yet to fully develop them but boom boom bitches did you think I would stop making Dream SMP OCs? Hell nah
They both be a combination of Tales of the Dream SMP characters and actual Dream SMP characters
They're all canon and they will eventually have their own bios, but this is just a place to hold my notes basically
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Slime hybrid
Full name is Toastie Rickroll (based off the last names generally being memes)
I listened to Hamilton while making her so that helps
Fought for L'Manburg during the Independence Arc
Eventually joined Schlatt's cabinet for Manburg, but later resigned and helped join Pogtopia
Also became part of the Butcher Army
Currently apart of no faction
Respects tradition very well
Their family has fought and died for their respective countries for years
And Toastie carried on the tradition
Without something or someone to fight for Toastie kinda feels useless
They're so used to fighting that peace is basically a foreign concept to her
It doesn't help with all the wars
Toastie does what they do best: protect
And with L'Manburg gone, they now have someone (or a few someone's to care for)
Very fond of their old cabinet and her Butcher Army friends
Despises Techno and Dream for destroying L'Manburg on numerous occasions
Phil is very close to also getting on their negative list
Their most precious item is their enchanted Netherite axe, the Mindbreaker
Toastie confirms it's a family heirloom you get when you learn how to hold scissors correctly
It basically has the blood of people who fought against the country Toastie's family decided to fight for and were either killed or tortured with it
Toastie wants to try and guide it and herself on a more peaceful path, but they always end up going to violence
It's kinda engraved in her
Since she trusts Quackity due to experience, they give him their axe daily as long as he brings it back
They're unaware that Quackity's using it to torture Dream
Very protective and dedicated to fighting for those they care about
Tends to learn towards fighting as her first option and runs her mouth a lot
ThEy'Re BoUncY-
They can jump really high
Really likes swamps
If they ever get injured, the injured part can turn into miniature versions of themselves similar to tiny slimes and they'll attack their opponent
Absolutely despies Magma Cubes and will attack them whenever she can get the chance
Wolf hybrid
But they're also a ghost!
Their real name is Whisper, and their full name is Quiet Whispers
Large grey ears on their head
Long tail that can fade sometimes due to ya know, death
Really fun to chew on bones despite the fact that she doesn't need to eat them and she can't even digest them
She can bond with other people and she can track the people she's bonded with
Can bite really hard, has enhanced speed and strength, and they also have a pretty pogchamp smell and eyesight
Despite the fact that's she pretty powerful, Whisp is a strict pacifist who only hung around L'Manburg due to having numerous friends there
Somehow the only ghost to have a decent fucking memory of her life
Remembers good and bad, though she sometimes wishes she doesn't
Red sweaters boiiisssss
Very forgiving and kind
But a really giant people pleaser and self-sacrificial
Her self worth is based on what people think of her
Tries her best to get on everyone's good side
It breaks her if someone dislikes her
Grew up in a really shitty household where Whisp was basically ignored
So she grew up trying to gain the affection that her family never gave her
Really fucking touch-starved
Just pretty bad self esteem, even when she's dead
Please just tell her that she means something outside of other people's opinions and that she's an amazing human being
Absolutely adores animals!
Has numerous pet cafes
Like, so many gosh dang cafes
There's one for cats, one for dogs, and then there's a giant miscellaneous one
They're all part of the same building and that's also another part of it which is basically her house
BFFs with Ghostbur
Please protect her and tell her that she's amazing she really needs it
Full name is Sunny Wholesun
Last name is a pun off 'wholesome' and 'sun'
Very proud of it
She's an angel boissss
Very simliar to Bad in terms of personality
They're both very sweet and will help anyone
Isn't a part of any countries
She just pops in when she wants to,,,,,
Conflict freaks her out
Optimsitc pal that just chooses to look on the bright side of things,,,,
She wants to desperately try and be her own person outside of 'Bad but angelic' but she keeps getting compared to him
She feels like she keeps being in people's shadows despite being a literal creature of purity and light
Feels like a side character honestly
Good friends with Phil, but disapproves of his title, most notably due to it having death in it
Said to know Dream XD and the other gods of the server
Absolutely understand very dirty stuff, but chooses to ignore it
Also can understand war and sadness
Sunny just kinds chooses to keep holding her head up high
In her own words "If you always keep thinking of sad things, you'll always be sad"
And now the TOTDS ones
Lady Venus
From the Masquerade timeline
Ghast hybrid royalty
Berothed to Sir Billiam the III since birth
Very much married and in love
She's pretty kind for a royal
Or at the very least more nicer
Treats her servants well and gives them pay as well as vacation days
However, she lacks empathy and is somewhat insensitive
Doesn't understand that some people don't have the same social privilege's as her
So she can piss some people off
Her main butler was Ryan and he was basically her best friend outside of Billiam and Ranbutler
However, Ryan got angry and ended up assassinating her
Spear in the chest
Felt incredibly betrayed since Ryan was one of her few friends and died feeling fear and shock
Billiam ended up executing Ryan
With the death of his lover, Billiam aligned with the Egg due it promising to bring Venus back if he swore alliance to it
She remains a ghost, but neither Ranbutler, Billiam or anyone else can't see her
Venus absolutely despises the Egg for corrupting her family, but at the same time, truly believes it can bring her back to life, so she needs it
Her spear ridden body is in the same room as the Egg, therefore corrupting her body, and therefore her ghost, which is connected to it
Whenever Billiam or Ranbutler go down there, it ended up motivating the two further in order to bring Venus back
She clings to the hope that when the Egg brings her back to life, she can reunite with her husband and adoptive son once more and forget the Egg
She know it won't happen but hope is kinda the only thing she has
At the Masquerade, she was only able to be seen and talk to Karl due to him being from another time
Truly felt bad about his death, but didn't stop it since she wanted to live again
Without her being able to produce a heir, the Ghast royal family basically went in shambles and they all eventually died, making the Ghasts a free place with no government or hierarchy
I really love Venus as she's a very fun character to do and also very sad
Supports Ranbutler rights
From the Village That Went Mad
Morals' ancestor
My friend compared her to that Chris girl from Carrie and I love it
She's a complete and utter asshole
Like, a full on fucking dick
Horrible person to be around
She's a villager, but absolutely everyone wanted her dead due to being a full on bitch
Jimmy theorizes that this is because of her mother also being the Enderdragon and either feeling like she's on top of everyone because of it, or that she feels inferior because Meanings isn't her mum so she acts like a dick to cover it up
It's either one of those two options
Just a full on fucking dick
I also love playing her because she's a really fun character
Horrible person, yes
But absolutely hilarious to play as
From the Lost City of Mizu
I don't consider Mizu to be the official future, but rather an alternate reality, so bear with me in mind for that
I feel really smart with her name
It means Pearl, and you know
Mizu being an underwater city and all that?
Michael means 'who is like God', which refers to her best friend's......love for a past figure
They're genderfluid! Mostly goes by she/her, though on some days, they go with he/him
Her relationship with Ranbob is very similar to the one between Morals' and Dream
Since I don't see the story as a possible canon future but instead another alternate reality, she's not a descendant of anyone
And you know what? You wanna know what?
She's a cow hybrid now
Why? Because I said so
Remove Ranbob's very yandere personality and their friendship is friendship goals
Heck, even with it, it's still friendship goals
I will defo have more but those are the only Tales of the Dream SMP episodes I've watched, so-
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br4inr0tx · 3 years
Hello again, if it's okay can I request a rewrite for Himiko Toga, she's one of my favorite characters so when I saw her as a potential matchup I got a little excited, if you're busy I can wait, no pressure.☺️
Another Boku no Hero Academia matchup is..Himiko Toga!!
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I’m sure it’s quite obvious, but Toga is VERY touchy. She’ll hug you, kiss you, EVERYTHING. I might get annoying. Any touch starved-ness you had before would surely go away Once you’re with Toga.
Your empathy is something she’d be confused about at first, but would come to admire it when you put others in there place.
You can read people so easily. Cool! Toga would look like a pogchamp when she notices.
Not to mention you’re her pogchamp-
You daydream? So cute! You sleep with plushies? AHH SO CUTE DBDBBDB-
Please let her cuddle you! She wants to do it all the time especially when you’re she’s off work. She loves leaving kisses all over you and seeing your reaction to it.
As for your questions, she wouldn’t know how to respond. She’ll most likely give a doppy face and shrug or answer it flatly depending on what it is. She doesn’t even mind them, or notices them as a common occurrence.
She’s used to having Shigaraki venting a bit because of her mother comforting system. In Toga’s old group of friends, when one got hurt, she’d be the first to cheer them up. So she’ll do absolutely anything to make you feel better!
Yoga loves music! She’s not that much into rock, but she’ll give it a try. She’s more into pop punk, Marina and the Diamonds, P!nk, etc..
She’s starting to like it more too! She even decided to add a few stuck in her head to her playlist.
Game? Video games? He’ll yeah! She doesn’t look like the type but she loves to play them! You ask, she’ll fulfill!
She loves to go out! But sadly, she’ll need to be wearing a disguise because she’s wanted. And she’ll ask you use a fake name for her too. None the less, she still like going out and shopping! Especially with you.
Toga loves all of you. Like a puppy begging for attention she’ll always be at your side.
- coii
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sunriseindigo · 4 years
you can answer this in multiple parts or one post but! 002 - otohiko, tsuhara, and makitai?
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When I started shipping them:
not that long ago actually?? i used to be really really obsessed with yamahiko (still am lol) but i think a month ago is when i started to ship them!!
My thoughts:
omg look at these gays omg look at them go!!! i love both of them very much and the dynamic these too have is just,,, so wonderful!!! the fact that this ship isn’t really that popular just. astonishes me
What makes me happy about them:
the height difference. haruhiko has picked up teruya in the past and run off with the him blushing furiously. in a non-despair au where the two grow up teruya finally gets tall enough to do that to haruhiko. think about it.
What makes me sad about them:
that one moment in sdra2 where teruya started crying when he saw the statues of haruhiko and satsuki,,,, just,,,, waaaaaaaaaaa
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
the fact that there’s no fanfics about this ship
Things I look for in fanfic:
them. plz someone make a fanfic for them plz i beg u--
My wishlist:
again, just content for them!! this ship is underrated and desperately deserves content and if i have to be the one to supply it then so be it,,,,
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
with haruhiko it’d be yamato cuz i think they’re also really cute together and have the same hyper vibes as this one!!! as for teruya i think he and kinji can be pretty cute,,, 👉👈
My happily ever after for them:
turns out that everyone is okay and the killing game doesn’t happen!!! haruhiko proposes to teruya after a 3 year relationship and are now happily married with a son and like,, 3 birds
When I started shipping them:
hmmm probably when i first joined the dra fandom!! i saw these two and my mind went “hey they should kiss” and now we’re here!!
My thoughts:
aka tsurugi starts crying after kinji hugs him because he’s touch starved and hasn’t received physical affection in years. both of them deserve to feel happy and i just want tsurugi to get therapy with the help of kinji!!
What makes me happy about them:
a few people ship this actually??? and they’ve made content about it??? and that’s so poggers??????
What makes me sad about them:
the fact that a few popular people who make content for this ship are people that i have bad memories associated with them and that these people have actually impacted my mental health in a very negative way....
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
i remember reading a fic of them once??? i forgot the name but it was really sad and angsty and i almost cried
Things I look for in fanfic:
i!! want fluff of them!!!! plz i just want them to be happy.....
My wishlist:
an epic little comic around these two,,, it doesn’t have to be made by linuj i just want a comic of these two...
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
umm well yamarugi and otohara (that’s what i’m calling it lol) are cool!!! i’m not that against people who don’t ship this so yeah
My happily ever after for them:
kinji lives and encourages tsurugi to get therapy and just supports him in general!!
When I started shipping them:
again not too long ago actually!! i used to ship makitomo pretty heavily but then uh. something happened. and around a month ago i saw these two and started shipping them
My thoughts:
plzzzz let them kiss,,, i swear these two have been on my mind for almost two weeks and i’m just this () close to writing a full short fic story of these two!!!
What makes me happy about them:
well all of the content that i’ve seen about this ship is relatively positive!! i’ve seen a bit of angst for them but overall it’s just fluff and cute domestic scenes and just aughggggg.... my heart <3
What makes me sad about them:
they fact that they’re dead. wtf
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
like i’ve said with otohiko, the fact that there isn’t a lot of content/fics about them in general. cmon guys!!!
Things I look for in fanfic:
just them. them. akane taira and kiyoka maki kissing.
My wishlist:
idk,,, a popular artist to make content about them!!! (no i’m not popular i only have 18 followers lol)
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
rei and akane are pretty pog with each other!! cute girls... kuromaki (kiyoka/mikako) also is pretty cute!!!
My happily ever after for them:
they kiss and own a bakery together once they marry!!!!
When I started shipping them:
i’d say,, around january?? that’s around a month after i joined sdra2. i wasn’t that crazy about them then but after seeing some. questionable content about soruko i decided to ship this and yeah!!
My thoughts:
comfort ship go brrrrr!!!! these two are so fucking cute holy shit i love them!!! their dynamic is spectacular and u guys seriously need to get on board with this because GOD I LOVE THEM!!!!
What makes me happy about them:
just thinking about these two makes me feel happy,,,, i just want good things for them.....
What makes me sad about them:
the fact that setsuka’s dead,,,,,,
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
there’s like. only two people that make content for setsuruko. i just... that’s sad.....
Things I look for in fanfic:
them!!!! i want to read fics about them cuddling or setsuka making yoruko flustered.... i just want them happy and with content u see with setsubiki and soruko!!!
My wishlist:
again, popular artist makes them kiss. that is all i crave from dis cruel world....
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
yorubiki is cool as hell!! also as underrated as setsuruko and i want to see these two ships flourish...
My happily ever after for them:
everyone lives and setsuka and yoruko confess their love for each other!!! they live together and constantly flirt all the time
When I started shipping them:
again when i got into the fandom!!! there was a fair amount of content for them when i joined and for a moment i thought they were like actually dating in canon lol (linuj is homophobic of course he doesn’t say that /j)
My thoughts:
mikako gently kisses her professor gf on the cheek,,, these two are so precious for each other and i love it when people make content about them even if it’s plationic!!! again mikako encourages rei to get therapy cuz she also desperately needs like jesus,,,
What makes me happy about them:
i’ve seen a couple of sketches linuj drew of them and every time i see i freakout and think about it for two weeks!!! they also have a great dynamic and just seeing the people making content of this ship and it’s not nasty is great!!! keep it up u guys!!
What makes me sad about them:
m. mikako. she. is dead. (also some people that make reikako content have given me panic attacks so oops!!!)
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
again there’s like no fics of these guys. what the hell!!!!
Things I look for in fanfic:
for it to be written and for it to not be just angst
My wishlist:
i just want people to make content of my ships plz
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
welll reikane and satsurei are very good underrated ships!!! kuromaki and inokawa (mikako/kanata) are also pogchamp
My happily ever after for them:
again the killing game didn’t happen and rei and mikako are living their best lives together!!
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