#but still weird
i love that lord anderson in bridgerton also played dr. facilier on once upon a time because it feels like that actor is on speed dial whenever the resident milf needs a love interest
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lumimis · 1 year
uts so weird seeing people who have blocked me
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thatruerealmwalker · 6 months
It is done! The Food has been made! Hope it's good! I really enjoyed writing this! oh and @zoeywinterrose - I still don't understand how we got here.
Let me know what you think!
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peonyblossom · 3 months
recently realized that i have no idea what my fall is going to look like because i’ve always taken a minimum of 15 credit hours but this semester i’m only going to be taking 6
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liminalweirdo · 11 months
someone talk to me about all the ryans on the spirit box
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scentedluminarysoul · 4 months
Down the rabbit hole I go!
In case you don't know, this is basically how all 90's German anime intros sound like. We really loved techno, no joke
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oddishfeeling · 6 months
neptune in my 1H which means people are going to be weird towards me forever
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liquidstar · 2 years
Anyone else who went to highschool in the mid-late 2010s have to learn about a real life murder trial via a true crime podcast as an english assignment or was that just our school
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lemonade-juley · 11 months
I didn't realize that it's virtually impossible to get the lawnmower medal in Infinite now for some reason.
Despite me getting tons of vehicle destructions with the Chopper, ever since they buffed the chopper to insta-kill vehicles, they're now registered as splatter kills and don't award you with the lawnmower medal.
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
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We've hit Fall Thursday in the Chill Valicer Save today, and you know what that means -- Harvestfest! And they had a FREAKING BUSY Harvestfest, let me tell you -- if I counted correctly, this update has NINETY PICTURES in total. Yeah, uh, it's actually a pretty good thing that we can upload more than ten to a post now, isn't it? O.O
Anyway! Morning started off pretty tamely and typically -- Smiler, freshly retraited after the end of the last episode, took Shadow out on a nice walk, while Alice went upstairs to gather inspiration from their fish and then start a new book (a motivational book called "Solving Your Problems With Trains" ;) ) and Victor woke from sleep and got right on studying his Nimble Mind and Emotional Stability potion tomes. I do think it's very cool how higher-level spellcasters have the books float in front of them like that. . . Anyway, Victor discovered three things from all that reading -- the recipe for the Nimble Mind potion (requires parsley and a spotted dirt frog -- figured even if Smiler didn't have that in their collection, they could breed it eventually); the recipe for the Emotional Stability potion (requires a potato and obtanium -- again, even if Alice didn't have that in her metal collection, she could dig it up eventually); and --
The fact that the fossil display shelves made by @somecreativecc ALSO FUNCTION AS A BOOKCASE. O.o Uh, SomeCreative, was -- was that intentional? I'm not COMPLAINING, I just find it a touch bizarre? *shakehead* So, yeah, Victor's tomes went in there with the fossils once he was done with them and gotten his magical "free samples." *shrug* Like I said, not complaining, just -- slightly confused.
Now -- while all this was going on, I was also checking both Shadow and Kelly for signs of illness, because, as you may remember last time, I found a couple of random puddles of sick around the place and wasn't sure which pet was producing them. Shadow seemed fine on her walk, and when I looked around the house again, I found another puddle of sick by one of Kelly's scratching posts. This really seemed to indicate that it was poor Kelly who wasn't feeling well --
A hypothesis confirmed when she came over to hang out with Alice near her desk while she wrote, and another puddle of sick appeared right next to her. I had Victor use Scruberoo to clean up all the sick, then go pamper Kelly with a little brushing as I tried to determine what was wrong. I mean, after all, the cat didn't LOOK ill -- Sim illnesses in both pets and people tend to be pretty visible! The only other explanation I could think of was poor Kelly had hairballs, which -- would be very impressive on a hairless cat like herself! I made a note to get her to the vet later, and she eventually ran off to do more cat things. Leaving more sick behind her. *sigh*
With THAT mystery solved, and Victor's potions learned, I decided it was time for him to get back on fabricating stuff -- namely because I wanted to do some more eco upgrades around the house. So he headed down to the barn, where -- after Repairioing all the broken wind turbines and water collectors, and setting out some sacred candles to help with his still-broken "Fear Of The Dark" moodlet and the scary noises around the house -- he proceeded to make another eco upgrade part. (Really wish I could made those in BULK, but what are you gonna do.) I then sent him to the garden to do the usual tending -- weeding, watering, fertilizing -- as Alice continued working on her book (maxing out the Writing skill in the process! Go Alice!) and Smiler came back from their walk with Shadow. The doggo went to hang with Victor in the greenhouse as he started harvesting, while Smiler entertained Kelly and Alice finished up her book, submitted it to the literary digest (because obviously this guide on Bumby murder deserves it), then went to clean the chicken coop and entertain the cowplant -- which, since we seem to be keeping it for the time being, I decided to name "Toothy." I mean, if the large drooling maw full of sharp teeth fits...
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melandrops · 1 year
Rating: General
Wordcount: 2,615
Chapters: 1/1
When Neal burst onto the top floor of the building and saw Peter lying there motionless, it felt like a reckoning. Like his whole life had been leading to this moment.
Or, the moment Neal realized he was in love with Peter Burke.
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enbyshads · 2 years
that moment when ur nose starts bleeding for no apparent reason
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Why does Disney plus require you to add your gender? Like, I get the birthday. But what does gender have to do with anything??
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pirateprincessjess · 6 months
When I was a kid my family pretended to get raptured so I would think I was left behind on earth while they all went to heaven.
I was like 8 years old and my sister and mom had gotten really into the Left Behind novels (bible fan fic about the rapture). In the books when the rapture happened the clothes that people were wearing when they got raptured were left behind in neatly folded piles.
One day when I was getting home from school my family decided that they would leave piles of neatly folded clothes around the house, and then hide in the basement.
The intended effect was that I would get home and see the clothes then, think that my family had been raptured and that I wasn’t good enough to get into heaven… or something?
The problem was that I had never read these books, and didn’t really think about the rapture very often. There was no reason that I would see some laundry on the floor and think “The rapture happened and I’ve been abandoned by God! I’ll never see my family again!! Oh nooo!!!!”
I just sat down and watched cartoons and eventually my family got bored and revealed that they were all hiding in the basement.
It’s a good thing I didn’t understand the joke, otherwise that shit would have been traumatic.
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zytes · 10 months
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this manatee looks like it’s in a skyrim loading screen
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thepalepreist · 2 days
Leon showed up in my dream last night idk just thought tumblr should know that
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