#but tbh I'm actually pretty relieved it's not as bad as i was expecting??? thought it'd be a lot worse so I'm pretty optimistic ab this
bogbees · 1 year
uhhhhuhhhhj i need like 5k for dental work (without insurance bc adhd brain has me forgetting it exists) and I'm sitting here like "could i do commissions??" and like. maybe.
i would need to do better samples that demonstrate my skill better....
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sleepy-vix · 5 months
book review of what i read today because i'm a nerd with nothing better to do!
today i just borrowed 'caraval' by stephanie garber from the library and finished it all within 4-5 hours. here are my brief thoughts:
(btw this is pretty spoiler free bc i dont talk abt any specific things abt the book)
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for the first 100 pages, i hated the book. the romance was gross to me and i couldn't care less about the main character (actually i still couldn't care less about the main character tbh).
also i saw a review video after reading the book and the reviewer said that YA is a genre with a spectrum where on one end, it can be mature so adults can enjoy it but on the other hand, it can also be for readers that are quite young (eg preteens? im guessing??) and caraval falls under the latter category and that is VERY TRUE AND IT IRRITATED ME SO BAD but oh well that's just a me thing prolly
thankfully, half way through the book, things started to build up and everything was mysterious and intriguing which was what i wanted from the book
it didnt really get good until near the end though, around the last 150 pages. things kept piling up on eachother and i had no idea who to trust or what to expect, which i loved.
by the end, (as i said before) i couldn't care less about the main character, but i found that i was relieved by her "happy" ending (i used quotation marks because i'm not sure what will happen to her in the next book). i guess the romance was good because i did wish for julian to have a good ending, but ehh they don't make me sob or blush or whatever i'm supposed to (actually most of their "tension scenes" made me physically scowl and i had to skim over them. that's probably just me tho T-T)
anyways i was pretty conflicted over whether i wanted to read the next book in the trilogy, but after a bit of research i decided that i will!
I'm looking forward to that. caraval was a fun read i got to admit, even though it was really only 3/5 stars at most for me.
i hope i enjoy the rest of the trilogy alot more (i have hopes, since the next book will have a diff mc) because i want to read stephanie garber's other series, 'once upon a broken heart'- they aren't books that i usually read but i'm forcing myself to expand ny tastes and familiaries myself with popular books (for convo material- hopefully)
that concludes my book rant for now :)
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skyfallscotland · 3 months
House of Earth & Blood thoughts, part two/two:
• Bryce's mum is really cute and it's kind of nice to see a story where the heroine isn't a starving orphan, sorry not sorry 🤷‍♀️
• Hunt's mum however 😭😭 that's so sad? And why do I feel like we're going to circle back at some point to that comment about not knowing who his dad is 👀 Is it someone important? It's someone important, isn't it?
• I also find it kind of hilarious that so many people rag on Violet in Fourth Wing, but Hunt Athalar is just as fucking bad. The boy is thirsty af, does he ever think about anything else??
• I also like that Bryce's depression and survivor's guilt is sticking around and not just being used as a plot device, like a lot of books usually do. It's nice. For me, not for her, lol.
• I still don't like Fury. She's still blacklisted. Go run off with E Ithan.
• Hunt’s wings, what the fuck. Honestly, Bryce isn’t doing enough threatening around here, blackmail these fuckers?!
• Ohhh I get it now…I think? Did someone shove that drug down Danika’s throat and she killed the pack? And that’s why she was begging? And why the protections on the apartment couldn’t stop it?
• Oh, Danika shoved the drug down Danika's throat? Well that's...charming. I know people are imperfect but damn this still feels like a Nehemia-Aelin relationship and I'm...not digging it.
• I really want to know more about the Autumn King, which seems like the situation every time there's an autumn king of any kind in an SJM novel, so, you know...par for the course.
• Micah is such a dick. TBH they're all dicks, but still 🙄
• Bryce begging for Hunt's freedom 🥺 I fully expected her to be like "he's my mate!" but IDK do they...not...realise that? Is it because she hasn't made the drop? They do have those in this universe, right? Because now I can't remember.
• I like Ruhn. Is pretty sword going to end up being Bryce's sword though? Because we're talking about it way too much for what's basically a glorified kitchen utensil in his hands.
• Ok so the last like however many pages were while I was out, which honestly? Always seems to happen? So I don't have a ton of live reactions but:
• Did I think Hunt was being a little mouthy about hating the archangels for a man in his position? Yes. Did I think he was actively planning a rebellion? Nope, you got me there.
• Oh and MICAH killing Danika and the pack? It makes a lot more sense, but that doesn't make me feel any warmer about her to be honest, she DEFINITELY learned from the Nehemia school of friendship (called it!) and I hate that for Bryce 😒
• The vacuum cleaner? That's such a trauma response and honestly, Bryce deserves to have that small moment of peace because she's a badass bitch. Nice work honey, you're doing great! 🥹
• Sandriel is just...I don't even care about her? She's meant to be this second big bad and I just never cared, tbh. Good riddance 👋
• Hunt gets blown up and put back together way too much and too easily tbh, which rankles considering Lehabah is apparently actually dead??? What's up with that? Rude.
• "Light it up, Bryce! Light it up!" Ok I might have teared up a little 😭In the grocery store. 😭 The same grocery store I was in when I listened to "you do not yield, you do not yield" on my last big shop. You're right, I can never go back.
• I also wasn't sure Bryce was ever making the drop, I was starting to think that she was going to remain human forever (and I wouldn't have been that mad about it). I'm kind of relieved though that she did and she didn't have to give up all her power? I think? From my understanding. That seems like an SJM special and I was waiting for it, prepared to roll my eyes.
• "I'm not making it ... Because it got too hard. Without you. It is too hard without you." I love Bryce so much. I felt her more than most other characters SJM's ever written. I feel like the way her depression and trauma showed through in little glimpses was something I'd been hoping for out of other characters in her work and never gotten and I'm glad she decided to tackle it properly this time around.
I can also see her getting along really well with Remi, so there, that's my answer now for everyone who kept saying Remi and Aelin would be friends. I can't see that, but I can see Remi and Bryce. And maybe Remi, Bryce, and Nesta being a dangerous trio 😅
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booasaur · 2 years
God the things we have to endure for good rep are sometimes bizarre.
I just laugh. Why, Kate why?
Lol, I love that the collective response to this has been to cover our faces at the secondhand embarrassment. We are just not a people for whom public spectacles like this work. We'll write fics about one look across a room and they give us this??
As for why...let me answer below.
And another anon:
Pretty sure the singing is gonna set off the reconciliation. I’m cackling tho 😂 I feel like once we see the full eppie it will feel totally different.
And another anon:
I don't watch ncis but I sort of Internet-follow kacy and when I saw your ask about the sneak peek I thought it was gonna be horrible. So I went and found it and it's really not that bad, I mean it's cringe but at least she can sing. If it were me it would be the definitive break up 😂 . I think going into it expecting the worst probably helps actually, so it may be good your followers read your comment before the scene
Have y'all seen the fourth sneak peek? On CBS's website and youtube? That pretty solidly answers why, at least. Now I blame FULLY blame Ernie, what else was she gonna do?? So having more context already makes it better.
And lol, well, I mean, it's not death, but y'all already don't know how much I skip through awkward scenes and then slowly creep backwards. Now I know which part to skip outright but tbh, I wish they'd saved both sneak peeks for Monday. I know some people are relieved because we're getting a chance to get our initial reaction out now and prepare, but if we'd watched it live, we'd have seen it and immediately moved on to whatever goes after, which I'm assuming will make it all worth it.
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writing-good-vibes · 3 years
brad dourif characters x reader headcanons: pregnancy (fluff)
ahh so this was a request (from @theteaset ) !! had to give this a think because i've never really considered pregnancy headcanons before, but i hope this is enjoyable for you all !! cut added because this got veryyy long. more notes in tags. this is mostly fluff but quick WARNING for mentions of smut, breeding (kink and literal i suppose), reluctance towards fatherhood in some cases and brief, non-explicit mentions of suicidal thoughts.
charles lee ray
well, well, well, all that spontaneous unprotected sex has finally caught up to you
that and his breeding kink, which he never intended to result in an actual baby
but boy is pregnancy with him a wild ride
kind of reluctant at first
he is not dad material
he doesn't even like kids
"this wouldn't just be any kid, this is our kid" you tell him "our baby"
really he just needs to overcome his own childhood issues and insecurities
really thinks he's gonna be a bad dad
but you convince him that you two are in it together, through everything
once he's done processing the news, he's actually pretty on board with the whole thing
if you thought he was protective before, this man becomes the fucking terminator
random man looks at you on the street? "hey, eyes to yourself pal, thats my wife you're looking at!"
(he says this whether you are married or not)
on the outside he tries to be the big alpha male who has claimed you as his mate
but on the inside he is so soft about it
still totally thinks this is a bad idea
also makes a lot of jokes about how you're stuck with him now that he's knocked you up
but is still scared you'll leave him
doesn't want to know the baby's sex, he wants it to be a surprise
does not know what to do when you have morning sickness or other symptoms
never knows what to do to help you other than dragging himself out of bed to sit next to you on the bathroom floor
when he thinks you're asleep he talks to your bump, telling it all the things he doesnt ever say out loud
jack dante
he'd be the most reluctant on this list
it's not that he doesnt like (love?) you
but he has a lot of issues
like seriously
poster child for arrested development
but you win him round
tbh he's one of those "condoms make it feel less good" guys, so you should have expected this sooner or later
has a sort of detached curiosity about the workings of pregnancy
when you start to show he is pretty obsessed with watching how you change
secretly he is very scared about being a dad, "what do we, like, do with it once it's born?"
"we feed it and look after it and love it, jack, don't worry about it you'll know what to do"
goes on and on hoping the baby will be a boy (but he will be so soft if it they turn out to be a girl -- his little girl)
does not cope well with your morning sickness at all
surprisingly he is very grossed out by vomit so he can't do much but pat your hair and hope you cut it out soon
billy bibbit
you weren't trying for a baby technically, but you weren't tying to prevent it either
he's so goddamn excited !!
100% cries when you tell him
"i-i'm g-going to be a d-d-dad?"
finally things are coming up roses for our darling billy
wants a family with you more than anything
when the initial excitement has worn off though, he starts to panic
major insecurities start coming back
he hasn't had any suicidal thoughts in a long time but suddenly he's like
what if something happened to him and he can't be there for you and the baby??
takes you a long time to work through these worries with him
but you get there in the end
"billy, you are going to be the best dad in the world to our baby, there is not a doubt in my mind"
hates hospitals for obvious reasons but goes with you for every appointment
hates that he can't be more helpful when it comes to relieving sickness/discomfort
tries to be strong for you and you love him for it
but you do tell him that you're in it together, you want to support him as much as he supports you
loves helping you even when you don't really need it
talks to your bump all the time
(and gives little kisses)
and you don't mention it because you don't want to make him self conscious, but his stutter gets much better when he talks to the bump
because he's so at ease with your baby already
tells you a hundred times a day how beautiful he thinks you are
(which makes you feel so much more confident as your body starts to change)
sheriff brackett
you both tried to be careful, you really did, but accidents happen
he's very happy
over the moon
but he's also freaking out on the inside
he's already a dad, been there done that
thinks he's too old to have a new baby
you are more than capable of convincing him otherwise
when it becomes clear that you're also excited about the pregnancy, he definitely finds it easier to let go of his worries
he's been through the pregnancy thing before so he knows the protocol
goes into Proud Dad mode at every appointment
(and he does go to every appointment with you)
tries to reign in his own protectiveness because he doesn't want to take your independence away but because you're pregnant
doesnt mind whether you find out the sex of the baby or not
sticks diligently to the 12 week rule, does not want to tell anyone your news too early
very helpful with morning sickness etc.
buys you all these supplements and ginger and whatever else they say will help with the nausea
rubs your feet if you get swelling
he lives for domesticity
so cosy nights in front of the tv with you, his hand on your bump, are perfect
keeps a picture of your ultrasound scan in his wallet
(and shows it off to anyone who will look)
grima wormtongue
he's reluctant
his breeding kink finally caught up to you both and now you must face the consequences
pregnancy and childbirth is a very scary thing when all you've got is some herbs and a stick to bite down on
another one you have to win round to the idea
you immediately have to get married because you can't have a baby out of wedlock (damn these courtly traditions)
he's secretly just happy that you're excited to be having his baby
has never been a fan of children
but the thought of his child inside you hits different
totally thinks he'll be a terrible father but you tell him if he can protect your child as well as he can micro-manage Rohan then the kid is going to turn out fine
gets very protective of you
likes holding your stomach even before you start showing
tries to get all authoritative on you but since when did you take any notice of his orders
he's definitely dreading the birth
but until then he tries to help as much as possible, rubbing your feet if they swell, keeping your hair back when you're sick
doc cochran
like sheriff brackett, he thinks he's far to old to be having children
(and we know he has issues with commitment because the civil war really messed him up)
but it's never to late to start a family and you tell doc this
you love him more than anything and there's no one you'd rather have as the father of your child
you know your baby is set for life with doc as a father
he worries exponentially about you for the whole pregnancy
he tends to pregnant women all the time and most of them are completely fine
but he knows the risks
all of them
and he doesn't think he could bear it if anything happened to you or the baby
you both agree not to tell anyone your news until everything seems okay with the pregnancy
(except for al swearengen, who doc convinces you should know so he can look out for you)
makes sure you eat plenty and get all those nutrients
there is one upside (well there are many, but one in particular) of being with the town doctor, at least he's still the only one who gets to poke around down there
he knows every trick in the book to make you as comfortable as possible
throughout pretty much your whole pregnancy you barely feel ill with morning sickness etc.
he totally does that thing where someone holds the weight of your bump for you for a while to take the strain off your back
there's no real way to tell if the baby will be a boy or a girl, but he will love them more than anything regardless
if you're not already married, you decide that it's the right time (even if everyone thinks you're only doing it because you're with child)
when he talks to your bump he usually talks about his work
which you sometimes think is morbid but as the baby can't understand anyway, you're just happy it will get to listen to doc's voice so much
tommy ludlow
you finally got hitched and moved into a nicer apartment
it wasn't long till you got pregnant
a planned pregnancy !!
he's so happy when you finally show him the positive pregnancy test
many, many nights cuddling on the sofa in front on the tv
his hand constantly resting on your belly
when your bump grows he is obsessed with it
talks to the baby all the time
plays music for them
there is constantly a record playing now
and you love that he's found a way to bond with your unborn child already
drives you everywhere now because he doesn't want you walking around Hell's Kitchen on your own
you both chose not to find out if it's a boy or a girl, it's pretty unreliable anyway in the 70s
he tries to come to as many appointments with you as possible
you both spend your free time decorating the nursery
you wear those classic 70s pregnancy overalls
he's very comforting if you experience morning sickness
no matter how long he's been working that day he will be up to help you through any and all ailments that come with pregnancy
you both scrimp and save every penny to put towards the baby
leo nova
never thought he would be a dad so is fairly reluctant when you tell him
but the idea grows on him very quickly
trophy wife and a new baby? couldn't ask for much more to top off his drug empire with, could he
(secretly worried he wont be able to protect you and the baby though)
gets paranoid that something will happen to you so ups his diligence on security
does he quit doing so much coke? maybe he cuts down, maybe not
buys one of those high end thousand dollar prams
spends so much money on you and the baby
honestly thinks the ins and outs of pregnancy (morning sickness, appointments, prenatal classes) are none of his business
but you convince him now and then to join you saying he'll have to get used to it because you're not looking after this baby alone
loves showing you off in public
with your quickly growing belly, everyone is going to know that you're his
tucker cleveland
didn't think he'd be doing the whole marriage and kids thing
especially after his divorce
so his reaction is pretty noncommittal when you tell him you're pregnant
even when you hand him the positive test
you think he's being an asshole about it
but really it just takes him time to process what you've told him
he has a lot of unprocessed vietnam trauma that fuels his life, which he realises he'll have to try and work through for the sake of starting a family
once he confronts his real problem, he settled into being a family man pretty easily
pretends to be bored when you both go shopping for baby things but really he's bursting with excitement
does all the DIY for the nursery himself
wants to know the sex of the baby so he knows who he's talking to in there
is very unhelpful with morning sickness because he just makes jokes about it
but in all fairness he sits with you and holds your hair back whilst making the jokes
like charles, he works out some of his issues and trauma by talking to your bump whilst he thinks you're asleep
has a picture of the ultrasound scan in his wallet so that when he's out on jobs he can look at it and remember what he's doing it all for
the baby gives him a new lease in life
something new to live for instead of seeking vengeance for his old comrades
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
The Luther au has me both loving how cute it is & dreading angst ideas but I feel like that's normal for anything Five related tbh. The others have been away & had time to realize Reg did not treat them normally but Five has no frame of reference so if he ever messes up he expects Bad Shit™ from them but is ? When they don't act like Reg. But on the other had Five actually acting like a teen about New Future Things™ like getting excited and generally not as aloof as canon Five. I'm distressed.
WOO more responsible luther au from here, here, here, and here
Honestly all I’m thinking about right now for the responsible Luther au is the absolute hilarity of Hazel and Cha-Cha having to deal with a child. Like an actual child, not a 58-year-old in a child’s body. I mean can you imagine Hazel and Cha-Cha dealing with a child that they aren’t allowed to kill?? 
Just Hazel squinting and being all, “What the fuck do kids like? Do we offer him candy? Ice cream? We can’t just knock him out because head wounds are iffy and we could accidentally kill him, right?”
Can you picture Cha-Cha trying to interact with Five at like, a park or something?? Trying to talk to him and giving off those serious “I have never spoken to a human child in my life also the stranger danger vibes I am giving off can probably be sensed from the next state over.”
Oh man though the one (1) way they would probably be able to get Five to go with them even a little bit willingly (because how else are you supposed to kidnap a teleporting kid with combat experience and a healthy wariness of strangers) is if they had some sort of collateral (or maybe drugging him??). I’m thinking,,, they grab Klaus. The least combative sibling, would hang out with Five while Luther is at work, lanky and skinny and an easy target. 
Because the best way to get a superpowered kid to go with you is to say “If you don’t come with us, we hurt your brother.” Because I can’t think of any other real way to get Five, who is exceptionally traumatized by the very idea of restraints, to agree to be restrained in any way which you KNOW Hazel and Cha-Cha would probably insist on
But yeah Diego and Luther would totally bust in and rescue them because you know Luther is the helicopter parent brother who insists Klaus and Five text him every few hours so Five and Klaus miss a check in and Luther immediately calls Diego all “Yeah no I don’t care if you were doing vigilante shit I need you to check on Five he isn’t answering his phone and neither is Klaus. No, I don’t care if you think I’m overreacting just go and check on them.” and so they find out pretty quick that they’re missing (Diego finds Mr. Pennycrumb first, actually - Five told him to stay because he wanted to keep the dog safe) and go and rescue them (maybe with the help of Detective Patch??)
so they go get Five and Klaus back and Luther is so relieved and they’re all so relieved except Five basically has a breakdown and won’t let anyone touch him and is absolutely freaking out because he went off with strangers and they wanted him so he got Klaus kidnapped as well and even though Luther has been nothing but gentle and accommodating (because he’s fully aware his brother is Super Traumatized thanks) Five assumes he’s going to get into trouble
(because if you think Reginald didn’t punish the kids every time they made a mistake on a missions - I wouldn’t be surprised if Reginald obtained any tapes of the kids missions and would replay them looking for errors and then drill the kids until they were aware of all the mistakes they made and knew that they should never make them again)
(but also can you imagine a kid thinking he’s going to get in trouble for being kidnapped like that’s such a tragedy and all of the siblings are there now and they’re all horrified because they remember the debrief after every mission, and if Luther is right and Five’s punishments often involved restraints - then this is their baby brother thinking that they’re going to lock him up to punish him)
Eventually, eventually, Five calms down enough to allow one of the siblings close enough for comfort. Maybe Klaus, who was also kidnapped. Just both of them grabbing onto one another while the others swear it won’t happen again.
“They said they were working for Dad.” Five finally imparts, scrubbing at his face. There’s a hot second as they all process that before Luther just starts swearing and everyone is looking mildly incredulous because Luther is the one who scolds them about their language and frowns when songs with swear words play on the radio. 
“What if,” Klaus says, pausing for dramatic effect, “We kill Dad.”
Vanya looks thoughtful and Diego is nodding and his fingers are just that much too close to his knives and Luther very tellingly isn’t saying anything against the idea. It’s Five who smacks Klaus on the arm, “You guys can’t kill Dad.” He tells them very seriously, “If you all get charged with murder then who’s going to walk me to therapy? And don’t say Mr. Pennycrumb. Plus, I’m not going into the system.”
“Allison could take you in.” Klaus shrugs. Five pulls a face. It makes Vanya laugh just a little.
“Allison has a child!” Luther defends her automatically, making Diego roll his eyes exaggeratedly and Five hides his snicker in Klaus’s shirt. “She’s a good mother! Stop looking at me like that, guys.”
“I don’t want to live with a baby, anyway.” Five declares loudly.
 “And yet you live with Klaus.” Diego grins, ignoring Klaus’s squawk of offense with practiced ease and making Five laugh again. Which was the goal in the first place so, success.
“Okay, okay time to go home.” Luther says gently because they probably didn’t make it back to the apartment before this freak out they’re probably all scrunched down in an alley where Five ran to hunker down
and then later when Five is settled down with Mr. Pennycrumb on the couch and also squeezed next to Luther, asleep because it’s been a traumatic day for just about everyone, Luther is just like “Okay so Diego, can you… can you stay with Five when I’m at work? Or - Or I can start taking him to work with me again, and you can watch Klaus?”
“I’m not a child!” Klaus protests.
“You told us they got you first to threaten Five with.” Diego points out, only a little reluctantly. “You don’t need to deal with that. I’ll come over during the day, keep an eye on both these knuckleheads.”
“Ben keeps an eye on me.” Klaus pouts, crossing his arms.
“I will be someone corporeal who can keep an eye on you.” Diego deadpans.
Klaus scrunches his face up and turns to the side to show the full force of the face he was pulling to thin air, presumably a Ben who was definitely agreeing with Diego. 
“But why is Dad coming after Five?” Vanya asks, fiddling with her hands and looking nervous. 
“Yeah, and why now?” Luther demands, bringing up a protective hand to card through Five’s hair. Mr. Pennycrumb whuffles gently and leans over to give Luther’s hand a lick of appreciation. “We ran away ages ago, and Dad decides to care now? What changed?”
Everyone’s eyes turn to Klaus. His shoulders hitch up around his ears at the attention, but is a good sport who frowns in thought. “I dunno. The big guy - Hazel - he kept complaining about… I don’t know. Budget cuts or something. Dental plans being cut. Shit like that.”
“Dad gives dental plans to hired goons?” Vanya asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Well they weren’t your average hired goons.” Diego says defensively, rubbing at his shoulder that is going to be very bruised where he was smashed into a door. Luther winces in sympathy, feeling vaguely bad because his durability means he doesn’t bruise like the rest of his siblings.
“Shh!” Klaus hisses at them, flapping a hand and looking off to the side, focusing intensely. The rest of them wait patiently. “Uh, Ben says he heard them refer a couple of time to someplace they called the Commission?”
“The Commission? What, a company for hiring all your weird kidnapper needs?” Vanya asks, skeptical. “I mean, not that I doubt Dad’s ability to get some seriously skeevy people on his side but I’m just confused about this whole thing. Why would Dad want Five back in the first place? Enough he was willing to hire people to kidnap him?”
“She has a point.” Diego admits grudgingly. He and Vanya get along better these days, but there’s still some shaky ground between them even after she apologized about the book. “Dad didn’t even bother looking after Five ran away when we were actually thirteen. And he didn’t look after Luther and Five ditched until now. So, what changed?”
“And why this shady way?” Vanya continues, “I mean, he’s got the law on his side technically. I mean, Luther isn’t exactly Five’s legal guardian. He could accuse Luther of being a kidnapper.”
“Hey!” Luther objects.
“She’s just saying what Dad could say.” Klaus rolls his eyes. “But I mean, we could argue that chronologically Five is, you know, twenty-five but I bet Dad would try declare incompetence even if that flew, which I mean. Look at him. It wouldn’t.”
Everyone’s heads swivel to the kid curled up on the couch, fast asleep with bruises already forming on his face. No doubt from when he mouthed off to his kidnappers - Cha-Cha has a temper after all and Five was practically conditioned to mouth off even in the face of fear and terror.
“He thought he was going to get in trouble.” Klaus says, very softly after a moment of silence. “Because he went with them, and he only went with them because he didn’t want me to get hurt.”
“I’m pretty sure Dad would have locked him up again. And you if that meant keeping him under control.” Diego points out, frowning harder at the thought of their father locking up not one but two of his brothers. “Maybe that’s why he didn’t go through official channels - because he knew he’d need collateral to keep Five cooperating with whatever insane plan he has cooked up. No way would the law be on his side for keeping Klaus at the very least.”
“No no,” Klaus shakes his head dismissively, then pauses. “Well, okay yeah I could see him doing something that level of creepy but that’s not what I meant. I meant he thought he was going to get in trouble with us.”
“It’s not his fault Dad’s a fucking psycho.” Vanya points out. Diego nods appreciatively. The biggest common ground keeping Diego and Vanya on civil terms was their mutual willingness to insult Reginald together.”
Klaus waves his hand in the air again, “Yeah, I know. But like, think about it. The only parent figure Five ever had was Dad and you know what he was like. He fucked us all up, but it’s a whole helluva lot fresher for Five. He doesn’t - he doesn’t know shit.”
“He’s been doing okay.” Luther says, just a little bit defensively. “He has some bad days, but therapy is helping. Plus Mr. Pennycrumb is as well. He’s trying really hard, you know how worried he is about the apocalypse.”
“I’m not commenting on your parenting skills bro.” Klaus placates, “You’re doing really good. Like, really good. Way way better than I ever thought you’d be capable of. But I mean. You stepped up when none of the rest of us did, and you basically became his father figure.”
“I’m not - I’m not Five’s dad.” Luther scoffs, but none of the others speak up either. He looks around a little more puzzled, “C’mon guys. It’s not like you aren’t here as well.”
“We’re not the ones setting boundaries,” Diego admits, looking at the floor. “We didn’t rescue him, or build him a life, and even you can’t ignore that he looks to you for comfort first before the rest of us. He looks to you before Vanya, dude. That’s not exactly what happened when we were kids, man.”
Vanya shifts, almost uncomfortably. “He didn’t really, uh, seek me out for comfort anyway. Mostly when I was having a bad day. I just. I just made him sandwiches when he looked like he was having a tough time is all. He’d never admit it.”
Luther sighs deeply. “He can have peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches tomorrow I guess. Comfort food. Show him he’s not in trouble. But that still doesn’t mean that Five sees me as a dad.”
They all mutually agree to drop it seeing how defensive Luther is.
“Well I for one am going to spend all day tomorrow cuddling Five on the couch.” Klaus declares loudly, not even trying to hide the change of subject. “It’s a disney movie marathon sort of a day, me thinks.”
“I already took the day off.” Luther admits. “I told Sam that Five was having issues and he told me he understood and I could take time as needed.”
“I have nowhere else to be, tomorrow.” Diego shrugs, clearly planning on spending the day with them as well.
“I have practice but I can come by after? I’ll stop by the store for the ingredients of that potato dish I know Five likes as well. For dinner.” Vanya offers, receiving nods all around. Everyone appreciated Vanya’s cooking since exactly none of them were especially skilled in the culinary arts, though none of them were entirely hopeless.
Luther just sighs deeply, leaning back on the couch. “He’s just - he’s so young. Were we ever that young?”
They all sit in silence at that, contemplating. Because they had been that young, and it was only now looking back that they all realized how messed up it had been. Well, they realized it was even more messed up than they thought it had been, especially back when they were actually kids.
But also honestly picturing all the squad convincing Five to let loose and be a kid again while also convincing Five to not worry so much about the apocalypse happening in four years because he can’t just put his life on hold for four entire years.
Five being secretly happy and curious about things and excited but trying to hide it because he’s supposed to be focused on stopping the apocalypse and all that but he’s not nearly as difficult to convince to get off track as canon old man Five
I need to sleep heck
i just want a whole bunch of protective siblings is that too much to ask for and protective Five right back just a circle of protectiveness about everyone bless
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inamanicpixiedream · 5 years
i have no interest in game of thrones so in the midst of all the Discourse i am quietly watching the west wing for the first time and getting real worked up about will bailey and i much prefer it here since no one cares about my hot takes from fourteen years ago
i'm 90% sure i'm about to get diagnosed with a chronic illness and while it's scary and it sucks it's way better than the small possibility that i have cancer so i'm trying to look on the bright side and be relieved
i'm taking longer to settle into my new school than i thought. it's not that i don't like it or that anything is bad; it's more that i have no idea if they like me, and that goes for both the students and the staff. i don't have a place yet, which is a very strange thing after becoming part of the furniture somewhere. my students are delightful and i love them, but the ease and comfort isn't there, which is to be expected, but it leaves me feeling pretty empty at the end of the day, combined with the relentless doubt that i don't actually know what the fuck i am doing.
i've seen endgame twice and it's probably the most satisfying moving watching experience i've ever had, and it's just such an incredible feat of storytelling, and steve rogers is just so important, and i am crying for pretty much the entire last hour (and the first half an hour tbh.) monoculture isn't good and disney is evil and the mid level movie is dying and i hate all of that but also it just worked? so well? every time i think about it my heart hurts.
gotta go, in the episode i'm currently watching will bailey is wearing a polo shirt which isn't even something i knew i wanted but here we are
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twaeilmoon · 6 years
Available on my masterlist for other member
SUMMARY: Sometimes, neighbourhood can be a good place to find love.
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There he was again, cleaning his house yard. What a coincidence. Everytime you go out he will always be outside too, doing some errand on his house. That's what you love. Let's say that it's easy for you to quitely spying him. Yuta, your next door boy was way too good looking that he always succeed on shaking you heart. Not just that, he is nice too. A nice neighbor so far.
There was a family living next to you before he came and take over the house. Those previous neighbours you had before always drive you up to the wall as they don't know how to even make the resident live peacefully. They shouts and laughs histerically almost every night that everybody couldn't even sleep well. What an annoying neighbour you ever had. Now that someone better in advance has move in, you feel better with a bonus of his manner and good looking face. You love it when he shot you his wide smiles and have a small chit-chat even for a shirt time everytime he saw you going out from house. He oftenly makes your heat drop because of his softness.
"Oh, hi y/n! Have a nice day". Shoot! He saw you. Your heart starts to faster up it's pace. Yuta was watering his flower. You never know someone, a single man maybe, keeps plants at home and taking care of it so well. His plants grow up so well than yours. "Oh, hi. You too", you couragingly give him a smile back although you could feel your lips was trembling while saying back. "You're going somewhere?", he asked while pouring water to his plants.
"No. I'm just.. going to put this away", you lift up a plastic bag you was holding. You've jusf clean up some piles of papers that you have in your room so you're going to throw away some useless paper out. He nodded as he saw the plastic bag. "Winter is coming so I need to take care of my plants before snows falling down. I don't want them to froze later", he slightly laughed. You nodded as he stated his plans before winter. Yuta has a good knowledge on most of housekeeping stuffs better than you do. 'What a good husband material', that's what you always thought about him.
"Uhh, I guess we have to talk later? I need some more works to do actually", you shyly said. You don't want to cut off the starting part of your conversation with him but how can you stay being shy and trembling in front of him? Something will for sure happend if you stay this way. "Oh, okay then. Talk to you later", he bid you a small goodbye. You shot him one last smile before turning on your heels to head back into your house until you hear him call you back. You turned back to him, expecting him to say something.
"If you don't mind we can have some tea together sometimes. You know we can have some talks too. Why don't you come over if you have time?", he suggested. Never once in your life getting invite by a neighbour. Actually, there was plenty times back then when you was staying at your parent house. Well, it was back on your childhood days though. A really long time ago. You nodded in agreement, happy to accept the invitation. Great, you get to know each other soon. "That's pretty good idea. I'll make it when I'm free", you modestly said. "Okay then. See you other time", he bid you goodbye for the second time and you walked back into your house.
Good timing. It's your day off and you have nothing to do. So, you decided to go next door. Hopefully, Yuta will be free too. You don't want to bother him if he got some work to do. You never have a plan to be such an annoying disrespectful neighbour. Not after what your previous neighbour has done. You got enough of it.
Wearing just a casual outfits that you usually wear at home, you went to his house next door. You pressed his bell hoping that he's at home and free. It was relieving to see him show up, opening the door. "Hi. Come in", he greeted as he move aside to let you come in. The moment you step in into his house, you never expect him to have such a great place that he lives in. It was clean and tidy, as if it wasn't a solo man. Well, as for now he is solo since he doesn't have wife and family. But who knows if he already got girlfriend?
"Woah.. You really live in this perfect house alone? Everything is so fine and clean. Do you have maids? You live with them? You're from rich family?", you asked him lots of questions only to have him giggle on you. You frowned as to his sudden giggles. "I never expect you to have such a talkactive mouth, y/n. Now that I'm slowly getting to know you", he said while still giggling. You pouted. For his information, you also never expect him to ever act this way. He never speak like this before although he's the one who always talk to you first.
"What? Um.. I don't know. I'm getting excited maybe?", you rubbed your nape. Yuta smiled to your cute behaviour. "I don't have any maids. And yes, I live alone in this house. One more important thing, I'm not from a rich family, Miss y/n. I work myself to have some money for my life and I keep my house clean by myself. All by myself", he lead you to the cozy living room. He motioned you to have a sit on his expensive-lookin couch as he take a sit too. "Ah.. I see", you mumbled, enough for him to hear you.
"Oh wait. I'm going to make some tea and then i'll come back. Just make yourself at home", he smiled before heading to his kitchen. You nodded, patiently keeping yourself comfortable and steady. You look around, observing the surrounding. You envy him for having such a nice plave to live in. You've been living in the resident for years, way much longer than him who've just move in 3 years ago but he already turn this house into such a private paradise. "He must be living in a good life", you mumbled to yourself.
"You okay?", Yuta asked as he came back with a tray of tea cups and teapot in his hand. He looks so husband material at this point. You can't ever denied that anymore. "Yea I'm fine. Just kinda impressed of your house. It's so nice", you awkwardly smile. "Nothing much. I just want to live in a good comfortable house. To be honest, I'm kinda lazy to do housekeeping though. But gotta do it since I don'f want to live in messy", he said, putting down everything that he got in his hand.
You nodded, completely understanding him. Still, your house can't compete him. Yuta poured hot tea into two tea cups carefully. Why do he looks so perfect doing all this stuff? No wonder your feelings toward him keep on growing. "So how long already you've been living here?", he started the conversation by asking a question. "Quite long already. Maybe almost 5 years? The first time I move in to the next door the previous neighbour was quite bad actually. They're way too loud ", you told him about the previous neighbour. He suddenly got his eyes widened.
"What do you mean 'theyre way too loud'? You mean.. when they're doing stuff.. you know?", this time, his words got your eyes widened in surprise. "No no! Why did you thinking that way?! Oh my god..", you hid your face into your hands, feeling embarrased that your words got him thinking in other way. He laughed out so loud that makes you feel more unconfident to show up your face. "Oh god you're okay? Sorry sorry. I didn't meant it but I thought that's what you actually mean. I was wrong so sorry. But still it's good to see your cute side. You're cute when you're acting this way", he said while laughing . He might die due to out of breath because he was laughing so hard that he might lose his breathing.
"Stop it! You're bad! This is not funny, Yuta!", you smacked his shoulder using one of your hand while the other one still covering your already red face. "Ouch! Sorry sorry! Stop it! It hurts!", he beg but still laughing like crazy. And that was the first moment where you both get closer to each other even more.
It was already late night when Yuta send you a text. You just got out from the bathroom, brushing your teeth before going to sleep. You laid on the bed, unlocking your phone password to check for his message.
"Y/n I can't sleepㅠㅠ"
You smiled upon reading his text. He's getting silly  day by day. Sometimes he'd just call you when you're at work just to mumbled silly sweet things to you.
"What? So you want me to put you to sleep?"
You replied him playfully. Just to see what he's going to say.
"Yea. Seems like that I guess? :D"
Just like your expectation, his reply will always be something silly but cute. As you was about to type a reply to him, there was another new message from an unknown number. You frowned as you don't have any idea as to who could it be. The text says:
"Hey, babe. It's been a long time now. I really miss you. You miss me too right? I know it"
"What the hell?", you angrily mumbled. What an annoying person he is disturbing someone at this hour? "This must be a scam", you deleted the message before going back to reply Yuta.
"Alright~ I'll help. But hey there's an unknown number just send me a text calling me babe and he said that he missed me. Who the heck is that person though?"
You tap the send button before you find out that there was another text from the same previous unknown number coming in. You opened the text again in annoyance just to read something even more mad.
"I know you're ignoring me. I'm Taeyong so no need to scare. Can you come out for awhile? I'm outside of your house babe~"
"Shit", you cursed under your breath.
He's crazy. Yes, he's your ex-boyfriend. So he need to act as an ex and know his place as an ex. Why the hell did he come to you house at this hour, suddenly messaging you weirdly and all? You quickly type a new message to Yuta.
"Maybe just a wrong number person? Tbh I've been receiving lots of that stuff to these days. So annoying"
"It's my ex, Taeyong."
You don't want to be bother by this dork anymore. So, you're going to just go out and ends everything, forever. You look through your window and hell, he was really there. What was he thinking about?
"Y/n babe! I really miss you so much", you could see Taeyong walking closer to you wide his arm widely open, ready to hug you. He doesn't seems like he was drunk. It's just that he's acting crazy. "Go away, Taeyong. You ended it. We have nothing to do anymore. So let's just not meet again", you hug yourself as you feel imsecure. "But why? I love you y/n", he pouted. "It's already midnight. You should go back home. I don't love you and I don't want to see you again", you said, hoping that he will go. "Don't be like this. I'm here because I miss you. I want you back y/n", he step closer to you and you back away. "No Taeyong! Go away before I call the cops!", you half yelled. "But I don't want to go. I just want you. I really miss you", he came even closer. You shake your head, telling him to stop being crazy.
As you was keep backing away from him, someone's hand scoops your back. Their hands on your shoulders, bringing you closer to them. What a surprise, it's Yuta.
"Stop. You better go away", he said to Taeyong who was already stop from getting closer as he saw Yuta. Taeyong smirked evilly. "Who are you? You're the one who better fuck off. She's my girlfriend", his face suddenly changed into a cold one. "She's not. I'm her boyfriend now. Forget it and go home dude. It's late already. She needs to sleep", Yuta gently said. Woah, is this really a man's fight? Taeyong smiled sarcastically. "What? You're her boyfriend? Is that true babe?".
You don't want to give any response but as to get rid from an even worst thing from happening, you take the option to just have some words. "Ye-yes. He-he is.. my boyfriend Taeyong. You can't say that i'm yours anymore..", your face down to the ground, no wanting to see his face. You can hear Taeyong's small laugh of disatisfaction. "Okay", you lift up your face to see him shrugging before leaving. Finally.
"Wow.. that was crazy. Are you okay?", Yuta asked, smiling. You nodded. To his shock, you punch his chest that makes him wince in slight pain. "What?", he asked, laughing. "Why did you say that I'm your girlfriend? Can't you just made up other story? Like you're my bestfriend or something and you need to protect me because my dad told you to?!", you cover up you face with your hand. "Why? I think by saying that you're my girlfriend is easier and simple. Then why don't you be my real girlfriend?", he asked as if it was a joke. You face him even with your red face. "Is that how you're going to propose me?", you playfully shot back him with question. He smiled before patting your head, making your hairs in mess. Yuta then pulled you into a tight hug. "Y/n. Would you be my girlfriend?", he whispered into your ear closely that his hot breath tickles you. "Yes. Id' like to", you smiled and burried your face into his chest. "I love you. For a long time ago", he whispered again.
Both of you didn't break the hug until one of his hand let you go while the other one still on you. "Y/n, look. It snows!", he told you, voice full of ecitement.You look up and yes, snows starts to fall down that moment. You lift your hand, waiting for the snow to fall into your hand. "Do you know that couples who watch the first snows falls down together will stay long last for a looooooong time?", he asked while tightly holding both of your shoulders. You looked at him and shook your head.
"We're going to last forever?", you asked him, looking deep into his eyes. Yuta nodded his head. "Let's go inside and wear something warm and then go back to sleep", he said, leading you to your house. "You wanna stay in my house tonight?", you asked him, curious as he was following you to your house.
"Why not?"
"No way Yuta"
"By the way, how did you know I'm going out to see Taeyong?"
"I didn't get any reply so I thing somethings went wrong. So I go out to check on you"
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Hi, I'm The Emotionally Repressed Girl Who Ran From Her Latent Homosexual Feelings for Ten Years, Trixie Mattel! (Trixya) - Iris
Hi, Hello, Good day, friends!
I… don’t know what the fUCK I’m doing. But that’s okay because I love Trixya, and I’m willing to do anything for them!
Well, okay, like I said it’s my first try at actually writing and publishing a fic, so I’m bearing my soul(my soul is comprised of Trixya obvi) and hoping y'all enjoy this as much as I do. Constructive criticism is very much appreciated! This is a pretty indulgent fic for me, and it’ll primarily focus on the nine years prior to the first chapter! Lots of soft!Trixya moments tbh. They perform Rocky Horror with all your favorite queens(including the OG Queen herself), and honestly, I’m just excited to write it for you lovely guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! I really hope you enjoy yourselves and don’t hate me for the angst that is to inevitably come!m Say hello to me at @wewouldbeheroes on Tumblr! I’d really appreciate the company!
Chapter 1: Fishnet Stockings, High Boots, & Delicate Conversation in Present December
Snow danced in the mid-December air as Trixie urgently walked down the cultural district of Boston, her hands shoved in the pockets of the long-coat that she borrowed from her mom. She was shivering and trying to remind herself why she thought a damn dress was a good idea for this climate. The air whipped under her skirt, and her teeth clattered for the third time in the last ten minutes. She was already exhausted, and the cold wasn’t helping. Why she thought booking a red-eye from Milwaukee to Boston was a good idea, she’ll never fucking know. Saving money? Fuck money, she’ll take the sleep and decent food, thank you very much.
           One month ago, Trixie Mattel got a call she’d never expect in a million years. RuPaul Charles, her director from a cabaret in Boston she worked at, nearly ten years ago, had somehow found her number, despite having no contact in all this time. God knows how, but Trixie always said RuPaul works in mysterious ways. They reminisced on the phone for hours, about old performances, and old friends. Trixie enjoyed the conversation, despite the fact she hadn’t had much to contribute. While Ru was off being a newlywed with his husband Georges, Trixie was working back in small town Wisconsin, helping her mom with her siblings and taking a receptionist job at the local elementary school. She can’t say she particularly disliked her entire existence, or that Wisconsin was just a reminder of everything she ever hoped she would never be, but it wasn’t all bad, that’s for sure. She contemplated leaving, but she wanted to help her family. And as her step-father so lovingly put it: “It was her duty,”.
So, there she was, in a dead-end town. Most of the kids from school had married by now, she was twenty-eight after all, and her friendships had all but fallen apart after Trixie had left for Boston. Most of them had even popped out a child or two, and Trixie found it hard to relate and/or enjoy one second of their company. So, when RuPaul had asked Trixie to spend a week at the Cabaret for a reunion performance she was hosting, how could Trixie ever say no?
After confirming her attendance, Trixie threw herself in bed, fully panicking. Was everyone going to be there? What if she was the only one to show up? What if she decided not go, and was the only who didn’t? She did enough damage when she left last time. What if they all hated her? What if she saw Katya? Of course, she’ll see Katya, she was as much a part of that cast as anyone else. How would Katya react to seeing her? Things would be weird, of course. Would she be prepared to handle that? Maybe Katya would just ignore her the whole time? Which honestly sounded like a pretty good option.
Her family, naturally, tried to discourage the trip. And they almost succeeded, too, especially with thoughts of Katya running wild in her head (like maybe Katya would throw a drink on her when she first saw her??), but Trixie realized if she didn’t go now, she never, ever would. She would just have to cross the Russian bridge when she got to it. She packed her guitar, her harp, and her suitcase and left for the airport the next morning.
           Trixie’s last time in Boston was potentially one of the best and worst times of her life. That was when things were changing for her. For better or worse, Trixie still wasn’t sure. She was only nineteen at the time, and how much can a nineteen-year-old comprehend about life-long lessons and impact? She found parts of herself she didn’t even know existed. And she loved that. But she also found a Pandora’s Box worth of things she didn’t dare try and open. And it didn’t take much for her to plunge back into Wisconsin, after barely making a home on these busy city streets. She did like it here in Boston. She liked the diversity, the hustle and bustle of city life. There was always something to occupy yourself with here. It wasn’t like Wisconsin, and that, perhaps, was the best part.
           Trixie, desperate to relieve herself of the cold, cut through a few alleys to get to the Cabaret, it’s funny, how well she still knew the Boston streets. She walked into a shabby-looking building, with broken lights, chipped brick, and ripped, wet, paper signs just outside the door. It’s clear the place had seen it’s better years, but Trixie didn’t seem to notice as she retched open the doors to get out of the cold. Warmth flooded her body, and she silently praised Ru for always being a cold blood.
           Expectations were rather high, as Ru always kept his cabaret as elegant as possible. Nice furniture, the smell of incense and a bit of alcohol reminded her more of home than her actual home did. And, she wasn’t disappointed. Barstools were neatly pushed in where they weren’t being used. High dining tables scattered the house, with equally high chairs, padded with nice, velvet cushions. Even the stage had a fresh coat of black paint on it, and the curtains had been replaced in the last ten years, she noticed. This was home to her, she wondered why she left.
          “… Trixie?”
           In an instant, Trixie felt her stomach drop to the floor. Already? She thought. She faced the bar, and the voice that came from behind it.
           “Katya. Hey.” She said shortly. This was not good. Not good at all. She hadn’t mentally prepared herself for an encounter this early. She braced herself. She braced herself for the potential yelling, for a drink to be dumped on her head. Anything.
           But nothing came.
           “I didn’t think you’d come to the reunion. In fact, Ru didn’t even tell me you were invited.” Katya shifted her weight and cocked her hip out as she looked Trixie up and down.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Trixie, deciding it was probably okay to move towards Katya, inched her way over to the bar.
Katya shrugged. “Dunno. I’m just surprised you came.”
There was a pause and Trixie took their momentary lapse in conversation to give Katya the same scrutinizing eye. She was slim as ever, clad in a white and black checked dress. She couldn’t see her legs behind the bar, but Trixie would put money on those muscular thighs being clad in fishnets and high boots. Katya’s hair had grown, in fact, it looked like it hadn’t been cut in the last nine years. Long, blonde waves, darker at the roots that cascaded over her shoulders. It had lots of volume, and Trixie can’t remember a time Katya’s hair looked like it had so much effort put into it.
           “So,” Katya spoke up. “Can I get you a drink?” Trixie was pulled out of her daze, and back into the reality of her current situation. Her stomach flipped again.
           “Oh, uh, water would be nice.” Trixie sat down on one of the barstools and began to notice the place was practically empty. There were a few lowly looking men, scattered at tables, but that was it. Trixie’s brow creased, the place used to be packed. “So,” she began, watching Katya move about behind the counter. “How have you been?”
           “Fine.” Katya set the glass down firmly in front of Trixie and popped a straw in the top before going about cleaning up a little.
           “That’s good to hear.” Trixie nodded, fiddling with the straw and staring at it as if it was the most interesting thing in the room and not Katya.  
           Katya pursed her red-streaked lips. “You?”
           “No complaints.”
           “You still living in Wyoming?” Katya finally looked up from the impeccably clean shot glass she was wiping down.
           “Wisconsin.” Trixie corrected, finally deciding that her water deserved more than to just be played with and ogled at. She took a sip and cringed at the pink ring her lipstick left on the straw.
           “Mm.” Katya nodded slowly and tossed her rag beneath the counter, before folding her arms over her chest and gazing at Trixie coolly.
           Trixie shifted in her seat. “So, who’s all coming to this… thing? Our whole cast?”
           Katya looked down at her feet and back up again. “Uhm, Adore is flying in from Cali, I know. Violet still lives here and so does Kim.” Katya’s eyes roamed the room as she thought. “Plus, you, me, Bianca.” She paused. “We haven’t heard from Aja, yet. Oh, and Ginger is trying to get time off her rehearsals, so we’ll see.”
           “No, I don’t think so. She hasn’t responded to anyone’s phone calls so…” Katya shrugged. “She’ll probably show up unannounced. She always like to make an entrance.”
           Trixie smiled at the thought. “Probably.”
           There was a beat of silence as the two ran out of things to say, yet again. Katya was fiddling with an end of her hair, and Trixie went back stirring her water.
           “How’s Ru? And Georges?” She knew perfectly well how they were.
           “Oh.” Katya smiled briefly, and Trixie got a glimpse at those perfect teeth. “They’re really good, still… really in love and… super gay.” Katya chuckled.
           “What about you? Still a lesbian?” Trixie regretted the words as soon as they passed her lips. Something passed over Katya’s face, an unidentifiable emotion and she crooked her lips and laughed.
           “Yeah, Trixie. I am.” Katya bit her lip. “Seeing anyone in Wyoming?”
           Trixie investigated her cup again. “Nah, no. Not a lot of pickings in Wisconsin.”
           “Not a lot of lesbians?” She mused.
           Trixie sucked in a breath and pretended she didn’t hear the question. “So why is Ru planning this little reunion performance?” She asked, her eyes elsewhere as she hoped Katya wouldn’t press the previous issue.
           Katya was silent for a moment. “A lot of us have moved on, Trix. We had good times, it’s been almost ten years and none of us even… text. Or follow each other on Instagram.” Katya shrugged. “You didn’t have to come, you know.”
           “I wanted to.”
           “…Well, I’m glad you did.” Katya pursed her lips again, giving Trixie a hard gaze. Almost a challenge. She didn’t respond, and, instead, rapped her nails against the bar counter. Trixie felt bad. What was she supposed to say to that? She knows Katya’s implications, and she wasn’t a lesbian. So why entertain the idea that they could ever be anything more than friends? Or even that? Katya was the soul reason it was so hard for her to come back here. She could face nearly everything else, she really, really could. She could face the girls scolding her for just disappearing almost ten years ago, she could face Ru, despite never calling like she promised. But facing Katya, was a whole can of worms she was so unwilling to open.
“Let me take you on a tour, for old times sake?” Katya offered, coming out from behind the bar.
           “Don’t you have to work?”
           Katya surveyed the restaurant with haughty smirk. “Oh, yeah, customers are fighting for my attention.” Trixie glimpsed at the house again. The same lowly guys were minding themselves at their tables, doing God knows what.
           “Yeah, that’s true.” Trixie responded with a laugh. “Yeah, okay, a quick tour.”
           “Great, cunt, let’s start in the office.” Katya grinned softly in that Katya fashion, and came out from behind the bar, untying her apron as she did. And lo and behold:
           Fishnets and high boots.
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