#but that all sounds v convenient and i am a suspicious person. she probably just thought she mailed it out and then found it under her desk
gendzl · 7 months
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oooh, movement. things are starting to look promising!
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the-busy-ghost · 4 years
TSP S02E06 Thoughts
Ok I’m late to the party today so I assume everyone has commented on most of this already and therefore I was just going to quickly sum up any other observations. But I’m only twenty minutes in and I already have SO MANY THOUGHTS
- Apparently Cardinal Wolsey is not allowed to speak to anyone now and if he does this is Suspicious. But since Katherine isn’t exactly talking to her daughter either, tbh Henry is actually quite fair to be all ‘Why would you care’.
- When Henry gets all bitchy towards Wolsey re: the chancellorship, both Wolsey and Katherine’s poker faces should be a reaction image. 
- Poor Mary at least she has Margaret Pole
- Ok I would love to go back in time and save all the historical infants from an early death if I could but I STILL don’t understand how the Duke of Ross is still alive. Poor kid should have left the scene six years earlier. AND STILL NO MARGARET DOUGLAS. While I’d like to be hopeful and assume that @glorianas hatesex idea is going to pan out, tbh with the way they’re developing Angus’ character I worry this will be another badly handled r*pe scene, IF they bother to add Margaret Douglas’ birth in at all.
- Smol James is Smol. I would die for all of the children in this show. Protect them at all costs.
- But anyway who tf is ‘Hal’ Stewart. I might be wrong (I haven’t read every source ever) but tbh ‘Hal’ is not a common abbreviation of Henry in Scotland- Harry (Harrie) is much more common as a form of Henry, and is indeed the nickname that Margaret’s third husband was commonly known by. Sadly, ‘Hal’ just makes me want to snigger and make ‘England and St George’ type speeches (though even in that line, tbh, it’s Harry not Hal). “Hal Stewart” sounds like he should have a handlebar moustache and say ‘jolly good’ and fly spitfires. Or like he’s the descendant of expat Scots living in Canada. 
- I would be a lot more surprised that Angus is sneaking in and out of places if you weren’t all literally living in a very open house which would be very difficult to defend, I mean what do you expect to happen if you have obvious enemies, very few attendants, and you park yourself in HOLYROOD PALACE
- Cut it off Meg
- Oh wait so YOU’RE not safe there and your own children aren’t safe there but you’re perfectly happy just leaving James IV’s kids there? I should say ‘kid’ singular but I think we’re past waiting for the TSP writers to use google and realise that all of James IV’s other children are over the age of eighteen by 1520. But if Margaret DID have custody of them (which seems unlikely) she’s just dumped a young girl (maybe nine years old? We don’t know but that’s my guess) in a palace with her apparently shitty ex-husband and buggered off up to Edinburgh. Agnes Stewart come pick up your daughter please, don’t leave her here, or at least send your niece back to do it since she already knows the way
- Why are they even including so many offhand remarks bout James IV’s kids so much at all if they plainly don’t know anything about them? Is this ever going to be relevant to the plot? Or did they just want to have them in the first episode to show how ‘hard done by’ Margaret is but then realised they couldn’t just ditch them without losing the audience’s sympathy for her.
- Margaret getting the conveniently placed big old book on marriage law down from the shelf (every household should have one)- but really Meg, you must have seen enough shady divorces in 16th century Scotland to know the name of a good lawyer who could do this for you
- Once again though, does Angus have NO kinsmen or retainers any more? Or was he just cutting about the Canongate on his day off from Being Evil and thought ‘I’ll go check in on the wife then shall I, she’ll have Drink which is also now something I am to be associated with’
- I am LOVING the blatantly Georgian architecture at the gates to a very disappointing Field of the Cloth of Gold. Really TSP should have just gone full Reign and embraced its inaccuracies to make a fun teen show with a load of ridiculous modern dresses, would have been more bearable than this
- I would like to address however, the fact that this show has been going on about how terrible it is for princesses to be married off to older men all season, but what are we now supposed to root for four-year-old Mary to be betrothed to the much older HRE, rather than the dauphin who is MUCH closer in age? Can the writers make their minds up? Who are we supposed to think is in the right?
- Wee Mary’s face when Katherine spoke to her for the first time- that’s probably the first time the kid has ever heard the fancy queen lady actually talk to her though, so I’m not surprised but genuinely it was quite funny.
- Someone save this child please.
- Also I may be wrong but I’m pretty sure he can’t just ride across France to get to the English Pale with only a couple of attendants and w/o a safe conduct or any other notification that he’s coming? This is just Margaret Tudor riding unattended through the Borders all over again.
- Gotta love Katherine just producing him out of nowhere though, the writers really do not care about the holes they dig themselves into but the implication that Katherine can just summon emperors whenever she likes is fantastic (does she keep him in a box??)
- Katherine about the horse- “He’s trained to kill a man with a single kick”. Don’t even hesitate Guerrero, you have four legs and there’s apparently three sixteenth century kings in the area, go to town
- Charles V just buggering off again, fading into the background like he was just Katherine’s own personal imperial amazon delivery man
- Have they decided to have the Evil May Day in 1520? Why?
- *Henry and Francis approach* *Theme from the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly plays*
“What a magnificent sight, two kings meeting for the first time, this rare species, almost never seen in daylight, both approach the watering hole...”
TBH I think their coordinated bow should also have had some narration Wolsey, if you really want Attenborough’s job after him. But it’s even funnier because they both genuinely looked so awkward stepping slowly towards each other, I just can’t
- Henry’s been buying his crowns from the same Burger King Autumn Range as Chris Pine in Outlaw King I see
- Pfft Wolsey’s evident panic is funny but I would like to copyright Stafford’s little eyebrow twitch where he’s obviously thinking ‘Let me hold your coat Henry’
- Katherine of Aragon following at a slower pace while Claude gives her a sideways glance is also mildly amusing, like KOA could not look less bothered. I know the wrestling was historically accurate but honestly Henry and Francis being all aggressive like they’re actually willing to kill each other when I bet they just get outside and hug weirdly is probably going to be hilarious.
- Once again Maggie, please take that child and RUN
- I was right, it IS funny.  Please Wolsey we need more Attenborough narration for this fight.
- Everyone standing around occasionally clapping awkwardly and looking vaguely unimpressed is like what would have happened in Bridget Jones if Hugh Grant and Colin Firth’s fight scene wasn’t soundtracked.
- Yeah so the wrestling was accurate but tbh I’m not sure that Henry staggering out of the ring looking like James II right before a stabbing is. In my experience if a ginger monarch in tights is wearing that expression you run, no matter who you are. 
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
… Hey, wireless?
Okay. Thank god for common sense. I accidentally lost my post bc my wireless conked out.
I was wise, and copied the contents. so we have lost nothing but the tags. Which weren’t that interesting any way.
So here we go!
In no order: (also, I apologise for any typos my fingers decided they wanted to type a mile a minute… DX)
Aw, Naohisa (still thinking I’m spelling his name wrong) is giving them science lessons…
That Melto loves and Asuna doesn’t get… XD It’s okay Asuna, I’m not sure I understand, either.
Melto’s so starry-eyed, gods love him. XD
Aw, Tyramigo. It’s okay, Melto, he doesn’t mean it meanly. ^^
They’re really cute though. XD
I guess Kou got the idea to see the world in his head from watching tv…
But I feel like there are better places to get into the river than jumping over this railing…
He’s clearly got no idea why that’s shocking. ^^
I guess she decided that she couldn’t really tell a 209 year old what to do…
This episode officially made me conclude that Ui and Touwa are the smols. They’re the youngest of the siblings. Kou is next, then Melto and Asuna are like… Twins who are slightly older than him. No one can agree which one of them is older. Banba is obviously the eldest and stuck managing them. Maybe until Gold gets here. Unless he’ll have to manage Gold, too.
Touwa’s fast, but Banba outweighs him… A for effort, though, sweetie. <3
To continue reading foreshadowing in everything… I wonder if Touwa commenting he doesn’t think Banba can lose in one v one means we’re eventually going to see just that happen.
Or, potentially, maybe Banba did once lose to someone in one v one?
Or both?
Touwa, honey, I just want you to know I very much support the concept of you and the others just tackling your brother. Like Merry and Pippin w/ Boromir. Just jump him. He could use the hugs.
Banba gazes majestically off into the distance as he prepares to be angsty.
Banba: ‘People will always betray you.’
I so want whoever hurt him like this to be an absolute dickwad and I want to see them get their asses kicked, esp by some truly pissed off little sibs.
By Banba, too, absolutely. But I would kill for an ep where the kids find out what this person did and go on a roaring rampage of protectiveness for their big brother. TT^TT DX
Touwa definitely doesn’t know what happened… DX I think he knew Banba was distrusting towards others and very much a loner, but he looks so sad and confused that I don’t think he knew it went this deep…
I wanna hug my little green gremlin son, too! DX I WANNA HUG ALL OF THEM!
Eh. I’m sure she’s fine.
Mook suit actors, the unsung heroes of any and all Sentai. XD
Hey, Green final slash! And Black again. ^^
XD Touwa. Banba’s just like ‘irritated growl.’ ^^
I’m… Pretty sure Ui just insulted this guy…?
Okay, here’s the thing. I don’t see nobody glowing green and losing life force. So… Did they just decide not to put that effect in, or… Or did the Minusaur actually come from someone else?
Like… Tall Cheese?
Ahem. Sorry. I mean Fita.
Though she’s not glowing either… Augh. I dunno what I’m saying.
Why would they chain up Ui, but not Kou?
Well done, Kou. ^^ Boy’s clever is a fight. XD
… What the heck was that boise and dramatic shot of her face? Where they just trying to remind us she’s an idol? I think it happened when the brothers find her, too… Does it mean something? Hmm… I dunno.
Kou’s reaction is hilarious, though.
Ui’s neck is gonna hurt later… DX
Okay, but later the brothers wake her up just fine? I guess the effects were only temporary… That’s probably why they chained them up, so that they couldn’t escape even when they woke up.
And… Kou’s sense ends here. Why didn’t you call the others, you dork? XD
Hmm… I miss Tankjoh, but I kinda like the new guy’s music…
I think he’s meant to be a drastically different personality. Where Tankjoh was surly and serious, this guy is bombastic and childish.
These are the most badass children I have ever seen.
Actually, that’s not true, but, they’re up there.
I’m wonder if it’s an effect of the brainwashing.
I love that girl in the lavender sweatshirt who just goes for the spinning kick. XD
Touwa probably bothered Banba until he agreed to bring her here. XD Which may have been easier bc Banba probably didn’t want to have to deal w/ her…
Melto thinking ‘oh, crap, she’s pretentious, the only way we’re gonna get her to talk is… *sigh* okay, someone has to take this bullet, it might as well be me…’
Honestly, though, I think the only other person who would possibly be willing to do that is Touwa, and probably not. Asuna wasn’t taking well to getting ordered around, and Banba would never kneel to anyone (… Well… Actually, no comment). My interpretation is that Melto realises she’s rather high and mighty, and that she’ll respond to an act of 'reverence’ like that, and he knows no one else in the room is gonna be willing to do it w/out complaining. So he just steps in to save them all the trouble. Mom friend to the rescue.
Honestly, it’s very sensible of him. ^^
I need to write more w/ Melto… DX
Banba is the back modelling. Bc boy can’t be in a single scene where he isn’t posing in some way at every opportunity.
Sorry Short Cheese, Banba doesn’t care if you think he has manners (I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to ditch her in the forest earlier XD). Touwa looks slightly miffed, but I think he’s less effected by it coming from you. The only one you’re offending is Asuna. And, actually, I’d advise against that.
Hey, isn’t Asuna also technically a noble?
Asuna’s like ‘First off, how dare you? Second, how dare you? And third… How dare you?’
XD This is even funnier bc of one of my casual ships. ^^
Melto hates this so much, but he’s willing to do it to find out what’s happening. XD Poor baby.
Oh, okay. So the mind control is just his thing.
This is so vague I can’t trust it… I mean, I guess most of it could be on the level, but… Hm. I gotta wonder if they were allowed to escape… And what exactly he’s got on them to have them still be doing this? (Bc next ep pretty much reveals they’re trying to trick the team) Is Short Cheese mind controlled? Is Tall Cheese? They repeat her ‘I would risk my own life to save her’ twice this ep, so I’m guessing Tall Cheese/little sister’s life is still in danger somehow…? I dunno. I guess we’ll learn this weekend.
So… What, you can just teleport? Why didn’t you do that when you were running before? SUSPICIOUS?
Also, I’m not sure I trust these flashbacks either, bc they’re from Short Cheese’s point of view, and next ep indicates she wasn’t being on the level w/ the team. I mean, she’s holding that orange rock in a bottle… But… Did it come from her planet? Is it something they stole from the Druidons? Or is there a part of this story that was left out (actually, that much is obvious bc Short Cheese didn’t mention the rock at all), where the Druidon gave it to her? Too many variables, even if I didn’t know they were up to something.
I should note that it’s pretty obvious they’re not actually evil and are being forced into doing this. They’re only here as guest stars and they’re being promoted as being idols (exhibit A, the abrupt song sequence coming up), so I HIGHLY doubt they’re gonna pull out the rug and make them outright evil.
And, anyway, the next ep preview practically confirms that. XD
Girl in the lavender sweatshirt is ready to kill something, I swear.
I also like the boy in the burgundy and white sweatshirt. XD He’s paying such good attention. ^^
Asuna’s offended, Melto’s somewhere else thinking about Wyzul, Banba doesn’t care and Touwa’s in. XD
Touwa clearly here thinking ‘dear god, I know I never want to go through that… O_o’
Honey, I am so sorry, but I make no promises. DX
That’s a very direct question, but no less then I’d expect from Banba. Though also… Kinda odd? What are you trying to establish here, sweetie? Why are you asking this?
This line is very important, clearly. They repeat it twice. Pretty sure it’s to make us understand that whatever is going on next ep, it’s bc the sisters are trying to protect each other. Like I said, I’m presuming that Tall Cheese is actually still in danger somehow.
WHAT WAS HE TRYING TO ESTABLISH W/ THAT QUESTION? And then he just accepts her answer? I’m confused…
I really can’t tell if he’s finding something odd w/ this, or if he’s accepting it bc he’s sympathising w/ her… DX Tatsuya is being unreadable too well! DX
And then she… Just starts singing? Like, I love this show, but… There could’ve been a better lead up to that.
Though I do love Naohisa reacting to the lights. XD
So… Was this just a random musical interlude, or… Was she doing something? I guess it was so that Kou could hear it and make the connection, but the execution could have gone a little better.
Banba takes that extra moment to pose. XD
Untransformed fight! ^^
I love how Banba just delays transforming to take off. :D
I needed to use a new emoticon.
Kou’s little ‘Ah!’ and pointing when the kids show up! XD
Girl in the lavender sweatshirt is going to cut something.
See, this is an effective use of the singing.
Uh… What. Melto, what does that… Whatever. Sentai logic.
Now he says ‘Okay, Tyra!’ instead of just ‘Tyra!’
Banba would be SO AWKWARD. XD
Oh, NOW you transform. XD Well, we wouldn’t have had that beautiful weapon toss if you had before. ^^
See? We bring up the line again, and there’s a weird sound cue? Does it mean anything?
Touwa sees the other smollest sib and must immediately go help her. XD
I do like the improve mobility of this mech. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adored the clusterfuck of orbs that was the Kyuranger mecha, but… It’s nice to seem something more dynamic once in a while?
Kudos the new suit actor, too. Whose name still escapes me… DX
Convenient train tracks. XD Sentai logic.
Actually, just Toku logic.
I love MirNeedle and his honk and his spinning attack. XD
Could you be more tsundere in one sentence???
Touwa’s just like ‘stages of realising your brother is a tsundere, stage 3: acceptance’
Kou doesn’t mind, though. XD
I do think Banba is starting to kind of like the trio, but boy is very damaged and the concept scares him, so he’s trying to fight it as much as possible, even though it’s just kind of a slight, vague fondness at this point.
Like, eventually, he’s going to end up adopting them, it’s going to happen, he’s going to have at least four younger sibs, actually five. But we’re not there quite yet.
I would love a ‘we’re not each other’s only family anymore’ sort of thing from the brothers. Or maybe one of the trio telling them that. XD
One day, a Mosasaurus will be in that empty spot, I bet.
Melto and Banba on the same wavelength. ^^
So… The Minusaur host is dead now?
This is cute, but I already know there’s more to this.
XD Oh, Banba. You’re starting to like them, I know you are. You’re not getting out of this. Though I do get why you really don’t want that to happen.
Though I do think his getting emotional next week is a partially due to it. ^^ Like, yes, there’s the fact that he’s mad at Kou for being too trusting, and that it might be dangerous for all of them/earth, but… I dunno. Probably overthinking.
But I’m gonna wax on about that shot in the preview later, don’t worry. XD
Or worry, if you don’t want to hear my rambling. In… Which case why would you even be reading this.
Melto on point again. XD I really need to write more w/ you… DX
Though on the other hand, I guess there’s a possibility that she could have read it in Naohisa’s papers at the house, or he said it to her. But she didn’t seem interested in the research, and they could just ask Naohisa if he mentioned it.
Hm… Maybe they’re waiting to update the ED until Gold gets here.
Why does Kou have the inflation Soul activated?
… That sounds like he knows way  more about economics than he actually does. XD
As far as the preview, I like the drama that seems to be happening. ^^ Maybe they’ll finally give us some slightly more concrete info on what happened to Banba. Or just… Anything about the brothers’ past? And what about that hooded person? The sisters are up to something, but they’re obviously being forced into it somehow, Wyzul is definitely the sneaky type. We’re also heading into May, which means DimeVolcano and possibly Gaisorg/Gaisoulg? Though he wasn’t in any of the scans so even if his figurine is releasing, we likely won’t be seeing him until the very end/month after.
There are so many better possibilities. DX I know who I want it to be (even though I don’t strictly know ‘who’ that is XD), but there are other possibilities too.
And while I would like to see next ep, I am also curious about the arc coming after it. I really wanna know if my crazed visual analysis madness was right about it only being the kids who are trapped in Wonderland and Banba is trying to get them out. I wanna know.
Hm… Does anyone know where the ‘newspaper summaries’ come from? Like, we got the ones from 5 to 7… Are we gonna get ones for 8 to 11 at some point?
I am an impatient baby. DX ^^;
That’s all folks! Virtual chocolate eclairs for anyone who read all that. But, actually, that’s not all! I still wanna ramble about something—namely, and silly personal theory/hc of mine.
Bc of this face:
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Okay, so. During that conversation where Banba did the whole ‘Kindness can make one weak’ thing, I mentioned that I found Kou’s reaction interesting? Bc it might’ve been in his characterisation to get mad and insist that kindness does not make people weak—esp since he clearly still doesn’t think that. But instead, he just looked a little hurt, and looked sad? Like… It seemed to me he was more saddened that Banba thought that way at all than being offended by the statement. Not ‘how could you think that?!’ but more… Like ‘that’s so sad that you’ve been made to believe that?’ If that makes sense? That somehow, Kou caught on that Banba has this view bc he was hurt terribly in the past? And then there’s this face here. Boy looks like a sad puppy. It’s totally my skewed interpretation bc I had that thought before, but to me it looks like he’s looking at Banba like… Empathetically? Like he pities him? So now I’m falling even deeper into the idea that Kou doesn’t find Banba’s distrust of others insulting of offensive in anyway, but is just sad for the fact that someone could come to think that way. Realises that Banba is like this bc he got hurt and is scared, and is just heartbroken by that? That someone could get hurt so badly that they lose faith in nearly all goodness in the world? I might like it if there’s a moment where Kou proves he’s more thoughtful than he seems (like, he can be thoughtful, he has his moments—though he is still an impulsive, goofy doofus) by, like, outright asking Banba what happened to him. That’d def throw Banba for a loop, I think. This is, of course, just my overthinking and incoherent rambling. But I do like the idea. ^^ Last note: my god Tatsuya has pretty eyelashes! DX
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nanyoky · 6 years
hey gang guess who’s sick in bed and therefore not drinking but is definitely getting Fever Weird which is the next best thing really
No it’s not i’m sick as a dog and fucking miserable and probably not going to be as much fun as usual, full disclosure. Instead of sushi and cider like my usual wednesdays, i’m having tang and saltines so.... cheers.
also i want you all to know there were no working links so i had to wait for the official cw stream to go up like a pauper come on team it’s 2018 we’re better than this
mayor mac and the lodges are still in cahoots and now v knows why but you know who doesn’t yet? ME THAT’S WHO
oh wow so that’s penelope’s deal now
this is- in a darkly hilarious way- the photo negative of season one keller boys “no cruising guys today kiddo” “good GAWD dad”. “i may be a widow but i can still fucking PULL” “good GAWD mom”
i should not be laughing but oh my god CHERYL’S FACE jesus h christ
it’s veronica’s job to keep next gen riverdale chill “when the news breaks” ruh-roh
did archie say he’s going to start a band “of redheads”? so just- him on guitar and cheryl screaming into the mic like a kraken? that’s the only possibility i can envision
“are you upset?” “upset? ronnie, i’m crazy about you” that is a suburban white mom level of non-answer, archie- stop hanging out with alice cooper
awkward betty and archie eye contact is almost as obvious as veronica’s stilted forced “we should probably all stay calm....” to the room at large
((the saltines went over pretty well so i think i’mma try some chicken nuggest pray for me team))
“my home is a dickensian nightmare- i won’t have my school turn into one too!” there is just... so much here. short version: cheryl’s origin story is that of the classic highschool bully: not in control of her home life, so enacts violent control over her school. in this way she has not changed. also jesus christ she’s so fucking dramatic i love her like this is in any way her problem but she’s automatically FURIOUS about it. but also just: wow cheryl hates poor people.
“of course. we’re fine.” kevin’s skeptical face (tm) is mint. top shelf. the good shit.
“jones- this is very lovecraftian, which i’m sure was the intention.” toni has jughead Figured Out, and i’m not sure he’s comfortable with that. 
*jake peralta voice* toni- first off your insinuating voice is way too high you sound like meryl streep in mama mia
oh my god sweetpea and fangs are just so dumb. so pretty and so dumb. just because you two wear leather jackets and flannel doesn’t mean you’re not dumb jocks. i’m calling it: sweetpea/reggie. can you imagine the angry makeouts???? so much angry repressed sexuality.
toni’s face of “oh god why are you morons celebrating” is some of the best we’ve seen of her so far my hopes are high for next gen serpent characterization with this plotline
POLLY MY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh wow yeah actress must have gotten a better gig or something and is only available for a cameo or two if a show as drama loving as RIVERDALE is keeping the birth of twins offscreen
“juniper and dagwood” *betty face*
also yes polly you are in a cult get your babies and LEAVE. go hang out with smithers and joaquin whom i command are safe and happy and healthy wherever they are
“that’s mine by the way” FUCKIN COLD.
FINALLY someone other than the sheriff’s office is getting involved in how fucking SHADY this “small” town is
oh nevermind one seed of doubt and he’s back. poor boy. sweet boy. dumb boy.
oh nooooo freddddd
fp in his adorkable pop’s uniform smugly nudging about betty is a great moment everyone deserves an in-law that loves them like fp loves betty
please tell me “doctor beeker” is their actual science teacher’s name
we all know that finding the lost cooper brother is going to do ANYTHING but make alice a happier, more stable person right this is not going to end well
i mean even if he wasn’t a minor and using him to get information from a dangerous criminal was a profoundly shitty thing to do, the fbi could have picked literally anyone in town that would have been a better double agent because this is.... not a subtle conversation.
GREAT SONG CHOICE FOR THE SERPENTS’ INTRO TO RHS ((my mom had a tape with this song on it that she’d play to get me pumped for kindergarten))
okay i’m only going to say this once and then probably once more in the scorecard but: how much better would this mixed school plot have been if JOAQUIN WAS STILL IN TOWN?!?!?! the joy and comedy if he and kevin got back together?? the ANGST IF THEY DIDN’T?!?!?!?!?! i am CHEATED. LAID LOW. BITCHSLAPPED.
THAT BEING SAID: this is so good already. serpents swaggering in. veronica’s stepford forced cheer. cheryl and reggie STRUTTING to create conflict.
toni’s face upon gazing at cheryl once more is just so very gay. angry gay. furious that she has to see those mile long legs again.
“no one invited facist barbie to the party” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "ragamuffins” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh archie. so pure. so ineffective. as always.
did jughead just sidehug sweetpea away from conflict are they there now
i haven’t been paying enough attention to outfits so far but the placement of cheryl’s iconic spider broach not over her heart like a normal broach, but ON HER SHOULDER LIKE IT’S CRAWLING was a topnotch choice by wardrobe
again this is some classic response to sexual assault in the category of “well that’s unfortunate” until it’s about someone close to you come on archie you’re better than this.
which of course reinforces cheryl’s “me against the world” attitude because NO ONE SEEMS TO FUCKING CARE that she was attacked except veronica and the cats
“of the park avenue lodges” juggie. not helping. although i’d like to think jughead has mentioned veronica enough that toni knows this is just mild teasing between unlikely friends
josie’s awkward “now just... josie...” BROKE MY HEART
“joaquin and i used to hang out. talked about you all the time” OF COURSE HE FUCKING DID THAT POOR BOY WAS *ELIZA SCHUYLER VOICE* HELPLLLLLEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS. also i’m so happy joaquin has FRIENDS that hopefully still keep in touch please just someone check on him i miss my gay biker leo
godfuckingdammit reggie
“no more serpent jackets” okay- okay- i really need to ask the writers to go to a real high school just once. once. in what world would they have not made this a rule already???? i got in trouble in middleschool for wearing a bandana okay and i was a weird horse girl and LOOKED IT.
is josie hanging out with the core four+kevin because cheryl’s weirdness was scaring her off and the cats have cut all ties? has she lost her entire support network??? i’m worried about alpha kitty guys include her in stuff
jughead is #worked up and toni is having none of it thank god for toni
“i just need to borrow one of jason’s blazers” thank GOD they haven’t abandoned creepy ties between jason and archie. please someone share my half baked conspiracy theory that they were switched at birth and archie is the real blossom twin
juggie. i love you. i genuinely do. but you are being a prime fucking asshole right now. 
i was rolling my eyes so hard at jughead’s bullshit i almost missed sweetpea’s turtleneck which would have been a TRAGEDY
this separation between jughead’s attitude and the rest of the serpents is finally bringing to light what has bothered me about his plot this season so far. he’s so fucking desperate to fit into his role as the heir apparent to the gang but he doesn’t actually know shit about being in a gang and being in danger all the time. for all he grew up poor his has this really privileged attitude and i can’t wait for toni and co. to just tell him to sit down and shut up because believe it or not his actions have consequences
i was going to say “what they didn’t call ahead???” but of course not. cooper women do not call ahead
i mean we all knew this wasn’t going to go well and i think a lot of us thought it might be a possibility but...... umm.... heavens.... golly.... that.... that uh... looks like.... ayoungblondskeetulrich. .....jinkies.
oh god why do we have two prostitution plotlines in one episode why why is this a thing in riverdale now
on a lighter note they are hitting into my nostalgia funny bone hard this ep with the game in the whyte wurm being mortal combat ii it’s been years since i’ve gazed on those pixilated icons of my childhood
fp giving you advice on doing the smart thing instead of your kneejerk reaction to a shit situation is a real lowpoint i hope you realize that juggie
again, as heavy as it is, i’m glad they don’t shy away from the dreaded “R” bomb with this nick plotline. like characters seem hesitant to say it in a realistic way, but they do use it which keeps it from feeling like the creators trying to write around controversy
i like that they’re acknowledging it’s pretty shitty of archie to not care until it’s about veronica it feels like brewing #character development
I mean don’t get me wrong, i love seeing nick get beat up as much as anyone else, but archie should have def talked to veronica before all that and she’s right to be upset
yess betty goin to rescue her bro and showing up in the suspiciously convenient nick of time i love it
archie being a good boy and clearing the air about the kiss before things get out of hand but also.... not mentioning the fbi agent after her dad is such a very riverdale thing to do
god this poor lost cooper boy this is the most awkward situation ever because you know alice and hal are not going to handle this well and you know betty is going to try too hard to make it work and you know chic is probably involved in some stuff that will be Plot (tm) later on and this is just A Lot
chic..... (we’re supposed to find this threatening, but psych, chic is noticing all the suspiciously different features they have almost like they might be half siblings instead of full siblings.....)
Episode Scorecard:
# of Sick Beat Drop Editing Sequences: None
Do I Still Miss Joaquin: Do i have to fucking elaborate YES okay goddammit someone better be working on a “joaquin never left” au to fit in with this serpents at rhs plot as we speak or i will be MOST CROSS.
Episode Hair MVP: Toni’s was looking particularly nice today
Episode Outfit MVP: sweetpea’s turtleneck. hands down. but with a close second being the placement of cheryl’s spider.
Episode Cast/Crew Shoutout: soundtrack was better than it has been this season- good choices there.
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astridianmayfly · 7 years
So You Want to Gravity Falls [5/?]
It’s finally here!! yay!! sorry for delays im incredibly slow and procrastinating is a serious issue
“Just remember: The woods have eyes, and the eyes are in the woods.”
The Big Kids ran away, laughing and looking over their shoulders.
Little Tommie didn’t like them. They’d tell him scary stories of the neighborhood’s woods, how there were odd wendigos that crawled and lurked at nighttime, the ghosts that howled only when the clock struck midnight, and the werewolves that roamed when the full moon alerted their predatory instincts.
But this story was the worst of them all. Big Joe told Tommie of the screams they would hear at night from those woods, how demons tortured their human victims.
There was wailing and blood. Lots of blood, they said.
And worst of all, they told Tommie that the demons would suck you into their black-and-white world and mess with your mind and play with your head. They’d trick you and taunt you and ruin your soul so you were just about begging for death.
Because demons they said, liked to play with their food before they ate it.
With a jolt, his eyes snapped open with a force fit to jumpscare.
There was a sort of haunting chant in the air, whispering in his eardrums, scratching his soul, tempting his psyche.
The lure of closure was too priceless of a promise to not to be kept. So Thomas sat up, examining the environment around him.
First off, everything was black and white.
Crotchety shadows blurred around the corners of the hell, swaying and sweeping towards him. They were sentient, in some way; gnarled fingers outstretched. In front of him, there was only an endless wood of evergreens. They had somehow lost their luster. A pine tree’s usual homey thanksgiving was destroyed by the menacing plants ahead of him; which were like a dark facade of doom. And the worst was the painted -gray sky, that shifted precariously, unsure. The sun was never-setting, ever-setting; a dreadful reminder of Thomas’ own hopeless situation.
The air. Oh, the air.
It smelled like That One Time in The Basement- sulfur and doom and demons and death.
And faintly, the oxidized twang of blood.
Where am I?
He stood up, wincing at how his feet sank into the unusual quicksand-like ground.
Oh stars, this was screwed up.
He did a 360, and upon doing so conveniently realized that the Rainbow Basher was behind him. Beat up, yes. But intact, and hopefully usable.
He opened the now R-V like car, courtesy of Tyrone, and stepped inside.
Everything was the same as how he left it. Chips on the floor, blankets strewn on the woollen couch. The tatter in the chair over there. Tyrone’s room left mysteriously ajar; Brad’s, suspiciously closed. The peeling wallpaper. The messy kitchen space.
Everything exactly the same. Yet everything so different.
“Aw come on, Thomas, I thought you said those chips were for me!”
“Maria. It’s only one bag. I have like, five more in the pantry space.”
“You better. A promise is a promise. Eddy, is the game ready to play yet?”
“Maria, it wasn’t ready the time you asked three seconds ago. It wasn’t ready six seconds ago. And it won’t be ready when you ask again in five seconds.” Eddy screwed up his forehead in concentration. “Can someone else help me with this?”
“Is it ready now?” Maria quipped.
“Very funny. But really. Brad? A little help maybe?”
“Eh..” Brad made a so-so gesture with his hand. “I don’t think I will. Consider the awful gaming system you’ve got here. Like seriously. That thing is obsolete.”
It was kind of obsolete. The box it came in was huge-3 inches wide- and the holo technology was so bad it might have been made in the same time the game took place. The 5D effects were awful too; you could only barely feel the virtual objects you put in your hand, and the weight approximation was off. Also, the expanding screen kept getting jammed, and the holographic effects were just plain awful.
“If only Tyrone were here, he could help boot up the system.” Eddy sighed. “And it’s not like any of you will help me or anything.”
“I think he’s off doing business,” Thomas said.
“Yeah, if business is murdering people.” Brad said
“That’s the only type of business I’m ever going to be interested in.” Maria said slyly.
Thomas rolled his eyes. “Sometimes, you’re normal. On other occasions, I’m genuinely concerned for your mental health.”
“Guys!” Eduardo practically screamed. “I got it to work!”
The screen expanded slowly, until the crew was surrounded by the holographs. The lights were turned off, and everyone put on their gloves and headsets for the ultimate experience.
Warning: Apocalypse Averted contains some violent images, flashing lights, gore, and suspense.
If these things will be detrimental to your health or wellbeing, we recommend only one thing.
Quit while you’re ahead.
She swore angrily, but almost felt as if something was horribly, awfully wrong.
She went back to sleep, shivering.
Actually, Eddy wasn’t entirely sure what a group of gnomes was even called. What was the scientific term for a group of gnomes? A herd of gnomes? A pack of gnomes? A cluster of gnomes? A family of-
Ah! Gnomes!
Ok so, well, they were everywhere in this cavern, or their lair. (But lair sounded too sinister for gnomes. But they had chased his friends by literally forming into a giant monster. Lair it was!) And by everywhere he meant, well, everywhere. The identical, miniscule creatures covered every inch of the cave, breathing in his face and staring at him.
This was weird. He was uncomfortable.
“Uh, hi?” he said, voice cracking slightly. “Why did you guys kidnap me?”
The gnome who was standing on one’s head, jumped down and introduced himself. His eyes were bright and welcoming. And almost, kind of loving? “I’m Jeff. Well, my name is actually Jeff with a bunch of juniors coming after it, but yeah. You can call me Jeff!”
Eduardo narrowed his eyes. “You still haven’t told me why you kidnapped me.”
The head gnome-Jeff’s expression quickly darkened. “Oh, all in due time, my love! For now, we must protect you from harm!”
Eddy’s eyes widened. “What kind of harm?”
“Well, right now we’re on the outskirts of our hometown, Gravity Falls. I’m sure you’ve heard of it before, no? Well, anyway, the place was kind of attacked by rainbows. We like rainbows, yes, but the creatures of the woods warned us to stay away! Their whispers, they warned very bad things.” Jeff paused. “Yes, very bad things indeed.”
Eddy grabbed the gnome and shook him. “Tell me what they said! I was just kidnapped by gnomes and my friends were taken by a spider-woman and one of my friends escaped but he went towards the town. Why? What else is dangerous around here?”
The gnome laughed nervously. “Well, the reason we took you is because we were leaving. We noticed the bad coming and left right away. I’m sure the spider-person did too. But what’s you’re name? We want to get to know you better before the ceremony begins!!”
“Wait, what ceremony? You aren’t even answering my question!”
Jeff raised his eyebrows. “You first. You’re the hostage.”
He had a point. “I'm Eduardo, you can call me Eddy. Now answer my questions. Please. What am I doing here? What ceremony are we having? Will my friends be ok? And what's going on in Gravity Falls?”
Jeff held up his hands in a surrender, and all the other gnomes mimicked his action. “Whoa there friend, you need to slow down. But we can answer your questions… we’re willing to do anything for our future queen!”
Wait what?
“Queen?!?” Eddy sputtered. “But-”
“That's why we brought you here! You’re going to be the heir to the gnomian throne, and you will take my hand in marriage! The ceremony, it’s matrimony, of course! And your friends, well… there's a good chance they'll all be dead by tomorrow! As for Gravity Falls, the creatures were talking about some monster or something.”
Eduardo backed away as all the gnomes came increasingly closer to him.
Matrimony. Monster. Dead. Ceremony. Gnomes.
Oh, fuck.
Brad was next to her, incased similarly.
She screamed.
He'd realized, somewhat, what was happening. And how it probably had to do with Tyrone.
This was probably his payback for being friends with a demon.
He planned to explore sections of the forest carefully, by foot, to see if he could find anything to help him, such as an exit that might be missed if he had been driving too quickly. Then, he'd go back in the Rainbow Basher and then would drive the excavated distance. He was looking for
He advanced into the forest on foot, cautiously. He now had a flashlight to navigate the
increasingly dark woods. The flashlight suspiciously appeared on the ground when he was thinking about how handy it would be to have such a tool.
Suddenly, he realized that one tree coming up on his left was not like the others. It had retained its glistening sheen. It was colored too, for one thing.
He remembered the game that they played.
Where was he? Was he hallucinating?
It was worth a try.
Here went nothing.
He slammed on the center of the tree, and it made a hollow, metallic sort of clanging.
His suspicions were automatically confirmed.
He hit the tree once more, a squeaky door lurching open to reveal-
“-the journals! We finally found them!”
“About time. It’s not like we haven’t been looking for the past half hour.”
Thomas rolled his eyes. “We agreed to not use cheats.”
Eduardo’s voice came from the other side of the virtual forest, his avatar looking adamant in the game. “Speaking of which, thanks for that marvelous idea Thomas!”
Eddy was playing as this old man character apparently called Stan Pines, who totally looked like a badass. It was either that or a fatter man called ‘Soos,’ who Eduardo quickly ‘noped’ his way out of being. He had this old suit on, that was clearly something a circus ringleader would wear in the 2000s. It was a conman sort of ensemble, complete with a cane and eyepatch, but it looked totally cool. It wasn’t like Thomas was going to tell him that, though.
“Oh, what’s that? You want me to join the Russian Mafia?”
Maria laughed. “Okay but Thomas, you looked like you’re going as Tyrone Evergreen, normal human boy for Halloween. With a trademark. Trademarks, Thomas!!!”
Thomas looked down at himself. “I seriously don’t think I look like Tyrone at all right now. For starters, I don’t think I can be taller than five foot two.”
Brad chimed in. “Yeah, but you look like his kid or something. Like the facial resemblance is kinda uncanny.”
In the background, Maria screamed, “Trademarks!”
Thomas rolled his eyes. “Whatever you guys say. Well then, what are we gonna do with this journal Maria found?”
It had taken a really freaking long time to find the journal. Once the game had started, all of the characters had spawned in the middle of a deserted evergreen forest. Then, a prompt had appeared in the sky:
They had looked everywhere; in the sky, they’d dug in the ground (which was possible and coded into this game, real talk; who were they gonna bury) and had explored every inch of the map. They’d passed a particularly peculiar tree once or twice in the woods. In a bout of utter frustration, Maria had slammed her fist into the tree. It made an odd noise on the inside that echoed and bounced around.
And that’s when a door had lurched open to reveal a dusty and peeling journal, with a inked-on ‘3’ inscribed onto an odd six-fingered and golden handprint.
Upon opening the journal, the gang had discovered in-depth descriptions of supernatural creatures, with specific and quality observations jotted down. It was a quality work, with drawings by a decent artist depicting the most miniscule of details jotted down.
“Well, I guess what we should do is, maybe read it?”
“What a genius idea, Captain Obvious! I couldn’t’ve ever thought of that myself!” said Brad in mock awe.
“Oi, will you shut up? I’m opening the damn thing now!” Thomas grumbled.
“Ooh, feisty.”
Thomas ignored Maria’s taunts and opened the book.
Pandora’s box was about to be trumped.
Thomas shook his head. There was no time to look back on the past; the priority was escape.
Thomas did it.
He took the book out of the tree, and opened the journal.
The second he did so, he didn’t even have time to read it.
A glowing ball appeared in front of his face, flitting to and fro.
And it spoke.
Hello!!!! I’m Mabel!!!!
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