#but thats a whole seperafe post
oopdeathnote · 1 year
Hey hello I feel like starting problems on purpose
I love Misa, I think she’s (when the writers feel like it) a great character, but man she is not a good person. Obviously she’s been through a lot, but she lowkey stalks Light, follows him home, and threatens to kill any other woman he goes out with?? She keeps sitting on Light’s lap and shit in the Yotsuba arc even though he’s clearly not comfortable with it??? Like, Light makes it pretty clear he’ll probably never love her romantically.
I’m not defending Light by the way, his treatment of Misa is pretty bad most of the time, but at best they are as bad as each other. This feels like such an edgy, contrarian thing to say, and again I still love Misa as a character, but at least some of you wouldn’t like Misa nearly so much if she’d been a man and Light had been a girl.
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