#not a morally better placs but a more understandable one
oopdeathnote · 1 year
Hey hello I feel like starting problems on purpose
I love Misa, I think she’s (when the writers feel like it) a great character, but man she is not a good person. Obviously she’s been through a lot, but she lowkey stalks Light, follows him home, and threatens to kill any other woman he goes out with?? She keeps sitting on Light’s lap and shit in the Yotsuba arc even though he’s clearly not comfortable with it??? Like, Light makes it pretty clear he’ll probably never love her romantically.
I’m not defending Light by the way, his treatment of Misa is pretty bad most of the time, but at best they are as bad as each other. This feels like such an edgy, contrarian thing to say, and again I still love Misa as a character, but at least some of you wouldn’t like Misa nearly so much if she’d been a man and Light had been a girl.
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followingfallout4 · 6 years
Formal affairs (Maxson x f!Sole): Chapter XVII - Interruption
First chapter  
Previous chapter 
Previously: Sole sighed. “I won’t be. We have to attack the raiders currently on the go as well. “ “ The most ruthless ones, presumably. Their leader is he with…” Sole gritted her teeth. “Yeah. Essentially. We need to keep them from getting back to their vault. They might have a radio so we will attack them at the same time. “ Haylen nodded. “Why are you telling me this?”  Sole gritted her teeth. “Because you’re my friend. I trust you. And… I have something you need to give Maxson if I don’t make it. I need you to hang on to it, not let anyone read it. If I make it out okay, give it back to me. If I don’t, give it to him.” “ Why would you… “ Haylen looked puzzled until it all clicked.  Sole looked her in the eyes, closed them for a second while she breathed in and nodded. “Oh.” 
Chapter XVII  Haylen’s eyes were wide as she stared ahead of her, trying to process the information. “Does he know?” Sole gave her a little sad smile before she shook her head. “Doesn’t matter now. Regardless of what he does or doesn’t know and regardless of his feelings for me. I…” Sole exhaled loudly. “I care about him in a different manner than a Sentinel should. “
Haylen nodded slowly. “ But why did you lash out before …  did he reject you?” Sole sighed, trying to figure out the best course of action. “ Look, Haylen, let’s just call it complicated for now all right? And I need you to keep quiet about this to absolutely everyone, including Rhys.” As soon as his name was mentioned, Haylen broke eye contact and spoke in a more hushed tone of voice. “ You’re right by the way. Me and Rhys.” “ To be honest, I doubt I’m the only one who figured that out. He hates everyone but you. “  “Well to be honest he just particularly doesn’t like you but...” Haylen saw Sole crossing her arms.  Sole scowled at her. “What?! He doesn’t like me? Why did nobody ever tell me? Was it that poem I wrote about his prejudice? Probably was that, right?”   Haylen ignored the sarcastic comment and went on with her story. “ We had to stop for a moment when we were on our way back to the Prydwin and he told me that he cared about me as more than a Brotherhood sister. I’ve never seen him that worried about anything or anyone. And then he… we… ehm...“   Sole interrupted her as soon as the visual representation of what she might say next started to kick in. “ Oh-kay, I can make an educated guess. Congrats Haylen. Just hope he treats you as well as you lead me to believe. He’s still not on my good side based on what I’ve seen of him so far but he did bring you back alive so that’s a decent start to get in my good graces.” Haylen smiled a little. “He makes me happy.” Sole noticed how Haylen’s face just brightened, in spite of the incoming doom and gloom of their next fight. She hated having to continue on about that now.  “I’m really happy for you Haylen. And he did seem protective over you when you were still being examined too. But speaking of me not wanting that to happen again… this raider leader is dangerous. I’d rather not underestimate him. “   Haylen nodded. “Understood.” Sole got up only to find herself in Haylens arms before she properly could. “ Be careful out there.” Sole hugged her back. “ You too.” After Sole made it around the corner she leaned with her back against it and exhaled deeply, trying to chase away the feeling of dread which seemed to take over. She hoped she had merely gotten more paranoid, hell she needed it to just be unjustified paranoia.  “Ah there you are!” The sound startled her. Sole looked sideways to see doctor Corden. “Ahem, apologies. Greetings, Sen-ti-nel?”  Sole smiled and waved her hand before standing up just a little bit straighter again. Maybe she had taken over some body language cues from Maxson. But she did not intend to stand on formalities as he had to. “ As I said before, You can drop the title. “
“I’ve been told to come find you per direct orders.” “ Right. I’m heading out soon. We’re going to find the Minutemen.” Corden’s shifted from one leg to the other uncomfortably and frowned. “What seems to be the problem, Corden?” He seemed to doubt whether he should speak up at all, but did regardless.  “With all due respect I do not understand why we would attack them considering…” Sole smiled a little at his ungrounded worries. She sometimes forgot people did not realise who she was to the Minutemen. “ Don’t worry we’re not attacking nor threatening them, we need information.”   Corden looked relieved at those words. “Why would they give us that information though?” “ Because last time I checked, I’m their general.” 
Corden’s jaw dropped.  “Damn…. how can I help with that though?” “ Considering my recent injury the Elder insists I take along a medic and a Knight. I chose you to be the former as I want the resident medics here for now. On a sidenote though… I’m spoken for. My choice for you had nothing to do with a romantic interest. I apologize if I accidentally gave you the wrong signals there. Perhaps if I didn’t have someone yet things would be different but as is, I’d like you on my side as a friend and a Brother. And I need you focussed. We might come across some injured people, there have been some raider attacks.“ “I joined to help people so if I could take along the necessary supplies I’m ready to do what I can. About the... other thing... does that mean the rumors are true? About you and the Elder?” He seemed to turn a little paler, remembering he had attempted to flirt with her with him nearby. Sole crossed her arms and looked at him a little more sternly. “Did I say that?” Corden shook his head very quickly and visibly regretting asking. Sole walked a little bit closer to him “Then don’t make wild assumptions. Not all rumours are true. I expect you ready tomorrow at noon. Is that doable for you?” Corden nodded. “Of course. And I’m sorry for… asking. I didn’t mean to be disrespectful.” Sole sighed and eased her stance again. “Don’t worry about it. We’re good. By the way you will get some armour and a gun. You probably won’t need to use the latter but I’d rather keep you safe.” Corden nodded. “I appreciate that.” Sole looked at him. “You’re one of us now. We’ve got your back.Out there, I’ll try to protect you as much as any other person who serves under me. I didn’t choose you to abandon you, I promise.” Somehow her words seemed to feed Cordens courage and resolve. She had missed leading people, in that moment she realised just how much.
After Cordon had walked away with a pat on the shoulder, Sole headed back to Maxson’s quarters. The guards stepped aside and allowed her to knock without question. “Elder Maxson?” It took a mere couple of seconds for him to open the door and let her in. He looked around, nodded at the guards which moved back in front of it and closed the large metal door behind her. As soon as it was closed, Sole looked at him and he looked right back at her. They just stood there until he moved in her direction and held onto her. “I love you.” She smiled snuggled her head up against his chest in response. “I take it this is your way of indicating that you’re worried as well?” “ I don’t want you going after him. I don’t want you leading the party going after him specifically, I want to be in it. ” Sole sighed. “That’s too bad because I will be in that party and you won’t.” Maxson smiled and spoke into her hair, still gently pressing her head against his chest. “Remind me why I can’t use my rank to overrule you and to protect you this time?” “ Your hunger for vengeance just makes sure he can rile you up. I’m not going to increase his chances on taking you down. “ “ I can control my emotions better than that, I’ve been training for that since childhood.” 
She moved away a little so she could look him in the eyes again; “ Why would we take the risk? We both know losing you would drastically change things in the Brotherhood. If they lose me… The Minutemen will be fine, they have Preston and Curie. And the Brotherhood will move on as before I came.” Maxsons voice suddenly sounded a lot more grim as he replied; “I would not.” Sole brushed his cheek with her hand. “Whatever happens, you need to know it is not your fault. I chose to join the Brotherhood. I would have been in that group regardless, especially if I were not your lover. Even if you’re had not been too emotionally involved to face him, you are still too emotionally involved with me. You wouldn’t be able to make rational decisions about me on the field. “ Maxson gritted his teeth and remained quiet for a couple of seconds before he moved away from her and in the direction of his desk. “ We need to discuss your plan. I can refine it. In case you had forgotten; you are not the only one with tactical experience.” “ Perhaps, but I am the one used to dealing with raiders wrecking settlements. “ “ In smaller groups, smaller numbers. “ Sole grinned. “Fair enough.”
Sole went over everything with him. Drew a tactical map, based on everything they already knew. Told him he would be in power armour with a helmet on. The men knew he would be there but not which one he was. “ Good plan. That way morale doesn’t decrease until the end of the battle if I …” Sole put her hand on his mouth and hissed “No. So the raiders don’t focus their firepower on you and your team.” He grabbed the hand from the back and pressed his lips against it. She still looked worried. “ What are you going to tell them?” “ What they need to know. Who we’re up against. Everything but the things only the knights and Paladins will know. Who to go to find out what their specific role will be.” Maxson nodded and moved some teams around. He knew the strengths and weaknesses of his Knights better than Sole did, configurations which would work based on previous experience and already formed bonds in battle. “ I’ll brief the team leaders. And your team. Who do we leave to lead the Prydwin?” “ We leave protocols in place. The remaining Knights are equal in rank and in case of emergency, Cade has the deciding vote. And we’re taking Jonathan with us to the vault. Everyone else who stays has their orders. ”
“ Who is joining me then?” “ Knight Rhys perhaps. You have known him longest. Additionally, he is with Haylen is he not? Your best friend? He will protect you for her if not for your rank.” Sole scoffed. “ No, Maxson. We really really don’t get along. At all.” Maxson sighed and dropped himself down in his chair, a couple of fingers in front of his mouth, lost in thought. “ All right… I will find another solution.” “ You could let me go alone. With Corden. I don’t need a Knight by my side.” “ Haylen.” “ No, her leg. She’s mostly fine but regardless, it’s not an option. Look, regardless… I want you to myself tonight. It’s the last night before all hell breaks loose.” “ We might be getting visitors tonight.” Sole grunted. “ Who?” “ As I said I have to work against concerns from high-ranking members concerned about your position.”
“ Well, fuck them.” “ I’d rather not.” Maxson muttered. Sole smiled and pushed him backwards by his arm and onto his chair “ Fine, you’re mine after the briefings.” She put her hands on the arm leans and leaned into him. “No interruptions.” She swung her leg over his and sat on top of him. “For important…” she kissed his neck “last-minute…”  she kissed his jaw “coordinating…” she brushed his lips with hers “of our plan of action.” He grabbed her by the back of her head again and full- on kissed her for a good couple of minutes. She was gasping for air by the time they broke apart and he finally replied in a surprisingly calm voice. “ Of course.” Sole laughed and shook her head before she walked away. Still holding the door, she looked back. He looked every bit the leader she knew he was, especially behind his desk with war plans on the table. “Good luck speaking to the crowd.” “ You are implying you will not be beside me.” Sole shook her head and closed the door again behind her, blocking the sound off of the guards. “I won’t be, the Prydwin is buzzing with enough rumours already. We’re quite the scandal.” Maxson sat up straight in his chair and leaned forward, elbows on his knees and his hands clasped together. “ I thought you wanted to have our relationship out in the open already.” “ Only by our own terms. And you said it wasn’t a good idea yet.” “ That is correct. Where will you be then? Part of the crowd? You imply less when you are beside me. You are co-leading this mission.  ” Sole shrugged. “ All right, all right. I’ll be there, two steps behind you. “ Maxson got up and walked over to her. “I prefer you in front of me. Better view.” “ You do now huh….” She walked back over to him and reached underneath his shirt before they heard a knock on the door. She scrambled to get to the other side of the desk while Maxson smiled and shook his head. As he got up he kissed her forehead and whispered “Relax.”  He spoke to the door again, in a more loud booming voice this time. ”State your title and name.” “ Scribe Lyn. Proctor Ingram sent me to ask if the Elder could perhaps get reinforcements for the power armour.” Sole shot in front of him and opened up the door with a grin. “ Is that the way in which she said it?” “ N… No.” “ More cursing involved?” The scribe looked like he was considering how to properly reply to that question.  Sole patted him on the shoulder. “ Nevermind. I’ll get some reinforcements and after the briefing I will go help her too. Don’t worry about it.” The scribe calmed down again a little. Maxson spoke to him, as he seemed not to be leaving before his say-so.“ You are dismissed, report back to duty with Proctor Ingram.” He was back to posturing. Standing up straight, arms behind his back, head held up high. Sole shook her head a little with a smile before she closed the door behind the scribe.
Sole also regained her composure a little and walked back over to the map. “ As that kind of broke off a mood there… any further comments on my tactics by now?” “Just one; you’re going up directly against their leader. Surely there are less hazardous…” “ I can’t call an air strike. They are known to keep hostages before they move again to avoid that. Their leader is clever enough for that. Based on their usual movement, they stay in one place for as long as they please, usually for a week, and then get rid of the hostages except for one. The one they send out running.” “ You won’t be able to save them.” “ I have to try.”   Maxson grabbed her hand on top of the map. “ Promise me you’ll return.” “ I can’t promise you what I don’t know. And I won’t lie to you.” “  When do you intend to leave for the Minutemen?” “ Tomorrow. Noon.” “And in the meantime?” “ Helping Ingram out with the Power Armour and preparations. I would prefer to just spend the rest of the day with you but you know… duty calls. We both have plenty to do by tomorrow. See you tonight.” As she started to walk away, Maxson grabbed her hand and squeezed it. “…  I won’t let them take you away from me.” She closed her eyes before facing him again. He instinctively and with seemingly no effort picked her up and looked up at her. Still with that sense of wonder, that look she would have sworn he wasn’t capable of a year ago. “On that hand squeeze there… likewise. On the other thing: they couldn’t if they tried.” She whispered, putting her forehead against his before kissing him.  “I’m always gonna be with you.” He let go of her, and she darted to the door. She knew damn well that if he pulled her back in her general direction neither of them would be waiting for  nightfall before they let things escalate. Instead, Sole opened the door and walked out, forcing herself not to look back. She immediately went to Ingram. No time to lose anymore. “Ingram, give me something to do.” Ingram raised an eyebrow, grease on her check. “Finally. Plenty of work here Sentinel. Shouldn’t you be gathering the troops though?” “ The Elder is on that.” Ingram shrugged. “Well, all fine by me.” After a few hours of work, during which all possible scenarios had crossed her mind on how things could go wrong she heard her title. “ I am looking for the Sentinel?” A scribe was waiting and straightened up the moment Ingram pointed at Sole. “ You found her.” “ Maxson has requested your presence.” Sole got from under the power armour she was working on. “ Any clue why?” “ Some people from the Citadel have arrived. I don’t know who they are but they most certainly outrank me, ma’am.” Sole cursed under her breath. “ Any idea who those people are?” He shook his head.”I heard them say they wanted to surprise you.”  Sole grabbed a cloth to get some grease off of her hands as she walked towards Ingram. “ It’s almost fixed, just needs a proper test run.” “ I’ve got it. You should probably get to Elder Maxson.”  Sole sighed and turned to the messenger. “ Where are they?” “ The command deck.” “ You can continue what you were doing before you were given the order to find me. I’ll manage to get there on my own. Thank you scribe.” She walked to the flightdeck ship, wondering whether she needed to wash up a bit before, as she was covered in grease. But she couldn’t risk this being one of those officials coming to blow off some steam to Maxson and losing time. However… as a diplomat he could probably handle it just fine. She worried her presence would have a negative impact. Perhaps they had come to announce that she was no longer welcome in the Brotherhood, stripped of her rank after all. That’d be a good reason to want to surprise her...They seem to have terrible timing regardless. As she neared the command deck she could already see two figures near Maxson. 
They seemed to have heard her and turned around.
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