#but the event was held for christmas 2020
sassyfrassboss · 10 months
How do you think they were able to incriminate Kate? I’m not even her biggest supporter but I can’t believe this woman said something bad, not even unconscious biased.
Or what do you think K said?
Some of the timeline of events.
June/July 2016: Harry & Meghan meet
October 2016: Their relationship is outed by Camilla Tominey
October 2016 onwards: Lots of press about their relationship and possible breakup at one point
September 2018: Kate's 3rd pregnancy is announced - Harry admits to a royal reporter he hasn't seen Kate in sometime but believes she is doing alright.
November 2018: Meghan and Harry are engaged
December 2018: Fab Four Christmas walk
February - May 2018: Rumors of rift between Meghan and Kate begin
May 2018: Meghan and Harry wedding
October 2018: Meghan's pregnancy is announced
December 2018: Another Fab Four Christmas walk but this time there is tension due to reports of feuding between the Wales and Sussexes. This is where William scarfs Meghan. The Sussexes have split from KP around this time as well.
February 2019 : NYC Baby shower and the People article
April 2019: Harry & Meghan move to Frogmore Cottage
May 2019: Archie is born
October 2019: Victim Documentary while in South Africa
November 2019: Harry & Meghan flee to Canada after Remembrance Days
January 2020: News breaks of them quitting the royal family
March 2020: Last appearance with family in UK before COVID shuts down the world.
March 2021: Oprah interview.
Now in the Oprah interview, Meghan states something along the lines that there were MULTIPLE conversations held in regards to the color of Archie's skin tone. Making it seem that this happened while she was present and pregnant. Harry later joins in and states that this was a conversation held before he was even married to Meghan. So she was not present nor pregnant. This infuriated Meghan.
So in the lead up from 2017 to the time Harry & Meghan left the BRF, the amount of time Harry was around Kate was pretty minimal. He even admitted it himself.
We also know that once Meghan moved into Nott Cott that she really made sure Harry was never alone with his family without her.
So IF there was a conversation with Kate...it most likely happened before Harry was even engaged to Meghan. Perhaps when they were dating and Harry was speaking with Kate about being a potential father and the conversation of who she thought her kids looked like and if he had kids with Meghan who their potential kids would look like.
Something that was in all innocence is the only scenario I can see happening. Meghan is the one who twisted it into something nasty.
The thing is...they have nothing but the word of Meghan and Harry to incriminate Kate. They have no other witnesses and no substance to the situation as to why this conversation came up. So it is really he said/she said at this point. If there was actually something to incriminate Kate, you can guarantee they would use it...just like they used a one sided text exchange in Harry's book to make Kate look like a bully. You can't incriminate someone without any proof. It's all hearsay.
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bittermause · 9 months
End of Year Review 2023
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It is currently Christmas Eve-Eve at the time of this writing, which can mean only one thing; The End of Year Review for 2023. These past three years held a lot of significant changes and growth for me, most of which I likely wouldn't have experienced had I remained in that horrible part of the mid-west. Despite the mass 'rona pandemic and the constant mental health battles/challenges, 2020-2022 were very good to me and I consider them the best years of my life.
2023 is a welcoming addition to that train.
The first major reason were the goals I set at the end of 2022, all of which were achieved without fail (to a point);
I continued making animated shorts, but only produced 2. However, this was a good glow up year for The Boris Blobinski Show! I got to manage a smaller production team, consisting of my talented friends, and together we banged out a beautifully animated episode!
I got my contact lenses! However I haven't really worn them since I left the optometrist's office. I still intend on using these for when I go swimming or to the spa, but I can see why some people aren't crazy about this option.
I finally got my hair dyed, and it wound up being a vibrant cherry red. Had it done back in March, and most of my hair is still pretty red despite the roots coming in.
Been losing a small chunk of weight still, which means I was able to convert to smaller shirt and pants sizes.
I did a lot more exploring this year! I finally secured my Californian rite of passage by visiting In-N-Out burger, discovered a couple awesome local bakeries, and went to the movies for the first time in years. First major achievement was going to Universal for the first time ever and visiting Nintendo Land! The second biggest crowning achievement was the daytrip to The Ventura Harbor in April, where I got to board a small wildlife sea cruise and witness dolphins, whales, sea lions and seals.
I got back to working on comics again, and produced two short stories for a larger collective that is still in production. Second major reason were the events that weren't planned out of the gate, but were absolutely welcomed;
I saved enough money to get a new desktop PC built. My friend from Colorado flew down and spent the week with me, partially to help get the PC built to proper standards and to also spend some quality time together in person.
I started freeway driving practice mid-year; taking smaller steps to feel more comfortable driving in the faster/wider lanes without having my PTSD invoked. I have a long way to go, but even driving within a 5 mile radius is still worth celebrating, especially since I've actively avoided freeway driving for most of my life.
My best friend is finally coming to visit me at the end of December! I have not seen them in person since 2016, and it will be their first time visiting my apartment space as well.
As far as plans for 2024 go, here's what I have on the docket;
I will be going to an actual jury duty selection at the end of January for the first time. (Exciting, I know!) I'm curious to see what the process is like, but I hope I can dismiss myself from the proceedings. (Respectfully, of course.)
I plan on hosting another friend visit me around the Spring/Summer.
I will be working on a very ambitious episode of The Boris Blobinski show that will take up most of the first quarter of my year.
I will continue my weight loss regimen as I have started back in 2021. As of this writing I am now down to 186 lbs. This is actually pretty close to my first goal, but I want to continue this trend until I hit between 135-140.
I still want to do more local travel and discover new venues. I'm eyeballing Downtown Ventura and will likely add a few more intended places to my list.
Attend activity based events like Life Drawing and other art related functions. As an artist, it's important I find different means to shake the rust off of my skills, and as a human I need to start making efforts in social connections again.
Continue freeway driving practice to the point where I can actually go beyond 5 miles comfortably.
Continue working on my one shot comics, see if I can at least produce two more stories before building a website/platform to host them all.
Outside of Boris Blobinski, I want to be more active in the animation space again and make a few more originals outside of that project.
Lastly, I want to look into Toon Boom Harmony official Certification. I've worked with the program for over 10 years, both for traditional hand-drawn animation and character rigging, and I would love to have that piece of recognition. Hell, I am not against the idea of applying as an instructor if I can get that far!
Of course I don't think I'll be able to jump into everything as intended. I know 2024 will also be met with some unexpected surprises, but I'll gladly welcome them all the same. And lastly, before we pull the plug on this, I want to thank everyone involved in my life that has made 2023 a fantastic experience. You know who you are.
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manuscripts-dontburn · 9 months
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Black and British: A Forgotten History
Author: David Olusoga
First published: 2016
Rating: ★★★★★
Absolutely fantastic book, an important part of world history served on a silver platter of historical research goodness, human touch, and wisdom. Perfect if you are looking for a book to read during the next Black History Month. Or really any month.
The Last Bookwanderer
Author: Anna James
First published: 2023
Rating: ★★★★☆
A lovely finale to a lovely series. there was more talking and less actual exploring this time, but I enjoyed it still.
Author: Anne Eekhout
First published: 2021
Rating: ★★☆☆☆
This book felt like a fevered, confused, depressing, oppressive nightmare. Instead of feeling for Mary, which her biography and the graphic novel Mary's Monster: Love, Madness, and How Mary Shelley Created Frankenstein did, this book turned her into 1) an overtly unreliable narrator and 2) an extremely passive, weary girlfriend. Furthermore, I felt that nothing was moving, that I was stuck in the same place at the beginning as well as the end. There was no journey. Which is so very ridiculous when it comes to a book about Mary Frikkin Shelley.
Sancta Familia
Author: Martin & Tomáš Wells
First published: 2020
Rating:  none
Po zralé úvaze jsem se rozhodla tuto knihu nehodnotit. Není to totiž něco, co by mělo výraznou historickou výpovědní hodnotu a ani to není dobrá literatura. Na to je zkrátka příliš navázaná na intimitu jedné rodiny. Celou dobu jsem si připadala, že mi prostě do této věci nic není a nemám na jakoukoliv kritiku ani právo.
Svátky krásné hvězdy
Author: František Kožík
First published: 1988
Rating: ★★★★☆
Milý, něžný obrázek Vánoc v dobách minulých, ač ne zcela ještě vzdálených, a tak trochu časová kapsle.
Small Acts of Kindness
Author: Jennifer Antill
First published: 2022
Rating: ★★☆☆☆
The bare bones of the story could have held the weight of a truly Tolstoyan piece of literature. Unfortunately, of the many interesting characters we are stuck with the most boring one and the main event gets an almost shameful sidenote treatment. The latter part of the book is also nothing but characters talking about things the reader already knows. Pity, especially since the historical research here was well done.
The Mayor of Casterbridge
Author: Thomas Hardy
First published: 1886
Rating: ★★★★☆
An extremely well-constructed story where the central theme is the fact of a reaction that inevitably follows any human action. I did not love this as much as I did Tess and I did not really root for any of the characters like I could in Far From the Madding Crowd, but this is definitely a solid read.
Dressed for a Dance in the Snow: Women's Voices from the Gulag
Author: Monika Zgustová
First published: 2017
Rating: ★★★☆☆
I imagine this would be a very good accompanying book to Gulag by Anne Applebaum, mostly because it has the human touch but lacks the more general and detailed realities of the Gulag system. Oral history is possibly the most fascinating way of gathering information, at the same time there will always be a level of unreliability, especially in cases when the author decides to include stories of women she did not interview herself and only learned about them second-hand.
Girl With a Pearl Earring
Author: Tracy Chevalier
First published: 1999
Rating: ★★★★☆
If you ever need a slow, quiet book about an ordinary person, about the intimacy between an artist and his muse, Tracy Chevalier has got your back with this one.
Joy to the World: How Christ's Coming Changed Everything
Author: Scott Hahn
First published: 2014
Rating: ★★★★★
As the Christmas celebrations were canceled in Bethlehem, as the baby Jesus was lying under the rubble in Palestine, there was hardly any joy to be found in our current reality. So I am thankful for this little book, for simply yet deeply touching on the subject of Christmas and its true substance.
The Biggest Prison on Earth: A History of the Occupied Territories
Author: Ilan Pappé
First published: 2016
Rating: ★★★★☆
For over 70 years Palestinians have been paying the prize for Europe failing the Jewish people. And that prize has been intolerably high. It is possibly at its highest right now. October 7th, 2023 did not happen out of nowhere. And the bloody genocide that the Israelis have unleashed after it too has its strong and old roots in previous decades. This is a very balanced account of the history of Palestine post-1948. And with all that balance, it still clearly spells out that Israel is a colonial project that needs to be dismantled.
The Winter Garden
Author: Alexandra Bell
First published: 2021
Rating: ★★★☆☆
If you like The Night Circus, there is a chance you might like The Winter Garden as well. There is a similarly flowery language and fantastical images conjured up after all. Some of the scenes are deeply touching too. But personally, I kept feeling that whilst most of the good parts were there, somehow they did not click into each other the way I would wish. Here are my greatest misgivings: a) The characters in the book are supposed to be intimate friends, but we never really get to see their friendship. We are simply told they are extremely close, but they hardly ever seek out each other and when they do, it is for only a little while and they only talk about themselves, which leads me to... b) There is really only one likable character and he is not either of the two main characters. c) I felt the obsession people had with The Winter Garden rather inexplicable, considering how much magic was obviously readily available in this world. Not a bad book, would read something from the author again, just a pity of a promise unfulfilled.
Gwen & Art Are Not in Love
Author: Lex Croucher
First published: 2023
Rating: ★★★☆☆
Cute YA romance dressed in a historical costume, but the historical aspect has next to no effect on the story (which I personally was a little sad about). There is hardly any story to talk about, but when in the right mindset, I can easily see this one being a favorite for others.
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yyh4ever · 2 years
A Red Nose Illuminates the Holy Night...?
"Yu Yu Hakusho" 100% Maji Battle Christmas Event
This Christmas Story was first held on December 4th, 2020.
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Story: A Christmas party is going to be held at Kuwabara's house. Kuwabara decorates with great enthusiasm as Yukina will also be attending it. Shizuru went shopping and says she bought "something nice", but...
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“A Red Nose Illuminates the Holy Night...?”
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Kuwabara: Alright, I've finished decorating … The arrangements for the party are perfect!
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Kuwabara: Nee-chan is out shopping. Thank goodness…
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Kuwabara: I can concentrate better when I'm alone!
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Kuwabara: Well ... you ain't coming home yet?
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Shizuru: I'm gonna go to the store now.
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 Kuwabara: Nee-chan, get me some chicken, ice cream, and cake...
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 Kuwabara: Also, I want a Santa boot with assorted candy!
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Shizuru: There's no way you could eat that much. Besides, I already made a cake.
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Kuwabara: Eh, is that so!?
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Shizuru: I made it yesterday, didn't you see it?
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Kuwabara: Hehe…
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Shizuru: For now, I'll buy only the necessary to continue with various preparations.
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Shizuru: Well, if I'm in a good mood … it's possible that I would buy something nice for Kazu.
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Kuwabara: Whaaat!?
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Shizuru: Well then, I'm off.
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Kuwabara: Ahh, even though she's said that, I'm sure she's gonna buy me something…
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Kuwabara: Could it be … a Christmas present? I look forward to it!
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Kuwabara: Yukina-san is also coming today…
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Kuwabara: I, I, I can't wait!
[Shizuru is back home]
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Shizuru: I'm home!
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Kuwabara: Welcome back! You're back early!
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Shizuru: Why are you waiting at the front door? Look, I got you the candy.
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Kuwabara: Ohh! Nee-chan, thanks!
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Kuwabara: …Huh, what about that paper bag over there?
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Shizuru: This? I was just thinking, since it's a special party...
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 Shizuru: Isn't it cute?
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Kuwabara: A bright red dress! It looks very Christmassy!
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Shizuru: So, Kazu. I got something for you too.
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Kuwabara: No, no, no way ... the "something nice" for me…
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Shizuru: Yes, this is it. A Christmas present!
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Kuwabara: Nee-chan…! I, I'm soooo happy!
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*rustle* *rustle* (Kuwabara opens the present)
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Kuwabara: …Heh?
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Shizuru: Hahaha! I thought it would suit you! A cartoon-character costume of a reindeer!
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Kuwabara: ....
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Kuwabara: Since Yukina-san is coming all the way here, I thought I'd kill it today...
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Kuwabara: When you said "something nice", I thought it definitely meant "cool clothes", but…
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Shizuru: Hey, Kazu! Try it on once!
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Kuwabara: …at me
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Shizuru: Eh?
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Kuwabara: This … dressed like this! Yukina-san will laugh at me!
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Shizuru: Wait…! Kazu!
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Shizuru: ........
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Shizuru: Maybe, I did a bad thing...
[Botan, Keiko, Yusuke, and Yukina arrive at Kuwabara's house]
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Botan: Kuwa-chan, where did he go?
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Keiko: I know, even though the chicken is roasting by now ... there is no sign he's coming back at all.
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Botan: He left around noon, didn't he? I hope he didn't get caught up in any weird situation.
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Yusuke: Don't worry, he'll be back when he's hungry, I'm sure.
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Keiko: Jeez, Yusuke! Aren't you worried?
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Yusuke: It's that guy we're talking about, he's gonna be fine.
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Yukina: Kazuma-san, I wonder what happened to him…
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Botan: Shizuru-san, don't you know the exact reason?
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Shizuru: …Yeah, I don't know.
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Botan: I see … Should we go look for him in a little while?
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Yukina: Yes, I'm worried.
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Shizuru: *Puff*, oh my  … I should have considered his feelings a little more.
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Shizuru: Kazu...
 [On the streets...]
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Kuwabara: Phew....
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Kuwabara: It felt good to burst out of the house, but now I can't go back…
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Kuwabara: I came out with the character costume in my hands…
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Kuwabara: Nee-chan went to a lot of trouble to get it for me. I did a bad thing, didn't I?
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???: Huh, Kuwabara-kun…
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Kuwabara: Oh?
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Kurama: What's the matter? I didn't expect to see you at a place like this.
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Kuwabara: It's Kurama! Why are you here…
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Kurama: I was supposed to join the party later. Kuwabara-kun, why are you here?
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Kurama: I thought you were definitely with everyone else.
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Kuwabara: Ah, well, I mean…
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Kurama: Oh, is that reindeer…?
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Kuwabara: Ah! Err … ahh … that…
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Kurama: ........
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Kurama: If you feel like it, would you like to chat for a moment?
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Kurama: Also, standing here while talking, right? (Why don't we go somewhere else?)
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Kuwabara: Kurama...
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Kuwabara: My bad, thanks.
[Kurama and Kuwabara talk in a better place...]
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Kurama: …I see
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Kurama: Shizuru-san had good intentions when she bought that costume for you.
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Kuwabara: Yeah.
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Kuwabara: I'm sure she picked this one out for me, because it would be a blast if I wore it...
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Kuwabara: But ... Today, I get to meet Yukina-san for the first time in a while.
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Kuwabara: At least on an occasion like this, I wanted to look cool...
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Kuwabara: When I thought that, I just ran out of the house.
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Kurama: Is that so?
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Kuwabara: Yukina-san will laugh at me if I wear this red nosed reindeer…
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Kuwabara: But, I'm more laughable for worrying about such thing…!
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Kurama: You already understand that Shizuru had no bad intentions, right?
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Kuwabara: …Of course.
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Kurama: He-he, that's fine then.
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Kurama: It's a waste not to attend such a special party, because of those sad feelings.
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Kuwabara: That's right … But, how can I go back at this late hour…
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Kurama: I was on my way too. If you go with me, it'll be fine.
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Kurama: Isn't Yukina-chan also waiting for you?
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Kuwabara: .....
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Kuwabara: Ha-ha, ha-ha-ha … I see. I seem so insignificant for worrying so much about it!
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Kuwabara: Kurama, thanks.
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Kurama: Not at all. Well then, let's head to the party.
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Kuwabara: Yeeesss!
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*rustle* *rustle* (Kuwabara is changing clothes)
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Kurama: ...Hmm? ...Huh!?
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Kuwabara: Hehehe…
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Kuwabara: I'll light up the dark night streets with my shiny red nose!
[At Kuwabara's House]
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Shizuru: I'm gonna go look for him.
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*ching ching* (sound of chime)
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Shizuru: Huh?
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Yusuke: Ahh! You're late!
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Kuwabara: Ta-dah!
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Kuwabara: Mr. Red Nosed Reindeer has brought Kurama!
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Botan: What is that outfit! It suits you!
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Yusuke: You made us wait! You were with Kurama?
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Kurama: I ran across him.
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Yukina: Kazuma-san! I was worried when you didn't come back.
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Yukina: He-he, the reindeer is cute.
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Kuwabara: Yu, Yu, Yukina-san…! Isn't it funny?
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Yukina: Yes! It's very Christmassy, and also looks very nice.
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Kuwabara: Hahaha...! Yu, Yukina-san's outfit is also reindeer...
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Kuwabara: I, I, I'm so glad we're matching!
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Yusuke: What's that lewd look on your face? I'm starving because of you.
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Keiko: Well, now that everyone is here, let's start the party!
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Botan: Ahh, I'm hungry too!
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Kuwabara: As an apology for being late, I'll carve the chicken! Just a minute!
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Shizuru: I'll help too.
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Shizuru: ...Hey, Kazu.
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Kuwabara: Hmm?
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Shizuru: Well … I mean... I should have thought about your feelings too.
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Shizuru: Sorry.
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Kuwabara: Nee-chan…
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Kuwabara: Ok, it's okay! It's a big hit with everyone!
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Kuwabara: I'm a reindeer, so I'm also matching with Yukina. I'm the luckiest person in the world!
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Shizuru: Jeez, you're such an idiot.
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Yukina: Oh, what is this drink?
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Kurama: This is grape flavored soft drink. It's bubbling and delicious.
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Kurama: It's a Christmas staple, and often sold at this time of year.
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Botan: Come on, let's open it earlier!
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Shizuru: Well then, I'll do this.
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Shizuru: One, two, go!
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Shizuru/Kuwabara: Merry Christmas!
 -The End-
Who needs a shrink when you have Kurama to give you advice (lol)? Shizuru's costume is called "Empress of the Holy Night", she does look like a queen! OMG, was it really a toast without alcohol? Where is Atsuko to bring the champagne?
Besides new illustrations of Shizuru and Kuwabara wearing Christmas costumes, this story brought back Botan, Keiko and Yukina wearing cute costumes. I wish Yusuke and Kurama were also wearing cool outfits. Invite Hiei next time!
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always-outsider · 10 months
Recalling my Christmas with Valkyrie Connect
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Suddenly, I'm reminded of a Christmas many years ago (2016) when His Omnipotence was still super rare. I remember getting him in Star Party Summon. He appeared alongside Liesa, another new hero at that time. To get them both in one summon... I felt as if I had wasted the entire year's luck in that exact summon.
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There was also a Christmas (2017) in which Ateam held a lottery event on their Facebook page, with Odin as the grand prize. I recall seeing the post while sleeping in the hospital. I had to cover my mouth to keep the giggle from coming out.
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A Christmas (2018) when I finally got him Awakened.
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A Christmas (2019) when I finally got Valorous Odin and First Boy Ymir in one strike, all thanks to my family good luck (I asked them to press the summon button for me).
2016 to 2019 were the most memorable years for me. After 2020, I was no longer very active, only popping in and out once in a while. I just recall Valkyre Profile Collab; everything else was a blur.
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Christmas 2022, I was able to obtain Vindicator Odin thanks to valkconnectfan's blessing. It was truly a miracle. I was extremely moody and anxious because I feared I wouldn't be able to acquire him. I was well aware of my terrible luck. That night, after seeing my vent post reblogged with well wishes, I dreamed of beautiful rainbows. When I awoke, the first thing I did was grab my phone, log into VC, and summon. I got him after 3 spins.
valkconnectfan, if you happen to see this post, I'd like to thank you again from the bottom of my heart. I wish you the best of luck in the coming year.
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It's Christmas 2023 and I still playing Valkyrie Connect. For many people, it's simply a gacha game, yet the game has helped me through some difficult times. There was a period when I was so depressed that I wanted to give up everything. Before I did the irrevocable, I asked myself if there was anything that would make me regret not doing it. Then I remembered that I still couldn't beat Utgardar.
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At this moment, all I wish is for the game to safely continue. In this current bleak economic climate, I sincerely fear for all game companies. If the game is no longer available, I will be terribly sad and lost...
But it's Christmas, after all! Let just all wish for the best!
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safyresky · 2 years
Crystal Springs Chapter 21: Jacqueline's Cat
aka, Two Weeks Later, is up and at em, right here! Give it a read, give it a review, have a blast and a half!
For those who've recently joined the tag, hi! Allow me to introduce to you my The Santa Clause 3-specific fic, Crystal Springs! If you're in the mood for some funky gen fic, featuring our beloved icy blorbo Jack Frost and a redemption arc of sorts, with a cast of absolutely unhinged OCs, I'd highly recommend giving Crystal Springs a chance! Here's a summary for you all to eat up:
"It's been nearly a year since Jack's thaw and things...could be better, admittedly. It seems, that as the year has gone on and he's improved his relationship with Santa and the whole of Elfsburg, his powers have taken a hit. December's just around the corner, and his powers are just short of being gone.
This wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for the fact that Jack's powers are the only reason that Elfsburg, the Workshop, and the North Pole are able to exist safely, tucked away under the Dome. With his powers gone, the winter magic that keeps the Dome sturdy and dishing out proper quantities of Christmas magic, is running hot and out of control. It's melting, and the North Pole is getting warm.
Unable to hide his power loss any longer, an intervention is held by the Council and Jack admits that he lacks the Frost. But thankfully, there is a solution: enacting the Legate Law, summoning the sprite next-in-line for the title of Jack Frost.
There's just one problem: Jack's Legate is his younger sister, Jacqueline, who he has not seen or talked to since he nearly killed her dead almost fourteen hundred years ago. Out of options, with no other possible solution in their sights, they do it, bringing Jack and the sister he hurt so many years ago back together once more, in the hopes that together, they can get Jack's powers back and stop the Deliquesce.
Unfortunately, the Frosts have never been very lucky. Soon after her arrival, Jacqueline starts experiencing some unexpected blackouts, with unintended consequences. With Jack's powers hanging in the balance, and Jacqueline on the fritz, the pair decide to head back home to Crystal Springs, bringing Jack face to face with the rest of his family...and an ancient threat waiting for their moment to strike, their carefully laid plans finally coming full circle. Seems like saving Christmas may be a little bit...complicated this year.
This fic is my baby. Originally posted in 2012/13, it was finished in 2014/15, rewritten in 2017, and then again starting in 2020. We're still working through the 2020 version NOW, hence why you see these random updates in the tags, but not on ff.net. (CS is not posted to ao3 as of yet, but I'll get to it one of these days! )
Piqued your interest? SCHWEET! Have some links.
PROLOGUE (skipable tbh, will be better once Frostmas is finished) CHAPTER 1 (good starting point, would recommend)
Not vibing it? Cool cool cool, go ahead and click that J key and head on down your dash to something you do vibe!
All caught up on CS 202X? Then onto the main event!
What's 🆕 In Chapter 21?
AXED the ENTIRE lost journals/here's what we learnt at the Dream Spire bit with the cold front, given that I took those events and spread them about the previous two chapters, Chapter 19: The Man with a Plan, and Chapter 20: Freedom, both of which were updated December 4th! (icymi) :)
Probably should've updated this one along with the other two, but I neglected to read ahead/totally forgot about the cold front preamble while Fino is fighting for his life under the bed lol, so here we are! Hopefully it didn't uh. Cause confusion for readers not on tumblr lmao
🆕 Sibling fluff!
🆕 Blinter fluff!
🆕 CS lore!
🆕 Fiera's doing hot girl soot! (literally)
BETTER focus on the fam helping the cold front figure shit out re: blackouts and power shortages!
NEW Scott/Carol banter because Carol deserves to get a few digs at Scott!
WORD COUNT F A C T S: 2014 -> 4,440k 2017 -> 7,866k 2022-> 15,431k :O
I think last week's angst really spurred me on to finish this chapter. Please accept my humble offering of the main timeline where all the frosts are alive and thawed and nobody is dead, I swear. And as usual, if you find yourself enjoying it, do drop me a line! Send a review my way! Throw a reblog out there! I like to hear what people think! I will talk about these blorbos for DAYS.
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coochiequeens · 2 years
I don’t agree with violence, I don’t agree with armed protesters and I don’t agree with parents who would consider bringing their child to an event where they could see violence just so they can virtue signaling
By Dennis Romero
The hosts of a "Drag Queen Story Hour"-style event for children in Columbus, Ohio, on Saturday pulled the plug because of what they described as the intimidating presence of right-wing demonstrators.
The scheduled holiday themed "Holi-Drag Storytime" at the First Unitarian Church of Columbus, which runs the K-5 institution behind the event, Red Oak Community School, was canceled at the last-minute Saturday morning following internal discussions, organizers said.
Members of Ohio's Proud Boys organization and other right-wing groups made good on promises to make waves outside the venue Saturday. More than 50 demonstrators, including members of the Proud Boys, gathered near the church Saturday morning and shouted, chanted and held up signs. Some were armed with long guns.
As some Republican lawmakers and state leaders have sought to limit the rights of transgender people and make them a campaign issue, right-wing extremists have mounted parallel campaigns on the streets.
Some have all but denied the existence of nonbinary people, embraced legislation limiting transgender student participation in sports, decried gender-neutral bathrooms, and made unfounded allegations about connections between transgender people and certain types of crime.
The Proud Boys has been described by the FBI as an "extremist group with ties to white nationalism." 
Five of its members, including Henry "Enrique" Tarrio, were indicted by a federal grand jury on seditious conspiracy charges in connection with their alleged participation in an effort Jan. 6 to overturn the 2020 presidential election in favor of former President Donald Trump. They pleaded not guilty and are awaiting trial.
Fear in Columbus over the week was great enough that the nonprofit Equality Ohio urged LGBTQ+ people and allies not to counterprotest because the situation outside the venue Saturday could be "potentially volatile and dangerous," according to a statement.
"Drag Queen Story Hour" events in Oregon and California this year have been targeted by right-wing demonstrators who have come armed, thrown items, and shouted transphobic slurs.
Following last month's mass shooting at a Colorado Springs, Colorado LGBTQ+ bar that killed five following a "Drag Divas" performance, some high-profile drag performers have increased their security protocols, such as hiring armed guards.
Saturday morning, speaking on the event's stage, framed by holiday decor that included a Christmas tree in the rainbow colors of the pride flag, Red Oak Community School manager Cheryl Ryan made an emotional video address explaining why "Holi-Drag Storytime" was canceled. 
She said that while police acknowledged the event, collaboration was lacking, and some of the participants felt unsafe, despite the planned presence of more than 100 security volunteers who planned to create a human perimeter around the venue.
Ryan blamed local leaders, including law enforcement, for letting members of the Proud Boys and other right-wing demonstrators gather while the audience for "Holi-Drag Storytime" ultimately could not.
"I received hundreds of emails, calls and messages from folks in the community asking, How can I help? What can I do? I’m ready to show up," Ryan said. "I never heard this message form the city’s leadership and those whose job it is to protect us."
She said the event sold nearly 1,000 individual tickets, the vast majority going to supporters who had no intention of attending.
ok tinfoil hat moment. Are they exposing kids to drag so they can gain sympathy, victim status and $ from people when right wing lunatics protest?
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wroteonedad · 2 years
The 20's Made Me Regress
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As a kid, I used to love nothing more than getting up at 7:30 in the morning and watching episodes of Hannah Montana while I cuddled up with my teddy bear and hoped that today might be the day that mum and dad take me out for a Happy Meal. I loved those blackcurrant and apple Fruit Shoots. Now I am 22 and I still like to get up, watch Hannah Montana reruns and choose which stuffed toy I want under my arm today. I feel so much nostalgia and so much comfort for things I had as a child that I used to train myself to get rid of. 'I won't sleep with my teddies from the day of my 13th birthday' I would say to myself and then I would fail, feeling chilly at night and grabbing the first handful of stuffed bears I could find.
I would spend endless hours, playing the Sims 2 on my DS, a story which followed a girl whose car breaks down in a sleepy town and they walk into the hotel and suddenly they're running a few errands for the place and become a manager all in the same day. I always used to think that whole narrative was so cool, like a dream. I would go to my grandmas house and play Sims 1 on the PC. There was one pre-made household who had lots of money and I once converted their room into an arcade and deleted the front door before they would go to bed every night, just so they wouldn't get robbed.
My room is covered in a variation of novelty fairy lights, lobsters, pumpkins, you name it, it's there and I even bought myself a lava lamp because my grandma had one in the spare room when I was a kid and I used to sit in the cold room at 6am, watching the orange lava flow up and down. I could sit for hours and watch it. I would see the sticker that says to not touch it and I would still reach my hand out, acting surprised when my finger was burned, red raw from the heat of the wax.
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I would persuade my family to buy every issue of Girl Talk, flicking through every one of its bright pink pages and reading all the celebrity gossip which always revolved around Cheryl Cole and Selena Gomez. Not at the same time of course.
Maybe it was Covid. Maybe that was the major event that took place that made me regress the way I did. A time in which we were all stuck at home trying to find means to an end every day for over a year. I still remember spending Christmas alone in 2020 vividly. I hate nut roast. That Christmas made me realise how much I hate them. Honestly. The texture is off. I think there was something about being indoors alone for such a long period of time that made me come to terms with how much one needs to have comfort. Human touch and interaction are two important things to have in life, but what happens when you have no access to that? I lived in a house where I could easily go a week without even saying hello to my own housemates. The most we ever really said to each other was 'who's turn is it to get toilet paper?'. It was sad. I was sad. And when they all got to go home for Christmas and I didn't, I was devastated. You can live in a home with a group of people who you don't like and who you don't speak to, but when they all leave and go to their homes, the silence becomes so loud. I think that was the key point where I found the bear I'd had since I was a child and I took it out and held it close again. I haven't really let go since.
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I got back into playing games. I can't name one person who didn't end up at least buying a Switch during lockdown. And sure, I stopped playing my Switch when rules were lifted and then using it again every time there was a lockdown. But now, I find that there is no comfort like playing a Switch. I pick up Animal Crossing maybe once a month, I feel bad, but I love to check up. I've gotten into playing Kirby and Mario and Breath of the Wild. These games are making me feel like I am living my childhood again. I love the comfort of the cosy games, the games which also make me go Kyle mode every now and again. I love feeling warm with my piles of toys and extra blanket layers and I've found joy in kitsch lighting again. I think a lot of us are in the same boat. The historic events from this decade have been so surreal that it would feel more strange to not regress, at least in some way. It's made me feel humble and it's taught me to not feel so embarrassed about picking up things again now that I used to love and finding a new found love for it all over again. I now understand why my nanna would lecture me when I told her as a child that I couldn't wait to be an adult because I can do whatever I want whenever I want.
I wish I could tell 8 year old me that paying taxes and working a full time job is not fun and that I should just appreciate the moment as it happens.
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naturecoaster · 5 months
Brooksville, Florida
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Quick Brooksville, Florida History Brooksville, Florida was originally known as Melendez and then Benton. Incorporated in 1856, it is a wonderful city featuring a hilly terrain that ranges in elevation from 175 to 274 feet. There is a long history of successful planters, growers, and cattlemen in and around Brooksville. Its southern background is reflected in its name, honoring South Carolina Congressman Preston Brooks who is best noted for hitting abolitionist Senator Charles Sumner on the head with his cane. Brooksville's downtown area features the iconic Hernando Courthouse, along with great shopping in unique stores featuring everything from antiques, outfits, high-end resales, stationery, flowers and bric-a-brac to formal gowns – and stationery. Some streets still show the Augusta bricks laid by hand. Florida Wildlife Corridor Foundation mural painted by Justin Alsedek, is on Brooksville's City Hall building, which houses a free art gallery upstairs. Things to Do in Brooksville, Florida There are several downtown restaurants and coffee shops, along with legal and banking offices, a library, and more than one park. Brooksville has been working hard to revive its downtown to attract more visitors and became a Florida Main Street community in 2016. For those looking for things to do in Brooksville, the Main Street organization holds several events in Brooksville's downtown area as well as farmers and artist markets, and a simply magical holiday celebration of all things Christmas during December with everything from musical trees to performing artists, decorations galore and horse-drawn carriage rides.  Local art is displayed in several downtown businesses and buildings, as well as murals painted throughout the downtown area. A walking tour map of the downtown murals may be found here. The Brooksville City Hall building houses a changing art exhibit in Gallery 201, and all are welcome. There is no charge. The architecture is interesting in several buildings and when looking for things to do in Brooksville, Florida, a wonderful historic walking tour can be had for the simple act of following the map here. If you would like more information about each building on the historic tour, download the complete guide here. (Please note that the Hernando Chamber of Commerce has moved to Brooksville's Tampa Bay Regional Airport. The guide is dated, but the history and map are accurate.) Historic homes are throughout the downtown area and a tour has been mapped out. There are two B & Bs, including this one, known as the Mirador. Another popular thing to do in Brooksville, Florida, is to visit the May Stringer Museum, located at 600 West Jefferson. Housed in the 1850 Stringer House, a Queen Anne masterpiece with a four-story tower, this historic building is reputed to be haunted. There are daily tours Tuesday - Saturday led by docents and the price of admission is only $10 for adults, $5 for children. F. L. Stringer was a State Senator and judge. With thousands of historic artifacts and regular tours, it commemorates the Civil War era and provides a glimpse at the lifestyle and relics of a gone but not forgotten segment of American history. Ghost tours are held on Friday and Saturday nights by reservation. The May Stringer House houses a historical museum that is well worth a tour in Brooksville. It is said to be haunted. Included in your admission to the May Stringer house is admission to the historic train depot. Next to the historic train depot museum is a one-room schoolhouse to visit on Russell Street. Continue east to find another wonderful shopping area, featuring the Hawkins House, Transformed Treasures, and the Florida Cracker Trading Company and Tap Room. There is even an old-fashioned Coney Island where it is rumored that Elvis Presley may have eaten many years ago. The Florida Mermaid Trail In 2020, a Mermaid Trail was created in downtown Brooksville, which is part treasure hunt and part walking tour. It is an easy activity for one or more to get out and enjoy the historic brick streets and well-kept homes and businesses. Each February, a Mermaid Festival is held in the Hernando Park, where residents and visitors compete for best-dressed mermaid, with and without their pets, and meet the real mermaids of Weeki Wachee Springs State Park. The maps for the Mermaid Trail can be found at the Florida's Adventure Coast Visitor Center, adjacent to the park. Expanding Beyond Brooksville’s City Limits You may want to travel north on US 41 to visit the historic Chinsegut Hill Historic Site and rediscover the magic that caused its last private owners to name it Chinsegut, meaning, “a place where lost things are found.” Learn their story of courage and civil rights for all, as well as a historic timeline of occupation during significant national events. And it's beautiful, and somewhat magical. *Please note that Chinsegut Hill Museum is open on weekends for tours, as well as some outdoor events on select weekdays. An Emancipation Celebration is held in May. Originally constructed in the early 1800s, then added onto by subsequent owners, the Chinsegut Manor House was renovated in 2013-2014 and has been restored to the splendor of its glory days. Image by Diane Bedard. Don't forget the Ice Cream Head back south on U.S. 41 and then travel east on S.R. 50/U.S. 98. Make a right on Spring Lake Highway (541) and follow it to the top of the hill. On the left is Boyett’s Grove Citrus and Timeless Attraction. Here you will find a wonderful zoo where you can feed the animals, a dinosaur cave, aquariums, birds, snakes, alligators and more. A putt-putt golf course winds through part of this fun-filled tourist trap. There’s even a snack bar, ice cream parlor, and an old-fashioned Florida gift shop! It’s one of my favorite places on the Nature Coast. Read the full article
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lizseyi · 7 months
The 40th-Anniversary London Fashion Week Is Looming – So What Can Attendees Expect?
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If there is at least one development that ought to brighten spirits among many a style aficionado amid the January greyness and drizzle, it is surely the looming return of London Fashion Week (LFW) – not least as this won’t be “just another” Fall/Winter instalment of the iconic trade show. 
We are, of course, referring to the fact that the upcoming LFW will mark the event’s 40th anniversary when it takes place in the UK capital from 16th to 20th February. 
While LFW’s status as one of the world’s “Big Four” fashion weeks – alongside New York, Milan, and Paris – might not have altered over the years, certain other things have. One of those is the hybrid format the show now takes, with physical and digital presentations set to be held in celebration of both well-established designers and emerging fashion talents. 
Then, there is the news that fur won’t feature, the British Fashion Council (BFC) – which organises the show – having banned it from the schedule as a requirement of its 2024 application process. But what else is set to distinguish LFW40 as the way to get the UK capital’s fashion year underway in ’24?
‍Once again, a formidable showcase of creative talent awaits 
In its announcement just before Christmas of the provisional schedule for this milestone LFW, the organisers promised that the Fall/Winter 2024 edition of the legendary trade show would “spotlight London’s unique creative communities and its position as a world-leading cultural capital.” 
Sure enough, the evidence so far is that this will be emphatically the case. The week is set to commence with maximum impact courtesy of Edward Crutchley’s captivating creations, with Sinéad O’Dwyer and Chet Lo subsequently putting on their own showcases. 
That is before one accounts for the comeback of Dunhill in the form of its first live runway since 2020, helmed by creative director Simon Holloway. 
As the week progresses, the capital’s ever-sharp fashionistas will inevitably be keeping their eyes out for the latest inventions of a stellar complement of both menswear and womenswear designers. Expect all manner of pioneering, bold, and… unexpected looks alike from such principal players as Burberry, 16Arlington, David Koma, Dilara Findikoglu, Emma Wickstead, Simone Rocha, Fashion East, ERDEM, Richard Quinn, Molly Goddard, and many more. 
While Somerset House at 180 The Strand will serve as LFW40’s main venue, various shows will also take place in other locations around the capital. And of course, attendance of the shows will be by invitation only, with the mere mortals of the general public still restricted to looking from afar. Well, that’s sort-of correct; this season will also see the return of the LFW City Wide Celebration, a programme of more broadly accessible events and activations coinciding with LFW. 
‍What should be your next steps in readiness for LFW40?
The latest details about this year’s showcases can, of course, be found at LFW’s usual online home. 
In the meantime, if you are aiming high with your fashion, luxury, or lifestyle brand in 2024 and would appreciate the knowhow and assistance of a strategic digital agency in London with a consistent track record of excellence, you are very welcome to reach out to the Skywire London team. 
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newstfionline · 9 months
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
East Coast Storm (1440) An intense storm system battered the northeast coast of the US Monday with high winds, heavy rain, and flooding, leaving 59 million people from Virginia to Maine under flood watches and knocking out power for more than 700,000 people. At least four people were killed in the storm. More than 500 flights were canceled across the region, particularly to and from airports in New York City and Boston, with Boston Logan International Airport seeing winds as high as 68 mph. The storm also dumped between 2 to 5 inches of rain across the Northeast.
US homicide rate falls (The Atlantic) According to data gathered from cities across America, the murder rate dropped by about 13% this year. Yes, we’re killing each other less. And it’s not just murder. FBI data for the third quarter show that every category of crime except for motor-vehicle theft is down, some of them sharply, year over year from 2022. (As for the car thefts, they seem—in one of the weirdest data flukes you’ll ever see—to have been driven almost entirely by TikTok videos showing the ease of breaking into certain Kias and Hyundais.)
Passport wait times fully recovered from pandemic, State Dept. says (Washington Post) Passport processing times have returned to pre-pandemic standards, the State Department announced Monday, with routine services taking between six and eight weeks, and expedited services two to three weeks for a $60 fee. That’s about a month faster than the estimated wait times from this March. But don’t call it a Christmas miracle. The State Department had a goal of getting back to 2020 levels by the end of this year, and processing times have been on the mend for months. The State Department credits the milestone to increased staffing levels. Since last December, the agency told The Washington Post, it has grown its workforce by 12 percent and added hundreds of additional staff in the hiring pipeline. The agency also authorized more overtime hours, even getting retirees to pitch in.
Kyiv forced to cut military operations as foreign aid dries up (BBC) Ukraine has warned it is already being forced to downsize some military operations because of a drop-off in foreign aid. Top general Oleksandr Tarnavskyi said troops faced ammunition shortages along the "entire front line", creating a "big problem" for Kyiv. It comes as billions of dollars of US and EU aid have been held up amid political wrangles. Ukraine said it hoped to boost its own ammunition industry with western help. But it relies heavily on western supplies, particularly on deliveries of long-range missiles and air defence systems, to fight occupying Russian forces.
Pakistan’s former leader Imran Khan uses AI to campaign from behind bars (Washington Post) Pakistan’s former prime minister Imran Khan campaigned from behind bars over the weekend, using artificial intelligence in an online rally to circumvent a broad state-backed crackdown on events held by his party. The social media team from the Tehreek-e-Insaf, or PTI, opposition party used AI to generate audio of Khan’s voice for a four-minute video clip, accompanied by graphics and previously filmed footage, that ran online Sunday night local time. In the video, Khan—who was jailed in August on corruption charges—greets his supporters and likens his time in prison to a fight for the freedom of Pakistan.
Survivors Face Subzero Temperatures After Quake Kills Over 100 in China (NYT) An earthquake killed at least 116 people in a mountainous area of northwestern China, officials and state media said on Tuesday, crumpling buildings while residents slept inside and sending people rushing into a frigid night. Rescuers were searching for survivors in rural Jishishan County in Gansu Province, the epicenter of the quake, officials from Gansu said at a news conference on Tuesday. They said the quake, which struck at 11:59 p.m. on Monday, had killed 105 people in the province and injured nearly 400 others. The quake had a magnitude of 5.9, according to the United States Geological Survey. Photos and videos shared by state media showed brick village houses that had caved in, and bedrooms buried in rubble. Hours later, rescuers were still digging people out, according to CCTV, the state broadcaster.
America Had ‘Quiet Quitting.’ In China, Young People Are ‘Letting It Rot.’ (WSJ) China’s ruling Communist Party wants the country’s young people to be ambitious, work hard and prepare for adversity. Many young Chinese aren't having it. Demoralized by a weak economy, unfulfilling jobs and a paternalistic state, they are looking for pathways out of the carefully scripted lives their elders want for them, putting themselves at odds with the country’s priorities. Catchphrases describing the mood have worked their way into everyday discourse. Last year, the phrase “let it rot” spread to describe young people who have completely given up. Companies, meanwhile, are setting their sights on a hot new growth market in China: the elderly. The country is aging much more quickly than other developing nations and has the world’s largest elderly population with more than 280 million people above the age of 60. Businesses that used to focus on babies are now targeting Chinese seniors.
New cyber warfare (Foreign Policy) Iranian fuel pumps returned to operationality on Tuesday following a cyberattack on Monday that shuttered nearly 70 percent of Tehran’s petrol services. An alleged Israeli-linked hacking group named Gonjeshke Darande, or Predatory Sparrow, claimed responsibility for the attack in a post on X, formerly Twitter, saying it was done “in response to the aggression of the Islamic Republic and its proxies in the region.” The group said it had the ability to cut off all fuel operations but chose not to out of concern for civilian safety.
Unwashed and underfed, babies born into Gaza war face hardship in tents (Reuters) The grandmother has a simple wish for her twin baby granddaughters, Alma and Salma: they should be in a clean, safe room where they can be bathed. Instead, the infants are living in a tent in a camp for displaced people in Rafah, southern Gaza. Their mother cannot breastfeed them because she is not getting enough nutrition for her body to produce milk. And they have never been bathed. Alma and Salma are part of a generation of Gaza babies born into homeless, destitute families struggling to survive Israel’s ferocious military assault on their crowded strip of land, which has caused a humanitarian catastrophe. Their grandmother, Um Mohammed al-Jadba, struggles every day to find water to make them bottles of formula milk. She boils the water in a thermos flask on a fire outside the tent. Elsewhere in the tent camp where Alma and Salma were living, other families with babies were facing similar hardships.
Shrugging Off Egypt’s Crises, El-Sisi Gets Set for 6 More Years (NYT) Over a decade at the helm of the Arab world’s most populous country, there have been times when President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt looked like a man dangling from a ledge by the tips of his fingers. Yet, a decade later, he is still president—and back for six more years, as the results of this month’s presidential election confirm. The authorities said Monday that Mr. el-Sisi had won a third term with 89.6 percent of the vote. (Leading opposition candidate Ahmed Tantawy had pulled out months ago, claiming intimidation and violence against his campaign.) No one doubted the outcome, given all the advantages of his authoritarian grip on the country. An extra edge came from the war in next-door Gaza, which has allowed Mr. el-Sisi to cast himself as a strong leader at home and abroad, just as he did after conflicts in Libya, Sudan, Syria and beyond. This is the turbulent map that is Middle East geopolitics, a multifront five-alarm fire that has made Mr. el-Sisi, in his obstinate way, look like a rock of stability.
Choppy Waters (Foreign Policy) In the past few weeks, Yemen’s Houthi militants have conducted ballistic missile and drone strikes against at least 10 merchant vessels and a U.S. Navy ship, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said. To counter such actions, Washington—along with Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Seychelles, Spain, and the United Kingdom—established a joint maritime task force on Tuesday to ensure “freedom of navigation for all countries” and bolster “regional security and prosperity.” The initiative will be aided by Task Force 153, a Bahrain-based unit formed last year and led by the U.S. Navy to help safeguard the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. As countries work to combat Houthi assaults, private companies are suspending their operations in the area. BP halted oil and gas shipments through the Red Sea indefinitely on Monday after two more Houthi strikes hit the Panama-flagged MSC Clara and the Norwegian-owned Swan Atlantic. Five major shipping companies from Hong Kong, Denmark, France, Germany, and Taiwan, as well as the Italian-Swiss-owned Mediterranean Shipping Company, all halted their operations in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, diverting many of their vessels to instead go around the Cape of Good Hope off South Africa’s coast. The need to reroute shipping is fueling global trade disruptions. Delaying access to this vital thoroughfare will cause mass delays, putting supply chains at risk of collapse. Some of the world’s most convenient shipping lanes are in geopolitically choppy Middle Eastern waters.
At least 13 dead, 178 injured after a massive fuel depot explosion in Guinea’s capital (AP) An explosion and inferno at Guinea’s main fuel depot in the capital of Conakry left at least 13 people dead and 178 injured, authorities said Monday, as the West African country was assisted by other nations in managing the disaster. The massive explosion sparked the fire at the Guinean Petroleum Company depot after midnight Sunday, Guinea’s presidency said. It caused significant damage in the heart of the Kaloum administrative district, home to most government offices.
There’s No Shame in Feeling Lonely (NYT) This Christmas, Renate Bello, 56, will spend the holiday taking care of her neighbor’s dogs in Easthampton, Mass. Without any family or close friends nearby, holidays can be an especially lonely time, she said, and she longs to build deeper connections with humans. “I know a number of people,” she said. “But they are not necessarily people I would call up to say, ‘Let’s go hang out.’” Loneliness can carry a stigma in our society. People who experience unwanted solitude may assume that they are unlikable or unlovable—that they are to blame for not having more friends, community connections or a romantic partner. “This can cause profound shame, which can erode self esteem,” said Dr. Vivek H. Murthy, the surgeon general and author of “Together: The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World.” “It can also worsen feelings of loneliness, as it often pushes us to distance ourselves from others at a time when we need support most.” But the truth is, he added, loneliness is a universal human experience. “We all feel lonely at times just like we all feel hunger or thirst,” Dr. Murthy said. “There is no reason to be ashamed of being human.”
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gordianndubizu · 1 year
Empowering Widows and Orphans in Nigeria
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Around 15 million widows and 17.5 million orphans in Nigeria face poverty, marginalization, exploitation, and violence. The country's patriarchal structure exacerbates this situation. Many Nigerian women find securing meaningful employment challenging, and typically rely on their husbands for financial support. Widows must take on traditionally male-associated roles. Fortunately, humanitarian organizations and charitable foundations support these vulnerable populations, working to provide them with resources to meet their needs.
The Ndubizu Charitable Foundation in Urualla, Imo State, Nigeria, addresses the needs of widows and orphans. Established in 2004, the foundation operates from its base at St. Michael's Church in Urualla. Collaborating with the Catholic Diocese, it identifies and assists widows and orphans.
The foundation operates under the principle that every life is valuable, and therefore works toward lessening the hardships that poor widows and orphans face. To guide its activities, the organization’s constitution outlines a set of rules and regulations, which are subject to the country's laws. By adhering to these guidelines, it aims to bring about positive change in the lives of its beneficiaries.
The Ndubizu Charitable Foundation has established clear objectives, encompassing essential needs such as sustenance and healthcare services. Further, it empowers this population to become self-sufficient through education and training. The foundation implements educational initiatives to assist underprivileged children, charitable endeavors to support individuals in need, and policies to enhance the well-being of socially and economically marginalized communities.
Additionally, the foundation alleviates the struggles of widows by providing financial grants to start small businesses. These grants promote self-reliance and ease financial burdens.
Orphans often encounter difficulties accessing education and adequate financial support. To address this problem, the Ndubizu Charitable Foundation grants scholarships, enabling orphans to improve their future economic and life prospects. Education offers a pathway for these children to break free from the cycle of poverty. To date, the foundation has granted over 80 scholarships, including those known as Cardinal Francis Arinze's Scholars.
The foundation periodically hosts events to help those in need. Its inaugural event took place in 2006, benefiting 77 individuals through small business grants and scholarships. Alongside the financial aid, the foundation organized Christmas and Thanksgiving celebrations for widows and orphans, giving them gifts. It also held similar events in 2007, 2010, 2013-2017, and 2022.
Although the Ndubizu Charitable Foundation focuses on supporting widows and orphans, it extends support to other vulnerable populations, such as individuals with disabilities. Through various foundation events, people in this group have received financial aid to facilitate their access to medical care, assistive devices, and education.
The foundation's activities are deeply rooted in Christianity, with the Catholic Church taking the lead and having a significant presence in its leadership. Catholic priests Monsignor John Ukwuoma, Dr. Augustine Ukwuoma, and Dr. Gregory Ochiagha from the Orlu Diocese actively coordinate assistance and provide spiritual guidance. As part of its commitment to supporting religious activities, the foundation facilitated the construction of St. Peter’s Catholic Church in Urualla from 2015 to 2020 as well as kneelers for the Cathedral in the Catholic Diocese of Orlu. These efforts improved access to churches and services and created employment for the local community during construction.
To sustain its operations, the Ndubizu Charitable Foundation relies on an endowment that its founders established. It also welcomes donations from like-minded individuals and entities interested in supporting its mission.
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qudachuk · 1 year
Newly released footage reveals a Christmas gathering held at the Conservative party headquarters in London on 14 December 2020. The video, obtained by the Mirror newspaper, shows approximately 24 staff members consuming alcohol at the event and dancing on...
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qocsuing · 1 year
BIGO LIVE Is Reporting Massive Growth In Streaming 2022
BIGO LIVE Is Reporting Massive Growth In Streaming 2022
BIGO LIVE, a global leader in live streaming and creator economy, recently launched its server on Discord, the talk, text, and video communications service. And have recently celebrated its successful first 100 days on Discord.To get more news about topup bigo live, you can visit topuplive.com official website.
Established BIGO content creators, bubbling influencers and fans will now have more networking opportunities on the popular messaging board platform.
Adding to this working relationship and to celebrate the first 100 days of connecting the two communities, a variety of BIGO creators have been hosting on-demand AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions across both platforms.
These sessions have allowed creators to share the crafts of their trade, professional tips, and insight into their successes as influential creators on BIGO. Some featured AMAs that have taken place to date including Guitargod, Princess Audrey and Kitty.
Guitargod is one of the most tried and true hosts streaming on BIGO LIVE today. When he’s not channeling his inner Jimmy Hendrix playing everyone’s favorite songs and riffs on guitar, you’ll likely find him discussing with fans what it’s like streaming on BIGO, his amazing setup and music culture.BIGO LIVE has around 400 million users and is currently the market leader in the live streaming industry. Launched in March 2016, BIGO LIVE is owned by BIGO Technology. As of 2019, BIGO Technology is owned by JOYY, a Chinese company listed on the NASDAQ.
In 2020, BIGO Technology, a smaller rival of embattled Chinese app maker ByteDance then, shifted its servers from Hong Kong to Singapore, out of the reach of a new national security law at a time when it is seeking to emphasise independence from its Chinese parent. The move, which follows India’s ban on the firm’s apps during this year’s flare-up in hostilities between New Delhi and Beijing, comes as the United States toughens scrutiny of Chinese-owned firms in one of its most promising markets.
The app, which has a presence in over 150 countries and regions worldwide, contributed 90% of Joyy’s revenue in the fourth quarter of 2020. It is the second-highest-grossing non-game Chinese app in overseas markets, second only to ByteDance’s TikTok. In 2021, Bigo Live has helped over 500 broadcasters achieve over 1 million followers each, and it ranks top 2 according to App Annie’s 2021 Top Breakout Social Apps by consumer spending, living proof of this robust creator economy.
The same year, it raised $100,000 in donations through its Global BIGOer One World Together campaign for the World Health Organization’s Solidarity Response Fund for pandemic relief, and donated $10,000 to both The Trevor Project and Living Beyond Breast Cancer.
It hosted its third annual BIGO Awards Gala on Jan 14 this year to celebrate its most exceptional broadcasters from around the world. The gala took place on Bigo Live’s Music Livehouse Channel (Bigo ID: music). Amy and Iwapoyo from Japan and Vanruby from Vietnam held the top spots in the 2021 ranking of Top Global Broadcasters. Additionally, Japanese family BigWin was honoured as the Top Global Family on Bigo Live.The theme of this year’s Awards Gala 2022 was “Better Live, Better Future”, which is about empowering people to explore an infinite number of possibilities on its platform. This event also showcased BIGO’s foray into future-facing technologies such as computer vision, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and more.
BIGO Live Thailand, in December 2021, hosted their first live virtual Gala Awards ceremony to celebrate the achievements of their top livestream broadcasters. Thailand’s favourite host celebrity, TopTap – Napat Chokejindachai, was the presenter for the event. The event saw the medley performance of Christmas numbers by BABE Agency, Kit Kittichai, and Mint Woraphonphat.
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myprintingmatters · 2 years
Use-Case Examples For Overnight Prints
The fact you can order overnight prints and they don’t cost a huge fortune is a sign of just how far the commercial printing industry has come. These days, if you are desperate, you can have your prints run off in a few hours. A massive order may need a bit more time, but even small printing companies are able to handle pretty large orders in a short time frame because of how sophisticated modern printing machines have become. Here are just a few use-case examples of the use of overnight prints. Quick Promotions Based on Sudden Events A company was running auctions in its electronics goods store. It was around the 2020 pandemic era when microchips were very scarce. Getting a Playstation 5 was almost impossible, and so the 20 that were delivered are worth thousands. The retailer couldn’t sell them online and post them because people at the time were opening Playstation-shaped boxes and selling them. The retailer placed a lot of online adverts, but too few people in that area are responding. So, the business owner did a leaflet drop and put up some fliers. The promotional material was sent overnight, the leaflets were delivered, and every day the retailer held three auctions for the Playstation 5. That way, he got crowds of people to visit his store almost every day. Inherited Art Assets An entrepreneur bought a defunct website and all its art assets. He soon discovered that it wasn’t turning over the sort of money he was promised, so he had his newly owned art assets turned into greeting cards for Christmas. However, since it was already December the 3rd, he had the cards sent for delivery in a week and started selling them right away on his website. However, orders quickly turned up and he didn’t have the inventory, so he had the cards sent overnight so he could fulfill his orders right away. He Fell Over When US president Biden fell over while trying to make his way up some stairs, it became an instant meme. Within 48 hours, there were T-shirt sellers around major cities, especially in New York, who had T-shirts and hats printed with the Biden falling meme. Besides walking into print shops with their ideas, the only way they could have gotten the merchandise so quickly is to have the prints sent overnight. After some of the memes started to go viral, they started appearing on posters too. The posters of previous Biden memes didn’t have any traction (perhaps because they were too creepy). However, the one of him falling up the stairs was on shirts with lines like “United Stairs of America” and “When people ask how my life is going.” Merchants jump on opportunities like these very quickly because they know that many meme products only have a short shelf life. Some will live forever, but most expire pretty quickly. That is why vendors need to get their ideas processed into merchandise very quickly, and overnight printing helps them achieve that lofty goal. Faster Overnight Prints If you need overnight prints, if you make your order during the day and want them delivered to you within 24 hours, then you need a long-established printing company like My Printing Matters. You can have very large print orders sent over to you within 24 hours. Get in touch today and discuss the size of your order and its deadline.
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grahamartuk · 2 years
Art tribute to the late Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip at Beverley Minster Festival
Beverley Minster has opened its 2022 Christmas Tree Festival – the first time this normally annual event has been held since the COVID pandemic began in 2020. A variety of Christmas trees are on display from a variety of good causes. Christmas trees at Beverley Minster The Christmas trees add greatly to the already considerable beauty of the Minster. Motor Neurone Disease Association…
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