#but the fact kinda reminds me of my mama ๐Ÿ‘€
godnectar ยท 2 years
Im back!! Ty for the advice, your an angel<3
Daily seal fact:
Mothers and Pups Bond With a Unique Call
Researchers performed vocalization playback experiments on 18 breeding female harbor seals to assess their abilities to recognize calls of their pup and to evaluate the effect of maternal protectiveness. They found that mothers were more responsive to the calls of their own pup than to non-filial pups after only three days. Mother seals' responses also varied depending on their protective behavior displayed towards their pup. And species of seals in which the young are more mobile and the colonies are more dense are more likely to strongly develop vocal recognition abilities
It is my pleasure, babe <3 my inbox messages are always open for everyone โ™ก
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we-are-not-your-kind ยท 5 months
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Hello Rise fandom - I present my version of Venus!! For the past few weeks I've been absolutely obsessed with the lost sisters, so I finally decided to make my own versions of them. Decided to start with Big Mama's Assistant and I'll get around to the other lost sister in a few weeks ๐Ÿข ๐Ÿ‘€
I based Venus largely off her NM and IDW looks with a bit of Jennika thrown in for fun. Tried to stick as close to her canon look as Big Mama's Assistant as possible while giving my own spin to her. This is how imagine her to look once reunited with her family! Feel free to click see more if you'd like just a lil more info on her, or check out my fic where I'm writing my own missing sisters arc we were robbed of where Venus and the other sister will appear ๐Ÿข๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•
So here's a lil more info on Venus...
Venus is ofc the sister raised by Big Mama who became her Assistant. The night of the mutation, Venus got caught up in an explosion in Draxum's lab which led to her getting injured. When Big Mama finds her, she gets the little turtle help but Venus nonetheless becomes a double amputee. And Big Mama is still a little sentimental about Lou - she thinks about how much he loved art because of his mother, and sees the turtle as her own little treasure and so names her after the Venus de Milo. There's much more to her backstory than that but - spoilers! You'll have to check out my fic for more (and I've already spoiled more here than I've revealed on AO3 oops lol). But here's a few more facts about her!
I've decided that the Disaster Twins are actually a trio - surprise! Leo, Donnie, and Venus are the Disaster Triplets because I just find it adorable and she just gives me such middle child energy tbh.
Venus' ninpo is very much tied to her amputation and weapons. She can manifest constructs of her arms, similar to Raph being able to copy himself. But she can also teleport those constructs around and use copies of her kaiken as well, kinda like Leo and his swords. As you can see on her character sheet, her ninpo manifests as flower petals! This is because I really wanted her to take after her grandmother aka Splinter's mom, Atsuko - thus the petals, and also where I got the shape of her eyes.
Also her favorite parent is absolutely Draxum and yes it drives Splinter up a wall, in particular because of how much Venus reminds him of his mother.
I've got so many more notes than just this but I really wanted to share my girl - give her some love if you want and feel free to check out my fic as well! I'll be updating more regularly in June when I have time to actively write. Might get to the other sister's character sheet first, but who knows! ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•
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