#i hope i never get to be 70 tho-
godnectar · 1 year
Im back!! Ty for the advice, your an angel<3
Daily seal fact:
Mothers and Pups Bond With a Unique Call
Researchers performed vocalization playback experiments on 18 breeding female harbor seals to assess their abilities to recognize calls of their pup and to evaluate the effect of maternal protectiveness. They found that mothers were more responsive to the calls of their own pup than to non-filial pups after only three days. Mother seals' responses also varied depending on their protective behavior displayed towards their pup. And species of seals in which the young are more mobile and the colonies are more dense are more likely to strongly develop vocal recognition abilities
It is my pleasure, babe <3 my inbox messages are always open for everyone ♡
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http-finnick · 1 year
𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐬 - 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫
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finnick odair x fem!reader
summary: as finnick sneaks back into your cart during the victory tour, you start to pity him as he wraps his arms around you, knowing that this is all for the captiol and none of it is true...at least not for you.
cw: almost one-sided love, katniss and peeta trope, no smut, and lots of crying.
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with how the trains speeds you feel as tho you're flying, laying in your bed with the new weather outside your window. yesterday it was snowing, now it's spring.
the silk bedsheets mold your skin as you lay there, regretful.
a hand snakes under and up to your abdomen, the scent of musk heavy on your nostrils as he pushes himself closer to your back.
he sighs once he has your touch back into his grip and you stay put, hoping he falls back to sleep.
it was a mistake, letting him back into your bed again.
it wasn't like you two did anything..it's just for the nightmares. but still.
he thumbs your shoulder softly, brushing the finger on your body to test your awareness, you feel his eyes on your neck.
once he gets no indication of your conciseness, he dips down to lay a soft, quick kiss on your neck.
it makes you shiver, a little fever sparking in your spine for that moment. it wasn't forced for his own excitement, it was a little good morning for you.
and that just makes it worse.
you pretend to flutter your eyes and he quickly sinks back into the silk sheets. you sit up and drowsily grab a towel before walking towards the bathroom that's connected to your cart.
you eye him as you take tip-toe steps, as if not to wake him. but you catch his lips flashing a soft smile before forcing down into a line.
you sprint into the bathroom and turn on the shower as you feel your chest heavy with breaths. you lock the door and sink down as you choke on air and have tears rush out of your eyes
he loves you
he loves you so much.
your mind brings you back to Annies sobs and pleas for you to return finnick to her, safely. to bring her love back.
I wonder how she felt seeing you brush his hair back in the arena before dipping down to kiss his puffy lips.
I wonder how she felt when 'her love' came home with a new love.
you confessed to him on the train that it was a lie. your love wasn't real and you watched him fight back tears while putting on a sad smile
"it's okay, really"
that's what he told you when you turned to look back out the window of the train car. you knew it wasn't your place but your cloudy mind thought it was a good idea
"fin...um...Annie was talking to me before the games and-"
"please. I don't want to hear anything about annie cresta."
so you both sat in silence as the train brought you back to four.
and now, on your victory tour with the capitol and everyone breathing down your neck, you realize that you will never have a life without odair being next to it.
you can't help but claw at your chest with sobs as the shower spits water at you, because finnick takes this as a chance, a chance for you to love him.
but you would never give yourself that chance
not with that promise you gave to annie.
and not with that vow you gave to yourself.
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an: I might do a part 2 for this, katniss and peeta trope is such a good one I just had to make some angst for it. I hope that you guys liked it even though its short :( I'm sorry I cant do super super long ones, I just write when I can and post right after lmao. Also my babies!!! We got to 70 followers! I love you guys so much, when I started this acc I didn't think anyone would still be around for thg content, but you guys came through and made me love the fandom even more...I love you guys so much! mwah!
part 2
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animehideout · 6 months
Hello! can you do a scenario with gojo x reader who simps out loud for him
like she says the craziest shit she would do to him infront of everyone and they look at her like she crazy 💀
like she says "Gojo could slash me across the back with a belt and make me flow on the inside out"
and everyone just whips their heads at her and just give her that look😭😭😭
Gojo Satoru X Simp/Flirty Reader.
a/n: Thank you @bootyholeater for this request, I had do much fun writing it💗. I hope you like it tho 🥹🫶🏻
warnings: fluff overload with some smutty flirting 🫦.
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No one ever managed to make the famous Gojo Satoru blush, let alone stutter.. but guess what?.. You did ! Congratulations 👏🏻.
Both of you are Jujutsu high students, spending the day face to face with him made you fall head over heels for him.
He was your type, he was literally the male version of you but add a lot of boldness.
Because you would openly simp for him, in public, in private, even during Yaga sensei class.
“ So class, you'll be paired up for a mission. Y/n and Geto both of yo-”
“But Sensei, I wanna be paired up with Gojo!!”
“huh, any reasons?”
“IDK, he's hot” you'd shrug.
Let's say simping shamelessly is your love language.
You'd literally be armed with a repertoire of pickup lines reserved for him.
And your pickup lines never fail in making him grin from ear to ear.
You'd flip your hair around him a lot.
Literally teasing a tease.
A light touch on his arm that'll flutter his heart.
When you're with your classmates, you'd literally say the dirtiest shit ever.
You'd be spending the evening with them when you started your flirting duty.
“Do you know that 70% of your body is water?” you'd pause shifting your gaze to Gojo, “And I'm 100% thirsty”
“Really y/n? We thought you're sharing a scientific fact but I guess flirting with Gojo is more important” said Shoko shaking her head.
Gojo would burst into uncontrollable laughter.
“Two peas in a pod, I swear to god” Exclaim Geto.
“What was your technique again y/n?”
“Baby-making technique wanna help in that.. Satoru?” you'd say with a wink.
“Nice blindfold Satoru, did you get rid of your sunglasses?” Asks Geto.
“yeah nice blindfold, wanna try that on me Satoru?”
“Seriously y/n? Again?”.
He loves the way you say his name, and loves your soft giggles.
He would turn off his infinity when you're around cuz he knows you get extremely touchy with him and FUCK he loves that.
“So what's you'll favorite food?” asked Geto.
“Oh, I'm a sweet tooth , I really enjoy sweets”
“Damn what a coincidence Gojo, me too. I enjoy sweets especially lollies, I enjoy sucking them”.
Geto would get his ass up and leave, he's so done with you.
You're literally unfazed by any awkwardness.
You don't care if your flirting comes out as cringe or cheesy, you said what you said and don't give a fuck as long as you're expressing yourself.
But 90% of the time your flirting is smooth ( like butter ).
You'd challenge him into a duel of pickup lines.
Literally made his jaw drop from all the raunchy lines you were directing to him.
“Your lap looks so inviting, inviting me to sit on it and roll my hips till we can't take it no more”
You'd never shy away, despite you being serious when you flirt with him, you always manage to create an atmosphere of lightheartedness for both of you ( definitely not others cuz they're whether cringing or shaking their heads in disappointment).
You'd always incorporate humor into your flirtation to the point that he thought that you're only joking and not really into him.
Geto would do you a favor and knock some sense into him, making him realize that you're actually giving him hints and not teasing him just for fun.
“Can't believe you're this dense Satoru”
“I- I thought she was just being playful”
The moment he knew, you had actual feelings behind your flirting, you'll start having an intense effect on him.
Geto would start teasing him, leading the conversation on to get you to flirt with him.
“So y/n who do you think is more handsome, me or Satoru?”
“Well Suguru you're handsome of course, but Satoru is the typa handsome that I would let him spank me with his belt and make me flow on the inside out”.
Their mouths would hang open from your extreme dirty simping.
His face would be crimson red, exposing him and betraying his attempt to look unfazed.
But he couldn't hide it, the effect you had on him was stronger.
“Satoru blushing? No fucking way” Said Shoko.
Geto is the sweetest he would help you with it.
After class you'd play Spin The Bottle and he managed to get you both together.
Would shove you both inside the closet, barely containing both of you.
He's a giant, big boy ( I need A big BoOoY).
You'd smirk “Finally, my moment has come”.
( I mean I'd pass out of excitement if I had 7 minutes in heaven with GOJO SATORU).
“So um D-do you h-hav”
“Why are you stuttering Gojo?”
“Fuck it” he would mutter, slamming his lips on yours, kissing the living shit out of you.
“Is this what you wanted huh?” he'd ask.
“Well if I'm being honest...I want more” you'd say with a mischievous smile.
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🦅Russell Adler Headcanons
{Author's Note} Since I'm literally obsessed with this man, I thought I'd post my headcanons for him. All of these are based off of his canon backstory and character with bits of my own speculation thrown in so nothing should be too out of left field here. I may end up posting more of my thoughts on him soon so we shall see. Hope y'all like it and I'd love to hear what you think, as well as any headcanons you guys might have! Tagging @littlemissclandestine for this since she's an Adler fan. Let me know if I did this man justice lol🤭
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‼️Content Warning: swearing, suggestive themes‼️
~ ~ ~
-Badass asshole
-Takes awhile for him to soften enough to really love someone
-Flirtatious jerk when he has a crush
-Shows he cares through small actions that can be hard to notice, as well as vague, rather backhanded compliments
-Shamelessly stares from behind those glasses of his
-Thinks it’s really cute when you wear his shades but would never admit it
-Stylish with heavy 70s influence
-Probably modeled for a male fashion magazine at some point LMAO
-Definitely knows how to dance
-Seems like the type to meme a bit on British people (specifically Park lol)
-Very sarcastic, sometimes to the point that you don’t realize he’s actually joking because he's always so monotone
-Secretly loves Belgian waffles (this is a reference to that one Bruce Thomas TikTok lol)
-Has a soft spot for the Beach Boys (I mean, look at that 🎶bushy, bushy blonde hairdo🎶 of his)
-Since so many people have asked and teased him about it (I see y'all in the fandom and I will not accept this slander lol) -> his hair isn’t fake, it’s actually pretty soft, very bouncy, he likes styling it
-Very particular about his appearance as it is one of the few things that he can truly control
-Prefers cats over dogs
-Can get obsessive about certain things and lose himself to them (i.e. his search for Perseus) -> Mason quote: “He spent so long searching for Perseus, he didn’t notice when he lost himself.”
-Still struggles with PTSD from his time in Vietnam, which, alongside his obsession with finding Perseus, is what led to his divorce
-Carries a lot of guilt and regret that he doesn’t like to acknowledge
-Started smoking to cope with the trauma of war, now has a nicotine addiction; when he’s really stressed, he chain smokes like a chimney
-Gets restless if he doesn’t have a cigarette
-Doesn’t sleep well and when he does, he usually wakes up every few hours
-Scars - Shrapnel? Abuse? Torture? Animal attack? No one knows and he’ll never tell
-Kiss or trace those scars and he WILL melt
-Difficult for him to let his guard down
-Has a tendency to isolate himself -> Mason quote: "You were never alone, Adler. Only in your own stubborn head."
-Always wearing those damn glasses cuz STYLE but also to hide his eyes to remain as a sort of blank, emotionless slate to other people
-Absent parents who never showed him real love or support as he grew up so he struggles to do the same for others -> they were the reason he joined the army as soon as he turned 18
-When it comes to cuddling, he loves holding you against his chest and running his fingers along your arm, cheek, or through your hair; small but intimate actions like that are his favorite
-Doesn’t like to show emotions at all, even during more intimate moments; he needs some coaxing to relax in that way, which takes time
NSFW Below👇🏻 (it's really not too bad tho)
-Sit on his lap👀
-Will pin your wrists during the sexy times🫣
-After his divorce, he's tended to view sex as more of a transaction where both parties are fulfilling needs for each other so he'd be selfish at first but as your relationship progresses, he'd become far more generous
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rapha-reads · 18 days
Things from Interview With The Vampire s02e04 (ep11) I noticed:
[Edit 1: Actually this turned into a live-commenting, sorry]
[Edit 2: Keep in mind, I haven't read the books, so all of these observations are born from the show itself and the few (lots of) spoilers and narrative plot points I've gleaned here and there.]
Both Claudia and Louis are so bored with the coven. Or maybe bored isn't the word, but... Done? Frustrated and annoyed? Restless? Louis because he never intended to join and so cares not all for all their internal affairs. Claudia because she thought she'd finally have the life she wanted and instead is being forced to relive the tragedy of her life day after day.
And Armand rejoices in drawing them further apart, scolding and punishing Claudia while begging scraps from Louis.
And he's soooo jealous. The face he makes when Louis starts explaining what Dreamstat feels like is priceless.
Also, personal theory: either Louis is indeed suffering psychotic breaks after psychotic breaks, or just manifesting his own version of Lestat because he doesn't want to let go. Or Lestat can astral project and has been stalking Louis from the moment they left New Orleans.
The coven is tearing itself apart. And normally I'd add "and Armand isn't even seeing it/taking it seriously yet" but given that the whole of them are unreliable narrators and that Armand is a shady ass bitch whose only agenda is himself, I'd say he's well aware and purposefully making it worse.
I can't make sense of Santiago yet, though. Is he jealous? Ambitious? Is he fond of Claudia? Does he hate her? He definitely hates Louis, but is it just jealousy or real antipathy? Oh, but Louis is still my precious special kitten and that speech about Paris, art and modernity, as a contemporary culture student, made me vibrate a little out of my chair, and Santiago clowning him makes me want to claw his face. We get it, you hate him and you think he's pretentious, now can you shut up and let us talk a bit more about the art scene in Paris post-WW2 and why Louis is absolutely right, Picasso isn't all that impressive in the end? Thanks. Bacon tho, Bacon is interesting. My contemporary art teacher last year was excruciatingly boring, but he had a boner for both Louise Bourgeois and Bacon and we spent several hours on them (and not nearly enough about Mapplethorne, alas). Anyway. I feel ya, Lou. I have been called pretentious too for simply getting excited about art, culture and folkore.
I'm rooting for Louis and Claudia to kill them all off and run away to Italy. I know it won't happen, but one can dream, eh.
Is Armand messing up with both Daniel by getting into his mind and Louis by switching the photos? Interesting. Two people who have a shitton of issues stuck with a sadistic, insecure and bitter control freak who's been pulling the threads since way before anyone realises. And Louis is so lost in his trauma and grief and anger, he trusts Armand and doesn't see what's happening and been happening to him for 70 years, while Daniel is just a sad, sick old man who thinks he knows his life and what his future entails. Armand is definitely having fun.
"Je n'aime pas fenêtre quand fermée" is NOT FRENCH, MY EARS. I will be picky, I don't care for artistic licence. Correct sentence would be "je n'aime pas les fenêtres quand elles sont fermées". Admittedly, if it goes into a song, you'd have to respect the length of the line and all those musical measures. But still. You could shorten the numbers of syllables by dropping the language register: "j'aime pas les f'nêtres quand elles sont fermées" ; from 12 or 13 to 9, the original line being 8 or 9. Depending on whether you say "je-n'ai-me-pas" or "je-n'aim-pas" and "fe-nê-tres" or "fe-nêtres". Anyway. I'm sure the writers had those discussions (I hope; hey, AMC, hire me, I'm a good proofreader and I speak 5 languages).
Me: oh, Louis isn't even bothering now, he's directly talking to... Wait, is Lestat eating that photo? If it's Dreamstat: the hell is going on in your head, Louis? If it's Astral Lestat: that is certainly a choice, my friend.
"Barely Balthasar", LMAO, Lestat I fucking love you. Poor Balthasar always gets forgotten in adaptations. Nope, we're not here to talk R&J, moving on.
Armand: "this is my tragic backstory. Feel pity for me. I'm the good guy." Me: yeaaah, how much of this is actually real? And, uh, no, like Lestat said: ha! You're a storyteller and a conman, Armand. You weave your story to pluck at the heart's threads of your audience, modulating it to their sensibilities to better serve your own interests and your plans. What are those interests, these plans? Hell if I know. But I absolutely do not trust you at all.
"The wilderness that is our daughter" have I said lately how much I love Lestat.
Oh, hello, the Loustat scene on the bench just broke my heart, which is funny if you consider that that's just Louis breaking up with himself. Also, do we consider Louis knew about the initials in the pocket, and Dreamstat is saying what Louis wants him to say, or is it another unreliable narrator Louis, or is it Lestat himself...?
Aw, going from the Loumand scene on the bench to "toxic gay divorce with body count" sure is a tonal shift. Lmao. You're losing your touch, Armand. Louis' awakening. Daniel's awakening... San Francisco next, that will be fun. Excited to see how they've changed that part, knowing it's the red thread of the first book.
Oooh, that got long. Apologies. I really need to sit and read those books.
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blue-jisungs · 2 years
congrats for the well deserved 2k👏
could i get yeonjun for the ask game, dialogue being #18 #20 #30 #70 and action being #6 #8 #23 and #27
thanks so much
a/n. thank you so much <33 although you requested 4 prompts for each (even though i asked to request max 3) i just had to write it, it was too cute :”) i decided to cross out #27 tho!! hope you enjoy it :D
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you are cute. that is an indisputable fact stated by yeonjun. but in certain moments his heart just melts on the spot and he has to take a deep breath to pull himself together…
"can you carry me up to bed…? please…?" your voice was barely audible. not only because of how quiet you were but also your mouth was muffled by a blanket you were wrapped in. you were staring at yeonjun, sparks of hope in your tired yet beautiful eyes.
… and moments like this made him turn into a big softie right away.
"of course, baby" he hummed and walked up to you, pushing his hair back "what are you doing here anyway?"
"i wanted to wait for you" you mumbled and leaned into his touch as yeonjun gently but firmly lifted you off the couch in a bridal style. even though you were exhausted, this gesture made your heart beat speed up.
you pulled down the blanket slightly so he could hear you better and looked into his eyes but noticed they were focused on something else.
"how was your day?" you mumbled, rubbing your eyes.
"aich, y/n…" he let out a small chuckle, carefully walking through the bedroom door "you’re being all cute and sweet, it’s making me want to kiss you"
you blushed at his words, lips curling into a shy smile. before you realised his plump ones were pressed tenderly against yours. the kiss was sweet and comforting, making you want to never leave his arms.
he leaned away and gently put you on the bed, eyes lingering on your lips for a mere seconds. suddenly he squatted in front of the bed, eyes on your level and hand gently cupping your cheek.
"i’m going to marry you one day, y’know?" yeonjun hummed, voice like honey. your eyes widened and cheeks grew hot in a blink of an eye. your boyfriend stood up and shyly grabbed his pyjamas, leaving to go change.
"hey, mister!" you called him, holding back a laugh. when he came back, already in his pyjamas, you were tucked in. you watched him as he plopped down next to you, timid smile on his lips. you turned around to face him and cupped his warm cheeks "oh, don’t get so shy now. you were the one who said it!"
"just go to sleep" yeonjun chuckled softly and snuggled into you.
"you’re so cute" you teased him and a yawn escaped your mouth. you started caressing his hair with your fingers "i love you"
yeonjun said it back by placing a tender kiss on your collarbone before you two fell asleep.
[ masterlist <3 ]
taglist. @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @elviransworld ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @lhsng ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @duolingofanaccount ,, @slytherinhobi
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I have a lot to say about Husk for about 2-3 months now and I really don't know where to start. Que a lot of rambling that I hope comes out coherent.
I think the best unique thing about Husk that I love is the fact he can potential crossed paths to most of the sinner characters we were introduced, in their living life. He was born between Alastor and Angel birth years. I did the math on this once but I can't be bothered with it now. I think Angel and Alastor were about a decade-possibly 15 years apart, while Husk was in between. So they were from the same generation.
The thing that sets Husk apart from the other characters, was he actually grew to an old age. While the others died relatively young or midlife.
The fact that Husk was a world traveler means he wasn't stuck in the city/town/state he was born in like the others may have been. Increasing his odds to cross paths with the other sinners.
I like to imagine that Husk has some type of butterfly effect of the other characters lives that he unintentional and unaware he caused that lead the sinners lifes to what they are.
I lowkey headcanon (not seriously, just for funsies) as weird parody of an guardian angel. Here me out. He not a guardian angel tho. I love his avian cat design. But admit it, its freakin weird he has wings as a cat right?
The only ones we see with wings are the royalties of Hell (Can the Ars Goetia fly?) the sins...and angles.
Beside Valentino. But Val sort of makes sense...hes a moth. Moth has wings by default. Husk is a cat, yet he has wings? It also makes sense why Val is a moth. Granted I think a prostitute be more moth like...standing by a street lamp on a corner street at night. THAT makes sense. But given, Val a pimp...I guess it works for him too.
So Husk, a cat, has wings...makes me think why he has wings in his afterlife. Seems like a random thing to be given when it seem to be reserved mostly for royalty and wings seem like it be a huge advantage to have in Hell when most sinners don't get it. Must be some type of reason Husk has them. But alas I don't know or we probably never know beside cool character design.
Now, going on with this weird wing thought...and my lowkey non serious headcanon (Which im 100% isnt going to make canon), Husk is some unintentional weird type of opposite effect of an guardian angel.
Husk with his potential of crossing paths with a lot of the sinners we know, I think it be hilarious if he butterfly effect that he indirectly caused their path towards Hell or death. Like for example, he gave Nifty directions that started a weird Rube Goldberg machine situation of cause and effect that caused that directed her to find a man she became obsessed with and stalked then eventual murdered. Husk involvement is completely indirect but at the same time, the vent would never would happen if he wasn't involved.
Moving on from his living life to his afterlife.
Husk died in the 70s and the pilot 2019. Alastor was missing for 7 years (starting 2012), I vibe that Husk been under Alastor ownership for quite awhile before that. No later than 2000 but I'm fairly sure he was owned much before that. But I'm going with the minimal amount of time of Husk soul being sold. So Husk was able to fall, rise to overlord fairly quickly only to lose the status just as quick. His reign was very short lived. The rest of the time was serving under Alastor. That's quite a wild ride in a span of 30 (But I personally believe its much shorter) of unbounded soul years. Which seems a lot of years, but when you have eternity to live out the rest of your life, its very little.
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I don't question how Husk was able to become overlord so quick. He a master magician...so very good at sleight of hand/cheating as well as lifetime gambler. He able to keep a stoic expression to minimize his own tells, while being very perceptive and skilled at reading other people very well. He can easily win and work with and manipulate people desperations of gambling their souls to him without much risk to himself. He can easily play hand in his favor with his skills and the rare chance he can't, he can fold and cut his losses before it gets to deep.
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However, what had him lose it all. Because I doubt someone was better at cards then Husk. Especially in Husk own house. I don't doubt Alastors good at cards. But I don't think Alastor skill at cards is greater than Husk. To the point Husk lost everything to him including his own soul. I think they both cheat if they play a game together. In fact I think they have play a game, with intent of cheating and trying to catch each other in the act. Its their own game while playing a game, knowing each other enough that they will cheat and it brought a new level of fun trying to catch each other while not getting caught themselves. It probably became a own special drinking game, that one has to drink when they got caught. But I don't think Alastor the reason why Husk lost everything.
I think the reason Husk lost everything in Hell as quickly as he gained it...is by self destructive depression. Husk was the cause of his own downfall.
I only suggest this because...how else an extremely skilled card player who also skilled at sleight of hand, will lose hand after hand in his own gambling house?
My other clue is this:
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Along with his heavy drinking. I think Husk always been a heavy drinker but it hit a all new level when he lost his love and became extremely jaded by the event.
I think Husk had found a very special someone and something happen to them. Be it died during an extermination or been betrayed by them, etc. Or it may be someone in his living years and something reminded him of them and triggered a downwards spirals for him.
Mostly, I think he caused them to leave him or indirectly caused them permanent death, etc. and he filled with self loathing, regret and remorse. Because he did love and care for them...but he fucked it all up due his own self-centered, selfishness and greed at the time. The pain caused him to close off his heart to avoid feeling that loss again and drink himself stupid to avoid feeling anything or to quiet his self hatred thoughts.
I believe the lost of them sent him a destructive spirals of depression. He started drink insanely heavier, which impaired his judgment greatly and just grew apathetic.
Enter Alastor and the lost of Husk soul
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Alastor may have very well manipulated and cheated his way with the impaired Husk to gain his soul. Very possible. Especially the way it was pictured in the flashback. Alastor symbols and lit up eyes and extended antlers along with a sinister smile as well as Husk stunned expression of his loss of the game.
I don't think that how it went down. I can't remember the exact wording but it sounded like Husk turned to Alastor for help. It was a last resort, but Husk was desperate enough to go to it.
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They were both overlords at the same time at one point. Alastor and and Husk was good friends once. Maybe, not close like Alastor is with Rosie but still good friends. Alastor probably took a liking to Husk as he from the same generation. I also assume Husk appear around Vox falling out with Alastor as Husk and Val fell around the same time. So Vox probably started befriending Val and helping Val with his rise to overlord. I can see Alastor do the same with Husk just to spite Vox and cause him to be jealous. But even if it started as a ploy to upset Vox, Alastor probably end up liking and growing fond over the cat. Playing hands and having late drinking and jazz sessions and such. Alastor appreciate Husk blunt and often correct observations and insight.
So when Husk was clearly not doing well and smarten up enough to seek Alastor for help. I think Husk knew the rate he was self destructing he was going to lose it all, including his soul. So he went to Alastor and struck a deal before Husk truly got in a shitter situration with a shitter dealer that he would regret much more.
Because let's be honest. Husk knows what he was getting into when he offered his soul. Think about it. Even if Husk had an impossible high number of souls...say a billion. He lost a billion souls by suddenly being bad at gambling. Even if the pot is a billion souls that he want to regain back, its not worth the risk of betting your own soul. Even if your got an amazing hand...Is it worth the risk during a harsh losing streak playing against another overlords as an opponent?
Husk knew he was going to lose his soul with his spiral. He knew what he was getting into. He an overlords himself. He may have treated his own souls more poorly than Alastor himself. I don't think Husk was cruel... I'm sure he had his own moments like Alastor and had causes. I do think he was a apathetic/detached master. The souls he owned was just a commodity he use for gambling. When sharing his retelling to Angel about this. He sounded remorseful that he betted souls like they were just an object and not a precious thing. I think he only felt that way AFTER his own soul did not belong to him. That's when he realized what a shitty and dick move it was to prey on desperate souls and pass them around when it should been obvious.
Husk collected souls to use as a commodity. Husk preyed onto the sinners desperation and addiction to get them.
While Alastor, I don't think he really cares about hoarding souls. He powerful enough without them. BUT if an opportunity reveals itself, he take advantage. But he only does it with quality souls that has real potential and use. He a quality over quantity man.
Husk knows what it means to sell one's soul. Yet he still offered it to Alastor. Because despite the rep Alastor has being ruthless, Alastor is probably one of the "kinder" overlords to have as a master. But Husk only knew that by insider information by witnessing himself by hanging out with Alastor and possibly glimpsing how he treated his contracts. Which appears not to be much different than any other sinner.
I know Alastor performs horrendous acts. He goes on killing sprees, probably enjoys torturing people. But I don't think he does it to his own souls. Because, TBH, people who do that want to feel powerful and they do it with people who cant fight back. Alastor is already powerful. He doesn't need weak prey and why damage his own property when no one can stop him from breaking someone else's? Alastor is so powerful that its boring. Where's the fun and entertainment when everytime you "play", the game is stuck on easy mode and the opponent is knocked out of the ring within minutes. Heck, Alastor gets even less than that. He just looks in their directions and people forfeit. Alastor wants the thrill of a challenge and exchange wits and banter. So he seeks stronger opponents to fulfill is needs for carnage and havoc. Not some frighten, defenseless slave.
Alastor not a good man as he willing to commit terrible acts and enjoys it. But from what we seen, hes not a bad man's as it appears he doesn't attack without cause or reason. He appears he only acts monstrous when he defending. He has no interest in sex so he not going to force Husk into sexual acts. Alastor may have his contracts to demeaning things or just do things for shits and giggles and entertainment but overall, hes tamed to souls he own. (The souls he doesn't own that pledge their service and loyalty however...is another story) Alastor pretty much just let his contracts do what they please as long as they respect him and do what he commands as he needs them. Which, honestly isn't much. Alastor seem to summon his shadow minions over his soul contracts because it seems less of a bother to everyone while Alastor remains more in control of the situation. It's simply less chance of error if Alastor used his shadow minions that act on his will vs some contracted soul who most likely is performing half heartedly as they are forced to do something they don't want to do. He use the contracted soul for a long term project since it would take too much power and effort to maintain and sustain his shadow minions over a extended time. It seams Alastor only have souls as a resource an a backup reserve. More of a "better have it and not need it then need it and not have it." Alastor even gives them task that align with the skills they are good at. I think part of it is because Alastor is also on a leash so as much as he denies it, he has empathy. But he will still utilize the resource when needed but overall he self reliant and a lone wolf and rather no really on people if he can help it, even if he does own them. I also think he knows Overlords and soul ownerships sort of go hand and hand. But I think soul ownership leaves a bit of a sour taste in his mouth. Not because of his own soul but being a mixed man in the 30's....its very likely he had some heritage on his precious mother side of ancestral slaves. So, Alastor understand the necessity needs of ownership for survival and advancement in Hell, but still has a distaste to it.
Granted we don't see how Alastor (beside with Husk and Nifty)or anyone besides the Vees, interact with their contracts, and we know they treat their people poorly. But I think from what we seen is Alastor is very mild. Including the scene he threatened Husk.
Mind you, Alastor was giving clearly giving clues he was already agitated before that interaction. He was essential a growling dog warning he was going to bite if it interactions going to continue. His snapped his neck irritatedly along with a clearly exasperated "what is it" that didn't have a radio filter when he addressed Husk when Husk went to get his attention. Husk was trying to warn Alastor about Mimzy but it was clear to even someone who doesn't know Alastor...(and Husk knows Alastor well) that Alastor was already on edge. Yet Husk continued to push forward. Even then...Alastor kept composure. Laughing off and dismissing Husk concerns. It was when Husk muttered a jab about sensitive personal information (One that I'm sure Husk wasn't even originally meant to know )about Alastor that anyone could have overheard if they were near, and that same sensitive information promised to trigger Alastor...THAT'S when Alastor became terrifying and threatening. So granted, no one deserve what happened to Husk when he was threatened but at the same time...it was Husk own undoing at the moment. Husk muttered that jab to Alastor that antagonize Alastor to reacted harshly. Husk was lucky that Alastor restrained himself ONLY to threat....Alastor gave Husk mercy by warning him to watch himself because next time would be the last time.
So Alastor is rather mild with his demands with contracts for the majority of the time but when he isn't, he very brutal but he usually given a cause to turn.
So Husk offered his soul to Alastor knowing what it would mean to sell his soul. Specifically chosen Alastor because, it would surprise to anyone to hear, is the lesser form of evil in such a situation. He sold his soul while he was somewhat lucid and not completely impaired to work out a deal that doesn't completely screw over Husk. Place some terms and agreements. I do think they did play a hand and wager, either to finalize a clause they couldn't agree with and use the bet to finalized it or just have Husk go out a way he comfortable with. Alastor may also play some mild manipulation but I don't think Alastor preyed on Husk as its implied. Alastor was sought out for a reason, and on Alastor part, an overlord soul is too tempting to resist. Especially being handed on a silver platter. If Alastor wanted to decline the offer, for the unlikely name of friendship, knowing it would ruin it. It wouldn't have done any good in any scenario to decline. If Husk was worry about losing his soul due to his own destructive impairment, might as well gain something from it and offer some protection to a friend then lose out on a quality soul, instead of watch from afar the downfall of his friend which he probably won't see again afterwards. It also strategy. It either gain a quality and powerful soul to his collection, or lose out and someone else has it...that could be potential be used against Alastor, along with any possibly knowledge Husk had gathered on the Radio Demon. So even if it wasn't tempting or desirable, its about survival.
Naturally, their friendship has soured greatly since then. Because, how can it not? I don't think Husk hates Alastor. I know the fandom believe he wants him dead. But Husk is just being jaded and surly. Husk didn't treat Alastor more venomous than any other resident when he was introduced. Husk is also comfortable enough to voice his less than kind opinions about Alastor or to Alastor. Husk doesn't act like a terrified servent in Alastor presence. (Unless he knows that Alastor in bad mood and looking for a cause for someone to be his punching bag), The two act like longtime friends but one is grumpy because he there out of reluctant obligations and just frustrated, annoyed and just tired of this shit of Alastor antics that hes forced to endure. Alastor seem to treat Husk more friendly, which to be fair can be an act but I think it part genuine.
Out of the two of them, its Husk that reminds everyone that Husk is on the Alastor leash. Alastor not the one that usually "putting Husk in his place", Husk the one that normally does it. If anything, I think Husk hate and angry with himself that everything is is own undoing. Frustrated and annoyed by Alastor who amused by it. Alastor is also just a reminder how low Husk became. It's easy to blame Alastor for his problems and even understandable that he does. He does blame Alastor for his current predicament at times simply because its just easier to do so and feels better to blame someone else to be the cause of your problems but ultimately, Husk knows he brought it all on himself and I think that's what hurts and bothers him the most.
Husk wants his soul back, but I don't think he wants Alastor to be dead for it. Tho, I think Husk feels that's the only way to get it back at times. But despite it all, he cares about Alastor. Even if its begrudgingly. I think Husk also knows its better to have as Alastor as a great ally than an enemy, even a dead one to gain his soul back. Husk is wise, even is Husk gain his soul back, regain his full power and strength it still fails to compare to Alastors own power. Husk knows there are greater foes that Husk cant compete and defend for himself or his newfound family against, but Alastor can, even if Husk doesn't fully trust Alastor. But Husk trust his own experience and knowledge of Alastor to guess his motivations and intentions.
I think Alastor called upon Husk to the hotel to bartend, because A) He knew from their former late night hang outs that Husk can make great drinks. but B) Husk also has wisdom and experience that can fulfill Charlies needs and benefit for the hotel. Husk has skills on perception and reading people from gambling. Husk knows about losses, knows the woes of losing his soul, knows about addiction, lost of love etc. I think Alastor pulled Husk to the hotel not only because Husk has skills that can be utilized to help but I think Alastor knew Husk can benefit from the hotel to be the sinner Alastor remember he use to be. Not the "husk" he became. Alastor doesn't believe in redemption, at least one that send someone to Heavens gates. But Alastor can see the possibility of rehabilitation. Something Husk could benefit. He lowkey subtle hinted it at the pilot. "I thought you be perfect to man the front desk as the job seem to be made for him" (At a rehabilitation hotel) Husk is not going to work on himself because Alastor commanded him to be. So Alastor has Husk station there with the possibility and off chance of Husk getting help even if its through osmosis from the sidelines. May even warm up on the idea and want to better oneself. Guess what...its working. Alastor won't admit his underhanded method of helping. He has a reputation of being ruthless to maintain after all.
I think its also why he pulled Nifty. He using her skills but also figure a place like the hotel is one of the few place that accept Nifty the way she is and let Nifty develope friends and family that would embrace her. I think Nifty was a lonely soul and she just TOO much for most sinners to handle. But at the hotel, she can be welcomed and be herself. It also a place Nifty would enjoy to be in. She a simple girl. She likes to clean and kill bugs. A large building will grant her that.
Alastor even try buttering Husk up and get Husk more comfortable with the idea of working at the hotel by offering him cheap booze free of charge. Alastor didn't have to care at all and can just say "I own you so...tough shit." But he did try to get Husk to warm up to the idea despite Husk not having a choice in the matter, and wanted to at least ease his grumpy avian cat into the change.
If Alastor care so much why doesn't he release them? One might ask. Beside overlords being super possessive and Alastor being a control freak? I think for Nifty, She doesn't want to and she needs the protection.
Husk...I think Alastor fears with their soured friendship, there is nothing stopping Husk to reveal any or all his sensitive knowledge about Alastor if he not bound to Alastor and forced to be silent by it. Husk is probably the only one that knows about Alastor own sold soul beside the one he sold it to. Alastor confines to Rosie but I think he still restrained himself real intro personal stuff. Husk is probably Alastor other confident (Tho, probably not by choice by either, Husk being forced into now, and Alastor lips being loosen by Husk made drinks combined with the comfort and nostalgia he has with the cat while inebriated. Which he rarely indulges in because of that fact, but still does on really hard days and regrets the things that slip but at least Husk can't tell a soul on Alastor command.) Information can be such a powerful tool that can be weaponized. Husk knows things about Alastor that would just completely ruin, may even destroy him or actually bring Alastor to his final demise. Also, small part and Alastor won't admit it, he values Husk perceptive insight and Alastor trust him to be his eyes and ears.
I'm sure there's more I wanted to say. But I'm sure I ramble incoherently enough about my thoughts on Husk.
What do you all think?
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colourstreakgryffin · 11 months
I have a request to make. Yandere obanai vs yandere mitsuri vs yandere shinobu, with a darling reader with a pet anaconda (who is also quite the cuddle bug)also the anacondas name is noodle.
Happily will do this idea! It actually sounds somewhat cute so let’s find out what will happen with these three! A little short but that’s okay, I assume!
Lol. This picture is the only thing I can find for these three!
Yandere! Romantic! KNY Hashira Scenarios: Iguro Obanai vs Kanroji Mitsuri vs Kocho Shinobu
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What a absolute disaster pitting these three together is. Obanai is hostile, Shinobu is dangerous and Mitsuri is passive-aggressive! So every scenario ends in a vicarious fight that could shake the ground
All three fall for you very close to one another, and find out each other’s feelings for you when they notice the lovestruck glares directed at you during one of the many Hashira gatherings. This triggers the Yandere corruption and it gets worse with the rivalry growing alongside it
Obanai is the first one to find out how about your pet. A big emerald-palette anaconda named “Noodle” by stalking you from your window. Mitsuri learns about Noodle by getting invited into your house and Shinobu learns about Noodle last when you ask for medicines useable on snakes
Obanai knows his snakes very well so he offers you snake care advice as Shinobu and Mitsuri angrily glare at him for winning over your attention so easily. He has the biggest advantage over the two girls, for his knowledge on snakes
Though, all three are very jealous of Noodle for the way you admire and love him. Why does that stupid serpent get your affection?! They are also very jealous of each other
All three love you dearly so they’d never try kill Noodle at all and will always run up to you to give whatever you want for Noodle or for yourself but they all wish they could get rid of Noodle without hurting your feelings
Overall. They argue and fight basically constantly over who can touch you and/or take care of Noodle for you. You do notice how bad it gets from behind closed doors, but you just hope it doesn’t have anything to do with you
Shinobu may or may not put coma-inducing serum in your beloved Noodle’s food to make you come to her for medical care. Mitsuri and Obanai get furious over the situation as they both know that Shinobu is the reason Noodle is hurt and she is hurting you for her own selfish infuriation
Mitsuri is a lot closer to you then she is to Noodle but she is very good at handling the heavy snake as if he weighs nothing to her. Obanai and Shinobu get jealous at the way you coo happily at her and Noodle cuddling
All three are very invasive and clingy, grabbing onto random parts of you whenever they can, bickering and swiping at each other so they’ll back off. It never ends until you get up and walk away, but that doesn’t mean they won’t follow you like a group of ravage fans to a Popstar
You having Noodle isn’t a favourite for Yandere Obanai, Mitsuri and Shinobu but your happiness is very important to them so they don’t really mind that much. Tho, the main problem is the rivalry the trio have against each other
All three are very manipulative, all emotionally. Shinobu tries to directly trick you into thinking the other two are liars, Obanai uses old fashion gaslighting until you think he is the only safe one whilst Mitsuri simply lies about what those two do with a few crocodile tears so you’ll sympathise with her
Won’t deny. Obanai would most likely work hard to invent a new form for Serpent Breathing, mimicking Noodle and other anacondas to try impress you
“Noodle’s a anaconda, my lov— Dokusha. He has very specific requirements for temperatures, try maintaining the cage in 60 to 70 percent humidity with periodic spikes near 100 percent— hm? Don’t thank me, we’re… friends”
“Heeeey! Dokusha! Look! Wanna see something cool! I’m gonna go play with Noodle! Are you ready— Oh! No, don’t worry! He isn’t heavy at all! He’s fine, I’d you want me to, I’ll gladly do it! Anything for you— because it’s fun!”
“Oh my, Dokusha. Noodle likes a bit tuckered out? What is the problem? He… he won’t wake up? Well, that sounds like a good thing— a simply horrible thing! I’ll try figure out what’s wrong, okay! You can rely on me”
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bee-named-alex · 11 days
Ok so the promised thoughts about Interview with the Vampire s2e5 (keep in mind that i haven't read the books, i've only seen some posts by people who have) SPOILERS
This episode was... heavy I guess is the right word. Pretty dark. Some things real fucked up. But also like emotionally.
I'll start with the nice thing, which is the Daniel and Louis dynamic; I really enjoy their present selfs, finding out their memories together. I like that Daniel even seems to be disappointed when Louis say that they didn't do anything lmao. Yeah and them in past is super fun too, at least at the start; Louis being happy with, Daniel "I did what I had to" Molloy taking of his shirt the moment he gets an excuse to do so.
It's interesting tho, the way Louis talks about Lestat has changed. But yeah, time passes and changes perspective (or maybe they have met after this sometimes and that changed it, but in that case i would have to ask where is lestat now)
And I think talking about the 70s takes immense trust on both parts, but especially Daniel's. I mean uncovering what he knows is risky, even without Armand in there.
Speaking of, I like that we get to hear how he likes to hunt; they tell us ("he's gonna be begging for it in an hour" or something like that) and show us with Daniel, that Armand likes his victims to be so mentally broken by him that they basically offer themselves up to him (similar to what Santiago does on stage)
Now that I've opened up Armand's behaviour, I'll talk a little about their fight. Like I get it. I get them both, Armand more than I thought I would. But fucking christ. They are both saying the hard truths (which i doubt is common in their relationship) and so it's spicy.
Louis bringing up Armand's past is fucked. But also Armand being so jealous of Lestat, like he's been their whole relationship; i like to see that, this seed of hatred and resentfulness that keeps hurting them even in present day.
And then Louis runs out and that is something i did not see coming and i feel so bad for him, like omg. And the way Armand acts towards him then feels really cruel but in the light of their fight i guess he gets to be angry (but i still dont like it)
Armand listening to the tapes and promptly torturing Daniel for four fucking days. Crazy. I mean yea this is "Torture as foreplay, the show" but still? Mental.
I wholeheartedly agree with "Fuck your boyfriend"
I'm not actually tho sure if he's torturing him for the fun of it or out of jeaulosy or if he actually wants to find out "what makes him fascinating" but still, jesus (He really said, you could be on your knees in a second and you WILL, lol)
The Lestat-Armand scene broke my heart. This means that they both know that Lestat is alive because Louis didn't look at all surprised that he is, only shocked that Armand knew where he was. So id like to know if he actually found out (when? how??) or if he just assumed.
Now, what is Armand trying to do here? If it's to hurt Louis, he's successful but it hurts me to think that's it. If it's actually to make Louis happy, than he's doing it all wrong, like Louis tells him like a million times to stop. If it's to show that he's better, or like to give Louis a choice and hope he's the chosen one, I mean I guess? Still don't get it tho.
I really like that he refuses to say the "I love you", because, well, I'm not sure about the intentions, but to me it shows that he is scared that Louis would leave him if he knew. Which is not an unfounded fear really, not from the point of view of someone who's been listening to the tapes and hearing Lestat, Lestat, Lestat... over and over again. I think that the tapes kinda confirm Armand's fears that he isn't "enough" for Louis and could never be enough because he just isn't Claudia and he just isn't Lestat.
And the talk after that scene, "he is just my maker" yea no we both know you're lying. But then they explain why Armand's acting kinda like a servant to Louis (because to be tired of cleaning messes, you would have to have cleaned a lot of messes), because he's trying to undo something that happened in Paris? (Claudia is in danger, i fear)
Speaking of Lestat, where is he?? I mean he doesn't know where Louis is and Armand refuses to tell him, but I don't think that's just it. Like, I'm pretty sure if he could, Lestat would burn the whole word to find Louis. So it might be that he's been locked up somewhere? (i have seen people who know the books talk about some dungeon i think?? but idk)
Next thing I find quite fascinating (haha) is the very confusing Loumand power dynamic. It mostly comes from Armand and the way he seems to have two conflicting personalities that he switches between; one of them is the "cold, dark, manipulative, always in power, will torture you mentally", you know like he was acting with Daniel for most of the episode, and then there is the "devoted servant, looking to please and get love, yes maitre, of course maitre" or as Louis calls it, very 'tactly' I might add, "the bitch he was groomed to become", (it is obviously a horrible thing to say, i mean come on, louis.)
And I'm not sure what causes him to switch, if it just happens inside him or if the change is somehow (intentionally or even unintentionally) caused by Louis. It also kinda reminds me of the way Lestat has the mental stability of a rocking horse, but instead of it being "Everything is fine -> Rage", it's "I'm in power -> I will do literally anything you say".
Also idk how Louis feels about this. Because he will certainly use this side of Armand to get what he wants, but I'm not all that sure that he necessarily enjoys that power. Whatever it is, he saved Daniel thanks to it so yeah, good.
The ending, i am a little scared about, i will admit. Not sure how fast Armand can figure out what they know, and when he does, if they will know that he knows that they know. Dubai scenes are gonna be fun is what im saying.
Lastly, the trailer. Looks great again, more Loumand scenes that will hopefully be healthier than whatever this was. I am scared for Claudia as per Armand's "Have I atoned for my part of Paris?" i think the girl is done for. Also Santiago clearly play part in that, i've seen some people talk about a court?? and it looks like he's gonna do just that, probably court for Claudia and Louis (and possibly Armand?)
This didn't fit anywhere, but this episode somehow made me like Armand more? Not as a person, but as a character. I was always team Lestat and it might be because he was there first and i tend to be biased towards that, but maybe it's the fact that he was just more fun to watch. Like both his "normal" and his "fucked up". Armand was really cool too, but his "normal" i just didn't enjoy as much. But his "fucked up" was horrifying and also totally fascinating to watch so now i like him a little more than before (lestat still remains above him tho, idk what to tell you)
So anyways I hope you enjoyed my rant. I will happily read any responses also I might add to this if I remember something later.
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carebeartherese · 8 months
My live reactions to Loki ep 4:
(Already 7 mins in and I’m angry with Kang)
-hell yea the clock lady wants you (what the fuck)
-mobius and Loki are very boyfriends rn
-shit the loom
-I love this Victor timely fella tbh
-oh fuck dox
-B15 my love <333
-no don’t let dox live
-oooooo words
-Víctor is so autism
-ob and Casey <3333
-ob and victor meeting each others idles
-snake eating it’s own tail= Ouroboros
-mobius is so sweet
-lmfao petty ob
-mobius and Loki fighting like an old couple is my favorite
-Sylvie = third wheel
-Loki is in fact super fast
-ooop victor is think
-Casey and ob are so bf coded
-PIE DATE 2???
-sylvie pls let them be a couple
-dude this bitch
-pie pls
-oh brad
-please don’t start a prison riot
-don’t bring Galileo into this
-Stfu dox
-uhhhh this tension is strange
-B15 !!!!!!
-brad doing the same hand-resting thing with his collar
-wait sylvie gtfo
-ohhhh please let them fight about MOBIUS
-Loki monologue incoming
-lmfao Thor mocking
-also Loki character development???
-yea those people live because of his lover
-damn wise words ig
-I don’t like them as a couple please don’t let this happen again
-yea sylvie thats kinda the point of hope
-i don’t hate her she’s just annoying on occasion
-ok but you are gods tho
-thx Loki also back tf up
-damn that pie room is the real star or the show
-fuck dox srsly
-also crazy bitch Ms minutes honorable mention
-oh shit life on the timeline?? Fr???
-oh fuck no you crazy bitches
-Brad that was fuckin cold
-see even ravonna doesn’t actually give a fuck who you are brad
-Casey x OB x Timely???
-It’s hotchoc victor
-I love victor
-mobius is so supportive
-what’s happening with the tempads tho???
-oh sorry b15 it’s people goo now
-Aw he made the guard hot coco
-shit Ms minutes
-loki and mobius need more screen time together
-this feels much scarier than it should tbh
-ohhh….hey ravonna….sorry about all that
-oh shit ok
-mommy? Sorry, mommy? Sorry-
-brad please relax with your 70s hair
-oh fuck this is it ig
-real Ms minutes sucks
-shits getting real
-loki is gonna get pruned by himself
-sylvie constantly plays elevator music in her soul
-this is where Loki gets pruned!!!! Probably by himself
-yup I was right prune yourself
-damn sylvie strong
-good job loki???
-sorry just had to kill past me rq
-WHOS calling???
-and th e call was coming from IsIdE tHe HoUsE
-oh dammit ob you scared me
-mobius is so worried about his boyfriend he’s willing to reboot the whole system
-Aw poor timely they aren’t mocking you
-you’ll never be him.
-that shit was menacing fr
-oh DONT send brad out on his own!!!
-he gonna die
-fuck that was kinda hot ngl
-anyways hi sylvie/brad
-lokius has had way too few scenes today
-loki <333
-oh thank god
-oh loki please be safe
-don’t send timely out pls
-no dont!!!
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lowkeyrobin · 1 month
New anon here, love your writting
Cellbit mayhaps 👉👈
Possibly Ordem Paranormal👉👈
(no rush tho, take as much time as you need*
ooo yeah sure! ; idrk much about ordem paranormal so I apologize, I did something kind of like it though! ; also tysm! I'm glad you enjoy my writing 🫶 I'm in my flop era atm so yk how that's going LMFAO ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy anon! ; this is super short and dumb, I apologize ; also getting this out of my drafts now cause I might not post for a few days while I get shit sorted out lol
CELLBIT ; paranormal investigation
summary ; exploring an abandoned home with cellbit
warnings ; language, mentions of knives for self defense
disclaimers ; didn't use their real names because I don't think they're okay with it so if it seems a little abundant with names, that's why
word count ; 1.2k
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"Why would I ever agree to do this with you?" You sigh, your index finger and thumb rubbing the bridge of your nose.
"Cause we're gonna find ghosts" He smiles, pulling you and Roier inside. He holds the gopro up a bit, catching your unamused look at him.
You enter the house, walking into the living room. The windows were completely busted out, leaving glass shards resting on the couch under the window and outside in the overgrown grass. Bullet holes are lodged into the adjacent wall, a few having hit the box TV, which was dated back to around the 70s.
"How long has this place been abandoned?" You ask.
Cellbit shrugs, "Since the early 80s or so"
"Damn," Roier mutters, carefully opening the door into a closet. He scans the rack of coats, most torn up and weathered down. He spots a spider in the corner and quickly shuts it, not wanting to confront the insect.
You slowly walk into the kitchen, shining your flashlight over the old appliances. This house was literally trapped in the late 70s to early 80s. It was like a time capsule. An abandoned one at that. Graffiti is sprayed over the backsplash, reading something like someone's Instagram handle in purple.
"I don't think we're finding ghosts here, dude"
"You never know"
You open up the cabinets around the kitchen, wanting to see if anything was left. Some scattered pots, pans, and other dishes remain, like the people who lived here packed up as quickly as possible and left half of their things behind.
Roier finds a plate shaped like Mickey Mouse, with the famous face painted onto it, said paint chipping off in some spots. He holds it up, showing it to you and Cellbit.
"Look, it's you, Y/n!" Roier smiles.
"Shut the fuck up" You laugh.
You hear something crash and break in another room, something light, like glass. You jump back, accidently knocking into Cellbit. Roier stands frozen, eyes widened as he looks at the two of you.
He whispers, "The hell was that?"
You slowly turn to look between Roier and Cellbit, making it clear you weren't going to be the one to investigate. Roier quickly shakes his head, looking up at the other man to go investigate himself.
He glances between the two of you before rolling his eyes and slowly walking toward the hallway where the noise came from. He scans the bathroom as he passes the door, nothing.
He creeps to the first bedroom, seeing broken glass scattered upon the old, rickety wooden floor. A whole spot was sunbleached, leaving it much lighter and faded than the rest of the floor, a spot laying in front of the window. He looks back, slightly nodding as he looks back.
You quietly share a look with Roier, sharing regretful thoughts about being here.
Cellbit leans into the room, softly grabs the doorknob, and pulls the door shut. You listen to the soft click as he makes sure it's totally shut, and look at the camera in your boyfriend's hand.
"What the fuck" You softly whisper, "Was there someone in there? Or something?" You ask as he quietly trails back to you.
He shakes his head no.
"I'm scared someone's actually here, can we leave? I don't wanna stumble upon some fucking freak ready to turn us into the next plot of some cheap slasher movie" You speak with worry, arms crossed.
Roier quietly agrees with a nod of the head, leaning into you a bit as he feels a shiver run up his spine. You feel a slight zephyr brush against your skin, causing goosebumps to quickly jump up as you stand in fear while now freezing under your jacket.
You feel some qualms as Cellbit walks toward the stairs, wanting to explore more. You shake your head no, begging him with your speechlessness to not go up.
"Dude," Roier whisper-shouts, "We're leaving if you go up there"
In reply, he devilishly smiles and quickly walks up the stairs, leaving you two starstruck in the kitchen below.
"I'm not going out there without that knife"
"Me neither"
Tumblr media
"I actually hate you" You whisper, hiding behind Cellbit as Roier was doing the same with you.
"You love me, darling," He snickers. "C'mon," He says, investigating the top floor, consisting of another bathroom, two bedrooms, and some storage looking room at the end.
A door loudly slams in front of you, the storage room at the end of the hall. You feel yourself jump out of your skin and feel Roier's hands twitch and flinch on your shoulders.
"Nope, bye" You quickly turn around, rushing down the stairs to get the fuck out. Roier follows you, now equipped with the knife Cellbit had in his pocket.
Cellbit, after a few moments of thinking, dips as well, following you two out of the door. You notice as you look behind yourself as you pull the door open.
"I thought you said you wouldn't get scared of any doors?" You loudly speak.
"I'm scared there's an actual human here, go!"
You three quickly jump off the porch and dart into the woods away from the house and toward the car. As you run, Roier looks back, then screams as he runs faster.
"There was someone in the window!"
You push brush and dead leaves out of your way, being pricked as you run deeper into the woods. The trail here was already densely covered and needed some reshaping, but it felt even worse now.
"Left!" Cellbit shouts behind you, directing you the correct way through the trees.
You swerve left, soon revealing the car parked on the side of the road. You watch as the car beeps, unlocks and the headlights flicker on as Cellbit uses the automatic start on his keys. You jump in the front, Roier right behind you as he jumps into the back.
Cellbit runs around the car, hops in, throws the car in drive, and quickly speeds off. As he drives, he pulls his seatbelt on, and it clicks into the fastener. You and Roier do the same, absolutely winded.
"What do you mean, someone was in the window?" You ask, gasping for air, turning the heat all the way up.
"I looked back," Roier begins, coughing a bit to get his breathing steady, "And in one of those windows on the top in the front, someone was clearly in the window. Like, a light was on in there, and you could see a clear shadow."
You share a frightened look with Cellbit before leaning back in your seat, hugging yourself for comfort as your heart was racing. You didn't know why all three of you got so spooked, maybe the fear of encountering an actual person wasn't on your menu tonight. I mean, when would it ever would be?
"Please connect your phone and play music before I scream in terror" Cellbit speaks, glancing at you.
You pull your phone out, connecting your phone to the radio to play Toni Braxton's Un-Break My Heart. You try your best to keep your mind off of it, but overthink all the cans of food and trash laying around the house. People probably were squatting there.
If anything, they would've been scared of you, I mean, you had no right to just walk in.
"We are never doing that again"
"I second that"
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comradekatara · 10 months
this is more of a ramble then an ask but I was wondering how u felt about how it’s set up in atla that the world is intristically all connected together and that the ideas of bending aren’t political in nature and they’re taught by the animals in the world but even tho the show talks about how they’re all the same and stuff it never seems to really expand on his ideas and the perfect world seems to just be the four nations living together in harmony without really questioning the systems of having specific elements to nations?
this is a really good question because i've discussed how much i appreciate the way atla illustrates how nationalism is heightened and borders are reified during wartime (perhaps almost paradoxically, considering how colonialism reshapes and removes previous borders) and how resisting that ideology through uniting the nations and dispelling the myth that they are ontologically discrete is crucial to ending the war.... but then lok kind of drops the ball on exploring how that would restructure a postwar world.
i will say that i like how the novels, which explore the world of avatars past, explore geopolitics in a way that challenges the claim that "long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony." we see that in yangchen's time, there is more cross cultural exchange in terms of (im)migration, but there are also sanctions placed on the water tribes and fire nation by the earth king as punishment for supporting an ultimately failed coup. we later see in kyoshi's time how despite there being an alliance across the four nations, there is political unrest within each nation, further problematizing the notion that if the four dominant cultures are internationally allied, intranational peace must also follow.
with lok, they had the chance to imagine a world in which the dominant imperialist power is successfully dismantled, and what that kind of world would look like 70 years after the fact, but the liberal imagination is, by definition, extremely limited, so we ended up with. well. you know. intermingling families without exploring the ramifications of how various politicized traits (in this world, bending even more so than physical appearance) would affect different members (firebending being celebrated as a tool for imperialist supremacy vs earthbending being stigmatized, for example)... a city built on colonial violence, expected to be a melting pot but its oppressive origins are only ever addressed by the fascist villain... even the red lotus, an anarchist terrorist organization, dress according to the international color code.
and don't get me started on the red lotus lmao. they basically have the same ideology as atla's heroes except we're expected to believe that they're unhinged and irrational because they randomly decided that it was in their best interest to kill a teenage girl and held the fragile remnants of a genocided people hostage to do so. zaheer's philosophy is an extremely warped and reductive view of anarchism, but it's also the closest viewpoint anyone holds to the central ideological conceit of atla, which is actually crazy if you think about it.
atla establishes that despite ostensibly insurmountable cultural differences, the world is fundamentally interconnected, and understanding that relationality across humanity as well as the nonhuman world is crucial to achieving balance. lok explores what a world without borders and unjust hierarchies would mean, but comes to some flawed and downright bizarre conclusions. national borders are rearranged but nonetheless affirmed, however the border between the spirit and material realms is dissolved. but also lok declares that actually the best way to fix an unjust hierarchy is just to put "good people" at the top of them and hope that they continue to be nice even once they're given absolute power.
i do personally think that if lok had better explored the conflict between the red lotus (anarchy) and the white lotus (liberalism) as the central ideological clash across the entire show, instead of merely presenting an extremely problematic and illogical liberal value system as, somehow, the only viable method, despite its myriad noticeable flaws from the very first episode, with the smug yet blatantly fallacious assumption that any other framework is inherently inferior, the setting being a neocolonial neoliberal "melting pot" would have made much more sense and worked far better overall. i would still have issues with how they handled the water tribes, the air nomads, the (lack of) fire nation, the characterization, etc etc. but it would have made for a far stronger central plot, instead of what ultimately appears to be a set of scattered, unthorough explorations of various status-quo-challenging ideologies that korra must fight with her liberal arsenal of cops and capitalists. (but i'm realizing now that a scathing critique of the ideological underpinnings of lok may not actually have been what you were looking for in my response. so i'll stop, for now.)
ultimately, i think it's impossible to truly critique atla's approach to this philosophical quandary as a standalone work, since the show ends with the war, and thus the postwar decolonial imagination cannot be truly explored. that is why i am obligated to turn to lok if i want to criticize this idea, but i also feel like critiquing lok is pretty futile at this point, considering i've done so so many times on this blog by this point that i don't think i have anything more to add on to my already expansive laundry list of complaints. but one day i'll write a thorough outline for my vision of a postwar atla. at which point i will explore the secretly radical ideas presented in atla with far more care and nuance than those spineless libs ever could.
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arttrampbelle · 9 months
Ok now for some actual good shang tsung food for y'all.
*cracks knuckles*
Shang tsung bathing hcs x reader.
Here is some bathing hcs. Aka. What they do in a bath,showers,cleaning themselves,relaxing,grooming and preening themselves type of hcs.
Cw:nsfw,fluff,maybe some angst?
Hcs below cut cuz of nsfw content.
Reader is gn ( i try to make these gn if i can)
Shang tsung bathing hcs:
Shang tsung prefers showers if he is just needing to clean up. Because one,it's healthier and easier for him. And two he just likes to take quick warm showers most of the time. However it doesn't mean anything. He sometimes with do either or hot,warm,cold. But he prefers warm
Shang tsung will do baths if he's trying to relax or soak or take his time. Especially if he's with you.
He loves the feel of the warm water next to you. He finds it peaceful.
He definitely does the works tho. Bubbles,oils,salts,soaks,etc.
And after a bath he also definitely either body oils up or body butters himself.
He loves smelling good. And loves you smelling good too.
If you need privacy and don't wish to bathe with him. He will respect that too
As for himself if he needs privacy he will tell you right away beforehand.
Shang tsung will drink wine and bathe. He prefers dark reds buuuut occasionally he'll have a white dry wine or even a sweet wine. Especially if you are with him. But shang already loves the sweetness you bring in your company. The wine just doesn't do justice on that. ;3
He will also eat fruit in the bath. Like this man is the definition of luxurious and living deliciously.
As for grooming habits. He likes to keep himself well trimmed and groomed. He shaved almost completely. But if he wants to leave a bit of hair. He'll leave a lil treasure trail if anything. His balls are smooth tho. A nice trimmed beard too.
Shang has and will fuck in the bath. If you want a quickie it's in the shower. But if you want him to play,take his time,and enjoy every inch of you? He'll fuck you in his private bathing quarters. (Yes his bathroom is modernish. He's not a damn heathen ok you weirdos. Lol. Maybe a bit looking like a 70s/80s/90s Chinese gothic dad vibe but hey. It's modern enough).
He feels this is one of the few times he can let his walls down. You'll get to see a very very somft shang tsung. If The sorcerer trusts you that much. You are lucky af.
He loves to bath you. He doesn't mind receiving in return. In fact he loves being pampered (spoiled lil shit he is. But we love him) but he prefers to actually pamper you more! Besides he loves washing your hair or massaging your scalp. Washing your beautiful body. Taking care with every single touch.
He will even dry you off. Never lifting a single finger. Wrapping a robe or a large towel around you. Picking you up bridal style. Carries you to your shared bed. May or may not finish loving on you there. Depending on your moods.
But either way. Shang loves bathing time with you. It's a very simple but sweet moment.
Shang's sweet side. Is his best side. And you're the lucky one to ever get to see it 💖
Hopefully you guys like these. Sorry if its short and not as organized as i usually try to do it. But it's on the fly while i have the spoons to write.
But i hope this gives you some good food.
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tobyyobyy · 1 year
carl grimes headcannons because we lack of anything for him and i can (most, if not all, are just non-apocalypse headcannons):
- autistic (we are starting off strong here)
- vocally stims vines sometimes (“road work ahead? uh yeah i sure hope it does”, “look at all those chickens”, “i wanna be a cowboy baby”) (he does that last one in front of rick a lot and rick never understands it’s from vine)
- judith: “daddy?”
- carl: “DO I LOOK LIKE-?”
- glenn taught him a lot of stupid jokes like “ligma” and “joe mama” (the usual college kid jokes)
- would use the “joe mama” joke on judith a lot
- judith would retaliate with ligma jokes (“we have the same mom idiot”)
- no one knows where she learnt that one
- loved science as a kid
- switched between wanting to become a cop like rick or an astronomer
- thought about being a palaeontologist but couldn’t see himself doing it for the rest of his life
- didn’t have a lot of friends but was still liked by other kids anyways (doesn’t mean he’s popular, people are just neutral about him)
- is on a swim team
- just likes swimming in general
- MOMMA’S BOY!!!!!
- then lori died so he made that transition over to his dad…yeah
- keeps his hair long and went through that teenage grunge phase
- listens to bands like oasis, los campensinos, nirvana, foo fighters, etc etc
- his parents music taste would sneak in sometimes tho like fleetwood mac, abba (lori) bob dylan, johnny cash (rick), any 80’s songs and old country (below the 70’s)
- because of that grunge phase he’d 100% play the electric guitar
- his grandpa taught him a bit of acoustic whenever they’d visit
- he plays the acoustic sometimes for judith, or anyone in his family who asks, but mainly judith
- plays more chill songs like something you’d find in the ‘life is strange’ soundtrack (bright eyes, angus and julia stone, iron & wine) (most of those are from enid’s music taste)
- rick and michonne let him use the garage but it still drives them up the walls when he jams out with friends
- doesn’t understand the superbowl but because his dad likes it he makes an effort to watch it with him because no one else will
- jump scares any unsuspecting victim when they turn the corner of a wall
- to calm down whenever he’s stressed/overwhelmed/overstimulated he’ll either go swimming or ask his grandparents to come over (they own a farm) to ride some horses
- allergic to peanuts (not pecans because they had to eat some when they met Gabriel so)
- hates anything deep fried except for fish
- terrible in any form of skating
- roller skating? keeps slamming into the wall
- ice skating? uses those kid-balance-crutches-thingys
- he just has terrible coordination
- obviously gets worse when he looses his eye
- he’s good at bowling tho
- even tho he’s a moody teenager he’s EXTREMELY kind
- switches from sciences to arts and english in high school
- started making little family portraits drawings
- can actually understand old english/shakespeare
- makes blanket forts with judith 24/7
- actually does have a southern accent it’s just more like loris (less noticeable than ricks)
- would 100% watch minecraft youtubers
- bisexual little shit (duh)
- when he was a kid he didn’t have a fear of needles but as he grew up he just DESPISED them like shaking screaming crying and throwing up type deal
- hums a lot to judith, usually the song “baby mine”
- snapchat user
- embarrassingly so. especially when he uses the filters
- has a diary and calls it a diary not a journal
- drops trauma like it’s nothing, like a silly joke (this is basically canon but i’ll still include it in)
- headphones on 24/7 might as well be glued to his head (his ears are too small for earphones and he likes soundproof headphones anyways)
- an entire shelf in his closet is just for comics (and some comics are thin so you can imagine how many he has)
- likes reading other things too instead of just comics
- refuses to wear elastics/tie his hair up even if it gets in his way a lot
- let’s judith put silly hairclips in it
- sometimes forgets to take them out when he gets to school but he doesn’t care much
- would watch: the office, brooklyn nine-nine, the breakfast club & moral orel
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
edging to the top 100 list wont be able to finish until you make it to number one </3
yeah i got you bro DONT YOU WORRY o7
100. the little ridge on his nose
99. his moles from y3 <3
98. his moles from y7 <3
97. how round his head is during the ps3 era
96. how spikier his hair was in the original y2
95. that fuckin puffer From Y2
94. his weird grunting and moaning after he gets tied up in y2
93. how his immediate concern after gettin tied up is to get maccas
92. baby daigo's dumbass lil bow tie
91. baby daigo's dumbass lil bowlcut
90. how crusty he looks in y5
89. his lucky gun
88. how he didnt want to bring his lucky gun to the brawl with ryuji. and got arrested for firearms possession anyway
87. his reptile dress shoes as chairman <3
86. the fine lines on his chairman suit
85. his tie that sometimes looks like a brassy green but its actually supposed to be silver but the green looks better on him anyway
84. how malnourished he looks in comparison to shinada when they brawl on the roof
83. the sad lost-dog reaction he gets to kiryu in gaiden
82. his sassy I Told You So moment in gaiden
81. his goofy lil fisherman outfit
80. his leather jacket //miku_emote//
79. his stray hairs for when his slicked-back hair gets messy :))
78. his voice. enough said.
77. not enough said tho how he never raises his voice above two decibels <3
76. his dedication to the tojo even if they bully him every three seconds
75. how he chose to not open the bottle mine left for him because it wouldnt be the same without him there to share it
74. his laugh that can only be heard in cut content <3<3<3<3
73. the complicated feelings he has about his worthiness as a leader and wanting to live up to kiryus standards
72. how he managed to Not Die in the thirteensome years he was as chairman
71. his thuggish fighting style <3<3<3<3
70. the progression of his character from being whiny brat to realizing His Whining is a result of parental neglect and how he sincerely wants friends in y0 to how he grows into a man so tired of everyone around him after his dad is killed and now he wants to be shut off and left alone because he's lost hope in people as a whole in y2 to becoming a man that cares so much about the people he was forced to care for by his only real father figure who he idolizes so much and how he struggled to accept that role not just as a mantle he was competent to carry but how his anger from his previous misanthropy nearly jeopardized his succession and how he had to learn to overcome it
69. his huge penis
68. he's good with kids
67. how he's so proud to refer to kiryu as his father and respects kiryu's wishes to not go to war over him (even if kiryu self admittedly has been cringe at being a father figure to him)
66. how there's a pocket circuit trophy with his name on it
65. how he says banzai <3<3<3<3
64. how he used to be belligerent during y2 but now it takes more to get a rise out of him
63. his stubble <3<3<3
62. the little frown line in the center of his nose ridge and his eyebrows
61. his berry-banger shade lips <3
60. his grumpy little frown and perpetually stern expression
59. how his sideburns have a sort of feather-out look to them
58. the way his cheeks are round like his mom's (and how he look like his momma in general)
57. the shape of his eyebrows and how they end in a point Like That
56. the little buckle on his shoes in y2
55. overall his berries-and-cream-looking-ass outfit from y0
54. how he knows it's kiryu driving his taxi even if he's wearing sunglasses and a mask and doesnt say a word to him
53. his terrible tendency to prioritize kiryus needs over the tojo's
52. how he sent mine to okinawa to look after kiryu (bonus points for summer mine :miku_emote:)
51. how he invited mine to a date drink at the bar, laughed at his joke, asked him if he was single, and then snuck out through a bathroom window all because he thought kiryu was in danger
50. his ability to take criticism and even valuing it and not wanting people to mindlessly follow him
49. his glower in that One Frame in the rain from that pre-fight cutscene with him in y2 you know the one
48. how he got mad at ryuji after he was asked out on a takoyaki date
47. how he's touched by the fact that mine bought a share in every taxi company in kamurocho just to find him
46. how even with his hair slicked back as chairman it still looks so soft
45. daigo's goofy ass smile he gives kiryu in y3
44. god help me the small smile he gives mine moments before mine decides to kill himself
43. how daigo was more concerned about mine's safety than why exactly he was on the rooftop in the first place
42. how even though daigo was upset with mine and kanda's scheming that didn't stop daigo from not only giving away billions of yen but also taking a bullet for mine even when mine was green to the clan at the time
41. the lil 'text' updates you get from him in rggo thanking you and saying you're helping the clan be better <3
40. how daigo not only helped the schoolkids with their raffle event and deal with gangsters but also personally attended and made sure everyone was havin a good time
39. to add on to him barely yelling (sins the time when mine jumped off the roof </3</3 and when he shouts banzai <3) when he interrupts people he still doesnt yell and sounds so calm while doing it
38. his decision to '''''''disband''''''''' the tojo clan despite how hard he fought for it in kiryus name
37. how he considered the lives of the yakuza and what would happen to them, making sure they had a safety net in the security company before going through with the plan
36. how he was able to play the long game and use his decision to disband the tojo to his advantage in the first place and fuck over aoki's own plans even if it meant hiding out for twosome years
35. how he canonically gives 'i'm not mad i'm just disappointed' lectures
34. how daigo sits legs spread while kiryu sits Respectfully in the seiza position during their visit to the omi and he looks like a grumpy teenager being dragged to a parent/teacher conference
33. how daigo acknowledges his reckless behavior by the end of y2 and now wants to do better for kamurocho
32. daigo's very blink-and-you-miss-it moments where he's a snarky little shit
31. the shade of brown his eyes are and how they arent totally pitch black
30. his sassy little hand-on-hip pose he does for his poundmate summon
29. the necromancy
28. how he just looks miserable during his introduction scene at the cabaret when he's supposed to Allegedly be a party animal
27. the cute lil outfit he wore for the dead souls substory <3
26. that render of him with the shotgun and he's not even holding the handle
25. his goofy ass 'wauUUGGH' he makes when you hit him because He Never Raises His Voice so him getting hit sounds like the most unnatural thing possible
24. him having such a dramatic intro in y5 (and genuinely being one of my fave intros to a game in the franchise) only for us to find out he just wanted to help a homie out with some cash
23. him willing to go to juvie For Said Homie and the team so him and their baseball team could achieve their dreams
22. the disappointed mother energy in him having to tell shinada not to announce to the entirety of japan he's the tojo clan chairman
21. his impeccable accuracy
20. how he has no qualms with shooting or killing people
19. how he unloaded a whole clip into shindo after dude macks on his mom and only stopped shooting when kiryu told him to stop
18. daigo having the energy of an angry dog whenever ryuji's on screen and kept getting his shit rocked (bonus points for ryuji not remembering tits about him)
17. his silly little fists-on-hips pose he does when you take a selfie with him in yk2
16. how he was concerned about mine's relationship with money and wanted to get closer with him without feeling like he was only interested in mine because of his money or other material possessions
15. the fact that Apparently he still puts his puffer on from time to time as chairman
14. his awful posture in dead souls, especially in comparison to how straight he stands later on
13. how he's so upfront with kiryu about how strong of an influence he was on him
12. the goofy as hell disguise he wears in y5
11. the lil blue hospital outfit he wears in y6 <3
10. his ability to draw people together
9. how you can bash him with noodles in a NG+ file on YK2. the way he flops over.. </3
8. him and haruka being cemented as kiryus kids by both of them being kidnapped in the same game
7. how even while daigo has a calm and empathetic demeanor he doesn't object to things such as yubitsume and he doesn't strictly follow the whole honor system going on in rgg
6. how his comment on being slaves under the government in y7 can be gleaned from the fact he was practically a slave to the police in y4 and following their whim. if not that just being a hilarious progression of circumstances
5. just how cool his tattoo is and the depth of the meaning to it.... (really such big bonus points for the fact a dragon there in addition to. Everything Else about it)
4. how he just gonna stand next to majima smiling and happy at the end of y4 as if he didnt throw him to the wolves (or the pigs ig GOTTEM)
3. how five seconds after he gets out of prison in 2017 for a fire he didnt commit he has to deal with tokyos new bitch ass governor cracking down on yakuza laws and As Aforementioned navigated that situation swimmingly
2. despite him being driven places for the most part he can still drive
1. his gargantuan balls (both metaphorically and physically)
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centipedelightning · 1 year
General surface & x Reader Uf!Sans headcanons
this is mostly from the perspective of Red making it above ground without any resets from by frisk. The only resets he knows are the ones by Flowey. Not proofread it's nearly one in the morning.
CW: weed mention, underfell typical violence mention, uhh mental health and medication mention?, sex mention
reader: no gender mentioned and aroace safe <3
words: 1091
General stuff
A slut for a good coat. His main one is his favorite but he's a beast at the thrifts. There is a risk of bodily harm if someone tries to get between him and a vintage coat. He's ready to shank someone. God save you if you are a reseller. He can smell it.
On that topic I see the underground getting a Lot of vintage clothing from the dumps so monsters as a society have two distinct styles: 70s/80s/90s/00s and monster culture originals pre-burial
Style-wise he goes for anything heavy and durable. Above ground he lets himself enjoy dressing up more and his style gets a more specific direction and goes very 80s with a touch of the 90s.
He likes plays and musicals. Prefers more local, low-key stuff though. Mettaton put him off uber-professional productions. He'll still sit through it for Edge tho.
Big boy <3 He's like 5'1 (154-ish cm) and fat. The fat doesn't manifest the same way because monster food doesn't work like human food. He just is fat and so his body reflects that. Some of his bones are wider and thicker to take up more space to emulate extra fat on the body. (if I get any comments about fat being a bad word or fatphobia in general just know I will hunt you down and donate your organs to the needy)
Reset trauma... He gets a therapist topside. It took a lot of convincing though. He's been prescribed half the pharmacy but it's working!
I hope this makes sense but he's a conservative slut. Like his ass-cheeks aren't hanging out like another skeleton he knows, but the way he sips his apple-tinies is whorish (/pos btw I'm slut positive)
GLAM ROCK GLAM ROCK GLAM ROCK. You can't convince me he and Edge wouldn't bond over glam rock. Like Red enjoys pretty much anything that falls under rock, but he introduced Edge when Edge was a babybones so it's their thing. Mourned when he found out it isn't really a thing anymore.
Space nerd of course. Galaxy clusters are his special interest specifically (btw every single skele is autistic. All of them). He finds bigness interesting. Do not let him get high and bring up space he gets really philosophical and has breakdowns. Incomprehensible vastness isn't always fun to think about when blasted.
Flirty drunk of course, but that's just stage one of Red getting hammered. If he gets like super super plastered the bravado goes elsewhere and he starts taking bets and picking fights.
This is a lot darker but that gold tooth isn't his... And you might be thinking "yeah??? obviously???". You don't get it. He got his tooth knocked out in a scrap with a metal elemental and decided to just trade.... tldr he ripped another monster's tooth out of their face to replace the one said monster knocked out. [I stole this vague concept from a tiktoker but I can't remember who so shout out to you kisses <3. Your brain truly <33333].
x reader
On a less dark note, he's a great partner.
He. Would. Never. Cheat. I mean it. I get the fandom characterizes him as a whore and a womanizer but in my heart, I know he would never. He has a lot of trust issues from the underground. If you somehow managed to get into a relationship with him, he is yours from now to the heat-death of the universe.
He is comfortable with flings, but you have to be friends for at least a year (only kinda joking) before he considers an actual relationship.
Would I be crucified if I said he prefers Queer Platonic Relationships? probably. I think he would though. Like he enjoys intimacy and stuff but isn't actually dying to pursue a romantic relationship yk.
Whether or not it's platonic, romantic, or something else, he loves dates. He's not gonna do super big dates every other week but he loves a good movie marathon and cuddle sesh.
Or a sesh. He's not a pothead but he accepts any request to smoke. Quiet high. I also mentioned the introspective philosopher thing. I mean it, you gotta keep an eye on this guy. Other than that he's chill.
Big dates happen every few months. They usually happen when he realizes it's been a while. Big dates end up with you feeling more loved than you thought possible. You get at least one gift–not necessarily expensive–and are treated to something you both enjoy. Red prefers quieter or less social activities. You'd think this would be limiting, that "or" is powerful. An arthouse is quiet enough to cancel out the social aspect and a (car) drag race requires less social energy, so it cancels out the volume.
Speaking of art, he has a weird relationship with art. Initially, he was a hater. Simply put he was a hater. Then, as he spent time in art museums and art shows, he developed a much more personal relationship with art. As surface level as it might seem, his favorite artist is Van Gogh. Red nearly cried when he first saw The Starry Night on his computer and then did when he found Starry Night Over the Rhône. There was something about the way Van Gogh depicted the sky that touched him painfully deeply. Then he found out Van Gogh's life story and cried so hard he threw up. It wasn't pretty and Edge was very confused and very scared.
If you take him to see these paintings or others that are his favorites he'd seriously consider it some kind of lifelong promise. He'd also cry then and there too.
I really think he'd be a lot more emotional once he gets topside and a therapist
Receiving love language is touch. Gentle stuff. He isn't used to casual touches that both mean no harm and have no expectations from him.
Giving is acts of service. The laziness was not fully his own temperament. You see how you fare if your life is reset hundreds if not thousands of times by a rampaging flower that seems has a weird thing going on with your brother. You wouldn't do that well, would you? Thought so. Anyway, he likes to fix things to show he cares. Your toaster is acting funky? He's there and it's already fixed don't even worry about it. Ugh, there are dishes and you really don't have it in you to wash them right now? He's on it like a house on fire. Laundry? no. no he hates laundry actually.
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