#but the photo is on the school's public FB page
globalworship · 4 months
Modern Black Saints Portrayed by Patrick Dougher (set 1)
Born and raised in Brooklyn NY, Patrick Dougher is a self-taught Artist, Musician, Poet, Educator & Spiritual Activist.
He has worked as a Teaching Artist in NYC public schools, as an Art Therapist working with HIV positive children and as the Director of community arts organizations. For over 20 years Patrick has used the arts to empower and support the socio-emotional growth and health of “at-risk” and disenfranchised youth of the city.
Through his art Patrick seeks to inspire and to celebrate the noble beauty and divine nature of people of African descent and to connect urban African American culture to its roots in sacred African art, spirituality and ritual. https://www.godbodyart.com/about-the-artist
He has created hundreds of collages and paintings and sculptures and mixed-media art.
Among his diverse subjects, he has portrayed many Black people with halos, implying they are all "saints" - reflecting a God-given divine nature. Some of these paintings are in overtly religious visual contexts, many are in everyday situations.
"In Christian belief, a saint is a person who is recognized as having an exceptional degree of holiness, likeness, or closeness to God." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint
He has written:
I began putting gold haloes around images of black people as far back as 1990 (maybe even before). It was a direct response to going to Catholic Church as a child and being moved by the beauty and divinity of the imagery there. The Gods & Saints most often depicted with golden haloes were always white. Even as a small child I noticed that none of holy images looked like me or people in my community so when I began to make art I was compelled to show people of color as divine beings using the symbol of the gold circle.
I certainly didn’t invent gold haloes and I’m sure there were depictions of black people with haloes somewhere in modern art way before I was doing it but I didn’t see them and the haloes kind of became my signature.
A signature that has become ubiquitous in black art.
I have mixed feelings. I’m honored and grateful and I know that other artists use the gold halo because it’s dope but I also get a little burnt when it’s obvious that the artist is using it as a trope. A convenient device. It cheapens the “divinity” aspect in my opinion.
It’s too easy and it’s overuse has taken away from its uniqueness and meaning. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=7278461468854941&set=a.597001547001000
Here are just a few samples of Black saints from his website at https://www.godbodyart.com/ and his FB page at https://www.facebook.com/patrick.dougher.5
BLACK BODIES III Acrylic/Mixed-Media on Canvas- 16” x 20”
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GIANT STEP Acrylic/Mixed-Media on Paper- 18” x 24”
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THE FAMISHED ROAD (Radiant Boy) Acrylic / Gold Leaf on Paper - 9” x 14”
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“GHETTO GRIOT II” (Boom Box Series) Collage / Acrylic on Paper- 14” x 14”
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GOD SUN Acrylic/Mixed Media on Canvas- 16’ x 20’
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MECCA Collage/Acrylic on Paper- 11’ x 14”
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Collage/Acrylic on Paper - 8” x 10”
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ANGELS ON THE BLOCK Collage/Acrylic on Paper- 18” x 24”
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GABRIEL AT BABYLON GATE Collage/Gouache on Paper- 9” x 12”
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BODEGA SAINT Collage/Gouache on Paper- 9” x 12 “
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MOTHER AND CHILD Collage/Acrylic on Paper- 9” x 12”
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EMPRESS IN BLIGHT Collage/Acrylic on Paper - 9” x 12”
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2 = 1 Collage/ Acrylic on Paper- 11” x 14”
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LAST TRUMPET Collage/Gouache on Paper- 9” x 12”
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MOURN Collage/Acrylic on Paper- 11” x 14”
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TIGHTROPE acrylic and mixed media on paper, 18″ x 24″, 2017
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HIGHER POWER Acrylic/ Mixed-Media on Canvas- 22” x 28”
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Falling Again Collage / Copper Leaf on Paper- 14” x 17”
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“MULTITUDES” Acrylic / Bible pages on paper- 14” x 17”
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I AM (My Brothers Keeper) Acrylic/ Mixed Media on Canvas- 60” x72”
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THE GOD SUPREME Acrylic/ Mixed- Media on 4 attached canvases- 44” x 60”
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I KNOW YOU GOT SOL Acrylic/Mixed-Media on Canvas - 24” x 30”
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RESSURECTION Acrylic/ Newspaper/ Gold & Copper Leaf on 3 attached Canvases-36” x 48”
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SOME ANGELS HAVE SCARS Acrylic /Mixed- Media on Canvas Board - 16’ x 20”
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ICONIC Acrlic/ Gold & Silver Leaf on Canvas- 24” x 30”
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Patrick has painted hundreds of portraits like these - and many more without halos - and I've been thrilled to browse them online. See some at https://www.facebook.com/patrick.dougher.5 and his webiste at https://www.godbodyart.com/ and https://www.instagram.com/patrickdougher/
Patrick Dougher’s art reflects his life’s mission to inspire and empower by honestly and fearlessly holding up a mirror to society’s inequities and injustices. He seeks to celebrate through his art the noble beauty and divine spirituality of people of African descent and to connect urban African-American culture to its roots in sacred African art and ceremony.
Artist Statement
My experience and culture influence my perspective on life, spirituality, and social justice. There is no separation between that perspective and my work.
As a self-taught artist, I think I am not particularly “sophisticated” about my approach to creating work. My art is a genuine expression of all that I am.
I am also a musician, a poet, and an avid reader. I have learned my craft by relentless practice and by studying at the feet of the masters. I maintain an attitude of curiosity, humility, and awe.
I was blessed to come of age during the late 1970s and 1980s. I was heavily influenced by the emergence of the Hip Hop, Punk Rock, and Rastafarian Reggae movements and the art and fashion that were attached to each. The commonality of these musical forms was a sense of culture and of honesty, rebellion, and innovation.
It is incredibly important, I think, for creative people to study the work of master writers and artists of all cultures and from different time periods to inform, influence, and inspire, and to form a foundation on which to build.
I don’t think my art is overtly political. My focus is really about bringing to light our Divine Nature, which goes deeper than politics. This in itself may be subversive and rebellious. With my art I hope to call attention to the fact that politics is a distraction from what is the true essence of the human experience, which, in my opinion, is to manifest spiritually. https://www.escapeintolife.com/painting/patrick-dougher/
BROOKLYN COPTIC Triptych on wood- 12” x 17” x24”
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EVE WITHOUT ADAM Acrylic/ Gold Leaf/ Designed Papers on Canvas - 16” x 20”
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I AM (BROOKLYN SUNS) Acrylic/ Collage on Canvas- 48” x 72”
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ABRAHAM'S LEGACY Acrylic / Collage of Bible, Quran, Torah pages /Gold Leaf on Canvas - 18” x 24”
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HOLY HOMEBOYS Acrylic on Canvas Board - 20” x 24”
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Here ends the first set of art by Patick Dougher, since I can put only 30 images in each post.
See the second set of Modern Black Saints portrayed by Patrick Dougher in my blog post at https://globalworship.tumblr.com/post/752582004979253249/modern-black-saints-portrayed-by-patrick-dougher
See selections of his Black Madonna art in my blog post at https://globalworship.tumblr.com/post/752574989558054912/black-madonna-art-by-patrick-dougher
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masterofd1saster · 6 months
CJ court watch SCt social media cases
SCt decided two cases today, 15mar24, establishing rules for when government employees can block citizens from their social media. Both decisions were unanimous.
In the 1st case,  Lindke v. Freed, 601 U. S. __ (2024), James Freed was city manager of Port Huron, Michigan. He started a personal fb page in college and posted mostly information about his personal life. He began posting information about matters under his authority as city manager.
Enter Kevin Lindke. Unhappy with the city’s approach to the pandemic, Lindke visited Freed’s page and said so. For example, in response to one of Freed’s posts, Lindke commented that the city’s pandemic response was “abysmal” and that “the city deserves better.” When Freed posted a photo of himself and the mayor picking up takeout from a local restaurant, Lindke complained that while “residents [we]re suffering,” the city’s leaders were eating at an expensive restaurant “instead of out talking to the community.” Initially, Freed deleted Lindke’s comments; ultimately, he blocked him. Once blocked, Lindke could see Freed’s posts but could no longer comment on them. B Lindke sued Freed under 42 U. S. C. §1983, alleging that Freed had violated his First Amendment rights. As Lindke saw it, he had the right to comment on Freed’s Facebook page, which he characterized as a public forum. Freed, Lindke claimed, had engaged in impermissible viewpoint discrimination by deleting unfavorable comments and blocking the people who made them.***
The statute only applies to people acting under state authority.
if Freed acted in his private capacity when he blocked Lindke and deleted his comments, he did not violate Lindke’s First Amendment rights—instead, he exercised his own. So Lindke cannot hang his hat on Freed’s status as a state employee. The distinction between private conduct and state action turns on substance, not labels: Private parties can act with the authority of the State, and state officials have private lives and their own constitutional rights. Categorizing conduct, therefore, can require a close look.***
it is crucial for the plaintiff to show that the official is purporting to exercise state authority in specific posts. And when there is doubt, additional factors might cast light—for example, an official who uses government staff to make a post will be hard pressed to deny that he was conducting government business. One last point: The nature of the technology matters to the state-action analysis. Freed performed two actions to which Lindke objected: He deleted Lindke’s comments and blocked him from commenting again. So far as deletion goes, the only relevant posts are those from which Lindke��s comments were removed. Blocking, however, is a different story. Because blocking operated on a page-wide basis, a court would have to consider whether Freed had engaged in state action with respect to any post on which Lindke wished to comment.*** The state-action doctrine requires Lindke to show that Freed (1) had actual authority to speak on behalf of the State on a particular matter, and (2) purported to exercise that authority in the relevant posts. To the extent that this test differs from the one applied by the Sixth Circuit, we vacate its judgment and remand the case for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
The second case is O'Connor-Ratcliff v. Garnier, 601 U. S. __ (2024). Michelle O’Connor-Ratcliff was a member of the Poway Unified School District (PUSD) Board of Trustees in California. She had a private fb page and a public one.
After [she and other petitioners] won election, the Trustees continued to use their public pages to post PUSD-related content, including board-meeting recaps, application solicitations for board positions, local budget plans and surveys, and public safety updates. They also used their pages to solicit feedback and communicate with constituents. Their Facebook pages described them as “Government Official[s]” and noted their official positions. O’Connor-Ratcliff also created a public Twitter page, which she used in much the same way****
Christopher and Kimberly Garnier often posted many critical comments. "The Trustees initially deleted the Garniers’ comments before blocking them from commenting altogether."
While the lower courts ruled in favor of the Garniers, their analysis differed from the Supreme Court's, so SCt sent the case back for proceedings consistent with Lindke.
I think if I were a government official who like social media, I would keep one public and one private page. I would make the distinction painfully obvious. I would probably also block all comment on the public page.
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sunmontuewrites · 2 years
Wax and Max with their chess team...
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youareinlovees · 3 years
I honestly thought think joe is the reason she became so private I mean she said it herself that she "was falling in love with someone who had a wonderfully normal grounded life" and that caused an entire mind shift of her priorities and what was important to her.
the reason I think al this is cuz during red and even post red she hated the idea of sneaking around and wearing wigs and just wanted to be "normal" but joe was like "hey ur normal isn't gonna be normal" and really made her into this new private gurl
Nah that's just not true. Whenever he's by himself, he's always so chill and smiles at the paps, and he always takes photos with fans while Taylor hasn't done that outside of work since that one time in 2018. And before they got serious, he did a ton of press and would regularly go to industry events and then he dialled that back all of a sudden.
Also, there used to be like a gazillion photos floating around on Facebook of him partying and being wasted and doing weird shit at drama school – he really wasn't that private at all. But then a lot of that got scrubbed when swifties found his FB page after they went public. And basically the same thing happened when he made his IG public in 2018, like his comments were on originally and then he had to turn them off because people were being weirdddd.
And I really don't get what's so difficult to understand, people grow up and change and after she went through a time in her life where literally every domino fell (her words not mine), obviously she's going to change the way she lives her life – and she had to for the sake of her own sanity tbh
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noramoya · 3 years
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♥️”Alrighty, my Dears, I hope this post is going to be fun but I do need to disclose that at times, it makes me cry & laugh concurrently because of the bittersweet memories and Michael's absence here on Earth with us... That unique product of loveliness & one unstoppable prankster that MJ was. So, I cry and I laugh & then, I repeat the entire process all over again until it spirals up to reach an emotional combustion of some kind. You probably know the feeling.” — Fleur Forsyte. ________________________________
👁MJ's OWN WORDS, 1987👁
✨Interview in Ebony Jet,in '87, upon the completion of his BAD Album. I can't believe I missed out on those keywords coming from him bc he made a few strong & bold statements to the public who has been considering him to be very odd, a huge eccentric and, somewhat of, an esoteric type of person, which he was.
•The 1987 interview in HD:
He looked marvelous but was rather nervous because he was not wearing his shades as Frank stood nearby.
•At Minute 9: 55:
Darrell: what interests you the most about life?
MJ: Learning & finding out new things & exploring. I'm so interested in the human anatomy now, the BRAIN (Minute 10:09) and in so many different things like that. The bones & everything.
Darrell: You were so interested in the bones of the Elephant Man, John Merrick. Is that the cause of your anatomical interest?
MJ: Yes. I've been to the London school for doctors twice now (not too many people do so unless their interest is extremely high) and I have visited Merrick's remains to whom I feel a degree of closeness. I love the story of an Elephant Man - a very SAD story.😥😥😥
✨ What Michael said about the Elephant Man and being able to relate to him somehow truly pierced my heart. 1987, age 29 - peak year of his Fame, yet, he was emphasizing sadness already... He felt out of place in so many ways despite being the top worldwide entertainer.😥
• "No one understands me though..."
☆ Well, no wonder he was reading the works of Sigmund Freud & Carl Jung and owned tons of medically related material.
☆ Something tells me that MJ would have become an MD, had it not been for his entertainment career. Perhaps, a pediatrician or a child psychiatry specialist. And a good one too, with a huge heart.♥️
☆ Because Michael was deeply interested in Sigmund Freud (used an empathetic CBT method, i.e. cognitive therapy instead of overmedicating any patient with a traumatic past) & Carl Jung, I went ahead and ordered the following books from Amazon and I'm giving you the list here bc they might be of interest to you as all are highly rated. The prices are very decent too since tons of used copies are available. *****
✨Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist/psychiatrist & a dreams interpretation expert. Also, in many ways, Freud was a pioneer in the realm of the psychoanalytic dynamic.
✨Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist/psychologist and a deep thinker who also focused on symbolism interpretation (now, I see why Michael was interested in his persona & his teachings).
✨Both philosophers are quite fascinating in my eyes and thus, I'm attaching a list of books which I purchased via Amazon. Then, I will delve into the MJ "Life in Pictures" book which I totally fell in love w/ despite the fact that it's not a large size publication - about 9" in length. The MJ book even includes Michael's discography at the very end & holds 255 pages.
✨Author: Tim Hill who mostly focused on popular culture and sports at the time as that 2009 book itself was printed in China but in English. I will post some of the gorgeous photos from Tim Hill's book too. I truly recommend it to everyone and have purchased it via Mercari but it might be available on Amazon or EBay. The 1st image is the Freud & Jung book listing I ordered - both of those guys have intrigued me thoroughly.
♥️ 2nd image - look at Michael's lower lip bite and he's a tiny boy there! Too cute eh? He never changed. He's there with Donna Summers (1981 or so?), Whitney Houston (1988) and Sophia Loren who was his date at the 4th annual American Cinema Awards back in 1987. The photo of Michael in a white suit with a huge afro was taken back in 1976 whilst the wet afro photo is from 1978.
L.♥️.V.E. to All!
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
1. Get something off your chest. I hate how I can’t even cough once and not think that it’s maybe corona. Sometimes ya just gotta cough, you get that tickle in your throat or your mouth is dry or whatever and you have to cough, it doesn’t mean you’re coming down something. Other illnesses besides corona exist as well (though it doesn’t seem like it anymore). Ugh, but it’s always my first thought now whenever I have to cough, sneeze, or just feel sicky (which isn’t unusual for me).  2. The last dream you remember having. I rarely remember my dreams for some reason. I quickly forget them after waking up.  3. Current relationship in details. Single. 4. A photo of your best friend. 5. You have a sleepover with 5 people from Tumblr, who do you pick and why? Okay, c’mon Lane, Elisabeth, Robyn, Lina, and Laura we’re gonna have a getaway to somewhere fun. haha.
6. Your last sexual experience – when/where/how/who. 7. Tell us about someone you hate/strongly dislike. Just myself. 8. List everything you eaten today. So far just ramen, which was at 1AM. It’s 7AM now. I am kinda hungry, but I’m not gonna eat again until later on after I get up and stuff. 9. Post an unflattering photo of yourself. Uh, that’s a hell no.  10. Post lyrics that are relevant to how you feel right now. “And we’ll sleep all, sleep all day...” 11. If you were kicked out of your house, who would you call/go to? Thankfully, that would never happen, but if it did I guess I’d stay with my aunt. 12. The last time you were angry and why. Blah. 13. The last time you cried and why. A couple days ago. 14. How your life was different this time last year? Well, at least last July In was able to go somewhere for my birthday. The world hadn’t yet been hit by corona. It’s crazy, we had no idea what was to come. 15. Go to your photo folder, go to the first letter of your name and post the first photo. I’m using my phone to watch a YouTube video and I don’t feel like clicking off it to do that. I don’t have any photos saved on my laptop, so. 16. Would you rather run through town naked at midday or sleep with the most disgusting person you know? Well, I’m not running naked out in public especially, nor am I going to sleep with anyone. 17. Google your horoscope for today – how accurate is it? Nah. 18. You have to spend a day with number 23 on your IM contact list. How lucky are you? I don’t have any instant messengers. Well, except for Facebook Messenger and the chat thingy on here, but there isn’t a contact list. 19. Refresh your dashboard, whose blog do you prefer, the first or fifth person to appear. The 5th, @just-shower-thoughts 20. Tell us about someone you miss or the time you miss. I miss my childhood. And despite the fact I’ve been going through a rough and low time these past few years, at least there wasn’t a global pandemic going on. I miss not having that.  21. List things you spend money on in an average week. I don’t spend much money, honestly. I do some online shopping sometimes, but I’ve been pretty good about not spending a lot this year. There are still those pesky bills, though. 22. Your plans for summer. Couldn’t do anything this year. I’m so glad summer is almost over, though. 23. Rate each of your sexual partners (if any) from 1-10. 24. Post the last FB group/page that you joined. It was for this YouTube channel I follow, Defuntland, that makes videos about stuff like past amusement park rides, amusement park history, and old TV shows. I’ve been obsessed with channels like this lately, I’ve been watching a ton of videos from a few different channels. 25. Your best friend starts dating your ex. How do you feel about it? My mom would never do that. 26. Address a few words to 3 people. Nah. 27. Refresh your dashboard. Who would you rather sleep with, the second person or the sixth that appears? No one. 28. Would you parents be mad if you were in a relationship? I’m 31 years old. They’d be happy for me and be like, finally! ha. Cause they don’t know about my boyfriend I had in high school (it was very brief anyway) or the whole Joseph situation. Well, my mom kinda did. I know my parents definitely thought something was or would happen with me and Ty, though. They were all for that. But anyway, so yeah they haven’t seen me in a relationship. 29. Think of the last person you had sex with. Do you think they've slept with anyone else since they last slept with you? Virgin here. 29. What was the last sport you watched on TV? I don’t watch sports. 30. How many chances do you tend to give people before enough is enough? I give out a lot of chances. 31. Is there a guy who knows everything or almost everything about you? A lot of things, but not everything. 32. Ever had a crush on a teacher/someone at least 10 years older/member of the same sex? Alexander Skarsgard is 13 years older than me. 33. Do you like being alone? I like having my alone time, I need that, but I don’t want to be alone all the time. 34. Describe what you are wearing. Leggings and an oversized graphic tee. 35. Name one thing you love about winter. Christmastime! 36. What’s your phone wallpaper right now? The lock screen is a Bible verse written over a beachy photo and my home screen is rose gold. 37. Is there someone that you believe you will always be attached to? Yeah, my loved ones. 38. How did you get one of your scars? Surgery. 39. What board games are you good at? I don’t if I’m necessarily good, but I love board games.  40. When you like someone do you tell them? Depends.
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womanlalaboy · 5 years
#TaraLinisinNatinTo: The Initiative
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Zero-waste is a lifestyle I’ve been trying to fulfill for a very long time now. It’s a slow, unsteady, and anxiety-filled journey. And there was a point in this experience that made me step back and ask myself, “am I doing enough? Is deciding to consume less enough?” I got an answer when I saw a post from a friend. It was a call for volunteers to help out in their clean-up operation in Cavite City .
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Idel Laza- Velasquez, a mom of 2 cuties and a swimming coach started #TaraLinisinNatinTo with a couple of her friends. She got the idea from a video she saw about a lawyer from Mumbai who cleaned up a once severely polluted beach. That initiative caught the attention of many communities and the Indian government so Idel thought to do the same thing at Cavite City checkpoint. She said that the coastal area is the first and last place you see when you enter and leave Cavite City; and the sight of a beach that resembles a waste dump doesn’t indeed make for a good impression.
Though it motivated her to take a huge leap and establish #TaraLinisinNatinTo, Idel’s advocacy didn’t simply start with a Facebook video. A part of her journey is when she started free diving with Seazoned, Sisid and later on became a member of Freediving Coaches Of Asia. “You can't really appreciate the ocean when it's full of garbage,” she further added. 
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When asked how she manages her time being a full-time mom, a swimming / diving coach, a very outgoing  person  and an active advocate, she simply said that regardless of how busy it gets, she always make sure to save some time for their monthly clean up. After all, it’s only once or twice a month and the busiest is only during summer. Her kids are also older now so it has been easier to bring them to the clean ups and her swimming lessons. I had the chance to play with these kids and it’s really fun to be on their shoes. It’s almost always summer for them. They spend days filled with adventure as they can always get to join their mom’s beach trips, swimming and diving lessons, and clean-ups on top of the activities they do together as a family like skateboarding and cycling.
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Apart from Idel’s daughters, kids from San Lorenzo Ruiz Elementary School are often present in this initiative. They regularly volunteer in the cleanup along with the school’s teachers and officers. It’s one of the greatest things to witness during a #Tara! Cleanup. In my first few visits, I saw more kids than adults doing the dirty job, and they don’t do it like some people to get attention and praise online or to push a brand’s CSR. I guess it goes with their age- they are simpler, more energetic and more competitive. The kids I encountered there are naturally helpful, welcoming and chatty. They’ve probably gotten more trash compared to the adults I cleaned up with. We honestly couldn’t catch up to their speed. 
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Idel said that kids are the ones who need to be taught the most. San Lorenzo Ruiz Elementary School is actually the nearest school to the Heroes’ Arch or where we regularly hold the clean-up. The kids have been so used to seeing the coastal area in its disgusting and appalling state. This February, I’ve seen a lot of them at the clean-up and we finished way earlier than expected. Right after finishing their breakfast, they went straight to the sea and Tara Linisin Natin escalated to Tara Ligo. “They are the future. They need to understand the importance of environmental care. That way, as they get older, they will have a wider understanding and they will be smarter when it comes to figuring out how to solve the environmental problems of the future,” Idel added.
How Idel and the Tara! gang managed the project for more than 2 years is quite simple. They kept encouraging people they personally know to help out. To get a wider reach, Idel posts a monthly publicity material on their FB page, her personal FB account and on various environmental FB groups. All the information a volunteer has to know from what to bring, when they can participate and where the clean up is regularly being done are available on those posters. There have been a lot of support and love for the initiative since they started the clean ups and the people willing to help out are increasing by number.
The initiative isn’t also asking for much. Donations are welcome especially reusable gloves, rice sacks, rakes, snacks and water for the volunteers, but one wouldn’t feel pressured to give. What this cause really need more than anything is the volunteer’s time to help out. A simple share on Facebook about their monthly coastal clean-up also helps a lot in spreading and encouraging people to lend a helping hand. 
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Apart from coastal clean ups, Tara! participates in other environmental drives like tree planting. Idel volunteered for a mangrove planting project of JCI Cavite City and an adopt-a-school project with San Lorenzo Ruiz Elementary where you donate and help the school. She said that doing these things leaves a positive impact on her. It makes her feel good knowing that she’s doing something no matter how small it may be.
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Recently, Idel spoke at an awareness program held in a barangay and an elementary school. She said that a big part of what they do is to highlight awareness on the effects of improper waste management and the positive impact of taking care of the environment. “We need to show people the positive effects of taking care of nature. We’ve already seen the effects of what our bad habits are doing to nature, anyway. Focusing on the positive will encourage people to change,” she said.
I’ve figured that there are many people who care and are willing to share their efforts and energy to help out, but for some, including me, it’s really hard to take concrete actions. However, Idel said that it doesn’t have to be as big as #TaraLinisinNatinTo. “I think sharing posts on Facebook helps in informing people on how to take better care of our environment. I also encourage people to bring reusable utensils, water bottles, plates, etc. to cut down on waste every time we go on a trip, beach/hike/dive. Also, I encourage cleaning up after ourselves. It's about accountability,” Idel further added.
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It really has to begin from within ourselves. I find it effective to look at our own habits and see how we behave as consumers. From there we can see the bigger picture. We’re probably doing these multi-billion corporations a huge favor by cleaning up after their irresponsible product designs and our collective waste mismanagement, but if not us, who else will and if not now, when? Many people think that cleaning up the beaches aren’t making much of an impact in a global scale, but it can be a start, right? Just like what Idel believes in, “clean-ups are just the start. Awareness and prevention are still the long term solution against ocean pollution.”
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Join Tara! Linisin Natin To FB group Follow Tara! Linisin Natin To FB page #TaraLinisinNatinTo
Photo credits to: Idel Laza-Velasquez, Jhomar Dela Cruz Bartolome, Winnie Mea Marquez
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Week 7: Social Media & Participatory Culture
Social media networks are the perfect example of participatory culture, as defined in the Week 7 readings. It is relatively easy to gain membership in the culture; all you have to do is create a profile and begin following people and gaining followers yourself. The very nature of social media encourages the creation and sharing of media by the user in the form of posts - either videos, images, text, or sound clips. “Informal mentorship,” as described by Jenkins, Puroshotma, Clinton, Weigel, & Robison in the reading “Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture.” This mentorship occurs in multiple ways, through the ability to watch those with more experience and learn from their successes, as well as through tutorial videos detailing how people record and edit their videos, take their Instagram photos, and build followers. The constant influx of likes and comments on posts contributes to the idea among users that “their contributions matter,” and gives users “some degree of social connection with one another” (Jenkins, Puroshotma, Clinton, Weigel, & Robison, 2009).
The social media platforms that I am most active on are Instagram and Facebook. Although these platforms are relatively similar, I use them for different purposes. Instagram is the platform I use to share media that I have created - photos and images I’ve created and/or edited. Most of my Insta followers are friends my own age. Facebook is where I share major life updates, as most of my FB friends are a mix of friends my own age as well as family. Additionally, I share a lot of politically related articles and news on my Facebook page. I don’t often share photos on Facebook, unless I am updating my profile picture or making a special anniversary or birthday post. 
I’ve had Instagram since I was 15 years old, a sophomore in high school. My very first Instagram post was a duck face selfie with one of my friends and fellow cast members, in full stage makeup and costume (we were playing Pink Ladies in a production of Grease). I remember feeling confident in myself and my validity as a young woman, because I had my first boyfriend, who was both older than me (an older boy was interested in me!! I must be so special!) and very attractive to me. He caught the attention of other girls, even the girls I deemed to be popular. It was a huge boost to my self esteem knowing that he had picked me when, in my mind, he could have swooned any girl. Yes, of course, as a feminist and GWSS major, I now know that this was all super messed up and stemmed from my internalization of the patriarchy. But, I think it offers an interesting insight into why I even started using Instagram in the first place and what it meant to me. My very next post was a cutesy couples photo with said bf, and the comments were all very affirming. This gave me some sense of social capital, and I felt validation from likes and comments on my Instagram photos telling me that I was pretty, I was cool, I was worthy. This validation factor of Instagram created the belief in me that my posts mattered and that by regularly posting on Instagram, I was participating in a social circle that I wouldn’t have access to in the strictly face-to-face world. 
Something that caught my eye in the readings was the definition of “The Ethics Challenge.” “The Ethics Challenge” is defined as “the breakdown of traditional forms of professional training and socialization that might prepare young people for their increasingly public roles as media makers and community participants” (Jenkins, Puroshotma, Clinton, Weigel, & Robison, 2009). This is actually something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately, especially because as I’ve gotten older, the appeal of Instagram has begun to melt away, and I’ve wondered why. The last post I made on Instagram was a senior photo of my younger brother, which I posted exactly two months ago. The last post before that, a selfie taken on a day when I had put on makeup for a job interview, was seven months ago. Whereas I used to strive to keep up my Instagram aesthetic, posting regularly, being sure to post an “update” selfie if I cut or colored my hair, posting selfies with my boyfriend (a different guy, and a much healthier relationship, btw!!) just enough to make sure people knew that we’re still together… now I simply don’t have the desire to post, not even for the sake of keeping up the appearance that my life fits a certain aesthetic. Firstly, I came to a slow recognition that I wasn’t making these posts entirely for myself, but rather to project a certain image of myself within my online social circles, and secondly, I’ve come to really value privacy. No one told me when I was a young teen joining Instagram for the first time what it really meant to be an avid social media user, a sharer. There is absolutely nothing wrong with sharing your life and experiences on social media, but the circumstances under which I began using Instagram weren’t supportive of clear thinking on the topic of privacy. My account is and always has been a private account, but still, I honestly never really considered what it meant to have all these photos and videos of myself out there online, even if I could control who had access to my account. I joined Instagram because I would be out of the loop if I didn’t have it, and I stayed and became active on it because of the validation it offered, and the chance to control my image and aesthetic online. I don’t regret anything that I’ve posted, but I have let go of my attachment to the platform and instead relish my privacy and the feeling of being free from the burden I had internalized - the burden of creating and maintaining an idealized image of myself online.
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prorevenge · 6 years
Contractor abandons project mid-way, resulting in damages. Tries to go off the grid. But I found him and now he's paying me every penny.
This is a bit of a long one so I will try to keep some details out that aren't necessary to the story but if I am happy to answer questions if something isn't clear. This whole story takes place over the course of a year, Appx Dec 2016 into Dec 2017, and through March this year.
So the story begins with my needing to hire a contractor to repair damage to a pole barn that I was constructing on our property. The structure was partially done when a storm hit and the structure had substantial damage. So, we bid a few contractors and the guy that seemed to be the best one (who was actually a referral from a friend), we signed a contract and he started work within a week. We had also signed with him to complete the structure after the insurance portion was completed because his crew could do this much more efficiently and a better job than we could do ourselves (which is what we were originally doing).
His crew completes the insurance portion of the job, but then abandons the project just before starting the rest of it. No call, no email, nothing. I called and texted, and not one of my contact points was ever returned. At this point it was late December, and we thought maybe he and his crew had holiday plans but would resume right after. Then another windstorm hit and his crew hadn't braced the partially-completed structure correctly....and it almost collapsed again.
I tried for 2 weeks to find him. I even drove out to the address on the contract we signed. Which ended up being a house on a rural road, next town over. I knocked on the door, seeing his car there. No one answered. I stopped by this house several different times, trying to catch him. The last few times, his car was no longer there but the work truck of another company was. Wanting to know if he owned the house, I pulled up the tax records for it in the county it was in. Name on the house was not registered to him. So, sounds like he rented or at least was staying with a friend. The company info on the truck was registered to someone unrelated and not on the tax records. The tax records showed that the actual taxpayer of the property lived elsewhere. Here where I live, the property owner name is listed and if they do not actually live at that property (such as in using it for an investment), their address that would have the actual tax bill sent to is also on there.
Given that knowledge, I pulled the court records for him to see if maybe he had been recently arrested or if there was any other info. What I found was about 30 years of driving offenses, including a lot of DUI/DWI charges, and other records. At this point I figured he was long gone and being as I hadn't paid out any money to him for work that was not complete, I would just move on. At least until the structural engineer I hired to assess the damage to the work that was done, stated that the structure had to be started over on that part, and the building materials that the contractor had left scattered around the jobsite were also unusable due to being left improperly stored. I had hoped that the structure could just be pulled back into place and re-secured but I was told this is not the case.
So began the bigger drama and my determination to find him. So far, his negligence has cost $1200 for a structural engineer opinion (our insurance company paid for a 2nd opinion because they didn't like what ours said), $2500 for insurance deductible to the newest contractor hired to repair the exact damage that happened 3 months prior, and $7,000 in materials that his insurance company refused to cover or pay for, and my insurance policy on the project did not cover either. The adjuster for his insurance company said that he was able to locate the contractor but refused to give up any information for him directly.
That and the fact that the project wasn't finished had detriment to my farm and boarding business because two of my pastures that were connected to where the building was sitting, couldn't be used. This limited my ability to use natural pasture grass in summer months by rotating pastures for each herd, and had to purchase hay, which gets quite expensive.
By the time the building was completed, and I could get my pastures back to normal, I had losses of over $14,000. Because I didn't know where he now lived, I used the only address I had for him to file for small claims court, which here has a limit of $15,000. The court documents I served came back undeliverable. This meant that I was kind of stuck because a court date cannot be scheduled until all parties are properly served. But how do I find an address for someone who doesn't seem to register to any particular address directly?
Time was still on my side as this was still early-mid last year. So I kept a watch on social media for anything with his name, which was a VERY unique one. If there was another man of the same name within this state, within even the same metro area, it was unlikely because of how unique the name was. Then one day this past fall, after google searching the name again, there it was: his Facebook page. His name hadn't shown up before on FB with several searches. Not sure why this was the case. Even better, all his settings were set to public. I could see everything he wrote about. Including his recent commitment to stay sober earlier in 2017 (just after he abandoned my project), and... his employer's name! He had posted a pic of him on a jobsite and someone asked where he worked now. He named the place. So a quick google search and voila! Got an address to serve him court papers to. So I re-filed with the new-found address. But I still needed a home address to enforce the judgement once I won the case.
So what did I do? Seeing that he was listed as 'single' in his page, I used a fake FB profile that I originally had in use to test various features I enable on pages that I start up under my real profile. Truthfully, i only used that profile for that purpose to make sure the settings I put in place truly work. But now it would serve another purpose. Getting this guy to give me all the information I needed, playing on his being middle aged and single.
To create my alter ego, I found a website of a cute blonde lady in her 40's (so as to not be too young for him, since he was around mid-40's himself), and just yanked pics. I only set one to the profile photo, and would use the rest if he asked for more. I changed all the pics in the profile to look like it was a typical page of the average mid-40's female.
Holy crap did this work... and it worked so well. I used some information I found on his page to strike up a conversation about stuff stolen out of his work truck in the alley behind his house (big clue!) and it was reported to the city police dept (he named the city, so another big clue).
So, using this information, and telling him I had grown up in the same area, I got him to give me a general area where he lived. Keeping conversation cool like "is the pizza joint still there? They've been around forever" etc so he wouldn't get suspicious. Thank goodness for Google Maps giving me a better idea of that area so I could talk about it like i did in fact grow up there. In reality, I have only ever been in that city twice, and other times drove through on the way to somewhere else.
I was able to narrow down the area he talked about, and using that info, I pulled the police report records from that city. There were 3 reports done within the same area on that same day he reported. So... using that information, I pulled the county tax records to see who owned the houses. I found 3 houses within that area that could possibly be rentals since the owner name and taxpayer billing address did not match. This could be a long-shot to find the person, but I didn't have anything to lose by searching. Just as I was about to call the homeowners to see of anyone by the name of the contractor rented from them, he posts some info on his page that made the calls completely unnecessary. He posted the name of his roommate in a status update, who I then check out the profile of. The profile lists the roommate's landscaping business. A quick google search of that business name and BINGO... his state business registration address matched 1 of the 3 addresses I suspected to be the rental house.
So now I have his home address. He had already been served at his employer's address for the court date. Fast forward to the court date. He didn't show up, which I suspected he wouldn't so I got default judgement. Between serving him papers and the court date passing, the FB profile I was using to talk to him was helpful in getting info out of him about his life, his job situation, how much he made per hour (me feigning knowledge about what construction trades paid), and the fact that he was looking at changing employers. He even told me the name of that employer. So I was armed with info, should he decide to not work with me.
He played right into my hands. Once I got the official judgement from the small claims court win, I decided to contact him myself on FB using messenger. I sat down and wrote out a whole paragraph to him, first typing it on Word so that I could print it out and edit it, and have my husband read it as well.
I wrote that while I was angry at him, I was going to give him ONE chance to work a deal with me, rather than using our state dept of revenue play collection officer for me. I hate dealing with our state dept of revenue. They make the IRS look like Sunday school teachers. But...if it came down to that I would, and they would start garnishing his wages, and here they take 25% of each paycheck after taxes, and have the person's employer do it for them, and then send it to me. However, I hate letting the state be the middle-man because they just complicate things. But I told him straight out that if he refused to work with me directly, I would go to that extreme. I told him that I know he's an addict and has had struggles in the past. I told him that knowing he has had struggles, I was willing to work with him directly and give him an opportunity to offer a monthly payment amount that works for him and his budget, rather than have the state decide the amount for him.
To shorten this up... he replied, agreed, signed (and had notarized) a monthly payment agreement, complete with a list of manual labor tasks that he could use in place of a payment or two to help with some projects on my farm.
TL;DR Contractor ditched a project, resulting in significant financial damages that I could not recover via insurance. Used social media and my intimate knowledge of how to use public records to find people, along with a fake FB profile that appealed to his lonely side. Ended up finding him after over a year, and used my knowledge and rights of the court system to get him to pay me monthly rather than garnishing his wages, which I had every right to do. So far so good and it is nice having that payment show up every month.
(source) (story by Meschugena)
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Anna Dimitriou
Director - collage artist, Anna Dimitriou begins to create in public space after the persistent urge of her friends. Her work is special and consists of paper vintage figures found on the internet and color on all kinds of surfaces. This month we’re talking to her and get know her a little bit better.
 What have you studied, how does your relationship with visual arts begins? I graduated from Stavrakos school. I’m a director. I work on Alpha as a trailer director. I’ve also studied theater and journalism. I’ve always been an artistic and independent nature, ever since I can remember myself. In 2006 I started digital collage and so I joined the art field in which I stayed for 12 years.
Tell us a few words about your technique and your main influences. It's not graffiti, I’d like to say that. It’s a category on its own. My technique is simple and complex at the same time. Paste up and acrylic. I pick up vintage and antique forms, edges and accessories, with starting point at the beginning of the century, and I print them on paper. Then I check if the composition looks like a collage. Dissimilar elements that produce a surreal effect. I paste the papers on wall surfaces with paper glue and I create the body with the Décalcomanie technique, which of course I process with brushes and extra techniques and patents to shape the body. Influences from Toulouse Lotreck, Daddyism and the entire surrealist movement.
What was the cause for creating in the urban landscape? Which was the uncovered need in you now that is now covered with street art? If I told you it started by chance would you believe me? I'm a new kid on the block, big story. Since 2006 I’ve been dealing with digital collage. Group and solo exhibitions, installations, covers of CDs and magazines only as a collage maker. Then a very sad event happened  in my life which gave me this idea, to go out and capture in a perfectly visual way all this pain and anger I had inside me. Then personal anger got wider and became anger for everything out there. The political situation, the sudden deaths of famous personalities I grew up through their art, the ruthless state in which we live, the neglected architectural diamonds that are rotting all over Greece. It was a need for expression, α relief from all that darkness. My strength if you may. In the time, when I saw that I had this impact, these three others elements were added, ambition, self-esteem and a great amount of generosity to everyone.
Tell us about your impressions when you saw some of your artworks interacting with the world. Either from close or via social media. Great joy and gratitude, firstly because the world recognizes me and secondly because all this is turning into something.
What are your favorite places to create and why do you do it? Is there a basic idea you want to communicate? Main places are all the abandoned factories, hotels, and houses of historical and architectural significance of the whole Greece that are being ruined and not being exploited. How did all this started? It was 2 years ago when we learned that my father is sick. My father was a part of this old world that I didn’t want to be demolished, to be gone. That's how I started a personal protest. I thought to start from the abandoned Xenia, the well-known hotels of our childhood years, and by marking them with my art to make an artistic protest in order to try and give back the life that they were once promised. My father's life. Xenia Hotels was part of a State Program which aimed at the development of tourism throughout Greece, under the supervision of the GNTO (Greek National Tourism Organization). It was put into operation from 1953 to 1974 as one of the main priorities for the recovery of the economy. In the late 90's the XENIA took the path of misery and abandonment. Currently, the NBG counts 44 hotel units of the "XENIA" type, of which only 11 are leased and some others have been partially or totally assigned. I chose to confront these buildings as architectural masterpieces and elements of organization and shaping space and not as obstacles to development plans. I decided to leave my art without a price to be worn on them and decay, like any form of art will  if it won’t be conserved. I want to draw the attention of some people who while have the knowledge and the money, don’t do anything. Scorn devastate architectural diamonds and the architectural historical past of Greece itself. So I started researching, I found their first maquettes, the first comments, some old photos and started the hard work.  It became my purpose, something like my destiny. To put it more simply, I believe in the love and kindness of people. And I know I can do it. Because, what’s meant to be, it will find its way to be done.
Essentially, you learn the Greek street art and its exponents by being on the road. What difficulties do you face? No difficulty. I joined all those who pre - existed under the status of the so-called Democracy, to expose my art. I don’t recall anything that made it hard for me. And if I do it would be of little importance. The crowd accepted me very warmly. Almost with open arms. I think this was because my art is about a big part of this world.
In a relatively male-dominated field, you seem to be doing just fine. What are your impressions of the Greek scene? Many people at first thought I was a man. Demetrius. After learning that I was a woman I went through a lot roller coasters. Some older people of the field, great and well-known, advised me nicely and gave me credits, but most of them ignore me. I don’t think that the graffiti artists in Athens like my art. Firstly, because I don’t use sprays, so I don’t graffiti, so it’s not something they’ll embrace, secondly it comes from a woman out of nowhere (we know there is racism in Greece). The truth is it's not out of nowhere though. I started in 2006 with digital collage and I made many magazine covers and CDs and many solo exhibitions with great success. I’ve been known from before. I was in the field for 12 years as a collage artist. The road came up as an evolution of my art. So I'm not that much out of the blue. I can understand all this though. It’s not easy to understand and enjoy all forms of art. Particularly the incompatible ones.
Your job being recognized at least by the people that are into this art field almost immediately. Why do you think this happened? Because people have taste (*laughing*) and because they connect with what they see somehow. It’s very special and unusual as a style. They like it. I think it's simple.
Your favorite collaborations? Which Greek street artist do you admire and haven’t yet worked with but you’d like to? I don’t think there’s any interest in collaboration. Perhaps some except from lack of imagination, they consider my style completely different. I’ve spoken to many whose work I admire incredibly, some of them have ignored me and didn’t even bother to answer me, others have told me they aren’t interested. Nevertheless, I admire everybody because I consider their works to be pure art.
In ten years from now? Best case scenario, all the walls in the world will have a work of mine, worst case, I leave a stigma and a story passing from mouth to mouth…
Follow Anna Dimitriou Website \ Instagram  \ Fb Page
Σκηνοθέτης - collage artist, η Άννα Δημητρίου ξεκινάει να δημιουργεί στον δημόσιο χώρο μετά την επίμονη παρότρυνση των φίλων της. Η δουλειά της είναι ξεχωριστή και αποτελείται από χάρτινες vintage φιγούρες που βρίσκει στο internet και χρώμα σε όλων των ειδών τις επιφάνειες. Αυτό τον μήνα μιλάμε μαζί της και την γνωρίζουμε λίγο καλύτερα.
Τι έχεις σπουδάσει, πως ξεκινάει η σχέση σου με τα εικαστικά; Τελείωσα την μεγάλη του γένους σχόλη Σταυράκου. Είμαι σκηνοθέτης. Δουλεύω στον Alpha ως σκηνοθέτης τρέιλερ. Έχω  σπουδάσει επίσης θέατρο και  δημοσιογραφία. Ήμουν πάντα φύση καλλιτεχνική και ανέντακτη από τότε που θυμάμαι τον εαυτό μου. Το 2006 ξεκίνησα το ψηφιακό κολάζ Μπήκα έτσι στο χώρο της τέχνης και έμεινα σε αυτό τον τομέα 12 χρόνια. Πες μας λίγα λόγια για την τεχνική σου και τις κυριότερες επιρροές σου. Δεν είναι  graffiti, θέλω να το πω αυτό. Είναι κάτι που αποτελεί από μόνο του μια κατηγορία. Η τεχνική μου είναι απλή και σύνθετη μαζί. Paste up και ακρυλικά. Διαλέγω vintage και antique μορφές , άκρα και αξεσουάρ, με σημείο εκκίνησης  τις  αρχές του αιώνα, και τα τυπώνω σε χαρτί. Έπειτα κοιτάω η σύνθεση να παραπέμπει σε κολάζ. Ετερόκλητα στοιχεία που βγάζουν ένα σουρεάλ αποτέλεσμα. Τα χαρτιά τα κολλάω στις επιφάνειες των τοίχων με  κόλλα χαρτιού και φτιάχνω το σώμα με την τεχνική της Décalcomanie, που φυσικά  επεξεργάζομαι  με πινέλα και έξτρα τεχνικές και πατέντες αν θες , έτσι ώστε να διαμορφώσω το σώμα. Επιρροές από Τουλούζ Λωτρέκ, Ντανταϊσμό και όλο το κίνημα των σουρεαλιστών.
Ποια ήταν η αφορμή για να δημιουργήσεις στο αστικό τοπίο και ποια η ανάγκη; Τι δεν καλύπτονταν μέσα σου που καλύπτεται τώρα με την street art; Αν σου πω τυχαία θα το πιστέψεις;  Είμαι new kid on the block, μεγάλη ιστορία. Από το 2006 ασχολούμουν  με το ψηφιακό κολλάζ. Εκθέσεις ομαδικές, ατομικές, εγκαταστάσεις, εξώφυλλα CD και περιοδικών μόνο ως κολαζίστρια. Έπειτα συνέβη ένα πολύ άσχημο γεγονός στην ζωή μου το οποίο μου έδωσε την ιδέα αυτή. Να βγω παραέξω  και να αποτυπώσω  με ένα τελείως εικαστικό τρόπο όλο αυτόν τον  πόνο και τον θυμό που είχα μέσα μου. Έπειτα ο προσωπικός θυμός πήρε εύρος και έγινε θυμός για όλα εκεί έξω. Την πολιτική κατάσταση, τους  ξαφνικούς θανάτους γνωστών προσωπικοτήτων που μεγάλωσα μέσα από την τέχνη τους, για το αδίστακτο κράτος  στο οποίο ζούμε, για τα παρατημένα αρχιτεκτονικά διαμάντια που σαπίζουν σε όλη την Ελλάδα.  Ήταν ανάγκη έκφρασης, εκτόνωσης από όλο αυτό το σκότος. Η πύκνωση μου αν θες.  Με τον καιρό όταν είδα ότι είχα αυτό το impact προστεθήκαν και  αυτά τα υπόλοιπα τρία, φιλοδοξία, αυταρέσκεια  και μια μεγάλη τζούρα γενναιοδωρίας προς όλους.
Πες μας τις εντυπώσεις σου όταν πια έβλεπες κάποια κομμάτια σου να αλληλεπιδρούν με τον κόσμο. Είτε από κοντά, είτε στα social media. Μεγάλη χαρά και ευγνωμοσύνη, πρώτον  γιατί ο κόσμος με αναγνωρίζει πια και δεύτερον  γιατί όλο αυτό πιάνει τόπο.
Ποιοι είναι οι αγαπημένοι σου χώροι για να δημιουργείς και γιατί το κάνεις; Υπάρχει κάποια βασική ιδέα που θέλεις να επικοινωνήσεις; Βασικοί χώροι είναι όλα τα εγκαταλελειμμένα εργοστάσια, ξενοδοχεία, και σπίτια ιστορικής και αρχιτεκτονικής  σημασίας ολόκληρης της Ελλάδας που ρημάζουν και δεν αξιοποιούνται. Πως ξεκίνησε όλο αυτό; Ξεκίνησε πριν 2 χρόνια. Όταν μάθαμε  ότι ο  πατέρας μου είναι άρρωστος. Ο πατέρας μου ήταν ένα κομμάτι από τον παλιό αυτό κόσμο που ήθελα να μην κατεδαφιστεί, να μην χαθεί. Κάπως έτσι ξεκίνησα λοιπόν μια προσωπική διαμαρτυρία. Σκέφτηκα να ξεκινήσω από  τα εγκαταλελειμμένα Ξενία, τα γνωστά σε όλους μας ξενοδοχεία των παιδικών μας χρόνων, και σημαδεύοντας τα με την τέχνη μου να κάνω μια καλλιτεχνική διαμαρτυρία για να προσπαθήσω να δώσω πίσω την ζωή που τους υποσχεθήκαν κάποτε. Την ζωή του πατερά μου. Τα Ξενοδοχεία «Ξενία» (Xenia Hotels) ήταν μέρος ενός Κρατικού Προγράμματος το οποίο στόχευε την ανάπτυξη του τουρισμού σε όλη την Ελλάδα, υπό την εποπτεία του Ε.Ο.Τ. Είχε τεθεί σε λειτουργία από το 1953 έως το 1974, ως μια από τις βασικές προτεραιότητες για την ανάκαμψη της οικονομίας. Τέλη της δεκαετίας του 90′ τα ΞΕΝΙΑ πήραν το δρόμο της μιζέριας και της εγκατάλειψης. Σήμερα η Ε.Τ.Α μετράει 44 ξενοδοχειακές μονάδες τύπου «ΞΕΝΙΑ», από τα οποία μόνο τα 11 είναι μισθωμένα και κάποια άλλα έχουν εν μέρει ή εν συνόλω παραχωρηθεί.Επέλεξα να αντιμετωπίσω αυτά τα κτίρια, σαν αρχιτεκτονικά αριστουργήματα, και στοιχεία οργάνωσης και μορφοποίησης χώρου και όχι σαν εμπόδια σε σχέδια ανάπτυξης. Αποφάσισα να αφήσω χωρίς χρηματικό κόστος την τέχνη μου πάνω τους να φθαρεί και να σαπίσει, όπως κάθε μορφή τέχνης άλλωστε που αν δεν συντηρηθεί θα ρημάξει. Θέλω να τραβήξω έτσι την προσοχή κάποιων ανθρώπων που, ενώ έχουν την γνώση και το χρήμα, δεν κάνουν κάτι. Η περιφρόνηση αφανίζει αρχιτεκτονικά διαμάντια μα και το ίδιο το αρχιτεκτονικό και ιστορικό παρελθόν της Ελλάδας. Άρχισα λοιπόν έρευνα, βρήκα τις πρώτες μακέτες τους, τα πρώτα σχόλια, κάποιες παλιές φωτογραφίες και ξεκίνησα να παίρνω σβάρνα όσα μπορούσα. Έγινε σκοπός μου κάτι σαν πεπρωμένο μου. Για να σας το πω και πιο απλά, πιστεύω στην αγάπη και στην καλοσύνη των ανθρώπων. Και ξέρω ότι θα τα καταφέρω. Γιατί ο, τι είναι γραμμένο  να γίνει θα βρει τον τρόπο να γίνει. Στην ουσία μαθαίνεις την ελληνική street art και τους εκφραστές της ούσα πια στον δρόμο. Ποιες οι δυσκολίες; Καμία δυσκολία. Μπήκα και εγώ μαζί με όλος αυτούς  που προϋπήρχαν  κάτω από το καθεστώς της λεγόμενης Δημοκρατίας, να εκθέσω την τέχνη μου. Να βγω προς τα έξω. Δεν θυμάμαι κάτι να με δυσκόλεψε. Και αν θυμάμαι θα είναι μηδαμινής σημασίας. Ο κόσμος έξω  με δέχτηκε πάρα πολύ θερμά. Σχεδόν με ανοιχτές αγκάλες. Νομίζω ότι αυτό έγινε επειδή η τέχνη μου αφορά ένα μεγάλο κομμάτι αυτού του κόσμου.
Σε έναν σχετικά ανδροκρατούμενο χώρο φαίνεται να τα καταφέρνεις μια χαρά. Ποιες οι εντυπώσεις σου από την ελληνική σκηνή; Πολύς κόσμος στην αρχή νόμιζε ότι ήμουν άντρας. Ο Δημητρίου. Μετά που  μαθεύτηκε ότι ήμουν γυναίκα πέρασα από πολλά rollercoasters. Κάποιοι παλαιότεροι του χώρου μεγάλοι και πολύ γνωστοί, με συμβουλέψανε όμορφα και μου δώσανε credits, αλλά οι περισσότεροι νομίζω με αγνοούν επιδεικτικά ή με έχουν στην μπούκα. Δεν νομίζω να αρέσει στους γκραφιτάδες της Αθήνας  η τέχνη μου. Πρώτον γιατί δεν χρησιμοποιώ σπρέι, άρα δεν κάνω γκράφιτι, άρα δεν είναι κάτι που θα αγκαλιάσουν, δεύτερον έρχεται από μια γυναίκα  και μάλιστα από το πουθενά (ξέρουμε ότι υπάρχει ρατσισμός στην Ελλάδα). Η αλήθεια είναι ότι δεν είναι από το πουθενά. Ξεκίνησα το 2006 με ψηφιακό κολλάζ και έκανα πολλά εξώφυλλα περιοδικών και CD και πάρα πολλές ατομικές εκθέσεις με μεγάλη επιτυχία. Υπήρξα γνωστή από πριν λοιπόν. Ήμουν στο χώρο ήδη 12 χρόνια σαν collage artist. Ο δρόμος πρόεκυψε σαν εξέλιξη της τέχνης μου. Άρα δεν είμαι και πολύ out of the blue. Αλλά μπορώ και το κατανοώ όλο αυτό. Δεν είναι  εύκολο να καταλάβεις και να σου αρέσουν όλες οι μορφές τέχνης. Ιδίως οι ανένταχτες. 
Η δουλειά σου αναγνωρίζεται τουλάχιστον από τον κόσμο που ασχολείται με αυτά σχεδόν αμέσως. Γιατί πιστεύεις ότι έγινε αυτό; Γιατί ο κόσμος έχει γούστο (γέλια) και γιατί τον αφορά προφανώς με κάποιο τρόπο όλο αυτό που βλέπει. Είναι πολύ ιδιαίτερο και ασυνήθιστο σαν στυλ. Του αρέσει. Νομίζω είναι απλό.
Αγαπημένες σου συνεργασίες; Ποιον έλληνα street artist θαυμάζεις και δεν έχει τύχει ακόμα να συνεργαστείτε αλλά θα ήθελες; Δεν νομίζω ότι υπάρχει ενδιαφέρον για συνεργασία. Ίσως κάποιοι περά από έλλειψη φαντασίας, θεωρούν παράταιρο εντελώς το στυλ μου. Έχω μιλήσει με πολλούς που θαυμάζω την δουλεία τους απίστευτα, κάποιοι με αγνόησαν, ούτε καν μπήκαν στον κόπο να μου απαντήσουν, κάποιοι άλλοι μου είπαν ότι δεν ενδιαφέρονται. Παρ όλα αυτά εγώ θαυμάζω τους πάντες γιατί θεωρώ τα έργα τους καθαρή τέχνη.
Σε δέκα χρόνια από τώρα; Στην καλύτερη, όλοι οι τοίχοι του κόσμου να έχουν και από ένα έργο μου, στην χειρότερη να αφήσω ένα στίγμα και μια ιστορία που να μπορεί να λέει για μένα ο κόσμος από στόμα σε στόμα.
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musiquefragments · 3 years
Nostalgia & Current.
In  the lockdowns on my FB there was a definate increase in people retreading steps both musically and photo sites as well. I suppose this was down to the amount of time people had at home to go through archives. If it was a time of great worries it was also a time when people sort of processed the past.  On my pages a lot of the musical artists went back in the archive, on a personal friend level a lot of old school photos sites.
When I was at school and College and University music was an ever present, so its very easy for me to remember time and releases set aside with what was going on in  my personal life. I think there is a lot of knowledge I am storing away of the 80s and 90s and over the next few months I will try and get it published on my sites. I think that there was definately two types of people that have an acceptence of the past and those who try to divorce themselves from it, but then their internet threads or past history indicates that its the opposite really. I think I will end up documenting it anyway, then as we all get older then there will publication. With the Tumblr posts a lot of these bands I have not listened to for a very significant amount of time. I can also provide a lot of history relating to the posts and bands , so if you have any questions on year, artists, recommended works  etc. Just send a question.
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pinoyscientists · 6 years
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Meet Kami Navarro, science communication researcher
1) What do you do?
I’m currently taking up a Master of Science Communication at the Australian National University. My thesis revolves around the challenges of communicating science within the Philippine context, from the perspectives of both local science communicators and scientists.
I’m also a communications intern at an Australian digital health company – but more on that later!
2) Where do you work?
I’m affiliated with the Australian National Centre of the Public Awareness of Science, which is basically the premier academic centre for science communication in the Asia-Pacific region.
I’m also taking up my internship at Health Horizon, a digital health startup that tracks health and medical innovations from all over the world. From non-invasive brain surgery devices to food allergy treatment patches, it’s got everything! Check it out here. And please like our FB page too.
3) Tell us about the photos!
[Left:] Taken during ANU’s Orientation Week, where different organizations of the university had their own stalls. It was Valentine’s Day then, so my friend prepared a giant heart with “Mahal Kita” for the ANU Filipino Association photobooth. Of course, I had to take a picture with it.
[Right:] Posing in Melbourne– Australia’s cultural capital. It has a loooot of really interesting graffiti, and has an artsy vibe overall. Can’t wait to go back!
4) Tell us about your academic career path so far.
I took up my elementary studies at Ateneo de Davao University and then high school at Philippine Science High School – Southern Mindanao Campus also in Davao City.
My Bachelor’s degree was in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (MBB), which I took up in the University of the Philippines Diliman. I took up a Master’s in MBB and worked as a research associate for a short period as well before I moved to Australia.
5) Anything else you’d like to share?
I’m a working student! Unlike the Philippines, students (as young as 14) in Australia are encouraged to take up part-time jobs. So I’ve worked as a receptionist, waitress, and now I’m working at a Filipino food stall at the local mall. Even though it’s stressful, I appreciate that it does build character and I’ve really learned how to manage my time better. I also learned how to carry multiple heavy plates/coffee cups in one go. And most importantly, as a hospitality worker, I get free food!!!
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sunmontuewrites · 3 years
Max' team won the Sumo and the Rob the Nest and came third overall, which the first time they've placed in 6 years that their school has been taking part. Their school had two teams (one with 5 and the other with 4 kids) and the other teams came 5th. They did so well. Was pretty exciting really...
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daddyslittlebe4r · 3 years
Social Media Marketing: Just What Is It All About?
It's far a famous misconception, specially amongst younger generations, that social networking web sites like facebook are the maintain of school and college college students. It's far in truth the case that these forms of internet sites are becoming a progressively more beneficial device for commercial enterprise as a method of powerful internet advertising. It is able to have come to the eye of some that an increasing number of advert campaigns on television function the small facebook image at the lowest of the display screen that allows you to inspire human beings to go to their webpage on facebook after viewing the commercial. This offers credence to the idea that social networking websites are a important element in a enterprise's advertising approach and for his or her emblem photograph. It is for this reason that an industry has advanced wherein corporations offering social media advertising advice and services is growing at a fast pace. This newsletter research what social media marketing entails and how some of the more well-known web sites may be used to help. If you need more information about smm reseller panel please visit this site.
How does it work?
The premise in the back of social media advertising and marketing is that it improves your logo photo and might get human beings to take a look at your internet-website who might move on then to touch you and come up with their enterprise. This is achieved with the aid of making use of web sites which includes facebook, twitter and running a blog to post written content material selling your emblem and advertising your products. By filing content material and hyperlinks on those net web sites and other humans's profiles and debts you could fast boom exposure in your website. As well as the improved touch from third events you may enjoy, search engines like google inclusive of bing use posts approximately agencies on social networking websites to assist them decide the ratings in famous searches. As a result the greater out there your brand is when it comes to social media, the more valuable it will be on your seek engine rankings.
Twitter is one of the key web sites businesses are increasingly making use of as part of their social media advertising campaigns. The usage of short message updates of only a handful of phrases firms have the capability to put up realtime updates regarding their products, their employer and their enterprise in fashionable. Those who like these posts or find them exciting can 'follow' that enterprise after which study next posts. Posts might also draw visitors into intending on to look up their internet site on-line, or possibly the submit itself may additionally comprise a link to the site being promoted. It could therefore assist set up new patron relationships and expand pre-existing ones because of the 'conversional' nature of the medium. Identifying the perfect put up content and ensuring posts are sent often is something a social media advertising and marketing agency can help with. With an estimated two hundred million users twitter is a terrific website to apply for advertising.
Fb, in contrast to twitter will permit groups to position greater information concerning their enterprise online, collectively with allowing complete product descriptions, images and movies to be uploaded too. If people 'like' your page then they'll get updates every time you add new data, whether it is a completely new product launch or a unique provide, and on this manner gives an amazing way to stay in contact with ability clients. Furthermore, if any person 'likes' your web page then the online buddies of the alternative fb user may have publicity for your commercial enterprise too! As a fb user you are also capable of publish on other customers pages which once more can incorporate appropriate products or services info or a hyperlink in your own internet web page. With over 750m energetic customers it's far an excellent more popular social media website than twitter and just as before, through the assist of a social media marketing firm, can be the key on your agency's success.
In assessment to twitter and facebook, linkedin doesn't focus on the mass market and is a great deal greater useful for developing commercial enterprise relationships and selling your brand to a very specific however no much less important target marketplace. With about one hundred twenty million users world-extensive this social media community offers an excellent possibility to take advantage of using social media advertising, although just as before it is continually exceptional to paintings with a social media advertising and marketing firm or company to acquire the very nice outcomes viable.
Normal consequently social media marketing groups can help you take benefit of the enormous capacity you may find out of social media. From assisting you crafting content material to serving as a advisor as to where and when to publish fabric, social media advertising companies and firms actually can be a outstanding addition to a complete advertising and marketing method. this really is the reducing edge of advertising and advertising; make certain your company does not get left at the back of!
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Faten, a 54-year-old woman from besieged Eastern Ghouta in the Damascus suburbs, was accused of terrorism and detained for two months for simply seeking information about her disappeared son, who was taken by the security forces in April 2013, as any grieving mother instinctively would when their child is missing. Upon her release, Faten went back to Ghouta to officially launch her relief project, One Hand Association, in early 2014. Faten said: " ‘One Hand’ means for everyone, for all religions.”  
Starting as a simple kitchen to provide food to those in need, Faten and her team were able to collect in-kind donations from shop owners in Douma and distribute meals using her own car to people struggling to feed their families due to the siege and ongoing violence. In addition to her, the kitchen team includes five other members (the cook, his assistants and those responsible for packing) and is attended by over 250 people during meal times.
The team quickly realized that they had to expand their activities to meet other needs on-the-ground. The scope of their expanded work included a training center where English language, literacy, and some handcrafting training were taking place; a hall in Haresta used for meetings, conferences, and other activities; and restoring some schools in Haresta, which were also used to provide psycho-social support for students there. Unfortunately, the schools have now been destroyed, the centre has suspended its activities indefinitely, and the hall is currently used as a shelter to protect civilians from the relentless bombardment of the latest brutal attack on the area. As of today, One Hand continues to run the public kitchen, as well as to look after over 300 orphans. This important work is only possible due to the small-scale support of a few organizations and individual donations.    
Faten describes the current situation in Ghouta as an "extermination phase". The level and frequency of atrocities has gone beyond madness. "We're targeted like we're invaluable. [...] What is happening in Ghouta can only be categorized as a collective death. The situation has been so brutal that when people witness a whole family being killed by airstrikes, they would say: ‘it’s maybe more merciful for them to die ltogether so they don’t leave broken hearts behind’”. In one case,  a 9-year-old was the sole survivor of an entire family who were tragically killed in the ferocious and indiscriminate bombing that has reduced whole neighborhoods to rubble. Sadly, this story is not unusual in Ghouta. In the midst of such violence and suffering, Faten wonders if Human Rights defenders (and especially children rights defenders) are watching the unfolding genocide from a far and questioning their role and responsibility to support the children in Ghouta, who “are literally rotting in underground shelters, looking like zombies and suffering panic attacks".  
300 families in Madyara have taken shelter from intense bombing. “People are scared... They don’t go out unless there is an emergency” said Faten. The shelters are overcrowded and lacking basic services, including hygiene baskets. Clean water is only provided by the local council once every 4-5 days due to high cost of transportation and lack of fuel. The policy adopted by civil society prioritizes ‘the poorest,’ but today this encompasses nearly everyone in Eastern Ghouta. “It is really difficult to reach all citizens or cover their needs. There's a lack in support offered to local councils, and the situation is horrific, no one can possibly tolerate such living conditions" said Faten.  Given the absence of support from the rebels, grassroots civil society organisations have taken on the burden of attending people’s needs. But they are critically under-resourced in the face of such a catastrophic humanitarian situation. Faten emphasizes that none of Ghouta’s residents have chosen the war, adding that “we want to live, whether they like it or not. We will live despite the minimum resources available.”    
Today, the need for One Hand’s services is greater than ever. This is a matter of innocent people living or dying. “Each meal attends to 250 people and costs 1500$ (not including the workers’ slaries). Being a community-based collective that depends upon the kindness of people and individual donations, One Hand would not be able to carry on without your help today. We encourage you to read more about the situation in Eastern Ghouta and act to support the people and children who are the main victims of a war they have nothing to do with. While One Hand is keen to maintain a high level of transparency by keeping the public informed about its work through its FB page, its code of conduct highly values its beneficiaries’ dignity and privacy and therefore refrain from publishing their photos. We hope for your understanding on this issue.   The urgency of the situation cannot be overstated: “We get the bread from Masraba, but because of the airstrikes, we have not had bread for 3 days now. Rumors say that the bakery will get back on service tomorrow, but you never know.”
Please help One Hand save lives today.    
Sincerely one hand's team  
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tomgilsenan · 3 years
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What happened to the stadium proposed by Drake and the Des Moines public schools? It's on hold for now. Construction bids have come in way over projections. One reason is the soaring cost of steel. Find out more in a story coming to the FB page for Drake Neighborhood Experience. Photo: Site of proposed stadium along Forest avenue between 24th and 25th streets. (at Drake Neighborhood) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSZ2dJfLMW2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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