#but the wlw ship isn’t the main/pov ship so it’s not really a fic for them and they’re only background characters
redshoes-blues · 2 years
It makes me sad how mlm ships have the most wonderful 400k word fics written about them but I can only ever find oneshots for wlw ships
and don’t get me wrong, the oneshots are stunning and lovely, but I just want a long heart-wrenching fic for my girls too, ya know??
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foxgloveinspace · 3 years
I've always thought of myself as a multishipper?? But, uhhh.... in this last year or so I've basically become someone who has otp's in the fandom's I'm in... so... Here's a list of all my otp's for each fandom I'm in?
Ok, first things first, being a multishipper for me means liking different ships with the same character in it. So katsudeku tododeku things like that. So I have multiple ships in a fandom, but for me its not really with the same person(s).
Main Fandoms:
It comes as no surprise that my otp in this fandom (and probably in general) is Andrew and Neil. But what probably comes as a surprise is that I don't like them with anyone else. At all. Not even an ot3 with them. I don't like kandreil at all.
I will read kevaaron every once in a while, but for the most part if andreil isn't the main focus then theres no point in reading it to me.
I don't like any of the canon pairings in trc very well, out side of the book? I don't like the whole 'true love' thing, I think maybe if it had been worded as soulmate instead I would have liked it better. Falling in love is not a choice, but loving someone for the rest of your life is, so that whole part of it upsets me, and I try to ignore it.
My otp of trc its ronsey. But I like ronsey with Adam or Noah as well.
RoyEd is my fma otp, and I don't like the canon ships at all, I think Winry is abusive to Ed, and I think Riza is a lesbian, the only ship that I think is cute that is canon is Al's canon relationship. I don't like them in any ot3, and I don't read or interact with any other part of the fandom besides the royed part.
My mha otp is katsudeku. but I also like any ot3 ship with them, as long as bkdk are there. I also sometimes read todobaku, and they used to be my otp for a little while, and I still really love them, but bkdk own my fucking heart, I swear. They are the ship I go back to the most, and I can always find something of them that I love.
I like some other ships, but with this fandom I tend to only read bkdk, and interact with bkdk content just cause I don't want to interact with any anti and they are everywhere in that fandom.
Old Fandoms that I Sometimes Reblog Stuff For:
Idk if this is an 'old' fandom, it's just not my main focus atm; akeshu is my otp for this fandom, and I don't tend to stray from it.
Again, not sure if this is old or not considering I have a whole side blog dedicated to it, but its not something I spend every waking moment thinking about. I really liked KouAo and this slow playthrough that I'm doing right now I really like NoiAo. And the true ending from the og game is probably my favorite ending.
I think I would lose followers and possible mutual's for talking about the fics I've read for this fandom lol. And, no, not that ship, its the other ship that I'm talking about.
Sefikura is my otp for ffvii, for the most part. I have read agzsc, and I also like Vincent x Cloud sometimes. But I tend to stick to SC.
Kingdom Hearts:
Saying what I don't ship in KH would be so much easier, cause basically I don't ship Sora and Kairi to the point I don't even know their ship name. This fandom is the exception to my new rule. Also I'm possibly going through a kh phase again soooooo... idk if this an old fandom right now.
I go threw phases on what I read. I like:
SoRiku (my most read ship for the fandom)
SoRoku (The ship that got me into fanfiction! SoRoku you will always hold a very special place in my heart!)
VanVen (I hecking love this ship so much, but in the 'it makes me cry when i think about them' sort of way, oof. My only ship like this)
Xion x Namine x Kairi (or any of them paired off, but listing them all made the list way too long, lol. I don't read gl / wlw fanfic a lot, cause I'm ftm and when I read I get sucked into it and makes my dysphoria bad to read from a girl pov. I have maybe 6 or 7 books I like that have a girl pov. So for the most part I like them as a side pairing, but I have read and liked some fics with them as the main ship.)
I don't read RPF, nor do I think it should be a thing.
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