#but then ateez happened so 😻
yuyusuyu · 4 months
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i got rafa's card the day i started playing which was also the event's last day or within the last two ish days of the event either way oooo he wants me so bad !!!
zayne wants me so bad too i think i got this card yesterday and i got promise everlasting today ?1!?22! zayne where's the ring 😽 AND NOW I HAVA RAFA'S EVENT CARD GUARANTEED ?1?2?2! this game loves me (im just crazy and grind like a psycho for diamonds 😭😭)
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noramoons · 2 years
tagged by @lixesque + @petrichor-han + @decembermoonskz , thank you all sm for thinking of me !! 🧡🧡
rules: recommend 5 or more of your own works that you would rec to someone asking what they should read first & explain a little bit about the work. these can be the most popular, the ones you think are underrated, or your own favorites! then tag five other writers!
1. for reasons wretched and divine. [nsfw, 93k]
big huge surprise to everyone i’m sure 😻 in all seriousness, this was the first fic i posted on this blog, and it means the world to me. this series is seventeen chapters of combining all my favorite interests at the time (skz + greek mythology + demons) caused by severe brainrot from the kingdom wolfgang performance. i woke up that july morning last year, watched the video, and then thought abt what would become this fic for literally the next seven months 😭 it was a very fun write and i’m very grateful for the feedback i’ve received on it!
2. by my side. [nsfw, 15k+]
my ongoing minho bodyguard au series! this one’s got a little bit of everything: enemies to lovers (AND childhood friends to lovers), mutual pining, two main characters that are too stubborn/dumb to admit they like each other, and an underlying mystery that connects both of them in more ways than one 😯
3. feels like we only go backwards. [nsfw, 8.5k]
i debated for quite a while about adding “if this feels personal, that’s because it is!” in the tags when i posted this, because that’s exactly what this was: (VERY LOOSELY) based on some things that had happened/were happening to me at the time with someone i had been interested in on and off for several years. this fic depicts that, as well as a few discussions about what happens when you continuously prioritize someone else’s feelings/comfort over yours in any relationship, especially a messy one. frat boy!changbin is also very important to me and i will continue to push this agenda whenever i get the chance 😌
4. for the record (player). [sfw, 1k]
this is the shortest piece on this list, but i’m still very proud of this one. i rlly like the overall softness in this (compared to the other fics on this list LOL)—it’s a coworkers au, and it’s about being able to take care of someone like minho who might not always look after himself the best and having a nice little 3am dinner + dance in the kitchen anyway <3
5. what lies beneath (teaser). [sfw]
okay i’m taking a page out of rain’s book by recommending a work that i technically haven’t finished yet LOL but working on this fic has really reminded me how much i enjoy writing fantasy-adjacent stories—i think it may actually be my favorite genre to write. this is my first fic for ateez, and it’s about accidentally discovering siren!hongjoong on a summer trip to the beach (and maybe falling in love with him?? 🤭🤭), but you know all along that your time with him has to be limited. (right? …….)
i also want to mention one of my other wips here bc y’all. i am so excited for seasons (waiting on you) to be posted—it has been a huge outlet (LMAO) for me recently and i’m really proud of how it’s come along. it’s my first time writing for txt, and i haven’t had this kind of inspo for a fic in a while—it’s been a fun exercise in working through all the emotions you go through during a long and unexpected breakup, and i’m so excited for you all to read it too.
tagging: @nightlychans @sulfurcosmos @h0neydewmoon @seung-scrittore @starlighthan and anyone else who would like to talk about their works !! <33
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iyeonjuni · 2 years
hi 🧍‍♀️
my response time is getting WORSE i'm sorry 😩😩 but we'll just pretend that i sent my last asks yesterday okay 😻😻😻
omg CONCERT honestly i wanna see enha 😩 and get to see the man that is kim sunoo 😞😞 what about you bestie 😏
yes so my dilemma 🧍‍♀️ we talked on new year's and he said it's fine to take it slow and that it would be better to wait and see how it goes and see if there are still feelings which honestly i'm okay with? as for my other guy...we went to my pottery lesson the other day and he's just so 😞 like is it BAD that i'm starting to like him more than the other guy 😭😭 bc sometimes the other guy says some..questionable things that are just not it 😩😩 literally said he doesn't understand the whole kpop thing like what 😭
anyways 🧍‍♀️ what are your other nicknames now i'm intrigued 🤔🤔
- 😶‍🌫️
omg hey I MISSED U it is ok i’m sure you’re busy
oo for me i obviously want to see txt and ateez but omg i’ve been watching some enha videos and listening to their music lately and i really LIKE their music a lot
well i guess it’s a good thing that nothing bad has happened!! but i think you should definitely follow your heart as well ^^ if you like the guy YOU LIKE THE GUY so it is ok
my nicknames well .. they mostly from my typos like i wrong diea instead if idea help but as an excuse i remember it being early in the morning for me …..
ANYWAYS how has your break been?? i hope it has been good!!!
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