#but also now im hyper fixating on it
yuyusuyu · 4 months
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i got rafa's card the day i started playing which was also the event's last day or within the last two ish days of the event either way oooo he wants me so bad !!!
zayne wants me so bad too i think i got this card yesterday and i got promise everlasting today ?1!?22! zayne where's the ring 😽 AND NOW I HAVA RAFA'S EVENT CARD GUARANTEED ?1?2?2! this game loves me (im just crazy and grind like a psycho for diamonds 😭😭)
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sadbitchboi · 5 months
The brain rot is taking over and my way of coping with life is blocking it and focusing on whatever my hyperfixation is at the moment
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lupismaris · 5 months
my copy of Upstream arrived at 12:13pm this afternoon and I am already on page 130 of 175 (a few Post-It markers added on first pass through) I'm coming apart at the fuckin seams
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topflights · 2 years
made a joke abt not being able to get any more wrestling figures bc then i’ll have to start collecting and my dad took it really seriously and is now pointedly not responding whenever i suggest xmas gifts for me that are wrestling related
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jacqcrisis · 2 years
I have a chronic disinterest in all forms of sport that dont include wrestling or other forms of people smacking each other around so thank God the e-clown did a baseball stream so I can brush up on sport ball terms in an entertaining way for the character I'm writing about who I tragically decided needed to like said sport ball.
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I haven't drawn in ages and looked through my old stuff. And I was like hold up I actually had some skills.
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augustbutalsoaugust · 5 months
Imspent thirty bucks on posters and now I'm mad cause ethe really big one ingot is SMALL. it's fine I just wisjed it was bigger cause it would look better 😔
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juniperhillpatient · 7 months
ok I’m almost done talking about this game but the fact the first time I’ve get an andrew pov it’s SO juicy like first of all his dry humor & sarcasm get to shine a bit when he’s away from ashley sorry it’s just because she’s such an all consuming presence of a character you kind of miss how silly he is. also the way he constantly calls ashley annoying & acts like he can’t wait to get away from her but the SECOND they’re apart to do side quests he thinks “my ashley summoned a demon on her first try” with so much pride when the cultists fail & as soon as he’s done snooping his first thought is how much he misses ashley who he’s been apart from for what? an hour in universe? ok simp
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dorudo-36 · 7 months
I want to keep up with Qsmp ;-; but im getting a little overwhelmed by the amount of content I have to catch up on
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wasabikitcat · 8 months
Idk if this is a hot take amongst people who care about this because I don't really interact with the fandom much, but the main thing that bothers me about the Chuck E. Cheese 2.0 thing getting rid of the animatronics isn't really that I'm afraid they'll all be destroyed, since while I hate the waste, there are still plenty of people who personally own the rockafire animatronics and the cyberamics and even some studio C bots, so it's not like there's a huge risk of them all being permanently lost to time.
What I dislike most about it is that I kind of like the concept unification Chuck E Cheese character designs better than the Rockafire Explosion characters? Don't get me wrong, I like the Rockafire characters, but I honestly think the CEC characters are cuter and more appealing. They are fluffier and have less of the weird detailed latex masks I don't find very visually appealing. They have simpler features and designs which makes them cuter and more appealing to a wider audience imo.
And I also think a big part of the experience of seeing them is the atmosphere of the restaurant/arcade. I like being around other people when watching them, I like being able to play arcade games and eat food, and I think it's incredibly charming watching curious children shyly approach the stage. Part of me choosing to write this is that I got the chance to see the Pineville location recently and while I was there I saw a kid in a Freddy costume go up to the stage and pretend to be an animatronic with them. It was really funny and it's sad knowing the opportunities to see these animatronics in their intended environment are rapidly declining, since I know there are kids and adults alike who love them. There are always collectors and museums you can visit but it's just not the same, and they very rarely actually have the current Chuck E Cheese cosmetics. The closest to the authentic experience is Billy Bob's Wonderland, but like I said, I really prefer the Chuck E Cheese characters.
Idk, I just really hope they leave at least one of each stage type intact as the rumored "retro" locations. I want to be able to see them in their intended environment, not awkwardly all alone in some collector's house or museum. As a grown-ass adult I really have no other reason to go to a Chuck E Cheese without the animatronics, as I have a local arcade literally 10 minutes away. They're kind of the only thing holding them back from being a Dave & Busters but for toddlers imo.
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ldyinthewxll · 11 months
look at the tags for context aka to see me at my big age talk about a horror game made for teenagers
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clash-kitty · 1 year
i have returned from the dead!!!! i went to a mental hospital and then moved to a different state coz im silly like taht
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ariaverde · 1 year
I want you all to know that I want to post Danganronpa related things really, really badly, but I fucking can't because I'm not through all the games or the anime yet, and so I have the tag and related tags blacklisted to avoid spoilers.
But you can bet your ass that the second I can, my followers will be drowning in Danganronpa for weeks.
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strawberrybouvine · 1 year
Back on my les mis brainrot, someone scream about it with me aooough
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ovanhua · 2 years
Actually i hate being insufferable about a hyperfixation or special interest.
It is so ingrained in me to be embarrassed or apologetic for wanting to talk incessantly about something.
And its hard getting non replies or like no engagement from friends about it.
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rubra-wav · 4 months
Hi! I’m autistic and a lesbian and my current hyper fixation/ comfort show is Hazbin Hotel and my favorite/comfort character is Angel Dust. I was wondering if you could write a platonic Angel x gn/fem reader that is angsty and involves the reader comforting and taking care of Angel after a really bad night with Valentino. With cuddling, and handholding and Angel dealing with addiction/ self harm and the reader just being there and supporting him or something. I totally understand if not I just thought I would ask. Also I’m a huge fan of your work!!
Safe and Sound If Only For Now (Angel Dust x Reader fic)
A/N Absolutely can, and 100% understand the vision. THE BOY NEEDS TO BE TAKEN CARE OF. 🗣
Also, thank you sm im glad my writing is being enjoyed 🙏
CW: marking it as NSFW due to the themes within but theres not any actual smut, hurt/comfort, angst, gn!reader, written as platonic but could be seen as romantic as well, Angel throws up at one point(dk if I need to tw that), themes of s/h and addiction, reference to trauma responses and mentions of physical and sexual abuse
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When you were called downstairs by a very concerned Charlie at the wee hours of the morning, you knew that the night Angel Dust had was hell without having to even see him.
He'd apparently stumbled loudly through the door about 10 minutes ago, clearly not sober but still demanding a drink looking absolutely trashed. Husk had attempted to touch his shoulder, and the bartender was promptly smacked away with a yell to 'not touch him!'
Your footsteps had pattered loudly on the creaky floorboards down the hall of your hotel room as you quickly made your way to the bar where you knew he was.
And there you found him.
The hunched over, trembling figure of your friend with two of his arms folded around his head, a glass of alcohol you know tasted like utter shit clutched in another shaky hand.
Husk looked at you tiredly from behind the bar with clear relief on his features as he gestured to Angel with a look that asked you to take care of him - do what he couldn't in this moment.
It had taken a lot of verbal coaxing to get Angel to put down the drink and come with you to your room, but he eventually allowed you to gently grip his hand and tug him up the stairs and back down the hall to your room.
The second the door had shut behind the two of you, he'd completely fallen apart as you told him he was safe now.
That's how you were in this situation now, slumped on the floor next to the bed with Angel's face buried into the front of your shirt, your arms pulling his face closer and running your fingers through his messed up fur, carefully avoiding touching his neck and shoulders as you whispered to him softly to let it out.
Seconds ticked into minutes as his previously loud crying had slowly turned into broken, shaking sobs that were barely audible as you sat there with him slumped against you.
It was rather uncomfortable, your knees digging into the coarse rug on the floor of your room, but at the moment, that didn't much matter.
"'ank you. 'Ank you 'o much." He slurred out finally, voice cracking with emotion.
You hummed in response, relieved to hear his voice finally.
You removed your hands from where they were combing through his fur and instead cupped his cheeks, pulling his face away from your chest carefully.
Sympathy and anger stabbed through you painfully as you observed the darkening bruise on his puffy under-eye that had now been exposed with his tears. That asshole.
You brushed a thumb over the bruise with a furrowed brow, your frown deepening at the way he winced despite you barely even grazing it. You quickly moved your thumb away.
Angel's unfocused, bloodshot eyes watched you react to it with clear guilt. He swallowed thickly as he forced a grin onto his face. "'T's nothin' I'm not used to, toots." He mumbled. He could tell you didn't believe it for a second, and his heart sank despite all the alcohol knocking through him. Shit, he didn't want to sober up.
He could feel the pain he was trying to numb already creeping back into his body, though, and he 'tsk'd' with a hissing breath.
You shook your head slowly and got a better look at him as his eyes shut with a wince.
His jacket was a mess, a bite mark that was still bleeding soaking into his collar peaked out at you, and you grit your teeth as you looked down to see more droplets soaking into other places as well on his sides and hips.
"I'm going to go get some things to help fix you up. Are you okay with taking a shower on your own?" You murmured softly but very seriously.
Angel forced his eyes open and nodded despite moving being the last thing he wanted to do right now, having you leave being even lower on that list.
"Yeah.. 'ut get me a change of clothes while you're out. That is unless you wanna see me in nothing more than a towel." He joked with a humour that was obviously not present, voice still very much hoarse.
You smiled at the comment half-heartedly and nodded. "I'll be right back, I swear." You gently patted his cheek before gripping his hands to help him stand up. With the tremendous height difference, it didn't do too much, but you could see he was appreciative of it nonetheless.
After a couple of minutes, you came back into the room with a change of clothes, a first aid kit, and a water bottle in one hand, a cup of hot chocolate in the other made just how liked it.
Angel was sitting on your bed awkwardly with a white towel draped over his lap. As he stood up and turned the other way to slip on the pair of shorts you'd bought him, you could fully see some of the multiple bite marks that were seeping into Angel's fur, matting it.
Your fists clenched and unclenched but you still didn't voice the silent fury coursing through you at what had clearly happened to him.
You placed the hot chocolate in Angel's hands as he sat back down, receiving a barely audible thanks, and then set into disinfecting the various marks and patching them up.
Each time he tensed up and hissed due to the disinfectant, you apologised profusely but didn't stop as you wanted to get it over as soon as possible for his sake.
Angel dug his teeth into the mug in his hands to avoid biting his tongue or cheek as he winced in pain, the hot drink on your part both a crutch and a grounding tool so he didn't dissociate away from everything completely.
If that happened, he knew he'd most likely pass out and that was the last thing he needed to do right now while you were making sure he didn't get some horrific infection from the wounds he'd sustained.
He was so incredibly tired of so much.
He didn't want to keep seeing the blurred images of the afternoon and night that made him want to start sobbing again.
He couldn't even remember properly, it was all a blur; hungry hands on him, faces and bodies he couldn't quite remember, and Valentino's red eyes looking down on him as his fist closed around his neck. All his memories were out of place, like a ripped up photograph rearranged wrongly.
Angel didn't even know what he'd done to get punished by him today.
He'd come to realise there was no real reason though due to you telling him as much, and that searching for it would just make spiral. It wasn't his fault that that moth-winged cunt had decided to break him today.
Or at least, that was the logical answer.
He still remembered the words that plagued him through the mess of memories and painful sensations staring at back at him like a hall of mirrors, though. 'You brought this upon yourself, Angelcakes.' Said through a cruel, patronising grin right before those same teeth dug into him again, and again, and again.
Angel grit his teeth as the memory made his head hurt before gagging as horrific nausea suddenly hit him all at once.
You cursed, having just finished up patching his wounds and pulled him towards the bathroom sink in your ensuite.
You took the hot chocolate from his hands before using the other to sweep his fur out of the way just in time as he started wretching loudly into the sink.
You patted his back awkwardly as he threw up all of what he'd been binging for the night in rapid succession, looking at a crack near the door frame of your bathroom to try give him some semblance of privacy.
After a couple of seconds, Angel panted with a horrified expression on his face at the taste in his mouth, shuddering.
"That was fuckin nasty, 'm sorry." Angel cringed, trembling with exertion as he washed out the sink and his mouth.
"If you're sick, you're sick, Angie." You continued rubbing his back gently as Angel straightened up, sighing in relief as he felt more steady now that everything had all been purged from his system.
One part of himself wanted to go bother Husk for more to drink, but he pushed it away, instead opting for the now lukewarm cup of hot chocolate that was sitting neglected on the edge of the bathroom sink.
He gripped the mug and threw it back, chugging it in the hope of washing out the horrific taste that still stuck around.
"Wait a second, I'll give you the painkillers with that." You called over you shoulder as you went to rummage through the first aid kit.
Angel slowly walked out of the bathroom after you, hunched over to be about your height as he waited for the pills. He tiredly spaced out as he looked at your hands going through the pile of stuff you'd brought.
You pressed the meds into his palm, and watched as he quickly downed it. "Do you wanna stay in my room tonight?" You asked as you cleared the stuff off of your bed.
You didn't really need the verbal confirmation as Angel flopped down onto your bed with a loud groan as he finally relaxed, exhaustion passing over every part of him.
You chuckled softly, and crawled up next to him, gently wrapping your arms loosely around his lower back as you pulled his face into your chest again.
He wrapped his arms around you in turn, another one of his hands creeping towards yours in silent request. You understood, lacing your fingers with his and gently nuzzled affectionately into the top of his head.
You could feel him start shaking softly again, once again tearing up despite everything. You tightened your embrace as you felt wet tears sink into your shirt again.
"It's okay, honey. It's okay. You're safe here with me." You repeated.
"Thank you 'o much." Angel whispered, tightening his grip on you in an attempt to bring you and your warmth to the bottomless pit of despair he constantly tried to forget.
"No problem. I love you, Angie. I really hope you know that." You gently kissed the top of his head, squeezing your hand laced with his reassuringly. "Now come on, try to get some sleep, you must be exhausted."
Angel's crying slowly stopped as the feeling of the security you provided swept over him like a warm blanket, creeping into every last crack in himself and filling it. The rhythmic beat of your heart under his cheek lulled him to complete calmness.
He didn't want it to end, but he still slipped into the warm embrace of sleep.
If only for a small while, the lock on his prison cell wasn't as cold, and the bars were not visible through your arms.
All that shit could wait until tomorrow.
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I've read over it multiple times, but if there are errors y'all can see reading this one pls lmk - my brains been on wrong a bit today.
Bruh I just want Angel to be happy and cared for istg, he deserves it. 😭
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