#but then i figured theres been a lot of hot pink lately so something a little lighter would be nice
la-llama-sims · 1 year
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𝟛𝟙 𝔻𝕒𝕪𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝔹𝕒𝕣𝕓𝕚𝕖- 𝕄𝕪𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕪 𝕊𝕡𝕪
This Barbie is on a mission to steal your heart and look good while doing it!
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liveontelevision · 7 months
R and R | Lucifer X OC!Reader
Another! Tadaaa
If i'm being totally honest, i was Stoned out of my mind when i wrote this, so i can't guarantee it's top shelf, but here ya go.
TW: some mentions of self-harm, suicide, but mostly fluff and suggestive stuff
Enjoy ;)
You stumbled upon the renovated hotel directly after arriving in hell. It was a dark and confusing night, but you hadn't had the easiest life anyway. Barely getting by day to day, with a history of depression and self-harm, sometimes your only solution to your problems was to keep walking forward. So you did just that, leading you to a fantastical hotel that seemed to be giving away free rooms.
You entered the lobby, covered in dirt, blood, and whatever else was on the streets of hell. You worked as a waitress, and on an especially rough day, your break time was spent taking your own life. And here you are, in a pink and white striped, vintage uniform dress. Along with a little apron, that still had written orders on it in your pocket.
Looking an absolute mess, Charlie immediately took you in and fixed you up before rambling about the redemption aspect.
It was a miracle that you stumbled upon the clean and comfortable rooms available. It wasn't anything that fancy, but after being on the streets until your end, this was heaven.
After appreciating a significant amount of pampering, a hot shower, comfortable clean clothes, and a cushy bed, you were introduced to the rest of the hotel residents. Everyone seemed lovely, some.. interesting.. personalities, but nothing you weren't too intimidated by. Except for Alastor. The tall, shadowy figure put you entirely on edge, and you hated to admit that you were actually afraid of him.
Moving on -
You've been a resident at the hotel for 6 months! They did say redemption would take a while, but at this point, it was becoming hard to believe.. Still, in reality, why would you leave? You created a chosen family that can't be compared to your living family in any aspect. Not to mention the slightest crush on the king of hell himself.
It was something you were ignoring for weeks, but his humor and caring nature was too hard to ignore. The fact is, you start noticing little things when you develop feelings. How his eyes sparkled when he looks at Charlie, and fiddled with his ring when he became anxious, and how his hair get's messier when he seems stressed. You assume that he doesnt really take care of himself when theres too much on his plate.. it almost made your heart ache just thinking about it.
You also notice how he unconsciously flinches at the slightest touch, even to Charlie. From the sounds of it, he hadn't been this active and social for years, so physical contact had to have been sparce.
It was just because he was working on things.. yeah, important things!
Of course, its your anniversary of arriving at the hotel, so you were welcomed into the lobby that night with banners, balloons, some sloppy cookies, the works; everyone was there to celebrate your progress. The night consisted of a heart-felt speech from charlie, some disturbing accessories gifted to you by niffty, and a lot of drinking. Lucifer was prone to getting lost in a conversation, especially with you. And even moreso after a few rounds of whiskey. Very late into the night, you finally noticed how everyone had gone to their rooms, leaving you and Lucifer in a passionate conversation about whatever important project he was currently working on.
You found yourself facing him entirely, your knees brushed against his side with every roll of your barstool. You were too intoxicated to notice his small reactions to it. Occasionally, it would cause him to stutter or make him lose his focus. You were rudely dissociating while he talked, noticing his hair was slightly messy. It must have been another long day.. A small piece of hair fell into his face, but he didn't do much about it, continously blowing it out of his eyesight and combing his fingers back through his hair. It was all you were able to focus on while he spoke, almost to an annoying extent. You let out a sigh and simply brush the hair out of his eyes during one of his stories. You leaned back and propped your elbow on the bar, waiting for him to continue on after he stopped talking for some reason. It finally clicked that you may have overstepped his boundaries. He was blinking his widened eyes, just a slight blush across his cheeks. You gasped, covering your mouth with your hands.
"Oh! Oh- Lucifer i'm sorry i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything I just-" you rambled an apology out before he snaps out of his fazed state. He quickly calms you down;
" Nope! No-ho-hope you are great. Fine! You're fine, it's fine.." his drunken babbles dug his grave. He groaned and laid his heads in his hands for a moment.
"Just.. i've been alone for so long, you know? I always get a little nervous when people do that.. type of thing..." He leaned up, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.
For some reason, your only thought process was to try to calm his nerves any way possible.
" S-sooo.. do you want, like, a massage or something?" That bold comment was never something you'd say to royalty, even to ones you've become close with. Lucifer's eyes grew even wider as he stuttered nonsense.
You slap your forehead, "Fuck! Lucifer, i'm drunk i swear.. i'm sorry. If you manage to remember this night after blacking out, do me a favor and forget this whole thing, okay?" You rambled.
".. Yes."
It took you a moment to process what you just heard. You looked over to him, his shoulders were tensed as his hands clenched fists onto his thighs. He was looking away, biting the inside of his mouth, possibly to stop him from saying anything else. You blinked, a small smile spread across your face, just seeing this powerful demon acting all embarrassed.
"Okay. Sure, yeah!  I mean.. if you're comfortable, i.. i don't mind doing it." You responded. There was no reason to debate this, playing it off as a bold response. Lucifer gulped, his face only getting hotter with every word.
He takes a few deep breaths," Fuck it.. Listen, I trust you." He smiled at you, the kind of smile that made your heart melt. You try to switch the topic as the two of you moved up to his room, simply to avoid the dreaded awkward silence. You got into another friendly conversation about something unimportant, that will have been forgetten in a matter of hours.
You've been in his workshop once or twice. It seemed like he kept the doors locked often, probably nervous about anyone seeing the mess that was inside. It wasn't too bad this night. He did have to swipe a few rubber ducks off the couch, so there was a place to sit, though. Lucifer plopped on the couch, his back stretched heavily as his head leaned over the back of the head rest. He rubbed his shoulder in this relaxed position, seemingly stressed just by being in a place he associated with work. That didn't stop you from taking a mental photo of him in this state. He wore a white shirt, decorated with puffed sleeves that were rolled to his elbows, and a small ruffle coming from the neck line. He crossed his  legs in his regular heeled boots and began to explain some work he was struggling with. He brushed his hair back into place again, looking to you as he did and noticing you were still standing. He cocked his head before silently slapping the cushion next to him.
" So.. how we gonna do this?" He tries to play off the suddenly intimate moment with a jokingly flirty voice.
"Ah! Right, well.. you could - face this way, and i'll just -" you quickly sat with your legs underneath you and take a hold of his shoulders, moving his body to have his back face you.
"Ookay. So.. um, tell me if this is.. uncomfortable, okay?" You decided to set that boundary for him, and he nodded in response. He looked down slightly, revealing his neck to you, already relaxing his shoulders.
Your hands hesitated for a moment just reaching out to him. Finally making contact, you noticed a familiar little flinch, making you pull away immediately.
"Sorry! Sorry, go ahead.. uh- please.." he muttered. You nod and try again, your hands touching his shoulders much slower than before. He slouches his back towards you, letting out a satisfying sigh just a few moments later.
You moved your massaging hands from his shoulders to his shoulder blades, then to his middle back, then slightly lower. As you focused on specific areas that simply felt harder to dig into, you occasionally ran your fingers up and down his spine. He shuddered every time, making you do it just for the reaction at certain points.
You brushed another spot near his side, that made him flinch. It took both of you by surprise, being simply one of those spots on your body that make you jump. He let out a sudden hic, turning his head back to you. Your eye contact felt long overdue. The couch wasn't very large, his actions left him just a few inches away from your face. You hold your breath, worried that he'd hear how fast your heart was beating. You take the sudden interruption as a chance to make a suggestion.
"Can I.. can i do your- uhm..." You pointed to his chest, implying what you were too nervous to say. He almost stopped to think for a moment before shifting his position to face you directly. You let out your breath and looked at the nervous demon in front of you. His face was rosey pink, his eyes half lidded. You take out another quick breath before reaching back up to his shoulders. You dug into his shoulder and collarbone area, nervous to go any lower. Your thumbs traced the divots of his collarbone as your fingers reached up across his neck momentarily. He melted into every movement, his body moving with the direction of your hands, his eyes finally resting shut.
You got as lost in it as he did, the massage suddenly turning into your hands lightly tracing over his features. You could tell he only needed the slightest comforting touch to relax. Your fingers traced down the center of his chest, then made circular motions over his abdomen, then back up, tracing across his arms and squeezing his palms lightly. He flexed his wrists as if he was about to hold your hand in his. You were embarrassed to admit how excited that madd you for a moment. While running your hands near his sides, you accidentally reach into his partially untucked blouse. You both gasp and pull away, giving each other the same wide-eyed face. Lucifer was first to break eye contact. He looked at your hands for a moment before letting out a brave breath and unbuttoning his shirt from the front. You cover your eyes and stammered out.
"Woah-woah! It was an accident you don't have to do this if you-"
"Oh! Shit! Ah-hah.. i'd.. i mean, i wouldnt mind... if .. you.. wouldn't?" He bashfully replied, covering his previously unbottoned chest.
"No, i don't mind.." Your responses were becoming more confident, uncovering your face. You almost smile at him but become too flustered watching him remove his shirt. He let his top sit at his waist, simply pulling the shirt off his shoulders. His skin was like porcelain, smooth and white, and surprisingly cold to the touch. Your hands pressed on his chest, attempting to heat him up with your warm hands. Either you pushed too hard, or he expected something different, but Lucifer follows your hands and lets you essientally push him back to lay on his forearms. You can't handle it. He looked so amazing in this position. You both mentally decided that it was best to just not question this increasingly intimidate moment.
You resume running your hands across his chest, noticing his breath changing. After just a couple minutes, he was putty in your hands. His forearms were shaking and gripping the edge of the couch, ready to give out. Then he finally gave in, making him drop his back to the cushion of the couch. You followed his movements as the position slowly shifted, and your knee moved in between his legs, trying to keep up with his slouching torso. He's breathing heavily from his lips, his face a tomato red, while he can barely keep his eyes open. You enjoyed his reaction too much to ruin this moment, but god, you were desperate to be closer to him. You swirled your palms down his torso and abdomen, tracing his v lines until you lightly grazed the hem of his pants.
You stop yourself, pulling your hands away and keeping them close to you, hoping to hide your heaving chest until you calmed down. It takes him a minute to tune back in, looking up at you with concern and slight disappointment. His eyes darted around for a moment before sitting up and breaking the silence.
"You.. uh.. you want to stop? You've done more than enough, trust me, Way more than.. I.. erm.. fuck it. If you're not up to it, it's okay.. but-" he stopped his mumbling, to slowly pull out his 3 sets of wings. To comfortably adjust their size, he had to essentially curl them in your direction. Being as large as they were, they were nearly encasing the two of you together. You shrink back, curiousity hitting you before he could properly ask. You ran your hand across his feathers, simply intrigued by their color and softness. He let out a soft yelp, making you pull back again. Again, you two give eachother a wide eyed stare, not sure how to follow up that kind of reaction. At this point, you finally let out a snort and started to laugh. It was quick to lighten the mood, as he joined you.
"Keep going." He smiled at you, a beautiful sparkle in his red eyes, as he reached out to take one of your hands. He took that hand and gave its palm a small kiss.
"Ooh~ i'm honored, your highness." You teased. He responded with wiggling his eyebrows and sending a joking smirk in your direction, hoping that would conseal his excitement to your words.
It didn't, really.
You gently take your hand from his, and continue running your fingers across his feathers. They flinch at any contact but still folded into your hand with a longing to be held. His flirtatious demeanor immediately folded, letting out another sigh. He became a bit vocal this time, letting out low hums every now and then. And sometimes, he would attempt to hold his eyes open just to look at you. He wasn't sure if you could tell, being too concentrated in your work, but he didn't care. He loved the view. His breath became heavier again, but with the close proximity and his wings keeping you two close, the area became very heated.
You send a puff of air close to his feathers, letting out a small chuckle at his sudden shock. The laughter between the two of you slowly dissolving into sweet smiles. The light was slightly dampened by the coverage of his wings, yet you were still able to see his shifting eyes. He leans towards you, breathing slowly. In response, you place your hands back on his chest, causing him to sit back up a bit. He almost looked upset for a moment, being stopped from moving towards you. You gather the courage before moving in closer, your legs nearly overlapping each other at this point. You lean in just a few inches away and shut your eyes, allowing him to finally make the decision to meet your lips together.
The teasingly long tension from this intimacy seemingly burst. Lucifer's wings pull back, tucking back behind him. He breathes heavily into your lips, his head swaying in the direction of yours, still melting into your touch. To keep him from completely collapsing, you keep your hands firmly on his chest. His arms tenderly grab yours, just needing something, anything, to anchor himself. You pull away after a while, allowing him to catch his breath.
Even in this winded, flustered state, you could both tell this is something he's needed for a long time. It was a long night, following every desire that he was too embarrassed to ask for and loving every moment of it. It felt so good to give this sweetheart something he didn't realize he needed; something he deserves. You end up leaning your back on the couch arm, his back flush to your chest. Your fingers were running through his hair slowly, providing a very satisfying scalp massage. The warmth coming from you body, and him unknowingly using your chest as a pillow was more than enough to lull him to sleep. You couldn't remember if he was awake at the time, but you continued to plant a small kiss on the top of his head before falling asleep right underneath him.
You sit up quickly from your sleep, immediately wincing at the light coming from the workshops' windows. After taking a moment to get used to your throbbing head, you finally took in your surroundings and then the flood of memories of the night before hit. Your eyes went wide, and you groaned into your hands. Despite this reaction, you were so glad that you remembered last night. You finally notice a blanket over you and a large duck plush underneath your head, which made you smile until realizing Lucifer was gone. Your chest dropped, immediately thinking of what you could have done to make him leave you here, alone.
"Feeling like shit, my love? 'Cause i sure am!" His voice comes from the door, in an entirely joking tone. You quickly turn to see him, letting out a sigh of relief. The king of hell made you fucking pancakes. He wear a little apron protecting the same shirt he wore the night before, and placed your plate at a nearby table. You hobble off the couch, groaning from the stiffness of your body. Lucifer was quick to pull out your chair, and push it back in once you were seated, the table set with a variety of fruits, the tall stack of pancakes, a small glass of water, and a large mug of coffee. Clearly, that was what you went for first. The drink shot you awake, noticing the freshness of the ingredients and its preporation. You take in a large fork-ful of hotcakes and let out a stereotypical hum.
"You're amazing, Lucifer." You mumble out of your pancake-filled cheeks. He places his hand on yours, simply smiling at you from the side of the table.
"Thank you, darling. I really needed that.. like Really needed that." He huffs out, becoming embarrassed again. He didnt even stutter holding on to your hand. You finish off your food, having some light conversation that came easy to the two of you after last night.
Alastor's broadcast chimed through a nearby radio, "Hellish morning, residents! ~ I'm sure you all had a restful sleep after your nightly activities! Your planned activities for today include ... "
Alastors voice quietly fills the room, announcing some of the exercises Charlie had planned for today. His phrasing made you nervous, as if he knew what you were up to. It also gave you an uncomfortable flashback to a high school P.A. system.
" I should get going then, right? Busy... trying to be redeemed.. and stuff. You know." You slide out of your chair, letting out a nervous chuckle, not seeing his strange reaction to you mentioning redemption. As if he were scared to lose you to heaven. Before you have a chance to look back at him, Lucifer is wrapped around your waist. He shifts to stand into the embrace, as close as he could be. He leaves a hand on the small of you back, and the other on the back of your neck, his clawed fingers entangled in your hair. It takes you a minute to hold him back, just from the shock, but you held him tight, closing your eyes and nuzzling your nose into his hair. That's when you notice how lovely he smelled.. probably an apple scented shampoo. -And how he never flinched to your touch after that night.
I left this one pretty suggestive, because i haven't really written smut before. I might rewrite this if anyone's interested in it going that route tho!
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Party Crashers
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Request - Here
Summary - Billy and Mayor Clines daughter are in a super secret relationship, but things become a little restless and the truth gets revealed by accident... but not in the best way...
Warnings - Tommy being a bit of a creep lmao, Alcohol consumption, Mentions of underaged drinking, a small mention of drugs
Word Count - 2048 , I finally counted them yay!! x 
Authors Notes - This was a hefty one and i’m so sorry it was so late, ive been super preoccupied and I also wanted to make this to the best of my abilities and I hope you enjoy it! x 
Everyone in Hawkins knew you. Everyone.
A lot of people would think of this as some popularity dream come true, but in all honesty it was a nightmare. Any hope at a relationship was diminished due to a lack of privacy, even going to the store at the weekend people made a fuss.
“The mayors daughter bought meat? Does she hate animals?” Or “Y/N L/N caught smoking!” And your personal favourite “The Mayors Soon To Be A Grandad”. That was after a certain Harrington got caught making out with you behind his car.
That was another problem with relationships, you were constantly being set up with rich kids who owned islands and beaches. Steve was the most casual relationship you’d had after his parents started to cozy up to your father. Unfortunately that didn’t end on the best of terms, both of you growing apart romantically and only really wanting to keep in sexual contact till you officially broke it off.
But then he came. Sun kissed skin and golden curls, he was the definition of a bad boy. Someone your parents would hate the thought of you dating. Billy Hargrove.
He was the everything you’d been told to walk away from. But instead you walked towards him, and soon enough you’d formed yourself a secret relationship.
Making out in his camaro at midnight, down by an old wreck on the outskirts of town. Fucking in your bed at the dead of night whilst he held your hands. Cuddling up on his sofa whilst you got out of your mind high.
He was a rush of adrenaline in your boring and plain life.
Every event you went to, your mind would wonder to the way his hands felt on your body, or how soft his lips were.
Everything was simply divine.
Tommy pulled a flyer from his bag and waved it around in Billy’s face. “There’s a fancy ass party up at the lakeside mansion, and I’d say we crash it tonight, theres gonna be beer and shit, they probably do drugs too man, all rich people do drugs right?” He blabbed, a sure fantasy made up in his mind about some crazy party going on.
“Sure whatever, but you’re in the shit if there’s no beer k?” He chuckled, flicking his cigarette on the floor. His eyes gazed around the parking lot, trying to scope you out. Usually, he didn’t have that hard a time, your elegant stature and bounce in your step drew obvious attention towards you. Finally he caught sight of the familiar heels that clicked against the concrete.
“Y/L Cline man... fuck if I wasn’t with Carol I’d fucking-“ Billy elbowed him harshly and dragged his eyes to look at the rest of you.
“I gotta go” he mumbled, heading to your usual make out spot, the back of the school, behind the bike shed.
You did the same, waving goodbye to your friends to go ‘do some errand’.
Quietly, you looked around to make sure the coast was clear before heading behind the shed to meet with Billy.
“Heya Princess” he winked, his arms were open as he engulfed you into a strong hug. Squeezing you a little before pulling away. You leaned up on your tip toes and gave him a small kiss on the cheek.
“Can we pretty please hang out tonight? It’s my birthday tmr and I wanna make sure I get to spend as much time with you as I can before I have to go to some shoddy event...” Billy sighed, remembering back to Tommy.
“I wanna so bad princess, but Tommy asked me to do something with him... and I’ve kinda stood him up like 5-6 times already, I’m an asshole but not a jerk” he chuckled. You rolled your eyes and kissed his cheek one last time.
“Well be safe and don’t get too drunk or high, because I’m not prepared to try and heave a 5,10 brute through my window again... mr muscles..” giving his bicep a quick squeeze. “Oh and before I forget, here’s your lunch... Maxine told me to make something with jam in it” Billy’s face lit up, food being something that always got him in a good mood.
“Thank you angel, and you can call her Max if you want... I only call her Maxine because it pisses her off etc..” His voice lowered a little in embarrassment and slight shame.
“Don’t worry, I tease my younger cousins all the time” you giggled, handing him his sandwich and giving him a tight hug. “See you when I see you, and I’m expecting a birthday kiss tomorrow!” You giggled and headed away from the spot.
9pm headed around the corner as Billy waited outside Tommy’s house.
“Thought your parents were rich as shit, why aren’t you going?” He muttered, lighting a cigarette.
“Not as rich as these fuckers... probably related to royalty or something.. gonna get so wasted tonight” Tommy chuckled. “So we sneak in through the back and head across the hall towards the wine cellar, and then figure it out from there” The plan was stupid enough, let alone Tommy’s fantasy that he was gonna get beyond wasted.
Your mother fussed around the house, dressed in a gown with her hair tied up and prepped. “Y/N! Why aren’t you ready? The party is in an hour and you’re in your dinner wear?” She scolded, heading down the hall, muttering something or other about how irresponsible you were.
In all fairness you’d completely forgot about this party, it was a small celebration by your fathers lake house. A few kids from your old middle school would be there, probably dressed in diamonds and crystals. Private school wasn’t your favourite place in the world...
Quickly, you shoved on a gown from your wardrobe and did it up. Your mother rushed into the room, pulling your arm to take you to her bedroom where she curled your hair and applied some makeup to your face. “Can’t believe you’re wearing this old thing darling... there’s a pink dress in there that I bought especially for this event” she huffed. So you scuttled off down the hall and carefully stripped yourself of the green gown, being aware that you had a full face of makeup and hair was sprayed perfectly into place. The pink dress was pretty and hung perfectly on your frame... a bit flouncy but still beautiful.
Finally you were ready, getting into your fathers car and heading straight for your birthday party thingy.
Billy heaved Tommy up the wall and over into the garden.
Tux on and everything. If he was to say so himself, Billy thought he looked quite handsome, might keep it on and surprise you later.
They both landed on some bush and wiped themselves down, climbing from the foliage.
“There it is, the lake house. These really are some rich fuckers” Tommy smirked, admiring the huge mansion, lit up with classical music coming from it.
“Right, but I don’t see any bear?” A low growl causing Tommy to twiddle his thumbs.
“Eh well maybe there might not be beer, but! There might be... ok truth is these guys have a daughter and I’ve heard that she’s hella hot so I kinda wanna see for myself ya know” Billy rolled his eyes and scoffed.
“You have a girlfriend”
“You don’t”
“Yeah I - I don’t” Billy stiffened up, remembering the pinkie promise you’d forced him to make.
“Right so let’s go get you laid, and then you can tell me everything” He smirked, eyebrows wiggling as he pushed Billy towards the house.
“Look man I’m tired”
“Bullshit” he chuckled, pushing him through the doors. The house was indeed grand, marble check floors with beautiful fluffy rugs and a glamorous chandelier hanging in the middle.
“Who the hell owns this place?” Tommy shrugged and dusted off his tux.
“No way... I think there is beer” The mischievous grin played on Tommy’s face as he spied a rather large old man swigging back some liquid.
You sat glumly with Sabrina, she chatted on about how ravish her private school life was and how perfect everything was going, something like that. Your mind wondering to Billy, how he’s probably high as hell right now without you. Everything was boring and dull without him.
“Dude! Let’s check out upstairs” Tommy grabbed Billy’s arm and hauled him up the stairs a long corridor of various doors facing them. A voice started to make its way up the stairs to, quickly Tommy shoved himself and Billy into the first door. They both stumbled and fell into the huge room.
“Holy shit dude... this is the chicks room” Tommy slurred, that clearly wasn’t beer that he was chugging back.
Slowly Billy took in the surroundings. His eyes focusing on a picture on the dresser. Was that him? Then it dawned on him.
Who was rich, had a lake house and was a chick? His girlfriend.
Tommy started to shift through the closet, grabbing a pair of panties and holding them up.
“Woah... she’s foxy” he was hammered.
“Give me those” Billy snatched the panties out of Tommy’s hand.
The voice that had been following them got louder. Quickly Billy grabbed Tommy and pulled him into the other side of the bed, forcing him to duck.
“So this is my daughters room... goodness, it’s quite a mess, I apologise she doesn’t-“ A loud thud cut off your mother’s words. She let out a screech as two teenage boys stumbled from behind the bed. One drunk and laughing, the other looking like a deer in the headlights.
And that very moment led to Billy sat in front of the very Mayor himself, you sat right next to him and Tommy sitting against the wall.
“He’s my boyfriend and I tried to sneak him in” you mumbled, fuddling with your fingers, trying your best to not get Billy into trouble.
“So you snuck him through the window? Look I don’t want to hear it anymore, you can’t see him again, and you boy, if you come near my daughter again I’ll have you out of this town fast” Your father was beyond mad. He looked about ready to kill.
“But dad-“
“She didn’t sneak me in, it’s not her fault, I just wanted to surprise her and I chose the wrong night” billy piped up, looking at the floor.
“Surprise her? Why?”
“Because it’s her birthday tomorrow and we probably wouldn’t have seen eachother on the day because you usually plan stuff out for her... so I came early”
“Without a gift?”
“I don’t have much money sir but I do have a gift for her”
“What is it?”
“DAD?!” You squeaked, “look I’m tired of this, it doesn’t matter anyway, I love Billy but clearly you only ever care if he’s got money or if he’s some private school kid but I don’t care because he’s amazing and none of that matters” You sternly presented your point. Grabbing Billy’s hand and squeezing it.
“Fine, be with him but don’t expect to come running to me for comfort when he leaves you high and dry, and also if you break my daughters heart-“
“Dad... he gets it” you muttered, looking in Billy’s eyes. A small smile on both of your faces. Quietly your mother stood smiling to herself, rembering when her own father had yelled at her for dating some bad boy, turns out that bad boy became the mayor so jokes on him she chuckled to herself. History sure does repeat itself.
Tommy’s snores came from the back of the room.
“Dipshit wake up” Billy shoved his leg.
“Fuck off” Tommy grumbled, eyes still closed, Carol was gonna kill him.
“Langauge” you scolded both of them, taking Billy into the party again.
“I think we should head to your room” Billy whispered. You gave him a playful smack on the arm.
“We just got told off we can’t do that now-“ Billy held his hand out, a certain pair of lace panties in his palm.
“Why do you have those?!”
“Tommy’s a fucking perv” he grunted, as you both shuffled back into your room.
It was gonna be nice not to have to hide Billy anymore.
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my-status-single · 5 years
Tony’s Daughter Side Story 7
Character Pairing: Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Word count: 1548
Warnings: Steve is nervous. Theres sex KINDA in this part. 18+. Tony is mentioned. I feel like that has to be a warning now Yyyyikes.
Synopsis: Let’s drop two…three? bombs in this part. Steve is ready to take a few more steps in this relationship of his.
Authors Note: This is a canon compliant AU. This story is set in the same AU as my series Tony’s Daughter. It isn’t a direct part of that series, but it does take place in the same timeline. I’m going to release a post with the current timeline soon, because as this series has progressed things have changed.
Tony’s Daughter Side Stories Autumn
Tony’s promise for a form of birth control rang true.
It arrived exactly a month after that first visit with a note ‘Have fun kids xoxo T.S”.
It was great. Really helpful. Really great and…helpful.
Steve can’t figure out why it was addressed to him.
Why would his girlfriend’s birth control show up on his doorstep?
Did Tony think this was a joke? A fun game to play?
It definitely wasn’t.
Why would his girlfriend’s father send him the birth control intended for her?
Why wouldn’t he just send it to her?
Wouldn’t that have been the logical thing to do?
Steve was already overthinking the whole sex thing.
He’s had sex before so he shouldn’t be freaking out the way that he is.
But he’s definitely freaking out.
“Hey you ready?” He hears her call and it startles him enough that he drops the package and kicks it under his bed as she walks into his bedroom.
“Yeah.” He says after a beat. He stands and goes to her, kissing her forehead. “What am I ready for exactly?” He whispers, rubbing her hips as he pulls her closer.
She laughs and swats at his chest. “Farmer’s market.” She says. “Get dressed.” She says and swats his bum then. He laughs and steals a quick kiss before walking to his closet and dressing for the day.
He forgets about the box for a solid week.
Until a cuddle on the couch gets a bit heated.
They are both flushed in the face and she pulls away and kisses his nose and leaves.
And Steve wants to hit his head against the wall.
He can’t quite figure out why they are waiting anymore because…well, they’ve done things. They’ve been naked together and..had fun. They just haven’t…had sex.
And he’s sure that’s because of him. Because she’s waiting for him. And that’s great, but now it has him freaking out over taking that next step.
Because just like with their first kiss, he feels like it’s a bigger deal than it needs to be now.
“You’ve done this before.” He keeps reminding himself.
There had been those couple of months on that USO tour. Some of the dancers had been very enthusiastic about the thought of being with Captain America. And he had gone along with it because…wasn’t that was he was supposed to do?
And after the defrosting..he’d been so desperate to just feel anything that he’d been with a few people.
So, he’s done this.
He’s done sex.
Had sex?
God, he’s freaking out.
Steve is not a liar. And it would be a lie if he said he didn’t want this.
He’d wanted this for a long time actually. Long before everything happened with Loki even. She is a beautiful woman and his body responds to that. It’s a natural reaction. It’s just not one he rarely acts on these days. Because he wants it to mean something. And most of the time he’s acted on that feeling it hasn’t meant something.
But now.
Now she is his and he is hers.
And he wants that closeness.
That connection.
And the build up to that is making him a little crazy.
Is this a symptom of his anxiety? He still has trouble recognising those symptoms.
His heart is pounding in his ears, and his stomach is doing little flips, and his breathing is not at all even.
That’s anxiety, right?
She’s going to be here in less than ten minutes and he really needs to pull himself together.
“You’ve done this before, Steve. You’ve got to calm down buddy.” He whispers and rubs his temples. “She already likes you, man.” He groans. This is so embarrassing, Jesus. “This isn’t the 40s. You aren’t fighting for her attention. She’s attracted to you.” He says.
“Who’s attracted to you?” He freezes at the sound of her voice and lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“Hey.” He whispers, looking over at her. She tilts her head to the side and eyes him curiously.
“Hi Stevie.” She says back. “You’ve been kind of jumpy lately. You okay?” She walks over to him and kisses him softly. Like she always does. But he holds her closer for longer, deepens the kiss a bit and rests his forehead against hers.
“I love you.” He whispers. Her eyes widen and she looks up at him. “You don’t have to say it back.” He says and takes her hands. “But...I’m at the point where I want more from this. And I don’t want to take that next step without you knowing how I feel. Without telling you that I love you.” He whispers. 
The idea of sex makes him nervous. But this? This is the most simple thing in the world. Telling her that he loves her. It’s easy.
And the way she is beaming at him right now? 
That’s just icing.
“I love you too.” She whispers to him. His breath hitches a bit and then he’s beaming too.
“Yeah?” He whispers. She giggles softly and nods. “Yes Steve. I love you.”
“That’s good.” He says and nods. “That’s really good.” He whispers.
And then they are kissing again.
They’ve kissed a lot. Steve really likes kissing her and she lets him whenever he wants to. Which is often. But this time is different. They both feel it. And it’s not just because of the declaration they’ve just made. It’s because they both know it’s the start of more.
He deepens this kiss, holding her waist and pulling her flush against him.
“This is okay right?” He whispers lips ghosting over her ear as she kisses his neck.
“It’s perfect. Please don’t stop.” She whispers back. But she pulls away then and he frowns.
“Do you want this?” She asks, hands resting on his chest.
He left out a small laugh. “Sweetheart, I definitely want this.” He says.
She nods and kisses him again. There are no hesitations from either of them after they both give their green light. She’s tugging his shirt off and he has his hands under hers, still only touching her waist. He’s ever the gentleman.
He kisses her neck softly and she moans and nips at the skin on his neck and...suddenly he isn’t a gentleman anymore. 
He grabs the tops of her thighs and hoists her up and onto the counter. She gasps and grins at him.
“This. Off.” She whispers and tugs his t shirt. He obliges and lets her pull it over his head.
“Your turn.” He says and pulls her shirt off as well. She’s already undoing the buckle on his belt. He laughs softly and kisses her neck and shoulder. “We aren’t doing this on the kitchen counter.” He whispers, nipping her skin softly.
She shivers. “Probably a good idea.” She whispers. “Bedroom?” He nods and scoops her up. He likes picking her up. He likes that she lets him. She’d sting and trained and could easily resist, but it seems like she likes it too.
She giggles when he plops her on the bed. Then he gets under it and pulls out Tony’s gift.
“This came a week ago.” He admits sheepishly, handing it to her. She looks at it and turns a bit pink and starts laughing.
“God, he’s such an ass.” She says, still giggling. She opens the package and turns even more red as she pulls out condoms and pills. She looks over everything and hums. There’s another letter, probably explaining what everything is. She reads that.
“The birth control pills take a couple weeks to be effective.” She says. “But he figured we wouldn’t want to wait and made some specialised condoms as well.” She says.
He nods because that..sounds like something Tony would do.
“So, we could use one of those.” She says and he nods again. “Or..” She looks at him and bites her lip.
“Or?” He asks and raises an eyebrow.
“We could just…see what happens?” She whispers, cheeks going pink again.
His eyes widen and he feels his own cheeks go a bit hot.
“R-really?” He whispers and sits beside her on the bed.
She nods slowly. “Yeah…if you want to. I…Steve, I trust you. I see this being permanent. And even with the serum and whatever my mom did the chances of us getting pregnant on the first try are still so slim.” She’s rambling a bit and Steve has never been so in love. He just kisses her softly.
“Whatever happens.” He says and nods. “I’m fine with whatever happens.” He says and strokes her cheek.
She smiles and nods. “Okay.” She whispers.
So he kisses her again. He gently lays her back on the bed, hovering over her a bit. He ghosts kisses over her cheeks and down her neck and chest. She scratches lightly at his shoulders and back.
It’s perfect.
And not that it matters but it’s easily the best sex he’s ever had.
And she stays and cuddles and traces shapes on his chest and biceps.
The women he’s been with…they never stay. Or he doesn’t stay. Because it always felt wrong after.
But this?
This is perfect.
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insomnihan · 5 years
han’s Entire Thoughts and Feelings on CLC’s “Devil”
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there are no read mores here so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ its my brand
THE SONG IS A FUNKY JAZZY BOP™ AND A HALF its the kind of song you just literally BOUNCE in your seat and make you sway from side to side THAT CHORUS IS INSTANTLY CATCHY AND ADDICTING TO LISTEN TO i love the guitar and horns and that weird laser whistle sound????? so much throughout the song!!!!!!! theres a part that goes ‘i tried to be so polite’ that elkie and seungyeon sinGS UUUUUUUUUUGGGHH THATS SO SATISFYING TO MY EARS THERES SO MUCH SEUNGHEE I NEARLY CRIED SHE SINGS THE CHORUS TWO (2) TIMES HER TONE IS INCREDIBLE AND WHEN SORN SINGS IT AFTER AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- (THE SECOND CHORUS WITH YUJIN IS FANTASTIC TOO) YEEUNS RAP OKAY LISTEN I LOVE HER RAP BREAKS IN THE MIDDLE OF THEIR SONGS AND THIS ONE DID NOT DISAPPOINT THAT INSTRUMENTAL BREAK PUNCHED ME AND THERES MORE YUJIN AND EUNBIN!!!!!!! THEY KILLED THEIR PARTS THEY WERE SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!! no im not gonna talk about seunghees breath from the first second we know how i feel
THAT BRIDGE with eunbin and elkie was pretty interesting it stays upbeat and it passes really quickly i dunno why but it felt a little off??? i dunno why??? it just does to me??? i feel like it ends too soon??? just a smidge tho- and it barely makes it to three (3) minutes???? (no is about the same length) but im still BOPPING
sidenote: apparently seunghee mentioned (i dunno where tho) that this song is similar to pepe and that sure is true lmao
THE DANCE remember when i just mentioned how it makes you wanna bounce and sway WELL THATS BC theres a move in the chorus that does just THAT!!!!!! the moment i saw it i copied the move like I GOTTA IN FACT the choreography for the entire chorus is SO fitting like its just lots of hip and shoulder movement BUT it just feels so RIGHT- during yeeuns rap part theres a little bit of a move they did thats similar in their song ME and lowkey i thought that was cool!!
THERES SOMETHING ABOUT that hip move that murders like the way they swivel around first and their hand movement with it and then leading into the side to side just SO SATISFYING TO WATCH especially during the last part in that darker setting!!!!!!!
seunghee starts the dance............................... thanks........ the dancing during eunbin and elkies parts during the bridge was lowkey kinda funny but i found myself following and copying it like sticking my hands out like they did in the video BUT overall it goes with the vibe of the song VERY well!!!!
THE VISUALS the overall video premise reminds me red velvets russian roulette like they are REALLY trying to KILL EACH OTHER IN THIS MV (or at least injure each other) with the soap slipping pushing sorn off that chair dropping that thing on yeeuns head that vacuum literally THROWING DARTS and LIGHTING FIRES and THE MOST DANGEROUS OF ALL....................... stepping on legos.........
SUPER COLORFUL............................ BUT FINISH IT WITH BLACK AND DARKNESS i thought that was interesting LIKE i knew it was coming from the teaser images but i DONT HATE IT the song is called ‘devil’ after all going all dark and lowkey menacing at the end is welcomed here!!!!!! i feel like its supposed to lowkey represent their concepts from debut to now yknow???
I LOVE ALL THE BRIGHT COLORS THO especially the yellows and pinks BUT THEN paired with colors like that blue and green and salmon color or whatever like THAT is just P L E A S I N G™ to my eyes there was ALWAYS a bit of all these colors in nearly ever scene and theres just so mucH BALANCE its pretty refreshing™ if you ask me
THE BATHROOM WITH THE HOT PINK WHERE SEUNGYEON AND YUJIN WERE IN and then made her fall over with the soap and seungyeon acted like she was eating it in the middle of a bathroom
THE ROOM SEUNGHEE AND SORN WERE IN WITH THE YELLOW CHAIR (love putting her in yellow chairs i guess) nearly lighting her on fire seunghees face after makes me laugh lmao
THE DARK GREEN AND ORANGE.............................. Y E S
THAT ALL YELLOW ROOM ELKIE AND EUNBIN WERE IN and it contrasted with elkies bright pink dress and eunbins darker outfit my eyes feel so blessed™
(okay but that chair sorn was on only had one leg i just wanted to mention)
OKAY DENIM ON DENIM YOU DIDNT HAVE TO ATTACK ME LIKE THAT™ AND the construction boots????? really?????? in front of my carton of barbie heads?????? YOU ABOUT TO MAKE ME WORK FROM HOME????? why would you do this if you KNOW HOW I FEEL????? but................... thank you i owe yoU MY LIFE- maybe its just me but at the moment ive been really feeling more brighter things so this.................... is some good food and like i know theyre supposed to be menacing but those black outfits make them look like an all-female biker gang more than anything-
also LEGS™
you usually save the best for last HOWEVER SEUNGHEE a whole WOMAN™ SHE REALLY KILLED ME THIS TIME AROUND i mean is there a time she doesnt kill me lets be real FIRST OF ALL BLACK HAIR BUT ITS STILL THE SAME LENGTH THANK YOU that dark green dress just suits her SO well!!!!!!!!!! also i just love green SO CLASSY™ with the headband and black heels pls- THAT light blue denim on denim with black crop top with the little pony tail...................... at ease i LOVE that look on her so much i dont think yall understand!!!!!!! then the BLACK DRESS!!!!!!!!!! the shoulders out!!!!!!!!!!! the thigh high boots!!!!!!!!!! when she does that dance move with her hips her figure accentuated by her belt.................. at ease x2 (also that one second of a scene where shes smiling over her shoulder in the black outfit i just wanted to mention-)
yujin pls that pink plaid outfit with the pink heels with your purple beret youre sO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LISTEN that denim with the crop top jacket???? with the orange and pink twin braids I CANT SHE LOOKED SO GOOD WITH THAT OUTFIT ON AND THEN THE BLACK LEATHER (is it leather) and the little two BUNS ON THE TOP OF HER HEAD!!!!!!!! A LOOK™!!!!!!!!!! i just always always think shes just so cute but also so fierce????? it breaks my neck i dunno how to describe it i just really like her face????
SEUNGYEON BETTER LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE WITH THAT PINK AND GOLD TOP WITH THE BLACK SKIRT STUNTING WITH HER BEAUTIFUL TAN SKIN she looks so so SO GOOD with the short hair BUT LIKE i love that hairstyle in general so thats to the SURPRISE OF NO ONE shes wearing a darker blue denim but i cant understand the shirt??? is it a jacket wrapped around like a shirt??? so the black outfit with the leather shorts and then she threw the jacket at the camera like the Baddie™ she is................ thanks-
must you be so beautiful sorn??? the braids with the clips in the dark denim with the black crop top i cANT- THIS HAIR COLOR IS STUNNING ON HER I DUNNO HOW TO DESCRIBE THAT COLOR BUT IT LOOKS SO GOOD SHE IS SO FINE™ DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THAT YELLOW FIT WITH THE PLAID YELLOW BERET HOW COULD SHE LOOK SO GOOD WITH SO MUCH YELLOW ON????? that black outfit with the single bun on the top of her head and her hair is like super straight and the boots to her knees im SO-
yeeun you always kept your bob pls keep iT FOREVER- the one piece dark blue denim with that big green clip in your hair YOU MAY BE FIERCE BUT JUST LIKE YUJIN YOURE CUTE™ that red dress with the black heels and then they gave???? you extensions???? for your high pony tail with the black bow??? its cute but i mean i feel like that wasnt needed??? it wouldve looked great with just her short hair i dunno fashion FINALLY the last black outfit with the black hat and one glove and black boots that outfit HITS like pls punch me
DOES ELKIE JUST............... HAVE TO look like a princess?????? like she just always looks like a princess i cant explain it!!!!!!!!! SHE JUST FEELS SO PRINCESS-LIKE honestly i feel like its bc whenever they kinda make her hair wavy or something like that it just makes her more classy looking??? the denim two piece and her skirt is actually half light and half dark blue honestly thats a Look™ its cute!!! that hot pink dress with the one sleeve im HERE FOR IT!!!!!! PLS SHE LOOKS SO CLASSY!!!!! the black outfit is just a black dress BUT the black combat boots and her silver accessories like literally kill me with that hammer youre so stunning™-
so we agree that eunbin took that pink wig from jisoo right?? from ddu-du ddu-du?? jk but IM SO GLAD TO SEE HER MORE IN THIS MUSIC VIDEO!!!!!!!!!! WITH MORE LINES!!!!!!!!!! ANYWAY the light blue was fitted rather loosely but it still looked SO BOMB ON HER and her hair was so straight and that really made that whole Look™ that black dress with her kinda messy hair with combat boots while she was vacuuming elkies hair is an ABSOLUTE LEWK™ I LIKE IT A LOT!!!!! but seriously something about that pink bob is like............... im not sure if i like it??? i think i do??? the grey hat and fringe really pulls that whole look together honestly
tldr: *chefs kiss*
LIKE this was their style and sound of music i believe in the beginning and its nice to hear it again in a new way!!!! its fun and the instrumental even after listening to it so many times im still dancing along with it!!!!!!! i slept late as hell (bc yknow i had to watch this mv) and had to wake up hella early but I AM PUMPED FOR THE REST OF MY DAY!!!!! i mean like no which also barely hits three (3) minutes but im sure just like with no im not gonna mind that duration
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weiqiankun-blog · 5 years
beauty you hold.
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female reader x mark lee 
pretty frickin soft 
my first piece of writing so i do hope you enjoy reading it 
3k ish
You'll admit, working at a coffee shop had it's quirks but there were just sometimes when all you wanted to do was go home and just sleep cause after all you were an exhausted college student and lets just say times were...tough sometimes. You've been working at your local coffee shop for awhile now and youve made friends with the other workers keeping in mind that theyre all quite older than you but atleast you have one close friend who works with you, this of course being one of your bestfriend's yuta. When you first met yuta, you kinda thought he was a pushover and a bit too bossy (or atleats thats what you said to him when you were explaining why you didnt approach him when you guys first met but actually it was only cause you were too scared). But ANYWAY, you were first to start working at the coffee shop, its name being 'Euphoria Cafe' and once you saw the help wanted sign through the window you were probably the first to apply cause you loved that place. Need a place to study? Euphoria, Need a place to relax? Euphoria, Need a place to sometimes see a few cute boys from time to time?... Euphoria (hotel?trivago (sorry i just had to)) so yeah. you got the job obviously and it was difficult at first to get used to how to use all the machines and everything but eventually you got the hang of it. And this is when your (not yet) best friend yuta comes waltzing in as the newly hired worker and you were kinda nervous cause yeah sure you're good with making friends but that doesn’t change that fact that you're terrified of embarrassing yourself especially in front of someone you found intimating.
So your first day together was awkward to say the least, there were many glances on both ends and all you guys said to each other were hi's, sorry's, here ya go's, and bye's when you guys left eventually. The next day it was like something snapped inside of you and you were having a really good day and you were just happy for ledgit no reason but when you're in moods like this, you kind of forget how to act around people or not forget but it's just a lot more free? So when you come into work you see yuta just getting in as well, and out of nowhere you just shouted, " hey yuta!!! how's your day been, excited for work?!" and the shock on his face was priceless and he just turned around and said, "oh, hey y/n, its been good and yeah i guess you could say i am", and to be honest you were kinda surprised he knew your name cause you guys literally never talked before yesterday and today was the first actual conversation you guys were having so naturally you asked, " oh woah, you know my name?", " well yeah, you know my name so...", "good point good point". And that was the start of a beautiful friendship, you guys grew really close and pretty fast and what surprised you the most was how jokingly flirtatious he got and it was definitely a joke cause at this point in your friendship you guys have seen TOO MUCH (dont be weird not like that) of each other to catch any feelings. You guys came to work together almost every day with him basically clinging onto you cause he needs affection and you obviously giving him it cause um who could resist. So yeah life was nice other than the crazy amount of work you had to do for college but OTHER THAN THAT just great :(.
Well anyway (yes this is a mark fluff just waittt) after  few months of working there another employee joined and you recognized him almost instantly, he was in almost all of your classes but you guys barely talked, actually you guys only talked when you were forced to (partnered up and stuff). He wasnt in your shift but you always saw him leaving when you and yuta coming in. Eventually, mid-term break came along and yeah you were excited as hell but yuta was leaving to back to his hometown in japan so you would be pretty lonely. But then... you come into work one day not really being aware of your surroundings because you were too absorbed in your music but then when you walk in you see mark behind the counter not looking ready to leave at all so you said, "oh hi mark" (get the reference?) clear confusion coming out with your words and mark acknowledged it so he replied, " hey y/n, oh i asked if i could change my shift time because this works better for me so youll be seeing me for a while haha", " oh okay then i look forward to working with you", you say while nodding your head slightly. so mark right, you always liked him, not like crush sense but you thought he was cool you guess, and theres no denying that he was pretty cute but you never even had the idea of liking him until one day. So you come into work and suprisingly mark's not there he was usually early but you just thought oh he probably had something to do and didnt really care (#sorrynotsorry) but then in comes an extremely disheveled looking mark with messy hair and ripped jeans and a hoodie on and you were concerned to say the least. Thankfully no customers were in the shop yet and mark just runs to the counter panting and you genuinely think someone's been chasing him but he later explains he woke up like 2 minutes before he came to the coffee shop cause his phone ran out of battery hence alarm=nonexistent basically. That day you had a lot of customers and since you guys had to stay the entire day by the end of the day you were exhausted. When it was about an hour to closing mark just went on his break and it was just you in the shop because he just went for a walk which he regularly does for his break, something you noticed. but there werent many customers so you were okay but when you turned around to the register you saw a pink post-it saying: stay back today for a bit?. you already know mark wanted to just relax after work today and you guys had stayed back after work sometimes and you enjoyed it so you smiled and continued with the order for the customer. eventually he came back and you smiled and nodded and he smiled back and that just made you smile harder. so the day was finally over and you went to sit infront of the counter and took off your apron while mark was busy making something that you figured was his but when he was done you realized he had two drinks in his hand one being your favourite, a hot chocolate and one a berry smoothie. He placed the hot chocolate infront of you and you were like huh? and he said, “you drink this practically whenever you have the chance anyone would know it's your favourite". your heart kinda fluttered but you were like gurl dont be dumb staph but that didnt really stop much. you guys moved to the sofa after grabbing a few snacks (this was the main perk of getting the end shift cause you could stay back). You guys were facing each other and the windows were all still open blowing chilling air in and although you loved it you were cold and being the dumb one you are you forgot to bring a jacket so you shivered but you were fine after you closed the windows or so you thought for like two seconds and then you were like yeah no i be cold. "so care to explain why you came in looking like a wreck today" "so are you implying that i look good every other day" " well im not denying it.." you were always quite flirty with everyone unintentionally (sometimes intentionally) but mark kinda got used to it " i just slept really late yesterday and today wasnt the best" "i can tell but hey whats up?" "eh just stuff" "oh also ive been meaning to ask how long are you going to be working this shift?" "oh you want me to stay i see" "please, if anything the opposite" "mhmmm sure" he says with a smug look on his face, "well until your boyfriend comes back" you spat out your drink," my boyfriend?!" confusion was plastered on marks face and he said" yeah the guy you were working with before i came, yuta i think his name was?" you genuinely couldnt stop laughing until you eventually explained that he was just a bestfriend and you noticed a look of relief on his face? but pushed it aside. suddenly mark just got up and went to the back where you heard rummaging. after a few minutes mark came back with a t-shirt on and his hoodie in his hand. He threw over to you "stop shivering and wear this" he says he sat next to you this time causing you heart to basically jump out of your chest he wasnt that close or anything just him being kind. you mumbled a thanks. after a few moments of silence mark asked " so do you have a boyfriend?" "no you?" "nah. hey wanna lock up and just walk" you were actually glad he asked cause you were kinda tired of being in the cafe for this long and you thankfully nodded ---- you guys walked to a nearby park just talking about literally anything that came to your mind at this point you guys were pretty close and both of you guys knew things about each other that a lot of people dont, irrelevant and meaningful, like he knows that you only like the ends of those soda gummies cause apparently then have the most taste, but he argues that it all tastes the same, that doesnt stop him from eating the other end when you dont want it though, and you know that whenever hes stressed the only thing he wants to do is talk to someone he trusts and you were the same that way. as you were walking you werent really focusing on anything cause your heart was kinda all over the place cause youve officially developed a big fat crush on this idiot and you knew he didnt feel the same but then you being so absent minded caused you to trip and almost instantly mark grabbed your hand to stop you from falling over and you just started laughing while mark asked you if you were okay. you guys continued to walk in silence with the howling wind filling the air, although you guys were nothing you couldnt ask for more in this moment. you were reaching for your phone when you realized mark was still holding your hand you just stopped walking and froze staring at your hands clasped together (they werent intertwined but just holding ya get?) and obviously every force has an equal and opposite Reaction (its SciEnTifiC oKaY) so since you stopped walking and you were connected to mark he kinda was pulled back and this is when you noticed how red his face was and that surprised you but at the same time youre sure you were too (but like im brown so you wouldnt even be able to tell ay ay) "you only noticed i was holding your hand this entire time now?" "uh.. well.. ummm-" "sorry do you want me t-" he said as he started letting go "no no its fine i was just surprised thats all" and you guys continue walking except now your fingers are intertwined and your heart beating double time. you truly liked mark for his personality, for the way he made you laugh, the way he made you feel, the way he treated you, you really liked him. you guys found a a green patch that was pretty empty and decided to sit. mark was pretty sleepy so he asked if he could put his head on your lap and you said sure. it was pretty late at night but you werent scared if anything you felt safe and happy. mark did that to you and as you looked down at his face you truly realized how beautiful he was. his skin was so smooth and the fluorescent lights along the park were reflecting on his round glasses that shaped his face perfectly. you then hesitated before taking his glasses off cause you noticed he takes them off whenever hes tired so you just wanted him to feel comfortable. he opened his eyes at that and looked straight into your eyes, his eyes truly glimmered in the light as if they were shining stars of their own but what you didnt know is that those same eyes have been staring at you all night admiring your beauty and presence. you give him a slight smile and he does the same before shutting his eyes once again. you kinda wished he didnt because you wanted to stare into his eyes for more but atleast he was getting rest. this is when you decided to play some music. it was calm and relaxing and always helped when you were feeling stressed and you could tell mark was for whatever reason cause he refuses to tell you and since music was such a huge part of your life you hoped it would help him too. you started singing along lowly and not to brag or anything but your voice wasnt half bad, after all you were a music major and one of the instruments you play was your throat so you sounded pretty nice and mark seemed to agree with this cause he then reached for your phone and paused the music to say, " i like your voice better" and you being way too scared to sing infront of him refused but eventually he convinced you by saying he would sing as well which he did and you guys sounded nice.
after staying for a bit longer you decided it was time to go home so you told mark to get up and he obliged. he held his hand out for you and even after helping you up he continued to hold it. he insisted on dropping you off to your dorm which hes visited before to watch a movie or two but thats all. on your way back you asked him, "mark are you sure you dont want to talk about whats stressing you out?" "no its okay really, thanks for caring" he replied "anytime and if you change your mind just call me okay?" he nodded you guys reached your house by now and mark with such sincerity in his voice said" thanks for today, really" "we do this almost every week what are you talking about" " i know but just thank you for being you" he says while staring admirably at your face "look mark, well first you know im always here even if we arent working the same shift anymore im glad we became as close as we are now cause i truly cant imagine my life without you and yeah i know its really cheesy but its true but most importantly you need to stop beating yourself up whenever you mess up. youre human and we tend to make mistakes sometimes and thats fine because i know you mark and i know at the end of the day you’re going to be an amazing dancer and youll be great at whatever you want to do so i dont know whats bothering you but whatever it is i know you can overcome it so just keep your head up high and be strong but dont be afraid to talk to people about it. and mark, im just saying all this cause i care abo-" interrupting what you were saying mark comes closer and kisses you. His lips were warm contradicting the the cold weather and one of his hands was around your waist ever so gently pulling you closer to him while the other was on your neck gently caressing it. his lips were so gentle yet so passionate as if you could feel all of his emotions, your eyes were closed and your hands were around his neck and then your fingers ran through his hair. you dont even know how long the kiss went on but you had to pull away cause you were out of breath. Your foreheads were against each other and noses almost touching his eyes were closed and he mumbled under his breath " thank you, thank you so much. thank you for being the person you are and for making me feel the way i feel. every time i see you im so mesmerized by the amount of beauty you can hold. everything you do makes my heart beat faster and im just so glad that youre in my life and im really sorry if you dont feel the same ill act like this never happened if you want me to but i really like you and i have for a long while and i just want to compliment you everytime i see you and hold your hand and kiss you to show you how much i appreciate you and god y/n you make me feel things i dont think ive ever felt befo-" "mark..." you say moving your head to look a him, he hesitantly opens his eyes expecting a rejection "i like you too" you say before giving him a deep but quick kiss and after that he lift you up and hugs you and start cheering almost about how happy he is. And that was the start of your relationship with mark lee <3
3:00 AM 1/24/2019 (this is when I wrote this can you frickin believe wow welp.. that was it)
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angelicteeth · 6 years
are u ready to do 250 questions
i think i’m going to cry answering these so i will update you on if i did or not, stay tuned (i am crying right now its been so long since ive worked on this i feel like a piece of my heart is being shared with the world this is way more emotional than i thought sedtryftgyjlk;l’)
Aster: She/Her - Leo - 19 - 5′9
1. What is your OC’s favorite color? red, dark red specifically 2. Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect? she likes collecting swords and daggers3. What kind of things is your OC allergic to? oranges and cat dandruff 4. What kind of clothing does your OC wear? she likes wearing long sleeved shirts and baggy pants a lot. she’s never without combat boots- but when she has to Dress Up for family events/kingdom stuff she tends to wear form-fitting dresses in her kingdoms colors- blue, green, and other earthy tones5. What is your OC’s first memory? she remembers playing by a river when she was around 4 or 5 and finds a dog that she later takes home with her and keeps :^)6. What’s your OC’s favorite animal? Least favorite? she really loves black panthers and humming birds, she hates moths7. What element would your OC be? actually, she’s part of a world that has 4 kingdoms based off of the 4 elements and she lives in the Earth kingdom but i would say she, herself, is fire8. What is your OC’s theme song? something that would be Dark and get your adrenaline Pumping, not sure entirely though9. Do you have a faceclaim / voiceclaim for your OC? no, i don’t! she has a kinda deep but feminine voice10. What deadly sin would best represent your OC? pride11. What are your OC’s hobbies? she likes to read high fantasy novels or historical fiction novels, she enjoys exercising/training, and doing crossword puzzles12. How patient is your OC? How hot-headed are they? she’s very patient and also extremely hot headed, but she knows how to control it for the most part- unless you say something she doesn’t like/is very passionate about 13. What is your OC’s gender / sexuality / race / species / etc.? she’s female, a lesbian, and… well, she’s pink-ish/purple, and i haven’t completely thought about what they’re called yet- basically she’s alien14. What foods does your OC like to eat? What are their least favorite foods? she really hates extremely greasy food, nothing in particular just anything with dripping amounts of grease make her gag- her favorite is probably fruits- save oranges15. If your OC could have any pet, what would they choose? Why? she really wants her own dragon! she wants to get one herself so she’s been saving up for it, she plans to buy one fairly soon- she’s almost to her goal! she’s always wanted one since her older brother got his16. What does your OC smell like? lavender and vanilla 17. How do they make a living? What kind of job do they want / not want? What is their dream job? What do they think of their current job? she currently teaches younger kids how to train/fight and she really enjoys it! this has always been her dream job, actually, or working with dragons. 18. What are your OC’s greatest fears? Weaknesses? Strengths? her greatest fear is drowning, her weakness is always needing to be right, and a strength is how confident yet humble she is19. What kind of music do they listen to? Do they have a favorite song? she doesn’t really invest a lot of time into music but she really enjoys rock and alternative 20. If they came from their world to ours (if not already in our’s) how would they react? What would they do? she would be curious of everything but also very hesitant, she’d probably first go into a bookstore to see if we have a good selection of high fantasy and historical fictional novels!21. What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves? her pet peeves are people chewing with their mouth open and people who think they’re better than everyone else just because they’re rich. she’s also trying to work on how she always feels the need to be right22. What kind of student were they/would they be in high school? she did very well in school, was top of her class and actually looked forward to going- even though she almost always looked disinterested23. What is a random fact about your OC? she doesn’t like staying up late and always has to wear socks to bed24. What is their outlook on life? What is their philosophy / what do they think in general about living? she has a pretty positive outlook on life, she thinks living in general is interesting and no life is insignificant 25. What inspired you to create them / how did you create them? Were they originally a fancharacter? What was their personality / design like when you first made them? i wanted to write a well planned and thought out story about 2 girls from different kingdoms falling in love but having immense amounts of support so i did a ton of research and boom! aster was born! her design at first is practically the same as now, only minor details changed. her personality is very outgoing, she’s definitely an extroverted person but not in a bubbly sense. 26. Who is the most important person in their life? Why? Who is the least important to them (that still has an impact) and why? the most important person in her life is probably esen, her girlfriend :^) the least important is her old best friend, they drifted apart but they still mean something to her27. What kind of childhood did your character have? a happy but sometimes lonely childhood, she didnt have a best friend until she was 11- she usually hung out with her 2 older brothers 28. What kind of nervous habits do they have? Do they stim? Do they have any kinds of addictions? she has a ring she always wears and when shes nervous/anxious she twists it in intervals of 3. she enjoys watching stim videos, typically paint or bread ones29. If they could choose their epitaph for their grave, what would they choose? probably something along the lines of “In loving memory of an angry, tired soul” because she’s always Angry and Tired esen probably wouldn’t let her put that on her grave tho30. Do they want to get married? Why or why not? Would they ever want kids? Do they have kids? Why? yes! she’d love to get married :^) she’d want a small but fancy wedding. she does want kids, but only 1. 2 tops31. What is their most traumatic memory/experience? What is their favorite memory? most traumatic experience would have to be when she was 3 and almost drowned :^) hence her fear, and her favorite memory is probably when she surprised esen randomly with a bouquet of red roses and a necklace that has a pink carnation on it, which is her favorite flower. she could never forget how esen’s eyes lit up and it felt like her smile could swallow her whole32. If they could have one thing in the world, what would it be? she doesn’t know, she’s still trying to figure it out33. Would they ever kill someone? What would someone have to do to push them to kill someone? If they would kill someone, why? probably, the person would most likely have to hurt someone very close to her or just piss her the fuck off to no return34. What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually? her father is the king so her family is Royalty. theres lots of balls and parties where she plays the role of a charming and sophisticated daughter who knows Exactly what everyone who comes up to her is talking about she zones out SO MUCH at these parties, she’d rather be with esen35. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories? if nobody is around, she’s usually day dreaming. it’s one of her favorite things to do. she thinks fondly back on memories, but not super often 36. What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain? i think she just wants freedom the most. she enjoys living in her kingdom- but there’s just so many people and she’s tired of them. she wants to live out on a farm or a secluded place with esen, doing whatever they please whenever37. What’s something that your character does, that other people don’t normally do? she often jogs in place because she always needs to be moving38. What would your character do with a million dollars? please do not give her a million dollars she has NO self control39. What is in your characters refrigerator right now? On their bedroom floor? Nightstand? Garbage can? water, grape juice, a fruit bowl, and yogurt. she probably has her work out clothes on the floor right now, and some books. on her nightstand is the book she’s currently reading, a lamp, and a candle. in her garbage can is some papers she crumpled up and a banana peel40. Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where are they going? What do they wear? Who will they be with? to the local theater to see some of the younger kids put on a play. she’d probably wear a white tube top, fancy-ish black pants, a black blazer, and black heels. she’d go with esen and maybe her 2 brothers!41. What does your character do when they’re angry? Why? depends on who/what she’s angry at but she typically bursts out screaming, sometimes getting so frustrated she pulls at her hair. she’s very loud when she’s mad42. Does your character have any scars? Where did they get them from? she has a scar across her nose, she got it from when her and her brothers were play fighting and one of them didn’t realize it was a real knife and accidentally cut her43. What was the most offensive thing your character had ever said? when she was like 6 she called her mom an old hag serdtfygiuohi she doesn’t like to say mean/offensive things but that slipped out 44. How does your character react/ accept criticism? depending on if she asks for it or not, she takes it very well… unless you say it out of the blue when she didn’t ask for any, then she would probably say something snarky back and get angry with you 45. If your character was given a slice of pineapple pizza and they HAD to eat it (or something bad would happen), how would they react? Do they even LIKE pineapple pizza? she actually really enjoys pineapple pizza! it’s her favorite. she’d probably ask you for more46. Your character is given a voodoo doll of themself. What do they do with it? Do they see if it actually works? she’d probably display it on her bookshelf but never see if it actually works, she’s paranoid about it47. Can your character draw? What do they like to draw? Do they doodle? she doesn’t actively draw but she likes to doodle if she’s really bored! she draws pretty well, she’d be excellent if she actually practiced but she isn’t really into it48. What were their parents like? How has that affected how they are as an adult? her parents are very loving and supportive! it’s affected her very positively, she’s very kind and humble- if she didn’t have amazing parents i don’t think she’d be the way she is, she’d most likely be mean- maybe even cruel49. Does your character like candy? Do they get sugar rushes? What are they like when they get a rush? she does like candy! it’s one of her weaknesses, actually. if she eats a lot of it, she does get a sugar rush- which is kinda bad because she’s even louder than normal and even easier to agitate, but she’s also a lot more bubbly and giggly 50. If your character was presented with imminent and unavoidable death/fatality, how would they react? Would they try to avoid death anyways? Would they try to make their last days count? she’d probably think about it for a couple hours- or even the whole day. after that she would try to make her last days count but also try to avoid death at all costs. she’s a very determined person, and hates to give up
Esen: She/They - Pisces - 22 - 5′1
1. What is your OC’s favorite color? pink!2. Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect? she collects stuffed animals, sea shells, stickers, and dolls !3. What kind of things is your OC allergic to? nothing!4. What kind of clothing does your OC wear? pink, frilly, lacy clothes! she loves dressing like a doll, honestly. very into pastel. but when she has to go to a party she wears her kingdoms colors- white and black5. What is your OC’s first memory? her first memory is when she was 6 and sitting on a picnic blanket in the spring with her mom while her dad and older siblings played a game of hide and seek6. What’s your OC’s favorite animal? Least favorite? her favorite animal is bunnies and butterflies while her least favorite is spiders7. What element would your OC be? her kingdom is based off of air and i have to say i agree! she’s definitely air 8. What is your OC’s theme song? bubblegum bitch by marina and the diamonds9. Do you have a faceclaim / voiceclaim for your OC? nope! but her voice is very sweet and soft, like candy10. What deadly sin would best represent your OC? envy11. What are your OC’s hobbies? reading classic, romance, and historical fiction novels, doing arts and crafts, and embroidering 12. How patient is your OC? How hot-headed are they? she’s extremely patient and not very hot-headed, when she’s angry she turns very cold13. What is your OC’s gender / sexuality / race / species / etc.? genderfluid, pansexual, japanese/alien- idk ! she has fairly pink skin14. What foods does your OC like to eat? What are their least favorite foods? she really enjoys sweet things and fruits, she doesn’t really enjoy anything with a ton of salt15. If your OC could have any pet, what would they choose? Why? she’d really love to have a bearded dragon! her older brother used to have one and she would help take care of them often16. What does your OC smell like? she tends to wear floral scents a lot !17. How do they make a living? What kind of job do they want / not want? What is their dream job? What do they think of their current job? she works with her mom as a seamstress! she really enjoys it because she works on big, frilly dresses the most- which are her favorites. her dream job is to own her own dress shop18. What are your OC’s greatest fears? Weaknesses? Strengths? her greatest fear is never being able to wake up again, a weakness is how cold she is toward other people, she more often than not comes off across cold even though she looks so sweet and inviting. she’s actually very cruel. a strength is how nothing ever gets to her- she’s blocked out anything negative. the only opinion that matters to her the most is her own, and sometimes her girlfriends19. What kind of music do they listen to? Do they have a favorite song? she typically listens to lana del rey, marina and the diamonds, nicole dollanganger, and other artists that sound similar. her favorite song is dog teeth by nicole dollanganger or queen of disaster by lana del rey20. If they came from their world to ours (if not already in our’s) how would they react? What would they do? she’d probably react similar to aster21. What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves? she’s a very emotional person but never lets anyone see, she always appears cold and harsh. the only person who’s managed to help her open up more is aster, which she is extremely grateful for. she’s working hard to be kinder and smile more. a pet peeve of hers is people wearing shoes around their house, she thinks it’s very rude and disrespectful22. What kind of student were they/would they be in high school? she was an amazing student, as was aster, she was top of her class and managed high scores on everything23. What is a random fact about your OC? she often loves laying in bed and just scrolling through cute animal videos, it helps calm her down24. What is their outlook on life? What is their philosophy / what do they think in general about living? she has a very realistic outlook on life that can sometimes be very dark and depressing. she doesn’t really know how to feel about life and living, she’s still very much trying to figure it out25. What inspired you to create them / how did you create them? Were they originally a fancharacter? What was their personality / design like when you first made them? it’s the same answer as asters but nothing has changed about her design! she has a very cold and stoic personality, but once she opens up to you she’s very loud and bubbly26. Who is the most important person in their life? Why? Who is the least important to them (that still has an impact) and why? most important person in her life is aster, her girlfriend, and the least important person is probably her father27. What kind of childhood did your character have? she had an okay childhood, she doesn’t remember much about her father but she does remember spending a lot of time with her mom and her older siblings 28. What kind of nervous habits do they have? Do they stim? Do they have any kinds of addictions? she often chews/picks at her lips when nervous and she likes foam and slime as a way to stim- she also loves paint mixing videos 29. If they could choose their epitaph for their grave, what would they choose? something snarky but thought provoking 30. Do they want to get married? Why or why not? Would they ever want kids? Do they have kids? Why? she does want to get married! but only to aster. she’d be okay with 1 or 2 kids31. What is their most traumatic memory/experience? What is their favorite memory? most traumatic memory she has mostly blocked out- she doesn’t like bringing it up but her favorite memory was when aster slept over at her place and they just had a really sweet, romantic night in. they watched movies, ate junk food, laughed until they cried, and started a scrapbook together- she really cherishes every moment with aster in general but that one is her most favorite32. If they could have one thing in the world, what would it be? a caring father33. Would they ever kill someone? What would someone have to do to push them to kill someone? If they would kill someone, why? yes, not much, probably because someone hurt her family or aster. she might even end up killing her father but that’s a whole other story34. What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually? her family, like aster’s, gets invited to parties often because her father is an Important Dude so she often goes to those and pretends to be a loving, caring daughter35. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories? she daydreams almost all of the time, living in memories or just in her own little world. she isn’t worried often, only when she’s feeling really down36. What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain? what she wants most, she has, for the most part- and that’s aster. aster is what she’s dreamed of all her life, someone to care about her as much as she cares about them, someone who will accept her for who she is- bad and all. she wanted a place to call home, and aster is her home37. What’s something that your character does, that other people don’t normally do? she cries all the time. she cries for everything. she doesn’t let anyone see her, but once she’s alone she weeps. for something lost, something found, something happy, something sad, when she’s mad or when she’s scared. she cries for it all38. What would your character do with a million dollars? she would buy so much jewelry and beautiful dresses but also spend a ton on aster39. What is in your characters refrigerator right now? On their bedroom floor? Nightstand? Garbage can? peach tea, green tea, chocolate almond milk, grapes, and some vegan cheese. there’s nothing on her bedroom floor, she likes it to be clean. she has a rose gold clock, a book, reading glasses, and a cup of tea on her nightstand- and there’s nothing in her garbage can40. Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where are they going? What do they wear? Who will they be with? somewhere with aster, probably one of her favorite white dresses, frilly white socks, white platform heels, and a white/baby pink parasol41. What does your character do when they’re angry? Why? she immediately turns cold and shut off, but if she’s alone she’ll cry because she’s so overcome with emotion- if she’s in public and someone has made her mad she will be calm but cool, deflecting whatever they’ve said and most likely proving them wrong42. Does your character have any scars? Where did they get them from? she doesn’t have any scars!43. What was the most offensive thing your character had ever said? she always says something offensive to her dad which changes each time she has to speak to him, it probably refers to what a shit person he is44. How does your character react/ accept criticism? she takes it very well but if it’s unwanted she’ll get in your face about it 45. If your character was given a slice of pineapple pizza and they HAD to eat it (or something bad would happen), how would they react? Do they even LIKE pineapple pizza? she enjoys pineapple on pizza, just without the cheese- unless it’s vegan cheese but she prefers it to be just the sauce and extra pineapple!46. Your character is given a voodoo doll of themself. What do they do with it? Do they see if it actually works? she would first see if it works and then after finding out if it does or not, display it somewhere. maybe even with her other dolls47. Can your character draw? What do they like to draw? Do they doodle? she likes to draw! her favorites to draw are dresses and pretty people :^)48. What were their parents like? How has that affected how they are as an adult? her mother is one of her favorite people and she has a strong hatred for her father. because of her father she is a very cold person yet still loving like her mother49. Does your character like candy? Do they get sugar rushes? What are they like when they get a rush? she does like candy sometimes, she really loves marshmallows and sweet taffy! she’s never had a sugar rush before but she’s witnessed aster’s and she is Terrified but Intrigued 50. If your character was presented with imminent and unavoidable death/fatality, how would they react? Would they try to avoid death anyways? Would they try to make their last days count? she would 100% avoid it at all costs and probably even succeed, she’s very skilled
Bunni: She/They - Sagittarius - 27 - 5′3
1. What is your OC’s favorite color? white!2. Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect? shells, white/lacy things, stickers, and old clown dolls! also anything care bares or strawberry shortcake!3. What kind of things is your OC allergic to? dust and bees4. What kind of clothing does your OC wear? only white clothes, as its her favorite color and makes her the happiest- typically lacy or frilly things! doesn’t really like pants a lot 5. What is your OC’s first memory? baking a lemon cake with her mother while her father fed her little brother in his highchair!6. What’s your OC’s favorite animal? Least favorite? bunnies!!! and she’s deathly afraid of bees/wasps/moths7. What element would your OC be? earth!!!8. What is your OC’s theme song? a soft melody, not sure which9. Do you have a faceclaim / voiceclaim for your OC? no! she has a very soft and quiet voice though10. What deadly sin would best represent your OC? gluttony 11. What are your OC’s hobbies? baking, crocheting, painting, and making stained glass things!12. How patient is your OC? How hot-headed are they? a saint. the most patient. is hot-headed in private though…13. What is your OC’s gender / sexuality / race / species / etc.? non-binary, bi-ace, they’re an alien so… idk… they’re a periwinkle color ??? (they prefer strangers to use they/them bc she feels very personal!)14. What foods does your OC like to eat? What are their least favorite foods? loves sweets!!!! LOVES THEM!!! also loves fruit! doesn’t really like meat much15. If your OC could have any pet, what would they choose? Why? a bunny… they are her favorite and its her name so !16. What does your OC smell like? sweet sweet vanilla 17. How do they make a living? What kind of job do they want / not want? What is their dream job? What do they think of their current job? her current job is her dream job, she loves it so much. she owns a little bakery/cafe!!! she would never want a job like her old one- it took so much out of her18. What are your OC’s greatest fears? Weaknesses? Strengths? her greatest fear is waking up one day and nobody remembers who she is- that jupiter and delaney don’t recognize her. a weakness is how often she takes in strangers, like she just. helps anyone. please bunni be fucking careful. a strength is despite being super kind and caring- she doesn’t take shit from anyone and WILL tell you off- extremely politely though19. What kind of music do they listen to? Do they have a favorite song? she likes anything soft and makes her feel like she’s floating on a cloud20. If they came from their world to ours (if not already in our’s) how would they react? What would they do? she would want to go to every bakery she can get her hands on, and also craft stores21. What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves? she’s still working through some old scars her past job has left on her, she’s much better now but some things still get to her often. usually in nightmares uh a main pet peeve is people not picking up after themselves- she hates cleaning up after others 22. What kind of student were they/would they be in high school? UH shy quiet kid in the back that nobody notices until halfway through the year- gets pretty good grades A’s & B’s23. What is a random fact about your OC? she hates blood because it reminds her of how much she has on her own hands24. What is their outlook on life? What is their philosophy / what do they think in general about living? she has a relatively positive outlook! she thinks life is beautiful- and that she’s found things that are worth living for- including herself25. What inspired you to create them / how did you create them? Were they originally a fancharacter? What was their personality / design like when you first made them? UH well i was on a character making website and i made pretty ppl and turned them into my ocs… her design has definitely changed the most, her skin is lighter, she has white hair when originally she didn’t have any. its hard to describe but i like her design a lot more now- it suits her better26. Who is the most important person in their life? Why? Who is the least important to them (that still has an impact and why? her brother, delaney, and jupiter!!! her old boss- for a lot of various reasons he’s a scumbag god27. What kind of childhood did your character have? a very happy and loving childhood!!! loves her parents so much28. What kind of nervous habits do they have? Do they stim? Do they have any kinds of addictions? she clicks her nails together when she’s nervous/anxious. she fucking loves cooking/food, paint mixing, soap cutting, and foam videos! has slime and foam of her own she likes to stim with. sometimes chews on a rubber bracelet she has with her all the time29. If they could choose their epitaph for their grave, what would they choose? ‘In Loving Memory of a Sweetheart’ or something cute30. Do they want to get married? Why or why not? Would they ever want kids? Do they have kids? Why? maybe? she really wants a wedding tbh… doesn’t want any kids! maybe adopting but most likely not 31. What is their most traumatic memory/experience? What is their favorite memory? a mission at her old job went horribly wrong and everyone but her was killed. she still blames herself to this day. her favorite memory is when she was sitting on the couch, jupiter next to her and delaneys head on her lap. delaney was having a random lazy day and just wanted to hang with her girlfriends. bunni was happy to hang with them when delaney said that she thinks this is what happiness/loves feel like- content and home. and bunni started crying because she loves them both so very much32. If they could have one thing in the world, what would it be? a giant kitchen thats strawberry shortcake themed33. Would they ever kill someone? What would someone have to do to push them to kill someone? If they would kill someone, why? never again.34. What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually? uh idk she just lives at her bakery and loves her gfs ok35. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories? very active! she loves daydreaming and she worries SO MUCH god please let her rest. tries not to think of anything from age 18-24 but anything before that is peaceful and relaxing 36. What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain? she’s pretty content, doesn’t know what she wants. mainly to help delaney- she’d do anything for her girlfriends 37. What’s something that your character does, that other people don’t normally do? she really likes face masks so she’ll put a couple different ones on throughout the day very often and sing opera… i don’t know why…38. What would your character do with a million dollars? buy so many things for her bakery/cafe but also probably herself- finally buy a collectors item she’d been eyeing for weeks- months even39. What is in your characters refrigerator right now? On their bedroom floor? Nightstand? Garbage can? fruit, peach tea, almond milk, orange juice, some vegetables, butter, and a pitcher of fruit water. her bedroom floor is clean as is her garbage can! on her nightstand is a little twin stars clock, white frilly lamp, the comic she’s borrowing from delaney, and a glass of water40. Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where are they going? What do they wear? Who will they be with? probably somewhere with jupiter and delaney! definitely wearing a white off the shoulder top, white skater skirt, white fishnets, white platform heels, and a white hat! 41. What does your character do when they’re angry? Why? clenches her fists if she’s mad at someone else, trying not to take it out on them. feels like she’s boiling from the inside out. usually distances herself and screams as loud as she possibly can42. Does your character have any scars? Where did they get them from? she has quite a few scars all over her body from her previous job 43. What was the most offensive thing your character had ever said? “if you don’t shut the fuck up right now I’m going to rip your arm off and stuff it up your ass so you can choke on it” her job made her. pissed. 44. How does your character react/ accept criticism? depends but she’s relatively neutral, unless its about her baking bc she is So Proud of it 45. If your character was given a slice of pineapple pizza and they HAD to eat it (or something bad would happen), how would they react? Do they even LIKE pineapple pizza? she. loves it? would eat a whole pie by herself. maybe 2.46. Your character is given a voodoo doll of themself. What do they do with it? Do they see if it actually works? she would Not see if it actually works and probably give it to delaney or put it in a glass case display so nobody will fuck with it 47. Can your character draw? What do they like to draw? Do they doodle? she likes to draw the cakes or sweets she wants to make!48. What were their parents like? How has that affected how they are as an adult? love them!!! great people!!!! helped her keep her sanity!!!!!49. Does your character like candy? Do they get sugar rushes? What are they like when they get a rush? Do Not Give Bunni Candy, Please50. If your character was presented with imminent and unavoidable death/fatality, how would they react? Would they try to avoid death anyways? Would they try to make their last days count? you bet your ass she would try to fucking avoid it at all costs and run away with her girlfriends
Jupiter: She/Her - Cancer - 26 - 5′6
1. What is your OC’s favorite color? yellow!2. Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect? makeup, tigers, plants, and anything floral !3. What kind of things is your OC allergic to? some perfumes4. What kind of clothing does your OC wear? loves crop tops and high waisted shorts, sundresses, off the shoulder tops- anything that makes her feel beautiful 5. What is your OC’s first memory? her and her sister discovering an injured dragon and taking them home to help save it!6. What’s your OC’s favorite animal? Least favorite? TIGERS!!! big cats! fucking hates ducks ???7. What element would your OC be? earth! loves plants. loves outside. 8. What is your OC’s theme song? something pop and upbeat!9. Do you have a faceclaim / voiceclaim for your OC? no claims but a sweet yet silky kind of voice10. What deadly sin would best represent your OC? lust 11. What are your OC’s hobbies? video games, makeup, and doing nails!12. How patient is your OC? How hot-headed are they? pretty patient, only gets hot-headed when irritated or annoyed13. What is your OC’s gender / sexuality / race / species / etc.? female, bisexual, and also alien…she is Green… don’t know much else 14. What foods does your OC like to eat? What are their least favorite foods? loves pasta, bread, fruit, and anything cheesy. doesn’t dislike much, but fucking hates pickles15. If your OC could have any pet, what would they choose? Why? she wants a cow. so badly. idk why. just loves them. moo bitch. moo. 16. What does your OC smell like? very floral 17. How do they make a living? What kind of job do they want / not want? What is their dream job? What do they think of their current job? she’s a personal stylist! she enjoys it, she never really had a dream job. 18. What are your OC’s greatest fears? Weaknesses? Strengths? being buried alive is probably her greatest fear. a weakness is how emotionally attached she gets to people, how invested she becomes. a strength is her people skills- despite having bad anxiety 19. What kind of music do they listen to? Do they have a favorite song? indie, pop, alternative are her go too’s! harry styles, lorde, and such. loves sober by lorde a lot!20. If they came from their world to ours (if not already in our’s) how would they react? What would they do? try out so much food, would be so interested in everything and probably try talking in depth to everyone she meets21. What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves? she has very severe anxiety she’s trying to cope with, which has its ups and downs. a pet peeve is scratching silverware on a plate. hates the sound it makes. 22. What kind of student were they/would they be in high school? very talkative and social, wanted to be everybody’s friend. very likable- mainly got B’s23. What is a random fact about your OC? she hate socks??? never wears them. only wears heels or sandals24. What is their outlook on life? What is their philosophy / what do they think in general about living? very optimistic, looking forward to the future very much. loves life, thinks its fascinating and loves watching it grow and just. be. 25. What inspired you to create them / how did you create them? Were they originally a fancharacter? What was their personality / design like when you first made them? the same as bunni but I haven’t changed her design at all!26. Who is the most important person in their life? Why? Who is the least important to them (that still has an impact and why? her girlfriends, delaney and bunni, and her sister! least important is a stupid ex who won’t leave her alone 27. What kind of childhood did your character have? pretty good! had lots of fun and loads of friends- but never a best friend 28. What kind of nervous habits do they have? Do they stim? Do they have any kinds of addictions? twirls her hair and bites her nails when nervous or anxious. doesn’t really stim unless its slime!29. If they could choose their epitaph for their grave, what would they choose? “I’ll Haunt You If You Even Think About Looking At My Grave” 30. Do they want to get married? Why or why not? Would they ever want kids? Do they have kids? Why? married, yes! maybe to kids- not opposed but doesn’t really want one31. What is their most traumatic memory/experience? What is their favorite memory? delaney got into a bad motorcycle accident once and they didn’t know if she was going to make it… delaney and bunni threw her a surprise birthday party that was summery themed and she cried sedrftgyhu she wasn’t expecting it and she felt SO loved32. If they could have one thing in the world, what would it be? mental stability ! she hates her anxiety sooooo much 33. Would they ever kill someone? What would someone have to do to push them to kill someone? If they would kill someone, why? probably not! but you’d have to hurt her gfs or her family to get her to really consider it… or ruin all her makeup…..34. What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually? doesn’t do jack shit she only cares abt her gfs and sister35. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories? she daydreams often, but not as much as you might think. she’s almost ALWAYS worried, her anxiety is Awful36. What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain? she’s pretty okay right now… has all she wants, really. 37. What’s something that your character does, that other people don’t normally do? she has a pretty elaborate skin care routine and performs it roughly twice a day38. What would your character do with a million dollars? buy so much makeup and clothes, spoil her gfs, and probably save some money for her little sister39. What is in your characters refrigerator right now? On their bedroom floor? Nightstand? Garbage can? fridge would be the same as bunni’s they live together but her floor has a pile of clothes in the corner, random makeup items, and empty bottles of pink lemonade. her nightstand has a cute floral clock, her rose gold watch, and a pair of sunglasses and her garbage can is empty bc she just throws shit on the floor all the time, sigh40. Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where are they going? What do they wear? Who will they be with? somewhere with bunni and delaney, probably. she’d probably be wearing a floral dress, maybe sunflowers, white wedges with wood bottoms, and a little gold purse! 41. What does your character do when they’re angry? Why? she doesn’t get angry super often but she’s Loud and probably cries, acts like a little kid most likely 42. Does your character have any scars? Where did they get them from? nope! she’s scar free43. What was the most offensive thing your character had ever said? if she’s ever catcalled she definitely says something Nasty to the person44. How does your character react/ accept criticism? she takes it well and acts stoic because of her job, she’s trained very hard to be the perfect stylist! 45. If your character was given a slice of pineapple pizza and they HAD to eat it (or something bad would happen), how would they react? Do they even LIKE pineapple pizza? she doesn’t mind it but it’s definitely not her fave 46. Your character is given a voodoo doll of themself. What do they do with it? Do they see if it actually works? fucking chucks that thing so far away from her and hopes it never returns 47. Can your character draw? What do they like to draw? Do they doodle? she often designs things for clients if they want something specifically made for them but that’s about it!48. What were their parents like? How has that affected how they are as an adult? her parents were very kind and sweet people, she really loves them a lot but they aren’t extremely close 49. Does your character like candy? Do they get sugar rushes? What are they like when they get a rush? she enjoys very sweet candy, but nothing else! she’s had a couple sugar rushes but she crashed Hard from them, no matter how small they were 50. If your character was presented with imminent and unavoidable death/fatality, how would they react? Would they try to avoid death anyways? Would they try to make their last days count? she’s so stressed her anxiety is through the ROOF but delaney and bunni help her and they spend a lot of time together! she’d probably try to find a loophole, though 
Delaney: She/Her - Gemini - 24 - 5′11
1. What is your OC’s favorite color? dark dark red or black 2. Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect? comic books, knives, and cool jewelry for her piercings 3. What kind of things is your OC allergic to? nothing she was made to be Perfect4. What kind of clothing does your OC wear? typical punk/goth/emo clothes! a lot of fishnets, chains, boots, belts, and jackets5. What is your OC’s first memory? white walls, tests, experiments, sterile smells, moving shadows, blinding lights, wakeupwakeupwakeup6. What’s your OC’s favorite animal? Least favorite? loves snakes, lizards, and all that jazz. doesn’t care much for birds7. What element would your OC be? fire, sigh8. What is your OC’s theme song? something sad and emo, probably, but also fast paced and adrenaline pumping 9. Do you have a faceclaim / voiceclaim for your OC? no but her voice is… smoother than you expect. she looks like someone with a gruff voice but its nice and smooth, angry sounding but not necessarily Gruff it is kinda deep tho10. What deadly sin would best represent your OC? wrath11. What are your OC’s hobbies? reading comics/graphic novels, riding her motorcycle, annoying jupiter and bunni12. How patient is your OC? How hot-headed are they? sheeeee’s patient depending on her mood? typically Isn’t because she likes annoying people but when she actually cares she’s very patient. pretty hotheaded, definitely says a lot of shit In The Moment 13. What is your OC’s gender / sexuality / race / species / etc.? female, lesbian, ??? she’s… an experiment so technically an alien and a human? they merged both of them together… i haven’t fleshed this part out a whole lot 14. What foods does your OC like to eat? What are their least favorite foods? she… Loves… pancakes…. and wings with curly fries….. and food. she discovers she really fuckin Loves food. hates pickles god fuck15. If your OC could have any pet, what would they choose? Why? a big ass snake tfgui16. What does your OC smell like? for such a long time she would just smell like a hospital but now that she’s her own person she experiments with a bunch of different ones, she’s still trying to pick a Fave because everything just smells so fucking nice17. How do they make a living? What kind of job do they want / not want? What is their dream job? What do they think of their current job? she’s very confused on the whole aspect of jobs and making a living, bunni and jupiter mainly support her bc they make A Lot but encourage delaney that she can get a job If She Wants one… she’s kinda looking into working at a comic book place, tbh18. What are your OC’s greatest fears? Weaknesses? Strengths? hospitals, doctors, needles specifically IVs or shots, and dressing gowns. she can be very emotionless at times which can be off putting but she just genuinely doesn’t know how to react tfuygi but it can also be a strength??? she has a lot of Love in her which is essentially what saved her :^)19. What kind of music do they listen to? Do they have a favorite song? she mainly listens to instrumentals??? or sad/emo/goth music20. If they came from their world to ours (if not already in our’s) how would they react? What would they do? oh god please Don’t she’s already confused by her own world drftgyhui21. What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves? she was an experiment for the first 16-18 years of her life and she still often has that mindset, even though it’s been years… she’s trying to work through it and her fears but it’s so fucking hard lol 22. What kind of student were they/would they be in high school? she would’ve been a dumbass trouble maker had she actually grown up as a normal being 23. What is a random fact about your OC? she really fucking wants to get her tongue split, she currently has it pierced though 24. What is their outlook on life? What is their philosophy / what do they think in general about living? Not Good.25. What inspired you to create them / how did you create them? Were they originally a fancharacter? What was their personality / design like when you first made them? saaaammmeeee as bunnniii and jupiterrrrrrrr26. Who is the most important person in their life? Why? Who is the least important to them (that still has an impact and why? bunni and jupiter! her gfs! the gorls! uhhh a doctor at the place where she was created :^)27. What kind of childhood did your character have? awful, lonely, painful28. What kind of nervous habits do they have? Do they stim? Do they have any kinds of addictions? the uh doctors where she “lived” used to experiment on her with drugs and she developed a codependency with heroin for a little bit, and it was the absolute fucking worst thing in the whole world. now, though, she just drinks kind of excessively 29. If they could choose their epitaph for their grave, what would they choose? “experiment: fuck your bitch”30. Do they want to get married? Why or why not? Would they ever want kids? Do they have kids? Why? married, possibly. kids, hell no. 31. What is their most traumatic memory/experience? What is their favorite memory? she was about 8 or so, and wandering the halls of the ‘hospital’ when she stumbled upon a room with someone her age strapped down to a table. she watched silently as they were tortured and its forever burned into her memory. doesn’t help she remembers everything vividly, but that one sticks out to her the most. her favorite memory is literally just watching her gfs do something or just hanging out with them rdftgyui she’s So in Love but doesn’t know how to fucking voice anything 32. If they could have one thing in the world, what would it be? …revenge 33. Would they ever kill someone? What would someone have to do to push them to kill someone? If they would kill someone, why? yes. any doctors who hurt her. they wouldn’t have to do fucking anything, they’ve already done enough. 34. What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually? none35. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories? she tries her best to distract herself all the time so she can’t live in her memories, but that only helps so much 36. What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain? peace. quiet. anything. 37. What’s something that your character does, that other people don’t normally do? every time she puts on socks she has to go on a slippery surface and Slide 38. What would your character do with a million dollars? she has no idea she’d probably just fucking stare at it until bunni or jupiter said ‘hey you can get ____ this now’ and she’d be like ‘oh shit i can Get Things’39. What is in your characters refrigerator right now? On their bedroom floor? Nightstand? Garbage can? nothing on her floor, a stack of comics shes reading, a random book she found and actually liked the idea of, some candy40. Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where are they going? What do they wear? Who will they be with? bunni and jupiter, somewhere Nice, would for once probably wear nice dressy-ish clothes so basically a suit, minus the jacket unless they’re going to a restaurant, and a red button down with a black tie 41. What does your character do when they’re angry? Why? she… explodes? yeah. its… not fun42. Does your character have any scars? Where did they get them from? y e a h she has scars on her arms from experiments and self harm, she has one on her face going through her left eyebrow, a couple on her stomach and legs, and one Big one her knee43. What was the most offensive thing your character had ever said? she says stupid shit all the fucking time, sigh44. How does your character react/ accept criticism? blankly 45. If your character was given a slice of pineapple pizza and they HAD to eat it (or something bad would happen), how would they react? Do they even LIKE pineapple pizza? fucking loves food will c o n s u m e it46. Your character is given a voodoo doll of themself. What do they do with it? Do they see if it actually works? sheee displays it, actually! she doesn’t test it, though, she’s not stupid47. Can your character draw? What do they like to draw? Do they doodle? she cannot do jack shit48. What were their parents like? How has that affected how they are as an adult? doesn’t have any 49. Does your character like candy? Do they get sugar rushes? What are they like when they get a rush? she loves candy a shitload but isn’t really affected by it??? unless she eats like a gallon of sugar 50. If your character was presented with imminent and unavoidable death/fatality, how would they react? Would they try to avoid death anyways? Would they try to make their last days count? she honestly probably ends up avoiding it because she’s that cursed, sigh
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kristie-rp · 6 years
Triggers: Suicide mention, drug mention, overdose mention, prostitution, gun mention, kidnapping
“I’ll take care of you,” she had promised. She can’t regret the oath, but she does regret what it drove her to, the desperate need to prove she could keep the promise.
Kara gets into prostitution because her little brother is eleven when the last of their parents vanish. She is seventeen, and she knows enough to be aware that the big motivator in Blacklight is money, and when her dad ran out, this is what happens: there’s no point trying to force a payment from a man with his head barely above water. She knows without a body being found that he is dead. Kara has her savings, her college fund, and that’s it. It’s not enough for two kids to live off, and her part-time job at a clothing store isn’t going to keep them afloat, and no one she wants her brother anywhere near is going to hire an eleven year old.
So – so she starts to prostitute herself, an amateur working cheap by Blacklight standards. She learns how much to charge without drawing complaints, she learns how to balance senior year and ‘work’, and she learns that many clients will pay more for the thrill of her being so much younger than the average whore. Enable a fetish and the cash goes up, enough to pay for school, for food, for a roof. At eighteen she gets sole custody of Lionel, legally, without complaint. She fucks the judge to get it through quick, once they get caught by the system.
She spends too long in the bathroom, driving the water bill up and up and scrubbing her skin raw in an attempt to get clean. Lionel is twelve, and she’s learned enough now to know how to draw lines, how to enforce them without losing clients. He knows what she does, he knows how much she hates it, but she doesn’t bring her work home and he can’t complain, however much he might want to.
Eighteen is when the pimp for her district finds out about her working solo, cutting into his profits. Eighteen is when  Craig gets his hands on her, and really, he’s not so bad, except taking off some of her profits. She explains to him her situation, barely thinking it’ll work but convinced it’s worth a try – and he listens. He gives her specific times to work, promises he’ll take only ten percent, a fixed rate. It’s – it’s not good, but it’s not bad, she’s got repeat clients who are sleazier than Craig.
And then Faust finds out about her.
“So you’re the infamous Caramel,” are his first words to her.
She’s standing as still as she knows how, wearing something revealing beneath a heavy, cheap coat. She’s going for allure, even though she’s just a little too far from curvy for the effect to work as she intends; this is her ‘uniform’, what she wears when she’s out during the hours Craig assigns.
“I’m whoever you need me to be, baby,” she says. Her voice is a rasp, quiet, but not subdued. There is a confidence in her tone that many whores have lost by the end of their first year – but she cannot afford to become less of a person, not with Lionel at home depending on her, not with so many people willing to take advantage of her.
Faust circles like a vulture, and she knows she is being judged. She keeps her eyes partially shut, as though heavily lidded, and watches him with pursed lips painted  in a discounted dark pink. He’s not actually that old at this point, though definitely older than her – she guesses him to be around thirty, much younger than her year-dead father. He’s not bad looking, either. It won’t be a struggle to act like she likes it when he inevitably goes down on her, even if what follows is her usual routine of scathing hot water and too-long in the shower, worrying a brother who is getting more and more withdrawn in turn.
“I’ll pay you triple,” he says at last, “to stay overnight. I get twenty-five percent of your cut from clients who aren’t me.”
Kara raises a brow at him. “Craig might have something to say about that.” She doesn’t say that this is a rip off, that she’s not going to jump ship from her fantastic deal just because he offers better pay to start
Faust’s smile is soft, but there’s something in his eyes that stands out to her – something dangerous. Something that tells her this man is not a nice man, as if she hadn’t guessed from an awareness of who he is. “Craig can’t say much once he’s dead.”
Her blood runs cold, but she steps closer to him. He doesn’t back down; she runs a hand up his chest and grips the gaudy tie he is wearing, something only a Blacklight local would like. She doesn’t smile, but she peers at him from beneath the fake eyelashes she is wearing only for this meeting. The effect is that she is playing coy, with any luck. “Whatever you say, boss,” she breathes, and drags him down to kiss her.
She can never pick out individual moments of her time with Faust, not in hindsight. It’s either a self-defence mechanism or a consequence of everything blurring together.
After that first meeting with her, he puts a pimp, loyal to him and more obedient than Craig proved to be, in charge of the whores. The new pimp is an asshole in every way except physically; he does not do anything that might bruise. But the verbal and psychological, the demeaning, the ripping off all of them – Kara is the only one whose cut never changes, because she is not afraid to talk money with Faust, and she talked him into writing up a contract that means he takes a profit from her, not the new pimp, and only a set amount. It’s not good, and for the first time she wonders if maybe things with Craig were better than she thought – and those drained her of everything she had.
If she believed in gods, this would be about where she’d start praying.
She comes home the day of her brothers fourteenth birthday with a little cake and a spring in her step, for once. Faust has promised her the weekend off, written it into another contract in what she knows is both a power play and a source of amusement for him; his little whore with her obsession with promises being kept. She doesn’t care that he mocks her for this, because promises are the only thing she can keep.
“Hey, Li? You home?”
The front door is locked, but not deadlocked; she knows he is. He’s good at keeping safe, good at following rules a lot of people in Blacklight take for granted or ignore. Kara smiles to herself: it’s a Friday, and she doesn’t have to do any work until Monday, and this is going to be a weekend just for her and Lionel. She’s got some money stowed away, enough that they can rent a car – dads being long since gone – and get out of Blacklight, just for the weekend. Never has she been happier her brother is a summer born child; they can go somewhere with a pool, or somewhere on the sea. They haven’t seen it since the summer before their dad was killed, and it’s finally time – in her opinion – to move on.
The house is quiet, though. She figures Lionel has earphones in, because the budget ones that came with his phone are the best sound system they have. He saved for ages to get that thing, scrounging together the change from Kara sending him grocery shopping and the neighbours paying him to pay the lawn until he could afford a Nokia and a memory card, the better to store music on. He loves his music, and his dream is to go to a concert; there aren’t any on this year that he’s interested in, or she would be taking him to it. “Boys and their toys,” she murmurs to herself, fond. She’s been busy, forced to work more lately by Faust and the twenty-five percent, and she’s been looking forward to this for ages, both for the company of Lionel, and for herself. Too much Blacklight breaks people, after all.
She sticks some candles in the little cake, lights them and heads into the further reaches of the apartment. It’s a shoebox, but she can make rent more often than not, and they each have their own rooms, for better or worse. She starts humming the timeless classic in her usual almost-croak, long since over how a husky voice does not lend itself well to singing. Still, she sings anyway, a loud “Happy birthday to you,” that cuts off as she drops the cake in the doorway.
Lionel is collapsed on the floor, and she only prevents a fire because her bare foot stamps out the candles before the ancient carpet can catch fire. Her panic blocks out the stab of pain, and she dives to her knees beside her little brother, feeling for a pulse before grasping for his phone, dropped on a stack of pamphlets, dialling emergency services because it’s that or nothing, and she can’t handle doing nothing.
The paramedics ask her more questions than she can answer. Oh, she can answer the standard lot – medical insurance, none; patients name, Lionel Darcy St Claire; patients age, fourteen; patients date of birth, today; emergency contact, Kara St Claire – but when they ask her if he’s been showing symptoms of anything, she cannot answer. “I work a lot,” she explains, but it feels feeble to her ears, and she feels judged for this more than anything else.
Their weekend away turns into a weekend in the hospital, and the money she has saved to make the weekend worth more than most is set aside for hospital bills. Kara spends Friday night sitting vigil at his bedside, Saturday with her head in her hands and shoulders hunched, and Sunday is when someone finally decides to tell her what’s going on. There’s an excess of something in his system – something that usually results from an overdose of opioids , of painkillers.
“There weren’t any pills anywhere near him,” she says, something nagging at the back of her mind.
The doctor gives a tight smile, sympathy heavy in his eyes. “It can take a week or longer for the overdose to show any observable effects to others, especially if he’s trying to hide them,” he informs her. “This isn’t your fault,” he says, “but his liver is shutting down. Chances are that there’s nothing you could’ve done – we’ve had a lot of suicides lately. It’s unlikely that he will last out the week.”
It’s not reassuring, not at all. She gives the doctor a look that says as much, then closes her eyes. She wants to cry, but she hasn’t done that, not in years, teardrops burning away from the inside out under scalding hot water. She hears the doctor leave, but she stays there, still, with her brother and the beeping of the machines that are, apparently, doing nothing but delaying the inevitable.
She falls asleep in the armchair beside the bed, curled in on herself as though having any more warmth will make this all go away. When her phone winks onto standby after she has fallen asleep, it closes on a Google search result, the top few links showing they’ve been clicked.
is cremation cheaper than burial blacklight usa
Lionel, it turns out, has been having a much harder time than she has been aware. She reaches out to the boy she remembers as his best friend, and it is only herself, him, his sister, and two former classmates who liked having Lionel paired with them for group work come to the pathetic service she holds. She doesn’t believe in god or gods, never has, and while Lionel liked the idea of the comfort divine answers might bring, he didn’t believe either. So she can’t bring herself to hire some religious man to preach something she doesn’t believe, even if it might make the sting any less painful.
She leads the lot of them to the roof of the shoebox apartment she doesn’t need any longer but can’t bring herself to leave, high above the second-storey place she manages to afford. It’s a hideous rooftop, but the building itself is nine storeys, and the view isn’t awful. There’s a barbecue and some cushions discarded up here, an esky that’s more often empty than not, and on afternoons when Kara didn’t have to work and he found himself in the mood, they would sit up here and talk about nothing and everything.
It’s the place most attached to him that brings the least amount of pain, now.
“Don’t you want to say something? In his memory, or something?” the friend asks, when they’re standing there with the urn that holds all that remains of her brothers body. His name is Alex; he’s the most harmless person Kara knows, now. Certainly the most naive and the most delusional. His parents are moving the family to New Brightside, on the other side of Port Lyndon to Blacklight, before the end of the year, chasing job opportunities they’re lucky to have been offered. Kara cannot resent them for their escape, because she hates this city, this city that breaks the people who least deserve it; but she can add them leaving to the list of reasons she has started to write up about
Everything Kara wants to say has been said already, to a brother trapped in a medically induced coma until his liver finally gave out, because Blacklight is no different to America and doesn’t allow euthanasia.
“I remember,” she says quietly, “the summer before mom died. Li – Lionel was four. He was turning four, four years old, can you imagine? And he was – he was so damn happy. I was ten, I thought I was so damn cool, and I really, really wasn’t.
“We went to the coast for a long weekend, I think Independence Day fell on a Monday that year. And there were these teenagers there, probably – probably as old as you guys are now. Thirteen, fourteen, not old at all. I thought they were the most amazing people I’d ever met, and I was such a jackass to Li on the first day, wanting to impress them. Then, on that night, we had this little family campfire, just the four of us, and dad gave me this lecture about not being mean to my brother, about how it was my responsibility to look after him. About how I’d regret not being nice, sooner or later.
“And Lionel, he just – he got up and he sat next to me and he interrupted dad, this four year old, and he says, dead serious, ‘Kara just wanted new friends’. He didn’t hold a grudge at all, it hadn’t even upset him that I was such a – a selfish person. And I know, I know kids don’t understand that at all, they’d never see it as selfish, but usually, you know, the fact that they’re four gets to them first, and they’re all ‘my way is the only way’. But Lionel,” and she laughs faintly, bitterly, fondly; “Lionel just – skipped that stage. And it didn’t change. It never started.
“Blacklight needs more people like that,” she finished, swallowing, choking on the emotion welling up in her throat.
The service ends with everyone sad, the only dry eye Kara’s, and only because she forces it. She’s still clutching the urn, though she plans on emptying it. It’s useless to her, just another thing to decorate the apartment, but it feels more important than that. After all, it’s her little brother in her arms. So she shuts down the thoughts that have been driving her crazy, the ones insisting a pot of ash shouldn’t mean anything, that an unmarked grave would be worth more to her.
But it’s Lionel. He’s all she’s had for three years now, he’s the reason she’s a lower class citizen, and she promised she’d take care of him. She swore.
I’ve never broken a promise before, she thinks, and then flinches from the thought, closes her eyes to it, refuses to acknowledge it again.
She’s got work, anyway. This – this debate can wait.
Kara is three months from her twenty-first birthday when she finds out she’s pregnant.
It isn’t much of a discovery, really. It’s actually impressive it hasn’t happened sooner – she’s heard horror stories of clients and pimps sabotaging others’ birth control, which is why she takes her prescribed pills meticulously, always made sure she has a supply even when money gets tight. That’s something that doesn’t happen much, not anymore, she’s even got savings.
And, apparently, a child on the way.
Maybe I should consider those god things again, she thinks as she wraps and dumps the test. It’d certainly explain the number of things that are fucking with me.
Still – still. She’s been alone for long enough that a bastard child sounds like a good idea, or at least one she doesn’t want to dismiss out of hand. She puts a lot of thought into the technicalities, makes lists and checks them twice.
In reality, her mind is made up the second that little plus sign shows up – the planning comes with the knowledge that a whore isn’t going to make the kind of mother she wants to be.
“You have a daughter,” is what the midwife says, smiling warmly at Kara. Kara is exhausted, feels sweat soaked and disgusting, and there are textbooks at home she is supposed to be revising, unable to take time off even for this – she’s taken advantage of the break from whoring (“Can’t very well have you giving birth in the middle of a good fuck,” he had insisted, which was crass but meant she got time off from wor) to pick up the business course she found in the pamphlets in her brothers’ room, all those years ago. “Would you like to hold her?”
“Please,” Kara says immediately, tired and almost pleading, reaching for the infant. The midwife laughs, more open and affectionate than anyone Kara has spent time with in a long time, and gently arranges the baby in her arms.
“Have you decided on a name for her, yet?”
Kara hums. She’s staring at her new child, at her family, wonder in her wide green eyes. The baby has blonde hair on her head, like Kara’s, and her eyes, for the moment, are shut as she doses. She’s a beautiful little girl, bundled into the blanket and onesie the maternity ward provides. Kara is absolutely certain she’s never going to make anything this perfect again, and immediately feels immensely guilty that she’s stuck picking up on the whoring again just as soon as Faust tires of her sabbatical. All the more reason to finish this business course, to pick up on dreams she had back in high school, that, apparently, Lionel remembered in the week before he succumbed to his suicide attempt.
(She still doesn’t know what caused it, or what she missed, if she could have stopped it. She constantly faces what-ifs and dreams and nightmares of possibilities, subconscious images so realistic she wakes up waiting to tell Lionel about it – and then the memories hit and she curls back up, chokes back the emotion, refuses the tears she still hasn’t shed. But what-ifs are useless and the past cannot be changed: Blacklight breaks people. She has known this all her life.)
“Darcy Artemis St Claire,” she answers the midwife at last, leaning down to kiss her little girls forehead. Darcy feels right, which she didn’t expect, but it just – it suits the person in her arms, belongs to her in a way Kara has heard some mothers’ say is possible, but didn’t believe. The midwife says something about paperwork and vanishes to find it, pulling the crib over so Kara can put her baby to bed, if she chooses.
When she’s alone with Darcy, Kara presses her lips to the top of her babies’ head yet again. “You’re going to be brilliant,” she murmurs, almost silent. “You’re not going to have a life like mine. I’ll never let you feel alone, I promise. You’re never going to have to swear yourself to – to someone like Faust or Craig or anyone else. I swear, Darcy. We don’t know each other well yet, but we will, and it is going to be fantastic. I promise you.”
She should learn to keep her mouth shut.
Darcy opens her eyes more and more, and there’s something familiar in them. It’s only once Kara is forced to go back to work, cajoling the elderly neighbour into caring for Darcy for the few hours she has to be gone, that she figures it out.
She’s lying in bed with Faust, waiting for him to tell her she can get out, go home, collect her pay direct to a bank account she always transfers the money straight out of, when it comes to her. Darcy doesn’t have her eyes, but they’ve always been familiar. Kara has a lot of regulars, people she’s seen since coming back to work.
“She’s got your eyes,” she blurts without thinking, and immediately starts cursing herself out internally, more than she usually does. She promised Darcy she’d never owe herself to someone like Faust, and here she is, piquing his curiosity.
“I’m not giving you alimony. Keep your bastard child away from me,” he instructs.
She immediately wants to leap to her daughters defence, but she stops herself. She doesn’t want him in Darcy’s life, after all – she promised Darcy, and she’s never going to know that this one time, Kara didn’t defend her. “I don’t want your hush money,” she snaps, getting out from the bed he fucked her in.
She feels dirty, but that’s normal, after any time spent with Faust at all – any time spent working at all. She’s almost finished her course, though, and then she can work on starting a store, the way she wanted to as a teen.  She’s almost out. Finally.
Kara isn’t exactly counting down the days, but she is closer to relieved than she’s felt for a long time.
“What’s this I hear,” Faust says, speaking very slowly, “about you studying?”
He says it like it’s a dirty word, but it’s Kara who is alarmed. She’s got a contract with him that doesn’t say it, but everyone knows that once Faust has you, you don’t get out. The contract doesn’t say it, but everyone knows the rules: no studying, no betterment of yourself, no terminating your employment. Whores get out only once they’re too old to be appealing, businesspeople get out when they can payout more than Faust thinks they are worth, mercs don’t get out.
The exception is when they get dead.
Who told you, is the first question on her tongue, but she doesn’t ask. Even if he answers, it won’t do her any good. “It doesn’t say anything in my contract about me not being allowed to pursue other uses of my time, as long as it doesn’t impact my earnings. It hasn’t, therefore, you have no reason to be like this.” She folds her arms over her chest, the better to hide her fisted hands.
He laughs, long and loud and cruel. “Your contract means nothing. I maintain the terms because it amuses me, but if you are betraying me, Caramel, then you need to be punished. You’re nothing more than a particularly pretty slut, spreading your legs for whatever cash you can get your hands on.”
Kara hates that name, but she freezes, and cannot move. He raises a hand and two men come in, along with a woman she’s barely aware of, some other whore, one of the older ones – one of the broken ones.
“Do it,” he instructs.
The men get between the two women, but it’s the woman who catches Kara’s attention. She’s tiny and hunched and doesn’t have an ounce of confidence in her movements – and she’s walking right for the room where Darcy is sleeping.
“What are you doing?” Kara exclaims, lunging forward. One of the men grab her wrist, the better to prevent her from moving.
“You want to take one of my toys away?” Faust sneers. Kara has never wanted to attack him as much as she does now. “I will take yours. After all, she’s half mine, isn’t she? What was it you said – she has my eyes.”
In the other room, the woman must have picked up Darcy; the baby starts to cry. There are quiet shushing sounds, but they don’t work – Kara and the neighbour are the only people who can get her to be quiet, once she starts crying. Kara doesn’t know if it’s a temperament thing or what, but she doesn’t mind, not as long as she can get there to stop it. “No,” she gasps, then repeats it louder, wrenching out of the grip of the lackey, “No! Don’t you dare, don’t even think about it, I’ll – I’ll go to the police, or I’ll hire someone to get you, Faust, just watch me – get off me – don’t touch her!”
The last shout comes from the older whore showing the wailing infant to Faust. And – yes, okay, he’s the source of the sperm that made Darcy possible, but he’s not her father, and he looks at the baby as though she is some new plaything. Figures, Kara will think later, but for now, she is too panicked, too defensive, too amped up to do anything. “Stop that,” he tells Darcy, but if anything it only makes her cry louder. He rolls his eyes and dismisses both the whore and the baby with a wave of his hand, and Kara is reminded again of how offended she was, when she realised who made her daughter possible. “You, too. Stop it,” he orders, not even looking at the crying child. “The police won’t act against me, and no one you could find would dare go against me. I own this city, I own you, and now, I own your daughter.”
“Fuck you, Faust,” she spits, tugging ineffectually against the grip of the merc. One of them shifts behind her, not that she can see it, and lifts something. Faust nods in front of her, and she opens her mouth to keep protesting, to keep yelling, to talk sense into the man who is kidnapping a baby he wanted nothing to do with less than a year ago.
Only something soft goes over her mouth and nose, muffling her shouts, and when she inhales the air is sickly sweet. Her eyes go wider, and she’s at once disgusted and horrified and incensed, but it doesn’t mean anything. After all – she isn’t immune to chloroform.
His words are a premonition:
The police do nothing. He has half a claim on a child, and if she can’t keep it safe from one little home invader, clearly she isn’t fit for custody, and less than a tenth of the police force in Blacklight aren’t in Faust’s pocket –
She can’t hire anyone to help. She doesn’t have the money, and she doesn’t trust the sort of people she could hire, and one in maybe every two hundred residents of Blacklight would maybe consider doing something that will piss off Faust –
There’s no one who will volunteer to help. She knows people who might not like Faust’s methods, but they are quiet and constrained and won’t act against him, and she couldn’t ask them to anyway, not without becoming as bad as him (which, honestly, wouldn’t be that bad, if she got her baby back) –
His words are a challenge:
He says he owns her, but she refuses to be owned by someone who no longer has anything over her. He took her daughter, and she’s not powerful enough to right the wrong, not yet –
But he can’t do anything worse to her now, so why should she listen to a word he says?
“Y’know,” X says. He’s a hulking figure, leaning against the glass cabinet she’s  fixing the display of, completely at home in the meticulously kept almost-open store. “when we met, I didn’t think you’d end up at this point.”
“I mean, common whore – no offence – to the owner of a gun store? It’s almost a 180.”
Kara snorts, because that’s the best she can offer while she’s got her hands on an engraved Colt. She rests it gently on the cushion and slides the drawer shut, locking it tight before she looks up at him. “Says the guy who gave me the idea in the first place.”
“You were at a gun show, of course that’s why I thought you were there. It’s that or you’re a gun bunny.”
“That’s not a thing,” she says drily, because he’s been trying to make it a thing at least as long as she’s known him. He hasn’t succeeded, not yet. She’s not going to let him – at least, not around her. Not on her corner of this cesspool.
“It’s totally a thing.”
She scoffs hard enough that her throat feels raw, and almost chokes on nothing. He pushes the bottle of water on the counter towards her, raises a brow at her. “Thanks,” she says, once she’s got it down without coughing anything up.
“Don’t mention it,” he says. Then it’s his turn to laugh, and roll his eyes. “I have no idea what you’re thanking me for.”
There are a lot of things. She met X at a dark point in her life, and while things haven’t gotten any lighter, she still constantly feels as though she owes him. “Closing your shop to come help me open, obviously,” she says, but it’s only one of a much longer list.
He knows. The smile he gives her is soft, and he leans across the counter to tap her nose. “You’re going to figure it all out,” he says, “I know it.”
She manages a smile back at him. It’s hard to believe – but it means the world that he does already. Apparently, it’s just what friends do – and she’s been missing out.
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guacnroll · 8 years
that 100 question jawn
Yeah so @starsburnouttoo tagged me in this like a month or two ago and I typed it up and never posted it so here it is.  My bad.
Closed.  I always thought some kind of monster was in there as a kid. Now it’s out of habit.
Why?  That’s just more shit to pack and potential spillage to clean up later.
Sheets tucked in.  You know, like a normal person.
I haven’t, but I would and I will.
I just use the memo app on my phone.
I don’t use coupons unless I need them, so nah.
Swarm of bees, because they could probably be dealt with easier.  Smoke or some shit.  Worse comes to worse, there’s a better chance of survival with a swarm of bees.
I don’t think I’ve known any full Filipino with freckles.
Lmao barely.
Getting interrupted while tal-
There’s an app for that, bruh.  Count calories.
I went backpacking in the mountains for a week for a class, so yeah.
A week.  At least we had toilet paper.
Why would I do that? I’m not even a good dancer in general.
I used to.  Not anymore.
Do engineering textbooks count as people?
Twin because that’s what the apartment provided.
Suede – NxWorries
Why would it not be okay?
Listen man, there’s so much anime out there, and with that Steven Universe shit coming out, damn. Speaking of which when is Koe no Katachi and Kimi no Na wa getting subbed this needs to be a thing also back to Steven Universe what’s Cartoon Network doing like are they trying to lower rati-
If I don’t like a movie I’ll just stop watching it.  The worst movie I remember having to watch all the way through is the second Percy Jackson movie, and I only watched it because my little sister wanted to watch it.
I’d probably take a long drive somewhere, and find a nice secluded area.  Then I’d bury it there, and record the geo coordinates somewhere.
It depends on what I’m eating man.  You gotta match the drink to the food, bruh.
Chick-fil-a sauce, Polynesian sauce, BBQ, ketchup, honey mustard.
Filipino food’s da bomb.com.
Any Studio Ghibli movie, probably.  Or, you know, Shawshank Redemption.  Maybe Clerks? Idk.
Someone at a New Year’s Eve party.
Luh mao.  Nah.
Yall are funny.
I dunno, like, sixth grade? Yall ever heard of e-mail?  Game changer, man.
I drive.  I better know.
I try to make sure that doesn’t happen.
Either chicken parm or pulled pork.
I was talking to a few of other Filipino friends earlier.  Bacon, eggs, and rice seems to be a staple in Filipino, or at least, Fil-Am culture.  Idk if that’s just an Asian thing or a Filipino thing, tho.
Electrical Engineering major and late working hours dictate between 12-3 AM.
Despite all the work I piled onto myself, I still find time to take naps.  So yeah.
Astronaut, Harry Potter, the usual.
Year of the ox.
My parents tried teaching me Tagalog as a kid but apparently my bitchass was like “Speak English I’m an ungrateful brat hahahah.”  I know a few words but other than that, nah.
 And English.  But that’s a given.
Better question: who would answer Lincoln Logs?
Only on something that really matters to me.  So like “drop this class it’s getting in the way of your grades,” I’ll be like “nah.” Other than that prolly not.
I don’t watch a lot of late night talk shows, and those guys are like before my generation, bro.
My sister told me to watch this K-Drama called Goblin and that’s basically a soap.
If there’s no railing then yeah.
Not unless I’m the only one in the car honestly.
Lmao nah.
Only when I’m with close friends or alone.
Yeah.  It was pretty fun ngl.
Last year.
[has flashbacks of high school pit band]
The most stressful part of Christmas is my mom bringing us to Church for like 3 hours.
They’re pretty good.
Apple, probably.
Musician, author, scientist, somebody famous with lots of hoes and money, idk.
My friend claims he talks to ghost and I’m inclined to believe him tbh.
Yeah, a bunch.
Don’t touch my chinelas cuh
Sweatpants, t-shirt.   The basics.
Kanye West, floor tickets, TLOP PSU 2016 heh heh
Target bruh
I have a pair of Adidas sweatpants so like Adidas I guess
Cheetos if I had to choose.
I hate peanuts.
Ohhh you tryna go there? You think just because you know one obscure band means you’re all that but I bet you don’t even listen to prog rock you hipster piec-
I should.
Nah.  But the dream girl is probably Yuja Wang, so if you’re classically trained in any instrument then you’re probably an 8/10 in my book already.
Nah I got dem recessive genes bruh.
Like, once.  In third grade.  It wasn’t a huge thing.
The only time that would’ve happened in my life is when my sister was born.
I got a vinyl of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band b/c y not ya feel
I’ll probably buy one. Eventually.
The only thing I burn regularly is dat broccoli heh
Yeah, that’s like a thing most people do.
I’mma see Chance the Rapper soon, but other than that, Kendrick Lamar, J. Cole, Isaiah Rashad, and I’d like to hear Yuja Wang perform some Prokofiev or Rachmaninoff or something.
Kanye West lol
Hot tea preferably.
I like both, but given my life I’ve been drinking a lot of coffee to stay awake recently.
I know how to swim, I guess.
Who can’t?..
I wouldn’t be able to be an engineer if I wasn’t :^)
I’ll figure it out when I’m at that point.
Does winning a music scholarship for my high school count.
I’m not, like, an olive expert man.
The living room I guess.
Yeah sure.
There was some cute bassist in the pit band in my junior year.  I prolly could’ve asked her out, but like she was a senior going to college so I didn’t really see a real reason at that point.
No because I try to be better than that.
Idk, blue, maroon.
I’m at home rn so nah.
Is this a video?  This isn’t a video.
@katie-be-happy @bluebrry  What’s up yooo
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