#i was very close to make this outfit hot pink
la-llama-sims · 1 year
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𝟛𝟙 𝔻𝕒𝕪𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝔹𝕒𝕣𝕓𝕚𝕖- 𝕄𝕪𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕪 𝕊𝕡𝕪
This Barbie is on a mission to steal your heart and look good while doing it!
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rowzien · 1 month
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The Trans Court Suit
This was my big project I made over the summer! I am beyond proud of and happy with the coat.
The first initial project I wanted for this was a pink waistcoat. I grew up liking pink and most of my stuff was, but that (along with growing up in a hot pink room) made me start to resent pink a lot especially as a teenager. (I think a lot of trans guys have similar stories.) But of course pink was very popular for men throughout a lot of European fashion history. So in many ways this was a self healing project for me, at least in that regard. Which I think was a success!
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I actually found the first two portraits after I started working on the outfit, they looked perfect! The first especially is super close to my hair.
The silks for the coat as well as the linen interfacings were second hand or scraps in my stash. The cotton sateen was from Burnley and Trowbridge. This is the first project I fully drafted myself. The waistcoat and breeches were made from an 1820s manual and the coat was primarily taken from Period Patterns by Doris Edison, using also Agreeable Tyrant for interfacings and The Taylor's Complete Guide (for shape reference).
This is also the most hand sewing I’ve done for an outfit. Both of the fronts of the coat and waistcoat are completely by hand. Most of the coat is by hand with machine for structural/backstitches, mostly the seams but not the edges. In total there are 22 buttons.
I made the waistcoat straight across for two reasons A. So I can wear it with my other stuff B. I didn’t have any more trim, that was it. I’ll probably make a more 18th century style waistcoat out of white for this (at some point).
The breeches ended up being too small for my thighs so I started getting frustrated with the fit and rushed them by the end so I could move on. (I accidentally sewed the buttonholes on the wrong side).
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rynbutt · 6 months
pierced. pt. 3 | spencer reid.
Spencer wanted this date to go perfectly, he wanted to treat you like a princess and maybe even land a second date... but why is Hotch calling?
pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 4
cw: fem!reader, kissing, slight angst, fluffy
a/n: kicking my feet fr
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You started getting ready two hours earlier than you normally would.
Sure, you had been on dates before, but you could confidently say you’d never been this excited to go on a date before. You’d been on the odd blind date that your friend from back home set up, but they usually went as well as you’d expect a date with a misogynistic frat boy with mommy issues to go… not great. After Spencer had walked you home, and called to ask you out for dinner, you were utterly giddy. 
You barely got any sleep that night, your mind and heart racing a mile a minute thinking about the kiss you shared outside your apartment building. You spent the most of the afternoon picking out an outfit, staring at your body in the mirror while you turned side on, front on, side on again to make sure your ass looked good (it did).
You asked Spencer to tell you where he was taking you, because you really didn’t want to be underdressed or overdressed. He insisted it was nothing fancy but a man’s idea of fancy and a woman’s idea of fancy are very different things.
You picked something that felt like the best of both worlds, a semi-formal mini dress and dressed down with your favourite knitted cardigan. You spent the rest of the afternoon getting ready, styling your hair, picking jewellery and shoes and doing your makeup. 
You had been excited the whole day but as 6pm got closer and closer, you started to get nervous. It had been a while since you’d gone on a date with someone you felt you really liked and wanted to impress, it was a strange feeling.
Spencer knocked on your door at exactly 6pm. You were in the middle of pulling applying your lipgloss when he knocked. You cursed quietly to yourself, thinking you had way more time than you actually did. You’d hoped he’d be at least a little bit late. He was a genius though, punctuality was kind of his thing. 
You almost tripped over your shoes running to the front door, a cleaning task you would tackle when you got home. You pulled the door open with a smile beaming across your face. Your heart fluttered at the sight of Spencer’s precious face peeking over a bouquet of pink tulips.
“Hi,” he said softly with a tight lipped smile. He held the tulips out toward you, “for you.”
“Spencer…” you pouted at the gesture, taking the tulips from his grasp. “They’re so beautiful.”
“Garcia said flowers would make a good impression,” he lied, he actually read a considerable amount of articles and first date guides all day at work. But Garcia did help him pick the flowers.
“Well, she was right. Tulips are my favourite,” you grinned, turning back into your apartment to find and fill a vase. “Come in, I won’t be a minute, I just need to put my shoes on and grab my purse.”
Spencer awkwardly stepped into your apartment, glancing around at the now fully decorated space, a far cry from what it looked like just 3 weeks ago. You quickly went to put your shoes on and put some money, your lipgloss and perfume in your purse. You closed the door to your bedroom and paused, staring at Spencer as he squatted down and rubbed Tofu’s belly.
“Made a new friend?” You asked.
Spencer smiled with utter delight, “She’s so fluffy.”
You giggled at Spencer’s response, grabbing the keys for your apartment off the kitchen counter. Spencer dusted the cat fur off his pants before spinning on his heel to face you, “ready to go?”
“Yeah,” you smiled. You stepped closer until you were just in front of him, you reached up and adjusted his tie gently. “You look very handsome.”
His cheeks felt hot, “T-thank you… You-! You look really nice too- beautiful! You look beautiful…” he stammered, exaggeratedly gesturing at your appearance.
You giggled softly, “thank you, Spence… Shall we?”
“Yes, yes, right,” he replied, quickly scurrying to the door to open it for you.
The two of you made your way down to his car and he made a point to run ahead of you when you left your apartment building to open his passenger door for you. He was intensely determined to be a gentleman, wanting to give you a good impression so maybe you’d go on another date with him, maybe even come to Rossi’s dinner party next week. But he was getting ahead of himself, he should probably focus on the road.
“...So where are you taking me?” You asked, glancing out the car window at the city speeding by. 
“It’s one of my favourite places,” he replied, hands nervously gripping the wheel. “I… hope you like it.”
“I’m just happy to spend time with you, Spencer… We could sit on the pavement outside a seven eleven and I’d be thrilled,” you grinned, folding your hands in your lap as you watched him glance at you. You watched him for a moment, chuckling to yourself whenever he would glance down at your lap then clear his throat.
Spencer was really trying to keep his eyes on the road, but your plush thighs in the corner of his eye were proving to be very distracting. He had never had a pretty girl in his passenger seat before, especially not a girl he was taking on a date. 
Spencer drove for maybe 30 minutes before he pulled into a parking lot. Once he parked, he quickly got out of the car and did a little run around the front to open your door for you, reaching to help you out of his car.
Spencer held his elbow out for you and you linked arms, your hand gently holding his upper arm. There was a long line up outside the restaurant, people talking and laughing, clearly it was a popular spot. Spencer was stiff with nervousness, his hands clammy as you leaned your temple against his shoulder.
“You okay?” You questioned gently.
He nodded quickly, “Yeah, just… I’ve never been on a proper date before.”
You pouted, “well don’t be nervous. I’m only here for you, Spence. I’m sure it’ll be perfect.”
Spencer’s phone suddenly rang in his jacket pocket. You quickly let go of his arm as he pulled it out of his pocket, staring at Hotch’s caller ID. He hesitated for a moment, knowing it was work and he would likely have to leave. Spencer looked at you with such sadness and disappointment in his eyes.
“Work?” You asked softly.
“Yeah… But I-”
“It’s okay, Spencer,” you smiled sadly. “Your job’s important.”
Spencer sighed before stepping away from the line and answering the call. You couldn’t hear what he was saying but he sounded upset given his gestures and frantic running of his hand through his hair. After a minute he hung up, slipping his phone in his pocket. He looked at you sadly, opening his mouth to say something but you cut him off.
“It’s okay, Spencer,” you held his face softly. “You go, I’ll get a cab, okay? And when you get back you can tell me all about how you kicked ass, okay?”
Spencer breathed out a laugh and nodded timidly, “Okay.”
“Go,” you said, letting go of his face as he quickly darted away to his car. He was almost out of sight when you watched him turn back, running back to you. He quickly planted a kiss on your lips, breathing hard against you. You smiled against his lips and held his cheek in your hand. He pulled away just as fast, your lipgloss smeared along his lips. You wiped it off with your thumb, “okay, now go.”
“I’ll call you,” he breathed, kissing your cheek quickly before running off.
It killed him leaving you there. Spencer wasn’t someone who got angry that easily but he was in a bad mood about this. He charged through the bullpen that night like a bulldozer, ready to set fire to anyone who dared ask him ‘how he was’. Morgan, JJ and Emily sensed the crankiness the moment Spencer pulled his chair out and sat down with a thud, crossing his arms angrily. 
“Rough night, lover boy?” Morgan asked, trying to lighten the mood.
“Wasn’t much of a night at all, really,” Spencer retorted with an attitude.
“Woah, woah, what happened?” Emily questioned, eyes narrowing at Spencer.
“I had a date, okay? That girl you met last night? Y/N? I was taking her to my favourite restaurant and then Hotch called and I-” Spencer had to stop himself before he blew up. His lips formed a tight line as he stared at the table, not daring to look up.
“Aw, Spence…” JJ sighed, “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry doesn’t help,” Spencer mumbled. He spent the rest of their meeting in a foul mood, barely listening to JJ as she listed the details of their next case. They were never usually called in on their days off but after almost twenty bodies, the BAU had a lot cut out for them.
“We’ll leave in two hours,” Hotch dismissed. Spencer was first up, grabbing the small stack of files and pushing toward the door to go to his desk. Morgan and Emily looked at each other, sharing a look of disbelief over Spencer’s crankiness. 
Spencer sat at his desk pushing his pen around, barely touching the cup of sugar with a splash of coffee that JJ got for him. All he could think about was how you probably wouldn’t talk to him again after this, he knew this job came with sacrifices, but he just wanted one thing, one thing, to himself.
“You okay, Reid?” Penelope asked softly. 
Spencer glanced up at her, letting out a sigh, “I was on a date with Y/N before this… We didn’t even get to sit down.”
Penelope’s shoulders slumped at his words, “I’m sure you’ll be able to make it up to her,” she said hopefully. 
Spencer nodded slowly, “I hope so.”
Penelope stepped away to answer a phone call and Spencer was left feeling sorry for himself at his desk for the next 30 minutes, going through his mind the different things he could say or do to make it up to you. Maybe he should call you? Text you? Drop by when he gets back? Or maybe he could buy you another cat as a peace offering-
“Is this seat taken?”
Spencer’s head shot up from his desk, coming face to face with you, your hand resting on the empty chair by his desk.
“Y/N? What are you-”
“I called Penelope,” you answered, “She told me you weren’t leaving for another hour so… I thought I’d bring dinner?”
You held out a plastic bag of take away food from the restaurant he took you to. You asked Penelope what his favourite thing on the menu was and bought some extra for yourself. Spencer looked like a kicked puppy as he stared up at you in disbelief.
He stood up and quickly hugged you, making you chuckle at the sudden affection. You felt your face heat up at all the eyes suddenly on you and Spencer. Morgan whooped from his desk, cheering loudly and obnoxiously, prompting Spencer to pull away from you.
“I’m so sorry,” Spencer whispered.
“You don’t have to apologise, Spence,” you replied. “You love your job and it’s important,” you shrugged, placing the plastic bag on his desk.
“God, you’re so sweet it’s killing me,” Emily grumbled, walking by with a fresh cup of coffee. She pointed at Spencer, brows raised, “keep her.”
You and Spencer shared a laugh before he pulled a chair over closer to his for you. You sat down and pulled your takeaway dinner from the plastic bag, letting Spencer tell you all about the restaurant and why this specific meal was his absolute favourite. His knees brushed against yours under his desk and he just revelled in the comfort of your company.
“So, what’s your new case?” You asked, taking a sip of your drink.
“Uh, well,” he trailed off.
“You can’t tell me, huh?” You chuckled.
“Not really, sorry,” he replied. “I’m sure it’ll be on the news tomorrow.”
“Right, well. I’m sure deep down I don’t really wanna know,” you shrugged.
He nodded, “the cases we work aren’t exactly pleasant.” Spencer sighed, “I wish we could have actually had a date.”
“This is a date,” you replied. “Is it not?”
“Well… I mean, it’s just not what I wanted for our first date.”
“Like I said Spence, you could take me to a seven eleven and I’d have a blast,” you chuckled, reaching over to run a thumb across his cheek. “You can make it up to be on our second date.”
Spencer quickly looked at you, “Second date?”
“Yeah… only if you want to?”
“Yes, yeah. I want to,” he replied almost too fast. You smiled sweetly at him, a piece of your hair falling from behind your ear. Oh yeah, he’s done for.
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a/n: had you in the first half, didn't i... dare i say you've pierced his heart, HAHAHAH
taglist: @crazycat-ladys-blog @cillsnostalgia @secretly-tumb1r
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iznsfw · 8 months
Reputation, Or Whatever That Is
IZ Days of Christmas 2023: Day 12 - Jang Wonyoung
IVE's Jang Wonyoung x Male Reader Smut
7,063 words
Categories | daddy kink, brat!Wonyoung, squirting, blowjob, please appreciate Wonyoung's power bottom capabilities
Sorry, Yena is coming out sometime but I wanted to finally write something timely. JANG WONYOUNG WHAT THE FUCKKKKK.
Please bear with the religious metaphors, I have Catholic guilt and Wonyoung reignites it. I'm not sorry for all the other fucked up shit here I'm just ooga boogaing because what the FUCK
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It’s a little brighter today than usual. The sun surely knows what's about to happen upon its rising. It has no plans of telling you beforehand, so you’re forced to find out yourself. 
You open Instagram, which is insane because you never bother to look at pictures—much less edited, filtered ones made for meaningless impressions. Your blissful ignorance of online concepts is what would make your fans hate you if they had space in their deluded hearts to. Or maybe that’s your age talking.
But today, clicking on that app is what you do, and that already should have been a sign that something’s not right. The usual run of your universe has gone off course. Who could have made that so?
Coffee. The black stillness that’s pure of sweetness and sugar. That’s supposed to keep everything normal. You sip on it as you scroll through clickbait, fan accounts, edits—
Then you wish you never took that hot gulp at all.
It’s all because of her. 
She stands there from behind your screen, silky hair tangled in those lithe long fingers. She’s looking at the camera like she wants whoever took the time to click on her profile to come over and fuck her right now. Man or woman, poor or rich—it doesn’t matter. What ought to matter though is the fact that she doesn’t have someone’s hands slipped around her waist and pulling her close.
You shouldn’t even be thinking about it.
Usually, she’s dressed in knitted pink coats and miniskirts; looking fashionable but modest, modest but unplain. That’s what everyone loves about Jang Wonyoung: she’s prim, sweet, and the daughter of the nation. 
Now, she’s the ideal girl to take right home and have your wicked way with. Yes, you’d feel guilty since she’s so young, just the little age of nineteen. Still, that doesn’t mean you’d have any regrets. She’s the kind of girl you can’t get away from. You’ll always come back for more.
You’d hate to be so upfront, but there’s no other way to interpret it. 
There’s that fucking denim bra hugging her tiny chest, stitched up so high that her abs are on full display. That little pinch of a waist curves so perfectly right up to her wide hips that invite and invite and invite—
Remember to exhale.
So, yeah. That’s how Wonyoung ruined your day, and you barely had your morning coffee.
A text message from your boss appears. You nearly miss it because of how you’re staring all ogle-eyed at the tempting girl on your screen. Before you even click it, you already know what you ought to do. 
hey, it reads, you need to—
—go to Wonyoung, and for such a scandalous photo, she’s chosen a remote but classy hotel only the biggest stars know of to shoot it. 
There’s no going back when you drive like you’re running from the law when you’ll break one if you pull the wrong stunt with her. Your throat’s coiled with an unreleased breath that won’t go away unless you see her. It’s like traveling with the promise of meeting a goddess, and although you’re not religious anymore, you wear very, very close to rediscovering faith.
The hotel is grand—clear marble floors and shining chandeliers—and it’s no surprise. Wonyoung wouldn’t have things any other way. You know that when she’s come to your office to complain about her outfits and brands. 
You go up to the desk with prepared evidence for what you’re going to say. “I’m an associate of your client miss Jang Wonyoung,” you say to the lady tapping away behind her computer, “and I’ve come to visit her.”
Associate? It’s more like mentor. You’re a veteran idol whose efforts inspire the rookies, therefore getting you the responsibility of looking out for Wonyoung. So, father figure, maybe? You wince at that.
She makes a polite sad look, still not removing her eyes from the screen. “I’m sorry, miss Jang doesn’t have—”
Slide your ID card on the counter.
She glances at it, stiffens, then looks up at you. There’s only one of you in the entire South Korea, and although the 1x1 traces back to when you were a bit more youthful, it’s not hard to put two and two together. 
She apologizes quickly and offers you an elevator ride exclusive for VVIPs. Smile. It’s been a while since your last return to music, but everyone knows you here. Everyone knows your power.
Wonyoung’s place is the first room on the twelfth floor, a flinching irony.
Knock. You rap your knuckles three times for good luck and charm, because you’ll need it with her. Jang Wonyoung is everything save an easy girl. You remember the many times she refused to give up a debate on how she’s managed, how she’s styled, how she’s treated. She wants things to go her way only.
“Wonyoung,” you call out. Fidget with the handle of the door that refuses to budge. “It’s me.”
Knock a little more. There’s no eye behind the peekhole or a soft “come in.” You receive only the unlocking of the furnished knob and a welcome that makes you wish this could go the way your morals would want it to go.
The door opens you to a gorgeous suite that’s the supreme of all room tiers. This is the kind that only the richest of the rich are able to attain. Big as a house with a soft carpeted ground, there’s a queen-sized bed before a wide window of the city. Picture frames commissioned by the wealthy hang from the painted walls. All for the fucking aesthetic.
Even you, a star who paved the way for the Korean entertainment industry itself, aren’t used to this type of wealth. 
Find her sitting on the ledge of the window frame. Wonyoung has her hands resting on the sides of the window frame. She doesn’t try at least a stance at nonchalance—no admiring stare at the beautiful view, no worried gaze at her clean fingernails. Her interest is you standing before her like you’re afraid to touch her. She might be right, but it’s not like you’d ever have it in you to admit that.
Even you, a man lusted over by girls and women all over the world, aren’t used to this kind of woman—the kind that eats away at you.
“Wonyoung.” Inside, you feel like the weakest man in the world.
She has this smarmy, confident smile on her perfect lips that tells you that it’s no surprise that you’ve come all the way here for her. No surprise at all. She expected it. Anticipated it, if you will.
Don’t mistake the coquettish float of her lashes for theatrics. No, Jang Wonyoung’s just naturally someone you’d want to fuck, no matter the politics of it. “Yes?”
Her voice is also just that pretty. That’s a large part of why it’s so hard to act professional in front of her when she’s your mentee. Even more so by the fact you’re someone she’s looked up to for the majority of her trainee years, which is already something that would make people’s brows lift.
“Wonyoung.” You let your shoulders rest. “Why are you still dressed like that?”
You know all the dialogue that passes around the general public. Oh, Jang Wonyoung’s so gorgeous! Jang Wonyoung’s even more beautiful in real life! You hate to say you can’t disagree. She’s deadlier in person; her body’s there before the glass like she’s waiting for someone to give in to temptation. That coy simper can ruin careers. It can ruin yours. 
To think it all could be gone because of a nineteen-year-old celebrity with a tiny waist and legs you’d love to have around your head.
“Why are you still dressed like someone from the eighties?” Wonyoung taps her chin, then grins. She’s figured it all out. “Oh wait, you are.”
You’re not taking insults from someone who’s below you in experienced years and power. Unluckily, she’s not taking advice from someone above her or below her.
The step you take towards her, towards the little star seated comfortably waiting for you, feels like a sin. 
“You’re incredibly unprofessional for a girl who’s worked her way up here,” you note. Cross your arms and give her a reprimanding look. 
Wonyoung’s immune to nasty looks, too. She’s been doing this since she was a child. If someone gave her a glare that read all too well of a career assassination, she’d wink the bullet away sweetly. “Hm,” she says contemplatively, “I don’t think you get to say that, honestly.”
Your laugh is blunt and sarcastic. Unbelievable. Wonyoung’s the kindest girl according to the people who work for her, so why is she a rebel in your hands? It doesn’t make sense.
“Look here, we—”
You take three steps closer to her. You’ll keep your little rituals and superstitions to keep yourself grounded. Without them, you’d go insane. 
Then without her having to do anything, she comes nearer, like a doomsday foretold by a ticking clock. Who knows? That clock could be a bomb, and that bomb would set off if you dare to touch her with a trembling fingertip. You’d leave the scene injured. And eventually, you’d die the moment they try to help you, because the deed’s been done.
“Oh, I’m looking, alright,” she chirps. She’s doing what you’ve held yourself back from doing: letting her eyes wander. “And I really, really like what I see.”
You’re someone several awards her senior, and you’re still quite intimidated by her at this moment. She’s so sweet yet so honest—she won’t make up a lie to make you feel better and she won’t hide the truth to make you comfortable. Refuse the truth her eyes locked on your crotch tell. You won’t accept it. It’s not right.
“I’m serious.” Approaching her makes you want to go on your knees and beg the lord for a little saving. Do it anyway. No one will rescue you. That’s what the industry taught you. “You’ve made it all the way up here. All by yourself. There’s gotta be something. What are you throwing it all away for?”
She laughs. Funniest thing she’s ever heard. “I’m not. How am I throwing it all away?” 
“Those posts,” you hiss. Doesn’t she get it?
Before she could ask you what you’re talking about, you whip out your phone. Click on the app icon. It instantly shows you the opened tab containing Wonyoung’s recent Instagram posts. Look at her, wrapped in nothing, not even those curtains—giving the camera bedroom eyes when girls her age shouldn’t be shooting them at anyone or be aware of how to. 
It’s already massed a million likes in under an hour. But you know what people who turn on anyone easily will say, and what they say could blot Wonyoung’s bright future by a lot. A million people around the world have caught sight of the abs she’s worked hard for, her toned back, and just about everything. A loud minority with frisky influences can sabotage her whole reputation.
“These posts,” you continue, shoving the screen into the poor girl’s face, “can take away everything you’ve worked for. All that fame, all that money, you can’t brag about them after this.”
Wonyoung looks on innocently. She stares at the screen with uninterested eyes, then switches them back on you. She looks like such a good girl in that second, with her hands seated beside her and that face so full of sparkling perfection. 
Deception can’t lead you away. 
“So, what’s it gonna be, Wonyoung?” 
Long silence that builds up your frustration. Finally, she clicks her tongue. Gives you a shrug of her thin shoulders.
“You liked it.”
She points to your phone. “You liked my post,” she repeats. “It says so right there.”
What the hell is she talking about?
You look at the device you’re brandishing. For a while, you can’t find out what she’s referring to. You can never take a liking to her posts, although if they switch on something you didn’t know you can feel. You’d die before—
The heart. 
The heart button below her set of pictures is filled with red.
Your heart pumps faster, a button pushed and played.
You turn to her and open your mouth. No sensible words come out. You swear you didn’t tap twice on her update or take it to a private setting. How did it happen? Worse, even if you say that to her, she’d take it as a pathetic lie.
Wonyoung giggles. It’s a tinkly sound that’s adorable, but you’ve long realized that being cute is not all there is to her. She rises slowly, sets her palms over your blazer-clad arms, and gives you an empathetic face. It’s so condescending that you want to dissolve. 
“I know what men like you are all about,” she tells you. She speaks with a sultriness that makes you feel warm and has bumps appearing in masses across your skin.
She smiles. Her eyes disappear into crescent moons and the dimple appears on her cheek. You’re done for. 
“Come on,” Wonyoung continues, squeezing your forearms. “Here you are, a big old man known for being a good singer or whatever. You’re so popular that the first thing that pops up on Naver is your face. Everything goes right for you, doesn’t it?”
You have no idea where she’s going with this. You’re afraid to even ask. Your teeth grit as her massages grow stronger, harder. 
Something else is, too.
“Then, of course, you see me.” 
Her hand. It’s curling around your wrist and bringing your fingers right around that flawless waist. She closes them there tightly.
It’s so bad that it’s good. You want to keep touching her, maybe slip your gliding fingers down her jeans. Oh, you shouldn’t. You can’t.
“You see me, and you get all hot and bothered. And what’s so funny is I’m not even doing anything. I’m just being myself, you know. Being young and rich… a beautiful girl…” Wonyoung is unbuttoning your shirt and you don’t realize it. “You can’t understand how I’m allowed to be this hot when you can’t even fuck me with a normal conscience.”
It’s all so wrong. You want to shake her by the shoulders and tell her to shut up. But if Medusa has her eyes, Wonyoung has her lips to turn you to stone. They keep opening elegantly to speak the filthiest, most fucked up shit, and you can’t deny anything.
Her eyes are creased with knowing pride. Her youth doesn’t rescue her from being so messed in the head already. Those thoughts don’t go along with such a pretty face.
“That’s why you like to get rough with me. You tell me to watch how I speak, watch how I act. You tell me to stop talking to you like you’re no one. You tell me that I’m such a little brat. But you only do that so you can get to control me. That’s your most fucked up dream, right?”
Her mouth is the tiniest space away from your chin. 
You’re another word away from saving yourself a spot in damnation.
Her finger that scratches a flaw on your blazer beckons you to the fire. “You’re not breaking the law or anything,” says Wonyoung, “so why not break me instead, daddy?”
That’s a deal sealed with a rough kiss.
You grab her cruelly and cover her lips with yours. They’re more amazing than you imagined, soft and competent with how she pushes in deeper, depriving herself of the air she needs the most just to get what she needs just a bit more:
Your tongues collide and clash, striving to get the most taste. She pulls your blazer off (because fuck professionalism, right?) while she kisses you with a hunger that’s equally mental and physical. It’s not like she’d bruise up if you didn’t get your hands on her yet it’s close to that. 
And, in your case, it’s not like you’re breaking any law. She’s nineteen, not anywhere under the limits you’d kill others and yourself for touching. Nonetheless, you’re much older—by age, she could be your daughter; by career, she’s your junior; by power, you’re much stronger. 
So, it’s still so wrong.
Can’t be when Wonyoung’s fist, firm around your cock, feels so right. 
Can’t be when she lands on the edge of the bed with her lips parted in delight as she watches your dick stiffen under her service. 
“There you go, daddy,” she coos, smirking. “Just get all hard for me, then you can stuff that big thing up in my pussy.”
Her thumb toys with your cockhead. You purse your lips to hold back a groan. Let go of it anyway when her smooth, closed palm rubs your sensitive flesh. She cups your balls lovingly before gliding her teasing fingertips under your length, right up to your tip. The girl knows how to do this; she’s good at more things other than MCing and performing.
Wonyoung hones this skill with firmer pumps, giving you the handjob of a lifetime. Her long fingers are just made to handle dick. Each stroke is perfection that holds and pulls and slides. You’re leaking so much already. 
So you turn into the driver of the hate train, the press that loves getting her bad angles and the articles that slash up her name:
Blame it all on her. 
Because you have here a girl, young and pretty and confident, so of course you have to scrape off your sins and nail them all on her, like a quivering hand to wood.
“You think you’re getting it that easily?” you say. Your moan is squeezed in your throat. “Baby, you’re not even close to it.”
Wonyoung smirks. It’s that self-assured, elegant smile that tells you that won’t work on her. She might be a rookie, but she knows how to play the game. 
She tightens her grip painfully. That’s what you get for trying to one her up. Do that to anyone, just not Jang Wonyoung. Your cry goes unheard as she yanks you rather than jerks you off. Spits on your head for good measure. Wonyoung’s eyes make a connection with your soul and says, Yep, that’s what I’d do if you weren’t my senior. In fact, I’d do it regardless. I’d choke and spit and leave you to die, because a pretty Samaritan is better than a good one.
“You’re really out of touch, daddy.” 
With Wonyoung slathering her drool all over you, you’re forced to teeter on the line between heaven and hell. It burns yet the offer of pleasure leaves you sated.
“You think I’m like the pretty girls out there? Other girls might have broken down and begged you to come back.” 
Your rod is subjected to a brief torrid kiss, then a smile as the wicked girl looks up at you.
She laughs, gives you this smile full of haught and womanly power. “Too bad I’m Jang Wonyoung,” she says, her last words before taking you in.
Yes, it’s too bad she’s Jang Wonyoung. It’s too bad she’s not the other girls who��d kneel for a burning touch of stars like you. She wouldn’t be holding control over you with the power of her lips if she had sanity in that pretty head.
Her plump tiers wrap around you and seize everything, encasing it in softness and wetness. Her tongue, the one she uses as a killer expression for her selfies and Instagram updates, kills you all the same with how it swirls around your skin and tastes you. Trying to pretend the girl wasn’t a pro at this like she is with everything else is useless. She’ll keep proving you wrong and overpowering you.
The whole of your shaft is sucked in, then, when her cute nose is pressed directly to your stomach, she lets out a hummed laugh. You shudder—as much as it makes you feel good, fear grips your muscles and makes them limp. She’s loving how wrong everything is, and you’re not sure if you like it.
Her jaw slacks, and then Wonyoung’s swallowing you like you’re water. Can’t be water when you’re this solid in her throat. You let out a shivering groan. You can picture the bulge in Wonyoung’s neck and it’s the last thing you’d count on turning you on, but they did tell you to expect the unexpected. 
Her saliva becomes excessive, resulting in some dribbles down her chin that help her work her mouth on you. Wonyoung’s drool sheens you entirely and she keeps adding more. On the occasion she pushes her face into your stomach, your cock gets wetter. She does, too. 
“Fuck.” Cussing won’t help deter the onslaught of pleasure. You’re unsalvageable. Say it anyway. You babble meaningless, slurred words and not one gets to Wonyoung. All she can hear is the sound of your quivering moans and her mouth taking you all in.
She becomes less of an idol, less of the elegant princess for the cameras, and instead a fleshlight. However, she reminds you that it isn’t that way with a fierce sneer that stays on at all times. She’s not your girl—she’s Jang Wonyoung, and you’re already incredibly lucky that she chose to go down on you.
All that beautiful hair isn’t of any purpose if you don’t get to touch it, to gather it in a ponytail, to pull on it. Your fingers creep into her brown locks not only to give it a little meaning but also for sanity. 
That isn’t a thing in Wonyoung’s world. She pulls your hand off and slaps it on your side. “No,” she says with a shake of her head. “Daddy can’t touch me, not when he’s pretending that he’s hot shit.”
Her nails bury themselves in your hips. Oh, the manicured talons of a gorgeous monster. Oh, the pain that runs through your sides. Should you run before she devours you? Too late for that.
“Wonyoung,” you breathe, and then ask, genuinely: “What the hell is wrong with you?”
She’s so proper and serene on her shows that not even her most desperate fan would think she’s a terror. They don’t know she’s a girl who likes older, weaker men who’d ruin her if she hasn’t the pretty face and attractively black heart to do them the favor instead. 
“What’s wrong with you?” 
You’d respond if you knew the answer.
Wonyoung rubs her thumb under your dick, sending little sparks aflying. “Why’d you kiss me earlier?” Her lipstick decorates it as a kinder girl would to your face. “Why didn’t you grab my hair and tell me to be a good girl? Why didn’t you leave? It’s not my fault you want to fuck me.”
All these words of destruction and your cock remains standing. It’s a staunch reminder to her that you can say whatever you want and the hard evidence remains. You want to fuck Wonyoung. You want to do it to a rookie who’d turn the story around on you if it ever came out. You want to fuck her so bad it’s borderline pitiable.
“I’m just giving you what you want, daddy.” Her fingers caress your sides. “Trust me, I could be a very good girl if I wanted to.”
You almost didn’t believe that until Wonyoung started to suck you off again. 
Her lips stroke you effortlessly as if this were her pastime. That’s your most accurate guess, because this seamless performance—the one of her mouth working on you with the impression that this whole thing is nothing to her—can’t be a natural gift. The combination of dripping saliva and her soft lips is lethal.
It’s unbelievable how she manages to find all your tender spots. She preys on them, licking and licking until you’re very sure you were going to blow all over her. But you can’t give her that satisfaction. 
You’re very close to doing so though. She’s perfectly sloppy and rough. You glare at her when she lightly teases her teeth on your girth. She winks at you in response. She leaves you breathless in so many ways. 
“Wonyoung, Wonyoung, god—” you whine. It’s so hard to adapt to the girl sitting there with that innocent face and wild mouth that doesn’t dare give up on you. 
Her expressions on camera are always poised. Off camera, there’s this one she flashes you as she shoves her face into your stomach that looks downright evil. Although she’s already fucking you with her throat, Wonyoung partners it with strong suction that’s sure to drain you. 
“Yes, daddy?” She doesn’t pant when she goes up for air, replacing her sucking with her long fingers. 
“I’m really close,” you admit. It’s obvious from your shaking legs. 
Sounds of returned wet suction start to increase. Criticism and compliments prod Wonyoung on. How else would she improve in her idol life? In blowing you? In devouring you?
You realize you’re fitting the cliché. There’s you, an idol whose name is uttered on the daily by both young and old fans, igniting a scandal in the making by fucking a girl beneath you in everything. There’s this expensive suite where stars go for a little precious privacy to do what they want. There’s the two of you doing exactly what you desire: fucking each other. There’s the classic maneater trope with how it’s more like Wonyoung fucking you—she fucks you with her face, fucks you in the head, fucks with your righteousness. Well, fuck.
Wonyoung drools so much that you’re invited to a sea the moment your head pushes past her tongue again. It’s slicker, sloppier, and so much sexier because she’s so completely devoted to your cock. Her hypnotizing eyes trap you and so does her body, tight and tiny—that tummy is flatter than a board and only thin panties hide what her long legs lead to from the bottom.
The only time she stops sucking you is when she darts her tongue side to side with an unhinged pace on your sensitive tip. “Good. Cum in my throat.”
“Shit, god, I can’t—”
Wonyoung attacks you again, and there, in her warm orifice, your plentiful orgasm spends itself. Her throat welcomes you tightly every time. Her hot restricted breaths fan your groin and evokes more semen that spills with no care. 
Your hands ball into fists. Although you’re hot and shaking, you can’t touch her. Why are you following her rules when it should be the other way around? It’s a reversal of roles, a Stockholm’s Syndrome of some sorts whose victim is your cock never wanting to leave from the predatory embrace of Wonyoung’s puckered kiss.
Of course, after she gathers all of your cum in the pool of her mouth, she swallows.
She really could be a good girl.
“Awh.” Wonyoung pouts mockingly. “Daddy, are you crying?”
Touch your face. To your horror, she’s right. The electricity and shock of her continuous blowjob results in a few tears on your cheeks. You haven’t done that in years. Wonyoung is the first one to make you cry like this.
You flush. What more to hide your weakness than anger? “Wonyoung,” you start, then you realize you don’t know what to say, “I—you—”
She smiles. You aren’t going anywhere.
She shoves you to the bed. You’ve reached rock bottom in spite of the softness of the quality pillows. You’ll scrape your way out if not for Wonyoung finishing the job by keeping you there assisted by her legs. They close around you with not even a courtesy false promise of an escape. No negotiation, no coaxes. 
Wonyoung is sitting on your crotch but not on your dick, which is a problem. Which is a solution. Her hands are pinned to your chest while you try not to meet her eyes. It’s a losing game when your runaway glances are met by her grinding hips, silky thighs, and the hard, flexing abs of a perfection of a midriff. 
Her fingers tug on the waistband of her panties before slowly slipping them off. Her pink pussy clear of blemish or hair comes in contact with your length. Up and down she goes, her dancing hips always seeking for more friction. You understand their need because you share the same—Wonyoung’s splayed lips on your member feel heavenly. It’s kind of disappointing that she might as well have climbed her way out of hell.
If she did, she’s the prettiest little devil you’ve ever seen.
“Ohhh, don’t you get it?” Wonyoung asks. She moves so smoothly, you nearly forget she’s humping you rather than dancing. Her soft moan brings you back. It’s the first time you’ve heard it, and you’re melting; it sounds so seductive and innocent in the same breath.
You know her. She knows you. So it’s clear: Jang Wonyoung can be anything—supermodel, actress, dancer—but she cannot ever be innocent. 
Her gorgeous voice is silky when it twists into moans and gasps. Looking down at your crotches meeting and swaying is a better show than end-of-the-year performances. The blowjob and commanding you around must have turned her on by a lot—her flesh is hot and wanton with juices as it slides up and down you.
“You’re not going anywhere, daddy!” Wonyoung giggles. She kisses your nose, then your chest until her lipstick marks you. You burn up with feverish lust after each peck. “Daddy is only Wonyoung’s. And I knew your perfect cock would be mine when I posted those pics. I know men like daddy would do anything for me.”
“Wonyoung.” Breathe again, because you’ll need to after this, so why not do it now? “Why are you doing this?”
You thought her flirtatiousness in your office was just her coyness coming out to play. She’d rest her chin on your desk, suck a red lollipop on some days, maybe run her fingertips over your knuckles. Day in and out, she plays the same game. You didn’t know it would reach this level.
“Because I want to mess you up, daddy,” Wonyoung says. Her tongue swipes at the cavern of your mouth right until she nibbles at your lower lip. Her lipstick peppers your face. “I want to fuck my daddy up so bad he’ll never go a day without thinking of me.”
Swallow. The friction of your sexes is driving you crazy and close to the edge. All the same, you don’t want to make a fool of yourself cumming early for Wonyoung. 
What happened to your dynamics? Your relationship? There wasn’t a romantic one, but it was always you holding the reins professionally and her just being an insistent passenger. Now she’s wrapping that rein around your neck and claiming you for her own. Looks like you have control everywhere excluding the bed.
“That’s it?” you ask. Shut your eyes—just seeing her grind on you with her utterly wet cunt can make you bust. “Your career doesn’t matter to you?”
“I could say the same thing to you.” Wonyoung lifts herself up and flashes that wicked smile again. “But I want to feel this in me before you wimp out.”
You and Wonyoung fall down a bottomless hole of consequence and wrongs but Wonyoung makes sure to bottom out the first time she sits on your dick. She engulfs you whole and traps you there with her soaked, grippy walls that slide all the way down. 
You’d say her pussy has a vise grip, holding onto you like all goes wrong if it didn’t, except you think it has the grip of a vice. Need for her juices that coat you replaces the need for alcohol. Even if you get out of this suite alive, (which is a low possibility), you can see yourself always coming back for more. You could be addicted to anything—smoking, eating, cheating—but it just so happened your vice is Wonyoung.
“Daddy!” she yelps, and from there you can’t count the times she slams her cute butt down your thighs. “Oh my god, daddy!”
Her dainty, cute yells make you throb inside her. Perhaps it’s the kittenish quality of it that turns you on so much. She sounds so appealing, so fucking ruinable that it’s surprising to see that she’s doing the ruining here. Her expression in bed is more animated than the ones she makes onstage—her nearly closed eyes look upwards while her mouth falls open. 
The squeeze of her tight, wet cunt renders your knees weak. It’s a good thing you’re lying down. Wonyoung makes sure you stay that way by penetrating herself with you over and over again. Her being barely a weight on you doesn’t stop you from lying there uselessly. You know better by now not to challenge her, not when each time you enter her vagina is better than the last. Her pussy is slippery and tight, proving to be the smallest and the best fit for your shaft simultaneously. Her hole is too tight and too good. 
“Is this all for me, daddy? Huh?” Wonyoung circles her hips, making you moan, then continues her up-and-down movements. “You’re so hard, you naughty daddy. I know you got a b-boner when you looked at my posts. Now I’m giving you another one.”
You always thought of Wonyoung as justifiably confident yet arrogant. She told you once at your desk that she doesn’t deserve a stylist who only has a four-star rating. She lamented about the lack of competence of her staff preparing her comeback stage. All those you turned down to give the topics of her complaints the benefit of the doubt, but you know she’s right. She doesn’t deserve less when she’s better than the best. She doesn’t deserve less when she knows her place: a royal throne. So you can’t deny that she’s too hot to handle, undiscriminating to you whose connections always have impossibly beautiful women somewhere in there.
She’s so hot that her small breasts bouncing from behind that denim bra and tube top looks appealing. She’s so hot that the heat between her legs grows wetter. She’s so hot that when her soft ass crashes down on you again, you don’t find it a repetitive bore. 
She’s so hot that you’d let the slim, tall girl use you until dusk turns to dawn, even if the curtains behind her are drawn apart and the secret cameras get to snap a photo.
“Shit, Wonyoung,” you say, your core squeezing. “You’re so fucking tight.”
“I bet you’ve thought about this, daddy. You thought that one night, I’ll be so bad that you could book us a whole hotel and fuck me in all the rooms, just like this one. I’m right, aren’t I?”
“Yes, fuck yes.”
“You wanted to open my legs and use my little pussy all day long, huh? Until I’m yours to throw around and do whatever?”
“Y-yes.” Nod. Your face twists—she shouldn’t speak when she’s fucking you because all the filth she says makes you want to blow inside her already. It’s the kind of truth that arouses rather than hurts.
Wonyoung’s riding switches to a rapid intensity that makes you yell. She lets you in so deep to the point that her butt cheeks touch your heavy balls. She’ll drain them for sure; the pace she sets is terrifyingly quick. It seems that she becomes tighter after each bounce, and it’s not helping you hold out at all.
Watch the wildness in Wonyoung’s eyes become animalistic. It makes you all the more certain now of one solid fact: there is something seriously wrong with Jang Wonyoung.
She smirks. “Well, you got it wrong. I’m not all yours, daddy.” She leans down, resting her palms on your shoulders. “You are all mine.”
Her hands might as well be a chained collar waiting to close around your neck. Her devilish simper is supposed to scare you, not turn you on. Somehow, it does both. 
She flicks back her hair as she sits up again. Through it all, her riding doesn’t stop. “This cock?” she asks before slamming her pussy down it with a different kind of ferociousness. Cry out but she shuts you up with a furious kiss. “It’s gonna be my dirty secret. I’ll always go to daddy after my schedules so I can make him cum—over and over again.”
To think that a young girl like her has you at her beck and call is laughable, but there’s no laughing now. As you stare at Wonyoung’s fluid body and her hair bouncing beautifully, you realize she actually can have you for herself. It only took one Instagram post to lure you to her. She sees you’re falling deeper and deeper for her.
She didn’t exactly tell you how to escape.
“You gonna cum, daddy? Is my perfect pussy milking you?” 
You can do nothing except nod.
“Of course, I can feel you throbbing, i-it’s making me lose it,” gasps Wonyoung. Her whines are making you lose it yourself. “Let’s cum together, okay? You can only cum when you feel Wonyoung squirt all over your massive cock.”
She squeezes tighter on top of you when she reaches down to rub her clit. She’s in search of any kind of stimulation: the slap of her ass on your thighs, the upward shoves of your erection, the pulse of her clit. Her moans increase in their whiny girlishness. Their tender vulnerability makes you think she should be the one underneath your body though you’re aware that’s never going to happen. Wonyoung belongs on top, just the same with her name in first place in the list of brand reputation rankings, browser searches, followers.
Once upon a time, you took charge over her. You managed her lessons, her videos, her behind-the-scenes duties. Funny how it’s the opposite now, wherein she jounces on you freely with the domineering message of caution: don’t cum until she does.
And god, is she making that hard. Everything about her is so attractive, from the bounce of her hair to her midriff showing your entering cock to her pretty pink pussy clutching you. What gets you, however, is her face—everyone loves looking at that face. Today, you’re under an aphrodisiac for it: you’re in love with the roll of her eyes as she rides you, the pink on her cheeks, the part of her lips. 
“Fuck yes! Ugh, daddy, you feel so good inside me…” Wonyoung’s core clenches and slides your penis along its textured, sensitive walls. Her gasp is straight out of fantasies. “You’re balls deep, see? Look how your meat’s filling me. My pussy’s going to be so sore after this.” She chuckles. “Wait, who says we’re stopping?”
You shudder. You’re getting very close. Your earlier orgasm still has its effects on you. You’re afraid you’re going to do something you shouldn’t under her bedroom law. She’ll imprison you with her thighs and waterboard you with all the girl cum she promised until you confess that she’s the best fuck you ever had. 
“Daddy’s going to cum so hard he’s probably going to breed me. Then I’ll, oh, I’ll feel it inside my tummy and it’s going to be a scandal. Wouldn’t you like that? Getting to knock up Jang Wonyoung? I can hear you moaning. I think you really like that. I think that’s why you’re thrusting up in me. You want to be a real daddy and make your baby girl a mommy. That’s so fucked up, you know that, right? You shouldn’t be having sex with me, let alone breeding me. But you’re a fucking weak old man, so of course you like that.”
You’re burning up. They’re the signs of what’s to come. If her confident words inspire her young fans, her monologues of lust make you feel like you’re the worst person in the world. Of course, the boner is part of the effect. 
You groan. “Wonyoung, baby girl, please—”
“Oh god, daddy, I’m going to cum!” she squeals. Her emotions control her and tell her to go harder, bounce harder, squeeze harder. She’s pushing past her limits. “Agh, agh, you’re cumming, too, right? Cum for me. You’ll be—fuck, my daddy’s going to make me cum! I’m squirting all over his cock!”
She slams herself down roughly and repeatedly till your lower body’s flooded with her cum. You can’t take it anymore. It feels like dying because you swear you can see stars in the ceiling, stars of lust in her eyes. La petite mort. How poetic, since Wonyoung’s screaming still sounds as beautiful as her singing and speaking. 
Her shouts are close to breaking the windows’ glass. Anyone can figure out what’s happening without the destruction of the pane—the curtains are wide open, letting the world see the youngest icon of the new generation pumping herself onto her co-worker. 
You wonder if there’s actually poor watchers out there seeing you cream Wonyoung’s princess pussy, grab her ass to guide her, and kiss her when she leans down.
Wonyoung tastes the best when she’s squirting.
Consequences always catch up no matter what. You can hide under a cloak, in another country, underneath the earth in a secluded bunker and all that won’t help. You’ll be stuck dealing with the outcome, thorns from a rose you thought was too pretty to have some. 
That’s the first thing you remember when you wake up, wrapped in the bed sheets and by Wonyoung’s arms. Someone’s calling you. Bad news: it’s your boss—the ringtone itself sounds angry, too. 
“Hello?” you ask. You can’t help the grogginess of your morning voice, try as you may. If your boss didn’t know what happened, he can perfectly guess from the exhaustion riddling your greeting. 
“You dumb little shit.” You can feel the spittle of your boss’ insult from miles away, cities away, screens away. “You’re lucky I’m friends with the fucking CEO.”
“What happened?”
“Don’t give me that. Some janitor saw you from the wing. I needed to hear it from you: did you fuck Jang Wonyoung?”
Unexpectedly, a veiny hand you remember holding something else grabs your phone. Wonyoung leans against your shoulder wearing nothing as she holds the phone to her ear.
“Why?” she quips, loud and clear. “Wouldn’t you?”
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pure-smut · 1 month
touch starved.
Tumblr media
featuring: Sakura Haruka x f!reader
contains: sakura is a needy, subby mess in this, riding, unprotected s*x, creampie, overstimulation, implied multiple rounds, praise, begging
word count: 1.9k
note: all characters are aged up to 21+!
MDNI | 18+ content
You and Sakura Haruka have been dating for two months and you’re starting to feel… on edge.
Not because of anything bad, of course. Sakura is a total sweetheart as a boyfriend, if not a little bashful - always walking on the curb side of the sidewalk, remembering your coffee order, sending you pictures of dogs he sees on his patrols throughout the day.
But if there’s one thing you’ve noticed, it’s that Sakura doesn’t touch you.
You kissed him on the cheek once and his head turned into a tomato. You managed to get him to hold your hand for a movie date and he blushed so hard he started sweating.
It’s cute but you’re both adults and you want something a little more. So you start to lay it on thick.
You meet Sakura for breakfast before his patrol, sitting on the same side of a booth as he scarfs down his eggs. You start light, resting your temple on his shoulder. Sakura stills for a moment before carrying on eating so you move to the next step.
This time, you slide your hand over his thigh, squeezing his leg.
Sakura nearly chokes on his breakfast, heat crawling up his neck.
“You look so handsome today, Haru,” you purr in his ear.
Sakura’s breath catches and you see his adam’s apple bobs as he swallows.
“T-thanks,” he manages to stammer out before looking sideways at you with one golden eye. “You look pretty today.”
You break out in a smile, reaching up to press a kiss against his cheek. His skin is hot as you let the kiss linger slightly.
Sakura leaves for his patrol, still beet red, as you wave him off. You don’t see him again until later that afternoon, when he’s having a break with some other Bofurin members.
You greet them all warmly before standing in front of Sakura, who’s sitting half-slumped on a bench with one arm resting on the back. He’s sporting a new bandage on his forehead.
You lean forward under the guide of checking his bandage, concern on your face, and let him see deep down the neckline of your top. You know it’s worked when Sakura’s cheeks tint pink, his eyes glued to your chest.
“You get hurt again, baby?” you ask him, running your thumb down from his forehead to his jaw.
“I-It’s nothing,” he says thickly.
You plant a kiss against the bandage before moving down to press a chaste kiss against his lips. You expect him to pull away but, to your surprise, he nearly chases your lips with his own when you withdraw.
Sakura blinks a few times, blushing furiously, as you smile and tell him you’ll see him at home later.
You’re home before him, leaving you with just enough time to choose the right outfit. You settle on a short skirt – too short to wear outside your home – and low-cut top with no bra.
That should do the job.
When you open the door to Sakura, he makes a choked noise from the back of his throat. You usher him in before wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I missed you,” you tell him sweetly.
Sakura’s cheeks are beet red but he reciprocates your hug, snaking his arms around your waist to pull you flush to him.
God, you look incredible. The very picture of sin. Sakura’s normally tripping over his words, not used to being treated with kindness or soft touches, but it’s quickly overtaken by a visceral need.
Sakura adores you. Every time you’re close, every time you touch, he’s reminded of the bewildering fact that you’re with him and every nerve in his body lights up. He had to run from the diner earlier because just you touching his thigh gave him a tent in his pants. He had to go back to patrol late from his break because he saw down your top and he needed ten minutes to calm himself down.
It's not that Sakura doesn’t want to touch you. It’s that he knows if he starts, he won’t be able to stop touching you.
You gently guide him to the couch, climbing on his lap to straddle him. Sakura’s hands immediately go to your hips as he looks at you with wide eyes.
“You’re so good to me, Haru,” you say, your voice sultry as you push his two-toned hair back from his forehead. “I want to make you feel good now, okay?”
Sakura’s awe-struck. He nods eagerly, licking his lips and tipping his face towards yours.
You snake a hand up his neck to cup his jaw before capturing his lips in a kiss.
Sakura inhales sharply through his nose, the feel of your pillowy lips against his making his heart set off at a gallop. You deepen the kiss, slipping your tongue into his mouth and Sakura tightens his grip on you, almost whimpering against your lips.
It’s like a dam breaks inside Sakura. He kisses you back frantically, his tongue meeting yours. His hands run up to your waist, squeezing you as if afraid to let you go. You move from his mouth to his jaw and then lower down still to his neck, kissing along his windpipe, and feel him melt under your touch.
You’ve never kissed Sakura like this before, never gone anything beyond a one-time hand hold and a few pecks on the cheek. But now you’re both filled with a desperate need.
You can feel his hard-on already, pressing against the thin fabric of your panties as Sakura bucks his hips under you. You push down, grinding against his bulge and making Sakura whimper.
“Does that feel good, baby?” you coo, peppering loving kisses across his warm cheeks.
“Mhm, fuck… y-yeah, feels s’good…” Sakura breathes out as you drag your clothed pussy along his length.
Even as his brain becomes addled with needy pleasure, he can’t stop his hands roaming over you. He reaches up to start groping your breasts, feeling the soft flesh between his fingers and your nipples hardening under his palm.
“S-Shit…” he mumbles.
How many times has he thought about touching you like this? More times than he can count – and none of his imaginings come close to the real thing.
Sakura leans forward, pushing your top up over your tits so he can bury his face in your cleavage. His hands move down to your ass, gripping you tight as he pushes and pulls your hips, encouraging you to grind harder. Every stroke of your pussy, even through two layers of fabric, is making his cock leak so much precum, it’s soaking through his pants.
Sakura’s lips latch onto your nipple, eliciting a sharp gasp from you as he starts to suck roughly, his teeth grazing you. You card your fingers through the hair at the back of his head, encouraging him.
“You’re such a good boy, Haru,” you tell him, your voice coming out breathless and lusty.
Sakura moans into your breasts and you feel his cock throb. Neither of you are undressed but he’s a mess already, all needy and handsy and desperate.
“P-Please let me fuck you,” Sakura whimpers. “Please, I’ll do anything, just let me fuck you, please.”
You pull your hips back, cupping Sakura’s chin to force him to look at you.
“Are you sure, baby?” you ask between soft kisses at the corner of his mouth.
Sakura nods desperately, his hips involuntarily bucking up. His cock strains against his pants, so achingly hard.
“I need to feel you, please, let me cum inside you. Please, baby, please, I can’t-” Sakura whines through gritted teeth, his hips still stirring at a chance of feeling your pussy rub against him again. “I need you so bad right now.”
The sound of his sweet begging only makes you wetter. You press a gentle kiss to his lips.
“I can’t say no to you, Haru.”
You reach down to unbutton his pants, pulling his cock free. He’s hard as a rock, the tip shiny with precum. Your eyes widen slightly – he’s bigger than you thought he’d be.
“Ah! F-Fuck…” Sakura gasps as he feels your soft fingers close around it, his hips bucking again, desperate to rut into you.
You pull your panties to the side, drenched with your arousal, and align your sopping hole with his fat mushroom tip. Sakura whimpers as he feels your heat, making you smirk. Having him under you like this, like putty, so needy and helpless, is making your clit throb with desire.
You slowly sink down onto him, his girth stretching you but made easier with the amount of slick between your legs. Sakura gives a long, relieved moan as he feels himself slot inside you, so snug and warm and tight.
“That’s it, baby,” you soothe him, slowly bouncing up and down. “Does that feel good?”
“So f-fucking good,” Sakura stammers, pleasure short-circuiting his brain and making it hard to speak.
He squeezes his eyes shut, his brows knitting together in the middle as his lips part. His hands are on your tits again, groping you, feeling them bounce under his touch as you ride him. His cock throbs inside you, engorged with how close he is to cumming.
You roll your hips, rubbing your clit against him with every stroke, bracing yourself with your hands on his muscular shoulders. Sakura starts to thrusts up, meeting your hips with his as he becomes more needy, more desperate to cum.
Sakura wraps both his arms around you, pulling you flush to him and raising your hips slightly.
“So close… so close…” he whimpers as he thrusts up, holding you in place as he ruts up into you. He’s so sensitive he could burst, caught between the need to cum and the need to prologue this feeling for as long as possible, your heavenly walls squeezing him so tightly.
He presses his face against your tits, sucking roughly on your nipple as he fucks up into you. Sakura’s cock bullies into your pussy, stroking against the spot inside you that’s making you drip like a faucet. You tug on the roots of his hair, scratching your nails over his scalp as you whisper hoarse praises to him.
Sakura’s eyes roll back inside his head, your nipple falling from his mouth as he lets out a deep moan. His mind whites out as his orgasm hits, a choked groan escaping his throat.
“Fuck… fuck…” he whimpers as you feel him come undone inside you.
Sakura doesn’t stop thrusting even as he spills his load, fucking it into you. His grip loosens slightly on you so you meet his thrusts, bouncing on his cock again as Sakura bucks and jerks under you.
“That’s it, let me have it all, baby,” you talk him through it softly.
You slow as Sakura’s arms tighten around you again, his face smooshed between your tits, his hips stuttering to a stop. You can feel him breathing hard against your chest, sweat coating both your bodies.
Gently, you pry him away from you and meet his lips in a kiss.
“You did so good, Haru,” you praise him, cupping his jaw.
You’re aware he’s still inside you when he throbs at your words, even as his face is dazed, cheeks pink.
“I’ll give you a few minutes and then we’ll do that again, okay?” You wiggle on his lap, Sakura wrapping his arms tighter around you as your walls squeeze his oversensitive cock. “Can you do that for me?”
Sakura nods eagerly, his eyes glazed over with lust.
“Yes, ma’am.”
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bahablastplz · 3 months
CW: Smut, degradation a little bit, p in v sex, unprotected sex WC: 1000
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Thinking abt boyfriend! Seungmin with this lip piercing...
Sitting next to your boyfriend on the couch, you couldn't help but be affected by his appearance. Your boyfriend is usually very modest in his appearance, so when he came home from his photoshoot today you weren't expecting his outfit. His sleeves rolled up showed off his arms, muscular and bulkier thanks to his recent time spent at the gym, and the smoky eye makeup applied by the stylists added to his sexy, edgy appearance. The centerpiece of the outfit though was the lip ring, silver double-hooped and accentuating his beautiful pink lips.
"You're staring," he points out.
"Huh?" "You invited me over to watch a movie together after the shoot, but you're staring at me, bubs. I'd almost think you like me or something," he jokes. Your face heats up. "I do like you. I love you, even. So let me stare," you say, moving closer. His hand snakes around your waist and you stare into his eyes, your gaze flitting between his eyes and his piercing.
"I wanna ride you," you confess suddenly. Seungmin blinks at you once, twice, before breaking out into a grin.
"What's gotten into you? You're feral," he laughs.
"Nothing! Can I not appreciate how good-looking my boyfriend is?" you ask, moving over to straddle his lap. You wrap your arms around him, unable to help yourself when your gaze flits down to the lip ring again.
"Is it the lip ring? Seriously? Is that what has you so riled up?" he teases, grabbing your waist and pushing you closer to him so you're flush against his bulge.
"I'm not riled up," you say, but it's breathy and his grin tells you he knows you're lying.
"Oh yeah? So I shouldn't do this?" He rolls his hips up into yours, pushing you into him to make sure you feel his bulge against your clothed core.
You whimper, face hot as you look away so as to not be exposed at how affected you really are. His fingers grab your chin instantly, pulling your face hard to make sure you're looking right at him.
"Don't look away," he coos. "Thought you wanted to appreciate how good-looking I am? No?" You nod your head enthusiastically. "Then look," he demands.
His hands pull your shirt up and over your head, leaving you completely exposed to him. His fingers tug and pull at your nipples just the way you like, as he's spent years getting to know your body and your reactions for moments like this, where he can get you to fall apart for him in mere seconds. You can't help but instinctually grind your hips against him, trying to get any stimulation that you can.
You do as you're told and don't look away from him. You watch your boyfriend's stoic expression, completely focused on your body with dark eyes.
"I bet you're so wet right now, aren't you bubs?" Teary-eyed from frustration, you can't do anything but nod your head. "Think you can cum just like this? I don't even have to touch you, do I baby?"
Your movements get faster, more frantic in response. You're sure he's right, you probably could cum just like this, but when his hands move to your hips to still you you whine.
"Poor thing," he coos. "Were you close?"
"Please, please, please please pleasepleaseplease Seung--"
He shushes you, fingers moving up to grip your hair right at your scalp and pulling just hard enough to silence you, a breathy gasp releasing from your lips.
"It's okay baby. Weren't you saying you wanted to ride me, hmm? Be good for me and cum on my cock instead, okay?"
You're standing now on trembling legs, moving frantic to help your boyfriend get his pants off of his body. He chuckles condescendingly at your actions.
You can't get back into his lap fast enough, and he lifts you up by your waist to line up his cock with your entrance. Just his tip pushes in and you can't help the tears that start escaping from your eyes. He waits until you take a deep breath, preparing yourself until he pushes you down on top of him, now completely full of him.
His hands come back and rest behind his head, as if to say, 'it's your turn.' So you lift your hips, still shaky and start riding him just as you said you would. You start off slow, just to get used to him, but as you start gaining momentum again your ride him in earnest, wet and messy and fast just the way you both like it. You can only hear your own breathing and the sound of your thighs slapping together, and it doesn't take long for your high to approach once again.
He looks at you, lips slightly parted and eyes glazed over, and you see it again, that shiny silver fucking lip ring, and despite yourself and your need to see his face your lips are crashing against his, desperate and hungry. The ring is cold against your own lips but you can't find it in yourself to care, tongue pushing into his mouth eagerly.
Your hips start to stutter as your orgasm crashes over you, and though your mouth never separates from his you're breathing heavy into him, open mouths against one another as a squeak falls from your throat.
He grabs the backs of your thighs, lifting you up so he can piston into you, fucking you through your orgasm. His head falls back as you pulse around him, and his hips snap into yours harder, harder, and you can tell he's close now too.
You clench around him purposefully, and that's enough for his orgasm to crash over him just as hard, his own hips stilling as he spills into you.
You hunch over, finally, the two of you catching your breath. When you look at him again, a sheen of sweat coating both of your features, his hand comes to brush away a stray piece of hair stuck to your forehead.
"Never take that piercing out. Never," you tell him. His lips press into yours once more.
"Never," he agrees.
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
a/n: yeah so that's my reaction to the new pics... i'm not okay
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almondamaretto · 4 months
omg hihi i love how u write sooo i wanted to ask if u could write where the reader tries getting matt jealous by flirting w chris (?? optional it could be anyone else) and he eventually gets jealous and that turns into a smut 😛😛 if that even makes sense 😭 PLSPLS thank you
Matt Sturniolo x Reader
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Summary: y/n gets matt’s attention by flirting with chris
Warnings: weed, smut.
like halfway proof read
Wind blew through her hair as she sped down the highway, one hand loosely holding the colorful steering wheel, the other holding a joint up to her pink, glossy lips. 
The glowing warmth of the orange sun hid behind the tall trees, golden rays painting her face as she sped down the street. 
Sza's "Julia" was blasting through her speakers as she pulled up to the triplet's house, music cutting off abruptly as she cut the ignition and exited the black jeep. 
She sucked in a final hit of her joint, snuffing out the half-smoked spliff against her car and tucking it behind her ear. 
With a final tug on her black miniskirt and one last readjustment of the straps of her thong, she strutted her way up to their front door, not bothering to knock. 
climbing up the stairs, the sight of Chris sitting on the couch, legs spread wide welcomed her. Matt was sitting a few feet to his right, scrolling on his phone. Everyone else was scattered around their living room, holding separate conversations as music played lowly in the background. 
"Ayy, y/n! c'mere" a very blasted Chris exclaimed, patting the plush material of the cream couch next to him. 
Matt's head shot up at the mention of her name, eyes fixating on her scantily dressed figure as she sat right next to Chris, leaving barely any space between the two of them. His brow quirked. 
"Hey Matt!" she said, looking at him up and down. His jeans sat low on his hips, his muscle tee riding up just enough to show off the band of his Calvin Klein boxers. 
He held up a peace sign, a silver ring wrapped around his pointer and pinky finger--he shot her a flirty smirk. 
She blinked at him slowly, expecting more of a greeting. 
Rolling her eyes, she brought her knees up on the couch, resting them against Chris and looking into his eyes. 
He started to ramble, sativa taking control of his senses. 
"Y'know we were all waiting for you to get here. Matt especially. He kept asking if his outfit was good enough--and his hair, he messed with his hair way too fucking much." 
Chris grabbed a small strand of her silky hair, toying with it absentmindedly as he spoke with a raspy voice, close enough for his warm breath to raise the hairs on her neck. 
"Yeah? Well he doesn't seem to be interested now." She giggled, brushing a lock of his hair out of his face. 
"Well, that's ‘cause he wants to seem all tough. Don't tell him I told you but he's just a big pussy." He said in a hushed tone, pulling a smile from her lips. 
Y/n couldn't deny Chris' charming and dorky personality--if she were anyone else, she was sure she would be chasing after him rather than sitting on his couch leading him on. 
Matt, however, could have her chasing for miles. Everything he did seemed so intentional and suave; he was always calm and collected--he felt like a refreshing soda after a day at the beach. 
Suddenly, Chris focused on the joint sitting behind her ear. 
He stopped tugging on her hair to slither his hand behind her neck, fingers brushing her skin and creating goosebumps. He grabbed the rolled paper between two fingers, looking at it with heavy eyes and a smile. 
"Thank you, weed gods" He cheered, searching for a lighter. 
Y/n reached into her bra, pulling out a bedazzled lighter. Chris placed the lipstick-stained paper in between his lips, gazing up at y/n with hot cheeks as she brought the lighter up to the end, igniting the paper. 
Matt watched the events unfold with a clenched jaw, losing the faint grasp on his buzz. 
Y/n breathed in a large puff, closing her eyes, and letting the burning in her throat subside. she turned and crawled over to matt, removing the joint from her flavored lips and handing it to matt. 
He took two deep hits, letting the intoxicating substance flow through his anticipating lungs and into his bloodstream. She sat on her knees and watched him intently as he visibly relaxed. 
Reaching up to grab the paper again, he grasped her wrist with a firm, yet gentle grip. They sat like that for a few beats before he stood up, dragging her with him. A large hand wrapped around her waist, pulling her to his side. 
He quickly passed the drug to Chris, who tried to conceal a knowing smirk, before pulling the teasing girl into his dimly lit room, shutting the door with their combined weight pressed against it. 
"Have fun!" Chris faintly yelled. 
The sunset lamp y/n bought for Matt projected an array of warm colors along the pair, the orange light kissing y/n's face, and ethereal and angelic aura surrounding her. 
The denim in matt's jeans became more restricting, he found himself itching to free himself from the confines of the blue material. 
She held eye contact with him, pouty lips parted slightly. 
No words were exchanged, but there was an understanding. Of their shared desire; their shared need. 
His slender fingers gripped the plush skin of her hip, tracing the black elastic band of her thong. His other hand traced up her side, barely caressing the skin and sending a tingling sensation to her spine. His hand caressed the side of her neck. 
Her fingers hooked into the two front loops of his light-wash jeans, searching for somewhere to place her earnest touch. 
“P Power” by Gunna echoed throughout the house, a nice touch from Chris, the designated aux. 
Both were breathing deeply, as if they had just finished a light jog. 
It happened in an instant--she squeezed her tan thighs together, his pinky finger dipped underneath the seam of her miniskirt, and their lips clashed together with feverish haste. 
They each fought for dominance like the push and pull of the ocean. Y/n wrapped her arms around Matt's craned neck as Matt pushed the two further into the door. 
Bringing his hand to the front of her neck, he squeezed the sides of her soft skin lightly--she gasped, tugging on the baby hair at the nape of matt's neck. 
He took control of the kiss with a low groan, applying more pressure to her neck, grinning into her lips as her head fell back. He took this opportunity to start working down her jawline and neck, biting small, aggravated marks into her silky skin. 
Their chests heaved, her hardened nipples poking through the sheer fabric of her shirt and against the rough material of his worn cotton shirt. 
"Oh, fuck." She said breathlessly as his teeth found the sensitive part of her neck, working a dark mark into the flesh. 
Once he was happy with his work, he pulled away from her touch completely, nearly pulling a needy whine from her throat. 
"Fuck, you're hot." He gaped, trailing his eyes up and down her flustered figure. Her hair was messy; eyes droopy, staring at him with need. A thin layer of sweat caused her skin to glow under the sultry lighting, her thighs pressed together and hands resting at her sides. 
A wave of confidence surged through her veins, a product of the drugs in her system. She pushed herself off the door, "you have such a way with words, Matthew," she breathed out, pressing her lips to his once again. 
He sat back on his bed, tilting his head up to meet hers as she climbed onto his lap, shaky legs straddling him.  
Her hands ran back and forth through his fluffy brown hair, pulling sporadically to rouse a reaction from him. 
His hands explored her thighs and hips, each time threatening to push her skirt farther up her skin. He gripped her hips once more, lifting her slightly to lay her down on the bed, lips never disconnecting. 
Wandering hands traced underneath the thin fabric of her blouse, caressing her chest and pinching her hardened nipples, kissing them through the sheer material. 
He continued his assault down her stomach, leaving a trail of wet, needy kisses. The tips of his fingers dipped under the top of her skirt, pulling them down slowly as he left closed-mouth kisses to her hips. 
Y/n’s thin excuse for a skirt was discarded somewhere on Matt's bedroom floor, along with his shirt. 
He hovered above her lower torso, ringed fingers toying with the thin black bands. Her manicured fingers shoved his forehead gently. "Don't be a tease, Matthew." 
He planted slow, teasing kisses to the fabric of her underwear, speaking with a smooth, deep voice in between each. 
"Such a hypocrite. How would you feel if I got with one of those girls out there, huh?" He finished his sentence by pressing one final kiss to her clothed clit, watching her shudder with a grin. 
"That's hardly what happened," she breathed out, sending a pointed look to him. "You know would never get with Chris. Just wanted your attention." 
He continued to kiss down her thighs whilst gently removing her soaked-through thong. 
"Hmm. And is all this for me?" He kissed her inner thigh, centimeters away from where she needed him the most. 
"Yes, god yes. Please Matt." 
"So sweet." He finally said and wrapped his arms around her stomach, pulling her legs over his shoulders. 
His mouth attached to her bundle of nerves, tracing small shapes with his tongue. His movements dragged a long whine from her lips, manicured nails reaching to grip his hair. 
He traced his tongue up and down her core, orchestrating her audacious sounds, needing more. 
He brought his middle and ring finger up, gathering her arousal and pushing his slender fingers into her warmth. The metal of his rings pressed against her skin sending chills over her skin. 
Her noises grew in frequency and amplitude, his other hand shooting up to her mouth to muffle the loudness while he repeatedly stroked her spongey walls. 
Matt could tell she was getting close, harshly sucking her clit while continuing to trace patterns with his tongue, fingers never losing their furious pace. 
Her moans grew louder and louder despite Matt's efforts to muffle them—though he didn’t really mind, anyone who was paying attention when they left already knew what was going on. 
He continued his ministrations even as her thighs threatened to close around his head and as her hips lifted off his silk cotton sheets with overstimulation. 
When the stimulation became too much, she pulled him away from her sensitive cunt. He was as equally out of breath as her, his eyes had become droopy like hers, and his boner pressed harshly against the denim of his jeans. 
He earnestly pressed his lips against hers again, kissing her harshly and sloppily, his hands quickly working on removing their remaining clothing. 
He quickly leaned over to his dresser and searched for a condom, y/n lifting herself to rest on her elbows, peppering his chest and neck with quick kisses. 
“You have all my attention now, doll.” He muttered quietly, almost to himself. 
He slowed down, rubbing his length up and down your cunt, gathering your wetness, watching as you practically drooled at the sight of him. 
“Is this what you want?” He used his other hand to caress your jaw sweetly. 
“More than anything, please Matt.” 
He slowly pressed his length into her, letting her fully adjust to her size before beginning to thrust, slow and gentle movements quickly becoming deep and harsh. 
His enthusiasm elicited loud moans from deep within her chest, hands looking for anywhere to anchor into, landing on his freckled back, leaving raised, stinging marks all over. 
In an instant she was flipped over, and her flushed face was pressed into a plush pillow. Matt continued to drill into her, quiet groans and curses falling from his lips every few seconds. 
“So fuckin’ loud. Want everyone to know what we’re doin’ in here? Huh? You want Chris to hear how good I’m fucking you?”  
She thought was strange thinking about Chris when his brother was fucking into her like this, but the thought didn’t maintain one Matt reached around to rub her clit, mind going completely blank other than thoughts of Matt. 
Once the familiar knot started to coil in her lower stomach, she reached back to grab Matt’s wrists for more stability, her legs starting to shake as her orgasm washed over her, tears beginning to soak his silk pillowcase. 
Strong hands gripped her hips harder as she clenched around him repeatedly, causing Matt to throw his head back in pleasure and let out a sharp breath. 
“Ah, shit. Fuck!” 
He fucked them both through their climaxes, slowing his staggering thrusts and finally pulling out of her pillowy walls. He threw his condom into his trash next to his bed, before leaning over and pressing sweet kisses to y/n’s back. 
“You did so good, sweetheart. So good for me.” he praised, running his hands up and down her sides and back. 
Once she regained her strength, she flipped herself over, heaving chest lifting up and down. Her shaky hands grabbed Matt’s arm and she pulled him down next to her, snuggling into his side. 
“I think you might’ve got a little jealous in there...” 
“Yeah, ya think?” 
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papaya-twinks · 4 months
random request but lando norris x reader where he comes to her undergrad graduation or med school?
Warnings: SMUT, 18+, (i have severe mental issues)
Pairing: Lando Norris x medical!student!reader
A/N - sorry to add a negative message, but to y’all who keep sending me hate coz I’m not able to do your request the same day it’s sent, fuck you bud. I’m trying juggle fucking uni and my own job, so deal with it yourself if you want it written so bad. But anyways, @slytherinholland this is a sick request, sorry it took a while
“This robe is SO unflattering,” you groaned, eyeing the outfit in the mirror as you dropped the fifth belt onto the bed. “It’s just a few hours in it,” your best friend smiled, “and that too, no matter what belt, there’s no fixing that,” she grimaced as you snorted. “Yeah, I can tell,” you laughed. And the graduation went well, you collected your certificates and threw your hats, but it was about to get even better. “Oh my god, I’m so happy!” you clapped your hand as your best friend raised an eyebrow.
“Wha-Lando?!” you shrieked, your boyfriend standing behind you as you turned around, a stupid grin plastered on his face. “Thought I’d miss this?” he asked, seeing if you’d really doubted him. He was wearing a green hoodie and joggers, matching your robe and aesthetic. Wow, he really thought a lot about the details. “Oh god,” you threw your arms round his neck, “sorry this outfits a bit…” you gestured vaguely at yourself. “A bit ugly,” your best friend finished, making Lando laugh.
Saying your goodbyes to your friends, you smiled awkwardly at Lando. “Ya know,” he said, gesturing for you to get into his car, “it’s not terrible,”. You raised an eyebrow. “The fit,” Lando explained, “you know who it’d look better?”. Seriously? He had an idea? You thought there was no fixing it. “I’ll show you,” he said, seeing your disbelieving face. You had a bit of small talk, answering his questions about a few things and asking about races, cracking jokes and making each other laugh. Very different to what he had planned.
“Still revising?” he scoffed, seeing you sat at the desk in his apartment, books laid out. “Yeah, got one final exam. Biggest one yet,” you frowned, trying to memorise the body anatomy. “What you learning?” you knew he wouldn’t understand it, just trying to show some sort of interest in your life. “Anatomy,” you showed him the human body diagram. “God, I don’t get why they won’t just let you take a mannequin home,” you groaned. “I can help,” Lando volunteered, hands in his pockets.
“You gonna steal a mannequin?” you raised an eyebrow. “No, silly, I can be the mannequin,” he shrugged, cheeks dusted with a soft pink blush as you blinked. “Okay,” you said, letting him take your hand before he allowed you to lay him down, his eyes trained on yours. “There’s a reason they don’t make mannequins hot,” you muttered, his gaze unfaltering as your flushed. “What was that?” he smirked, knowing he heard you as you rolled your eyes. “Nothing,” you shrugged.
“Stop, that tickles,” he huffed, your featherlight touches along his neck and shoulders making him wriggle. “Better?” you dug your nail into his chest, making him push you slightly. “You’re a pain. Can I help with anything?” he tried to be helpful. “I can’t really see much,” you shrugged, pulling at his hoodie, letting him read the situation and remove it. “Better?” he asked. “Better,” you nodded. “Out loud,” he commanded, his voice deeper slightly as he watched your finger trail down his chest. “Ventriculus,” you said, cheeks flushed as you trailed over his stomach.
“Ishcium,” your hand reached his hips, his lips parting slightly as his chest lifted up and down quicker. “Mhm, what about lower?” he asked, your eyes closing as you tried to hide your blush. “Lando…” you mumbled, his hands coming to your wrist to press your hand against him, his cock semi-hard against your palm. “What is it, hm?” he looked at you, his lips spread into a smirk. Without hesitation, you pulled his joggers down, his cock springing against you as you gasped, hand coming to throw base of it instinctively.
“Fuck,” he hissed, his eyelashes fluttering at the sensation. You hummer softly and, without asking, you wrapped your lips around his tip, swirling your tongue around as he groaned. “Fuck, Y/N,” he gasped, his hand coming to the back of your head as he pushed you softly more. “What’s the called, hm?” he said, hand coming to feel the bump in your cheek as your eyes rolled slightly. The words came out as muffles, making him frown slightly.
“Can’t hear you,” he said, pulling you off as you spluttered, his hand on your neck. “What is it?” he asked again, voice more commanding. “Glans,” you coughed, a smirk on his face as your hand wrapped onto his tip again. “Lift,” he said, sliding the robes off of your body as you crawled onto his chest, head on his shoulder and as he sit up, lifting you onto his lap. “Miss this,” he mumbled, lifting you so he could align himself with your entrance.
“Me too, Lan,” you moaned as he pushed in, his eyes on your face, a picture of bliss and ecstasy, as you sunk down onto him. His hands gripped your waist as he slammed upwards into you, your hips rolling back onto him as his teeth sunk into your neck softly. “Fuck, Lan,” you gasped, his cock hitting the perfect spots as he sucked onto your skin, your eyes rolling slightly. “Gonna cum for me, pretty?” he cooed, hands cupping your cheeks as you choked out a small ‘yes’. “Then go on,” he said, slowing down as you felt yourself come undone all over him.
“Orgasm,” you tapped your boyfriend’s stomach as he pulled out of you, an airy laugh ringing vibrating through his chest. “Yeah, know that one,” he cupped your cheek, pressing a kiss to your head. “Unless you wanna test out the reproductive system, I think it’s best we clean up,” he said, staring at his cum pooling between your legs. “Ideally no, but unfortunately, we have to,” you kicked your foot in mock sadness as he laughed. “Alright, Miss ‘I have a PhD,’” he snorted as you flushed. “I’d never pull that card on anyone!” you said, rolling your eyes. And not even ten minutes later, you did.
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lynk-zee · 4 months
hey lynkzee!
you know how in Exclusive Tutorial (mild spoiler) Zayne says "provocation doesn't work on me?" What if the reader takes that very personal, as a challenge.... Doesn't have to be within that card's context either.
Spicy but marked NSFW to be safe!
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It had been bothering you for months. Ever since the exclusive tutorial Zayne gave you at the billiards table, you couldn’t get his stupid words out of your head.
“Provocation doesn’t work on me.”
By who? Was that a challenge? This sentence kept repeating itself over and over in your head, even as you sleep. Did he really think you weren’t sexy enough to be persuaded?
Maybe sexiness wasn’t the issue. Zayne clearly loves your body. He wouldn’t be fucking you every day if he didn’t. Maybe it was the fact that he wouldn’t break…Even if it was you. Maybe that’s what bothered you.
So, you made it your mission tonight. Provocation doesn’t work on him? So you’ll make him beg. Tonight he has another dinner party with his co-workers at a luxury club. This time, you were going all out.
Red fabric dripped off your skin in sultry waves. You were the sexiest you’ve ever been, you felt like a sensual deity. When you opened the door for Zayne who was going to pick you up for the party, he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw you. His face blanked, a hot flush filling his cheeks.
“You like?” You did an innocent twirl for him, your scent wafting into his flared nostrils. Was that a new perfume? And— god, the oil you glazed your skin with smelt like honey. You countenance was downright sexual. He felt like he could barely breathe in your presence.
“You’re gorgeous…” He murmured. You fought down a smirk as his hands drifted up your forearm in light grazes. Your skin against his was magnetic. And there was faint music in the background he could discern. Was that to set the mood? He cleared his throat. “We should go…”
You pout, your tantalizing red lips making him lick his own as his throat dried. You fluttered your butterfly eyelashes. “I don’t want to anymore…”
It was only then he realized the room was dimly lit by candles, red petals scattered on the floor. He swallowed thickly. “Were those the roses I bought for you last week…”
“Yes…They were wilting…I wanted to repurpose them for something better…”
At that point he knew it was a trap. But he couldn’t help but be drawn in.
You hummed. Everything was set up perfectly. Dimmed lighting, sensual music, a romantic atmosphere. And you, the grand feast. You pouted up at him again and whispered, “I don’t want to go anymore…”
Zayne’s lips parted as he sucked in a breath, the surrounding atmosphere blurring until he could only see you, your pouty lips, and your salacious outfit. Your voice oozed sex as you whined how badly you wanted to stay home. With him. His icy demeanor started cracking under the heat.
You stepped closer, making him gulp audibly. With a dainty hand, you smoothed out the expensive fabric of his tailored vest, your fingers making their way up to graze his neck. “The party will be so boringgg…” You whine softly, your desperate voice turning his ears pink. You caressed his jaw. “You’d have so much more fun here…With me…Come on, I’ll show you where the rest of the rose petals are.”
He gripped your hand, trying to steady himself through the dizzying lust. Zayne closed his eyes to regain his composure and he looked at you. “The others are waiting…”
“But I’m here right now…” You pressed closer, chest to chest as you leaned your head against his shoulder. “I’m here…” You whispered. “I’m much more interesting than your co-workers…”
“You are..” He gritted out. Zayne tried to ignore how dangerously close your hands were to his hips, tracing circles. “Come. We made a promise.”
“You made a promise to me…To show me you love me, that you want me with every fiber of your being, until the end of time…” You bit your lip, fluttering your eyelashes at him with doe eyes. “Isn’t that more important…” You pull him down by his necktie as you lean up, whispering hotly into his ear. “…Sir?”
At that moment, he kicked your front door shut and threw you over his shoulder to head to the bedroom. You silently cheered, but your celebration was cut short by a slap to the ass.
Turns out provocation does work on Zayne.
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candycandy00 · 1 month
Let the Whole World See - A Togame x Reader Fanfic
Your boyfriend Togame convinces you to go on a date with him while wearing a very short skirt and no underwear. 
Smut. 18+. Fem Reader. Togame is in his mid 20’s. Exhibitionism. Humiliation. Oral sex. Slightly rough. Public sex. Public nudity.
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“Jo!” you whine, trailing close behind your boyfriend, rubbing your thighs together nervously. 
Togame invited you on a date to the park, saying you could take a leisurely stroll and enjoy the beautiful autumn colors. It sounded romantic so you happily agreed, not realizing you’d end up like this. 
He even bought you a new outfit, picking it out himself. You were surprised by how cute the outfit turned out to be - a white tennis style skirt and a pale pink sweater that bares your midriff. He also bought white over the knee socks to wear with it. Supposedly he got help from a friend of a friend from the other side of town. You appreciate the effort he put into this day, but you’re starting to think it was more for him than for you. 
Because he insisted you wear no underwear, and the skirt is far too short. 
A few weeks ago, only a few days after you started dating, he told you about his exhibitionism kink. Your initial reaction was that there was no way this would work out. You’re extremely shy, and you told him so. He’d only smiled and said, “That’s what makes it so hot.”
The comment turned you on, and since then you’ve been wanting to try indulging his kink at least once. So today is the day. You agreed to this setup, of walking in public with him in a short skirt with no panties on.
He chose a place with hardly any people. It’s a weekday, at a time when students are in school and most adults are at work. And with the weather getting cooler, the park is nearly abandoned. He said he wants to ease you into this. 
But it’s still nerve wracking! Earlier you passed a lady jogging, and you’re very aware that there could be other people in the park. You keep tugging the skirt down, terrified a breeze will blow it up. 
Togame notices, and takes one of your hands in his. “Just relax,” he says. “Look how pretty the leaves are.”
He doesn’t understand. Part of your discomfort is from the fact that you’re very aroused right now. The cool air passing between your legs, the friction of your thighs, the thought that anything could go wrong and a random passerby could get an eyeful… all of it is getting to you. 
By the time you stop in front of a bench, your face feels hot and your skin is flushed, never mind the wetness that is just starting to drip down your thighs. 
Togame stands facing you, smiling in his easy going way as he watches you blush. “Do you trust me?” he asks. 
You look up at him, your eyes shifting about nervously before settling on his. “Yes, I trust you, Jo.”
He leans down and gives you a quick kiss on your cheek. “Good,” he says before squatting down in front of you. His warm hands move up your thighs, pulling your skirt up and exposing your glistening pussy. You shudder at the cool air, and give a little squeak of protest, trying to pull the skirt back down. What if someone sees?
“Is this too much?” he asks, looking concerned. “We can go back to my place or-“
“N-no! I want to do this. I just got a little scared,” you say, moving your hands from your skirt. You trust your boyfriend with your life, but you’re not so sure about whoever else might be lurking in the park. 
He smiles again, pushing your skirt back up and pressing a kiss to your bare pussy, sending a shiver down your spine. Then, he pulls your whole skirt down to your ankles. You gasp, realizing this leaves you totally exposed. You’re so stunned you can barely react as he helps you step out of the skirt, wads it up, and shoves it into the pocket of his jacket. 
“Jo! What if someone walks by?!” you demand, coming to your senses. You couldn’t just quickly put your skirt back down like when he was holding it up. With it in his pocket, you don’t even have access to it, and your sweater is way too short to cover anything, no matter how much you pull it. Togame has complete control in this situation. 
And you’re so turned on you can hardly stand it. 
Togame stands back up and wraps his arms around you, the sensation of his clothes against your bare lower half making you feel giddy. And you notice something: a big, prominent bulge in his pants. He’s looking down at you as he says, “Can you take care of this for me?”
You nod, starting to sink down to your knees, but he stops you. 
“Not on your knees,” he says. “Squat.”
Squat? Like this?! You know that would put you in an extremely lewd position, but if it makes your boyfriend happy, you’re willing to try. So you lower yourself down, squatting, your legs automatically spreading apart. You can feel your juices dripping out of you and onto the concrete of the stone walking path below you as Togame pulls the front of his pants down low enough to free his thick cock. 
You’ve sucked him off before, but not in public, and not while trying to balance on your high heels in a squat that’s already straining your leg muscles. So you don’t waste any time taking him into your mouth, your tongue burying itself in his leaky tip. You’re trying to get him off as fast as possible, before someone walks by or your legs give out. You pull out all the stops, deep throating him, letting your drool and spit cover him, licking his shaft bottom to top, suckling his balls, even using your hand to stroke him when he’s not halfway down your throat. 
He’s breathing hard, making light grunts and groans as his fingers lace through your hair. You start to lose your balance, your head lurching forward and causing you to nearly swallow him. “Fuck, you’re being so good for me today,” he says as your hands move to his hips to hold yourself steady. 
You can feel his cock twitching, and you know he’s close. You know how this usually ends too, how he likes to do it. His hand on your head presses you further onto him, and once he’s so far down your throat you can’t breathe, he shoots his load right down your neck. You swallow quickly, wanting all of it. Even as he’s pulling out of your mouth, your lips are still sucking out the remaining drops. 
He helps you to your feet, his face a bit pink and his breathing still a little erratic. Then suddenly he pushes you behind him and turns his back to you. “Don’t move,” he says, and soon you find out why. 
“Hey, Togame!” you hear a voice say casually. 
You don’t recognize the voice, but it’s clearly one of his friends. Oh god, they’re going to see you like this! Your lower half is completely exposed, your pussy is dripping noticeably down your legs, and Togame’s cum is probably on your lips. You have no choice but to stand perfectly still behind Togame’s back, one hand clutching his jacket while the other vainly tries to cover your pussy. 
“Hey,” your boyfriend says back. “What are you doing out here?”
“Just taking a walk. Are you out here alone?” the voice asks. 
Oh no. Can he see your legs behind Togame’s? 
Togame chuckles. “No, I’m with my girlfriend.”
“Oh? Is that her behind you?”
Togame shifts slightly, probably to keep blocking view of you as his friend tried to look. “She’s really shy, so I’ll introduce you some other time.”
“O-okay,” the voice replies shakily, and you wonder what sort of look Togame gave him to make his voice quiver like that. “I’m heading back now. See you later.”
After a few more seconds, Togame sighs and turns to face you. “Sorry about that. He’s gone. I understand if you wanna go back now,” he says, reaching into his pocket to get your skirt. 
You put a hand on his arm to stop him. “Wait… I’m unsatisfied,” you say, shyly looking at the ground. 
He tilts your face up to look at him. “Really? Then I guess I better satisfy you.”
Togame flops down on the bench and pulls you backwards into his lap, so that you’re facing away from him. Then his hands are on your thighs, pulling them apart. You rise up enough for him to slide his pants down a little, and when you feel his fully hard cock against your skin, you use your hands to line it up with your entrance and then sink down, taking him all the way inside your wet, needy hole. 
You hiss at the stretch, but love the feeling of fullness only his huge cock can provide. His hands stay firmly on your legs, holding you open for all the world to see as you begin riding him, bouncing up and down on his shaft. 
Your breaths are hitching, quick, sharp little moans and whines escaping you as you fuck yourself on his cock. His hands are hot and strong on your thighs as he leans his face close to your ear and says, in that maddeningly calm voice, “Someone could walk by any second and see this, see your slutty pussy gushing around my cock.”
“Jo… Jo… I can’t… I can’t stop!” you cry out, clenching around him, your hands gripping the fabric of his pants beneath you. 
He reaches around with both hands and pulls your sweater up, exposing your breasts, letting them bounce freely with your movements. “It’s okay,” he says into your ear, “I want people to see. Let everyone see how well you take me, how deep I can fuck this little pussy. I want everyone to watch you cum, so they’ll know I’m the only one who can make you moan like this.”
One of his hands slides down, his fingers rubbing your spread folds, finding your swollen, tender clit and giving it a pinch that makes you scream in pleasure. There on the park bench, where anyone could see or hear, you cum with a loud cry, sinking down as deeply as possible on Togame’s cock.
As you ride out your mind blowing orgasm, you swivel your hips, leaving him plunged deeply inside you. His hands are on your tits now, squeezing them gently. Suddenly his grip on them tightens, and you hear him grunt as he cums again, filling you absolutely full. 
When you finally climb off him, your legs are wobbly. He pulls up his pants, and just then you hear voices. “Jo, my skirt!” you say, and he hurries to pull it out of his pocket and help you step back into it. Just after you pull it up, you see his friend Choji and a few other guys coming around the bend. Choji spots the two of you and runs over. 
“Hey, are you guys here on a date?” he asks, looking excited. You hope to god he doesn’t notice how hard you’re clamping your thighs together, trying not to let Togame’s cum drip out of you. 
“Yep, just the two of us,” Togame says, putting an arm around you. 
Choji laughs and slaps Togame’s back playfully, though it looks a little too hard to you. “I get it! We’ll leave you alone. Have fun!”
As they walk away, you and Togame both sigh in relief. Then he grins. “That was a close one, huh? Let’s go find a restroom.”
You nod, suddenly feeling shy again. You can’t believe you had sex in public! 
Togame takes hold of your hand, leading you along. “Next time, let’s try something a little more daring. Maybe a place with more people.”
“What?!” you yell, shocked by the prospect. But you can’t deny that the thought made you a little horny. Maybe this would all work out after all. 
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suguae · 9 months
What you need.
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ notes ࿐ྂ Emo!Choso x stoner!reader, smoking, drinking, Oral, Female receiving, Strangers to lovers?, creampie, p in v. characters are ooc! Not proofread. I'm taking request so please send I'm running out of ideas smh...
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"You’re going–whether you like it or not.” Nobara applied some lip gloss, checking her outfit one more time. The last place you ever saw yourself was at this frat party. Nobara on the other hand begged you to go. Ever since you met Nobara, she pursued you to open up more. Going out to clubs, parties, and even just shopping, which you still hate doing. You were just really lazy, never wanting to leave the dorms. As Nobara would say, a rotting potato. 
“Give me 5–” “No this is gonna take more than 5.” She grabbed your wrist and threw you into the bathroom. Nobara does your hair cutely while you gulp down a very much needed energy drink. She grabs a pair of jeans that still had the tag on and gives you a judging look.“Seriously y/n?” She chuckles while you look confused. She chucked the pants at your face, now looking for a perfect top. 
“You look—mwah perfect!” She claps her hands together proud of the outcome. Different from your usual hoodies and plaid pj pants look topped off with a messy bun. You grab your purse and spray a bit of perfume before exiting the door with Nobara.
You take a hit from the small pink disposable. You only hated parties because you weren’t good with crowds, so taking a puff of the weed pen definitely always helped with the stress. Nobara was always against it but at this point she gave up, only leaving the windows open in her car to fume the smell out. “It’s not gonna be that bad, I promise.” She gives you a reassuring smile. 
“I promise, my ass.” You mumble walking through the crowd already parted ways from Nobara. You weren’t mad that she left, because who were you to stop her from having fun. Your body was already fuzzy from the indica strain you hit less than 10 minutes ago. “Y/n what the hell?” you turn to see Todo with Yuji by his side. You softly smile as Todo leads you to the back where it had been quieter and less abrupt. 
“We honestly never thought you’d come to one of these.” Yuji says passing you a drink filled with god knows what. “No offense but couldn’t even tell that was you, you look amazing.” Todo wraps his arm around your shoulder. “ouch—” you clench onto your chest as if you were hurt by his words. 
“Wanna join us? We’re about to play cup pong inside.” Yuji asked. Going back in there would be hell, but out here was filled with people making out and a little smoke circle. “I’ll be there in a few, I’ll stay out here for now.” They shrugged it off and walked back inside to the real party. You sat with the little circle of people who had been passing around a blunt. 
“You know my little brother?” you turn to look at who’d been talking to you while you waited for your turn. His eyes were sunken and dark, but red due to the weed. His voice was deep and his head leaned on some random freakishly hot girl. “Um–who?” you questioned who he’d been talking about. He cleared his throat before picking his head up to get a better look at you. 
“Yuji.” He passes you the joint. Yuji? Had an older brother? An older brother that was 100x hotter than him. Not even looking remotely similar. “Oh..yeah.” you take a deep puff before passing it onto some other person. “Y/n, seriously?” you turn around to see Nobara rushing to pull you away from the group. “What?” You look back at the circle as Nobara pulls you inside. 
“Not Yuji’s brother, he and his friends are weird.” She closes the back door while leading you into the kitchen to grab another drink. “Listen, I'm just trying to have fun like you told me.” You were a bit surprised at why she pulled you away, wouldn't she want this?
“They're weird, like a cult kind of…” she giggled, fixing her makeup on her little hand mirror while you took a sip from the red cup. Nobara was very judgmental though, judging people before she even knew them.
Now you stood in the kitchen alone. “Where’s that little friend of yours?” Yuji’s brother spoke, catching you off guard. He was inches away from you hovering over you. You noticed how he had some piercings, an eyebrow piercing, a lip piercing and some ear piercings. His finger nails were painted black and to top it off he smelled amazing. The strong cologne taking over your nose, mixed with the smell of the weed. “Somewhere.” You yelled due to the loud music. 
“She doesn’t like me.” He laughed bringing the red cup up to his face for a sip. “I assumed.” you dryly respond looking everywhere but his eyes. “Wanna get out of here?” stranger danger? You didn’t even know his name yet, and he’s asking you if you wanted to leave with him. “Kamo Choso.” He held out his hand finally introducing himself, seeing the uncertain look on your face.
You softly shake it, “Y/n..L/n” What could be the worst to happen? After all, you weren’t even enjoying yourself here. 
“Fuck~” a whispered moan coming out of your mouth, tugging onto Choso’s hair. Hearing the lewd noises coming from his mouth as he slurps the juices from your aching pussy. His tongue explores places you never knew of. One hand grasping your waist as the other wraps around your thigh. You couldn’t help but close your thighs tightly around Choso’s head, the pleasure overstimulating you. “I’m gonna cum–” Your hands pressing Choso’s head deeper than he already was feeling your high getting closer and closer with each movement in Choso’s tongue. The milky substance droops down Choso’s chin as he pulls away. Deeply breathing making his way on top of you. 
One minute you two are laughing about some random shit and the next he’s eating you out in his brother's bedroom in the noisy frat house. The music was muffled. His lips intertwined with yours, tasting the cum from your pussy on his tongue. His hands roaming your body, you slide off his shirt having the perfect view of his light 6 pack. 
He breaks the kiss to slide his black sweatpants, his long cock springing out hitting his stomach. “I don’t have a condom…” he huffs looking at you. You point at your arm as your breath is unsteady. He rubs the tip of his cock onto your clit, teasing you. The pathetic moans escaping your mouth as you grab his face, leaving sloppy pecks on his lips. “Where the hell were you all my life.” He watches your lips form into the ‘O’ shape while he slides his cock against your folds. This was pure perfection to him. You were a drug to him. Once his eyes landed on you, there was no turning back. “Want me to fuck you?” He whispers leaving a little nibble on your ear. He was getting ready to slip himself into your wet cunt before you stopped him. “What’s the matter—we can stop if you want…” He worriedly looked at you. He was respectful too? “No–I wan’t ride you.”
“Fuck y/n…” He whimpers as you jump up and down on his dick. His hands tightly gripping your hips while his eyes travel to your boobs bouncing up and down.Your head leaned back as you moaned. Feeling you hit the spot every time you pounced. “Let me see that beautiful face, yeah?” His hand leaves your waist as his thumb rubs the bottom of your lip. Slipping his thumb into your moist lips. Sucking his finger as you bounce on him persistently. 
You feel his cock splurt out his jizz inside your pussy, still hopping on his like a bunny as you feel your high reach. Finally you throw yourself next to him while the white mixed liquids run down your cunt. Both of you breathe in sync trying to process everything that just happened. You grab your clothes and change the bathroom of Yuji’s room while Choso cleaned up the mess. 
“Want to head back to my place?” Choso recommended in hope of you saying yes. You followed closely behind him as you two were making your way out of Yuji’s room. You smiled and grabbed his hand, “Why not?” 
The door opened revealing Yuji getting ready to open it with some girl behind him, His eyes wide watching you and his brother leave his room. Hair messy, runny makeup and the atmosphere was just so clear. You two didn’t bother to explain, leaving Yuji dumbfounded.
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iluvapplesxh · 5 months
Annoyingly Cute
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Regina George x Fem!Wieners!Reader
Summary: A night at Gretchen's and your house proves that Regina is "shockingly" a really good gf. (set after the events of the 2024 movie)
warnings: I dont think there's any, maybe fluff(?)
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Your shout echoed through the entire house as you poke your head out the  small  aperture on your door. There is a few seconds of silence before the sound of your sister’s voice  was heard from her room down the hall. 
“Ugh, what do you want, Y/n?” You could practically hear her roll her eyes as she speaks, just from the way she answers.
You smirk at the thought a little before responding. “Are the others coming over today?” You shout with a bigger smile on your face. 
Gretchen, currently sitting by her dressing table touching up the smallest flaws of her makeup, sighs. She already knows how this is gonna go. Taking a deep breath, she shouts back. “Yeah, yes they are”
“Okay” You excitedly shout back and giggle, closing the door. You walk over to your wardrobe and rummage through your somewhat neatly folded clothes, looking for an outfit which would make you look cute but would also make you be the perfect eye-candy for your girlfriend of 2 months, Regina George.
As you were doing so, something at the very bottom of your wardrobe caught your eye. “AHA” You exclaim as you quickly reach down to pick it up, once you do, you hold it up in front of yourself while smiling. It was a light-shaded pink hoodie which you stole from Regina at one of her parties back when you guys weren’t together. Although it might seem creepy-it kinda is-, Regina has been aware of it for a while now.
Now all that is left to do, is to find a pair of pants, do a very light makeup, do your hair and you’re done. But of course, everything feels better to do with music, so naturally you turned on your TV and opened Spotify on it, playing your Liked Songs playlist.
After you’re done with all that, you look into the full length mirror which is  propped up against the wall. You are semi-satisfied with how you look and with that thought you go downstairs to prepare snacks for your sister’s friends and of course your girlfriend. 
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After about an hour of restlessly sitting in front of the TV in the living room, you finally hear the doorbell ring which makes you jump right up darting towards the door while shouting “I’ll get it!”. Your hand grips the handle tight and almost rips out the door as you pull it open. When you do so, you’re met with the face of Damian, his eyebrows raised in surprise.
“Girl, what the hell. You almost ripped the damned door outta its sockeds” He say with a hint of concern in his voice as he looks at you. You just chuckle lightly before standing aside to let them in, as they all come in one by one, your eyes excitedly follow every person, impatiently wishing to see Regina’s face. But as the last person comes in, she is nowhere to be seen. Your eyebrows furrow and your face contorts to a frown.
“Guys, is Gina not coming today?” You ask, trying to hide the sadness in your voice. You see Cady open her mouth to speak but before she could, a voice speaks from the doorstep-as you are still standing in the doorway with the front door wide open. 
“Ahw, did someone miss me that much?” Regina teases with a giggle as she steps next to you. Your head whips to the side so fast, the others get worried you might have gotten whiplash. 
“Gina” You all but scream and jump into her arms just as fast. She is quick to catch you and chuckles as she places her head on top of yours before making eye-contact with a group of smirking friends. Her ears grow hot as she slowly peels you off of herself and smiles down at you. 
“Hi, baby” She whispers so the others don’t hear the nickname-which she could be teased for later-.
“Hey, Gina” You smile back before looking behind you and seeing the others staring at you two. You immediately take a step back with a blush coming up your neck while clearing your throat. You turn on your heels to face the others-it seems that your sister has already come down to join them-. “So uhm, I made snacks..”
“OOOH, snacks!” Karen exclaims excitedly and claps her hands, already making her way to the kitchen with the rest of the group trailing behind her. And just in a couple of seconds it’s just you and Regina.
“Sorry for jumping on you like that. I know you don't like the others teasing you about it” You say, scratching the back of your neck nervously, the top of your headphones which were around your neck bumping into your hand in the meantime. Regina shakes her head at what you say.
“No, it..it’s okay. It’s just a little awkward” You nod your head in understanding. Then she scoffs and cups your cheeks with both her hands, pulling you roughly into a soft, passionate kiss. “I guess…I missed you too, Nerd.” She mumbles into the kiss, her breath hot on your lips. Your heart is hammering in your chest as your blush deepens and you tilt your head up a little to sneak another kiss from her before completely pulling away with a sigh.
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After a while you went up to your room, because you wanted to leave the group of friends which you weren’t a part of to have a nice night together-although it was very hard convincing Regina to not yank you down onto her lap while they were choosing the film they were gonna watch-. Anyway, in your room you just decided to sit down at your PC and play some Sims 4 to keep yourself busy when you got too bored. And it helped for a while until you got bored of that too, so you look at the time and realise it was already 19:00. You decide to shower now so you don't have to wait out all the other people in the house, because even if they say it's not a sleepover, it will definitely turn into one.
After the shower you decide to go downstairs to the kitchen. When you arrive, you walk up to the fridge and smile to yourself when you glance at the tray of RedBulls in the fridge. You scoop it up in your arms and quickly but quietly sneak into your room, only to realise you’ve put your phone down on the kitchen counter.
With a deep sigh, you walk back downstairs, but before you reach the kitchen, you are stopped by a voice while walking past the living room. “Y/n!”
You turn towards the living room and see your girlfriend walking up to you, and it’s only when you’re face-to-face that she talks again. “Y/n”
Your eyebrows raise in confusion as you look up at her, tilting your head to the side. “Yeah…?”
“You know, in the span of the 4 hours we’ve been here, the only time I've seen you come down was like 2 minutes ago, and you were carrying a crate of RedBulls.”She gives you a stern look, while placing a hand on her hip.You swallow hard and give her a half-confused look, because you already have an idea or two of what this could be about. “Mind telling me, when did you have dinner?”
“Uh, well you know…before you guys came” You offer a light-hearted smile.
“Nuh-uh. Even if you did, you should already have eaten something since” She squints her eyes at you.
“I'm just-I'm not hungry”
Regina only rolls her eyes at that and grabs onto your arm, pulling you towards the kitchen, then sitting you down on a chair by the dining table. “Stay here, I'm making you waffles, ‘kay?” Her voice is so soft, any other person would think it’s a whole other person, but no. It’s Regina George. Your Regina George. You nod softly at her and within 30 minutes, the waffles are done. Regina walks over to you and places  a plate of waffles soaked in whipped cream with small bits of strawberries on top, alongside with a glass of milk.
“Gina- “ You are about to complain about eating alone, but then Regina sits down in front of you with two forks in her hand, handing you one. Regina then cuts a piece with her fork and puts it in her mouth while you stare at her.
“What? You want me to eat it all?” She comments after swallowing the bite, to which you shake your head and stick your own fork into the waffles, cutting a piece. Before putting the bite into your mouth you speak up. 
“Why..are you doing this?”
Regina gives you a weird look before getting another piece. “Because you’re my girlfriend, and I love you and I know what you’re going through. Duh.” The three word phrase rolls off her tongue so perfectly you almost miss it but when you don't, your cheeks heat up.
“I- uh.. I love you too!” You say, smiling from ear to ear as you place a small kiss on her cheek which has already begun to redden when she realised what she had said.
Bonus: As the group of friends watch the interaction from the living room, Gretchen suddenly speaks up; “You know, she is actually not that bad of a girlfriend.” The others look at her and there is a second of silence before Damian speaks up. “Girl, that’s what I was saying!”
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A/N: hellooo, my first fic on here, its kinda shitty but i enjoyed writing it very much sooo yeah.
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baby-tini · 4 months
Hii!! Thinking about a desperate (very platonic coworker) Dabi who gets desperate after having a crush on reader for so long, so he decides to sneak into their room while they're working and bury his face into her panties while he absentmindedly palms himself through his sweatpants, only for the reader to walk in after getting off work early.
Just a suggestion!! absolutely no pressure, I luv luv luv your work!!
Thank you so much, I'm so glad you enjoy my work and I hope I did your request justice, I love the occasional pathetic Dabi willing to get off with a pair of your panties to suffice his nasty little thoughts. Dabi always thought you were hot, ever since you joined the league, prancing around in those tight ass shirts and those mini skirts. He knew, you knew, what you were doing, teasing him. Intentionally dropping things on the floor only to bend over in front of him as your skirt flips up, showing him that tiny black thong that has him re-adjusting himself and holding his breath. The little shorts you wear that ride up your thighs when you sit down, those same shorts that barley cover your ass. It pisses him off, intentionally turning him on and going about like you don't know he's rock hard, pumping his cock to thoughts of you when he's alone. Stealing your panties and using them to pump his cock as he groans your name, chest heaving as he pants and his eyes are rolling back thinking about your tight cunt, what it would feel like wrapped around him, how warm and wet it would be for him as he fucks you through orgasm after orgasm. Pulling the prettiest sounds out of you, screaming for him, asking him to let you cum, begging him to go faster, fuck you harder as tears drip down your cheeks and your eyes are tightly shut from the overwhelming pleasure he gives you. The pretty sound he forces from your throat as your head falls back or.. would you push him away because it's too much. Begging him too slow down so that you can catch your breath. He has these thoughts constantly and no matter how often he fucks his fist. pumping his cock as pale beads of pre drip from the slit, he always gets hard at the thought of seeing you, the choked gasps being pulled from his throat as he thinks about you in your little outfits, leaving nothing to the imagination, but that's good, that works for him. It gives him more too think about as he cums, picturing what paties your wearing under those little pieces of cloth you call clothes. But, then it's not enough anymore, he needs the source but that's too risky so.. he goes to the next best thing.. your bedroom. It's not super girly, no pink zebra print or overly stimulating colors, pretty normal in fact, but he's not here for that, he's here for those little panties of yours. Your dirty hamper is his best bet, they've already been worn and you need to wash them anyway, he's sure you won't mind if he leaves you a little gift. Your bed's soft, smells so much like you, that's good, he needs it over riding his senses as he cums. There's slick in the crotch of your panties, you probably just recently took them off, and they smell so good. he's positive he has time to get a session in, Tomura sent you on a mission, you shouldn't be back for a while, that's good for him but he still has to hurry. It always feels good when he jerks off but, surrounded by your scent as he has your panties over his nose, muffleing his groans and the occasional whimper makes it all that much better. Putting his mind in a place of ecstasy as he gets close. You taste good too, your slick tastes so sweet, he's positive it'll taste better when he buries his face in your pussy, feeling you pull at his hair when you cum in his mouth as he drinks it down. He's close, he can feel it, the knot in his stomach as his abs flex is tell-tale to him, he's gonna cum. His head's so wrapped up he doesn't hear your door open as you saunter in. "Well.. would you look at this? Are you enjoying yourself Dabi?"
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judes-hoe · 2 months
Monaco air ~ TAA66
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Parrings ~ Trent Alexander Arnold x reader
Summary ~ you go with Trent to the Monaco gp!!!
Warnings ~ teasing, other than that fluff
Something in the Monaco air had done something to Trent! He looked so good it took everything in you to not jump on him. You were happy to accompany Trent at the Monaco Grand Prix with his brother. It was fun going into the garage and learning stuff. Especially since you liked f1 and watched when you could.
The first night you were there you and Trent went out on a dock. You sat with you feet dangling next to Trent. Watching as the sun went down. The sky turning into a beautiful pink, purple, and orange color.
The next day was when you went feral over him in the outfit he chose. The wife-beater with the overalls. His arms exposed looking big and juicy. “Trent you can’t wear that in public!” You tell him minutes before leaving to go to the paddock. “It’s hot as hell out though!” He complained. “Okay fine, but if anyone hits on you I won’t hesitate to make sure they know your mine.” You spoke in a grumpy like tone. “I know you will love.” He said with a smile.
When you got to the paddock Trent had his arm around you the whole time, his hand would mess with the noodle strap to your greenish blue sundress. “I have the hottest boyfriend.” You tell him once you got a moment to yourself. “Yeah, you sure do don’t ya sweetheart?” He teased and lean down close to your face. “And I have a very beautiful girlfriend.” He said and kissed your lips. “You’re a tease.” You mumbled as he only gave you a quick kiss and not what you wanted.
The day was sun you ran into Virgil and talking to him with Trent for a few minutes. Finally the race started and your sat next to Trent watching the race rambling about it.
“I hope Charles wins his home race this year, I’ll be so happy for him, he deserves it, have you heard of the rumors were Daniel did bad in the Monaco race and two years later he won the Monaco race, o think the same with happen with Charles, he did bad two years ago in the Monaco race and here we are two years later, do you think he’ll win?” You ramble to Trent and he just shush’s you. “Yes sweetheart.” He said just wanting you to stop rambling.
Not that he didn’t like it. He always thought it was cute how you’d ramble about something when you were passionate about it.
The whole race you and Trent sat next to each other just keeping the other company. Talking here and there, Charles ended up winning the race and you told Trent out you think the allegations are true.
It was later that night, you and Trent were at the same dock watching the sunset again. Just as the pink, purple sky look beautiful Trent pulled out something from his pocket. “I want to give you this, we’ve been together for almost a year and I love you so much, this relationship and what we have.” He said opening this small box that had a promise ring in it. “Can I?” He asked mentioning to grab you hand.
You happily let him grab your hand and put the promise ring on. You smile and look at it as he puts it on and kisses it. “I love you.” He said looking at you. “I love you too Trent.” You said giving him a loving kiss.
A/N: sorry this took so long to get out lol!!!
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kinda-super-hot · 27 days
I Want More. (2)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Pairing: Harvey Specter x F!Lawyer!Reader - friends to enemies to lovers <3
Part 2 Summary: Well, (Y/n)'s first day doesn't go as she had planned. She learns that she is office neighbors with Harvey Douchebag Specter. Luckily, she makes quite a few gal pals + Louis. Harvey brings her what might be a peace offering, and she learns they will be working closer together than she thought.
Warnings: overthinking - I think that's it but if you noticed something I missed, please let me know.
Word Count: 4038
I wake up from my first night in my new apartment to the sound of busy traffic and honking horns outside. “Blegh...” I mutter and force myself out of bed. Today’s the day- My first day on the job! “Ok, time to get hype.”
I hop to the bathroom and poke at my eyebags for a moment before doing light, office appropriate makeup. I’d picked my outfit out the night before and I had to squeal just at the sight of it laying on the bed. A hot pink dress shirt that I planned to leave more than a few buttons undone towards the top- just enough to not get written up! And a black pencil skirt for the shirt to get tucked into with some pointy, black pumps.
The way I see it, this is my first impression, and I need them to know not only do I mean business but I’m bold.
I take my time curling my hair and even make myself an egg to really soak up my morning. And finally, just as my toast pops up, I snatch it and walk out the door with my thin suitcase.
It’s a short walk towards the firm and I can’t keep the smile off my face. I beam at people walking in the opposite direction and occasionally get a smile back! Nothing could ruin this perfect morning. My optimism was not prepared for me to glance towards the building and catch sight of a familiar face, however.
 Time slowed, but my heart sure didn’t. Across the street and right in front of my new place of work was Harvey Douchebag Specter getting out of a limousine. I stopped in my tracks and let out an audible gasp.
I watch him walk until he disappears into Pearson Hardman. What. The. Fuck.
Ok, ok, don’t panic. He’s probably from another firm and just has a meeting with another lawyer. All I have to do is keep my head held high. Obviously, also actively avoid him if I see him, but otherwise, pretend I never saw him.
I take a deep breath and keep walking. My heart is RACING, but I won’t let him ruin this for me.
I walk through the glass doors and don’t see him. Good, he must have gone up already. I waste no time introducing myself to the lobby ladies, taking my employee picture, and getting my newly printed employee ID.
Ok, everything is going fine. We’re alright. I scan my keycard and make my way to the elevator. “(Y/N) (L/N)!” Shit.
I turn around, but thankfully, it’s a new face. “I thought that was you.” A beautiful, confident black woman glides over to me. She reaches her hand out, and I shake it with a smile, despite not knowing this lady. “Jessica Pearson.”
“Oh!” A real smile takes over my face and I shake her hand more enthusiastically. “It is so good to finally meet you. I must say, my first impression of the firm: very impressive.” I’m saying the absolute truth, but I also want to smooth talk her. “I’m thrilled to be working here, Ms. Pearson.”
She releases my hand and smiles at me, but her eyes say something different. I can tell that she’s a great lawyer just by this first encounter. Her face is warm and inviting but her piercing gaze says mischief in big, bold letters. “I’m glad to hear it. I have a very busy morning ahead of me, so one of our Junior Associates will be giving you the tour.” She looks over my shoulder and I turn to see a mousey, stout looking man. “This is Louis Litt. You will be working closely together on the same floor with both myself and one of our Senior Partners.”
I smile at Louis and reach my hand out, he beams at me, “Nice to meet you, Mr. Litt. I can’t wait to be working with you.” Once again, I try to flatter the person in front of me.
His smile grows wider, and he looks to Jessica behind me before his eyes dart back to mine. “The pleasure’s all mine.” He hesitates to release my hand, and I inwardly laugh at his awkwardness. “We can start the tour right away.”
We all get into the elevator and instead of getting off at each floor and showing me around, Louis pulls out some papers from his pocket. “This is a list telling you exactly what you need to know about each and every floor. What they work on, who manages it, and the phone number for the head receptionist if you ever have any questions.” I take the stack of papers from his hands, and find they are heavier than they look.
“Oof, thank you.” I have to re-straighten my knees from the new weight just placed on them. Jessica raises her brow in Louis’s direction. I flip through some of the pages. Everything he said was on here plus more. Something tells me he wants to show me the type of guy he is by giving me this surplus of paper.
“You’re welcome. Though, you won’t really need to travel to other floors,” He comments, “that’s what the lacky associates are for.” He nudges me with his elbow and lets out a laugh. I do as well, more to keep the cramped space from being uncomfortable than actually finding it funny. Jessica rolls her eyes, and I am obsessed with her refusal to put on an act for him. “No,” he clears his throat, “most of your work will be done…here.”
The elevator doors open, and I’m met with familiar sounds of clicking away at computer keys and phones ringing. I smile and step out onto the floor instantly. It’s everything my old firm was, but better. More advanced, more colleagues, more in general. I let out a pumped-up, “Yes!” and punch the air as discreetly as I can.
Jessica takes over swiftly by saying, “There’s more.” We follow her down a long hallway and pass an office with Louis’s name on it as well as one with Jessica’s name until I see one with my name. There’s a corner office directly to the left of it but I don’t bother looking at the name, I found what I was looking for.
“Oh, wow.” I breathe out to the furnished office that still felt empty. “I can’t wait to put my own flare in here. I can see it now,” I throw my hands out from my sides and walk through the office, I think out loud, “A vintage end table would be so cute here, maybe a fancy vase on top with some fresh carnations...” I ponder.
Jessica hums from the doorway and I turn to see a new person has joined my entourage. “Sounds cute, I can tell we’re gonna be friends.” The new woman is much more relaxed than Jessica and Louis. She has voluptuous, orange hair and a charming smile. “I’m Donna. I work for your grumpy colleague on the other side of this wall.” She knocks on the conjoining wall.
“Nice to meet you, Donna! I’m (Y/N) (L/N).” I look over her outfit. “And by the look of those shoes, we’re going to be the best of friends.” I give her shoes a pointed look and we laugh together.
“Oh, we needed a girly like you in the office.” She squeezes my shoulder. “You let me know if you need anything, and I will get it done. I’ll be your temporary secretary up until you get too many clients and we have to hire someone new. Though, I’m sure it won’t be long with a personality like yours.” She flips her hair and walks out.
“I love her.” I breathe out and turn to Jessica. She smiles before her eyes glance just above my head.
“What great timing!” I turn around, ready to greet whoever else I’ll be working with. “(Y/N), this is our Senior Partner, Harvey Specter.” My smile drops as I look at his face. He’s changed. There are lines on his forehead that weren’t there before. He wasn’t scrawny anymore, either, he’d beefed up. His shoulder width was probably double the size of mine. But when my eyes met his, I knew it was most definitely the same Harvey. “Harvey, this is our new Junior Partner, Ms. (L/N).” We both freeze in shock, looking each other over, analyzing what might have changed.
Tension. Unbelievable tension fills the hall, and I’m sure everyone has stopped what they’re doing to watch our interaction. Harvey’s face, that is usually so great at hiding how he feels, is failing him. His mouth is slightly agape, and his brows are raised the smallest bit. His big, brown eyes widen the more he looks at me. Stunned is the only way to describe him, and that doesn’t even begin to cover it. Though, I’m sure I don’t look much better.
The silence becomes awkward. I clear my throat, “Nice to meet you, Mr. Specter.” I reach my hand out sharply and remove my gaze from him, preferring the wall. What am I doing?!  “I’m sure we’ll work great together.” My tone is curt, and I have the best smile I can muster on my face. I look him in the eyes once more, silently urging him to shake my hand.
He recovers and clears his throat as well before shaking my hand. “I can’t agree more.” Oh god. I roll my eyes and remove my hand from his grasp. “If you’ll excuse me.” His face is back to being unreadable as he turns and walks into the office right next to mine.
No- I read the name on the glass: Harvey Specter. I clench my jaw; I have to get through this. I turn my head back to Jessica. “Well, what’s next?”
I received the grand tour of the floor and was then told by Louis to make myself comfortable. The company’s top paralegal would come to speak with me as soon as she was available. I gave him a tight smile before sitting in my office very distressed. “Fuck.”
I want to close my blinds so I can peacefully bang my head into the wall without anyone seeing, but I don’t want to seem closed off. I wonder if I should sit here any longer and wallow in self-pity. “Fuck it.”
I get up from my very comfortable, very expensive chair and leave my office. I can’t help looking over my shoulder as I walk away from it to see if he is still in his office, but all I see is an empty chair. Ok, that means I need to be aware. He’s probably prowling around here somewhere…
“Are… you alright?” I stop surveying my surroundings when a younger man with blonde hair and a skinny necktie talks to me from his cubicle. “You’re, like, scowling at the entire bullpen.”
“Oh, I-I’m sorry.” I fix my face before walking to the man’s cubicle. “I swear I’m not an a-hole, I’m just…” I stop myself as I continue surveying. I need a confidante. I stare right into his soul and bend down so we’re on the same level. “Can I tell you something you will never ever tell anyone else in your entire life?”
He retreats back in his seat a little flabbergasted. “You know, confessing to murder in a law firm probably isn’t the best idea.” I smile at his joke, cool kid.
“Oh, it’s much, much worse.” I stand straight again and lean onto my right leg with my hip jutted out. I smirk as he raises a brow, “So, there’s this guy-”
“You just got here and you’re already talking about guys you’re into?” A tall, tan brunette asks me with sass. Her eyebrows are raised, and her smirk tells me she’s my type of people. “I’m Rachel, top paralegal.” She reaches her hand out.
I shake it, “I’m (Y/N) (L/N), the new Junior Partner.” I smile at her before turning back to the associate I was talking to. “Gosh, sorry! I never asked your name?”
“You were going to confess murder to me, and you didn’t even know my name?” His brows furrow and I roll my eyes jokingly.
“I needed a confidante!” I joke though it’s not really a joke. “Trust me, I’ve had a really odd first day.” I turn to Rachel, “Though, I think I’ve found your replacement.” I return my gaze to the kid. “Sorry it didn’t work out; I’ve just met my match.” I shrug and nod towards my office, Rachel follows behind me as I walk in.
She giggles behind me. “His name is Mike by the way.” I sit in my new, cool chair and let out an exasperated sigh. I motion her to sit across from me. “I’m not a counselor, by the way, but I totally support a girl who needs a quick rant sesh.” She jokingly grabs a writing pad from atop my desk and clicks a pen that was formerly behind her ear. “And, trust me, you are way better off with me than Mike.”
I smile at her thankfully. She says nothing but nods her head, waiting for me to start talking. I groan dramatically and slouch in my chair. “Rachel- you wouldn’t believe what I’ve had to go through today!” She’s already writing on her pad. “My ex who I haven’t seen since law school is my office neighbor-”
Her pen drops from her hand, and she looks deep into my eyes as if making sure what I’m about to say is nothing but the absolute truth. “Harvey?” I nod and hide behind my hands. “Oh. My. God.” She breathes out in shock.
“Well, technically, we were never boyfriend-girlfriend,” she gives me a questioning look, “but we did kiss and go on dates.”
“So, boyfriend girlfriend?” She questioned and I could tell she got it.
“Exactly! But someone doesn’t like labels or commitment or head apparently.” I huff and sink deeper into my chair. When we were together, Harvey and I had the occasional heated make out, but had only just started having sex before we broke it off.
I look back to Rachel and her mouth is still wide open. “W-Well…” Her eyes are everywhere but me. She fidgets with her fingers in her lap, and I feel like I’ve traumatized the poor girl.
“Rachel, I know you’re not a counselor, but I expected more than this.” I can’t help but laugh as she gawks. “Don’t tell me I need to go back to Mike!” I joke and put my hands on my desk to lift myself out of my seat.
“No!” She yells and throws her hands out in front of her, urging me to be seated once again. I freeze before plopping back in my seat. “Mike is Harvey’s personal associate, he’s like his right-hand man.”
My lips create an O. If I told Mike, there’s a good chance he would have told Harvey. “Well, it’s a good thing you saved me when you did.” I smile at her and let out a sad sigh. “I’m really glad you’re here. You and Donna are gonna be my girls, I can tell.”
“Oh, Donna is the best.” She stops and winces before she continues, “She is also Harvey’s right-hand woman.” I let out an exasperated groan. “But! She’s all girl code! You can absolutely trust her so long as you’re not conspiring against Harvey… probably even then too.” I stand from my desk and move to her seat while giving her arm an appreciative squeeze.
“Thank you, Rachel. I’m super happy I get to work with you.” I pull her into a hug that she’s not prepared for which is evident when she lets out a squeak. She pats my arm awkwardly.
I get through the rest of the day, just getting adjusted to the system the company uses and setting up passwords for mandatory accounts. Only when it’s pitch back outside am I interrupted.
I sense someone at my office door, someone I’ve been expecting. “Ms. Pearson.” I smile but don’t look up from my computer. I’m not surprised by her dropping in.
“Ms. (L/N).” She greets back. I wait for her to continue but there is silence. My quick fingers slow their typing, and I look up at her, but she’s already looking at me expectantly. “Spill.”
I’m about to act like I have no idea what she’s talking about, but it’s like she reads my mind. She raises her hand to stop the lies I’m about to spew and squints her eyes. Scary. “I know him.”
“Well that much is obvious.” She glides to my desk before perching on the edge and crossing her arms. “But why were your reactions to each other so… hostile?” Her expression evolves from confusion to intrigue.
“I don’t know if I’d call it hostile…” Her expression doesn’t waver, and I cave. I can’t help but spill every secret I have when she looks at me like that. “…but I swear, when I applied for this job, I had no idea he worked here.” I finished my story out of breath and worried about what she would think of me and my character.
“Hm.” She thinks for a minute before standing. “Hm.” Again, she hums in thought before briskly walking out of the room. My mind is racing but there’s also not a rational thought.
I walk into the firm the next day wearing another pink top, this one more pastel. I refuse to cower down, especially to Harvey.
“Good morning!” I say to just about every associate in the bullpen. When I finally reach Mike, my smile grows tenfold. “’ Morning, you.”
He pulls out one of his earbuds. “Still don’t know my name?” He asks playfully but doesn’t look up from his computer.
“Mike,” I speak. He nods but still won’t look at me. If this is Harvey’s right-hand man, I need to be on good terms with him, and maybe get some info, too. “So, you work for Mr. Specter?” I try to be nonchalant while getting information. He stops clicking at his computer and gives me a weird look. “What?”
“Mr. Specter?” He pulls his only earbud from his ear and leans back in his chair. “That’s awfully formal.” I don’t like this. He gives me a quizzical look before he comes to some sort of realization. “That’s why you guys were so weird yesterday…”
“What?” I can feel myself start sweating and my voice is at least two, maybe three pitches higher than before. “We weren’t weird-that’s a weird thing to say- you’re weird.” I huff and can tell he’s not buying it. “Ugh, how obvious was it?”
He ignores my question. “How do you know him? One night stand?” I can’t help but grimace at the thought, “No? Oh, you must be the girl from France.” A pang of unexplainable hurt goes through my chest. He’s not mine, never was actually, it’s pointless for me to feel- “Jealous.” His eyes widen, “You loved him.”
My throat tightens and my mouth runs dry. “You have some nerve.” I fight to keep my voice level. “When you’re done making assumptions about me, and being an overall smartass, see me in my office.” I walk away from him.
I pull out my phone, contacting Louis to tell him I’m in the office so he can come talk to me about what duties would be passed on to me. As I do so, I see a figure out of the corner of my eye right outside my office door. One that’s awfully Harvey shaped.
I stop texting to make sure my eyes aren’t failing me. Sure enough, Harvey is leaned against the glass wall that separates me from the bullpen. In his hand is a drink carrier with what looks to be two hot coffees. He’s wearing a navy-blue suit and a… pastel pink tie that matches my shirt to a T.
He looks at me and pulls his body from the wall. His face is unsure, not very Harvey-like. “’ Morning.” He extends his arm with the coffee in it towards me. I can smell the delectable caramel macchiato that he knows I love. I eye the cup suspiciously, and then I eye him suspiciously.
“’ Morning.” I take the coffee and look at the familiar label. It was no Starbucks, that’s for sure. No, this coffee was from Samson’s Brewery. The same mom-and-pop coffee shop that we would go to during late night study sessions. This coffee place is on the literal whole other side of town, he didn’t go out of his way for this… did he? No, he definitely either door-dashed it or sent a driver.
His eyes don’t leave my face as I inspect the beverage. Once I deduce it’s not poisoned, I look up at him. For the first time since seeing him, I’m not a panicked mess. I just look at him, his gelled hair and puppy dog eyes.  I’m staring. I avert my gaze and mutter a, “Thanks,” before pushing past him into my office.
I stop myself from closing the door behind me. He won’t. He won’t walk in. I sit in my chair and put the coffee on my desk. I stare at it intently, trying not to remember the late nights we spent together. But I also stare at it, so I don’t look at the door, so I don’t look to see if he’s still there.
There are three quick knocks at my door. I look up with hope I can’t mask, only to be disappointed. “Hey, girly.” It’s Louis. I look over his shoulder, but there’s no one.
“G’morning, Louis.” I smile through the pain. “How are you doing?” I side-eye the coffee on my desk like it’ll disappear if I leave it alone too long.
“Same old, same old, I just convinced a major pharmacy company that they needed to break a deal with…” He drones on for a little bit, bragging to me about accomplishments I could do in my sleep. “But, anyway! I came to tell you about the workload you’ll be taking on. Seeing as Harvey is the closest Senior Partner on the floor, you’ll be shadowing him for the next few days. Just until you think you’re ready to fly solo.” He says that like it’s nothing, and I guess it would be for anyone else.
“So, like an associate?” My face scrunches up. “Why can’t I just shadow you, then? Aren’t you in charge of the associates?” I cross my arms.
He chuckles. “I wish, but we’re both Junior Partners, for the time being-” He winks at me. Poor guy, I’m sure he’s been waiting to be Senior Partner for a while. “So, you technically need trained by a Senior Partner.”
“Great.” I have a tight-lipped smile and unconsciously reach for the coffee on my desk. I bring it up to my lips and hum at the nostalgic taste before I even realize I’ve done it. I stop mid-sip and lick my lips guiltily.
“What coffee place is that from?” Louis gets closer and squints at my cup. When he doesn’t recognize it, he pulls away. “The best coffee around is Roaster-Roos right down the way,” He uses his thumb to point over his shoulder. A coy look flashes across his face, “I could go get you one if you want.”
“No. No, this is fine, thank you.” I say a little too quickly. I hold the cup closer to my chest and grip it a little tighter. He shrugs and I clear my throat, “When does this shadowing begin?”
“ASAP.” He snaps and turns his back to me to walk out the door. “Harvey’s in the office right next to yours,” He pivots outside the door to face me again. “He’s kind of cocky, so let me know if you need anything.” He smiles with raised eyebrows. I nod hesitantly in discomfort before he goes to the left and disappears from sight. A long exhale leaves my body. “Why me?”
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korebringerofded · 1 year
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"Awe...You Cryin, Princess?" Satoru Gojo X F!Reader
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Description- Most of the time, Satoru Gojo was the sweetest boyfriend a girl could ever ask for. Other times, he would pull your hair while he fucked into you from behind, your face shoved into his plush sheets as his hard dick fucked into your already cum-filled pussy. Words- 1k Warnings- Unedited as fuck yall, might edit later, I hate my writing so much rn, breaks suck, so much smut, MAPPA really got me going lol, SMUT SMUT, Use of princess, mean!Gojo, Oral(F), very little plot
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A/N- Reblogs, likes, and comments are always appreciated and keep me going All requests are open and you can find my entire masterlist here.
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Most of the time, Satoru Gojo was the sweetest boyfriend a girl could ever ask for. Most of the time, he spoiled you rotten, would take you shopping and just gorge you on presents and kisses and attention. He would watch you try on everything in the store if you wanted, his eyes wide and a big grin on his face as he analyzed each and every outfit. 
He would be so sweet when you made love, making you cum on his fingers and mouth until you’re begging him to fuck you. He would caress your face and plant soft kisses down your throat as his thumb moved slowly over your already swollen clit. He knew each and every spot to touch or kiss or lick to send you over the edge.
Other times, he would pull your hair while he fucked into you from behind, your face shoved into his plush sheets as his hard dick fucked into your already cum-filled pussy. Satoru’s previous hot white cum still spilling out over the sheets as he fucked you for the fifth time that day.
“You think I’m even close to being done with you, princess?”
He hissed in your ear, tugging a handful of your hair back to pull your back flush against his chest, his dick still drilling into your soaked cunt as his hand wrapped around your throat so he could properly fuck into you until you were a sobbing mess, a mixture of his cum and your slick spilling down your thighs. 
Tonight, however, Satoru had convinced you to come out to the bar with him and a few of the other teachers from Jujutsu High. Satoru, of course, looked very handsome in his casual clothes, a tight black button up shirt that hugged his bulging muscles and tight dress-pants that you were positive you could see the outline of his dick through.
You and Satoru had a bad habit of leaving functions particularly early or disappearing at them because you couldn’t keep your hands out of the other's pants. So, you wanted to try and get through one social gathering without Satoru fucking you in the front seat of his car or eating you out in the bathroom at the bar. His bright eyes glossy and half-open, never leaving your wonderful tear-stained face as he holds you against the wall, your own hand clasped over your mouth. Your hot slick running down his chin as he whispered filthy things against your adorable pink pussy.
For a while, you managed to contain yourself. You were determined to keep this night PG since Satoru’s coworkers would be there. There would always be time for other things when you got home. At least that is what you tried to tell yourself.
 He just looked so handsome like this, his hair down and perfectly messy, his glimmering crystal-like eyes, that boyish grin. The way he had his dress shirt rolled up to his elbows and his muscular pale arms were on display just sent heat right to your already soaked thighs. 
You loved every single part of your boyfriend, how could you not?
You hadn’t realized how long you had been staring at him, your eyes trailing down from his handsome face and then back to his arms until you felt Satoru cupping your face gently, his thumb brushing over your cheek as he brought your eyes back to his striking ones.
“Something on your mind, princess?” Satoru asked, a tilt of his head that made his messy white hair ruffle as he looked down at you with a widening smirk.
Shit…he caught me staring at him. You thought to yourself. 
“No.” You said too quickly, clearing your throat. 
You were hoping Satoru wouldn’t notice the embarrassingly furious blush spreading over your face or the way you rubbed your thighs together when he spoke.
He did, of course he did.
You swallowed hard and tried to ignore the increasing wetness soaking through your panties. 
You ordered another drink, hoping it would help, it wouldn’t.
You knew that Satoru was just messing with you when you felt his fingertips run delicately over the surface of your bare thighs and up your dress, pushing the hem up. The action sent goosebumps all over your body and you turned to shoot Satoru a glare, your face heating up all over again. Satoru was already staring right at you, a smirk on his annoyingly handsome face and one elbow on the table as his cheek rested in his palm. 
You could almost taste the mint from his breath from how close he was and it almost made your knees buckle then and there. Satoru just had that effect on you and the worst part of all…was that he was completely aware of it.
“Satoru…” You warned, a huff leaving your lips. 
‘What?” Satoru asked with a huge innocent grin on his face.
“Don’t play dumb.” You groaned, a pout tugging on your lips.
“Am I not allowed to touch my girl now?” Satoru asked mockingly, a mischievous glint in his eye.
I want you to do more than touch me, you jerk.
Satoru made it a point to torment you the rest of the night, soft brushes against your thighs, a soft kiss on that soft part of your neck that just makes you squirm. As he stands at the bar, his arm draped around your hip and as he carries on a conversation with Shoko, his hand trailed down your back. His fingertips dragging up and down your spine through the fabric of the thin dress you wore and sending jolts of electricity down your spine. 
You really didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he was getting to you, that all you wanted was to feel his expert hands over your body,
When you got back to the apartment you two shared, Satoru couldn’t help but chuckle when he noticed the way you were looking up at him, big glossy eyes, you were expecting something. But tonight, Satoru was in the mood to be a bit mean to his little princess, for just a little longer at least.
Satoru kicked off his shoes and tossed his car keys on the counter before he moved closer to you, his hand reaching up to tuck a strand piece of your hair away from your adorable blushing face.
“Hm? You want something, princess?” Satoru asked with a grin as he knelt down so your eyes met with his crystals-like ones.
You didn’t know if you wanted to kiss him or slap him. Both
“No.” You huffed stubbornly, puffing your cheeks out and crossing your arms over your chest.
“No? I figured the way you were eye-fucking me that you might want something.” Satoru said with a smirk as he took a step forward, his arms trapping you against the wall as your heart started to beat rapidly in your chest. 
“I was-.” You started to say before he pressed his finger to your soft lips with a dark laugh.
“You lyin’ to me now, princess? I thought you were supposed to be my good girl?” Satoru said with an almost mocking fake hurt voice. 
“N-no, toru’.” You whispered, your voice wavering as your boyfriend towered over you, his hands slipping under the edge of your dress and his finger hooking under the edge of your panties so he could tug them down your thighs so they pooled on the ground. 
“Fucking knew it..” He snorted. 
He was pushing your dress up your hips as he lowered himself to his knees now, his face pressed against your already dripping cunt. His eyes staring hungrily as another dark laugh left him, his fingers brushed up your thighs and against your slick pussy. His index finger pushed and rubbed against your folds and against your already puffy clit as he pinned your hips to the wall, one of your legs over his shoulder. 
“Haven’t even touched you and look at how wet you are…” Satoru cooed, pressing a kiss to your thigh while he started to tease the entrance of your pussy with his fingers, curling them just slightly into your hot plush walls that clenched desperately around him before he took them away again. 
“Tell me what you want.” Satoru hummed, pressing another soft kiss to your thigh but this time he sank his teeth into the plush flesh with a snicker.
You could only whine and pout in response, tears forming in your eyes.
‘Please…” You whined, tugging on his messy white hair with twitching fingers, 
“Please what?” Satoru asked, his tongue poking out of his mouth and delicately running up your thigh, around your folds and dancing right around where you actually wanted him. 
Damn him damn him damn him. 
“P-please, toru’. Need to cum, need to cum on your tongue.” You blurted out, tears spilling down your cheeks.
“Awe…well when you ask all sweet like that…” He said with a grin, quite pleased with himself as he immediately leaned forward.
Satoru carried you to the bedroom after that, your dress and the rest of your clothes gone and forgotten. Satoru had buried his face into your pussy, his tongue flicking your throbbing clit back and forth for a moment before he would suck audibly on the bundle of nerves and then repeat, you could feel your own slick running down your thighs but you couldn’t care less. 
Satoru’s mouth was heaven, he was eager and skilled, it was a bit of a deadly combination. He would happily die between your thighs.
“Ah- F-fuck, toru’, so close.” You stammered, tears running down your face, your eyebrows knitting together as you leaned your head back against the wall, Satoru let out an audible groan at your sweet taste, he wanted to swallow every drop of your sweet desire, all for him.
“Yeah?” Satoru asked. 
He pulled away just long enough so he could shove two of his fingers deep into your pussy before curling them to press against that soft gummy part of your walls that only made you writhe and whimper under him before his lips were wrapped around your clit again and he sucked, his tongue tracing over you until he heard your lewd sobs and felt your nails digging into his scalp. 
Your vision went white, all the air left your lungs and drool dripped from the corner of your mouth as Satoru swallowed every drop of your desire for him with complete joy, his face pink and your slick coating his chin as he pulled away, looking up at you with a smirk, his head leaning against your thigh.
“Awe…you crying, princess?”
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